Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 10, 1899, Page 8, Image 9

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.111.\Oil MIJXTION.
Davis sells gl 8S.
Mooro'n food kills worms and fattcni.
C. n. Alexander & Co. . picture frames.
lowa Furniture Carpet Co. , 407 H'w y.
J. 0. lllxby , heating , plumbing. Tel. 193.
Ms-Sheriff John P. Iliizen of Avoca Is In
the city on business.
C. H. Jacquemln * Co. , Jewelers and op-
tlcinns , 27 Smlh Main street.
Get your work done at the popular Eagle
laundry , 721 Hroadwny , 'phone 1H7.
A. (1. Gilbert Is al St. Luke's hospital ,
Chicago , where ho iwently underwent nn
John Mowery of 1010 Avenue I has been
taken to St. Uernnrd'.s hospital on order of
th" county physician.
Peter Wnxner , 111- South Twefth struct ,
has reported to the police the theft of eleven
turkeys from his place.
All members sire requested to be present
this evening nt ( he meeting of Myrtle lodge ,
Uegrco of Honor.
County Treasurer Arnd yesterday turned
over to the city ffi.HS.CO , being Its share
of the taxes collected during February.
The members of the Ideal club will give
nn art exhibit nnd reception nt the Pierce
Street school this afternoon nnd evening.
A marriage license was Issued yesterday
to Alexander Novels , aged 21 , and Josephine
Hnmmett , nged 10. both of South Omaha.
Justice Fcrrler performed the ceremony.
P. J. Olnttcrbuck. a former Council llluffs
boy , rtourned yesterday from Idaho Falls ,
Idaho , nnd cxpectn to take up his residence
hero ngnln.
Two CHKCS of measles were reported to
iho Uonrd of Health yesterday. They were
Jnrrold Joseph. 725 My.nster street , nnd
Mnry Hlco , corner Third avenue nnd Tenth'
Council camp No. M , Woodmen of the
World , will meet In regular session tonight.
Members of the committee on law now In
session In Omaha nro expected to bo present.
Itefrcshments will bo served nt thu close of
the meeting.
Samuel Hans nnd the other owners of the
canning factory have sold the plant to the
recently Incorporated Smith Hollnlng com
pany. The sale prlco is said to hnve been
810,000 , the transfer of the property being
: ompleted yesterday.
John Uooth of Harrison street was taken
suddenly wick at the court house Wednesday
ind had to be conveyed to his home In a
: nrriagp. Ills daughter , Mrs , Alice Stork ,
who wna In Chicago at the time , was notl-
led by telegraph and returned homo yestcr-
lay to care for her father.
Manager Uoseuthal of the Crelghton-Or-
ihuuni theater of Omaha him written to the
ouncll ninffM Woman's Sanitary Uollef com
mission offering to boar the expense of
nbllng to Manila the money raised by the
Denefit entertainment nt the Dohany theater
ror the hospital fund of Company L , Flfty-
irst lown volunteers.
I.ev-1 Ounn , n resident for upward of forty
vears of this city , died last evening at his
i.01110 on Kiist llroadway 'near the Gunn
cliool. Ho wns 815 years ot age and had
lived In Council Hluffa since 1S5C. The fu
neral will bo held tomorrow afternoon at 2:30 :
o'clock from the residence and burial will
be in Walnut 11111 ccmotory.
Thcro will bo a special meeting of the
Woman's Snnltnry Helicf commission this
afternoon at 4 o'clock In the olllco of Stone
ft Tlnlcy in the Shugart block. All mem
bers who have cash for tickets sold for the
ntertulnment last night are requested to
' urn It In nt this -meeting without fall , as
the-money has to be cabled nt once to Ma
The report of the Christian Home just
Issued shows that the receipts continue to
he In excess of the general needs. The grand
i ital to the manager's fund was $45.94 , bo
ng $10.M ! above tbo noeda of the week ,
vhlk' the receipts in the general fund
amounted to ? 300.18 , bolng $100.18 nbovo the
estimated needs for the current expenses of
iho week.
Mrs. Almlra Strlnghnm died yesterday
morning tit the homo ot her son-in-law ,
Ornnt Kemp , 2107 Avenue B. Deceased was
75 ycara old and death was due to paralysis
resulting from old age. The funeral will
bo held this morning from the residence at
10 o'clock. The services will bo conducted
by llov. S. M. Perkins of the First Christian
church and Interment will bo in Falrview
N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 2EO.
( ireut .lieu
and Famous Women nnd nil kinds of maga
zines bound by Morehouse & Co.
Devlne Decline * tit .Make flic Finn.
L. A. Devlne. ono of the democratic nom
inees for the Hoard of Education , has de
clined to he a candidate. He so notified
Chairman Wyman of the democratic city cen
tral conunltteo yesterday morning. The
vacancy on the ticket will bo filled by the
city neutral committee and Chairman Wy-
mnn nnd Chief of Police Illxhy held a con
ference yesterday afternoon with n view to
picking out some candidate to their liking.
Think ! If only thirty people start In on
the first Boo wheel contest the average numb -
b r of subscribers they Imve to get will only
bo ten. Of course moro will start , and if
you are ono of thmn why should you not
got n wheel ? You choose miy make
Davis Bella drugs.
Sinvypr 'Will Hiienk.
County Superintendent Sawyer goes to
Ncuhi this morning , whore this evening ho
will deliver nn address nt the Methodist
church on "Modern Education , the Teacher
and the People. " From there ho goes to
attend the meeting nt Oakland of the school
directors of thu eastern naif of the county.
The teachers of the townships of Neoln ,
Mlndon , York und lln/ol Dell will hold a
meeting nt Neola tomorrow morning.
The more people who enter The Bee wheel
rontciitH thn easier the wheels will bo won.
Start In early and you can get a wheel ,
Hi-Hi I'lNlule
TrniiNfer * .
The following transfers weni filed ycBtor-
iluy In the abstract , tltlo nnd loan ofllco of
.1. W. Squire , Kit IVarl street :
Dnvld W , Fostfr and wife to F. .1.
Day , IniHtop , purt nVj ne'.i nw'/4 ' 31-
75-13 , ( | td . i fo
Jpinlinn .1. Lowe nnd husband to Alvln
Lock , ni } e'i ' m-U seU S-73-4 : ) , w d. . . . 1,600
Chiirh'H Vizier and wlfo to Orant De-
Witt , lot 1 , iiiiil iurt lot 3 , Auditor's
subdlv of H'I. i.ineU : i-74.0 | , w d. . 1,500
C. F. Clarke to O. L. Mundorf , nw'.i
n-7l.3S , w d . 4,000
The Avorii Bank to Lucius O. ron-
slKiiy , w 123 tevt lot 13 nnd all of lotn
II nml 17 , olIU-liil plat of sw',4 t > c'i
9-77-3'J. w d . l.SOO
Boutli llrancli Elevator company to
Wllllnm r.irse. lotH 5 to 13 , Inclusive ,
Woi-k JJ , nnd lot S. block 7 , Cnn-on.
w d . 3.000
Bbfrlff to J. KonlKimicher nnd W. K.
feltzer , executorx , part nU lot 1 ,
block 8 , .li-ffi-rln' Millullr , H d . . 3.178
fihcrlrr to Stall- Saving bank of Coun
cil muffs , lut 1. block U , HIildlo'B
Blibdlv. s d . 438
Biiine to fume , lain 2 toT. . incluxlvi' ,
.block G , und loin 1C , 17 , IS , 1 ! ) nnd
21 , block 7 , .Mnyne'a Ixt add to Coun
cil lilulT.s , K d .
BBMIO to same , lolf 20 nnd 31 , block
7. and lots 18. : M , ' . ' 4 , and 25. block S.
und lot 11. block S , Mnyne'H 1st add
to Council niuffc. H .d .
BavlMKH Loan and Diilldlni ; association
of Council Bluffs tu 1C. Tampkln , lot
J3 , 'block 3 , Vun Brunt & HIce'H add
to Council UluiTp , w d . 725
I'eoplf'n llnlldliiK. Loan and S.ivlr.KH
iiMoc'utlon of Kyrni'iine. N. Y. , to
lUuirKo W. Neldler. lot 7. Mock 14 ,
llnll'H udd to council Blurts , d . EDO
Juno linns and hiiMb.iiul to C. M. Iliiu-
chctt. K'J ' lot 4 11 ml Ilk- lot 5 , block 10 ,
Davit * * ' lat add to Council Bluff : ) ,
\v d . 2.SOO
Cnrrlo M. Van Fousen und husband to
Fort Dodge & Omiihu Kttllrond coin-
jKU'y. part of middle ' -a of lot 5 of
ni lion 14-76- 1 1. w d . 46C
KourUvu ir.uiHh'iti. total . $21,413
Bee blcyclu contests , lou any
nuke ,
Revenue Not Sufficient to Take Oaro of
Current Expenses ,
llptltii'pd A'nluiitliin of Properly in
the City Cut * the rtevc-
inie to n llcdrook
Under the now system of assessment a
decrease of almost one-third Is looked for
In the city's revenue next year and the
i municipal olBcers are much perturbed ever
l the prospects of having to face a deficiency ,
j Undur the old system , property was supposed -
. posed to 1 > e assessed at Its full value , but
! it wan R general , although unwritten law
! among the assessors throughout the stntc
j to asses * at about one-third. The new low
1 provides that assessors shall ascertain the
actual oash value of nil property to be as-
| sensed nnd take 2S per cent of such value as
i the basis for making the assessment. Till *
j method , It Is SHld , will reduce the Income of
i the city about one-third nnd leave it .with
out sufficient funds to run the municipal
government. Under the old system the as
sessed valuation of the city amounted In
round numbers to $4,500.000 , but under the
now law it will be decreased to about $3,000-
A decreased valuation would of necessity
mean an Increased tax levy , but so far as
the general nnd water funds of the city are
concerned this cannot bo. Under tho'law '
the levy for the general fund Is restricted
to 10 mllla and the water fund to 5 mills.
From the general fund all expenses for the
maintenance of the city government , such
as police nnd lire departments , salaries of
city olllcors and employes are paid. Under
the old valuation the general fund has re
ceived about f 12,000 , but under the now
method of assessment , this fund will be re
duced to about $30,000.
As to the wtiter fund , a D-mlll levy on the
docreHed valuation will realize but $15,000 ,
whereat ) the contract between the city nnd
the water works company calls for the
yearly pnyment of $26,1CO as hydrant rental.
This , therefore , would leave a deficiency
of $11ICO , which would hnve to bo taken
from the general fund , thus further re
ducing that fund that amount , leaving only
about $1,000 ! ) available for the running ex
penses of the city.
Outsldo of the 10-mll ! levy the only reve
nue to awoll the general fund Is that ob
tained from saloons and from , as .Mayor
Jennings termed it yesterday , "soforth. "
The "soforth" referred to 'by the mayor
meant the gambling houses.
The proapoot of a deficiency In the city's
revenue wns the subject of discussion nt n
conference of the city officials and the
mayor yesterday afternoon , nnd nil agreed
that the situation was far from encourag
At a conference held between the finance
committee of the city council nnd City
Treasurer Brooks Ilocd , the latter declared
his willingness to pay either the old or cur
rent warrants if the committee would'show
him any legal authority for doing so. In
face , however , of the ambiguous ruling of
the supreme court in the Phillips warrant
case , he Is not willing , ho said , to take the
risk of paying any money out of either the
general or water fund until he had such
legal opinion. The finance committee has
submitted the question to eminent coun
sel nnd is now awaiting an opinion. The
name of the "eminent counsel" the com
mittee declined to make public.
Dluff City laundry , 'phone 314. They never
crack your collars.
.liUY ; FINDS Kll lAXCOltf
Convicted of Itohlilair Georue Temp
lar Sentence Comes Monday.
After being out nearly forty-eight hours
the district court Jury In the case of Ed
Lincoln , the negro charged with robbing
George Templar , a white man , brought In
n verdict of guilty yesterday forenoon. Judgu
Thornell announced that he would pass sen
tence next Monday. An examination of Lin
coln's record shows that he has already
served three terms In the penitentiary.
John Lnwronce and U. B. Tracy , on trial
on the charge of breaking into the poultry
house of E. M. Lorenz and stealing ever 100
chickens and turkeys , are endeavoring to
establish an alibi. John Wlatt , Indlctod
along with Lawrence nnd Tracy , has do-
mnndcd a separate trial.
Lawrence nnd Tracy yesterday sot up the
defense that on the night that Loronz'a
place was brokan Into they wore In Carson -
son and that the chickens which were found
In their possession when arrested In Omaha
had been purchased by them from a man
named "Sheeney Joe. " They sny they left
Cnr on at 3 o'clock on the morning that
they wore arrested , reaching Omaha about
7 o'clock , having driven the thirty-two miles
with n load of chickens In about four hours.
In support of their alibi a young man
named Robert Johnson , working in a livery
hirn ! nt Carson , wns placed on the stand ,
lie tcHtllled to seeing Lnwrenco nnd Tracy
there on thu night of January 31 , the night
Loren/'B place was raided , nnd that they
left early In the morning before he was
awnke. Ho was asked on cross-examination
If ho had over seen the attorney for the de
fendants before.
"Never until today In this court , " ho
answered. ,
In rebuttal of this testimony the state put
HI Miller on the stand. Ho swore that only
u few days ago he drove thn defendants' at
torney to Carson nnd that the latter in
formed him his vlelt there wns for the ex
press purpose of seeing Johnson. The taking ]
of evidence was not concluded when court
adjourned for the day.
Judgts Thornell will pronounce sentence
thlff morning on Jamrs Leo , convicted nn the
chnrgo of breaking nnd entering Sargent's
shoo store nnd stealing two pair of shoos.
The attorney for T. J. Foley , vice presi
dent nnd general manager of the Peru Plow
nnd Implement company , filed a resistance
yesterday to the implication of F. S , Mac-
Infferty for a writ of mandamus to compel
Koley to glvo nccess to the books of the
company. Foley Is willing that Mnclafferty ,
being n stockholder , should have access to
the stock nnd transfer books , but not to
uny others.
Mr. Span him arrived In Council Bluffs
with twenty bend of choice work horses ,
which will bo disposed of nt private sale.
They can be seen nt Lawrence Holt'H llvory
stable , 1' ' Scott street.
Will -MyNtrrIotl l > - MHMIU. | |
Although It wan generally understood by
the heirs of the late Mrs. L , S. Amy that
she had left a will no such document has
yet been ( lied for probate , and It Is stated
that the document U mysteriously missing.
A search through Mrs. Amy's papers , both
nt her home and in thu two banks In this
city where she did business , has failed to
bring the missing will to light , and her
heirs are In consequence much concerned ,
That she drew up a will several years ugo
ia evidenced by a receipt given by the ut-
torncy who prepared It Acknowledging the
payment of his fees for doing BO , which
wns found among her , papers. Some of the
heirs are Inclined to the belief that Mrs.
Amy may have afterward destroyed it , In
tending to mnko n new one.
When you ride a wheel why not ride the
best ? Uec bicycle contests March 1st , You
cheese niiy make.
Tlip Jloro Hint Killer tlip ConlrstN ,
tlio Kn ler Hie AVliecU Will
Me Wit n.
Every boy find girl will want to ride a
wheel this spring and The Ueo Is going to
give you a chance to get one In a very
simple way. What Is more. It Is going to
let you pick out nny make wheel you want ,
for It knows you all wont n certain make ,
"which Is the only mnko on earth. "
Now let UH toll you how The Bee Is going
to glvo the wheels away.Vo want n lot of
new subscribers to The Ueo In Council
Bluffs. An soon ns the first 300 orders have
been handed Into our office , the first con
test closes nnd wo will uwnrd the wheel to
the one bringing the most orders out of
this 300. Then Contest No. 1 closes and Con-
tret No. 2 opens on the next 300 orders.
Just see how easy this is. Say only thirty
girls nnd boys start out on March 1 to get
subscribers. They only have to average ton
apiece to mnku the total , so the wlnnor will i
not have to got very many orders , you see.
You want to start In onrly and hand in your
orders as soon ns possible.
Now nbout the orders. Each order must
be for nn actual now Council Bluffs sub
scriber. Each subscriber must take The Bee
for at least three weeks and pay for it in
order to bo counted. It is better , but not
necessary , to pay In ndvnucc , only nn order
will bo counted until the subscription le
paid for. If the subscription Is paid for in
advance It will count one on your score for
each three weeks for wnlch it Is prepaid.
For example : If n subscriber pays in nd-
vnnco for six weeks , It counts two ; if ho
pays for twelve weeks , It will count four ;
If ho pays for ono year , It will count seven
teen. On orders which nro not paid In nd-
vnnco It will count only ono on your score
no matter how long ho continues to take It.
There , that is plain , Isn't It ? Now BCD
what you can do. Thu first contest begins
March 1. Sincerely yours ,
Council Bluffs Department.
N. B. Call nt The Bee office , 10 Pcari
street , to register and get sample copies. Xo
ono connected with The Bee will bo allowed
to enter this contest.
Remember the exposition by getting some
copies of Snap Shots nt the Council Bluffs
office of The Bee. Ten cents each.
Bee bicycle contests begin March 1st. You
cheese nny make.
Dnliniiy Opera UotiNe. I'nckeit by the
CltlKeiin of Coiniell IllulT.s.
Not even on the night when the house was
first opened to the public of Council Bluffs
has such an audience been gathered nt the
Dobany oporn house as wns there last night
to greet "A Night In Bohemia , " the enter- '
talnment given under the auspices of the
Woman's Sanitary Itellef commission for the
benefit of the hcepltal fund of the soldier |
boys from this city. Every seat was taken , ,
chairs placed down the aisles were filled !
nnd standing room at every available point
In the house was at a premium. The gal
lery lacked its usual occupants , but In their
place were pretty women and well dressed
men who rather than miss the show and
having been too Into to get soots in nny
other part of the house were content to
"go aloft. "
The women to whom had been entrusted
the decorations bad done their work well
and the house presented a pretty appear
ance. In keeping with the spirit of the oc
casion , the Stars and Stripes predominated.
Hanging from the center of the 'proscenium
wns an Immense American Hag with the
legend beneath , "Company L , Fifty-first
lown Volunteers. " The noxes were taste
fully draped with smaller Hags , while on
the left hand side of the stage was the first
flag of the Dodge Light guards.
The entertainment was an Immense suc
cess from the HBO to the drop of the cur
tain. It Is expected that the hospital fund
will derive at least $500 from the entertain
ment , as the souvenir program , which wns I
a model of the printer's art , tied with :
" " '
"Manila" string , wns a source of several
hundred dollars revenue. The business men
of the city have patronized It most liberally.
Will you ride a free Bee bicycle contest
wheel ? You choose any make.
Do you want a high grade wheel ? If you
have no money , got one In The Bee bicycle
contests. You choose any make.
I.oollnu of Illoouier'N HOIINC Proven
n Iliiul. |
Later Investigation shows that the thief ,
who Invaded H. H. Bloomer's residence
Wednesday afternoon got away with moro
Plunder than was nt first reported. In ad
dition to the goods already published the
thief stole six solid silver soup spoons , u gold \ !
nnd silver bonbon spoon , eight sliver plated
spoons , a lady's sold wntch , a pair of opal
earrings , n pair of gold cuff buttons nnd ono
garnet ring. The police have dropped the
Idea that the thief wiia merely a tramp and
now bollovo the work to have been that of
a prnfcsslnnnl. j l ,
The announcement made by the police the
night of the robbery that the back door had .
been left unfastened was Incorrect. The ; ;
door was locked , but the key wns left In the
look on the insldo. The thief secured nn
entrance by cutting n hole In the panel of
the door Just above the lock large enough
to admit n pair of nippers with which he
turned the key nnd thus opened the door.
The hole In the door was evidently cut
with nn ordinary pocketknlfe. The shavIngs - 1
Ings the thlof carefully picked up nnd placed '
In n slop bucket that wns standing on the
back porch. After gaining admission ho
again locked the door on the Insldo nnd after
donning Mr. Bloomer's large overcoat , the i
pockets of which he filled with plunder , he .
left the honso by the front door. The police
have n pretty good description of'the thief , '
us ho wns Been to leave the house by a
neighbor , and nro working on n clew which
they hope will lead to his arrest.
Another Bee wheel contest opens the
minute the first closes. If you don't get the i I
first wheel , try for the second. You choose '
any make ,
NeureliliiK for Demi Soldier' * Krli-uilH.
AMKS , la. , March 9. ( Special. ) Presi
dent Bonrdshenr of the Iowa State Agricul
tural college in this city has received n letter -
ter asking for Information regarding ft
young man named Klchard W. Johnson. | i I
Johnson enlisted In the First Illinois volun- i
tccr Infantry nnd loft for Tampa , with hla ! i
regiment. While at Sibaney , Cuba , lie died !
and lil body would have been returned to
hit ) relatives , but none can bo found. Tu n
comrade ho had stated that ho had grad
uated from an Iowa university , but no such
person over attended the college here ,
Auree on Yunrly llnle.
OTTUMWA. la. . March . ( Special Tele
gram. ) Minors and operators of Appanooaa
county at Centcrvlllo today agreed on a
uniform yearly rate of 85 cents per ton for
digging coal and an eight-hour day. This
notion IB Important , because It will Influence
similar action In o'fier ' fields In the state
nnd marks thn Inauguration of the eight-
hour day for miners In lown.
Ti-iiiinriiry | OlllcerM of font ciillon
Minied , litit Date of Oceiirrenoe
IN \nl Heveiileil.
DKS M01KRP , Mnrch ! > . ( Special Tele
gram. ) The democratic state cuntral com
mittee tu Its meeting this afternoon solertiM
the following temporary editors for the next
convention : Cato Sells of Vlnton , tempo
rary chairman ; Stephen H. Morrlscy of
Harlan , tcmtx > rary secretary ; A. L. Sartor
of Mason City , temporary reading clcrK.
The commute decided to hold the conven
tion In this city , but did not fix the date.
There was somewhat of an nlr of mystery
about leaving the date open and the mem
bers wore not Inclined to talk , but It was
finally discovered that Chairman Townsend
and Oeorgo A. Huflnnn. the latter being the
comtulttccman from this OlstVlct , were ap
pointed to confer with Uio populist nnd free
silver republican leaders BO that another
triple convention may bo liokl on the BOJIIO
day nnd fusion once more accomplished. It
seems as It their preliminary talk the first
of the week about Inviting all democrats , Ir
respective of their Ideas on the money ques
tion to attend was all bluff nnd that It the
necessary arrangements can bo made with
the- other party leaders , the democrats wilt
honil the fusion ticket ngaln Mils fall.
Mrs. Ann Hughes nnd her grnnddnughtor ,
Bllznboth Hughes , were nearly asphyxiated
last night by escaping gas nnd Mrs. Hughes
still lle dangerously 111. The gas came
from n hard coal stove , which had not been
propel ly closed. The child will recover , but
there. Is n doubt about Mrs. Hughi's.
C. H. Alexander and' ' M. D. L , . Jordan
of Dallas , Tex. , are In the city nnd It Is
reported that a tlenl has been nearly con
summated for trading tbo Dallas street rail
way for several business blocks In this
city owned by Oarret Van Glnkel.
Adjutant General Dyers today Issued a
call for the election of officers In this new
Fiftieth Iowa to take place at the company
stations on March 20. Adjutant General
Uyera commenced the organization of the
now Fifty-second Iowa this evening by mus
tering in the company at Perry. Tomorrow
he goes to Slnux City to muster in two new
companies there.
10\etirNl a l.lnc Prepare * n OIIPII.
UrilLIXGTON , In. , March 0. ( Special
Telegram. ) Captain John Klllou of Du- general manager of the Diamond Jo
line ; Isaac I' , husk of St. Louis , secretary
and treasurer , In the
were city today , ar
ranging for the opening of the summer
stcamboatlng season. They stnto that there
will -be no war between themselves and the
Davenport-Burlington Packet company ; that
the officers of the two lines are on friendly
terms. Uach
line will occupy separate
warehouses hereafter because the present
Diamond Jo house is not largo enough to
accommodate both , as heretofore. Tim sea
son will open with good prospects on April 1.
Coal .Mlno" CI-IIHCN to Ilenr.
AMES , la. , March 0. ( Special. ) The coal
mine known ns the "Squaw Creek mine" has
played out. This
mine has been operated for
over twenty-three years by Hutchison
Hiothers , and has put out thousands of tuns
annually. The coal was of a high quality
and was used extensively in this pur' of
the state.
AVjileli Ilnve Ileeii In
m for Over n Yenr Are
to He Iteniniied.
NEW YORK , March 9.-Henry Peartrce
president of the
American Chamber of Com
merce in Paris , who arrived on Tuesday
Trill go to Washington to have an Interview
with Jclm A. Kasson , tlio reciprocity com
missioner. Mr. Poartreo said :
"Tho negotiations between Mr. Kasson
and the French government
have been car
ried on for eighteen months , Interrupted
only by the war. The plan which has been
discussed has been under section 4 of the
Dingley law to arrange for the granting by
I-ranco of '
a 'minimum tariff' on American
goods and , on the other hand , by the
United States , a reduction of 20 per cent on
a number of articles imported from France
"Heavy Increase In exports to France can
be followed by a
surprisingly large gain
in UIP same direction If the Americans cnn
Consent to nn arrangement In force between
France and twenty-two other
nations , in
fact , the United States Is the only great
country which docs not have the advantage
of France's minimum tariff , a gain to exporters -
porters of about 23 per cent.
"Frenchmen have little Idea of the variety
of American
manufacturers , and , with n
low tariff and a fulfillment of the plans now
being formed for an extensive exhibit ot
our products at the
coming exposition , the
possibilities of our future trade with France-
would pass nil conservative expectations. "
Mutineer mid Klreimm of I lie AVny
I'liNHenyeiAre Killed \ j > , , N.
Menjrerx Hurt.
ALTOONA , Pa. , .March 0. The way pas-
fcengor train , westbound , ran Into the rear
end of n freight trnln at Aliqulppa , six
mllcH west of this city and1 Just west of
Hnrsoahoo Hend , this morning.
The killed :
JOHN FAHU. engineer of the first en-
glno hauling the passenger train.
GKOIUJE KKIM , fireman.
None of the papnungors was hurt.
NK\V OHIwlSANS. Miirr > ii n * niiia
' y H MIC
day of the Crescent City
Jockey club's winter meeting. Wont her
,7lr ; itr"ck fHSt' slr Flnrlnn
only , ' wna the
wlnnlnir favorite. Summaries :
1'irs.t riit-e , mile und Hiiyenty yards. > 1I-
. Time : 1:2J : 4.
Inlrd raep , mile and an eighth ,
Kfflwrt won. Halio FleldH second , JTulgo
SUjulman third. Time : j:57i. : !
1'oiirtli race , HX ! furlongs , handlcnp : Sir
' " : 8CCOIld <
| 1-16
Fifth race , ono mile , sclllnu : Mousfltoff
won , rilmncua Kci-ond , Willie Howard third.
Sixth ract' , Beven furlongs : Ma Angelina
MM0"1 Hi1 , ' , " Sa"ll > second , I'rotus third.
KliNt Count Unit Tnrne.v.
MIAMI , Flu. , March 9. The minimi three
days' tournament of the Florida Kant Coast
Uolf club on the Mlnml links op.ned ihls
morning with pleaHnnl wenthernnd Kood at
tendance. Of those who entered many tiirne < i
in no cards ut iho close of the eighteen holes
modal piny. The following < | imlliled , their
hundlenpH and nut scores being :
, scratch. 101 : liiillnrd. two. 107 ;
Sirthtrlund , scratch. US ; Merrill , soruteh ,
115 : Stillborn , ten , 1J9 ; Llnd. twenty-live , HI ;
Orwwold , twelve ; 101 ; Thompson , twyity-
The close handicapping by Servos made
the play very Interesting.
On the day's play 'Muddnck won the Home
Hoyal Palm cup for the best gro.a nooro
and Llnd won th . Miami cup for thu best
nut scorn , Saturday tlio tlnals In both con-
icsts will be iiluytd.
\ < il I'noiitrli 'Minie- for Hi .
HOT HritlNOS. Ark. , March D.-Thq light
Bi-hcdulcd to tuku jlucc thlt afternoon be
tween Tommy Itynn of Syracuse iind Aus
tralian Jimmy Ityan did not occur , the lat
ter rofuMnp to go 'on , clnlmliiRtheiy > was
not fiiough money In sight. The men w re-
to ilsht for -the gnto rerelpl * nnd Tommy
offered Jimmy nn extra HIK ) to KO on. but
bf still refused. A Inrcc crowd had ( mid to
PPP the light nnd the Australian Is n.'Vfrely
tondemned for his peolillnr action , The *
chili will make no more- engagements for
TnrUKIi Wrexder I'ootx Clinllenite ,
CiriCAnn , Mnreli n.-l.otl M. lloiiipmnn.
the manngpr of Hull Adnll , the MB Turkish
wrestler , has posted $ S < > 0 with Will J.
Davis of the Columbia theater , with n elml-
longo irrerlng to lie ! utiy jmrt of I2,5o0 ( hat
Hull Adnll cnn thrnv four times In one.
hour the nlU-ged "Torrlbl * Turk , " who
wrcstlwl irne : t Iloelu-r In Hoston. House
man savs that tintwlthstnndlng reports to
the contrary , Hall Adnll lias not been In
.loliunnn Cliiilleiiu < > N l
TOHOXTO. Mnrch ft. Tom Uek hn Is
sued a challenge on behalf of John 8.
JohliFon to race Agnus Mclsnd. thp fjiiin-
dlnn blpyrlp ehamplon , one mil" , best two
111 throe hents. The heats must be ridden
Insldo of lif.O. 'I IIP race Is to take place In
Juno for the. Inrgcsu purse offered In Canada -
ada nnd j : no a side. McLeod paid today
that heould accept the challenge.
\lv itinVlu A mil n.
ST. LOIT1S. March n.-TliP two-mllP sknt-
Ing race nt the Icp Talace wns won tonight
Ity John Nlls'on. Time ; Cl : ( ! . Hurley
Davidson stood a splendid chatico up to the
tlnal lap , wh > n he collided with Nllsson nnd
fell. John S. Johnson was one lap behind
when Xllsson crossed the line. Tills race
ended thu three night series between the
three skaters.
\i- v Skiite-.luiiipliiK Itec-oril.
NHW YOHK , Mnrch O.-The world's
record established by Frederick L. Oerner
ot the Long Branch Athletic club nt the
Clearmotit nvenun Iceskntlngrink , Urook-
lyn , Tuesday night , for the running hlch
Jump on skates was again broken hist night
by the same athlete. His Jump was four
feet one Inch , three-fourth ot an Inch nbovo
the world'a record.
lleilN Cut Heady < < > 1'lny.
CINCINNATI , Mnrch 9-The Cincinnati
bnso ball tenni left here tonight for Its
preliminary practice nt Columbus , On. All
the players except "Pink" Hawley nnd
Henry 1'eltz will l > . ready for practice next
Monday. Hoth H'awley nnd Pcltz are 111
and will not bo able to leave for Columbus ,
Ca , , until next week.
McitlilNto WliiN Double Awnril ,
CHICAGO , March 9. At Mnscoutnh
club's -bench show today Mephtsto , winner
of the llrst urlzp In the St. Bernard puppy
cliiHs nnd owned by F. F. Lurch of On-
iilalnovllli.Vls. . , was awarded the silver
bowl offered by Frank Jny Gould for the
beat St. Uornurd puppy exhibited.
The llnnlc of I
In Thin \Viiy.
H Is a fact , that to many minds , no
doubt , must be very curious , that the Dank
of England has always had a pretty steady
source of profit In the loss nnd destruction
of Its bank notes. What It has gained of
late years In this way , reports the London
Mall , we are unable to say , but during n
period ot forty years preceding 18.11' , the
bank has made a clear prollt ot 1,330,000
from outstanding paper never likely to be
presented for payment. When the destruc
tion or the Irrecoverable loss of n note cnn
b proved , as in the event of a lire or n
wreck It can , the bank , ot course , will al
ways pay the money It represents ; nnd even
when there is doubt about it the cash is
[ laid on security being given for indemnify
ing the bank should the note ever be pre
sented. Thu 60,000 worth of paper or
20,000 , as It appears to have been reduced
to taken from Parr's bank , will , therefore ,
not represent a loss unless the crisp little
billets have some clay to be duly honored
nt the Hank of England counter. In that
case the cash paid In exchange for them
will have to come out of the coffers of the
plundered bank.
Many years ago a bank director lost a
note for 30,000. Hut being n man of
credit , and IIB there was no doubt nbout the
loss of the bill , he gave the usual Indemnity
and got the money. Many years after , when
the man had long been dead , the paper was
presented. It was payable on demand nnd
bad come from abroad In the ordinary way
of business , and the sum It presented had
to be handed over , and as the Indemnity
that had been given was repudiated by the
heirs of the mnn who had given it , nnd for
some reason could not be enforced , the
bank on that occasion had to put 30,000
on the debit side of the account. For once
In n way ( hey paid double honor to a bit
of their own paper.
There is another story of n sum .of 20-
000 which the bank In Its early days for a
short time refused to hand over In ex
change for Its own notes. They were pre
sented by a Jew , whose assertion that he
liad bought them wns not disputed , nnd
whoso personal Integrity was nbovo sus
picion. They had , however , undoubtedly
been stolen , and on that ground the bank
refused to pay the money. The Jew went
out Into the city nnd began to spread It
abroad that the bank xvns shaky , and
couldn't cash Its notes , and as he backed
his assertion by displaying his Indisputable
paper , the assertion would In all probability
soon have caused n run on the bank , nnd
in a few minutes a messenger cameto say
thp notes would bo cashed If ho would pre
sent them again.
Crcnt Orntor UK He Appeiircil When
Delivering 111 * KIIIIIOIIN Sieeeh. |
The first time I remember seeing Daniel
Webster , writes Senator Hoar In Bcrlbner's ,
won on June 17 , 1843 , nt Hunker Hill. The
students of Harvard , whore I was a fresh
man , had a plnco In the procession. Wo
marchwl from Cambridge to Boston , three
miles and a half , and stood In our places for
hours nnd Mien marched over to Charles-
town. We were tired out when the oration
began. Thcro was n llttlo wind which car
ried the Bound of Mr , Webster's volco away
from tlio plnco whcro we stood ; BO It was
hard to hear him during the first part of his
speech. Ho spoke slowly nnd with great de
liberation. There wns little In the greater
part of that welghy discourse to excite a
youthful auditor ; hut the great thing was to
look'at Ilio great orator. Waldo Umerson ,
who was there , said of him :
"His countenance- figure and his man
ners wore all in so grand a style that he
wag , wlthcut effort , n superior to his most
eminent rivals as they were to the humblest.
Ho ulono of all men did not disappoint the
eye and the ear , but was n IH figure In Uio
landscape. There was the monument nnd
hero was Webster. Ho knew well that n llt
tlo moro or less of rhetoric signified noililng ;
ho wns only to say plain nnd equal thlngu
grand "things " , If ho had them ; nnd If he had
them not , only to n hstnln frpm saying unfit
tilings nnd the whole occasion wns answered
by his presence. "
Ho went nlmoat through his weighty dls-
course without much effect upon Ills auditors
other than that Which Kmt'rson so well de
scribes. Hut the wind changed before he
finished nnd blew toward the quarter where
the boys stood , and Jio almost lifted them
from their feet as his great organ tonca
rolled out his closing ticntencos :
"And when both wo nnd our children shall
have been consigns ! to the house appointed
for all living , may love of country nnd pride
of country glow with equal fervor among
these to whom our names nnd our blood
shall have descended I And then , when hoi-
ored and decrepit ago shall lean agalnEt th.
haso of this monument and troops of In
gcnuous youth shall bo gathered round I' '
and when the ono iliull speak to the ulu :
For Infants and Children.
Hie Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
Signature of
I of Its objpctn. the purposes ol Its conMntc-
lion , nnd t io great nnd glorious events with
which It Is connected , there shall rlsp fiom
every youthful breast the pjnculntlnir.
'Thank fled , 1 I nlso nm an American ! ' "
II \\'nn llnril l < Toll Who io I'll lie rut
II Wutilil lie.
U wns n hot day on the mountain road ,
nnd I had stopped nt n spring by thp wny-
sldo to let my horse have a drink nnd to
get onp for myself , says n writer In iho
Washington Tost. As I sat enjoying the
shade nnd the scenery sweeping out across
the valley below me , a mounlnincer on n
mulp , with n Winchester thrown across his
snddlo-liorn. rode tip and stopped to let his
"critter beast" have some water. Wo
passed the time of day nnd an he seemed
to bo In no especial hurry I began to ask
him n few questions , Including ono nbout
ono of the peculiar mountnln cemeteries I
had seen nbout a mile farther back.
"I wuz Jlst n-goln' thnr myself , " ho said.
"What's going on ? " I Inquired. "A
funeral ? "
"Oil , no ; not ns I knows of. Wo do most
uv our hiiryln1 on Sundays. "
I commented upon this and passed on to
the subject of a store I had seen nbout
a half mile further along than the
"It's Parish's , " ho said. "Purty nlro
store for the mountains , too , don't you
reckon ? "
"Excellent , but I didn't hnve time to ex-
nmlno It very closely. There was n drunken
fellow out In front swinging n gun nnd
making himself so disagreeable that I getaway
away ns soon ns I could. "
The mountaineer's face lighted up at my
"What kind uv n lookln' feller WUB he ? "
ho naked. "Mighty long In the couplln' ,
with red whiskers onto his chin and only
one eye ? "
"Thnt was HIP man , I presume , nt least ,
that describes him. I heard some ono call
him Jim. "
"Thnt's him , shore , " bald my friend JerkIng -
Ing his inulo's head up out of the grass by
the roadside nnd stiffening up in the sad
dle. "I snld n minute ago , " ho went on.
"that thar wusn't no funeral gain' on nt j
the graveyard , but thnr's likely to be ono
ef Bomepln" don't happen to the contrary.
Air you goln * on over the mountain ? "
I said I was.
"Well , " he said , moving off down the
mountain , "you stop nt the fust house nt
the head of the branch nnd tell somebody
that Jim Anglln Is down at Parish's
drunk , an' I'm hendin' to'rds him. They'll
know the rest. Good-bye , thar nln't no
tellln' whoso funeral It's goln' to be , fer
Jim nln't no slouch In n Ft < Uemcnt uv the
kind that's got tcr .bo . betwixt me an' him
fer the six hogs uv mine he's shot out of
the woods , Jlst fer spite. "
HKI.I ) I'l" ' M3AII KOIIT Itll.r.Y.
rncllec for Knur ( KlleerH Wlio Have
Slnee Started for Manila.
Seven officers who left New York for
Manila about ten days ngo were held up and
robbed a few days before they left Fort
Ullcy. Kan. , for New York City. The story
of It was told n Sun reporter by n Nashville ,
Tenn. , man , who , at the outbreak of the war
with Spain , got a quartermaster's appoint- ;
mcnt In the regular nrmy through the In
fluence of Congressman Grosvenor of Ohio.
"It wns one night during the cool spell In
Kansas , " snld the quartermaster , "that HX !
other olllcors nnd myself decided to go to
town , six miles away , to see n show we had
heard a good deal about. The snow was very
deep and moro was falling , nnd so we decided
to hitch four mules to nn ambulance nnd go
In that. Wo had gone nbout half way to town
when the driver stopped the mules and told
us there was a man lying out In the road
ahead of us. We thought , of course , the
man was n soldier a picket or a straggler
from the fort , overcome by the cold , and
wo all got out to go to his rescue.'o had
scarcely stopped out of the ambulance before
n pistol was thrust In the face ot each olllcer
nnd wo were ordered to throw up our hands.
The order was obeyed. An artillery colonel ,
distinguished for his bravery , lowered one
band to rub his eye which had got full of
smoke from his cigar , nnd bis temporary
superior In command fired a pistol so close
to the colonel's car that his hands went up
ns high as ho could reach by standing on
tiptoe. i
"While we were guarded In ! this way two '
men went through our clothes and took our '
pocketbooks nnd everything of value wo had. |
I had $1,200 of government inonny In my cout i
pocket and they took that. I begged thorn to '
let mo keep it , for I would hnve to make it |
good somehow , and even then It might cause
me trouble. They said they did not give a |
CUFS for the government ; money was what
they wanted and they would Just as soon
have the government's money as mine.
"After robbing us the highwaymen , nil of
whom were masked , marched us back up the
road toward the fort nnd ordered us to run ,
emphasising the order by firing several shots.
Well , of course , we obeyed , and the bullets
that sung over our heads as we ran pre
vented us from pausing too long In the onotv
drifts where we might have frozen. When
wo got hack to the fort nearly frozen wo
wont Into the clubhouse and were telling
of the hold-up to an excited crowd of men
before wo noticed that the colom-l of
artillery , who had been with us , was missing.
We were Just starting out with nn armed
party to rescue him and pursue the out
laws when the ambulance drove up and the
colonel stopped out , followed by ton olh r
olllcers with masks In their Imnil.i. Then I
know why the colonel of artillery had In
sisted on nil of us leaving our arms nt the
fort when we started to town.
"Yes , I got the government money back ,
after you have concluded that you ought nor
to drink coffee. It Is not a medlclno but
doctor * order it , becaus- ls > healthful , In
vigorating and appetizing. It Is made from
pure grains and has that rich seal brown
color nnd fasten Ilkn tlir. llnest gradtis of
coffee and costs about ' , as much. Children
like It and thrive on It because It Is a gen
uine food drink contnlnln r nothing hut
tiDurlslimint. Ask your grorer for Graln-O ,
tht new food drink. IBc and 23c.
I but \\o were ihi-n lirM lu > for chninpnRne for
the rrnwd and ( lint < osl Us $ : f > P.i 1) ) and
tnndn UK nil fi-"l like expansionists next
morning "
Who are Willing to
Pay When
Convinced of Cure.
A sclcntiHc combined medical nnd
-mcelmuienl euro ha * IH-OII dlscov-
! % red for \\enknr of Men. " The
\ proprietors announce they \\lll \
' fend It on irlul remedies und Kiipll-
unco without uJvance pajmtnt
i P to mi v honobt man. If not all lint
s clrilmod-iill > ou wl h send It
I back-that Hid It pay nothing I
| ThU coniMnivl treatment
I qnlrUly , llmniuglily. nnd foreuTiill
j effect * of early evil ImMts. Inter ex
cesses , overwork , worry , rte. It cre
ate * health , itictiRib , vitality , MUJ-
, l-alinm ; powers , nud restores weak
i and undeveloped | xiHlnn nf l vly to
natural dimensions nnd function * .
| Anv man writing In earliest will
j rccelVe deserlpilon nnd reference *
in iv plain nenled cnvrlopo Profi-5-
Rlotml rnntMeiiciNf < ( ' O.I ) , dc-
Erie Mica ! Co..Buf f aloN.Y.
Searles & Searles
We Kiiei-enifully trrnt all \KltVOl\S ,
of men it ml 11 o me 11.
SEXUALLY. cured for life.
Nlcht Kmlsslonr , Lost Jlunhond , ' Hy-
droeele. Verlrorelc. Gonorrh'ii , Glt'Ot , Syph
ilis , Stricture , riles. Flntula nnd lU-ctal
Ulcorp. Diabetes , Itrlght'8 Dlanaso cured.
l'OXSll.TATIO.\ ! HE.
ut homo
by new method without pain or cutting.
Call on or addroea with stamp. Treatment
by mall.
„ from nervous debility , varl-
cocole , scmliml weakness , lo t man
hood. emUalons and unnatural dis-
churfe-ta caused by errors of younger
days .which. If nol rellevnd by medi
cal treatment , Ja depluruble on mind
and body.
whan suffering , .as this leadu to loss of
memory , loss of spirits , bnshfulnesH In
noclety , pains In small of back , fright
ful dreams , dark rings around the
eyes , plmplesi or breaking out on fne
or body. Sf-nd for our symptom
blank. U'e < nn cure you and especially
do we < leslro old and tried ca&e-j , as
wo rhnrRn nothliiff for ndvlce nnd iivu
you a writ ton guarantee to euro the
worst case on rtcnrd. Not only ar
the weak organs restored , but all
IORSOH , dralnu and dlseliurgt'S stopped.
Bend 2c stump for Question Ulank to
1IAII.VS I'll.Vlt.llACV , OniRlinel > .
FlMt , second or tertiary stage. WE
NKVJ5H FAIL No detention from
buuincfs. Wrlto us for particulars
Dopt. J. S.
HAIIN'S 1'IIAIlMArV , Oiiiulin , Nell.
I A FlIK'S ' made happy. Monthllas
* ' * * * " * ' .
- - - " - 'i.iiro to the day. Turk
ish T. & P Pills N ver fails Cures
scanty , excessive or painful monntrun-
tlon. tl box. 2 boxes cure uny case.
Dept. H. S.
Pharmacy ,
mill Fariiiiin , OMAHA , IVEII.
Itedveeii Council lllnllH mill Omnlm.
Rates Hensonnblo. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Council Bluffs ollltu , wo. S North Main
street. Telephone 12L Omaha ollico re
moved to 322 South Fifteenth atreot. Tele-
nliono 130S.
Connections rmido with South Omaha
CiiNli I'ald o. it. onnear ,
I'nr l > 'iir SU Una a KIT
2M horse-powr. Send for cata
logue and price.
n.\i in MIIAIH IY .v co , ,
( ( Illliell HlllIlN , llMVII.
Boys and Girls
Wheel weather is coming. jjfc
, >
The Bee wheel contests
will bring one to you easy.
w viTA
iTA )
You choose
any make.