Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 05, 1899, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE ( m ATI A. DATLT 1JEE : STNDAY , MAttCII 5.
We are
well prepared to do your pre
scription work promptly and
carefully. ABk your doctor
regarding us.
15th and Faruam.
Peyton's Pharmacy ,
2 < ttb ami Leaveiiworth.
King Pharmacy ,
27th and Lenvenwortli.
PEYTON , PH. G. Prop.
If you will bring your dollars to us wo will
stretch them over moio good qualltjin the
way of moats than you'lln \ apt to give
credit until jon've had it demonstrated to
you Our customers know what vie mean
by this.
Uiiy. 71t. 1517 IluilKc Street.
Big Discounts
6f per cent discount on our Flour-de-lla
edition comprlHlng 100 titles o ( I'ootry nd
notion Including Longfellow , Whlttler ,
Irving Dunini. rorclll , Thackeray , Scott ,
Onrwln aid Barrio ale works of other well-
known authors of reputation for literary
mrrlt anil excellence
There are Allmmhrn , First Violin , HjpAtla ,
Rllenco of Dean Mnltland , History of n
Crime , Golil IJIsio nnd 01 others
These books are printed from now plates ,
bound In polished butkram , with gilt top ,
and stumped In gold , Imck nnd front , from
now and original designs. The tltlo page la
printed In two colors from new and attrac
tive type Publisher's price , $1 00 , our price ,
lOc Pcnd for lint of titles.
UiO Hrmrnied fords anil Plate. . . . $150
100 Cards from plate Jl 00
Megeatii Stationery Company ,
1308 Farnuui Street
Phone 234 ,
Established In 1886.
Steam Heating
Telephone II46
403 South 15th Street ,
Our stock of early spring vege
tables Includes everything' the mar
ket affords
24th and Farnam Sts.
Phone 1511 Phone 1SG9
For Meats For Groceries.
"After the old woman with the fish go
' way , Wiesahko take the trail for home.
"Soon he come to some lake , an' he think ,
'how I get by this lake. ' Then ho see some
Swans lly an' play In the water.
"Wiesahko is ver' clever fellow. When
lie's got trouble ho think some treek to get
out that hole.
"Then ho calls to the Swans , 'Ho , Broth
ers , como here. Open jou' beautiful wing
an' como here. I wun' tell jou something. '
"The Swans they fly little cloto , an1 Wle-
nahko say. 'My Brother , jou see I blln' I
can' seo. You see my eye ? It Is not good '
"Tho Swan look , on' say , 'Poor Wlcsahke !
Hes ojo nil grey , he can' see. '
" I can' find my tepee , ' say Wlosahko.
Help mo , Brother , to go to mj lodge. '
" 'How can we help j-ou'1 says the Sivnns.
" 'S'poso you take mo , an' fly with me to
my home ? "
Wlesahkc. 'Brother , go easy firs' till I
see , ' ho say. T'r'aps I got 'frald. '
" 'Why you take a stcek , Wlcsahke ? ' say
ono the Swans.
" 'That ho I can't poln' the trail , ' ho saj' .
"Then the Swans fly ver' fas' . 'By Goss ! '
say Wlesahkc , 'I like this. I like bo Swin
an' ily all the time. '
" 'Brother , ' ho say , 'when I como close
my tepee you mus' fly low so I can seo. '
"When they got cross the lake Wlosahko
ho not 'frald. Ho strike the Snan with his
sleek an' say , Tly fas' ! Ily fas ! '
" 'Don't atriko us , "brother , ' say the Swan ,
'wo take you homo '
"When Wiesahko can see his tepee ho
strike ono Swan on the head with his sleek
an' kill him. That make them Ily lower.
Soon ho kill 'nothcr one , nil' they fly a little
lower. Then he kill 'nothor one , an' then
" 'But wo can' Hf you,1 say the Bwans.
"Then WlesahVe say , 'Sec , I can tlo jou'
feet nil together like basket , an' jou can
carry ino that way.1
"Now the old Swan say : 'Bettor jou
look out for Wiesahko ; ho play jou some
trcek. "
"Now the young Swan say : 'Oh , poor
Wiesahko ! Ho blln' . Wo inua' help any poor
lilln' man.
" ' trpek , ' Wleaahko ;
1 no play any say
'bollovo me , Brother. Kirs' jou can ily a
little with mo here , an' eeo how jou llko
It. If jou don' llko jou can lly away an'
leave mo. '
"So tbo Swans , they all get togetbor , an'
Wloaahko take eome shagandppto ( raw deer-
akin strings ) from his Docket , an' ho tlo
their legs llko n not. That alway the way
iwlth Wlcsahko , ho make anything believe
ho good man flrs1 , then by-an-byo ho get hoi"
"Well , the Snaiu they start fly with
'Mother one. every tlmo ho kill ono they fl :
little 1 envoi' .
"At las' , Jus' they como clcso hla tepee hi
kill the las' one.
"That "way " Klcsahko get liomo nn * kll
plenty meat. "
TnKe Their A\'IIIIIKH | | | | 1111 the Cnlvn
< > f Their I , > KN.
The teacher Is ulwajs dressed In white
wears the hat seen In the illustration , generally
orally wears spectacles and ulwajs has
rod , In order that the child way not b
Ho gathers his ( lock around him In th
most fathcily manner and deals out justlc
with an unspalrlng hand. The scholars ar
dressed in their best , but must study with
out their shoes. These lalter are kept I
sight ot the teacher at all times.
The course of study Is not very extenslv
to look at , but "when it comes to studyln
The Flaw
of the
five Cent Jersey Cioar
Is not artificial , but the nnturnt nroma of
the tobacco , It Is the moat popular five cent
clgnr sold the best cigar for the money
over produced. Try just one It will glvo
you an Idea of the quality of them.
Paxfon Block igar Store ,
10th , near rnrtiam.
Jacob Jnskalek , Prop.
Strictly / /
First-Class ' . ; ? "
Theater Parties a Specialty.
The finest noonday lunch in
the city for 2c.
10th and Ilnrncy Sts.
J , E. HIHES , Proprietor.
Jj YOU WANT the beat
plumbing steam hot
water heaters gas fitting and
fixtures call on Free & Black
They are ready at all times
to do it for you at reasonable
Plumbers and Cas Fitters ,
Telephone 1049.
the Korean language through the medium
of Chinese It must be confessed that thu
beginning of a < course Is difficult.
The scholar Isfirst taught the name and
moaning of Chinese characters and then
their meaning In Korean. Just as though
iwo were obliged to learn English through
the medium of the Greek alphabet.
This book of the Thousand Characters Is
a curiosity In its way. It contains , as Its
name Indicates , a thousand Chinese chniac
tors , airanged In proper order as to mean
ing and of all that number no two are iu
any marked manner alike.
The ibooks are generally furnished by the
teacher , but the Ink , Ink saucers and little
water vessels and brushes are brought by
the pupils.
Students keep up a steady droning noise ,
as each one goes on repeating his portion
of the taalis aloud regardless of what Is go
ing on around him.
The use of the rod is somewhat different
In Korea from this part of the world. The
little culprit Is made to stand up In fiont ol
the whole school , all study being suspended
for the tlmo being and ho is made to pull
up his loose trousers so as to expose the
calf of the leg , and the birch Is applied
with a vigor equal to the offense.
These far-away bojs , these youthful mem
bers of the Hermit Nation , amuse them
selves with pretty much the same games as
their brothers In America. Hop-Scotch ,
prisoner's base , follow the leader , games ol
ball , chasing cats , robbing birds' ucsts , In
sulting foreigners boj a seem ptotty mucli
the same wherever they gio\v. The resulu
attained by these , to us , slipshod methods ,
are sometimes very \aluablo and it Is no I
unusual to meet boys nnd joung men -\vltli
an education , for their purposes , qulto af
good as that gotten by more expensive anil
complicated methods in other j > arts of the
Apprentices ml ( | Their llf . nf
u Training Station.
"Apprentices of the Utilted States Navy-
Is the tltlo of an article In the March St.
Nicholas that Is sure to bo read with at
tention by every boy who thinks of a life
at sea ns an attiactlvo alternative to a ca-
icer on land.
Almost every boy by this tlmo knows ol
battleships nnd cruisers , of torpedoes anil
topedo boats mid of the gallant officers and
Jolly Jack Tais who man llio ships ; but II
Is safe o say that there are few Indeed whc
have ever heard of the young naval appren
tice , the work which ho has to do and whal
his chances are for the future. It Is enougl ;
at present to say < hat ho Is an enlisted boy ,
who by means of a great deal of drill am
training develops giadually Into a mosl
otllclwt and useful man on board of oui
modern ships.
Although , ns already stated , the approntcc
can never here to become a commissioned
officer , thcio nro many positions of tiusi
and honor in the service that are open t (
him , If ho but applies himself to the ( aski
assigned to him day by day and Is avvuki
to the opportunities that arc sura to turn uj
for him.
The bo > h at the training staten tiuly maj
bo sold to live In a little world of their owi
for they do not need lo go outsldo of theli
own circle to find any of the needs of life
At certain hours of the day tdey form a well
regulated school in which they are taugh
all tbo elements of science , Kngllsh am
mathematics enough to caablo them ti
understand thoroughly and to handle Intel
llgently the various fittings and armamcn
of a modern man-of-war.
Well informed and thoroughly practlca
officers are stationed there to Instruct tin
apprentices In all the drills and maneuver
used by wamen afloat and ashore , Includlm
Infantry , light artillery , seamanship Iu al
' " BEST
IMu'chasers bay It i * an Undisputed
Tlmt the now No. \Vhoeler& Wilson
Is iv preserver of heultli. I.ifo is too
abort mid health tno prccioMs to vvnsto
vith a slow , bard-runtiiiiff , imi y iiiueb-
ino , w ben you win uot the IHMV No. SI ,
pimrunteiul , rotary motimi , hull buurlng ,
easy running , qiili-t , rapid , durable.
1620 Capitol Ave.
If yon do not
pay your debts the
6O8 Bee Building , Omaha , Neb
will put your
name on the
theBsat List.
Direct from grower to
planter. N e b r a , s k a
grown seed are al
ways the best. Insist
upon having them.
Catalogue free.
130 ! > FARNUI.
Henry 0. Wlmlbelm , Manager.
Its forms both theoretical and practical
the several Kinds of signaling used In the
service , the handling of boats under steam ,
oars and sails and the use of bword and
gun Iu the arts of fencing and of bajouet
At Newport is the only Important torpedo
station of our government , and it it , there
fore convenient for the apprentices to bo
taught , while there , the mode of construct
ing a toipedo , nnti the proper caio and
handling of the faamc.
A chaplain in the navy Is detailed regu
larly for duty among the bojs , and to look
after them in any way he may think most
conduclvo to their highest moral improve
ment. Every Sunday the boys are assem
bled on deck to Join In a regular church
worship , presided over by the chaplain , and
It H a most Interesting sight to see several
hundred bo > s of tender ago , nil In the same
blue uniform , joining hcnrtllv In the serv
ice. Those with voices worthy of any culti
vation are assigned to the Uioli , and they
i enjoy thia honor cjulto ns much as any ot
'tho ' several privileges that fall to their lot.
At certain other times , in the evening , dur
ing recreation periods , they are permitted to
assemble for any kind of Innocent amuse
ment , and one of thu most popular pastimes
among them seems to bo dancing.
The spacious deck Is cleared , and there ,
to the music of an orchestra formed from
their own number , they flip together the
"light fantastic" It Isnoil that there are
st-mo such pleasures for the young boys , for
otLonviso the hardships nnd discipline of the
service would bucomo most Iikbome.
Every Hpring and summer the apprentices
nto taken aboard bonio of the older vessels
of tbo navj and are sent abroad for a cruise ,
luring which , under elllclont officers , they
nro taught the full duties of seamen alloat.
All the theory of seamanship nnd gunnery is
then i educed to practice , and the appren
tices nro put through the evolutions of full
ing , tooling , ami loosing Ball , of abandonIng -
Ing ship , nnd of aiming nnd firing the guns
on board , untlquotci ] though they may bo.
AX ivMicuvr itust'i mi.
llovlu > > IMV "ioi'LcT Smrd 11 Small
llo > from a M lili | > f "K.
Southoin hospitality Is famous , and when
a Now Yorker went to pay n visit at .1 Vir
ginia count ) y house thin fall Ills host mut
him In Richmond ami duly escorted him
upon the local subuiban tiain. On the way
out the host remarked that ho bad the day
before placed his 14-j ear-old son at a bo.ird-
Ing school thirtj-lho inllis from homo.
"However , " added the host , "you'll find the
other eight at homo all right enough , or all
wrong enough , it di-pnds upon how they
happen to behave. " Arrived at the country
house , the entire family turned out to grcot
the guest. Among them the guest noticed a
boy who appeared to bo about 11 jours of
ago , but In so largo a family the children
were apt to look all the same ago , moio or
k'ii , and it might be a euso of tv , ina There
was , houc'vjr , a certain astonishment tem
pered with no uncertain reserve in the
fjther'3 greeting of this boy , while the ri'nt
of the family undoubtedly had the air ot
standing round to sco what would happen
when the two met. So perfect Is southern
hospitality , however , that nothing occurred
to justify these passing first reflections and
never a suspicion had the guest that the
household was not In complete accord. The
14j car-old oeemod to be in particularly
good spirits , and he seemed to recur 1 thu
New Yorker with especial favor. After din
ner the bny , at the first chance , approached
the guest and said : "You've done mo an
awful good turn , you know , and 1 want to
thank jou for It. " "I , " cried the nbtonlshed
New Yorker ; "why how on earth " "Hy
being here , " Interrupted the boy. "it saved
my back. You see , they put me off at
boarding school yoitcrday , but I couldn't
stand It , so this morning I just lit out and
some kinds of repairing
you get-
Try the Above folks
Have you scon our now
wedding gifts.
1520 Douglui St. 2J und M St. S. Omaha
Don't bo hungering for customers. In-
du-o them to come by telling them what
you've got through the medium ot one of
our bright , clean , durable
Any kind on glss , wood , tin , cloth , eto.
Trices OH low OB anybody.
109 South 14th Street.
Phone 43.
Estimates cheerfully furnished out-of-town
water supply
Price $10.00 put in.
Call and see
our line of
Nebraska Ptabing and
1310 Dougl s
t 'Phone 2070.
walked home , thirty-five miles. Of course 1
expected to get an awful licking , but , lo and
behold , when father came home ho had you
with him , and I Knew I was safe. He'd
never dare punish rae while there was com
pany round , and by the time you've gone
his first rage will have blown over. You've
saved my back , I tell you , and you'd just
better believe I'm grateful. "
and't . .
n\liprlonic of mi Old hootchinnu
it .N < - > \ TliI nKT.
The tlmo when umbrellas could only be
afforded by the rich is still within the mem
ory or the tradition of some remote Scotch
neighborhoods , and a Scotch newspaper ,
quoted some fifty years ago by Henry Howe
In his "Tlnips of Eminent Mechanics , " ro-
latcs how pride once wont before bewilder
ment to ono ot thorn.
When umbrellas first came into Dlalr-
gorio , it says , they wore sported only by
thr minister and the laird , and were looked
upon by the common class of people as per
fect phenomena. One day Daniel M n
went to Colonel McPherson at Jllalrgorle
house , when about to rotuin there came on n
shower , and the colonel politely offered him
the loan of an umbrella , which was politely
and proudly accepted ; and Daniel , with his
head two or throe inches higher than usual ,
marched off. Not long afterwards , how
ever , to the colonel's surprise , ho saw Dan-
lol posting toward him , Btlll over-topped by
Ills cotton canopy , which ho held out ,
calling :
"llae , line , Kurnel ! This will never do ;
there's no door in all mj hoii o that ' 11 tnko
it in. My voiry barn-door wluna tak It In. '
George Norton In Chicago Post ,
I lttlo Missy Two-'leeth , sitting on thf
lloor ,
liublilliiKo'or with laughter , llko n fo '
tlvo faj- ,
Toll UH of the revels on the golden shore ,
Wbero the fairy bablos frolic all the day !
Who's the Queen of I'nory H sbo Illy tall
With a lese lor fccoptie , nodding on tin
Btem ?
When > ou pause to listen do you hear lici
cull ,
As sbo led the 'children when you danced
with them ?
Whero'H the land of Faery ; Is It in the
Or behind the Delation , whltoly tremul
ous ' . '
Did you lese your way , dear , and wltli
music .shooii
Stray along the moontrull till you came
to UM ?
From the pleasant meadows where the little -
tlo dram
Whoso cheiiiblo fncen poirow never mar ? ,
Itomp lieniH among the datBlea till 0110 almost
1,111 of Inby laughter Hlfted through the
nt rs ?
Oh , that pretty country , where the fallliiF
loaves * '
As they lluttor earthward turn to butter-
Illc * '
' ' the spldei
WJioin 'tla dollies' drcHscs that
vvi av o.t ,
And thu lovely pansles thcy nro ladles' '
hlltlo Missy Two-Teeth , whimsically fair ,
Do you know who led you lo thia earthly
nest ?
Mother love , was yearning like a silent
Christ It wns that placed you on n
mother's breast
1'iiATTi.n OK TIII : roi'.NRSTiiis ,
"ficorge , you can't squirm out of It , I've
got to spank you. "
"All right , daddy , If jou've got to. Ilul
there's ono thing jou will do , won't you1
"Well , what's that ? "
" mo pit down while it's goln' on. "
A pathcllo Incident of the cold weather In
Atlanta , Ga , , Is tbo CUEU of a barefoot little
liic Pantorium
has just added a new depart
ment devoted exclusively to
the cleaning of portieres and
silk draperies. Women's tail
or made suits and evening
dresses cleaned by our new
French dry cleaning process.
Pantorium Co.
N. E. Corner Ifllth and Fnrmuu Sts.
Tclepnbim 1)03.
Work Galleil For and Delivered ,
Now publication Now idea.
A full and complete monthly report
of all new American books Publish
ed at Omaha Neb. Ofllce COS Bee
Building : Subscription prloo 50 cents
per year.
The American Book Reporter will bo
s nt for ono year , postpaid , to any
one , ordering through It any book or
books , mentioned therein , the price of
which Is { 1 CO or more.
Write for free wimple copy.
WHAT Mr- Salter says :
i desire to thank the
for the promptness of attending the illness
of my late wlfa , and also wish to aay that
the funeral greatly oxcesdod my expecta
tions. The Red Cross Leagus has fulfilled
its contract with mo In a highly satisfactory
manner. A. SALTER ,
Janitor Bee Building.
We have pleased him
Can please you.
804 New York Life Bldg.
Carrington & Karling ,
Telephone 2 < itl. :
fellow who walked Into a shoe store , plunked
down a dollar and said-
"I wants a pair o' shoes for that ! "
"What number ? " asked the clerk.
"I dunne what number , " was tbo answer.
"I ain't never wore no shoes since I can re
member. You'll have to measure me. "
Teacher Now , children , what did George
Washington do for his country ?
Chorus ot Children Ho had a birthday.
fj ' .
"Boys , " said a Cun.ago Sunday school
teacher after she had impressed upon her
pupils the duty of prayer , "suppose ono of
you were In t > omo far-awaj" cltj" . Suppose
j that you wore without a fiiend , nnd that jou
didn't have a cent In the world. Suppose
you wore unable to find any work or to got
any money and were hungry. What would
you do ? " She paused and gazed nt the
serious faces In front of her , and felt sure
that the class had profited by the lesson.
' Johnny Green raised his hand in loply with
the utmost piomptnoss. "I'd go to a free-
lunch counter , " he said.
l A little girl who lives uptown wont to
church last Sunday , relates the Cleveland
Plain Dealer. Sbo Is a bright llttlo maiden
and , considering her tender ugc , only 6 , she
is decidedly Intelligent. Her mother has
i boon suffering from the grip nnd didn't ac
company her , and as her father was away
from home .she went alone.
Whether It was the loneliness of the big
puw or whether the church was pooily
heated , mamma wasn't quite sure , but , any
way , the little maid came home and de-
claiod BIO ! was very chlllj' .
"My toes got BO cold while I was sitting
there , mamma , " she declared. "And so did
my lingers and my noso. I don't bollovo
there was hardly a epeck of fire In the fur
nace. "
"That wni too bad , " nald mnmmaj "did
the other penplu seem to Buffer , too ? "
"Oh , yes , they did , " cried the little maid ,
"They Just hhlverod ! "
Then mamma thought she would divert
tbo little mald'H attention.
"Whatwas the text , dear ? " she asked ;
"can you remember It ? "
" 1 bbould think 1 could , " was the quick
answer , ' I can 'member every word of It "
"Well , what was it ? "
The little maid put her head on ono sldo
and , screwing up her face , shrilly Intoned :
" 'Manj are cold , but few are fro/on ! ' "
And mamma had to admit that U evcmod
remarkably appioprlate.
No wlno has a purer bouquet than Cook's
Impel ial nxtra Dry Champagne. It Is the
puto Julco of the grapob tormented ,
A nowlj found letter by P T. narnum ,
ono of the last ho wrote , advises young men
to learn Htuiography and tjpewrltliiK , and
adds "Keep your train free from fumes
of alcUiol , your blooj free frcmi Its taint.
Avoid tobacco ns the poison It really Is.
Keep jourEclf clean phjslcally and morally.
Glvo jour body the care jou would glvo to
any machine of which you icquiio good
work. "
Henrlk Ibsen , the Norwegian dramatist ,
was Intended at first for a doctor , and at
the ago of 1C he had to don a druggist's
apron. Ills ambitlond carried him a llulo
beyond that , and ho decided to become a
doctor , and read up for examination at
Chrlstianla In the course of his study ho
was reading Sallust , and the character of
Catiline so took hla fancy that howrote a
little play Introducing him. This was Ib
sen's ( I ret dramatic effort.
Don Manuel Azpiroz , the newly appointed
Mexican ambassador at Washington , Is a
born diplomat , and has held several rosl-
KLOPP & Tolphono3G4
S1 E
Lithographers ,
Printers ,
BlankBook takers ,
Engraving ,
1114-1110 Parnani St. Onmhit. Iseb.
One Mile and 742 Feet
placed end to end would bo the
measure of the
actually sold by us. ,
And what In best of all , we have
made a friend with every sale , and
can point with prldo to the exlo-llont
reputation wo lm\o made with the
flno qualities of this royal Instru
214 South 18th Street ,
Tel 1098. Unmlin , Neb. \
Drummond Carriage Go. S
Tel. 033. IStn and Harnoy Sts
tlons of honor under his home government.
Ho Is also regarded as the most eminent
legal authority his country has ever pro
duced. Don Azpiroz , who fought with dis
tinction in the war n-alnst Trench inter
vention , Is nearly 62 years ot age. He has a
commanding figure , standing over six feet
tall , and possesses a dignified yet affable
Soon after Senator iMorrlll of Vermont
died this stanza of poctrj- was found in ono
cf his coat pockets , scribbled upon an odd
scrap of paper and evidently written not
long before his last illncrc :
Thee , on thy mother's knee , a new-born
child ,
In teais we iaw when all around theo
So HVP that , sinking In thy last long sleep.
Smiles may be thine , when .ill around tlieet
Senator Charles W. and Senay
tor-elect Albert J. Beveridgo of Indiana
both live In Indianapolis. They both belong
to the Meridian Stieot Methodist JJplscopil
church of that city nnd are members of the
church board. Jloth nro natives of Ohio
and were born lnHlghland _ count } . In early
llfo they wore ipedagoguca , but each -\\aa
anxious to become a lawyer nnd studied ,
with that end In view. After obtaining thn y
necessary legal education they hung out
their shingles In Indianapolis and both
rapidly c.imo to the front.
Mallotoa , the claimant to the throne ot
Sanloa , Is a direct descendant through
twenty-three generations of Savea Malletoi
I Ho was carefully educated In the mission
school , and though , on occasion , w.ullke , ho
U generally of a retiring and unassuming
disposition. Ho Is very studious In hla
habits , nnd among his sulijects ho la con
sidered a man of great learning , whllo his
abilities for diplomacy and statesmanship
have been frequently displayed , Mataafa ,
hla rival claimant for the throne , Is a man
of great force of character and a rigid
Koman Catholic.
"I.otibot continually reminds mo of Gen
eral ( Irani. " writes Theodore Stnnton. "Ho
oven resembles Kraut Komowtmt physically ,
with his medium height , thickset , largo face
and held , which , set on a short neck , move !
slowly nnd almost heavily. In Intellect an 1
temperament the two men also are mii'h
alike. Loubot Is taciturn , simple of dre n ,
speech and manner. Ho ha great common
RCIIKO , but no brilliancy. Ho Is undemonstra
tive , and has but few warm friends. JJo dls-
lllun shtw , and will restore to the Hlyseo
paluco the quiet simplicity of thu days of M
fiicvy Ho surely will hanlfh the mimicry
of royalty Introduced by iM Carnet nnd
exaggerated by M Kauro "
Splotches ,
Mr II LMj rs , 100
Mulberry Slrcot. Newark. N. J. ,
nays : " 1 contrui'tod a terrible blood
dlHcut > ouhlcIi broke out into sorea
nil ovi'r my body I apent n hun
dred dollfirs vvltlidoctoiH but KI-CW
worn instead of better. Mnny
blood rc'incdicH were nlso used with
nopflVct.untllldi'cIdedlotry 8 a r3.
Tins rt'im-dy seemed to et nt l\\ \ \
Beat of the dUeiifce nnd cined mo
completely and permanently. "
( Swift's Specific ) Is tbo only cure for
Contagious IHood Poison ; no otbcr
remedy ean reach tills terrible dlhPiis.
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Swift Specific Company , Atlutitu , Ga.