THE OMAHA DAILY IJBrj ! M'M ) V.Y , MAUCH . ' . 1sn. ! ) REORGANIZING tl'LF ROAD BtillwBll Will Asmraaoe His Fl n on March 15. WILL NOT CONSOLIDATE NORTHERN LINES -gll 1 , Will rlr t lie 1'ul Inio J'lrM-Clnxt fund If Ion Ill-fort * Tlu-j- , \re TnkVn lu. KANSAS CITV. March J. The Star MJ-B : It t * refwrted frotn New YoJ-Jt that the planet ot foergnnizaHon ot the Kansas City , Puts- burg r.OuU railroad will be issued by Presi dent A. IS. Stlllwi'll , who Is DOW In that city , on March 15. It was at flirt proposed to take It ) Rll ol the northern lines of the Quit system , making a through line from Omaha to I'ort Arthur. Now It has been de cided not to consolidate the northern lines , at least not at prwent , though after Uioie lines have 'been ' physically Improved ana the carnlnc capacity considerably expanded they Mill no doubt be absorbed in the main sys tem. 1..OOKI.M ! OVIill MSIIUAbKA IAM > S. Dr. < J rue I cut CIIIIII-K llvriAlund of n Krt'iii'li Colon ; . Agricultural , grazing and fruit lands along the line of the t'nlon Pacific road , ns well ns the various sources of nilncrnl waters In the same territory , are being Investigated by on authorized agent of the Trench gov ernment , and from this Investigation tlio officials of the road expert next year a largo Immigration of the French peasantry Into this section of the country , for the olllcers lire satisfied the agent can make nothing but a favorable report upon the lines for which he Is seeking Information. The agent or the French government Is Dr. Ph. Gracleux , a mlddleagcd man , who , from his general knowledge of affairs and of the world , has evidently studied and traveled n great deal , lie has already spent two or three months In this country , most of which was occupied In the south on a similar mission to that which brings him to the territory along the X'nlon Pacific. He brought to this city credentials from the general agent of the road and from the 1'rench vice consul at Kansas City. At hcadtiuirters In this city he WM furnished such data as would aid him In his re- Ecarches , and given such courtesies as would assist him In hla travels. Dr. Gracleux Is deputized by his govern ment to study the agricultural progress. In dustries and resources of Nebraska and other western states , and learn what the chances are for Rucceia for French immi grants with email means to engage in ag- n 'nt-ai t'ur ' uii fruit < ulture and siu tt raltine He is also to ImrMUate the nu merous mineral fprlnpr ! in the far * nt and the medicinal quail ties of their water * . The remilt * of hU Investigations are to b * published In France In the Official AnnaU of the national office for foreign com mere * ana Industry , which will be distributed fcmonp the French people , who are expected to derive benefit from the report. Dr. Grarleut experts to epend a couple of months in the pursuit ot hte investiga tion * along the Union Pacific road. AMITIIKIt fl'HAI > TO Hl'X TO OS ! VIIA. I'n < I lieMuUo * n Clintiftc lit Itn TimeC'nril. . The proposed extension to Omaha of the Missouri Pacific's local train , which now operates between Lincoln and Nebraska City. will be put Into effect with the spring change In time card , which will bo Issued about April 1. This train will enable pas sengers to leave Omaha at S 40 a. m. and 'return ' at 7 p. in. They can reach any point i bet ween Omaha and Nebraska City , and the | latter place and Lincoln , and return the same day. People along the line between Omaha and Nebraska City can come to this city In the evening , arriving here at 7 o'clock , and return at 9.60 p. m. , glx-lng them almcbt three hours In town. This i branch of the service will be specially ap- i predated by those who live at or near Fort rrook. The Inauguration of this service will also add several families to the population 'of Omaha. The entire crew of the train I will bo In Omaha every night , Instead ot 1 stopping over In Nebraska City. It Is re ported that the trainmen are rejoicing over the change for this irason. This will be n dally service when established. KtiornioiiN Trnlllc Antlrlpiilrd. If the number of inquiries being made about the homeseekers' tickets i to North ' Pacific points means anything there will be , an enormous trufilc on the trains west from Omaha next Tuesday. The chance to go to Portland , Seattle or Tncoma for J2G , first- class , or a round trip for $52 , Is a glaring temptation for many people to take the I trip. Every city ticket office reports numer ous inquiries as to the scope of these tickets , and the privileges accorded the holders , and upon this condition railroad men predict a big exodus of Omaha people for the north west next Tuesday. When the- roads first announced the rates they did not anticipate much of an increase in travel for the ex cursion week becaus-e the decision came too late to permit of much advertising , but It seems the public had been anticipating the rateb on the strength of rumors which hail been afloat after the northern roads had taken the initiative. Mini } niclili-rs AnConiliiir. . Indications are that there will be a good attendance at the sale of itic Union Pacific lauds In this city Monday. Mr. McAllabtfr , land commissioner of the road , says he has received assurances from a number that they Musical Beauties Thu new 3SM Kranieh & Cnch plnnos we tire now hliovvlnj ; arc the inoi-t beautiful - tiful instruments over been in Omaha the caM-H are the very latest IS'.IO pat terns nnil are n marvel of bcnutlful elo- piuiee we would be pleased to have you call a ml examine them como if you have a piano or never expect to have oao you will enjoy looking at the'-e we Can save you from ? r > 0 ( o $100 on a piano purchase and plve you tbe best jilano ever made. ' A. HOSPE , ccldirnte our 25tl > lmlncx anni- „ > iTHiiry Oct. 2 ril , ISttO. Music and Art. 1513 Douglas. We're ' Buried Under Shoes- Ail kinds of slioes at all kinds of priees but probably the must popular woman's shoe both In price and style - 4s tbe new this year's tf'i.r.OUfi kid ( , hoe with tbe medium sole and rouiul t\ti tbe very acme of proper Miape lov woman's wear made from good pump vlci kid slock not too plump 1o make a good dressy shoe yet plump enough for street wear this shoo bus the looks and wear of the tegular S-l and $5 kind and we Und Is a very popular shoe wltb tbe women. Drexel Shoe Co. , Omnliu'M Up-to-date Shoe Home , 1419 FAKNAM STREET. "Nero's ' Banquets" Were famed for their sumptuouhuess but they did not exeel In quality tbe every-day lundieon served by Halduff coiinlF"-ours afUrm this statement by their constant patronape the prices In this famous luncheon are half what \\o used to charge. You can take home a quart of our de- lltilous Ice cieam In your pocket we put it tip In little quart refrigerators time keep It frozen solid for hours lOc enough for eight persons. BALDUFFS , I lunch-11:30 : to 2:30. : Supper-3:30 : to 8:30. : 1520 Fnrnnin St. DELICIOUS your dcaiot'fa tor Rose Brand Redland ORANGES Golden Rod Brand Riverside Wrapper with brand on every orange. STREIGHT & HOWES. Omaha. Western Agents. Amatuer Photographers- Find ours a store vvlioro all supplies can bo hud ut rouson- u b 1 o prices wo give the free ube of our dura rooms and burniBber to all customers or we will develop nnd print your pictures at aury raoderuto cost we invite yi u to call und ten the new camera that we uro now ehowiuy. This display will Interest you even if you already have a peed camera THE AIDE & PENPOLD CO. , jtiiiuteur 1'hutografhit & ; > > > ! < * * 140S Farnaiu , O.MAHA O1TO3ITE PAXTON HOTEL 36 Hew Oases' Coplny tbe Jeweler repent lhat he has rai'lvrd thi above number of new style watch cases , in bilver , gold filled und bolld Bold , and at the new reduced prices. If you contemplate buying a watch , don't fall i to tiibppci Copley's stock and get his prices Have you seen the new bhape jioeKotbooKi' ! LOUR and narrow , < .aby lo earrj. stylish. Coplcj had pocUelbooks from 75c to $10.00. I There are tliree things in his slock which i he would like sou to bee A bolld bilver berry bowl al K'O ' 00 a bread tray al jte.QQ and a ten bet at $5f > 00 It is worth jour nine to koK at theke and Copley vvjll wel come > ou at ai lime mm COPLEY , bjUTluliil < -li 12 xii miner , 1 , 1' . It ) . 215 S. 16th , Paxton Blk. wi ' If bile t" tnaKo t i IB CD in mduul trat-ts of the Und Many people havp had tt.etr eye * upon portions of 11 * propertr. and think that If they make tbe highest bid for H they will become the purchaser , und this premise * to bring a l rpe fore * of small bidders to the sale. While , under the de cree of foreclosure and sale the special man- ter j required to offer tli * Und In tract * before offering it as . whole , unless the amount of the. bid * for the Rt'tmrate plere * foots up to more than the bid for all the lands , the latter hid will prevail. There fore , H is not believed tlia.t any portion of the Und IMS than the whole will be ec4d. and the only bidder expected it the sale for the Und In its entirety is the repre sentative of the Union 1'oclflc road. In Unliving Circle * . HURON , S. 1) . March 4 ( Special ) Wil liam Mclntosh , for several years a resident of this city and later living In Wlnona and filling the petition of matter mechanic for the Dakota Central and Wlnona & St. Peter j divisions of the Chicago & Northwestern railway , has resigned and accepted the superintendency of motive power Jor the New Jersey Central railway. On March 1 the resignation of 11. C. Gar- vln , for a number of years general agent for the Northwestern company , took effect , and Mr. Garvin becomes treasurer and man ager of the Bay State Milling company of Wlnona. John Rl Northmore of Chicago succeeds to Mr. Garvin's position. PrHulit AKi-nt for l.nt'kmvnimn. NU\V YOIIK , March 4 It Is reported on good authority that Percy Todd , tralllc man ager of the Wefct Shore railroad , has been appointed general freight agent of the Dela ware , Lacknvvanna Wet-tern. LOCAL BREVITIES. John Peterson of Plattsmouth has filed a bankruptcy petition in United Slates court. Dr. E. A. Stone of Chicago v.ill preach at Immnnuol Baptist church , Twenty-fourth and Binuey streets , this morning at 10 45 o'clock. The two children of Mrs. Comoro , who were burned Thursday night , are recovering rapidly and no fears are entertained of tholr recovery. Major John B. Furny , who has been con- flned to his room with n complication of grip and other troubles , Is rapidly Improving and will soon be out once more. Sparks from a chimney set fire to the roof of William Jackson's dwelling , 314 North Thirteenth street , Saturday morning at 9:30. : About $5 damage was done to the roof. The roof of u dwelling occupied by Mrs. H. A. Mossett , 312 North Twelfth street , caught fire from sparks which landed upon It. It will cost $5 to repair the damage. Ian Maclaren , author of "Beside the Bon nie Brier Bush , " "Auld Lang Syne , " etc , has been booked for here the later part of March to give readings fiom his writings. Deputy Vnlted States Marshals Poarsall and Allan have gone to Sioux Falls with John Brown and Fritz Cougar , who have been convicted of counterfeiting in United States court. The Mary Martin referred to In connection with the theft of $20 from the home of F. G. Lane , 200 ! ) Sherman avenue , on February 23 , Is not the Mary Martin who resides at Eleventh and Nicholas streets. Mrs. J. J. Cobry , 214 North Seventeenth street , has been seriously dll for the last two weeks with an attack of the grip. She is much improved , however , and her condi tion is regarded as more favorable. The elevators in the postofflce building are still out of service on account of delay in the arrival of the gratings which protect the shafts. These are now being adjusted and the lifts will be working some time this week. Burglars entered the house of Mrs. Ham ilton , 2102 Leavenworth street , by prying a window open in the kitchen. They went through the lower part of the house , but were frightened away before they had got ten anything The next regular meeting of the Omaha Mo hers' club will be held Tuesday at 2572 Harney street. It will be a "Poulson" aft- einoon , the object being to bec.ome better acquainted with songs and stories of the Barton kindergarten. The Political Economy and Social Science department of the Woman's club will meet Monday at 4 p. in. , at the club parlors. Current , economical and bocial topics will be discussed by Mrs. Draper Smith. Miss Fairbrothcr will lead a paper. A. J. McCucn , 201C Cuining stieet , In formed the police that a man held him up and robbed him of his pocketbook , which contained $3. He found the book later at twenty-first and Izard streets , where it had been dtopped utter the contents were ex tracted. The Chemical National bank of New York has Intervened in the bnnkruptcy case of Newton R. Persinger. to ask that fifty shares of stock In the First National bank of Cen tral City , now owned by Perslnger , be sold to satisfy a claim that it holds against the petitioner. B. B. Nagarkar of Bombay , India , is the guest of Rev. Newton M. Mann. Mr. Na- gaikar was prominent at the Chicago parlia ment , of religions five years ago and is now on his second visit to America. He will preach this evening at Unity church service at 7 30 o'clock. Anna Falrchild of New York has brought foreclosure proceeding * , in United States court to collect a note fur $2,300 given by Delphina Sholes and secured by a mortgage on Omaha suburban property and Julia and Ida Folsom have brought a similar suit against William Leese on a note for $3,000. The Bets of periodical stamps that wore recently received at the postollice are find ing an active market and it looks as though the demand could exceed the supply The stamps are now out of circulation and the PostofUce department is selling an entire set , which i ( 'presents $1E7.92 in t > lumps , for $ o. Louie Tcnnebaum , the 9-yrar-old , who was injured last week at Sixteenth street and Capitol avenue by a Btrc-ot cur , died at his home back of the police station after bcv- oral days' suffering At his funeral his teacher and schoolmates expressed their nympathy by numerous floral tokens , while kindly words of appreciation of the dead boy aided the parents in bearing their grief. Prof. E. Warren Clarke , for many years a resident of the court of the mikado of Japan , will deliver illustrated lectures at All Saints' church Monday and Tuesday evenIngs - Ings , March 13 and 14 The fcubjects for the lectures will be "The Changes in this Far East During the Last Twenty Ycais" and "Hawaii and the Philippines , " The vl vvs thown by Mr. C.nrk ? are his own. The new Painters' union , No. 104 , of Omaha was duly organized and perfected Thursday under the Brotheibood of Painter * and Decorators of America , affiliated with the American Federation of Labor. Thu fol lowing officcrb were elected : President , C. J. Meyer , vice president , A. R. Toozer , recording - . cording secretary , E. L Roberts ; financial i tccretary , M. A. Chambers ; treasurer , J. Mitza. Custodian Woodworth of the government building has been authorized to paint the floors in the offices where rugs are used and next wet > U the painters will Invade the building. The Treasury department has also Blpnilu'd its approbation of the proposition recently transmitted by Superintendent Latenser for the reconstruction of the dluls of the tower clock and this will be dunu as ioon as the material can bo seemed The death was announced last week of the Rev. P. Longmus , 0. S. B. , formerly rector of St. Petur'H church. Council Bluffs. He bad been ailing for some time and on tbe advice ot his physician sought the warmer climate of the south to recuperate his strength. But failing in his expectations of icibtaration to health , he returned to his home at Atchlson , Kan , where he died soon after his arrival He was a member "f tbe lellgioue order of St Benedict find was burlud from tbe Benedictine abbey of that place last week Si Phllomena'E cathedral. Ninth and Ilar- ney. U undergoing a thorough course of ie- lilting and decoration under the supervision of tbe new ractur , Rev. P. A McGovern , who has latelj taken charge of the parish Father McGovorn is determined that the edifice shall bo thoroughly renovated and announces a grand t.acrod concert to take plate in the church on Passion Sunday even ing for the purpoMi of raising the noctibsjiry funds to complete the work St Phtlomeua s cathedra ) IB one of tin pldpti c hurrh edifires in the Kai < and one of the rnnnpal land- murks of Oiuabu. JsOllTIBOMAHA MEWS. J i .a K 1'Ubliinn city central committee met last night to prepare plan * for the spring oampftlrn. It wan dp- rlded to hold the primaries on Mutch IT and the convention on the day following. Four members of the city coun cil and three members of the Hoard of Rdu- cation arc to be nominated at this conven tion. The eouncllmcn will be elected by wards this year , while the members of the Hoard of Education will be chosen In the usual manner. If the republicans can elect three members of the boaid this spring it will plve the party control and leave the democrats In the minority. An effort will be made by the republicans to nominate men who are known to be competent to hold positions nn the board with the expectation that tbe cit izens and those who have children attending the schools will endorse them , lloth repub licans and democrats assert that candidates are very slow this 5ear , much more BO than usual. It Is expected that during the coin ing week those looking for official positions will make their wants known and publish their announcements In the different papers. Three republicans and one democrat nre to retire from the city council , but It Is con fidently expected that nil of the three re publicans whoso terms expire will be reelected - elected without much opposition. As for the democrat , tbe Fourth ward republicans hope to ulect a representative of their party lu his place. City nt > NNl | > . Wntklns & Co. , lumber. Tel. 31. Drink Wollstein & CO.'B " 310" whisky. Drugs. Mclcher , the old reliable diugglst. Steel ranges best qualltj , lowest prices , at Sloan & Co.'s , 25lh and N streets. Presiding Elder Maxfleld ill ! eppck at the First Methodist Episcopal church this morning. See Ed Munshavr & Company for lumber and feed. Twenty-seventh and L streets. Telephone 2S3. John Gallagher has resigned his position on the police force and will go Into busi ness for himself. Lockeis for the policemen nre being built on the south side of Chief Carroll's office at police headquarters. William Barnum is in Jail for stealing two cans of syrup from Fred fitter's gro cery store on Twenty-fou.-th street. Painters are at work decorating the coun cil chamber and the city olliccs. When com pleted the rooms will be greatly improved. O. n. Bruce of the Foutth ward says that he will not be a candidate for re-election as member of the Board of Education. The boiler for the new government build ing has arrived and Is being bricked up. It will be given u second test in a few days. Chairman James Murphy has called a meeting of the democratic city central com mittee for Tuesday evening at Judge Levy's office. The women of the First Methodist Epis copal church will give n hot biscuit and maple syruji social at Mann's bakery next Thursday evening. The entertainment at the Brown Park school Friday evening was u success in every respect and quite a sum was raised for the j-urchase of a piano. William II. Smith , uu old-time sheep breeder and salesman , representing Greer , Mills & Co. of Chicago , s-pent yesterday at thu block yards looking over this ucurkel "The Message on the Wall" is the topic upon which Hev. Wheeler will preach at the First Presbyterian church this morn ing. "Concerning That New Heart" will be the subject of the evening sermon. Rev. Mlllard , pastor of the First Meth odist Episcopal church , has decided to con tinue the publication of the South Omaha MethodlBt , a weekly sheet which circulates among the members , of thu eougiegatiou. Having resumed my part of the business formerly conducted by Shamblen & Scott , I am now located at 31C South Twenty-fifth street. I am now better prepared than here tofore to accommodate ray customeis. T. B. Scott. Holy communion will be celebrated at St. Martin's Episcopal church at 11 o'clock today and evening prayer at 4.SO o'clock" Rev. Irving Johnson will preach ni botu services. The subject of the afternoon bcr- mon is entitled "Christ. " A special service will be held at 3 o'cloik this afternoon at the Maxwell Memorial mission to accommodate any wishing Cbiii-- tian baptism. This service will be addressed by Rev. Wheeler and will be followed bv a meeting of the churcn session. Obstacles" will be an iuteiesting theme at the Young Men's Christian a&Miuuuon at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Several . > f the young men will speak and E Rowland Smith will conduct the meeting. The male quartet of the First MethodlBt Episcopal Sunday school will sing. Happy Is the man or woman who can eat a good , hearty meal without suffering after ward If you cannot do it , take KodJl Dys pepsia Cure It digests what you eat and cures all forms of Dyspepsia cod Indigestion. HIS SCHEME' WORKS WELL C'ainjilx'll HUM n Good ThiiiK , lint It rinnll } l.uiulN Him In J.-.ll. Stanley V. Campbell , who claims Mllford a * his home , was arrested yesterday by Detective * Dunn and Savage on the charge of obtaining money under false pretenses. Campbell's scheme is unique and has the earmarks of originality lhat cause one to wonder at the credulity of mankind when the method adopted by him is explained He sent out circulars asking ; for men whom he could employ In tils bufclneBB , as he claimed to represent the Globe Mercan tile Tailoring company of Chicago. He ex hibited a contract signed by C.V. . Stantoa , president , and J. H. Barker , vice president , which stated that Ue was under contract at $100 per month to represent them He had an cilice ia the Karbach block , occupying room 503. E. J. E. Martin worked for him ns clerk. When ho secured the position , Campbell Informed him that lie would re quite a $1,500 bond , for which ho must ad vance $10. If the application was accepted by the turety company , he would give Mar tin the position. He sent out a lot of circulars offering good positions to persons , and when they applied he insisted upon a $10 dcpuelt for the bond , if he could get it , and , if oiot , he was satisfied vtiih $5. Pend- " Ercry morning I lutro a bad taste in my mouth , toy tongue it coated , uij head adieu Mnd I often fnu ) dizzy 1 IUTO uoappo- tite fur breukiABt , and w hut food 1 eat clis- truB4PB me. 1 IUTO u huuvy foeltn ; ; in ray gtomuch. I ain getting so weak tluit Konib- times 1 tremble , and my nerve * are all un- Btrung. 1 am getting jmlo and thin. I uia us tired In tbo moraine KB at night " What U the troulilo r Impure blood , What is his remedy ? Pl.M bottle. At all druef-UU. Takb one or two of Ajrr'a Pllli cacti nieht You carnet Im cured if troubled with const ) ; tiuii 1'rlcc , 25c. a l > oi Write ut freely all the particular m oiif cat * Ymj vr"l r. > o ve n profit r T J Btt J /TJUi , Lovrctl JAJI MR tlip t'luin of th applitatinn from the surety cnmpan ; R office , of course , the ap plicant was In Miar-cnce. It 1 * estimated that prtlmp * twenty-five havp bn wori J in thte way Bf- Martin. Frank Campbell. 828 North Twenty-third street. South Omaha , and others .have proven themselves equally cred ulous. PLAN FOR AN AUDITORIUM Cniiiimtiy OrKnnlrotl nn it loctlnit Called to C < itii | > lptf > < ! ' < Drill ll . There U to be a new auditorium In town and It the schemes ot 4ho tnen who have organized for that purpose develop fis they expect they will have DO reason to be ashamed ot the coming edifice. A meeting W B held In the Commercial club 011 Satur day for the purpose of forming society with this object in view and under the name of the Auditorium Building society an association was formed and the following olllcera elected : President , C. F Wcllor , vice president , C. 11. Pickens , treasurer , F. H. Davis : secretary , W. iM. Iiodgcrs. The plan Is to capitalized In the sum ot J2CO,000 , In shares at $1 each. The building la to occupy half a square and though the site U not yet definitely fKod the favored locality has for Its boundaries Twelfth and Twentieth and Dodge and Howard streets. The building Is to consist of a huge audi torium , with offices and lodge rooms above , while the ground floor will be made up of stores , etc. A meeting will be held on Monday night at the Commercial club for the purpose of arranging by-laws and general settlement ot details. TRIES TO END HIS OWN LIFE l nill ClKtUiiinii AltcniiitM SuicideIn the City .Jnlt. lint IK J nv fil lij tliv M'uriil.rj. The attempt of a despondent prisoner In the city jail to commit suicide last night was frustrates by the watchfulness of Turn key Rleglcman. Emll L. Chollman Is the man who tried to cud his life. From the time he was con- lined in the cell shortly after 10 o'clock until after midnight Chollman threatened continually to 1:111 himself. Because he he- came quiet suddenly the suspicious of the turnkey wore aroused and the latter walk ing down the corridor to the cell , found Chollman lying on the floor with n handker chief knotted tightly around his neck and fastened to a steel bar of the cell. The man was rapidly choking to death when the turnkey released him. Chollman , In company with a woman giv ing the name of Mary Anderson , was ar- jested near Fifteenth and Dodge btreots on the charge of disorderly conduct. He Is a brother of Gi-orge M. Chollman , who stabbed and killed J. R. Jones , the bartender of a saloon at Thirteenth and Webster streets , last September. For frost bites , bums , indolent sores , eczema , hkln disease , and especially Piles , De Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo stands first and best Look out for dishonest people who try to imitate and counterfeit it. It's their endorsement of n good article. BOSTON CAPITAL INTERESTED elN < > f Aiiotln-r Hi-fi SuKiir Tne- lor.v lldiiK I.ocatfil iii There ib a prospect of ano'ther beet bugar factory beinp located in Nebraska and In opnation In time to handle the acxt crop of beets. Charles G. Steele , jepresentlng a number of Boston capitalists , is in the city , tnd will cpend some time in this vicinity for the purpose of seeing What can beIOLC in this direction. Although Mr. Steele has not canvassed tlic pituation very thoroughly he reports that farmers and others are takirg a great deal of Interest in the project , and that the prospccTs are verv favorable for the location and erection of a factory. u ; Swamp Root , The Great Kidney Restorative and Healer. ITS MARVELOUS SUCCESS IN ALL KIDNEY , BLAD DER AND URIC ACID TROUBLES. To Prove the Wonderful Merits of This Great Discovery , Every Bee Reader May Have a Sample Bottle Sent Abso lutely Free By Mail. What your kidneys need is n gentle , healing tonic influence : that will soothe their irritability and gently regulate them. The only thing that will do this is Dr. Kilmer's Swamp Hoot , the Ideal Kidney Restorative. It used to be considered that only urinary troubles were to be traced to the kidneys , but now modern science proves nearly all constitutional diseases nave their beginning in the disorder of these use ful organs. What more natural ? The kidneys filter and purify the blood. When they don't your whole body must suffer. If you arc sick , doctor your kidneys , be cause as soon as they nio well they will help all the other organs to health. The mild and extraordinary effect of Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root , the great kidney remedy , is soon realized. It stands the highest for its wonderful cures ol the most distressing cases and is sold by druggists in fifty-cent and one-dollar bottles. Make a note of the name , SWAMP-ROOT , Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root. You may have a pample bottle of this fa- mall , postpaid , by which you may test Its virtues for such disor ders OB kidney , bladder and uric acid mous kidney remedy Bent free by diseases , and urinary troubles , obliged to pass water frequently night and day , smart ing or irritation in passing , brick-dust or sediment in the urine , constant headache , backache , lame back , dizziness , sleppless- ness , indigestion , nervoubness. skin trouble anaemia , Bright's disease , neuralgia , rheu matism , bloating. Irritability , worn-out feelIng - Ing , lock of ambition , Iwts of flesh , sallow complexion. If your water , -when allowed to remain undisturbed In n glass or bottle for twcntv- four hours , forms a sediment or settling ot has a cloudy appearance , it Is evidence that joar kidneys and bladder need immediaio attention. S\vamp-Root has been tested In so manv ways , In hospital work , In private practid , among the helplcbs too poor to purchui.e re lief , and has proved so successful In every case , that n special arrangement has been made by "which all readers of The Bee who have not already tried It may havu a smplo bottle sent absolutely free by mail. Also a book telling more about Swamp-Root an ! containing some of the thousands upon thou sands of testimonial letters received from men and women who owe their good health , in fact , their very lives , to the wonderful curalivi' properties of Swamp-Root Be sure and mention The Omaha Sunday Bee when sending your address to Dr. Kilmer & Co. , Blnghomton , X Y THIS Do you know that Office Men. Attention ! . agents for the best = tured in the United States "The Cutler , " "the world famous" "Cutler" ? Superior in construction , supeiior in finish , superior in its attachments and devices. We can furnish you a Cutler Desk , roll top , 50 inches long , two rows of pigon holes , double pedestal , eight large commodious drawers under writing bed. This desk has patent ink well and blotter attachment , and in every way equal to the average § 30.00 desk , while our price for this superior desk is only If ll's a Tint Top Desk , wo have them. Solid oak , 42-Inch top , four large , commodious drawers and anne jest special at A very choice Flat Desk , made of select oak , raised panels , heavy Thib elegant solid ( .elect oiili flat top Desk , base hoard all around desk , one fin > l-claf > s construe lion and finihh , size of largo draw or S inches deep , 25 inches , 30x50 inihes four drawers in each top ' Bookkeepers' Desk and 20 made of select oak. j wide inches pedestal , combination loi'k when jou Jong , right ped the top drawer all four drawers estal has four largo drawers and extra quality and finish we have this desk lock our prUe during this arm rest , with comblna- . . , In three vlzvB Oft. , 7 ft. and S ft. long I C < < o special sale . Vl . tlnn lock , price qM contains three drawers and our ' price for C ft. desk Other Flat Tops nt $12.75 $13.50 $14.00 $15,00 $18.50 $22.00 Revolving Office Chairs , with arms , cane scat , up from This IB what we call the winner in UcsKs rnude of select ouK , full built up , raised , This Solid Select Oak Desk first -luns ( construction panels nicely polished hand curved handles , 'high ' roll , with one row pigeon hole boxes Cholcu polished quartered oak struction and finish combination loik left pedestal has one drawer with cabinet Olllce Revolving Chairs , cane or locks all drawers by locking curtain a whiUi contains live index files , heavj molded good ilrst-class wood teat , up money base board all around this desh from to inches long a this our price 'selling ' . . $26.00 bargain