PART I. PAGES 1 TO 10 , HE UNDAY EE ESTABLISHED ,7 UN 13 U ) , JH71 OMAHA , SUNDAY MOUNTS GIMAHCH 5 , 1800 TWENTY PAGES. SIXGLIU COPY VIVE CENTS. Popular Intarcst In London Divided Between Kipling find the Pope. SEER PREDICTS DEATH OF MAN OF VATICAN ' "Door" Political Italy's Demand for a Event of the Week. FASHION CLUSTERS AT MILITARY RACE MEET Negotiations Between England and Franco Progress Satisfactorily ! DIFFICULTY AT OMAN NICELY SETTLED Presentation Cop ) of IClplliiK'n "Ucliorn , " from Ills rnllii'r. Pcli-ht-n $107.r 0 at a Sale In l.oniloii floi lp of Mctroiiolln. ( Copyilght , lfi'19 , by Associated Prevss ) LONDON. March 4 Popular Interest horp Is now divided between Hudaril Kipling's struggle with death and the sick nnn of the Vatican. The Kipling bulletins arc feil- lowed with deep Interest and the news of his probable recovery Is received with pro found relief , which Is expressed throughout the press Tim Times during the coUrse of un edi torial says- "Tho deep sympathy manifested In Amer ica may bo regarded an a lilting tributes to the vvrlti'r who has lately done more than diplomacy , treaties , arbitration and speechmaking - making to tonvlnco the two nations sprung from the same stock that they are still In " many ways one The lllncFB of the pope gave rise to specu lation as to his successor and revived the Btorlos of intrigues at the Vatican , but the last favorable bulletins have dispelled the Bloomy fortbodlngs It appears that the pope himself was responsible for the attack , as utter the audience in May he insisted on driving to the te > wer dtsplto the severe north wind. Ho suffered a cold nnd on feeling himself in pain he said he iccalled tbo prophecy of Mile Couedon , whoso BplrltuallBtlu prophctles wtre the talk of Purls some time ago , and \vho declared that the archangel Gabriel had announced to her that the pope would die Immediately after President Kauro. "Perhaps , " tald the pope , "God's will spoke tluough her mouth" Political liiit of the Work. The political event of the week was Italy's demand for a "door" In celestial empire The Saturday Hovlew says "It can liariily be doubted that this will piove the Blgnal for .t general and final rush Japan will advance Its long expected claim lethe the province of Tuklon ( on the mainland , opposite Kormosa ) and Hussta will seize .1 liretext for urging further concessions In jurious to British Influences out of the help- leas government nt Pekln. Italy , however , baa not jut got its concession a lease of 6an-4.Mun bay as a coaling station and naval base on the lame conditions is those un der which Goimany holds Klao-Chou bav , Including a demand on the part of Italy for the concession of three Islands oil the coast of the province of Che-KIang , witli the right to construct a railway from Klang toy to Klaus lake " A dljpatch says there are Indications that the dowugei empress is inclined to dls- jiutp the demand. The attitude of Russia regarding the guar antees of the British loan on account ol the northern Chinese rallioads haj caused considerable anxiety among the Investors , who rolv upon Lord Salisbury to carry out lilu promise and Insist that China respect Its promises and Ignore his protest against tbt terms ot the nillroad contract. Up to now Lord Salisbury has taken a firm stand and It Is believed HuEsla will not go beyond a prottst The favlilonnblo Interests of the week cen tered ill the military race meeting at San- dovvn < ) park. An enormous crowd was pres ent there on Prlday , when the much covete'd trophy the grand military cup was com peted for by crack riders , representing the ontlro British army The weather was warm nnd Hue , and many of the women wore bprlaig-llko dresses The club lawn and pnd- doek were crowded and the ncono was like the height of summer Several people drove to Sandouno pirk from London , Including < ho marquis of Londonderry , who rode In an open baiouche , with four horses nnd postll- llorib. Lidy Randolph Churchill and Mrs. Leslie were among tire Americans present. The cup was wtno by Iximbay , ridden by lie owner Captain T. H. Helpland ot the Gren adier guards. Tin * dime oil M' Ntrml Alilioy. Another link in the chain of Ill-fortune \vlilch has followed the famous Newstead abbey was forged this week. It seems thai n cm so rests upon the abbey and that the oldest son has never succeeded to the es tate Byron sold it to Colonel Wlldmnn Ir 1803 , who died childless The trustees sold It to Webb , the famous sportsman , whose oldest son died this week Byron had tht skull which was reported to have belonged to the ghost who liaunted the abbey , nnc hu used it as a punch bowl. Webb burled tire skull , hoping to alloy the ghost Very favorable reports were received thli week regaiding the negotiations on out' standing questions between Great Brltnlr anil Trance It Is said that M Dupuy , tin l-'ronch picm.lei , has decided to ondeivor te flcltlo all questions and In thn qucsllorr u Madagascar ho has made up his mini le propofo Important tariff modifications Ir favor of Great Britain , tluiB removing the cause ot the bitter complaints that thi Trench practically killed British trade iui' mediately after the protectorate ovur tin island of Madagascar was declared by erecting - ing a tariff barrier. Tim question of the Babr-el-Ghazel vnllo ; is al o said to be In a fair way ot settle inont Trnnco has agreed to barter Iti claims foi a fair consideration elsewheri and the Muscat ( tmltnnnto of Oman ) dltll cutty has been tided over by an arrange merit by which Franco gets Its coal ehel : nnd haven its honor , 'but ' does not mal > i any acquisition Urent Brltait got Ita back up against the latter featun of the question because it suspected Tranci wanted a cuallng station In Oman , not lo Itself , but for Russia , who would make i the terminus of a Central Asian ralhoai from Turkestan to the Persian gulf. I'lUHlt-rn' Lockout , A lo kout ( if 10.000 plasterers will begli in London today owing to various differ uncos between employes and employ ere 7ho former object to the employment o vinlndentured boys and Iho latter claim tha the men uro trying to force the foremen t Join the union The production of Mellhic'a farce , "Do coro. " under the title of "The Cuckoo , " a the Avtniuu theater has served again t bring a utoim of abuse on the licenser o , Q , A Hudfurd , "Decora" is describe ) as being "the rrcnchlest of Trench farces" and vvhllo It la bright mid amusing it abounds In Hastiness. Mr. Uadford , while permitting the production , refused Bccrbohm Tree permission to represent "Oedipus TlranmiB Louli Prcar , who achieved such success In "A Oay Parlslenne , " starts for America shortly In order to appear nl it New York music Imll The presentation copy of Hudjard Kip ling's "Kehoes" from. "J L K , " the au thor s father , fetched $107 r > 0 this afternoon when auctioned elf at Solhcrby's A copy of the first edition of "Departmental Ditties" wnq sold for $42 50. IN GRIP OF THE BLIZZARD \iiotlicr Storm Ilrciikn Iionno In Af- Illutril W omliiK unit TlrN l'i > All llnllronil TraltiM. CHEYENNE , Wyo , March 4 , ( Special Telegram ) A blizzard of snow and wind has prevailed for tlio lost twelve hours along the Union Pacific , Wyoming division , from Cheyenne to Hnvvllns , and tonight all trains are tied up nnd no further attempts will bo made to move them until tomorrow. Today's castboiind passenger trains are held nt Laramlo ami Hawltas , and tonight's west bound No. 1 will bo held hero until morn ing. ing.A A southbound Chcypnno nnd Northein tialn , whle'h linu been six days making 100 mllea , Is tied up at Iron Mountain , llfty miles from hero , with forty trainmen and passengers. Their provisions have become exhausted aoid ilie ranches near the line of the road , upon which they have depended for food , aio getting short. Seven of the passengers started on foot from the ttnln yesterday Three ot itheni reached hero to night acid report the trainmen and pas sengers ( cniiilnlng with the train In urgent need of assistance. A relief train , with llfty ahovolers , will go out 1m the morning. DEWEY HOISTS A NEW FLAG HiiMlK" of Ailnilinl It nil Up ami ( Jrci-lcil l ) > diriil ( iuiii lu Manila lla > . MANILA , March 1 Admlial Gcorgo Dewey raised his ling as an admiral on board the Olyrnpla this morning and was saluted by the guns ot the forts , of the foreign war ships , the British cruiser Naiclssus and the German crulsei Kalserlu Augusta and by the American ships In port. At daylight General Wheaton s outposlb discovered a largo body of rebels attempting to eioss the river for the purpose of re inforcing the enemy at Guadaloupe and a gunboat advanced under a heavy Uro and poured shot into the jungle on both sides of the river nnd shelled the enemy's position at Gundaloupe , eftectinlly but temporarily scattering the rebels. The enemy's loss was i heavy. i Private John T. Olz of Battery C , Third | aitlllory , was killed 1 On board the gunboat Pilvatcs William Wheeler of Company L and Louis Barrlen of Company G , California regiment , were wounded. The United Slatc-s cruiser Baltimore ar rived here nt 4 p. ru today from Hong Kong , having on board the tlvll members of the United States Philippine commission. CO. p. m The rebels in the village of San Jose fired on Ihe United States gunboat i Bcnnlngton today and the war ship shelled the place and other suburbs of Malabon this i afternoon. j The United States transports Senator nnd Ohio have arrived hero with reinforcements til troops The United States Philippine commls- hloners who arrived hero today on board j the United States cruiser Baltimore have j not yet landed. j Some of the wives of officers have been allowed to land from the United States | transport Morgan City , but they have been | ordered to retuin on that steampr by r > o'clock this afternoon The United Stales cruiser Charleston has nrrlveel here from Appanl MANILA , March 5 10 13 a m General Otlh , accompanied by his aides , Captain i Murray and Lieutenant Slade , this morning 1 palel a formal visit to the civil members of the United States Philippine commission , who arrived heio yesterday afternoon from Hong Kong on board the ciulser Baltimore A house on the water frcnt has been pre pared for Ilio residence of the commission. Colonel Charles Denby , the only one of the commissioners who has not arrived yet , Is expected on the nuxt bteamet fiom Hong Kong The vessel which arrived here yesterday nnd was reported .is the Ohio turns out to bu the gunboat Marietta The error was caused by Ihe ) dense fog The troops brought by the transport Senator aio still en board that vcsbel. A peimanent cable has been established between Manila and Cavitc WASHINGTON , March 4 Admiral Dewey today cabled Secretary Long as follows MANILA , March 4 Pleiso accept for yourbelf , the president and rongross and my countrymen my heartfelt thankn for the great honor which has been conferred upon me DEWCY. TWENTY-SECOND AT MANILA Truimport Senator Arrl\en nlth Six. Co in pun I en of the Iloj-n from Fort Crook. WASHINGTON , March 4. The War de partment has received the following cable gram announcing the arrival nt Manila hf six companies of reinforcements for the army In the Philippines MANILA , Maich 4 Adjutant Gcneial , Washington The tinnsport Senator Just ar rived , troops In good health One casualty , accidental drowning OTIS The Senator carries Companies A , B , C , D , II and K of the Twenty-second Infantry and sailed from San Francisco Tebruary 1. The balance of this regiment will soon airlvo at Manila on the transport Ohio , which fol lowed the Senator. OTIS REPORTS CASUALTIES Sovernl Woiiiuleil mill fine Mini bent OiitHlile for Infoiniatlon IM MlNNlnif. WASHINGTON , March 1 The War de partment has received the following cable gram fiom Major General Otis MANILA. Maich 4 Adjutant General , Washington Casualties near Caloocan First Montana , Match S , band. Private Alfred Cashmere , thigh , slight Near Sail Pedro Macall , Third artillery , March 1 , Battery G , Sergeant Dennis Shea , hand , severe Just reported as missing Grant Cullaui , Company C. Tenth Pennsylvania , sent out- aMe lines for Information January 27. not ueen tinea OTIS. I it mi run re foiupnii } Sold , ST LOUIS March 4 The Union Casualty and Surety company of St. Louie has been sold for 5350.000 but the Identity of the purchasers Is not made public It Is the general oplrlon that the company wan boUKht by tome euatein concern lu the same line of Insurancebusiness. . WITHOUT THE WIRE Signer Marconi Ezpl lHrmuB of His Telegraphic Invention. HE CONSIDERS THE SCHEME A SUCCESS Has Put His Apparatus to a Teat with Satisfactory Results. IT APPEARS TO ANNIHILATE DISTANCE Chubby Little Italian Who Decline ! to Let Women Hobsoniza Him , CHARMS THEM WITH MUSICAL TALENTS lint lie AVII1 Not Allow GllKhlllB Fe in ill < * to KMH | Him Count Until CiiMlellnno IN NIMI n. Mnilcl 1'rcnuli 1'lit lie r. ( Copyright. 1W , by Press Publishing Co. ) PAHIS , Maich 4--New ( York World Ca- blcRrain Spctlal Telegram ) Slgnor Mar coni , seen respecting the progress of wlro- loss telegraphy , said "I have Just received ofllclal permission from the Trench authortles for an experi ment between Dover and Calais or Tolke- stone and Cape Oilnrz The veitlcal con ductor 1 use Is the main feature of my system I have found the distance to which elgnala can bo sent to be varied according to the square ot the length of thtti con ductor Thus a conductor eighty feet high could bo used for slgmlllng over a dis tance of eighteen miles. I am confident that one 111 feet high would bo sulllclent to enable communication to be established between Tolkestone and Bologne , thirty-two miles When such a vertical wire wafc cm- ployed no hindrance to signalling was caused by hills or other obstacles of by the curva ture of the earth. As to preventing nica- sages sent by ono station being read by stations other than the ono for which they are Intended , something can ba done by the aid of synchronizing devices , two Instru ments not responding to each other unless properly tuned. By means of reflectors two almost straight beams of electric rays could toe directed In the desired direction and I find that at a distance of one and three- fourth miles a receiving Instrument failed to act It more than fifty feet to the righter or the left of the supposed center line of the beirn "This fact might be applied to the guidance anceof ships in thick weather with re doctors I have not sent signals more than two miles The most attention has benn glvtn to the vertical wire system , but I am tf the opinion that It Is possible to go much further than this way. Between Alum bay and Bournemouth and later between Poole and Bournemouth , distances of fourteen and fifteen miles , respectively , signals have been regularly exchanged , and the experience of fourteen months showed there was no kind of weather which in England could stop the working of the appaiatus "Ono of my most IntoreuInE and valuable experiments was the Installation fitted up last autumn between the royal yacht O - borun and Osborno house , during the prlncs of Wales' illness This gave the oppor tunlty of studying the effect of intervening hills , and ns the yacht moved about in vari ous portions of the waters doubts were sot at rest as to the possibility of telegraphing across long stretches ot land. Communica tion between lightships and the shore was a matter of great Importance. The wireless system between South Toroland lighthouse and past Goodwin lightship , a distance ot twelve mllfs , has worked all through the recent storms without Interruption , thus showing itself even more trustworthy than land wires " Will Nn < lie HoliHiul7 ( I. A new Italian priest , the composer Perosl , is the hero of the hour here He is a chubby , cheerful little cleric , still very young , al ways wcara the priest's garb and has caused It to be known he will not Blind being Hobbonlzed , as some gushing female ad- proposed kissing him in their tians- ' ports over hla marvelous composition , "The i Kesurrection " He conducted mi Impromptu performance yesterday under the auspices of rigaro , giving selections from his early ointorlos Everyone reccgnl/ps that a new musical genius has arisen suggesting Palos- trlna In _ the latter's highest flight His "Hesunectlon" oratorio Is so wonderfully dtamatlc- that It carries the listener along In a torrent of most searching emotions Pcrosl alllrms that all his , talent will bo do- j voted to satrud music , refusing offers for iopera { Bonl Castellano appears to be developing a mania for acquiring chateaux unparal leled alnco the time of Pompadour They are now at Pau and Bonl has purchased for 1300,000 Chateau d'Hlver , near there , as a | winter resldente His charity bazar buildIng - Ing will not bo finished until too late for the next bazai , so he has provided at his own entlio expense a hall In the Champa Elysces for the coming bazar Bonl and his wlfo now get on admirably She is devoted to him , vvhllo he Is n model French father , passing most of his time with his children Ho linn political ambitions and Intends to push himself in the Chamber of Deputies , where he is among the most regular at tendants. A Paris photographer has Introduced a novel style of taking photographs which is enjoying n great success , particularly among queens of the doml-monde Ho calls It "Mummy Photography " The subject is swathed In mummy cerements and put into a genuine sarcophagus , which has been Im ported from Cairo , and Is portrayed In an upright position A smiling , living face , looking out from embroidered grave clothes gives nn odd effect No actress of a salon nt Paris Is now complete without a counterfeit presentment of her own mummy The Kitnch treasury was thrown Into con fusion by the suddenness of Taure's death The president was entitled to receive IS- 000 a year , one-half being bis personal sal ary , the other lo bo divided between his household expenses and the cost of tra > el- Ins December 2J nn appropriation of 12- 000 was handed over to Kauro's ao-ount The coining year , Immediately after the election , a further appropriation of 8,000 was made for l.oubet Thus the total loss during the current quarter is brought up to 20,000. an Increase of10 per cent on the legal quota The question therefore has arisen , Ought 1'nure's t'btate to refund the difference or must his successor's incorno be diminished by that sum ? Madam Loubet has been consoled by an Intimation , contiary to her expectation , that the president intends to spend the Easter holidays nt Montellmur. His house there Is roomy enough for hie civil and military staffs Ho will live as always lu a neighborly way He hopes to go three times a week to La Termt > s , hla mother's form. ( ilK'nitlc I inlirelln. The latest plan submitted to the exhibi tion commissioners la for the construction of a colossal umbielln by Madame Percha UUeriie of the walking stick emporium on Hue Turblgo. Hur umbrella Is Intended aa for persons tinahlo to find room rnfes during n shower ot rain. The of the gUantlp gingham would be hollow mntal column with landings and caffs thorton , nlso theaters and music halls on the top over HIP umbrella which would bo garnished with colored lamps. A revolv ing cupoln containing n .restaurant . would be put on thus allowing ponplo while eat ing to get a blrdseiye view of the ) different departments of the exhibition. The commis sioners nro so Interested In the colnssnl umbrella project that they Imvo sent It for examination to the members of the committee mittee- who will have to see If It can bo carried out as. a practical scheme. COUNTESS BECOMES ACTRESS Make * IjiiMicccoxfiil Attempt to In- crrimt' Her Allinoii } , llnlp | > S > iull- cutc a ( Copyright , ISio , by Press Publlshlns Co ) LONDON. March 4. ( Now York World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) Countess Hussell , who twice unsuooossfully attempted to securu a divorce from her husband , Earl Hussell , from whom she hna been separated since six months after their manlagc. has been engaged to play the 'leading girl part In Geoifio Edward's "nunaway Old , " n touring company She makes her debut at Plymouth on Monday. 1 saw 'her In private theatricals some years since yhcn she wns a perfect stick for acting purposes and showed a thin voice in singing , but slio danced fairly well She has had a $2000 in come under a separation order from her husband , who Is an electrical engineer and should not bo confused with Lord Kunsell of Klllovven , loid chief Justlcn ot England , who lecently complained that nn American paper hnd made him sign a decrees of dl- voreo against his own wife. Countess Husscll Is pietty and finds it Impossible to live on her alimony , going on Iho stage as a method ot pressing her husband to make her Independent. He , how ever , merely wishes her biicrcss In her now vocation and Is entirely indifferent to pub lic opinion on the matter. I saw ( teorgo Starr today with reference to floating the Barnuni-Balley syndicate Starr said "The entire amount subscribed for the Bauiuin-Balloy show aggregated about nine times the sum Basked for , the capital subscribed being 400,000 , 1 shares Issued at a premium of 5 shillings a share. Bailey receives 450,000 , find 50000 | Is set aside as working capital. The total num ber of applicants Is 7G.123 , making probably the laiftest shire list oxccpt two that has over been registered In Great 'Britain. "Bailey reseives all rights in the United States , Canada , Mexico and Australia , simply disposing of the European rights to Joseph T McCaddon and myself as dlioo- tors. Bailey piesented the heads of depart ments , numbering thirty difierent persons , with quite a large number of shares. Need less to say Tody Hanttlton 'and W. H. Gard ner were not forgotten. Shares today stand at a premium of 7 shilling C ponce. So no ticeable IB the fact that there are few sell ers that everybody is anxloxia. to purchase. " The new company will iake possession on April 10 , when it begins a provincial tour , commencing at Birmingham. IRELAND STATES POSITION IIIx Letter of Ailhcnloii to I'ope Not Meuiit to btlgimitlxe True < v ( Copyilfiht , 1S11 ? , by Press Publ.ehln ? "Co. } HOME , .March . 4 ( New York World Ca blegram Spailal Telegram. ) Archbishop Ireland , who has roturnPd from Florence , said today "My letter of adhesion to the pope's epis tle on Amer.canlsm Is falsely described as an act ot commission. This would imply guilt , whereas I simply repudiate the con demned doctrines , at which the pope's letter - tor aimed chlelly. I condemn the French perversions falsely termed Americanism. The papal document has rendered an Im mense service to true Americanism , pre venting enemies of the church from further acting the part of the wolf In the sheep's akin I Intend to remain some weeks. " Great gratification was expressed nt the \atican at the notification that Prof. Schell of Wurteinburg has yielded and expressed a willingness to bring his writings Into con formity with the dogmas of the church and not to tpach anything which the church considers erroneous Enemies of the church had hoped that Prof Schell would prove himself a second Dolllnger , but he has only proved an obedient disciple of the church By the way , It Is significant that rather Martin , general of Jesuits , has arrived at Rome. Ho set out on the journey when the pope's Illness seemed dangerous and the possibility of an election was In theair. . COI'TIV FOR IMU'NCJ : : IHhMUCIC. . Inscribed with Demi Sliiti'Hiiiini'M Original l/iltaili. ( Copyright , 1S9D , by Press Publishing Co ) UNTERSBERG , Bavaria , March 4 ( New York Woild Cablegiam Special Telegram ) I just saw Bismarck's sarcophagus , whlcn Is howm out of Untersborg marble * of a clear pink tint. It Is eight feet nine Inches long , four and a half fpot wide , four feet ten Inches deep The base on which It rests lh o ! " black polished syenite. Its style Is known ae Romantic The design is by the Hanovarian sculptor , Thursbach On the front of Iho sarcophagus Is Iho epitaph which the great chancellor com- posi 1 for himself "A true Gorman servant of the Emperor William I" The sarco phagus now lies in the Bavarian valley , whore It was hewn out during < the spring. It will bo removed to Frlcdrlchsiuhe , Mm. Anlor lli > ll < * of tlio Hull. ( Copyright , im by Press Publishing Co ) ST MOH1T55 , S-wltzerland , March 4 ( New York World Cablegram Special Telegram ) Mrs J J. Astor was the licllo of a great ball given at Kulo hotel , where she had among others as rivals Lady Naylor Leyland - land , Lady Victoria Montague and Lady Colc'brooks Mrs Astor woie nn elegant diess with violet sequins Her Husband gave a cup for the winner of a bobsleigh race and , to the great amusement of every body , carried It off himself , making a record for this year of two minutes and thirty-one seconds for the Cresta road. The duke of Manchester came In third ( Mr nnd Mrs. Townsont were also at the ball , the latter looking well In a whlto-trlmme * ! palo blue and black late Thn company at St Morltz this year Is quite as smart , as that at Monte Carlo and enjoys a much better climate and leads a far healthier llfo Sir Naylor Leyland - land Is fitlll delicate and cannot leave here till April. ( row for tlic hliiiinrorU. ( Copyright U93 by Press Publishing1 Co ) GLASGOW , March 4 ( Now York World Cablegram Special Trlegrnm ) Archie Ho- gnrih , who will command Llpton's Sham rock , the American cup challenger , Informed me at Greenock today "I have just completed the selection of my orew H will number thirty , the best i yacht hand * I oould find Tlftoen are Clyde men , ftvo sailed with me last year on the ! Isolde ) , the other * , from cracks of the Jiar- I jorle and Czarina and some who sailed In the old challenger Thistle. The others arc picked men fro > i isex yachtsmen They are a thorough ) miblo and handy lot. All j are personally h wlv'.io me/some ( or years If wo don't bring baak the cup tt won't ba because any want of care I ohowu In choos ing the crew. " IBEYK OF BEAUTIES George Lsderer Brings Over a Lot of English Stage Oharmore , GOTHAM JOHNNIES WILL BE ENRAPTURED Attractive Collection of Specimens of the Female Form Divine , NEW MUSICAL EXTRAVAGANZA IN STORE Ohoioa Attractions for the Concert Halls of Gay Now York. ASTOR'S ' DAUGHTER PRESENTED AT COURT Vlclitrla'n Mlitrcnn of Holirn IVrforinn ( ho Pnnotloii for Her CoNtiiiui-H AVoin h ) the OUIIK Woman. , IS'M , by Press Publishing Co ) LONDON , March 4. ( New York World Cablegram Special Telegram ) ' I jail today on the St. Paul with a company of 100 artists for the New York season which opeiiH In June , " said George Lederer to mo this morning "Tho girls nro real stunneis I picked them on purpose Thev will paialjze the Johnnies when thc > parade down Broadway. You have no conception of the anxious thought 1 have given the selection ot this lot. Pretty' Why , thej'ic everything join fancy ever painted , evciy style of beaut } of the female form dlvluo In nil the most bewitching presentments , They're all English. 1 believe In reclp- proi-lty , complete English companies for America , complete American tonipanles for England. ' 1 bought a twenty-one years' lease of the Prince ot Wales' theater from Henry Lowcn- feld yesterday and como Into possession March 18 , but will open it In May with an entirely American company , nil now fates with a new musical extravaganza by Morton Kerker Phlllis Hankln and Harry Daven port sail on the St Paul tomorrow , return ing shortly. Hankln wants a holiday , and Davenport Is going over In connection with Kanny Davenport's will. "I am bringing ever the most chaimlng ballet you over saw , twenty lovely girls , all 1C and all the same height. I 1m a also engaged some % ery Important specialty per formers for the Casino and New York roof gardens. Ono strong feature is the Miles St. Avordale quintette , who have been so successful at the Empire In a wonderful performance called 'Songs Without Singers ' They will perform in a concert hall between the acts of 'The Man In the Moon.1 Mlts Louie Freear , perhaps the cleverest bur lesque actress on the English stage , Is among my captures I am rushed to death finishing arangements , as the responsibility for this bevy of beauty Is pretty trying , you bet" The platform of Waterloo station bore ample corroboratlon ot Loderer'a praises ol his consignment ot charmers Their depart- nro evidentleaV'es ! many nn aching void \n \ thb In easts of London .lohnnlcf , , juogitiB by the tender scenes enacted and parting vows ot everlasting devotion exchanged. PrcMontc'il at Court. Pauline Astor , daughter of William Waldorf Astoi , was presented nt courl Wednesday by Duchess Buccleuch , Queen Victoria's mlstiess of robes. All other Americans were presented by Mrs. Henry White , wife of the charge d' affairs , the proper sponsor for any American unless she has some highly placed English relative tc perform the duty for her. Pauline Astoi vvoio a simple white satin court dress and train trimmed with lilies. She lacks distinc tion and has not yet developed the chirms of liar mother. The duchess of Buccleuch Is a great court lady , a reigning head , socially powerful , but not wealthy Her brother , Lord Frederick Hamilton , is the editoi ol Astor'B Pall Mall magazine The duchess ol Roxburghe offered to present Miss Astoi but found she had been forestalled by the duchess of Buccleuch , whoso action was taken fts notifying society that the Astoi millions will not bo allowed to go outside the Hamilton family without a ( struggle But although the Hamlltons nro u vasl spieadlng race , with endless ramifications Ir the best aristocracy , they have no duke like the duke of Hoxbtirgho to propose as t suitor for Pauline Astor. After leaving the drawingroom Panllm Astor went still In her tourt costume , to i drawingroom tea at the'Montague house n Bucrleuch's palace In Whitehall and later or received a select few at her father's manslor In Carlton house Terrace She was vvarmlj congratulated on the dignity of grace will which she had acquitted herself. Shu hai pleasing manners. Oilier Women Present. Other American prtsentations were Mrs Cole , Miss Adelaide Muiphy , Miss Mabclli Swift , Mrs Joshua Wilbur and Mrs , Welles One of the prettiest women prebont wai Mrs Arthur Paget In white satin , tlouncec deeply with sable and festoonlngs , dcei brussels lace with black feathers , a blaci tulle veil and sash fastened at the wals with a diamond rose She also wore i HuExlan crown collar and necklace o diamonds. . Lovely ropes of pearls wen looped up In the front ot her bodice , with : gorgeous diamond bow. Earl Strafford's convalescence warrantee the countess of Strafford In fulfilling hei intention of being presented She looket stately In a blatk velvet train with a gowr of black tulle , the lower portion being closclj I pleated , and a magnificent diamond coronol I and a pearl necklace Her daughter will be i presented at the next drawingroom. I Henry .InmrH , the novelist , living In the historic Lamb IIOUHO at Hyp , Sussex , while writing ono morning mnellcd smoke ami found his bedroom had caught fire He summoned the fire brigade and the house was saved , but not before extensive damage had been done The house la over 200 yean old Two kings of the house of Hanovci lived thero. The eail of Strafford has been removed tc his town residence at St Jainr Square Be fore ho left Windsor ho was visited by the queen , who expressed great concern at his illness and charged Countess Strafford tc keep her advised regularly ns to his prog ress toward health 'Mrs Jceeph Wolber was very effectively droascd in ivory batln , embroidered In pearls , diamonds and pufllngs of tatln , she had a satin train and black plumes , -Mhloli , with knots of black velvet , subdued the vshltonern of her gown and train English smart society la mournfully shak ing Its head over the latent scandal .A Guards olllcer who married the daughter ol a marquis of ancient lineage , one of beauti ful twin sisters , found his tilled wlfo hail not returned ono night last wrek He called her maid , who protested ignoranct of tier mistress * whereabout * * , and iiftci being severely questioned by her mallei rtunt to her own roam , where she was fount dead from heart failure Two hours latci the husband ran hla wife to earth in u wosl end hotel , whore she had as a partner . ' i young bachtlor tarl aged 21 , ten year : THE BEE BULLETIN , Weather forecast for Nebraska I"ilr Northcrlv "Winds Pace I sj nipittti ) for Unilvnril Klpllnn. Pruicrrnn < if Iri'loi * Telegraphy. Slnue lleiintlp for \merleii. ( tlllllllVU III MOIlte tilt-Ill. - PinKrcHN of Hoof lilt oitlKiitlon. llo\lo llllll > ll til III * .loll. sciiiilorlnl Mtunlloii IN ( Inlet. ( ionotnl NolirasUaovi. . M ( IniliiK Hour * of < OIIKI-OHI , I t.UMt U ook lu ( linnlin siu > lol > . n HontuiinlrlliK the llulf Itonil , ( I ( imnoll llhillM I.OIMI' Mailer * . limn OMI anil Comment. 7 Tajlor's lliutUliiK Mothoili , Illn 1 iiloii I'aolllo I.millNilP. . S "ri > liiR on Sunn * , " I ) Sportliiu llo lei of ( lie WeoU. lit In ( he \\IH | | | of rnruitiini. \rtli i - \ In Omiilin Ill-ill Kxliito. 1In ( In- Domain of Woman. Ill In UK * Worlil of VintiNoinont. MlIMlOlll He * low Of the Wool. . . llaiiKhloi M of tin * HIM olutloii. I I Uitltorlnl anil ( liniment. I , * > sUotoh of 4 hlof .In tloo Puller. Court ( iiNloniM In r.tiulantl. I 01 II IMtll I NOll III SlllpN. 111 " \ nnlliuohli. . " serial stoi > . 17 ( oiiiltllon of Oiiinliii'N Tratlo. Cniniiioi olal and rinaiiolal NIM N. II ) Holme * of I In- \ nUItooiu. . \\li ( ! ( he W hoclN nail Wheelmen. UO Opening 1'ortithnr Canal. Temperature at Oiiinlia jenteitlml Hour. Don. Hour , UOK. . - . n. in Ill I p. in Uil it n. in is i : p. n : : i 7 n , in 17 : i ii. in ! i- s i IB i p. in : : : ( i ) n. in in n p. in : tt III a , in -O ( I p. in itlt it a. in ' - 7 p. in ; to i- ni a 7 s p. in no 1) ) | i. in Hit younger than herself Thcro was a stonnv scene Lilly Blank refused to retuin with her husband , as ho bored her to death , and no\v the young earl refuses to many IUM , even If Iho husbind takoa n dlvoice , which he baa declared ho111 not do This erring lady belongs to a family which his been a good deil before tht public the last touplo ot veils. Hit brother got Into t > hady llnniu clal transactions , which he Is now expiating In prison Her twin slstor divorced h r husband , u rackety young earl. The prince ot Wales , na usual , endeavorM to patch np the labt scandal , but the stubbornness of the fair one hn bo fai defeated his offorts. Trunk' Death. The countetb of Seftonhoso great Joy at the recovery of her oldest son from \\hat was feared to bo a permanent mental Ill ness arising from n blow by a crlcKct ball , as recoidcd In a recent cable dispatch , has now met \\lth a tragic deith. Thursday last her foot taught In her drtvs , throwing her with such force to the ground that htr i bracelet crushed Into her wrist so deeply | that an effort to oxtiict It caused blood pol- I Boning. She- died Tuesday from a swelling I In her throat after tracheotomy had been fruitlessly performed. . ' The missing Prince Ludwlg Worlhclf I'm * clenberg , whoso disappearance caused such eager speculation , has turned up at Manila , whore he has been set\Ing with the Ameri can troops rinanclal dlfllculties are said to explain his disappearance , but It Is curi ous thbt hlo wire who Insists thai , they aio still on good terms , has the wherewithal to discharge her husband's liabilities if she chose. Her statements to the press ahow her to be either Ignorant of his whereabouts or desiring to mislead the > e searching for him Henry James , who gave away Miss Bales- tier at her marriage with lludyaid Kipling , has been deeply concerned ovei the poet's illness , for whcso genius he has the warmest admiration Walter Winans , who Ihcd near Kipling at Biighton , and whose trotting buggy was ono of the leading features on the front , has taken Sir Henry Derlng's place In Kent , j one of the most plcluicsque old manor houses In England The principal picture of i Goodall , a Rojal academician , sent to the | Royal academy this year Is an Illustration of ono of Kipling's poems Countess Essex had another daughter at 1C Gorge street , Hanover square , Tuesday Both are doing well though , as stated In a previous dispatch , the event was anticipated with some apprehension , at , the countess had a i > e\ero attack of Influenza Great Biltain's revenue will realize i > j- 000,000 this ytar , the highest figure ever at tained yet. Owing to heavy military and naval expenditure Chancellor of exchequer Beach must face n deficit of 7,000,000 The piospect of an Increabo in the Income tax to 0 pence in a pound , the record for a time of peace , and of the tobacco and beer dutlcH , Is operating as a considerable dampci on the jingo spirit which has hitherto sus tained the government In Its warlike pcMlcy The only alternative to these unpopular im posts Is suspension The sinking fund foi paying off the national debt Is a measure of unsound finance which would only post pone the evil day. Sir William Harcourt IB returning from Italy to lead a compre hensive attack on the government's financial administration , as the opposition leaders bo- llevo a reaction against Jingoism is now arising throughout the constituencies PATTI AND HER NEW HUSBAND ISoteil Diva IN Hx < > t > eilliiKly Dcvolrd to Her Huron anil the I'uh. Ill * OhneixcN It , ( Copyright U9" . by 1'resn Publishing Co. ) ROME , Maich 4 ( New York World Ca blegram Special Tolegiara. ) Bacon Koder- strom , being shown at the Qulrlni-l hotel today a printed statement that ho had become - come acquainted with Putti by acting as hot masseur , burst into un indignant denial In lluont Trench , saying "It Is falsehood j met the baionp3s at Pau , not professionally She visited the Swedish gymnasium , wbuni I wns engaged. I never massaged her , bul I suppose these tales must bo created aboul ono BO Illustrious as xho Is " The baron and baroness are the most devoted - voted eouplo Indeed , exubciant , ostentatious , kittenish The happiness of the baronosE makes their fellow guests mulle She evi dently desires everyone to know bho IB n biide The baron Is not so anxious and oc casionally winces under the amused clamce evoked by her playful attentions In public They Intended oiiglnally to return by the Hlvlcra , but Pattl swcnis Bho will never go there again , since she learned that the "modern marrlagei" car at the Nice ) carnival was an obvious skit on her third entry intei the holy state of matrimony I'ori : MIII ; 'io ii\vi : HIS mi ; > , HUH dooil Appetite am ! ( nmllfIOIIN In- illcaltSpe < il > lleooter ? of Health. ROME , Maicb I U 30 a m The popa passed a tranquil night , feels well and will leave his bed for a few houra toJay. Thcro Is nothing freeh to report regarding his nound His temperature , pulse , respiration and other functions arc normal and his appetllo la good. ROME , March 4 The pope left hla be 1 ted ty and sat In an arm thulr from noon until : : o'clock Ho continue * to Improve , having a good appetite , and all danger In n past. AT GAY MONTE CARLO Some of the Ins nntl Outs of the Gaming Tables Rovcalcd. PIERPONT MORGAN RISKS SMALL SUM6 Dec' . to Ecsorvo a Room Whera High Plays Are Made , BELLE OTERO DROPS SEVEN THOUSAND Now She Shuns the Private Booms and Their Sharp Occupants. SEASON IS DAILY GROWING BRISKER HUM nti t'luinorj- | tntR ( Inn anil < lic llotrlN Arc Said < o lie llaInn' it HuluotiB ( Copv right , KOJ. b > 1'rpss Publishing Co. ) .MONTI : CAULO , Mau-h i ( New YorU World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) After n particularly dull beginning the sen- son Is now getting brisker. Mis. Mackay'a ontorlnlnnipnts have been the leading social feature. She gave n grand dinner nt the lleimilage hotel In honor ol the daughter nl Princess Oalatio Colonnii when the guesti Included Mrs. Beach-Omit , the MarquU and Maiqulso d'ChoIseul , Bnron and Baron ess Oppcnhclm , Lord Wilton , duke and duchess ot Terrnnova , Viscount 1'ort Bry- aiul , earl of Wilton and others. The table wet , decorated with parma violets and plah carnations , producing a singularly pretty effect 1'lcrpont Morgan has ni rived at the Oafo Matin hotel and lh seen most ot the nlghtu nt the C'aslno , but never ventures mora than a louts stake The night of his arrival ho was pointed out to the attendants by one of the Casino touts and Immediately re ceived n card to select a gaming loom re served for high plajs Morgan toro up the card , declining the Invitation. The select rooms seem HKcly to Imperil the Cnslno license Severn ! visitors have already been mined and an ugly story IB told ot the attempted suicide ot an Italian duke In the lavatory , but It is luipobslbla to obtain any lufoi mutton from the Casino authorities. Belle Otero , vvhllo hero , played in the ordinary room , losing or winning $100 stakes with equal sangfroid Ono night she wont to a private room where she Itst | 7,000 In about forty minutes and she has not gone there since. General McKlnloy Osborne , consul gen eral at London , has been among recent vis itors , but next week we nro expecting the all-English and Anglo-American smart di vision , who will follow In the track ot the prince of Wales An extraordinary scene was witnessed at the Canine the other day when a man was seated with a hunchback on either side On the cloth was a 5 frano piece with a hole in it and two yards c > cord which hnd served n hangman's turn , besides several other fetlsho * . After flrt stroking the humps of his neighbors ho put 100 francs on No. 33. Ho lost , began ever again , alwa > s betting on the name number of symbolic figures of his companions , but never turned up At last In disgust ho getup up and went awny after giving the do- doformitles 2 louls , the price agreed upon with the supposed mascots They foithwlth began to fight for possession of the money , tearing eath other's hair , kicking and cuff ing till during the struggle their humps fell on the floor. But for the consldorablo loss sustained by the gamester the whole affair seemed like an elaborate hoax Nice Is acquiring a most unsavory repu tation in every sense of the word and hav ing a ruinously had season. The great ho tels are half empty , Unglish and Americans being driven away by the abusive tone of the Nicola press , together with an outbreak cf brain fever People hero aie nmnml that Queen Victoria insists on visiting Nice this year , as the antl-Cnglish animus of all sec tions of the population except the hotel and pension keepers Is perfectly apparent. EXCLUSIVE CLUB DOOR OPENS Hinilloj-lliirtlii Ailinlttoil lo St. . ( union IlovVniei'li'itiiN AVirt I or- inri l > 'I'ri'a ( < ( ! . ( Copy right , ISii by Press Publishing Co ) LONDON , March I ( Now York World Cablegram Special Telegram ) Bradloy- 1 Martin wne today elected u member of the j St James club on the proposal of Colonel I Culhbert Larkln a ho St James U the j leading diplomatic club and ono ot the most exclusive in London Apropos of this the following paragraph appeared In Vanity Talr In July , 1885 "Consideiablo commotion prevails In tha Bachelors' club owing to the recent black balling of American candidates and the consequent retirement of several members of the commltteo. The facts are as follows : A few weeks ago B R. WInthrop , a member of a family much honored in America and himself well known and respected In Lon don and Paris , was proposed by Lord Ilohee- ter as a permanent member of the club , but VVOB rejected. Again quite recently T. D , Martin and H Bauds of New York , momberi both of the Union and the Knickerbocker club , were proposed and rejected , "On the result 'being ' known , three mem bers of the commltteo of the Bachelors' tlub General Sir C Krnror , V. C. , G. B , Horbeit Praed nnd Austin Leo gave In thi'lr resignations and withdrew fiom the meet- Ins Their example ) has since ) been followed by Montague Guest Thorn Is no doubt their action will be appreciated by our American cousins and generally approved by members of the club " ANTI-TOXIN FUR PNEUMONIA ( eriniin I'roOnKor'x Dlnooter } Max IIB ifl > o I'riiclli'iil Value In if- f eel I HUT n Cure , ( Copyright. H93 , by Press PubllHhlng Co ) BERLIN , March 1 ( New York World Cablegram Special Telegram ) I saw today Prof Wabsorman , Dr Koch'H personal pupil , concerning his discovery of pneumonia anti toxin ProfVa serman said "Tho mutter has been ridiculously ex aggerated , causing mo to bo overwhelmed with requests with which It Is Impossible to comply at present My dlKcovery has theoretical interest only. All I have done is to settle the point that the 'selmtzstoff' of pnemmonla \ the same as that of cholera typlum , namely , the marrow of Iwnts Noth ing practical has been reached or attempted , elthi < f on animals or human belnga Te > speak of a pneumonia euro la altogether lire- mature , If not noiiBcnsc. You have no Idea what touching appeals have ) ) > een made by persons In all parts ot Europe with rela tives dangerously 111 with pneumonia , owing to the currency glvun tills unfounded re port"4