n-XfATTA TiATT/V TUtTRTTTTmfinAV. . o -i ono. NOTICI : OP BALK. , UNION I'ACiriO RAILROAD. BINKINU 1'T.ND MOKTtiAUK FORIiCl.OHTJttr. cAlsis : , KOTIOB It hereby given that puriusnt In the decree of foreclosure nnil MID muiie and entered by iho Circuit Court tit thu United Mitu , for the IHitrlct uf Ncbraiky , on this Slid day o ( December , IStiS , In n certain cuusa lu equity pending to snld court entitled : "Union Trim Company of New York , Truitoe , cum- jilnlnant.ic.iliist the Union Pacific Railway Ilie Ali-irMiiH" Trust Company. Trustee , s. 11. II , Clsrk. Oliver W. Mint. I : . Kllery Atnlcr * on , Fiedorlc 11. Coudtrt and John \v. Doane , Recultets , Oliver W. Mink and Tbomaa P. Wilson , Ktr'-co.iiv . Receivers , defendants. " nnil certain iliere > ' r uc'.llnry thereto In causes like , nlae BO eniiib.i in Iho Circuit Courts of Iho IJnltod 8tiim f'ir the following districts , en tered on lin. nil. r , Vh. 18111. m the IHitrlct of Utah : on Ibe.-nii ! 17lh , ISPS. In tbu District of Wyoming , und on December lOtb , Ib'jb. lu the District of Colorado. I. SMF.IIMAN E. DAY , ns pecla ] Muster , will sell nt public auction to the blghril bid der or bidders at the front door of ihe court house of the County of Douglas In the City of Omaha , State of Nehraikn , nn Monday , the (1th ( day of March , IMill. at 10 o'clock In I he- forenoon , all the lands , land crania and land rights situated In Ihe Stale of Nebraska , nnd embraced In Parcel 2 as In said dt-ereei do. fined , nnil nil other proper ! ) of every kind and description mentlonnl In th snld dcerc and Included In Parcel one ns iherelti defined and embraced In Ihe Sinking Fund Mnrlciise of'lie- ' comber ISth , IK7.1 , of The Union PacificHnll * rend Company to Union Trust Company of New York , Truitee. Sold property Is described ai ° All" and singular Ihe Innds situated In the Blate of Nebrnska not heretofore sold and con veyed to purchnfer * thereof by The Union Pa cific Rnllrond Company nr It- ) successor 1ho , Union Fnolfip Rnllwsy Compnny nnd not re- len ed by the Union Trim Compnny of New York , ai trniitco of the Sinking 1-utiil .Mort gage of The Union Pacific Railroad Company , dated December 18th , 1873. from the lien thereof , which have been granted to The Union Pacific Rnllrond Compnny or to Iho Union Pacific Rnllway Company. Hit succcsior , liy an Act of Congress entitled : "An Act to aid In the construction of n railroad nnd tele- frnph line from the Mls.so.irl River to thn 'aoltlc Ocean nnd to aiciire to the ( internment thf use of the same for pnujnl , mllltnrt nnd other purposes. " approved July 1st. 1RW. ami the amendatory Act of Congress of July 2nd. 1814 and by Iho Act of Congress npprotod July 3rd , ifiOO. entitled : "An Act lo amend the afnresnld nets nf July 1st. 1S < 12 nnd July 2nd , 1SH4" and by nny nnd nil other Acts of Congress making irrnnts of land to or for the benefit of The Union Piielllr Railroad Com pany or Us sitecesi-or the K.ild The Union Pa cific Itnllwny Company , nnd nny and all land- minted III the Stnte of NVbrnskn In which the said The Union Pacific Railway Company an the successor of The Union Paolllo flail- rend Compnny la or inny be entitled under any nets of Congros.s , nnil nil rights , titles , estates nnd Interests therein In possession or ex pectancy now existing or hereafter to accrue to said The Union Pacific Rallrond Company and Its successor The Union Pacllle Hallway Company In and to the said Innda situated In the State of Nebrnska nnd granted by CongiesB ns nforesnld nnd each nnd every pnrt thereof in well ns Iho right hereafter to re ceive from the United Stntes any of the wild lands granted n * nforesnld whether In plnco or Indemnity limits or by wny of Indemnity , together with nit the right , title. Interest , eetate and ohlm nf Ihg said The Union Pncl- flc Railroad Company nr of the suit ! The. Union Pacific Itnllwny Compnny In and to the aid lands or nny part thereof nnd all of the rlKlitB of the said companies or either of them to receive from the United States patents therefor , also the corporate- rights nnd frnn. chlsea of said The Union Pnelllc Itnlinwd Com pnny or HB successor The Union Pnelile Hallway - way Company , so far ns the K.ild rights and franchises pertain to the s.ibl lands nnd bind- grant" situated in tin. Stnte of Nebraska ; excepting , however , all pnrifl nnd parcels uf fnld Innils situated In the Stnte of Nebraska which have been Included III the railroad nnd telegraph line of The I'nlon Pneine Railroad Company or Us successor The Union Pncinc Rnllway Compnny or used for the construction or operation thereof or for the truck , yards , doiKH grounds , buildings or erection * there on ; nlso all the Innd contracts notes nnd jillis receivable In the possession of the re ceivers appointed by the Circuit Court of tbs United Kin ten. for the District of Nebiaskn In a certain cause In snld court rending where in Oliver Ames. Second , nnd others nre iom- iiliilnnntR nnd The Union Pacific Hallway Com pany nnd other * nro defendants , hereinafter termed the "Ames cnnse. " now ouslandlng or existing for or with reference lo the dis posal by the said The Union Pacific Railroad Company or Its successor The Union Pacific Railway Company or by the trustees of said Sinking Fund Mortgage , of any lands , whether nltualed within or without the State of Ne braska , grnnteil by the Acts of Congreni afore said lo The Union Pacific Railroad Comnnny or Its successor The Union Pacific Hallway Compnnr , also nil the right" of The Union Pacllle Hallway Company nnd the trustee of Raid Sinking Fund Mortgage 'n nud to tbo moneys In Ihe band of mid ecelvers or to which they are or inny be entitled which hnvo rieen or may be derived by mild receivers from or on nccount of the administration of all of thu lands nnd land grants covered by snld Sinking Fund Mortgage wherever situated , subject to the charges of the said receivers In respect thereto. In nccordnncc with the terms of snld decree the property to be hold lit said snlo shall , for the purpose * of said snlo , be divided Into two eparnte parcels , which snld pnrcels nre do- Rcrlbed and dcHned In snld decree ns follows : Parrel 1. AH the land contracts , notes , und. bills receivable held by the trustee of Raid Sinking-Fund Mortgage or by the receivers of the property covered by sub ! mortgage an. pointed In Bold Ames cause hereinbefore men tioned , nnd all the rights nf The Union Pacific 1 Rnllwny Company nnd tb trustee of said mortgage In nnd to the moneys In the bands of snld leeelvern or to which they are or may be entitled which have been or mny be derived by said recolvcm from or on account of the ndmlnlstrntlon of the Innds nnd Innd grants entered by snlil Sinking-Fund Mortgage. The following la an npprnxlmatn statement filed by the reeelveta with the Clerk nf thn United States Circuit Court , fnr the District of Nebraska , nt Omaha , Nebraska , of the amount of moneys and the amount of land conducts , notes nnd bills receivable In the hand * cf snld receivers resulting from the pilmlnlstrntlon of the property cover-1 by snli ( Sinking-Fund Mortgage , together with nn np. proximate estimate of the value of snld land contraetB , notes nnd bills receivable : The amount of moneys In their hnnds $70,818.03 The amount of land contracts , . . . . . . . The value of snld Innd cnntrncts , notes , nnd bills recelvnble , so ' ' " § ' " " " Smt'ed8 .i .T . . . "l1 ! 1.1 : 2.318.0CIUO In said statement the receivers Bay that Jri the preparation thereof they have retorted to their accounts ns the same have been stated to October 'list , 1MIS. nnd that they hnve ap proximated the value of the land contracts , notes nnd bills receivable ut the sum duo thereon since. In their judgment , Iho amounts which may not ho realised thereon by rea son of the Inability of many of the contract ing pnrtjeH to meet their obligations thereun der will be offset by the \alne of the rights reserved therein to or In fnvor of The Union I'neine Iliillwny Company or Itn receivers. Parcel i ! . All und singular the lundn. land rights. Innd-grnntH. nnd other property situ ated In the State of Nehraskn , und upon which snld Slnklng-I''nnd ' Mortgage Is by said decree found lo ! ' a lien. The tollowlni ; Is n list of said lands and Innd-granU situated In the Stnte of Ncbruiika , with the ( Joternuient descriptions thereof : VXPAMS COUNTY. NKIIKASKA. Patents have been Issued for the following "cimtrnclB for the sale of the following Inr.di re outstanding , und the laud * nio sold subject to raid eontrncla : , . Township No. Kltrht. North , of llnnge No. Nine West , of the Sixth Principal Slerldlun. South hnlf of Southwest quarter of section North half of Northenst quarter of sectloc mTowmdil'i { No. Klght. North , of Hango No. Twelie , West , of the Hl < th Principal Meridian , IxitH one und two on Island , of section num. ' ' 'patents hnvo been Issued for the followlnj The'following lands have not been contracted ° ToKwnVhlii No. Seven. North of Ilnng-e No. Twelve. West of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Mouth half of Southeast Quarter of Section number 7. West half of Northeast Quarter of section N ° ' ' ' 'llANNr.Il COUNTY. NKIHIASKA. Patents hate nut been liautd for the following InniN : The following land * have not been contracted PTuwnsi'ln No. r.Ighteeu. North , of lUnge No Fifty-eight. West , of the Sixth Principal M rl' North West Qunrter of North West IJuarlct of section number 27. North half of South half of section cuinbet 20. Patents have been Issued for Ibo following lands ; The following land * have not been contracted Township No. Seventeen , North of Ilnligo No. Flfly-three , West of the. Sixth Principal Me ridian. All of section mitrli'-r 1. All of Heelldii ouml" r . ' ! . All of section r.mnh'l' 7. All of xeolloli n > n > > i 1' ' . All of section In < > ! r II. All of fcectlou i' n''i i ' t. All of section rnm'ei ' IY All of section Muni ei ' 7. All of section ininibt r IP All of kectlon immhi'i " \ All of section number : i. All of section number ' . ' . " . . All of section mmitxr 17. All of section number III. All of section number III. All of section number 'M , All of section iiuintT 35. Township NO. Klgbteen , North of llnngn No , Fifty-three , West of the Sixth Principal Mo- rlillan. Suulh half of xecllon number 10 , , South half of section number VI , South bulf of seetlon number -'I. South half of section numlcrJ. . All of section number . All of H'ctlon number I'll. All of section number ,11. All of ncctlon number 'M , All of section number ! ! & . Tuwuihlp No , Seteuteen. North of Ilnngn No. rifly-four. West ut the Sixth Principal Klerldlun South bait nuJ Norlb-cait Qi.irlor of s ctloa DumlH'r 1. All of section oiiral > er 3. North hnlf of section iimntxr o. All of kecllou nunilHT 7. l'st bnlf of section uumbcr 9 , All of section nuiuUT 11. All of section number in. AH of section nuiahcr 15 , All uf verllon number 17 , ' All of srctlon number'III , All of srctlon number 21. All of rectlon number . All i't srrtlon uilnitxr ' 'A. 1 All of urtliin nuiubrrI. . All of ttcllon n unit FT .0. South half and Northeast Quarter of scot Ion Dumber 31. All of section number .13. All of -ctlnn nurolwr MO , Towuihlpo. . KlKhteeii , North of Itanrn No. Fifty-four , Win I pf the SlxtQ Prluclpal UcrlilUu , ' South half ot South half of lection nnmliet 'south half cf Houlh halt ot section number Jtavth half of South lulf of lection number All of section numlivr in. AH of notion number 31. All uf lection number 23. Mouth halt nnd Northeast Quarter of aectton number 28. North half ami Soulheast Quarter of section number 27. All of section number in. All of Faction number 31. Nortli bnlf and southwest Quarter of lection number 33. Northwest Quarter nnd Southenst Quarter ot lecllun numUr 35. IBwnslilK Nu , Seventeen , North of Range No. Fifty-live , West uf Ihe Sixth Principal Meridian. Last half of section number 1. All ut section number i ) . All of section number fi. All uf sectlou number 7. All of section number 11. All of section nuintnr 13 , All uf section numtier 15. North half of section number 17. AH of section nuuiber 21. AH of section number I. Weit half of section number 5. All uf section number 2r. All of secllou number i'l ) . All of section number 31. All of .sectlou nnuitivr . 'lit. All < if section nuuibr . ' 15. Township No. Klghlccn. North of Range No. Fifty-ate , West of the Sixth Principal Merl. dlnn South half bf South half of section number 13 , South halt of South half of aectlon number li South half of South half of section number ' .South half nnd Nurthwcit Quarter ot section number ID. All uf beet Ion number 21. All of section number 23. All of section number Ut. All uf suction iiumbir Uf. All uf section number Sl . All of section nuuiber ,11. All uf section number .1:1. : 'lutMishlu Nu. Hovcntecn , Nortli of Rnngo No. Fifty-six , West ut tbo Slxtli Principal Meridian. Mouth half of section number 3 , North half of section number 5. Ninth half nnd Suiitb-L'uiit Quarter of section number u. All uf section number 11. All uf aeutluu number 13. All of iccllun number IT. All uf Soctluti number II ) , All of section nuuiber 21. All of aretluii number 2J. All uf section number Ho. Ail uf seclluii number 27. Nurth half nud Southwest Quarter of section number 2'.i. All uf section number 3- > . Township No. Klgbteeii , North of Range No. Fifty-six , West UL thu Sixth Principal Merl. t-Kmth half ot South half of section number South halt of South halt of section number South half , Northeast Quarter , South half of Northwest Quulter of section nuuiber 1U. All of section number 21 , AH of section number -.1. All of section number 23 , All of section number -f. All of tecllon number 21) ) . Norlh lulf uf section number 31. South bnlf and Northwest Quarter of sec tion number 33 , All ut beutlou number 35. lownslilp Nu. Seventeen , North of Range No. Mfty-scveii , West of Iho Sixth Principal Meridian. West balf of section number 1. Soutb half and Northwest Quarter ot aectlon number 3. All of suction number 5. \\est balf and Southeast Quarter ot section Nurth hulf und Southeast Quarter of aectlon number y. All uf section number 11. All uf section number 13. All of section number Id. All uf M'ctluli number 17. Jir.sl half ot section number 10. All of ecctlon number 21. All uf s.'Ctlon number - > ' . South half and Northeast Quarter of section number I'D. All uf section number 27. All uf section number 21) . Mouth hnlf and Nurtheast Quarter of section number 31. All of section number 33. Township No. Klgnteeu , North of Range No. Fltty-seveu , West ul tbu Slxtb Principal Mc- rldliiu. Suuth half of section number 10. Soulu lulf ut North half , and South half ot aectlon number 21. Soutb half of North balf , and South half ot acctlou number 'M. All of section number 25. All uf .ucilou uuuibnr - ( . All of section number 2U. South hnlf uud Northeast Quarter of section nuuiber 31. All uf section number < U. All uf seetlon number 30. Township No. Seventeen , North of Rangn No. Fifty-eight , West of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. All of sectlou number 1. Soutb half ot sectlou number 3. Lulu One , Two , Three au Four , and Cast half uf Kant hslf ut section number 7. All of sectlou number I ) . Nortb ball ! und Southeast Quarter of sectloa number 11. All of section number 13. All of section number 16. Northwest Quarter , and Southeast Quarter ot section nuuiber II. Lots Ttiieu uud four , and Kaat lulf.of . Southeast Quarter of section number 10. All ot seclluii number 21. All ul liectlou number 23. All ol section number 20. All uf neetlon number -I. South bulf aud Northeast Quarter ot section number 'At. Lots Ouu , Two , Three aud Vour. aud bast halt of Hunt halt of section number 31 , All uf aectiou number 33. All of sectlou number 36. Tuwnshlp No. Klsthteru. North of Range No. Fiftyeightcat of the Sixth Principal MB- rldlun , All of section number 25. Knit half , Kast half of Northwest Quarter. Southwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter , and Southwest Quarter of section number 27. South halt of South Half of section number 20Lots Lots One , Two. Three and Four , and East naif of I'.ust bitlf ot suction number 31. All uf section number 33. All uf section nuuiber 35. BUFFALO COUNTY , NEBRASKA. Patents have been leaucd for the following Contracts for the sale uf the following landi outstanding , una the luuds are cold sub ject to said coiitiucts : Township Nu. liltm'n. North , of Range No. Thirteen , tt'cst. of thu Sixth Principal Meridian. SoulhwcKt Quuilcr ut Northeast. Quarter uf accliou number 20. Tuwiiihip No. Ten , Nortb , of Range No. Fourteen , Wist , of the Sixth Principal Merl- illiiu. Northwest quarter of section number 5. .Souin half uf Southwest quarter of section number U. To wins hi 11 No. Twelve , Nottb , of Range No. Fourteen , Wml , of tbu Sixth Principal Meri dian. South half of Northeast quarter , Weat hnlf and Southeast quarter , ol section number 17. Township No. Tell , North , uf Ruuge No. Fif teen , Wtnl , uf the Sixth Pr.ucipal Meililiau. Norlh half uf Northwest quarter uf section number 11. Township No. Kleveu , Nortb , of Iluugo No. Fifteen , \\e.t , ut the Sixth Principal Meridian. North Imlf uf section iiuuibrr 6. Township No. Twelve , North , of Range No. Fifteen , > \cst , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Southi'aHt quarter of sectlou number 13. Southeast quurter of section number II ) . Soulbeu.i quarter ut sectlou number -U. All of fecctluil number 33. Township No. Nine , Nurth. of Range No. Sixteen. ttest , of the Sixth Pilnclpal Meridian. IAIU numbers sixteen and twenty-one uf bee- tlou number 7. Tutinslup No. Eleven , North , of Rsngo No. Slxtieutesl. . of thu Sixth Principal Meridian. liust balf uf section number it. Lots thiee , four , tlvo , on , seven , eight , seven teen , eighteen , nltiuicrii , uud twenty ut sec tion number 3i. Tuwnnhlp No. Twelve , North , of Rsngo No. Sixteen , West , of the Sixth Pilnclpal Meri dian , Norlhcait quarter of section number 13 , South hulf of Northwest iiimrter uud South- neat quarter of section number 21 , Tuwliilup N'o. Nine , North , uf Range N'o. So- reiitetn. West , ot the Sixth Pr.nc.jiul Meri dian. riuiilh bulf of section number 15. ToM'Ubhlii Nu. Ten , North , of Ilange No. So- vcutieu , tVcit , uf the Sixth Principal Meri dian. dian.Kust half of Northwest quarter of aectlou numbur ft , Southeast quarter of Northeast quarter of section number 33. Tonnshlp No. Klevcn , North , of lUoju No , SetcnluvU , West , uf the Sixth principal Meri dian , Wevt half of Southeast quarter of section uiuubt'r ID. West bulf of Northwest quarter of section number 111. West half of Northwest quarter of section number 2.1 , Northwest quarter and Kuat hulf of Southwest quurter uf section nuuiber 27. Southwest quurter uf tuctlon number 35. Township No. Twelve , North , of llango No. Seventeen. Wt-st , of thu S.xth Principal Meri dian. Southwest quarter , Northeurt quarter of southeast quarter , und West half uf Southeast quintet , ul eelion number 21 , South half tf Southwest quarter of section number 23. Soulheatt quarter of section number 2o. Township No. Nine. North , of Hunge No. Elghtreii , West , uf the Slxlli Principal Merl- Northeast quarter and North half of Northwest - west quarter of kecllou number 1. Sviulli half uf Nurthwe.t quarter. Southwest quatter , and .Northwest iiiurtcr | uf houtbenl quarter , uf section numlicr 13. lowuiilp No. Ten , North , of llauge No. Klghtueu , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl- North half of Northwest quarter of section number 3. All of section number 23 , North half uf Southeast quarter and South- ea t quurter of Southeast quurter uf section number 'M. Township No. Kir-ten , North , of Uanga No. Ulehlecu , We t , of the Sixth Principal Mcrl- U'lill Northwest quarter aud South half ut lection number 1. All of feet Ion number 21. Went half of section number 27. Township No. Twelve , North , of Ilange No , F.Uhleeu , West , uf the Sixth Principal Meri dian. Southeast quarter of section number 13 , Southwest uuartiT of K'rtlcn number IS , All uf ted Ion nuuiber 21) , Wc l half uf section number ,15. Patents Lava been lisued for the following IsmU : Thn following lands have not been contracted for siile : Tuwiuhtp No. Nine , North of Ilanzo No. Thir teen , West uf tin- Sixth Principal Meridian. Thut pait lying north ut U. P. 11. li. right of way In Northwest Quarter of Southwell Quar ter of section number 1. p No , Nluv , North of Itaogo No. fi'lxteeo ? ; ) , wcti of the Sixth Principal Mcri I/olsSeven. Eight , Nine , nd Ttn of Sec tion number 81. . . . Township No. Nine , North of Ilange. No. S - Tenteen. West of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Northwest quarter of section number 17. 1IOONH COUNTY , NF.IiriASKA. Patents have been Itiued for the following Cotiiracts for the ! of the follnwlnit land * re oulitandlDg and the lands are sold sub ject to said contracts. Township No. Klghteen , North , of Ilange Nn. Five. West , of the .Sixth Principal Merldlin. South half of Northeast quarter of section number n , IIITLKR COUNTY , NF.DRASKA. Patents have been Issued for thu following Contracts for ( he sale of the following Undi are outstanding and the lands are sold subject to said rontrarts , lownshlp No. Sixteen , North , of I ! an Re No. One , Knst , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. ftmthneat quarter uf Northeast quarter of section number 21. Pntents have been Isiucd for the following The' following lands have not been contracted Township No. Seventeen , north of Ilange No. Three , east nf thn Sixth Principal Meridian. Uit Six of Section number 25. Lot Klght of section numlr 27. ciiivVKNNi ; COUNTY , NKIHIASKA. Patents have been blued for the following Contracts for the sale of the following lands are outstanding and the lauds are sold subject to said contracts , Town of Sidney. Ix > tn numbers two , four , and seven , of Block number 6. l.ols numbers one , two , three , and four , ot Blotk number 8. Lot number three of Block number 0. I/it number nlno uf lilock number 11 , Lots numbers seven and nlno of lilock num- Township No. Fourteen , North , of Hange No. Fort-six , West , uf the Sixth Principal Merl- r.QSt bait of sectlou number 7. Township No. Kllttcn , North , of Hnngo No. Forty-six , West , ot the Slxtb Principal Meri dian. Southeast quarter of section number 17 , Northwest quurter of lection number 10. Township No. Seventeen , North , of Range No. Forty-six , West , of the Slxtli Principal Meri dian. dian.All of section number 20. All of secllou number 31. Township No. Twelve , North , of Range No. Forty-snveu , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian , Northeast quarter and South bait of section number 1. All uf section number 3. Southwest quurter of section number 7 , Knst hulf 'of section number 0. All of section number 11. Ail of section number 17 , Lota one , two , three aud four of section num ber 10. Lots one , two , three and four of section num ber 21. Township No. Thirteen , North , of Range No. Forty-seven , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. All of section number 1. Ail of sectloa number 3. All of section number 11. All nf sectloa number 13. North half of suction number 17. TownsLIp No. Fourteen , North , of Range No. Forty-ieveu , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. All of section number 1. All ot suction nuuiber 7. South bait of section number 0. All of section number IB. All of feetlou number 17. Southweit quarter ot section number 23. All of section number 31. Southwest quarter of section number 33 , Township No. Fifteen , North , of Range No. Forty-sot en. West , ot the Slxtb Principal Meri dian. All of section number 7. Northeast quarter of section number 11. Northeast quurter of section number 13. Northwest quarter ot section number ID , All of section number 21. All of section number 27. All of sectlou number 33. All of suction number 85. Township No. Sixteen , North , of Range No. Forty-seven , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. Kast halt of section number 7. Southxast quarter of soctlon number 10. Nortbenst quarter of section number 23. Township No. Seventeen , North , nf Range No. Forty-seven , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian , South half of Southwest quarter of section number IB. All of section number 33 , Ail of section number 35. Township No. Twelve. North , of Range No. Forty-eight , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl- North halt and Southeast quarter of section onraber 1. All of section number D. Southeast quarter of section number 7. North half of section number 0. All of section number 11. Soutb half of section number 13. All of section number 17. Lots one , two , three and four of section num ber 23 Township No. Thirteen , North , of Range No. Forty-eight , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. All of section number 1. All nf section number 3. All of section number 7. Kutt half of section number IB. All of section numhsr 17. West half of section number 10. All of section number 2il. Northwest quarter of section number 31. Township No. Fourteen , North , of Range No. Forty-eight , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. dian.All All of section number I. West half of section number 11. All of section number 35. Township No. Fifteen , North , of Range No. Forty-eight , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian , Nortbwent quarter of section number 1. All of section number 3. Southwest quarter of seetlon number 11. All of section number 17. All of section number 25. Nortbenst oiinrlrr of section number 35. TownshlD No. Sixteen. North , of Range No. Forty-eight. West , of the Sixth Principal Merl- Olan. Southeast quarter of unction number 5. All of seetlon number 1.1. Northwest quarter and Southeast quarter of seetlen number 17. Northeast nusrter of section number 21. Townrhlp No. Ri-venteen , North , of Rsngit No. Forty-eight , West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. South half of South half of aectlon num ber IB. South half of South half of section num ber 17. All of section number 23. Northwest quarter of section number 25. All of section number 27. North half of section number 20. All of section number 31. All of section number 35. Townnhlp No. Thirteen , North , of Range No. Forty-nine , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. dian.All All of section number 3. West hnlf of seetlon number 5. Northwest quarter of section number 15. North half of section number 17. ftntithcast quarter of section number 19. Northwest quarter of section number 21 , All of section number SO , Northwest quarter of section number 31. All of aectlon number 35 Township No. Fourteen , North , of Range No. Forty-nine. West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. dian.North North half of section number 1. North balf nnd Southeast quarter of section number 10. North half of Northwest quarter of section number 31. East half of section number 33. Southeast nuarler of section nnmher 35. Township No. Fifteen. North , of Range No. Forty-nine. West , of the Sixth Principal Merl- dlfn East half of section number 3. Northwest quarter and Southeast quarter of section number 7. , Northeast quarter of section number 0 , All of section number 13. Southeast quarter of section number 17. West hnlf of seetlon number 10. Knst half of section number 23. All of seetlon number 25 , Northwest quarter of section number 3.1. Township No. Sixteen. North , of Range No. Forty-nine. West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. dian.All of section number 3. Northwest quarter of section number R , Northeast -quarter of section number 15 , Koulhenst quarter of aectlnn number 23. Township No. Seventeen. North , of Range No. Forty-nine , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. All nf suction number 10. Southwest quarter of section number 31 , Township No. Twelve. North , of Range No. Fifty , West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. North half of section number 5 , Southeast quarter of section number 0. South balf of section number ID. Township No. Fourteen , North , of Ranee No , Fifty. West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian , Southwest quarter of srctlon number 6. All of seetlon number 7. All of section numbes 11 , North half and Southeast quarter of section number 17. . , . , Northwest quarter of seetlon number 21 , . 11 of section number 31. Northwest quarter of section number 35 , Township No. Fifteen. North , of Range No. I'lfiy Writ , cf the Sixth Principal Meridian , West half of section number 17. All of section number 31. Tnwn'hlp No. Sixteen. North , of Raptrn No. Fifty. West of Ifce Hl th Principal Meridian. North half and Southwest quarter of section number 1. Rnutheaat quarter of section number 3. N'nrlhwtst quarter and Southeast quarter of lection number 7. North half of section immber 13. All of seetlon number 21. All of section number " 1. All of section number ! > 7. All of section number 20. Northwest quarter and Southeast quarter of lection number .15. Township No. Twelve. North , of Range No. Fifty-one , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl- dlap All nf section number 1. Northwest quarter of section number 3 , All nf section number 5. We t half of section immhcr 11. All of section number 17. Lois one two , three and feur of section num ber m Tfltrnttilp No , Thirteen , North , of Range No , Fifty-one , West , of tbo Sixth Principal Meri dian Southeast quarter of section number * i. All of neetfon number 19. All nf melton number 21. Tntvusblii No. Fourteen. North , of Range No. Fifty-one , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl- Northwest quarter and Boutu half of tectlon number 1. All of section number 3 , North half nf section number C , All of section number 15 , All of kectlon number 17. All of notion number 2-1 Towpahlu No Fifteen. North , of Ransn No , Flfl-ouu.We t , of the Slith Principal Merl- illsu. All of section number 1. All of section number 3. ATI of section number R , North half ind Southeast quarter of oecttot number 7 , , . All ot section number 0. North halt and Southeast quarter of lectioi Dumber 15. All of section number 10. West half of tectlon number 21. Northwest quarter and South half ef section number 20 , All of section number 31 , All of section number 83. Township No , Sixteen , North , of Rsnzc Nn Fifty-one , West , of the Sixth Principal Mcrl ! dlan , Southeast quarter of section number f . All ot section number 7. Northwest quarter nnd Southern quarter ot section nuuilxT u , Southwest quarter of section number 15. North half nnd Southwest quarter of section number 71. All of met Inn 11 nnVf S3. Township No. Setcntecn , North , of Range No Flny-one , West , of the Sixth Principal Alcri : Northeast quarter of section number 25. West half of section number 20. All of section number 31. Tpwmhlp No. Twelve , North , of Rnnge No. Fifty-two , West , of Iho Sixth Principal Merl' illsn. Southeast quarter of section number 3 Notth halt and Southeast quarter of section number D. All of aectlon number 7. Kast half of aectlon number 11. Ix > u one , two , three and four of section num ber 23. Township No. Thirteen , North , of Range No. Flfly-lwo , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl. dlan. dlan.North North half and Southeast quarter of section number 3. All nf section number fi. All of section number 0. Northeast quarter of section number 11. Northeast quarter of section number 13. North hnlf and Southwest quarter of section number 15. All nf section number 10. Raat balf of section number 21. Southwest quarter of section number 2.1. North hnlf and Southeait quarter uf section number 20. TOHMlilp No. Fourteen North , of Rnngc No. Fifty-two , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian , That pnrt lying north of U. P. R , R , | n ectlon number 1. All of section number 17. AM of section number 10. Kast hnlf of section number 21 , All of section number 23. South half of section number 25. AH rf section number 27. Northes t quarter and South half of section number 2U. All of lection number 35. Township No. Fifteen , North , of Range No , Fifty-two. West , of the Sixth Principal tltrl- dlnn. dlnn.All of section number 5 , All of section number 7. All rf section number li. All of section number 17. All of section number II ) . All of section number 21. All of section number 20. All of section number 31 , All of section number 33. Township No. Sixteen , North , of R n e No. Fifty-two , West , of the Sixth Principal Mcri dlsn. dlsn.South half of section number 3. All of section number 17. West hnlf of section number 10. West bnlf of section number 20. Northeast quarter of section number 33. Township No. Seventeen. North , of Range No , Fifty-two , West , of the Slxtb Principal Mcrl ! All of section number 1. All of aectlon number 3. All of section number 7. All of section number 8. All of section number 11. All of section number 16. A ll of section number 17. North hnlf of section number 21. West half of section number 27. All of lectlou number 211 Northwest qunrter of pectlon number 81. North half of section number 33. Northeast quarter of section number 35. Township No. Eighteen , North , of llnnge No dionr ' ' ° ' " 'C SUtl1 rrl clpal Mcrl ! Snuth hnlf of section number 20 , All of section number 31. AH of section numhjr 33. All of tectlon nuinl."r 35. Tpwn hlp No. Twelve. North , of Range No. Flfty-threc , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl. dlan. dlan.Lota Lota one , two , three and four of section num. Tow-'nhlp No. Thirteen , NortL. of Range No. FiftT-tbree. West , of the Sixth Principal Merl. dlan. Woit lifllf of section number 25. Township No. Fourteen. North , of Range No. Flfty-three. Went , of the Slxtb Principal Merl- alsn. alsn.North half of section number 13. All of section number 23. All of section number 25. The following lands have not been contracted for sale : Town of Sidney. Lots numbers ono , two , three nnil four of Clock number 4. Ixiis numbers live , six. seven , eight , nine , ten , eleven , twelve , thirteen , fourteen and fifteen of lilock number u. Lot numbers one , two , three , four , flve , six , seven , eight , nine , ten , eleven , fourteen and fifteen of Hlock number 12 , Lots numbers live , nil aud eight of Block number 13. Lots numbers nlno , ten and eleven of Block number 22. a Lots numbers seven ; ' eight , nine , ten und .eleven of { ( lock number 24. Lot number six of Block number 25. l > ots numbers two and seven of Block num ber 34. The Union Pacific Ry. CO.'B First Addition to Town of Sidney. Ixitn numbers one , two , turco , six , seven and eight of Block number 44. IvOts numbers three nnd four of Block num ber 45. Township No. Fourteen , North of Range No. Forty-Nine , West of the Sixth Principal Meri dian.A . A part of Section Number 31 described oa follows : Beginning nt a point 12 feet Soutb of the Northeast corner of Section 31 : thence West to n point CO feet North and 80 feet Kast of the Northuust corner of Block No. 4 In the Town of Sidney. Nebraska , said point being In the East line of Chestnut Struct ; thence fionth along the East line of Chestnut Street lo the North line of U. P. R. R. Co.'s right of war : thence East along north line of said right of way to Intersection with East line of Section SI ; thence North alone East line of Section 31 to place of berlnnlnjr. Township No. Thirteen. North of Range No. Flftr , West of the Sixth Principal Meridian. All of section number 33. Township No. Fifteen. North of Rnnge No. Fifty-Three , West of the Sixth Principal Me- rldlnn. All of section number 1. All of section numlier 11. All of section number 13. AH of section number 2.1 , All of section number 35. Township No. Sixteen. North of Range No. Fifty-Three , West of the Sixth Principal Me ridian. All of section number 1. North hnlf nnd Southwest Quarter of sec tion number 13. All of section number 23. North half nnd Southeast Qunrter of sec tion number 25. South hnlf and Northeast Quarter of section number 35. Patents have not been Issued for the follow ing lands : Tnwiibhlp No. Thirteen , North , of Range No. Forty-six , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. North half and South Kast Quarter of sec tion number 7. All of nectlon number 17. All of section number 31. Township No. Fouileen. North , of Range No. Forty-six , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. dian.AH AH of section number 20. Township No. Fifteen , North , of Range No. Forty-ill , West , of the Sixth Principal Mcrl- dlntl. North Kast Quarter of B ctlnn nnmber 17. Township NO. Thirteen , North , of Range No. Fnrty-seven , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian Smith half of section nnmber 17. Town hlp NO. Fourteen , North , of Ranir No. Forty-Seven , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian.Keuth Keuth Kast Qunrter of section number 33. Township No. Fifteen , North , of Ranee No , Forty-seven , West , of the Sixth Principal Mcrl- dlnn. dlnn.West West hnlf of section nnmber 11. Township NO. Sixteen. North , of Range No , Forty-eoten , Went , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. dian.All All of section number 21 , All of sectlnn number 27. Township NO. Seventeen. North , of Range No. Forty-seven , West , of the Slxtb Principal Merl- dun. dun.All All of section number 21 , Townihlp No. Twelve , North , of Range No , Forty-night , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. dian.All All of section number 3 , Rnuth Knst Quarter of section number 0. West bait of section number IB. Lots One , Two , Three , and Four of section number U ) . I * ! * One , Two , Three and Four of section number 21. Tewnihlp Nn. Thirteen , North , of Range No. Fortv-l'.lght , West , of the Sixth Principal Merldlnn. South half of section numlier B. West half of section nnmber 15. Township No. Fourteen , North , of Range No. Forty-Klght , West , of the Slxtb Principal Meridian. South half of sort Ion number 17. Township No. Fifteen , North , of Range No. Forty-elght , West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. North half of section number 11. Towntdiln N" . Sixteen , North , of Range Nn. Forty-night , West of the Slxtb Principal Merldlnn. North half nnd South West Quarter of sec tion number 1. Township No. Seventeen , North , of Range No , Forty-eight , West of tbo Sixth Principal M rldlun. South hnlf of section number 20 , All of section number , ' 13. Township NO. Twelve , North , of Range No. Forty-nine. , West , of Iho Sixth Principal Merldlnn. North West Quarter of section numlier 3. I/its One , Twu , Three and Four uf ( ectlon number IB. Lois One , Two , Tbreo and Four of section number 23. Towmhlp No , Thirteen , North , of Range No. Forty-nine , West , of tbo Sixth Principal Meridian. Knit half of section number 5. North balf of section number 7. Nortli half und South West Quarter of sec tion number D. Township NO. Fourteen , North , ot Range No. Forly-nlno , West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Not in Weat Quarter of section number 3. North half of section number 7 , * f All of section number S3. Township No. Fifteen , North , of Range No. Forty-nine , West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Nortli Weft Quarter of sectlnn number 0. North We t Ousrtrr and Soutb balf of section numlxT 35. Township NO. Sixteen , North , of Range No. Forty-nine , West , of the Blxtb PrlnclDo Meridian. North Weit Qnnrter of section hn'mWrT. South West Quarter of lection number 31. AH of lection number M. Township No. Me-emem. North , of Itr.nre Nn UcVlSiaiT' ' W' " ' ° r " 1 ° SUUl 1 > r'nclf"1' ' ' ' All of 'section cumber 23. All of section number 27 , All of section nnmber ,13. All nf section numlier 35. -,7'nwn'hlp No. Twelve. North , of Range No. rifly , West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. North \ > est Quitter of section number 1. North Kant Quarter and South Weit Quartet of lectlnn number .1. Lots One , Two , Tbrto and Four of section number 10. I-ots One , Two , Three and Four of lection number 21. Lota one. Two , Three and Four of section number 2.1. Township No. Fourteen , North , cf Range N'o. Hfty , West , of the Shin Principal Meridian. South \\est Quarter uf section number 1. All of sectlnn number 2.1. . .Township No. Fifteen. North , of llanie No. Hfly. West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. North Knst Quirtor and South West Quarter cf sectlnn number II. Kail half of section number 17. Township No. ( Sixteen. North , of Range No. Fit v. West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. All of section number Id. All nf tectlon number 31. Townihlp No. Feventcen. North , of Range No. Flfy. West , of the Sixth Prlnclpnl Meridian. All of section number 10. All of section number 21. All of section number 23. South Kast Quarter cf section number SB. All of section number 27. All of section number 20. North West Quarter uf sectlnn number 31 , Notth hilf of lection number 35. Townihlp No. Twelve. North , of Ranee No , Fifty-one , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl. dlan. dlan.Loti Loti One , Two , Three nnd Four of section number 23 , Township No. Thirteen , North , of Rnnge N'o. Flfty-one , West , of the Sixth Principal Mori- South West Qunrter of section number 7. All of sectlnn number 17. Township No. Fourteen , Norlh. nf Rnnge No. Fifty-one , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl. dlan.All All ( exeeptlnc 1 ncre deeded In School DIs. trlct No. 74 for School site ) of section number Township No. Sixteen. North , nf Range No. Fifty-one , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian.North North half and South West Quarter of sec tion number fl. North Kail Quarter and South West Quarter of sectlnn number 0. North half and South Kast Quarter of sec tion uuinter 15. All of section number 27. All of section number 2H. All of .section number 33. All nf section number 3fi. Township N'o. Seventeen. North , of Rnnge No , Flfty-one , West , uf the Sixth Principal Meri dian. dian.All All of section number 7. All uf sectlnn number 0. West half uf section nuuiber 1.1. Went hnlf of section number 15. North West Quarter uf section number 17. South West Qunrter ot unction number 10. AH of section number 21. Norlh half and South West Quarter of sec tion numlier 23. West bnlf nnd South Knst Quarter of section number 25. All of section number 27. All of section number 35. Township Nn. Eighteen , North , of Itnugo N'n , FIfly-ouc , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. dian.Wcst \Wcst hnlf of North Kast Quarter of section number 33 , Township N'o. Fourteen , North , of Rnnge No. Fifty-two , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl. dlnn. dlnn.West half of section number 7. All of section number 13. Township No. Fourteen. North , of Range No. Fifty-three , West of the Sixth Principal Merl. Th'nt pnrt lying North of U. P. H. R. la section number 1. IKrroneously patented to settlers. U. P. Railway Co. Is entitled to Indemnity under Act of Congress npproved Jnue 22. 1874. CASS COUNTY. NEBRASKA. Pntents have been Isiued for the following Contracts for the sale of the following land ! nre outstanding , aud the lands are sold subject to said contracts : Township No. Twelve , North , of Range No. Eleven , Hast , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Lot one of section number 21. Township N'o. Thirteen , North , of Range No. Iwelve. East , of tha Sixth Principal Merl. Lots seven and eight of section number 27. The following lands have not been con tracted for sale : Township No. Thirteen , north of Range No. Twelve. Host , of the Sixth Prlnclpnl Merldlnn. .Lot six of section number 25. COI.FAX COUNTY. NEBRASKA. Patents have been Issued for tbo following lands : ' Contracts for the sale of the following lands are outstanding , and the lauds nro sold subject to said contracts : Township No. Sixteen , Nortb , of Range No. Two. East , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Lots two. six , and nluc. Northwest quarter. Northeast quarter of Southwest quarter , and Northwest quarter of Southeait quarter , of seetlon number 3. Township No. Seventeen , Nortb , of Range No. Two , Kast , of the Sixth Principal Merl- Northwest quarter of Northwest quarter of section number ID. Southeast quarter ot Southeast quarter ot ectlon number 27. Townihlp No. Eighteen , Nortb , of Range No. Two , Kast , of the Blltn Principal Meridian. Northwest quarter of Southwest quarter of section number 3. Northwest quarter of Southeast quarter of aectlon number 3. Northwest qunrter of Northwest quarter of section number 33. Township No. Nineteen , North , of Range No. Two. Koit. of th Sixth Principal Meriulnn. Southwest quarter uf the .Northwent quar ter uf section number 27. _ Township No. Seventeen , Nortb , of Range No. Thrcei East , of the Sixth Principal Merl- dlunEast East half of the Southwest quarter and Northwest quarter of Southeast quarter of section number 20. . . Township No. Twenty , North , of Range No. Three , Eaat , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Northweit quarter of Southweat quarter of ectlon number 23. . , . . . Township No. Klghteen , North , of Ranee No. Four. East , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Southeait quarter ot Southeuit quurter of section nunbor 1. . , The following lands bavo not betin contracted Towni'hlp No. Seventeen , north of Ranpo Nn , Four , ea.t of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Island Three of section number 15. Lot Two uf section number 21. CU8TER COUNT * . NEBRASKA. Patents have been Issued for tbo following Contracts for the sale of the following landi are outstanding and the lands ore sold subject to said contracts : . , Township No. Thirteen , North , of Range No. Twenty-two. West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. West half of section number D. All of lection number 7. All of section number 17. Knit hnlf of lection number 35. Township No. Thirteen. North , of Range No. Twenty-Three , West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. East balf of section number 11. South half of section number 15. Weat half of section nuuiber 35. Township N'o. Fourteen. North , of Range No. Twenty-three , Weft , of the Sixth Princi pal Meridian. All of section number 10. . . . . . . South half of Nortb hnlf and South half of srctlon number 27. N'ortheait quarter of section number 20. All of section number 35. Township No. Thirteen , North , of Range No. Twenty-four , Weit , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. West half of stetlon number 3. Nortb half and Southeast quarter of section INorfhwMt quarter of section number 1.1. Norlhweit quarter of sectlnn number 10. Northwest qusrter and South half of section ' ' Soulhw-e's't quarter nf section number 25. ICast half of Southwell quarter of section Southw'es't qunrter of section number 33 , Weit half of section number 35. Township No. Fourteen. North , of Range No. Twenty-four. West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. North half of aectlon number 7. All of section number 11. Northeast quarter of section number 17. Northwest quarter of section number 21. South half of Northwest quarter of section number 31. . , _ Kut half of lection number 35 , Towmhlp No. Thirteen , Norlh , of Range No. Twenty-live , West , of the Sixth Principal ' ' MWle'stinh'slf of section number 1. Northwest quarter of section number 0. South hnlf of section number 7. Southwest quarter of section number 0. Northwest quarter of section number 11. Nortbenst quarter nnd Southwest quarter of section number 13 , Northeast quarter of lection number ID. West balf of pectlon nuuiber 17 , , . . North . . . hilt and Southwest qusrter of aectlon half j nnd Southwest quarter of section number 2.1. . . _ West half of section mtmlier 25 , Northeast quarter of section number 20. Northwest quarter of section number 31. Township No , ' 'ourlceti. North , of RaogB Nn. Twenty-five. Welt , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. AH of sectlnn number 1. All of section number 11. South hslf nf eclon ! number 17 , All of stcllnn number 23. Northwest quarter of sectlnn numher 25 , Southeast quarter of section number 27. Northeast qunrter of sectlnn number 31 , All of kectlon number 35. Townihlp No. Fifteen. North , nf Rsnge NO Twenty-flve , Wc t. of the Sixth Principal Merldlnn All cf section numlier 23. The following landi have not been contracted ( * " No. Thirteen. North nf Rnnie No. Twenty. West of tb filxth Principal Southwest Qusrter of rcton | nmnlT 35. Township No Thirteen , North , of R n re No. Twenty-two , West of the Sixth Principal Meridian. All of sectlnn number 31. Town Mn No. Thirteen. North , of Rsn e No. Twenly-three. West , of the Sixth Principal Rnuthwest Oaarter of aectlnn numlier 11. Fast hslf of section numb" 35. Townshln Vo Fourteen , North nj Rnncij No. Twenty-three , West of the Slxtb Principal M'-Hrtlan. West bslf nf s'etlnn number 21. Township No Thirteen Nortb of Ranie No. Twerty.four , Wfst of th * Sixth Principal eildlin. Southwest Ouarter of section number l > . Sniilhesit Qusrter nf section number 13. Ponth half of seetlon number 15. All nf section number 21 North b lf and Southeast Quarter of section sti'nWr 75 , " Ton-nsMn N'o. Fourteen , North , nf Rancn Vo. Twenty-four , West of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Soutbnit Quarter of section number 0. Southeast Qnstler of wttic-n nnrnwr 7. South hslf and Norlhweit Quarter of section number 17 , South half of aectlon number 10. Northeast Quarter of section number 21. Southeast Quarter ot section number 23. Weit half of lection number 27. _ Southwest Qusrter of section number 20. Townehlp No. Thirteen , North , nf Range Nn , Twenty-five , Weit of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Southwest Quarter of lection number R. Northeatt Quarter nnd Kfit half of North- WMt Quarter of section number 7. South half nf srrtlon number 11. Southeast Quarter of section nntnbrr 13. East hilt of section number 17. Township No Fourteen , North of Rsnge No , Twonty.flve , West of the Sixth Principal Meridian. North half nf sectlnn number 7. NorthcaM Quarter nnd Southwest Quarter of sect Ion numlier 15. North hnlf nf section number 17. NortbeKt Quarter of section numlx > r 27. IHlt'lU.AS COUNTY. NKIHIASKA. Patents have been Isvird for the following lands : Contracts for the sale of the following Inndi are outstanding , nnd the lands are sold subject to sld contracts : Town hlp Nn. Sixteen. North , of Ilange No. Ten. Kmt. of the Sixth Principal Mer'dlan Southwest qunrtrr of Northwest qunrter of Keel ion number 5. The following land * have not been contracted for rale : Town of Pintle Valter. Lots numbers Fix and eight of lilock number BO Township No. Fourteen , north of Range No. Nine , East of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Island No. Klght nf section number 1. Township No. Fifteen , north of Range No. Nine , Kail of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Ixit one nf section number 13 nonm * . COUNTY. NEBRASKA. Patents have been Issued for the following lands : Contracts for the sale of the following lands nre onrntntnlliic , nnd the lands nru sold subject to said contracts : Township No F.Uhleen. North , of Ranee No. Five. Plant , of the Slrth Principal Meridian. H mi tb hnlf nf Southeast quarter of section number SO. Township No. 'Twenty. North , of Rnngo No. Six. Knst. of the Slxtb Principal Meridian. Southeast quarter of Soutbuetl quarter of feet ten number 13 Tnwn blp No Nineteen. North , of Itnnge No. Seven Kail , of the Sixth Principal Merldlnn. NorlhenM quarter of Northeast qunrter of eetlnn number fi TnwnMilp No Nineteen. North , nf Range So. F.leht. Fast , nf the Sixth Principal Meridian. Southeast quarter of SouthwcH quarter of pectlon number 23 Thi > fellow Ing lands hnve not been contracted for sale Township Nn. Seventeen , north of Range No. Five. Knst of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Ixit two nf sectlnn number 13. Township No ( Seventeen , nnrlh nf Range No. Seven. Kast of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Lot Seven nf ftcctlnn number 10. PKUKL COUNTV. NKBHARKA. . Patents have been Issued for the following lipds : Contracts for the snl of the following lauds nre oiitFtnndlrg. nnd the. lands nre sold subject In said ( nntrncts : Town hlp No. Thirteen , North , of Ranee No. Forty-one. West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian All of section nnm ! < cr 10. Township No. Fourteen. North , of ttnnpe No , Forty-one , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian.All All of section nnmher 7. Northeast qunrter of lection number 31. Township No. Fifteen. North , of Hnnpo No. Forty-one , West , of the Slxtb Principal Me rldlnn. All of section nnmber 7. Township Nn. Twelve. North , of Rnnge No. Forty-two , West , of the Sixth Principal Me- rldl'in. I/its two , three , nnd four nnd Southeast quarter of Northeast qunrter of section num ber 7. Southeast qunrter of pectlon number 15. South half ot section number 17. Lots one , twu , nnd three of nectlon number 10 I/its one , two , three , nnd four of section number 23. Township No. Thirteen. North , of Rnnge No. Forty-two West , of Iho Sixth Principal Metl- dlnn. dlnn.North North hnlf and Southwest quarter of section numlier 25. South half of section number 27. All of section number 20. Alt of section number 31. All of section number .13. Township No. Fourteen. North , of Rnnpn No. Forty-two , West , of the Sixth Principal Me rldlnn. West hnlf of section number 10. Township No. Fifteen. Nortli , of Rnnge No. Forty-two , West , of the Sixth Principal Me ridian. Lots one nnd two , Southweat qunrter of Northeast qunrter , N'orthweit quarter and South half of section number 3. All of section number 5 , All of section number 7. All of section number 0. All of section numlier 11. All of section number 13. Northwest qusrter and Soutb half of section number 15. All of tectlon nnmber 21. All of section number 25. North half of section number 27. North hnlf of section number 31. Township N'o. Sixteen , North , of Range No. Forty-two , West , of the Sixth Principal Me- Iots'one , two. und three. West half of Northwest quarter and Southeast quarter of Northwest quarter and Soutb balf of section number 31. , I.otB , four. five. six. and seven and South bnlf of Southwest quarter of sectlnn numtwr 33. Township No. Tvelve. North , of Range No. Forty-three , West , of tbo Sixth Principal Me ridian. All of section numher 3. All of section number 0. , . . Lots one. two. three. East half of Northeast qunrter and Southwest qusrter of Northeast quarter. Southeast quarter of Northwest quar ter , nnd Pouth half , of section number 13. Ixils one nnd two , Northwest quarter of Southenst quarter. North hnlf and Southwest quarter , of suction number 16. Township No. Thirteen. North , of Range No. Forty-three , West , of the Slxtb Principal Me ridian. All of section number a. East half of section number 7. East half of section number 21. . . , . of section West half and Southeast quarter number 25. All of section number 31. North hnlf of section number 33. " Townshi -rten North , of Rang. No. Forty-three , Weit. of the Sixth Principal Mo- South half of section number 1. Township NoFlftoen. . North , of Range No. Forty-thrce , West , of the Sixth Principal Mcrl. All'of section number 25. MbTW § ! ' ? . 'North , of Range No. Forty.three ; West , of the Sixth Principal Mcrl. " " "LOIS one two. threo. live , and six. Southwest quarter 1 Southweit qunrter of Southeast quartet of section number 25. North half of section number 31. Northeast qusrter aud South hnlf of section number 33. , _ . Town-Ill. . " - T ft ? forth , of Rnnge No , Forty-four ; West , of the Sixth Principal Merl. All'of section number 1. West hulf of section number 0. All of section number 11. All of section nuuiber 13. 13.ind 'our of .cello. " ' ' No. Thirteen. North , of Rnnge No , Forty-four , Weot , of the Sixth Principal Mcrl. ' t quarter of scctKui number 5. Northeast quarter of section number 7. Roiilhwcit quarter of section uumbtr 10. East half of aectlon number 21. All of section number 27. Northwest quarter of section nnmher 35. Township No. Fourteen , Nortb , of Range. No. Forty-four , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl. quarter of sectlnn number 13. Northwest quarter nnd South half of section number 21. , All nf section number 2.1. East hnlf of section number 33. Townhlp No , Fifteen. North , of Ronce No. Forty-four. West , of the Sixth Principal Merl. Southeast quarter of section number 3. South half of section number 15. Southeast quarter of section number JT. Northeast quarter nnd'South half of section wnrsh3p | No. Sixteen. North , of Range No , Forty-four ; Weat. of the Sixth Principal Mcrl. Houlh half of section number f > . North hnlf nnd Southenst quarter of lection number 7. . All nf section numlier 10 , AH of lection number 25 ' Northeast quarter of neetlon nnmher 27 , Northeast quarter of Kecllnn number 20. Township No. Twelve. North , of Range No , Forty-five , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl- All of feetlon number 11. I/its one , two , three and four of section num. Township No. Thirteen , North , of llanic" No. Foity-flvu , West , of thu Blxlh Principal Merl- Northeast quarter and South half of section number 1 Northwest quarter and South half of section number 3. Norlb half of sectlnn number B , All of section number 0. All nf seetlon number 11. Nntlbeast quarter and South half of lection niimlrr 13. Nnrthwrst quarter and Southeast quarter ot section number 10. All of iccllnu number ,15 , Township N'o. Fourteen. North , of Ilange No Foily.flvo. West , of the Blxlh Principal Meri dian. All of tertion number 7. Northeast quarter of sectlnn number 0 , All nf xectlo'ii number 11. Norlh half of section number IS , Earl hslf and Southwest quarter of section number 27 , Southwest quarter nf section number 20 , All of section number 31 Townihlp N'o. Fifteen , North , of Ilnnito No. Forty-five. West , ef the Sixth Principal Meri dian.North North half and Southeait quarter of section number 15. All of section number 17. All of section numher ill. Towmhlp Nn. Sixteen. North , nf Range N'n , Furty-Hve. West , of the Sixth Principal Merl * dlsn. Northwest quarter and Houtbeast quarter uf section number 1. All of section number 5. Nnrtli bulf and Southeast quarter of section number 7- North half of M-ctlcn number 0. All of srerlnn number 17. Nnrlhweit quarter nf section number 10 , North bulf and Soulheait quarter of section numlvr 25. AH of lection numher 27 , All of ( ecllon numher VO. Routhweiit quarter of Lection number 31 West half of section number ! I3. Hnuthwot quarter ef sectlnn number ZS Township N'n. Seventeen. North , of Range N'o , Forly-tlvc , Writ , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. All of tectlon number 20 , All of tecllon number 3J , hllf of Kftlflrl tmra ! e > ftS. Township No. Twelve , North , of Range No , Forty-ill , Weil , of the .Sixth Prineiiwl Men- Southeast quarter of section number 1 North half f section numlier 3. Northeast quarter and Southwest quarter of lection numbrr 7. West half of section numl < er l.V I/ots one , two , three , four , ef lection num. I/its one , two , three and four of icclton num. ber 23. Township N'o. Thirteen , North , of Range Nn , Forty-ilx , West , uf the Sixth Principal Meri dian. dian.Northeast Northeast quarter and Southwest quarter of sectlnn nuniN-r 15. All of section number 2.1 , Southeast quarter of section number 27. All of lection number ,1.1. All of sectlnn number 3A , Tonmhlp No. Fourteen , North , of Rnnge No. Forty-six , Weil , uf the Sixth Principal Metl * dlan. Southwest quarter of section number 1. .With half of section number .1.1. Townihlp No. Fifteen , Nnrlh , of Range N . Forty-ill , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. All of section number 1,1. lost half nnd Northwest quarter ef section number 21. Northeast quarter nnd South half of lection number 2,1. East h.tlf uf section number 25. Nortbe.sat quarter and Southwest quarter of sci'llen number .IV Township No. Seventeen , Nnrlh , nt llnnge N'o , Forty-six , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl * dlan. All of sectlnn number 21. All of section number 2.1. AH of section nntuU-r IS. All of section nutnlvr 27. All of lectlnn number 3.1. All of section number 35. The following litids have not been contracted for sale. Township N'o. Feurtren , North of Range No. Forty-one , West uf the Sixth Principal Mcrl. Southeast Quarter of section number 10. Townthlp Nu. Fifteen , North of Range No. Forty-one , West of the Slxtli Principal Mrrl * dlan. dlan.All All of section number 10. Towmhlp So. Thlttccn , North of Range No. Forty-four , West of the Sixth Principal llerl * West hnlf nnd Southwest Quarter of South east Quarter of section number 21) ) . Patents hare not been Issued for the follow- Union Pacific Hallway Company's First Addi tion to Town nf lllg Springs , lots numbers seven , eight nnd ulnu of Block Lola numbers feven. eight , nine , ten , eleven and twelve of Block numlier C. I/its numbers four , lite , six , seven and nine of lilock number 0 , . . Lola numbers four , five and six of lilock ntira- ' fow'tishlp No. Twelve , North , of Range Nn. Forty-two , West , uf the Sixth Principal Merl- d'Yiuti ' One and Two of section number B. Lot One of section number 7. Township No. Thirteen , North , of Ranee Nn. Forty-two , West , ot the Sixth Prlnclpnl Merl. Kant hnlf of section number 11. Past half of section number 13. The unplatted portion adjoining Town of Rl Springs and Flrtt Addition thereto. In South Knst Quarter of section number 25. Township No. Fifteen. North , of Range No. Forty-two. West , uf the Sixth Principal Merl. All'nf section number 23. South half of section number 27. Townshl'ii NX thirteen" North , of 1J"n"p.1N " ( ? ' Forty-three. West , of thu Sixth Principal Merl- dNo'rth half and South Kast Quarter of section ! Quarter of section number 11. Went Unit of Heel Ion number li. Township No. Fifteen. North , of Range Nn. Forty-throb , West , of the Sixth Principal Mcrl. dlE.l.thalfIO " . . nud"solu7hVcSt Quarter of sec- tl0Town"b'ip ' No. Sixteen , North , of Range.No. . Forty three. West , of the Sixth Principal Merl- d South half of section number 10. All of nectlo North West. d AH of section number 3. West half of sectlou number B. All of section number 7. Lots ° OueftTwo""Thice , and Four of section mTown.hln' Thirteen , North , of Range No. Forty-four ? veil.of the. Sixth Prlnclpnl Mcrl- " "lla'at half and Southwest Quarter of section nUsSuth hnlf of section number 35. , TnwriElilii N'o. Sixteen. North , of nance nn. Fortfour ! West , of the Sixth Principal Mcrl. ' t Quarter nf section number 7. ill of section number IB. All of section number 2.1. n. ' ° ' F . yT-Gv'oP West. of the Sixth'Principal Mcrl- dlan. dlan.Lots" mfeV"Three1' and Four of Bcctlon nUI tRrone. Two , Three nnd Four of ( section ' . NoThirteen. . North of Range No Forly-Uve , Weit , of the Sixth Principal Merl- dlNorlh Knst quarter of North Kast nuarterj South half nf North. Kant quarter : Nor h hast ounrter of North West qunrter of North Ivast SXSrUT. andI South half of Norlh Went quarter of Nortli Knit quarter , nnd North West qunrter of section number 15. , , Township N'o. Fourteen , North , of Rnnge No. Forty-live , West , of the Sixth Principal Mcrl- South half of section number 13. Nortli West Quarter nnd South Last Quarter of section number 2fl. All of section number 3t. Township No. Sixteen. North , of Range No. Forty-live West , of the Sixth Principal Mcrl. AH of section number 3. South West Quarter of section number 7. All of section numlier 11 , All of section number 13. , . . . North West Quarter of secllnn number 21. North balf and Soutb Knst Quarter of section number 31. Kast half of section numl > r 33. Township No. Seventeen. Nortb. of Rnngo No. Forty-five West , of the Sixth Principal Mcrl- South half of Norlh half of section num- Township No. Twelve. North , of Range No. Forty-six , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. dian.West Half of section number 1. South East Quarter of section number 3. North West Quarter und South East Quartet of section number 7. All of section number 0. North Enst quarter of section number 11. Soutb Eait Quarter of sectlou number 15. All of section number 17. Ixits One , Two , Three , nnd I'our of section number It ) . Township No. Thirteen , North , of Range No. Forty-six , West , of tbo Sixth Principal Meri dian , North half of aectlnn number 1. All of pectlon number I' . West balf of section number 11. North West Quarter nud South East Quarter of section number 15. All of section number 25. North Euit Quarter of sec I Ion number 27. DAWSON COUNTY. NEI1RARKA' . Patents have been Issued for the following Innds : Contracts for the sale of the following lands are outstanding nnd tbo landu ure buhl subject to said eontiacts : Tuwnshlp No , Eight , North , of lUnge No. Nlnntcen , Welt , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. lots numbers one and two on Island of sec tion numlier 9 , Lots numbers three , four and Ovo on Island of lection number 11. Townihlp No. Nine , North , of Range No. Nineteen , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian , Southeast quarter of section number 3. Noithwest quarter of aectlon number III. Township Nn , Ten , North , of Rnngo No. Nineteen , West , ot the Sixth Principal Merl * dlnn. dlnn.East East half nf section number 1 , All of section numtier 13. All of sectlnn number 15. Southwest nunrter of seetlon numlier 27. Township No. Eleven , North , of Range No. Nineteen , Weal , of the Sixth Principal Merl dlnn. Houtb half of section number 7. All of section number 15. Northeast quarter nnd South half of section number 21. Township No. Twelve. North , of Rangn No. Nlnulceu , Weat , of the Sixth Prlnclpnl Meri dian. Southwest qtinrter of Southwest quarter of section number 31. Townshln N'o. Klght. North , nf Rnnge N'n. Twenty. West , nf thu Hlxth Principal Merldlnn. Lota ni'mbera nine nnd ten on Inland of sec tion number 1. .Southeast quarter uf Southeast quarter of aeetlnn number fi. Tiiwnshln No. Nine. Norlh , of Rnnge No , Twenty , Went , of the plith Principal Meridian. Nnrlhesst quarter of Hnutlieait quarter of sec tion rmi'bcr p. finnth half nf nectlon number If ! , Townsliln No. Ten. Nnrlh. lit Ranire Nn. Twenty. Wert. of the Sixth Principal Merldlnn. All of section number B Tnwnihln N'o. Eleven , North , of llnnge N'o. Twenty , West , of thu Sixth Prluclpnl Meri dian. All of section number P. Hnnthwest quarter of sectlnn number H. West bnlf of seetinti number 13. All nf section number 15. Month hilf of ncctlnu number 17. Nnrthcait quarter and south half of seetlon number 11) . All of section number 21. North ball and Southwest quarter of sec tion number ? 3. West | 'Bf | of eclloi > number 27. Norlh bnlf nnd Southwest quarter of icctlon number 2H. . * 11 nf secllnn number .11. Township No. Kino , North , nf Rnrj-n Nn. Twenty-one , West , of Iho Slxtli Principal Me ridian. A rlrln of Innd two hundred (2f)01 ( ) feet wldo , FouHi of and adjoining thn Union Pacific Hull. rnml I oimmny's rlKht of wny through the Kant half of SoulhHCM oiiarter and Smith half pf houtheast quarter uf section number 5. , Ixita two , thno pud four. North hnlf of Northeast quarter nnd Hnuiboast qt'srter of Nortt'eost quarter ( if sncllon number 27. ToHtuhlp No. Twelve North , of Ilanite Nn , Twetity-ono , West , of the Sixth Principal Me ridian. South Imlf of North Imlf and fiautheait quar ter of reellon lumber 7. Noithwest quarter of secllnn number 21. Northwest quarter and Seeth | - lf of South west , quarter of rectlnn number 25. Southwest nuurlcr of m-cllon number ,15 , Township No. Nlrc , North , of Ilmivn Nn. Twenty-two , Weit , of Iho Sixth Principal Me- fioiithcait quarter of section numlier 3. I < nt number five , on Island , of section num. ber s. South half of aecllon number 10. Kouthemt quarter of s cnn | | numtier 3.V Southwest quarter uf Norlhcait quarter of lection number 20 ,