8 OMATTA DAILY BEE : TUTTnSDAY , 2 , SPECIAL NOTICES AdvorllHpmetttN for < Iic c column Mill lie tnken until 12 in. fur tin cvnnlnjf edition , nml nnlll HiJIO p , infer for ninrnlliK nml Sundny edition * . Ilnte * I l-2c n word first limei-tlcm Ic n word thereafter. .Mothlnn tnkci fur lens I linn li.'e. fur the Unit Inner ( Ion. Tlieac iiilvcrtlncinentH inuiit In run coiiNeciitlTcl ) ' . Advertiser ! > > ' rniio llnK n nnm hered chcolt , ciin Imvc nnuwcru ml drcNNcd In n iiiunlicrcd letter In cnri of Tlic Ilee. Atifttrpm no ii < lilrrnc trill lie delivered on jirciientixtlon a the check only. WASTED MAI.TC IIISLF. WANTED , wo liave steady work for a fcv good hustlers of good habits nnd appear nnce. C. F. Adams Co. , JG19 Jlownrd at 11 222 TAILOHS. attend Dyhr's' ' cutting school 61S So. 1.1th St. P-223 8ALI38MI3N for cigars , $125 month and ex pcnses ; old llrm ; experience unnecessary inducements to customers. C. C. Illsho ] & Co. , St. Loul. . Mo. I M218 BALKSMEN to sell office specialties ; fin Fide lines ; J5 n day ; uecd by nil mor chants. Model Mfg. Co. , box D , Squtl Bend. Ind. I3-M403 M3 GOOD steam fitter with tools doing busl ness on nls own hook , apply at Florence Neb. , water works. B 175 M-l * "WANTED , men to learn barber tradew ; have the facilities for thorough training tight weeks completes ; two years saved milondld ssason to begin ; SCO positions t < 1111 In May ; students assisted with trans portatlon ; It IB cheaper to come to a thor oughly reliable Institution than try In i dingy live-cent shop ; positions guaran Iced ; tools presented ; commission nl lowed ; writes today. Moler Harbor Col lego. Chicago , Ills.1' D-W2I6 M2 THE WESTKHN BAUnKnS' INSTITUTE formerly tlio Ht. Ix > uls Harbor College o Omaha , haa been lately Incorporntci tinder the laws oC Nebraska. It Is nov the best equipped , ns well ns the Inrges barber school In America. Write for ou free Illustrated catalogue nnd particular ? Western Harbor Institute , cor. Dodge am 14th Sts. , Omaha. B 430 S T\VO men nnd ono woman ; steady work good pay. Iloom 4 , Ware block. B 437 WK WANT nt once everywhere , nt horner or to travel , reliable men to keep ou show cards nnd advertising before th public and Introduce ) a now discovery salary or commission ; JOS per month nm expenses not to exceed $2.50 per day ; np ply "t once for full particulars. Qlob Medical Klcctrlc Co. , Buffalo , N. T. B M47G 3 * KAHN $27 per week evenings , same tlm study electricity. Send C stamps for 3 trln lessons. Cataract Electrical School. But falo , N. V. B-M481 2' WANTKD. two solicitors to visit buslnes houses ; good money ; 037 Paxton block. B M4SO 2 WANTED FKMALI3 HELP. WANTED , 100 girls , 1524 Dodge. Tel. 87C C M227 WANTKD. a good cook. Apply S. W. corne " 2nd Ave. and Davenport. Kxcellen wages paid. C 220-23 * GOOD girl for general housework. ISO Chicago. C-341 1 WE have a position open for a lady o thirty or over to travel for us ; expense guaranteed ; splendid chance for promo tlon ; references. Address O 43 , Bee. C M421 M2 WANTED , grl ! for general housework. N E. corner 32d and Cass. C MI303 * WANTED , competent girl for genera h'jUFPWork : small family , lira. G. ; \l Heed , 1111 So. 30th avc. C M1C1 WANTKD. nn American lady , not unde 25 , to Introduce an educational work Int families ; treed not bo experienced , bu must possess tact nnd good address- hours , 9 to 4. Addrews O 1C , Bee. C 1G3 1 * WANTED A cook. Apply to L. L. Kountz < 1207 South 10th St. at 1:30 : p. m. m.C1GO 2 * GENERAL housework girl nnd second uli wanted nt 128 S. 35th nvt\ C M474 2 * A COMPETENT girl for general house work ; good wages. Call nt 527 So. 25th av < C M-1SG 3 FOII IlKJiT HOKSI3S. CHOICE houses nnd cottages all over eft Jo to $73. Fidelity , 1st floor , N. Y. Life D-225 HOUSES. Bcnewa & Co. , 103 N. 15th SI D-226 ALWAYS moving household goods am pianos. Omnha Van & Storage Co. , ism Farnam. Tel. , 1539. D 227 HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block D-228 FOR RENT , houses In all parts of clt- The O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam St ' D-233 _ HOUSES for rent ; a specialty made o looking after property of non-residents J. H. Sherwood , -ra N. Y. Life. D 2S4 CHOICE 8-r. br. terrace , modern , ca. fronl 118 So. 23th St. 3G U. S. Nut'l. Bank BldR D-235 _ HOUSES. Clms. E. Benson , 310 Ramge bide D M4G1 AH _ EIGHT-ROOM house ; gas , bath , barn , 262 Sewurd. F .D. Wead , 10th nnd Douglat D-740 _ HOUSES for rent In nil parts of the city Brennan-Lovi Co. , 219 South IGth St D-233 _ SEVERAL. Inq. 36 U. S. Nat'l. Bk. Bide D-237 _ NEW brick store room , suitable for dru store : also C-room Hat , all modern , 20t nnd Cumlng. Apply to J. H. Parrotte. . D-M058 _ MAGGARD'S Van nnd Storage. 117 N ifitl Tel. 1498. D-231 FOR RENT , f.-room cottage , 2Gth an Illondo streets. $8. Inquire C07 North 13t street or 508 N. Y. Life , D 459 FLAT No I. Normandy , will bo for ren from April 1 , Apply on premises , Pnr and Pacific. D 4G7 1 * UNEQUALED. stonm , all modern four an llvoroom Hals. Tlzard , 223 N , 21th D M4S4 4 WOU HUNT I-lJHMHIIP.n 1I001IS. THREE furnished rooms for housekeeplnc man nn < l wife ; rent taken In board 3 ] N. 17th. E 852 ' ROOMS , 1900 Cnpltol ave. B-M190 MS * NICELY furnished rooms ; private fnmllj 2112 Cans. E-M299 M4 _ LARGE south front room with alcove : moc orn. 2580 Ilarney 8t , E M333 M5 DKSIltABLl ? front room ; modern ; refei ences. Address O 41. Bco. E 435 a * ROOMS for gentlemen ; ref , ren. 1701 GUI avenue. E M422 M30 * i-uiiMsiir.i ) IIOOMS AMI IIOAUD. THE CAPITOL , 1722 Capltoj avenue ] F M990 M19 NICELY furnished rooms , steam heat. fr bath. $1.50 per week ami up , Klnndlk hotel. 16th and Webster Sts , F 241 THE BACHELORS-SOU Farnam St. . t * best $1.50 house in Htate ; oed weekly rate F-7C5-MH _ GLENCAIRN , transients J1.26 a day. Id Douglag. F M274 ROOMS , board , steam heat. Midland Hoti F M9SO-M15 UTOPIA , 1721 Davenport. F-MSSO THE BACHELORS. 2014 Farnaiiv IOTE double room , suitable for man und wife. F M571 M2 A VERY desirable front room with a cove , 2nd floor. Hot water , heat , 212 S5th t. F J1S ELEGANT' ' Hteam heated rooms ! line tabl bourd. 1903 Capitol avo. F iUS7 8 FOR niC.NT tlMi-UIlMSIIKI ) UOOMS , FOR gentlemen , walking distance , nea Farnnm cor , modern I 23 , Bee. Q-213 FOUR tinfurnldhed rooms. 2027 N. 20th. G IC2 5 * KOIl 1112XT STOHKS AMI OKKICKS. 3-STORY and basement brick store build Ing 1003 Farnam. 22x100. Inquire 314 Firs National Bunk Building. 1-214 GOOD cnn-lnge nnd blacksmith shop ; goo location. Andres * , E. Sorcnson , Oran Island. Neb. I-19S-M-9 * uTfl. NAT'L Bank BIdg. , $7.60 up. 1 328 FOR RENT , a ground floor office , special ! BUltablo for real estate , etc. ; splendl vault , iiullt for use of city treasurer. Aji ply II. C. Peters & Co. , ground floor HP building. 1-423 FOR RENT , store In first-class location rent reasonable. Apply R. C. Peters I Co. , ground floor Bee bids. 1 422 AO13.\TS AVANTI5D. PROFITABLE work offered agents I every town to secure subscriptions to th Ladles' Home Journal nnd the Snturda Evening Post. Good pay for good wort We want agents to work thoroughly an with business system to cover each sec tlon with our Illustrated little booklet nnd other advertising matter. How we ! some of our ngent ? have succeeded I told In n little booklet we would like t send you portraits of some of our bes agents , with the story of how they mad it nay. The Curtla Publishing Co. . Phllti dclDhta , Pa. J M880 A18 WANTED TO HKNT. WANTED , to rent , furnished hotel ; 25 t 40 rooms ; by experienced hotel man. O 41 Bee. K-438 3 PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 90 ! 910 Jones , general storage and forwarding 245 OM. Van & Storage , 15UV4 Farnam. Tel. 155 ! 24 G GORDON baggage line , 211 N. 16. Tel. 119 ; M-M473 31 AVANTED-TO UVY. II * YOU nre In need of anything try th Want Columns of The Bco ; they wll bring you what you want. N SG7 HIGHEST prlcen nala Tor all kinds o household goods. Lewlo. 104 S. llth. N-M333 F28 STAMP collections bought , sold. Mortensor 401 N IGth. N M39I M3 ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. In largo or small quantities. Chicago Fur nlturo Co. , tel. 2020 ,1406-8-10 Dodge. N-C14 m B SECOND-HAND books bought for cash Antiquarian Book Store , 1519 Farnnm. N-M7S2 WE WANT several nice residences and resIdence Idenco lots for cash buyers. We have th buyers , what have you to offer ? O'Neill' Real Estate Agency , South Omalm. N-219 HIGHEST prices paid for good goods. Vnrl cty Furniture Co. , 110-112 So. ] 4th. N 1GT > JIS HIGHEST price , paid for good second-han furniture. Boston Furniture Store , 721 > 16th. N M445 1130 BOSTON Furniture Co. pay highest price for good 2nd-hand furniture. 1411 Dodg ( Tel. 223S. N 447 FOII SAT/R FURNITURE. GREAT bargains In new and 2nd-hand fin nlture , stoves , etc. Boston Furniture Co 1414 Dodge. O 448 FOII SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SAWDUST , hardwood , cribbing and ho fence at lowest prices. 901 Douglas St Q-S19 HOG. poultry and lawn 'fences ' ; all wire ; I best. "Wire Works , 14th and Ilarney. Q-2B1 B. HAAS , Florist , 1813 Vlnton St. , Tel. 77C plants , cut flowers , boquets , hall , jesl dencc , wedding and grave decorations orders by mall or express promptly ftllec Q 252 FOR SALE ten R.I.P.A.N.S for 5 cents , a druggists ; ono gives relief. Q 253 AT GREAT sacrifice , fine upright piano good as new ; tone excellent. Address 1 11 , Bee office. Q 489 M4 SECONDHAND sewing machines , $5.00 ur Neb. Cycle Co. , 15th and Hnrney. Q 410 M4 RESTAURANT outfit for storage charges Om , Van nnd Storage Co. . 1511 % Farnar street. Q 488 NEW nnd 2d-hand typewriters sold , renter repaired ; ribbons cheap. De > rlght , 1116 F'rr Q 719M13 2ND-hand safe cheap. Derlght , 111G Farnair Q-248 COLD IN HEAD , Sherman's Catarrh Jellj 25c. Middle of block , Omaha , Neb.Q250 Q-250 SAFES Buy , sell , exchange. 114 S. 13th SI Q-181- $60 LIFE certificate In shorthand and busl ness school , $10. F. L. Robertson. 2717 K 26th St. Q-M1RG M23 * HORSE clippers and repairs for all stand ard makes. We grind clippers , razors shears , etc. A. L. Undeland , Omnha. Q-201 STOCK of general mdse. about $3,500.00 I central Nebraska ; good farming dlstrlcl town 300 Inhabitants ; stock clean , cas trade , sales average $1,200.00 per month terms cash , reason for selling , lll-henltl Address O 25 , Bee. O M291 M4 FINE $ CO violoncello for $25,00. Addrcs or call nt 220 % S. 13th St. Q-M307 M5 WHISKY delivered fres. Send us $3.90 nn wo will deliver at your station , express charges paid , alx full quart bottles o either McBraver , Old Crow. Ouckenhelme Rye , Ky. Blue Ribbon. Old Pepper o Private Stock , Columbia Supply Co. ( In oorporntejl ) , 1400 Main St. , Kansas CItj Mo. References Any express companj as they handle thousands of our packngci P. S. Mention this paper and wo will son free with your ordfr a gold-tipped glas and a corkscrew. Q 272 M-3 * , FOR SAt E Fresh family cow ; her milk I I rich nnd delicious. Wilson , 3640 N , 4Gtl ' Q ) CS ! $100 WILL BUY a W. W , Klmball ligl , wood cas ? upright piano , in splendid rim dltlon. Omaha Mortgage Loan Co. , SOfi { Kth St. ' Q-MI7S MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE to country dealers ; sccond-han furniture nnd stoves sold nt lowest price by carload lots or less. Chicago Furnltur Co. , 1400-8-10 Dodgf R 515-m 5 FARM of 309 acres for rent near Gllmon Neb. : all under cultivation ; well Improvet See McCague. Investment Co. , Omaha R-313 1 * CLAIUVOVAVrS , MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant. 817 N ' IGth S-255 VIENNA fortune teller , 18 years hero 141 Howard. . 8-256 MME. Gylmer , genuine palmist. 1G03 Dodgi S-M3S8 A3 MASSAGE , IIATIIS , ETC. WILSON , massage , baths. R. 15. 3 ( G' T-M493 M4 . DR. LEON , electric bath , parlon first-class as lstant. 417 S. llth , upstalru T Mij2 ! M1S MME. AMES , R. 6 , 507 S , 13 ; massage batlu T M792 MIS' HATTIE LOUIS , masaago , baths. 1324 Car " ° > ave. T-M842 M17" MME. SMITH , Room 2 , 118 % No. (15th ( T 131 G MRS. FLO BERRY , bath and massage , 11 N , IGth 8t. , room 12 , 2d floor. Attendant ! T M430 M27 I'EHSONAL. VIAVI U woman's way to health. 346 Be u-257 ( Continued , ) HOW undergraduate doctors , dentists pharmacists. lawyers can soon graduate Box 1 B. Chicago. U .M59S M10' BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 3 1DH S 15th U-25S LIEBEN. coHtumcr , 1313 Howard : logues sent. u 250 SUPERFLUOUS hair , wrlnklm. molt * warts , frcckleo , blackheads , pimples removed moved forever by elcctrlcl'y ; bunt de yeloped ; neck , arms , cheeks made plump Mine , rnvnc's hnlrdresslng pallors , 2.U ! Lcavenworth. Tel. 1S63. U M5G9 M8 PILI',3 cured In seven to ten days , by one treatment. No pain , no knife , no danger Rectal dlscises a specialty. Empire rile Cure , 932 N. Y , Life Building , Omnha. U-MS31 R-JTTER hospital ; confinement cases taken babies adopted. 2214 Sewnrd , Omaha , Tel 2233. U-262 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before nnt during confinement ! bablea adopted. 113i N. 17th , Omaha , U 263 MASQUERADE suits. B. Sack's , 331S S. 20th U M723 MIS' Osteopathy , Dr. B. J. McRac , Pnxton Blk U 76G M-14 _ W3 nUPTURB cured Until May first foi $3.i. No detention from business. 1,000 pa tlents cured In Nebraska. Seven yrnrs n Omaha. Call or write. Empire Rupturi Cure. 932 N. Y. LJfO Building. U-MS32 WATCHES nnd alarm clocks sold on easj payments. 'We give a. working man t chance. No extra charge for waiting. Oui prices are 50 per cent lower than limtnll nient houses ) . Jonscn & Moshor , 704 N 16th. U-M748-M-14 COLUMBIA or Rambler bicycles. $40.00. Neb Cycle Co. , 15th and Hartley. U 861 M17 SUPERFLUOUS hair , warts nnd molei permanently removed by electricity. Con mutation free and confidential. All worl guaranteed. Miss Allcndor , 1724 Dodge. U-224-M10 * WEDDINGS AND CAKE-WALKS. Large decorated cakes made to order or short notice and sent securely packed t ( any address $3 and upwards. Balduff Omaha. U M99S WOMAN'S best friend ; no medicine : n < equal. Send lOc. Gem Rubber Co. , Knnsa : City , Mo. U M2S2-M3' GENTLEMEN , why remain single whIU so many excellent women desire bus bands ? Send stamp. World Publlshlni Co. , Minneapolis. Minn. U M322 MS' MONIIE1T , chiropodist & hnlr dressing Douglas Blk. opp. Hayden's. U 2SS M 25 * MISS CARTER has moved to 303 S. 17tl St. ; In connection with pleating , I am malt Ing a specialty of making silk underskirts U 4405 S2ERKOWSKY , violin teacher. 321 S. 15 , R. 3 U-M377 DR. ROY , chiropodist , corns & superlluou hair removed by electricity. R. 12 , Fronzei block. U 32S WANTED , 10,000 people to take the Kins of Remedies for Rheumatism ; ono bottli sufficient for almost any case or kind $1.23 per bottle , either by express or mall Address all orders to D. Furls & Co. Ulysses , Butler Co. , Neb. U M.4S3 2 * MONEY TO LOAN HEAL ESTATE. WANTED , choice firm and city loans. R. C Peters & Co. , 1702 Farnatn , Bee bldg.W . W 284 $100,000.00 special fund to loan on first-clasi improved Omaha1 property , or for bullfllni purposes. Fidelity Trust Company.V265 \V-265 6 % PER CENT money. Bomls , Paxton Blk W 266 $1,000 AND upwards to loan on improvet city property and farms. W. Farnan Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam St. W 267 6 PER CENT city and farm loans. Garvlr Bros. , 1613 Farnam St. W 268 $50,000,000 CHEAP money for investme-nt agents wanted. Investors lists for sale Investors Directory , N. Y. W 269 WRITE us if you want a loan on voui farm in .Iowa , eastern Nebraska or Mis souri , it will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. . 315 N. Y. Life. W 270 $100 AND up. F. D. Wead , 16th and Douglas W 271 MONEY to loan on Nebraska nnd lowr farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Lovo Co 219 S. 16th , Omaha. W 272' MONEY to loan on Improved Omnha real estate. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 219 So ' IGth. 'W 272 MORTGAGES. Wallace , 213 Brown Block W 273 LOANS. Potter-Sholes Co. , 310 N. Y Life W M135 S PER CENT. Chns. E. Williamson. U. S Bank Bldg. W-326 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. $10 TO $10.000 TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PTA- NOS. HORSES , WAGONS , AND CAR RIAGES. WAREHOUSE' RECEIPTS etc. , nt lowest rates in Omnha , South Omnha nnd Council Bluffs No removal of Kood : strictly confidential you can pay the loan off at any time 01 in any amounts , OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO 300 SOUTH IGTH STREET THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONl'/J INCORPORATED LOAN COMPANY V OMAH'A. X 295 LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLF HOLDING PERMANENT POSITIONS ON THEIR PERSONAL NOTE WITHOUT - OUT INDORSEMENT ; LOW RATES EASY PAYMENTS. ROOM 119 , BOART OF TRADE BLDG. , IGTH AND FAR NAM STS. TEL. 2295. X-29C MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses cows , Jewelry. Duff Green , r. 8 , Barkei blk. . .X 297 MONEY loaned on' pianos , furniture. Jew elry , horses , cowsetc. . C. F , Reed , 319 S 13 X 298 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLF holding permanent positions with respon sible concerns upon their own name , with out security ; easy payments. Tolmnn R. 7W. N. Y. Life Bldg. X-300 J1U.SINESS CHANCES. HERD of 15 head registered Jerseys. Closest - est living relatives to "Hugo Countess' of World's Fair fame , for whom ownei refuBOd $1GOO ; Hanna's Duke No. 323C5 only living son of "Hugo Countess , " ai head of herd. Also daughter. 2 grand daughters and half Mister of "Hust CountcEs. " Cash , Would consider gooi farm In western Iowa or eastern No lirnska. Address owner , L , E. Williams Glenwood , Iowa. Y M379 UNUSUAL opportunity ; invest $200 , secur Ing large permanent Income ; capital safe profits sure. . II. Griffin , 1UO Broadway New York. Y M402 M14 GOOD country store with house In rear cheap for canh. Address O 14 , Bet > . Y-174-M-22 * FP.'K,9V,1CJf ' rotur''s , ' "at your bargains ai O'Nolll'8 Real Estate Agency , Soutl : Omaha , Y 218 EXCELLENT opening for any ono to star a general store. Address Box 1 , Stroms- burg , Neb. Y M293 2J * FOR RENT , Mercer hotel bar. V M342 M5 * _ _ FOR SALE , stock of general morchandlst In good condition , will take part trade Address O 29 , Boo. Y 4G3 D * WANTED , a man or woman qualified it tmndlo a department In a mall order cata logue business iii Omaha : ono who can in vest a few hundred dollars In the busi ness on the profit sharing plan or ou u guaranteed Interest plan if preferred. Write for interview , stating your nga nn < qualifications ; also state the amount ol money you could Invest , your present busi ness and when you could make a change I am experienced In the above line nnd de sire to connect with a man or woman ol Christian character , one having progress- tvo ideas nnd the snap to plan nnd tun out work ; the location is ont of the besl In the country ; the general plan of selling goods by catalogue is getting moro popu lar each year. Do not unawtr this axl thoughtlessly or un less you are. a believer In the profit shar ing plan In its true sense. Address O 21 He-u oillce. Y M470 2 * FOR SALE , for cash , furniture and lease of 3o-ropm hotel In Cedar Rapids , Neb the only hotel in the town ; doing a gooi : business ; good reasons for c-elllng. Write or call on C. W. Hutfleld , Cedar Rapids , 1S 1 . Y-M4S2C * lll'SINKNS CHANCIIS. ( Continued. ) A CHANCE of a lifetime. We want to sell our entire slock of livery , hacks , bag- Ktigo and mall line ; practically no oppo sition ; best location west of the Missis sippi river ; cash only ; best reasons for selling. Lovl Bros. , Nebraska City , Neb. Y M479 5 * FOR EXCHANGE. A LOT of young1 Clyde horses for Hale or trndo for real estate. W. Larabee , Alns- worth. Neb. Z M175 4 * FOR SALE-HEAL ESTATE. ONE of the bst bargains In acre property now on the market. Five acres , 3 blocks from Sherman avenue car line ; 7-room nouso ; necessary buildings ; great chance for gardening and small fruits. Price $2,750 , worth double. If not sold by March 1st will bp withdrawn from market nnd rented at $200 per year. Sec mo nt once. G. G. Wallace , 313 J. J. Brown block. RE-173- LIST your property with us for sale. Wo have the customers. The Byron Reed Company , 212 S. 14th Street. .IE-579 FOR SALE , my homo In West Omaha. Those wishing to purchase will address Henry D. Estabrook , 813 , 184 La Sallo St. , Chlcnco. RE-M378 Mi ! HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also flro Insurance. Bcmls , Pnxton Block. RE 302 FARMS ! FARMS ! ! FARMS ! ! ! Over 2,500 acres of Douglas county land for sale cheap. Prices ranee from $20 per acre up. Will pay you to Investigate. The Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th St.RE RE M939 C. F. HARIU6ON Farms. 918 N. Y. L. RE 775 M14 B-nOOM modern house. Inquire 4032 Iznrd. UE-303 BARGAINS In hous-ss , lots , farms ; sale or trade , J. N , Frenzer , opposite old P , O. RE-301 PECK & CO. , agents and dealers In city nnd farm prop'y ; loans ; rentals ; 101 S. 15. RE-9I3-M-18 301G SEWARD STREET , 4-room house , bain , lot 25x132 feet , neat place ; snap , $ SOO. South front lot , GOxl2S. Franklin St. , between 24th ami 25th stfl. , $1,150. S. W. corner 24th nnd Franklin sts. , G4xl20 feet , price $3,000 ; next lot south same size , $2KOO. N. W. corner 24 th and Bristol sts. , 132x123 feet , paved street : prlco $3,000. 2S22 Seward st , lot 30x132 feet , 5-room house , $1,000. 02 and 904 South 20th St. , C-room houses , pays 12 per cent gross on price of each , $1,500. Near 35th and Seward sts. , good 7-room house , corner lot , 60x121 feet , price. $1SOO. Three stores and three flats on South 16th st. . can be made to produce $ GOO per year ; prlc-e $4,200. 20-room brick house , divided Into two 10- room apartments , pays 12 per cent gross on $ ( ! ,000. Flnortt 160 acres in Douglas county , 8-room house , bath room , orchard , etc. ; price per acre , $45.John John N , Frenzer , opp. old P. O. RE M9S9 FOR Sale or exchange , ror Omaha real es tate. 2,000 acres of fine wheat land In a well settled county ; all clear ; nice level land ; price reasonable ; will pay cash dif ference ; will divide In smaller tracts if desired. Address with full description of property , O 5 , Bee ofllce. RE 133 M2 LIST your bargains with us or call on us for bargains nt 310 New York Life ImlM- ing ; got 'em. Potter-Sholes Co. . D. V. Sholes , Sec. RE M131 M3 NEBRASKA farm , 1GO acres , clear , $250. A. C. Grossman , Atkinson , Nebraska. RE 197 M-2 O'NEILL'S Real Estate Agency , South Omaha. Headquarters for realty Invest ments. RE 217 BARGAINS. Three fine business corners between 13th and 17th on Lenv. and Har- ney. Peck & Co. , 101 S. luth. RE-M305 M5 _ VALUABLE clear San Antonio , Texas , un improved property , value $3,000 , to ex- chongo for property ot equal value In Iowa or Nebraska. 'Tho Paxton Real Estate - tate Company , ' .BSS- Paxton Block. 1 ' * RE M432 M6 160 ACRES In Lincoln 'Co. , fine land , $250 ; 160 acres In Sheridan Co. . good soil , J175 ; 160 acres In Cherry Co. , $150 ; 40 acres fruit land In Missouri , $75 ; SO acres In Wheeler Co. , $150. S22 N. Y. Life building. RE MI49 2 * FOR SALE , property at 142S Martha street ; lot or part of lot to suit purchaser. RE M443 M7 FOR SALE , eighty acres In Hall county. for $250 cash. W. A. Helmbertrpr , Grand Ipland , Neb. ' RE 166 3 * HAVE you some " .lots . to aell ? Now Is the time to dispose of them : Int the people know that you want to dispose of them. The Bee reaches the people who have the money. RE SG6 NO. 970 , FOn SALE. 8 lots , good location , cost owner $12,000 ; If sold before March 7 , only $1,000 for the eight lots. NO. ,926 , full south front lot near 31st St. , on Marcy , only $700. R. C. Peters & Co . 1702 Farnnm St. , Bee Bldg. RE M4R3 3 FOR SALE , trade or rent , big stock ranch. W. Larabee , Alnsworth , Neb.RE RE M 172 3 * MEDICAL. ALL women who can't raise family should consult the renowned German specialist , Dr. Price. 1513 Dodge St. Letters 2 cents. 389 M3 DR. MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator has brought happiness to hundreds of nnxlous women ; have never had a single failure ; longest cases relieved In two to five days without fall ; no pain ; no danger ; no in terference with work ; by mall or oillce , $2. All letters truthfully answered. The Mansfield Remedy Co. , 167 Dearborn St. , room G14 , Chicago , 1)1. ) 214 M-4 * LADIES ! Chlchester's English Pennyroyal Pills ( Diamond brand ) are the best ; safe , reliable : take no other ; send 4c stamps for particulars. "Relief for Ladles , " In letter by return mall ; at druggists. Chlchester Chemical Co. , Philadelphia , Pa. LATE nnd greatest discovery ; euro for sex ual de.blllly , Impotcncy , night loasce , etc. , diseases of the female organs , removing abnormal conditions , imparting tone and vigor to thorn ; trial slzo , 25c. Crescent Remedy Co. , box GOG , Cincinnati , O. 177 13 * BICYCLES. NEW wheels , $13.50 up ; 2ndhand wheels. $5 up , Omaha Blnyclo Co. 797 $15 M. & W , Vulcnnlzer , $7.50. Om , Bl'clo Co ICG M22 1S99 BICYCLES down to $ S.23. Men's nnd women'H now 189H model bicycles are now being offered at $ ? .25 to $23.75 and sent to anyone anywhere for full examination before payment Is made , For catalogue and full particulars , cut tills notice out and mall to Sears , Roebuck & Co. , Chi- enzo. 453 A30 TYPEWUITEIIS. TYPEWRITERS for rent , Z4.00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1G25 Farnam St , Telephone , 12S4. SOS WE rent nnd sell the best typewriters made ; largest stock of supplies In Omaha. United Typewriter & Supply Co , , 1G12 Farnam , 303 CUT prices on ilbbons , Derlght , Tel. 353. 793 M15 SI1OHTIIAM ) AND TYI'EAVIIITING , A. C. Van Sant's School , 717 N. Y. Life , -942 AT OMAHA Bus. College , IGth & Douglas. 311 BOYLES' school ; court reporter , principal. Secures posl'.lons for students , 401-H-5-7 Ueo H'ld'j. ' . 633 I'AAVNIIIlOltEltS. EAGLE Loan offices , removed to S. W. cor. 13th and Douglas , We nre now ready for business and wo promise to continue our reputation , as has always been known , as the moat re-liable and accommodating in the city. All are cordially Invited to In spect our now store. Sol. Brodkey , prop. 431-M37 bTAMMEUIM : AMI STUTTEllINfi. SCHOOL for euro of tin-to defects. Julia ii. Vuuulmn , 30C N , Y. Life Mcltf. 313 OSTEOTATHY. THE Johnson Institute , DM. E. Johnnon , mgr ; Mrs. Alice Johnson , D , O. , graduate - uato American school , Klrkvlile , Mo , ; J , W. Dill , M , D , , D. O. . consulting physi cian. Suite. 6lS N. Y. Life bldg , 929 DANCING SCHOOL * ) . AIR. AND MRS. MORAND'S. 1510 Harney Private , class and stas'e ; first lessons It private ; assemblies every Wednesday ; nil- mission 2f.c. 5S9 M7 MATTIIESS HENOVATINO. M. S. WALK1N , 2111 Cumlng. T l. 1331. 315 iiAiu uoons. MONHEIT. lender Inlinlr goods & tollel preparations. 200 Douglas blck. opp. Hay- den's U 2S9 M 26 * TTAHDWOOn OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co. , oak , hickory - ory , ash , cypress , popular , etc. 13th & Calif 31G NICICELl'LATINC ; . BICYCLES & sundries plated. 1302 Far- nam. 135 TAII.OUS. MAX FOGEL makes up to date HUlts ; guar antees fit and work. 307 So. 17th. 4C4 M31 > VIOLINS HEPAIUEIK C. A. CASE , violins repaired. 418 STieely bUt 747 MIS EMPLOYMENT HUUEAU. EVERYONE wanting help , male or female man nnd wife , call nt Canadian ofllce. 1521 Douglas , i .1. 834. 113 M20 HOTELS. TRY the Henderson Hotel ; board and room $4.00 per week ; gas , steam heat and baths Ninth nnd Fnrnam Sts. 319 FEATHER IlENOVATINK. MATTRESSES MADE OVER. M. J. Shaw 707 So. IGth st. Tel. 7 ! . -575 SCHOOL OF LANGUAGE. FRENCH , German , Spanish , $2 per month Prof. Chatelaln. 301 Boyd theater. 317 PIANO FACTORY. OLD pianos overhauled , secondhand piano : always on hand. C. Sommer , 321 S" . 10th 318 ELOCUTION. ELLA DAY , Ramge Bldg. , 15 nnd Harnoy , 780 M15 * WALL PAl'EIt. FOR the latest styles and colors see Kelsej & Seabrook , 117 So. 17th. 471 M31 DHESS.MA1CING. MRS. A. C. MARK , successor to Mrs. H. C Moses , room S. Patterson block. 156 M22 SHOE IIEPAIIIING. HALF SOLES. 35c. J. Pulone , Gil N. IGth. 442 M30 SUBS & CO. PATENT LAWYERS AND SOtlCUORS Bee Bldg. , Omaha , Neb. Bend for free laveut- era * guide. Tel 1G 3. NELSON IN POLICE COURT Accnxcd of Violating the Law l > y Sell- ii > K > Liquor oil Snndny. Henry Nelson was tried Wednesday after noon by Judge Gordon on the charge of keepIng - Ing his saloon , 2239 North Twentieth etreot , open on Sunday. Two officers testified thai they had bought liquor on January 29 and also that he sold liquor to another man on the same date. The defense produced witnesses who de nied that the saloon was open for busi ness on the Sunday in question. In his ar gument for the defense the attorney urged that a saloon to be open for business on Sunday must be open for nn integral part of the day. Ho argued that if a single person entered the saloon and purchased a drink it would not mean that the law against keeping open on Sunday had been broken , Ho insisted the door must bo unlocked EC men could go in nnd out without hindrance , The city prosecutor said that the mere sale ot n drink must bo construed under the law to moan nn infraction of the statutes. Ho contended that it was the undoubted intention - tontion of the law that n saloon man should close his saloon on Saturday night and re main away until Monday morning. Judge Gordon took the case under advlso- mcnt. Peter Burmester , 703 ' South Thirteenth street , was discharged , having satisfied tha court that the view into his place of busi ness was not obstructed. An officer testified that ho examined the place closely and could not sec Into It from any angle. Ho rapped on the door and when somebody responded ordered him to draw back the curtains sean an outsider could see - whatwas going on. ' He said tha man refused , or failed to do this. The bartender and porter testified that the view -was not obstructed. They said they were cleaning the place and had no Intention of selling anything. Minor I'olU-e Court Mnttern. Hutchlnnon , who was accused of assault and battery by Viola Todd , was discharged for wont of prosecution. Hutchlnson is a cook at the Windsor hotel. Andrew Anderson was up for trial on the charge of burglary. The complainant al leges that Anderson entered Lyon & I5er- qulst's place and stole two pairs of shoes ; also two pairs of trousers belonging to Max Fogol. W , P , Mitchell was sentenced to servo twenty days in the county Jail for beating K. C , Scott out of a coat. This sentence was suspi-nded on consideration that ho re turn the coat and leave the city. Doforo the discovery of Ono Minute Cough Cure , ministers were greatly disturbed by coughing congregations , No excuse for it IIOW. Oflleern of YOIIIIK Mfn'n f'luTi , In the parlors of the Young Men's Chris tian association Tuesday evening tne Young Men's club elected the following offi cers to serve for the ensuing three months : Charles S. WItwer , president ; H. H , John son , vice president ; F , W , Kayser , secre tary ; W. H. Matthews , treasurer. The fol lowing program will bo rendered next Tues day evening : Address , Charles S. WItwer ; current topics discussed by C. M. Mayne ; debate , "Ilepolved. That United States Sena tors Should Ho Klccted by Popular Vote , " affirmative. Messrs Matthews and Arnold ; negative , Messrs Mcliough and Schwonker. There will be special music. On Tuesday evening , Muiuh 11 , the club will present a speclul program to the pa trons and friends of the association In the auditorium. On this occasion the question of expansion will be discussed by Frank H. Gullies and Kdward J. CorulHh. GRAIN-0 BRINGS RELIEF to the coffee drinker. Coffee drinklnsr la a habit thut U universally indulged In and almost an universally Injurious. IlaVo you tried Grain-O ? It Is almost llk coffn * but the effects are just the oppoulte. Coffee uputs the stomach , ruins the digestion , ef fects the heart and disturb * tht- whole nervous aystom. Qraln-O tones up the stomach ach , aids digestion njid strengthens ( he nerves , There U nothlnc but nourishment in Oraln-O. It can't bt otlurv.-s . Uo ifnd Ko per packago. POLICE FORCE IS CRIPPLED Llttlo Protection Afforded to Life am Property Now , MANY PORTIONS OF CITY ARE UNGUARDED TWPIIj--Flv - ( ) Ulcer * Arc < o Cover nn Arcn of Twenty-Four S Mllcn front Thin Time On. Eight uniformed policemen comprised tin police force guarding the lives and prop erty of Omaha citizens yesterday. Tin people of Omaha , however , can look for n little better police protLVtlon In the ncai future. This day force Will bo Increased by five men , so that n grand total of thir teen "coppers" will patrol the streets dur ing the day. The night lorco will consist of eighteen men. Consequently in n very few days Omaha's twenty-four square miles of area will be watched and patrolled by no less than thirty-one uniformed policemen each twenty-four hours , This Is the effect of the cut of twenty- six men made In the department by the Board of Flro ami Police Commissioner ! Monday night and a further cut of six met was virtually nindo yesterday afternoon It order to keep within the levy made by the city council. The reduction loaves Jusi twenty-five patrolmen In addition to twelve detectives , the jail force nnd the o dicers ol the department , The consequence of the reduction that wll' bo of most concern to citizens will bo the fact that the residence districts will bo lefl absolutely unprotected. Since Chief o ! Police White took hold of the department ho has succeeded In so detailing his nici : that the residence portions of Omnha havt had pretty fair police protection , the resull being a decided reduction In the number o ! robberies nnd burglaries. Tills .protection will bo completely swept out of oxistonco. Suburban Dlntrlrtn Unprotected. 'Nearly ' nil oj the partolmou will bo re quired for the business center o ! the city alone. 'Even ' then the beats must bo considerably length ened. For example , where three , and Rome- times four policemen , have boon located or Sixteenth street -from Harnoy to Nicholas now there will bobut two. The protects area will bo practically Included within tin following bounds : Sixteenth street on tin west , Leavonworth street on the south auc Nicholas street on the north. Outside ot these bounds two policemen will bo detailed for duty. One ot those will patrol Leavonworth street from Sixteen ! ! to twenty-ninth. The other will bo detailed on Cumlng , from Sixteenth 'street west Theso'two patrolmen , however , will bo on duty only during the nighttime ; In the day. tlrao the two beats will be abandoned , Omaha'B big residence district outside ol this territory will bo without police service , with the exception of such as can be fur nished by six detectives during the day ami six during the night , when they are not re quired for other work. The protection that those twelve men can furnish is not expecteO by Chief White to bo very great , for Tie an ticipates that they will bo needed most ol the time in working on cases of robbery and other crime that will be reported. No Policemen Hero. The recent reduction takes off the twenty- four men who have been patrolling the city in citizens' clothing. Officers will hnvo tt Se taken off Sherman avenue , North Twenty-fourth street , West Farnam , Paris and Georgia avenues , South Sixteenth , South Thirteenth and South Tenth streets , leaving those sections without even n semblance of protection. Chief Whlto says he regrets deeply that this will have to bo done , but the department has been so crip pled by the reduction that it will bo neces sary to consolidate the force whcro there 13 the most crime or where it is most likely to be committed. Ho said ho appreciated the fact that the suburban residents nro en titled to protection just as much ns those In the nero central portion of the city , but they are not in the habit of making their wants known as much as downtown citizens , so they arc not so apt to receive considera tion. Ho states that under the system of espionage adopted the number of crimes were lessened materially until last month , when the robberies averaged less than $27.50 per day. Now ho anticipate that these will increase , and with the holding of the Greater America exposition ho docs.not see what the police force can hope to do in the protection of the city. It is argued that the reduction will Increase - crease the necessity for emergency men , as moro calls will be made upon the central station when officers are not found on the streets. This will compel the assignment of two men at the station as In the past. There will bo no change In the station force except Detective Pat Havoy will have charge ot the office work at the station In place of C. M. Dooley. Still Further Ilednctlonn. A meeting of the Tloard of Flro and Police Commissioners was held yesterday afternoon for the purpose of dropping elx moro po licemen off the rolls. The board did not discharge the men , but It adopted a scheme that will virtually cut off the force six men more than were dismissed on Monday night. It was determined to request every police man and officer on the force to ask for thirty days' leave of absence during the year. This request was at once compiled with nnd the applications were Immediately filed by the policemen , It Is the Intention to grant elx , or perhaps more , of these absences each month for ton months. > If six are allowed for that length of time the board will save In salaries $4,200 nnd thereby bring the expenditures of the department within the limits of the levy. This scheme Is equivalent to dropping six more men for ton months , but Instead of discharging men , tha whole of the police force that remains will 'bo ' enabled to work eleven months of the year. MORTGAGES SELLING WELL Property of German SavliiKM Ilniilc nt Auction n n ( I IllililliiK Ile- The sale of the assets of the Gorman Sav ings bank was held yesterday nnd the event attracted real estate men , attorneys and in vestors. Hy virtue of on order Issued by Judge Fawcett at Illalr , the sale of the real estate -was postponed until 'March ' 15 , but all the mortgages nnd other property ankle from the real cotuto Is being dis posed of , with moro or less success. Some of the 'mortgages ' seemed to lie In nctlvo demand and sold at very respectable fig ures , while others worn bought up at 30 and 40 per cent of their face value. Tbo first sale was a mortgage of $2,200 on a lot at Twenty-sixth street and Woolworth avenue , which waa knock oil down aflor con- nldorable huwklng for $ SSO. Attornuy Breckenrldge , for the bank , declared that bo would move that the nalo bo not con firmed at such n flguro , while Burbank nnd Slrlckler , for the depositors , as vigorously assured prospective purchasers that they will use their best efforts to have It con firmed. The most lively competition occurred when a mortgage of $1,600 on the property at 2117 Locust street was offered. Someone ono bid $500 , arid Itwent up $100 at a call until It was above $1,000 , The bidding con tinued until tbo document was knockc.l down for $ } ,451 , or within $4U of itt ) faca value , 'Most of the afternoon was occupied by the disposal of judgtnenU and notes held by the bank. Botno of Uiftso were sold at ridiculously low fleurei. JUdcmeaU In Ihrua flRiircs nirnln. .t n number of well known citizens were purrnn wl l from $1 to $ r > t'Y each and the competition wns not animated at that. The entire Amount rpnlUml fr.mi the nlu ultl not bo known until the record has been tabulated nnd chocked Up. CITY COUNCIL PROCEEDINGS Salnrli-H of tin * Alinoiit I'niplo.vcn Cut Out \iiriiirliitli | | | > n Slice * . A special mooting of the city council Wednesday morning , hold for the purpose - pose of passing the February ap propriation shoot and ot clearing a\vay some buMiioss left over from the rosulnr session of the night before , was brief ami not very exciting , but was marked with SOMH > Interesting matters. When the appropriation shoot came up ( ha council acted ns it did n month ago , by striking out the salaries of Street Commis sioner Uevorly and Special A gen I Robertson ot the legal department , both of whom have been at Lincoln during the session , one as representative and the other on business. The salary of Clerk of the Police Court flancy was also strlda-ii out on motion ot Stuht , who asserteil that Clancy had also been at Lincoln during the greater part of. the tlmn since the Koaslon opened , nnd not at his dofk In the pollen court. These Hems wore stricken out by unani mous consent , after an understanding had -been reached that they would bo considered again. Mercer said he understood that Rob ertson had'boon doing a part of his regular work nt night , and therefore ho thought the special agent should draw some of his salary at least. President ningham wanted to know whether or not Police Court Clerk Clancy had made seine arrangements that his work should bo done during his absence. Stuht did not know. Karr there fore gave notice that after the close of the legislative session ho will glvo nil the ofn- cura a hearing In order to find out whether they nro entitled to any of their salaries. At the charter revision meeting hold by taxpayers recently Represontatlvo Beverly made nn emphatic statement In the course ot a speech to the effect that before the legislative session Councilman Lobcck promised him that ho would vote that his ( Uevorly's ) salary ohould go ou during the session. "Lobeck has not only gene back on that promise , " said Beverly , "but ho has also given out a false statement to the pub lic that I threatened to kill the charter re vision bill If my salary was not voted. " Councilman Lobcck explained that ho never made any such promise to Beverly. Ho Bald ho congratulated Beverly upon the good work he has boon doing ifor the city , but never hinted that any reward In tha shape of his salary during the legislative session should bo given him. Just before adjournment Councilman Stuht served notice that In behalf of the finance committee ho 'would ' Insist upon a special meeting ot the council to apportion the money that is to bo appropriated out ot the general fund for the use ot the different city departments during the year. Ho as serted that the finance- committee did not propose to assume all the responsibility for the apportionment. This meeting will not bo held in all probability until next week , as Councilman Burmoster Is out of the city ti nnd Is not expected to return until that time , and Councilman Bcchel is still ill. 1 AT HOME IN NEW BUILDING United StnteN Olllelnln Working to Cct Settled In Their Jfcw ( liiurtern. Uoutlne business Is practically out of the question in the various , federal offices while the officials and their deputies are busily engaged getting themselves settled in their now quarters. Clerk Hlllls of the United States court and Collector Houtz of the in ternal revenue department moved yes terday nnd today the weather bureau will bo the only -department that will bo found In its old quarters. The upper floors ot the now building are thrown open to the public , but there are few visitors. The corridors and offices are still In a chaotic condition nnd the stairways are blockaded by gangs ot expressmen who nro laboriously lugging the heavy furniture to Its now home. It will require the remainder of the week to reduce the confusion to anything approaching or der , and itwill ibo well toward the middle ot the month before the building is ready to receive company. LnteiiHer Steps Tovrn mid Out. Suporiutendcnt Latensor ot the postoffico building has formally turned the custody of the building over to Assistant Custodian Woodworth , and will temporarily sever his connection with the Treasury department. Under the law , Mr. Latonscr'e position re quires him to 1)0 connected wllli some build ing that is in course of construction , ami from now on ho would bo compelled to leave Omaha. In view of the activity that Is in prospect In the 'building ' business this spring ho prefers to remain In Omaha and has con sequently asked to bo relieved from the government service for the present. I'Vdernl Iliilldlnpr Xoten , Charles M. Hurd of Lincoln and Ole Hefnn of Dawson have asked the United States court to declare them bankrupts. Judge Munger was In Ilia city yesterday to superintend the installment of his office In the now building. Ho has selected tbo Btlltu of rooms on the south sldo of the third floor for the present. There Is another sulto ex actly like it on the north sldo of the build up , but this will probably bo unoccupied , \l \ unless the south sldo should become too trop- cal for comfort during the warm season. For frost bites , bums , Indolent sores , eczema , skin disease , and especially Piles , Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salvo stands first nnd host. Look out for dishonest people who try to imitate and counterfeit It. H'a their endorsement of a good article. FORMER RESIDENT OF OMAHA Hiirrln , Now 111 .lull nt Sloiix City , Lived II err ut One Time. Archlo Harris , nn 18-year-old boy , who Is under arrest In Sioux City and who at tempted to kill Jailer fjus Anderson , Is said to be a resident of Omaha , his homo hav ing boon ut ono tlmo between Tenth and Kloventh streets , on Leavonworth. Harris was arrested and sent to the jail In Sioux City to servo out thirty days sen tence for petit larceny. Ho obtained pos session of a revolver in Komo way and Hrod through hU cell door at Jailor Anderson. The juller saw the gun and dodged In tlmo to avoid the bullet , which landed In tha arm of Fred I'orry , a prlHoner. " 1'or ola year * Ivus u victim of dy - pepaiu in Its worht form 1 could cat nothing tmtmtlU toa.'H , und at times my blomach would not rouln and dlK'Cfct oven tuut. Last March I began taklni ? OASCAHKT.S and filnt-o then I liavoiitoaillly Improved , until I am an ueil as I ever was in my ilJo. DAVID H Muni'uv , Newark , O , I'lesunnt. I'alalftlilo. I'olt-nt. Tntte Good , Do Good , .Novjr hlcken , SVcuLt-nur ( irlpu , lOc , Jic , ti'o. . . . CURE CONSTIPATION. . . . leurd ; j. I tleigo , Mixlrttl , S 4rk. Jll "l"1 ni l Kiiiruntoed br