Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, March 02, 1899, Page 11, Image 11

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    TITT ! OMATTA TiAIl.V 111312 ! TlirilSDAV. MAIKMI 2. ISM ) .
Thlrty.three. We WtnVSIxth Principal MH.
Northwest quarter nf nectlon number 1 ,
All iif icotlon number 7.
.Ml of section numtrer 0.
.Ml of section numlier 11.
All rf Kcetlun number 1.1 ,
All of section numlier If , .
All of section nunil r 17.
All of section number S. <
All of section number 2. ' , .
All of section numlier 27.
All of section number 3R.
.Township No. roiirtren , North , nf Rsne No.
Thlrty.three , West , of the Sltth Principal Mtrl.
dim ,
All of section number 3.
All of spcllnn number fi.
Lots four , five , six nnd seven , Northwest QUST.
ter of Northeast quarter. Northwest quartet
nd Northwest quarter of Southwest quarter ot
section number 7.
.Township No. fifteen , North , of Hsnjo No ,
Thirty-three. West of the Sixth Principal
All of section number 1.
All of section ntimlmr .1.
All of section number n.
All of section number 7.
All of section number 0. , . .
That part lylnr west of Ulrdwood Creek In
lection number 16.
All of section number 17.
All ot section number 10.
All of section numlier 21. , ,
That part lying vest of Blrdwood Creek In
section nuraWr 27.
All of section number 20.
All of section number 31.
All of seetton number .1.1.
Ihst part lylnir west of Ulrdwood Creek ID
Southwest quarter of section number 35.
Township No. Sixteen , North , of Itanee No.
Thlrtr-thrco , iVrst , ot the Sixth Principal
All of scctlrn number 1.
That part lylnir West of Illrdwood Crock la
West hslf of section number 3.
All of section number fi.
All of section number 7.
All of section numlier 0.
That pott lylne West of Blrdwood Creek In
lection munlier Ik.
All of section number 17.
All of sectlnn number HI.
All of section number 21.
That part lylnu West of Illrdwood Creek la
Southwest qliarli-r of section number 23.
All of section mi Ml her 23.
All of section ntimber 27.
All of section number 2n.
Alt of scclloii number .11.
All of section mimbi-r 33. . .
Thnt pnrt Ij-lmr West of Illrdwood Creek In
lection number .1.1.
Township No ri > n North , of Itaneo No.
ThlrtT.four , v r of the Sixth 1'rlnctpal
All of section rumber I.
All of section number n.
All of section number n.
AH of section number 7.
North half of North half of section num *
Township No. KleTon , North , of Ranee No.
Thtrtr.four , West , of the Sixth Principal
All of section number 1.
All of section nmntier .1.
All of section number D.
All of section number 7.
All of section number II.
All of section rmnlier 11.
All of soot'mi ' number 1.1.
All of seetlni liumli > r IB.
All of nee ! Ion number 17.
All of sectlnn number in.
All of fl ctlon number 21 ,
All of section number 2,1.
All of section number 25.
All of section number 27.
Alt of section number 2D.
All of section number .11.
Alt of nectton number .13.
All of section number 35.
Township No. Twelve , North , of Ranee No.
Thirty-four , , West , of the Sixth Principal
Southwest quarter of section nnmbcr 11 ,
All of section number 13. .
All of section number in.
All of section number 21. ,
All of section number 2.1.
All of section number ' . ' , " .
All of section number 27.
All of section number 211.
All of section number 31.
All of section number 3.1.
All of section number 88.
Township No. Thirteen , North , of Ranee No.
Thirty-four , West , of the Sixth Principal Mcrl-
Lois two , three , four nnd five , anil South halt
of section number 7.
Northeast quarter of section number in.
Southeast qunrter of section number 21 ,
North half of section number 27.
Township No. Fourteen , North , of Ranee No.
Thirty-four , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri
All of section number 1.
All of'section rumber 3.
All of section number fi.
All of section number 7.
All of section ' . .umber ft.
All of section number 11.
Ixits one , two , three , ami Northwest quarter
If Northwest quarter of section' ' number 13.
Lots one , two , three nnd four of section
lumber 13.
I/it ono of section number 17.
Township No. Fifteen. North , of Ranee No.
rhlrty-four , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl-
All of section number 1.
All of section number n.
All of section number 5.
All of section number 7.
All of section number n.
All of section number 11.
All of section number 1.1.
All. of section number 15.
All of section number 17.
All of section number 18.
All of section number 21. i ,
Alt of section number S3. < < - " > - i
All of section number VS.
All of section number 27.
All of section number 21) .
AH of section number SI.
All of section number 3.1.
All of section number 3.1.
Township No Sixteen , North , of Range No.
Thirty-four , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri
All of section number 1.
All of section number 3. >
All of section number fi.
All of section number 7.
Allor section number n.
All of section number 11. i ,
All of section number 13.
All of section number in.
All of section number 17.
All of section number in.
All of section number 21.
All of section number 2.1 ,
All of section number 25.
All of section number 27.
All of section number 2n.
'All of section number 31.
All of section number 33 ,
All of section number 35.
The following lands hare not been contracted
f f eale.
1 i Town of Maxwell.
lots numbers four , flve. six , seven , eight ,
I nine , ton , eleven , and twelve of lllock num-
' her * * 3 '
Lots 'numbers one , two , three , four , flve , six ,
seven , eight , nine , ten. eleven , twelvo. thirteen ,
fourteen & fifteen of niock number 24.
Ixits numbeis one , two , three , four , Ore ,
, sir , seven and eight of lllock number 25.
' Ixits numbers two , three , four , live and six
of lllock number 20.
Loin iiiimberH one , two , flve , six , seven anc
eight of Block number 27.
Town of North Ptatte.
Intifl numbers live , fclx and seven of TJlock
number 'M.
Lot number clsht of lllock number B7.
Lois numbers three and four of Block num
ber f > 8.
Ixits numbers one. two , three and four or
'lllnclc number 05.
Lot number four of lllock number 88.
Township No , Nine , North of Ilangft No.
Twenty-six , West of the Sixth Principal Mo-
riillsu. . . ,
All of section number in.
Township No. Twelve , North of Ranee No.
Twenty-six , West of the Sixth Principal Me-
Nnrt'h half and Southeast Quarter of section
number 5.
Weit half and Southeast Quarter of sec-
' '
rSirt'lVh'aff and Southcnst Quarter of soctloq
Bcuth half and Northeoit Quarter of ice-
KonthBlhslf of Northwest Quarter of ifc-
tlnn number 11. . . . .
Knutbncst Quarter of section number 13.
All of section number 15.
Kait tmlf of section number 17 ,
Loin One , Two , Three and Four of section
North half and Southwest Quarter of section
DUNorth "hnlf nnd Southwest Quarter of sec
tion uutnbiT 23.
North half of section number 27.
Township No. Thirteen , North of Ranee No ,
Twenty-six , West of the Sixth Principal Me-
Northeast Quarter of section number 3.
Kait half of station number B.
All of section numlier 7.
West half of section number 0.
Southwest Quarter of lection number II.
All of section number 17.
All of section number 10.
West half of section number 21 ,
Southwest quarter of suction number 27.
All of section number 20.
All of section number 31.
All of section number 33 ,
Tovtnsblp No , fourteen , North of Range No.
Tneuty.sli. Weit ot the Sixth Principal Merl-
All of section number 7. , . .
North half and Southeast Quarter of section
nUNolrth est Quarter. West hnlf of Southwest
Quarter and Kast half of Southeast Quarter of
sort ion number 15 ,
West half of section number 10.
Southwest Quarter of section number 21.
Southwest Quarter of suction number 2 .
Kait Jislf of section number 31. . .
Township No. Fifteen , North , of Range Nn. * . West , of tin- Sixth Principal Merl-
dlN rlhwest Quarter of suction number 3.
All of lection number 7.
All of section number n.
South hnlf of section number 11.
All of section number 13 ,
All of section number 17.
All of section number 10 ,
All nf section number 21 ,
Knit half of section number 88.
All of section nutmior 27.
All of section number ? 9.
Nnrth half of lection number SI.
All ef sectlnn number .13.
Nnrthesit Quarter and Southweit Quarter of
lertlcn number 3.1 . . . . . . ,
Township No , Sixteen , Northof Ilsnits No ,
Twenty-slx. Weit of the Sixth Principal Mori-
Sniilh half of section number SO ,
All of lection number 31.
South half of section number 33.
Township No Klevrn North. , of nnin N ( > ,
Twenly-ieven Writ of the Sixth Principal
Pouthw'eit Quarter nf section number 11.
Townihln No Twelve North , of Ranee No.
Twenty-seven West of the. Sixth Principal
Nnrthesst Qnsrlcr and Southwest Quarter of
leetlnn number 1
Rust hslf < if section number 13 ,
I.ols ftavrn nnd V.leht nf section number 21.
Township No. Thirteen North , of Ilnne No ,
Twenty-iovcn Weit of the Sixth Principal
Meridian ,
All nf section number 1 ,
All of section number H
All nf section numK'r B.
All of irctlnn nuuilKT 7.
All of section number 0.
All ot section number 11 ,
All nf section nnmtwr in.
All of motion number ! . ' > .
All of section number 17.
All if , section number 21 ,
SUI..H half and Northwest ( Juirter ot lection
iumber 25.
North half and Southetst Quarter of lection
lumber 27.
Nnrthneit Quarter and Southeait Qaarter of
lection number 35 ,
Townahlp No. Fourteen North , of nanio No.
Twenty-scTea Welt of the Sixth Principal
All nf section number I.
All nf section number 3 ,
Southeast Quarter of section number S ,
All nf section number 7.
Northwest Quirter and Southeait Quarter of
left Ion number 11.
All of section numlwr 1.1 ,
All nf section numtier 17.
All of section number III.
All of section number 21.
All of section numlior 23 ,
All ( Excepting one ncro deeded for School
Bite ) of section number 25.
North bait and Southwest Quarter ot Section
cumber 27.
All nf section number 0.
All of section number 31.
I'.nit hnlf of section number 33.
All of section number 35 '
Township Nn. Fifteen North , nf Ranse Nn.
Twenty. 6vcn West of the Sixth Principal Merl.
All nf section number .1.
All nf section number 5.
Southeast Quarter of section number 0.
All of section number 11.
All "f Ncctlon number 13.
All of section number 2.1.
All of section number 25.
Southeast Quarter ( Kxcepllnc one acre ddodcd
for Reboot Site ) of section number 29.
All of section number .15.
Townihlp No. Sixteen North , nf Ilangc No ,
Twenty-seven West of the Sixth Principal Merl.
West half of section number 21.
South half of section number 23.
All of lection number 25.
All of section number 27.
All of section number 2n.
South half of section number 31.
All of section number 33. .
Township No. Thirteen North , of Ranite Nn ,
Twenty-eight West of the Sixth Principal Meri
dian ,
All of section number 1 ,
West hnlf of section number ,1.
All of sect Inn number 5 ,
Northeast Quarter of section number I ) .
All nf section number 11. . . . . .
Unplatted portion adjoining the town of
Maxwell of Lnts Two and Three In section
number 21 , excentlnr n tract containing 2.7.1
ncres conveyed by the t'nlon Pacific Railway
Comnnm In John MoCulloUfh by deed No.
22.407 ilnted Norrmber 15th. 189 .
Township No. Fourteen North , of Ranee Nn.
Twenty-eight West of the Sixth Principal Meri
All of section number 1.
Smith half and Northwest Quarter of ec.
tlon number 3.
North half and Southwell Quarter of sec
tion nitmlier 5. . .
Northeast Quarter nml North half of Northwest -
west Quarter of section number 7.
All of section number n.
All of section number 11.
All of section number 1.1.
All of section number 15.
All nf section number 17. . .
North hnlf nnd Southeast Quarter of section
number in.
AH nf section number 21.
All of section nmnb r 2.1.
A1I nf section number 25.
All nf section number 27.
Snntlm-e t Quarter ft cton ! number 29.
All nf section nnrater 3.1.
All of section nMtnlx-r 35.
Township No. Sixteen. North nf Unncn Nn.
Twenty-elRht , West of the Sixth Principal
South hnU nf section number 1.1. .
South bnjf nnd Northeast Quarter nf section
rumber 17.
north balf nnd Southeast Quarter of section
number 31.
North bnlf nf section number 3.1.
Tnwn hln Nn Twelv. North nf Rsnie Nn.
Twenty-nine , West nf the Sixth Principal Merl.
dint Vnrthomt Onager nf -llnn nitm > T fi.
Tnwn b'n ' NO Thirteen. Vo-th. of Tt nr V0.
T'ontynIncWest of the Sixth Principal Me-
rMlnn ,
V nt One In "ecMon rnimp * * 'K.
Town Mn N" ronrtpon. N r h yf Ttnnp No.
Tn-ontv-nlno , West of the Sixth Principal Me-
, 11 nf section tmmbor 5. . . .
No'tbwput Quarter nf cllon number 11 ,
J ll nf Hootlnn number IB. , .
Nnrtbwest Ounrter nnd Southeast Quarter
of section number mr
South bnlf nf lecMon number 5.1.
Tnwnsbln N" . "IK. Vnr'h of " , Jjo.
Twenty-nine , West of the Sixth Principal Mo-
All of section number " .
A" or section number 'i. '
/ll < > f section number ' 5.
All nf section nnm > cr in.
AH nf section number 71.
All nf nectlon number 25. ' ;
North hMf nnd Sonthwegt Quarter of section
number 27.
All of section number " .
All nf wctlnn number 31.
Northwest Puirter of section number .13.
Township N" SUtc'er. North of Ranee No.
Twenty-nine. West of the Sixth Principal Me
All of section number 17.
Southeast quarter of section number 25.
Tnwnsbin Xo. Twelve. North nf Ujneo No.
Thirty. West of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
West hnlf of section number 2.1.
Township No. Fourteen. North of Rnngo No.
Thirty West of the Slrth Principal Meridian.
East half of section number 13.
A ntrlp nf land 400 feet In width lylnc next
to and North of n line parallel to nnd 20rt
feet North of tbn center line of the mnln'track
of thi > U. P. H. 11. through section number
33. Kst. 50 acres.
Township No. Fifteen. North nf Rnncc. No.
Thirty , West of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
All of section number 2.1.
Township No. Sixteen North , of Rnnsn No.
Thirty West of the Sixth Principal Meridian
West half and Southeast Quarter of section
number 1.
All of section number 3. . . .
Northeast Quarter of section number B.
All of section number II.
All of section number 13.
All of section number IB.
North half of section' number 17.
West balf ot section number 10 ,
South half and Northeast Quarter of section
number 81.
All of section number 23.
South hnlf nnd Northwest Quarter of section
number 25.
All of section number 27.
All of section number ill.
All of section number 31.
All of section number 33.
All of section number 35. _ .
Township No. Twelve , North , of Range No.
Thlrty-ono West of the Sixth Principal Mori-
dNor'thwest Quarter of Section number 1.
All of section number .1.
All of section number 7.
All of section numlwr 17.
All of scrtlon number 23.
AH of section number 31.
Northwest Quarter of sectlnn number .15.
Township No. Thirteen North , of Ranee 'No. '
Thirty-one West of the Sixth Principal Mori-
All'of sectlnn ntimber 19.
Southwest Quarter of section number 27.
All nf neetlon number 29.
North half and Southeait Quarter of section
Township No. ' Fifteen North , of lUnge No.
Thirty-one West of the Sixth Principal Me
Kast half of section number 1ft.
South balf and northwest Quarter of sec
tion nuuibor 21.
Township No. Sixteen North , of Ranan No.
Thirty-one. West ot the Sixth Principal Mo-
All of section number 1.
All of section numlwr 3.
North half of section number B.
All of section number 7. . . .
Southeait Quarter of section number It.
All of section number 13.
South hnlf and Norlhweit Quarter of sec-
"rid Northeast Quarter of se.c-
Quarter and Southeait Quarter of.
sco lion number IP. . . . ,
Southwest Quarter of section number 21 ,
All of section number 23 ,
Quarter of sec-
ruri' Quarter of section number SB ,
Township No. Twelve. North "f Itange No.
Thlrty-t o , West of the Sixth Principal Me-
' "
Al"Dof lection number 0.
All of section number If.
" " ! ' ) -
hB.rf"annd"1rort'hre.Tt- Quarter of , ec-
tlon number 10 ,
All of section number 27.
West hnlf of section number 20.
Tol-n rvo" & nf Rang. No.
Thirty-two , Weit of the Sixth Principal Me-
&S8" SffiSST. North of Range No.
Thirty-two , West of the Sixth Principal Iff-
TnnnsMo' SnYelven.nNnrt'h of Rans No.
TMr\y.tbree \ , Weit of the Sixth Principal Me-
" "
' .mth hnlf of section number 1.
section number 3.
Kait half of
{ "t half of section number 2S.
All of iectlon miral > : "
| number 35.
IS rftfy.nTVa. . . dW'ood Creek In
Veit half of sect Ion number 3 ,
All of lection iiumlKT 11.
Thlrir-four , West of the filxlb
' 'fiout'heait ' number U.
" Quarter of section
NoVth "allT and Southeait Quarter of sec.
"Townihln'N" ' Thirteen , North of Rsnge No ,
Thlrjfour. West of the Sixth Principal Me-
' 'lift's ' ' Nine. Ton and Eleven of iectlon num.
btrpi8tVnts to tha following landi ban not
Township' . Tnclve. North , of Range No.
Twenty-elght , W > it , of the Sixth Principal
: All of section number " .
: All of kcetlon numlier & .
: Kait Halt of section number 7.
: AH nf section number v ,
\\Vit Half of section number 11.
All of iectlon number 15.
: All of section number 17.
That part lying lnild Kort McPheroon
U lltarr Rfserv tlou of section numWr If.
Thai I'urt ' lylnc Innblv Kcrt Mcl'heraon
U Iltary Iteser\atlou of section number 21.
tThat pnrt"IliTn" liisfdc' "Foft " SlcPfie'rmrit
Military licniTtallo'i of section namlwr ! ! ' ! .
In Fort Mcl'hersnn Military Reser.
vatlon not yet decided whether part of Land
Grant or not.
To n hlp No. Thirteen , North of Range Nn
Twenty-eight , West , of the Sixth Principal
I/ots Una and Two on Iilind of section num.
Ifr 27.
tThat part lying Inside Fort McPhersoo
Military UeserTallon of section number .13.
IThat part lying Inildc Fort McPherson
Military Reservation of section number as.
" " " " " 'I ' I. .I. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , , ! _ „ „ ,
ll.ahdi In Fort McPherson Military Reser.
\atlon not yet decided whether part of iJitid
Oraut or not.
Township No. Twelve. North , of Range No.
Thirty-three , Went , of the Sixth Prlnclial ilcrl.
Southwest Quarter of lection number 3.
Township No. Fourteen , North , of Rangf No.
Thlrty.four , West , of the Sixth Principal Me-
} lMt * Three , Four , Fho and Six of section
number .14 ,
rrrnneouilj- patented to Settlers. U. p.
Railway Company U entitled tu Indemnity un
der Act of Congress approved .lime 22. 1S74.
Palenti have been Issued for the following
Contracts for the sale nf the following landi
are outstanding , and the lands are sold subject
to said contracts.
Township No. Seventeen , North , of Rangp No.
Tttcnty-nlne. West , of the Sixth Principal Me
Northeast quarter and Southwest quarter of
section number 27.
West half of section number 3.1.
The following lands have not been contract.
rd for sale.
Township No. Seventeen , North of Range No.
Twenty-nine , Weit , of the Sixth Principal Me.
South half of North half , and South half of
sectlou number in.
South half ot North half , and South halt of
sectlnn number 21.
Northwest Quarter and Southeast Quarter of
section number 27.
All of section number 2n.
AH nf section number 31.
Patents have Iven Itsued for the following
Contracts for the sale nf the following lands
nrn outstanding , and the lands ate sold sub
ject to said contracts :
Town of Silver Creek.
Lnts numbers two , seven and eight of lllock
number 29.
Town of Clarks.
Lots numbers two nnd tbiec of nioci num
ber 14.
Town nf Clmpmnns.
Lot number one of lllock number 27.
Township No. Fifteen , North , of llangc No ,
Three. West , of the Sixth Principal .Meridian.
Northwest quarter of Northeast quarter of
section number 7.
Township No. Sixteen , North , nf Itange No ,
Three , West , of thu Sixth Principal Meridian.
Northwest quarter of Southeast quarter of
section number 1.1.
Ixit one of foot Ion number 2o.
I.ot two nf section number 33.
Int sir of section number 35.
That part of Island number one In section
number 33.
That pnrt ot Island number two In section
number 35.
Township No. Fifteen , North , of Range No.
Four , Wcat , of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
Northwest quarter of Northeast quarter and
North hnlf of Northwest quarter of nectlon
ntimber 1.
Township No. Fourteen. North , of Rangp No.
Five , West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian ,
North hnlf of Northwest quarter of section
number 21.
Loin two nud five of section number 23.
South balf of Northeast quarter of section
number 20.
Township Nn. Fourteen , North , of Ilango No.
Six. West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
Northwest quarter ( if section number 10.
Township No. Twelve. North , of Hnnce No.
Seven , West , of the Sixtli Principal Meridian.
That part of Mlands numbern throe and four
In seel Ion number 1.
That pnrt lying North of U. P. It. It. In
Southwest qnnrter of Southwest quarter of sec
tion number 7.
That part of Island number flve In ncctlon
number 11.
That pnrt of Island number seven In section
Township No. Fifteen , North , of Itnuge No.
Seven. West , of the Sixtli Principal .Meridian
South half of Northeast quarter of iectlon
number 1.1.
Kant bnlf of Northeast quarter of section
Township No. Eleven , North , of Range No.
Eight , West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
Lot one of section number 1.
Township No. Twelve , North , of llniifre No.
Eight , West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
South half of Southwest quarter of section
number 7 , . . .
Northwest quarter of Southwest quarter ol
section number 15. . . . . . , ,
Southeast quarter of Northeast quarter of
eectlon number 10. .
Northwest quarter of Southeast quarter ol
section number 2B. . . . . ,
Township No. Thirteen. North , of Uangn No.
Eight , West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
North bnlf of section number 11.
Township Nn. Fifteen. North , of Unnge No ,
Eight , West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian ,
Northeast quarter of section number 21.
South balf of Southwest quarter of section
number 23.
West bnlf of Northeast quarter of section
Patents have not been Issued for the follow.
Townshfp No. Fourteen , Noffti , of Itnnco No.
Five. West , of thu Sixth Principal Meildlan.
1/ot Five on Ash Island In section number 13.
The following lands have not been contracted
Township No. Twelve , North , of Ilnnse No.
Seven West , of the Sixth Prlnclpil Meridian.
That part of Iilnnd No. Six In section number
Patents have been Issued for the following
lands : _
Town of ClarKs.
Lots number * live and six of DIock number 4.
I/ita nuinbcis seven , elfjht , eleven and twelve
of lllock number 21. . . . .
I.oH numbers flve. six. seven , eight , nine , ten.
eleven , twelve , thirteen , fourteen and flftccn
of lllock number 22.
Town of Chnpmnnn.
I/its numbers three , seven , eight , ten and
eleven of lllock number 21.
I/ota number * one , two , eleven nnd twelve ot
Iock ! number 23.
Ixit number thirteen of Block number 20.
Ixits numbers two. three , four. flve. woven.
eltht nine , ten , eleven , twelve , thirteen.
fourteen , llftenn , sixteen nnd seventeen of
Block number 27.
Ixiti numbers three , four. flve. sir. seven ,
eight , nine , ten , eleven , twelve , thirteen , four.
teen , fifteen , sixteen , seventeen , eighteen , ulno.
teen , twenty , twenty-one , twenty-two , twentyi
three nnd twenty-four of lllnck number 32.
Lots numbers one , two , three of BlocV number
'Lots numbers ono and two of Block nurabet
Town of I/ono Tree ( now Central City ) .
Lot number eight of Block number 17.
Lota numbers one nnd six nf Block number 35.
Lot number seven of lllock number 15.
Township No. Twelve. North of Itnmro No ,
Seven , West of the Sixth Prlnclnal Meridian.
Lot In Northwest Quarter of Northwest Quar
ter nf section number 29.
Township No. Thirteen. North nf R ngo No.
Seven. West nf the Sixth Prlnclnal Meridian.
Northwest Quarter nf section numb"r19.
Tnnnfhlp No. Fourteen. North nf Hung" No.
Kluht. West of the Sl lb Principal Meridian.
East half of NorthonM Qmrter ( I centlnp 4
acres deeded to L. f , B IT. H. R. Co. for
right of way ) of sectlnn number 9.
I'ntrnts have been Issued for the following
Contracts for the sale of the following lands
are outstanding nnd the lands arc sold subject
to said contracts :
Township Nn , Seventeen , North , of Rnngo
No. Thirty , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl.
Southwest ounrter nf section numlior 25.
TownMilp No. Seventeen. North , of Ilangn
No. Thirty-one , Weat , of thn Sixth Principal
Meridian. , ,
Northeast quarter and Soutbwost quarter of
section number 21.
Northwest quarter of section number 27.
Southwest nuarter nf section number 33.
Township No. Setenteen. North , of Hangn
Nn. Thirty-two , West , of the Sixth Principal
South half of sectlnn number 13.
Northwest quarter and South half of section
number in.
Southeast quarter of section number 25 ,
Soulh balf nf section number 27.
AH nf sectlnn number 8.1.
Township Nn. Seventeen , North , nf Ilangfl No.
Thirty-three , West , of the Sixth Principal Me-
South half of section number 1.1 ,
Smith hnlf of section number In.
South half of section number 17.
All of sectlnn number in.
AH of section number 21.
West half of section number 23.
Northeast quarter and Weat half of section
cumber 27 ,
All of sectlnn number 20.
All of section number 31 ,
All of sectlnn number 33.
Township No. Seventeen. North , of Ilangn
Nn. Thirty-four , Wet , of the Sixth Principal
South half of South half of section number
South half of South balf of section number
'south half of South half ot section number
AH of section number in.
All of eectlon number 21.
All of section number V.I.
All of section number 25.
All of section number 27.
All of section number -"J.
All of sectlnn number .11.
All of section number 33 ,
All of section number 35.
Township No , Seventeen , North , of Range
No. Thlrty-flve , West , ot the Sixth Principal
South half of North halt anii South half of
section number 25.
South balf nf North half and South half of
section numlnT 27.
South half of North half and South half ot
section number 20.
AH of section number 31.
All of si-cllou number 33.
All of sectlnn cumber .15.
Township No , Seventeen , North , of lumps
No. Thirty-six , Weit , of the Sixth Principal
South half of section number 29.
AH of iccllon uiiinlier 31.
All of section number 3.1 ,
All of sectlnn numU > r 35 ,
Township No , Seventeen , North , of Rang *
No. IhlrlT-icvcu , West , of the Sixth Principal
South half of si-clinn nutnlicr 25 ,
The following lands have not contracted
for sale :
ToHIiihlii No. Seventeen. North nf Range No.
Thirty , Writ , of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
Alt of tectjoo number 19 ,
All of section number 21.
South halt of South half of section num.
North bait and Southeait Quarter of section
number 23.
All of iectlon numlfr 27.
All of section number 20.
All of section numl-er 31.
All of lection number .13.
All of lection number 35 ,
No. Seventeen , North , of Ilangc No.
thlrty-onc , Weal , ofihe Slllh Prlhclf > ar MM.
All nf section number 10.
Northwest Qtiattcr and Southeast Qnarter ot
lection tiumbrr 21.
All nf section nutnticr 25.
All nf icctlnn number 20.
West half of dfcllnn number .11.
North halt and Southeast Quarter ot trctlon
number 33.
All nf fecllcn number 35.
Towmhlp No. Seventeen. Nnrth , of Itange No ,
Thirty-two , Wcat , of the Sixth Principal Mcrl.
South half of section number 15.
All of section number 2.1.
North half nnd Southwest Quarter of dcctton
number 25.
North half of section number 27.
All of section number 35.
Tnwrnhlp No. Seventeen. North , nf Dangp Nn.
Thirty-three , West of the Sixth Principal Merl.
ilian ,
Taut half nf srrllnit number 2.1.
All nf section number 25.
Alt uf sect Inn number 3.
. Patents for the following lands hnte not been
l. npd :
The following lands have not Iwen contracted
fnr sale :
Township No. Sixteen. North , of Itnncp Nn
night. West , nf the Sixth Principal Meridian.
I.ots line nnd Two nf section nutnlier 31
Patents for the following lands have been
Issued :
Contracts for the nle of the following Inndi
nro oiitstnndlni. nnd the lands arc sold sub.
Ject to mid contracts :
Town of .Incksnn ( now Duncanl.
I/its numbers onp. two. three , four , five , nT |
- " ' - " " ' "l"f" 1 > n" twcltt > ' " '
' < 'ls'f' ! nln < 1 nl * ' tWB > TI % of
beV" ! * nui'ntiers tout nml nine of Blnck num.
Towrj Mp No. fisei ] ! , . North , of Ilnncp No
One K .t. , , f thn Sixth Principal .Mcrl. Hn
The Nnrth half nf the Nnrlhea.l qunrter'ond
lot seven of section numl > er 1
Tnwnihlri No. Seventeen. North , of Rnngn
fldimS ' ° f " " ' Rl111' 1'tlncl'al ' i'e- '
lot two of sectlnn numlior 111.
Town * hip No. Nineteen. North , nf Hango
No. Onp , West , of the Sixth Principal Mcrl.
Northwest quarter of Southeast quarter of
nnmlicr 25
Township No. Hljtpcn. Nnrth. nf Ranee No
Two. West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
Kn"t balf of Northeast quarter , North half
. S'Uthenst ' quarter nnd Soutbwent quarter
of Southeast quarter nf section numb r 7
Town hlp No. Seventeen. Nnrth. nf Itanre
Nn. Tno , West , of Ilia Sixth Principal Me-
North hnlf of Northeast quarter of section
Dumber 1,1 ,
lot Inn nf sectlnn number 23.
Township Nn. Nineteen. North , nf ttaticn No.
Twn. West , nf the Sixth Prlnclpil Meridian
Northwest qunrter of Southwest iitinrter of
section number III.
Southeast quarter of Southwest quarter of
section number 35.
Township No. Seventeen. North , of Rancc
N . Three , West of the Sixtli Prlnclpnl Mo-
I.ots three and four nf section number 17
ToniKhlp No. Nineteen. Nnrth. nf Unnrp No.
Three. We t of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
Nnrth hnlf of Northeast quarter nf section
number .1.
Township Nn. Klghteen , North , nf Ranee No ,
Tnnr , Weit , of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
Northwest quarter of Northnctfl qunrter nf
sect Inn number 17.
The followlpR lamls have not been contracted
for sab > :
Town of .Inekson ( nnw Duncan ) .
Lots numbers live , six , seven nnd eight of
Illnck number S.
Ixits numbers ono nnd fnur of lllock num
ber 10.
Lots numbers one. two , throe , five , nix , se.
veil , eight , ten anil eleven of Itlnck number 11.
Lots numbers one , two nnd three of Illncb
number is.
Ixits numbers one. two , three , four , six and
eleven of Hloek number 1.1.
Ixits nurflhcrn one nud three of Tllock num
ber 14.
Ixits numbers fourteen nnd fifteen of lllock
number IS.
Township No. Silicon , north nf Ilaneo No ,
One , east of the Sixtli Prlnclpnl Meridian.
Ixit Six of sectlnn number 1.
Township No. Seventeen , Nflrth of Itnngo
Nn. One. east of the Sixth Principal .Meridian ,
Ixits Ten , Kloven and Thirteen nf section
number T3.
Township Nn. Seventeen , north nf Range No ,
One. west of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
Ixit Three of section number 10.
Lot One of sectlnn number 21.
Township No. r.lchtcen. nnrth nf Rnnco No.
One , West of the Sixth Prlnclpnl Meridian.
Northeast qunrter of southeast quarter of
section number IS f
Township No. Sixteen , north nf Ranee No.
Two , west of the SUtli Principal Meridian.
Northeast qunrter of northeast quarter of
section number 1.
Ixjt In northwest quarter of northwest quar
ter of section number 21.
Erroneously patented to Settler ; U. P. H'y
Co. Is entitled to Indemnity under act of Con
gress approved June 82. ] 74.
Patents hu\o been Issued for the following
lands :
Contracts for the sale of the following lands
are outstanding , and the lands are sold subject
to said contracts.
Township No. Thirteen , North , of Range No.
Two , West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
SoulUwent quarter of Northeast quarter of
section number 31. .
Township No. Flftccn , X < uth , nf Range No.
Two , West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
Kaat half of Southeast ijjnartcr pf section
Township No. Thirteen. North , nf Range No.
Threp , West , of the Sixth Principal Mcrl-
Southeast quarter of Southeast quarter of
eectlon number .1.1. . .
Township No. Fourteen , North , nf Range No.
Four West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
North half of Southwest qunrter of section
r'TheCrfoTlowing lands nre not contracted for
" "
Township No. Sixteen. North of Range No.
One West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
Ixit Five of nectlon number 7. .
Township No. Fifteen. North of Rnnce No.
Four , Wedt nf the Sixth Prlnclpnl Meridian.
Lot Five of section number 23.
Patents have been Issued for tbo following
"coSiraetc for the sale of the W" wlns landj
are outstanding nnd the lands are sold subject
° To"wDshir.trN0lSTen. : nf Range No.
" . . North ,
Thlty"flvP ? West , of the Sixth Prlnclpnl Mcrl-
Northeast quarter of " > f"nlj.n'lnl1'y1',1'- ' ' . . .ion
Northwest qunrter and south half of section
number 9.
OISouth hnlf of Fi-eMon number 11.
All of sectlnn number 13
N'oVllfen ' 'quafir'and1 ' South hnlf of section
" "T wnHMii No Ten Nnrth. of Rnnce Nn.
ThirTy West , of V Sixth Principal Mert-
' - nitartor of section number 0.
dl NnVtliwest quarter nnd South half of section
' ' 'pniilbonst minrter of cecllon number J.
nut half of section number K
' " vnVtben.t n.iarter . nf > M ° J'llnI01f1''f7n1e '
; , , " ; Vn.
, r ! ! ; $ * . . wilS-pM. ' Merl-
' ' 'North half of section nmmVr 7.
Vt'mi ' er and Southeaat quarter of
Vnrtbe t nuar'-r of .ectlon n-imbcr ' "
Tnlvni'Mn Nn Ten "Jor h. nf imnep Nn For-
tyTn"m. WeM of tlm SI"- l'Hen.l | Meridian.
" ' ° " < " < nffln-nge
Vn"'tr' ven" VnrnM W .
Tn ' Mn ' | . -
rSy-'one.West , nf the Sixth Principal Mcrl-
" " ' niiarlpr nf section number 5 ,
Vortheast murfer nf secllnn Pi'"ly >
d-ulhP st nnar r of cc-Mm nii-nb-r 2T.
Tn vn hln vn Tv l n. nr h. < > ' | isn"e r < n ,
rnr"7-nne. West , of the Sixth Principal Merl-
p"uthe t nnnrlernf fectlnn ruinber 2(1.
Ti , following lands have nnt been contract-
l > ' " "
, F.leren Vor h ' Ranre 'No. '
TMrty-elght , West of the Sixth Principal Merl.
r t bnlf of Southeast Quarter nf lection
m-mber .1
West bslf nf sectlnn number 27.
Townibln Nn. Twelv" . "nr h nf Itsnie Nn.
Tblrty-nlne. West , of the Sixth Principal Merl.
West balf nf Southwest Quarter of section
nimiitpr 1. .
Township No. Nln * . North of Rsnee No.
rnrlr-one. West , of the Sixth Principal Merl.
All of section number B
TownsMn No. Twelve. Vnrlh of Range No.
Forty-one , Weit , nf the Sixth Principal Merl.
llan Southeast Ooarler of seellnn number 21
Towniblp No. Nine. North nf lionre NO.
Forty-two , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl.
Lots One , Two , Three and Tour of eectlon
numtier 1.
I/its One , Two , Three and Four of section
numlier 1,1.
I/iU One , Two , Three and Four of section
m'mber 2.1.
Townihln No. Ten. North of Itmign Nn , For.
ty-two , Went , of tbo Sixth Principal fieri-
I/its One and Two of sect Inn number 1 ,
iota One nnd Two of icctlnn number 13.
Lots Ono and Two of ( ectlou number 23.
_ , rnKf.rg ru"i"s"i7 : : sr.un.\sKA. "
Talents for the followinc lands have lieen
Ontr.icls for the sale nf the following land *
are outslnndllie , nud the land * are sold subject
to said mntrncts.
Towinblli No. Six , North , nf Range No. Se
venteen , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri
dian.North half of Southeast ittarter | of section
number ,11.
Towmhlp No. Seven. North , of Ranee , No.
Seventeen , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl-
Southwest quarter of section nnmlier SO ,
Township No. Klght. North , of Rnneo Nit.
Seventeen , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri
Southwest qunrter of section number 21 ,
Township No. Seven , North , nf Range No.
Klghteen , West of the Sixth Principal Merl'
Southeast quarter nf section number 1.1.
Township No. r.lBbl. North , nf nance No ,
Klghteeii , West , of the Sixth Principal Metl.
dlan ,
Ix > ts numbers two , three , four nnd five of ice *
tlon number 11.
Knst hnlf and Nnrth half of Southwest quar >
tcr of section number 27.
Township Nn. Kit-lit. Nnrth , of Range , No.
Nineteen , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl.
1/iis number * one , two , three and four of sec
tion numtrer 7. . . . . ,
Township No. Six. North , of Range No.
Twenty , West , of the Sixth Prlnclpll Mcrl.
Kn'st half of section number in.
All of section number III.
The fnllowlnc lands hate not been contract-
" '
"Township' Nn. Klght , North of Range No.
Klghteen. West of the Sixth Prlnclpnl Merl.
Southeast Qunrter nnd South half of North ,
rant Quarter nf section number SI.
Patents have l-een Isnucd for the following
"rllntracts for the sale of the followIne Innds
nre outstnndlng. and the lands are sold sub.
' ' ' '
Township1 No''Thi'rt'ocn. Nnrth , nf Rnngo No.
Thirteen , West , of the Sixth Principal Mori-
' "smith half of Northwest qunrter of section
Patents have been Issued for the following
' " "
for the salp of the following lands
nrp putstnndUig. nnd the lands nrp sold sub-
' " ' " " "
No'"F"ur"ppn. .North , .of HariEo No.
Ten. Enst of the Sixth Principal .Meridian.
Lot mo of section number 29.
Tiiwnrhlp No. Twelve. .North , of I'nnge No.
Eleven. Knst of the Sixth Principal .MgrllV , ? " '
.if Southcnst
North bnlf of Soutlienat qunrter
quarter ( executing I4-1W ncrcs deeded to the
. U. 1. & IP. ItJ" . Co. for Right of Way ) of
section numlter 10.
Ixit two of section number 20.
Ixit one of section number 10 , .
Patents have not been Issued for the follow-
Itft nlS ° bf.SCt. ? nWI5lSS | % the following
' " 'Tlii'1 following 'ami ' * Imve not been contracted
fPTowniinlp No. TweUe , North , of Unnge No.
Eleven , east of the Sixth Prlnclpnl Meridian.
Ixit Three of section number 21.
Township No. Thirteen , north of Itnnge No.
Fourteen , east nf the Sixth Prlnclpnl Meridian.
Lots fine and Two nf section number 211.
Patent * have been Issued for the following
' "
"contracts for the snip of thp following lands
nre outstanding , nnd the lands nre sold sub-
J ° < "
liilp Nnrth. of linricp No.
T < iw n No. Seventeen , ,
Five East nf the Sixth Principal Meridian.
Smith hnlf of Southeast qunrter of section
" '
. No. Thirteen. Nortli. of IlnngP No.
Flirht Enst , of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
Southeast quarter of Southwest quarter of
section number 17. . .
Toniishlp No. Fourteen. \n'ln.1of.IVl1n'rN" '
Fl-ht East , of the Slrlh Principal Meridian.
'Southwest quarter ot Northwest quarter of
cr of Southwest quarter of
' ' '
'Townsn'lp'No. Fourteen. North of Unnge No.
Nine. Knit , of the Sixth. Principal Meridian.
Northeast quarter of Northeast quarter ot
" ' ' "
"Tn'wnJfr'Nn. "iftoen. North , nf ItangP No.
Nine. Knst. nf the Sixth PrlnclpnlMor i Inn.
I.ots two , three , four nnd five : Southeast
qunrter of Northwest ounrter nnd hast halt
of Southwest quarter of section number 13.
Township Nn. Thirteen. North , of H ngo No.
Tcil. East , of the SUth Principal Meridian.
Lots live , Hcveu nnd eight ot section num-
' ' qunrter ( pxcepUng acres deed.
ed to Oninhn Jt North Pintle It. H. Uo. . 7S9. .
for Right nf Wn.v ) of section numlier .11.
Thp following lands have not been contracted
' "Tow'nshln nf RnngR No.
" No. Seventeen , north
Klgh" enBt of the Sixth Prlnclpnl Meridian.
' "contrncts for the sale of tbo following landj
are outatamllns anil tbo lauds nre sold subject
t0Tmvn ' ! : . North , of Range
No. Eleven , East , of the Sixth Principal Mcrl-
' "s'dutheast quarter of Northeast quarter of
" - ' " "
-Tow'nshlp" No. "Elghleen. North of Knnge
No. Twelve , East , of the Sixth Principal Merl-
' "l 't thrcp and Southwent qunrter of South-
' ' ll 'if'NorVhwcst
n ro' So a quarter
of section number 17.
' -
h'bairof-Southwest qunr-
lS , ! < o not been contracted
Eighteen , north of Unnge Ten ,
K A court decree has been rendered finding
lngl itin ennlt io r
Township Seventeen , north of Range. Thir
teen east of the Sixth principal Meridian.
Lots 1. 5 ami 0 of Section number fi.
Patents have been Issued for the following
' "contracts for the sale of the following lands
nro outstanding and the lands are sold subject
' "Tow'nUlTN":1Twelve. ' ! : . North , of BMSoNo.
Three Wentt of the Sixth Principal Meridian.
North half of Northeast quarter and Southwest -
west quarter uf Northeast quarter of section
"Tn's'ccordnnce ' with the term * of said decree
wftf ' s K"
scribed ni.d.lelined' . shall , by virtue of snId purchase -
chase , assume and agree to nay all HalI Itlcs
nf We Union Pncltlc Hallway Company J4 ° '
its llecelveri. which have been Incurred by
rLason of any of their transnc t on , rein .
nnv of the property embraced In snld Parcel ,
iinll Jliallbr such purchase , become bound to
n emilf } . and to bold snld Itnllwny Coinpany
bud said Receivers ImruileM from liny damages
M offeifiV for 'safe , 'and ' sold In the folfowlnu
" "ffsiieclnl Mn ter will nrst offer for sale , and
pell ' the land , conlrncls. notes bills receivable ,
rig' its , . , . .nd other property embraced In said
1'Jrcel 1 as nn cut ivty mid In ono parcel.
The Special Mailer will receive no bid , from
any one olterlnB to bid. for the Properties cm.
braced In tnld Parcel I who .hall not ( Itst de
iioslt with him ns n pledge that ho will make
good hl bid In cane nf III acceptance um n
cosh equal at least to five per cent , of bis said
blThe Speclnl Master will next vffer for sale nml
sell the lands and properties situated In the
Slatp of NehriiBkn. embraced In said Parcel a
In the following manner :
i"n'y" iartTrui eetloh"or particular subdivision
? f nnjr of said landj upon being request
ed so to do by any prospective bidders therefor ,
The lauds not offered for sale or sold n fee-
tloin or Bubdlvliloni thereof .Hunted In the
State of Nebnusa. and contained In "Id par-
eel 2 will be offered for eale. and sold In par-
cell , by rountli-ij nil of such Innds In ench coun.
ty being offered for sale and sold In one lot
° ' ' '
rTh'cr8''peclnl Master will receive no bid from
any one offering to bid fur any separate lection
or iiibdlvlslon of any section of Und embraced
In Parcel 8 who shall no nmt deposit with
him in a pledge that he will make good his bid
In case of Its ncceulunce the sum of fill for
ench eectlon or n proportionate amount thereof
for any Mihdlvlnlon of any section for which
bidder desires to bid.
The. SpecUl Master will receive no bid from
any one ntferlni to bid for the lands and prop ,
ertr situated In thp State of Nrbrnikn and em
braced In Parcel 2. nth-red for sale by couutlci
vtho fhnll not flrit depnslt with him as a Idcdcu
that he will make gup I hi * bid In farf of Its nc-
reptmice a turn In ra h eounl at leant to Uvo
per cent , nf the amount of such bid.
Any niuvnnt or nmniintM ilepoiltHl by any
person nr person * to nunilfy him or tbem an a
bidder for any fQnnrate section or mbdlvlilnn
of uny section sbull tin credited us a part of the
rtepoalt required to bo made to qualify such
perion ai H bidder for any part of the mart *
raced premise * offered fnr sale.
No cnle prnvlded to l > made by said ae-
crpn nr bv ' said decrees entered by the Circuit
Courts nf' the United Stales , for the District *
of Colorado. Wyoming and I'tah renpectlvi-ly ,
will be continued by nny nf Knld cnurli unltn
tlie aggregatn nmount ef the blgheit lepn-
rate bids for the property covered by Mid
decrees onil sold nt nil nf snld snleii sbnll be
eounl to or exceed the sum nf St.rM ( > , and
all Mill for ntiy of snld properly will bo re.
eelved by the Special Mpnter. subject to tbo
foregoing condition.
Ul > on Ihn acceptance of any bid the person or
permits making tbn tame Miall forthwith de-
poilt with the Speclnl Mauler on account
thereof H further Finn In ennh nr Iwudi se
cured by said Sinking-Fund Mortgage which
together with tbn mm wlilcb he or they have
already depo ltcd as a pledge thall rqual at
leait IS per cent , of the accepted bid.
in case any biddtr hall fall to wake good
his bid upon Its ncceptnricn by the.bpecUl .
Mailer , by tniiklnz within live dnyi after such
acri'ptancn tl'e sddlllonnl ilc'ixmlt with or ) o
the order of the Spoclul Mfiler as hereinbefore
provided , or nfler the confirmation of said
sale or ualei ihnll fall to pay an hereinafter
provided Iho bslanco due on bin said bid In
coniummation of bin piircb c , then the umi
In cnth or bonda deiiofltid by lucli bldiler or
purcbater ai hereinbefore provided lhall bo
forfeited as.a .penalty fnr rucli fal ure.and
any - . . _
rourt may direct. , , ,
Any party to said cn e or any bolder or
holder * of said FlnUlng-Fund Bondi may bid
and purchase at said laic. . . . .
If ny al8 for nblch depnilt tai \rn
made shall nnt bo confirmed by the court , such
deposit will be returned tothe , bidder , and Iba
depoilt of any un uccettful bidder will be ro-
furnf-il ' > him when n MM' ha * Weh
Any pnn baser whose bid shall tie nci-epled
by the Special Master nl sabl sale sbnll make
tmyiiK'tirin cash or In cash and Slnklng-1-mid
llomls , or unpaid | n t-dno coupons atiiivrtaln.
Ing thereto , nt the rnto at which snln IwinH
and eouiwiis shall lie receivable a * berelnnfter
nnd In said decree piovlded. of the sum re
maining due upon hl said bid after the appli
cation of thp amounts therrtofore deposited
by him within 30 days nftcr thu couflrinnllou
S.ild Sinking-Fund Itonds and coupims. ( n ttio
extent that they lhall M tendered to the Mas
ter In payment ot snld bid , shall lie accepted
mid taken by him In such payment , slid tha
furcliisrr or purrhn ets shall le credited there.
for vn account of the purchn o-prlce such sum
In cash as woubl bo applicable thereto If Iho
vUiole amount of the purchase-price were pnld
In ensh. Such part of the piirchnte-prlce ns
sbnll uot l > e jintd In snld bonds and coupons
shall be paid In caih.
Any deposits or payments required by the
letras of said decrco to be made In cash may
tie mndn by delivery of n certified check or
checks or n certificate or oortltlcntm of dclmslt
on any National llnnk er Trust Company In fa-
tor of or to the order of thfl Special Master
nnd satisfactory to him. The Master may
In his discretion , accept tcmpornrlly Instead
of the manual delivery of the bonds the eertlll-
cato of any Trust Company which he mny
select to thn effect Hint It holds lioiids se
cured by snld Sinking Fund Mortgage of I'e-
ccmber IS , 1S73 , snliToct In the order "f thn
Special Muster and will deliver thoni to him on
his dcninnd for cancellation or other
tha Special Mnsler hns the power nnd right
to nnd mny , nt the rpqupst of the complain-
nut's solicitors , adjourn or postpone nlij sale
or sales under snld decree fiom time to lime- ,
nnd mar , without further notice , proceed with
the fluid sale or sales on any day to which ttin
same may hnvo lieen positioned or adjourned
nnd may at his option give such further notlco
ot such sale r such iionllKiiipment or adjourn
ment ns he may think proper or us the ' 'om.
rlalnatit may nipiest.
Whenever the highest bids received f. snld
snles Khali amount In the aggregate to i sum
which , together with nny ntlier cash thel hold
by the trustee of said mortgage and by tl rp-
cclvers heretofore nimoliiled In n cause , iond-
Ing In each ot snfit oourts , wherein Oliver
Ames , second , nnd others nre complainants
and The Union Pacific Itnllwny Company nnd
others nrp defendant * , hereinafter tcimed thu
Ames cnusp , shall bp deemed by the nnld trns-
ten sulllrlelit to pay the nmount then duo
for piluclpnl and Interciit on nil mild Sinking
Fund Imnds nnd coupons , together with nil
proper expense * of making nnd completing
such snles nnd all cost * In said causes nml
of all proper allowance * , cotujH-nsntloii nnd
disbursements which mny be nlloned by thn
Court In nny of the partlen to said ciitmp *
nnd to their counsel nnd to the special muster ,
then tbo special master will offer tin more of
the property covered by nuld Sinking Fund
mortgage for salp.
The purchaser or purchasers nt Bald snip nt
snld lauds and Innd rights embraced In Parcel
2 , Ids or their successors or assign * , shall ac
quire , take , receive , hold nnd enjoy the full.
nbsolutp , Indefensible and complete right nml
title In fen In the Innds purchnni'd nnd every
jmrt nnd parcel thereof , Including nil rights
und title to snld lands that heretofore were
vested In The Union Pacific Kallrnid Company
or Its successor The t'nlon Pacific1 Itnllwny
Company. Including nlsn the right to acquire
patents In fee simple absolute to lands of the
I'nlted Stales granted ns nforesald by Con.
cress nnd all other rights under such grnnt nt
fully und .completely ns the. snld The Union
Pacific Ilnllway Company now holds or The
Fnlon Pacific Rnllrond Company held i r en
joyed the same nt ( he time of Iho execution
nnd delivery nf said Sinking Fund Mortgage
or nr nny time since was nr In nr mny be en
titled tn bold or enjoy thn snme free from nil
clnltns of the parties to said cause nr nnv of
them , except thnsn specified In pnrncrnph in nf
said decree nnd free from all claims of the
United SlatOH of America.
T'pnn payment nf the purchase pi'lcp by the
purchaser nr purchasers nf snld rrnncrly the
Speclnl Mnster will execute nml deliver good
and mlloleit | deeds conveying nil the property
rmrehaieil. iKolndlPH tbo Innd contracts , notes.
bills receivable nnd rlcbts tn runner * nntulred
or received br the receivers tbrouirh Ibe nd-
ministration of HIP Innrts nnd land irrnntu cov
ered by snld Slnl-lng Fund MnrtCTgp. to tbo
purchai"i > r nr purchasers , or b's ' or their suc
cessors nnd fl'slrns. nnd upon the t-xeonl'on nnd
delivery nf nitoh deed or deeds I bo grantee nr
grantees thereunder will b let Into rosnosMnn
of tbo premises end rrorertv conveved nnd the
said rccelvern nnd nnv pirlv tn snld cnu e who
Is In pos cs | oti of anv of the name will deliver
flnoh premises nnd property over to the pur
chaser nr pu"chnser . bis nr Ibelr siirccssors
nr nolens. Such possession will nevertheless
be sublect tn the mmlltlon thrtt the pnurt-
may retnl" nnd resell tbo prnnertv conveyed
In 'cace the nurcbni er nr purchaser * , his nr
their "oorssnr or nsslc" . fbnll fall to tiiy
nnv balance nf tlm purchase prlco remaining
nnnniil or tn complv with any other provision
contained In said iti > or e.
For fprtber pnrtlculnrs. Includlnc those re.
Intlnc tn thp mnrtgnce , defnultB. thp df"'s tn
the rmrcbnser and Ibe iintit o nnd enndltlons
nf bN possession , reference Is hereby made to
snr.HM , V K. THY. Sppclnl Master.
Dated , Janiiir.v 2Sth. ISM.
Wbpoler IT. Pec'ilinm.
Fft Prondwnv. New York City , N. Y.
Lnwronrp flreer.
105 pi-nniiwir. New Vork Cllr. N. Y.
Rosslngton , Smith & Tlnllns.
Toneltn. Knns s.
E""cllor fnr Union Trust Company , of New
York , Trustee , Complainant.
westprn Hallway "The
Northwestern Line. " City
Ticket Oflice , 1401 Fornnm
Street. Telephone 661.
Depot , Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone , C29.
Leave. Arrive.
Daylight Chicago Spe
cial aC:40ara : all:53 : pm
Mo. Valley , Sioux City ,
St. Paul & MInneapo-
Us a 6:5o : am nll:00 : pm
Mo. Valley , Sioux City..a 7:45 am a 9:10 : pm
Carroll Local b5ijpm : ! blOUO ama
Eastern ICxpreBS. DCS
Molncs , Marshalltown ,
Cedar Ilaplda and Chicago
cage all:05 : urn a 4 05 pm
Atlitntta I'"iyer , Chicago
and East a4:5opm : a 4:03 : pm
Fast Mail , Chicago to
Omaha n 2:45 : pm
Northern Express a B:2i : pm a E:40 : urn
Omaha-Chicago Special.a 7:05 : pm a 8:15 : am
Fast Mall 8:45 : am
a Daily , b Daily except Sunday.
& MlHsourl Valley Rail
road "The Northwestern
Lino" General Ofllces
United States Natlona
Hank Bldp ; . , Southwest
Corner Twelfth and Far-
nam Streets. Ticket Odlce. 1101 Farnam
Street. Telephone. 5C1. oenot , 15th and
Webster Streets. Telephone , 143s.
Leave. Arrive ,
Black Hills. Deaiwood ,
Hot Springs a3:00pm : aEiOOpm
Wyoming , Caspar and
Douglas d3:00pm : d :00pm :
Hastings , York , Davlu
City , Superior. Geneva.
Exeter and Seward..b 3:00pm : b6:00pm :
Norfolk , Vordigro and
Fremont b7:30om : blO:45 : am
Lincoln , Wahoo anrl
Fremont t > 7:30am : blO:45 : am
Fremont Local o 7:30 : am
a Dally , b Dally except Sunday , c Sun <
day only , d Dally except Saturday.
Itnllrond "The Nortlv
western Lino" Genera
Otllces , United States
National Hank nttlldln
S. W. Corner Twelft
and Farnam Streets
Ticket uillce , 1401 Farnam Street. Tele
phone , 531. Pepot , Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone. G29.
.save. Arrive.
Sioux City. Mankato. St.
Paul. Minneapolis . . . .a 5:55 : am n. 840 ; am
St. Paul , Minneapolis ,
Mankato & SlouxL'lty.a 5:2j : pm all:00 : pm
Sioux City Local a 7:4a : urn a 8:0o : pm
a Dally.
Minneapolis & Omaha
Ra" way "The North
western Line" Genera
Olllces , Nebraska Dl
vision , 15th and Wcbste
Sts. City Ticket Oilice
1401 Farnam St. Telephone , 681. Depot , 15tl
and Webster Sts.
Leave. Arrive.
Norfolk Passenger a 6:10 : am a 7:00 : i > m
lilulr , Emerson , Sioux
City , Ponrn , Hartlnc-
ton nnd Bloomlleld..b 1:00 : pm b2:15 ! : pm
No. 2 , Twin City L't'd..a 0:55 : pm
No. 1 , Omaha Limited. . a 0:00 : an
n Dally b Dally except Sunday.
ourl Hlver Tiallroad-
"Tho nurllncton Route
-General Olllces , N. W
Corner Tenth and For
nam Streets. Tlcke
Olllce , 1502 . Farnam
, , - Street. Telephone , 250
Depot , Tenth and Mason StrestB , Tele
phone , 310 ,
Leave , Arrive.
Lincoln , Hasting * and
McCook a 8:45 : am a 740 ; pm
Lincoln , Denver , Color
ado , Utah. California..a 4:25 : pin a 3 65 pm
Lincoln , Ulack Hills ,
Montana & Puget
Sound , . . . , . , , u 4 25 pm u 3:00 : pm
Lincoln Loral , .n7:00pm : n0:35 ! : am
Lincoln Fast Moll a3 : ) ptn ulO:35 : am
Denver , Colorado , Utah ,
California allEOpm : a 6:30 : am
a Dally , b Dally Uxceut Sunday.
a ' HICAGO ,
ifu Qulncy Railroad "Th
.Jttrlingl'n Routo" TJckn
I Otllce. 1502 Farnam Hi
Tel , 200. Depot , Tenth &
wmA Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 310.
; Leave , Arrive.
Chicago Spe
cial , . a 0:40 : am nll:50 : pm
Chicago Ve tlbule < l Ex..a 5:05 : pm a 8:05 : am
Chicago Express a 9:25 : urn a4:00prn :
Chicago & St. L. Ex.a 7:45 : pm fi8:05am :
Pacific Junction LocalulO:43 : am a5:45pm :
Fast Mall
n 2:45 : pm
a Dally , b Dally Except Sunday.
pcl > h & Council llhifTs
Railroad "The Hurling-
ton Route" Ticket Olllro ,
1N Knrnnni Street. Tel-
tphotip , 250 , Depot , Tenth
nml Mntion Streets. Tol-
cphon 310.
Leave. Arrive.
Kansas City Day Ex. . .a :23 : ntn n 6:15 : pm
KniiJ'iis City Night l'xalO:15 ! : p m a 6:30 : nut
St. Louis Flyer for St.
Joseph ami ft. Loul.a 4:5j : pm nll:30 : nm
a Dally
nml < V : l'a o UK- Railroad
"Tho Great Rock I L
nnd Roiltf. " City Tick
et Olllcc. 1.12.1 Fnrnntn
Street. Tplfphono , 42S.
neKt. | Tenth & Mimon
Streets. Telephone , 629.
Leave. Arrive.
DPS Molnos Loonl . l > 7:05nm : bll:25nm :
"hlc.iKo Express . bll:15am : n8lOmn :
Chltnco Fast Express. . n S:00 : nm a l:2n : pm
it Paul Fa > t Kxprf . .a 5:00 : pm bll:3um :
.Incoln , Colorado SPB I
Denver , Pueblo and
\Vest . nl:30pm : a4:2Spm :
DCS Molnps. Rock Isl-
nml nml ClilcaRo . P. 7:15 : pm nSioOpm
Colorado Flyer . ii6:0pm : a S:60mn :
ft Dally , b Dnlly Except Sunday.
road- General Olllces anil
Ticket OniCCT , Southcnst Cor
ner 14th iinil Douglas Stn.
Tolct > hone , 101 Depot , 15th
anil Webster Sts , Telephone ,
1453. . .
Lcnvo. Arrive.
, ,
St. Louis-Kansas & . . , , .
Neb. Limited n 3:00 : pm nS&o ! : pra
; , C. St. L. Express..a 9:50 : pm n 6:00 : am
Nebraska Local via. ,
WPCPIIIB Wntcr b 5PO : pm b9:45am :
a Dally. t > D.illv Except Sunday.
InnJ Houto"-rjenernl Olllcr * .
N. E. Cor. . Nlnllt & l''i rnnm
Strocts. City Ticket Oillcp. 130J
Knrrmm Street. Telephone ,
ait ! . Depot , Tenth nml MtiBon
Streets. Telephone. CM.
Leave. Arrive ,
'Tho ' Overland Limited"
for Utiili. Klnho , Jlotl-
tnnn , Cnllfornlii , Oro-
Ken and WnshliiBton
points aS:50nm : n4:45prn :
The Colornilo Special
l-'or Denver nml all
Colorudo points all:55 : pm aO:40am :
? nrlilo Exnrosg for
Denver , Salt Lake ,
I'acino const nml nil
western points a4S3pm : aGiiOntn
Jncoln , Hentrlco nnd
Stromsburp Kx b 4:35 : pm b2:20pra ! :
"rumont , Cohimlnip. Nor
folk , Grand Inland
mid North Plntto al.Kipm b4:45pm :
Columbus Local b6:30inn : bl2:20pm :
North 1'latto Local a6:15um :
South Omiiha Loonl Pnas Leaves , 6:15 : n.
tn. ; 7:00 : n. in.i 10:10 : n. m. : 3:05 : p. tn. Ar
rives , 10:15 : u. m. ; 3:15 : p. m. ; 4:15 : p. tn. ;
' 1' . in.
Council Bluffs Locnl Leaves , G:53 : n. tn.
m. 4:05 : p. m.5:15 ; : p. m.5:30 ; : n. m.j B:55 : p.
m. 6:30 : p. in. ; 9:03 : p. m. ; 11:00 : p. m. ; 11:53 :
p. m.
St. Paul Railway City
Ticket onice , 1EOI Fnrnam
Street. Telephone. 2S4. De
pot , Tenth nnd Mason Sts
Tcltphone , 629.
_ l < eave. Arrive.
Chicago Limited T3x a 5:45 : pm n 8:20 : art
Chicago & Omaha Ex..bll:00am : b4:00pm :
3loux City it Des Molncs
Express bUOOam : b4:00pm :
o Daily , b Dally Except Sunday.
pORT Railroad Omaha , Kan
sas City & Enstsrn Rail
ARTHUR road "Tho Port Arthur
Routo" Ticket OHce , 1415
ROUTE. Fnrnam Street. Tele
. phone , 322. Depot , Tenth
and Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 629.
Leave. Arrive.
St. Louts Cannon Ball
Express a 4:50 : pm all:30 : am
Kansas City & Qulncy
Local a 6:50 : am a 9:03 : pm
a Daily.
Tlcket onice. 1415 Fnrnam
Street. Telephone. S92. Do-
. Tenth and Mason
treets. Telephone , 629.
Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis "Canon Ball"
Express a 4:50 : pm all:30 : am
If you know that your valuable
papers and records cannot be
destroyed by fire. There Is ono
building In Omaha that Is abso
lutely flre prool
The Bee
looks like a palace , but Is built
like a castle solid granite and
heavy masonry , not n bit of
wood that you do not sco on the
surface no wooden Btalrways
nnd partitions no flro traps no
That's the place to have an
office. Wo will show one or two
beauties that arc vacant.
R. C.
PETERS Ground Floor.
& CO.
Home Industries
Ily I'nralmiiiiiir ( iooilH Mmle at Ibe Vol *
liMvlnii JYcbriiNUu Kuutorleai
H. F. ( i I I.MAN ,
Flour , Mcnl. Feed. Eran , 1013-15-17 North
17th street , Omaha , Net ) . C. 12 , Hlojlc ,
Manager. Telephone G92.
Iron mill IlniNH I iiuiiileri.
Mcnufacturors and Jobbers of Machinery ,
General repairing a specialty , 1K01 , 1COS
and 1505 Jackson street , Omaha , Nob.
Manufacturers old process raw llnaccrl
oil , kettle boiled Unseed oil , old process
ground llnscou cakes , ground and screened
for drugBlsts. OMAHA , NI3I1.
Carload shipments made in our own re- .
frlgerator cars , niue Ribbon , Elite Export ,
Vienna E/port and Family Export deliv
ered to all parts of the city ,
JOHN It. : .OWI113V. I'rnp ,
Bollen. Tonka and Sheet Iron Work.