THE OMAHA DAI1W 15EE : TIUTHSDAY , "MAHOU 'J , 1801) ) . Township Vo , Ten , Norti , o7 Ring > No. T enty-tno , Welt , of tbe Slith Principal Me ridian. Nnrlh hnlf of Northeast quarter of lection nrni'ier 7. S mihwPtt quitter of lettlan number 10 , West half of tnctlon number 21 , Ton-nihlp No. F.lcven. Nnrth , nf Range No , Twenty-two , Wt t , of the Sixth Principal Mo- rliliiD. All of iteellnn nnmher 1. All of lection number 3. All of section number 0. f-orlh half of section number 15. Tonnshlp Nn , Twelve , Nnrth. of Range No. Twenty-two , Wcit , of the Sixth Principal Me- rMltn. J-oi'th bnlf of section nnmber S. All of section number .15. Township No. Mnc , North , of Range. Nc , Twenty-three , Went , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Southwest quarter nf flection number 12 , Went half of teellon number in. Township No. Ten , North , nf Ranre No. Twenty-three , Wcit , of th Sixth Principal Meridian Nnrlhenit quarter of the Northeait quarter nd LoU one , two. three , fnur , nn main land , anil five , tlx and teven , on Island , of eetlon mumper 21. North half nf teellon number 2.1. Ixitn one nnd two , North half nf Northwett qunrter and Southenit quirtcr of Northwest quarter nf teetlon number 25. All of tectlon number 27. Kant Imlf of Northetit quarter of tectlon nnmter 20 West hnlf nf section nnmber 35. Township Nn. Eleven , North , of Range No. Twenty-three , Weit , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. South half of Southeast quarter of tectlon Township N'o. Twelve , North , of Range No. Twenty-thiee , Wett , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. All of flection number 1. Wett hnlf of fl ctlon number B. Soulhonut quarter nf tectlnn number 2.1. f-outbeint quarter ( if flection numlier 27. Townflhlp Nn Nlnp , North , nf Rnngo No. Twenty.four , West , of Ilia Sixth Principal U rldlan. Southwest quarter nf section number 3 , All of secllon number 0 West liilf of flection number 21. East halt of Southwest quarter and South- cat ! qunrter of flection numlier 23. All ot tectlnn number 20 Township No. Eleven. North , of Range No. Twenty-four , West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Knst half of flection number 1. Eatt half of flection number 11. Southwest quarter of teetlon number 21. Township No. Twelve , Nnrth , nf Range No , Twenty-four , Went , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. East half of tectlon number 1. Southwest quarter of flection number .1. Southwest quarter of tectlon number B. Northwest quarter of section number II. West Imlf of Southeast quarter of lection number 27. Towiiflhlp No. Nine , North , of Range No. Twenty-five , West , of the Sixth Principal Me ridian. half of section number 0. Smith half of flection number 11. Township No. Ten , North , of Range No. Twentj.ilve , West , of the Sixth Principal Me- rldlsn. Smith half of section number 10 , All of section number 23. All of section number 20. Southeast quarter of unction number 29. West half nf tectlon number 33. Townthlp No. Twelve , North , of Ranre No. Twenty-live. West , of the Sixth Principal Mo- rldlan. Norlheaflt quarter of section number 1 , The following lands have cot be in con * traded for sale : Town of Overtou , Ixit number silicon of Rloek number 22. lots numbers one , two , three , four , eleven nd twelve of Illock number 23. I ot numbers om > . two , three , four , four , teen , fifteen nnd eighteen of Illock number 28. The Onion Pacific Hy. Co.'n First Addition to Town of Ovcrton. Lot Thirteen on Island , In section number 3. l.otn Olio nnd Two on island , In section ber 11 nuin- Township No. I'leven. North of Itnnee No. Twenty-one dian , , West of the Sixth Principal Meri I'.nst half and Southwest Quarter of section number 0. Routhenst Quarter cf neetlon number T. ' Tounshlp Nn. Twelro , North of Itnnce No. 'uenty-one. Irn. West of the Sixth Principal Merl- Southwest Quarter of section number T. Towmhlp No. Twelve , North of llanco ' . No. 'ucnty-tno West , of the Sixth Principal Uerl- dlon. - dlon.North North hnlf of neetlon number 5. Knit hnlf oC Southwest Quarter of section number 11. All of tectlon number 13. Southeast Quarter uf section number 25. Townihip No. Twelve. North of Knncc No. Twontythrec , West of the Sixth Principal Merl. dlan. AH of aectlon nnmber 3. All of section number 11. Nnrth Hnlf and Southwest Quarter of Beetlon number 27. Townthlp No. Nine. North of Range No. dlini" North half and Southeast Quarter of section number 3. North Imlf of upetion number II. Township No. Ten. North of Rnnre No. Twenty-five , West of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. dian.North North half of section number 10. All of teellon number 21. All of section number 27. North hnlf and Southwest Quarter of section cumber 20. En t hnlf of section number 33. All of tectlon number 35. PalentK have not been Issued for the follow- In ; land : Townthlp No. Ten , North , of Rinse No. Twenty-two , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. dian.Lot Lot On of ; sectionnumber .11. rnoNTiKn COUNTY. NunrtAsitA. r.iti'nts have been Issued for the following Inn-Is. Contracts for the onle nf the fnliowlns lands nre nutitandlnB and the lands are sold subject to sild contracts Township No. ElcM. North , nf nance No. Twenty-four , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian Northwest quarter and South half of section number 10 All of section number 27. Northeant nuarter of section numb r 20 , Text half of suction number 33. Pouth half of xertlnn number 35. Tonnshlp Nn. Kluht. North , of Range No. Twenty-five , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian Routh bnlf of seetlon number 7. All of seetlon number 10. Nnrth half and Southeast quarter of section number 25 , Township No. KIght. North , of Rsnce No. Twenty-six , Writ , of the Sixth Principal Mcrl- illin. illin.North North half of seet'nn ' number 23. Patents have not been Issued for the follow- lllIT llMldH ! The followlnff lands bavo not been contracted for sale : Towmhlp No. Elpht. North , of P.ance No. Twenty-six , West , of the Sixth Prlneloal Mcrl- IHn. IHn.All All of wetlon number B. I'mt half uf section number 7. All of nectlon number 0. Most Inlf of neetlon number 15. North half nf section number 17. r.osnnn roi'STV , NF.niiAsrcA. Pnlenta have been Issued for the following lands' fontraeln for the anl"1 of the following lands ire outstanding , and the lands are cold sub ject to nld contracts. Towiuhlp No. Six , North , of Fiance No. Twenty-one , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl- illnn , I > it half of Northwest quarter and West lialf of Southeint dimrter nf section number 0 , Northwest quarter of aeetlon number 21. North half of Northwest quarter of uectlon number 27. Township Nn. Seven. North , of Ftanc * No , Twenty-out ? , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl- dlun All of section number 31. Township No , Klxht. North , nf Rane Nn. Twenty-one , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian , half of section number T. Kant half of Southwent Quarter of eectloa nninbor 15 , Southtait ntmrter of nectlon number 10. Township Nn , Sir. North , of Ranxe No. Twenty-two , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. All of section number 3. Township No. Seven. North , of Ranee No , Twcnty-tno , Wrat , of the Sixth Principal Merl. Northwest quarter and Seuthcait quarter cf lection nuinlKT 1. All of icctlim number 21. All of tcct Ion number 23. All of sectlou number 25. Northeast nuarter of aaetlon number XT. All of recllou number 35. Township Nn , Kltht. Ninth , nf Range No , twenty-two , West , of tbu Sixth Principal Merl- Soiitb half of beotlou number 81. Townthlp No. Seven , North , nf Ranire No. Twenty-three , West , of the Sixth Prlnclptl Uerbllan , Norlheukt qunrter of section number 3. Southn 8t quarter of section number 8. All of section number 15. Hunt half of section number 23. West half of soollim number | l. Townsblp No. KlKht , NorlU , of Ranz. No. Twi'iitv.three. Wrat , of th Sixth Prlnclpil Uerldlun. All of section number 11. North half of section number 13. All of section number 15. Went halt und Southeast quarter of section cumber 21. . . . . . Si'Uthwejt quarter of section numb r 31 , The following ; land * are not covered by con- " " * " "vmn * ! ! No. Six , North of Ranice No. Twenty-one , W t of th Sixth Principal ' " WestR"ialf of Northwest Quarter of section n"ffi "n hln NoKleht. . North of Ranre No. Twenty-two , West of tin Sixth Principal Northwest Quarter of aeetlon number 31 , Township No Soien , North of IlsncB No. Twenty-three , Went of the Slith Principal Meridian , South half of Motion number B , Towrihlp No Eight. North of Ranre No. TwniM-lbne , West of the Slith Principal Northwest Quarter nf section number 31 , HAMILTON COUNTY. NnilRASKV. Pntents havu been IMUCI ] for the follonlnc Coutrnet Cor the > ! of the fnllowlnr lands are 'lu'itiMllif nnd the landa am sold nubject to said i"'titi-'eti : Tu ' ' hln N' > Thirteen , North , of Rancn No , VUe West nf Ib" S'lth ' Prluelnal Merlitlan North bnlf ft Southnast quarter of section rtt'iO r ' 0. Toni'khlp No Thirteen. North , of Ranee No , Sli. Weot. of thu Sixth 1'rlurlnal Meridian. Nnrthwt'nt nti'rlrr of Northeast quarter of teflon numlvr C.'i Northeast nmrt r of Northeast quarter of stetlnu number 3A Tuwuntilii Nn. Klerrn. North , nf Rant * No , , West , of tbu Sixth Principal Meridian. North half of Nortnosit quarter of seffloll uitiNT .il. Tonnslilp No. Twelve , North , of llanire No , rttent tt t , of the Nlilh Principal Meridian. l/at three of section number 11. Ixita niw and two nnd Southeast quarter of Southeast quarter of section numb-r la. North half of NortbntU quarter of section nnmbrr 2.1 , Township No. Nine , North of Hnnce No. Klcht , West , of thn Sixth Principal Meridian. Mmith half of Southwnt quarter of section number " . HAU , COUNTY , NEBRASKA. Patents have Ixeu IssucU for the followlnit lan < H ; Contracts for the sale of the followlnc lands nre outMnmtlni : ami IU lands are sold subject to aahl contracts : Township No. Ten , North , of Ranre No. Ten , Went , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. l/3t three nnd four nf section number 27 , Township No. I.leren. North , of Range No , Ten , West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. . Northeast quarter of Northwest quarter of lection number 25. Knst half of Southwest quarter of section number Ul , Township No. Nine , North of Ranee No. Klevcu. West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. I/its five , eli and seven nf section number 11. Township No. twelve , Noilh , of Ranee No. Klevcn , WoM. of the Sixth Principal Meridian. All of section number .1. All of section number n. Knut halt of Southeast quarter of aeetlon number 11. 'lovrnahlp No. .Nine , North , of Range No. Twelve , West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Koutlmust quarter nf Soulbenst quarter on Island of section number II. I/nt one on Island of section number 25. Tunnnblp No. Ten , North , of Ranzii No. Twelve , West , of the Slith Principal Meridian. . _ - . . . quarter ot Southwest quarter of dfiion number 31. Teiwnsblp No. Twelve , North , of Rnnge No. Twelve. Wflflt , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. East half of Southeast quarter of tectlon num. The'following lands have not been contracted for sole : Town nf Aldo. Lot number nnp of Ittock numlier 21. Town nf ( Irocd Island , Fractional Ixit number six of Fllock num ber 3. Fractional Lot cumber eight of Illock num ber 22. Lots numbern five , six , seven , nnd eight of lllnck number -10. Fractional Lot number six of Block num ber 111. That part nf lot three situated tn section number nine. Township eleven , North of Range nine. West nf the tilth 1'rlnc pnl meridian , aud containing about 000 equnrc feet of Illock num ber fl. That part of Ixit four situated In Beetlon nine. Township eleven. Nort" Vango nine. Wett nf the sixth Prlnclpil Mi xn and containing about 120 nqunic feet of Itiuck cum. tft 21. Tbe Union Pnrlflc Rnllwny Company's Second Addition of Town of ( Iracd Irland. Lots numbers ons nnd two of Illock num ber 1B3. Township No. Ten. North , of Range No. Nine , West , of tbe Sixth Prlnc'pal Meridian. Lot Fl\n of section number 11. Township No. Eleven. North , of Range No. Nine. West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. West half of Northeast Quarter of section number IB. Tbe unplatted portion adjoining thp town of Grand Island In the Northwest Quarter ( .Ex cepting 1 25-101) ) nert > condemned liv the ( Irand Itland and Wyoming Central It. R. Co. for right of way ) , of flection number 15. Townthlp No. Twelve , North , of Rnnge No. Ten , West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Southeast Quarter of Northwest Quirter of lertlnn number II. Township No. Nine , North , of Range No. Klevcn. West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. l ot One on Island. In flection number 21. Tuwnthlp No. .Nine , Nnrth. of Range No. Twelve. West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Ixit F.ltht of seetlon number 31. Tonnshlp No. Twelve. North , of Rnnge No. Twelve. Wett. of thn Sixth Principal Meridian. Northwest Quarter of Northwest Qunrter of section number B. HOWARD COUNTY. NF.FtRASKA. Patents have been Issued for the following In ml ! " : Contracts for the sale of the following linds arc outstanding , and the lands are told subject to said contracts : Township No. Thirteen. Nerth. of Range No. Nine. West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Houthwppt quarter of Northenrt qunrter and Nnrthweflt quarter of neetlon number 3. West half of Southeast quarter of section number 35. Township No. Thirteen. North , of Rnn e No. Ten. West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. East half of Northwest quarter of aectlon number 3. Northwest quarter of section number B. North hulf of Southwest qunrter and South east quarter of Southwest quarter of section number ! . Northwest quarter nf flection number 25. Townflhlp No. Fourteen North , of Range No Ten , West , of the Sixth PrlPdpal Meridian. Ixits six nnd seven of section number 21. Township No. Thirteen , Nnrth , of Range No. Eleven , Went , of the R'rt.'i Principal Meridian. Southwest quarter of Nnrlhwest quarter and North hnlf of Southeast quarter of nectlon num. ber 1. Northeast quarter of Southwest quarter of Beetlon number 1. X Lot two ; South hnlf of Southwest quarter. North half of Soiilhenrt qunrter , and North enst quarter of Southwest quarter of section number 11. X X Subject to Right of way for 0. & R. V. Lot s'lx nnd Southeast qunrter of Southwest qunrter of section number 20. Township No. Fourteep , North , of Range No. Eleven West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Rntt half of Southeast quarter of aectlon number .15. Township No. Thirteen , North , of Range No. Twelve , West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Lot eight : North balf of Southwest quarter nnd N6rthenst quarter ot Southeast quarter of section number 27. Ixit seven of leot'on number 20. Tbo following lands have not been contracted for tale : Townthlp No. Thirteen , North of Ranco No. Ten. West of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Southeast Quarter of Southeatt Quarter of section number 25. North half of Northwest Quarter. Southwest Quarter of Northwest Quarter , nnd Northwest Quarter of Southwpat Quarter of section num- Townflhlp No. Fifteen , North of Range No. Ten , West of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Lot Seven of section number 35. Township No. Thirteen. North of Range No. Eleven. West of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Lot Flvp of section number 1. Lots K\en and KIght and South half ot SouthetRt Quarter of flection number 20. Township No. Thirteen , North of Range No. Twelve , west of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Northwest Quarter of Southwest Quarter ot section number 17. Lot Five of section number 35. Patents -have not been Itsued for the follow ing lands : Township No. Fifteen. North , of Range No. Ten. Wett , of thn Sixth Principal Meridian. { Lot Six of tectlon number 33. { Partly outside Limits of the Grant. KEARNEY COUNTY , NEUUASFCA. Patents have been Issued for the following lands : Contracts for the tale of the following lands are outstanding and the lands are sold subject to cald contracts. Township No. Six. North , of Range No. Thirteen , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl- dlnn , South half of Southwest quarter ot Beetlon number .1. Township No. Seven , North , of Range No. Thirteen , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. Northwest quarter and Northeast quirtcr ot Soiithwett qutrur of seetlon cumber 1. Township No. Elzbt , North , of Range , No. Thirteen , Wett , of the Sixth Principal Merl. dlnn , North half of Southeast quarter of section number 2.1 All nf secllon numbtr 27. Southeast quarter of aectlon number 33. Township No , Seven , North , of , 'eango No. Fourteen , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. dian.All All of tectlon number I. Township No , Seven , North , of Range No. Fifteen , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl- dltn. dltn.All All of tectlon cumber T. Patents have cot been issued for the follow- let ; lands : The following lands have cot been contracted for sale : Township No. Five. North , of Range No , Slxtttn , WMt.of the Sixth Principal Meridian. \\Veit Half of suction number 17. Hlirroncously patented to Settlers. U , P. Railway Company Is entitled to Indemnity un der Act nf Cnnzreis , approved June 22 , 1874. KIM HALL COUNTY. NUIIRASKA. Patents- for the follonlnc lands have been lisued : Contracts for the eale of the following lands are outstanding and the lands are sold subject to said contracts. Township No. Twelve , North , of Range No. Flfty-three , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri- dlan. dlan.Kast Kast half of aeetlon number seven. Lota one , two , three and four of section cum ber 18. Township No. Thirteen , North , of Range No , Flfty.thr , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl. dlan. dlan.All of section number 0. All of section numb r 17. Writ half nf section number 10 , Township Nn , Fourteen , North , of Range No. Fifty-three , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl. dluu. dluu.North North half of section number 7. North half of section number 21. North halt of section number 27. Northwest quarter and .South half of sectloi cumber 3) . Township No. Fifteen , North , of Range No. Fifly-ttrn , West , of ( he Sixth Principal Merl. That part lying South of the U. P. R. R. ID ectlon number 31. That pnrt I/Ion South of U , I * . K. R. in aeo- tlou number 38. Township No. Twelve , North , of Rang * No. Fifty-four , Welt , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. dian.Kutt Kutt half of section number 1 , All of section number 7 Northwest quarter of section numbtr 11 , West half of stctloa number 13 Ix > U one , two , three and four of section cum- Lou'one , two , three and four of ( ectlon num ber 23 , Townihip No. Thirteen , North , of Range No. FiftyfourVett , of the Sixth Principal Merl. dlan , Southwest quarter of section number 1 , Southeast quarter of section number B. Wrat half of tectlon number 13 , Northwmt quarter of section cumber 13. Northeast quarter of section number 17. Northeast quarter of section number 21 , Koutb half of sucllou cumber 25. Township Nn , F urteen , North , of Range No. Fifty-four , Weit , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. I'.tst half of tectlou number 1. North hnlf and Southeast quarter of section cumber 11. Northeast quarter and Southwest quarter of section nuraliir 13 , All of aectlou number IB. All "f section numtx-r 10. All nf section nurulrr 21. PmiMwont quarter of section number 35 , Northwest quarter and South calf of icctlen uuibtr 33 , Township No. Fifteen , North , omange Kfl , ' ' ° ' I1C | Sllllh rrlnc'P1' ' | ' M l illan IlilnwiSl 1 S ° "th " ' " ' P' " " In " * All of section number 31 , t-iTrw2'hll | , No' Twelve , North , of Range No Sinn' ' ° f ibc Sllltl rtlncI' | l Weil half of section number 3 , KouthMSt quarter nf section nnmber B , All of section nnmber 0. nml South h > " of Ail of tectlon nnmber 15. * one > twolhrcc Bnd 'onr ° ' icctlon cum , hern ' " ' ; ? onfl two' three anj four of section num. „ I , .Tnwnthlp No. Thirteen , North , of Range No ' lho 9lllh rrlncliwrMftl. dlan * * * 'Iulirter nml Sontn nnlf of MCtlot number I Nnrtheatt quarter of section number 3. All of section number B. Tnwnthlp No. FnmtPen. North , of Rnnge No Fifty-rite , West , of the Slith Principal Mcrl. ellan All of tectlnn number B. All of Motion number 21. North half of section number 25. Northwest qnirter of flection number ST. Nnrth half and Southeast quarter of aectlon inimliir 29. Southwest qunrter of section number 33. All of section number 35 Township No. Fifteen , Nnrth , of Range No. FIMy-liVe , West , of tl.o Sixth Principal Merl- Th'nt port Ivlng South of U. P. R. II. In sec. tlon number 25 , SoiitbenM quirter of section number 31. Northwest nnnitvr nnd south half of tec- tlon number .13. Township No , Twelve , Nnrth , of Range No. Flfty-tlx , West , ot the Slsth Principal Me- rldlnn. All of flection number 3. All nf tectlon uurabe- A.ll of repflnn rnmv' ' " North hnlf of section cumber 0. All of rcctlnn niiniH. 1 All of flection number IB. Ixita one , two , three , and four of section number 10. Ixita one , twc , three and four of section number 2.1. Townihip No. Thirteen , North , of Range No. Fifty-six , West , of thu Sixth Principal Me- dlan. , Southwest quarter of section number 1 , Southwest quarter nf section number B. North half of section numlier 7. Soiithwput quarter nf tectlon nnmtier 0. North hnlf and Southwett quarter of section Cumber 10. Northeast quarter of flection number 2,1. Southwest quarter of tecttnn number 27 , All of flection number .11. Township Nn , Fnurteen , Nnrth. nf Range No. Fifty-six , West , ot the Sixth Principal Meri dian. All of section number 1. All of section number B. Southeast quarter of seetlon number T. All of section number 10. All of rpptlon number 25. All of seetlon number 3.1. Township No. Fifteen , North , of Range Nn. Fifty-six , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl- That part lying South of U. P. R. R. In see tlon number So That pnrt lying South of U. P. R. 11. In Northenst quarter and West half of tectlou number 31. That pnrt lying South of U. P. U. n. In sec tion number 33. All uf tectlon number 35. Township No. Twelve. North , of Rnnge No. Flfty-teien , West , of the Sixth Principal Mo- rldlnn. S'liilhwest quarter of pectlon number 1. North half of ncctlou number 13. Southraflt quarter of lection number 17. Lott cne , two , three and four of aectlon number 10. Lots one , two , three and four ot section cumber 21. I/oln one , two , three and four of tectlon number 2.1. Township No. Thirlrpn. North , of Range No. , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl- dlnn. Southwest quarter nf seetlon number 1. All of tectlon number 3. All of section number 0. All of section number 11. All of tecllon number 13. Northcan quarter and South half of section Cumber 17. Nurtheatt quarter of section number 10. Southwest quarter of noctlon number 21. All of section number 25 West hnlf of toetion number 31 , Trwr.shlp No. Fourteen. North , of Ranse No. Fifty-seven , West , ot the Slsth Princlia' Me- rlillnn. Northenflt qunrter and South half of section number 17. Southeast quarter of seetlon number 10. West half of section number 21. Southeast qunrter of lection number 25. Norlhostt qunrter and South hnlf of section number 27. Southenflt quarter of section number 20. North half und Southeast quarter of section cumber 31. Southeast qunrter of flection number 33. EiiKt hnlf nf seetlcn number 35. Township Nn. Fifteen , North , nf Range No. Fifty-seven , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl. dlan. That pnrt lying South of U. P. R. U. In sec- tlon number 31. Township No. Twelve. Nnrth. nf Range No. Flftv-elght , West , of tbe Sixth Principal Meri dian. dian.East half of section number 1. All ot section cumber 7. West hnlf of flection number 0. South hnlf of tectlou number IS , Lots one. two. three , four , of section num ber 21. Townnhlp No. Thirteen , North , of Range No. Flfly-clghF , West , ot the Sixth Principal Mcrl. dlan. dlan.West half of seetlnn number 5. North hnlf of section numlxjr 7. South hnlf of section number 0. North hnlf and Southwest quarter of section number 13. South half of section number 17. All uf section number 10. Southwest quarter of section number 31. Township No. Fourteen. Nnrth. of Range No. Fifty-eight , West , ot the Sixth Principal Mcrl. Thill pnrt lying South of D. P. R. R. In sec. tlon number I. _ That pnrt lying South of U. P. R. R. in sec- tlon number 0. All ot nectlon number IB. All of section number 17. All ot aectton number 10. All of tectlon number 21. All ot section number 23. All of section number 27. All of section number 29. All of flection number SI. number 83. All of lection Township No. Twelve. North , of Range No. Fifty-nine , West , of the Sixth Principal Mcrl- Northeast quarter nnd southwest quarter of section number 1. . . „ Northeast quarter of section number IS. Lot of section number 21. one Township No. Thirteen , North , of Range No. . Meri. Fifty-nine West , of the Sixth Principal dlan. dlan.All of jectlon number 1. . Northeast quarter and south halt of section cumber 13. All of section number 25. I/its one , two , three and four of section " 'Township' , Fourteen , North , of Range No. Fifty-nine , West ; of the Sixth Principal Merl- dThnt part lying South of U. P. R. n. In sec- Lnt's'uiie two , three and four of tectlon num. ber 2,1. South holf of section nnmber 25. The following lands ha e not been contracted "Township No. Fifteen. North of Range Merl. No. Principal Flfty-threc. West of the Sixth dlin. dlin.All of section number 3. All nf flection number fi. All of secllon number T. All of section number 0. All of ipctlem number 15. All of section number 17. All of section number 19. AH of sectlou number 21. All of section number 27. All of section number 29. That purl lying north of O. P. R. R. In sec- tlon number 31. _ _ . That psrt King north of 0. P. R. U. In sec tion nnmlKT S3. . . . Township No. Sixteen , North of Range No. . Fifty-three. West of the Sixth Principal Merl. North half and Southwest Quarter of section " "North 'lialf and Southeast Quirter of section mi'nber B. South hnlf nf flection number T. West bnlf nf neetlrm number 15. Went half of flection number 17. All of section number 10 Nnrthweit Quarter nf toetlon number 21. All nf tectlnn number 27. Routbwett Qunrter nf section number 31. Smith half nnd Northeast Quarter of tectlon 'Townth'lp ' No , Sixteen , Nnrlh nf rtnpirp No. . Fifty-four , Wett of the Sixth Principal Merl. North half and Southwest Quarter of section number 1 All of secllon number 3. All nf feet Inn number 5. .Ml nf ectlon number 7. All of flection number 0. AH nf flection number 11. /1I of flection pumper 1.1. AH of teellon pumber 15 , AH nf tent Inn pumr r IT. All f > f rectlnn number 10 , AH nf section num'p91. . AH nf noi-tlnn number ? 1. All nf tentlnn number * Z5. AH nf tecll'in pmnher ST. AH nf s"-t'nn m-mlipr ? ° - . AH nf seetlnn number .11. /U of tendon nnrnVwr 11. . 11 nf -lni | rnnii.or 35. Tnwthlp Vo Spleen. Vorth nf Flange Nn , Flftv-nve , West of the Sixth Principal Merl. dlrip All nf flection number 1. /il n' flection nnmber 3. All nf teetlnn num'ier 5 Snn'beflM Outrter of t cton | nnmber T , AH n' flnet'nti ' pumper 0 All n' teetMn number 11. All n * flection riimher 11- /H nf ie-tlin nnm > ° * 15 All nf teetlon nnniber 1T. South half and Northwest Quirtcr of sectlou Bumher 10 AH of a etlon number ? i. AH o' teetlnn numl-er 91. All nf section ptim * > er 9V All nf spnnn pumper ST. AH nf t etlnn number SO /ll nf seellnn pnm * * r HIll , /ll nf flAcMin pj-wt r 31 All nf tect'on ' riimber 35. T WPMn tfn T'lftnnn Nnrth Jt P"n Vn. Fit- West rf ( be H'rlb ' Principal Meridian. AH nf seniton n-imber 1. All n * t etinn n'-m'-np .1 , /H of .nntlnn rim Ar R. /H nf section pnmhwr 7. AH nf ee'nn ppm1 * r ft All of unMIn ni < * * > > > r 11 All Of enn-i rnn.l , r It , AH nf n-'lnn PHPl er 1B , AH nf nnlnn pi ml > r 17. /H nf pnnn mimWr 10 , /H of "tln pnnit > v nf ( All nf fen lnn pn V > * r 23 , Thnt iwrt Ivlpg North of D. P. U. R. In ice- tlpn iM' rV * r 2T. All rf snnfinn n mtr 29. That r rt 1'lng North ot D , P. R. R. of cc- ttoc cumber 31. That part lying North AT C. P. H.'lf. lion number 31 , Township No. Sixteen , North of Range No. Fifty-six , West of the Slith I'rlnclpnf Merl * dlan. All of section nnmber 1. All nr section number 3 , All of eetlon number t > , All of flection number 7. All of tectlon number 0. Knit half nf flection number II. All of flection number 13. All of flection number in. All of section number 17. All nfctlon number 10. All of > ecllou number 21. All of section number -I. All of section number 23. All of section number 27. All of section numtier 10. All of flection number 31. All of section number 3.1. All nf flection number 35. Township . No. Fifteen , North of Rang No. Flfly.fleven dian , , West of the Sixth Principal Meri All of flection number 1. All of section number 3. All of flection mimh r B. All of flection number 7. All of aectlon nutnter I' . All of tectlon number 11. A 1 nf flection number 13. All of flection number 15. All of tectlon number 17. All of section nnmber 10. All of section mitnler 21. All of fleotlnn number 23. < All of flection number 25. All of flection number 27. All of seetlnn number 10 tlnn That pnrt lying .North of 0. P. R , R. In ec- number 3.1. tlrn That number pnrt lylne Ss .North of U. P. R. R. In sec- Tonnshlp No Sixteen , Nnrth of Range No. rldlsn. Flftj-fleven , West of the Sixth Principal Mo- All of flection number I. North half end Southwest Quarter of tion sec number 3. All of section number 5. All of flection number 7. All of flection number 0. All of nectlon number 11 , All of aectlon number 1.1. All of flection number IB. All of section number 17. All of flection number ill , All of section number 21. All of section number 2.1 , All of section number 25. All of Hectlou number 27 , All of flection number 2ft. All ( if flection number .11 , All nf ectlou number 33. All ' nf floctlnn number 35. 1'nnnshlp No , Fourteen. North of Range No , Fifty-eight , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. All of seetlon number 5. North hnlf of section number 7. tion That part lying North of U. P. R , R. In sec number II. Township No. Fifteen , North , of Range No. flan * ' WCSt' ° ' thC S'Xtl1 ' tlrlnclPs' ' Mor1' All of section nnmber I. All of section numler 3. All of tectlon number B. All of sectlou number 7. All of section numbir 0. All of section number II. All of flection number 1,1. All of section number IB. All of section number 10. All of nectlon mimurr.Sl. A ] of neetlon number 2.1. All of flection number 25. All of section number 27 , All of section number 20. All of section number 81. A I of sectlrn number 31. All rf section number Sf > . -,1TwnshJP ? ? Slxtten. Nnrth , of Range No. Fifty-eight. West , of the Sixth Principal Mcrl. All of aectlon number 1. All of section number 3. All of rcctlon number C. All of section number 7. All of seetlon number 0. All of flection number 11. All of section number 1.1. All of aeetlon number 15. South half and Northwest quarter of section All of section number 10. All of section number 21. All of section number 21. AI of section number 25. All of section number 27. All of section number 20. All of sectlen number 31. All of section number S3. All nf section number 35. lownshlp No , Fomtecn. North , of Range No. Fifty-nine , West of , the Sixth Principal Mcrl All of section number 1. eectlou That number part lying 13 North of U. P. R. R. tn Township No. Fifteen. North , of Ranze No Flfty-nlne , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. dian.AH AH of flection number 1. ' ° f All of accllon number 13 , * "f' T" ° Tlirop ' an(1 Four n nb " ' ° * section All of sictloa number 25. Climber 'I5C' TW ° * Ttrc < > * ° A rour of ctlon Tonnshlp No. Sixteen , North of , Range No Fmy-nlne , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl : All of section number 1 , number01 ! * ' ' TW ° ' ThrCP "nd Four ° ' sectloa an(1 ( Four ot All of section number 25. cumber "S6' 'fW ° ' Thrc ( ' and Four ot section KEITH" AND DEUEL COUNTIES. . NEDRAS- for tae 'IS'1"1" ' ' * lamls Contracts for the talc of the following lands arc outBtnmllnrr , and the liinda are sold sub ject to said contract ! ) . Township No. Thirteen , Noith , of Range No. Forty-one , West , of the Slsth Principal Merl. Northwest quarter of tectlon number B. Lotn one , two , three and four nnd North half of Northwest quarter of section number 20. Township No. Fourteen , North , of Range No. Forty-one dtun. , West , of the Sixth Principal Mcrl. All of flection number 5. All of section number 17. Townnhlp No. Fifteen , North , of Range No. Forty-one , Wcat , of the Sixth Principal Mcrl- dlnn. Lnt nine of aectlon number B. All nf section cumber 17. Northwest quarter nnd South half of lection number ? 0. FCEITII rOUNTY , NEBRASKA. Patents have been Issued for the following lands. Contracts for the pale of the following lands arc outstanding. nn < 1 the landn arc aold sub ject tn calrt conracta. Township No , Thirteen , North , nf Range No. Thlrty-flvc , West , of the SIrth Principal Meri. Lota five , fcven , night nnd nine. Southwest qunrter of Southwest quarter nnd Southeast quirtcr of Southeast quarter of section num. ber 7. All of eotlnn number 31 Township Nn. Fourteen. North nf Rnnsre No. Thirty-five , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl- difin. A11 of flection number 1. All nf section number .1. All of tectlon number 5. A" of flection number 7. AH nf section pi'm or S > . 411 of section number 11. /ll nf flection rnml > er 11. All nf section number IB. All of section nnmhr 17. Lot ope nf oec'lin nuwlfr " 1. Ixit npp nf sent Inn pupiber 23. , /il of flection number SI. All nf sectlen number 31 . Tnwn'Mp w Fl e"i. NorMi nf Rnnc > n. Thlrty-rtve. Went , nf the Sixth Principal Merl. dlnr < All nf section number 1. AH nf flection ni'fher S. AH ef lerHnn number 5. Alt nf section nnmtwr 7. All n' Ki-etlnn ni < ir > r n. All nf seet'on pnmi-er 11. > it rf ee lnn nrer ' ! . /n nf ( MAP rnmV 1 * A'l nf flection pnm > " ' 1 17. / I n' nee'lon pum > - r in. lit rf fleeMon numb"1. 1. AH nf ee lAn rumr r " 1. /U n * seeHon ptim"r ' . 11 n' srr ' "l nlmp r " 7. l | „ . .ef nn nnmHcr q , /It nf nerllnn pumb r H. /Il n' seetlnn nimpeSI. . All r' ( -eflnn plimVeSB. . _ TnP.Mn Vn SITU.Vnrth. . nf f . nre M. THrtv.flve. West , of the Sixth Principal Mori- d'1 All of section number 1. /n nf .eeHnn rnmber 3. /n n' "ert'on ' number B , /11 n' s.eflnn nnm - r 7. , ill nf seetlnn pi'm-"r n. /U nf .ertlnn n nh r tl , , t1 | .r i-ei'nn pnrph'r ' 1. ill n' sonHnn pi m * r IK /ll nf ee lnn ni'mb'r ' 7 , l | n' * * elnn pn * 1''r 10 /11 n' fle lnn prim e21 , /ll n' s r lnn pit" ' ' " ' ' " 1. ill n' * e"'nn ri'm1 ° * II n' e Hnn r > nm . - * > T , /1I n' fli > 'nn r < " " ' "I. /ll nf n Mnn Plimh-r .11. it n' eet'n ri-m i * 11 , jill n' "eetl n n'im'i r .IB. rnMp Tw.lm vorh. nf Ttspce N . TM't' . tr , West , of the Sixth Principal Mrrl- dV > , t fc-K nf fl.eMnn nni" ' r 1. , . A- . .vin v , rb'e n * ' " " 1f T'TC1 Thlrtr.sH. West , nf the Sixth Principal Mori. "Kn-'h 1-Mf and Poulhwest qunrter of tectlon C" . hslf nf flecMni rumber 33. ( il n' dlnn rtim * r SB _ . . . il of flection number 1 /ll ft tr-ptln * pi'mher fl. /Il rf . elnn piimh.T BIt , /It nf section nnm - < " 7. /il n' * eMnn number n. /ll n .eetlnn p mber 11. dll r < rexMnn nliml-o" 13 , /V ft .eeHnn niimbe * * 15 Tr * en rf "eet'p" nil" ' ' " ' IT. . . . . ; . . , | "n F" ' " " * > " ' > " , f " " " , ' ' Thlrtr-rlr. West , of Ibe Sixth Principal jW ft . n lAq nnmlter 1. iii o * . ninn rnmN r 3. /ll nf ss M n piimi r B ill , .etfti | iM'i"h r 7. / Ilf . . . .tlnr , i-nml-er P ill n' rpeen rum * ' r 11- /il rf .nn'len pnmle" 13. All nf sonflnn P m1" > r 15 | | nf . .ntlnn ril ' r IT , /l | nf rinHnn rum * ft" 10 /ll r' l'i"i ' ri'"i1v ' 1 , /l | nf eeM'H , niim - r " 1. /Il nf . < w-tlon "iimlrr 9K , . /ll nf f llnn nnmlier 17. /ll o' ( 'en pn'er rn , AH ef sec'lnn Plt 'er 31. /U rfrnllnn rnmt'er RW. All ef noed'n rnmler SB. . . _ . . . Tnr-rsMo Vn. Sl t n. rWh ( nf Rfpve No. Thirty-six , W st. of the Sixth Principal Merl- clpAH AH of flectlnn number 1 , All of flection number S All ot lection number S. All nf section rramnff i , All of flection number P. .til of tectlnn number 11. All of flection numl > er 13 , All of tectlon number 15. All of tectlon immter 17. All nf flection number ID , All of section nnmber 21. All of flection number 23. All of rectlon number 25. All of flection number 27 , All of seetlon number 20. All ot section number 31. All of section number 33. All of flection number 35 Township No. Thirteen , North. r > f Rsn-s No , ' ' ' ' * Uc" of the ' r.'i''i'lY011' ' 8' ' * " 1'r.nclpU MCI Itilani Lots nine and ten nf flection nnmber 3. Southwest quarter of section number 11. est half of section number 1.1. Township No. Fourteen , North , of Ranee No. MirVdYifn"11' ° f " " ' Principal ' All of 'tectlon number 1. All of tectlon nninl-er 11. Lots one , two , three , four , five , alt , seven , clRht , nine , ten nnd eleven of tectlon num. Township No. Fifteen , North , of Range No. JU-rVfiknVe" ' ' ° f th < ! Ulh rr'nclp1 - ( All of section number 1. All of flection tiuubcr 11. All of tectlon number 13. All of section mitElr 2.1. All of section number 26. All of section number 55. Township No. Sixteen , North , nf ttange No. ThUty-aeveii , West , of the Sixth Principal All of section number 1. All of flection number 11 , All of tectlon number 13. All of icetlnn number 2.1 , All of section number 20 , All nf flection nttrtber 35 Towiiflhlp .No. Twthe , North , of Range No. Thlrtl eight , West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. South hnlf of flection number 15. Tiiwrthlp No Thirteen. North , nf Range No. MeridVan ° f " I'nnclpil North half nf titctlcn number 9. Norlhtnat quarter nnd South half of section numbir 17. Northeast quarter of section number 10. Southwett qvarter of tectlon number 23. \\est half cf leellon number 27. TownuMp Nn. Fourteen , North , of Range No. Thlrtf-vlcbt , West , of the Sixth Principal Me' ' rldlnn. 1/ots one , two , three and four of section number 1. I/ntt two , three , four and five , Northwest quarter of Scuthwiat quarter and South half of South half of flection number 3 , All uf flection number 11. SoiilhcHflt quaiter of tectlon number 15. Kiflt half of section number 17. \\ett half of flection number 23. Sot'thonnt ' quarter of tectlon number 25. South btlf of flection number 27. Township No. Twelve. Nnrth , of llange , No , Thlrtj-nliic , Went , of the Sixth Principal Mo- rlillnn. West half of section number 13. Nntlhwe t qunrter of aectlon number 17. Townihip No. Thirteen , North , of Range No. Thirty-nine , West , of the Sixth Principal Mo- rlillnn. llnut hnlf of Northenst quarter ; Northeast qunrter of Southeast fjinrler nnd South halt of NortbwfBt quarter of seetlon number 1. All of aoillon numbtr 5. West bnlf of faction number 7. All or flection rumber 0. Ixitt two and three and Northwest quarter of Northmen quaiter of sfc-llan number 11. Ixita one , two , three and four ot section Dumltr 17. All of tectlcn number 27. Southwest quaiter of Beet'on number 35. Township No Fourteen , North , of Range No , Tllrty sine. West , of the Sixth Principal Me- rlUltn. All of seetlnn number 1. All uf section number 3. All of section number 5. All of seetlon number 7. All cf nertlon number 0. All of tectlon number 11. All uf leelion manlier 15. All of section numli'T 17. All of section numUr 21. All uf leellcn cumber 27 , All cf section number as. All of Eert'ou numler 31 , All of ECCtlon imcibcr 33. lonrthl | > No. Fifteen , North , of Range No. Thirtynineest of the S.ith Principal Mo- ' l.i > t five , six , Ecvcn and eight of section cuinlir 10. Lots fso , three , four nnd five ; Southwett quartir of Northwett quarter and Southwest quarter of icrtlon number Ut. All ci fcftlou number 31. Ixjts two , tl.reu , four nnd five : Southwest qucrter and .South half of Southeast quarter of section number 33 I/UK two , tl.iee , four and five : South half ot South hnlf of nectlon number 35. lowntblp No. Twilvr , North , of Range No. Forty , WMt. of the Sixth Pilnclpal Meridian. All of section number u. North half of section number 15. Towntblp No. ll.liteen , North , of Range No. Flirty , Ural , of the Sixth Principal Meridian , South half of section number 0. Southeast quarter of xcctlnn number 11. North h.ilf of seetlon number IB. All of section number 17. I.ots twc , tliee. four , nnd live and North half of Northwest quarter of section num ber 10. Lot * cne , two , three and four of section cumber 21. All of flection number Si. Tonnthlp No. Fuiirteen , North of Range No. Folly , West , of tto Sixth Principal Meridian. Soutrenst quarter of flection number 7. All of section number 17. ( irtli l.nlt of section number 10. Northwest quarter of section number 21. TowimMp No. Fitleen , North , uf Range No. Forty. Vivit , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. I.UIB live , six , eeven and eight of section number 7. 1 ot CUP of flection number 0. All of cectlon cumber 17. Nnrtl.o&st quarter nnd North hnlf of Northwest - west iiuarler of nectloa number 21. | XJB all and seven and Southwest quarter of cccthesnt quarter oC tictldn number 2J. rth half of Northeast quarter and West half of section number 25 Township No. Iwolve , North , of Range No. Forty-one , Went , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. Southwest qunrter of flection cumber 3. All nf Hrctlon number 15. All nf section numbir 17. iuwusliip No. 'Ihlrteen , North , of Range No. Forty-cue , Wcct , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. dian.All of section number 21. 1-ots three and tour. Northeast quarter of Southwest quarter nnd South halt of South west quarter at flection number 23. Township Nu. lorn teen , North , of Range No. Forty-one , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. dian.All of section number 9. Northeast quartet of aectlon number 21. 'loniutlp No. Fifteen , North , of Range Noi Forty-one , West , of tbu Sixth Principal Meri dian. dian.All of section number 33. Tno following lanus bJve not been contracted 'lovvne'hlp No. Thlrtien , North of Range No , TLIrtj-Six , West of lie Sixth Principal Merl- l j'ts Two , Three , Four , nnd Five and South half of Southwest Quarter and South balf of Southeast Quarter of Election cumber 7. Township No. Twelve , North of Range No. Thirty-seven , West of the blxtU Principal Merl- dil1 ! ! . Southeast Quarter of seetlon number 0. 'luwi-Bhlp No. Thirteen , North , of Range No. Tl.lrt-sc\cn , Went of the Klith Principal Meri dian. Northwest Quarter of section number 15. Ksst half of Keel Ion number 10. South Imlf of section number 23. Towrshlp Nn. Fourteen , North of Range J.n. Tl.lity-acvcn , West of the Sixth Principal Mcrl. dlun. dlun.Fist half of section number 17. Suuthwctt Qunrler nf section number 21. Township No. Thirteen , North , of Range No. Thirty-night , Went of the Sixth Principal Mcrl- dl n. I/it Nine of section number B. All of section number 7. South bnlf of Bcetlon number 0. Tovrflhln No Frurteen , North of Rnnge No. Thlrtfeight , West of the Sixth Principal MeiMlxn. I ol a ri\c. Six , Seven , and Eight ot section nt'rit-cr 1. I/it One of aectlon number 3. All nf faction number 7. All nf seetlnn number 0. Northwest Quarter nf aeetlon number IS. All nf tectlou nnmber 35 Townhlp No Twelve , North nf Rang" Nn. Thlrlv.nlne , West of the Slttb Principal Merlrflm. Rru'hwest Qunrter of section number 7. Northrnst nuarlcr of s'ctlon number 13. Tnwr.flMn Nn Thirteen , Nnr'ri of Ilinjo Nn. Thirty nine , Went of the Sixth Pilnclpal Mcrlc'iin. ' Norlhweit Ouirter of Northeast Qinrtor nnd Nnrth hnlf nf Northwest Cuirter ( Excepting in 0-10 lurcn deediil Novemb r 20th , 18110. to thn Opillnln Power nnd Irrigation Companv for rlcht nf way for Ditch nnd Reservoir site ns r-mv cnnstructed upon asld Nnrtbwnrt Qimrter nf Vo'tjienflt Quarter fit North Inlf nf Nnrlh. wrtt Hiinrfer ) , "nd finnhw pt Outrter n' Vnr'h- east Ounrlor fF.e ( tpc H"uth hslf n' Smith- enK Quarter nf flnuthwe.l Qxsrter of No'f-eflflt Ounrter ) . Lots rive. fl ) . S ven BPIVent. \ . Nnrth hnlf o' sn'liw sf Quarter. Nnrtlnvest Quarter of South F.nst Quarter of section num. ber 1 TnwnflMn Nrt Fnurleen Nor' * * nf R i Nn. Thlrtv-nlnp. West of the Sixth Principal MnrMlsn hiilf nf seetlon number 13 , All of Fcctton ni'ml-i-r n't Tnwp. lr No TM d'en Vnrtnf v spir No. Fo'tv Wont of < ) ( Rlvdi Principal Meridian. All nf floetlni piimi'nr 1 AH nf font Inn rummer 3 , All nf teetb" ! n""i' > " " B All nf > rllMi pnmber 7 No 'h bl lf nf Frel'oT ' pnm'ier ! ) Nnrth ' ' lf nf pumhnr U. Ti > wp ' 'lii N'n Fnii'toen Vn-ih. nf Hnni-n No , Fnrtv Wrti n' h lvh ( Principal Meridian. All nf HeeCm pnmber 1 All nf F | nn pi'mbr .1 rsnriiMtr.t rn-'irr nf fli " ( inn number 11 , Wn ( b-lf nf etlnn ini her 23. /Il nf < -i'nT ' n' le" ° 7. /ll ef .n 'n nl' il r ? P ffnutb v if n' ni-i-tiii rum'iAr SI. \Vnt i-ir -f - - ' - p , . > . . . as n-ni" > ri' < n v iMfi , , n Vnth nf Panrn Nn. Fr-'v "Vet , i iv , pi. < i , Pr'nelpnl Meridian. /IJ nf rrn'n , . . , - . > ' - Tft ! , , , , > . , if -i pfcnlf nf Nnrthwest ' * " " " " " " " ' 1 . ? ' . , "V- .J"- ! ! it-.nt } , hnlf of South- Wn.f r > i' rl r " fl-nHnn pnmbe- . ; : AH , \n\r \ ff Vnrthenst quarlcr of tectlon n- , f. * < r-n rt f.1.f > r " 7. * , tlnn ri-lc"20 .if „ . , , ! Svithwrst Quarter of section i . . > i n rmb r S3 Tnt-ri'ti v0 Tb'-tenn ' Vnrlh nf Tts" * " * Nn. IV'v-rrc. v t . i.f the Sixth Principal Merl- dlr- * P f nn/n ' p'-wil , i. > 'nril " - # r n * , er n * r * ln | nt-mli.r 11 , fc' - A | flip * ' " * ff p-ed n | i"-r" fl"i Ti"-1' " "n l'r * en Vn Ol nf T's Vo. Fnrty-ine , Witt , nf the S'ztb Princli'nl M rl- die- 11 ft renden Plimt'er 1 /H ff oe < lon i t'm' r IB Mrtltl's f oi'srte * nf senMnn nllml'er 2 % Tovnshtp Vo Fl 'een.verh. . nf f'fln'e Nn. Fnry-rne. ( West , of Ibo Sixth Principal Merl- dlnn. All of section number S3. LINCOLN VOrjJTT. Xl.nRASKA , Patunts have l > een Itfliied lor the followln * 'contracts for the ssle of the following landi ire outstanding , and the lands are sold subject : o said contracts- Town of Maxwell , Lots numbers five , nil , seven , twelve , thir teen , fourteen and fifteen nf Illock number 22. lx > ts numbers three and four of Illock number Town of North Pintle. lit number four of Illock number 113. Township Nn. Nine , North , of Ranee No , rwenty-tlx , West , ot the Sixth Principal Merl. ll.iii.Hast Hast half , West half of North Weit quarter , Southenflt quarter of Nortliwest quarter and Southwest quarter nf section number 31. Township .No. Ten. Nnrth. of Range No , Twenty-six , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian , All nf flection number 5. All of flection nutnlxT 7. All of flection number 9. All of section numln-r II. All of section number 13. All of flection number J5. All of ccciliui number 17. All of flection number 10. All of flection number 21. All of flection number 23. All of flection mitntKM 25. All of secllon number 27. All of section nnnilH'f 20. All of flection mitnlii r 31 Township No. Lle\i < n , North , nf Range No. Twenij-slx , West , or tl.c Sixth Principal Mcrl- dlnn. dlnn.All nf tectlon number 10. All of section nutubci 211. All of section in nib ) r .11 , All of flection number 33 Tonnshlp .No. Twehe , North , of Range No. Twenty-sit , West , of the Sixth Principal Merl- dlitti. dlitti..Northeast quarter of section number 7. North half of Northwest quaiter of section number ll. Southeast quarter of section number 2.1 , SouthWfflt quarter of section nnmlier 27. Tonmhlp No. llililern , .Noith , of llnnee No. Twenty-six , Wmt. of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. quarter of tectlon number 1. Northwest qtiuller of secllon number 11. North hnlf nnd Southeast quarter of sec- tlon number 1.1 Northeaflt quarter nf aectlon number 25. Northwest quarter ot flection numler 27. Tonmhlp No. Fourteen , North , of Runge No. Twenty-six , West , of the Sixth Principal Mcrl- All of section number B. Simtbweflt quarter of section number II , \\est half uf section number 17 , Northwest quuitvr of section number 21 , Neil I , CUM quarter and South balf of lection numbii l > ; i. \\e t half of flection number 31. NotthiMbt quarter nnd Southwest quirter of seel Ion number 33. .NiMtheiut quarter of nectlon number 35 , Tonimliin No Fifteen. North , of Range No. Twenty-six. West , of Sixth Principal Meri dian. Southwest quarter of section number 3 , , Kant half of aectlon Nn , fi. All of sectlou number 15. All of flection number 23 , South half of section number 31. Township No. sixteen. .North , of Range No. Twenty-six , Wist , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. Southeast quarter of section number 35. Tuwnshlp Nn. Ten , North , of Range No. Twelity-fcevcu , West of Ibo SUtb Principal MerldUn. All of tectlon number 1. All of flection number 3. All of tictlon number 5. All of flection number 7. All of tectlon numbir U. All of section number 11. All of aectlon number 13. All of section number IB. All of aectlon number 17. All of aectlon number 10. All of section number 21. All of section number 23. All of section number 25. All of tectlon number 27. All of section numler "U. All of section lumlur 31. All of eectlon numlvr 33. All of tei tlou number 35. Township No. iie : > en. North , of Range No. Tw cut-seven , West , of the Sixth Principal Jhrlii nn. .Northwest quarter of section number 1. All of section number 5. All of eectlou l.uuilier 7. All of section number 0. Soutl.cnxt quaiter of section number 11. All of section number 13. All of section numler 13. All of section number 17. All if sectlou number 10. All of section number 21. All of section number 23. All of tectlou number 27. All of seetlon number 20. All of tectlou number 31. All uf scct.ou number 3.1. All of section number 35. Township No Twelve , North , of Range No. Twfnt.1.-SCNCII , West , of tLo Sixth Principal N'orlInvent quaitcr nnd Southeast quarter ot Bictlon nun.ler 1 , Northwest qmrter of section number 13. I.ots two. iLi-e. four , live , six , seven , eight , nine , ten and olcvrn aud Northwest quarter uf Northwett iiuarler. South l.nlf of Northwest qunrter and .Nottheast quarter of Southeast quarter of flection nuiuhcr 17. Lot flcten of aectlon number 21. I/otn three and four of section number 25. outhentt ( matter of section number 31. Township No. Thirteen , North , of Range No T'wmt.v-aeten , Wcat , of the Sixth Principal MerlU u n. All uf flection number 23. Norlbc'ist tor of section number 25. Lots. live. 51.x , seven and eight and South half of Southneit quarter of section number 31. Northeast quarter and Southwcat quarter of eectlon number SO. Township No. Fourteen , North , of Range No. Tweuty-neven , West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. North half and Soutbweit quarter of section cumber B. All uf aectlon cumber 0. Northeast quarter and Southwest quarter of Beetlon number 11. All of sectlou number IB. quaiter of tectlon number 27. \\cst h.ilf of tectlon number 33. Township No. Fifteen , Noith , of Range No. Twenty-seven , Wist , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. West half of tectlon nnmber 1. All nf section number 7. North l.alf aud Southwest quarter of sec tion number 0. All of section number 15. All of fcoction number 17. All of Beetlon number 10. All uf section number 21. All of suction number 27. North half and Southwest quarter of aectlon number 21) ) . All of section number 31. All of section number 33. Township No. Slvtoen. North , of Range No. Twenty-seven , West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. South half of North balf and South half of secllon number 17. Northeast quarter and South half of aectlon number 10. . , Northwest quarter of section number 31. Southwest quarter of section cumber 3B. Tonmhip .No. Nine. North , of Range No. Twenty-eight , West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. All of section number 1. All of Hoctiuii number 3. 7 > orth hulf and Southeast quarter of lection number 5. All uf section number 11. All of section number 15. Township No. 'len , Noith. of Range No. Twinty-flcht , West , of the Slxtu Principal Merlaiim , All uf section number I. All of section number ' ! . All of section number 5. . \11 ijt teet Ion number 7. All of section number 0. All ol HM-tmn I'tiiuhcr ' 11. All of M ft len nnmlier 13. All of necllon rumber 15. All of pectlon number 17. All ut Motion number 10. All 01 mtion iiLiubci 21. All of Bictlon numbir 23. All uf section niiinl/ei 25. Alt uf tectlon numbei 27. All ( if hi cI Ion numbei 20. All of lection number SI. All of beetjun ci.iuber 33. All of eecilon in tuber S5. Township No. Klovcii. North , of Runge No. Twtuty-elght , West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. All of i-ect'on nnr.iler 1. All of section number : i. All of section number B. All of tectlon number 7. All of aectlon nunil er 0. All of teet on Lumber 11. All of section number 1.1. All nf sprt'mi ' numl'cr ' IB. All of flection number 17. , All of section nuuiler 10 , All of section mmlnr 21. All of section number 21. All of kfctlon number ' 5. All of mctlon uiunler 27. All of flection imuihci "U. All of fi-cllon number .Tl , All of faction number .13 , All of tfctlon number 35 Towmhlp No. Twelre. North , of Range No. Twenl-eight. West , of the Sixth PrTucliuii Meridian. Lois six and neien ; North half of Northeast quarter nnd Souilunst quarter of Northeast qunitcr of ftpftion number 1. Nnrlhwcet quarter nf flection number 23 , All of tecMon numler .11. All of tectlon number III. North half of lection number 35. Tuwiibhlp No. Thirteen North , of Range No. Tncnt-eight , West , of the Sixth 'Principal Meridian. i'ust half of section nutntter 3 , Northwest qiurlcr nf section number 0. NorlhenM quarter or section number 25. I/Us srvin. eight l.lne. and eleven und South lialf of Koutheubt quarter of sect on number 20 , I .ol i one and twu of section number 3J. lx > t ere of lection number 35 Tmviuhlp Nu. Fourtten , North , of Ranee No. Twenl-elgbt , West , uf the Sixth Principal Meridian. Northeast quarter of aectlon number 3. South half of Northwest quarter and South , nest quaiter nf lection number 7. Kmth half and Kuutbesst quarter of section number 20. * Township No. Fifteen. North , of Rtnte Nn. Twenty-eight , Wcit , of tbe Sixth Principal Meridian All of teetlon number 1. AH of section number 3 , All uf section number B. All nf section number 7. All uf section n tun her 0. All of section cumber 11. All of section number 13. All of tectlon number IB , All of ( ectlon number 17. All of section number 10. All of flection number 21. All of secllon number 2,1. All of tertlon number 25. All of section number 27 , All of section number 20 All of section number 31 , All of section number 33. All "I rectlon number 35. Towinblp No. Slxtien. North of Range No , Twenty-fight , Wett , of the Sixth Frluil | > al Mo- rlnTan. Neirtheatt quarter and Soulhwett quarter of section number 7 Norlhratt quarter of section number 13. Southwest quarter of flection number 31 , Tiiwcuhlp Nu. Nine. North , of Range No , Twenty-nine , West , of the SUtb Principal Me- rlrMiu. Fnst half of sertlon number 1. No. Teii , Norm , ef Range No , Twcnty-nlnc. Weil , of thfc Sixth rflhclpil M * . tldlan. All of teetlon number 1. All of tectlon number .1. All of flection number P. All of flection number ll. All of lection number 18. All of tectlon mnnlier 15. . . . . . . _ . , Northwest quarter tnd North cilf of Sontl balf of teeIon ! number II' . All ot tectlon number 21 , All of flection number 2.1. All of flection number 25. All of flection number 27. North hnlf of North half of tectlon Bum- To'wnthlp No. Hlcven , North , of R nr No Twenty-nine. Wett , of the Sixth Prlnclptl M * rldlin. All of flection nnmber 1. All of aecllon number .1 , All of teotlon number n. North half and .Southeast quitter ot iictlot Dumber 7. All of section niunher 0. All of tectlon niimln-r 11. All of tectlon number 13 , All of section numlwr 15. Alt of flection number 17 , All of section number 21. Ail of tectlon nuinl'or ' 2.1. All of flection number 2A , All of section number 27. All uf tectlon number 33. All nf flection number 35. Townihlp .No. Ini-Ur , North , of Rang * NB. Twenty-nine , WeM , of the Sixth Principal Mo- Neirt'liwett quarter of Northeatt quarter. South half of > oitheatt quarter , West hilt ami .Norih hnlf of Soiitla'Hht quarter of sectlou numler l. Northwest quarter of flection number 0 , AH uf tectlon number 15 , All of section number 23. All of section numlier 25. All of flection number 27. \\ett hnlf of tectlon number 29 , All of floetion number 31. All of flection number : it. ; All of flection number 35. Township .No. Thirteen. North , of Knnrt No. Tunil-miio , Weat , of the Sixth Prlnclptl Me ridian. Lots two , three , four , five , li and teven , NnrthwcKt quarter of .Northwest quarter , South * cart quartei ot .Norllmot quarter. North half of Southeast qunrter nnd Southeast quirter ot Southeast quailcr of section number 2J. Ixita cue , two. three , four , live , six and se\en , nnd .Nurtheait quarter of Northwest quarter of aectlun number 25. T All of section number ii.l. Township No , Fourteen , North , of Range No. Twenty-nine , Wett , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. All of tectlon number 1. All of sectlun number 3. All of sectlun number 7 , All of section number U. All uf tectlou number 1.1 , All of HOctlon number K , Northeast quarlcr uf deejoti ! number 10. All of section number 21. Wett halt of Southwett quarter of section cumber 31. Towiithlp No , Fifteen , North , ot Range No , Twenty-nine , Wett , ot the Sixth Principal Meridian. All of sectlen number 1 , All uf Kcctlun number 3. All of bectlon tiumK > r 5. All uf sectlou number 7. All of sectlun number 17. Suuthenst quarter uf section number 33 , North half and Southeast quarter of tectlon CUlnlier 35. T'iwm.hlp No Sixteen , North , of Range No. Twentj-nlne , West , of the Sixth Principal Merldlnn , All of nectlon number 7 , All of aectlon number D. All of flection number 10. North hnlf and .Southwest quarter of lection cumber 25 , All of tectlon number 27. All nf section number 20. All of tectlou nunilHT 31. All of tectlon number 3.1. All of tectlon number 3B. Tuwuthlp No. Ten , Nnrth , of Ranga No , Tiiiitj. West , of the Sixth Prlnclpri Meridian , .South hnlf of section number 3. Son t huest quarlcr nf teetlon number E. West half of flection number 0 Nnrlh hnlf nf section number 11. All of section number 13. Southeast qiiiiftcr of flection nnmber IB. Kntt half of Hast half of tectlon number IT. Northeast qunrter of section number 23. Township No. Eleven. North , of Rtngr No , Thirty. West , nf the Sixth Principal Meridian. All of section miml > er 1. Northeatt qunrter of section number 10. Northwest quarter of section number 23. All of rectlon number .11 All of tectlon number .Ti. Township No , Twelve. North , of Range No. Thirty , .West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Kast Inlf of tectlon number 7 North half of section nnmlier 13. F.HM hnlf nf section number 23. All of section number 20. Township No. Thirteen. Nnrth. of Range No. Thirty. West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. All of fl etlon number SB. Fn t hnlf nf * > ntnn | numlmr 27. Townthln No Fourteen. North. of Range No. Thirty. Went , of the Sixth Principal ] Meridian. All nf flection number 1. All nf sei-tlnn numh r .1 Northeast nonrtor nf section number B. a -Ml nf ne tInn number 11 West bnlf nf seetlon number 1.1. Northeflflt quarter enrt North half of Southeast qmrter nf sneUnn number IB. - ' "i" " ° f Nor"lwrst 1" " ' " of section TowpflMn No. Fifteen. Nnrth of Range No. TbIHv Won of thn 1'rlnclpal Meridian. All nf "ctlon number 1. All of section number 3. n PMhjcef to Right of way condemned for Irrl ' gntlnn f'l'eh. All nf rectlon number B. AH of tpctlon niunher 7. . , AH of flpetlon number n. ' ' All of section number 11 , AH of section number 1.1. All of section number 15. All of flection number IT. All of flection number 10. All of snctlon number IM. All of flection number i'B. All of section number ST. All of flootlon number 20. All of flection number .11. All of flection number .11. All of flection pnmber 35. Township No , Sixteen. North , of Hsngp No. Thirty. Wett. of the Sixth Principal Meridian. Northeast nui-rter nf tectlon number 1. All of flentlon number 11 , Smith hnlf nf seetlon number 17. Southeast quarter nf section number 10. Nnrthenst nuarter of tectlnn number 25. Township No. Ten. North , of Rsngo No. Thirty-one , West , of tbe Sixth Principal Merl. dlnn. All of flection number 1 , North halt of North half of tectlon nnm ber B , Townthlp No. Eleven. North , of Ranee Thir ty-one. West , of the Sixth Principal Meridian. All of flection number 1 , All of flenljnn number 3 , cumber Nnrth bnlf and Southeast quarter of section II All of poptlon number 1.1. All of lection number 15 , All of teeHon rumber 21 , All of tectlon number 25. All of sect'on number 27. All of seetlnn number 35 Township No. Txiclrp. North , of Range Nn Thirty-one , Wcat , of the Sixth Principal Mcrl' dlnn. Smith half nf section number 1. All of teetlon number B. All of section number 0. Went half nf flection number 11. All of section number 1.1. All of teetlon nunihnr 15 , All of Beetlon number 25. All of section number 27. All of flection pipit er I'O. All of tcetlnn number 3.1. Townthlp No , Thirteen. North , of Range NX Thirty-one , West , of the Sixth Principal Meri dian. Southeast quarter of tectlon number 3. West half of tectlon number 1,1. Snuthwpfit quarter of section number 31. All of seetlon number 33. Tnnnihlp No. Fourteen , North , of Range ) No. Thirty-one , West , of the Sixth Principal Mcrl- dlr-n. - lots five , eli , icven and eight of aectlon number 3.1. Township No , Fifteen. North , of Range No , Thirty-one , We-st , of the Sixth Prlnclpaf Mert dlnn. All of section number 1 , AH of fectlim rumbcr .1. All of secllon number B , All of section number 7. All of section number 0. All nf section number H , All of section number 1.1. All of unction number 15 , Weit hnlf of seetlon number 10. All of section number 2.1 , AH of tctlon ( number 5 , All of section number 27. North hnlf of Northeast quirter anrl South west ounrtcr of Northeast quarter ; West half and Well half of Soulheaat quarter of number 35 , tectlon Township No. Sixteen , North , of Range No. Thirty-one , West , of the Slilh Principal Meri dian. Snulhwc'st quarter of section number ID , North half and Southeast quarter of section number 21. Northwest quarter and South half of section cumber 31. North half and Southwest quarter of tectlon numlier .1.1 North half nf section number 35. Tnwnthlp Ni > . Twelve , North , of Range No. Thirty-tno , West , of tbe Sixth Principal Meri. illen. All of section number 1. All of tectlon n urn r > er 3 , Northwest quarter of section number D , All uf section number 7. All of recllnn number 11. E/ist / bnlf of eecllem number 13 , All uf Hectlou number 23. All of tectlnn number SB. TowntUp No. Thirteen , North , of Ran ? No , Thirty-two , West , of the Sixth I'rlnclpnl Merl. dlnnNorthwrst Northwrst quarter of section number 23 , Townnhlp No Fifteen , North , of Range No , Thirty-two , Writ , of the Sixth Principal Merl. Jlan. Jlan.All All of sTtlon number 1 , All f irctloii numlier 7. . Norf bunt quarter and South tialf of lectltD number 11. All of teetlon number 13. All of section number 15 , All ef ; section number 17. All uf section number 21 , All of lection number 23 , All of neelIon number 2B. All of section number 27. All fit section number 23. All of lection numlier 31. Townflhlp No Sixteen , North , of Hinge No , Dilrty-tno , Wrut , of the Sixth Principal Merl. Allot section number I All of section number S , All of seetlon number 6 , i All of tectlon number 7. Northwist quarter of lection cumber 0. > 11 of lection number 11. Nnrth bnlf aud Southeast quirter of lection rutnber 13 All of lecllon cumber 25. All ! . . * . of , . . section . . . . - numlier * 31. - * Tunimiilp NO. Kle-vfii. North , of Rinre Nn , rblrty-tlirue , West , of the Hixlb prloclpai ctl- North half of aeetion cumber I. ' Northwest quurler of tertlon number IT , half of section number IV , Wrst balf nf tee-lion number 31. TuiMithlp No. Tvrelre , Nortk , cf lUrjje No.