THE OMAHA DAILY COPY FIVE CEKTS. . SINGLE . THURSDAY MOBX1XG , MARCH 2. 1S9H TWELVE PAGES. . O2SCAHA. ESTABLISHED JTJXE 10 , 3ST1. p nrno TiATiT ? TV \ THTTT ) l V POPE IX A BAD Head of the CktiaHc Obtirci Appet Sewing Bit Lad. HIS CONDITION IS EXTREMELY ! Hrto3 SargBoa Perfonnt ; Delicate 0 TJpra Hit PATIENT BEARS IT WITHOUT A 1 Ertreae Sacrerj ObaErred B.I tit Tt All Its PALATINE GUARD STANDS UNDE Cardinal * Are Alrendr Plannl pi Conclave to Choot-e * .nc < to the Present Pontiff T Candidate * . JOopyripht , 1ES8 , fey Press Publit-b ROME , March 1. ( New Tork K- Ucpmrn Special TiJegram. ) I call tt th * TBtlean to l arn theolrcumsi the pojve'i itiiiees. HU condition it e : necinuB , The fever continue * hip ! Inalng a. compllicBlina of cbllU , on lung and intestinal troubles RbSch ci Iirorinp Iatal last Bummer. Extrem * secrecy it observed at the There Ifc greet activity anrong ftlie c viio are airewdy jilannlng lor a i All those iiilnpt jxilnt to uc enticlpa tenainiviior of Leo's dllnwiB. Ar Irslnna. . who left lor PariK. is < jj ic laiiaedlalply. Cardinal Gibbons wJ febly Iwv * promptly to emend the i The choice -of a poj > e is en ie ctd t twtwn Durdlnal Orepl'Jawtio -would tbf policy of Leo , and Cardinal Gortti loXed CtrmeJite monk reaowned ( .alnily qualrtics. Bui conclaves hi iKtai truitlul Burpriser , . The * pope's Illness ds the exclusive oonvfrsaslon anfi oommeint ibere. J is Intense. Paitsrs w-e eaperly rrad 3 CTtmi , from til the Btrvejrelgne of Bt received continually et ihratlee vmperor of Austria and tbe queen T Bptin wireid tiheir eonflokncez yi King Hambent requested Pelloni ti ih m "hourly of the popt's state. Ttie jiapal doraeatJlc prelate confl generally acoopipd rumor that Leo' ortglirated from the itimnbon tbe j siring relaxation aSfjec < n lauiguiap i remained two hour * in the -Vatican wind. He 1 despite a iiw r north BHphfJly unwell eresr Bint * Testerdt ing Us temprrettirp EK centSgi be tad un iicute pain c bcheot c lde. Lapponl callttd into conenltc MJeibralea varptna. Ji4tzotnft-ho 1 < pop * EUfforlng tram a lesnasic eye eighth lumber region. The pope - restless nlp-bt. Tat * jnominE at 10 Maczcod ope the cyw No chloroform was HBP ! to tie pope's ertarm * wtftkaeBD. T bore the jiainful operation "without or unit-muring. Interviewed , Mazz ( appctred touched with "the " lortfeud &gf > & pontUff , EuJd. "No dmmedlatf Pauper Us apprelbei less pneumonia or bmochitis super tthlcb case no hope it potitible. Tin nonemely wetk a3 a , oning to d. but is upheld by his indomitable sp If pealoctly cnnBrioue ol the prerit coiie. 1 hope tbe ponttff'E eonmitu" oveircome th * crisii. . Th * turning ttiie malady mny be erjcted tooigb Tbe PUaiUne gtiurd Is under un present * e Keenof the grei and contusion. All eel < for the poj > e'f blrtbday and ooroniut be n remanded. Tbe cardinal v ! order public pray re. CHOATE WARMLY REG AmerleniAmbUKtndor Mi nxcellent Itnpretmlon on Brltlon Con . ! ! > > . CCJopj-rip-bt , 1BBS , ty Pr ms PubliM LONDON , March 1. { New York CUilcprion Speidol Telegram ) An ChoaRf arriveid Bt Southampton CD rani at 4 tblB afternoon Ht "by JUpley Center , neioond United Staat * "embassy. In ihe uni libsence ot Henry "Wihlte , clmrpe t Thr ooTporation of SouthEmpton liy the mayor , uccermiienieid by tlbi can consulate and Ie.o4ine jiortproowded on botrd to flre-BE of welcome1 lo tbe oew anil vbo is looking in the- pink of he ptiad Bplrlte. Hf drilverefl un u graceful ejifl tactful reply in b m Bin ? manner. The limpreiiBion mad Chottf's wall rihof-en and -well tumei nnd bit , agreeable und dignified prts ItiBUinttnerouB. Kr woe warmly c end the- mayor of Southampton obs < "He ir cvwy loon an bmbBB&a ee > eoiiK as Sf b * we < re bom In the d ; heariceIt 1 * tBtoninhiuE bow tb Americant , tbvmxflvK eo per one * to positions lorwhich h is t ! life of training ic jMioesktry in world. " Cbtiaiii'j aJlUBloiir to CJuwn VuMt , utmredwith evident feeling and tot liuflh-ncx morn tian Lcythlug lsf n wbo had s chuioe Bbook him wi the band and bade him welcome Ixmrned derlugUtpdly upon them J.DI vith & lew gretoful wordt. . He charnieid tlie crowd , which remain * ttaiduticv until tb * trUn snaned , w tibeurt , were Beo4 vp. The * ambassador t.a\d te hud the ; est voycc * imtiglntblf "I liLve neal tirulw to any to my countrymen " 'hatwiE left tljerm o mcrntlr. By t this -wWh K laugh , "have tbert beien olutiont Kincewe lisve bwnon tbe Accompanied by Second Surreaur end Mr Hufluon , rlerk lo thr e-mtn CbciiKe left Soutnumptoo on t i'i > ( id t o'clock. On reuchlnc TVcterloi ptUKiriSE of Atno.-ir.iLn inurcliairu don and othbrc wdoumed him. 1 tuuidt. . wUii tieviirel cm tie pUilonc drove to Ctoridce'f boiel , where he untfl &M < ftetrurci n } K > UKe Hewii Curzon of K dlecum'c boust , oeid probublr wlU rei Jt Cull * tbe Yankee i ' LIMA Peru , Murch 1 iVlu G ! . tf Tet ) Tbe Tleinipe u ueuri official tn editorial trucJr indty cty * It > r- " -t'-tg .f Pen vita te the I'bila lpliit Mw tm : oenp . in view etf th BjifhToriitiH rwralt of Qgaignrein's nCorte lo uergtniate a < ciaJ treaty with tbe VniteS Stater. . DtrBet of tbe prttHTrfnr. . Imperstl tone of Yankee t-mnn SAGASTA CABINET RE Mlulotcrlnt C 5 | > nln ) tenehei > n C'lIiuB ] Bt L.nt. MADRID. JSarrh 1 _ 5e or Sac ; handed the rel caution ot the aiti tbe queen regent Tin cabinet rrintf ir expe-taeifl tt > two fir three flu vs. M. it will be s lor tbe ( rtifco recoct to tiuult ' pieKlflemti ana other politick lM the aeianWhHe the Chambers will unttl L nrw mlntm.rj- * formi-ft. Tlit SiinlrvcriUlftu foope the tjuee will support Sotier Sttpurtt anfl dim riin A rnxn-KST Vnllcd J-tetr Olijrrtt to tlir zurnit- Sent Out lij Him MADRID. Mart-li 1 Tbf R Jona tlic Sjitnlt-b poTemam ! tint wcolvi trouj lit Vnilffl Stttet 71 : the rt&.tfZDt-nu caWnfl Jrtm vbo formtrljnor bjGparral Riw. tbr SpuilEh trcitijiE in tbf Phillppln live to tht Bttualtnn of afftlrt tbeis The Corr sr > nnflcaciii Uhncrti = tha rticolvufl tucb nwious ncwn from Ma It lirtlpTtt. ll to 'be Jtt. fluty not to it until contnned. LHiuteiiimt Gent-rid Correa rniti war. flrnici tbat the ftiitefl Stater mrnl hut jirotcett-fl TCBpnctlng ; tbe of Central Rior. , tbe SjianlRb comm the rMHpjilner. . or tbut tbe porern ] rwflvt-d ularmine UPWF Iroa ML tbougb b ' aflmlu tbat an important has rt-acbofl Madrid. The queen rt | herun consultations with the Btttermcn and partr leaflerr rcs-pti cabinet criBiK. Tcnaorroy febe will eral Canorat and Senor Ascarrapu AllE jrST WATCHING FOB A C Orlfnnlct Lnd -r Oriilrt th < i frt Act Hnd Brt-n Plnnn PARIS. March 1. An Interview Bufiet. the representative of ithe Orleans , -WHB publihhea here toe Bufl t flpcluref ; that tbe Orleunii made no advance * to j > ollticluns or but be admit * that the thite ol would be jOuused to profit by B trouble to gain his ends M. BuJ however , tbat the flule never int use lorce. . The police , it it. announced , liai only one Important document flu BearcheB recently made. It relate selection ol a politician und jirovii with tundi and a tiOfc. The -docun tuucbed on the question of the app of a jironoinent anU-Dreyiuslte ft minlRter of war. but tbe general was not Implicated ADOPTS THE TRIAL UEVTSIO i 5.rnnt - Paoocik tiitJ AlrradjAd i > ld lijr Clmin PARIS. March 1 The senate adopted the trial refiFion bill by u lt.fc to 181. Strum to Cnr - Pnrniauitl ( Copyrlchl , IH'B , by PreiK Publlsb BttRUUC , ULanch irFrT ; ToT"ET ! iblccram Special TeJepraa. ) Prof man , one of. ProL Korch'E ablesl pupi lieved to cave iisctiverefi a nerum cure lor pneumonia. He inoculat Ibits w th pneumoaoccus bucilluE , penercJly believed to cause pneusnc with the fcerum thus pained inncula suflcrinp troia jmeumonia. Su experiments thowed itwas In snarrpw of tioneK aatitoiin is j and that rad marrow taken Jrom i coriwe dead Irom pneumonia and us rum will cure mice iaferted Ti-ith thai It ir , at'Bordinplv hoped this serum ' the same satisfactory results In ht : Ingt. INDICT ROLAND MQLlh Plndincri. of tlir Grand Jury Pi Couflrin Coroner"Jnrj - Ve lu Adnmi. Polt-on Cni-e NEW TORK. Cduiab 1 Roland neauswas today indicted 5iy the gr for murder In the ; first dopree In cm death cif Mrs. Kaiberlne J. Adai findlnp of the indictment doe a we bearing before the coroner tnd tl 'tie Email chunee for Molineaur's 01 take any ste < ; if in his behalf tintil w-tuatly comes to trial. The itidlctaent contained four co ; First , that Bolund B. Molineu : jioikon througi the malls Id kill ai &W "kill Mrs Katherine .1 Adams , that Mollneinux did send through tbi poison Jor tbe purpcue ol killing t known person , third , tbut Moline throurh thtmailt cyanide of mere Intent to Ii2 ; ifourth that Moline an unknown jioison to Mil some person. The wltneesei. upon twhohe evid grand jury based tbe indietmen : PiyBiflan AUliert E "Wetton , to jiroi Pro ! R. A. Withauj , . to prove tbe death : H. S. Cornish , to jirovc th of the jioison jutcl-.agc and the m sending it , Nicholas Peiekman , to | ( Mollneuux as tbe renter of the let , and tbe erpertA. "William KlneJey. E PereifBr Fraser and Henry L To prove that Molineum-'s l.and addre poison { to Ii. S , Cornish 1 Tiolintmux will be arraigned be < Mrder Goff lomorrpw He will tb ably lie re-mandeid to the Tombs wlO LOST IN THE ALASKAN ' Pnrtjof Te i Tenderfeet Snjiji lln\e Perl .lied MldMliiter from Aortli Coinlnc. SEATTLE. "Wwb. . March 1 Tbi City cxf Seuttle an'lveid from Alas afteir a fctormj jiaBitpe. G. T. Ho ( J tbr pash iigeir& , riufl he letft City a'tiout Deeembeir 16 He 'bring that a party of ten nmdej-fem 1-4.1 late in Oruibw to go from Riunpar tbn Kayukuk rlvnr Th j ( imrtoj Tolger. on oldtimw of the ion or 1 guide thwn bcrotis the country A , btii.vy puckt uf provibions at. tb tarrj. tiut only emeugb lor B fij-icf After they hud lie < en a lew flay : trail a bliczard came up anfl t ] mometter drappttd to 4i degrees lie Late in November a giurty urriveti Ki < yukuL and r < iiJOrte.d ttiat tbe m hud net urrtve < < L Other pai ID t&re 'but the > y have beiart of them. Mr. Hvwurd tines not ki titunee "XV P. McDonald , n t'nltbd SIB carrieuwho le < t Clwde CUy Jui iliroupbt Biwy pnu&ds of molL He the lu-fil maU trom Bt. Mtehaei tinei Uon ckihei6 IBM laU should reh < within lt u Ilerekford Snlln for Ilou NEW YORK Mu-cJi 1 P.euir Lord CharJe * Bwerfora C B M. 1 ' inSsv > "b- i r fr > r St > utiiuirr > 'err .ner F' ' ACCOUCHEMENT OF vru'nunrv mil EefEreuium Priodp Thim ; in ASA TAYLOR , OMAHA , TAKES LEAD1 ! rntnn Jlr-Inrmfrf ol S of Oidnlon In Conlrrrnc * ' n' ' rlubntl 7rlnc tn Amnlcmi Iliflr CINCINNATI. March 1 A new party It , to l > orpaulteS here tbitwi ponrral ctinferewe Jiepan u tirsKlni fluyi at tbe OM Fellows' andlt-orin The new sjitionttl orpanlcLthin 1 ciaied tbe union reform party , am i-eeU 1o amijptinifite the silver rep the populist * , tbe ( toclal labor pi the liberal party , in furt. all of tl parties exeppl tbe jiroblbttionlsts In response to Ibe call sent ow 1 sian R S TbtmrpBnn and Secreta : Neff there were seventeen states re ; in the nati&ntd onferonfe. No cr were required , uf all -who laver tbe dum pritir-iples of direct lepiBljitl tfimitted TD the p-ouiid Jlotr of 'J torium. The jiromntcrs of the amalpamatlon htrf to hfcve tbeJr 3 1 cEnizaaon no p rifctefl us to b < i factor In the pre'Jdentlal contest n , The ronlernnce um ctlleS to i ' Chairman R. S. Thompson of the O | mitter v bo wmd the call and In 1 those In favor oi the initiative unS 1 flum Tirinciples , to Boats in the oo i The lollowlnp temporary orpanica tiion reported anfl adopted Chtlnr Eicbolbers ; Baltimore secrettry. Liock end VinrenneR. Ind assista tary. Georpe B Shire.JbLay. . N 1 After a brief Rptmch by Chiirma ; berp a motion was made to huv t mtn aipoint the usual cocimittpi with t ! was oiKiBit bf InconBistent tlve and referendum prtnciplei. wante-S everj-tninp eontldered in o I ' vention inKtsad of belnp appointei j chairman The openinp scBKlon wai 1 to this diBcuBBion. Tbe previous question finally BIO Hiate Tbe ucnal committees on crt 1 resolutionB , etc. . were appointed by and each one approved bj xbe < ioi Tbe committee to formulate a pit. panlzation for the new party war by B call of the states with one n each state. A recesr was then tt Principle * of t'uloii Ilrlori At the afternoon session tbe folio port from tbe committee on reaolut adopted : Our present system of poverncw the entire lawmakinp pnwtir in re ] lives. The pec ple elect thene rej ties. . but heve mo rontrol over tbelj An experience of over 300 year practical operation of this synt Ehoved that it does not Tirovide a mem of , by end lor the people- Representa-tireE cannot hnow tbe will of their constituents and * v that will tas l > een clearly manifest * been continually diEroparded. Lecihlativfc bodies from -municipal to the nationU conpress Save IM trolled by corporate inCuenties. Lt has consequently been In tbe ini tbe corrupt few and palnst the in the peojile are -uiRfranihiiiod on ten : of lepifilation. Tiey are allt rote for men , but are deciod the rote for measures. The people ure by laws which they aid not enact not repeal From this state of afi UFtrous results have came. The people have seen thes abuses iac disfranchised on all lecislntive c have l > een tinalilt to provide a they hove Income dlvidtid into JH tions comendinp vitb each other i to the lepiBlation needed : they havi to enact lepiKlatioi : whrrh they d ( to prevent lepielBtion towhich the : JIOH'd In t-earch for relief the p-aop turned from one party to another i orpaniied new jiarties without nni But all Euch efforts have been and must continue to so be us Ion P ojle are dirfranchised. They : invested -with tbe power to roate t laws before they can have laws own interest. P > ojilr Hnv - No VoletIn 1 Ek ) long as the people have tie lepislution it is useless for them tc uraoni ; themselves regarding tbtIt they need , but cannot enact That we mty hare a governii ducted in the interest of ibe po vbich win provide lor tbe i sar * . J > : mt-aUty anfl hnpp nsfc of . lit iit3- we onust hare n poverrment which i of the people IJT the rs-'nle nd fnr pie and in which the i > uople htui : i "We , therelorft. reuwvljip to ounn right to lepiiilate for ourselves und to cmr inttriduU oiiinuinfi oa all i of legislation , unite for the woomp of tbat end and for the enfranehi * the American people In order that t ) liKhmunt of the povernment in levi will of the people misy lie suprt-m And we incite all ptrsons wl4o Ii tb iinnclples of lllieny nnd tbe B of Independence to unite in suppoi lollowlnp j Direct leplBlatijn tinder tbe rystei as the "initltttive ccd rtfcmuJnm. " I Vnd ; r the * nlta4tlve the * jiuoi'U- ( Ij'el the submission to tbemu "V of Hired lnw , wb-in. .1 't v-icuiret n of the votes cast , will I * tbereby Tnder the rv'iirenoina tiic j.-'J compel the nubmipsioa tn ibjm'sslj't Itw which has biwa adopted oy a > tioflj' , wb n. if FUCU law tnilf ic tbe mujorlrj' > ! the VAKE ciui. Jt thereby rejected. The following permanent orctnlzi eSrnUfd. CSialrnitn , R. S. Thompson , fkOd , O. ; nua-etary , Ast ToyJor , Ntb ; aPEitaani . cr ajy , T. J. ] Cinamuuitl. O Th i oommiU'W nomtaated IBdwar of New Tort for : ttiain he wat , npapt > d with the commirte * inp L plan for tbe permanent orp the i an > Ovtr fi.iu ( > floor of the ctinTation lor cbe n l ODUUTD commlww. vhldh wat * * ] lollowt R. a Thompson and "W Otati : Edwtrd Eiuas. . New Tori. EicbttlberK , Msrylnnd. J. M. Dui dituu ; Sb0Md&n W < 4it.t r. MiFsourt Walte. Bturpik. Mirh E A Ntiln t-ylvaula , Asu Taylnr. JC ilirai'ka Tvo repartt weit jiwipniied on i t'ae p rniaii'ent oijajnzuuon of the t fnnn jucty and they w < e ditrupBti mwr. of tbe aflteruoax Tbe mtjorii wtt finally uapin a. jirovidlnp lor 1 < -m orpauiEaiiiinf in Ul etder and no cs te protect the i uey trum fu maiutitn the prtDciiei- tb inliui rttfeffnaum and tbe imperwwve : ThU T pen relorrti rarieuc jiluiiK : tuf lucal lfj puft , to the "tie. Thi jninoott ? 3 | > ort ojHirttitiii v-ttt th * 7n > 3e E juany jvroB a i'il with on lLliorute trpu Joct A. Parser el tbe Rttferm PJTOE tiaii vbo vas taomly qur.uo&b4 be the iut rc t of "R'haruin and Dunnt Tnaupht addroeeee were mtiAe b Lt > fkwn ii of InOianu. Dkwt.ei Pu : Nev. Mlrkliriiii I > r < > bll > ltli > ulut JACKBCiK Mwb. March I A vtrt present ht Ibe j > r cnnveT'jon he3d bere toduy . Did > c EJ.UOEU thairjnu it prolwMe tbat if JmitkH Or i pupreBH oourt in rottcnalBM-w rejmbltran ptKte oonvMiuct ) bvfl OnrM'd by tbf proklWtlmilulf oti IK vM * iff uati-its Ills r&dif&l rlewft. in i ror of the rtrtM fnre n VIOB ! ! < : by rTrtiHt I9wirfc MICHIGAN STATK TON VI Prti > rl ] l < - of . l < tl . Plntlo ltctiftlrin < > d. JACKSON Mich , Msrtili 1. The i-i B Grant to moecttd bi of tbe smir e ctrnrt E tl Olonrf H. & B-ftfi Bf Ai ati Colonel Ell R. Sutter nomi&uofl by a cluniBthHi lor tmlvwrtty. John J. Cwlan ol pree WJppnrtw. w ii cbun-Hi ti chalno&n There war a warm ficbt ovw the of a pluttnrm Tbe wtvenfltin r < reaffirm the platform i f last ynur , T clari-fl in favor of the rinpree-AHn for taxation of rUVro&A , oxirest i prajih property. The remuindnr of the platform ' ronfidence in President McKinlty pratnlates thr country Bptin cstablit honorable poare , the irtivd of lud : prot.pej-lty ii ucrreditefl to tbe winfl puWlcun princitiles und their u4nin pratituSe U tpresood for tbe sa soldiers tnd sailorf in the late wi money planl : is at loUowE : "We reaffirm the principles of Lou ! * platform tinfi pJt-dpf them oti as a sure puaranty of national ; and honor : we stand irpnn the exit standard and condemn tbr jirtipn admit Kiher to free and unlimitei ] at the ratio of 1 ( > to 1. ! ANTICIPATE FRESH T. . Arr Qnirt Hnt Art- StrrnctlK-olmr Drfnt. . Anotbnr MANILA , March 2. Jf' ' r , a. m quiet alonp the whole only & fe sbott belnp fire rebel neid pun DCUT the ] pnen > fore appumaUr liury 'defeiiseb ' , rcalicinp thut the Ameri UtarJ : thwn vhiin the esjit-cted : | I menu arrive- It is reported that Ainilntldo win louse tbe Spanish clerical prinonurs t ! dltion that all landed and -other ! thw they own BhaK 5 * transferrt and also that tbe ni-tlve j > ri be recopnised. Lust nipht tweJve Tebuli in twi wer * didcoverrd paddlinj : out Ire naqtit. When the Bufialo's search ] on the rebels they uned t irranced with the bo was tttten off and tl ftttempt d to cross the * m.j % but a pi pvcrhauled them after a ohase und t priaonnrc to Maidla. Two battalions of tht Twrniarth have "been tseipned for proroBt pt ani a third 'battalioa ' Trill join Goi Arthur 'E flirislon. REBELS AT KAKILA . tejrjjst the 3tfjarJ , UB Tlirowlagr Cp Ktrth-n-jirl i MANILA , March 1. 4 : H5 p m. 1 are very active a.t Caloocan and They evidently Intend to moutt a 1 front of the Mtlabnn church , desl tbe flrt ol the "Onitnfl States monitc nock on Pehruuy J ? They can throwinc up earthworkt lor punt. 4ffii p m. Ttoerewas the 0161 firing yeitterday evening tnfi only one casualty resulted. , une i of PrjTute Parki , ComiLar The Nebraska volunteer ? at the ' hi S B rtipct Icurt Trttii c email to eunny tblt morning The rebtif ' & tbe jangle after th * m vollei 1 7it United Stiutor tranr port Tai ; arrives neire without the SOBS ot B ' s. mute [ TSie Negros tiommisBloners hex 1 tUned fieverU American o2icer an ou&qictfc at their hotel in return ' oomplhnent jiUfl them by Gene-rul C Jitiii- for Neprt * tnduf I I The Unitetfl Stat K tronRport St. eaaliorked Crtonel Bmlth , Mtjor S ibtttalion of the CalttomlE. roiunt the efficient rewntly apolnte l to Unite. i The United Sttte-i tranBiort Art i trrived besre Gemeally tpeaWnc , tieBlcmttio changed. ' FAIRY TALES FROM FIL Report t i t Tber Hjrre S lr I of lljf American- - Pri er . of Wnr. LONIiON , Murch 1. Tne Pillpt : pean Junta has rewuvei tbe lolloi jmtc-h Irom Manila , dated Tebruorj i "The lout emcounterf huve been I ties. "We ncnr hold Pasig , Pate I Guadaloupe. Our northern line vanred to Tondo. The American 1 I fur larger in proportion than oura. | Cliti American prisoners , who will ' into tbe interior Not one of 01 hat surrendered and our governme1 taluk itr indnpendenoe and will not A Piljpino telegram frmn CBDI that tbe foreign residents have t insurgents -withdraw In order ti bombardmemt. The Filipinos have trusting tbat their JictieiB will be belore the loreign consult , with of arranging an equitaiile settlem tbr Americans. BLOCKED WEST OF LEAl Fnrioui. nilrcurd Acrnln Sti Colorado ii d tlie People i : Monutnln * . Miffer. LEAXt\1LLE. Coin. March 1. 1 e heavy snowfall lor tht ptsi twi furious lili * rd fell in this mon nil day the Ur has be < en filled wi rf li > iup BIIHW Train * tram tbe in with difliruli } but the railr blcmkadeid wept of thU city. The South Purl Hue and tbf BI roudfc are ho ; > tdef > Bl } buow d under not be < ijumed Jur a rnunth. Auftrev arrived Irtrm that Jocalitj ttid&y. btn.n on tbe road lor rw-e days an trott lilies on tbt ? arfc , nose aufl t < brourhl m > w * that b numlieir of la thlt losaliiy are di rising up the B visions that we left Sunnfamlllei ing on ant mival a dcy and that of iirebO. potaUie-r. and wauir No i be liud and tbe jieicple ore djggin out of 6HBW and cutting it tip I r lu "XVitnei. * Held fur I'erjn TOPEKA Majx'h 1 Jomw ; E. N mode a hnutuunnj amdnrit lor tbi in tbe bwu-uie of the motion fur u in tbe Otilliiif murder ( uu > e WBE buve sworn luwljvLeu j-lucttfl an ness isttnd toiuv and -was coma Judge Hozen iTcmciv .Attorney Jen rurnd relmUie r-lo-mt. > i * "hut l ! retl come WUE lianlt irrcr nnrr nnrrrvrrii . WEST FARES PRETTY GODS Lei of Itonej Out of 1 Approprittara 301. NEBRASKA is AMONG THE nn Antrloj.e Mntr I" nxtfr 7'nki Of Thanr Brforr AV . Coinct'iir Ilrlnc t'oxtini tfr of lln nnn. praa ) The Bmndry oix-il blU , in wisJdK'DCt , currlw IH\HO Its p > ! * pHutlntit uncctlnp UK inteirwsli , nf t weK of tbe Ml sl rtj > } rf river tn a ll tent than etur tx fore iiicluflBd in ; meftnure. Startinp ti-lth Iowa OsV.atoueta Et1 for th * 7mrrtiw > nf a Bile lor VuWdinp nnS IdoLinc to the nreettt fcame ; Cre ttiu. R36.iliti ( , CllutKu , Duhuque , SfiO.lKHi Nrtiraska is lietter taV.nn care ever bt\toi e , Omalia c Uns ririD.OOl aetice the erection t f tlie 5ev nte < n Kide of tbe public buildinp Senatt ton toflny tutscpfted in pesttlnp the to aocept i tee oa appropriations tif > nal jtroviso dlrertlnp the wtnaa treasury to * nter into a contrurt rompleUon of tbe buiVdinp within ' ent limit t > f cost < whtrh is now J yi.ROO.OOn. HasUnps. Jltl.UHO ; Norli ( mb ; Blair. tSl.r.fiB South Dakota 1 * ta\.en \ care at in mime manner. Deadwood petanp R Alisa-deen MS.TiOO. 'Wyflmlnp. not to 5 * outclasses IT ! at BE cast , pets a fclire vhich has 1 coled out Jar and wide , Evanmo cwtinc jriO.liliO Itir the jiurtshaie anC of a > miainp site to test no ; snore t nOD ai > d lor adflltional expe-nsw public buildlnp at Cheyenne J"ri.KH How many nl tbe itos cotitaini senate bill will remain after tbe h throticb with tbeconference is i question. Some of them will uni but the NeftiratKa d be knocked out , will endeavor to hold all upprc "even if it Iliruuki , a trart. " us 01 members said. Voodard > rvr MrncV The apjiointment of Edward P. 1 o Itidiannpolis to y postmaeter at Culia. came aTier t < eriou coueide : tbe jiart pf the postmaster penen Thompson's and .lames iiamet , of Omaha , -who "was presanted "by Thurston. It will probably be "Woodard that ie was a candidate two weeks iis name has led all with the -erreptlon uT Thomjison , at Indianopolu. , i deputy p [ KCmas-ter ard is at Omaha The 7iostmaste : was lmprf Red -with Mr. 'WoDdwd lor the place- his reputation as ai postal official beinp iniown to the department. Thurston was calif : PostoSice d iiarrmcnt on Monday : with Postmaster GeneJ a lone talk that understand ht wh * piven to pDintmect reetea lietween Tionr ; ia lave TToodard , with chances former , and the nominatirn yesterd the incidtnt. -tthtios valedicto Senator Allentthtios SB fgiglysj , 3inap tie most ' scn3 ' Bti'lEsTarf' thinpsijc'lies done of tbe Good Si rear , acted tbe Jiart be wholesale reductio There are to " immediately alter "War depanment Annie I and Miss ment of conprers dutiphter of Confederate Major Gen who -declBred at tbe e.on I. Pillow , of the civil wu- that his horse j "drink in tbe shadow of HIU monument or take h " is a clerk in Ipei in hull , ' Knewinp t office j jutant peneral's soldier on the led was a iinvate and loupbt unainst her lather , s. the senior senator from Nebraska ti | himself tn her behalf. In tiinpe petition to General Alpcrwas prept retain Miss Pillow on j inp him to and within of tbe TVar department sirty-five senators hud bipntid tbe bended toy Senator Thru-Eton , iaclui leadinp repu.blicane and democrats. .1. A Tun Ordel of Cheyenne , w torney lor the settlers on tbe Otoe Bouri reservations in Gage county , J is in the city to UBEIEL , If possible , i a compromise bill affecting the im these settlers passed. Old nillh Settled. The hill known as tbe Bow-mi which has l"fen thrown inside of n EresseE , together witb tbe French i ciaim6 , as on its vuy to the precifl rj'ii'P $ S.30U,6Sf. NebrBPka it re ; by an appropriation to John Brei y7Xf > . : : fi lor commibEary stores fun him in IhCl at Clinton la. , to States troops stationed at that ] Henry T. Clarke of Omaha , Ji.HOti and rent of buildinps at Tort Crcn buiitiingp on laud acquired by th Slates by condemnation proreedtni BUit of the Vnited Statt * apainel Zurher in accordance with a jit made t > y Clarke. John Little am SVilliams of Omaha , n,4 r..7u , b ( umount ue tbeuj as reported "by " of clUms. Alter y 'US Colonel TV. H. B. St with Cyrus J. Hull and Ibaut F. Bi the contract for lurnhhinc Btone | vUlt of tbe collar and sub-basem1 Ilibrtry building and \ > bu wub deprix j contract on uuuount of chuuge of j comet into his own , the bUl pii , ncbU2. This claim in one form o : has liwin before congress lor ten yi j ting through ont house or the ot | -wut attached to the last Bowman | Cleveland wooed it on ocuount of tl j spoliation clainitwhich he claim without equity Stout , wbo has 1 reverses since he left Nebraska wi this appropriation with u prttefi bhould UcKible ; eipn tbe bill und j the means of putting him on hit. : mart. RUNS INTO PASSENGER Iluclneer und 'futi > rire < a < Peimltr "t : TJielr 1-liei. for uuderMuiicliiii ; nn Orde O&DEN , Utah , March 1. An emgi twe nrewen were klUetd in o uollisii CemtrU Pacific now Hw SpriiiB * . : lurt night. A RtjTDoud fipeiciol running ai ShCUOO Uf tlUHlOUIld pkH-HEpttr N liderf with * heilpeu fi lne uti wiat us "White Plains iill. Tbe bedpeir pusheid a trerfpht w-er th * heavy g vac running ou uidta-fc upalwit i e f the iiaueuigeir and on cosniiioi.ti { with tbe firct fi ctiuu. the Briers tbf etupinndr lug ttngine A wn tbe bill , running pasfafiuper 8 mile tH uf Mot Sjc dec Tkf de d I1RHMAX HEXDEftSHOT hf tb EJSGINEEK YBAECJK. FIRBMAX WLLARK ftf th * pus Bbdly ! E.'ure fl En canter Sr.hrt ( if the htdpe : A iieavy ruin at the time coctr sbtr. ; the ur- i CONDITION OF THE WFATHPR t t J" . .ire-rat t for JC * r k JU-n nt Oinnlm > eti 7ein | > ernttire Hour. l > e-u. llonr. in. in. 1H 1 ji.'in. . a. in IS - i > . m. . T n. in. . . . . . 1 ( t X | > . ni. . * i. in -y 4 ii. tn. . V a. in. . . . . . 2 > ] i. tn. . 1 n. ill. 2ft ; | i. ro. . 11 n. in Z 7 11. in. . 1Z in JUt v jt. in . . Jt ii. m . . STILL UNSETTLED AT S brrinlnn1o& bj Pro lninn riime-m Dr. Httfid \ ] > ) oi lor IIlo Coiitlact , ? yi > NET N S TV Mhrrh 1 A bw from Aplt unfler dbte IT my that affairs tbere tr ruUntactary The jirsvlsimia ! pov tt apjwtrr. . i * interft-rtng with m Hrltltb Rrtijertt. aafl also with the tf BrltlKb rubjeru , test if ln'tog people $ ki)41 Mftaaft Dr RbCcl. ibe Ocrtn n jxrdrtflci aroulripal eounril ct Apia , at tbe tioc of tbe British ontd. hat > apohi boyooninr the Brltlnh thlra-rlaer Porpoire and Jor tnsiiHlnp tbe c.M R. fl Malietoa's lawyer wbilt thi rneftr on bnard the Pcrpoise. A landinp iparty from the POTTPI with machine putiK. won therefore ashore , tboucb a 7 > lan to mal.e i on Mullouu had 1 < een all .rranceO. of the Mataolas have died t > f wo dhidlnp a woman wbowas shot breast. There it. muih indicoatlon at tl the jiroviBitmiJ povcrnment in l.w estle prisoners whcee only offense i The house c f Chief Suamantt , wbrsi In saving life durlnp tbe historical ' . was rewarded by the AmrrtctiKi present of a whale boat , has b"en bt looted , and the w haltftaul hat bee Suamanu it. still in eidle. The German consul continues 1i Ithe Gcrmsm from the JuriMfllctlor j supreme court , but Herr Grovera JHTi for contempt of court -when 1 i advertised the sale of his property GrovesmtihJ rtanaius at the consult inp arrest and hovinp to serte B of KiO days' lmprismmeTil . It is ai he is also afraid o ! l > einc urreste jcharpe ol drunkenness J Dr Raffeil bar been adindptifl i contempt of court , but bar refused i forward lor sentence. He war lor ; j rested without force , lint noupht th jtion of Herr Rose , tbe German com . Lieutenant von Bulon , a former 'the ' German army and orpaniter I Mataafan lorcef. , is still at Sevaal. fuses to come to the court on tbe < contempt in breaking jail and clE he Khould lie tried by a German court at Berlin. i Mr Moore , an American citizen ' saifl to favor the Germans , wrote tog letters to Chief Justice Chamln war lound puilty of contempt ofc J was discharged after making ample 1 The feeling in favor of Malictoa growing and Mataufa's following ii prating The whole of Tuliiela ant Snvaal now Icvor Malietoc Tanut. 'tlly. ' tbe dispatches aKsert. there IE teeillnp in fuvor t > f British ccncsat ris- consul hap , Bontbermost of th * Tonga irjands. residence of their Bovtrelcn. aite TintucoeEEfully urged the ting to fll premier. STDKET. N. S TV. . March 1. Ti are he-svily indebted to the Gern are tinablc to 7 > oy. Tie treururj it and Btlariet have not tieen jiuid months. The sum of JBIlti.OOO. ru ; have been lodged in a salt tt Ha of tbe Ttxngt islands , is missing. 1 tirer has len imprisoned at Tonpi arreet of tbe native chiej Juetice native TireKident. vbo vere Joint < of the keys taf the tale , was being : 'THREW ' WIFE INTO THE j Al ert Berker. fouth Side 1 I of Cljlrnco. Brenk * DOTTO n' i and Confeuxe * Murder. I CHICAGO. March 1 Albert Be j South Side 'butcher who has 'l ' ien i ] lor a we-elt on suspicion ol having : 1 tis firr.t wife. , Teresa Becker. Ibroke | nipht under tbe long-continued cr tioninp of the 7mlice an6 made a confession. " 1 killed her on January 27 , " sai defiantly. " "Wewere walkinp on ' dolph street viaduct and liepan qi 1 became angry and thre-w her into Then 1 went home. " Since Becl-er'r arrest his second ' j ear-old Eda Stitterl'n. has linen In I Becker inquired continually lor he 1 tbe jiollcewhy Ebe vas > noi rele'i -WE * , al-wayn given an evai.ive am apparently receiving the Impreci Eda would in some WBJ 1 * ronuei -flisuTtjiearance ol his wlft he : nonlesslon , in tbe theory of tbe ; I absolve ! ber Irani any Maine. Tbe tbe murdered woman has not i found. ! KIPLING PASSES THE Dor tort Mej ort n * In HU Condition lor tb Setter. JOnV. YORK. . March 1 T ; j dition of Rudyard Kipling J i much Improved tonight. The m diiieaee WUB pubwfl tblb morning. | Tbe Annotated Press dlnpi-tebee 1 ' indicated that tbe cricit. war clone and it war ibecuube of tbe e tbe ) i displayed to much imtfeHy conc-ei j ciutname- . i At 2.11. this , afternoon tbr followi | tin wat : mWed ' Mr. Jvljiilug LLC gained unce , The leimperature tnd pulne ur lo fvery dirflctiot : tbe improvement E G JAKETVAY. THBDRORE I tKHA IOWA & NORTHERN RA O"iniiiiiuy < .e - uri > Clt&rter to Iliiud from Hldorn , ln Tin liinu < .nd JQPFERSOK CITY. Mti. . Mara St. LOUIE. Iowa 4 : Nonbtiij Railv wt t tbartcreid bv the JHICJ todM } ' Tiie cujiHiJ DUick is f S H SUWJM , J E luafl J. S Bbrle ; . Charles S Bierc E. Eul.w. rafltiu. la , H. J. nuaa ; . M MltcheOl. H E. Berrjw d Wi MltbheOl. jr. . 3i Lotiic. Tin ; r iU eneinddf from Eldcit : It. . tUKougc : MiBW uri In c puiiriJ suutbertjdii St. L ui * , . Milo E 74.S5 in Jowu u iMiwioiui. with tu > otficw , ujid ISAna , lu. re In Itellnnv 4i Ilrl CCARJKDA. la . Mtux * 1 ( Sf.M grata i HXihoc. . iBBt Of tl * Him > HWOE war. todtir ttcoBounupertntfucl -E' line C Murph ) ' hat resigaed nrfei mtnufe-r Led thet offi t iitt be-t t.tand I FIGHT IX THE CAUCUS i Brwie f HoKflititt BfanjJj TruoEfcrrca frcm 3mat j NO CHOICE FOR SEKVTORIM. CANDIDATE Ballott ire Cart -vritli ? rac tkufflv No Ohmgt in tls Toting. SEVENTY-THREE : MEMBERS ARE PRESENT in ti lined viii Tbraipsofi BOMBO. LOBBIES FILLED WITH EAGER THRONGS fireM litteref-t TnVeti In llie Remit of Hie Different llnllotk n Tfcer Are Gltrn Out trtiiu tlic ' Haiinrd . . . .nil nt ISHSJ JIT 5t7 ST , Tlinmi on . . ! < ! 17 141 141 141 1O la Totnl * . . . .73 7S TJt 73 71 71 Tl 3St-Cf . rj to u fholir.d. . LINCOLN , March 1. ( Spwdial Telegram. . ) I The long-uwiited rrjinbllcan caucus oa ] Vnited State's iwnaior finally musrialitpd . Jonlpht , itccordinp to Hie call wWcti bud littwi signed by Ul the ? republican mt nbeirK j The -clKla.tors were unusually prompt It patbe-rinp st tinLlndell and it wc not I long true SO. the apjioiir.eid fSme % wb a I iie > Besrion begun with Senator Stetdts at | chairman. Representative * Roui t , Glut. I un < 3 Arenfle acteid us teJJerr. . I Tbb rules for tn optional hallot baring I been tpreeid upon nlM < balloting : prouemdetd ' forthwith , the fiecrettry oUHng the names . and the members responding either witfc a I piuntfd btllot or with the ntme of their i preferred candidate. j Thfre vftre seveinty-threie present. Smith of H'ljfeareBce , a Htyward snipporter , and ' ruitweUer , a " ! VfbBl r man , being on thti elck lisi. An utttimpt was made to re t bol-lot In for Iweileir by a wnt4 i but it TTJU ; prampUy ruled out. Only J ; * eoteajf Ar lie liariott w retsb - tic rSSi&JSt re fSren nut tr > a rC-aU group of wntcliert on ibtoutrids , Stranpe to say , tie lolibleswere liy no m ane ta onimatud .as on mtuy previous evenlcgB. Ar. lie bcllots were ncanned they d subBtnaticlly a rej > ij2Kin of the- deadlock of the open sesKloa. Htyward lost i-p- parently two v l and "Weston two , wMle Thomjisan paineid thrt > e and Talbtrt got on * . "Whether tlw Talhat voite cem rexlly Jrom Hayward or Thomption war rot dew. On tie fourth balltr. Tliompcon painted one xoi from Hward At the dose of the tenth hallut Joneii moved to tul.e a recejsr. , but tihea-j was & loud protest , and the motion was not put. Cnndifijitf * Contribute Ire " \Vntrr. JUH before tbe twelfth ballot wae tt-l.ea jtwo members left the room and did not return turnOn the previouE ballot Burman had voteifl openly for "Webster. On the lour- teenth ie voteid B secret liallot. Beverly unfl , 1 Olmsted cast secret bollotE up to thit time | The lourteienth ballot was tbe raine at the i first , und tbe nun bhowcid no chanse * A motion was. then made to adjourn , out at i loudly voted down. I The nfte-enth and sixteenth ballots showed jno changes and a motion was then made to take a reicets , but -wut ; kit > d. i Just bclojt 13 o'clock a proclamation sent to tbe se xttorlal candidates giving no- tlce that the cuucus wai getting veiry dry ! j und tiniest Home-thing v ere ; pent in the meim- | liert w oulfl sek u new Bichmond. Tbe .candidates . responded with b tank ol ic j wuter. j The caucus cast the twenty-Iourtb ballot , belore tbe meunbers were ready to adjourn. Motions to adjourn after the nineteenth anfl tve.nty-second ballots -were voteid jdowii by tbe Hcyward men , who finally made the 'mo ' e to quit until tomorrow night at 7:30. j The > re was little change in the vcitlac up I to the last. Oc the fwenty-firet bUlot Clart 1 po ; a couple nf votes. Oa tbt tw enty-neioond | and tw 'nt y-thirfl Lambertnon pot two. On i the lait iitllot Thompetin of Merrick voted I lor Wllcos , Four of the Webster men voted seweitly iiurt of the- time and openly part of tbe time , tbe rerult being tinehanpe-d. The twentjfourth ana lart bullet , whlth vas cast at ten minutes after 1 o clcick. wti at follow * - 1C "Webster. l > ; Hnywurd , Thompson , ; | Field , t , Adams. 1 ; Halner , 1 ; Ls.mbe.ri- 1 , Talbot , i. YOUNG WOMAN'S DEADLY AIM -o Acenrntejj- Her Brother" iii'l.utt iJint lie Mnj Die of AVounil. MARSHALL. 111. Martb 1 Mlsi Line Marvin. B prcmitiemt young woman ol tblfc city. Uiauy rbot and jirabably luUiliy wnunde-d " lieir brotbeir.ln-law "William A. Vausbon , Bbc bad beein uttenctlnr oollcpc in Buffalo , N. Y . and returned beime urifj : ; > f > ctnd ! } u s i teirueidu She went dirt-m to the' eifiire of her f&tbeir'fc n IU , whea-e bhe found Vtugban and filed twwt befori 'bystander * could in terfere Bad fulling hod existed bftween them for mime tlmb Mis * Marvin ii now ttudeir trretet , suaiunc the result of tbt FOR AN EIGHT HOUR DAY Colorado Senator * Offered Money If ITier Would Vote to Detent tne Hill. DENVER. Cute Mwdi 1 The Btule * en- ate tills twitting puntii the Ulfl proudlng ter wi e4elu-lu ur day in ullndne * IB the taste liy . vateof at lo ( , The bill voi pusf.ei/1 t > } the li'jutte wra > e > time upo. During the Aeiliute U Our Stmauw Uutl.le-y from the Sfv ( iit mtlj dwu-ict tuunfl A H'ni-.ation by the JOiucjuuiitiujBUt tliut he uu < elbeu t-n- 1 ittw-b hud ln-eui etfureifl larpe iumt of mi ney | if they would v te ugainrt the bah Tbe ' i 11 ut jibbbed idesntjcul with tbfc lnw bsw tui lorci in Ltuiu