THE OMAHA DAILY UEE : WEDNESDAY , MARCH 1 COLDER MEDICINE HAT' Bed Stew * Air ? 0K : ALCOHOL ANQ vx M tr a Drp r It Icr > l > tin a Mnn'n HnnO llnnccr < \\1it-n Con- fin t-tl CmnTrirrrittl t ci > of Ibf FroAnql. wc nftfftftsire to tfcworn bat ant ( ' an tin LIU. TTi m nehmoe bw mn > ce 0 a in t rt > otM | ; i mia totem * emmet to Irene Miat rcif jvmititef ; gtm. helium , a clone idea M > * * form * l wb * : the -wxnM b * wttUout > wi. fc , the 1l ttm nf ml ] It It llgSrUT rr c thfco nofl M cvtMPccnt that itWM nut until rucem rear * ibi cbemteu ta > r * of it * et- * Miefi. It to tennfl ia the * wp crrritmt irf tinB rthvtterc K bs t mi coataefl tnrirorii KH Uw ngf s. ir R wwe jrttrmittea to matpe into tiw cnfier Ktnro tbere Jt would limnpCi- awtr ftj' CWBJ- tote Kpcte ? nfl ftlim vwir. par. , which te next IE orO r of ha * rscsnUr been redtiwt irota pee In a U olfi ralMCanee lir Prof. Win Dpwer of Bntdunfl n nchlerwDeat u re- mttrlaiblc In the rmJm I science UK the fllii- eovwy ol tbe cxtrth jn -wonlfl lif in Inflpod. tiie fcHeot to profluce low tempera tures is much like urette exploration SulentlKtE have pone downwarC alowly , flls- covorlnp method after mrthoS lor p tstup nearer to the north i > t le ol temperature. Continental experimenters have vied with tad EnpHshmea Intve vied with but v-c can tali * pridt to the fact itiBt none o ! them 1ms been ns uuocese- ful in the field as Chanes E. Tripler nf New Fork Cltr. xrfho is uble to produce a greater ol cold lor n longer period ol time another experimenter. 1 visited Mr. Triplor'fc laboratory not lonp since nnd lie explained to me lor tbe first time nis colfl-profluflnp machine. , "by means ol which he reduces the ordinary air ol his wnrkroom. no matter how warm it may be. lo n liquid that Itmkt , not unlike water , although it is not -wet. ThiE liquid is so cola tint it actually hums like a redhot iron and it boilE us violently when placed on a blotk ol ice as water on n reflhot stove. Mr. Tripler also showed me how he freezes tlilB liquid air into air-ice , a curious , flakey ! ; u bstnnce somewhat resembling "hall crys- -talizua Eyrup supar. Ice Mnde from Air. "Wonderful as it is to nee ice that is made ol air. it is not so wonderful us Mr Trip- ler'i Btory ol the mcaninp ol this phenome non. He tolls how , at some remote age in the future , all of tbe atmosphere -which we sow breathe will lull in drops ol liquid , just such JIB ho produces in Ills laboratory , ana great lakes and oceans ol uirwill lorm on tbe earth , much resembllnp the present and oceans of water. "When the earth prows so cold that the tir IE liquefied , " "Mr. Tripler continues. * 'ol course ull the water on tbe earth -will long cpo have been frozen solid. Indeed , itwill nc ut licrfl as rock crystal unfl not unlike that substance in color anfl texture. After the uir is til in the lorm ol lates or oceans the colfl will continue to increase until they In Turn are frozen hard. After that the hy drogen , helium and possibly tome other -very lipht paseE , of which -we may now hove no knowledge , will fan in the form ol rain end then the world -will be abso lutely fleud and inert , frozen as hard as the moon. " The entire -process ol the universe is typified in MrTripler'E laboratory , where tvery depree of temperature from the heat xil n steam , boiler .acarjy do\cn to the cold ol interstellar Epace can be produced n.t any time. Until a lew years ape all scientists be- lltvefl that there - werewhat they culled "permanent pates" that is. paseb which could not lie liquefied. Som2 of the liest experimenters had tried compressing the two pases , which compose our air ( oxygen and nitropenunfler thousands ol pounds to the square inch , all to no result. They also tried heatiup them in reverberatory fur naces anfl eoollnp them to the preatest loiown depths ol colfl , liui they still re- jnainefl pases. Tlnally the idea ol combin ing immense pressure with preat cold oc curred to n French savant and one flay he astonished tht entire world of science "by exhibiting a lew drops of n clear , trans parent liquid liquid cxypcn. An English experimenter followed him produced n whole wine plaas full of liquir air. but it cost him about $ . " . .000. Now Mr Tripler , the American inventor , 1ms Euoceoded in building a machine -which will produce liquid air in very larpe quan tities at an expense so low that it may t e s.aifl to cost nothing at nil. Prom a mere laboratory curiosity this marvelous su1 > - stance has suddenly piven promise ol almost unlimited commercial uses , no that those who know Kay it must noon rival electricity 1n the variety of Its adaptations Ships wfll run with it , puns -will fire -with it , itwill \ > eused as a mothe power lor operating locomotives nnd Buto-mobiles and in drh- Inp pruat manufacturing concerns. Mr. Tripler even pi edicts that by the agency of liquid air practical aerial navigation is as- eurod Tbe problem which has hitherto fle- feated the purposes of aerial .nnvipators has been the flifliculty ol proflucinp a projiellinp machine sufficiBntly llpht and yet Ptrong euoush to keep tbe propeller in motion. Liquid clr requires no brillfsrs nor lurf nor nroole ; stacks nnd the machinery necessary to its use -will be n mere leather'Eweight compared -with tbe ordinary Weam enplne. Tiie principle the liquefaction nl air nod aU othnr past * It ftxoeoditapljr Elmple. When B p * IE oompreeMd it pver OIK bf t that ifc i "weH known IUP : in jiliyBicfi When this iiresfcure is removed the pnc runss take up from somewhere ie beat whltb li pave , out. Alt < ir a surjoe of cxjieunive oxperimecKE extandinp over elpbt ; ews Jir. Tripltir iar ut last t vulv i a woufl rful raunlunr lor utillrlup Uut iirinciple He lias so orranped cbe llquefinr portion of hit apparatus that when the air. whtrli has l > i D Ulpb.y ! com- prcBua Uy bis Ktuni eopine , is allew d to it taLu up the lit t from anortiar oouttilning iximiirwwtid air , tlitiff-by re- ductaf ; tbe heut , or. in otlter words , profluc- inc folfl in llitt ] > ip ly nxittnh of tliU jiroccsf he produces a raid MI im JBp tint : ttit > air finally drape down in IiguUl lorm uafl If the twict ol a smut ) vti\e K U allowed tu run out. This ( tj-dob-ojiilaiic ruiu-l.lo * has nalr Jum IHWO pomplotod. , cud the pnt iifflofc in 'Wncbiug- too tius aael&rod It to be aa oricitjul Hivtm- iion end lias punniUfid Mr Trlfdw w > infce < nit & jiaiccit on < w Tbe ; > ould uir ac M cnnm from Mr. Trtj'ler s . .jquefitir u t pray. JEU loaLJtig fluid bubtaiiCtvkiuh pivos off , ' a -r ' . l.p tT virr , Tji't "oils onluctic ; : t < fiiro * ] ' , i , f Ttpor louriet & mfti i jf j or JBK i c K : tawt1ftt tb " 'L9 iitir of Mr. Tflnl r tot- tinBftB lr Hi t flmiue trt ewi. not Trttln - s lworftac fre wr. tddrli taMM4 Jroaa tilt , aettra of beul by tammi , t k wrajijiltiE : ( 1 * C Thttep 1b * ! ? * to aver * > eft nfxo csvept tec tWt * fl t fU mrmmfl which the cz- jnr IIMBJL rtd3y. L.HfnJfl air it tenter of * t llbfirtK * . tnr rrory ptlKtc of it eeotalM M * p.i n of Brflinarj clr. MI b t it * OKpmaiirt-r i > rt srt * ttft tomf- ncKtAmk. A 1MD * f tt > f imlmtano * In n Btf * trea jrij Kill Mow It ittte K'traic to two mmrite It te V * us- flmftcwC. cwt > r r. Owl ligvtt air if wrt tn f.tfir * . tMi k DM 1 * bKDAtad u < * a Uy s ttnutr an wtUi QUH w aiucb ral y , nfl Mr TrtpVer * y tiieit r U ocvw 1 * aoy wcn tf ut rtRritntnc * e mnfec h fal tot otmnncrcfcl l. iw 7 r Tht o M necwwfcry ll orfy Kir > * SIS flf-FTTCT belo * imro of Pr FatiriwheW tber- noinettir. Srinr lfl t nf the terrible tnt - t f this PD ! mar t * la 1 > J" oom- wltSi tb * tr ! hie r nt Bf mBr- cnry , wMrJi If acgree * Jielt-w Tsere Alco- j liol. wblch bM. b m uw tor regiKtonng t all the spreef , of lo teraparntara. Iri > eME &t 202 flfgrees briew r8. . BI > that air j llqueDer 110 flegree * betow the fewest limtt , which a iipirlt thonaotDrter vfffl register j In out of Mr. Trtpler'iesporlmentE he j jwarE a little IKjuld air from a saucepan I Into a glaw containiup some pure alcohol. j I ' This he Ktlrt , with t glasE rofl The uloo- bol bulls vigorously aufi In n few minutes freezes untfl it resembles wol Bnnw and if I the rtirring H continued the frozen alcohol ! can be lifted out of the class at a hard I Ipycle. To freeze liquifl air into alr-lcc , us. ; Mr. Tripler is able to do without difficulty , in tit cold-producing machlm , a temper ature of S40 degrees below zero must be attained. Mr. Trijiler it.cenaln that he | has gone even lower than this , although lie hat. had no accurate means of measuring ruch Inconceivable temperatures. 1J Is cer tain that I'rof. John Dewar of England , in liquufj'ing hydrogen , produced a temperature at least sr > 0 degrees below zero , which is ! probably the coldest cold ever obtained by nrtiflclal meonE. Scientists arc now agri l . that the absolute sere that it. the cold of I InterBtollar epacewhere there is absolutely j UD heat is 4C1 degrees below zero. There- . fore Mr. Tripler las reaches n degree of ] cold only 111 degrees above the absolute | cold and it racy faf ily be predicted that i snme day science will go even further , p > r- taps discovering the real north jinle of tem- , perature. To the human sense of touch a tempera ture of S12 flegroeE "below " zero IE most ex traordinary. Mr. Tripler flips lis hand fear lessly into a pail cf liquid air. but hiIt careful to withdraw it instantly. The rea- 1 s-in that it aoes not freeze him at once IE j the same that enaWen a workman to dip i his hand into molten kad. the TaoisJure of j the human flesi. forming a llttlt cushion of i vapor -which l t-e-ps away for a second the I effect of the cold or the heat A lew drops j held in my land -for an instanl felt rs- I nctly like a red hot c.inl. It floes not really ' burn , re course , but it kills , leai-lng a little red Mister not unlike a burn. Tor this reason , out of its prospective uses -will i be for the purpose of cauterization in eur- gical cases. 2t is not only a good deal cheaper than the ordinary caustics. t > ut is | much more efficient , and its action can } > e absolutely -controlled. Indeed , awell knows fiur-geon las already performed n difficult operation on a cancer case with liquid air furnished by Mr Tripler , and he ha * re- pnrlc-d the case to be absolutely cured. Mr. Tripler showed me BOOHof the curi ous effeitB of intense cold by dipping a beefsteak and an egg into liquid air. The eprg was frozen until itwas as hard as a bit of quartz , and when I struck It with a hammer it cracked open and the inside was | sharply crystallized. Th * 'beefsteak ' , when frozen , was as stiff and 'brittle as glass. Mr. Tripler crumbled it tip in lis hands like so much cracker , and n piece of it dropped to the Hoer shivered into a thou- i sand pieces. i "Xot long ago 1was in Boston , * ' said j Mr. Tripler , "ejliibiiing Borne of my liquid air to a number of scientists. W-e werr I 1 Sluing at tip lotel 'and -waiter "brought j ' in a fine piece of Iteefsteat- dipped It in the liquid air. froze it stiff , and returned it 1 to the platter. Then we called thf chef and asked Ihn bow it happened that le served i * .uch beefsteaks , fhen 1 proceeded to break I it up into little bits with my fllngers. Tou can appreciate THE crtoaishment " rrrrxins : Iron nd Merenrr- Liquid air freezes iron and steel juct an rapidly as It trwzcE l > eefBteUi Mr. Tripler accidentally -dropped one of the tin cnpt in whidi hr lad been ladellng out liquid air and it at once hhivert-d like so much glasc It has. however , an ernctly oppo site effect on copper , gold tnd the other precious metals , ull of which U renders toucher instead of more brittle Mercury is frozen into a lard Work Mr Tripler maLtTg a little pasteboard bos tht sire and Bhape of B lammer head , fills it with mer cury. suEpendf an iron tube in it as n tandle , and etits it down in u pan contain ing liquid air. In c few moments it IE | frozen hard. BDthat it can be lifted out and I 1 uspa for driving a nail into a lard wood blDEfc. Kot long ago Mr. Tripler took a can of liquid air to ttie Hariem river and poured it out on the water in order to see itr -effect Small masses of it at once collected in Halo round balls on the surfnoe of the j river , and being KD mud folder than the i -nator. they froze , little euj * or boats of lei ' in which they began floatinc tbout EW iftlj j and Dumping up against one another like i so muny lively water bupe finally boiling BWEJ- and difcttppaarlng. luavinc thr minn- ture ice Imath quite mill. If a bit of the liquid clr IE placed in a tall jar of water , pan of the nitrogen , wlict ih lighter than water will ( vuporute UTHI , then the Hquid oxygca , wtiich IB Blightiy lienvier than the water , will ring in btuutiiul Bilvurj bu > - blrc. blrc.Mi Mi Tripler ebows the terrific expansive power r.f liquid uir by placing a little of it in the bottom nf a copper Jar , in the mouth of which he inserts o cork perforated It- four glaits tnbeE. The copper jar IE then placed in a pan nf ordinary watej , the heat of which causes the liquid air to expand iiiKtanlly and blow upward through the tulnw n parf m geyser tif fine vapar , like the exhaust of n htecm engine. It is a ourlous thing to hee liquid air. pieced in a Ic.apot , lioiling riguroucdj , on a 1 > locV. of ice , but it must be remembered that ice IE ae much warmer than liquid Ur us a move is warmur than water , PO that it makes liquid air boll just as the Move raul.t * wwer bail If this Burnt teapot IE jilfctwd mar u pas flame a thick coating nf tee will ut once uollnct on the bottom bc- twttun the kettle and the blaze and no amount of brat beems enough to melt it. llnruliiir Slerl. As I said belore , v hen the liquid nitrogen Is kno\vn and appreciated from Ocean to Ocean as Milwaukee's most exqui site Beer. YAL.BLATZ BREWLKQCO. MILWAUKEE , U.S.A. For Sale ty Fi3ry Brat , Deals * . 1512 Daufclat Street , Omabs. tvtv trtiffl ( , a tir j- ) > txl ot it tt sttofi jnnTeiou * fHifoFtMre ID tbe of rapifl cnjnbBtitiot. Mr. a little liquid titypot in a tatuMer r : tec fctffl then thnmt ttrt n b Me4 , htvlnr * 4 the end a lighted match. The moment tbe Wed nrlfccc tht oxycen It burnt like & rjtHnter &I tat plnr. TbU ; experiment fehowi n most antonlcMnp r&npe nl toaperature Here is uti-el burning fct depress , tbcre Hero in an Ice receptacle Uvnit & 4r ut ir Aepreet btdow j ' rem. IB the wane w ay. If IHrold air it thrown on woolen lelt , w bleb under ordinary circomrtkiieet will tint burn at Ml. it cttes i the lelt. when irntted. to explore tmd tram with &H nl tbe violence of pun cotton rrmo , the Iwrt nam * cxrtxn ri Mr Tripler ln l- the us ? U. . whtrh liquid uir may be In m&king explosives. The trnm DAmi cxp&nBtve jmwer ol liquid air. which Is about 100 times that ot rtewm. a conrjncine idea nl tbe wonderful to which the subflttnce may be placed 1 Tor. producing power for runntnc all Id&ftt ol Moreover , liquid air iroflb tint expansive vapor at tbe orilnary temperature ol the utmosphere. regulrinc no coal or other substance lor generating he&t. or S.PAIX. Tin of Olfl Uronre from Culm t > j Vrir Torlt. . | A cnjfltinc firm in Kexr Tort city hap re- reilre.3 Irosi Cuba dtirinc tbe last t-vro Ts-eels HJJrnf the oMest Sipanlfib "canon on tbe ltd- anfl. rnnptnc in wricbt trnm MID pnunaK to fire tont. enrb one ol snlifl ti-onse anB nsoh one -rith a historr of Its own. Tlfty hupe bfills ol bronre all cnntalninc a conelfleT- able proportion ol polfl anfl cilrcr , iiare also trt-en rerelrefl aafl tnleKB name one -wants ( Home ol tbe pieces as curiosities the -whole lot will Tie run Into the KneJtlnc pots l > elore another month has pasnefl. In this lot are aany cannon anfl bells , over 200 rear * old , relates the Xnr Torh Sun. ICrarl.v all ure Dnriaiy flecoratea anB inKcrlliea They bear the arms of Spain p'oie runnlnc Hiacl : tp the time ol Klnp Philip V The etrote ol an ordinary leafl pencil on tdtbrr cannon orbell brlnpF lorth ( a clear metallic rlnc most npreeable to the | ear. an ample evidence ol the chtrarter i n * the Tnrtal of which they are ma3 : Tor raany rears belrre the last insurrection I the"e cannnn were the p-lfle o * the Spanish ( vUlureB ana tnwtic in Cuba Thry Etoo3 in the square anfl 1 > elnre the official rpKi- a nc r , Srm - were tisefl for the Spaniards durlnp the 1en years , -war. but the preater part ol those whirti hove now come to New Tort "were too antiquated even at that flate to be of any URB -warfare. . The bells ranee inRelent Irnin nail a ton to twt ) tons Smne come Irom sets ol chim E in churches in the larjrer towns , others hung alone in the steeples of cnurchcR in tbe smaller villncep of the island Tie ceneral pMicy ol t > oth Spanlarfls tnfl Cubans to bum an firm-ape evervthinp on the klanfl outside I o' the lortiEei citie * resultefl in brlnplnp ' to the pround hunflrefls ol these church ] bells tnfl fllEmountinp the ( historic old can- | nnn Thev 'bare been l.vlntr lor years nepI I lestefl as long : as a state ol disorder prevailed - ' vailed on tic island and' ' there they -woulfl doubtless ibe lylnp Btillbut lor the a-p- ' proaoh rl the Yankee witi the busnless eye ' and ihe pold in his ; > o = let to pay lorwhat | he wanted The B ; EElEra may rave -when be i hears abmit the vulptr end ol IhiB bronze cannon and Rilver chimes. i > ut it is a Elcnl- j ' Scant lact that all ol these relies , nor hov- j | erinp on the Drink ol the smeltinc pptwere sold to American speculators by Spanish I officers lor poofl American pold. The cannon were hrouplit here on "Warfl I I line steamer * and ere now stored in tht- | | warehouse ol the Tenninrnl "Warehouse coin- ' 1 peny at ThirteenSi avenue smd TwearvI I I elphth strf-et. All cl tbeni trol tbe cmooth- bnrf . mur.nle-floadinp pattern , and nmne loot as thtrachthey lad se n service Others loot mor i as II they had been mad- for orna ment By Jar che handsomest o ! tbe cannon it a Icrpeone wsiphlnp abaut lour Ions Just what part of Gnbu fe came from the pr pent owners do not know , but it hae lcn trstefl nnd found to he ol pure bronre. Prom muzzle to breech b si covered with raiwtd dsnomCions. priocipalljflpwers tnfl leaves. In the penter is the rora3 crown and arme of Hhilip V. the fleur-de-lis in itlw fihlelfls ralBj'fl pnme dirtanr-e above the rest. Below IB the Icscrlp-ion in ra'ined ' letters PHILIP T. HISPAXIAR HEX Running tround the brtf ch is the follow ing TOIE fpartly niep > 1e ) A.BET TBCIT. SevUla , AANJCO D 1733 There nre irwo inscri ; tions near fh-e jnur- zl < i runninc across rtinefl ribbaes rBCf d in K sort nl loT r * kn < < . On ? it ft-rt wo-C cncnrtain ) "PTLKIKA nnGIS. " tkf p-hcr "ELilSABH FARKE H5BP. RBGIKA " wh.Vr'h ref Tf to Elrfcb ! Sj rtrnest , qun ol Spfl'ln anfl sesonfltrite ol Philip V. flrr : of the bourbon IrlncrE of Spain This gun like Ell tie others IB named "El Dedal o" if che name in raised IWW'-B near the "breech. s ov HAV. Valur Bud Volume of tbe Crop nnd lnrr - nil Drinnnd. The introduction ol electric motor po-wer i floes not seem to nfiect either the volume i j ! or value ol the hay crop , report * the Chi- j i oaeo Recorfl. In 1BB7 it was -worth J401.- ! ; 2iD,7B. ! In 1B9K the acreape vas larper anfl j j ' the yield -was butter , althouph prices -were not so hiph. tnd tbe total -value WHE J2BE- j i DGt.f.7. ) The people realize that tbe iny i Celdwith one exception , is the richest I source ol our national "wealth , richer than | the coal or iron mines or the lumber forI I | ests or any other prwluct of the soil or the i factory with the exception of corn. The | I ' value of the wheat crop in lEiiR was JSSii.- I i 770.S70 ana tbe value of the corn crop was I SEu2.022.42E Last yew's hay crop of tbe VnUea States was -worth one-third more than all the pold the -world produced and twice as much us the silver. Iiurinp tne lnr.t fifccal y jr we impor.nd , about SSO.OODworth ol hay from Canada , i There -would hae been more -but lor the tlph tariff imposed by tbe Dinpley law TVe exported more than n.ODO.Ono worth , chiefly to Mexlno , South America and tiie "West In- flieE. The cxjOrtE ) will be much larper next ' year l > ocausewe are r.enfllnp & quantity to Cuba unfl Po o RJPO no lucd die horsre of the army , vhish have not yet become nc- ouetomtid lo tbe ft > dd-or of tie tropics No . hay Ir , prown in tbe hot countries : prass I -will not stand the hot rays of the sun The chief foo3 for animal * is ulJMla , a kind of clever -which is Juicy anfl nutritious tnd prcrws tbe whole year around. It It never cured , 1 > ut is out fresh every morn-ing unfl peddled thrnuph the streets on the backs ol flonlieys tn those -who are fortunate ennupn to have cattle or horses. I JCew Tork JF the beet hay sna-ke.t in the , fnited Statpf The average consumption of ! tlmt dty IE 3.2M tons a day , or nearly 45P - liMi tout B jfar Tb * iH tifcitmr ; h > D ol hny lias not fkllnn off with tiie abanflfinment of j heree ctrs On the contrary It has in- I ornaMid. wliict is caifi to be due m : n iiroa trftie oonSitloiiE , the InoreoBe of trucking and larger shipments of live stock. , New Tork stele tif.efl to produce tbe finest hay known , * rut tbe best quality nDw comes Irron Michigan and Indiana. | Tbe ir'al proAuot ol ull the minec in the Voited Stueb las : y ar reached rilO.O&a 02S. . which is only double the value ol tbe prod- vet ff the hay CdJdr , This WBS an iunrtmse ' ol JB 7S7.7CK over lf7 The value at the tsotl mined witWu tbe IterftE ut this oeuntrr war mti.C , ! iEt ; iron. fm.SSk.254 ; geld , , tM.SOB.OOO ; oopfor. tM.U4Si , putroloum. I JW.S77 00& , Bi ) r. fl < 7JL.5aSf. eo > til- Hinwo. loud r.K4H'.S6t rtrc ri e7.3 7. ! The reracinder of the total if made up X 112i > dlSwent minuriJe Iruown to the useftd ! ortt Nwirly every mineral ol value it tiroduced in tb * TniUid Btate& . i CANADIAN HIGH ROLLER , , laiapp't Freuk 3ott far Taming > OTBT tU Beep. ; i DETAILS OF THE NEW j A ] V Ttr that Tlrt Ajnnn-d , T | n l > TT AMou tinW rld f yeur the w-orlfl ww , utausi-ft , then ) rpltsed , tbiw mtttniich fl at tbe fiSort of n-eflertefc A. Kimpp. a a riiip CwisdHiJi r- r on tor. Mi neviitsti' a bupt- boat vhtch rt < llt > fl ob tbt > KM in-.f i Imrrcl. The initial trip of tbf etr > win > flirtul bout uinvlncfifl a aumbur of capitalist * that Mr. llnuii'E | in- venthiD wtioio rt > v latioui e tlK < scwnc ? of imvigHtioB. and-now with ttioumndi. of 8ol- larc at his oomnmafi the invmnor U letting cotitrnctt , lor tht ociUHtruBUoB of tne firm Knopp roller lnurt. . It win enter Into s-ctive competition with Mourn unfl rail vMneU of the present type for the world's vater trafflc The Me c-jllnier will be Imitned nd luunched at the beginning of next summer. The BUcrwiE of the flrnt full-Btz d roler boat , the initial pteps is the building of which are now occupying ttie attention of j Mr. Knapp and his azeoriateE in -iEncn , will meun a complete unfl twoejiinc revolu tion of all deep water trunsptr-tfctlon. If this pioneer roller achleies no greater npeod than that ma8e by the crudt moSfil which ha * buen operated in Toronto bnj the craft now plowing the inland Bras may read their ordere to tie up in permanent quprttrs. lor j i the carrying capacity of the ruiler boat is s Tie pfiEiiaFTi > n ote U & .uo.l > f o' thevtloa * a * tli-puph 'he Vt > ) - Jrw ' Jt m l wtifb i * s j * " : nt lie t'On- ' | rtniLU g lif * peotw of t bomt. At ntwl MLl-M it 6 rollw IwM lor oraMi 4ce r * Hn-p hr tUB H4f t n fm 1 icr , it wW b * in th t tbey M * ktiifde * r corrylcp tM tht rtrrtrlt lipliUap eaWri , t 9t-fraph * nfl tieihaf wlri * . rtt. . ts * J r tSorilcc a payeBgi-wty. Thf iftwring it ftenttf r a er " 4rtp * " ataeh end. cper- trea & brtfipf c 9 < fl A ntrtBlfle Ibc IlilTT tiie A knettjprttWwB IB the ronttmrtion erf thit bwn wa * the application of tlM power by which the witeWle crlinfler is. rt-vrtrHL Thlt * * aecwnplllibefl by t 'buttery ol Uiree jp1t > t * hcvint ; a long upward Mi-tike. , the jiliivmit being attached a "cranks" of the Mp flrlving shaft Tbe po.nt * on the circle ! ol the fbuft At which the pistons apply the iptiwei are t < q MPttnt trow each other , or , ISC degree * sjitrt. At earb enfi ol tbe flrh- | Ing ohltft Ir a powerfml copwhet ) ! flttlag latti ' the tinps of tb * cyltofler't b iriiiph , nr more I properly into an Internal "spur gear" rlpMly | connected with tbe nclifi balkheai ol the . cj-llnflnr I Above the ftnujieaaed cradle ol the bw i * I an arohefl illn : hIMnp frmn view the Interior ol the rexi > lvinp cylinder ovethend. 1 Light and tlr are freely adanlrefl a. the 1 open cads. Ony ! the ontx of the craflle 1 are. of oourse , in tie lt ! t cxpfoe i to o a j tinfl weather < Uffl the lace that the l > i ru n I cl the Eu pcn < lrf wntion of the boat is ! high nl > eve thi rcucb ol tie fiercest storm vuves is calculated lo inspire in tlw tutiurr i passenpen- ! 2ils craft a litllng of com- jilett seenricy. AE there will l e no Ewcy- i ing or pitching motion UH > Inventor prom- iw * entire excnnptlon from mat lcknens | Koeldns or swaying k prevented by the i perfect equilibrium of tbe euspeiided body and the preat Impth of the craft , topather , THE E.OLLER BOAT AT FULL SPEEI * Immensely greater on the same draught than tbat of the prevailing type ofeBsel , while the power required to propel it ! B far lees Odd Aiij'euriinrr f ilir Hunt. I To Jorm a correct mental image of the roller boat , picture a luge barrel or cylinder & 00 feet long , JE feet in diameter unl i-4 feet from the hollow core to the outer pur- face. This is conBtructefl of boiler plate ED riveted aE to be airtight It has an inner , an outer and a middle skin , these tubes being held tt proper distances from one another by circular partitions forming air tight compartments which make ttie boat un&lnkable. Not only is this great barrel the shell ! 1 of the boat , but it if also itE propeller the I j wheel whirh gives the craft HE actual trai- | eling capacity. Think ol t boat will a < I I paddle wheel 500 feet broad and DC feet in ' diumeter ! But the term "paddle wheel" Ifc 1 not strictly applicable in this case , lor the roller boat has neither nerew nor paBSies i The 4-inc.h T-ra0s running from end to , end of the outside of the cylinder are better described as cogs -wlich set into the water I and enable the roller to .roll forward over tie sea instead of merely revolving without progress. The progressive action cf tne cylin3 - is similar to that of the broad- tired wheels of a country traction engine pulling its way up a lill , the cogs with which the tires are crossed liitlng II.ID the roadway uud giving foot hold and pulling power. "Within the tunnel or core of this hollow with the far" tiEt 11 rollr over tht water "hmatlrifle on. " allowing little opportunity for end-ao-end pitching. The problem of tie speed which the roller boat will l > e aMe to tlraw is en interesting one , rertatn .to provoke a wide range of com ment Irom nuitical men and en-pin WITE j Regarding ttis point tbt Inimtrr rays i "If the freight boat wild we fclall put Inito commisMon next eirmmKr Jor the ore i and grain trtffic ofihe gr u lakes mtket , no l > etter v > eed thtn did my irtt crude workinzr model it w-ill outclase sll c-ompe- utinn on the part of the swiftest frelcbtrrE now ontie. inltmd seas. That moflol was 110 leat long tnd twenty-two fe in fliam- ol-er. 1/oafled to 100 tons displacement file revolved ten and T > Mlaiif time * , a minute on lie application of less than cwtnty-home power of steam. This pave her a steady speed of eix miles an Siour. The roller boat for ossm traffic will l e BOO feet long tnd 00 leet in diameter. On the liat-ls of whni las alrwaSy i > t -done witl the model in Toronto bey. opcs-jitinc under an insig nificant expenditure of power , I tnlnk it muy lie reasonably granted thai adequate engines will be t-ble to turn the ocean boat thirteen cimes a minute. Tlot means a speed of 100 jnilee an hour : "I buve constantly to meet the objection that the roller boat cannot make prop-ess j inst n gule. Tas ! point is raised by eutcineer * who are wilUnp tc grant that the coat will lie able eatily to attain L speed VIEW OF THE C.NG1.VE ROOM. cyllnocr is Bus ) > na6d tbe bout pro7 > or. or tbc portion carrying the jiEESt-nerrs. crew , carpD anfl tinginet. Tbe cj-llnaer revolvie tround thiF inner crufile , tne Juuer .lwa > B r Junlninp lovol. Onlj at tbe pointi wbare tbe "Ejiifler v.orl. " of tbtcjlindor proji-rte flown to the "journUB" or hufre bellow steal by whlrb tit central bttction of the is nu ! < 3 > entU'a flwt. . she frame \iorl. of tlit roller come in contact -n'itn the hunpiz-K or nonrotatinp imn of tbe rralt The EUB- penflt-a interior IB fllrafleS into three IpngtliE. tvo lonp beruoni scpuratea by a Ebon one Tbe fcbort central ht-eUon of tbe 'innej crndlc rontaint 11) ) enpiuet one na wctton tlie ana tbe obcr tbt te-ona-cinFt | of 300 miles nn hour in Ftill valor. In to this I hove tmlj to buy that if tbe boat can go c mile a minute it can keep out of tbe iacc of uny pale , for storms travul in the form nf a jiroEreeBive clrrle 1 Wtlh such njieea HE thnt unfler disruhEion , tiie boat can BD quiiUly Khilt her courif j as to put Uie wiua at itE bud ; und get vhere I the opposing current of the gale canno : j overtake it However. 3 take tbe poBitlou that no vlna can t-ver stop the roller boat I because the createstBlnfl rcsiKtunee the I nip orean roller can puhsildy encounter IB filiO to COD tons , and th'.r cannot have tip preciuble rffect in overcomlnc the momen tum of a roilinc cylinder -weighinc "a 000 + * * * < Grand Pacific Mote ! CHICAGO Bached by unlimited capital , has been recently rebuilt , re-decorated and refurnished , regardless of expense , making it The Finest Appointed Hotel in the West In addition to the handsome public dining rooms , tea rooms , cafes and ordinaries , twelve magnificent private dining rooms occupy the second floor , each elaborately decorated and furnished after the st } Je of different Oriental and European nations. Service and cuisine unsurpassed anywhere ; cen trally located , convenient lo all depots , theaters , fr public buildings , elevated and surface railways and all points of interest , For KjLtr * &ntf JArtIcwljkr 3tflflrc GRAND PACIFIC HOTEL CO. , tZSTJU Chicago. totr Tbr 'eesc'1 TiTff auf pucwar tt ikr pTf ir- And rjplit itrrt nova ipit > < r wil rlkin thtit tht * i clMiim tt ocmtrkrr t * tff-ienttf * prttirlpl . th t i * BM K force. nt tamrgf. ttir rplnw I tLr boot mart exert WfBm jmw-T t i pvwcBfflf the tr- t T the wWi in4erf > 4fiat tarn. TbH IK fttwvrrrC by & rtoiplr trstVm. the iNMflr fiir.tit < * I w htrt Mfnraivfl ntln ir wl'J flmrinAs orfllarj- lOEomotlve fleveloplng a Bpc-ed of a inlle a minute is mounted on Hnlman truck * and thereby increases itE speua to two mlleE a minute , meeting o wind reslBtance of more ! ' th n r..000-iorse power while atstuslly 'i- erting only lMiO-lorse jiower of Eteam force. "In this operation the encitie flow not In crease its piston speed. TVhile Its drivers art- working at thr rate of n mile t minute the seared trucks increase its actual FppeB on the track to two milCE a minute This j means a femenflout increase of wind re- j r.iEtuure without any inrrpu e of utoam j power. Now what force it it that enables | lMip-lnr ti power of steam to overcome u.oiiQ-horhc power of wind resistance ? There Is but one answer. Momentum ! the inertia of motion maintained by the continuity of the initiU r.teatn pover. of liir "The broad t id really scientific enpineer invariably accepts thiE illustration at itr full luce value. It it only the theoretical rule-ol-thumb zaan who foils to recognize its lorce. Ana thiE observation appller to every principle involved in the construction and operation of tbe roller bout There are two or three simple and fundamental prin ciples which help to make clear the point- of difference between tbe present type of fchlp anfl the roller bsat so far cs tbe prob lem of speed is. concerned The present ship is a huge plow , the lurrest portion ol which must be submerged in order to prevent - | vent it from being overturned. Its progress is made by farcing its way through an incompressible - > compressible fluid , the resistance ol which IncraaseE up the rube ol the velocity up tea a speed ol twenty knots an hrur and beyond that the ratio ol the increase is unknown It IE a question ol 'brute lorce , ' ol engine power , workinp against tbe lorce ol nature "On the other hand , tlie roller btua reverses the tndworks with verses operation na- , turtt't. forces. Direct -waier resistance nnfl I 'tkin _ friction' are its friends -which help In- rteaa ol idndcr tie progress , furnishing the leverage neaesbury to produce the lorward Tb tKNiutx * tfcf tt | iT itrr * > i u , V-H1 > * tt * mtilK. At te tb * IK * ' - ta JPWJ min < \V 4j l > t fc * H M * ton * Mid 11 WO ! TW7CltT ( E ttf < KTfpt > t > | nit H < lpt > iwrtrr fw i jp water ] u < Sl n > iftf nitfW MS'r * rlU b Kt > frriwt tMe n kra M Jr c"t W IH In . - COw O -Ow -t : m the tat * -M s 4t p tBf th-r-u. lit * SMf * the rttOrr h M will omrry v cirtt > t tfaw * $ mtt. IS MMI be rrn- i tittt tbf io1 rior rirrVoJ tbf ilnipl 01- prton nt Iti tb * rylltidpr IB * * hr > r CHrryltis mucy V.lnat f TrrHtot. 1 1 < . . . ; , icrais anfl or * . Bo lotif tb * OF < ' Is ctiot c e remain i all : n fcalatiMd fir -rtHl. Tbe ' t it l.rmtf will * * o wroKtructea Ihai _ i may run llrtw the tnwt at tVt < wjw * < : . .L- I fl Mifl rc.l ; out uptm tbe do-k in n. The Iwiflriic wrt utdoadiiif ; of tbtiri ; m.r - la aw cylinder wiB Ve arorni ; > WUrf facility , tiie roDer In tc PC tfcat ia e w > m } rt n tr l"mi vl h prain or ore are to be uuJwaflpfl ill be ele vated filwve tbe Irnfl < tf the < wr othe d h , into wbltih. tb * carjw i \t > be fan- hrrrfl TnJ fcfliiiff Iroin tl > e can wu , lie done oa the name prln-iple. 4he ootnpari- ment * iwr the r qfUon ttf the rarpo be t g .nrouehi * ewer thau tbe oars , tbu * n > U - . ? It tiMtrtliki for crElty to do tbe nwln ; u t ol The ubM > rttta > t-ttittr and inawt-un * * I ' * y tif the roller boat is a f nature 11 ] ierM > ual inttirettt to all wlo trarri by The ryllnflec IE a mMnaiotb l l p ana "Jhe piirJorallon v ! uny mimber of lihe air chamtmrBvouia not uf- 1 S ks buoyaacy. Th * rteeJ conmrutUon nf tl > e interior portion raaflw-F H ' & & - fianirtiitle bj flrr. If the machinery of the roller bosl wwe dhwblHl < oia the w.nJs to d nh it on tli * rwcks tvf a BOB toast it T.'ould ramain uuslnkabl * and the -nJent would aot rtsmM. in li B of life or < wpn. SurSi & cttaKtrophe a * TiHt wltel bcTill tlie I nurgtryse will be imjuwstble wiJh the roller l ai. Troaenck A. ICaap ; ) , ahe Inwn'nis o EUccessful Canafiinn iBrridter. living ut PrtiBsoX. Ontario He ha * been a : wort on his invention since 1W : Dyspepsia Cure. Digests what you eat. It artificially diireststbetDDd and aids Kature in Etrencthttmnp and recon- Btructinct'lie ' exnau tfa dicestlve or- pans. It is tne lau-st discovered dipe < ; t- aatand tonia Ko cnncr preparation can approach it in efficiency. It in- btantar reUpres and permanently cures Dyspepsia , Indigestion , Heanlrorn , Flatulenc.eC Sour Stomach , Jxansea , SickHeadache.Gastral ? : ! a. Cramps and Ell other results of impprlert digestion. Prepared by n. C. OclVItt & CD. . Ctlca33- AliQ OMAHA. BOILER AND SHEET IROK WORKS orWll on A. Dr&Ue. MtnufacturcTF boilers smol. ptackt anC reschlllgE , oresBure. renflerinc , Bheep flip , It.r3 arid vtter tn.ntE. bolltr tubtt < on- rtantly on bund Konfl hanS boilcrr I'oucht and BCilfl ° tir"lt1 tint prompt to teptirr in city or oountrr Utn and Piercs. BOOTS-SHOES-RUBBERS , Hand V Sewed Shoe Go , M'frs 1 Jobbers of Foot Wca.r wrpiEEJt ACrvTf ron ITh. Joseph 3aiuc.a 2tit > 'ber Oa. ' I Co. , Spragae . , t. Rubbers and Mackintoshes. Cor. Kir * c-iitli A. J"arumu frtn. , Oinuba. , P Klrkendall & Oo Boots , Shoes and Rubbers * ff * - 'a&ati f * % Lt * - * i * i < iii ' ' I858' r -.aaUfftL ! ' * [ * .gS2i , Siu.t . , .i. . _ _ t , Horst Motion. Get t S mp6on Suery wjib ti Atkinson Sprint beet anu euEitJa rider in the v/orlfl , 14OK-31 l > , Cc ' Mrrtit , CHICORY be &En&rioan I Chtaor Go. Orpwen raiS rocnuructurrn or ul ) lormi ot DRUG * . Plchardsan Drug Go , Jackson St. r. a raCHARDSOX. Pret. C. P. WELLER. V. frail. E. Bruce & Co. I - - _ i _ _ ! / / Sfofiongrs , "Ciucea Bc * Canoe KtttC Eiiurr DRY GOODS. M E , Smith § So * taiportm Dai Jabbers of Dry Goods , Fw mshing Goods I AKD NOTIONS. CREAMERY SUPPLIES The Sharpies Company Crcsmcrv Machinery IT'S SllppllCE. Boler , Ergtnea , Tfi u CoikerK. TTood Fob leys , Shirii.g. B&tlnc. ! Butter Pact- KCI , o ; .u Ulna * . Kl-Kfi Jone Bt. - - - - - - ELECTRICAL SUPPLIES. w Efegfrfoal Gsmpany Ekcirical Supplies. Electric Wiring Bells and tJas Larhtiae O.VT JOHNSTOK. Kct. IC10 Howu-fl tt Jote T. .FOR ELECTRIC L/GHT and PO WER PLANTS 424 South IStli St. HARDV ARE. States Supply Co , , . r 108-11 10 Harmv St. Bteam Purr.rn , EnBlne ! aufl Boilrri ! Wind , S euro t.Tin P urr i l > e.unc. Kittt. Etc. It ee-QIass-Andreeson lLa Hardware Go. Wholesale Hardware. Bicycle1 tnfl Sportinr GondB , iaiail HARKESS-SADDLERY. J H-Hatiey ft Go. W O ' x'fn , KJ.UIH.l-h JtKD COLf.AfiM Kthnr , tietUttfry Har&uraref r We kcillclt yonr urden JEIL Howard ft For an up-to-date Western Newspaper Read The Omaha 3ss