Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 25, 1899, Page 12, Image 12

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Trunk Lines Oontlnua to Gather In the
ICcoUnlc A AVrBtrrn niul Ilnrllnicfnii
A .Vordirrn llrromo n 1'nrt of
the ( In-lit Itnllronil
H > Mt MII.
Of the many Important transactions In
connection with the Uurllngton system ,
either past or contemplated , that of the
Hoard of Directors on Thursday In deciding
to raise $16,000,000 with which to purchase
leased lines and new equipment easily tnkcs
the lend In the eyed of the local ofllclnls of
the company.Vbllo one of the lines to bo
bought Is the Kcoktik & Western , n trans
action nlilch has been mentioned already ,
the decision to purchase outright the Chicago
cage , Hurllngton & Northern comes as
something of n surprlso to those not on the
Inaldo of the company' ! ) management ,
The Chicago , IJurllngton & northern Is
now listed u > t a part of the Burlington sys
tem , opoialcd under n lease. It extends
from Oregon , 111. , to St. Paul and Minne
apolis , with ft small branch to the south ,
covering about 400 miles. George 11. Har
ris , second vice president of the Durllngton
nyfttom , Is president of this road , and It
has made up the Uurllngton's line between
Chicago and St. I'aul. In the direct pur
chase of the road the IJurllngton will ob
viate all the uncertainties connected with a
lease In this ago of keen competition among
the largo railroad companies.
In addition to providing for the purchaio
of the two roads mentioned $5,000,000 of ths
money to bo raised Is to ho expended on
now equipment for the system.
In raising the money necessary to carry
out the plans of the directors a now method
is adopted. Instead of authorizing an Issue
of now bonds , as has been customary ivlth
most roads , and placing them upon the open
market , the directors will go to the stock
holders of the company and ask for ? 10,000-
000 In cash. In return for the cash the
Btockboldors will be given $16,000,000 In new
3Vi per cent bonds , secured by a mortgage
on the lines of the Durltngton cast of the
Mississippi , and as a bonus for so doing ,
the stockholders advancing the money , will
lx > Issued $4.000,000 of now stock In the enlarged -
largod corporation. In other -words , the
corporation will pay Interest to Itself instead
of to outsiders.
ConnolliliiMon flic 1'olluy.
In speaking of these transactions a Bur
lington olllclnl eald : "Tho decision of the
Hoard of Directors of our road signifies two
things to me. One Is that this is a period
of big transactions.
Beginning with the pur
chase of the Union Pacific property from the &
government , when spot cash was virtually
paid , amounting to way up In the millions ,
followed by the consolidation of a part of
the Vanderbllt lines , the negotiations for the
purchase outright of the Alton , the purchase
by the MlflBourl Pacific of the Central branch
lines In Kansas , negotiations for the ab
sorption by the Union Pacific of the Oregon
Bbort Line , the arrangement by the Central
Pacific to pay Its enormous debt to the
government , and the possible consolidation
of that line with the Southern Pacific , and
now the direct buying of the Chicago , Bur-
llmrton & Northern by the Burlington sys
tem. It has been one succession of big deals
in railway property. Probably at no period
in the history of railroading or in the his
tory of the government could such tremendous
deus transactions have -been - successfully
carried out. At no other time could such
enormous quantities of money have been
raised for such purposes , and that It Is se
cured nt such low rates of Interest is evidence -
donco that It is no longer being hoarded F.
and that there Is an abundance of cash lu
the country. $
"Another thing which Is brought to my
tnlnd by these transactions is that there
is a tendency nowadays for the railroad ton
companies to como from under the disguises
l > y which they operate alleged Independent
ilnofl. These sub-lines will be absorbed by
the main corporation , as the Burlington Is
now engaged In doing with the two roads
mentioned , and they will , bo operated under
one central management. In the near future - the
ture , I predict , that whether the equipment
is in Chicago , Kansas City , Omaha , Denver In
or St. Paul It will tic 'Burlington,1 and all
the Initials and insignia of the branch llnea In
will be obliterated. The same rule will ap for
ply to all the 'big ' lines east and west and
the uninitiated traveler will no longer bo
confused by the complimentary terms ex
pressed on his ticket 'via so nnd so' to
reach hie destination , when In truth it is
all the same system of road. "
Ghuuiflnif Itouk Ixlnml Time Curd ,
The Rock Island's now time card , mode
necessary toy the withdrawal of its fast to
train between Chicago nnd Omaha next Sun
day , Is out , but the changes arc not im
portant. The present No. 23 will become
No. 2G next Sunday , nnd will leave Chicago
nt C o'clock In the evening , arriving hero
nt 8:10 : In the morning. At present the leav and
ing tlmo le 7r : > 5 p. m. and the arrival 8 a. days.
m. , tie tlmo being lengthened two hours ami
flve minutes. The train which now leaves
Omaha at 7:1G : a. m. , running to Dos Molnes ,
will after next Sunday leave at 7:05 : a. m.
nnd will bo run through to Davenport. tbo
When the present fast mall was put on the
ono whloh was then operated to De Molnes rado
WM itoppcd at Davenport. That will bo
continued through to Dos Molnes again under -
dor the now card and will bo run back to
Chlrcgo ne a fast daylight train. The now
fast mall will leave Chicago at the same
time as at present an an exclusive mall Union
train , hut will overtake No. 25 nt Dea trip
Molnoi und 1 > o continued to Omaha as u. part P.
of thftt train. No. 25 dons not run west of
Omnhii. There will 'bo ' no change in any of Is
the train * in or out of this city west. K.
riillltplil In from un IiiNpi-utlon Tour. St.
J. O , PhllllppI , general agent for the Mln-
court Pacific , has returned from Kansas , of
whom ho made n trip over the Central the
Branch lines as a uncut of Superintendent J.
C , M. Huthburu , and reports n pleasant time ,
Mr , Itnthburn accompanied Mr. Philllppl
back to Omaha. Ho said the to
company waa found
not ready to announce when the new pas-
fcongor service between Omaha nnd Nebraska sold
City would bo put on , The olllclals of the St.
road are still working on the time card , and bonds
Thin , pale and consump
tive persons should use who
some constructive tonic that elected vlco
will enrich the blood , in vlco vlco
crease the nerve force and
renew wasted tissues. famine
Scott's Emulsion is based Last vanced
upon scientific principles. county started
We digest the oil for you had now
by mechanical ing
processes , poultry
thus strengthening your di been tukca
gestive organs by resting upleco Miller
them. It stops wasting ,
and produces energy , vigor had
and warmth. The oral
. hypo- eter
phosphites in it invigorates much of
the nerves , and brain tissues. traffic.
500. and f 1,00 , Read
SCOTT & ISOWNi : , Cliemliu , Ntw VwL. want
the service would bo nut on before
long , the exact dale could not be given.
The details of this ( icrylco wore mentioned
In The Bee n few days ago , and the military
population 'at Fort Crook has nlnco been
anxiously uniting for the new trains , as
they will bo a great accommodation to the
fort traffic ,
\4 > rtlnvrn < prn , nn nn AilvcrtlnliiR Hon-
(11 re , I in urn a Work nf Ar * .
The traffic department of the Northwest
ern road has Issued n directory of the offi
cials of the department which Is an attract
ive work. On the Inside of the llrst cover
are prints of Iho two faces of the mednl
awarded the road at the TransmUslaslppI
Exposition for Its exhibit , and on the opposite -
site page li the reduced fac-slmllo of the
diploma Issued by the exposition In the same
connection. This Is virtually all the mlvcr-
tlslng there Is In the directory , aside from
views of the various freight and ticket
offices of the compsny In different parts of
the country , Including the ono In Omaha.
Then follown n directory of tha chief trafllc
officials nt headquarters , and the general
agents of the company with their od-
dresses , from London , England , to Yokolia-
m3i Japan.
As an Inducement for preserving the di
rectory , folded Into It Is a perfect map of
the United States nnd all of Its recent pos
sessions , with mapD of both oceans , eastern
China , western Europe , and Alaska. A
pleasant feature of the m p Is the entire
absence of the heavy black or red MUCH
characteristic of railroad maps In general ,
to leave the Impression that the Northwest
ern was the only road doing business in the
Promotion of II. A. Pnrltcr in ( tint Pn-
nHlon CntiNi'M Mimy Cliiuine * .
CHICAGO , Keb. 24. H. A. Parker , soc-
nnd vlco president of the Chicago , Hock
Island & Pacific railway , was today ap
pointed general manager of the company ,
vice W. II. TrucBdale , resigned to accept
service with another company. II. Gower Is
appointed assistant freight traffic manager.
E. B. Boyd \a \ appointed general freight
agent for lines cast of 'Missouri ' river , vlco
II. Gower , promoted. II. 'H. ' Embry of
Buffalo , N. Y. , Is appointed general freight
agent for lines west of Missouri river , with
offices nt Topeka , Kan , , vlco E. B. Boyd ,
Aiixlnun to CnrrjTonohtTM. .
Although the National Educational asso
ciation does not hold Its annual meeting In
L,6s Angeles until July , the traveling pas
senger agents of the western roads are al
ready scouring the coat for business. On
ono day this week at Columbus , 0. , where a
meeting of teachers was held , the Santa Fo
was represented by six agents , the Burling
ton by four , AVnbash by two , Union Pacific
by two and the Hock Island , Alton , Denver to
Ilio Grande and the Rio Grande Western
by ono each. Eighteen traveling passenger
agents In ono city at the satne time solicit
ing the same business might be expected to
make It Interesting for these contemplating
the western trip. But the officials of the
roads think there 'will ' < bo plenty of business of
for all of them. They say that with the
generally Improved conditions of the coun
try , and with the bright prospects for the
future , 'there is every reason for them to
anticipate a heavier traffic to the coast than
attended the meeting of the Christian En-
deavorors a year or so ago.
Snlc of the lloukliix : Vnlley. the
COLUMBUS , O. , Feb. 24. The Columbus ,
Hocking Valley & Toledo railroad was sold
hero today by R. B. Cowen and A. R.
Humes , special master commissioners , to has
representatives of the Morgan syndicate , in
furtherance of the reorganization com
mittee's plans. There was only ono bid , to
made by M. E. Ingalls , Jr. , and Gcorgo
. Gardner , tbo amount being that of the
upset price , ? 3,2BO,000 for the road nnd the
$750,000 for the Hocking Coal nnd Railroad
company. The two properties were knocked
down nt $4,000,001. The stock of the Wells- ,
& Jackson Belt ling brought $2. 0,000
and two other batches of stocks , $5,000
each. filed
Sppclal Itntcn for Convention * .
ATLANTA , Gn. . Feb. 24. The Southern
Passenger association has decided to Rive
delegates to the International Sunday
School association , which meets In Atlanta
April , ono fnro for the round trip. The
Baptist Young "People's union , which meets
Richmond In July , was granted ono faro
the round trip , as wore also the Southern a
Baptist convention , which meets In , Louis for
ville ; the Christian Endeavor society at
Detroit and the Young Men's Christian as the
sociation , which meets in Ashovlllo In June.
Ship pi-I'M Miller Complaint.
CHICAGO , Feb. 24. Interstate Commerce Ileal
Commissioner Ycomans and J. T. Marshaud ,
special agent of the commission , listened Cash
a protest today from a delegation of St.
Louis shippers , who complain that certain
railroads show discrimination In rates be
tween the Missouri City nnd Chicago and
other points In Illinois. Commissioner Yco
mans will Investigate the complaint further
announce his decision within a few
AVInn Snlt for Itnntnl
ST. LOUIS , Fe < b. 24. In the United States Unp"
circuit courc today Judge Adams decided
case of the Wabadh Railroad company Net
against the St. Louis , Kansas City & Cole
Railway company , Involving $150,000
rental charges for terminals , In favor of the
plaintiffs. Judgment for that amount was
Itnlliinyoten mill PerHonnln. cures
Freight Traffic Manager Munroe of the
Pacific has returned from his week's by
to the west.
. A. Barzon of Chicago , district superin
tendent for the Wagner Palace Car compony ,
in the city.
. B. Popu , general western agent for the
Chesapeake & Ohio , with headquartera at way
Louis , Is In Omaha.
Will Evans , assistant city passenger agent
the Rio Grande Western at Denver , is in 5:45 :
city , and
. N. Ncoly , who has been employed In the Omaha
freight department of the Omaha road for oare
several years , hna been made cashier there
succeed Mr. Cooley , who was recently cars the
to bo abort In his accounts. twron
Subscription books for the $1,000,000 un
portion of the $5,000.000 Minneapolis & Union
Louis first and rofundinn 4 per cent gold
were opened Thursday nnd closed Im
mediately , Iho amount offered being about
times oversubscribed ,
The executive committed Her
of the South
western Trnfilc bureau has accepted the res
ignation of its president , W. H. Triicsdalc. A
goes east next month , and C. 0. Wurno--
president of the Missouri Pacific , waa
to fill the vacancy. Paul Merion , Omaha
president of the Santa Fo , was elected
chairman to succeed Mr. Warner.
CoruiTH the IJutf Market. ' 'Tho
PITTSUUtW , Pa. , Feb. 24.-r-Thero la a
in eggs hero atid prices hive ad
from 21 cents to 40 cents u dozen.
week II , D. Miller of PJillo. Musklngum
, Ohio , arrived hero and quietly
In to buy eggs. In a few days he
secured 1,000 cases , or 30,000 dozen , and of
has Iho market cornered. Before com
to Plttsburg Miller went out among the
farms aud found that the hsns had
frostbitten during the bllzzaid. As It
them Baveral weeks to recuperate
eays < ? BKB will bo Belling at o nickel
before Caster ,
SIHMV niul Cohl Wentlicr.
MARYVILLB , Mo. , Fob , 24 Maryvllle
roro weather again Inst night after eov-
days of warm weather , the thermom
falling to S below. About three inches the
snow fell and the wind drifted it BO
that It lias Interfered with railway "doc
. tbo i
our ad on pagu 6 then shop all you of S °
In our stofij. Shopper * of today uro
customers of tomorrow. Hoyden Bro * . Tel.
IjinniiT I DP Any tnn TPVIVTTO'I
Patting On rinlshing Touches at the New
GoTcrnrnent Building.
Officer * OoHliiHT Their Kfrcc < n In
to He
Trnnufprrcil nn
Soon nil AVorUmrii Arc Out
of the AVny.
An atmosphere of feverish activity prevails -
vails . . . through the postofflce building , -nhero
half . , a hundred workmen arc busily work-
Ing . In Kottlng the big structure ready to
receive . . Its tenants on the first day of MarchJ
That this will not be entirely accomplished
seems , certain. There Is n vast amount of
finishing to be done before the workmen
can permanently retire. A patch of paint
here , dome final polishing thcro and nil the
. hundred . and one llttlo touches that accumu
late nt the lost minute , drag on as they have
n habit of doing , nnd will keep thorn In the
building for n couple of weeks nftor the
ofllclnls have moved In , The corridors are
now cluttered with the hugo rolls of car
peting that will cover the bare floors of the
various ofllces. The amount of floor space Is
something Immense , nnd It looks OB though
there Is carpet enough scattered through the
halls to cover a twenty-acre field. Ruga
will be used In the '
judges' ofllccs and In n
number of the smaller rooms , but the floors
of the general offlccs will bo entirely cov
ered and the officials will be Installed in
quarters that are really luxurious.
It la not expected that much moving will
bo dona before the first of the month , The
customs ofllclnls will probably change quar
ters early next week , ns they want to got
the job over before the rush of routine busi
ness that always follows the beginning of
a new month , but the other officials will not
got started much before the end of next
week. In the meantime they nro nil get
ting their records and files Into shape for
ca-sy removal nnd most of them will bo able
to make the transfer in a stnglo day when
the tlmo comes.
Pleasing particular people that's our
forte. Rend our ad on page G then como
and see. Haydcn Bros.
Application for Spneo to Ilr Pllcil
with Greater America Kx-
An application will soon bo filed with the
executive committee of the Greater America
Exposition for a largo space to bo devoted
the installment of a model irrigntton
form designed to illustrate the method nnd
results of Irrigation in the \vcst. The
scheme is promoted by J. W. Sailing of tbls
state , who wants nbout ten acres of ground
for his exhibit. Ho
proposes to put In n
complete Irrigntlng- outfit with n largo pleco
ground planted to garden truck and other
food products , and believes It will be n very
Interesting feature to visitors from the cast.
Stops will bo taken In a few days in the
direction of inducing the dclegntes to the
annual coiuentlon of the National Editorial
association , which moots In Portland , Ore. ,
July G , to either mobilize In Omaha for their
trip to the coast or stop here a day nnd see
exposition. The editors will have n spc-
clnl train to Portland , nnd It hns been In-
formnlly suggested that .they meet In Chicago
cage or St. Louis ns the stnrtlng point. This
not been definitely decided , however ,
and it Is believed that with a little mis
sionary work they can be Induced to come
Omaha and take their special train from of
this point.
The demand for the pamphlets , showing
arrangement of the grounds and buildIngs -
Ings of the exposition has been so great
the executive committee has ordered
5,000 additional copies.
The application of John R. Keys to be ap
pointed art director hns been received and
for future consideration.
Comptroller AVt-Ntlx-rtf Sliown
niul MnhllitJcN on Flrnt oC
I'renciit Year ,
City Comptroller Westberg has completed
report showing every Item of expenditure
the year , the condition of each fund
durlnc the year 1808 , nnd the condition at
beginning of the present year. The re
capitulation of the assets nnd liabilities of
city on January 1 , 1890 , Is as follows :
estate $3,410,002.00
property Ml,000.00
In treasury 376,542.13
Uncollected regular taxes 1,113,46582
Uncollected special taxes 1,332,7C5'55
Special bonds for street improve
ment districts for which no
levies have yet been made 33,500.00
Total JS.332,3G5.5G
rt ,
time bonds W.3C1,000.00
Special assessment bonds 1,47.1,90000
Bonds and coupons past due 13,05..50
Outstanding warrants 807,534 21
Unpaid claims 67,625.43
Total . p.S2,273.4 : ! ]
tusucts over liabilities . JjGD.090.42
Arnica Sslve.
THE BEST SALVE in the world for Cuts.
Bruises , Sores , Ulcere , Salt Ilhoum , Fever
, Tetter , Chapped Hands , Chilblains ,
and all Skin Kruptlone , and positively
Piles , or no pay required. It Is guar
to give perfect satisfaction or money
refunded. Prlco 25 cents per bos. For sale
Kuhn & Co.
Ouuilin to
The Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul rail
has Just placed In service two mag
nificent electric lighted trains betwoca
Omaha and Chicago , leaving Omaha dally ai 12
p , m , , arriving Chicago at 8:25 : a. m.
leaving Chicago 0:15 : p , m. and arriving
S0 ; a , m. Bach train Is lighted
thoroughly by electric- ! , has buffet emalilng
, drawing room sleeping care , dining
and reclining chair care and runs over
shortest line nnd smoothest roadbed bo-
the tno cltlffi. Ticket
Ticket olllco 150-i Fnrnam street , and ai
Rrod our ad on page C It's food for your
thought and pockctbook. Haydcn Bros.
Grand Hotel TurKlan Ilaths now open ,
10-word want nd costs you but 85 cents
7 days In the Morning and Evening nee ,
Mercer hotel , 12th and Howard sts , ,
, $2 per day. R J. Coatcs , Prop.
Inaudible nnd
always finds
same pure , wholesome , nutritious. Not
"doctored" ! to please the palate , but having t
natural ; flavor EO appreciated by lovers
good beer. Try a caso.
KI1131) ICUIIO IllimVINO CO. .
420. 1007 Jackscm St. , Omaha.
Cnnlenrt tlmt Street Ttnllirnr Mnn-
njtern Ilnvr Not I.lvpil Ifp In lle-
Hiilrcnirnt * nf Stnto I.nir.
People living In Dundee Tlncc nro ex
pressing themselves rather vlRorounly about
the manner In which the men operating thn
motors out thcro have been treated this
Though the law requires nil cars operated
jn the | state to be ve.itlbuled , the men on
the Dundee ! line have worked all the winter
on the old-fashioned cars , with no protection
ngalnst the biting blasts when Iho mercury
was donn below 25. The cars hnvo neon In
the shops for repairs icj > eatcdly nnd the
patrons of the line assort that the company
promised . repeatedly to equip the cars frith
vestibules , . for the protection of the men , but
It / was not done. People forced to bo out
In , the ] elements during the frightful weather
of _ the late cold snap for a llttlo while in
Dundee _ ! Plaoo froze their fingers and feet
nnd how the men on tha front end of moving
cars managed to escape death has mystified
the patrons of that Isolated section. The
men have nmdo llttlo complaint , but the
people who have witnessed their suffering
Insist that they will refer the matter to the
state's attorney as a violation that should
be investigated.
Mnyor Iloprn tlmt Fnmln Will He Pro-
vltled for Publication of
There acorns to bo considerable probabil
Ity that the same sort of a fight will occur
this year over the publishing of the annual
reports of city ofllcers as there was last
year As a result of the latter Dght , which
originated In a deslro to keep the cost within
certain limits , the city departments were
apportioned a certain number of pages In
the book 1 and the reports wcro cut down and
mutilated to the required size. The publt-
catlo was so unsatisfactory that but com-
paratlvely few copies of the book -were sent
out of i the city.
"I nm free to confess that although Uioro
wore many requests for our reports from
exposition visitors , J gave away but three
copit , " says Mayor Moores. "They had
been so cut down that they -wore Inaccurate ,
Incomplete and unsatisfactory , and gave n
bad Impression to ono who examined thorn.
I hope the council will appropriate enough
money this year to print the reports In full. "
Some of the members of the council who
wore Instrumental In keeping the size of the
levy down , however , are likely to fight an
appropriation sufficiently largo to pay for the
publication of all the reports.
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup Is an excellent
remedy for children. For croup , whooping
cough and measle-cough It has no equal.
A it n ounce mi * ii tn.
Doyd's theater will have for Sunday after
noon and evening Jacob Lltt's ever success
ful Swedish dialect comedy , "Yon Yonson , "
which has always proven a big winner In
this city , having played here last October
four performances to crowded houses. The
company for this engagement Is the same ns
then , the title role being played by Mr. Ben
In Nlven's performing monkeys at the
Orpheum theater today the Juvenile patrons
of this popular place of amusement have a
big treat In store for them. These wonder
ful little I animals do everything but talk.
One of them dressed as a female acrobat
walks a tight rope with a balancing pole
nnd < . docs all the difficult feats the pro
fessional of that class of athlete does. For
the adult portion of the audience there are
acts presented by such people as Fells and
Barry , tbo four Arbras , the three Fortuns ,
Frank and Don , the Dartos , Mathews nnd
Harris , and Kelly and Vlolette. It Is ono
the best assorted matlhoe bills yet pre
sented by the Orpheum.
, „ , The
_ on all
Fast Train's for the West are
Low Rates Fastest Tlmo.
City Ticket Office , 1302 Farnam St.
Goods at live and let Hvo prices. Read
about them on page 5 Hayden Bros.1 ad.
Salt Lake
San Francisco
And nil principal
western points are best reached via the
Now Pullman Palace Sloopors.
New Pullman Tourist Sloopors.
Finest Kver Built.
Steam .Heat. Plntsch Light ,
No snow blockades via this routo.
City Ticket Office. 1802 I'nrnum St
Being much the shortest
line , the Burlington Koute ing
takes you to Helena , Butte ,
Spokane , Seattle and Tacoma
hours quicker than any
other railroad. is
Trains leaves at 4:25 : p. m. ma
J. B. REYNOLDS , bly
City J'ai < : nK * ! Agent , ,
OHIce , ISO ! Kaniam St. Tel 350 , time
IJurlliiKton Htntlnn , irnlinntl Mason fits. , Tel 810 ,
. fMSOH ,
4th Floor Droiiu Blk. , 16th and Douglai
Gold Alloy Filling . $1.OO On
Cold Filling . $1.0O and up Wo
Gold Crowns . $5.OO nnd nf
Set Teeth . $5.0O
Best Teeth . S7.5O Of
{ .
Is the name of the best sinolio
cigar that a nickel ever carefully cent
bought , Bold by 10 will
Allen Bros. Go , , fore on
Omaha , Neb.
Immense Barjnins for Today In the
To ilny llnxrincnt Oonntprn AVII1 He
Pllcil IllKli 1 Hi Snturclny llnrKnlnn
If You -Vro llowii TIMTII Doot
1'nll tuMcinl ThU Mnlo.
All the Tnnaborg stattiarla nnd Cottcrn
statuary thnt are worth up to $200 each , go
tomorrow nt lOo each to close them out ,
All the balance of the after dinner cups
and saucers , lie each.
Ono Immense counter of alt kinds of com
mercial and correspondence envelopes , nil
sizes , styles and shapes , go * t Ic per pack
age.One Immense counter of all kinds of
writing tablets , worth up to 2."c each , as
loug as they last , go at fie each.
All the American playing card companies'
25c playing cards , such nn "Columbia. "
"Derby , " and "Sporting Man. " go at lOo
All the leatherette lunch boxes , worth 25c ,
go nl Cc each.
All the extra heavy all silk nnd satin rib
ban that I generally sells at IGc yard , nil rich
color , go at Cc yard.
All the ribbon that generally sells nt 25c
yard , , all the now spring shades , go at lOc
Ono < Immense counter of Smyrna and nio-
quott rugs that always Bell at $1.25 , go at
60c c .
On big lot of $2.50 tnoquctto rugs , 60
Inches long , go nt $1.50 ench.
Ono ' Immense table of turklsb wash cloths ,
2c each.
Ono Immense lot of extra heavy turklsh
towels , the regular 25o grade , go at ICc
Largo size , sntln damask tray cloths ,
fringed nil round , lOc each.
Satin damask napkins , fringed nil around ,
Gc each.
Embroidery Bilk on spools , 2 > c dozen ,
worth So.
10,000 yards drapery sllkollnc In long mill
remnants , 2c ynrd.
All the slightly Imperfect hard rubber
dressing combs , all the 2i > c grade , extra
heavy comlw , go nt 3c each.
All the children's round combs , worth lOc ,
go nt 2c ennh.
All the flne combs , worth 15c , go nt 2c
Immense sample line of pocketbooks ,
purses , etc. , from a Inrgo New York mnnu-
fiicturer , assorted In three lots at Be , lOc
nnd 15c each. Many worth five tlmo the
N. W. Cor. 16th & Douglas Sis.
To Us ,
of Course
After having consulted your physician
the question often arises , where shall
I take my proscription ? You should
go to the best druggist thnt you know
one whom you know will bo nblo to
Intelligently Interpret your prescrip $
tion and who hns the drugs necessary
for Its proper compounding. Go where
you will always find experienced phar §
macists In charge who will oversee
each prescription and exorcise the §
greatest care In dispensing. Our pro $
scription department is conducted In
this careful manner. $
Sherman & McConoell Drug Co
1513 Dodge St. , Omaha , Mi.
Just received , the very latest styles In
LADIES' SILK WAISTS .many . colors to
select from at the following low prices
$4,95 , S5.05 and $6 75. 83
Wo also have a choice selection of EX
CLUSIVE styles In Evening Waists.
New Spring ; Jackets
and Hew Dress Skirts.
Can You
afford to drink
anything but the best ? Our
bee : , which received the HIGH
EST AWARD at the exposi
, is recognized as the lead
it * tif
Our famous BLUE RIBBON
the most popular beer on the
market. , Better beer may possi
y be brewed at some future
there is , however , none
Tel. 1200.
Wednesday , Thursday and Friday , cs
MARCH 15 , 16 and 17 , to
will HOll nt I'ulillo Aurdim bv order
Flro Underwriters , nt stores 201-206-203
210 Monroe stre t , ClilcaBO , the
Entire Wholesale
G11I3I3N , JOYPJ3 & CO , , Columbus , O , ,
teWr $600,000 '
Consisting of Prints , Dross Good * , SllkBnncl
Velvets.Vliltn Goods and linens , Jems ,
ottoniicHs nnd t'uaslmcrei . Notions. Flan
and Dlunkcts , Underwear and Hos
DomostlcH. C'nrpetu , Rlattlnca , Oil
. Jy.ices. Illbhons and Kmbrolu'ries.
III Orltflnnl I'mikfiitt'Ni'IIN * H n ml
llalrn In rnmiilrtu mill lin-
liroUt'ii l.liifx.
entire ttot'k Is free from llro or
( lam.iKC , thtTO being no llro In the
Inilldlnirwhatsoever. . The stock Is belim' Br
ex tun In d und asbortrd , and 90 per
Is in HbtioluteJy perfect i'ondltlon , und
lie to KUtirnnleed , the remainder , or
per cent , la sllKlitly damaRfd by water
and will bo Hold nepurately Stock 1'ut
oxhlbltlon with cutulORue three days be
sale. Sulo made , uml arranged by
SAMUEL CANS , Manager. I'mTl
Bfl , Feb. 26 , US .
f&S = >
/s Orue.
While it is true Hint mothers love
their daughters it isnlson fnet tlmt they
idolize iiieir sons. And that boy of
yours ? Do you let him fool tlmt ho is ns
well dressed ns the other clmps ? Never
lot him feel thnt ho is neglected. There
is very little difference in the cost of well
dressed and half dressed.Vo \ have
made great preparation for your boy
this year , and every cyt is on us. We set
the pace lead , by virtue of bigness our
completeness our triteness our liber
ality. The only competitor is " The Ncbraska ? * against
"The ATcl > i-tska" the present against the fiast. Our
buyer stands guard at the veiy head of mode centers of
supply , and every advantage to bo gained by largo and
active capital by our largo outlet is yours through this
store. "En Avant" says the boys' clothing man. Bring
on your little folks , we'll look after their wants and
wearables in perfect order. In fact , wo want to educate
them IWicre to buy their clothing for once n customer
of "The Nebraska ! * always a customer. And about his
headgear. We've made preparations to trim him out
completely from head to foot , b/iocs , suspenders shirts
waists collars , nnd all the fixings the little man may need ,
Your ; to improve the looks of yom'doys.
You will be surprised at the character of the garments
we are offering. if you are not a former customer of the big
remodeled clothing department. These overcoats are from
the best manufacturers in America. They , are superb in de
sign , fabric and fashioning , and we show a great assortment.
The only trouble Avith tkem is that they are winter weights ,
and we can't afford to store them. Spring goods are de
manding all the room.
Every blue , black brown and
oxford gray overcoat nnd ulster in our store and
marked them down to half price
$8.50 overcoats and ulsters at. $1,75
85.00 overcoats and ulsters at $2.50
7.50 overcoats and ulsters at $3.75
10.00 overcoats and ulsters at $5.00
$12.50 overcoats and ulsters at $6.25
$15.00 overcoats and ulsters at $7.5O
818.00 overcoats and ulsters at $9.00
820.00 overcoats and ulsters at $10.00
$22.50 overcoats and ulsters at $11.25
There will not be any disappointment
in this sale.
As we have included every blue , blackbrown
and oxford overcoat aild ulster , in all sizes from 34 to 50 , .in
cluding stouts and extra sizes. Any garment picked with
your eyes closed , will prove a remarkable surprise to you.
will more than pay you to buy an overcoat now at this
price as you can get good service out of it for this season
nnd lay it away for the next.
Corduroy Pants.
250 pairs men's finest English and American corduroy
pants , all shades , blacks , blues , browns and drabs , regular
82.50 and 83 values , on sale Saturday at § 1.50 and 81.95.
MEN'S HATS The best values in men's hats ever put on
sale. All the stylish shades and shapes in men's $1.25 and
81.50 hat sat 76c. A fine derby or fedora for $1. Kegular
hats in all the now blocks for $1.50.
Selling the Most Clothing in Omaha.
etc , made to order
by competent
Send to us for
blnnka and other
Deformity lirace Manufacturer * .
1408 Fnrnnin OMAHA.
Op. Paxton Hotel.
Never <
Buy Glasses
That are not properly fitted. Wo Jjj
muko our own glasses grind lenses to (
correct every error. Wo use the lat- j
cst Improved optical appliances. Our <
tests are absolutely free. o
1520 DOUGLAS. 9
1'lilrd door from icth St. n
nir Tin : ( ; n\ui\i :
Swiff's ' Premium
Up 111 J-JKIIllKl CurtllllH Olll > .
\fVi-r Sold Jn IlulU-
urc 1'orli Dellflounly HrunoutMl.
The Hunt Tliut MoucjCuu liny.
if you know that your valuable
papers and records cannot bo
destroyed by fire. There U one
building : In Omaha that la abso
lutely fire proof
The Bee
looks like a palace , but Is built
like a cattle solid granite and
heavy masonry , not a bit of
wood that you do not see on the
surface no wooden stairways
and partitions no fire trapi no
That's tbn place to have an
office. Wo will show one or two
beauties that are vacant.
R. C.
PETERS Ground Floor.
& CO.
> - < > > < J > < i > < y < $ > < >
The midden change In the
weather brought for you can be
cured by
Howell's Anti-'Kawf I
If you take It an directed. One
( ] u o will relieve It once.
Prlco 2Co and 50o ,
All Druggists sell Antl-Kawlf. i
Wholesale at 13 , K , Bruce & Co. and T
ItU'liardson Drug Co. A