10 TJTE OMATTA DATT/V 1VR7 | S A TTTT ? n A V. "R. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Spurt in the Wheat Market Cornea Just Before the Olosa of Trading. LEAVES OFF A FOURTH TO EIGHTH BETTER Corn I'nllojv * Evnmptf ; ofVIirn < mill Klnlnlirn .StrotiK After Weak UiiculiiK Hllm n. Slunle II In her. CHICAGO , Feb. 2l.-W7ical was lifeless and heavy today until within thirty min utes of the close , when a sudden revival of the exjiort d.-mand changed the course of the market mid May wheat left oft U' ' & sO higher. Corn acted In unison with whcvit end closed a c higher after cnrly weakness. OatH ro'e Ho. I'ork closed 5c lower , lard lint-hanged and ribs a slmdo higher. Th > general surroundings of the wheat inarkot were unchanged at the commence ment. Cables were lifeless , the weather was not a disturbing factor and Argentine nlilpmcnt-3 to Europe for the week wore about ns anticipated. Under those curcum- ntanccs wheat opined a shade lower at from 7.1c to "StdllTSUc , and for an hour or HO gave very lltllo Indication of getting far from these figures. Chicago received nln-ty- llve cars. against spventy-llvo cars u year ago , Minneapolis and Dultilli receipts were 402 cars , compared with 257 for the corro- Hpondlng day last year. The Argentine HhlpnionlH f wheat for the week were I.2M.OOO bu. . against 1,105,000 bu. the year before. Some bearlsliness was Imparted to the market by estimates of a larg. ' Increase In northwest stocks during the week. Hccelpls of wheat ( it western primary markets amounted to C52,0t)0 ) bu. , whereas only 417,000 1) ) . wcr received for th ? sumo day last year. Atlantic port clearances were equal In wheat and Hour to fiS3,000 bu. The drought wan reported broken In California , ind the bears took an Inning on that In- fcrmatlon After backing and ( tiling bo- two'n 72c and 73Uc for May wheat until the Inst hour of the 'session the market became - came weak and looked for awhile as It It wan going to break up Into little , plorcs , when rumors of considerable export busi ness having 'been ' done commenced to bo circulated. Soon It became known that 100- 000 bu. of wheat held In New York by a Chicago firm had been Hold for export and that 2iV,000 bu. of Kansas wheat had been disposed of to be shipped by way of the gulf ports. Now York wired also that late Jxindon enbl'H'bld fid more lor wheat than the prlc > - at which they accepted the offers of yesterday. That changed the whole complexion of the market , and from being listless nnd Inclined lo go lower It bedims very strong and quite active. May wh ° at mounted In a few minutes from 72'ic to TR'sO and before the end It brought 73lc , with the latest trading- 737773-yic. Lack of outside speculation , free country offerings .nnd liberal receipts depressed corn early. The market was very heavy nnd during tit" middle hour of the session ' liardly a trade was made. The ntdden up ward whirl In whfat. however , caused a lally In corn , and during the. lats fifteen minutes of the session the market gave a wonderful exhibition of bullish spirit , con sidering th dullness of Its previous aspect. Receipts , fill cars. May opened Irregular nt from S3o to .IGffiSGKc. declined to SJc , then rose to 3fic at the close. The oats market was Influenced almost entirely by the leading grains. Tlirre wns come covering by shorts , but outside of this there was very little demand. Receipts , 442 cars. May bega'i a shade lower at 274 CF27'4c. weakened to 27' ' > JfI27Jie : , then Improved - , proved to 2Sc sellers at the close. i Then1 was a fair provision trade , with pork rather easy on commission house sellIng - | Ing Shipments were moderate 2.600,000 Ibs. of m ats nnd 1,070.000 Ibs. of lard. May opened 2c lower at $9.fi2V , rose to $9.r,7 , eold off to $3.5714 and closed at $9.GO. The raree In lard and ribs was narrow. Estimated receipts for Saturday : Wheat , i RS cnrs ; corn , 3fiO cars ; oats , 235 cars ; hogs , iroon bead. Lending futures ranged as follows : Open. Hlirh. Low. Close. Yes'd'y Wlii-iit 7211 73M ' .iui.v ! 71 w5ii 71H 70 ! 71MSM Torn. ' ' now sr. Ji'lv. . . Sept. . . 37)4 37UH-H Xn\ . . 28 I7W1 28 .Inly. . . SU 2356-20 20J6 fort. W.iy. . . OOSW 9(10 ( 005 July . . OS'JH L ; , il Jlnv B 45 C47H 642MS 8 45 C 45 Jli y 0 J7" " < BCD 807H S-'otit 570 0 70 5 07H S70 670 Illljs. Slav 4 85 4 SB . 485 4 85 .Tiny I ti7di C. 1)1) ) 4 074 _ i > < ! | > t ID C 12.4 210 8 1(1 ( C07 > t No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows : FLUl'lI Moderate demand and steady : wlnt'-r patents , $ : ! .SOiJ3.9 ( > ; straights. $3.40@ 3.COclears , $1.30fT3.40 ; spring specials , $1.20 ; patents , M.40T73.70 ; hard straights , $3.000 5.20 bi.ktra , $2.30 < 83.CO. \ \ 11'hA'l' No. 2 spring , GSIT lVc ; No 3 BprltiF CM/70u ' ; No. 2 red , 72'/4'ii73V ' c. ( . 'HUN' No. 2 , 3IHl < 7 > < 4c ; No. 2 yellow , OA'Kv-No. 2. 27V4c ; No. 2 white , 30iJ31c ; No ; : white , 29Vjf30c. RYh' No 2. uj'JilQCfic. ' BAP.l.EY No. 2 , 4262c. 8E12H1 No. 1 llaxsued , $1.15V5 ; northwest , J119V * . nrlme timothy seed , $2.47',4. PKO nilONB Mess pork , per bbl. , $9.43 ® O.f.0. I/i'rd , per 100 Ibs. , $3.3&gr..32i/-i. ! Sliort ribs sla s ( loose ) , SI.fiSffl.T6. Dry salted Bhoulduts ( boxed ) , Jl.SBlf4.3216 ; short clear Hides ( bcvced ) . SI.9W/G.OO. / WHISKY Distillers' nnlshed goods , per gal. . $1.20. SUGARS Cut loaf. J5.70 ; granulated. $3.20. The following were the receipts and ship ments for today : Artlclei ) Receipts. Shlp'ts. Flour , bbls 19,000 10.000 Wheat , bu 79,000 as.ooo Corn , bu 473,000 265.COO Oats , bu 273,000 195,000 Kye , Im 11,000 7,000 i Barley , bu 32,000 14,000 On the Produce Exchange today the butter - I tor market was dull nnd easy ; creameries , ' 1421c ; dairies. Ill4ffl7c. Eggs , weak and lower ; fresh , HOifSSc , Cheese , llrm ; creams , O llc. Dressed poultry , fair demand ; tur keys , 91iifllc ; ducks , bViQDc ; chickens , 9Jj > OVic. KI3W YORIC r.i\iHAL 5IAIIICET. UiiotntloiiM for tUc ! ) > on General ClIIIIIIIUlllllcH. NEW YORK , Feb. -FLOUR-Recelpts , 19,591 bbls. ; rocporta , 20,133 bbla. ; njjaln dull and steadily held ; winter Btnilghts , { 3.COQ ) 8.70 ; Minnesota bakers , $3.10 ( 3.25 ; winter extras , $2.DOi2.S5 } ; winter low grades , J2.40 ® C.CT , . CORNM 13 AI Steady. RYK Firm ; No. 2 western , C7o f , o. b. tUlout. I1ARL.KY MALT Nominal , \VIIKAT-Recelpts , Sl.COO bu. : exports , SM.llS bu. ; spot llrm ; No. 2 red , Kc f. o b. tUlcxit , to arrive. Options had an easy openlnif and the most of the' day were thoroughly featureless , although faJrly ntondy on foreign buying and export ru- jnors. In the afternoon bears hammered the prices off until caught by a late rise In corn and disturbing Manila ntnvs , wfien Iiosty covering ensued , the market closing Htrong ut ViilVdo net advance ; March , S3)iip ) 84W3 ! closed , SlVic. CORN Receipts , 117.000 bu. ; exports , 141- f > H bu. ; epot steady ; No. a , 45e f. o , b. ulloat , for old and -U aC for new. Options at llrst were onsy on crop news nnd larger country offerings , but getting oversold later , turned strong and active ; closed Uo not higher ; May , 401 i'41o ' ; closed , 41c. OATS Receipts. 115,200 bu. ; spot steady ; No. 2 , 35c ; No , 2 white , 37c. Options sltNidy , HOPS Steady ; state , common to choice. 9S crop , 17SjlSo ; Pacltlc coaHt , 1S9S crop , IS . rOTTONRHBD OIL Sternly ; prime crude. S05r2lo : prime yellow , 25fi26o. HICK Firm : domestic , fair to extra , 4V , @lc ; Japan. 6iT3 iu. MOLA8SKS Klnn ; New Orleans , open lottli > . good to choice , S2J737c. C'O'in'ONSKKD OIIQulet ; prime crude , COii20'Ac. prime yellow , 25o , llUTTKU-Uewlpts , 2,017 pkgs. : market firm ; western creamery , lOSiKoj Klglns , 22c ; factory. rJiJlIc. CIlKUSK-Racelpts. 1,706 pkgs , ; market uteady ; large white. lOlic ; small white. Jiff ll'ic : largo colored , 10' so ; small colored , KGClS-Recelpts. 4,082 pkgs , ; market etrong and higher ; western , 33c ; southern , . MUTAIJJ Pig Iron warrants unchanged nt $9.2o ; lake copier , unchanged ut 517.75 l.ld and 51S.W asked ; tin. tirm at J2I.OO ; lend , ( lulct at $ I.3S bid and $1.40 asked ; spelter , unchanged at Jti.50. The brokers' price for lead Is $1.20 and for copper J1S.OO , ilnlUiiioru JIurUol. BALTIMORE. Feb. 2l.-FLOUR-Dull nnd unchanged ; receipts , $ ,930 bbla. ; i'x- ports. lf.S bbls. WHEAT Kasy ; sjxit and month , "CO'Gilc : March , C7M&7CHo : steamer , No. 2 red , 37iQ' T4c ; receipts , 14,370 Im , ; exports , none ; pouthcrn wheat by sample , 70ffl77c ; south ern on KPUle , 73HG761jc. : COItN-StcaJy ; Bi > ot and montli , 37T4Q38ej March , 3Sf/Tiics steamer mixed , 36'4fl36Hc ' : rtt dpts , lM.lJii ! bu.i exports none ; southern while nnd y. How corn , SiSiSS c. OATS Firm ; No. 2 white , western , 37 © 3He ; Nn. i mixed , 3IG3l'4c ' ; receipts , 15,5,2 , bu. ; exports , none. lirTTER-Stefldy ; fancy creamery , 22 ® 23c ; fancy ladle , lofHSc ; coed ladle , 135J14CJ store packed , llfilSc ; rolH. 12iI13c. KOGS-FIrm ; fresh. 32JJ330. CHEESE Steady and unchanged. OMAHA CSIJMIUAI , MAIUCKT. Condition of Trade nnil Quotation * nn Stmilc mill Fnin-y PrndiictM. EGGS Receipts Increasing ; market uncer tain nnd demand light ; fresh stock , SSc. UUTTlill-Common to fair , 110I2c ; choice , 14f/l5c ; sop.irrtor , 20o ; gathered creamery , 'pOULTRY-Hons , live , 6',407c : dressed , 8 &SUc ; old roosters , live. 4c ; dressed. Sc ; spring chlckns , live , GV4ft7c ; dressed , 8 ® 8V4c ; ducks , live , "He ; dressed , 9e ; gce. e , live , 7',4c ; dressed , 9c ; turkeys , live , 70Se ; dressed , lOflllc. 1'IOEONS-Llve , per doz. , 75c. VEAICholce. . Sft&Uc. OYSTERS-Bulk Standard , per gal. . $1.60 ; nudlums. pnr ran , 20c ; Standard , ner cnn. 23c ; Extra Select , per can , 30c ; New York founts , per can. 35o. FRESH WATER FtSH-Whlte llsh , Sc ; lake- trout , 9c ; small trout , green , lOc ; yellow pike , "c ; pickerel , winter cnught. Go ; sliver lirrrlng , 4c ; perch , scaled and tl rowed , Gcj porch , cklnned nnd dressed , 7c ; northern crapple , lOc ; bullhead ? , drorsed , lOc ; black bnsx , very scarce , 15c. SEA FISH Flounders , Sc : haddock , 8c ; Columbia river "almon , JOc ; halibut , lie ; No. 1 Kindts , lOc ; blue llsh , lOc ; Spanish mackerel , I e ; red snapper , lOc ; extra largs mackerel , 30c each. each.FRUITS. FRUITS. APPLES-Bcn Davis , nor bbl. , $4.00rGenl- tons , $3.r > 0 ; New Yorlc Baldwins. Greenings and other ? , choice , per bbl , . $ l.504.65 ; west ern boxed apples , $1.60311.75. GKAPES Mnlngn. per bbl. , $ S.MI0"X ( ) . CRANBERRIES Jersey , $0.0000.25 ; large , $7.00 ; per crate , $2.23. VEGETABLES. TOMATOES-Pcr crate. $1.50. SPINACH None In market. LETTUCE Homo gr wn. per doz. bunches , I5s. ONIONS Home grown , per doz. bunches , 30c. 30c.CELERY CELERY California , peed stock , 252 ; choice , S3c ; fancy , EOc , extra large , 75c ; Michigan , rholru stock , 25030s. CABBAGE-Cratcd , per lb. , 2'i$52i,4c. ' CAULlFLO\VER-Per crate , $2.60. ONlONS-Per bu. , 75c. BEANS Hand-picked , navy , per bu. , $1.33 (01.40 ( POTATOES - Choice , sacked. 530GOc ; poorer stock , 40015c ; Minnesota Burbanks , C5ffi 70c. SWEET POTATOES-Per bbl. , $2.0002.25. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS California , fancy , $3.75 ; choice , $3.50 ; Messina , fancy , $ l.254.50. ORANGES Navels , fancy , $3.23 ; choice , $3.00 : seedlings. $2.3302.50. FIGS Imported , none ; California , 10-lb. boxes. $1.40fll.50. BANANAS Choice , crated , large stock , per bunch. $2. < XiQ'2.25 ) : medium sized bunches , $1.75572.00. I DATES Hallowee. CO to 70-lb. boxes , 6c ; Salr. 5' c ; Fard , 9-b. ! boxes , lOc. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Almonds , per lb. , 17c ; Brazils , per lb. . Jiijnoc ; English walnuts , per lb. , fancy , soft shell , llf12c ( | ; standnrds. lOr : : filberts , per lb. , lie ; pecans , polished , 7SjSc ; cocoanuts - nuts , i > or 100 , $1.00 ; peanuts , raw , B QGc ; roasted. G'Oc ; chestnuts , Sffi9c. CIDER Per half bbl. , 13.00. SAUERKRAUT Per half bbl , , $2.00. HONEY-Cholcp whits. 12012V4C. MAPLE SYRUP-Flve gal. cans , each , $2,50 ; gal. cane , pure , per doz. , $12.00 ; half- , gal , cans , J6.25 ; quart cans. $3.50. I MAPLE SUGAR-Cholce. In boxes , 910c. HIDES. TALLOW. ETC. HIDES No. 1 green nines , Tttc ; No. 2 green hides , CUc ; No. 1 salted hides. 8ic ; No. 2 salted hides , 7c ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. , lOc ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 8c. 8c.TALLOW TALLOW , GREASE , ETC. Tallow , No. 1. 3'Ac ; tallow , No. 2. 3c ; rough tallow , IHc : white gretis ? , 2 < A03c ; yellow and brown grease. mSlZV > c FURS Mink. 10@75c ; bear ( black or brown ) , $5.00820.00 ; otter , $1.50(38.00 ( : beaver , $1.001(0.00 ( : skunk , I5fi73c : muskrat , 30lOc ; raccoon. ISftiiOc ; red fox , 23c < fi$1.23 ; gray fox , 2Tff50c ( ; wolf ( timber ) , 23c i7$2.60 ; wolf ( prairie ) , coyolo. lOiJfuOc ; wildcat. 10323c ; badger , 5p40c ; silver fox , $50.00075.00. SHEEP PELTS-Green salted , each. 15 iac : green salted shearings ( short wooled early cklns ) , each , 15o : dry shearings ( short wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each. 5c ; dry flint , Kcnsias nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4Q > 3c : dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , SfiMc ; dry flint , Colorado rado butch'r wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4ff5c ( ; dry flint , Colorado murrain wool Delta , per lb. . actual weight' , 34c. St. I.oulN Market. ST. LOUIS. Feb. 24. FLOUR-Dull and nominally unchanged. WHEAT Options strong and fractions higher : spot dull : No. 2 red. cash , elevator , 73'ic ; track , 74'.tc ; February , 74Jc ; May , ifiJJ7C4'c bid ; July , 70c ; No. 2 hard , G7@ ( iSc. iSc.CORN CORN Fractions ! hlglver ; spot , nominally weak ; No. 2 , cash , 33c ; track , 33W34c ; Feb ruary. SS'c ; May , 34'4c ; July , 35c. OATS Dull and steady ; No. 2 , cash , 2SUc ; track , 21)c ) ; February , 2S c ; May , 2sic asked ; July. 24c : No. 2 white , 30' c. RYE-Flrm at 57' c. SEEDS Flaxse d , lower at $1.03. Prime timothy need , $2.30. CORNMEAI-$1.7G-n.7G. ? BRAN Scarce and llrm ; racked , east track. GOM. Glc. HAY Qulut. steady to easy ; timothy , $7.00 QB.OO : prairie. $7.00. BUTTER Stady ; creamery , 19iJ23c ; dairy. 14fi'17 c. EGOS-HIgher nt 32c. AVIIISKY-Stendy at $1.2fi. I'Ot'LTRY Firm ; chickens. 7' c ; turkeys , SffMHc ; geese , fifiSUc : ducks , T'/'QSe. METALS Lead , lower at $4.20. Spelter , strong and higher at $ G.10QG.15. PROVISIONS Pork. steady ; standard mess , jobbing , old , $3.73 ; new , $9.6214. Lard , 1'lgher ; prime steam , $3.10 ; choice , $3.20. Dry salt meats ( boxed ) , shoulders. $3.87H- ; extra shorts , $1.50 ; ribs , $4.73 ; short-s , $4.87',4. Bacon ( boxed ) , shoulders $4.50 : extra shorts , J5.12H' ! ribs. $3.25 ; shorts. $5.37'/4. ' RECEIPTS-Flour. 4,000 bbls. : wheat , 17- 000 bu. : corn. 61,000 bu. ; oats , 3.000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour , 10,000 bbls. ; wheat , 51,000 bu. ; corn , 35,000 bu. ; oats , 40,000 bu. ICniiNiiN City ( irnlii and ProvlNluiiM. KANSAS CITY. Feb. 24. WHEAT Weak ; No. 2 hard. 6tVTfC6l6c ; No. 3 , 63iT 5c : No. 2 re < l , 73-71c ; No. 3 , GSfp71o ; No. 2 spring. 64fi Cc : No. 3 , 61JG4c. CORN Weak ; No. 2 mixed , 324c ; No. 2 white. 33c ; No , 3 , 32V.C. , OATS Weak ; No. 2 white , 2914Q30 < Jc. RYE-Steady ; No. 2 , 5Gc. HAY-Steady ; choice timothy , $7.0007.60 ; choice prairie , $6,73J7.00. BUTTER-Steady ; separator , 16Q21c ; dairy , 17c. EGOS-Hlehcr ; fresh. 30'ic. RECEIPTS Wheat. 63,600 bu. ; corn , 10- 400 bu. : oats , 20,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 69,000 bu. ; corn , 5,200 bu. ; oats , 13,000 bu. Clneliinatl Market. CINCINNATI , Feb. 2l.-FLOUR-Steady. AV HE AT Steady ; No. 2 rd , 73c , CORN Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 3lc. OATS-Actlve ; No. 2 mixed , 2S4tT23Vlc. RYE-Stcady ; No. 2 , 63c. PROVISIONS-Lard , active nt $5.10. Bulk meatH , fl.7,1. Bacon , qulut at $4.60. WHISKY Rteaily at $1.20. BUTTER-Dllll. SUOAR-Stcady. EGGS-FIrm nt 2Cc. CHEESE-Strong. Grain Ilt'veliiln n < 1'rliirlpiil ST. LOUIS , Feb. 24. Receipts ; Wheat , ; i 23 cars. i ANKSAS CITY , Feb. 24. Receipts : | i Wheat. 100 cars. CHICAGO , Feb. 24. Estimated cars for , tomorrow ; Wheat , 60 ; corn , 360 ; onts , 235. Receipts nt primary markets : Wheat , 651,634 bushels ; corn , 830J79 bushels. To led o .Hurled. TOLEDO. Feb. 2l.-AVH'EAT-Hlgher and firm ; No. 2 cash , 74io ; May , 7GUc. CORN Active for May ; No. 2 mixed , 34 < 4c ; Mny , UfiKe. OATS-Dull und higher ; No. 2 mixed , 29c. RYE Dull and steady ; No. 2 cash , B7c. CLOVEHSEED-Lower and active ; prime cash , old , J3.47'i ; new. $3.82'.J. - Win-ill Market. MILWAUKEE. Feb. 24-WHEAT-Qulet ; No. 1 northern , 72',4Q73c ; No. 2 northern , 71' t)72c. ) RYE-Flrm : No. 1 , 57c. UARLEY-Qulct ; No , 2 , 60c ; sample , 43V4 1'rorlii PEORIA , III. . Feb. 24.-CORN-Flrm ; noy No. 3. 32c. OATS-Inactive ; No. S white , 29S29V4o. WHISKY Firm on the basis of $1.26 for finished roods. Mlnui > niolli Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Feb. 21. WHEAT Steady ; February. 7U4c ; May. 71ie ; July. 71io ; on track. No. 1 hard , 72io ! ; No. 1 northern , TlHc ; No. 2 , C3\ic. \ I'hlliulpliililii I'roilucc SliirUi-t , PHILADELPHIA. Feb. 21.-BUTTER- Stendy : fancy western creamery , 23c. EGGS Firm end 6c higher ; fr.'sfi western , 35c. Oululli AVln-ut DUUTH. Feb. 21. WHEAT-No , 1 hard. cash , 7J',4c ; February , TSVic ; May , July , 73itp , No. 1 northern , cash , 70Wc ; No , 2 northern , 6Hc. ( XIMV Orlcnnn NEW ORLEANS. Fob. 21. PROVISIONS Stendy ; pork , standard mess , $9.50W9.i5 , Lard , reilnt-il tierce , $4.50fl4.37',4 ' ; pure lard , $0.00. Roxed tnsnts , dry salt shoulder ? , $4.60 ; Bides , $3.3714. Hncon , c-lcnr rib side. * . $ fl,12'4. Hams , choice sugar cured , $ S.50Tf9.50. COFFKK Steady ; Rio , ordinary to fair , G"4f(7't ( ' < ' . RICE Quiet ; ordinary to good , 3I4ic. FLOUR-Extra fnncy , $3.5383.75 ; patents , tl. 05114.30. OORNJIKAIJl.Po. . BRAN 7 < V8i24r. llAY-Primo , $11.00 < iJ12.X ( ) ; choice , $13.003. CORN No. 2 white , sacked , 4242 ie ; No. 2 mixed. 43i,4c ; No. 2 yellow. 44Q44i,4c. OATS-No. 2 sacked , 3lc. Ilvi > riool Grain nnil I'rnvlmlotiii , LIVERPOOL , Feb. 21-WHEAT-Market Mcnily. 'jd lower ; March , 5s 7d ; May , 6s Sd ; July , 6s % d. t'ORN Market steady ; February , 3s GUd ; March. 3 SVyd : Mny , 3s 5Md ; July , 3s G } d. Itccelptn of wheat for the last three days. 31S.OCO rentals , Including 21OUO centals of American. Receipts of American corn dur ing the ln t three dnys , 2SG.OOO centrnls. PROVISIONS Ilacon , long clear middles , light , steady , 27s Cd ; short clear backs , 2Ss. Shoulders square , easy , 2lsv Lard , prime western , 2 < s Pd. UUTTER-Flnest United Stnte ? , 14d. OPKIlwVTIOXS IN STOCKS AND 1IONDS. Prlcom 1'nvornblo fur llulln , IiuliiN- IrlnN anil Siu'i'lulllm Proiiiliii-nl. NEW YORK , Fob. 2l.-Stock quotations today were decidedly irregular nnd the movement In some respects wns a counter part of yesterday. Prices opened favorably for ths bulls In a number of stocks , the Industrials and ' the specialties being prominent. Subse quently values moved alternately down and up nnd leaving the net changes , mixed , with losses averaging a point In prominent rail ways , accompanied by some sensational nd- vunc.s among the specialties. The dispatch from the American naval commander in the far cast requesting the presence of n li.it- tleshlp for political reasons was considered I possible of nn unfavorable Interpretation , but the rout of a body of Filipinos by th * American army In a measure offset the advices , London , after some firmness , was n seller on balances , The International shares were generally fractionally higher In the early dealings , whllo the advance In IJurllngton , Tobacco"nnd the steel stocks gave an early appearance to strength. The -smart recov eries from yesterday's class failed to hold In the ca-s-o of the railways. Reallzlngs In St. Paul , Us favorable showing for the i third week In February left It below yester- I day nnd Burlington lost Its early ndvnnce and declined further , ending with a loss of U per cent on the reported abandonment ot u general refunding plan. Thuro was con siderable professional selling , an well as some realizing , and stop loss orders were reached. Traders were Induced to sell on the Idea that there would be another sub- stnntinl decrease In the bank reserves to morrow. The market displayed feverishness - ness a the contending Interests succeeded In cither lifting or deprjsslug prices , and then dealings contracted with a somewhat professional appearance to the afternoon's trading. Tobacco made a maximum rise of G points on the rumor that n large operator was still short and refused to cover and the circulation of stories as to the company's earning power. Subsequently the price ran off and closed at a net gain of Hi per cent. There were some vsry violent advances among the local specialties , the extreme rise in the case of Third Avenue being U per cent , Consolidated Gas 12' ' , per cent. Brook lyn Union Gas SM- and 2 per cent In Metro politan. The advance. In the gas stocks was in expectation of securing the passage of the law allowing the convenient manufac ture of gas In contiguous territory which would permit the disposal of valuable New York real estate. The rise.Mn Third Avenue was ? ld to be on the discovery of an un inspected short Interest existing. The highly favorable condition reported In the iron and steel Industries nnd intima tions that the relations of the leading Inter ests would be closer led to an extreme ud- vnnco of 5 > < . per cent in American Steel , with which Federal Steel sympathized to the extent of 3 % per cent , Its extreme rise. Amciicnn Tin nnd New York Air Brake roc 3 per cent at a jump. Sugar wns some what weak at one time on the continuance of dividend rumor ? and International Paper shares receded on realizing following the declaration of dividends ot IVj per cent on th preferred nnd 1 on tne common. Ihe soiling of the active list began with heavy realizing In Burlington and Sugar. The feature of today's bond trading was the active inquiry for San Antonio & Aran- ras Pass 4s , which improved 4 per cent. The general market was very irregular , weakness and strength developing In many issues. Total sales , $5,000,000. Government bonds were unchanged In 'bid ' prices. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says : "Business here wns small today , owing to the heavy set tlement. The tone was good in the early hours , but was depressed Inter by n rumor of the death of the ameer of Afghanistan , which affected consols and Indian issues , although It was much doubted. Americans opened off then rallied slightly above parity and maintained a llrm tone on professional and continental buying till New \orki rices became weak , whereupon the market be came rather wild , went flat and closed at only fractional recovery. Three hard spots were Central Pacific , Baltimore & Ohio ana Ontario & Western. There were dealings in Central Paclllc 4s at I0o % . In the 3s jit SW , In Southern Pacific 4s at 89. in South ern Parific shares at 3SV . Tlntos were 40. Utahs 9 > , A acondas 9Vf ? 9 % and Bostons # Money was dearer on settlement demands - mands and the payment of railroad dlvl- Sends. Treasury bills were alloted for - closing quotation , for the leading stocks on the New lork oxchanse today : fd 72',4 ' Atclilron do 1st r Cd do 2nd rM 4'i ' I A > tolv on l > llaltlmorc & Ohio. . St. 1. 4 : ri. W Canada Pacltlc . . do pM . Canada Southern . . 60V , Kt. Paul Central Pacific r,3U do pfd . . . . . Chcs. & Ohio Mi St. P. & Om . > , * , 1 ClVlCQKO 0. > . ! TxiiB & Pac'llo. . . . M'.i Chi Inil & 1 ' I'nlon Pacltlo 48 dopH . . : . . . . : . . . . 431 , do pfd * OVi. ChlcaU & N. W..14S14 I' . P. . D. & O. . IS" , , do iifil 191 AVnbifch SVi C. . C. . C * St. L. . S9V4.iSo.PM . . . - . . ; " 'H do pM I.-'Wheel. ' , ' & L. E JH * Del. L. & W KOlij do l > fd 33 Del L & W. pfd.IW-i Adams Kinross . . . .110 ivn. * Hlo 0 21 American Kx 140 , lo pfj 74"i United Stales Mvs Fr'c ( new ) ' * " \VII Kirso 123 do iKt J fd S9 % A. Cot. Oil 3 % Fort Wayne 1W , do pfd 2Va at. Nor. lifd ISHS.Amer. Spirits 124 ! Ilooklnt ; Valley . . . 6 I do pM S5U Illinois Central . . . , lli'/4 ( ' Amer. ToUacco . . , .l Ci Krle & W. . . . IS do pM 141 do pfd 7 < < Cons. Gas . ? fl % i Lake Slioro ; oov I'oni. Cable Co IPO ' I/lulu , ft NaRli M Col. r. & 1 31 ! U do pfd MV4 St. Ity ren. Klcctrlo 113 Mlh. C&nt lla\rall Com. Co. . . 7' ' ! Sllnn. & Kt. llroolclyn Transit . . 93 .lo lit pM . 9J Inter. Paper S3 Missouri J'aoino . . 4iH ( do pfd M i Mr.be & Ol.lo . . . . 3S l.aclede Ga r,4 , Mliwuurl. K. ft T. 11 1 I.OHll SWj do iJfil . 3'J'J ilo pfd lii ' N .1. C'ciilral . . . .nn Nat. Lin. OH t N. Y. Central . 137 M ill ft1 * N. Y. , C. * St. I. 141. Peoples Gas 114 U do Ifit j > M . < " > Pullman Palace . . .1M > , do 2nil pfl . . . U Silver Certificates. . 69Mi Nor. & WPPI . 1 ! " Standard It. & T. 1014 No. Amer. Co f-Vi Sugar 134'H Nn. I-ncillo M I do prd lllli I do JIM W4 T. f * . dIron < li . I Ontario & W il'.j'U. ' S. leather , , . , CT1 Ore. II. ft N.iv 'ft do pfd 7IM Ore. Short Line . . . . 45 IU. S. nubber SJ',4 Pac. ( Mast , 1st pfd. M do pfd 117 do 2nd pld f. . : . 'Wet ' , ! Union 9lti > 1FO 1'V.lorsl . Steel Sl i . do pfd f > S'i ilo 1st nfU C4 Ore. Nnv. pfd Ci II , O. W 37 Pacific Coast S'J do pfd 74 Colorado Southern. "Vi Hock Inland 119 do 1st pfd f.414 . St. U & H. V J2 do 2nd pfd II First assessment paid. "Offered. Second end asHossment paid. The total sales of stock today were 891 100 shares , Including : Atchlson , 10,720 ; Atch- hvjn preferred , 54,820 ; Baltimore & Ohio , 4- 000 ; Central Pnclllc. 8.1GO ; Burlington , 8,220 ; Jersey Central , C.335 ; New York Central. C , 400 ; Northern Paclllc. 9.C30 ; Ontario & AVestern. 23,250 : Hock Island , 14,820 ; Union Pacific , 10,520 ; Union Pacific preferred , 10.- 20 ; St. Paul , 39,920 ; Southern Pacific , 4,850 ; Southern Paclllc preferred , 5.0CO ; Texas it Pacific , 7.0GO ; Paper. 3.300 ; Tobacco , 09,120 ; Steel. 47,700 ; Steel preferred. 5.810 ; People's Gas. 4,450 ; Consolidated Oa22,000 : Brooklyn Transit , 12,950 ; Paclllc Mull , 5,630 ; Sugar. 42,950 ; Tennessee Coal & Iron , 11,070 ; Leather preferred , 4,030 ; Hubber , C.723. Financial , BDRLIN , Keb. 24. International securi ties wern In good demand on the boureo to day. Canadian Padllcs were strong and Americans were dull , Deutsc-h bank se curities were well sought after , owing to the publication of the fact that the syndi cate organized for the sale of 00Oon.OW marks of the new loan had been dissolved nnd that the profits would be distributed { > " ! 'Ill PARIS , Feh. 21. Business was quiet on the bourse today , Rio Tlntos , Do Beers and Knlllrs were firm at the optmlng , but de clined , owing to the absence of business , International securities closed weaker and Brazilians were weak on the decline In the rntc of exchange. The weekly statement of the Hank of franco shows th- > following changes ! Notes In circulation , decrease , 22,975,000 francs ; treasury accounts current , , decrease , $22,875,000 francs ; gold In hand. Increase - ; crease , 1,525,000 francs ; bills discounted , In crease , soo.fjco francs ; sliver In hand , de cease. 1,975,000 francs. Xow Yorlc Miincj * Mnrkrf. NUW YOUIC. Feb. St. MONEY ON CAM * Nominally. 2H3 ? per cent. 1'HIMK MERCANTILE PAPBH-2 er cent. STKHLINO EXCHANGE-Flrmer , at } 4.80'iTr4.S6 i for demand nnd nt JI.S4JT4.SIH for sixty days ; posted rates , $ I.SIVM74.S3 nnd JI.SfiHfM.S7 ; commerclnl bills , tl.M4. * SII.V'EH ' CEIITII-'ICATKS Nominally 69 ( .1J60',4c. ' llAR SILVEH-594c. ! JIEXICAN nOI.AHS-47Uc. GOVERNMENT BONDS-Steady 6s , lOttJi ; now 4s , reg. , 127S4 ; now 4s , coupon , 127 i ; 4s. 112 ; 4g , coupon. 112i ; 2s , 99 ; Os , reftlll i ; coupon. lll i. Closng iniotatlons on bonds were : U. S. new 3s . .107 N.J.O. Ai IIS U. s. new 4s. rcir. . . .12Hit N.c.ds ino I' . P. do coup. . . . . . .1V8U N.C. 4s 104 U.S. 4 . ror. ll''H No. Paolflp lnts..lU I ) , s , no coup No. 1'aeltlo 8 US'i" u. S. 2dn , rec No. 1'aclllo 4s 103 U.S. Os , rec N. Y. O.&St. I , . 4s. . 107 U.S. an , couii. . . . . . N..t W.llH 130 District 3. 03s . .11H N. W. Consols 143 Ali..class ; A. . . . .1117 N. W. Ucb. fls lai ! Ali.cl.iss : II. . . . .11)7 ) Ore. N. isu 110 Alii. , class 0. . . . .mo Ore. N. 4s 10UU Ala. , Currency. . .1UO O.S.I * , ( Is t. r PJHH Atchlnou 4s. . . . . .102 O. S. I , us t. r Ill lo. ml ) . IN . . HHJ ne.1dlnir4s ( V.IU Canada So. .MR. . . . .118 11. O. W. Idts IK'ii ' C. A.O. 4MiH . HiJ St. L. A I. M.conBslim Old. Terms. . 4a. . . . tut St. I. , .t 3. K. den. 0. P.3 f O. A.O. ( is HH St. P.ConHoU HIT ) C lI.AU.4Us. . . st. i' . c. ii > . ists..iai D.A.11. G. Ists. . . . St. P. c. & p. Bs. .lai KailTcnn. Ists. . . . .100M So. ny.fls . 100 ? < Krin < Jrn. 4s . . . 7H H. K. fcT.lls . . . . . as ! ' . W.'JL 1) . Ists. t. r. SW Tenn. new net 3s. . . ( ill ( ten. Klpe. Os . .114H T. P. L , . O. iBts 11JIU O. H. AS. A. Cs. . . . . .1011 T. P.llf. SilB C''Vl O. H. AS. A. Sds. . . lid U. P. U. A G. l ts. . 8S H.JkT. Ont. Os. . . . .11)11 ) Wall. 1st fis lin II. i T. C. con. ( Is. . .110 Wnb.Mi OHH lowaC , IBIS Kill W.Shore 4s ll'J I.a. Now Con. 4s. . . .1011 V.i. CRiilurlos 85 UitN. Unl. 4 . . . . " ' Va. Ueferrrit 7 Mo. Pac. conUs , , "IDS' Win. Cnnt. iBta dim M. K. Jl T. yds. . GHH tl P. 4s 104' M. K. * T. 4H us ColoradoSoulh'n4s 87h N. Y. O. Isti Offered. lloNtnii Stock 7JOSTON , Fob. 24-Cnll loans , 2 3 per cent ; time loans. 3fl4 per cent. Cloeing prices for stocks , bonds and mining shares : A. T. & St. Ke. . . . S3VJ do pfd Co'i Amer. Sugar 1.11ft den. Ulectrle pfd..137 do pfd IWi Att'hlson pfd GI'A liny State Una . . . . 3 Ocn. lileotxlo CB..1131J Uoll Tcleiphono . . . .SCO Allouez Mln nc Co. lOVi lloston & Albany..W7 I Atlantic 40 ' Ho'ston A Maine . .173 ilJoston ft Mont 3W lloston I. fiS Mlutte & ItosLon . . . . Sfl C. . 11. & Q 143IJ Calumet & Hccla..S3fl ntclibiirff Ill K'entmntal St Oen. Ulectr'c 112'.4 ' Old Dominion 4.t % Mexican Central . . . 6 Osceola 99 i Old Colony 201 Qnlncy 1S1 1 Ore. Short Line . . . 41 Tamarack 240 Rubber M \Volverlne 4S Union P-iciflo IS Parrott r.l Went ind o.l Adventure K do pfd Ill Uumboldt i'i Wotlnyh. nice. . . 51 San Frnnclnen Mliiliiir dimtntloiin. SAN FRANCISCO , Feb. 24. The olllclal closing quotations for mining stocks today were as follows : Alia 10 JuMIco . M Alpha Con 8 ICcntu.ky Con . 13 Andes 19 Mcx'cmi . 70 Helcher 24 Occidental Con . SO Uenton Con 10 Ophlr . 110 lfat ) & Beloher . . . . 57 Overman . It JJnlllon 7 PotosI . 31 Onle lena | 43 Challenge Con 2S lelcicr . 0 Chollar 40 ISIerra Nevada . 12 , " , Confidence 75 .ifillver 11111 . 4 Con. Oal. ft Va.l.s.- ' .SUindard . 325 Crown 1'olnt 57 | llnlru Con. . SS Gould & Currte . . . . 41 Utah Coii . M Hnle & Jjorerosa . . . 43 _ Yello\v Jacket . 34 " Silver bars , C9HcT" Mexican dollars , 47'i(0' ( ' 4Sc. Drafts , sight , l"V4c ; telegraph , 20c. Xcw York ill UK Quotation * . NEW YORK. Feb. 24. The following are the closing prices for mining shares : Cliollar 35 Ontario . 575 rrown Point 25 Oph'r . 105 Con. Cal. & Vn 3M Plymouth . 100 Deadwood 4j Quicksilver . l.,0 Gould & Currie . . . . 40 ilo pfd . DO ) Hale & Xorcrofs. . . 3.1 Sierra Nevada . lOii Homeatnke 5000 Standard . 30 Iron S'lver SO Union Con . f.o Mextoan CO Yellow Jacket . 27 I. o nil nn Stock ( Imitation * . CONDON , Feb. 24. 4 p. m. Closing : Consols , money . .7.111J1 N. Y. Central . 14Hi Consols , acct. . . > vlll 5-10 Pennaylvan'a . C8 % Cna-adlan Paclila . . 03i . . I : , " . . Union Pac. pfd . S.1 Krle 1st pfd . . , , , . . 40'I Atchl on . 24V Illinois Ontra : . . . , lt , Ixiuls. & Nash . cs " Northern 1'ac. pfd , W Grxuid Trunk St. Paul . 1345i JAR SILVBR-Qulct MONEY 216 per cent. , Discount in the open market for short or'nV2 ' P8r cent : for tllreo months' bills , 25-lCtJ2 % per cent. Financial \otcH. ? ) ) . X9 LI5ANS. FeK 24-Clearings , MU. $2,4S2.50t ) ; New York exchange , bank , $1 prc- nl'u'nt ' ' : ° n"nprclal , par to 25c premium. „ CHICAGO , Feb. St. Stocks active ; Allev , i6'i : Biscuit , common , GO ; Biscuit , preferred iJi ? = : oortt Cll1cnt:0- : V6 : West Chicago 03V4 : Strawboard , 30 ; Diamond JIatch. 142U clearings , $20,711,12(1 ( ; balances , $1,730,713 ; New lork exchancc. 30c discount ; sterling ex- j12i'iAiIVStea ! fntes , $4.S55T4.87 : actual rates , $ I.SI'/lT4.8G ' > / < , : sixty days , tl.SVrfH.SaU. ST. LOUIS , Feb. 24. Clearings. $3,024,235 ; balances , $309,560 ; money , 4JG per cent ; New Y2.rI .S'5SlliillR' ' ' 1 > ar hl < 10c ] Premium asked. CINCINNATI , Feb. 24.-Money. 21,4 6 per cent ; New York exchange , 23c discount : clearings , $2,017,900. nivlili-iiil Ic lni-oil on PniiliiiiKllc. PHILADELPHIA Feb. 21. The directors of the Plttsburg , Cincinnati , Chicago & St , Louis 'Railroad ' company ( the Panhan dle route ) have declared a dividend of IV. per cent on the preferred stork. The. qu's- tlon of a dividend on the common stock was not discussed. COMIITIOX OF TIIK AVOOL 5IAUICET. SnloN of AV < t > k Show Lit tle niiiiliiiillon III Volume. BOSTON , Feb. St. The Boston Commer cial Bulletin tomorrow will say : The ag gregate sales for the week have shown a little diminution In volume , but there Is a steady cry for wool that has absorbed a good many sample lots. Prices In the main are llrm. The sales of tlio week are 2.&SO 000 pounds * domestic nnd 731,500 pounds foreign a total of 3,317,500 pounds , against 3.9I2.500 pounds lust week and 2,523,700 pounds for the same week last ycnr. The sales to date show an Increase of ss.500 pounds dom. tic and a decrease of 3,700,700 pounds forclKii from the sales to the uame date In 1S9S. The receipts * to date show a decrease of 0,402 bales domestic and II , 80S bales foreign. ANTWERP. Fob. 24-Tlp wool auction sales closed yesterday after a three day * ' Hale , River Platte wool sold at unchanged prices , ranging from SO to 200 francs. Lambs nold best , with sellers unwilling to realize at the prlc s ruling. The demand through out the three days was good. ColTcK .llarliet. NEW YORK , Fnb. 2l.-COFFEE-Oplons ! opened steady at unchanged prlrew. n to 10 points decline , became extraordinarily ac tive and generally weak , led by liquidation of March contracts , following weak Euro pean and unsatisfactory Brazilian cables , now record for American visible supply and weak ppot market : heaviest business for months past ; closed steady and unchanged to G points lower ; sales , 81,230 bags. Includ ing Marc-li , $5.23 ; May , $3.45 ; June , $3.50 ; Au gust , J5.G3 ; September. $5.0 ; October. J3.731J G.M ) ; November , $5SOf5.i | > 'ij December , $3.93fr 6.00 ; January , $ G.OO < HG.03. Spot , Rio , dull ; No. 7 Invoice. Cic ; No. 7 Jobbing , c. Mild , quiet ; Cordova , \e > v York Dry finoilH Market. NEW YORK , Feb. 24. Advances In bleached cottons. Advances of Uo quoted In southern brown shCL'tlngnnd drills. Prints very strong In llrst hands and tend ing upward. Ginghams and white goods strong. Coarse colored cottons , such ns denims , ticks and plaids , unchanged. Print cloths * and yarn goods strongly held. The- demand today has been good , but scarcity of supplies checks builncsa to some extent. Jobbing trade better than of late. Market for burlapa very llrm , with fair dsmand. SiiKlir MllrUet , NEW YORK. Feb. 21-SUGAR-Raw. Htrong : fair rellnlng , 3c ; centrifugal , 9G test. 4c ; molasses sugar , 3 11-lCc. Refined firm , NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 24.-SUGAR- Qulet ; open kettle. 2 % < 33 9-lCc ; open kettle , centrifugal , S 9-lC < ff4 5-lGo ; no granulated or whites ; yellow , 404e ; seconds , 2i < iT 315-lCc ; molassfs sternly ; open kettle , none hero ; centrifugal , CfflCc , Slio and Leather Trade. CHICAGO , Fh. 21 , The Shoo and Leather Review of February 23 will Bay : There Is scarcity of native steers here. Tills condition tends to make native steer hides high In price. The packers ar closely sold up and are holding their lim ited stock ilrm and strong , despite th long haired reason. Natives were Bold this wet-k at HUc. I * Indicates Sunday. The olllclal number of cars ot stock brought lu today by each road was : Cattle , HogSheep. . c. , jr. & st. P. ny.- , 2 a O. & St. L. Ily i Mo Pac. Ily 10 9 Union Paclilc system . . . . 10 u ll F. , E. , t M. V. H. K 13 1C 1 S. C. & P. Ily i j ! C. , St. P. . M. & O. Ry. . . 10 I B. , < i'M. U. H. R 14 12 2 C. , B. , < i Q. Ily 1 3 K. C. & St. J 4 C. , ll. I. & 1 > . Ily. , east. . 1 3 Total Go 63 14 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 1C 4SIJ G. 11. Hammond Co SG 859 Swift and Company . . . . 2-59 003 Cudahy Packing Co 409 849 P. U. Armour 98 1,301 Vf. I. Stephens 128 Huston & Co I . . . . Hill & Huntzlnger 7 . . . . Ij. F. Husz 7 . . . . l > lvlngstou & Schaler. . . . 33 . . . . H. Hamilton 44 . . . . Omaha , K. C G3 . . . . Hammond , K. C 107 . . . . Cudahy 1' . Co. , K. C. . . . 140 814 Other buyers 57 . . . . 1,792 Loft over ISO 4GC Totals 1,513 0,374 3,450 CATTLE Today's cattle market was not very prolific of new featurew , the trade as a whole being In Just about the same con dition as yesterday. All kinds of cattle were In demand and the pens were cleared in a very short time , everything being sold and weighed up at an unusual ly early hour. Only eight to ten loads of cornfed steers wore included In the offerings and none of them good. The buyers were out early and took everything In sight , paying good firm prices. Common to pretty decent cattle iold at Jl.50ft4.95 , there being nothing good or choice to put a top on the market. Cows and heifers were also In very lim ited supply and good demand and the mar ket was strong and active. Cow stuff is pretty nearly back to where It was before the break In values. The few bulls In the yards Bold well at unchanged prices. Veal calves were scarce and good sellers. Stockers and feeders were In active de mand and as there were only a very few on sale the yards were cleared in a short time. The prices paid were strong and fully satisfactory to the sellers. The de mand from the country , while not so very large , Is constant and there Is ready sale right along for u moderate number of stock cattle and feeders. Probably a good many more could 'ie Fold If they wore to bo had. As will be nc.ted from the table above , the receipts of al. . kinds of cattle were very light , and for the five days this week there lias been a large falling off as compared I with the corresponding days of previous weeks. Of the cuttle reported In the yards today seven loads were consigned direct to Cudahy , four loads to Hammond mid three loads to the Omaha. Representative salea : BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 1..1010 $3 50 1. . S20$4 25 15..1356 $1 G3 1..J270 8 S5 4 , . 932 4 25 33..1183 4 70 1. . 730 3 SO 22..1079 4 40 20..11SS 4 70 1..1100 4 00 7..1001 140 19..11G7 70 2..1000 4 00 4..10SO 4 45 10.1360 4 75 2..1SGO 4 00 13..1043 4 50 IS..1250 4 75 1..1150 4 10 20..1097 4 EO 29..1423 4 75 7..1075 4 15 0..1195 4 Go 5..1211 4 SO 1. . S70 1 15 S .1217 4 GO 2IJ..1175 4 95 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 14. . 47G 3 75 8..1011 4 30 39. . 870 4 35 COWS. 1. 710 2 25 .1170 S 00 1..1140 3 GO 1. .ISO 'I f 0 1..10SO 3 00 L. 930 3 GO 1. 920 2 50 1. . 890 3 00 19. . 992 3 GO 1. S10 2 GO 5.S. . .1004 3 00 10..112G 3 GO 2. 9CS 2 GO S. P55 3 10 1. .1100 3 G5 1..1070 275 1. . 850 3 10 3. .1103 3 63 1..1000 2 ' 1..1030 3 15 1 .1231 3 Go 2. . 725 2 75 4. . 9G3 3 20 4. .10SO 3 65 1. . 910 2 73 12..11W 3 25 14. .1147 3 Go 1. . Mil ) 2-75 1..1100 3 23 11. .1042 3 G3 1. . 770 . 75 913 3 2i 12. .1108 3 Ki C..10IO 'i 73 1.II . SUO 3 25 5. .1078 3 70 JPO 2 85 II .1080 3 33 1. .1100 3 70 . 890 2 S5 5 ! .111)0 ) 3 35 3. . SP3 3 75 . 9S1 2 S5 c.i. . .117S 3 33 3.r. .1110 3 75 .1017 2 S5 i. . 970 3 33 r.nt .12GO 3 75 . 9C2 2 83 4. .1032 3 35 nt . ! Hi3 3 75 . SSO 2 R5 41. . 931 3 35 I ! .1230 3 75 . 9tt > 2 S3 1. .1220 3 41) 11. .IOC ! 3 75 . 9SO 2 85 1. .12SO 3 40 3. .1241 3 SO . .SSO 2 SO 1. . SIO 3 40 1..10TO 3 SO .1023 2 SO ,14W 3 40 20..112G 3 SO . (1.13 ( 2 l 0 : : . .H83 3 45 L. 850 3 83 . 510 2 Mi 17..1182 3 45 L. 870 3 83 .103 2 9 > 12'C ' 3 M 1..12CO 3 8 j 910 2 93 1..10WI 3 50 S..inoi : : 90 l NO 3 00 1..10SO 3 50 9..10S2 3 HO [ l . .1000 3 00 2..105 350 35. . S32 3 90 1..1120 3 00 C..1202 3 M .10X0 4 00 1..1150 .1 PO 1. . 7SO 3 CO 8. .1387 4 00 3. . 99G 3 00 2..1240 3 50 .1190 4 00 G..1100 3 CO 2..1210 3 SO .1150 4 00 L. 870 3 00 2. . GS5 : i 50 .1210 4 ro 1..1200 3 00 1..IOOO 3 50 .14CO 4 CO 1..1120 3 00 G..1105 3 50 1..1430 4 10 COWS AND IIEIFEIIS. 9. .1120 400 2..1200 4 10 1. . 850 3 50 2. . 895 .1 KO 2. . 7R5 4 00 ' ! fiO 3 75 1. . 020 3 90 4. . 912 4 10 ll. 700 3 75 G..11CG 3 fiO 3..1123 4 15 U. . I..1IO ( 4 00 3. . H7G 4 15 11. . 850 2. . 840 4 CO S. . S82 4 23 RTOPIC COWS AND IIEIFEItS. 1. . S"0 325 2. . 915 333 2. . 425 3 GO 1. . 720 3 L 1 . . G30 3 40 7CO 3 fiS 1. . CSO 3 25 1 . 910 3 10 730 4 15 1. . MO 3 30 19. . rai 3 55 7SO 4 15 HUU.S. 1. . 7SO 2 75 4.C. . .145J 340 1 3 fi.3 1. . KO 2 75 C. .1200 3 45 1 .1010 3 r,3 1..1310 2 S5 1. .1410 1 . 930 n or , 1..1100 3 00 1. .1CCO 3 50 1 . 9,0 3 Ki 1..12jO 3 00 ' .16M ) 3 50 1 .1411) ) 3 70 2. . 970 3 10 4' . 1172 3 CO 1I .1070 3 75 1. , KIO 3 25 2..1370 3 50 I .HBO 1..1020 3 23 J..10IO 3 W ) 1 .IGO 3 so 1..12FO 3 30 1. . ! 'SO 3 M 1 1SOO 3 85 1..1&SO 3 ? .0 1..1030 3 SO IttO 3 S3 1..14W ) 3 35 1..12V ) 3 1..1710 3 90 1..1D10 3 35 .1COO 3 GO 1..1S10 3 ! < 0 STAGS. 1..1430 4 00 CALVES. 250 3 73 1 . 230 G f.O 130 G 50 220 5 00 2. . 2M 000 140 G 75 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. SSO 3 20 n.103S 4 00 1. S.XO 4 0 7GO 3 50 3. . " 53 I 25 1. 370 4 ' 530 3 C5 3. . S.M 4 30 1. 310 4 75 870 3 iO 5. . 7S2' 4 35 1.i ; i'X ' > 4 5 S3 3 80 Csl 4 4U i ! . 400 1 'M S..10S3 4 00 10. . 56S 4 40 10. . 507 C 00 2. . 793 4W 30. . 937 4 45 HOGS Today'8 market opened about EC higher , or , more corrctly opeakln ? , with buyers bidding 6c higher. Advices from other telling points were quite bullish , and that , together with the light receipts , gave Kellers > i prftty good opinion of the value of th Ir holdings , and. as a rule , they were asking an advance of f-filOc ; . Seine choice | heavy hogs Bold parly at J3.70. but generally , packers * were bidding only t3.C2H for good hogs , while sellers were asking $3.051/3.70. With buyers and sellers so fur apart the market wns naturally slow nnd the mornIng - Ing was qulti well advanced before very much business had been transacted. liuyeru , stood out and sellers had to give In In the end , the hogs being all told In good season and at an advance of only about 5c. The extreme close WUB a little Blow and weak. Light und light mixed hogs sold vry gen erally at f3.f.f(3.fi'i ( , as audltiHt $3.J2liff3.60 ! yesterday The heavier mixed loads went largely at W.C2 4 ' - V4. an against fS.UMi 3.G2V4 yesterday , and the best heavy brought J3.70 , a * against a top of J3.G5 yesterday. The real reason for the reluctance of buyers to advance values this morning was duo to the fact that this was the high mar ket yesterday. A big drove of hogs bought on this market yesterday co t G&c more than a drove bought on the Kansas C'ity market of exactly the same average weight. i A drove bought by the frame packer In Chicago , with only three pounds dlftcrwe In the average weight , oust only Oc inure . than the Omaha drove. Uuyers had thefco I figures before them when tiny went Into the yards this morning and for thut re-aeon they wire not prepared to advance prices ns much as they mlgtu otherwise have b > n Inclined to do. Today's receipts were very light as com pared with n week ago and It will be noted from the table of rce'lpta nt head of column thnt for the five days this week there 1ms been n decided falling off s compared with the corrt-'pomllng days of Inst week. H will be noted from the tablof average prices that the market Is getting nearly back to where It was the llrst of last week , but It Is still considerably under the high jwlnt of the month. Representative sales : No. Av. 81i. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. J3 . 175 . . . $ .1 31 80 . 22X 80 R 0214 23 . 1G.S . . , ,353 72 . 210 10 3 C2'4 SI . Ill 40 .1 GO 10 . 2M . . . 302- , 10 . 243 . . . 3 CO 70 . 211 120 3 C2'a ' S9 . 183 1GO 3 GO 172 . 231 tW 3 R2 57 . 217 40 SCO ! > 2 . 213 120 S ( H A 59 . 21G . . . 360 74 . 210 SO 3 ( ,2i ( 143 . S03 . . . 300 70 . 272 40 3 65 J3 . IGfi . . . .1 GO 63 . 243 . . . 365 S7 . 187 40 3 ( M 60 . 271 200 3 t5 ! 10 . 3IS . . . 3 CO G3 . 2S2 40 3 fij 76 . 209 SO 3 IX ) 67 . 232 40 365 42 . 2IS 1GO 3 C2W 9(1 ( . 217 . . . S GeM M . 233 . . . 3 G2J4 fil . 193 . . . 3 65 72 . 212 RO 3624 "S . 250 . . . 3 3 62 . 229 40 3 C2ii 2i . 227 . . . 3 65 SI . 242 160 36JI4 62 . 256 . . . 365 65 . 221 40 3 62't 5S . SOS 80 3 lie 75 . 232 . . . S C2'.4 69 . 217 tO 3 IS 03 . 2C1 40 3 G2V4 73 . 212 . . . 3 CM 87 . 213 SO 3f.2',4 ' 59 . KUO 40 IMS 36 . 235 80 3624 61 . 20 ! SO 363 D2 . 250 . . . 3 6254 GS . 255 80 3 IT , 42 . 2D5 . . . 3 02 < A 61 . 2G9 120 363 66 . 252 120 302(4 ( 62 . 260 . . . 3 G7'i 05 . 25 . . . 3 02 61 . 243 . . . 3 67 > a 24 . 263 . . . 3 G216 7fl . SSti 40 3 01 ' .4 C.9 . 2,13 SO 3 62V4 20 . ! M7 . . . 3 B7'a ' 86 . 212 120 3 C254 S . 213 120 3 r,7',4 , 82 . 2'li 40 3 St ! 5S . 317 160 3 G75i 61 . 215 . . . 3 62 > ( . dl . 30 ! ) 10 .170 WAOON LOTS-PIGS. 1 . ISO . . . 225 1 . 2M > . . . 2 (12U ( 1 . 210 . . . 235 1 . 2W . . . 2 62 > 4 3 . 190 . . . 353 73 . 22 ! ) 40 360 4 . 210 . . . 360 C . 231 . . . 3 t.2'- ' , G . 311 . . . 360 5 . 2G2 . . . 3 G2' < . 5 . 22(5 ( . . . 8 1,0 4 . 292 . . . 3 62'a 5 . 230 . . . 360 46 . 269 40 3 U2Vj 3 . 233 . . . 360 Gl . 272 SO 363 2 . 2GO . . . SCO 53 . 32S 120 370 6 . 1SS . . . 360 SHEEP Today's receipts were the small est of the we'-k to .late , only 3,2:0 head being reported In , as agalmn G.S3S yestetday. However , the receipts today were Just as largo as they were one wc.'k aio. The market was not to the liking of sell ers , In that the trade wns slow and weak on nil kinds at the decline noted yesteiday , j end It was late b tore much of a clearance was effected. Reports from other market ] x > lnta are no more encouraging and 'tho ' sheep market In every section of the coun try appears to be about the siinw that Is , dull nnd unsatisfactory. Sales today were generally about lOc lower than Wednesday. Some pretty fair yearlings sold nt $4.25 and some pretty decent western lambs brought J4.GO. There was nothing fancy on sale. Quotations ar ? : Good to choice fed west ern wethers , J4.1i'iT4,30 ! ' ; fair to good , t3.901j > 4.00 ; choice western yearlings , S4.20JM.40 ; fair to good western yearlings , $ l.lO'ii4.20 ; fed ewes , SS.SSIJS.rS ; good to choice native lambs , $4.60Q 1.75 ; good western lambs , $4.50j ) 4.05 ; feeder sheep , $3.501r3.75 ; fecdur lambs , $4.00fl-4.40 ; cull sheep , $2.00:03.00 : ; cull lambs , $ .1.0053.50. Representative sales : No. Av. Pr. 7 western yearllng-s . 107 $4 25 231 western yearlings . 114 4 30 219 western yearlings . 114 * 4 30 432 western yearllnga . 109 4 35 169 lamb'j . 122 4 20 478 western wethers . 99 4 23 65 western lambs . G4 4 50 2C2 western lambs . 85 4 GO 407 western lambs . 82 4 50 200 western sheep . 120 4 23 CHICAGO IjIVE STOCK MAHICI5T. Cattle Slow , HORH Hrlnl ; nnd Slieop .Soiuland Dull. CHICAGO. Feb. 24. CATTLE- de mand for cattle today was Blow and prices showed no Improvement ; fancy cattle brought J5.755fS.SO : cholca steers , $5.35iH5.70 ; mediums. $4.G3N.95 ; beef steers , $3.40y'4.60 ; cows and heifers , $3.60 1.00 ; bulls , J2.75' 4.00 ; western fed steers. $4.10g5.65 ; Texas steers , J3.5 < Xf74.93 ; calves , $3.5037.25. HOGS Trade In hogs was more brisk and prices ruled 510c highev ; fair to choice , $3.53i3.90 ; packing lots , $3.65 < ff3.73 ; mixed , $3. < XXfl3.SO ; butchers , $3.603-3.85 ; light. 13.55 ® 3.90 ; pigs , $3.10fi3.60. SHEEP Sheep were steady , but there was an extremely dull market for lambs for a further decline of about lOc for choice flocks ; Inferior to prime sheep , $2.651.60 ; yearlings , J4.2iVg4.66 ; poor to oholce lambs , . . RECEIPTS-Cattle. 2.000 head ; hogs , 17- 000 head ; sheep , 6,000 head. Ivniiinn Cl < > - Lire 8 < ock. KANSAS CITY , Fb. 24. CATTLE-Ro- celpts , 3,330 natives , 600 Texans ; demand good ; all grades slaughtering cattle active at firm prices ; light run of stockcrs and feeders that sold at about steady prices ; heavy native steers , $5.10jJ5.50 ; medium steers , $1.5505.10 ; light walghts , $4.201(4.95 ( ; stockers and feeders , $3.7515.00 ; butcher COWB and heifers , J3.00ijj5.50 ; canning stock , J2.2.jfT3.00 ( ; western steers , $4.004.90 ; Texans , $3.501(4.60. ( HOGS Receipts , 11,450 head ; Improved de mand for good packing grades ; the light supply quickly absorbed at 510c higher prices ; butcher weights about 5c higher ; heavies. J3.75fT3.S5 ; mixed , I8.GOS3.SO ; lights , $3.40f(3.65 ; pigs , J3.1DQ3.30. SHEEP Receipts. 2.COO head ; llffht supply of very good finality that sold active at steady prices : lambs , $4.454.SS : muttons , $4 OOJ74.40 ; feeding lambs , $3.10'i(3.S5 ' : feeding sheep. J3.00Q3.60 ; stockers , $2.00J3.25. .SI. I , on IN Live Stock. ST. LOUIS , Feb. 24. CATTLE Receipts. l.COO head , Including 1,000 Texans ; market steady ; fair to fancy native shlpplnu and export steers , $4.GO < i75.90 ; bulk of sales , $5.13 of sales , J3.25ft4.70 ; cowa nnd heifers. $2.00ft > 4.50 : bulk of cows. K.GOfi3.25 ; bulk of helfors. $3.00fi375 ; Texas nnd Indian sieers , $3.00 ® 490 ; bulk of sales , J3.C5S4.90 ; cows nnd hell ers. $2.50ii3.50. H'OGS-RecelptH , 34,400 head ; market a shndo utrongw ; pigs and lights. UC.w3.i5 ; packers , $3.70f3.S5 ? ; butchers. J3.S00-3.S7M ! . SHEEP IlecelptH , 1,500 head : market steady ; native muttons , $3.60i.40 ! ; lambs , $4 OOfi 1.65 ; stockers , $2.50 ; fed Texan sheep , $3.70. XPW VorU MVP Htoulc. NEW YORK. Fell. 24.-BEEVES-Ile- colpts , 2,008 bend : steers steady to a shade higher ; bulls and cows firm ; steers , Jl.Ofru 5.50 ; fair to good oxen n-nl stags , J4.10ffl.ij ; bulls , $ : ! .254.30 ; cows , $ i.5n : j,55 ; cables un changed : no shipments today. CALVES Receipt1G3 h nil ; market steady ; veals , $ l.05fto.75 ; southern calves , "SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts , 3,353 head ; sheep , dull but Hteady ; lambs. 55flOc lownr ; fomo rarly sal at Thursday's prices ; common to choice she p , $3.003(4 ( n ) . Iambs , $ I.OOa5.35 ; most ot the sales , $3,005 ? ' ' 'i'lOGS Recolpts , 2.SII head ; barely ftcady ; Inferior to choice , $3.85fr4.10. St. Jnni-lili l.lviStuck. . SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Feb. 21. ( Special. ) CATTLE Receipt * . 500 head ; market ar- tlvo nnd sK-nily to lOc hlglu-r : nutlves , $ . 'i.W JJ5.1Ti : xiinn mid wcHterns , $3.fiOa4,75 ; cows and liplfrrs , J2.10ftl.25 ; stockrrs and fpcders , ii.Crf/1701 yearling ! * and cnlvcs , $4.33f/l.9j. HOGS liecclpts , 4.3(0 ( head ; nuuknt , r > c hlu'hi'r , mlIng nt $3.rrfi3.80 ; bulk $3.61X11' ) 70. SHEEP Rcc-elptu , 00 head ; market active and steady. riMpiiiiinU MVP s'tiicit. CINCINNATI , Feb. 21. HOGS Strong at J3.25i73.90. CATTLE-Strnng at J2.50fVOO. | SHEEP Sionily at J2.23SI.25 ; lambs , steady at $1.00 3.23. SlocU In Following are the rcett | * at the four principal western mark'Is for February 21 : Cattle. IIos's 8hP"o. Omaha 1.537 5 , < W ) 3.250 Chicago 2.0'X ) 17OJ 5 01 Kansas City 3.tr,0 : 1USO 2.COT Bt. Louis . UW 3lWj UOO _ _ Totals 8.07 C7.9GO 12,630 ( 'otlnn Mnrln-l. ST. LOUIS. Feb. -COTTON-Stoady and unchanged. No sales r > ported. Me dium , Gfi.lCc. ReceiptH. 1.371 ludes ; Blllp- mcntH , 3,262 bales ; stock , 71,755 bale ? . NEW ORLEANS. Feb. 2l.-rOTTON- Qulet ; falea , 2,250 balei-i ordinary , 17-lGo ; peed ordinary. 6c : low mlddlng. : 5 * o ; mid dling , OP : good middling , C ic ; middling fair , 7'c. ' . Net receipts. 5,793 bales ; stock. 3V > - 1)19 ) bnlos. Futur H nominal ; March , $5.W)5 ) > NE\V YORK , Feb. 2l.-COTTON-Qulot ; middling , ttfe. Nc-t receipts , 1W hales ; gross , 3,772 bales ; Bales , 7GS bairn ; flock , 102.- 637 bales ; xpurtn. to Great llrltuln , 3,815 bales ; to France , 28 bale : ' . OH Miirlrcl. OIL CITY , Fcb 24-Credlt balance$1 15 ; ct-rtlllratfs. no bids ; shipments , 01,717 Libia. ; runs , 100.23 UblB. MiiHlrliui Taken Chloral , ST. LOUIS , Feb. U. Prof. Waldmar Mai- mane of tlila city , a critic well known la ttio musical clrrlfj of this country nnd Kuropc , wns today found unconscious In a room nt 4ha Vnu Studdlford hold ns the result of an ovonloso of chloral , lie Is In n critical con dition. Domestic troubles cjuisdl the pro- feraor to Icavo homo temporarily. rnr MniMifnolurorn ( rnmiUp. Ni\V YOHK. Fob. 24. llcprcsontntlves from the companies composing the American Car nnd Foundry company linvo effected a permanent organization. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : William K. lllxby , president ! Frederick II. Katon , vlro president ; Anthony Oreen , secretary. The treasurer will ba chosen this week. Home Iron ( "umpnii- UOMH. On. , Feb. 24. The Homo Iron company hna suspended on account of flnan- clnl ombarrnssmonta. The bondholders meet hero March 1 and hope to resume. Llnhlll- 'tles ' , J150.000 ; assets , $100.000. The Inborcrs ha'-n nied Hens upon the raw mnt.erl.il. Slinniiliiiii Dccllni-M ItlNlioprlu. PHILADELPHIA , Feb. 24. Hcv. John W. Slwnahnu. pnstor of the Church ot Our Ijiuly of Sorrow of this city , who. It wn yesterday nwiouuccd from the pnp > U 'delega tion at Wnrhlngton. hns bccti appointed bishop of Harrlnburg , says he slmll decline the proffered honor. Jli-N. ( ! coi-u < - 1'lrmlM Not CnlHy. CANTON . O. , Feb. 24. Mrs. Atum E. Oeorgo p laid cd not guilty 'to ' the Indictment agnlnst her for the murder of Oeorge D. Paxon ! < tuday , niid her trial was set for April 4. OTimns rorcsui.f SPibCIALISTS. \V * uopcuttillr < rcnt nil M3HVOUB , CHHONIO AND ntlVATr : illxciue * of men u lid n onion. Wm MEN SYPHiLIS SEXUALLY. cured for llfo. Nleht EniUslotu , Lost Manhood , Ily. orocele. Verlcocele , Oonorrhia , Oloet , Dynh. Ills , Slrlctur * . PilM. FMula nnd Rsctai Ulcers. Dlo.b tei , Bricht'B Dlssane cured. CONSULTATION FHK13 , and Cured at homo 5 > y new method without p ln or cutting Call on or nddreas with itnmp. Treatment by mall. DR. SKAHLES & SEAKLES t&M'&tfih HEALTH ES WE<H. en AIM DR. E , C. WEST. NERVE AND BRAIN TREATMENT , VIC ORIGIVU , ALL OIlltRS IMI1AIIOVS. atnld under pcs'Uve V/ritton Cuarnntoo by authOi'lzpil ns < ml only , to cum Weak Memory , , WnkeltlnpfB. FltH , Hyatcrln. Qulck necs , Nlciit Lo ao , Kvll Dreume , Luuk of Contl- deuce. NorvoiiHiieos , ' .siiltutle , all Drains , Youth ful Krrora. or KXCCSS.TB Use of Tobucoo , Opium , ur Liquor , which leadn lo .Misery. Coiioumptlon , Inn.inlty anil Death. At store or by mall. SI a box ; six for 85 ; with written [ junrantoo to euro or ref und rrionpy. Sample paok- OKO , contitnliit ! live UMV treatment , with full iintruotions , KD cents , oneimniple only sold to each person. At store or by mall. Label Spc- Wial Extra Strcnuth. rl'or Impotency , Lota of I'ower , Loit ManliooJ , Plurllily or D.irronesa , $1 a box ; six for 5 , wltlili guarantoog 3 . _ . ' 30 ilttYB. iEjtQrJ ; store or by mall. niycr , Dillon Drunr Co. , Sole lOtb mnd Fariinm. Omnlin , Noli. Dr. Radwny : Dear Sir I have been us ing your medicines that IB , your Pills nnd Ready Relief. These two medicines hava done mo and my family more coed than ' whole drujr storf. I am 63 years old. usrd about six boxes of your pllln ulnco ist spring. I nni as reKUlflr now und feel cc a healthy man of 20 yt-aru. Now , 1 want to find out about your Tie- lolvent , to uao In cnic ; of a younc lady ( etc. , etc ) Hesprctfully August Wltm-r , 612 Fp t 134th St New York A' V)3. ) Purely vegetable , milu . . . Caiue perfect digestion , 1:0111,1. . tlun and heultniul rttUlaru ! > . i'or Uio cure of all disorders of tlie StomaLli , I3o\v- els , Kldnoys , Illadder. Nervous OiHua ca , Piles , MOK. li ADACHli and all dihur- dera of the liver. Price , 2uu per box. hold by all druggists , or mini by mull on tc- coiiit of priue. ItAIJWAV & CO. , 55 131m HI. , New VorU. BP euro to get "Hudwuy'a. " fiflcCREW , SPECIALIST , TrtJU ill Forms ot DISEASES AND DISORDERS OF IY1EN OKLY. 20 YGins EXPEH'ENCE ' , „ 12 Yurs In Onulu. liJtgComuliiticnFrte. Dock free. Full ( trcnsth , hcaltu , tona nnd dtnelnpmeni lo crery portion " 1 the b 'ly. KlTi-cii L of ilui-utv , overwork , worry , l tliu fulli < ; s < > f youth uuil ex- ) ri'isi.i of imnliood 'iiilc-kljr / cured. Appliance and rem edies Ebiit on trial. A'o montu in advnnet , Staled Iiurtlculars fr e , Corre- Epnnduiice conrlduntlal. FMIC MEDICAL CO. , BUFFALO. N.Y. Sexine Pills { inline turn willi morr Uillty and tuentnl vicorbinl li wc-akncbs. dim nervous ilcbil. Ity Lick of coiifiilcncc , vdtlcoccle , lusomiila niid mind wondering. Tliey help you main , tnlu self-control and eiialilu you to think clearly. AlleTrclsof pan mistakes removed mid .Iriimii ! losses FOKBVRR checked. Ji 10 tr | jo\ . 6 boxes ( guaranlced ) J5c . li , ' * Kulm & Co. , or New Economical Drug Co. , Oniuhn , Nebraska. "IflBIES E- BOYD & GO , , Tciuplituic 103 ! ) . Omnli i , Nub COMAHSSION , GRAIN , 1'HOVISIONHand STOCKS IIUAII ( ) OF TIlADi : . Ulre-i ivirilu iiit rii. .iiu .Ntw York. Cormpondrnui John * . U' rr r. Jk Co. roiir PSD ROOrMrlYIUrEBUXi. BRANCH OMAHA IUO. UntOUl MtO.