TTTK < rvr vn v T > VTLY P.FF : ivrnvF > n.v. . FEBIU vnv si-1 * SOITHDAKOT UFAhLATt RE f i Biy ly BUS TAKE BP 71M mate- \ rn al O-rrr tlte Vet at tfc - nr OthfT Bn lne Tran nrtril. : t MMU- tat the PCTili HT tke anr- BM ! K in k Bti3 ptaat. TVe oo - frrorabty oa ta tadxMrta ! MO . AVnlm wita aa aofc > w raw < - i it m1l. | repcu-t ay Purdlm. Aa aaflrrorablc raacrt v * * prawnim ! * a t c bill to r tac the ftnran at tin- railroad caooitewtaeeri M Br DirtfBJ Making tie raf 9 r of .irehi- Metarr at ta agrteulcaral eoitece scat * . Hf W o4f T store ehfwJy 4efl e t * * d - tw af * treesarsr. strfktag Bt 4tscre- ttaavry avtnrs. By tbe aapra rtftfl Hui fMtanttt Ta * p- jrapctote H1.SM ttv pare * ti lie aaOdlag at t e rfttanxi ebool er etnl ay lac dUi-n * of Ta ikf iflnraoon e i * * frark n of the bal- aaee of the cea ral apprsQrtetinn Ml to oomcaat-ee of the wnole was def rred aaMl toxnomrar and act Joe on bills takra ap On moctea of Oteiss acUon on the veto t Gov- rraor Let * MI the Watertown N rsal school bill WAV made a spectai order for Friday zawrztag. Honic Mil was passed to provide ter arotectioo of large Kane , an effort was aa4 Ira allow shipment of game , whirh wi defeated aad the bill pas ed as originally Tae ain ta appropriate E .OOfl far fuel and the matatenaace f a deficiency fund at the insane haspttal of nearly J4.ftf > 0 goes to G Y rn r Lee and the Mil raising the sal ary the secretary of tie railroad com- from SWitt to 11,696 per annum .gtwa t& It. The eeaat Ml ! carrying ST.4M for a de- te the railroad Btigatloa fend was On motion of Plak rtan the vote en the J. T. McClocd appropriation bill. kflted ; eM rday , was reconsidered. A bill ta vtaee the eoBeetlon of deltequent pprsocal pr e rty tax in the hands of the shenS was The tese w nt into committee of the wfeoie aa OKisideratlnn of the bill to pro- v e a State Board of Aadltars asd for de positaries f state fnnils. Several mi = or aaiendaieiita w re presented and the hill will be cp lor afttea Thursday The house adjourned to tomorrow after- SOOD tor farther consideration of the ges- cral appropriations bin in committee af the whole. In the senate Tyler introduced a Mil to provide fer the publicatien in some daily paper of stenographic reports of debates ard proceedtBgs of both houses. Tyler moved the reconsideration of the T le an the veto of the Watertown Normal school Mil and it was passed aver the veto , IS to 2 * . The senate MUd bills providing for the election -Af' coanty commicxionen- , large "end cutting salaries "of orenty treasurers. An ane pt to kill the sugar bounty hill fnfled. The senate killed Dr Tyler's hill far lecislatJTe stenograaJliers on first reading and went into committee of the whole on the general appropriation bill. la this they pracet led rapidly. The only changes of fered ia tie 13ne of advances on tie figures of the committee were granting increases to the State university and normal schools at Madison , Epearfish and Springfield. Other advances were made on an appropria tion for the blind asylam at Gary , as in- tredBced. The report of the committee was I lower than that cf the house and with the raises mode by- the senate and cats by the hocse the biHs will cot be far apart , the only diSerence being in items which will have to be adjusted by conference. The senate passed a. house bill appropriat ing maaey to A. G Somers , to encourags r&aiitaj circles , and the pure food bill. The ftzate adjourned over to Thursday. Mftinsr Committee \ ce ary. As in past sessions , the time for odiours- ment of the legislature is drawing aear with little vark completed. The time for action Q Mils Is now limited to ten working days , oad ia that time there is a { on ? calendar te clean up. This wttl resole ia a. sifting eatnmtttee the last few days of the s- stan te select the Mils which have enough merit in t B-ri to bring them to a vote. A-ma9e In this direction was made in the sessiac yesterday but foiled , the house not yet beiag in a temper to beueve in that aianaer of reducing tie calendar The house has set Tees Jay as the l nit for the introiiacticn of new bills and i is likely that a rush of belatei bil i will ia t They Almost Closed Her Eyes. Physicians of Xo Benefit. Healed by CCTICURA. VTbi-a ay Ettle deter TSI faar taocthi eli brr ebw t fccc ine mil noJ InfiitmL'd. ts ll plcplo tr tc ont over her ticu lud il wan aoc miu4 uf catw , which kmcmt cdomai hrr rff * aad ncLi i faio tbe corarn of her nomh. Far r nj vrrts a pb jildsa tllMidpd IIIT , tet a > etto do- nr < ul Itste or aa bcBe t frca td trHitaert wa MirGfind lot olbur ainuu. W * IHJII stt e = fef f CcncriLi 5 < ur aad a bos of CCTU-CJIA ulut- Her fjicx b'-ilnii cod fba err Too cui 1MB IrOrr u a fcliTOed iy pmrealu , FK D BLSuEH. MM. C. BCEOSU. TETTER ON HANDS CURED BY CUTICURA I hs-i Truer on my huuU fer two jtuu * . Ky v r tul cnclLad bi plcoe * , nail W Jn - itcbad tcmtuf I Ui.-d nt > tni-J uiJujBonjy gwd. MsviSe * d itry uc a aaza btiiEr tim Lhry CO ItMisrr Urtbw me U UL , SALU3 E. COtELASD , W < M 2ad , y. C , Sept. 1 ? , li _ CrmiSBA nri n.vE r. smuwt of Wood prri. Sen "JJ kucoar cur , lausnuiiljr ( la < nnri.ui tfeu uaawu cisoaoU ) . by t uid xalp ted wiM ttueadiy ninit asd cum tiJe scut uotacwe. tfiriicsiteg ia- tiie * UB. Kalip , uxi fliji/i , irith ku * if r r Tftw iiaiinii.il71 * prcbMMim * * nn > tkat tfc riy MWO M * wUI imv * tknir j fnr tta MMbM * tar TitoamjuKmul tMrttwtMiM of tk M I m IB k fanrr t" fm fmoi 4omaaa < err OM MOB97 far DOtJl 1MQMI8 JTVW ij n a l > r hone e tlM > bfl ! mowrtat , ytae * . iosr cTMtr rwnrlrtloBd an 1)M > naoaat of to * to tie lAMitatKHMi la tnr m ywr. MI < ] n raqvtmi tie eewmrrnMC r tc K NVOUIIH a rrrwiaty. vfei ] i arv pn Jta at tkn ta a Imwv bin to te taeai I U tie nt t . ThiItat iBdodwi nil J Smday * tV > Srx itsy ( if Jwmary. twHRk I .io4 t ' it - T > nd of Fflfcniiiry thlrUetit ! * iy of May Fourth of July Labor day. I l fSl < n dajni. ami sw.rr * .v appont < ri by UNi > re l-nt or by tlnr ? ovraor fw a j t > t , TkttBkuciTlai ; or holiday. Xnirn < lnirnl tn Constitution. araeadments arc bx ; which wfli be of trout tmoartaace In a. e thy are s rtiwltt l to tlw penole. One of ticm Is ta rraatwait UK ( ! ! i p nsary amemrao t , whteb WAS adopted by a aitaor- Ity of the voters af the tat last fall , aed uhlch. If a iln rabmlUed watild receive a cr t deal smrr attention from the -eotm , tHan It < ilrt then , when it practically earned by d ftmlu The other would preveat an other sorh an ocmrrface as that af ti" * adCDtJoo of constltatiosal laws by a smalt minority as It requires all amendmenta sub mitted tn receive a majority of all votes east before they aboil 'be ' declared carried. What H known 2.1 tie trieirraph bin came BB la the senate Friday , and before that 1 > dy had sot through amendini ; it on second end reading Ua as a hopeleis wreck , and If h. ever retj through th enate tihe hou e will have none of It. The bill was originally inteaded to place * retrulatlon of tele- rrapt : and t 4tpbon < > companies doin ? busi ness la the state under the control of the railroad commission , but it has been amended to irive tlwsn such arMtory powers that It is practically a dead meajure. Under Its praviilons as it now stands press mei- aa es will be compelled to pay the same rate as commercial messages , and the ase of i frani ia prohibited by severe penalties. Another bill af the same elasK. to instruct the rollraad commission to put into forse maximum espre 1 ? rates which the senate passed after a ton ? and hot fliht. was dis posed of in the house In short orier as an attempt to change the present law under which suits are pending acainst the rail roads and opening a way for new complica tions in the suits. A5TT.CXWALLS ARE TOR * Foanclntlon of Barn - l * tmcmre tn Hr C d for Lnnnilrr nulldlnff. TAXKTOX , S. D , Feb. ± L { Special. ) The walls of the burned eortnge at the asy lum are Seine torn down. It has been as certained that the foundation is practically sound , only a little repairing being neces sary , and it will be used for the erection of the new laundry tuildins. Work on this wdl begin as soon as the weather per mits. On the three buildings ta be erected with the JTi.eOO appropriation no contracts will be awarded. Stone masons will be em ployed and the other labor performed by hospital help. All that was recovered cf the bodies of the seventeen demented women was a few bones , showing how complete was the work cf devastation. CVni are of 3Ili Poncin. TAXKTON , S. DFeb. . 2L ( Special. > The censure cf Miss Poncin by Governor Lee in his message to the legalatnre on the asylum fire does not meet with the approval of Tankton citizens generally not withstanding fnf the censure was mild. Miss Poncin was the attendant In the burned cottajre who save the general alarm and heroically performed her share , with the exception of failing to open the door for the escape ot the patients before zivins the alarm to those on the next floor. The re sponsibility was upon her shoulders alone in that tryinsj moment and her one thought was to save all and stve the general alarm. GnWI1 \ ar Completion. PISHHE. S. D. . Feb. : L { Special. ) The new gas well at this city Sa nearin com pletion , the contractors expectinc to strike the 3rst of the T ? gin flow which bears the gas some time this - e k. They will continue - tinue several hundred feet after the 2rst flow ia reached , as it has been demonstrated j that the deeper the water strata is pene trated the stronger tie Sow of water and gas. The strongest gas snpply is focnd in , the flow Just , aver the granite , which shut 1 off work in the well which now supplies 1 the city with fuel and light. HcavjliipTn ! nt * * of Cuttle. ; ' FIH3.RE. S. D , Fen. 2L < Special. ) The first shipments of young cattle ir coming in and at least one commission house has notS2ed its resident agent to prepare for I heavy shipments of young cattle this spnng. J Indications now point to heavy shipments. end many new parties ore flsunng on start- j tng in the buzineBB in this portion of the state this year. TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST Appruacli of a Culil Wave In Her- n-lilrcl forI > rai > Ua and WASHINGTON , Fab. ! L Forecast for Wednesday Fcr Nebraska and Iowa Fair : colder , wita a cold wave ; nm-LhTesterly winds. For Misflcuri Fafc , oniaar. with a ald- wave In aorthera portion ezsapt 5C Lacis , F r South Dakota Cloudy : probably fcllowei by elesria w ather ; colder with a eoU wave mrrtteriy winds. I For Kaau * Fair in * astra and protoaMy * saow in wmatarn ponvm calmer , with 3. cold j wave , northw at riy uicdB. G a ral 'WeaOuur condiUnas are ones acauaiag a iMciiwl ehasge. A de- low ama is aver Ike upper Ofaia val ley * sutn4ing ta ti * n Blacky mouotaiai. euwpt ia tie sanbv K. h re ao ana of high pressure to adwuudss , aaeainpaaiod by a ooid wave , wfeicb kea thua { or szteodad through Mcacosa aad waswsrn North Da kota. At Havre MCBC. tiw temptratur * wcicnt ia U < it grrs below zero , a tail of 44 d sr * s dtirias tit lost twenty-tour houra. Lural Urrwril. orFirg Of THB WEATHER OMAHA , F * a.-0rah PMO | < tf and nuaCall. coapHr d witk ( toy o but tkre OK. atb. OK an. Maritmun te0i9 HUiirti . . 44 C W 47 Mlolfitfifii ittdp r&twe . ) V 12 3 $ IT A * r * . * 9 Jk B J AU1 . T . .X W . ml tMaaiw for k day a l L Ittk N raiaJ tor tfc * < Ur . . tor th < tay . 14 imr Ki nUBAUI CMdht day y ter Att * ay . . . - mtefiUI itMtut Marc * 1 _ . .3L ( tee MimHi 1. . I tar * or jwrtod UK M.m lor ar period. DM . i.1 L JV. El LscaJ Far a t Mmmnt GMBfted PH CTS tT Will BE LAW THIS SESWM ! nt * WIHIno : to Vole Mirn nntl -y to j li Prr Mrn * . hnt * < > | < > rt to Permanent Mo or tftd RMI-RNwteT * " "T nronpmlw- ton Mil ITM brtpw la tta tftuuf tortny Mr. ff TH ? Md Mr Wurmu rpjmlvHwHw , pwtwl tlw midUMr. rail MC mtdi n Mr O < Krtn , ftMBncnui , UP MH > it , Vr Pt etor svpaMftciia. . Jdrwwrt t r m- M la nwr nt MM awwl3a ata k k 4 ta tJ MH. Ml UM p lwri reef of tft * eom m < m ! hiir * . ? . CarkTMT * p w ! * , tlwn h Brttrf. Ittr tfee app < MUon m tb * > HITOT kill. He < N > - flnrNI pntcltealtr in * a many amrds that the Hull-Hawley Mil mM not b cmn * > a taw M tHtt MBndon. ! f and tfeo * wko toa4 Wra * ! * H-illlnc ta J TP ti j rfwi- all tJw anmer * T asaa he 4e- stert , but tlHT "wetnBlB l tlwt no Mamllac army irtumld b Ute coontry witterat fait and K- Tie rtnfflce pp-r i rlat * a bill tvas passed today. Mr. 8 ler and Mr. PetUirren1 hai - int ; eaeeladed their jK rJj < > R. after the senate e n led Mr Prt- pres BU > 4 resnlntinas of Use taclaln- fore of South Dakota nrclnc the eaatnrs of tjiat state to suftpor. the treat ? of pen.-e- Commenting on the resolatlins , Mr. Pet- Rftid that ae denied the rtRht of the to instruct him. althmich he TOS giad ta hear from the body II1 r itiplinirntt to I.rsrl lntnrr , "The present leelslnture at S uth Dakota , " < sald ae , "la the third since I was elected i senator the List time. In one a rssolu- Uon was passed endowlBJf thf free and un- limited enlnacp of silver Both houses of the nest letfslnrare jMissed a similar reso- lutlon. The preent leglslatur ? Is In favor of the single mid standard. If I should un- 3ertaie ta follow the course lahl down by the legislnrure I would he on almost every side of almost every public question. " He pointed out that a majority of the leg islators nere not members of succe ialve leg islatures and he believed that on great na tional questions they were as Hkely to be wrong as right. The conference report on the legislative. executive and judicial appropriation bill was agreed to. Mr Vlliaon reported from the Snance cnmmluee a houic joint resolution amend ing the act of June 13. 1SSS , by adding to it a. provision that whenever iny bond or note shall be secured by a mortgage or deed of trust hut one stamp hall be required. that being the highest rate required for either paper. The bill was passed. Mr Quay of Pennsylvania , chairman of the committee on public buildings and ip-aunds. presented a batch of reports favor able to the erecting of subtle buildings in various parts of the country These reports brourit Mr Allen of N'ebraskn to his feet Tlth an Inquirv as to why certain bills which had been before the committee for a year or more had not been acted upon. He said Allen Charsren Pnrtlallry- "Thts reporting of public buildings bills is like the erpert shcSlng cf cards. The fa vored bills are placed on the calendar in the order which the committee desires their pas sage. I make this distinct charge : Thers has been no meeting of the committee on puMlc buildings and grounds at which these bills were authorized to be reported. If any meeting of the committee has been held it was a secret meeting , I mate this state ment simply to call the attention of the senate and country to the matter and not because I expect any change in the methods of the committee. " Mr. Allen proceeded to charse that a pub lic building combination existed and that none but a favored few could gain consjdera- con by the combination. "I want to say to the senator " replied Mr. Quay emphatically , "that his statemetJt that there is any combination is unwar ranted and false. I ; is not tme in any j sense. " j A house bill withdrawing from entry anil j sale and granting to the state of Wisconsin certain lands was passed. A message was received from the house transmitting the bill passed by that body appropriating 128.00.006 to be paid to Spaa in accordance with the terms of the Paris treaty. It was referred to the committee an appropriations. The postcfflce appropriation bill was laid before the senate and its consideration re- somed. Mr Butler of North Carolina re sumed his speech of yesterday. Mr. Wolcott. chairman of the postal com- missicn. replying briedy to Sir. Butler , de clared that as a matter of. fact the increased amount ta be paid railroads for mail trans. pcrtatton was not in proportion to the vol ume of mail. At I o'clock the debate closed and the rating began. Mr Bauer's amendment , reducing ths amount paid to railrcads was defeated 45 to 15. The bUl was then passed. Ua-irl T on Army Dill. , Mr. Hawley wcs recognized to speai on jthu srmy reorsarnization bill and aa he pro- ieeedtsd aas given very doe attention. Ke j said he did not s j how anybody could have j wt d asataBt taiioff up tie tell , far it was | evident to all that aranuUung must be done j to strengthen the president's arm. He added that there could be no doubt that tie bpanuh C.rts aouitl ratify thu tn-aty witrin the next rae or three days. With thta nrceeedta concluded and exchange I completed the army necessarily must be reduced - ' duced to its original dimension of ' 7.060 I men unless somu law should be nact d. jEmi Mr CocKrvU tias tilling to concede J a larjB anay For this tie vauatry ahouid be duty Umnklul , but tor himself he could act sanction the prapobiUcn to create large burees cf native troops , a * proposed by the Ctokr U MIL He oout cded that the F11- IIXCOE were a revolutionary people and 'prophesied ' that a native force would join atohia fcny-eig-jt hours siier 03 H e he pwttcu-1 a grand | and calamitous failure of wen an ajpuri- I mtajt. | Mr. MteefceH of WlsconBin. alto a mem- ' eer of t&e cjo mut * . Collouod Ur. Hjt-a-tnf ' He eritfdctHl the Hull bill , scjruig it was a M , as efaumod , a Tw * ntiaituu bill , as tie oDlr Bmt nni eiuna tn 1 srsutm wjs in the arulktry His tfcea up Tariods details of tie bill , outlining Ma akjeeOciu to or argucitnts in favor at thorn. He advocated a change la the of the ttatf of the army as a T ry "refcrm. criUeijiJae ti oociauu far sot , Iseiudiag a pro isioa on tats point. The j kill was also defective is fiiUIng ui arrange I Ut status of ; n * adjuutat jonenU uxtarsi IB * latragiiiading senoral. Mr. Mitcadl auu 4 at the cpinioc tfait the inerwos < iu M tfc Migs MiaB of tie rnra a&d tsid be mould aa mare tfcwtr w 6 ca tiie we polar titan } , „ waiW tiw r ( w of a Uumulur OB the morality of Bull-lsbUn ; , ' . So ter U. vaa a at mutt fliwiimaEe Iwnr away * ot- uYMiii be aoiriud in tfcu PbiUpouitM. awl Porui Btett. AJ tar JifjaavU hu veuhi aa aa MM ta < ta i aHUUrba ta ckeat our Idmui tela aa altaa p oplL. Kid ar * I Uwr chatiid b < a * w mom trocpa iu < his wuatry bat in prorfaung tor ti-s f t t TkM twanrli ni tam f d TIK * wHM"RllWt3C 9vM wC UI n * ninniN Unornm flM fbvR jgtvtiMc nN)0p tti thv Jirmy wn tl * wonM IMV * to natter of * u lhi m tMr f kin XI" lyoWw viitit llMl tkrpnrMtnt Mil m 9n e taw an proper of tfc IttT tWWItywv Cwdtar ttm aiwwit * y twm tJww wiw A maurnt wnMMMv ta Rrt out of tk * , wn branch of tJir wrrtrw .ind tma Urn ' ' - -thick. ki mid. wwi nn- nemnlr Tlw offiw wlt Ow "poH" and tlH jtrnatwu. JwMHwl IMlnmro wan < ihlp to rain fete point. Mr. WJUTVO flf i ywninn. A ni wtupr < tf tn atlitary aOfeira eRmntttmt. * llwrwl a me- fally prwpnrrd * pr Ji. birtly t ilirlail In It * iwttir * . In tlin oonm * of Tfcteii kr n - 1 tnwn i lJu > Hull-HnwVy Mtt n4 wtat JK > > I Ockrrll. fWt tJwt 5ie Hnll-HnivVj' mf i r tn be pmi H without leUy He msln- thn titty waa pmK wh a .tn army nf wax widch'nt for tile acwls at this cnnntrr Tip * inw t torUSaitton alnne HBtr it : iM9 ( and qttHe aa many more aura were reqalmi ftir army duty on the frontlet * . rnrkrrll Drfcml * ni mil. Mr. Cofkr ll , the leading democratic member of die military affaint committee , opnakin : ; In oppoMtkin ta the Hull-Ran ley ' WH. ii eM tint the rwr nnlsatinn of the j army was absoluuJy n Hwry The n < i- stty ftir a change had b en dlstlnrtly shown. It wa evident , he nM. that either the or mt = at ] n waa deficient or the oulcers nere inetHcient. Mr. Cockrell declared that there waa not sufHcient tltne In the ten re- tnainlni ; days of thU session tn dtecusfl , for mulate and pasi a perf t reor anliathm bill and he added that no bill ich a * had been proposed should be passed. "W * prapcM. " aM he. "ample provision for every * mereacy. We - ill slve the ex ecutive every dollar and every man to sus tain the irovemment that la necessary " He tien analywd and explained bis bill , offered as a substitute for the Hull-Hawley measure. In the course of this part of his jn iment Mr CotRseH maintained that one briijade waa amply sufficient for the oe l of tie Caited States In Cuba and that a greater force was a menace to the peace of 't-.e island. If the Cubans , he said , were siven tie rltht ; to guvem themselves and there aos no doubt In his mind that .hey had the ability to do so they would tfve the island a snod qnvemment. Discnssinsr Mr. Hnwley's contention , that the addlUonal men provided by the measure he had reported were accessary. Mr. Cockrell ssid ' "We will zlve you every man. and every offlcer itat is necessary , but we are not willtnii at this short session to fasten upon the country a. standing army of 160.WO men and to increase the expenses of the t people by millions of dollars. We are offer- ' ins everyth-csr that is fair and Just and rishtWe will clve you every man you need by the extension of the provisions of the j present law for two years. That will meet every emergency likely to arise and in the next consresaae can discuss it fully and considerately " Only Wnnti Fair Dlnpn alou. "I indulge In a. aiibuster occasiooally my self ' sajd Mr. Mason interruptini ; Mr. Cock " - full cotice when I rell. "but I al-aays sive mean to do so. I think Jt perfectly permis sible under the mes and F wou.d like to have the Missouri senator Inform us If such is Cis purpose cow ? " "I am always frank , " replied Mr. Coekreil. "and I am frank when I say I have no In tention of b-nnnxig- sMIbnster. I only want to secure a. full and fair discussion of the army bilk such consideration is so Important a measure should have , and every senator knows that it is impossible to get such dis- cissioc In the ten days left of the session. " j "Then. " retorted Mr. Mason , "wa are not to hava an announced filibuster * " Without replying Mr. Cockrell at 4.20 yielded the 2oor to Mr. Pntchard of North Carolina , and the senate , on. his moiion. went into executive sejs m. AC 5 02 the senate adjourned. HOCSE TVORKS OX THE \AVAL BILL. Otij ctlonn JtmJe to Re- r VaTal Aemlemy. WASHINGTON. Feb. 2L The house reached the last page of the naval bill today ( and adjourned with a point of order pending I azainst a provision Sxing the price of armor plnte at S545 per ton. The provision in the bill went out on a point of order on the . ground that it was not limited to the armor j j to be purchased with the appropriation in the bill , whereupon it was modified to meet this objection against ic. the point of order , pending an adj-ournment , being raised. Much of the time today was occupied in debating the amendment offered by Mr Mudd , republican of Maryland , appropriat ing $720.60 to complete the three buildings authorized to be erected at the naval acad emy at Annapolis. The naval committee with the exception of Mr. Cumzniags strenuously opposed pro ceeding with the work of rehabilitating the naval academy until comprehensive plans had been decided upon , but the house over ruled the committee and adapted the amend ment , 73 to 33. The two important provi sions in the paragraph providing for the construction of sew ships went out on points of order. One provided that no more than t o battleshipa , two armored and two pro- j tected cruisers should be built at any one I yard. 2 a other provided that no bid for the i j construction of ships should be entertained ' from any 3ra or company waich had not at j the time of building an adequate plant. At the opening Mr. Brucker , demo crat of Michigan , denied that he had voted in the negative yesterday on ! the bill appropriating J20.60fl.008 for pay- 1 nent to Spain. He had voted in the affirma tive and the Journal was corrected. A till was passed to grant to the Shuts City & Omaha railroad a right of way through the Omaha and Wlnnebego Indian | reservation. The house further instated iipon tta diaozreement to the senate amandmeuu i to the bill for thtt allowance of certain ] claims under the Bowman act and asr J tea a conference. t , Mr Henderson , republican of lono. chair man of the committee on judizisry. vhlch investigate ! the right of General Wheeler of Alabama. Mr Bobbins of Pannsyivanta , Mr CoUon of Kentucky and Mr. Campbell of Illinois , who held commiHions ta the army , and members woo served on severs ! oommucionc. to eonticce ui hold their saata in the house , formally prosantad the report of the committee , which srai in favor of. the Ties- tint Ute four memoerxABO accepted military cammifcstcns thereby vacated their I & eu in 're house. The report w ot upon i lae calendar and Me n. DeArnumti. damo- I crat cf Missouri , and Paner. republican of , X w Jersey , were < iv a l as ta Sla a ! alacrity report , in wtticb they will aon- utnd Utat tie same rule should owrn mem ber * woo aesF9 * t civil cammueiuua. A a U was posted to grant the Gulf & Northern Kaiirood eampuBy a ii at ofaay ! > iT * gh Oklahoma fermory. aad USB bouse tins KMttUBtxi eaagUtwatian of the aaval ap- proprtaoon aili. Iletuiicrntlc ; tttvtnury Cuiumlttw. WASUIKO7OW , F B. St. Cfcatrmaa Janm ot the liBmocrailia.llimuil oamratUee has appuiated aa advisory eomoiitti * to tae aa- he ocju.t < < f is. nt , 'Se ne < 'T Hr in atOMwtr M i M. Watt * mt r llfnratn. D J CM * ami at MlraMmt. * vrn l MrK TorK. Joan f Alt * l.l < rt IlUaoln. Wtlltaaw at M * tBw rtu . Tke will tw la SITUATION PLEASES CABINET MnrVnl fttnnatr fnr tlir n * ttrr l | - hi Phttlpplnr * 5 vl Prni- ti fnr tti - Irmjr Hill. r h JI TJwt < wMw t at ntrrllmt tiHtny Jhwnii"-d ih ffotn < Viwr l ( Mfei ti Mantln iMaarltu4an thai tbr rawntlly in i3k > Philippine wan ? nfilit < f - blr HttprnvM. Pram otfcur * ourr It to Imrawt tlMit the imrarn nt taMtara l w admitted tlwt nlMn : k ? naitmt Suitm Hmam Hi * rrtafornM by the tramp * now B < * irl * * Mftnlln tbrtr ctmnrw * of mmM win M * cnmtly nNtttew4. Tim tfam nrach neoiirs wwnt. mut it to rally Di-llpTert rtrnt tfe campfe * * llm of 1k * Inmrtimiu will JKP i mnttnr of .1 camiMrMiv * ! ? short time. It ! wtil that C-spral Qomm In now w h Owiwal Bmnlw tor tine itt - . a ( the tJiHWMM wtolch It In c- v | | | be { wlrt to the Cnban tumps within a very short time < if adraintotratlnn expmMiim } the expectation that the anny re organisation hill would yuan < -oner w wither or without Important VVKHTBII.X VKTKM tnrvlTor nf theClrtl Wnr niuem - lir-rnt hy tin * IV T rj > nicnt. WASHINGTON : . F < * : u ispeaiau The western peiulnns have been & sun of February 8 Nebraska R < wtoratkc Samuel X P ! h- IcK. Soldirri Home Hall. W. Inrr ue , William H Is * . Sii-cklpv SS to 110Ewkl.l Powlet , Wai-nerv-lle , J12 to 4 B sjamln F. Cropsey j:2 to Stl WeIey Bnrrls , r City tsa J12. Ra nus Scritomler , UIHan , ffi ; o ? 10. low-j O-iirlnai Thomas Jay De j Molne * . S to K. Restoratlcn and r tesue Willhan Baxter , dead. U ke MStls. Iir. Renewal- Bernard Reynolds , Grfnnell , $ t Increase- John Cre ; ! r. New Market , W to SS Georse SL Dickey. Griswold , III to XI3. Reissue R l- Tard Taylor Moorbead , J . Oriitnal widows etc. Divld G'll father Iadr ? n- < Ience , SIS Emma Kinnor Woodbine , $ S Mary V. Craren , Ottumwa , Sa. Reissue Elizabeth Marrh. Seney , $12. Montana Original \uirusuis L. Wood ward , Mirsoula , JIO. Incrciae John M. Bernard , Ratnlock. S5 to J3. Colorado Increase John W Zimmer man. Hytfene t6 to S3 Crtah A. Mlckley. University Park. J6 to $5- rtCRBAMZ POR THE Conimttt - - UaV.ei Farorahlp Report nn Prnjpcr tn theenntr. . W \SHIXGTOX. Feb. 21The senate com mittee on punllr buitctiass and groundb to day made favorable reports on public bul'.d- Insrs as follons To Increase Hmtt of cost for the building at Omaha , N'eb. . ta J1.SOO.OW : Eli n. 111. . HMOOfl : Eau Qolre , Wls. . $30,000 ; Jollet. The limit of the cost of the bulldlns ; at Stockton. Cal. , was increased to $156,300. Ohin 3tn on C < imniiNfon. W VSHIXGTOX Feb. 2L The bill provid ing for the appointment of a commission to Cave chnr a of the affairs of the Vlcksbur ? Military park Tilt be sliced by the prftsl- < itnr scon. The members of the proposed commission have already been elected. It is understood that those elected are : Hon. Jonn Kountie of Toledo. OHon. . Steven D. Lee of Siarkville. Miss. . Captain J. G. Everest of Chicago and Captain HSgby of Mount Vemon , la. Vppninrment * at Prrililent. W \SHIXGTOX , Feb. 51. The president oday sent these nominations to the senate Joseph A Gill of Kansas , Judge of the United Stales court , N'arthern district of In dian Territory- David D. Shelby of Ala bama. United States cirsuit ] udse far the Fifth circuit. Ex-Govrrnor Klt-trher It Ut-tter. WA5HIXGTOX Feb. - Ex-Gov ernor Fletcher of Missouri Is slightly Im proved today DEATH RECORD. 31. T. Patrielt. At 1 15 a. m. yesterday , at his resi dence. Twenty-fourth and Lake streets. Colonel M T Patrick , one of Omaha's oldest residents , passed away Heart failure is said to have been the cause of his deatn. Mr Patrick had been ailing only t-vo or three days and no thought of his Illness being dangerous vrzs entertained. Monday evening , however , he grew morse and sank rapidly until 1 15 o'clock yesterday morning , when he breathed his ; last. Colcnel Patrick was bom aear Plttsburg. Pa. . February " , 1831. and was therefore iust past 6S years of age. When quite young his family moved to TTniontown. Pa. a hers he was encnged in mercantile pur suits until 1826. when he came to Omaha and continued in business until the war. During the civil war he served as colonel of the Fifth Iowa , cavalry for the entire period of the regiment's service. The regiment saw hard service , being a part of the Army of the Cumberland. In the history of the Army or the Cumberland , by Van Horn , the Fifth Iowa cavalry and Colonel Patrick ore hon orably mentioned , the regiment for its gal lant service and Colcnel Patrick for his ever skillful and eSIciezt manner of hand ling his men. After returning from the war he was ap pointed Indian agent at Xorth lattn and * hun the Indians were turned over to the Quakers and the War department hovaa ap pointed morsnal far Ctno. in 1570 , and jerved Jour years , after which he engaged I In mining for two or three years. After his mining experience he engaged in the stage ! i buainese. Ha put on the first stage line be- j , I twevn Hack Creek and Fort Coster and | I established another line between Cheyenne I , and De&dwocd 2nd managed the business of the Unas very successfully Later he m company with his ycunsar brother , A , S , Patrick , engaged in the stock business. The business has increased yecrly and they now have a horse ranch in Montana , a cattle ranch at Sbendan. Wyo. , and a feeding ranch at Fremont. Colonel Patrick was also largely interested in Omaha property Ke 2i a brother of J. X. H. Patrick. X S. Patrick and Mrs. Joseph Barker The funeral will be held Thursday afternoon at S o'clock , at Trinity Cathedral. Interment private. Funeral of Slrn. C. I1'iinii. . The funeral of Mrs. Charles L. Pond was belli from thu residence. IM * North Twenty- ninth street , Monday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev Andrew C Brown , pastor of tie Kacr Preabyj-rian chunh , conducting the ser-- totx BwidtNi thu many Omaha fnenda of the family , there w rw prs nt friends and irom Mm. Fonii'u farmer lume m east. There a r many beautiful -nil froci individual frieadis and. with tbtf ULFKV design teem tfeu business ascci- at a ol Mr Peed , the eulnst was near ! ? bidden tram Ti w. The tawnneat WOE tn Lawa. Ilil luc M Mnu iff LuHtitou. TORK. Jfafc. . Feb. Sl.-i weiaU-- J Putter , av of Mm htcdias ; bisuws * mtt jf LuUum. UUi oouoty. dtad law Iruta xrip and Mm. Junif Uulliiu. Feb. il < Special > lira. JiS-ts Bailou llihi j-Mhterday = t her DO YOU GET UP WITH A LAME CK ? - ? = s ? = = r i n fil . < # > ( . Kidney Troable Makes You Miserable. SWAMP ROOT is the Greatest Remedy for Kidney , Bladder and Uric Acid Troubles To prove to Yourself Its Won derful Merits , You May Have a Sample Bottle Sent FREE by Mail. Ton are In no dancer of being sick if you Seep your fcidnc-vs we ! ! . They filter your blood and Jceea It pur and free from disease-breeding germs. Your otftsr orrans may need care , but your kidneys most , because they do the zacst. U you are sick , begin with your kid neys , because as soon as they are wall they will help all the other organs to health. The treatment ot some diseases may be delayed without danger , not so with Sid ney disease. Swamp Root la the great medical tri umph of the nineteenth century ; discovered after years of untlrtn : effort and re search by the eminent kidney and bladder specialist. Dr Kilmer , and has truly won derful healing action on the kidney and bladder. It will be found by both men and women just TV hat Is needed in all cases of > M- ney and bladder disorders , lama- beck , dull pain or ache In the back , gravel , catarrh of the bladder , rheumatism. sciatica , neuralgia , uric acid troubles and Bright' ? disease , which is the worst form ot neg lected kidney trouble. If your water when allowed to remain andlstsirbed in a glass or bottle for twenty- four hours forms a sediment or settling or home in South Schuyler She was a daughter of Malcolm McPherson of this city and daughter-in-iaw of Mrs. Ballou principal of the Columbus schrols. She leaves a hus band and young child. TECCMHEK. Xeb . Feb. 21. < Specials- Mrs. Mandery. wife of John Mandery. died of typhoid pneumonia yesterday aged 27 yars. The fuaenl was held at the family home this morning conducted by Rev Mr. Grappe of the German Lutheran church. DEADLY DYNAiVllTE EXPLOSION FlvtIlineri InmnntljKlllfil iu UlncUtoii 311 ntat UIrniln - h a in. VJn. BIHMTXGHAM. Ala. . Feb. 2L In entry N'c. 13. mine No. 1. at Bloekton. today a rang of five miners drilling the entry were killed by a dynamite ezploslon. The dead areR. R. L. DA\rEKPORT W. W DAVENPORT , both white , ROBERT CITRETON : MARK DOOLET. JOE CARPENTER , the latter three colored. Assistant Mine Inspector John Duncan , ttio wax at Bloekton , and also Frank Cul- verhousc examined the place. Had the ac cident happened later the fatality aouid have been very great. OtlUi-r Cntcl ST LOCIS. F b2L A specie ! ta thp Po t- Dlspatrh from Dester. Mo . save After : n xll-night chaw , ifflrcra succeeded in arrest- Ins J-4 * * Gregory an accomplice in thi mur der yeiterdav of Joe fovert. a prominent lumber dpalnr. The murderer Mlle ( ; r ary. Is Htlll at large , nith the officers n pursuit. Mob violence is feared if ho is caught. n < * nl Eottltf Oiiler Killctl. CHICAGO Feb. II. H. J Walsh , a prom- tnent real < estute desler was shot dve times and instantly k.lled tniay by John Drtscoll , an employe. The "aooting occurred tn the hallway just outside of Walsh a office ia the Raanake building. La Grippe a neikness bfhini il xhicii nn + rx the xjiien stcu- I : ri7 suii ; t.blo to danjcfcuc silBcnts. SIrtngth suit b qmtl'i tuilt up. LIEBJG g ; EXTRACT OF BEEF. l .i VITALl t . LOST VIGOR MANHCOC Cures Lnpotency,2IighcEraiisIonBand diseases , a.1 ejects of Heif- abube , or esceaa and indls- crition. Anervotonluanil Ijloiid builder. Brint-a the pink glow ta pale caeeka and reitorea the fire of voutit. l BymailHOoperIKJX : O'borea for $2.50 ; with , \rritu-n iianin- tue to cure or refund tlie mouuy. NERVITA MEDICAL CO. Otntcn S. Jncltarn ts. , PHICAflO , ILL. ICulin Je. Cu. , 15 U atlJ Duusiu * . Uiuu- Uu , .feb . hag a eioudy appearance , it is evidence that your kidneys and bladder need .mmp- liatu atlention. Dr. Kilmer's Swnmp Root cor eta Sn- ablllty to hold w ter and promptly over comes that .mplcssant neeeisltv of being compeilt > d to * a often during the lay and to get up many tlmrs during the night This prompt , mild and wcnde-ful remedy i is easy to g t at the drag stores ! n Uttf- i cent or om > dollar bottles. Make a ante of the narnp. SWAMP ROOT. Dr K/mcr i r Sr aaip R < x > t. and remember It is pivpared ! only by Dr. Kilmer & Co , Blnghamton. IX T j Swamp Root has been tested In so many i ways. In hospital work. In private pract.c = , I among the hclple&s tea poor to piirLhaso rc- I lief , and has proved so successful that , a special arrangement has besn made by which all readers of the Bee who have not already tried It may have a sample bottiu aent absolutely free by mail.lsa a book J telling more about Suamp Root and < aa- tatnlng seme of the thousands upon rhou- ' sand of testimonial letters ro'civcl from ' men and women who owe their seed heaUa , ' tn fact , their very lives to tha onder'ul j curative properties at a amp Root Be sure and mention The Omaha Evening Bee when sending your address to Dr Kilmer . Co. , ' Binghamton. X Y ' Dr. IJeniiett'n Klrntrtc Brlc In t OiilT Onein tlnVorIil .ib ntntrly Gunr-jntfnl to Cnre In Ev ry ' Cum. I Will FranUly Tell You So ' It Mr nit Wilt Do Yon 'Yo Good. When manhood's characteristic ene-siea have been llssipnted by vicious rouraea. excesjr'a. over irork. etc. . Electricity Is 'hn only ure and pnanent cure Any con- clenttous physician will tell you this , . - annoture : hpse ohstlnato and 'is di < ahf * they pimply temporarily arily itlmuln'e 'Itey oppose not aid nn- t.ire Sexua * mpo niv Seminal Weak ness. Var'rorcle ' ind Wasting anil 3hrnk- Intr may be radlnily and permanent ! ? ' overcome by the proper application of .1 ? ood. strong steady , never wawrinv. p n- > eiratlns cjrr-nt of Elfctr'clty ThnuirJi. .OR , BENNETT'S ' ELECTRIC BELT yon sjrt lust such i current. my Belt supplier Electricity In H3 purst form. It does not Jolt nor > & * tU GO J ZllTrtXIllQ batteries , and tloea not bum ami mis ter as do the luira metal electr Jea used on all ilher makes of electric belts I have en- t t r * 1 y ovtrc"m thta nrfj ailll my brlt will slvf about four tlme > moro Elec tricity direct into the system than any other belt. Has soft. silken , chamol3ovred sponge elpctroiles that keep optn the pores i of the akin and allon.i all 'he rjrrent to penetnt * v lth other belts he current is , reta'ned upon the aurfact hence tne buma. , 1 worked liarct and aiuiilnj for yeaira ta , perfect my Electric Belt , and I know a- , artly what It will do I therefore jnhesi- f tatlnsly jruarant w a cure in w ry whtre I recommend ' treatment if my Belt. If it will do you no good I mil frankly tell you so. I nave not nor will not ! m > e Ulisaus- - tleU patient. I abno- _ lutely tfuarantio m belt to cure all ium of Sexual Wakneiti- ' SB In Blther sex. i- sturw t-nnanKei ir L'ndeV4slapt-l Organs and Vitality tare Khuutnaticm i n evcr > ' aUiE'e. Kldniy , r.iver , ind Bladder W a ic Back. Chronic Cor > . . ? st i . . . eumie i umplolnta , . . . elenrio belts , aa weal aa Uattertei.- will burn nut. ' ; n tim * > it they sftvo A > urrtat So w il mine but my belt cn fo renewed 'or eniy i > ent no oilier belt van oe r ui'wetl or ' .iny price jml wat-n worn out 3u \ \ r tilers. Mj EJi-ctnc auaprnkory for ho prm - nrnt cure of the various \ vauntftof . mm U FUKE t.i ery malu pur SUIH-T af one of my Belt * . I caniotter m > irjit-a- , s r- fully a great an mv-nunn aa ny ' Belt , anii certainly Is a buun t > 3'iff " " ? , manhpod It. Ilkr my belt , nil ! not burn. Aure . iruarantFHi Write or call upon me today . < o net put it off lelaya are dansi u"Jur t may reach th IncurablH rtn.ce be' ire > u know it Jf y < iu live out of thr'ty r II > nd you roy Xevr Boot : About Klfi ' * > airnptora blankii * T ! utnei 1 ' i Cuamltailon and advice witbuut rest Re- m.-inl > er. t my brli ll | no ! uuru ml t u I tell you o It you ar lOliiK'n T if but r emi * nher blt. . writ * or ull lirst In i all mitkrc of b-lt . so you . . . ur in thxm If y.u want : u irr 'i..e f ae t ' < I wilt 't > an you -ne M i ' ' - TU jo.J In 'Injj ; * tur nur by at-niH . .r.inv Or. Bennett Ec y. , ItuaoiBtl auil UI Uiiualaii Uluak , lltllt , ami Ouclua Street * , Quixlia , "Vrb. Opeu rrutu i.ia u. ui. tu Siu : 3. * 9uadaj > . la tu 1 . I"U ta 3. Tia Die. )