Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 22, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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Our display of wash goods
gatherings from the old
and new world is by far
. .
the most extensive we have
ever shown and worthy of your in
Dilnty Dimities nt 10c , lee and ISc a Tine I'lquca nt 12 4c and 15c a jard.
yard Imported Scotch Zephyrs at 23o , 33c , 40c ,
55eph > r fllnghams at 12'fcc , loc , ISc , 20 < J , fiOc and 75c a yard.
22' < :0 : antl Zoo a. jard
Linen Ginghams , 35c a yard.
Tlno Madras at lie. 20c , 22'/4o and 2Via
H jard 811k Striped Zephyr , 40c to I3c a yard.
today vvero several by Allen of Kurnas.
making It a crime to wear the badges of
certain secret orders unless the person doIng -
Ing no Is n member of the order In good
standing and entitled to wear Its Insignia.
The bills Introduced seek to protect the
Inslgnlas of the Odd Fellows , Knights of
rythlan , Masons , Ancient Order of United
AVorkmcn and Modern Woodmen.
Want ii ( JniiioVnriliMi. .
Some of the sportsmen from over the state
are anxious for the passageof n bill provid
ing a xtata game warden , the same au In
Eomo of the other ntatcs , the duties of the
officer being to see tliat the game laws were
enforced and to take ihargo of the proceed
ings In case of violation of the law. From
the southeast part of the state the olio inusl
actlvo In seeking some way to protect the
game and at the same time provide a way
for legitimate urort In season , Is Clay Davis
of Falls City. Mr. Davis \\as In the city to
day and In speaking of the matter said :
"There Is a great demand for a game
warden. No man desires to proceed against
his neighbor for violation of the law anl
local ofilcers are never anxious to prose
cute In such cases. Consequently the game
hogs and professional fishermen go right
on destroying the game. In my Immediate
neighborhood there Is much need of some
mcasuro that will protect the fish In the
streams. The Nemaha river , which runs
for sovontj-flvo miles through this parl of
the state and empties Into the Missouri
river n few mlle from Falls City , la n
splendid stream for fish , and > ct the nets
and seines and traps at the mouth of the
stream prevent the fish from running up
stream. In the early spring , the moment
the Ice Is out , the nets are stretched across
BO thai all the larger fish are caught , and
none are able to get ton miles up stream
vvhero we , at Falls City , can get a whack
nt them with rod and lino. I have been
down toward the mouth of the Nemaha and
have qccn as many as five nets all In sight
of the same point. As a consequence the
fishermen along the stream at Falls City ,
Salem , Davvsun , Humboldt , Table Hock , Tecumseh -
cumseh and on up do not get a chance to
BCO a good-sized catfish during the year
unless by peeping Into the wagons of some
of the fish hogs who como up through thi >
country selling fish lhal they have caught In
an unlawful manner. "
Mr. Davis said the same difficulty in the
present law woulyJ npply to every stream
of any sire In Uio state dbd that If there
was un officer who could inspect the
streams , order flshvvays built In the dams ,
prosecute the seine and trap fishers nnd at
the same tlmo look after enforcement of
the laws relating to the birds and other
game of the state It would no longer bo
necessary' for Nebraska sportsmen to go
over into Missouri to find good fishing or
shooting ground. He said that in demand
ing seine such law to protect the game ho
did not think the sportsmen of the state
wefn In the least selfish. There would be
n perfect willingness to pay the expense
by private subscription or assessment if
euch a plan were necessary nnd could be at-
rnngcd , so as to glvo a full cnfoicement
of the law by n special officer appointed for
that purpose.
ItfNollllloil of ThlliiKN in PlrNt Xe-
liniHUa SolillerM IN PIINNIM ! .
LINCOLN , Feb. 21. ( Special ) When the
senate convened this morning President
Gilbert requested the sergcnnt-at-arms to
go out Into the hlghua > s nnd hedges to
bring In the straying members , so that the
chaplain mlgllt not have to make a "non-
quorum' ' ' prayer. The necessary number
was secured to make a quorum.
Senator Morgan presented a petition from
Cedar county favoring the passage of S. F.
203 , the pure food bill.
S. F. 25 , to provldo a uniform text hook
law and state commission , was reported for
passngo by the committee on university and
normal schools.
The revenue committee reported the fol
lowing bills ; S. F. 224 , to submit the ques
tion of abolishing township tax collectors
to the voters , no recommendation ; S. F. 241 ,
to prevent the recording of deeds to prop
erty 'whoso taxes arc unpaid ; Indefinitely
postponed ; S. F. 27G , 'to ' Impose peddler li
censes In each county. Indefinitely post
When S. F. 290 , tlio Joint resolution In
praUo of the First Nebraska volunteers ,
wan road a uecond tlmo Senator Talbot
moved thai 11 bo advanced and engrossed
for a tlilrd reading When the vote was
taken Iwclvo voted In favor and six against.
The chair sdld , ho was Inclined to declare
tlio motion carried. Van DUFCH of Douglas
old he voted against the motion because
he did not favor singling out two officers
for special praise. When Senator Talbot
explained that they wcro the only ofllccis
wounded ho withdrew his objections. An
other vote was taken , resulting In a vote of
1C to 2 In favor of advancement.
Sohunl of Harpy Introduced the following
Joint resolution ;
He It resolved by the senate of the state of
Nebraska , lbo house of representatives con
curring , That the following petition ho font
( o the Nebraska representatives and sena
tors In the United States congress :
"In behalf of the people of the bovorolnn
Btute of Nebraska , wo , the scnatu and house
of representatives of thp state of Nebraska ,
petition your honorable body to enact such
lawn as maj PC necessary to transfer all rail
roads nnd telegraphs Into the possession and
nitlro contiol of tbo government to be op
erated In the Interest of the general public.
The following bills wcro placed upon their
third reading and passed ; S. F. 141 , 154 ,
75 , 161 , 143 , 152 nnd 3G.
All arc curative acts except S , K. 36 , which
In Noyca' bill to establish school district
libraries. This bill provides that a com
mittee , consisting of the chancellor of the
university ! state superintendent of public
Instruction , principal of the normal school ,
etato librarian and university librarian , shall
nnnually prepare a list of hooks suitable
for thesis libraries , from which list books
added to the library shall bo taken.
Miller ot Buffalo moved to recommit the
Cure all lUer Ills , bilious
uets , headache , sour atom
ic h , Indigestion , constipa-
Ikui. Tliey act eatllr. with-
Ct Bii oigTlp . boMbjMl
VtU * ( o tafc * vttk if * " * " "
bill to amend It by leaving It optional with
district school boards whether they should
purchase only such books ns were on the
list , ills motion did not prevail.
At the beginning ot the afternoon session
I'rout of Oage moved that when the senate
adjourn It bo till Thursday nl 11 o'clock.
Cnnnday of Kearney opposed the motion ,
sajlng the senate remained In session two
years ago on Washington's birthday.
Senator Prout said the senate should ob
serve legal holidays. Besides , the Investi
gating committee hnd mopped out n full
day's work and was very desirous of being
present during all sessions of the scnato.
Crow of Douglas said several members
wanted to attend the exorcises nt the Deaf
and Dumb Institute nt Omaha tomorrow.
Senator Trout's motion prevailed and the
secretary was Instructed to ofllctally notify
the house ot Its action
The motion to adopt the committee's re
port Indefinitely postponing S. F. 241 , which
prohibits the recording of deeds upon prop
erty whose taxes are delinquent , was recom
mended nnd the bill placed on general flic.
S. F. 243 was placed upon the general
file without recommendation by the medical
committee. It Is the osteopathy bill.
The following curative nets vvero passed !
1GG , 150,157 , 153 , 149 , 148 , 145 , 100 , 53 and 155.
As Is probably well known these curative
nets do not niter the text of present laws ,
but make them e'ffectlve by adding proper
repealing clauses to the acts they amended
At 4 35 the senate went into committee of
Iho whole to consider H. U. 170 , the "em
balming" bill. The bill was recommended
lo puss.
Before adjourning Prcsldeul Pro Tern
Talbot , who was in the chair , suggested
that the house had refused to adjourn till
Thursday. Ho thought perhaps the senate
might want to have a conference with the
house before adjourning. Reynolds ot Dawes
moved the appointment of a conference com.
mlttco. His motion was lost and the benato
11111 ApproiirlntliiK MOIIC > ( o 1'irwt
. VcbrnNkii SoliIlerN IN Killed.
LINCOLN , Feb. 21. ( Special. ) A peti
tion from citizens of Clay county was read
this morning , asking for the passage of II.
U. 421 , the Jansen food commission till.
Standing commltteo report's came In and
among them was one Indefinitely postponing
H. R. 141 , Olmsted's bill requiring the use
of the union label on all public printing.
There was a minority report placing the bill
on general file and on motion of Sturgess of
Douglas the minority report was adopted.
II. Ils. 446 , 25i , 481 and 444were placed on
general file. The last named bill is the
salary appropriation bill and on motion of
Thompson of Morrlck It was made a spe
cial order for next Thursday afternoon. II.
II. 181 is the tellers tilll enlarging and de
nning the duties of the State Board of
S. F. 40 , an amendment to the game law ,
was reported to bo engrossed for third readIng -
Ing and this report aroused a discussion
over the right of sportsmen to build blinds
and kill getao along the sand bars of the
Platte rl\er. Locmls of Butler opposed the
bill and did not want it rushed forward.
Prince of Hall was in favor of the commlt
tee report and said that the law was de
manded by the legitimate sportsmen of the
state and \vas only opposed by the people
who live adjoining the river nnd who want
a monopoly of the game killing. Burns of
Lancaster was In favor of the 1)111 because
ho knew that the birds sought to bo pro
tected were of the migratory sort and to al
low promiscuous shooting along the river
might scatter the game so that some of It
would get down Into other parts of the state.
The report was finally modified and the bill
went to the general Hie ,
II. H. IfiO , also relating to the game lawi
and being similar to S. F. 40 , was in
definitely postponed.
H. n. 310 and 2CO , both rotating to the
gathering of Industrial statistics , vvero made
a special order for Friday afternoon.
H. n. 130 , by Wenzl , reimbursing citizens
of Pawnco county for money paid out in
back taxes on lands purchased ot the state
from the old David Butler' tract , was or
dered engrossed for a third reading.
II. II. 4D2 , by Thompson of Clay , was
taken up on third reading. This was the
bill appropriating $0,000 to distribute
among the companies of the First regiment
nt Manila. A long tlmo was spent In the
roll call and one call of the house was taken
to bring the members In to voto. The re
sult of the vote on the bill was as follows ;
Anderson ( Lnn )0ros\eiior ) , Olmsled ,
lle\erl > , Ilurd ) . reck ,
Uclrner , llnrkaon , Hoiue ,
lilnkc. llurrln , t-imjall ,
Haul er. HnfttlnKi , Hi oil ,
IlrwlerlcU , IllMicrt , Smith ( Ilulltrl ,
llurpmn , Irruel , hmllli ( HU'li ) ,
Dunns .hmwn , Kturgesu ,
Carton. Jnhnt > on , Tanner ,
C-onuell , KUMer. Tuyor ( I'll ! ) j
CTilltcnUen , Line , Ilionipxon ( Cl i >
Iobr > . I.cmnr , Tucker ,
Hnbterl'ne Ixioniln , Wntsun.
iivooj ; , Slllbourn , Weaver ,
I'mllcott , Jlflran , 'VV heeler ,
limns , Jloirl on , Wlleox.
rimn , Murray , 'VV'ooilird ,
Treti , r l > ir , Wright.
nillcr , McCarthy , Kellers ,
nrufton , McOlnley , Mr Speaker Cl
ArmMnme , Hall , bleoke ,
llouer , I fuller , Hmllli ' ( Saline ) ,
rviwthrn. llathorn , SmlthterBer ,
Chamber * , llauck , Knan ,
Co iro\e , Mann , Ta > lor ( Cust rt
Cox , Mi-Prwfoen , Tliomr > "n ( M'r' '
Crockett. Nf l > ll. Vnndt grift ,
Cunnlneham , I'ollird , WnllltiK ,
Detwiller 1'rlpce. VVrntl.
innlmai ! , fVlmlblv , Wj'man
ri her. Shore , Young 34
Orell ,
Absentees : nerlet , IMtmar , Hicks , Jones ,
Memmlnger ,
The bill , having foiled to pass with the
emergency clause , n second roll call waa
had to pass It with that clause stricken
out. The result of this roll call was 45 for
and CO against nnd the bill was killed.
The explanation of votes on this bill aa
sent uo to the clerk vvero os follows ;
Thompson of Merrlck There bolngno
sufildent safeguard In the bill to Insure the
carrying out of the purpose and object In
view , I vote no.
Ta > lor of Ouster I am afraid this money ,
through such a circuitous route , will never
reach the bojs , further It discriminates be
tween Nebraska boys , nil equally brave ,
loyal and deserving ; and , further , surely our
great government can care for Its defenders.
I vote 110.
Eastman I am opposed to any partiality
and especially to puttlusr JC 000 In tbc bands
of one whom this house very recently con
Cnvvthrn Helng of the opinion that this
hill opens the way for unplenmntnoss In
the way of disbursement , I wish to vote no.
Swan-I am an American nnd I nm In
favor of the $2.000 for relurnlnc the dead
soldiers , but I nm not In favor of appropriat
ing $8,000 for the soldiers , ns I bcllcvo thla
U an insult to our government.
Detweller I nm ns lo > al ns any member
on this lloor to my country nnd my flag. 1
appreciate the worthy patriotism of our boja
nt Manila. I cqunllj appreciate the courage
nnd daring of our hoys In Cuba. Our gen
eral government has piovlded and would bo
Unworthy of their fealty did It nol provide
for the return of the dead aoldlots to thlg
country. There nro provisions I cannot ap
prove In the bill 1 theteforo vote no.
Hellers My ajmpaUilcs nro with the bravo
Nebraska bovs who have gene forth to do
battle In foreign lands , but I bolluvo we
should eliovv no partiality In this matter.
The bojs who nro doing service In Cuba
nro as deserving of our lecognltlon ns those
who are doing similar set vice In the Philip
pines. The bojs who dlo of disease In Cuba
should bo returned to their friends ns well
ns those who fall In battle In the Philip
pines. I therefore vote } cs.
Prince I nm In favor of the spirit of this
bill , but cannot vote for the same , ns I
do not consider that there nro sufficient
guarantees 111 this bill that the money will
not bo diverted from the ptu poses Intended.
I therefore vote no
After recess the house went Into the com-
mlttcu of Iho whole with Lane of Lancaster
In the chair to consider bills on general file.
H. U. 233 , by Kastcrllng of Buffalo , an
net relating to the Initiative nnd lefeicn-
dum nnd to amend section 30 of chapter
xxxll of the session laws of 1S97 , was
recommended to pass.
II. K. 230 , by Taj lor of Custer , to amend
section 77a , "conceinlng icglsters ot deeds
and their salaries , " of articles I of chapter
xv111 entitled "Counties nnd County 0111-
cers" of Compiled Statutes of 1S ! > 7 , was
Indefinitely postponed.
H. II 121 , by Olmstcd of Douglas , an act
entitled "Decedents , " to provide that the
widower of n deceased intcsrato shall bo
entitled to receive the same shnio of the
leslduo of said Intestate's personal estate as
a child of the Intestate would bo entitled
to , was recommended to pass.
H H 100 , by Clark ot Lancaster , an act
defining nnd determining the effect of con
ditions In fire insurance policies , making void
the contract of Insurance In case of a change
In the title , ownership , interest or posses
sion of the insured in the pioperty which
Is the subject of insurance or liens created
thereon nnd likewise conditions providing
for n forfeiture of the contiact of insurance
In case notice of loss Is not furnished within
n tlmo certain or in n prescribed manner ,
was recommended to pass.
H. II. 1ST , by Weaver of Richardson , an
act to provldo that all nro insurance poli
cies written nnd covering in whole or in
part property within the state of Ne
braska shall be written , countersigned and
issued only by .1 duly authorized officer or
agent of buch company , corporation , asso
ciation , partnership or person , resident of
the state of Nebraska , nnd providing penal
ties for the non-compliance of the provision
of this net , was recommended to pass.
Flshei offered nn amendment of four now
sections copied from the Now York stat
utes , which wcro adopted.
H. R. 190 , by Mjers of Douglas , an act
i elating to the regulation of the license
and sale of malt , spirituous and vinous liq
uors In the state of Nebraska , was con-
sldeied. The addition to the old law was
as follows "Pronlded that any person or
persons shall bo allowed to sell wlno made
of grapes or other fruits grown or raised
by said person or persons on land belonging
to or occupied by said person or persons in
the state of Nebraska , the same to bo sold
In quantities not less than one gallon with
out piocurlng a license provided for In thlb
chapter , was recommended to piss.
II R. 243 , hy Taylor of Custtr , an act
to amend Ecc.iona i , C .ioJ 12 of subdivi
sion v of chapter lx\lx of the Compiled
Statutes , entitled "Schools , " was recom
mended to pass
II. R. 217 , hy Tajlor of Custer , an act
to amend section 2 ot subdivision III of
chapter Ixxlx of Complied Statutes , entl-
tl3d "Schools , " was indefinitely postponed.
H. II. 7 , by Hvans of Adams , ,1 joint irso-
lutlon submitting to the electors of the
Btato the question of holding a convention
to revUe , amend or change the constitution
of the itato , was recommended to pass
S. F. 07 , by Prout of Gage , an act to en
able counties , citlrs and perclncts to boi-
row money on their bonds , or to Issue
bonds to aid In the construction or comple
tion of works of internal improvement in
this , state , and to legalize bonds nlrcaJy
iosicd for such . " -iipofo , approved Febiu-
nry 15 , 1S 9 , being section I , chapter xl/ ,
Compiled Statutes , was recommended to bo
Indefinitely postponed.
H. R. G'J , bj Postman ot Custer , a joint
rcpolutton proposing and agreeing to nn
amendment to section 1 ot article ill of the
constitution and to provldo for submitting
such amendment to a vote of the people ,
was defeired , as. the Introducer was absent.
H. R. 111. by Wlleox of Lincoln , an act
! o establish u system of public Instruction
for the state and to prevent the mlsappro-
pilatlon of school funds , was recommended
to pubs.
H. R. 155 , by Wlleox f Lincoln , an act
to amend sections 19 and 21 of chapter xclll ,
article il of the Compiled Statutes ot 1897 ,
was deferred until the commltteo bits again
In order that some amendments might bo
H. II. 103 , by Leninr of Saunders , nn act
to amend section 7 of chapter vlll of the
Compiled Statutes of 1S17 , entitled "Banks , "
was recommended to pass.
II. R. 271 , by Olmsted of Douglas , an
act to establish a State Barbels' Kxamlnlng
board , to regulate the practice ot harboring
In this state and providing penalties for
violation of the provisions of this act , wag
recommended to pass
H. R , 204 , hy nnsen of Jefferson , an net
to amend section 140 , chapter II of the Con
solidated Statutes of the Stnto of H93 , was
recommended to pass. The hill requires
owners of swine or other domestic animals
dying with cholera or other diseases to be
buried or burned within twenty-four hours ,
vlolatois to bo fined not lob than $10 nor
moro than $50.
II. R. 208. by McCracken ot Franklin , an
act to amend sections 1 , 2 , 3 and 4 of arti
cle 1 , entitled "Sale , " and sections 10 and
12 of article II , entitled "Inspection of Oil , "
of chapter Ixlv , entitled "Oils , " of Com
piled Statutes of 1897. was recommitted.
H. R. 03 , by Hurmuu of Douglas , an act
licensing and regulating pawnbrokers , deal
ers In second-hand goods , Junk dealers and
chattel loaning ; , and providing penalties for
a violation thereof , was iccommended to
pace ,
H. R , 58 , by Prince of Hall , nn act 10-
peallng of artlclo II , chapter IxU , of tbo Cora-
piled Statutes of 1S97 , relating to the In
spection of oils auJ abolishing the [ m.sent
oil Inspection bureau , produced a lllsht ot
oratory whin a motion was made to rec
ommend It for passage. Prlnco of Hall told
of the rottenness found In the oil bureau
by the Investigating commltteo and said the
If not , drink Qraln-O made from pure
Brains. A lady writes : "The first time I
made Qraln-O I did not Uko It but after
uslnr it for ono week noUilng would Induce
me to BO baok to coffee' It nourlahes
und feeds the * system. The children ciii
drink It ireely with great bfn'flt It is the
trenethenltiK eubttunce of pujro grains.
Gat o. puckajje today from your prooer ,
follow the direction ? In making- and
you nil ) hnv * a delicious and healthful
itAile beverage for old nd o-aune. Uo
and 23c.
bureau was kept \ip only to furnish Job3
to several political Flickers ,
Hastening ot Duffalo defended the oil dc-
rnrtnunU Ho thought the grade ot oil hnd
been Improved and the retention of Iho
law wn-j demanded -by the vcoplo ot the
Clark of Lancaster warmed tip on the
subject and declared that the grade ot oil
had not been Improved and further said
that ths oil was not Inspected nnd that
the brand on the barreli was put on by
the employes of the oil comp-uiy Instead
of by the Inspectors. Ho made many caus
tic references to Hilton , who had turned
fuslonlst when ho wna caught stealing.
At the close of the debate , which Inslrd
until C o'clock , the motion to recommend
the null-oil Inspection bill for passage was
When the commltteo arose Prlnre moved
that Iho report on H. 11. 23S , the referen
dum bill , bo concurred In nnd that the bill
bo Indefinitely postponed , A roll call was
had nnd the motion prevailed by n par
tisan vote of 10 to 40. The balance of the
commltteo report was adopted.
Iho houdo rvconsldcicd the action taken
during the forenoon to hold n session to
morrow nnd on motion of Weaver of Kleh-
ardson an adjournment was taken to Thurs
day nt 11 o'clock.
Inlroilnueil In Hie UOIIHC.
LINCOLN , Peb. 21. ( Special ) The fol
lowing bills wcro Introduced hi the house
II. U. 045 Dy lloverly : To amend section
25 ot chapter 1 of the Compiled Statutes of
1S97 , entitled "Liquors. " Tlxlng salary of
flio and police commissioners in metropoli
tan cities nt $100 per jear.
H. It. DIG Uy Hellers. To amend sections
11 , 12 and 11 of chapter vlll , Complied
Statutes of 1897 , entitled "Hanks" Calls
for the appointment of two bank examiners
nt fl.noo per annum , all fees to bo paid to
the state treasurer.
H. II. 517 Uy Johnson To regulate the
sales of merchandise nnd to prevent mis
leading nnd dishonest reprcbcntatlJ'ns In
connection therewith
H. U. 54S Uy Loomls : To amend section
n , articles 1 , vl , II , xlv , 111 , vtl. Compiled
Statutes , entllled "Stnto and State Olllccrs. "
Now bill repeals old law which limits salary
of private secretary of govcuior to $1GOO per
} ear.
II. II. C4n By Beverly Amending sec
tions 3 , 10 , 12 , ID , 20 , 21 and 22 < jf nrtlclo II ,
chapter Ixlv , Compiled Statutes , relating to
oil Inspection and raising the test to 103
II. U. ECO By MyprsTo establish a state
board of charities and corrections and to de-
line Its duties nnd powers. Board to consist
of the governor , commlbsluicr and superin
tendent and four advisory ncci claries.
Amount of appropriation for support of the
board Is left blank In the bill.
II. n. CGI By Detweller To amend sec
tion 1014 ot the Cede ot Civil Procedure ct
the Compiled Statutes. Allows Judgment
agalnsl surety In oilglual appeal upon mo
tion after three dajs' notice.
H. R. 552 By PollardTo establish rules
and regulations for -the control of coin lets
now in the Nebraska penitentiary and for
those who may hereafter bo confined therein.
II H. 553 By Dltmar. : To amend beotlon
3 , chapter xxvlll , Compiled Statutes 1S93 ,
entitled "District Clerk Toes. "
II H. 554 By McGlnley : Requiring any
railroad company or corporation doing busi
ness In this state and receiving and convey
ing any llvo stock to pabs the shipper and
his employe to and from the point of ship
ping.H. R. 553 By Sturgess1 To amend sec
tion 11 of article il ot chapter Klv ot the
Compiled Statutes , entitled "Oils. " Allows
generation > of gas In buildings where reser
voirs are not to exceed two quarts In capa
city.H. . R. 656 By Mllbourn : To amend sec
tions 70 and 83 of chapter xllll of Compiled
Statutes , contained In an act entitled "An
act to regulate the organization and opera
tion of mutua\ benefit associations , like In
surance o"impapcs [ , and to repeal said sec
tion as now existing. " Amendment covers
companies thai may hereafter bo organized
under such plan. < i
H. R. G57 By Harris : Providing for the
change of name of the institution for the
deaf and dumb and also for the bllnJ. Cnl's
the Omaha institution the "Nebraska School
for the Deaf" and the Nebraska City in
stitution the "Nebraska School fyr the
Blind "
II. R. r.3S By Hibberf To amend section
109 , article 1 , chapter Ixxvll , and section 125
of article 1 , chapter Ixxvil , Compiled
Statutes. Reduces expense ot tax Falo notice
to 10 cents for each description , of land nnd
5 cents for each description of lota.
H II. 559 By Burns establishing pui-
chaslng agency for the payment and ma n-
tcnanco of a state normal school and ap
propriating $55.000 for the paymonl of the
tunic. Intended fpr the purchase ot the old
Western Normal site and buildings
H. II. 5GO By LcniarTo amend section
13 of chapter Kxll , article vlll of the Com
piled Statutes. Specifies duties of authoil-
tles In case of complaint against actions of
comnicu carriers.
II. R. 5G1 By Clark : To amend section 1
of an act entitled "An act to ntnend section
5324 , " being section 19 of chapter xxcvil of
the Compiled Statutes for 1897 Provides n
14 mill tax on the grand aseossment roll for
the support of the unlverolty.
H. II 5G2 Uy Cox Making It unlawful
for any insurance company doing buslneat )
In the state to Insert or cause to bo inserted
any condition In any policy ot Insurance-
Issued In this state , upon property thereon ,
any clause prescribing that'tho insured shall
carry any given per cent of Insurance upon
the Insured property , etc
lllllt IntriiiliioiMl In I InSemite. .
LINCOLN , rob. 21 ( Special ) The fol
low tag new bills wuro Introduced in the
eenato Tuesday :
S r. 305 By Towler , by request1 To Pro
vldo Interpreters for the several asylums of
the Insane In this state.
S F. 30G By Allen To prevent persons
from unlawfully using or weiring the badge
or insignia of the association kiiawn as In
dependent Order of Odd Fellows.
S. r. 307 By Allen. To prevent persons
from unlawfully uslpg or wearing the badge
or insignia or the association known as
Knights of Pythias
S. F. 308 By Allen1 To amend section 18
of article H of chapter xellln of itho Cam-
piled Statutes , relating to lapse of water
ditch light of way because of nonuse.
S. F 309 Uy Allen To prevent persons
from unlawfully using or wearing the bidgo
or Insignia , of the association known as An-
clonl Order United Workmen.
S. r. 310 By Alien. To amend fcectlon 3
at article U of chapter 11 of the Compiled
Statutes , relating to the expense of division
fences built on the line between lands
S. F. 311 By Allen To prevent persons
from unlawfully using or wearing thp badge
or Insignia of the association known as
Modern Woodmen of America.
S. r. 312 By Allen To prevent persons
from unlawfully using < or wearing the badge
or insignia of the association known as
Ancient Free and Accepted Matons.
S. F 313 Uy Schaal1 Joint resolution re
lating to government ownership of railroads
and telegraphs.
S F. 314 By Van Dunen. by request To
amend section 4771) of the Cede of Civil Pro
cedure , to repeal said original section and
to provldo for the redemption of real prop
erty from sales under decrnca In actions to
foreclose mortgages > and other Hens
S F. 315 Uy Van Dusen , by request Proscribing -
scribing the procedure In the ealo of real
property In actions brought to foreclose
mortgages or other liens and lo repeal BOC-
tolns 4'Jla , 491b , 401c , 491d , 491f. 495 , 490 ,
497. 197a , 498 and 499 of tlio Cede of Civil
S. F 31G By Owens Defining a legal
newspaper for the publication of legal and
other official notices In the etato of Nebrabko ,
ro-enaotlng the 1895 law with Bomo addi
S. F , 317 By Btcele , hy request : Requir
ing that life insuiancc companies organized
under tbo laws of any other state , territory
or foreign government and doing business In
the state of Nebraska upon the level
premium , stipulated premium or assessment
plan to niako a statement to 1ho auditor of
public accounts or Insurance commissioners
of the Btato of Nebraska of all money col
lected AI account of ntaessmonts or premiums
on pol clrs , contracts or certificates issued ,
or to be hereafter Issuer ! by such companies
on the assessment , natural premium or
rMpul&tcd plan and to provldo for the keep
ing and disposition of money collected on
account of such assessment and premiums
and prohlbl'lng Its use ctherwlue than as
ilayward's ' Follower Seek to Taka n
Second , but Are Voted Downi
I.niv ON llliiMlmvt tor ( ho Otoi < Cotinlj
CntiillitnU Onl > PittAlmi
No ( oil In (1it > .loliit
Aiicn . . . . ns ns nr nr > nn iw r.ti
LINCOLN , Fob. 21. ( Special Telegram )
The only change today was Smlthberger ,
who has been voting for Illnshaw , to Haj-
ward. The absentees wcro Dltmar anil
Hicks of Hayward's forces ; Jones of Wca-
ton's and Dunn and McOlnloy , fualonlsts
A motion coming from Hayward's follow
ers that the session adjourn to 2 30 thi ;
afternoon was amended by n motion to nd-
Journ nnd the latter prevailed hy a vole
of 06 to 42.
Iiiillv Iilnal Vote.
The following Is the Individual vote :
Allen Boullcr , Caimday , Carton , Cawthra ,
Cosgrove , Crockett , Cunningham , Dobry ,
Easterllng , Eastman , nhvood , Hndtcott ,
Farrell , Fljnn , Fret ? , Fuller , Grnndstnft ,
Qrell , Grosvenor , Hale , Hardy , Howard ,
Johnson , Klcster , Knepper , Lcmar , Loomla ,
McOrackon,1 Mcmmlnger , Miller , Morgan ,
Mornn , Morrison , Murny , O'Neill , Peck ,
Schaal , Smith of Antclopo , Smith ot But
ler , Slecko , Shore , Spohn , Sturgess , Swan ,
Tanner , Tnjlor of CuslerTaylor ot Fillmore -
more , Thompson of Cliy , Vandogrlft , Wat
son , Weaver , Webster , Woodard , Wright ,
Wheeler. Wymnn 50.
Hayward Alexander , Allen , Arcnds ,
Armstrong , Belsncr , Blake , Broderlck ,
Currle pvaus , Fowler , Glfffrt , Halderman ,
Hall , Hannibal , Harris , Hastings , Hnthor.i ,
Hlbbert , Holbrook , McCarthy , Nesbit ,
Newell , Owens , Pollard , Prince , Prout , Rey
nolds , Rouse , Sandall , Schalble , Smith of
Richardson , SmithberRer , Steele , Thompson
of Merrlck , Tucker , Walling , Wlleox , Young ,
Zellers 39.
Thompson Anderson of Lancaster , Burns ,
Clark , Fisher , Harkson , Israel , Lane , Mann ,
Rocke. Talbot 10.
Webster BoverljBnrman. . Cox , Crow ,
Detweller , Hoiicrf , Mvcrs , Noves , Olmstcd ,
Van Dusen 10
Field Barton , Berlot , Chambers , Scott ,
Wenzl 5.
Weston Chittendcn 1.
Reese Hallor 1.
Foss Graf ton 1.
Adams 'Mllbourn ' 1.
Cornish McCargar 1.
Halner Conw ell 1.
Lomberteon Jansen 1. , ,
Vn Dusen1 Smith of Saline 1.
Given Un I he .Toll.
The committee which has had in charge
the petition calling a caucus with an op
tional ballot has abandoned the task , hav
ing only been able to secure fifty-five sig
natures. The republican members who de
clined to sign were : Alexander , Anderson ,
Devorly , Barton , Burman , Burns , Dltmar ,
Fisher , Grafton , Harkson , Israel , Jones ,
Lane , Mara , McCargai , Olmsted , Rocke ,
Smith of Saline , Talbot nnd Clark.
The movement In the Joint session todov
for an afternoon session with continued bal
lots for senator was favored 'by ' the Haj-
vvard men and It was clearly ihelr ideate
to utilize the joint session as a caucus with
an open ballot. When the motion was
made an amendment was Immediately of
fered that the Joint session do now adjourn
over to tomorrow. It took n rising vote
to decide this and It was noticed that the
only members now voting for Hayward who
were against nn afternoon session vvero
Prout , Smith of Richardson and llathorn.
Most of the fuslonlsts voted for adjourn
Tonight the lobby was ready to elect a
senator only It was ns badly divided as the
members nnd lacked the opportunity to voto.
There lias been n rush of outsiders Into
town , but all to no purpose , as the situation
Is unchanged.
There was a rumor circulated this after
noon tht D. R Thompson had withdrawn
from the race , but this Is denied. The Hayward -
ward people say tonight they will continue
to circulate the caucus petition nnd will bo
able to got moro names. There Is also n
move on foot for the signers of the petition
to get together nnd proceed to nominate n
candidate for whom all will vote in the Joint
session , but there Is eomo doubt that this
can bo effected until the Blxty-Boven slgneia
are secured.
1'rU'dt nt Tf > riiniHei I'Mi'K Korcc In
Killer | li < > Cliiiroli.
TCOUMSCH , Neb. , Feb. 21. ( Special Tel
egram. ) Now impetus was given the trou-
llo In the Catholic church hero today , when
tbo priest In charge became Indignant at UK
treatment accorded him by the Board ol
Trustees and took tbo settlement of nn In
cidental dispute Into bis own hands to UE
unwarranted extent.
Upon retiring Rev. Thomas Corcoran ,
from this charge Bishop Ilonacum Installed
Rev. Frederick Spcrllen , harmony seemed tc
prevail In the congregation to a considerable
extent and all seemed willing vvhllo await
ing the finding of Iho supreme court as re
gards the possession of the church property
to hold services in the church. The old
Board of Trustees , which was serving at the
outset of the trouble , was In possession ol
the property and Father Spcrllen was given
a key to the church , but not to the parson-
age. > At the regular annual election of offi
cers held last Sunday the old Board ol
Trustees was ro-eloctod , to the dissatisfac
tion of Spcrllen.
The priest waxed quite warm at the meet
ing and It Is Bald announced hU Intention
of resigning the pastorate and leaving the
city. Accordingly one of the trustees
barred the door , to which ho held a Kej
from the Inside. Upon finding himself
locked out loday and bolng denied admis
sion by the trustee mentioned , Father Spcr
llen took an axe nnd smashed In the door to
the church and thus gained entrance , Some
members of the church scorn to differ re
garding the affair , some upholding the ac
tion of the trustee , while otuora sanction
thoco ot the priest.
InjurtMl Ii ) n I'nllliiK Trrr.
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb , Feb. 21. ( Spe
cial , ) A painful and serious accident hap
pened to Mr. Kllas Sage yesterday after
noon , which will keep him confined to the
house for gome time. Mr. Wolfenberger
ftnu cutting down a dead tree In the orchard
ind Mr , Sago was standing near. The tree
began to fall and before Mr. Sage could
get out of the way it fell directly across
his shouldera , crushing him to the earth.
U was found that his leg was broktli both
bones between the knee nnd ankle nnd he
suffers considerable pain In ( ho region ol
his stomach , which may bo owing to In
ternal In juried. Being 78 jears old it 1 <
liable to be n serious matter for him.
Decision In Hie Ilroiiloli-Moorri disc
AiillcliuittMl on 'I Inn-Kiln ; Minor
' I p ,
LINCOLN. Tel ) -Special ( Telegram ) -
The supreme couit began Its sluing this
afternoon , untiring the mnrnlng In the hear.
Ing of motions and the assignment of cases
H Is expected that opinions nmy l > o handed
down Thursday ami that the decision In the
Hrontch-Moores case will be among them
I'liAiuii : PIIUJ nuns DVMVUI :
Piuinril lij llrNU AVI nil llu
HrHlriMiilnnliU' l'roHM ( j .
NORTH LOU1 , Neb , 1'ob 21 ( Special
A destructive prairie lire braka out hi th <
hill country south of this town jestenln ;
and , driven by n high north wind , soon be <
came uniimnngenble. Much ditmago wa :
done to farmers , many losing all their hay
K. L. Van Xaiit lost his sliblc , wagons inn
farm machinery and other property. Otu
farmer living In Scotia , Nob. , lost 300 toni
of .hay.
The flrc started from the ashes of a strav
pile which had been binned the prcvloui
is roLMi IN Tin : nivnit
Of MIllH
ii notIN Partly i\iilitltifil.
linNKKLMAN , Neb , rob 21. ( Specla
Telegram ) The mjstery surrounding thi
disappearance of Silas Bailey has bcei
Bol\L'd by the finding of his bodj In tin
rhcr near the ranch of L , Morz. The bodj
IMS been In the wnUr for two weeks. Tin
coroner Is summoning n Jury to Investigate
the affair.
In * I'Nllmil Inn Cornell.
LINCOLN , Fob 21. ( Special Teljgi.i.n ) -
The legislative Invcstlcatlng committee licit
another short moellng today aii'5 arrirgcd tc
take up the work nil day tomo-tow and cvcij
o\entug hereafter. A num-t" ! of wltnessci
luuo been called foi tomorrow. There Is
evidence of much contention among the fac
tions In Richardson county over the ulTiilr
democrats generally siding with Cornell nn <
the populists with Llchty. It la said that :
Richardson county democrat Is to be sflettec'
as Insumnco denuty and that J F walsr.
of Humboldt may get the place Walsh 1 ;
here , backed by some Influential friends.
"New School lliillillitK.
THKAMAU , Neb. Feb. 21. ( Speclnl.- )
The Board of Education met Saturday even
ing In order to discuss the school bond ques
tion. A committee had been appointed to
asccitaln If the petition calling a special
election contained one-third of the legal
voters , and It reported that over one-hall
the voters signed the request. The commit
tee also repotted that the $19,000 asked to
bo voted was less than 10 per cent of the
valuation , which exceeds $200,000. A reso
lution was adopted by unanimous vote that
the question of voting bonds for the erection
and furnishing of a new school building be
submitted to the voters of the district.
Concert nt Fort Crook.
A military band concert will bo given
nt the Tort Crook post dining hall by the
Sixteenth United States Infantry band on
February 22 at 7.30 p. m.
The program is as follows : March , "Char
latan , " Sousa ; overture , "Plguo Dame , "
Suppe ; "Spring Jubilee in the Alps , "
Gungl ; selection from "The Highwayman , "
Kovcn ; "Three Quotations , " Sousn.
Knriiierx' liixtltntv CIONCN.
BRADY ISLAND. Neb , Feb. 21. ( Special
Telegram ) An interesting and profitable
session of the fanners' Institute closed Lcre
tonight. Ashborn , Stllson , and Searlo con
ducted the work and gave- much practical
Information. The attendance was large
enough to show an appreciation of the work.
dinner ) in Completed.
YORK , Neb , Feb. 21 ( Special. ) Some
time ago the business men of York started
n canning factory. It is now nearly com
pleted and the business men deslro aomo
one to operate It. York county farmers will
supply the best of tomatoes , beans , peaa ,
sweet coin and other garden products.
Orlpf HiliiuK on IiiMitnlt ) .
KEARNEY , Neb , Feb. 21 ( Special Tele
gram. ) Mrs. R. Flesher of Elm Creek was
declared insane by the Board of Insanity
today and will ba taken to the asylum nt
Lincoln. Her mental troubles began with
the death of a chilli flvo months ago , and
has developed anew.
Trouble Silent 111 Vlllil.
SCliUYLCR. Neb , Fob 21 ( Special ) -
John C. Towlo jestorday butchered four
hogs and the meat , prepared for keeping ,
wao hung in his smokehouse. During tb
night someone visited the smokehouse and
removed the entlro lot.
Triniit'riiiiei' MecHllKN n < Kriifton ,
GRAFTON , Neb , Fob. 21. ( Special. )
Rev. C. O Taylor of Chicago began a series
of temperance lectures hero Saturday night ,
to close this evening. Ha has succeeded In
arousing considerable enthusiasm.
Court AiljonriiN.
THKAMAH , Neb , Fob. 21. ( Special. )
On account of several of itho resident attor-
nojs being laid up with severe colds and
la grippe Jtidgo Keysor adjourned court
until next Thursday morning.
.Mo > emrill StnrtH.
OSCUOLA , Nob. , Feb. 21 ( Special. ) A
temperance crusade was Inaugurated by the
churches of this city last Sunday. An
anti-saloon league with 150 incmbeis was
formed and it is expected that several hun
dred more names will bo added to the roll ,
SOMI : KACTS itnnAitimr : Tun HAPIII
Do > o ( He Alnrnifil , Hut tiimu for Hie
Heart troubles , at leant among the Ameri
cana , are certainly increasing and while thla
may bo largely < lucto tlio excitement and
worry of American business life , it Is metre
often the result of weak stomachs , of pool
digestion ,
Heal organic dl&caso la Incurable ; but not
ono case In a hundred of heart trouble If >
The close relation between heart trouble
and poor digestion Is hccauno both organs
are controlled by the tunw great ier\ts , the
Sjmpathetlo and Pueumogn.stilc
In another way , also , the heart Is affected
by the form of poor dlgot > tlon , which causes
gas and fermentation from half digested
food There Is n feeling of depression and
heaviness In the chest oiuscd by pressure
of the dUtended utomach on the heart and
lungs , Interfering with their action , httice
arise palpitation and thort breath
Poor digestion aluo poisons the blood ,
making it thin and watery , which Irritates
and weakens the heart
The merit sensible 'treatment ' for heart
trouble is to Improve the digestion and to
Insure the prompt assimilation ot food
This can be done by the regular use after
meals of some safe , pleasant and effective
digestive preparation , like Stuatt's Djspep-
sla Tablets , which may Iw found at mof > t
drug stores and which contain valuable ,
hirmletis dlgcmlvo elements In a plcatunt ,
convenient form.
It U safe to say that ithe regular persistent
use of Stuart's Djspcpsla Tablets at meal
Llmo will cure any form of stomach trouble
ojcci'pt cancer of tbt * stomach
Full elzed packages o'tliwo tablets sold
by druggists at 50 cents. Llttlu book on
stomach troubles mailed free. Address K , A.
Stuart Co , Marslull , Mich.
The first service wa held In the mornlnf ?
at the Prcsbjtcrlan church , followed by n
union tnerllng nt the Mcthodl < t church In
the ovinlng Hcv J B Carne . field or
ganizer for the league , was In charge ol
the meetings
Startles the World Wltli His
Magnanimous Propo
sition ,
Confidence is Completely Re
His Methods Have Secured for Him
the Reputation of Two Continents.
Quo Week's Treatment of Dr. HtirU-
hurt's Voluble Compound Is
Placed Into livery Homo in
This City 1-Yec of Charge.
tinI'oonlt' of
UN Wntiilrrfiil < ! lf ( to
Oiniihii In llcliiK lloi M\iMl With
lli-op CriiUtn < l < * anil Heart )
Wo arc living In an ago of vast com-
murclal cntcrpilso , and surprises are con
stantly lauiched upon the public in the
form of mammoth business undertaking *
which bewilder the masters and nourish
skepticism. When , theicfore , the grand
proposition of Dr. Ilurkhart , of Cincinnati ,
0 , llrst appeared the public was ijutnfoundod
at the magnitude of the offer. Mil slowly
the mulcted began Ho realize that a iow ngo
In pioprlotary medicines hnd dawned upon
this counti > From the stately mansion of
the plutocrat and from the humbler homes
of those win labor In their various callings
there cnmc allko a. bcsci'chlug leanest for
Dr. Utirkhart's Vegetable Compound , and this
great medicine Is welcomed and theilshed
in thousands of homes In this city , where
Its name has como to \ccognlml as a
household word. At present Dr. Uuikhnrt'B
Vegetable Compound Is being sampled In
this city to the extent that every home re
ceives the benefits olforcd by Mio v.orld-
renowtied medicine , which Is regarded as the
greatest blood-purifier of the age
Owing to the Increased demand for Dr.
Hurkhart's Vegetable Compound , tlio great
healer was recently forced to Journey to the
East In order to consult the leading whole
sale druggists of the country for the purpose
of making arrangements whereby this medi
cine can bo introduced and distributed on
the most extensive plan ever exhibited en
this continent or In Europe. The Increased
demand for Dr. nurkhart's Vegetable Com
pound was the topic of general public com
ment , and , therefore , the columns of the
press teemed with assurance of Ita great
efficacy , which has led to the result that a
London olllco became Imperative for the
distribution of the modlclno throughout Great
Britain , France , Germany and otlur States
In Europe. To Dr. Burkhart has been ac
corded , by universal tacit consent , the proud
epithet of king of commercial enterprising-
men of this country who originate Ideas and
execute them Irrespective- consequences
If only mankind be bent filed thereby.
To those afflicted with the following
diseases Dr. BuTkhart's Vegetable Com
pound affords n guarantee of speedy end
radical cure : Rheumatism , kidney and Hvtr
diseases , fever and ague , sick and nervous
headache , ciyslpclas , scrofula , female com
plaints ( In the early Binges ) , catarrh ( In Us
early stages ) . Indigestion , stomach troubles ,
neoValgla , nervous Affection , dyspepsia and
all syphilitic diseases. It will also euro
constipation of the bowels in the most
aggravated cases.
Dr. Burkhart's Vegetable Compound is a
positive euro for la grippe , driving the
disease from the system and leaving none
of the bad affects that usually follow the
The guaranteed package contains 20S
tablets , nix months' treatment , and Is sold
by all druggists for $1 00 ; smaller sizes 25
cents and SO cents.
Best Dining Car Service.
Only Depot In Chicago on the Elevated lee
Mother * ! MoUK-rn ? ! JHotlirruli !
Mrs. Wlnslovv's Soothing Syrup has bsen
used for over llfty years by millions ot
rrothers for their children while teeth nf ;
with perfect success. It joothes the child ,
softens the gums , allays nil pain , euros
wind cello inrt Is the beat remedy for
Diarrhoea. Sold by druggists in every ; part
of the world Be sure and nisk for "Mrs.
Wlnalow's Soothing Syrup" and ' .nko no
other kind. 25 cents a bottle.
The Season's Best and Great
est Matinee Bill. Come
Out and See It.
Children All Of *
Any seat GALLEIW
lOc lOo
The Pill II AHHHAS , exponcntM of
rijiilliuUfj < ! ! Tlirce I'orliiiiM ; ooim-Jy
KjiiuiHMlNi ( li DnrloH , Priim-u'n rv-
iiili-r iliinitnrH , nnil MK-II'M MoiiUe ) *
urn iuro | > < * 'M lii-nt OuVrliiKN to llil
Kri-nt Mil. ( ii-orii > KHIx mill I , > Ulii
Illirrj lire < li < ! lilt of tlir Mil. Of III *
( In IPHN iiroiiilnniiuu lire the tlireo
ollior iiutii offered ,
& _ I'AXTON & . . ,
v3 Mariaucrs. Tel. 1919.
.TOMc.irr. .
nAV , PIII. aa ,
Last Season s Biggest Comedy Hit ,
the Smyth and luce Comedlunn In
By II A. Du Souchst. who wrote "Tho Man
from Mexico. " ,
Night Prices-Lower lloor. 50c , Too and Jl.OO ;
balcony. i5c and We , xalleiy , 2So ,
Matinee rrlcca 25c and 60p.
13th and Douglas Sts. , Onmlia ,