THE OMAHA DAILY HTCE : TUESDAY , rFJMU'AKY B1 , 1S1M ? . 11 SPECLALJOIiCES Ail * rrtUciiirnlft fur tlimc column * Mill tic tnUrn until lit in. fur the pvenliiK cillllnn. nnil until Sitl ! i > . in. ft for iiinriiliiK nnil Sninlnj ( Million * . llnlr * 1 l-ilc n front (1rt Inirrtlonj I lc n vroril Ilicrrnflcr. Nothing tnkrii lor Icon limit 25e for the flmt Inser- llnn. Tlimo niltrrtlnemeiitii tritint lie run ciiiiftcciitltel } . AiUcrtUci-x , 1) > rofiicstliiK | n nnm- licrod check , en n lin > e nn VTpr nil- ilroHsoil to n iiiiinli < * rcil letter In cnr < * of The lire. Atmnern no nildresiiril svlll he ilelU t-reil on iircaciitntlon of tinahvcU only * siTi'\nt H COMPETENT ' rountam , business corre spondent , erf Jit man and general office for hlghf-st endorsements man op-n engagement , dorsements , coming from the oaM. Bus iness N 49. Bee olllce. A-MS37 21 n unt.r. WANTED. wo hn\o steady work for n few Rood hustlers of good habits and appear ance. C. r. Adams Co , 1619 Howard St. * B 212 TAILORS , attend Dyhr's cutting school , 518 Bo 13th St. B-223 _ BALEBMEN for cigars JIM month and expenses - penses ; old nrm. experience unnecessary , Inducements to customers. C. C. Bishop ft Co. . St Louis. Mo. B-M215 SALESMEN to srll office7 specialty fine fide lines : * 5 a day ; used by all mer chants. . Model Mfg. Co . box B , South Bend. Ind. D-M403 Mi * _ WANTED All who Intend to learn the barber trade to correspond with us , we have An eye-opener for you : write for free catalogue X particulars. St Louis Barber College of Omaha , cor Dodge & 14th sts B-M579 M9 WANTED. first class Impllmont salesman ; none but experienced ccneral lineman neo apply. Address N 24 , Bee. B 603 MEN at once to learn barber trade ; wo ha\o 300 position1 ? to 1111 In the west this spring ; eight weeks complete ? , students from a distance assisted In transportation to our nearesLjsollege , Chicago , St Louis or Minneapolis , which are the only Insti tutions of the kind recognized by state board ; our graduates running shops write to us for help , knowing we furnish skill ful. reliable barbers ; don't try to learn In a five-cent shop ; jou can't hope to be better than the. cheap proprietor. Write today. Molcr Barber College. Chicago 111. " ' B-M61S-23' FIRE Insurance solicitor wanted. Address N 38. Bee. B 761 _ WANTED , JO good harness and collar makers at once Apply to Buck tafl j Bros. Mfg. Co , Lincoln , Neb i B M790 21 _ A SOLICITOR of good address and per sonal appearance , temperate and re liable , can find permanent and profitable employment by addressing N 41. Omaha Bee. B-M7S6 22 THREE good hustlers wanted at MCO Cop- Hoi Avc. B Soft24" GOVERNMENT positions. Don't prepare * % for any civil service examination without ' welng our Illustrated catalogue of In formation. Sent free Columbian Corre- k apondenco College , Washington , D C B M972 22" WANTED , steady youth , about IS years , nol afraid of work. Apply by letter , N 67. Bee B-M101 21 WANTED , an experienced phannaceutica salesman with an established trade Ir southern Nebraska. O 4 Bee.B B M121 23 WB WANT at once , everywhere , at herm or to travel , reliable men to keep our show cards and advertising before the public nhd Introduce a new discovery. Salary 01 commission ; JR3 per month and expanses not to exceed J2.50 per day Apply al once , for full particulars. Globe Medlca : Electric Co , Buffalo , N. Y. B MUG 21 * WANTED FEMALE HELP. WANTED , 100 girls , 1524 Dodgo. Tel. S76 C-M227 _ _ TWO ladles , over 25. for posltlons'renulrlm good business ability. Address N 52. Bee C M944 21 _ BRIGHT , active women to tra\el as drum mere on salary and commission. Apply Ir person. W. A. Hlxenbaugb & Qo , 14 War < block. C M9S7 F27 WANTED , good girl , general housework references. 1023 Georgia ave. C 945 WANTED Two cashiers. 1517 Douglas St C 105-20 WANTED Competent plrl for penera housework. Mrs. J. M. Reed , 1111 So 30tl Ave. C-107-22 _ WANTED , stenographer. Remington op erator. State experience , salary wante ( and give references. No students wanted O 3 , Bee. C M123 21 WANTED , first class salesladies for thi corset department and also lace depart ment. Only these who arc competent fo these positions need apply. Boston Store J. L. Brandels & Sons , proprietors. C-.M122 _ COMPOSITOR , wanted. Female. Onewhi lion hod experience and can set a cooi clean proof. Steady position. Stat wages. Address Reporter , Neola. Iowa. C M112 22' RE\T : HOUSES. CHOICE houses and cottages all over clt- $5 to $75. Fidelity , 1st floor , N. Y. Life ' D-225 HOUSES. Benewa & Co. , 103 N. 15th Si D-226 ALWAYS moving household goods am piano * . Omaha Van & Storagj Co . 151U Farnam. Tel. . 1539. D-227 HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block D-22S " ROOM house , bath. $14.00. 314 First Na tlonal Bank bldg. D-229 8-ROOM furnished house. Enquire nt Th Bachelors , 2014 Farnam. D 799 22 * FOR RENT , houses In all parts of clt' ' The O. F. Davis Co. . 1505 Farnam St D-233 HOUSES for rent ; a specialty mads o looking after property of non-resldenti J. H. Sherwood , 423 N. T. Life. D-234 CHOICE 9-r. br. terrace , modern , ca fronl 113 So. 25th St. 36 U. S. Nat'l. Bank Bids D-235 MAGGARD'S Van and Storage. 115 N 15tfc Tol. 1496. D-231 HOUSES. Chan. E. Benson , 310 Ramgo bldg D-M461 A14 EIGHT-ROOM nous * ; gas. bath , barn , ZCJ Beward. r .D. Wead , Hth and Douglai D-740 HOUSES for rent In all nirta of the clt ) Brennan-Lov Co. , 219 South 16th St. D-233 GOOD barn , 1903 Cats fit. D-S63 * SEVERAL. Inq. 36 U. S. Nat'l. Bk Bld ( D-237 S-R FURNISHED house ; central. F. I Wead. D-M5S2 23 FOR RENT , steam-heated fiat In Davids bliig , opposite city hall : strictly moden JOHN \V. BOBBINS. 1502 Farnam St D-413 SIX-ROOM brick house , all modern , 161 K > ner ; 4-room apartments at bie S. m D-S23-20' MODERN S-room cottage. Inquire 2152 S Mar > 's avenue , D 62 22 * NEW brick store room , suitable for dru store : also 6-room fiat , all modern , 291 and Cumlng , Apply to J. H 1'arrottp. D-M95S WANTED. Al dry goods salesman , mui be a hustler ; single or married , age , a nry wanted and reference , Addreta Soi rlok & Son. Geneva , Neb , 13-M1M a FINE (10) ) ten-room residence , steam hea modern Improvements , large corner lo Dplandld location. Enquire 1917 CABS st D-M11T J3 FOR RENT. 6-room rottage with all nine ern Improvements , corner 23rd and Bouli vnrd 'nreeti Apply Carpenter Pawr C"i 12Oi & Howard. D-M111 rou iiiTiiot ( Continued ) NINE room * , modwn Improvement * , rent $25 * OS Chicago. Inquire next door D-16J-M - - TOR RENT rt'llMSltUD ROOM ! , LAROK south room , with alcove ; modern. 2SW Hartley street. E 7IS l < r > ROOMS , 1900 Capitol ave. K M904 FioUsEKEBPiNo. from M tojio. i u N 19 E-S&4 M * THREE furnished rooms for hciiipkeeplnc. man nnd wife , rent taken In board 319 N 17th. E SS2- rilNISHKD room' , all modern 61. S Mthj setond Moor. E MM6 25 * URNISHED room. X 1916 Farnam E-lOt-22' _ VELL furnlfh d room for two gentlemen In private family , clo * * In , win. heat and bath , $ S per month O 1 , Be * K 103 22 * Ft'RNlSHED room ? , modern , for light housekeeping , $1200 , no children 2022 Caldwcll E-M97021' rURMSIIED ROOMS AND BOARD. CICELY furnished rooms , steam heat , free bath $1 50 per week and up. Klondike hotel. 16th nnd Webster Str. F-241 TTOP1A. 1721 Dav-pnport. F-.MSS9 'HE RACHELORS-2014 Farnam St . the best $1.50 nous ; in state , good weekly rates. I765 M14 . VERY desirable front room with al cove , 2nd floor. Hot water , heat , 212 S 25th st. F-21S ILEGANT steam heated rooms ; fine table board 1903 Cnpltol avenue. F 776 21 * 'HE ' BACHELORS , 2014 Farnam large double room , suitable for man and wife F M571 M2 DESIRABLE front room : modprn conven iences ; private family. 702 S. 23th Ft. F-S57 20 ROOMS nnd board , steam heat. Midland F M9SO MIS ILEXCAIRN , transients $125 a day 1609 Douglas . F-M274 'HE ' CAPITOL , 1722 Capitol avenue F-M993 M19' DESIRABLE rooms reasonable. 23S4 Har- ne : . F M120 2S , "ERY desirable single rooms wITTi board ; steam 202 N. ISth F M126 27 * TOR RENT U.NFUIIXISHED ROOMS. TOR gentlemen , walking distance , near Farnam car , modern. I 33 , Bee. G-243 i FRONT rooms for light housekeeping. 1609 Leavenworth st. G M791 21 * I-ROOM tlat , modsrn ; gas stove. 1312 So , 2Sth St. G MSI3 21' THREE unfurnished rooms. 2619 Hamilton. G M125 22 FOR RENT STORES A > D OFFICES. STORY nnd basement brick store buildIng - Ing 1003 Farnam 22x100. Inquire 314 First National Bank Building. 1-244 THREE-STORY brick building. No 110 ! Farnam St. , at reasonable rent. Enquire 1917 Cass st I M11S 23 WA > TED. M'DONALD'S extracts give satisfaction ; agents wanted In country towns 2413 N 17th St. , Omaha. J MS33 F21 PROFITABLE work offered agents Ir every town to secure subscriptions to tlu Ladles' Homo Journal and the Saturdaj Evening Post. Good pay for good work We want agents to work thoroughly and with business system to cover each sec tion with our Illustrated little booklet : and other advertising matter. How wel some of our agents have succeeded h told in a little bopklet we would like tc send you portraits of some of our besl agents , with the story of how they mad ( It paj. The Curtis Publishing Co. . Phlla- defohla. Pa. J MSS6 A1S AGENTS , do mall order business , mfg your own articles and make money easy honorably and rapidly. For particular ! wrlto Gust Sjolander , Stromsburg , Neb J MS30 23 WANTED TO IlENT. WANTED , room for manufacturing pur poses , about 20x100 or 40x60 feet , glv < price and location. N 66 , Bee. K M1W 21 WANTED TO BUY. IF YOU are In need of anything try th < Want Columns of The Bee ; they wll bring you what you want. N S67 BEST and cheapest stoves and furnltur < sold at small profits , highest prices pale for good goods. D. Brodkey , 110 S 14th N 247 ANY size lots 2d hand furniture ; hlghesi price paid. Transmlsslsalppl Store 16th & Davenport. N M587 SECOND hand safe for cash. 114 So. 13th i " -A 72 HIGHEST prices nald for all kinds ol household goods. Lewis. 104 S. 14th. N M333 F23 STAMP collections bought , sold Mqrt'nson 404 N 16th. N-M334 M3 ALL kinds of household goods , hotels. tc. In largo or small quantities. Chicago Fur nlture Co. , tel. 2020 .1405-8-10 Dodge. N 514 m 5 SECOND-HAND books bought for cash Antiquarian Book Store. 1519 Farnam N-M7S2 FOR SAI.C Fim.MTimn. VISIT our new location , we have a com' plete stock of second hand furniture stoves , etc. cheap. J. Lewis. 104 S. Hth O M334 F28 THE SIXTEENTH STREET FURN1TURI CO 20 N. 16th st , has changed hands and wll offer at a bargain this weekBedroon suits worth J10TO go at $750 , nulls wortl J13EO go at r 50. suits worth $1500 go a $13 50 Spiclal bargains In Iron beds , bras rings , knobs and rallr. worth $15.00. tlili week. $8 50 ; Iron beds , brass knobs , wortl $4 00 , go at $2 75. Also household goods It proportion. O M990 2i rou SAI.U nonsus , WAGO.NS , ETC. SMALL drivingor working mare. 251 Marcy. P M114 23 WE SHALL sell four cars of driving , draf and business horses at the Union Stocl yards in our auction sale on Wednesda' p. m , this week. Walvvorth-Proctor Co P M954 21 ron SALE 3iiscnM\.Mous. SAWDUST , hardwood , cribbing and hoi fence at lowest prices. $01 Douglas St. Q-219 HOG , poultry and lawn fences ; all wire ; 1 best. Wire Works , 14'h and Harney. Q-251 B HAAS , Florist. 1S13 Vlnton St. . Tel. 776 plants , cut flowers , boquets , hall , rest dence , wedding and grave decorations orders by mall or express promptly filled Q-252 "FOR SALE ten R.I.P.A N.S for 5 cents , a druggiita , one gives relief , Q 253 SECOND hand safe cheap. 111 So. IJtr , Q-S73 1,000000 BRICK for sale. J. P. Weaver. Pearl St. . Council Bluffs. Q S61 AT GREAT sacrifice , fine upright piano good as new ; tone excellent. Address I 11 , Bee office Q-4S M4 SECONDHAND sewing machines. $5.00 u { Neb. Cycle Co. , 15th and Harney. Q 110 M4 RESTAURANT outfit for storage charges Om. Van and Storage Co. 1511V4 Famar treet. Q-4S3 NE\y and id-hand typewriter * sold , rente * repaired : ribbons cheap. Derlght , 1116 F"rr Q-719M13 COAL , hand-picked Burlington < SS , $4 ft 'Phone Harmon & Weeth Co CoQS17H 27 rou it.i : Mi rti.t , IMCOI . iContlntied ) JND-hand wife cheap DerlRht , 1116 Turnnm. Q-34S COLD IN IfKAU. Sherman s Cdtarrh Jellr. Jc. Middle of block. Omaha , N b. A FINE mutch wrrcl carriage team , 7 years old. Cull 214 So Hth. Q-M 4S 21 FOR SALK , steam boiler and engine : alee lit of wood working tools. A , C. Trotip , & 37 N V Life bid * . Q-MJI7 II TINNERS' tools and ehe-lf hardwiire for sale. 421 S loth St. Q-10S-J6 * LITE certificate. WO In shorthnnd and bu U nf s chool , $40. F L Robeit-on 2717 N. 26th St. Q-10S-22 * MISCKI.I.A'NEOLS. NOTICE to country dpal rv second-hand furniture and stoves sold at lowest prices by carload lots or Ifss. Chicago Furniture Co . 14S10 Dodgp R-515-m 5 TOM RANCE , blcjclo repairing , enameling nnd cleaning a specialty. Hth and Capitol. R-M93S 26 Cl. UllVOY.VNTS. MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant. 817 N. 16th S-253 VIENNA fortune teller , IS years here. 1411 Howard. 8-256 MME. Gylmcr , genuine palmist 10X ! > Dodge. S-MJsS A3 ALEX IfOFI'MAN. clairvoyant and palm ist , tells your full name. In fact every thing you nl h to now about your friends , enemies , wives , husbands nnd sweet hearts , locates lost article * , hidden treas ure , removes evil Influences etc . the e In trouble call nnd cot Instant relief. PAR LOR 4 , MIDLAND HOTEL. S-M127 22- MASSAflC. 1JATHS , ETC. MAY WILSON , massage , baths. R. 13. 302 N 16 T-M493 M4 MRS FLO BERRY , bnth and massage 119 N. 15th st. , room 12 , 2d floor. Attendants. T-715 1-JO * MME. SMITH , Room 2 , HSlJ No 15th. T-611 20 * MME. AMES , R. 5 , 507 S 13 ; massage baths T M732 M15 * HATTIE LOUIS , massage , baths. 1324 Cap itol ave. T-MS42 M17' MRS DR. LEON , electric bath , parlors , first-class assistant. 417 S llth. upstairs. T M952 MIS' PERSONAL. VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 316 Bee Bldg. U-257 BATHS , massage. Mme Post. 31814 S. 15th. U-25S LIEBEN , costumer , 1313 Howard : cata logues sent. U 2GO DR ROY , chiropodist ; corns removed , 25c and upward. Room 12. Frenzer block U-M32S SUPERFLUOUS hair , wrlnklts. moles , warts. fr"eckl& ? , blackheads , plmaics re moved forever by electrlcl'y , bust de veloped , neck , arms , cheeks made plump. Mme Tavne's halrdresslng pallors. 2J01 Leavenworth Tel 1863 U M569 MS PILES cured In seven to ten days , by one treatment No pain , no knife , no danger. Rectal diseases a specialty Empire Pile Cure. 932 N. Y. Life Building , Omaha U M&31 SERKOWSKY , violin teacher. R 20. 321 S 15tn. IJ M377 BOOKBINDING. Burkley Printing Co. U-201 HOW undergraduate doctors , dentists , pharmacists , lawyers can soon graduate Box ll < 6 , Chicago. U M595 M10 RITTER hospital ; confinement cases taken ; babies adopted. 2214 Seward , Omaha. Tel. 2233. U-262 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during confinement ; babies adopted 1136 N. 17th , Omaha. U-263 MASQUERADE suits. S. Sack's , 3318 S 20th. U M7.3 .M13 * Osteopathy , Dr. B. J McRae , Paxton Blk. U 766 M-14 W H. CHARLTON will hear something to his advantage by calling on or writing the Bank of Hlckman , Neb U M7S5 24 * $33 RUPTURE cured until May first for $35. Xo detention from business. 1 000 pa tients cured In Nebraska. Seven > ears in Omaha Call or write. Empire Rupture Cure , 932 N. Y Life Building. U M532 AVATCHES and alarm clocks sold on easy payments. W * give a working man a chance No extra charge for waiting Our prices are 50 per cent lower than Install ment houses. Jensen & Mosher. 704 N. 16th. U-M74S-M-14 COLUMBIA or Rambler bicycles. $4000 Neb Cjcle Co , 15th and Harney U S61 M17 100 business or visiting cards , "book form" and beautiful aluminum card case , with name ; hand engraved , 50c , agents wanted C07 Bee Bldg. U M903 21 * SUPERFLUOUS hair , warts and moles permanentlv removed by electricity. Con sultation free and confidential. All work guaranteed. Miss Allender , 1724 Dodne U MM7 25 WEDDINGS AND CAKEWALKS Large decorated cakes made to order on short notice and snt securely packed to any address $5 and upwards Balduff , Omaha. U M99S MONCY TO L.OA.-WIIHAL ESTATE. WANTED , choice farm and city loans R. C. Peters & Co , 1702 Famam , Bee bide. bide.W264 $100,00000 special fund to loan on first-class improved Omaha property , or for building purposes. Fidelity Truat Company W-265 54 PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton Blk W-206 l.Oufl AND upwards to loan on Improved city property nnd farms. W. Farnnm Smith & Co. , 1320 Farnam St. W-267 6 PER CENT city and farm loans. Garvln Bros. , 1612 Farnam St W 26S $50,000,000 CHEAP money for Investment , agents wanted Investor * lists for sale. Investors Directory , N. Y. W 203 If jou want a loan on vour farm in Iowa , eastern Nebraska or Mis souri. It will pay > ou. Anthony Loan & Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. Life W 270 1100 AND up. F. D. Wead , 16th and Douglas ' W-271 MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa farms , lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co , 219 S 16th , Omaha. W-272 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co , 219 So ' 16th 'W-27J MORTGAGES. Wallace , 213 Brown Block ' W-273 FARM loans quickly made. Low ratog Write B. M. Webster & Co , 913 N Y Life W-M9&5 F2S MO.M3Y TO LO tA OIATTni.S. $10 TO J10 000 TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIA NOS. HORSES. WAGONS , AND CAR. RIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS etc at lowest rates In Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs No removal of goods , strictly confidential you can pay the loan off at any time 01 in any amounts. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO 306 SOUTH 16TH STREET I THE OLDEST LARGEST AND ONI/X INCORPORATED LOAN COMPANY IIS OMAHA. X-295 LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLF HOLDING PERMANENT POSITIONS ON THEIR PERSONAL NOTE WITlf OUT INDORSEMENT : LOW RATES EASY PAYMENTS. ROOM 119. BOARt OF TRADEBLDG , 16TH AND FAR. NAM STS TEL. 1253. X-2S MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses cow a , Jewelry. Duff Gretn , r. S , Barkei blk. X-297 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , jew < elry. horses , cows , etc. C. F. Reed , 319 S 13 X 29s DIAMOND loan office. 1315 Douglas , unre deemed diamonds , watchesetc. sold cheap tv 10 i.n < \TTII. . * , ( Contlnurd ) MONKY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLK holding prmannt positions with r * pon- slble mncprn * upon thrlr own name , with out s ctirlt > ; easy p jm nts. Tolman , R 7 < X. N. Y. Life lllrte X-JCO IIIMMSS rncns. . TOR SALE or trade mnmifftrturlni ; plant with trarkii ( > , Inohnllni ? hens * . burn , sraleg , boilers nnd engine pumim , stone grinder Rood stoik feeding plant , Hlso Rpmlnston typewriter. Rood condi tion. Room 406. N Y. Life. Y-S8J-27 HERD of 15 hrad registered Jerstys. Clos- wt living relatives to "Hugo Countes" of 'VAorld' * Fair fame for whom owner r fu. ed J1.WM ; Hanna's Duk No. 3J1SS , enl > living son of "Hugo Countess. " nt hsml of herd Also daughter 2 grand daughters and half sister of "Huso Counters. ' rash. Would consider good farm In western Iowa or ea tern Ne brarka. Ad'lrem owner , L. \Vllllnms , Olenwood. Iowa. Y MJ79 FOR SALE good millinery bu lnws low- figures , count > seat. Address N 45 , Bee. Y MSI6 23 * FOR SALE two "locks of general mer- chnndlHe. PUP at Dow City , the other at Arlon. Crawford county , Iowa , to the highest bidder for cash at public nuctlon in bulk Sale at Dow City , takes place at 2 o'clock , and sale at Arlon at 4 o'clock In the afternoon of lh 25th day of February , ISM In the store buildings containing the Roods in ald towns V C Sherman , trus tee for creditors of Max Hyman Dated Sioux City , la , Feb. 16 1E90. Y-MS45 27 FOR RENT Hotel In Omaha , 120 rooms , nil modern. Brennan-Love Co , 219 South Ifith St. Y-Ma-at WELL established Jobbing buslnera for sale , stock STDOOOO. good chance for active man vvth some means' to do good trade. For particulars address N C2. Hee office Y-M964 21 THE CHANCE of a lifetime Paris In 1900 round trip from Omaha , srcond cabin on ocean stwimers. one we k at hotel In PorK two tickets to tli * Exposition , guides and Interpreters.o davs return limit on tickets , all for J160. Easy pay ment plan , monov refunded Ifou cannot go Write for particulars 1'irU Exposi tion Tour Co. , 631 Paxton bloUs Omaha , Neb Y-M949 21 UNUSUAL opportunltv , lnest J2W. aecur- Ing large permanent Income canltal safe , profits sure , H. Griffin , 11SO Ilnadwaj , New York. Y-M4f > 2 M14 ron n\cn 236 ncrs good prairie land , clear , to t\- change for merchandise. A F Bnllnh , Elgin Neb. 52 MS23 23- IMPROVED & 0-acre farm. Oto > rountv to exchange for clear residence In Omaha. N 60. Bee. Z-M9W 21 * POIl SALE RE VI. EVTVTE. HAVE you some lots to jell' Now Is the time to dispose of them , let the people know that you want to dispose of them. The Bee reaches the pcopk who have the money RE SC6 FOR SALE my home In West Omahi Those wishing to purchase will address Henrv D. Estabrook , S13 , 1S4 La Sallp St. , Chicago. RE-MX73 M2 LIST your property with us for sale We have the customers. The Bjron Reed Company , 212 S. 14th Street. RE 579 HOUSES , lots , farms , lanas loans , also flra insurance. Bemls. Paxton Block. RE 302 AVE HAVE rash customers for genuine real estate bargains. Submit propositions to us at once. Fidelity Trust Co. , N Y L Bldg RE M148 F23 FARMS' FARMS" FARMS' " Over 2,500 acres of Douglas county land for sale cheap Prices range from S20 per acre up Will pay you to Investigate. Th > Bjron Reed Co , 212 S. Hth StREM939 RE-M939 FOR South Omaha business ana residence property or acre tracts call on George & Company , 1601 Farnam st , Omaha , or now city hall bldg. . South Omaha RE-M491 28 THIRTY choice , rich , productive farms , large and small : also ten fine stock ranches , all In northeastern Nebraska , for sale very cheap and on easy terms Some of these lands ran be traded for good general mdse. dry cooda. hardware or furniture. For nartlculars address Geo. W. Hutton. Coleridge , Cedar Co . Neb. RE M336 F28 C. F. HARRISON Farms. 913 N Y L RE 775 M14 * 9-ROOM modern house Inquire 4032 Izard , RE 30J SOUTH OMAHA BARGAINS- Brlck block on 24th st. , $5.00000. M feet. 24th st , near P. O $120 per front foot Corner 24th and B sts , east front , 11.200.00. Lot 24th and D sts . east front , $1.200 W 16 acres , elegant Improvements , between Omaha and South Omaha , $4 0 < X > 00 O'Nell's Real Estate Agency South Omaha Neb. RE M213 BARGAINS In houses , lots , farms ; bale or trade. J. N. Frenzer , opposite old P O RE-301 LOTS on 26th , between Chicago and Cass fronting east , on grade , any size , fu'l depth , at $25 per foot. A. P. Tukev Board of Trade. RE 771 50X150 , EAST front , ror Gee nve , $1,50)00 N E cor. 27 and Woolworth. $700 53 feet on 18th. near Center. 1500. 0 rooms , 470J No. 40th ave , $350. 5 rooms , on 19th st. near Lake. $1 500. 6 rooms , on 22nd , near Lake. $2,200 00 10 rooms , modern. 3d and Chicago , $5.00000 W. II. Gates , 618 N Y. Life , 'phone 1291 RE M967 21 PECK & CO , agents and dealers In citv and farm prop' } , loijns , rentals , 101 S 15 RE-943-M-1S 3016 SEWARD STREET , 4-room house , barn , lot 25x132 feet neat place , snap. $500 South front lot. 60x12 * . Franklin St. , betvveer 24th and 25th sts , $1 150 S. W. corner 21th and Franklin Ms . C4xl2 ( feet , price $3,000 , next lot south same size , $2.500. N W. corner 24th nnd Bristol sts. , 132x12 : feet , paved street , price $7,000 2S22 Seward st , lot S0\132 feet , 5-room house $1,000 C-02 and 504 South 20th st , 5-room houses pays 12 per cent gross on prioj of each $1500 Nrar 35th and Seward sts , good 7-rooir house , corner lot. 60x124 feet , price. $100 Three stores and three flats on South 16tl st , can be made to produce $500 per year prlo$1,200. . 20-room brick house , divided Into two 10 room * apartments , pajs 12 per cent gros ; on.WX ! > Flnettt 160 acres In Dougla.s county , S-roorr house , bath room , orchard , etc , price PCI acre , $45 John N. Frenzer , opp. old P O RE-MSb9 DESIRABLE lands In Perkins , Phelps am Greeiey counties for sale on rfirt casf and time payments , or will exchange ir part for newspiper outfit , furniture , Ken- oral merchandise or othPr dfplrahle prop > rty. Address Lock Box M Harvard Clay County. Neb RE M 7 22 FOR SALE , trade or rent , three acres o ; garden land , two house-a and two out buildings one mile south of Ruscr's park Inquire of Mrs. F. G. Urlan. 970 N 23tl A\e. RE-104-22 * FOR SALE , my fruit nnd stock farm Im provements cost $20,00 ! ) 00. Price , 18.0WOO Grain and hay farm 176 acres nice leve plow-land. Price. $33 W per acre Garden and small fruit farm ; 24 acre ? Price. $20uOCO All close to this city Address Dodge , BOJ C34 , Louisiana , Mo. RE-M119 MEDICAL. LADIES , a never falling , harmless monthl ] regulator free , Mrs B. Rowan , Mllwau kee , Wis. 2j'J F2S ALL women who can't raise family shoulc consult the renowned German specialist Dr. Price , 1513 Dodge St , Lettert 2 cents -349 MS DR MANSFIELD'S monthly regulator ha : trought happiiu--s to hundreds of anxloui women , have never had a single failure longest cas.a relieved In two to five dayi without fall , no pain ; no danger ; no in terference with work ; oy mall or offi e $2 All letteru truthfully answered Th < Mansfield Remedy Co , 167 Dearborn St. room 614 , Chlcaco. 11 ! . S37 25 LADIES' fhlchester's English Pennyroya Pills ( Diamond brand ) are th best , safe reliable ; take no other : t-end 4e stamps fo ; particulars , "Relief for Ladles , " In lettei by return mall , at druggists Chlcheste Chemlral Co PhllarfMnhla Pa MATTHUSS HUNOVATI > G. M. S. WALKIN , : ill Cumlng. Til. 1331. TYPKttlUTERS for rent J4 ) pr month Thp Smlth-Premlrr Tvpttrltpr Co 1 25 Ftrnam St. Telephone. HM. S * i WK r nt and spll th * be t tv-p wrlt rs mulp Uncut Mxk of Mippllp * In Omaha United Typewriter * Supply Co , 1512 Farnum 309 CUT prices on ribbons. Derlght JTfl V4 DANCIM ! SCHOOL * . W E CHAMBERS , CrHghton ThMt Bldg NPW , classes forming , private lpj ons , coaching hull for rent. -294 F23 MR AND MRS MniiAXDS 1510 Harnev Prlvnt * . class nnd stitfp first lPi ons in prlvat * . assemblies e\cr > Wednesdn > . ad mission 23r SS9 M17 \ MM > Tpnwiiimo. . A. C. Van Sant s School , 717 N. Y Life -942 AT OMAHA Bus. College. 16th & Douglns 311 BOYLES' school , court reporter , principal Secures positions for students. 401-1-5-7 ' Bee B'ld'r EM LOST. LOST , bunch of keys. Finder will be re warded by leaving same at Ue > oHlr * Lost-M9S 23 LOST draft for mnll amount on Minne apolis bank. Please communlrnto with owner. Mrs. J. A. Wett , 161G S 10th ft Lost-MllS 21 LOST or stolen , St Bernard dog. female Return to 2705 So 20 , receive liberal re ward. Lost-M11023 PAWMIROKEUS. EAGLE Loin office * removed to S W ror 11th and Douglns Wo are now rend > for business and we promise to contln ic our repu'atlon as has alv a > s b en known .is the moct reliable and accommoda'ing In the. city All ar * cordially Invited to In spect cur new store. Sol Brodky. prop 9SS F27 EMPLOY MENT 111 HEAL' . EVERYONE wanting h > > lp. male or female , man nnd wife , nil at Canadian office 1522 J 1 SM 113 M20 n viunvooD OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co oak , hick ory , ash , cypre , popular , etc 13th & Calif 316 bTAMMEUINtJ AMI STUTTERING. SCHOOL for cure of these defects. Julia E Vaughan. SOj N Y Life bldg. 313 IIICYCLE. NEW wheels. 11350 up. 2ndhand wheels $5 up. Omaha Blc > cle Co 797 HOTELS. TRY the Henderson Hotel , board and room , $400 per week. gas. steam heat and baths Ninth and Farnam Sts. 319 OSTEOPATHY. THE Johnson Institute. GId E Johnson , mgr , Mrs Alice John on , D. O. . grad uate American school. Klrkvllle Mo , J. W Dill. M D , D. O. consulting phjEl- clan. Sultt , 515 N Y. Life bldg. 9:9 STORAOR. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co 90S- 910 Jones , general storage and forwarding. 245 OM. Van & Storage , 1511 % Farnam. Tel. 1559. FEATHER REXOVATIVG. MATTRESSES MADE OVER. M. J. Shaw. 707 So. 16th st. Tel "SI. 575 11OOICS. BOOKS bought and sold. 707 N. 16th S77 F3 SCHOOL OF LA'NGL'Ar.E. FRENCH , Germin , Spanish. $2 per month. Prof Chatelaln , 301 Bojd theater. 317 PIAM > FACTORY. OLD pianos overhauled secondhand pianos always on hand C Sommer , 321 ° " . 10th 31S ELOCUTION. ELLA DAY , Uamge Bldg. , 15 and Harney. Ten -\Tir. * MCKni.PLATI.NG. BICYCLES & sundries plated. 1302 Far- nam 13o REPAIRED. C A , CASE , \iollns repaired 416 Snealy blk. 747 MIC SUSS & CO. PATENT LAWYERS AND SOLICITORS Ben Bldg , Omfl'ja , Neb. Bend for free Invent- ore * culde. Tel 1C23. UAILA\A > TIME CARD. UNION PACIFIC--T1TE OVER- lanJ Route" General Offices. N E Cor. . Ninth & Farnam Streets City Ticket Office , 1303 Farnam Street Telephone , 316 Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telepnone , C29 Leave. Arrive. "Tho Overland Limited' ' for Utah , Idaho , Mon tane , California , Oregon gen and Washington points a8:50am : a4:45pm : Tha Colorado Special For Denver and all Colorado points . . . all:55pm : a 6:40am : PnPlllo Express for Denver , Salt Lake. Pacific coast and all western points . . . a 4 35pm a 6:40 : am Lincoln , Beatrice and Stromsburg Ex . . .b 4.35pm bl2:20pm : Fremont , Columbus. Nor folk , Grand Island and North Platte . .a 4 35pm b4:45pm : Columbus Local b 30pm b220pm North Platte Local a 6 15 um South Omaha Local Pass Leaves , 6:15 : a. m , 7.00 a. m , 10:10 : a. in. ; 3.05 p. m. Ar rives , 2045 u. m. ; 2.15 p. m , 4.15 p. m ; 6pm Council Bluffs Local Leaves , 5.55 a. m. ; C..40 a m , 6.50 a m. , 7:10 : a m ; b 10:45 : a. m 12:20 p m . 2 15 p. m. . 4 V > p. m , 4 55 p. m 5 25 p. m . 5.55 p. m ; 6 20 p. m ; 8.29 p. m 10 30 p m Arrives , 6.S5.a m. , 7:20.a. m. 8.15 a. m. 5:45 : a. m. , 11.30 a. m. ; 3 03 p m.m 4 05 p. m .5.15 p. m ,5 30 Ji m ; 5:55 : p. m.p. 6:30 : p. m . 9 05 p m ; ll.W p. m. ; 11.53 p. m. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway City Ticket Office. 1504 Farnam Street Telephone 2SI De pot , Tenth and Mason Bts. Telephone , 629 _ , Leave , Arrive Chicago Limited Ex , .a 5,45pm aS:20am : Chicago & Omaha Ex .bll.OOam b 4.00pm Sioux City & Des Molnes Express . . . bll:00ara : b 4:00pm : a Daily , b Dally Except Sunday OMAILV ST. LOUIS PORT Railroad Omaha , Kan sas City & Eastern Rail ARTHUR road "The Port Arthur Route " Ticket Olice , 141 ! Farnam Street , Telephone - RPMTR phone 322. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 629. Leave. Arrive. Et Louis Cannon Ball 1 Express . . . a 4:50 : pm 811:30 : am Kansas City & Qulncy Loral . .a 6:50 : am a 9,05 pm a Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILroad - road- General Offices and Ticket Office * . Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douglas Ht , Telephone. 104 Depot. 15th and Webdter Sti. Telephone , ' " „ . . Leave. Arrive. St. Louis-Kansas a Neb , LlmlU : : . a 3 00 pm a2.S5 pm K , c. Si L Express .a 9.50 pm a 0.00 am Nebrazka Local via Weeiung W > ' * r b 6'00 pm b9'45 am & Daily. t > Di.v Except Sunday. HVILWVY TIMI : cum. ( Continued ) CHICAGO X. NORTH- wc trn RB.HWBV "Ths Northwestern Llnp" City Ticket Office. 1W1 Fnrnam Street. Telephone 661. Depot. Tenth and Ma on Streets. Telephone , 6i9. Leave. Amy * . Da ; light Chicago Spc cfnl .a 6:40 : am nll:13 pm Mo Valley Sioux City , St Paul & Minneapo lis a S SSnm all 00pm Mo Valley Stoux City n 7 45 nm n 9 10 pin Carroll Loral . . . . b 5 26 ptn MO.10 am Lnst'rn Exprm , Des Molnps , Mnrshalllown , Cedar Rapids and Chicago cage . .till:53am : a 4 K > pm Atlantic 1'ijer. Chicago nnd East a4:5apm : a 4.03pm Fast Mall. Chicago to Omaha n 2 45 pm Northern Express .n E 35 pm a S 40 nm Omaha-Chicago Special n 7 05 pm a 815 am Fast Mall . . . . S 45am a Dally b Dnllj except Sunday. niEMONTJ liLKHORN , & MI'sourl Vnllej Rail- reid "The Northwestern Line ' General Officos. United States National Bank Bldg Southwe t - Corner Twelfth and I'ar- nam Streets Ticket Office , 1401 rnrn.itn Street Telpphono 661. oejiot. 15th and \ \ ebster Streets Telephone , 145s. Black IIIl'.s Dcadwood , Hot Springs . . .aS-OOpm no 00pm vvjomli.f , t'aspcr and DouKla * . . . . .d 3.00pm d5:00pm : HastltiM. York. Davlu Cltj , Superior Gtnpva Exeter and Seward..b 3.00pm b 5.00pm Norfolk. Verdlgre and Fremont b 7.30am blO 15 am Lincoln. Wnhoo and Fremont b 7 30 nm blO 45 am Fremont Loral .c 7 20 am r Dally b Da'ly except Sunday c Sun- day only d Dallv except Saturday.c HIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line" General Otllces , I'nlted Stnt * National Bank Building , S W Corner Twelfth _ and Farnam Streets. Ticket Office , 1401 Fnrnam Street. Tele phone , 56t Depot. Tenth and Mason directs. Te'ephone. ' 629. T. ° ave. Arrive. Sioux City , Mnnkato , St raul , Minneapolis a 5 : > 5 am a S 40 nm St Paul. Minneapolis. Mankato & SlouxClty.a B 2a pm all.OO pm Sioux City Local . a 7.45 am a 9.05 pm a Dally. CHICAGO. ST. PAUL A Minneapolis & Omaha Ra.'waj "The North- \v < . lein Line" General Offices. Nebraska Di vision , 15th and Webster Sts Citv Ticket Olllce , 1401 I arnam St Telephone , 5G1 Depot , 15th and Webster Sts. Leave Arrive Norfolk Passenger a 6 10 am a 7.00 pm Bla'r Emer on. Sioux Cltj Pen a Hartlng- ton and Bloomficld b 1 CX ) pm b2 15 pm No 2 Twin Cl y L tM a 5 53 pm No 1 Omaha Limited a 9 00 am a Dallj b Dally except Sunday. BCRLINGTOIv & M1B- sourl River Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" General Offices , N. W Corner Tenth and Far nam Streets. Ticket Office. 1502 Farnnm Street. Telephone. 250 Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets Tele- phone , 310. Leave. Arrive Lincoln , Hastings and McCook . . . a S.45 am a 7:40 : pm Lincoln Denver Color ado Utah California a 4.25 pm a 3 55 pm Lincoln , Black Hills. Montana & Puget Sound . . .a 4 25 pm u 3:00 : pm Lincoln Loral . . . a 7:00 : pm afo.35 am Lincoln Fast Mall . . a 3.00pm a0.35ara Denver Colorado , Utah , California . all:30 : pm a 6:30 am a Daily , b Daily Excent Sunday -HICAGO. BURLINGTON i Qulncy Railroad-"The Burllngt n Route" Ticket Office , 1502 Farnam St Tel 250 Depot , Tenth & Mason Streets Tele phone , 310.Leave. Leave. Arrive KANSAS CITY. ST. JO- & Council Bluffs Railroad "The Burling ton Route" Ticket Office , 1502 Farnam Street , lel- ephone , 250. Depot Tenth and Mason Streets. Tel ephone , 310 Leave Arrive , Kansas City Day Ex a 3.5 am a 5.45 pm Kansas City Night Ex alO.15 pm a 6.30 am St Louis Flyer for St. Joseph and Ft. Lou.a ! 455 pm all:30 am a Dal- ! . CHICAGO. ROCK ISLand - and & Pacific Rallroac "The Great Rock Isl and Route " City Tick et Office , 1323 Farnarr Street. Telephone , 42S Depot , Tenth & Maser Streetc Telephone , 629 Leave Arrive DCS Molnes Local b 7:15 am bll:25am : Chicago Express bll:15 am a , S 00 am Chicago Fast Express a 5 00 pm n 1 25 pm St Paul Fat Express..a 5.0U pm bll.25am Lincoln , Colorado Spgs. Denver , Pueblo and West al:30pm a4:25pm : Des Molnes. Rock Isl and and Chicago. . . R. 7:15 pm a S 50pm Colorado Flyer . . a 6:20 pm aSDOam a Dallj' . b Daily Except Sunday NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS The annual meeting of stockholders ol The Bee Publishing Company will be helc at their olllce , corner Seventeenth and Far nam streets , in the city of Omaha. Neb , or Monday , March 6th , 1&3 , nt 4 o'clock p infer for the purpose of electing a board of dl < rectors and such othJr bus'neas as maj come up for consideration. By order of tht president GEO B. TZSCHUCK. Secretary. Omaha , Neb. , February 16th , lt > 99 F-ie-M&E-d-lO-t STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice U hereby given that the regulai annual meeting of the stockholders of tht South Platte Land companr will bn helc at the otllcn of said company at Lincoln Nebraska , at 11 o'clock a m. on the flnl Wednesday in March , 1899. being the llrsi day of the month By order of the board of director * C H. MORRILL , A B MINOR. Secy Pres. Lincoln. Neb. Jan. 28th. 1E93 GOVEIOME.VrNOTICE. . OFFICE OF CONSTRUCTING QUAR termaster , Sheridan , Wyo . Feb 12 Sealer proposals In triplicate will be received a thl office until 8 p m. mountain time February 25 , 1SS9 , for construction of tempo rary barracks near Sheridan. Wyo U. S reserves right to reject or accept any or a ! proposals Information furnished on appli cation at this office and to thi Department of the Missouri. Omaha Neb Envelopes containing nroposals to b < marked "Proposals for Construction of Tern porary Barracks " and addressed to the un derslgned MARION M'MILI.IN. Con structlng Quartermaster. F-13-d-ll-t-M IIuiv the Trouble Chicago Post He.had been reading tbi paper and occasionally repeating to he ; come item -that boemed particularly Inter eating. Thus it happened he finally rat acroE3 an item about the invention of a ma chine for washing horses "They'll have machines for washing bablei next , " he suggested "Huh ! " the exclaimed Indignantly , "I'i just like to sea ray baby w ached by a ma chine' ' " "So would I , " ho returned. He afterward expla'ned ' to come one at tli club that It was an exhibition of the In sincerity , of woman , for whllo ho bad doni abtolutcly nothing but agree with her , Eli wan to displeased that be found It impos Bible to read his paper In omfort. Co u IU Ilnve MclU-tl II. Chicago Pot"Say" he eal-3 , BS h < emerged from the cteamrooin of ft Turklel bth with the jxTrplratlon rrlllrR oft li.m , ' Ilimlet w npvpr In one of thp e' "How do you know ? ' asked ani'her pntmn "UPcu * < . If h < bad lrcn. his too , lr > o ttvlkl fl > h wouM hsv * mr > Ked iM * n J h a * lot of worry nnd bother about th t ftnturo of his life" ODDITIES ( IP IIIMHHI EDITOR * . PrrullnrKIrn of > liiirnnll in In ( tin Ind-rlor ( if liulln. The Indian pro s Is of nnclpnt origin. Ages before the European conquest * ays 'enrson' Weekly , every court h 1 1 Its weekly , In ( tome cases Its < Uly ! Journal , which was rent out to the principal towns and attentively rpnil by noblo.i , vves.ith > people ple and officials. These Journilg ontnlneJ iroclamntlons anil decrees nnd chruil led ; he movements of the court and all things Ikply to be of Interest to the fnlthful sub- Iccis of the rulers of the various prin cipalities Newspapers , In our meaning rf the vorj , were first publlhsl In ISIS Hit were In EnRllsh The first native noxvn- paper was not Issiipd until thp mHdlp nf ho century The native prc s of the prestnt day may IMS divided Into two classes papers edited nnd published by natives , the mniter being generally half In English nn'l half In n nntlvp InnRUftRp , nnd those Journals nhUh are published cntlrclj In a native language , this cliirs being mufh more numomns As n rule these In t nro ctnnll. vpr ) poorly printed on cheep paper , often on onb ono side of the nhect , and not Infrcquontlj the same Journal varies greatly In size arrord- Ing to the amount nf nens obtainable and the personal circumstances and convenience of the editor. Generally epenklng thp nntlvp It very anxious to acquire n knowledge of English. It not only opens the way to appointments In the government service , but also makes lilni n person of great Importance In the district , as comparatively few of the tnl'llons of natives rend English or pven unlerstand It when Epoken. A working knowledge of our tongue Is Indispensable to a native editor , because nil the Important news Is first published In the Anglo-Indlnn news papers The native writer Is fond of extravagant expressions and makes use whenever he can of quotations from Shakespeare or Milton and the religious phrases he has seen In missionary literature In the usp of mcta- phnrs hp often gets much mixed up The editorial page of the Indian country paper is n literary curiosity Tor Instance. the reader la assured. In an article on a po litical crisis , that "all the crowned heads uf Europe are shaking In their shoes ' Some times we read that "tho editor expects with divine help , to have more reading suited to the Intelligence of his subscribers in the nert Issue " But the editor Is seen nt his best In hH own announcements Ilia whole vocabulary Is brought Into play to impress the renders Sometimes the announcement takrs the tone of apology , as In the ca o of tlae editor who Innocently declared "This Is only the be ginning cf our paper \Vc were not sure how much matter was required to fill up , and , thinking we had sufficient , we did net exert ourselves much to get any more. We there fore beg that our readers will excuse us this time for the space left blank , and promlae to do better and get more In the future " Still more curious was the announcement of a paper which came out for the first tlmo with two columns blank , the editor making the bold announcement that "a largo quan tity of exceedingly Interesting matter had been left out for want of space " When the native editor wants a holiday hn suspends publication until it is convenient to re-sumo , and , taking his readers Into his confidence , informs them plainly why the paper was not Issued on the expected dates. "With the consent of our readers we now propose to take our annual holiday We are sure none of them will begrudge us our re laxation. " If It were not for the Englhh newspapers published In Calcutta , Bombay and other large cities , which are edited by cultured Englishmen nnd Anglo-Indians , the native Journals would be very poor productions , as nearly all the news and much of the other reading matter Is translated In order to fill them. For frost bites , burns , indolert sores eczema , ekln disease , and especially Pile * Do Witt's Witch Hazel Salve stands first and best. Look out for dishonest people who try to Imitate and counterfeit It. Its their endorsement of a good article. CVLE > DARS REPEAT THEMSELVES. Every S Yrnrs 1 on Cnn t , o Yonr Old CnleiiilnrM ( H er Acnln. Tlie monthly calendar and the yearly cal endar of common jears , sajs a writer In the New- York Herald , repeat themselves at the regular Intervals of six. five , elx and eleven jcars , creating the calendar slecle of twenty-eight > cars. Our yearly calendars repeat themselves In regular order every twenty-eight jears , except when tbe lart year of the century Is not a leap jcar then an irregular Interval of six or twelve jears , and , In the caao of the leap years 72 , 76 , SO , 84 , 88 of such centuries the regular order of twenty-eight jears is not resumed until the expiration of forty years ( twenteight plus twelve ) . Commencing with the je r 1000 eacti yearly calendar will repeat It self every twenty-eight jears until the j-ear 2009. 2009.That That all centuries must begin on either Monday , Tuesdaj- , Thursday or Saturday Is explained by tbe fact that our cali-ndar re peats itself every 400 years , therefore but four days out of the seven can inaugurate a centurj- . Tbe Interval of forty jcars In the cnseof leap yearn indicated at ihe close of century applies also to any other event occurring at intervals of four joars. For instance , the presldcotlali Inauguration day , March 4 , 1677 , occurred on Sunday. Thla will not occur again till 1917 , or forty jears later The Intervals must always bo six , flvo , nix , eleven years , but at the c'ose of three of every four centuries an Irregularity In the repetition ol the monthly calendar oc curs. There may bo a repetition of the In terval of six jears ( twelve ) , or there may be an Interval of seven and five yean ( twelve ) , before the regular order U re sumed , but such irregularity ia monthly calendars is limited to a period of twolv years. No monthly calendar ever repeats JUelf Ici less than five j-cars As n further Illus tration , take May , 1S71. This calendar re peated itself May , 1S76 ( five years ) , and May , 1SS2 ( nix jears ) , but the entire cal endar for 1871 repeated iteelf In 1SS2 , only an eleven-jear Interval. A monthly calendar repeating Itself at no time In ICES than five yearn and often In not lees than eleven years , the ago of an acquaintance can be readily ascertained by Knowing tbe rncatb , dajs of month and of week of birth. Before the discovery of One Minute Cough Cure , ministers were greatly disturbed by coughlnt , congregations No excuse for it now. A PrcilU'itiiient , Detroit Free Press : "Hoot , man , " Ehoutal the Scotch contractor , who la putting up a fine boueo In the suburbs , "I canna manage wl' ye. Gang home , mon. " "What for ? " "Dlnna I tell 't ye to tak tbe Uurlbarra an' trun'Io thao utanes doon there , an' re etude an' glowcr't at me ? I canna manage wl' ye when ye dlnna underctan * English. " U Invaluable to convalescents from grip , restoring strength and appetite. Made by the Anheustr-Busch Brewing Aes'n guar antees Hi merit.