THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY , PEUHVAllY 18 , 1890. SPECALOTIGK A < lvrrllncntoitN ( for tticnt * trill lie InUi-ii until 12 rn , fur the cvonlnu iMllllnn , nnil until HiltO p. in. for niornlMK mill Similiiy rillllon * . ItnlcN 1 l-'JLv. a ivoril llrt Insertion ) lc it wont tliKri-nHrr. NotliltiK tnUfii for ICNH tlinn"c for tlin itrnt Innrr- llon. Tlicttc ntlvertlneiiieiitii iiiitNt lie rutt consecutively. AilrrrtlnnrN , lijrrriicxtliiK n iitim- lii-rril clircU , cnn linvn nt MTcr nil- ilrcNM-il to a iiiiinlxTril letter In cure of Tli < ! lire. AtliMverN no mtilrrxncil will lie ilcllvcrcil on iirvNcntiitlou of tlin check only. SITUATIONS WANTED. MAN of peed business ability wants em ployment ; Is a first-claw bookkeeper and olllco manager ; good references. Address N 46. Bee. AMSOd 19 * COMPETENT accountant , ' business corre- Hiianilent , credit man niul genera ) ofllco man open for engagement ; highest en dorsements , i-oming from the oast. Bus iness , N 4'J. Ben olllce. A-MS37 21 AVAJiTISD MAM3 WANT15D , wo have steady work for n few good hustlers of good habits nnd appear ance. C. F. Adams Co. , 1019 Howard St. B-222 TAILORS , attend Dyhr's' ' cutting school , 518 So. 13tll St. U-223 SOLICITOUS for fraternal society ; better contracts to agents than other * c in give. L 50 , Bee. B 720 F19 BHIOI1T , active men , used to good pay , to sell fine sts of books on Installment , w. A. Hlxenbaugh & Co. , room 14 , Ware lilk. B-M987-F27 SALESMEN for cigars. $125 month nnd ex penses ; old firm ; experience unnecessary ; Inducements to customers. C. C. Bishop & Co. , St. Louis , Mo. B M210 SALESMEN to sell omco- specialties ; fine sldo lines : S5 a day ; ufed by all mer chants. Model Mfg. Co. , box B , South Bend. Ind. B-M403 M3 * WANTED All who Intend to learn the barber' trade to correspond with us ; wo have nn eye-opener for you ; wrlto for free catalogue & particulars. St. Louis Barber College of Omaha , cor. Dodge & 14th sis. B-MS79 M9 WANTED , first class Impllmcnt salesman ; none but experienced general lineman neo apply. ' Address N 24 , Bee. B 605 MEN at once to learn barber trade ; we have 300 positions to 1111 In the west this spring ; eight weokn complete ? ; students from a distance assisted In transportation to our nearest college , Chicago , St. Louis or Minneapolis , which nro the only insti tutions of the kind recognized by state board ; our graduates running shops wrlto to us for help , knowing wo furnish skill ful , reliable barbers ; don't try to learn in a five-cent Fhop ; you can't hope to bo bftter than the. cheap proprietor. Wrlto today. Molcr Barber College. Chicago , I" . " B-M618-23 * FIRB Insurance solicitor wanted. Address N 38 , Bee. B 761 SOLICITORS wanted for the Boo Tailors Apply 1607 Farnam. B 774 17 ' WANTED. 10 good harness and collar makers at onco. Apply to Buckstaft Bros. Mfg. Co. , Lincoln , Neb.BM700 B-M700 21 A SOLICITOR of good address nnd per sonal appearance , tempernto and re liable , can Hnd permanent nnd prolltahlo employment by addressing N 41 , Omaha Boo. B M7SG 22 WANTED LIve energetic hustlers that can put up a talk. Inquire lot Bee Bldg from 10 a. m. to 3 p. m. , Saturday. Feb. ICth. B-S24-17 * COJCT MAKER wanted about March 1 Oiily steady man wanted. Gust Abraham- son , Holdrege , Neb , B M831 20 * WANTED , druggist with % year's experi ence ; must understand soda business. N 47 , Bee. B MS48 18 WE WANT at once , ever 'whore , at homo or to travel , reliable mei co keep our show cards and advertising1 before the public nnd Introdubo'a'neW discovery ; salary or commission ; $65 per month and expenses not to exceed 52.50 per day. Apply at once for full particulars. Glebe Medical Elec tric Co. , Buffalo , N. Y. B M83G IS * TRAVELING salesmen ; a flno side line ; no samples ; big commissions. Sopono Refln- Ing Co. , St. Paul , Minn. B M833 20 * WANTED , baker to take full charge of bakery ; must bo first class and capable o doing all kinds of plain and fancy work. Address M , Lock Box 3S , Oberlln. Kan. B-MS47 IS * WANTED FKMALE HELP. WANTED , 100 girls , 1524 Dodge. Tol. STlT C M227 WANTED , four ladies of good address nnd refinement ; those who have largo ac quaintances In Omaha nnd vicinity ; como and find out what It Is ; nsk for Sir. Mosher. Jensen & Mosher Co. , 704 N. 16th St. C M743 MK WANTED , lady of good address to assist manager In city ; small salary from first to right party. Address N 43 , Bee. , C-MS03 19 LADIES wanted for pleasant homo work In every town to look after the Interest of old established house ; $10 to $23 weekly , with short hours and permanent position Blnckmnn , 550 Pearl St. , New York City ! C-MS49 IS * MAN or lady to travel and appoint agents Established llrm. J50 per ma. and all ex penses to start. Mfr. , Box S2ii , Chicago. IlK C-MS33 IS * AT ONCE , competent lady bookkeeper , with best references , to take charge ol office. Salary , J10.00 per month. N TA Bee ' C MS2S IS * ron IIENT HOUSES. CHOICE houses and cottages all over city $5 to $75. Fidelity , 1st floor , N. Y Life D 225 HOUSES. Bonewa & Co , , 103 N. 15th fit ' D 22G ALWAYS moving household goods and pianos. Omaha Van & Storngo Co. , 15HM Farnam , Tel , , 1559. D 227 HOUSES , stores. Bcmls , Paxton bloclc D 22S MIOOM house , bath , $14.00. 314 First Na- tlonal Bank bldg. D 229 8-ROOM furnished house. Enquire nt The Bachelors , 2014 Farnam. D 799 22 FOR RENT , houses In all part's of city The O. F. Davla Co. , 1605 Farnnm St. D-233 HOUSES for rent ! a specialty made ol looking after property of non-residents J. H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. D-231 ' CHOICE 9-r. br. terrace , modern , ca. front , 118 So. 25th St. 3G U. S. Nat'l. Bank Bldg D-S3J MAGGARD'S Van and Storage. 115 N. 15th , Tel. 149G. D 231 HOUSES. Clms. E. Benson , 310 Ramgo bldg , D-M4G1 A14 EIGHT-ROOM house ; gas. bath , barn , 262 : Seward. F .D. Wead , 16th nnd Douglas , D-740 KpUSES for rent In alt parts of the city , Brcnnan-Lovi Co. , 219 South 16th St. D-233 GOOD barn , 1902 Cass St. D-S63 SEVERAL. Inn. 30 U. S. Nat'l. Ok Bldg D-237 8-R. FURNISHED house ; central F D W d. D-M5S223 FOR RENT , steam-heated flat In Davldiw bldg. , opposite city hall : strictly modern JOHN W , ROBB1NS. 1802 Furnum St. D-413 FOR RENT. 10-room house , 16th and Vln- ton bts. , with barn , largo yard , de'lrubU for So. Omulm man. $25.00 per ino.j desir able house near Hanscom park , barn per month. George & Company , ice Farnam st D MS13 19 SIX-ROOM brick house , all modern , 1611 Kyner ; 4-room apartments at S1G S. 22nd D-823-20 * 11-ROOM brick , 1029 So. 30 ave. , every mod. erii convenience , hardwood lloora unc finish : laundry and full cellar. 8-room do tac hed , 1735 Park uve. , very pleasant In. cation and all modern. W. D. Mead. 1031 Bo. 80 ave. D MM7 19 * i-'oit HUNT HOI sns. ( Continued. ) ELEGANTLY furnished hotw near Han- scom park to responsible parties ) no chil dren. Address N 42 , Deo. D-MS01 19 * roil nnvr-iMm.Msnnn ROOMS. LARGE outh room , with alcove ; modern. 2550 Homey street. E 713 20 * ROOMS , 1905 Capitol ave. E-MSOI 23 * FURNISHED room , $5. 1916 Fnrnnm. E S21-19 * L'P-TO-DATE furnished room * ; reasonable , S12 No. IGth Flat 3. E-M8I1 20 * NICELY furnished rooms. All modern conveniences. References required. 2101 Farnnm. E MS25 19 * IIOO.MS AND IIOAUU. NICELY furnished room * , steam heat , frco bath. J1.50 per week nnd up. Klondike hotel , 16th and Webster Sts. F-211 UTOPfA. 1721 Davenport. F-M5S9 BEAUTIFUL rooms reasonable. :3S4 Harney F 758-19 * THE BACHELORS-2014 Farnam St. , the bust $1.60 house In state ; good weekly rates. F-765-M1I A VERY drslrablo front room with nl- rnvc , 2nd floor. Hot water , heat , 212 S. 25th St. F-218 ROOM nnd board ; heat , gas and bath , $1.00 per week. 1S21 Fnrnnm.FM7SI F-M7SI IS * VERY desirable single rooms with board ; Btoam. 202 N. 18th. F 7C2 17 ELEGANT steam heated rooms ; line tnblo board. 1903 Capitol avenue. F 776 21 * Glencalrn , rates $1.25 to $1,50. 1GOD Dotmlas. F-M721 THE BACHELORS , 2014 Farnnm. large double room , suitable for man nnd wlfo. F M571 M2 THE CAPITOL. 1723 Capitol Avenue. F-M705 F19 * VERY desirable flnglo rooms with board ; Bteam. 202 N. 18th. F M830 10 * ROOMS and board In private family. 1302 So. 28th street. F MS02 19 * I-'Oll HENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FOR gentlemen , walking distance , near Fnrnam car , modern. I 38 , Bee. G-213 2 FRONT rooms for light housekeeping , 1609 Leavenworth St. Q M791 21 * 4-ROOM flat , modern ; gag stove. 1312 So. 2Sth St. G-MSI3 21 * ' roil III2NT STORKS AND OFFICES. 3-STORY and basement brick store buildIng - Ing , 1003 Farnam. 22x100. Inquire 314 First National Bank Building. 1-244 AGENTS WANTED. M'DONALD'S extracts give satisfaction ; agents wanted in country towns. 241S M. 17th St. , Omaha. J MS33 F21 * PROFITABLE work offered Agents in every town to secure subscriptions to the Ladles' Homo Journal and the Saturday Evening Post. Good pay for good work We want agents to work thoroughly and with business system to cover each sec tion with our Illustrated little booklets and other advertising matter. How well some of our ngente have succeeded la told In a little booklet we would like to send you portraits ot some of our best agents , with the story of how they made it pay. The Curtis Publishing Co. . Phlla- delohla , Pa. J MSS6 A1S * AGENTS on salary or commission ; the greatest agents' seller ver produced ; every user of pen and Ink buys it or sight ; 200 to 500 per cent profit ; ono agent's sales amounted to $620 In six days ; an other $32 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co. , X 10. LaCrosse , WIs. J-MS34 19 * AGENTS wanted , to sell medicines. Nice present given to every agent calling today . and Monday. ( Room 5 , 1515& FnrnamSt. J MS41 IS * AGENTS , do mall order business , mfg , your own articles and make money easy honorably and rapidly. For particulars write Gust SJoIander , Stromsburg , Neb. J M830 2S WANTED TO RENT. WANTED , to rent , a store bulltdng on Far nam St. . between 13th & 16th sts. R. C , Peters & Co. , 1702 Farnam St. , Bee Bldg K M7B9 19 GOOD furnished hotel of 23 to 40 rooms Ir town In eastern Nebraska , by experi enced hotel man. Address D. V. Robin- faon , Russell , la. K 777 18 * WANTED To buy a secondhand high- grade blcyclo ; must be cheap. C. Olson , 511 N. 16th St. K-S20-17 WANTED. 2 rooms and board by .1 young men men between Dodge and Hnrney , Sixteenth and. Twenty-second streets State terms or no attention nald to an swer. N 51 , Bee. K M833 IS * WANTED TO 11UY. IF YOU are In need of anything try the Want Columns of The Bee ; they will bring you what you want. N S67 BEST and cheapest stoves nnd furniture sold At small profits ; highest prices pali : for good goods. D. Brodkey , 110 S. 14th , N-217 ANY slzo lots 2d hand furniture ; highest prlco paid. Transmlsslsslppi Store , 16th & Davenport , N M387 SECOND hand safe for cash. 111 So. 13th , N-S72 HIGHEST prices nald for all kinds ol household goods. Lewis. 104 8. 14th. N-M333 F2S STAMP collections bought , sold. Mortenson , 401 N 16th. N-M394 M3 ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. , In largo or small quantities , Chicago Fur niture Co. , tel. 2020 .14M-S-10 Dodge. N-514 m 5 20 ACRES near the city , with Improve- montsi must be a bargain. A. M. Cowle , 211 S. 18th St. N-M7871S SECOND-HAND books boucht for cash , Antiquarian Book Store , 1519 Farnum. N-M7S2 roil SALI3 rUHNITUHK. VISIT our new location , wo have a com plete stock of second hand furniture , stoves , etc. , cheap. J. Lewis , 104 S. 14th , 0-M334 F28 PARTIES leaving city will sell all or parl furniture , Including piano. 209 So , : house for rent. O MS11 19 * rOIl SALE HORSUS , WAOOXS , ETC. SMALL driving or working mare. 261 ; Marcy. P M840 20 * FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. SAWDUST , hardwood , cribbing and hoc fence at lowest prices. 901 Douglas St. Q-219 HOG , poultry nnd lawn fences ; all wire ; Is boat. Wire Works , 14th and Harney. Q-231 B , HAAS. Florist , 1813 Vlnton St. . Tel. 776 plants , cut flowers , bonnets , hall , resi dence , wedding and grave decorations ; orders by mall or express promptly filled Q-252 FOR SALE ten R.I.P.A.N.S for 5 cents , al druggists ; one gives relief. Q 253 SECOND hand safe cheap. Ill So. 13th Q-873 1,000.000 BRICK for sale. J. P. Weaver. I Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. Q S61 AT GREAT sacrifice , flno upright piano good as now ; tone excellent. Address ft 11 , Bee olllce. Q-4E9 M4 SECONDHAND sewing machines. $5.00 up Neb. Cycle Co. , 15th nnd Ilarney. Q-410 M4 RESTAURANT outfit for storage charges' Om. Van and Storage Co. , ISllVa Fnrnarr street. Q 48S 2ND-hand safe cheap. Derlght , 1116 Farnam G-21S NEW nnd 2d-hand typewriters sold , rented repaired ; ribbons cheap. Derlght , HIS F'm Q-719 M13 rou SAI.IJ Misrui.L.vxnofs. ( Continued. ) COAL , hand-picked Burlington tgg , $1.00. 'Phono Harmon & Wcctn Co. Q-M72I 27 EIGHT head large , fine , fresh cows nnd springers nt Jester's yard , 25th nnd Burl Sts. Q-735 16 * COLD IN H'EAD , Sherman's Cntnrrh Jelly , 25c. Middle of block , Omaha , Neb.Q250 Q-250 FOR SALE Incubator , brooders , bono cut ter , wlro fencing , etc. 2913 S. 24th St , Q-S19-19 * MISCELLANEOUS. NOTICE to country dealers ; sccond-hnnd furniture and stoves sold nt lowest prices by carload lota or less. Chicago Furniture Co. , 14M-S-10 Dodge R-515-m 6 CLAIRVOYANTS. MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant. 817 N. 16th. 3-253 VIENNA fortune teller , 18 years here. 1411 Howard. S 250 MME , Gylmcr , genuine palmist. 1005 Dodge. S-M3iS A3 ALEX HOFFMAN , clairvoyant and palm- l t , tells your full name , In fact every thing you wish to know nbout your friends , enemies , wives , husbands nnd sweethearts ; locates ) lost articles , hidden treasure ; removes evil Influences' ' , etc. ; those In trouble rail and get Instant re lief. Parlor 4 , Midland Hotel. B-MS15 IS * MASSAGE , MATHS , UTC. MAY WILSON , massage , baths. R. 15 , 302 N. 16. T M493 M4 MRS. FLO BERRY , bath and massage , 119 N. 16th St. , room 12. 2d floor. T-715 F2 MME. SMITH , Room 2 , 11S' , < . No. 15th , T 511 20 * MME. AMES , R. 6 , 607 S. 13 ; massage baths. T-M792 Mlo * HATTIE LOUIS , massage , baths , 1324 Cap itol ave. T MS42M17 * PERSONAL. VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 340 Bee Bldg. U 257 BATHS , massage. Mine. Post , 319' ' ( < - S. 15th. U 23S LIEBEN , costumcr , 1313 Howard ; cata logues sent. U 2CO DR. ROY , chiropodist ; corns removed , 25o and upward. Room 12. Frenzer block. U M328 SUPERFLUOUS hair , wrlnkluj. moles , warts , freckle.3. blackheads. plmalcH re moved forever by electricity ; bust de veloped ; neck , arms , checks made plump. Mmo. Payne's hairdressing pallors. 2.5U1 Leavenworth. Tel. 1863. U M569 MS PILES cured In seven to ten days , by ono treatment. No pain , no knife , no dangr. Rectal diseases a specialty. Empire Pile Cure. . 932 N. Y. Life Building , Omiiha. U MS31 ZERKOWSKY , violin teacher. R. 20. 321 S. IStn. U M377 UNUSUAL opportunity ; Invest $200. secur ing large permanent Income ; capital safe , profits sure. II. Griffin , 1180 Broadway , New York. U M402 Ml * BOOKBINDING. Burkley Printing Co. U-261 LOVE'S Dancing academy , 533 Paxton blk. U 693 F1S HOW undergraduate doctors , dentists , pharmacists , lawyers can soon graduate. Box ll'C ' , Chicago. U M59S M10 * YATES , the healer , will cure you ot any dU- case in your own homo , without n dose of medicine. Dr. Yates , Shcnandoah , Iowa. U M694 IS * SUPERFLUOUS hair , warts and moles permanently removed by electricity. Con sultation free anfi confidential. All work guaranteed. Miss Allender , 1724 Dodge St. U M673-1S * RITTER hospital ; confinement cases taken ; babies adopted. 2214 Seward , Omaha. Tel. 2233. U-262 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during confinement ; babies adopted. 1138 N. 17th , Omaha. U-2C3 MASQUERADE suits. S. Sack's , 3318 S. 20th. U M723 M13 * Osteopathy , Dr. B. J. McRae , Paxton Blk. U -.60 M-14 W. II. CHARLTON will hear som-ithlng to his advantage by calling on or writing the Bank of Hlckman , Neb.U U M7S5 24 * $5.00 GIVEN away , Crelghton hall ball Sat urday night to lucky gentleman or lady. U MS1S IS * $35 RUPTURE cured until May first for $33. No detention from business. 1,000 pa tients cured In Nebraska. Seven years In Omaha. Call or write. Emplro Rupture Cure , 932 N. Y. Life Building , U MS32 MONEY TO LOAN III : A I , ESTATE. WANTED , choice farm and city loans. R C Peters & Co. , 1702 Farnam , Bee bldg.V264 \V-264 $100,000.00 special fund to loan on first-class improved Omaha property , or for building purposes. Fidelity Trust Company. W 2C3 5 % PER CENT money. Bcmls , Paxton Blk W 2CO $1,000 AND upwards to loan on improved property. W. Farnam Smith & Co , , 1320 Farnam St. W 2C7 6 PER CENT city and farm loans. Gnrvln Bros , , 1613 Farnam St. W 258 $50,000,000 CHEAP money for investment- agents wanted. Investors lists for sale. Investors Directory , N. Y. W 209 WRITE us If you want a loan on your farm In Iowa , eastern Nebraska or Mis souri , It will pay you. Anthony Loan & Trust Co , , 315 N. Y. Life. W-270 $100 AND up. F. D. Wead , 16th and Douglas ' W-271 MONEY to loan on Nebraska and lown farms ; lowest rates. Brcnnan-Lovo Co , 219 S. 16th , Omaha. W 272 MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Lovo Co. , 219 So 10th. W-272 MORTGAGES. Wallace , 213 Brown Block ' W-273 FARM loans quickly made. Low rates. Write B , M. Webster & Co , , 9(3 ( N. Y. Life ' W-M993 F28 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. $10 TO $10.000 TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIA NOS , HORSES. WAGONS , AND CAR RIAGES , WAREHOUSE RECEIPTS etc. . nt lowest rates In ' Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs No removal of goods ; strictly confidential' you can pay the loan off at any tlmo or in any amounts. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO 30fi SOUTH IGTH STREET THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONLY INCORPORATED LOAN COMPANY IN ' ' OMAH'A , X 295 LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPLE HOLDING PERMANENT POSITIONS ON THEIR PERSONAL NOTE WITH OUT INDORSEMENT : LOW RATES- EASY PAYMENTS , ROOM 119. BOARD OF TRADE BLDG. . 16TH AND FAR. NAM STS , TEL. 2295. X-296 . MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horses ; cows , Jewelry. Duff Green , r. 8 * Barker blk. x-297 MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture. Jew elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F , Reed , 319 S 13 ' X-298 DIAMOND loan office , 1315 Douglas ; unre deemed diamonds , watches , etc. sold cheap. X-295 MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPLE holding permanent position * with respon sible concerns upon their own name , with out security ; easy payments. Tolman , R. 700. N , Y. Life Bide. X-300 IIUSINESS CHANCES. FOR SALE or trade , manufacturing plant with trackage , Including house , barn , scales , boilers and engine pumps ; stone grinder , good stock feeding plant : also Remington typewriter , good condi tion. Room 405 , N. Y. Life. 111 .SIMSS CHAN fits. ( Continued. ) HERD of IS head registered Jcrs ys. Clos est living relatives to "Hugo Countess" of World's Fair fame , for whom owner refused $1,000 ; Hnnna's Duke No. 323H5 , only living son of "Hugo Countess , " nt head of herd. Also daughter. 2 grand daughters and half sister of "Hu o Countess. " Cash , Would consider good farm In western Iowa or eastern No brnska. Address owner , L. E. WllllaniD , Glenwood. Iowa. Y M379 FOR SALE , furniture nnd lease of the Met ropolitan hotel , 12th nnd Douglas ; 45 rooms nnd 60 beds ; the right place for the right man. Y M509 20 FOR SALE , bakery , confectionary and restaurant , doing a good business In n town of 2,000 population : cheap for cash only. Address K , Rennor , P. o. Hex 210 , Grlswold. Iowa. Y M6H-1S * FOR SALE , nt a bargain , the only brick plant In Atlantic , Iowa , n town of over 5,000 Inhabitants ; capacity of works from 15.000 to 20,000 per day : 17 acres of land , house nnd barn , ono SevereVs brick ma chine , one Brewer brick nnd tile machine , one 2o h. p. engine nnd SO h. p. boiler , ono Swift pat , kiln a.nd ono common clamp kiln , shed room for 100,000 green brick , nil necessary tools for operating said plant ; n good opportunity for the right man ; l > oor health of the manager rcawn for selling. For further Information addresser or call on F. H. Cromblo or II. J. Cavcn- uugh , Atlantic , Iowa. Jones Brick Co. Y-MSH 20 FOR SALE , two completely furnished Omaha hotels with bars nt great sacrifice. R. C. Patterson , Omaha. Y M751 19 FOR RENT , good dairy farm three miles cast of Omaha : good house , stable , wind mill. Other good farms for rent ; low rentals. Apply to Leonard Everett. Coun cil Bluffs , In. Y-M714 19 * 'WANTED , a good location to start barber shop in Nebraska or will buy or rsnt. Room II , Crelghton blk. , 15th and Douglas " Y-MS12 IS * las sts. - FOR SALE , two Ptocks of general mer- rhandlsif. ono nt Dow City , the other at Arlon , Crawford county , Iowa , to the highest bidder for cash at public unction In bulk. Sale nt Dow City , takes place at 2 o'clock , and sale nt Arlon at 4 o'clock In the afternoon of th ? 2Sth day of February , 1S99. In the store buildings containing the goods In said towns. V. C. Sherman , trustee - tee for creditors of Max llyman. Dated Sioux City , la. , Feb. IB , 1S39. Y MS43 27 FOR SALE , good millinery business , low figures ; county seat. Address N 4S. Bee. Y-MSlfi 23 * WANTED , young man to lease World- Herald route. Flno chance for good por- yon. Speak quick. R. W. Ernest. 1730 So. 26th. Y M82G 19 * FOR EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE , two new cas rnngos for sign painting or a buggy. The Hardware Supply Co. , South Omaha. Z 795 18 * 23fl acr s good prairie land , clear , to ex change for merchandise. A. F. Bnllnh , Elgin , Neb. Z-MS29 23 * roil SALE REAL ESTATE. HAVE you some lots to aell ? Now Is the time to dispose of them ; let the people know that you want to dispose of them. The Bee reaches the people who have the money. RE S66 EAST front , corner Georgia Ave. , $1,500.00. N. E. corner 27th and Woolworth , $700.00. 6-room , 40th , near Ames Ave. , $3,10.00. Modern 10-room. cor. 23d nnd Chicago , $5,000. W. II. Gates , N. Y. Life , Room CIS. RK-707 17 FOR SALE , my homo In West Omaha. Those wishing to purchase will address Henrv D. Estabrook , S13 , 181 La Salle St. , Chicago. RE-M378 Ml ! WANTED Choice residence for $6,000 or $7,000 cash ; must be positive bargain. Ad dress N 39 , Bee. R13 772 17 LIST your property with us for sale. Wo have the customers. The Byron Reed Company , 212 S. 14th Street. RE-579 HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also fire Insurance. Bcmls , Paxton Block. RE-302 WE HAVE cash customers for genuine real estate bargains. Submit propositions to us at once. Fidelity Trust Co. , N. Y. L. Bldg. RE M14G F2S EIGHTY acres , 10 miles N. W. . rent $240 per year , for $3,200 for ten days only. 4SO near Calhoun at $45. F. D. AVeud , IGth and Douglas , RE-7GS-17 FARMS ! FARMS ! ! FARMS ! ! ! Over 2,500 acres of Douglas county land for sale cheap. Prices range from $20 per acre up. Will pay you to Investigate. The Byron Reed Co. . 212 S. 14th St.RE RE M939 PECK & CO. , real estate agents and dealers In city and farm property , rentals , taxe ? , titles , Investments , collections , loans. 101 So. 15th. RE M6S3 F1S FOR South Omaha business ana residence property or ocre tracts call on George & Company , 1C01 Farnam st. , Omaha , or new city hail bldg , , South Omaha. RE-M491 28 BARGAINS 4 beautiful full size lots , 35th nnd Fnrnam , each , $1,250. S-room modern house.and lot , 27th nnd Pop- leton , bringing over 8 per cent net on In vestment. $2,5UO. 6-ioom well built houe nnd lot , city water , 3220 Fowler Ave. , $1,000. 5-room house and lot , city water , barn , 2817 Miami street , $1,350. 5-room hous' and barn , 30x1)2 ) lot , near 17th and Vlnton , $1,050. C-acre Improved tract near state fair grounds , $1,200. O. C. Olsen , 1701 Farnam Street. 11E-SOO-17 THIRTY choice , rich , productive farms , large ana Email : also ten linn stock ranches , all in northeastern Nebraska , for sale very cheap and on easy terms. Some of these lands nan be traded for good general mdao. . dry goods , hardware or furniture. For nartlculars address Geo. W. Hutton. Coleridge , Cedar Co. , Neb. RE-M33G F28 C. F. IIARRISON-Farms. 913 N. Y. L. RE-775 M14 * 9-ROOM modern house. Inquire 4032 Izard , HE-303 SOUTH OMAHA BARGAINS Brick block on 24th st. , $6,000.00. 90 feet , 24th St. , near P. O. , $120 per front foot , Corner 24th and B sts. , east front , $1,200.00 , I Lot 21th and D ets. , ease front , $1,200.00. 10 acres , elegant Improvements , between Omaha and South Omaha , $1,000.00. O'Ncll's lienl Estate Agency South Omaha Neb. RE-M213 SEVEN rooms , furnace , gas and bath , $2,100. Cottage nbout G blocks N. W. of P. O. , $1,200 , F , D. Wead , 16th and Douglas. RE 7C9-17 BARGAINS In housts. lots , farms ; sale or trade. J. N. Frenzer , opposite old P. O , RE-301 LOTS on 20th , north of Chicago , clear , for Omaha Savings bank account. A. P. Tukey. Board of Trade. / 770 17 LOTS on 20th , between Chicago nnd Casn. fronting cast , on. grade , any size , full depth , nt $25 per foot. A , P. Tukey. Board of Trade. HE 771 TWO line lots , 2Gth nnd A streets , South Omaha , 60x150 each , suitable for 4 dwell ings ; any reasonable offer accepted If sold quick. N .7. Bee. RE-M753 19 * NO. 77G Here are two lots that cost the owner over $1,400.00 ; lot 14. block 1. Windsor - ser Terrace , 64x130 ft. , nnd lot 25. block 3 , Albright's Annex. 42x128 ft. ; only $150.00 for both lots if told within 10 days , NO. SS9 The northwest quarter of the northwest quarter , fee. 3 , twp. 14 , range 12 , east : a highly Improved tract , dwelling house , large bam , flna boxclder and black walnut grove , orchard of 1,000 trees , 2,500 grapevines nicely wired , abundance of other ftnall fruits , near macadamized road ; nn Ideal fruit and garden farm ; this will only be offered until March , 1. U99 , nt $1,500.00. R. C. PETERS & O. , Exclusive Agents , 1702 Fnrnnm St. , Bee Bldg. RE-M81G 18 FOR SALE , trade cr rent , thre acres of garden land , two houses und two out buildings , ono nillo fcouth of Ruser's park , Inquire of Mrs. F. U. Urlun. 070 N. 25th Ave. RE-822-19 * MEDICAL. LADIES , a never facing , harmless monthly regulator free. Mrs. B , Rowan , Mllwau- kee. Wls. 2iOF2S ALL women who can't raise family should consult the renowned German upeclallst , Dr. Price , 1513 Dodge St. Letters 2 cents. -389 M3 TYPEWRITERS for rent , JI.OO per month. ThP Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. . 1625 Farnam St. Telephone. 12S4 , 3CS WE rent nnd oell the best typewriters made ; larR-ft stock of supplies In Omnhn. United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1G12 Farnnm. 309 CUT prices on ribbons. Derlght. Tel. 3.U 70.1 MIS DANCING SCHOOLS. W. E. CHAMBERS. Crclghlon Theat. Bldg. New classes forming ; private Iffsons ; coaching ; hall for rent. 291 F2S LOVE'S Dancing academy , 533 Pnxton blk. ; latest dance. * for ball room or stage , cnko walks : private or class. Write. 694 F1S K.W GIVEN nwny , Crelghton hall ball Sat- urdny night to lucky gentleman orjady. Tl'RKISII IIATUS. NEW , central , nbi oliitcly modern ; separnto and exclusive department for Indies ; ex perienced lady mnsseuso attendant ; baths Mo ; 12 baths for $5 ; open all night. 107 S. 14th. Tel , 1851. M320 STAMMERING AND STDTTEIllNU , SCHOOL for cure of these defects. Julia E. Vnughan , 306 N. Y. Life bldg. 313 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VANSANT'S school , 717 N. Y. Life. Night school from Sept. 20. 310 AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Douglas. 311 BOYLES' school : court reporter , principal. Secures positions for students. 401-3-5-7 Bee U'ld's. 53J PAWNIIIIOKEIIH. EAGLE Loan offices , removed to S. W. cor , 13th nnd Douglas , Wo are now ready for business and we promise to continue our reputation , as has always been known , as the most reliable and accommodating In the city. All are cordially Invited to in spect our now store. Sol. Brodky , prop. OSS F27 HOTELS. TRY the Henderson Hotel ; board and room , $1.00 per week ; gas , steam heat and baths. Ninth und Farnam Sts. 319 OSTEOPATHY. THE Johnson Institute. GUI. E. Johnson , mgr ; Mrs. Alice Johnson , D. O. , grad uate American school , Klrkvllle , Mo. ; J. W. Dill , M. D. , D. O. , consulting physi cian. Suite. 615 N. Y. Llfo bide. 929 STORAfin. PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 90S- 910 Jones , general storage and forwarding. 215 OM. Van & Storage , 1511 % Farnam. Tel. 1559. 246 LOST. LOST. 2-year-old Great Dane dog , answerIng - Ing to name "Gypsy. " Liberal reward for return to 212 So. 2Sth st. Lost M839 IS * iiAnuwoon LUMIIEH. OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co. , oak , hick ory , ash. cypress , popular , etc. 13th & Calif. 31G FEATHER RENOVATING. MATTRESSES MADE OVER. M. J. Shaw , 707 So. 16th st. Tel. 781. 575 SHOE REPAIRING. SOLES , 40c. N. Y. Shoo Rep. Co. , 212 N. 16. C7S F18 SECOND-HAND HOOKS. BOOKS bought and sold. 707 N. IGth. 877 F23 SCHOOL OF LANGUAGE. FRENCH , German. Spanish. $2 per month. Prof. Chatelnln , 301 Boyd theater. 317 1'IANO KACTOHV. OLD pianos overhauled , secondhand pianos always on hand. C. Sommer. 321 2" . 10th. OiO MATTHI2SS UI3XOVATING. M. S. WALKIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tl. 1331. ELOCUTION. ELLA DAY , Ramge Bldg. , 15 and Ilarney. 7SO M15 * NICICISLl'LATING. BICYCLES & sundries plated. 1302 Far nam. 135 DICVCLB. NEW whoPls , J13.50 up : 2ndhand wheels , $5 up. Omaha Bicycle Co. 797 IIAILWAY TIME CAIin. CHICAGO & NORTII- western Railway "Tho Northwestern Line" City Ticket Office. 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone. C61. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spe cial a 6:40 : am all:5apm : MO. Valley , Sioux City , St. Paul & Minneapo lis afi:5aam : nll:00pm : Mo. Valley , Sioux Clty..a 7:45 : am a9:10pm : Carroll Local b6:25pm : blOUOam Eastern Expres ? . Des Molnes , Marshalltown , Cedar Rapids and Chicago cage , allD3am : a.4 05pm Atlantic I'iyer , Chicago and East a4:55pm : a4:05prn : Fast Mall , Chicago to Omaha n2:45pm : Northern Express a fi23 ! pm a8s40am Omaha-Chicago Special.a 7:05 : pm a 8:15 : am Fast Mail 8:45am : a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. rilEMONT. ELKHORN & Missouri Valley Rail road "The Northwestern Line" General Offices. United States National Bank Bldg. , Southwest Corner Twelfth and Far- nam Streets , Ticket Olllce. 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone. TO. r epot , 16th and Webster Streets. Telephone , 1458. Leave. Arrive. Black Illlis , Dcadwood , Hot Springs a3:00pm : aCOOpm : Wyoming , Unsper and Douglas d3:00pm : dSiOOpm Hastings , York , DavIC City , Superior , Geneva Exeter and Seward..b 3:00pm : b600pm ; Norfolk. Verdlgro and Fremont b 7:30 : am blO45 ; am Lincoln , Wahoo and Fremont b7:30nm : blO:45 : am Fremont Local o 7:30 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday , c Sun day only , d Daily except Saturday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad "The North western Line" General Offices , United States National Bank Building , 8 , W. Corner Twelfth und Farnam Streets , Ticket office , 1401 Farnam Street , Tele phone , 561. tepot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone. C29. ' ' .save. Arrive. Sioux City. Mankato , St , Paul , Minneapolis . . . , aE:55am : a 8:40 : am Et. Paul , Minneapolis , Mankato & SlouxCtty.a B:2o : pra all:00 : pm Sioux City Local a 7:15 : am a 9:05 : pm a Dally. CHICAGO , ST. PAUL & Minneapolis & Omaha Ral'way "Tho North , western Line" General Offices , Nebraska Di vision , 15th and Webater Sts. City Ticket Olllce , 1401 Farnam St. Telephone , 661. Depot , 15th and Webster Sts. Leave. Arrive. Norfolk Passenger a 6:10 urn a 7:00 pm Blair , Kmr-rsoii , Sioux City , Pour a , Hartlng- ton and nioomlleld .b 1:00 : pm b215 ! ; pm No , 2 , Twin C'lty L't'da 6:65 : pm No. 1 , Omaha Limited a 9:00 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. It.\1LW.VY TIM 13 CAItl ) . ( Continued. ) IH'RLINOTON K MIS- Bourl lUver Railroad "Tho Burlington Route" General Olfices , N. W. Corner Tenth and Fnr- nam Streets. Ticket Office , 1SOJ Farnam Street. .Telephone , 250. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone - phone , 310. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , tlnntlng ? and McCook n S:45 : am a 7:40 : pm Lincoln. Denver , Color ado , Utah. California..a 4:25 : pm a 3 55 pm Lincoln , Black Hills , Montana & Puget Sound a 4 25 pin n 3:00 : pin Lincoln Loral . . n 7:00 : pm nlO:35am : Lincoln Fast Mall a3 : dpm alO:3o : am Denver , Colorado. Utah , California nll:50pm : n 6:30 : nm a Dally b Dally Exoctit Sunday. -HICAGO , BURLINGTON & Qulncy Railroad "Tho Burllngfii Route" Ticket Otllcc. 3502 Fnrnnm St. Tel. ISO. Depot , Tenth .t Mason Streets. Tele phone , 310. Leave. Arrive. Dayl'eht ' Chicago Spe cial a 6:40 : am nll:50 : pm Chicago Vcvtlbulcd Ex..n5:05pm : aS:05am : Chicago Express a:25am ! ) n4:00pm : Chicago & St L Ex..a 7:4i pm a 8:05 : am Pnclllc Junction Local..nlO:43 : am n5:45pm : Fast Mail a 2:45 : pm n Dally b Dally Except Sunday. KANSAS CITY. ST. JO- popli Council Bluffs Railroad "Tho Burling ton Route" Ticket Otllee , 1502 Farnnm Street. Tel ephone , 2i" > 0. Depot , Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Tel ephone , 310. 310.Leave. . Arrive. Kansas City Day Ex..a 9:25 : nm a 5 : 15pm Kansas City Night Ex.alO:13 : pm a C:3i : ) nm St. Louis "Flyer" for St. Joseph nnd Pt. Louis' . a 4:5j : pm all:30 : nm a Dally ROCK ISLAND Pacltlc Railroad "The Great Rock Island Route. " City Ticket Olllce. 1323 Farnam Street. Telephone. 428. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , C29. Leave. Arrive. Dos Molncs Local . b 7:15 : am 1)11:2. : ) nm Chicago Express . bll:15am : aSiOOam Chicago Fast Express. . a 5:00 : pm nl:23pm : St Paul Fast Express. .a 5:00 : pm bll:25am : Lincoln , Colorado Spgs , Denver , Pueblo nnd West . a 1:30 : pm a4:23pm : DCS Molnes. Rock Isl and and Chicago . a 7:15 : pm a8:50pm : Colorado Flyer . aG:20pm : aSiCOam a Dally , b Dally Except Sunday. " ' OVER- PACIFIC-"TH'E - lan.l Route" General Oniccs , N. E. Cor. , Ninth & Farnam Streets. City Ticket OHlce , 130.1 Farnam Street. Telephone. 310. Depot , Tenth ami Mason Streets , Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrlvo. "Tho Overland Limited'- ' for Utah , Idaho , Mon tana , California , Oregon gen and Washington points aS:50nm : a4:45pm : The Colorado Special For Denver and all Colorado points all:53pm : n6:40am : Pacific Exnress for Denver , Salt Lake , Pacific coast and all western points a4:33pm : aG:40nm : Lincoln , Beatrice and Stromsburg Ex b4:33pm : b220pm ; Fremont , Columbus , Nor folk , Grand Island and North Platte a 4.33pm l > 4:45pm : Columbus Local b5:20pm : b2:20pm ! : North Plntto Local a 6:15 : Din South Omaha Local Pass Leaves , 6:15 a. m. ; 7:00 : a. m. ; 10:10 : a. m. ; 3:05 : p. m. Ar rives , 10.15 a. m. ; 3:15 : p. m. ; 4:15 : p. m. ; 6 p. in. Council Bluffs Local Leaves , 5:55 : a. m. ; 0:40 : : n. m. ; 6:50 : a. m. ; 7:40 : a. m. ; b 10:43 : a. m.12:20 ; : p. m. ; 2:15 : p. m. ; 4:3. : > p. in. ; 4:55 : p. m. ; 5:25 : p. in. ; D:55 : p. m.G,20 ; _ : , p. m. ; 8:20 : p. m. in. ; m. ; p. m. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILroad - road- General Offices and Ticket Ofllces , Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douglas Sts. Telephone. 101. Depot. 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone , 1458. Leave. Arrive. St. Louls-Knnsas & Neb. Limited a 3:00 : pm a2:55 : pm K. C. St. L , Express..a 9:50 : pm a G:00 : am Nebraska Local via Weeping Water b 6:00 : pm b9:45 am a Dally , h Dallv Exceut Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS Railroad Omaha , Kan sas City & Eastern Rail road "Tho Port Arthur Route- " Ticket O'/Jce , 1415 Farnam Street. Tele phone , 322. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone , C29. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 4:50 : pm all:30 : am Kansas City & Qulncy. Local a G:60 : am a 9:05 : pm a Daily. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & St. Paul Railway City Ticket Office. 1EOI Farnam Street. Telephone. 281. De pot , Tenth and Mason Sts. Telephone , 629. „ Leave. Arrive. Chicago Limited Ex n 5:45 : pm a8:20am : Chicago & Omaha Ex..bll:00am b 4:00 : pm Sioux City & DCS Molnes Express bll:00am b 4:00 : pm a Dally , b Dally Except Sunday. W A B A S II RAILROAD- Ticket Office. 1415 Farnam Street. Telephone , 92. Depot - pot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. Leave , Arrive. St. Louis "Canon Ball" Express a 4:50 : pm all:30 am LHGAL NOTICES. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDER. Ths annual meeting of stockholders of The Bee Publishing Company will be held at their oftico , corner Seventeenth nnd Far- nam streets , In the city of Omaha , Neb. , on Monday , March Gth , 1M9 , lit 4 o'clock p. m. for the purpose of electing a board of di rectors and such othr business as may como up for consideration. By order of the president. president.GKO. . B. TZSCHUCK , Secretary. Omaha. Neb. . February M STOCKHOLDERS' MEETING. Notice Is hereby given that the regular annual meeting of the stockholders of the South Platte Land company will bo held at the ofllco of said company at Lincoln , Nebraska , at 11 o'clock n. m. on the first Wednesday in March , 1899. being the first day of the month. By order of the board of directors. C. II. MOUR1LL , A. H. MINOR , Secy. Pros. Lincoln. Neb , . Jan. 28th. 1699. JVOTICI3. OFFICE OF CONSTRUCTING QUAR- ermaster , Sheridan , Wyo. . Feb. 12. Sealed proposals In triplicate will be received at this oltlcf until 8 p. m. , mountain time , February 25 , 1899. for construction of temporary - rary barracks near Sheridan , Wyo , U , S , reserves right to reject or accept any or all proposals. Information furnished on appli cation , Department of the Missouri , Omaha , Neb. Envelopes contalnlnqjrojio.sal to be marked "Proposals for Construction of Tem porary Barracks. " nnd addressed to the un dersigned. MARION M'MILLIN , Con structing Quartermaster. F-13-d-ll-t-M IiiMiirance Coinpiinx Short. ALBANY , N. Y. , Feb. 17. Superintendent ot Insurance Louis F. Payn has made public tlio result of an examination Into the con dition of tlio Manhattan Fire Insurance com pany , from which It appears that the corpora tion has assets of ? 59g70 , wlfilo its liabilities , Including capital Block cf $250- 000 , arc $686,079 , Ily this an Impairment is shown amounting to ? Sl,2hO. The super intendent has made a requisition upon the officers of the company to require the stock- hold om to pay iii on or before March 1C , 1899 , the sum of $85,000. The company has just passed Into itbo hands of a Cleveland syndicate and la being reorganized , LOVM to l.'riilt Dcnlrrx , ST. LOUIS , Feb. 17. As a result of the recent cold enap great heaps of frozen vegetables and produce of all sorts , asv l ! at fruit , lie In the yards of the railroads In thla vlty and East St. Louis. Thu JOBS In money , It Is believed , wll | aggregate between $75,000 and $100,000. It Is elated by ono of the prominent commission men hero that every thing ot a perishable nature that was In transit during the cold upell Buffered , and even proJuco In their stores en North Third street was ; frozen. FIREMEN KILLED BY DEBRIS In Uiiliii of Ilnrm-il Itiilld- Inu When I'orlloii of ( lie WnlN I'nll on Tlicm. I'HILADULPIUA. Feb. 17. At nbout 3 o'clock this morning , whllo nbout n dozen firemen were at work In the ruins of the store of the Emerson Shop company , whl'h wns burned out nt last night's big n o , n mass of Iron mid stonp crashed down .from the upper doors , burying the men benonth It. Thrco of the firemen were kllleJ. They were : WILLIAM CHANCi : . 1IUOH MWY. onouoiv. . STLVLK. When the tlireo men \\ero ftr. t burled under tlio debris they answered the shouts of their comrades , but the ntimverltiR eric * soon ceased mid the unfortunates undoubt * e-dly mot death by suffocation , Five of the firemen Mere injured , two seriously , by falling debris. Story of n Slnvr. To bo bound hand nnd fool for years by the clmliiH of dlseaso Is the worst form of slavery. George I ) . William ? of Man chester , Mich. , tells bow such n slave was nmdo free. Ho says : "My wlfo hns been so helpless for five years that nho could not turn over In bed nlolie. After using two bottles of Electric Hitters she Is wonderfully Improved nnd nblo to do her own work. " This supreme remedy Jor female diseases quickly cures nervousness , sleeplessness. melancholy , headache , , backache , fainting and dizzy spells. This miracle-working medlclno Is n godsend to weak , sickly , run-down people. Every bottle guaranteed. Only 50 cents. Sold by Kuhn & Co. . druggists. Nutdill llt-covcm III * I.llicrly. ST. LOUIS , Feb. 17. A special to the Po8t-UIsKitcu | from Jefferson City , Mo. , says : Harry A. XutUll. the witness before the senate's Investigating committee who mailu BUCK sen.tatlonal disclosures to that body In St. Louis yesterday * to alleged crookedness In the boiler Inspeclor's olllco , was brought back ihero In clmrgp of Scr- geant-at-Arms Held. Today Nuttnll wns taken before the wnuto , and In view of Ms full testimony and confession yesterday before - fore the committee as 'to ' the ilsauatico of < u- glncors1 licenses , purged him of contempt. It was decided 'to ' 'turn over nil the evldenco about the boiler Inspector olllco to the nd jury In St. LouLs and let that body lake up the prosecution of the allege < l guilty ofllclals. Nuttall returned to St. Louis \vheu lie regained his llburty. tiH of Sfitiitorlnl HnllolN. HAHniSUUUG. 1'a. , Feb. 17. The twenty- BPvontli ballot today for United States sen ator resulted as follows : Quay , EG ; Jenks , 45 ; Dnlzcll , 12 ; Stone , 1 ; Stewart , fi ; Huff , 4 ; Irvln , 3 ; Ultor , 1 ; Wldoncr , 1 ; Rice. 1 : Tubbs , 2 : Mnrkle , 1 ; Grow , 1 ; total vote , 13C ; palrevl or not voting , 11 , UOVEU , Del. , Feb. 17. Tlu > fifty-seventh and fifty-eighth ballotS for senator resulted as follows : Gray , 11 ; Addlcks , 15 ; Chand ler , 3 ; Richardson. 7 ; Saulsbury , 4. SALT LAKE CITY , Utah , Feb. 17. Flvo ballots -wore taken for senator today. The lost ballot was : King , 1 ; McCimo , 28 ; Nc- bckcr , 11 ; Chambers , 1 , nil democrat ; Can non , 7 ; Sutherland , republican , 11 ; absent , 4. For frost bites , burns. Indolent sores , eczema , skin disease , and especially Piles , Do Witit's Witch Hazel Salvo Btands ( lift and best. Look out for dishonest people who try to hnltato and counterfeit Jt. It's their endorsement of a good nrtlclo. SUPREME COURT SYLLABI , S33I. Grant against Bartholomew. Re versed. Appeal from Dotiglus county. Rngan , C. ; Ilynn , C , dissenting. 1. Though the evldenco disproves the ma terial allegations of new matter In iin answer such evldenco will be disregarded unless such new matter IB denied by a reply. Section 134 , Code Civil Procedure. 2. The listing and nsHes.sment of real estate for taxation In. the name of a per son then deceased does not Invalidate such assessment or the taxes levied thereon. 3. A Board of County Commissioners sit ting' as a Board of Equalization without notice to the. land owner and without a complaint that his real estate was as sessed too low raised the vnluo placed thereon by the assessor ; held , that the board was without jurisdiction und its ac tion a nullity. 4. Snch action of the Board of Equaliza tion did not vltlato the assessment made of the property by the assessor. 5. Only so much of the tax as nroso out of the difference between the valuation placed upon the property by the assessor and the value attempted to be placed there on by thu Board of Equalization is illegal. C. To Invest the county treasurer with jurisdiction to seize personal property for the satisfaction or enforcement of a tax lien thereon the warrant provided by atc- tlou 8t ; of the revenue law must bo at tached to the tax list. Reynolds v. Fisher , 13 Neb. 172 followed. 7 , Under our revenue law a rfal estoto tax Is not the personal obligation of the real estate owner ; the real estate , nnd not the owner thereof , is liable for Its payment. 8. The warrant provided by section S3 of the revenue law attached to the tax llfct is not essential to Invest a treasurer with jurisdiction to sell real estate for the non payment of taxes which are delinquent and : _ llon thereon. 9.1 no county treasurer's authority and jurisdiction to make such a sale of real estate Is derived from the express and mandatory provisions of sections 103 anil 113 of the revenue law. ( Complied Statutes Ch. 77. Art. 1. ) 10. Assuming that the warrant provided by section S3 of the revenue law must bo attached to the tax lint to Invest the county treasurer with Jurisdiction to make a Bale of real estate for delinquent taxes thereon then a Halo made by the county treasurer where Buch warrant waH not BO attached to the tax list would bo void. 11. But though wieh a Halo would bo void as a tax sale within the meaning of the revenue law and micli sale and subsequent statutory proceedings under It could novar have the effect of divesting the land owner's tltlft to the real estate and ventIng - Ing It In the purchaser nt the sale still the rule In thlB jurisdiction Is that F/uch a void Bale In effective as nn assignment nnd transfer of the liens of the public to the tax purchaser and InvestH him with all llcna and rights which the public had against mild real estate by-1 reason of the taxes nsaesHcd and delinquent thereon. 12. This rule In not the creature of this court ; but It l founded upon the revenu * leglHlatlon of the Htiite , 13. The theory of our revenue law Is that a , purchaser of real estate at a sale rnndn thereof for delinquent taxe shall not los his money. If no tax wns duo on the real eHtato at tlio tlmo of the Hale then the county IH to reimburse the purchaser the money paid ; If the land wax llabln to taxation and there was a legal tax duo nnd delinquent against the land then if the tax purchaser failed to acquire a good tltlo to the real e tate because of any violation of the revenue law or the fail ure of public olllcern to comply with Its provisions the law declares that the rale shall nevertheless bo effective as on as signment of the public's rights and lleim against the real < Htato to the attempted tax purchaser thfreat , II. The. various c-ountloB In this state nro trustees of the Htato nnd the various cities , villages anil school districts within their borders for the collection of the public revenue. 15. A county Is a person within the mean ing of section 1 , article v , of the revenue law of 1S79. C. S. 1W7. 1C Under the revenue laws of this stain a county may enforce Its lien for taxes against real estate by an ordinary foreclosure - closure suit In a court of equity after tha taxes on such property have become de linquent and after the time the property becomes llablo for sale for the nonuay- inent of uuch taxes. 17. It stems that the right of a county to maintain a suit In equity to forcrlnxe the public's lion against Veal estate for the nonpayment of tuxes thereon exists Inde pendently of statute , IS. A county treasurer lias no authority to sell real estate for tlin delinquent taxes of ono year without Including In such sale all taxes delinquent against such teal es tate for all previous years. 19. Ono who purchases real estate at a void sale attempted to bo made thereof by the county treasurer for th" ; nonpayment of delinquent taxes thereon Is entitled to the same rate of Interest upon the taxes paid by him that such taxes were draw * intr at the tlmo he paid them. John I. Coughs Ilrowu & Boa , Stopped by BROWN'S Bronchial Trochee i Hoarseness and sore throat cured.