Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 18, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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Heaviness in Cereals Canees Drooping Price
All Around.
AcctiintilndnK Slocli * nml Knlnri lni
Knrmor.i * llcllvnrlcN llrrnl.m tliu
Spirit of ( he Hull * In Corn anil
IVIivnt I *
CHIC AGO , Feb. 17. Accumulating stock
end enlarging farmers' deliveries broke th
uplrlt of bulls In corn today and tlio hcav
IPCM of corn dcprejsed wheat , each cenvi
closing with a loss of % e. Oats Is % -lower
Provisions nrc a chado lower nil around.
Tlicro was considerable steadiness li
wheat during the first half hour's trndltifi
Karly Liverpool and Now York quotation
allowed n marked advance , while there wii
a peed deal of nervousness among locn
trailnro fjrowlng out of the sudden death o
President Fatiro of franco and tlio contln
ccncle.i which might follow. Mny opunci
' /to higher at 73',1073'Jic. ' and na there was i
disposition to oven up there was a good bus
Incss transacted at the top figure. The now
und conditions , however , lltuilly began ti
favor the bear side and early buyers los
confidence and withdrew their support. Llv
iTpool lost part of Its early ndvanco and In
tllcntlons at stock taking centers polntei
toward an Incrtaso In vlnblo ! supply. Tnk
Ing the latter mutters Into consideration
with a oon8ldr.rn.blo weakness developed b <
corn , the wheat market began to los
Krotind. I/ongH bognn to liquidate and mori
wheat was thrown on the market than couli
bo readily absorbed , forcing Mny oft ti
72J4c. Chicago received sixty-five cars , o
which ton were graded contract.
Minneapolis and Duluth receipts nmounlot
to Ml carloads , compared with 245 the cor
responding day a year ago. Th ? aggre ati
receipts nt the western primary market
equalled 507.000 bushels , whereas only 305,00
bushels wcro received a year ago. The mar
hot ruled heavy tit the decline , but towan
the close a Hllght reaction set In on report :
of an Improvement in the export demam
nnd May rose to and closed at 72'ic , buyers
Heavy receipts , with an absence of ship
ping demand and accumulating stocks fo ;
which there were no buyers outside of thi
speculative , oppressed corn. Heavy llqulda
< tlon of lines held by prominent houses wni
accompanied by active raiding by trader
who have been the chief support for month ;
and the weight of the offerings currlot
prices off a.0 before any material rcslstanci
was encountered. Covering by shorts to secure
cure profits and commission houno buyini
finally checked the deolln0. Hecclpts wen
Ml oar . Mny opened unchanged at Wif
nGc , declined to .15Hff3Cc and closed at 30c
buyers. Heavy selling by professionals 01
the prospect of a big Increase In the. vis
Ible , due to the discovery of about 1,000,00
bushels not heretofore reported , wcnkonei
oats , nccelpts were 2SO cars. May begat
unchanged at SS' e , sold oft to 27'ViC am
closed at ZifffS7gC.
A too plentiful supply of hogs was tin
nourco of a good d al of bearlshncss It
provisions and liquidation of small scattoret
holdings' kept coming on the market in ex
cess of the demand. Toward the close , however
over , a slight reaction ret In owing to a gooi
ca h demand for lard and meats. May porl
opened a shade lower nt JD.92W , sold off t (
S9.83 , recovered to J9.93 and closed at } 9.92fc !
The range In Inrd and ribs was small.
Estimated receipts for Saturday : Wheat
73 cars ; corn , 076 cars ; oats , 270 cars ; hogs
EO.OOO head.
Leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles. Open. Hlch. Iow. Olosc. Yos'cV ;
May. . . 73MOK 73M 72M 72X B"
July. . . 720M 70)l H 71
May. . . 3BW-30 SO
July. . .
Sept. . . 37HCOH 37 37
May. . . 27MSH
July. . . M 20 -IOJ.-.B
May. . . 002W 005 08C B92H ons
May. . . fif.7Ki 6S7V * 552K CC7H fi0 (
July. . . 507K 606 6 72 >
Soul. . . 680 877H CBU sac
May. . . 4U5 IOC 4 05 4 07V
July . . 0 ( I7H C III
_ Scnt. . . 617H C20 617M 02U 0 ! ' . ! } .
No. 2 ,
Cash Quotations were as follows :
FL.OUU Dull : winter patents , $3.SOf
I.90 ; straights. J3.10S3.CO ; clears , $3.30fi3.40
Hprlns specials , J4.2U ; hard patents , S3.GOT
3.70 ; soft patents , J3.40ifr3.EO ; hard straight-
J3.10f3..D : bakers. J2.40ff2.60.
AVHl'JAT No. a spring , G7 < fi70c ; No.
Bprltur , G55T70c ; No. 2 red , 72lA73c
COUN No. 2 , SIHJfffic.
OATS-NO. 2. 27- > uNO. ; . 2 white ,
No. 3 white , 294fi30Vic.
KYIS No. 2 , 55J4c. :
lAHLHy-42fT,1c. ( |
FLAXSEKD No. 1 , $1.17 < ( ? 1,20.
CLOVKK SEED-Contract grade nm
March , JO.50.
I'HOVISIONS Pork , mess , per bbl , JO 755
O.SO. I ard , per 100 Ibs. , $ o.40flT.43. Uacon
short ribs sides ( loose ) , Jl.diil.Sj. Dr-
salted sthouldcrs ( boxed ) . $ l.25j4.37' , ; shor
clear nldi-s ( boxed ) . J5.notT5.10.
DUESSED POUI.TKY-Market Hrm ; tur
lcnyH , Jli'B'llc ' ; duclcs , S'/iQtic ' ; chickens , 85
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , pe
cal. . $1.23.
SUGAllS-Cut loaf. jr.70 ; ernnulatcd. J5.2 (
The following were the receipts and ship
tncnts for today :
Articles. Receipts. Shlp'ts
Flour , bbls 10,000 JO.OC
Wheat , bu ro,000 3-iX (
Corn , hu " 72ono 212,0(1 (
Oats , bu ftili.OO' ' ) . 120.W
Jlyo , bu 40,000 2.0C
Dnrlcy. bu 35,300 17.0C
On the Produce Kxchange today the butler
lor market was llrm ; creameries , 14B23c
( lalrlo.s , H' iTlSc. Kggs , tirm ; fresh , 20 <
Cheese , stciuly ; creameries , 9'llc.
( liiolntliiiiN for tlio Diiy on ( icitorn
NEW YORK , Feb. 17.-FLOUR-RcccIpt !
7,150 bbls. ; exports , 10,305 bhls. Market dl ?
closed a weak undertone , with buycre an
nellers 1020c apart , and very llttlo dc
Jtiand. Minnesota patents , J3.D3iS'4.20 ; ball
crs , JJ.10 3.23 ; winter straights , Js.KflS.c ;
extras. } 2.rOf/2.S3 ; low grades , J2.1032.G5.
llVJi-FIrm : No. 2 western , CCc. , f. (
b. . afloat.
W1HCAT Retselpts , 12,000 bu. ; export !
157,100 bu. Spot tlnn : No , 2 red , 85 , ic , f. (
b. , nlloat , spot. Options had a linn Htai
on foreign demand for March , but see
developed a weakness that lasted all daj
In addition to crop news of a bearish chat
ncter. long wheat came out more freol
nml bears extended short nccountH b
( hammering the market vigorously. Close
' , WT'4o ' not lower and weak , March , S3
84'i.c ' , closed at SS'.tc ,
CORN Receipts , 7.8CO bu , ; exports , 74 ,
liu , Spot llrm ; No. 2 , 4244Hc , f. o. b
nlloat. Options weakened badly today h
liquidation , resulting from prospective , bi
receipts next week , a heavy Chicago stoc
and a break In wheat , and closed "ic ni
lower. May , MTMHUit * . closed at 40c.
OATS Receipts. 13,000 bu , ; exports , 1.4
bu. Spot ( julot ; No. 2 , SS'.ic ; No , 2 whit
S7 < \ Options Inactive.
WOOL Firm ; lleece , 17IT22o : Texas , 12
Kv ,
liOPS-StPady ; 60c.
Himes Firm ; Oalveston. ICV-c.
TALLOW Firms city. 4Ho ; country , 4
1UCK Steady : domestic , fair to extra , 4
( B7o ; Japan. 53Uc.
MOLASSES Firm ; New Orleans , opt
kettle , good to choice , 3.J37c. ?
COTTONSEED OIL-Rteady ; prln
crudo. 205i20Hc ; yellow. 21&22c.
lU'TTUl.-necclptg. 0.471 pkgs , ; stead
western creamery , 16022c ; Elglns , 2o ; fa
< ory. ll'nHc. .
ClIEESE-Recelpts. 3,811 pkgs , ; mark
Moady ; largo white , lOVfcc ; small white , 11
ll'ic ; lurgo colored , IC' c ; Email colored , 11
KGGS-n cppt8. | 3,331 pks ? . ; mark
Btc-idy ; western , 2ic ; Boutllern , 21e.
M , I'i'l'Al.S Pig Iron warrants , llrm. at $ S.
nominal : lake copper , unchanged , vli
$17,75 bid and $18.00 asked ; tin. milft ; wil
J' ' : ) , . 5 bid and $23.00 n ked ; lead , llrm fi
ppot , with $1.60 bid and $ t.CQ asked ; speltc
Klroug. nt $8.25. Urokfrs' price for leail
C4/.0 und for copper $ lS,007flS,75.
Cliicliiniitl Slnrl.-ot.
CINCINNATI. F b. 17-FLOl'R-Qulct.
WIIIUT-Strong ; No. 2 red. 75c.
CORN' Dull ; No , 2 mixed. 3 ! i34Uc.
OATSKiuy ; NO. 2 mixed , 30S31c.
UYKSteady : No. 2 , CSci.
1'ItUVlSIONS-Uirt ] , easy n < $ > .20. Ilu
inentn. steady at $ t.0. llacon , ( lulet at $5.1
WllI KY-Qulet lit tl.Stf.
KOOB Buiricr and iowcr at ISc ,
I'nllliKiiri.1lirI. . - - ( .
"MTIMOR15 , Feb. 17.-FLOUH Fir
r < Unncetl ; receipts , 4,305 bbls. : exporl
7CO bbls.
bbls.AlVFIrmj 9iot and month , 75Vt
llarcli , 7CUc ; No. 2 red , T3a-T34c ! ; receipt
1.131 bu.j experts , nuno ; southern wh .it , b ;
sample , 7ra76'jci southern , on grade , iG'i
COIlNKnnmixed ; , spot , SfHUJS c
March , SS'tfiSSHc ; steamer mixed , 37U <
37 ic ; receipts , 10,893 bu. ; exports , 34.2S5 bu.
wouthern white and yellow corn , 37f39Vic. ?
OATS Quiet ; No. 2 white western , 3.5
. I7' r ; No. 2 mixed , western , 34',4S36c ' ; re
ceipts , l.Wirt bu. ; exports , none.
uuTTEH , naas AND ciiEKSE-Firm.
Condition of Trnilo nml ( Itiotntlonn 01
Siiilc ( | nml I'nncy Proilm-ln.
KOOS Hecelpts , Increasing ; fresh stock
HUTTlsil Common to fair , llJ12c ; choice
13Hp ; separator , 22c ; gathsred creamery
POULTRY Hens , live , 7'tc ' ; dressed , S69c
oltl roosters , live , 3c ; dressed. 4c ; sprlni
rhlf-kons , live , 7Hc : lrea8ed , Sfl''c ; ducks
live , 7' ' c ; dre.ised , 9c ; geese , live , 7V4o
Iressted. Oc ; turkeys , live , 8fl9c ; dressed , 1
4(12r. (
PinKONS-Llvc , per doz , , 7Se.
VKAIv-Cholco. SJiSHc.
OYSTERS-Uulk Stnndard , per gal. , $1.60
mediums , per can , 20c ; Standard , pe
can , Sfic ; Kxtra Select , per can , 30c ; Nev
York Counts , per can , 35c.
APPLRS Hen Davis , per bbl. , J4.00 ; Gcnl
tons , S3.50 ; New York U.tldwlni , Greenlnit
and other * , choice , per bbl. , $ i.60Gl.C3 : west
cm boxed npplcH , $1.50Sl-75.
ORAPKS Malaga , per bbl. , JS.50S9.00.
CRANHERRlKS-Jersey , $ C.OOfiC.25 ; large
[ 7.00 ; per crate , $2.25.
TOJIATOES Market bare.
SPINACH None In market.
LETTUCE- Homo grown , per doz
junchcs13C. .
ONIONS Homo grown , per doz. bunches
CHLERY California , good stock , 25a
choice , 33c ; fancy , 50c ; extra large , 75c
Michigan , cholc- stock , S > f30c.
CAIJHAOE-Cratcd , per Ib. , 2Vlc ,
CAULIFLOWER Per crate , $2.50.
ONIONS Per bu. . 550C3c.
15EANS H'and-plckcd , navy , per bu. , $1.S
POTATOES Choice , sacked. 6360c
poorer stock , 4fr045o.
SWEET POTATOES-Fancy , per bbl.
LEMONS California , fancy , $3.75 ; choice
3.50 ; Jlesslna , fancy , $ l.25iH.60.
OUANOK9 NavelB , fancy , $3.25 $ ; choice
$3.Wj ) sceilliiiKH. $2.2502.50.
FIGS- Imported , none ; California. 10-lb
boxes , $1.401.50.
UANANAa-ChoIce. crated , largo stock
> er bunch , $2.00iB2.23 ; metilum elzcc
l unches , $1.7552.00.
DATES Halloweo , CO to 70-lb. boxes , 6c
Sair , 5' c ; Fard , 9-b. ! boxes , lOc.
NUTS Almonds , per Ib. , 17c ; Brazils , pei
b. , 9010c ; English walnuts , per Ib. , fancy
soft shell. Ilfil2c ; standardfl. 10o ; fllberts
per Ib. , He : pecans , ] > ollshe < I , 75JSc ; cocoa
mts. per 100 , $4.00 ; peanuts , raw , S gcc
oasted , G'Ac ; chestnuts , ST(9c. ! (
CIDER i'nr half bhl. . $3.00.
SAUERKRAUT Per half bbl. . $2.00.
HONEY Choice white , 12ffl2 ( 4c.
MAPLE SYRUP Five- gal , cans , each
2.50 ; gal. cane , pure , per doz. , $12.00 ; half
gnl. cans. $0.23 : quart cans , $3.50.
MAPLE SUGAR-ChoIce , in boxes , OQlOc
HIDES No. 1 grncn hides , 7c ; No. :
green hides , G c ; No. 1 salted hides. S c
No. 2 salted hides , 794c ; No. 1 veal calf , S t <
8 Ibs. . lOc ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 13 Ibs.
, 3Hc ; tallow , No. 2. 3c ; rough tallow , l',4c
white greas ? , 2',4C/3c ; j'Cllow and browi
grease , I > 4i72'o.
FURS Mink" . 10573c ; bear ( black 01
Town ) , $5.0520.00 ; otter , $1.5008.00 ; beaver
' 1.00 < ! jfi.OO ; skunk , 15fT73c : muskrat , SfflOc
raccoon , 15ff50c ; red fox , 23c5T$1.23 ; gray fox
2J < 550c ; wolf ( timber ) . 2oc'c7$2.50 ; wol
priilrlo ) , coyote , ICKfjaOc ; wildcat. 10Q25c
jadger. 5040c ; silver fox , $50.001(75.00.
SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each. 15fi
" 5c ; green salted sluarlngs ( t-hort woolet
early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( shor
wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each. 5c ; dn
lint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher woo
lelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4 ? 3c ; dry flint
Cansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts
per Ib. . actual weicrht , 3ff4c ; dry Hint , Cole
rndo butchr wool pelts , per Ib. , actua
weight. 45J3C ; dry Hint , Colorado murralr
wool pelta , per Ib. , actual weight ,
ST. LOUIS , Feb. 17. FLOUR-Barelj
WHEAT Options fractions lower ; spol
lull and nominal ; No. 2 red cash , elevator
" 3M.C : track. 73&C : February , 7 40 : May
" 3Vi'i75K ( ; > c ; July , 70c ; No. 2 hard , C75TGSC.
COUN Options weak and lower ; spo
owcr ; No. 2 cash , 33'Ac ; track. 3H4c ; Fob
rtmry. 33Hc : May. 3Ie : July. Sl ic bid.
OATS Options fractions lower : spot dull
No. 2 cash. 28 < io : track. 2SVif2S.ic : ! : Febru
ary. 2S14c : May , 2Sc asked ; July , 23'/4c ; No
2 white , SOl-jo.
RYE Lower nt ECc.
SEEDS Flax.secd. no market ; prlnv
: lmothv s ed. nominal.
T1RAN Firm ; sacked , cast -track , C00Gl'c
HAY Dull and steady ; timothy , $0.50J
9.00 : nralrle , $ G.50i7 ( 7.00.
WHISKY Steady at $1.2 ( ! .
HUTTiait Firm ; crenmery , 20S24c ; dairy
EGGS Lower at Ifl'.fcc.
METALS Lead , quiet at $ I.42'-4S4.45 ; spel
; er. llrm at $3.93ffC .CO.
PROVISIONS Pork , steady ; standari
mess , jobbing , $10.00 , Lard , lower ; prlmi , $5.25 : choice. $5.30. Dry salt meats
boxed shoulders , $4.00 ; extra shorts , $1.73
rlb . 75.00 ; shorts. $3.12'A Bacon , boxei
shoulders , $4.G2 > 4 : c.xtra shorts , $3.25 ; ribs
$5.50 : shorts. $5.02 .
RECEIPTS Flour , 4,000 bbls. : wheat , 17 ,
000 bu. : corn , 43,000 bu. ; oats. 42,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 3,000 bbls. : wheat
18,000 bu. ; corn , 10.000 Int. ; oats , 11,000 bu.
A'IMV OrlcniiN Mnrlcot.
Steady : pork , otnndard mrs ? , $9.73f ( < 10.0C
Lard , refined tierce , 4W74'ic ; ] ) ure , Gc
Doxed meats , dry salt shoulder ? . 4V4c ; side ?
53tc. Racon. clear ribs sides , G'&c. Hams
choice sucar cured , S'tfTOiic.
coFFEE-Stcady ; Rio , ordinary to fait
RICE Quiet ; ordinary to good. srt4yc.
Ff.oiTiu Extra fancy , $3.55ff3.75 ; patents
OORNMF.AL $1.03.
BRAN nctG7c.
HAY Prime , $11.00iri2.00 ; choice , $13.001
CORN No. 2 sacked. white , 42 < gi42V-c
mixed. 43c : yellow. 43TT43V.C.
OATS No. 2 sacked , 3lc.
KniixnM C.'Kv Oriiln nml PrnvlNlonn.
k"t steady : No. 2 hard , G45TC5.c : No , 3. G21
Cl 4o ; No. 2 red. 721T73e : No. 3 , CSQ70C ; No.
sprlue. rafifilc : No. 3. fiOIC4c.
CORN Market weak ; No. 2 mixed , 32U5
32 > Xc : No , 2 white. 32.1J ; No. 3 , 32c.
OATS-Mnrket llrm : No. 2 white. 30fi30 < < .c
HYBY Market weak ; No. 2. 54Vjc.
HAY Market weak : cholcn timothy , $6,7
© 7.00 : choice prairie , $ G.50fG.75.
BUTTER Market steady ; separator , ISj
22o : dairy. 17c.
EOGR Market lower : fresh , ISc.
WHEAT-Recolpts , 40,200 bu. ; corn , 9K
Im. : ontB. 5.000 bu.
SHIPMENTfi-Wheat . ,
100 bu. ; oats , 5,000 bu.
Liverpool Cirnln unit ProvlHliuiN.
layERPOOL , Feb. 17-WHEAT-Markr
fl'ilct , "id higher ; March , 5s 6V d ; May , 5
CORN-Market quiet , H0Ud higher
March , 3s 5'id ; May , 3s 5'ld.
RecelptH of wheat during the last thre
days. 230,000 centals. Including 220,000 con
tals of American. Receipts of America
corn during the last three days129,000 cen
PROVISIONS Hams , short cut. 31s fi
Bacon , dull , 27s ; clear bellies , steadv , 31
Gd ; shoulders , square , steady 21s Cd. Lart
prlmo western , 2S Gd.
CHEESE-Ainerlcan nncst. white an
colored ( dull , 49s ,
< jrnln ) ! < > -litN | nt 1'rliifliuil MnrUrd
ST. LOUIS , Feb. 17-ReceIpts : Wheat , !
KANSAS CITY , Feb. 17. Receipts
Wheat. < ti cars.
CHICAGO. Feb. 17.-Estlmated cars fc
tomorrow : Wheat , 73 ; corn. 575 ; oats > . 270.
Receipts nt Primary Markets Whca
507,211 ! bushels ; corn , 609,912 bushels.
Toledo Mill-lift.
TOLEDO. Feb. n.-WHEAT-Lower an
steady ; No. 2 cash , 72 c ; May , 75ic.
CORN Ixiwer. steady ; No. 2 mixed. 35i
OATS Dull ; No. 2 mixed , cash and Mai
29c.RYE Dull , higher ; No. 2 cash , 5Sc
CLOVI.USRI.D Active , lower ; prim
cash , old , l.l'O nfikcd ; now , $3.95.
u (7 ml a MurUct.
ker lower : No , 1 northern , 72' < .c ; No
northern. 71c.
RYK-Steady ; tG'X.J7D7c.
11AHI.T.V Lower ; No. t ,
PEORIA. Feb. 17.-CORN-Market steads
now No. 3 , 32c.
OATS Market easy ; No. 2 white 29i
billed through.
WHISKY Market firm at $1.20.
lN Wlicat Market.
k it utuady ; February , 70Vlc : Jlay , 70i4i
7vKc ; July , 70TiQ71c ; on track , No. 1 han
7 ' ' .o , NO. 1 northern , CDTic ; No , 2 northerr
rtillmlcltttiln Produce MnrUef.
Pim.ADBU > HIA , Feb. 17.-BUTTEn-
Stendy ; fair demand ; fancy western crentr ,
cry , 2tc ! ,
KGGS Dull nnd lo lower ; fresh westcn
Duluth Wlictit 31nrkft.
DULUTH , Fob. 17-WHKAT-No. 1 hari
cash , 'ilUc ; February. 7l'icj May , 73 i (
July , 74l'4c ; No. 1 northern , cash , 69'lc
February , C9Uc ; May , 71 ic.
I'rlec-i on ilic Upivnrd Move nml Mat
] < c ( Oi'iicrallv Iliioyinit.
NEW YORK , Feb. 17. There wcro ml
vances In stock prices today which wcr
material In the standard Blocks and th
market left off buoyant nt the best. Train
actions reached nearlyl.OOO.OW shares forth
first tlmo this week. Some iKBltancy wn
manifest at the opening In view of the possl
blllty of foreign developments which mlgh
follow the death of the president of th
French renubllc.
The fractional declines In the London an
local market were checked when Paris aji
penred as a buyer In London , which had
reassuring effect. Noticeably weak fen
tures in the early trading were Sugat
Tobacco and Burlington. Those stocks on
after another were taken well , and becam
nctlvo after last night. Many trader
viewed the action of yesterday's market n
Indicating a resumption of a bull move
ment and purchased stocks.
The fact that St. Paul's earnings for th
second week in February increased some
what In splto of the snowstorm along It
route rendered It a loader in the day'
strength and it advanced 2U points , an
Rock Island , too , rose over 2 point ;
Among the high-class Investment share
which wcrn generally strong Pcnnsylvanl
advanced 2c. Central ami Southern Pa
clllcs' strength was a reflection of the ex
pcctatlon of a. settlement with the govern
Missouri Pacific was also strong , whll
Union and Northern Pact lie showc
strength throughout. The plans which nr
supposed to bo under way to better regu
late the anthracite trade seemed to nffcc
Reading first preferred , which advnncei
about 2 nolnts.
Philadelphia advices of now subscrlptloi
privileges for stock lifted Mctropollta :
Street Railway some B points , while Thlr
Avenue rose even more. Among th
usually Inactive stocks there was a rise o
5 < ! i points In Long Island Railway. Londoi
was a moderate seller on balance. Man ;
of the large brokers were Instrumental 1 :
advancing prices today and commlsslo :
house business was considerably large
than of late , with many sold-out bulls tali
Ine hold again.
The bond market betrayed a hcaithfu
tone In all quarters , with the absorptioi
of the speculative issues very market !
Total sales , $5,515,000. United States 3s on
new 4s declined ' & per cent In the bl <
The Commercial Advertiser's Londo
financial cablegram says : The market
hero wcro Hat this morning and there wa
considerable bear soiling on universal ap
prehension concerning President I'aure
death. Paris bought freely , however , and i
general recovery followed , the- close bclni
at the best , though mainly down on bal
ance. Paris opinion has It that the time I
so short that the election of a prcslden
tomorrow must result In the choice o
some safe nonentity. Americans opcnei
dull and slightly below parities , but Im
proved with the other market ; ? . New Yorl
bought a fair quantity. The close was a
the top. Central Pacllic was strong In an
tlclpatlon of the plan of reorganization
Copper shares moved thus : Tlntos. 39Jf.9'/a
Utalis. SW OTi ; Bostons. 2\WW \ Ana
condns , S 4iTS % . Gold to the amount o
8,000 In bars was bought by the Ban !
and 10,000 was taken for Brazil. Ger
many Is Inquiring for gold at us DViiWii
'The following are the closing quotation
for the leading stocks on the New Yor
exchange today :
All assts. paid. " 2nd asst. paid.
Total sales of stocks today were 911 , 2i
hhares. Including : Atchteon , fi.OOO : Atchlso
pri'ferr.'d. 2S.WO : Central Pncinc , 40.750 ; Jim
llngton. Gt,900 : Cleveland , Cincinnati. Ch
cage & St. Ixiuls. 4.900 ; Denver & III
Grande. ! U40 ; Louisville & Nashville. ,42i
Metropolitan , 25,120 : Reading preferred , fi.OOi
Missouri Pacific. 10,300 : Missouri. Kansas .
Texasi , 4.4SO ; Chicago , Indianapolis & Louh
vlljp , fi.OOO ; New Jersey Central. 4.400 ; Nc"
York Onlrnl , 13,300 ; Northern' Parinc , G.70 (
Northern Pnrlllr preferred , fi.020 ; Ontario .
Western , 5,137 : Rojidlng. 3,920 ; Rock Islam
2I.5W ) : Union Pacllic. G.120 ; St. Paul , Sl,7 ? (
Southern Pacific , 20.320 : Southern , 3,70 <
Southern pref-rred , S.S70 : Union PacllHpri
forrwl , 14,000 ; Cotton Oil. I3.COO ; Tobncci
67,700 ; Federal Steel. 43,800 ; Federal Stci
preferred , 24 , 0'X ' ) : People's Gas , 12,450 ; Broot
ivn Tranflt , 2fi.CfiO : Sncnr. I2.2f ) ; Tenncssc
Coal & Iron. 4XW ; Ixnther preferred , 3.20 (
Rubber ; 4,900 : St. Louis & Pan Frnnclsc
preferred , D.SOO ; Chicago Great AVe.sten
\ 'W York Money Mnrkot.
2Viif2"j per cent.
per cent.
actual business In bankers' bills nt $ l.S < j' '
for domand. and at $ I.Slf74SI'i for slxt
days : posted ratos. $4.83 and $4.87 ; coir
morclal bills , $4.F3'TI.SIH < , .
OOVERNM10NT BONDS W nk ; 3s , 101
new 4s , 127'V ( : coupon , 127' > i ; 4s , 112i : cottpoi
112i ; 2s , 99 : 5s. reg. , lll'i : coupon. 111 % .
Closing quotations on bonds were ;
l-'orrluii I'liiniicliil ,
I.ONDON. Feb. 17. Tlie market for Amei
lean Bccuritles , after a dull nnd rathe
weak opening , was firmer but inactivi
Trudlnc wna merely professional. Tli
closing tone waa tlnn and tliu ilemanil RCI
er-jlly llsht. Spanish 4s closed nt Mi. Tli
Kold premium ut Uu nos Ayrea U quote
today nt 120.50.
PA HIS , l-'eb. 17. There was some neltc
tlon nt the opening of the botirro today
but operators soun became calmer , prlif :
gradually recovering nnd closing linn
Spanish 4s nnd Italian securities wtri
harder. Illo tlntos wcro In Rood demand
DeHeera mines were weak nnd Soutl
Africans , which wro freely offered onrlj
In the day , rallied nnd becnmo firm
Thrco per cent rentes , 102f S7Ho for the
account , Kxchange on 1/ondon , lot l&\i \ <
for chocks.
FIlAXKKOnT , Pb. 17. Prices were dc.
pressed at the opening of the bourv to
day , owlnw to the death of President Kauro ,
especially Spanish 4s.
niSllUN , l-'cb. 17. The market opcncil
depressed , owing to the death of Presldfnl
Fauro. Later prices recovered on the
bourse , owing to western advices , ami
closed firm.
VIENNA. Feb. 17. Business on tlu
bourse today was not affected by the
death of President Faure.
Ilnnton Stock < iiii > tntloii .
HOSTON , Feb. 17.-Call loans , Jff3 pei
cent ; tlmo loans. 3B4 per cent. Clo'lnn
prices for stocks , bonds nnd inlnltiR
shares :
A. , T. & s. V . S2 i Win. centrnl -Vi
Amcr. sugar . 133 ; I-M. Klec. Tel W
Oo pW . 113V Atrhlfon 4 inn1 !
Hay Stnto Qas. . . . 3 r-lC \VI . Ccntrnl 1 Oi
Hell T lt > hon ( ! . S70 Alloucz Mining Co. . 10' ,
lloston & Albany. . .24ft5 Atlnntl ? 40
llostoa & Stnlnc.,172 lluston & Mont S7G
lloston Illitlc & llooton. . . . U3
II. & Q rnhunct K lt : la..81fl
ritchUunr 114 Centennial M < i
Oncral Klectrta . . .mH OM Dominion W ,
Mexlcnn Central . . ti i Of > coola IW'.i
Old Colony SOI julncy ISO
Ore. Short t < Ino . . . . 44 Tnniarnck
llubbtr Mi Wolverine Wi
I'n'nn I'ncino 4M,4 IMrrott 41
Wc--t 1/nd KKi Wnonn 11
do pM Ill Ailvcntura 14j
Vt'fft. Klectrlc 4016 Humbolilt . 't
do pfil Rjij rnlon l.nml 10i
Sun Frnnrlnco Mlnlni ? Utiotntloti * .
SAN FHANCISCO , Feb. 17. The olllcla
closing quotations for mining stocks todaj
were as follows :
Alia 19 Jtmtlcc A
Alplm Con 8 Kentucky Con 10
Amies 23 Mexican 83
llclchcr a ? Occidental Con 31
llcnton Con s Ojihlr 1OT
JJi-st & Belcher 63 Overman 11
million 7 1-otnst 54
Cnloilon'a ' 39 Savnpro 34
Cliollar 45 Scorpion 5
Conllilcnoc 77 t-nK Uclclicr 4
Con. Cnl. & Va 230 Plrrra Nevada 103
Crown 1'olnt 27 Rtatnlnnl Z7r
Ooitld .t Currlc 51 Union Con. "I
Hnlc & Norcrosa , . . . St ( Utnh On .9
Julia 3 Yellow Jncket 31
Silver bars , DO'Jc ; Mexican dollars , 47 ! < 3
4Sc. Drafts , sight , 17 < ic ; telegraph , 2 c.
NKW YORK , Fell. 17. Thu following arc
the closing prices for mining shares :
Chollar 40 Ontario
Crown Point 12 Ophlr 12
Con. Cal. & Va. . . . Ilfl Plymouth 10
Dendwood 4.- Quicksilver ! - " >
Gould & Currlc.13 do pfd 4.jO
Hale & N'orcross. . . so Sierra Nevada ! W
Homestnke CCO ) Standard 210
Iron Silver M Union Con , TiO
Mexican SO Yellow Jacket
Loiuloii Stonlc Quolntloiix.
LONDON , Feb. 17.-4 p. m. Closing :
Consols , money..1U31G N. Y. Ccnlrnl
Consols , account..lll'/i rcnn yl\-nnla
rnnndlan 1'ac'no . . . 01T Ilcndlng lUVi
Brio i\t Union Pncltlo ' "
ilo 1st pfd 4it ) Atchlpon
IIUnolH Central . . . .11SH l.oula. & Xnsh
N' . Taclllc pM SS Qrnnd Trunk
St. Pnul , cojnmon..l33j !
BAR SI LVKR Steady at 27'iZ '
SIDNEY 1 % per cent.
The rate of discount In the open market
for short bills Is 2',4023-lG per cent ; three
months' bills , 2 3-1C per cent ,
Pliiiiiiclnl Xotrn.
NEW ORLEANS , Feb. 17.-Clcarlncs , $1 , .
3S9.746 ; New York exchange , bank , $1 pre
mium : commercial , par.
PHILADELPHIA , Feb. 17. Clearings ,
$17,463,752 : balances' , $2,4S3,7P2.
BALTIMORE. Feb. 17. Clearings , $3,4S6-
572 ; balances , J43S.157.
NEW YORK , Feb. n.-Clearlnes , $197-
001.709 ; balances , $9.781,333.
BOSTON. Feb. 17. Clearings , $22,933S87i
balances , J2,2S3G72.
CHICAGO , Feb. 17. Stocks were active ;
Alley L. 7G ; North Chicago , 219 : AVest Chicago
cage , D3Vi ; Biscuit , common , 61 % : BIscull
preferred , 105V4 ; Strawboard , 30 ; Diamond
Match. 14 ? .
ST. LOUIS , Feb. 17.-ClcarIngs , $5,444,199 ;
balances , $ CS9,751 ; money , 4@G per cent ; New
York exchange , par bid , lOc premium asked ,
CINCINNATI. Feb. 17. Money , 2V4ffG pei
cent ; New York exchange , 15c discount
clearings , $2,055,000.
CHICAGO , Feb. 17. Clearlngo , $22,020,401 ;
balances , $3lG2.2fi2 ; New York exchange ,
par ; sterling exchange , posted rates , $ I.S5fi
4.87 ; actual , $4.81HQ-l.SC'i. ; sixty days$4.83
@ 4.8o.
of the Week HoMtrlcicil I j
the KxtiMiilcil Storm.
BOSTON , Feb. 17. The Boston Commer
cial Bulletin will say tomorrow of the woo
market : Trading has beqa In a very largi
measure restricted by the storm and the de
velopments for the week are not significant
The features of the wcelc have bsen a largi
single purchase of territories and the sail
of nearly half a million pounds of Irish a
the. low edge of quotations. The salss of thi
week are 2,555,000 pounds domestic and 1.
OS7.500 pounds foreign , a total of 3.912,501
pounds , against 4,204,000 pounds last weel
and 3.CS1.000 pounds for the same week las
year. The sales to dati show a decrease o
G7C.OOO pounds domestic and 3,770,500 pound !
foreign from the ) sales to the same * date It
The receipts to date show an Increase o
4.851 bales domestic and a decrease of 14,15 :
bales foreJgn.
Cotton Mil ! ! . - < t. ,
tur's quiet and steady ; February. $5.00 . tild . . _
iVT foil ( t ? C0 7 ni > 4- > > .11 * T fin r ft < r. -
comber. $5.91f5.93. ( ? Snot , quiet and steady
sale ? . 2,330 bales ; ordinary , 4Vc ; good ordl
nary , 51-lGc ; low middling , 57-lGc : middling
Cc ; good middling , G c ; middling fair , 7 Ac
receipts. 4.S91I bales : stock. 3S.S9I ! ) bales
NEW YORK , F'b. 17. COTTON-Dull
middling , Gc ; net receipts , 21 bales ; gross
5.271 bales ; sales. .00 bales ; stock , 101,18
bales ; continent , 370 bales.
lw York Dry CiioilH Mnrl.ct.
NEW YORK. F b. 17. There is no chccl- -
to the strong tone of the market for cot
ton goods. The demand today has been ol
fully average dimensions , even though the
storm obstructions Imvo not all been re
moved , Utlca and Mohawk wide sheet
ings advanced 5 per cent and some lend
ing makes of eastern drills advanced Me
per yard. Prints arc very strong and or
ders for goods not In stock taken nt value
only. Print cloths are bid for at 2' c for
regulars , without sellers. No change. In
woolen coeds situation.
ket quiet ; open kettle , 25-&iiJ39-lGe : open
kettle , ccntrlfup-nl , 3 9-HMM 5-lCc ; yellow. 4
{ /19-lGc / ; seconds , mffl't 15-lCc. Molasses ,
Fteady ; open kettle , 15Q 30u- ; centrifugal , CS
IGc.LONDON. . Feb. 17 , BEET SUGAR Feb
ruary. Ps Gd.
NEW YORK , Feb. 17. SUGAR-Rnw.
steady : fair refining , 3 3-lCe ; centrifugal. 9C
test. 4 5-lGc ; molnwes fnigar , 3 5-Su. Relined -
lined , steady : crushed , 6V4c ; powdered , 5Uo ;
granulated , 5c.
Cor.'i' - .Mnrltvl.
NEW YORK , Feb. 17.-COFFEE-Optionf
opentd steady nt uiu hanged prices ; ruled
moderately active : trading restrained by
e-loFlng Havre market on account of Pres
ident Faurc'ii death ; local evening up caused
moro activity in afternoon , but market
scarcely varied 5 points all day : closed
steady and unchanged : Hale ? , 13,750 bags ,
Including March ill $5,45 ; May , $5. SO ; Oeto.
ber , $3.i-V ! November. $0.00 ; January , $ ii.5.
Spot coffee , Rio , dull ; No. 7 , Invoice , $ ( ! .50 ;
No. 7. jobbing , $7.00. Mild , quiet ; Cordova ,
Oil MnrUrl ,
SAVANNAH. Ga. . Feb. 17-OIL-Splrltn
of turpentine , firm lit 4lc. Rosin , llrm and
AVILMINGTON. N. C. . Feb. 17.-OIL-
Splrlts of turpentine , steady nt 43 ! ' , < ff44c ;
orudo turpentine. nothing doing. Rosin ,
firm at 9m < 95e. Tar , steady nt $1.00.
OIL CITY , Pa , , Fob. 17.-Credlt balances ,
$1.15 ; certificates , no bid ; shipments , 62H3j
bbls , ; runs , 81,113 bbls ,
California Drli'il Frnltx.
DRIED FRUITS-Evaporated apples
nteady , other fruits llrm ; evaporated apple ! ' ,
common , " ( tWo ; prlmo wlro tray. SWJbTJic ;
choice , O'JfiS'.fcc ' : fancy. 9-vf10c. Prunes. 4Q
lOc. Apricots , Royal. llffUc ; Moor Park ,
IGflnc. Peaches , unpeeled , SSllc ; peeled ,
_ _ _
NI. JllHI-llll I'lVI ! StOL-k.
SOUTH ST. JOSEPH. Fob , 17. ( Spe laU-
CATTLE Receipts , 400 head ; market steady ;
quality very common ; natives , $3,70 5.00 :
Texans and westerns. $3.COii'4.75 ; cows and
helfora , $2.0017l.25 ; ; Btockers and feeders , $3.M
Q4.75 ; yearlings and calves. $4.25Q6.00.
HOGS Rf-oi-Ipts , 6,800 head ; markel
steadv. Belling at $1.50f/3.So / ; bulk , $3.3 < 33.70i
pigs 6a higher.
SIIKEP-Reoelpt ? . WO head ; markel
strong ; western sheep and yearlings , mixed ,
Receipts Arc Pair , bnt Not 80 Geary as One
Week Ago ,
With tlic HORN ( lie I'rlrrn Arc
Inn ! About Where They
Wore n ( ( tip I
of. the Month.
Cuttle. 1 loirs. Sheep
Kccclpts today 2,115 7,748 3,22 :
Olllctal Monday ] ,2tO ! 1.3S5 6.3s
Olllclal Tuesday 3,113 6,037 C.SS1
UlllL-lnl Wednesday 2,519 & ,3'H } > , S7l
Olllclal Thursday 2P3I , 8.1D9 6tOi
Five ilnys this week . . . .12,003 30.7CO 29.S5I
Smno days lust week. . . . 0,307 21,077 Ifi.GUi
Snmo days wuok before..10,413 23w 25i2 :
Same threa weeks ago. . 9.971 39.39S 13,91 !
AvernRo price paid for hogs for the lust
several days , with comparisons :
| lS3'J.tS9S.HS97.lS95.11S95.llS9l.lS93 ' | | | ,
Indicates Sunaay.
The olllclal number of cars of stocl
brought by each road was :
c. , M. & st. P. Ky. . . . . % : . ;
O. & St. 1 , . Uy. . . . . . 1 2 !
Mo. Pnclllo Uy . ,
Union 1'at'lflc System 3 29 (
r & N.v. . uy. : i a .
r-cVr.W. * . ? ! : : : : : : : : ! : 3i . !
C. , U. &Q. Hy . ,
K. c. & st. j. . s .7 !
C. , 11. I. Jt P. Uy. , cast 4
C. . U. I. & P. Uy. , west 3
Total receipts SI 105 U
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
_ , _ . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep ,
Omaha Packing Co 17 39S
G. II , Hammond Co -19 ] ,4SS
Swift and Company . . . . 120 1,458 67 (
Cudnhy Packing Co 439 ] ,7SO , 1,63 , ;
P. D. Armour 227 1,570 . . . .
R. Uecker and Degnn. . . . 3
Vansant & Co 7 ,
AV. 1. Stephens 227
Huston it Co 33
L. P. Husz 7
Livingston & Schaler. . . . 157
Hammond , K. C so
Cudahy P. Co. , K. C. . . . 14S 457
Omaha , K. C 77
Other buyers 117 . . . . 791
Left over 200
Totals 1,691 7,049 2,902
CATTLE Today's receipts were the
'smallest since Monday , but they were con
siderably larger than a week ago. So far
this week ther has been a most deckled
pain In the receipts of cattle over last week.
It was to be expected that the break In the
market would cause a havy reduction In
tlio receipts and It doubtless will later on.
The market today could hardly have been
worse and all the unfavorable things that
were suld yesterday would apply -squally
well again today. The situation In the east
is very bad as- regards the. market on
dressed meats , and the market on llvo cat
tle is simply a reflection of the unsatis
factory conditions governing the market for
the product.
This morning there were , not many corn-
fed steers on sale and the quality was
rather common , but there were fully as
many as wsro wanted and the quality was
as good as thu market. The. trade could be
summed up In a very few words as being
extremely slow nnd weak and unsatis
factory , with values 30035c lower than on
Monday. It was lats before anything was
done and the cattle changed hands very
The market on butchers was also Blow
and weak and the' offerings changed hands
slowly , so that It was late before anything
llko a clearance was effected , although the
receipts were light. Veal calves sold well ,
choice veals going at JC.75.
There was not very much In the way of
stockers or fesders In the yards , but , na
usual toward the last of the week , there
was an evident decrease In the dmand , and
after such a sharp break In beef valuss
buyers did not feel Inclined to give steady
prices. In fact the market was a little sloy
end lowor. Representative saUs :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. IT. No. Av. Pr.
1. . 9W Jl ! SO 3..1150 J4 25 2J..1225 $4 DO
2. . 930 405 60..1043 430 20..1221ICO
11..101-5 410 IS..1017 440 21..11GI .4 CO
4..1122 10 10..1177 4 45 2G..1143 05
1..1190 4 10 9..1222 4 45 23..1203 4 G5
19..10-i ) 415 2..1000 450 1..1420 490
1. . SSO 400 20..1135 455 10..1229 480
16..1100 440 3. . 953 4 CO 1..1100 483
31. . S57 305
1..1110 225 1..1190 315 1..1330 360
1. . 770 2 2.ri 2..1050 3204..1157 350
2. . SGO 240 1..1170 325 5..11SO 350
2 , . 9SO 2 DO 19. . 939 325 7..10S1 355
1. . P20 265 2..1190 325 1..11SO 300
4..1057 275 1..1050 325 1..1100 3(10 (
1. . 930 275 1. . 970 325 1..1270 3 CO
1. . 1150 275 10..1139 330 1..1300 3(10 (
1.1000 275 2..1215 330 1..1150 SCO
1 . G20 275 23..1102 330 1..1000 300
1.1040 2 SO 1..1270 3 3o 1..1030 3 Go
.1007 2 SO 2. . 950 3 35 2..1113 3 05
GSO 2 W 3. .10SS 333 IS. .1077 3 G3
Si ! 093 290 21.1016 340 1..1070 3 G5
2. . 955 300 3. . 1250 S 40 20. . 964 3 G3
1. ,10i,0 300 1..1020 310 1..1430 373
1 11CO 3(10 1..1000 S 10 1..1190 3 SO
5 , . ! )9li ) I ! 00 1. . 910 340 1..1200 380
1..11SO 300 1..1S50 340 1..1IOO 380
4..10M 300 2. .1175 340 12..11i7 3 SO
2..1W5 I ! 10 7..11C7 340 2. . 1100 400
1..1150 3 10 G..1111 3 43
HOGS The change In values this morn
ing was very slight , but what llttlo did
take place wun on the side of easier prices.
Common light and llgnt mixed hogs ,
especially , were a llttlo easier , Huyers HH
a rule were reporting th * market as about
Hteady , but they admltlM that they had
bought u llttlo better hogu for the same
money than yesterday.
The trade WOH a llttlo slow to open , its
salesmen were asking fully steady or even
strong prices , but mill everyone got down
to business reasonably early und It wo * not
long until the big bulk of the hogs Siad
changed hands. Other markets were re-
port'd as barely steady or easier , und that
being the cabo It was hardly possible to hold
this market up and salesmen cut loose.
Light and light mixed hogs sold for the
most part at $3.50 3.57'.i , heavy mixed loads
at J3 GOys C3 , and choice heavy at J3.70. It
will 'be remembered that yesterday the
rang ? was J3.50ij3.72V4. One thing Is notlre-
abld nt the present tlmo and that la th *
very good demand for cnolco heavy hogs
and the wider range between common and
good kinds , Iluyers are discriminating very
much more closely in the matter of quality
than they were u week ago.
A planco at the table of receipts above
will show that there hn been a considerable
gain In the matter of receipts this week.
From the table of average prices It will bo
noted that for three fi ys In succession
there has been little chance In the uverago
price paid for hogs on tills market , aUo
that the market is now Just about where
it was nt tlio opening of the month , Her
No , Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr ,
75 . 20G SO 360 6S . 2C.S 40 3 57 < 4
Kl . 191 40 3 BO SO . Z S ICO 3 57'4 '
31 . 176 . . . 350 43 . MR 120 3 67'J !
41 . 1G2 . . . 3 BO 6S . 217 120 3 67'i '
fS . 1S2 40 $3 BO 36 . 270 . . . 3 67H
1(1 ( . 175 . . . 360 7S . 21) 1RO 3 67 ' 4
79 . ICO . . . 360 4.1 . 245 ISO 3574
Ml . 170 50 362 > 4 < . 2M ICO 3 57U
2T , . 222 . . . 3 62V4 60 . 2SS 40 3 57'i '
110 . 173 40 365 fi3 . 21 ? 40 3 67V4
Kl . 230 120 3 K 62 . 291 . . . 3 57 ' ,4
41 . 1 C . . . 365 (5 ( . 272 200 3 57'i '
73 . 241 SO 3 55 72 . 22 . . . 357' ' ,
79 . 220 . . . 3 IB 70 . 241 120 3 5T < 4
75 . 2 3 SO 355 6 . K2 . . . 3674
C9 . 2W . . . 355 100 . . ' (0 40 3 57 ' 4
GC . 22(1 ( . . . 355 80 . 22il 80 3674 *
77 . 229 200 353 87 . 235 80 3 57 ' 4
S4 . 303 80 3 ( B 7G . 248 ICO 3 674
C2 . 201 SO 3 65 IS . 27fi . . . 3674 *
44 . 20S SO 355 11 . 252 . . . 3574
78 . 191 ICO 3 M CO . 261 . . . 3 GO
47 . 233 . . . 355 72 . 31S 120 SGO
Gl . 2. ICO 363 80 . 277 80 SCO
70 . 237 120 355 71 . 243 80 3 GO
92 . 233 ICO 353 CS . 273 120 SGO
02 . 270 40 353 37 . 233 . . . 3 M )
78 . 210 40 3 5T 65 . 310 40 SGO
21 . 331 40 36714 G2 . 293 SO 360
9S . 20.X . . . 3 67 > 4 65 . 312 120 300
82 . 275 40 3 67'4 C7 . 222 . . . SGO
73 . 2GO SO 3 57'4 ' Sii . 251 ICO SCO
C4 . 211 40 357U Gl . 321 . . . SCO
77 . 250 40 3 57 < 4 C9 . 2W 160 SCO
72 . S5C SO 3 57 $ CO . 2W 40 SCO
S7 . 230 SO 3574 f 3 . 2S7 . . . SCO
S , ? . 245 SO 3571,4 60 . R02 SO 3 CO
72 . 252 SO 3 67 > 4 65 . 349 lt'0 SCO
85 . 2.15 240 3 G7',4 73 . 274 240 3 GO
70 . 235 SO 3 57'ii 67 . 292 120 SGO
6S . 3ftS 120 3574 * 73 . 200 ICO SGO
CS . 2SH 40 357U 67 . 241 . . . SGO
fit . 23t 120 3674 CI . 2Cfi . . . SCO
92 . 21S ICO S674 ! C3 . 282 200 3 TO
11 . 23fi . . . 367U C4 . 301 120 SCO
80 . 192 . . . 357(4 ( 62 . 313 . . . SGO
CS . 209 . . . 367U 92 . 237 . . . 3 CO .
CS . 253 40 3 57 * < > 32 . 2SI . . . SCO
"II . 269 120 367VJ 63 . 26J 40 3 C24
42 . 293 40 3B7'4 C4 . 310 . . . 3 G2 < 4
fit . 270 40 367V4 C2 . 320 40 3 C2U
60 . 2Gi SO 3 67 > , & 26 . 317 SO 3 G2U.
60 . 218 . . . 3674 G5 . 254 . . . 3 G3
fi . 2S3 . . . 3 57V4 63 . 293 . . . 3(13 (
73 . 211 . . . 3 57',4 GO . 303 . . . 370
l . 2 J SO 3574 33 . 451 . . . 370
127 . 273 4SO 3 67 ,4
1 . 240 . . . 200 1 . 210 . . . 355
1 . 260 . . . 200 B . 294 . . . 3 67,4 *
1 . 370 . . . 200 0 . 200 . . . 3 6714
1 . 170 . . . 200 6 . 234 . . . 3671,4
2 . 313 . . . 350 8 . 310 . . . 3 67V4
. 2SO . . . 350 7 . 33S . . . SCO
I . 180 . . . 355 S . 4.14 . . . 360
SHEEP Today's receipts were th
smallest of the week , only 3,223 head beln
reported in , but there were a few stal
load's ' In the pens , HO that the total offei
Ingsyere quite liberal. It will bo note
from the tabls of receipts at head of colum
that the total arrivals this week have bee
much larger than for previous weeks , an
considering that fact the market has nc
been In bed shape.
Today the market was rather slow an
there was a lack of snap to the trade , bi
still values were not much changed fret
what they were yesterday. For thn wee
shosp are 5@10c lower and lambs I55J20c A ;
though , as already nottd , tne market wn
not very active , the mot of the offering
sold In good season.
Quotations ar ; : Good to choice fed west
cm wethers , $4.1BfJ4.25 ; fair to good. J.1.801
4.00 ; choice western yearlings , J4.15ri4.3 (
fair to good western yearlings , $4.00g4.1 !
fed ewes , $3.35T3.75 ; goo < l to choice natlv
lambs , $4.G5ff4.SO ; good western lambs , $4.50 !
4.75 ; feeder sheep , f3.50S'3.75 ( ; feeder lamb :
S4.CW4.25 ; cull sheep , $2.0oy3.00 ; cull lambs
J3.00S3.50. Representative sales :
No- Av. Pr.
10 culls . 89 J2 25
D culls . S3 2 25
1 cull . 90 2 25
2 western yearlings , culls . 105 2 50
239 western ewes . 92 3 50
II western ewes . SC 3 50
3 western yearlings , culls . SO 3 73
405 wastern wethers . 128 4 20
218 western yearlings . 102 4 25
223 western yeoj lings . 116 4 27V
236 western ycarllngH . S7 4 30
GG western yearlings . 91 4 33
23S western lambs . SO 4 53
5 ewes . 90 375
C4 Mexican sheep . 92 4 05
201 Mexican lambs . 64 4 40
571 western lambs . 65 4 55
Cuttle Slow , HOBS Sell Steady am
Sheep In Fair Demand.
CHICAGO , Feb. 17. CATTLE Trade it
cattle today WOB slow and most of the of
ferlngs sold at low prices , the averagi
quality being poor. Average sales wen
about 15c lower than late sales last week
Fancy cattle brought Jo.SOfiG.OO ; cholci
steers , J5.40J5.75 ; medium sneer * . J4.75J ;
4.95 ; stockers and feeders , J3.50Cf4.75 : bulls
$2.75Q'4.2o : cows and hellers , t3.30@4.00
western fed steers , J4.10573.50 ; Texas steers
? 3.50g5.00 ; calves , $4.00ft7.GO.
HOGS Early sales of hogs were made a
steady prices , but after the offerings wen
largely disposed of the market weakenec
about 2&c ; fair to choice , J3.75@3.90 : pack
Ing lots , J3.55fr3.72l4 ; mixed , I3.65U3.SO
butchers. $3.GOif3.85 ; lights , $3.5303.80 : pigs
SHEEP There was a fairly good demanc
for sheet ) and prices ruled steady. Poor t <
prime sheep sold at $2.60 4.60 , chlelly a
? 3.GO4.-0 ! ; yearlings , $4.23iM.70 ( ; lambs. $1.0
< s)3.03 ) : largely at $4.755.00.
RECElPTS-Cattle , 2.500 head ; hogs , 28,00
head ; sheep , 7,000 head.
KniiMiiH City I.lve Stock.
ceipts , 1.C40 natives , 1,010 Tcxans : light sup
ply ; all grades In good demand nt stead'
prices ; heavy native steers , $5.2557550 ; me
dilim , $4.55fl5.25 ; light weights , $4.40-J74 00
stockera and feeders , $3.75575.00 ; butche
cows and heifers , $3.00R4.25 ; canners , $2.25T (
3.00 ; western steers , $3.7504.00 ; Texans , $3.3
HOGS Receipts. 13.290 hand ; good demam
from packers and shippers ; packing hog :
active and a shade higher ; butcher weight ;
Be hlcher ; heavy hogs , $3.70Q3.S5 ; mixed
f3.55fi3.SO : lights. J3.10fi3.C5 ,
SHEEP Receipts , 4,570 head ; excellent demand
mand ; the liberal supply quickly nbsorbet
at sfady prices for lambs and steady to 10 <
higher for muttons ; lambs , $4.55 { 4.90 : mtit
toitR. $4.0004.40 ; feeding lambs. gUOf/i.OO
feeding sheep , $2.75Q3.GO ; stockers , $2.00Q3.60
Xoiv Y pk I.lvc Stock.
NEW YOllIC. Feb. 17. REEVES Re-
celpta , 2.SOO head. Market opened 10 lowct
on steers , and steady to 15c lower or
roujrh stuff. Steers cloned 13c lower ; cows ,
13f/2Sc lower. Steers , fair to choice. $5 "Kfi
i.OO : oxen and stn H. $ I.234.C3 ; bulls , $3.5 (
f/4.40 / ; cows , $2,2304.15 , Cables steady ; ex
ports , none.
CAI/VKS Receipts , 400 head. Venls , 25 < fi
JOc. lower ; other ralvos , steady. Veals , $5.0 *
TiS.50 ; choice. fS.73 ; tops , $9.00. No southerner
or western cnlves.
lit-ad. Sheep slow and 15tj2.'c lower ; lambs ,
lOc lower , cloned weajc. Sheep. $3.00171.TW ;
few selects ! export sheen. $5.00 : lambs , $5.W
iJ5.45 ; most of sales at $5.25J/5.33.
HOGS Receipts. 8.2V ) head. Market slow
and 20c lower , at $1.10174.30 ,
St. I.oiiN Mvt > Stuck.
ST. TOUIS. Frb. n.-CATTI.E-Recelpts ,
! ,30o head ; mnrkft steady to lower ; fair to
fnnev native shipping fihrt cxnort ste'-rs ,
H.COTfG.10 ; bulk of sales , $1,50175.40 ; dresst-fl
lpnf and butcher steers , J3.C0575 35 ; bulk ol
sales , $4 30JT3.30 ; steers under 1.000 pounds ,
& 3.60f74.SO ; bulk of snle - . J1 ! IWI.IO : stork'rn
mil feeders , $3.00f/4.73 : bulk of sales. $3 25 f
1.75 ; cows and mixed , J2.00fi 1.75 ; bulk of
: 'ows , $2 40T/1.15 ; bulk of hplfors , $3.1Wt 90 ;
Texas and Indian steers , $3.0075.60 ; bulk of
sales , $ : t.3.V7I.S5 ? : cows nml heifers , $2.33f3.75.
1IOOS Receipts , B.r.00 head : market
raily ; pltrs und lights. J160f3.70 | ; packers ,'fi'3.75 : butchers , S3.8M)3f5.
SHEEP Rec Iptr. 403 hend : market
"ti-ady ; imtivo muttons , $3.7501.23 ; culls ,
[ 3.23 ; lambs , J 1.8565.85.
' liiclriiuill Ilvc > Stock.
CINCINNATI , Frb , 17. HOGS Active at
CATTMC-Qlllc-t at $2.5n73.00.
SHEEP Steady nt $2.23Q4.25 ; lambs , $4.00
[ T5.23.
Following nro the receipts nt the four
Tinclpal western mnrhrtH ror February 17 :
Cattle. HOJ.-H. Sheep.
> maha 25 7.710 3.2.3
- | Icago 1.500 2S.OOO 7.000
Kansas City 2.BM ) I3.2W 4,670
n. LOUIS . : . . : . . . S.800 8,500 400
Totals 9.505 67..ViG 15,193
Trnnxfrr of Colfincl SnlHIi ,
CHICAGO , Fd ) . 17. Telegraphic orders
voro received today from Secretary Alper
ransffirring Colont-1 O. M. Smith of the
itibslBteneo depot at division army head-
juarters hero , to Jefferson * Uarracka , Jlo.
Will Try < Suv Tcinpli- .
CHIOAOO , Fob , 17. The formal launch-
ng of the Teinplo wving plan of the Chlcano
I'oung People's Chrlstlun Tcmperanco asno-
who is physically perfect , possesses an abun
dance of vital force and is usually tucceuful
iti business and happy iu home.
build men up to this condition , make the
nerves tingle and the lUin aav ( wjllU'SXfsCt
health. Jt.oo. llook free.
Kuhn & Co. , or New Economical Drug
2o. . Omaha , Kebruska ,
elation ( uok pl co toilnr. I'IP ' nnnlvfrtinry of
Krnuccfl \ViMnnrs drnlh. "The Tompl *
KAvltiR chart" R hung iti "the " wall of tha
n * oclnt1nn' lioadqttartcrs In the Tempi *
building and i-evoial Iiunilml proplo wrote
their iwmen In the snuarc. v | > rovidcil for
that purpose. The chart contains $0,000
nquaros nnd the yonng people ptoposo to
e urp S.OOO dubscrlptions of $10 puch ( u ral o
< ho $ SOO.OOO tiocessary to envc the Temple.
iviirasr orimns PAII. coNStn.T
carles & earl 03
\ \ > oopcuifutly trrnt nil M IIVOUB ,
of men anil women.
OEXUALLT. curJ for lift.
Nleht KtnU.lonp , Lost Manhood , Hy
oroccie , vcncoceio , uonarrntn , Qlcet , Syph
ills , Stricture. Plica. Fistula and Hoctttl
Ulcers , Dlnbeiei , Erlcht's D ! c\aao cured ,
' ' * " '
mid .Cured .
at homo
by new method without pain or cutting.
Call on or adama with lUmp. Treatment
by mall.
DR. E , C. WEST.
Issolduudortcv' ) < lvo WrittenCunrnntoo ,
by nulliOi'lr.pd asctctt ) only , to euro Weak Meinory (
Dizziness , \Valt < > : ili > sB , Fits , HyUerla. Quick-
neks , Klplit Loioes , Vvll Ureamu , Lack of Conn *
cleiicc , Nervousness , ' , R ltudo , all Drains , Youth
ful Krror , or EXOCHI.TO t'so of ToUacco , Opium ,
or Liquor , wlilcli luiuls to Mlsory , CotiHuinptlon ,
IiiHinlty and Death. At Rtoreorby mnll , $1 n box ;
six for * 5j with wrltton Rimrnntoo to
euro or refund money. Sample pack- t
ago. contalnlne tivo dayn' troiitiiiont. with I
( im instructions , 25 cents , one namplo only aold '
to rncli person. At Btoro or by mall.
Label Spc-
Kxtrn StreiiKtli.
I'or impotency , Loss of
Pownr , Io-it Mnnbood ,
.Sterllltv or IlarreiiOMS , , -
$1 a box ; six for $5 , wlthU
Iwrltton guarantee
'to euro in 30 itavs. At
store or by mall.
Dillon Drnir Co. , Sole
lOtb and Knmnm , Oiualin. IVeb.
Purely vegetable , mild and reliable. RfB
ulato the Llvar and Digestive organs. Th <
safest and beat medicine In the world for
of all disorders of the Stomach , Liver ,
HOW.MB , Kidney , Bladder , Nervous Dla-
faBcs , L.C.I-H c1 Appetite , Headache , Con-
Ktlpatlon , Costlvenosg , Indlgoatlon , DIllous-
ness , Fever , Inllammatlon of the Cowolf.
Piles and all derangement * of the Internal
accomplished by taking RADWAY'S PILLS.
By so doing
BIck Headache , Foul Stomach , Biliousness
will bo avoided , as the food that Is eaten
contributes Its nourishing properties for
the support of the natural waste of th
Price 25 cents per box. Soli ] by all drug
gists or sent by mall on receipt of price.
RAI1WAY tfc CO. , 5B Kim Si. , New York.
For Rats , Mice , Roaches ,
After eating , nil vrmla f k wnlf r and the open atr.
Hencethls killer ii tlir most cleanly on cartli.
For Sale by all Drucclsts. Price , 15 Cents.
05 WIMIoni Street. New VorU.
Is a preparation of the Drug by which its
njurlous effects are removed , while the val
uable medicinal properties are retained. It
possesses all the sedative , anodyne and ant.I-
cpasmojlc powers of Opium , but produuoa
no Bicknt-Rs of tha Etomnch , no vomiting , na
costlveneBS , no headache. In acute nervous
dlsordcra it is an invaluable remedy , and . '
ifcommcnileil by the beet physicians.
1STI'eurl HI. . f.i : v V rk.
SPECIALIST , > ll Fornn of
M .
I.V-.L-JT , , jCcniuli iion Tice. Boole fref ,
32f ( ? * ' .5Jor3ceMlh& F.rna-n Sfi
n ' .
- \ , - >
Kt 3
§ Are you §
uo a Sport or a H
IdS IdB Sportsman ? 8
S The best 1
Sporting nowi 1H
I is printed H M
in Thn Ueo. S
Telephone 1 ( ) , " , ( ) . Oiunli.i , Nub
Direct wrr lu IIIRU H aim New York.
Con-fupondintu John A. Wtrrtr. * Co.
OMAHA nta. unuui nto.