TITE OMAHA DAILY BEEs TIirtlSnAY , 0 , 18.W , NEWS OF INTEREST FROM 'IOWA. I COUNCIL BLUFFS. MI.NOIl .MIJVMON. Hamilton's shoo store ; , 412 DroaJ-.vay. . DavlH sells glasf , Mooro'a food kills norms and fattens , C , K , Alexander & Co. , picture frames. Uartcl & Miller , 100 U'way , give "Stars Iowa Purnlture & Carpet Co. , 407 IV wn. . J 0 Hljcby , heating , plumbing. Tel. 13 C II Jnsiiwtnln H Co. Jewelers anil 0 | tldans , 27 Snitli Main street. GU your work done ; nt the popular Kas laundry , 721 Ilroadwny , 'iilionc 157. I'ottawattainle TribeNo. . 21 , Improved 0 fler of Ited Men , will meet In regular su l.lon tonight. Deputy United Stales Marshal tUehari left last evening Cor Onkland. wlirre he go to arrest n c-uiplo of alleged bootleggers. Catherine I'.iulaskl rouiincnccil toroclosir proceedings In the district court ycstord ; ngnin-sL rinla Jensen Nceby on a $1,0 : mortgage , Holmes Cowpor , the Chicago tcm vhi > will Bint ; tills eveultiK nt the ounce lit the OoiiKrogatlicial chinch. arrived In tl cl'y ' last ovenlng. Krnnlt Danforth of Norway , Mo. , will In licen hero settling ui > the estate of his la1 lirx/thcr , Joilnh Datifortli , returned to h lioinu last cviiilng , A full attendance Is desired nt the nice Ing tonight of Uncnmpmcnt No. 8 , Unlc Votcrnn Legion , ns there ( a business of lu portanco to transact. The follow Ing cased of lueaslwcrt > r < portal to tlus Hoard of Health yestcrela ; Dert and Leroy ttceda , 12U Avcnuo / Sarah Haydcti , 122 Fain-lew avenue. John Hcroalielm , J. I' . Ilesa and S. 0. Ui dorwood , comprising the board of appraise under the collateral Inheritance tax law he a pollmlnary mooting yesterday afternoon I conncotlOTi with ithe estate of the late Joshi Danfortli. A meeting to appralso 'the ' proi crty of the eatntu will be held February Anna nicanor italic , daughter of Mr. m Mrs , Anders Knlk , 223 Harmony btrcct , dk early jeslcrday morning from pneumonti ngcd 17 years. Kuticral services will bo co : ulucted at the residence by Her. Larson t < morrow afternoon at 2 o'clock , after hc ! the icnialns will bo taken to tessex , la. , f ( Interment. The financial repcrt of the Chrlstlnn Hon for the last week shows the receipts In tl Koncral fund to have bcc.i JSCG.UO , heci ? d ( ! 90 above tlio rst linn ted needs ; o. % tl ! current cApon-xii of the wcrk. The rccelpl in the i.iii-.iper's fund amounted lo $ CC.2 1 > elii ( ! $31.2 oliovo the needs of the weel The bnlan J of $31. 25 was transform ] to tl ccneral fund. Mrs , May Mobulm will have a hearing b ( fore Justice Terrier this nftern'.on on Hi charge of larceny from u building in Hi daytime , piofcrred by Mrs Jennie willliiir. . of 100,5 West llrcadwny. Mrs. Jlolzalm rente n. room from Mrs. Williams and fell hit arrears on the rent. Mrs. Williams delaine her trunk and clothing and Mrs. Molzalt went to the house jesterday morning an txwk them a\\ny. She was unable to glv ball nil 1 was committed to the county ju Bending the hearing. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 230. Auctioneer , Iho stock a specialty , Addres E. M. Kstes , Crescent City , la. Cold IJiiIn e'omiHl llltitT * . Council Illulfs experienced the coldest da ot Uie winter yesterday nncl the thcrmomc ters registered anywhere from 17 to 2t do Krcos below zero. At 7 o'clock In the morn Ing It uas 17 below zero , with the win blowing strong from the northwest. Krnr noon on toward oveuing the mercury com inenccd to drop even Jover and at1 o'cloc the thermometer at the federal bulldln registered 20 clcgrecn be'ow. At n p. ir the thermometer at police headquarter fallowed 21 degrees below zero. 1'eoplo 1 from the country reported that jcsterda morning It was from 213 to L'O below zer < The cold snap had Hie effect yesterday c Inciting the local coal dealers to put an ex tra , 50 cents n ton on hard coal , making th price Jff.fiO. This they claimed they wer compelled to do , owing totho scarcity o liord coal at all eastern points and the extreme tremo demand from all sections of the coun try raisins the price down cast , Trmt for Musli * I , < fvi. The concert to ho given this evening n the First Congregational church under Hi nusplcea of the musical auxiliary of th Council Uhiffs Woman's club promises t bo a rnra treat for music lovers and others The concert will be followed by a rcccptloi for Mr. Holmes Cowpnr , the Chicago tenor Mr. Oottper will bo assisted by Mrs. C. I Kly , contralto , and Mr. Slmms , orgnnlsi The Drst. part of the program \\lll Inrluil BOlcctlnus from "Tho Messiah" and the sec end pait will bo miscellaneous. Snap Shots all go at ID cents each at th Couuc.il muffs olllce of The Bee. HiMiI Kntntc Trn iiMfcr.t. The following transfers were filed yestor lny In the abstract , tltlo and loan onic of J.V. . Squire , 101 1'carl street : County trcnHiirer to AV. 11. Wood , lot 18 , bloclc i , Van Itrunt K : Itlcu's add. t. (1 . $ Bamo to snint , lots 2 and I ! , block II. Ilryant & t'lnrk's mbd. . t. d . Bame to sumi > . lut < j 15 and 4C , block 13 , Wright's add , t. d . Bamo to sanif. lots r and 10 , block S3 , Uveretfa add. , t. d . Same to samp , lota 3 mid 9 , bloc-le 1 , nnd lot 11 , lilorlc 2 , F.ilrnnnint add. , t , d . . l W. TowiiHley and wife to K. n. Moore , und. Vj ot Int 13 , block I , Oakland , w. d . 2,4 < Vllllam r. Wrlsht nnd wlfu to J. AV. l > avl , cV : neU 2i.7G-10 , w. d . S , John \V. Wfilkor , widower , to J , IJ. Wlnkham , lot U , block 39 , Oulc-sburs iidd. , w. d . 1 ( Klght transf--rH , total Ijleonscs to wed wcro issued yesterday t llio following persons : Names and Hesldence. Ag < Anton .lenson , Council Hlnffs . 3 JIary njoni , Co'iiioll Dluffs . : ; Tatrirk I'oclpy , Strnna la . 2 Mrignrct Koley , Oakland , In . Vi alter M , Lewis , Sarpy county , Neb. . . . : Jcanueret , Sarpy county , Ni'li. . , . ' . ' TtTiHn V .fr.TvKE 1 Slany persons lw\o tliolr good day and * their tad elny. Others nro about lialf slok nil the tlmo. They IUITO lu'aelacho , luc'kactio , nnd nro rcatleas ami ner\OIIB. ] 'ooil docanot tnbtn L'uoil.uiid tbo tllces- tloit lit poori the kln lit dry and fallow amldltllKiircelwIthphnplruorcruptioim ; Irrii lirliiRS no rest and ork IB a Lui dt'u. \rtutcause * this ? Impure MwA. AudthorumudyV It taken out all Impurltiei from that blood.Vhen tlie'i uro rcmorcd , nature I takes rleht holel JJ i nmi/ietra the euro. 1'rico , fl.OOu bottle Vt sill drugclsts , It thcro ia cunt-tir-iilon. take Ajcr't I'lll * . rrlce,2io.aU > s , 'W rlto ta Ilia durtor tut tba pattlcutan In I yourcaio , You 111 iccrho a iiroirrtrcnlrf jwUUiUUo t. Atldicu , 1 > U. J. U AVtu ; 7 I Loiioil , Mau.U WILL RUN HIS OWN COUR1 Justice Vlen Not Inclined to Tolerate InUi fcronce of County Officials. HE PROPOSES TO USE HIS OWN JUDGMEN ( . ' ( inn I > ' SIIIKT iMcir.i Attempt In Indue JiiitlcfM to I'tilur Into an Aurvo- int'iil tlflnllxi * in Crhiiliinl Siills. When the Board of Supervisors ot Poltu wattamlo county appointed an asslstan county attorney , whoso duties are to loo' ' after nil state caeca In the courts ot th Justices of the peace , It wag with the In tcntloii of reducing the expenses of con ducting such cases and to sa.vo the count from being taxed for numerous trivial case which should never have been enlertalne by the magistrates. In the past the docket of the Justice courts , copccinlly In the city .have been filled with cases alleging th minor offenses nnd which have proven source of great expense to the taxpayers n this county. Having In view the purpos for which ho wns appointed , Afslstan County Attorney Clem Klmball has draw : up an agreement that Is iutended to furtha assist In correcting the existing abuses litho the courts of the Justices of the peace , Th agreement Is as follows : Whereas , In the prosecution of the mlno public offenses , so numerous In this countj the county la put to unnecessary cxpens rnd guilty persons csrnpe punishment by th failure of witnesses to appear and prosecut ' r by the full uro of the prosecuting wltnes to glvo conect or reliable Information to th authorities or of the accusers lo know full the circumstances connected \ \ 1th the ul leged offense ; nnd berauso in some Instance it develops that the criminal procedure of th Inferior courts Is used for spite or reveng or to galti some private advantage at pub He Ptpense ; nnd. Whereas , Wo nre desirous to serve th best Interests of the county and are con fldcnt that a definite understanding and co operation between maRlstrates of th county , especially In the city and the prosecuting ocuting attorney , will be conducive < o hotter administrate"1 ! ! of Justice by the ring Istratesho should not bo prosecutors UDder dor the law ; therefore , It is understood and agreed by the un derslgned magistrates of Potit.awaiU.aml county and the attorney appointed to prosecute ecuto before them , Hint In all cases excep where 'the urgency of the case demand otherwise , the Justice or magistrate shal ascertain whether rtho prosecuting wltucF 'T the person accusing another has pcisono knouledge of th.2 facts , or has attempts to fllo nn Information elsewhere * , and wh and how ninny are the witnesses , whos itcEtlmony will tend to p&ieibllsh the of foniso or refer the acuusliiff party to thi assistant county attorney before filing ni Information. And in all cases where it shal appear that the persons desiring to file ai Information has a hno-vledge of the fact only by hearsay or has or knows of no othc wltn.css of ithe facts or circumstances , o \\here the cas. seems doubtful for any rea son , that In nny such events the magistral' ' will refer such person to the nsslstan county attorney before filing an laformatioi against the accused. That in all cases whcr nn Information has been filed wlttout refer Ini ; the same to the assistant county ati'.or ney , the magistrate will as soon ns posslhl aftpr the accused has entered a. plea of no g'lllty and before 'the witnesses for the prose cutlon have been subpoenaed , refer thi prosecuting witness -to the assistant count ; attorney , wltli the undcrstnndlnR that unless loss ho so appears and gives the names o the witnesses to support the rhargo the- In formation will bo dismissed on motion nm the ecsts taxed to him. That In n'l cases of such nature reforre < bv nny magistrates assistant county nt torneylll file the necessary Information litho the court referring the sameto him ; am said assistant county attorney shall attem to the prosecution of the case , giving tin constable the names of the witnesses foi the ttuto necessary ito be subpoenaed foi the trial. Council Uluffs has two magistrates , Jua- tleo Ovfdr * Vlcn and Justice J. J. Ferrler The latter signed the agreement when ll was -presented to him by the nsslatnni eounty attorney , but Justice Vlcn refused pipferrlng to run his own court without any suggestion. Justice Vlcn , when asked what objectloi he had to signing an agreement that was only Intended to help save the taxpayers expense , said ho did not feel that there It nny iiMeiflty for an assistant county attor ney nnd that he Intended , as he had done h the past , to use his onn discretion as tc filing Informations in cases 'brought bt- fore him. There la nothing In the law that compete nny justice to refer nny ca'o to the assistant county attorney before filing nn Information and the consequence has been that tlu dockets have been filled with the mosl trivial of cases Involving nothing more sorl- our than a mere neighborhood or fnmllj misunderstanding or actions brought bj porsors out ofspllo or revenge. The cost.- In these cases never run less than $3 nnd In many Instances amount to twice that amount and these costs the county Is cnllo'1 ' upon to pay and the money haa to come enl of the pockets of the taxpayers. Even In cases \\hore the charge has been dismissed against the defendant for want of prosecu tion nnd the costs taxed to the plaintiff the county Invariably has to pay them Just the same , ns It la doubtful If there is n single case on record where an attempt has bcei made to collect the costs from the part ) taxed , It was to nvoid such abuses that Mr , Klmball submitted the agreement to the Justices for their consideration and ac ceptance , Hluff Co. , U n. K. of P. . gives a dance nl IIughcs' Imll this evening. Admission 2C con.u. Itcinomber the exposition by getting some copies o' Snap Shots at the Council Uluff : otllce of The Ilee. Ton cents each. IMIIH onoi.vc ; scAVKxoim WOIIK Jniui-M A Co. , llrlnu ( ho l.mvfHt Jllil- ili'iw , C.'t Ili < - Cmilrart. The tabulation ot the bids for city scav enging , which was referred to Finance Clerk True by the city council Monday night shows that L , . P. James & Co. are the lowest - est bidders. They bid as follows : For re moving dead horses , mules or cattle , 50 ccnti per animal ; hogs , 30 cents ; dogs , 23 cents ; cats and fowl , 10 cents ; refuse matter , pel load , C3 cents ; vaults , pqr cubic yard , $3.50 ; household garbage , per trip , 10 cents , t'nder the present contract with Nolsor the elty paid for horses , mules or cattle 75 cents , IIORH , 35 centri ; dogs.10 cents ; cata nnd fowl , 10 cents. The contract will bo awarded nt the ad join nod meeting of the city council on Monday - day , February 20. niult City laundry , 'phono 311. Wagons call at any place In the city. Mol < n 'IViMMi rltrr. A \\cll dressed young man giving the name of Augubt I < . Mayer was taken Into custody > oterday afternoon by Deputy City Marshal Storkdalo on suspicion of having stolen a cnllgraph writing machine , which ho offered for pawn at B. Frltdmau'a shop. When arrested Majcr give his address as 3SO.T Avenue A. In 'this cliy. hut later ad- inlttod ho lived In Onwha. Ho told many conflicting toilps to account fo.- his posses sion of the machine and investigation In Omaha disclosed the fact that It dad boc stolen from the ofllcc * ot Dr. Coffman. Bon of Dr. Coffman identified the mnchli ns belonging to lila father nnd Mayer \\i taken bock across 'the ' river Uat evening I company with an Omaha officer. I.VST1TUTI3 .V 111(311) Ut'AHAVl'IXl AiKliorltlt-H Act ultli I > r < im | > U < ti < lei i Smallpox CttKcM , At a meeting of the Board of Health ye : lerilay morning arrangements wore mm with Dr. A , V. Stcphenson , the county ph ; slclnn , to take charge ot the case of Ocorj Youngs , the smallpox patient nt 2759Vc lUoadwny. The hoard contracted \\lth tl county phjelclan to pay ? IOO tor the medic core of Youngs , provided no other case di velopcd In the next six months. If moi coses nrlsc the doctor Is lo receive $100 f < cnch case for the first six nnd (50 for cnc additional patient. J. 13. Anderson ot 2S. Avenue I was engaged by the board as nun for Youngs at n compensation ot $5 per da Ho will i > c in quarantine for forty days. Kvery precaution possible to maintain strict quarantine on the premises occuplc by the Dcckwlth family has been taken I the Board ot Health. During the day unt other arrangements are made the house being watched by ono of the police ton und nt night by Lewis James , a sped ; olllccr. Chief of Police tllxby nnd Depul City Marshal ( < unnnclln yesterday built nlioltcr house for Iho olllcor on watch , Tl little housa is made of strong weathi "boarding and Is Cx4 feet. It Is provldi with n small stove and n window throtif which the officer on guard can keep his c ] on the prescribed premises. The guan house wns placed on the opposite sldo of tl street facing the Ileckwlth home. In ordi to prevent any of the family leaving by tl back door It was fastened from the outald Mr. Ucckwlth and his family realize tl necessity for the quarantine nnd nro chee fully abiding by the rules of the Bonrd i Health. During the quarantine ! all tl needs of the family will ho supplied nt tl expense of the county and yesterday a Ian consignment of food nf all kinds wns di llvcrcd at the house , Mr. Bockwlth hlmsc making out the order for what they n quired , The city pest house Is all ready In ten It la needed nnd the parties occupying I a man named Katsenstein and his wife , a : both Immuncs nnd will cnro for any patlci the city may have to send there. Some excitement was caused nt the cli hall yesterday by a report that nnothi case of smallpox had been discovered c Frank street. On Investigation the repo was found to he false. It Is estimated tlii the cost to the county In caring for tl Youngs case will amount to la the nelgl borhood of $1,600. , The quarantine on the house of Mrs. Hai rls at Avenue H and Twenty-fifth strc < was raised yesterday. Mrs. Harris nnd h < husband had been quarantined for near ! three wcclce. The woman had not been li fected , but had been exposed to the dlsca < by nursing n smallpox patient at Hambur , la. SUe Is n nurse by profession. AND nrA l.i He-Ill mill Arilclen ot li uoi-imrntloit Adoiiieil. The Merchants' nnd Manufacturers' ass ( elation met last night and adopted art cles of Incorporation and a set of by-law as reported by the special committee a ] pointed for the purpose. The articles ( Incorporation set forth the object of tl association to bo the advancement of tt commercial and material interests of Counc Bluffs. The ofllcers are to consist of president , vice picsldent , secretary , treai urer and an executive committee of sevc members. The association will have no ca | ital stock and its Indebtedness at any or tlmo Is limited to ? 100" The executive con mlttco Is to conduct the affairs of the ai soc.atlon , the incorporated life of which I to bo Jiveyears. . The by-laws provide that the entranc fee for members shall bo $5 and that the shall not bo assessed to exceed $10 cac year. This assessment Is to be made at th inniial meeting by the executive commit tee. The regular meeting nights shall Vi the second Thursday in each month. Th following standing committees are to be ar pointed : On manufactures , on mcrcantlt Interests , on transportation and railroad ! on legislation and arbitration , on new en terprlscs , on municipal affairs and rccep tlon. tlon.Tho The following were appointed as member > f the executive committee , of which Gen : ral 13. F. Test was elected chairman : Vic or U , Bender , Dr. Cleaver , J. P. Qrccn shields , C. W. McDonald , F. II. 11 HI nn [ 'rank Keys. The following were named for the mem bershlp committee , but their appolntmcn , vas deferred until President Everett ha oad an opportunity to confer with eac ! me and ascertain If ho Is wllllag to serve Mayor Victor Jennings , chairman ; M. F lohrcr , E. Walters , Thomas D. Mctcalf , H I. Forsyth. II. A. Searles was elected vl'e preslden if the association In the place of E. r Searles , who declined to act. The following resolution was Introducet but action on it was deferrcfl until th ic.xt meeting : Heeolvcd , Th'a.t 'the members of < thl8 ns ioclaUcti , nil 'things being equal , shall pa. . nlno 1ho manufacturers , merchants t.n solicitors who iaro members of this organ zatlcm , giving them the preference ovc ill outsiders when placing .business . or mnh ng purchases , thus beginning the expanslo > f the business Interests of the city In gen ; ral by helping In this practical way sue rarties who , by their membership In till issocla'tlon ' , show that "they " are ready it ; ako a part 'In ' such movement. Hanoi camp , No. 171. M. W. A. , will glv v dance and cake walk on Thursday ovrn ng , February ! > , at Knights of Pythias hnl Trade where they glvo Stars. " l''lrc ' In n hlimSlon * . At 11:30 : last night flro broke out la th store occupied by the Duncan Shoe compan at 23 South Main street and the Block wa considerably damaged by smoke. The los ; uhlcli it la dlincult to rstlraato , is covere by insurance. Owing to the severe wcatho i hose burst nnd only ono stream could b turned on the fire. The ilro was caused b an overheated flue. Plain sewing , tailoring in repalrln clothes , Sire. 0 , H. Baker , HO Vine atree Davis Bells drugs. IX 1UJFKXS13 OP IIRH GOOD XAMI 31rn. H KlM * AwMi'rt * Ilt-r lii of Any Atlnu1iiiKiit for ( iiiudi * . MASON CITY. la. , Feb. 8. ( Special Tele Brain. ) A climax was reached today In 111 testimony of Mrs. Huguhcs , accused of he husband's murder , and a good deal ot feel Ing was displayed. In narrating the event of the night previous to her husband's deat the defendant said that Hughes sat on th side of the bed and made several attempt to count hU money. Finally he asked her t get up and count It , which she did , Ther waa $165 In the pockotbook. Her husban took tha book and tossed It under the pll low with the remark , "Lottie , hero Is $103 If you should ever need It , use It. " In the testimony following Mrs , Hughe squarely contradicted Jlvo of the stronges 3f itlio Bute's witnesses. She said aho iiovc wont to the bed of Mr. Hughea , sr. , nfte her husband had died or < old anyone tha ho kept appearing to her ; she bad tieve ivalked homo with Jcsso Goude but twlco am [ hen In the daytime , she had never klssei Joudo or been familiar with dim. MA HARDWARE MES MEE Gather in Tliojr. First Annual Convention Des Moincs. FULL LIST OF OFFICERS IS ELECTE Stair AiiilHor ( UvcH Out SDIIIII"lprur ( ItclnlliiK In SnvliiK" llHiilcs Io\M 31ntiilll Hull Awoflntldii lu CinvcnUi i < DKS M01NRS , t'ob. S. ( Special Tuli gram. ) The hardware men of Iowa nro session. The first annual session of the ni noclatlon was held nt the Commercial o' change rooms hero Wednesday. The coi vcntlonlll complcto Us deliberations t < morrow , Kully SCO retail dealers of tl state nro in attendance nt the meeting At the meetings Wednesday the constiti tlon nnd by-lat\s adopted nt the pvovlalon ; mooting in Council Dluffs Vieio adopt ( after amendment , ofllcers nnd n dlioctoi bonrd of permanent organization \sei elected nnd rcsoluyons wcro passed di nounclng the cntnloguo system nnd tl custom of those Jobbing houses which de direct with the consumer. Throughout tl .session the range peddler cnmo In for nrgc portion ot ccnsuro and methods of e : ormlnntlnB him were freely discussed. Tl Ulcers elected \\cro : President , H. A. Cole of Council Hluffi vice president , S. H. Miles of Mason Clt Bxccutlvo committee , ono member from oac congressional district , In order : Jalso Seltl ert of Kcokuk , A. T. Nelson of Wilton Jum tlon , H , C. Chapln of Union , S. 11. Miles < Mason City , U. G. Pourceo of Tama Clt none hi Sixth district , L. II. Kurtz of D < Molnes , M , W. Keating ot Afton , II , A. Co of Council Blufte , II , S. Vincent of Po Dodge and Joe Mattes of Odebolt. A resolution waa passed subsequent to tl election recommending to the execute committed that In selecting a secretary < iho association. Mrs. Henrietta Kupper < UurHngton bo chosen , Mrs. Kupper la tl only woman member of the association , at : the hardware dealers arc the only buslii : < association In the state having aoma enrolled as n member. The following resoh tlons wcro passed : Uceolved , That the members of this ass < claMon cootlno itho puiclaso ot hardwar stoves and tinware to manufacturers nil wholesalers who sell goods only to firms thi nro regularly engaged In the retail ban ware business , as defined In these resoU tlctis. Resolved , Thai It Is not the intention i the taboT-o resolutions to prevent the Intel cnango of goods mentioned between main facturers and wholesale dealers In sue soot's , or for the export 'trade ' , mid theli 'tcrpfotatlon ' of said resolution is hciel vtated lu the. executive committee , wl1 power. The following are exempt from the rose lutlon ; The United States government , etai and county and city Institutions , railroai gaa.uter and electric light companies an bueh manufacturing industries and compauli us the executive committee may appro\c , fc auclh goods tis are uecessai-j- for their n epectlvo llocs of business. llesolvcd , Tha.t any rnajiufacturer or Jol her In hardware , biovcs or itlnwaro furnls ! ing net prices or any discount from 11 ; prices contrary to the foregoing rwolutlor either by themse-Hes , employes or agent shall bo considered as disapproving tt above resolutions Resolved , That 'this association shall , ' . far ns lies In Its power , to keep a record i all goods sold qnd by whom sold , to catt Ooguo houses and ikpartmtnt Etorps , and a all other violations of 4beso rcs > olu'tlona. ' llesolved , That any member purchasln goods from any manufacturer or jobber wl has been listed by the -executive commlttt as disapproving of these resolutions shall I subject to a line -expulsion , at the dli cretlon of the executive committee. I < M\II tiavtiiKN Ilunl.-H. Auditor of State Merrlam has compile the reports of the state and savings banli of Iowa , as to their condition at the close < business January 10. He finds that the dc posits have increased $2.f > G3GuO since Oc tobcr 1. The increase since January 6 t last year is over $12,000,000. Ho has an ( liorlzed the following statement of growl in deposits 'by quarters Blnco January ( 1898 : Keportcd January 6 , 1S9S , $52,128,331.03 rcpoited April 8 , 1SOS , ? j7.1C9,003.5-l ; reporte Juno 30 , 1S98 , $59,336,438.62 ; reported September tembor 20 , 1898 , | GlnOGS5S ; reported Janu ary 10 , 1899 , ? GOG9,1G1.10. ! The Iowa Mutual Hail association me hero today nnd elected officers ns follows President , W. I ) . Forbes , DCS Molnes ; secrc tary , AV. A , Uutledgo , DCS Molnes : treae urcr , J. C. Daker , Emmetsburg ; three dl rectors , II , J. Young , Oclnelu ; A. W. Orccui Spencer ; W. C. Betts , Casey. Adjutant General Dyer of the Iowa de partment of the Grand Army has returne from a conference held at Waterloo wit Commander Tlnlll and President McLen nan of the Itcllcf corps. They flxcd th date for the Grand Army encampment t Waterloo for June 14 and 15. Tha Ottumwa & Northern Railway com pany filed articles of Incorporation with th secretary ot state Wednesday , Its capilt Is $300,000. Undoubtedly It Us n brunc of the Iowa Central railroad. It will I built from the city ot Ottumwa to a poll : on the Io\\a Central railroad In Kuoltul Mahaska or Monroe counties. M2AV IIOAI1 MAY K.VJ'im OHUM Survey * Coiuiili'tfil tiir Air l.lui : frill Sioux CKy , hiiutli , SIOUX CITY. la. , Feb. 8. ( Special ) - Consldorablo Intcrett attaches to the propo sltlon to run nn air line from Sioux Clt to Omaha on the Nebraska side of the rlvci That thcro is something of the kind In th wind cannot ho denied , for already th promotero have expended fully $25,000 1 making the surveys. Engineers have bee In the field for the last two or three month ! but everything they have donu has bee conducted with the greatest secrecy posal bio. The general Impression prevails thn J. J. Hill of the Great Northern Is hohlii the scheme ; that ho Is anxious to Recur a southern connection with the Port Arthu route by the most direct vay * posalblo. Th route chosen seems to bo entirely irrespec live of towns , us it skips Homer by two c three miles , thence through Dccatur and th northeastern corner of Toknmah. It passe east of the town of Herman by about tw miles nnd runs ono mile east of Illalr , thunc cast of Calhoun and cast of Florence. 1 lo understood that some of the roads run nlug In the enmo direction will fight agulm It securing an entrance Into Omaha. IiiNiiriuioe ( 'oniiitii > - CliniiKOM htmn KOKT DODGE , la. , Feb. 8. ( Special ) - The Toledo Mutual Ileiiellt association n Toledo , la. , has transferred Us ofllccs froi that place to Fort Dodge and the now olll Babies and Tired Mothers Find Comfort in CUT10URA. A warm bath with Citricviu SOAP , and a elnglo anointing with CUTKTIU , purest of maolllcnt eUincures , willatTord instant relief , permit rcit for parent and sleep for child , and jiolut to u ( jiecdy , permanent , and economical euro of tbo uiou torturing , dlsfi urlm- . and humiliating ukln , tcalp , and blood humon , vlth lost of hair , wheu all eUa falU. clnls will lie Fott Dovlpo Insurance rnon Hon S T Mtscrxey But-r-L'1 } JudRo Strublp of Toledo re president and the other ctllcers are J. II. liutler , vice president : 13. L. Hlties , secretary ; J J. liy.m , trensurer , MOIXSII.VVIMI > MISOP AMKIIK'A. ( "Iditc < it ( lie l < MUIi lllcnnliil MutiI'oii - MAUSHAUjTOW.V. Jn. , Kcb. 8. ( Spechl TelegMin. ) The fifth biennial state convrn- lion of the Modern " \\oodmni \ of Auierlex wns 1 > roUKht to a cloao thU px-cnliiB. Fo * delcRatc-nt-lnrgc to < he national convention Indus Knrloy ot New Virginia , was soleotcU. OcorRo Albert of Mnrslinllto\ui being choseii ns alternate. The district dolCBatcs a.cro . ne-xL Beleclcd , after which the following olllccrs were elected : Venerable cemtml , C. 0. Saunders , Council Bluffs ; cleric , Pclcr StefTany , Manning ; ad visor , Le\\ls Illork , Davenport ; banker , J. U. Green , Mnciuoketa ; xratclminn , James Klnney , ] r . Laming , The selection of > i candidate to bp prr- sented to the notional ccwcntlon as Iowa's candidate for hrad banker precipitated Iwii hours' discussion , rcsul'lng In the Sflcotlon of F. H. Crocker of rluirdnn , over C. D , llaydon of Dubuque nnd A. J. I.ce ot DCB Moliit-a. For head iliyslclnii F. .1. Wll s of Eagle Grove \\ns chosen for re-election and thii usual resolutions wcro adopted , Includ ing ctio urging the head camp tone Its efforts townril the adoption of a Indgo or emblem nnd have same protected from In fringement. Cedar llapldi was chosen us the place , for holding the next convention , 1'iilillKl Clilnii llri'vclcr < IIi'i'l. CHDAIl UAPIDS , la. , Feb. S. ( Special TolcRrnm. ) The twenty-second annual mcelliiK of the American Poland Chlcia llccord company was held hero today wltn n good nttondanco of members. Heports show the association to be In good ifiap ? . The * follox\lng oflleors wcro elected : Pres ident , A. J. I.yileOsknloosa ; secretary , \V. M. JIcFadden , West liberty ; treasurer , Al len Cocroft , Independence * . A breeders' In- stltuto will he held here tomorrow. District lluiniiorittM Mor * . CHESTON , In. , Feb. 8. ( SpccinlO The Eighth district democratic conference held lu this city Monday night was not largely attended , but these who took part declare the mooting was harmonious. llcsoluUons were passed eudoislnc the Chicago platform , fnxorlng the abolition of unitonnl banks , the dissipation of 'rufts , ndhoilng to a tariff fbr revenue only nnd giving expression to opposition to Imperial ism. 12nlar ( ; < Miiciit of Mull Sur % Ire. POUT DODGE , la. , Feb. S. ( Special. ) The repoit of the postmaster for the cal endar jcar of ISft ? shows nn Increase In the postolHco receipts oxer last jcar of $2,149. The Increase will warrant the put ting in of a night service soon. The Postolllcc department , upon the rcc- comendatlon of Congressman Dolllver , Is now considering the advisability of putting in a postofllco station lu West Fort Dodge. ISVw ( liuirtvrn for KlkN. FOHT DODGE , la. , Feb. 8. ( Special. ) The Elks ot this city have leased the second story of the brick block to bo erected next spring by GV. . Mason. The rooms will be fitted up in luxurious stylo. The Fort Dodge lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Eilis has ono of the strongest or ganizations in the state. \ Vli i < or County IlnilMtiy Siirxoy. SIBLHY , In , Feb. 8. ( Special. ) A pre liminary railway survey haa been made from GowrlcVcbstcr county , to Slbley. The survey is under the direction of the DCS .Molnes & Fort Dodge railway company. The Osceola County Farmers' Institute will hold a three days' session at Slbley on February 1C , 17 and IS. OOD HOADS HAY AT IMlOVIIJEXCi : . Ilfforculoiinl AxNcmlily I' "VVlu PUOV1DKNCE , U. I. , Feb. S. This was Kood roads day In the national assembly of the Lcasuo of AmcTlcau Wheelmen , At the morning hcsfalou President Potter spoke on the benefits of cycle paths. K. G , Harrison reviewed thp work that the De partment of Agriculture is doing ; F. O. Stanley garei an Inteiestliifc address on the niitoinobll ; 3Ir. .Mendenhall also spoke at the afternoon scstlon. Governor Dyer welcomed the' delegates to Uhodo Island and General Hey Stow * , who saw .ictive service in Porto Itlco , bpoke of the roads in Porto nico. Mayor Itaker , who Is a. wheelman , wel comed the delegates to Providence ; Sterling Elliott Mpoke briefly ; C. W. Sams of Ual- tlmoro spoke of co-operative aslt.itlons. The relations between the wheelmen and horsemen have liccomo closer during1 the last few year ? , ho said , and while the wheelmen are the real UKltxlors , they uro being warmly supported by the horsem-ii. The afternoon session cloned with a Hhort talk on the roads of 15uropo and this coun try , illustrated by a largo number of lan tern views. WliintTM lit X MV OrlpnnM. NBW OULiANS. Feb. 8 Uttlo 13oy Blue won the big prize * thu Bayonet stakes to day. Frank Regent was made .in odds-on favorite. Ills performance was iioor and he Untuned outRlde the money , Great things w ro expected of FrocllnBhuysen , but the colt proved himself a counterfeit. Acolyte has speed , but in. all his races has run out. IVeather clear nnd cold ; track slow. Four favorites won. Results : First rae ; , selling , seven furlongs : Ned \\iike * won , Ih ul Ttui 1 > . ' S' . - > uil Tin- , li.iu II .IP OIIP itnl i'iv - < 5lt IM l > lli miloi Jim , nl w n Unulili' Dunim ] KPi-olul. feli ! ntl' > ual third. Time 1 61. Third race , flplllrm. fix furlonj ( iVatc i Crcut nun , llnnlnn second , IHshoj ) HOM third. Time. ll : 9t Fourth rnco. the UnjonM stnkos. fl.nnft , 2 yenr-oliJ > , oiiP-hnU mllp : Little liny Him won , KIIIK Thlxtlv sfeond , Frccllngnuysei thlnl TJmo : o sm. riflh rare. nelllnK. on * mile : Ilnnqtio won StiMkhnim sctond , P to Kitchen third Time : 1:15 : * , . Sl\th rare , SPVCM furlonir : Moniliif \\ctn , Cnslln second , Sheik third , 1".ini > Ur .IluU'6 t'oiiRh Syrup 1ms nn enomioui Bale. It J1 ? the best remedy for 'olda nni coughs , and Is pkwwnt to 1n1\e. 25 cts. PACKING HOUSE STATISTIC. : In til. ' On'rrliiHH i > r MoR' : \ < > tlMl DllflllKT till- J.nnl AVooK. C1NTINXVTI. I'Vli. S. ( Special Trio- Rrnm ) The I'rl e ( "urrent \ys- - There hn been n reduction In the offerings of hess WcstPtn Idll In 3 arc IRiiOi'fl. pnmiiircil , \ \ ' \ Mo.OOO tlio pi-cocdliiK week and 475,000 las ! j-exir. Piom November 1 the total is S , ! ) < > . > , 000 , against 7,030,000 last year , rromliitmi placia compare ns follows : Cltlw. isR : USD Chicago S.SSo.fOO SIiKHvx Knti. as City 3.013 WO j.OJoW Ohinlin , C9J.WO 4 < Wr < i. at. Louis GUIDO ) jjoort Miiwmikoo' . . ! ! " " ! ! " ! ! ! ! ! ! ssslooo I'lsioi l-lnclnnatl 2 0.00 < ) J,1T , ' > SI. Josetll ) .190.000 Kil'.Mi ntttinnvn "la.tvw ZOO.MI ' cilnr Itaplds 170.CKK ) siolruiii } . . ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ' . ! ! i-imw ! j(7UV ( ( Nebraska e'ity . . . . 92.000 COIX > GOIYI 2 ASKfcO TO EXPLAIN t'lilinn ' \MM.-iiilily l.imU * .A liiiiu'c u JIlH Aoo > | iluiit'i > of I'oi-tei-'N 1't-DllOHltlllll. HAVANA , Feb. S. H la reported that i secret mooting of the -executive committee of the Cuban assembly has decide * ! that tlu committee will not welcome General Gome , to this city ; that It will not bo present whci ho arrives In Havana , and. further , tha If General Gomez does not go before tin ccinmlttco and explain Oils icasone for nc- ceptlng the propositions of llobcrt 1' . Porter ter , the representative ot President Me Klnley , without consulting the- commit tee ho will bo ofllclnlly notified upon tlu part of the commttto to appear bofoio itniu explain his conduct. Brigadier ne-nernl Drocklnrldge , Inspect * ) ! ijpneral of the United States army , went te 1'inar del Itlo today. .bUj she hi * t.een Ulclnir CAtiCVAHUTS and they have nil disappeared. I hud been troubled with constipation for bomo time , but after talc- Inff the ilrst Coscaret I have had no trouble with this ailment.Vo cannot speak too hlch- ly of Paicarets " FHED WAIUMAN , . . Philadelphia. Pa. Pleasant. Palatable. I'oleut. TasteRood. . Do Good , Noverblcken , WcaU'u. or Gripe lOo , Jjo. Uo. ) . . . CURE CONSTIPATION. . . . Sterling Ktntilr InrnpiDJ , lllcifO , tlnnlrol , hen Tori , 'A' Snl < s anrt cunrnntcert by nlldnic. gists to Cblti. Tobacco Habiu TONIGHT . .by ( lie. , WK8&L AUXILIARY . .of thi- . . Bound ! Bluffs Woman's G9ub . .lit the. . CoHgregational Church At 8 O'clofk. TICKETS - 5O CENTS. As regards Jlr , Holmes Cowper , lie Is cer- alnly the lucky possessor of a most pleasing oice , while his delicate , poetical rendition f the several1 morceaux for which ho wns csponslhle proved him to be a true artist. * * loud "bravos" arose , and tlio Ingcr conferred llio real favor of giving UumcnthnTs ever-popular "My Queen , " lolng BOith such pure exprehslon as to cap a rich reward of approbation. Mr. lowper has bright prospects before him. Irltlsli Press , St. Hellers , England. From Mr. Holmes Cowper , recently from , ondon , we expect much. AVlth a pure enor voice of beautiful quality and sweet- ess , and a thorough artistic temperament , ml having a complete repertoire of ora- orlos and ballads , he Is equipped to meet ny demands. The Concert-Goer. wmfWK&iysis rsa & 3 &y & 8S3 8S3m for Bnfants and ChiBdren The Kind You Have Ateays Bought BEARS THE SIGNATURE OF In Use For Over 3O Years. o g "He is rich who desires nothing more. " Ulo A Charles Sunnier cigar ; nothing more. UlI I John G. Woodward & Co. , distributors , Ulrs rs Council Bluffs , la. rso ISo ISHI HI BOHOHCBOKOIOIOBOIOBOBOaGHCHBOBOCOQOHCBCECBCSOaOBOZOZOCw and woman's Ills would till a whole pace of this pnpcr If wo attempted to dwcrlbo them , 1'oor "Womnn ! Truly she has much to lit-tir. The burden of lIvliiR fulls heaviest em h r. The suiTprlnir which motherhood and wlfphmul , whle'll the nre'eHMtles of niodfin life Impo * * ) on IUT fiall frump , uro som ( lines almost unb'arable * . The tor ture which s.K'Icty duties e\\iifo to fash- ioliubhilninen It too often the calico ( of iltitiKcrous ) chronic disease. To conjure u\vuy these sufferings , take Madame Yale's ( Woman's Tonic ) n ai-lontllli ? preparation of harmlena but curntUc Inur.dU'iits which Is msetliur crjMvh < 'ie Avitliondcrful .success In re- llovliiKwtuiinn a sutVerlngs nnd restoring her to Im-uth I'liillpuni rellt rs pa'n c.iused by all fa- tniilo troublm , stri'iiKtlipni ! the frnme. bnlldn up the constitution , brightens the complexion. Kniltcura makcq women well. liackache , hiMilncli : . stomachache , wcalc- 1:013. : aizzliiffs , sleeplessness , bmrlnc-down IH Ins. palrtiea , lois of flesh , constipation , all v.\nlii | nftci a few dews of rrultcura. iTiiltiUia builds Hlrcncth Strunsth la what you wint. WIJAKN'KSS from over work or t'lher CUUS-H is the c.iuae of all your trouble. A few dp'es of Krultctirn , will put new life und energy into you. HBB- ular prlcu , Jl.M ; our special price , 7Sc. Ask for Mine. Yale's great book , Woman's Wisdom , free. Boston Store Drug Dept. Use Use Woodbury's - . # Woodbury's Facial Soap Facial Cream " \Vrlnkleil nnd drooplnp ; eyelids , dcforniu- tion of the mouth and lips imperfections of the lioo , Ill-uhapid and outHtundliiR oara sire p.ilnh'Ssl ; , romo\od or corrected Ity .IOIIN \\-OODI3iniT. . 13 ( ! State Bt. . and SOS Chemical Uldn. . St. I.ouls. The science of osteopathy was discovered hy Dr. A T Still ot Klrksvllle. Jlo. Dr. Still reasoned that a natural How of blood Is health , and disease Is the effect of local or general disturbance of the blood ; that to txcllo nerves causes muscles to contract and compress venous flow ot blood to Hie heart , and the bones could bo used OB levers to relieve pressure on nerves , \elns and ar teries. A slight strain or a sudden Jolting may easily cause a displacement of bone , muscle , tendon or organ , and a consequent pressure un the nerves , thus breaking the nerve wave between the brain and the part Injured , and wo then may ha\o as a result any of the numerous ailments caused from lack of ncrvo supply to parts. Seldom is there i permanent cure until the machinery la righted. Ilcnco we treat lieadacho ( all kinds ) , weak eyes , catarrh , hay fever , en larged tonsils , goiter , asthma , broncliltls , leafness. Irregularities of the heart , nou- lalgla or rheumatism ( of any part ) , spinal : urvaturo ( all kinds ) , dislocation of Joints , ill kind of stomach , liver , kidney , bowel iml spleen troubles , bladder nnd urethral roubles , uterine , female Irregularities , na gainful , suppressed or excessive menstrua tion , leucorihoca , milk leg. etc. TESTIMONIAL. "I have been an Invalid for ten years ? lave been to one ot the best hospitals In Chicago and one In Iowa and have been reated by some of the heat doctors In both itates for kidney and bladder trouble , but lid not get any better , so as a last hope I bought I would try osteopathy. Dr. M. iV. llallcy gave mo one month's treatment ; ml I am feeling better In every way ; have ; alncd In flesh , can sleep better nnd feel hat I liavo been benefited by osteopathy reatmcnt. 31KH. AXXA DOMSIl , Alliln , 'Monroe Count ) ' , lotru. "Wife of Sheriff John Donor. ( .riiilmitr of tlir American ICIrliHvlll.Mo , Rooms : U)5 ) , 30i ( Siipp lilock. Council Bluffs , Iowa. Call or write for further Information. MM'i'lnl Aiiliciiiiiccuieiil. One aero lot for tmle In good locution , $700. $700.Uottom Uottom fnrm ot 1C9 acres for sale ut $30 per ucre. ten and one-half miles from Council llurr.s. on llnu of Illinois central H. H , , ono mlle from proposed station , \\'o Imvo li-VLrul hoiibe ! > for rent in desirable locations ; also two stables. Unriio list of chcup lunds In Nebraska for hule , ? 2 and upwiirdK , Two mnall fruit farms for Bale at n low pi Ice , Now IH the tlmo to Invest In < v iiumo If you want outHeal estate valued nro low , but are picking up with liicre.iat'il sales , Wo have u munbur of Bintill K'&ldenco properties | , , , Clm | U1 bought at low prices. List your prop erty for sale with us. Kemcmbcr tnat wo nro making loans nnd writing flro Inuuranto nt iih low u into i\n any ono CBI ! < , ami we would bo pletibed lo bo fuvorol with u frhuro of your liiiBlnetx. I.OUQBI5 & I.OUdKn. No. 102 South Main Sticct. Council UluffH. Iowa. CHE NEUMAYER JACOB NIJUMA YI2H , I' OI' . ) J , ItUO , i" > , , ) u. Uroadwny , Council liluffn lutcn , ( ) > per duy , 7b rbom ? . * - l oNciy rokpee-t ilotor line to all depola otal aKcnt > for the Celebrated Ht l uuu IJ < : tcr. Klr .cJB8a bSr lh con" cc lion Cluarantto Hog Cholem t uro und Pitventlvo bold under un ub cdut KUarantce. Try It and BO.VO your hoif Aifunts wanted uvcrywhuru , AViltus. . Buarane3 ! Hog Cholera Cure Co. COUNCIL , I11..UFP8. . IA. © sns ( Cure \ i SSMaKaaSickHeadache7 I3lct3. © Isao , O i