Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 09, 1899, Page 2, Image 2

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    13EE : THITTISDAY , FEIERUAHY 0 , 1800 ,
nonresident pupils and providing for the ex-
pcnsc or inch truuer ( , paased unanimously.
S. K. C ! , one of the Sheldon-Wheeler
curntlro bills , wns rawed by a vole of 22
to 1.
S. P. 56 , relating to divorces find alimony ,
\vis passed.
A.'tor the Joint ncsMon n recces was taken
until B o'clock.
Upon reconvening bills on ( bird rending
voro continued.
S. P. 44 , by .Miller ot Buffalo , a bill pun
ishing cnttlc stealing and to punish per
sons receiving or buying stolen cattle find
those harboring or concealing cntttc thlovcs ,
was passed with no votes against it , it la
n re-enactment of an old law that has been
In question many times anil makes cnltle
stealing a felony without regard to the
value of the titolcn nnlmals.
9. P. 100 , by Fowler , reducing the mini
mum do * tax In cities of the second class
und In villages from $3 to $1 $ , WHS passed.
3. P. 71 , by Tnlbot of Lancaster , relative
to plowing along public highways for pre
vention of the opretid of prnlrlo fires , failed
to pass , 19 voting against It ,
On recommendation ot standing commit
tees S. F. 200ft'ns ' Indefinitely postponed.
This bill provided for carrying bicycles as
baggage on trains.
A cdmmltteo substitute for S. P. 13 wns
ordered placed on gonornl file. S. P. 183.
with committee amendments , nns also or
dered on general flic. S. K. 1CS was In
definitely postponed. Its Intent being al
ready covered by another bill.
Senator Cnnnday moved that the decretory
of the senate bo authorized to furnish to
each senator a list of the cmplojcs of the
senate nml the position they hold. It was
BO ordered.
O'Neill of Holt Introduced the followlns
Joint resolution , which took the course of a
bill and wcs read the first time :
Whereas , The oppression of the Cubans by
the Spanish power awoUe the Indignation of
the civilized world to such an extent as .o
cnuso delegates to come fiom dlffcuult i a-
tlonF to offer aid to our executive In dwii-
lr , means < 10 cause cessation of iioilllltltrs
brwt-en Spain and Cub.i ; and ,
\\terenn. . The dcclar.itlon ot war VMS
made In the causeot humanity and not sub
jugation by Invasion , and ,
A liorcas. Such declaration did not dp l
vllh our relations to the Philippines , nud ,
Wherear. Wo hnvo purchased the power
to uppnca from 4ho Spanish U the pries of
JMOOU. < ) CO , t > hdwe now stand In the tame
relative relation Jo * the Philippines that
Bpaln did to/the / Cubans , and ,
M Urea's ) Th'o great right of liberty o-
preKpcd by our statesmen through our na
tional life Is that "All mt n are born
equally lree" : nndthat "All Just govorn-'.s I'trive , their po-wers from the cons.Lt
of 'the ' BQtcrried : " therefore , be it
lU'Uolvr.d ' , That the senate of Nebraska ,
the hpnso of representatives concurring , aak
our eongitss to treat the Filipinos with the
same mercy und Justice with which Lafay
ette , Rochambeau nnd Koscluskotreated our
nation at Its birth , and Instead of raising
the cry of "Unfit for self-government" to
Justify our Invasion , we , consistent with
our professed "Intervention for humanity's
snlio , " nnd 4o nvold the further sacrifice of
our American jouth In battles of subjuga
tion , grant the same blessings of liberty
lo the Filipinos which our national prede
cessors asked a.nJ received through < ho
assistance of those French and Polish heroes
heretofore mcntlcned as our auxiliaries In
the struggle tor liberty , and further , Inas
much as the treaty has been ratified , we
nsk our congress to withdraw the United
States troops from the Philippines and leave
them to establish their own republic.
The following resolution TVOS sent up by
Senator Van Dusen and It went over one
day under the rules :
Be It resolved. That the senators and
representatives In congress from this state
be , and they are hereby urged to do every
thing within their power to facilitate and
expedite the speedy Mnnectlcu of Clio Port
Arthur cnnul wljh the waters of the Gulf
of Mexico.
That the departments of the federal gov
ernment at Washington are hereby respect
fully requested to take nil proper steps to
the same end.
S. K. 30 , by Trout of Gage , was read the
third time and placed upon Its passage. The
vote stood 16 for and 10 against , and It was
declared lost. Some one suggested a call
of the house , but the chair declared tills
out of order , the result having already been
announced. This measure sought to extend
the mechanics' lieu law to cover windmills
end wells.
in committee of the whole S. F. 76 , one of
the curative bills , was recommended for
S. P , 20 , by Hoi brook of Dodge , empow
ering cities , vlllagen nnd count'les to take
up and pay oft outstanding bonds by the
Issuance of bonds bearing a lower rate of
Interest , was taken up. It was decided to
report progress and ask leave to take It up
again , several members wishing to Inform
themselves as to Its legality.
S. F. 05 , one -of the curative bills relating
to < the liabilities of railroad companies , iwas
recommended for passage.
The committee arose and Its report was
adopted and the senate adjourned.
or 'run HOUSE : .
ncHflliitlou ComiilliiK-nUiiK Ilrynn Tn-
bli-il liy n 8 < rlct Party Vote.
LINCOLN , Feb. 8. ( Special. ) In the
tionso this morning a memorial was pre
sented from the labor unions of Omaha In
favor of the passage of II. R. 386 , the
amendment to the city charter providing
that the construction of sewers , drainage
and Bother city work bo done by diiy labor
Instead ot by contract , and also asking for
the passage of H. Us. ? 5 , 68 , 108 , 109 , 155 ,
141. 282 , 1GO , 309 , 318 and 44(5 ( , Introduced by
Boverry , Flynn and Olmsted of Douglas.
These are the bills relating 'to child labor ,
arbitration of labor disputes , dairy and fac
tory'inspector , flro escapes , branding of con
vict made goods , union labels nnd eight-
liour law and giving more power to the bu
reau of labor ,
A suffrage resolution was presented
signed by a number ot women of the state.
Thompson of Clay offered a resolution re
questing congress to make an appropria
tion to pay all volunteer soldiers In the
Spanish-American war who were taken sick
during absence from their commands , which
lllnces was contracted while Inthe service
and required the attendance of n physician
while tm such furlough. The resolution wns
A "resolution by Beverly of Douglas was
adopted' asking congress to do everything
In 1U power to facilitate nnd expedite the
speedy connection of the Port Arthur canal
with the waters ot the Gulf of Mexico.
A resolution by Prince of Hall requiring
standing committees to make recomrnenda-
tlonu with their reports on bills was tabled ,
Ti\nner of Nance presented the following
resolution and moves ! ltd adoption ;
Whereaa , It was with the greatest pleas
ure that the peopleof the state of Ne
braska , regardless of politics , watched and
fairly endorsed the course of W , J. Ilryan
In his earnest endeavor to hold up the hands
of the administration In behalf of the adop
tion of the peace tmity ; and ,
Whereas , The oeulor senator from No-
broska also lent hU voice .and vote In the
passage of the treaty In the senate of the
United SliitfHi therefore bo It
Resolved , That the house of repreacnta-
tlvc of Nebraska does hereby go on record
Hood's Sarsapnrllla Built Her Up ,
" I hove been In poor health for years ,
I was run down In summer and was with
out any appetite. I was edviiod to take
Ilood'a Banaparllla and found that it
built mo up , and uow whenever I am out
of order I rwort to Hood'a Bare parllh , "
IDA IULLMAN , Ellinwood , Kansas.
U tlm be gt-intact the One True Hlood Purifier.
Hood'a Pills euro nil Liver Ills. Mccuta ,
I ' as cndornlng the wise and patriotic efforts
of Us two foremost citizens In upholding
, the policy of the administration MI the
peace trenty proposition ; and , be It fur
Keeolvcd , Thnt the able manner In wllch
the Junior senator from Nebraska rdlecUil
tbo sentiment or our people be also con > -
incndcd and endorsed.
KvanB of Adtus moved that the resolu
tion be tabled , which was done by a trlct
party vole ot t > L to 44.
The house then went Into committee of
the wholv , wUh McCarthy of Dlxon In the
chair , to consider bills on Kcneral file.
II. R , 1S3 , by U'llcox of Lincoln , nn act
In relation to hours of employment for cer
tain railway employes and providing n pen
alty for the violation of the same , was rec
ommended to pass.
H. l101 , by House of Hall , an act to
require school district boards 40 provide
and keep In repair suitable water closets
or privies In connection with an public
school buildings , wns recommended to pass.
11. It.I , by Taylor Of Custer , an act to
amend sections 1 and 2 , subdivision Ix , chan
ter Ixxix , Compiled Statutes , entitled
"Schools , " was recommended to pass.
11. n. 180 , by Zellers of Dodge , an net to
amend set-lion 11 of subdivision II. chapter
Ixxix. of the Complied Statutes of 1887 , re :
latlng to school districts , was recommended
to pass ,
It , It , ISO , by Zellers of Dodge , an act to
nmcnil sections 3 , i , 5 and B , subdivision
vll of chapter Jxxlx of the Compiled Stat
utes of 1887 , refathiK to the Issuance of
teachers' certificates bycounty superintend
ents , WON reconimeude'd for passage.
S. V. 29 , by Steele of Jefferson , an act
to amend sectkm S ot an act entitled "An
net for a general herd law , to protect cul
tivated lands from trespass by stock , " was
recommended to pass.
H. H. 176 , by Harkson of Lancaster , an
net to repeal section 2 of chapter II , was
recommended to be Indefinitely postponed.
II. H. 158 , by House of Hall , by request.
an net for the establishment , maintenance
and management of public libraries In school
district ! ) , was recommended to pass.
H. H. 206 , by Evnns of Adams , an aot to
create a public library commission , defining
Its duties nnd for organizing a system of
traveling libraries for the state , and making-
an appropriation of 2,000 for the purchase
of books and equipment , was recommended
lo pass. _
Fourteen JVeiv McnHiircn Are IlroHKlit
Korvtnril ( or CoiiNtilcratlon.
LINCOLN. Feb. 8. ( Special. ) KourtcUi
now bills wcro Introduced In the house on
Wednesday ns follows :
H. U. 455 By Thompson of Merrlck : To
provide for the Incorporation of Boeldtles for
the prevention of cruelty to animals and
for the enforcement of laws relating to
cruelty to animals.
H. U.IH6 By Hicks of Webster : Ap
portions the state into "thirteen " Judicial dis
tricts as follows : First district. Gage ,
Johnson nnd Pawnee ; Second , Richardson ,
Nomaha , Otoe , Cass and Sarpy ; Third nnd
Fourth , Douglas ; Fifth. Saunders , Butler ,
Sewanl , Polk , York and Hamilton ; Sixth ,
Dodge , Colfax , Platte , Nance nod Merrlck ;
Seventh , Saline. Jeffcrsn , Flllinore ,
Thayer , Clay , Nucl < ells , Adams nnd Webster ;
Klgiitli , Washington. Durt , Cumlng , Stanton ,
Thureton , Dakota nnd Dlxon ; Ninth. Cedar ,
Knox , Antelope , Pierce , Wayne , Madison
and Boone ; Tenth , Kearney , Franklin ,
Phelps , Harlan , Oosper , Furnas , Frontier.
Ked Willow , Hayes , Hitchcock , Chase and
Dundy ; Eleventh , Hall , Howard , Greeley ,
Valley , Custcr , Sherman , Dawson , Buffalo ,
Wheeler. Garfleld , Loup and Blalne ;
Twelfth , Lincoln , Keith , Perkins , Logcn ,
McPherson , Thomas , Hooker. Grant , Deael ,
Cheyenne , Scotta Bluff , Klmball and Ban
ner ; Thirteenth. Holt , Boyd , K'cya Pah-a ,
Drown , Uock , Cherry. Sheridan , Dawea , Box
Dutto nnd Sioux. The bill provides that
the Fourth district shall have four judges
and the Third , Fifth , Seventh and Eleventh
two each.
H. II. 467 By Murray ofrThurstoa : , Jo
appropriate $5,182 for tbo relief of Tlmritaii
county , being the expenses In the pases , of
the state against H nry M. nice for mur
der , $1,850 ; against \V. p. Ream for cattle
stealing. $753.85 ; against J. Sidney Good-
manaon for murder , $2,587.15.
H. It. 158 By Hall of Brown : Amends
section 68a , article 111 , chapter xcllla of
the statutes , relating to the discontinuation
ct Irrigation districts. The old law provides
that a majority of the resident freeholders
representing a majority ot the number of
acres of Irrigable land in the district must
Join In the petition to the board to call o
election for submitting the discontinuance
proposition. The new bill provides that
only a majority of the resident freeholders
Is necessary for such petition.
H. H7 450 By Young of Cnss : POT the
protection of pub-llo bridges and prohibits
the crossing of any bridge by a traction en
gine when alached to any thresher , shellcr ,
huller or press , except the bridge be lees
than twelve feeit In length , and the penalty
for violation la fixed at not less than $5
nor moro than $25 for each offense , the
fines to bo paid Into the bridge fund.
H. R. 463 By Clark of Douplas : Makes
Important amendments In the law relating
to the assessment of railroad property , and
names the state auditor , treasurer and at
torney general as constituting the state
board of appraisers and assessors.
H. R. 464 By Tucker of York : Requires
all school districts outRldo of cities and vil
lages to fence tbo public school grounds.
H. n. 405 By Myora of Dougles : Relates
to boards ot education in metropolitan
cities and provider that the same shall con
sist nt nine members , one from each ward ,
to bo chosen by the qualified electors of the
entire city , each member to bo a qualified
elector nnd a resident of the ward from
which he Is chosen. The t-ompeneatlon. of
each member is fixed ot $ COO per jUinum.
H , R. 406 By Weaver of Richardson ;
Provides for the repairing of temporary
plank sidewalks .in cities of the second
class , nnd the manner of procedure and 'as
sessment against the property * 'where the
repairs are made by the overseer of streets.
H. R. 460 By McCarthy of Dlxon : Re
peals section 02 , chapter Ixxiil of the stat
utes. The section sought 4) be repealed re
lates to the record of entry on United Slates
lands , where a party having R private land
claim which ban not boon located and sat
isfied , has tiled before making the entry
therein. . , , ,
H. R. 461 By Carton of HoltAn exact
duplicate of H. R. 458 , ,
H , R. 462 By Lenmr of Saufldern : Pro-
vldos for the state o\viirehlp , cor trl , con
struction and repair of all bridges of 150
feet or more In length , within the state and
on public roads , v 4
H. R , 487 By Mar.n of Saline : Provides
for the destruction ot cocklcburs and sun
flowers lo prevent their spreading , and for
the collection of expenses Incurred by the
road overseer who destroys 'tbo weeds on the
property of a perscn who Iras failed to do
EO after notice ,
H , R. 468 By Thompson of Clny Pro-
vldcB for a fee tf $10 to be paid to county
clerks In each case of to release of chattel
II , H , 4CO By Tanner of Nanco : Changes
the statute relating to Insanity comjnla-
slonors , provides Jor the incarceration of
Int-ano persons on report ol the commis
sion. The clerk of tbo hoard Is required 1
to certify the papers and records to the dtsI I
trict court the sumo ns In law cases , and '
a trial by Jury of the sanity of itlio pa'tlccit '
Is provided for. In this trial the presence
of the defendant Is provided for. and the
rase Is .to bo Urled the same a all other
questions cf fact ,
H. R. 470 Hy Burman of Douglas : Calls
for an appropriation of $3,500 for the pay
ment , of damage sustained by William C ,
Potorsou , who was a private in Company 13
of the state guard In 1B91 , when the com
pany was suit out on the frontier ito pro
tect the state ngalnst the Indian uprising ,
While on duty with the company Peterson
contracted a cold which developed Into
lung fever , and from the effects of such
disease bo has been permanently disabled ,
Miller Wanted.
M'COOL , JUNCTION , Neb. , Feb. 8. Spa-
clol. ) The business men of McCook will
encourage and give every a&alstance to some
good miller who will come hero nnd pur
chase the Nebraska Roller Water Power
mills nt this place. This mill U now
Idle and considerable trndu would come to
McCool If the mill were In operation , Tlip
eastern owners of the mill will not rent.
Over 40 per cent of the acreage here Is now
la winter wheat and In One condition.
Joint Ballot for Senator Discloses No Ohnngo
of Opinion ,
Adopted Wlilch
lnw ( lie IlriMmlultli
n\i > lmtnlliitiN cif Voted
lijMe in lie rs.
I. 7. 1 t. in. HI. 17. JS.
Alien . . . . ns rs r.r as m r.r nn
liny-mini S -it : : tn : t -H : tr itu
TlioniiiHiiii ) 11) 10 10 I )
III 1 < > 111 1O III ll 10
1'IHil . . . i ( > , .1 .4 -I -I
> VONIIII | . , U I it ! I I
Itccno . . . . U U
r < i M a a t i t i
IHiiNluiw . U I I 1 i 1
Vlllt 1) !
I.nnili'Hiiii : t a 1 11
AlllllilH , . . U I 3 1 1 1 1
Citmlali . , .1
Viiifiiiliio : i , , , , . . , . . . , ,
Aurrln , . . . , . . . .
llnliicr , . 1 ,
Dft lilnnii t . . . . . * .
.111111111 . . I
Mnjot-N . . . a . . i ,
Tttlnl . , iilJi:2 : : IIHI 1UII 1011 12I > \ *
TO elect. , nit < i7 oi ( ii r.r os < it
LINCOLN , Feb. 8. ( Special Telegram , )
There were no changes of voles today. The
absentees were Ulnlte , Currle , Olffert , Hale ,
Howard , Kncpper , Smith of Duller nnd Tal-
The committee on joint rules reported n ,
rule regulating "pairs" In conformance with
the resolution offered yesterday ,
A resolution by 13vans of Adams limiting
explanations of votes to the matter In hand ,
and prohibiting letters , resolutions , etc. ,
was adopted.
A resolution by Lcmar declaring that ex
planations ot votes bo not Incorporated In
the journal was referred to the committee
on rules by a vote ot 70 to 46.
A motion from Tanner of Nanco asked
that a' change In the rules of the house be
made so that a. call of the house could be
suspended by a majority of the members
present , Instead ot the "majority elected. "
It was tabled by a vote of 71 to 43.
The various resolutions had the effect ot
shutting off the flood of vote explanations.
Of the absentees Hale , Howard , Knep-
per and Smith of Dutlcr are fuslonlsts ;
Blake , Currlo and Olffort have voted for
Hnywnrd , and Talbot for Thompson.
Dower , fuslonlst , and Drodcrlck and Owcna ,
who were absent Tuesday , returned , the two
lutter voting for Hayward.
Individual Vote.
The record of Individual vote Is as fol
lows :
Allen Anderson of Flllmorc.DoulIer , Dower ,
Canaday , Carton , Cawtlira , Cosgrovo , Crock
ett , Cunningham , Dobry , Dunn. Easterllng ,
Eastman , Elwood , Kndlcott , Fnrrell , Flynn ,
Fretz , Fuller , Grandstaff , Orell , Grosvenor ,
Hardy , Johnson , Kclstcr , Loomls , Lc
mar , McGlnley , McCracken , Mem-
minger.Mlller.Moran , Morgan , Morrison , Mur
ray , O'NeillPeckSchaal , Slecko , Shore , Smith
of Antelope , Spohn , Sturgess ,
Swan , Tanner , Taylor of Custer , Tay
lor ot Flllinore , Thompson of Clny , Vande-
grift , Watson , Weaver , Wheeler , Woodard ,
Wright , Wymnn 55.
Hayward Alexander , Allen , Arends , Arm
strong , Berlet , Blesner , Broderlck , Dlt-
mar , Evans , Fowler , Hnlderman ,
Hall , Hannibal , Harris , Hastings , Hathorn ,
, ljlc s > Hoi brook , McCarthy , Ncsblt , Newell.
Owens , Tollard , Prince , Reynolds , Rouse ,
Sandall , Schalblc , Steelc , Smith of Richard
son , Thompson of Merrlck. Tucker , Walling ,
Wllcox , Young , Zellers 3G.
Thompson Anderson ot Lancaster , Durns ,
Clark , Fisher , Harkson , Israel , Lane , Mann ,
Rocko 9.
Webster Dcvcrly , Burman , Cox. Crow ,
Detweller. Houck , Myers , Noycs , Olmsted ,
Van Dusen 10.
Field Barton , Chambers Wenzl. Scott 4.
Weston Chlttenden , Hibbort , Jones , Prout
Reese Haller 1.
FOBS Graf ton 1.
Hlnshaw Smlthberger L
Lambert son Jansen 1.
Adams Milbourn 1.
Cornish McCargar 1.
Van Dusen Smith 1.
Two KrnlilcNN CnuciiHCfl.
The republican Joint caucus or conference
called for tonight was attended by about
two-thirds of the republican members and
was devoted to n great deal of discussion
nnd very little result. The object of the
meeting wns said to bo to confer on the
senatorial situation and see if eomo ar
rangement could not be made for a caucus.
The meeting was unsatisfactory from the
fact that so many of the members remained
away with no other excuse than that they
were not Interested in the conference. The
Douglas county delegation took little part
In the meeting nnd part of them remained
There were thirty-four republicans In at
tendance at the conference. Durns of Lan
caster felt hurt because the members pres
ent would not take u secret ballot and dis
played considerable warmth while arguing
thla contention. Before the adjournment of
the caucus a paper wns presented and ftll of
the members with the exception of those
who have been supporting Thompson and
Webster signed It , agreeing to stand by the
rules which a caucus may adopt. Another
meeting will 'bo ' held tonight , when the rules
will bo prcsonteJ for adoption or rejection.
The fusion members held n cnucua at an
other hotel and had difficulty In arriving
tit any plan other than to continue In their
support of Senator Allen.
The paper circulated by the candidates
nnd on the authority of which the confer
ence was held was signed by 0. M , Lambert-
son , E , J , Halner , F. I. Foss , M. B. Reese ,
C. E. Adams , M. L. Hayward , B. It. Hln
shaw nnd Field , Senator Prout said Weston
had authorized him to say such nn agreement
entered Into by the candidates would be
satisfactory , but ho would not go BO far as
to sign Weston's name to the paper. An
attempt will 'be made to
got nil the re
publican members Into the meeting tonior-
All Economical
f = jl A little Fruit
Sj A little Cream
SJ , nnd some
| Grape-Nuts.
That's cuoueli ready cooked
bhoulil lluuiilrr nu
People whb dine at night realize that
the mid-day lunch should be small In vol
ume , but strong In food value ,
A few teaspoonsful of dry Qrape-Nuta
treated to a little cold ( or hot ) cream , Is *
fascinating dl h for the palate und fUrnlsbt-a
the very concentration of nourishment , BO
that the user does not get fulut lie two the
evening dinner , drape mite and cream with
a little fruit 1 au Ideal lunch.
row to formulate caucus rules and to thla
end no. committee meetings will be held ,
t'ninn Me n nt rrctiioiit tar UN
Alumni C < > tit titl n.
FREMONT , Neb. , Feb. 8. ( Special. ) The
slate camp ot the Modern Woodmen of
America was called to order here this morn
ing In the Masonic hall by W. F. Elsassar
of Omnhn , state mlvlsor. In the absence of
Stnto Consul Thompsorl. About 250 dele
gates were present. Hon. Robert J , Stln-
son. city nttorney , extended to them n cor-
tllnl welcome , on behalf of the city , con
gratulating the order on Its growth and the
results It Imd accomplished , The response
wan by Hon. A. H. Tnlbot ot Lincoln.
The general public was then excluded nnd
the stnto camp proceeded to the business
of the session. But little wna done this
morning , except the appointment ot the dif
ferent committees nnd hearing the reports
of the officers , The camp met promptly at
2 o'clock thla afternoon and quite a number
of additional representatives were present.
The election ot officers was then taken up
the following were choicn : B , K. GlDcrt ,
Teknmah , ndvleor ; C. E. Moffctt , Bloomington -
ton , state banker ; W. A , Forsyth , Loomls ,
stnto clerk.
SnliioiiN OliNcrvR Hpnsonnbli'
mill flnmlilltiK Cciincx ,
CHADRON. "Neb. , Feb. 8. ( Special. ) A
mass meeting \\ns held in the Methodist
church this week , , participated In by nil
of the Prolestnnt churches of the city. Ad
dresses were made by ttovs. lllcker , Easlcy
nnd Yoiinc nnd a decided sentiment against
certain ovlls Wlilch exist within the city
nt the present time wna stirred up.
Mayor Charles Rust has gained the friend
ship of the reformers by making an order
that the saloons shall obey the ordinances
of the city by closing on Sundays nud at
11 o'clock nt night.
Ono of the special matters which the agi
tators of the reform movement have In hand
is a crusade against gambling In every
form , from the faro bank to the nlckel-ln-
the-Blot machine , and a strong petition Is
being circulated Ihrough tho.clty for signers.
Fntnl Accident nt Colniiiluin CntiHcn
Council tu Tnkn Action.
COLUMBUS , Neb. , Feb. S. ( Special. ) At
the regular mooting ot the city council
last evening a resolution was adopted that
the Union Pacific officials be notified either
to comply with the stnto law and run all
trains within the city limits at n cpsed of
not more than eight miles per 'lour or else
furnish gates and flagmen or other suitable
protection nt all crossings within the cor
porate limits. The fatal accident ot last
Saturday has aroused nn Interest in this
matter and the council Is determined to
abate the nulsnnco In some manner.
Cliiirrltcn Change Tlielr 1'iintorn.
ASHLAND , Neb. , Feb. 8. ( Special. )
Rev. A. Grant Musson , who has been rector
of St. Stephen's Episcopal church In Ash
land for the last ton years , preached his
farewell sermon last Sunday , having re
signed to nccept n charge at Pekln , III.
Rev. Samuel Gregg , who held meetings
here a few weeks ago , has been called to
the pastorate of the Christian church , and
rnovd his family here this week.
SCHCYLER , Nob. , Feb. 8. ( Special. )
Rev. T. W. Leard , who has been pastor of
the Presbyterian church here during the
last nine years , has , accepted B call to Ne
braska City. Rqv. Mr. Leard did much to
build up the church and congregation and
will leave , Jn Schu ler many friends not only
among membra of. hls 9 > vn church but of
the general publlo a well.
iVnr unn .
COLUMBUS , Wcb'n Feb. 8. ( Special. ) A
petition signed by' occupants of the First
National bank building was presented to the
city council Monday evening nt the reg
ular meeting , asking that body to take the
proper steps and1 have the largo cylinder
news press In the Times ofllco removed.
They claim that the press , which Is located
upstairs , shakes and weakens the entire
building when In use and they fear that it
will cause n collapse ot the walls. The
city nttorney thought that the courts
were the proper authority for the petitioners
to seek redress In and the petition was ac
cordingly referred -back to the parties who
presented It. The press Is unusually large
and heavy and Is hung from the roof above
with trusses.
On-fit Ilcinuiul for Heal nutate.
WINSIDE , Neb. , Feb. 8. ( Special. ) There
Is great demand for real estate bore now.
Many people are coming to Wayne county
from other counties In the state or from
other states and are anxious to make their
homes hero , as the county has n well-earned
reputation for being the best nnd most pro
ductive land within the reach of the com
mon people. A local real estate firm hero
has sold 1,000 acres of land since Christmas ,
1898. Most of this land is raw , but will bo
cultivated by purchasers as soon as spring
opens up. There will soon be no prairie
land near Wlnslde ,
Injurnl Holdli-r Known at Culuinhiin.
COLUMDUS , Neb. , Feb. S , ( Special , J-
Douglasa F. Bridges of Company L , First
Nebraska regiment , whoso name appears
among the list of wounded at Manila , \\us
well and favorably known In this city. Ho
was for a number of years day clerk at the
Thurston hotel here and has a largo ac
quaintance among the traveling men of
state. He enlisted In April at Norfolk.
Hint MnHilnod Mant Gu.
COLUMBUS , Neb , , Feb. 8. ( Special. )
Mayor Fltzpatrlck has ordered all slot machines -
chines to bo removed and has given the
owners until 0 o'clock this evening to com
ply with 'tho order. The chief of police has
served the orders and all nho fall to comply
will bo arrested and tried under tbo state
law. There nre probably fifty or more of
all kinds of machines In the city.
Fun ml of I'romliKMit Hlockiunii ,
FULLERTON , Neb. , Feb. 8. ( Special. )
Tbo funeral ot J , M. Mills , the stockman
killed at Clarks Sunday evening by a
freight train , was hold In this city today.
The Woodmen of the World camp , of which
he was a member , conducted the services
nt the cemetery , while Rev. Mr , Campbell
of the Methodist Episcopal church of this
city preachetd the funeral sermon.
-Neb. , Feb. 8 , ( Special , )
The Strorasburg bank lias been sold to a
Block compapy , consisting of John Buckley ,
Peter Buckley , L. II , Headatrom , 0. A.
iMorrlll , Noah S. Clark , Alex Scott , Irvln
Scott , James Scott and Ira Banta. John
Buckley Is president , L. H , Hendstrom vlco
president and Ira Banta cashier. Mr. Banta
will manage tbo bank.
from Onctrnln.
OSOEOLA , Neb. , Feb. 8. ( Special. )
Over 109 of the friends of Hon. A. 0. Mun-
con , formerly county treasurer , gathered at
his homo l st night In recognition of his
fifteenth wedding anniversary.
Ilornlce I'yle , the 2-ycnr-old daughter of
J , A. I'yle , felt from a chair yesterday and
broke her left forearm quite badly ,
HolilMTM Iliiiuiil Ovi'r ,
RED CLOUD , Neb. , Feb. 8 , ( Special. )
Last Thursday night a man named Jacobs
was knocked down and robbed of $40 by two
men , William Hayes and June Bent were
arrested und had their trial today , They I
neru bound over to the circuit court under
$500 bond * .
Laxative Brome Qulnlno Tablets removes
the cause that produces la grippe. The Bin-
ulno Una L. U , q. on each tablet. JGc.
Boilers of Columola Brewing Plant Burs
with Great Porcft ,
IliillilltiR I * I'nrtlnllr WrccUr.I nml
llniiuiKO 'Will Amount In SIMP nil
TlmiiNiitHl Iol ) Inri I'riiiirlctnr
HUM Xnrnuv I > i'iil > t' .
COLUMBUS , Neb. , Feb. S. ( Special. ) At
nbout f > :30 : this morning the boilers nt the
Columbia llrowlug company's plant In the
southeastern part of the city exploded with
n terrific report which was heard nil over
town. Thomas Hannon and LouU Luch-
ilngcr , tfto cmplojcs , were bruised and
scalded , the latter seriously. The nervy
boiler was carried over 200 feet and somu
fragments were hurled for n distance uf
more than four blocks. The engine room
and cooper shop were completely demolished
and the loss will be about $2,000. $
Herman Kersenbrock , the proprietor , wns
In the engine room only about live mlniiloa
before the explosion occurred. This acci
dent will necessitate closing down for sev
eral w ccks.
r.D wiinu THADI.M ;
Trial nf CliMtciu for Murder of
( ! < - < > m < ' .Smith IM Ili'Kiiii.
NEBtlASKA C1TV , Kob. 8. ( Special Tel-
egiam. ) The attention ot Judge Knmsey
has been occupied yesterday and today by
the trial of Anton Qloysteln for the mur
der of George Smith near Syracuse last
May. A jury was empaneled after consid
erable difficulty , ns the case has created
much Interest In the county. The stuto Is
represented by County Attorney Wilson , as
sisted > br Paul Jesscn and C. W. Beach.
Hon , John C. Watson , J. V. Morgan nnd S.
J. Miles are conducting the defense.
The testimony presented by the stnto
tends to show that the murdered man , who
was n horse trader , had gotten Into nn alter
cation with Gloysteln over a trivial matter
III connection with a transaction , that he
wns being held by two men to restrain him
from attacking the defendant , whereupon
the latter drew n revolver nnd shot Smith
dead. The state rested its case nt 3 o'clock
nnd the remainder of the afternoon was de
voted to the Intioductton of evidence by
the defeuso. So far as developed Us theory
la that bystanders were attempting to dU-
arm Gloysteln when the weapon was dis
charged accidentally. The ctifio will go to
the Jury .some time tomorrow. The ses
sions of the court arc attended by large
crowds of people.
Moii HCQOIIIC Miner * .
WAUSA , Nob. , Feb. 8. ( Special. ) A num
ber of local business men have organized
n mining company. It has been Incorporated
under the name of the Interstate Mining
and Milling company , with n paid-up cap
ital ot $100,000. F. II. Crahan IB president ,
Robert Lynn Is secretary and E. Engdahl
treasurer. A number ot rich locations are
owned by the company in Colorado and
Wyoming nnd It expects to begin active
work In the near future.
Slninnnoii Knotvii n ( St. I'iM\nnI.
ST. EDWAnn , Neb. , Feb. 8. ( Special. )
Simon J. Slmonson , who was wounded In
Monday's fight. Is a brother of Mrs. T. Chrls-
tensen ot this place and his parents live nt
Newman Grove. Ho was one of the last
of the St. Edward boys to Join the recruits
at Columbus In June.
Variety of DNOIIN < * I > at Kiillcrion.
FULLERTON , Nob. , Feb. 8. ( Special. )
The public schools , which hnvo been closed
for two weeks on account of sickness , will
probably open next Monday. The grip ,
mumps and measles arc the prevailing dis
CIOHCH f > ii Sunday.
WAUSA , Neb. , Feb. S. ( Special. ) A
Sunday closing ordinance has been passed
by the city council. Its enforcement BO far
has caused little trouble , as the sentiment
in favor of observance lo in the majority.
Suarlrt Fever tit Soliuylcr.
SCHUYLEU , Neb. , Feb. 8. ( Special.- )
Scarlet fever has broken out in Schuyler.
The families of Rev. N. A , Martin , J. L.
Anderson and Mrs. Hoi man are now quaran
tined. The disease is In a mild form.
Terrible IIurrlcnnvM Hiicoimtered ! > >
the JllK Miiei-H oil TlielrVcHt -
iviird Voyani-H nil Atlantic.
NEW YORK , Feb. 8. The reports of the
terrible hurricane encountered on the last
westward voyage by the big liners , St.
Louts , Lucanla and La Champagne , have
made the owners of the delayed vessels
somewhat uneasy regarding their ships.
Seafaring men have given up nil hopes
of seeing the British freighter Almlda ,
which sailed from Shields , Kng. , for this
port on December 19 last In command of
Captain A. McGregor , with a crew of twen
ty-five men. The missing steamer Is a steel
vessel of 1,542 tons and carried u general
The Tweedlo Trading company's steamer ,
Catania , from Glasgow , December 21 , which
met a gale that carried away the smoke
stack and attar making repairs at St.
Michaels , Azores , started for this port on
January 20 , ought to have arrived hero
several days ago , but probably has been
delayed by the hurricane.
Former Ilmldent of Oinnlia.
FREMONT , Neb , , Feb. S. ( Special. )
William Morse , one of the oldest residents
of this vicinity , died here Monday night
and bis funeral was held from his residence
this afternoon. Ho lived for many years
In Omaha , where ho was a contractor , Ho
retired from active business and removed
to Fremont about fifteen years ago. Ills
wife , who survives him , is 88 years of age
and in feeble health. Mr , Morse leaves cou-
eldorablo property , consisting largely ot real
estate In Fremont and Omnhn.
Colorado Xitvxiili > < * r Mini ,
CRIPPLE CHKBK , Colo. , Feb. 8. Thomas
Arkli. ? , brother of thu late John Arklns of
1ho Rooky Mountain Nowa , died here of
pneumonia , aged DU years. lie was born at
Columbus , O , , and was connected for over
twen'ty years with the St. Louis Globe-
Democrat , and later was an associate editor
of the Rocky Mountain News.
KranulN F. llnI ! < > .
Francis F. Bailey , an old-time citizen ,
who was a member of the city council , dloi
In Texas Tueadny. Mr. and Mrs. Bailey wont
Bouth to spend the winter , visiting a
daughter who resides In Lam Pass , Tex.
The remains will be brought here for Inter
TourUI StrluUiMi nl San JJIrno.
SAN DIEQO , Feb. 8. H. V. Parke of the
firm of Parkc , Davis & Co. , chemists at
Detroit , Mich , , and New York , who arrived
hero on Saturday last for his usual winter
Notliluif injurious la
Bronchial Troches
A great relief tot coughs , hoaree-
cee , throat and lu fct troubles.
John I. Brown A Ho. " Ilciton.
visit , was taVcn with severe chills nt 1\
Mesn und expired today of heart failure
Mr. Parl.e had largo Interests In southern
Callfjrnla. t
. wllli All i > n llniiril , tel
i-niiNitotliiti In KiiKtir Silicic.
lit Honolulu.
SAN KHANTISCO. Feb. S. The simmer
Moniu , from Australia nnd Hawaii. brltiR
the following Advices from Honolulu , dnled
February 1 :
Particulars yesterday of the wreck on
the Koh.tla const have been received The
Helene nnd the Maul both sent boats to
the scene and definitely determined that the
wreck wns that of the four-masted steamer
Nomnd , Captain McAleep , Mhlch Ballet
from Shanghai for Puget sound In ballast
ten months ago. The vessel was n new
one and belonged lo Hall Brothers of Sou
FrnnclBco , Captain McAleep , wns accom
panied on this trip by his wife , daughter
nnd three sons. All nro undonUtodly lost
The Nomnd wnfl reported lRhteil off ( lie
Pacific coast seven or eight mouths ago
Jiwt nt the tlmn of n tcrrllle storm Ihcro
but nothing more wan heard ot It nud the
vessel vn long ago nlen up for lost.
Four thousand eight hundred shares o
Onoraea Sugar company Block chanced
hands recently nt 137W. C. B. Brewstcr nnd
O. H. Castle & Co. were the sellers. 1M
word Polllt ! ! wns the buyer. It was the big
gest deal ever made In the Islands. U
amounts to $600,000 and was n cash trans
The United Slates steamer Iroquols , for
merly the tug Tearless , arrived on Januarj
28 , about eight days from Sail Francisco
The vessel Is stationed here for permanent
! 'Ironic n VmlcrKo llitrilNliltm.
IIARLAN , In. , Fob. 8. ( Special Telegram. ;
With the temperature " 0 below zero nnd n
biting cold wind from the northwest thu
Harlan lire department was called out to
tight one of the worst fires seen hero In
years. When first discovered the smoke
and names were pouring out of a building
used aa n billiard and pool room on the
cast sldo of the square. Five buildings
Including a harness shop , billiard room ,
restaurant , snooting gallery nnd butcher
fihop , were almost completely destroyed
Nearly nil the goods , however , wore saved.
H took prompt work to save the tlrccr
Pay Lumber company's yards just east ol
the buildings. The total estimated loss Is
7,000 with Insurance probably of ? 1DOO
Many firemen had their hands and faces
HllNlllfMH lloiim'S Al * < * 1)CM ( ! ( ) . > ( Ml.
PRAIRIE DU CI11EN. Win. . Fob. S. Fire
today destroyed the following stores : P
Ulie & Sons , shoo store ; Douche & Nackets
grocery ; Horace Bench's , hardware store ;
McFerlors' art gallery ; Mrs. Kelt's millinery
store ; John Koch's tailor shop ; Zimmerman
Jewelry store ; P. Ehler & Sons , grocery ;
Grecley , dry goods store ; 31. Bcach'H arl
studio. The total loss Is $100,000 ; Insurance
FORT UODQC , In. , Feb. 8. ( Special Tele
gram. ) Flro at Belmond thin forenooi
burned six business places , the I ) , lllder
clothing store , McGuIre Bros.1 clothlnp , N
M. Wolcott , groceries , Chatham , jewelry , Dr
Galcr's ofllce and ofllco of H. J. Kleminc.
ItitlidNt Chill-ell nt INitrfuIk.
NORFOLK , Neb. , Feb. 8. ( Special Tele-
gram. ) Early this evening flro broke oul
In the basement of the Baptist church ,
damaging the structure to the amount ot
$500. The loss Is fully covered by insur
in Omuliii Arc Cliosrn ,
OSHKOSH , AVis. , Fob. S. The biennial
state convention of Modern Woalinon. of
America met hero today with 140 delegates
In attendance. A. Williams of Neenah , stnto
head consul , presided over the sessions ,
which were held lei secret. This nftcnjBon
a. new set of forty-six state oUlcers will be
elected and delegated to the grand camp ,
1o be held nt Omaha this summer , ap
pointed. The meeting will close tonight
with a banquet.
iinii to iiivoist * iin\iiiK.
JEFFERSON CITY , Mo. , Fob , S. Two
bills were Introduced In the house today
licensing boxing nnd sparring contests , one
by Burlclgh of St. Louis , allowing limited
round contests by Incorporated athletic as
sociations. The other bill , by Caldwell ot
Kansas City , licenses all kinds of boxing
and sparring matches acid athletic contests
In cities of over 100,000 Inhabitants.
Senator 'J'urili > Itrpot rrliiB.
INDIANAPOLIS , Feb. 8. Senator Turplc ,
who came fmn Washington to his home hero
nearly four weeks ago with nn nttack of
grip , which was followed by pneumonia , Is
now out of danger and Is slowly recovering ; .
Hro'.vii C'rillN 11 XIMV President.
PROVIDENCE , R. L , Feb. S. Rev. James
Monroe Taylor , president of Vassar college ,
has been unanimously ejected president of
Brown university.
Nearly nil women look
forward to the ordeal
of motherhood with t > o
much dread nnd niixiety
only after the baby has
safely arrived and made a
warm little place for himself
in the mother's heart , does
she fairly realize that it was
indeed n good angel who
brought this \vcc ncatllng to
brighten and sweeten her life.
Women wliooro approaching motherhood
with a Hensu of fear and ( solicitude , or in a .
weakened physical condition , need the | '
lislp of tlut marvelous " I'avorite Prcscrip. I <
tion , " invented by Dr. R. V. Pierce , chief I
consultlnir physician of the Invalids' Hotel <
and Surgical Institute , Buffalo , N. Y. , and
debiuned expressly to restore her.llhy vijjor '
to the delicate feminine structure involved
in motherhood. It takes away all of the , '
danger and most of the pain attendant upj j
on motherhood , and confers nn thu baby
that lusty hardihood which is n joy to a ' i
mother's heart. i ,
An Ohio lady , Mrs. Lcftx IIofTinire , of Glaring-
ton , Monroe Co. , in a letter to Dr Tierce , § aj :
"I had always been healthy until four jrnrs '
npo. Ilcfore the blrtli of my child I Miflercd
almost death a dozen times. Hail what \vo call
milk leg for four } cars. Could not stand It to been
on my feet long at a time without swelling dread-
fully. Ilefore my latt baby vvni born , I find evI I
rry nyniptom of a return of the trouble My leg
Gwtlfed Ijpdly. I read of Hr. 1'iercc'n I'avorite
I'rcscriptlon , nnd thought I would try It. I took
six bottles , and when my liaby wan born I waa
not kick at ull after I was out of labor , which
lasted oulyo short time. In Ilium previous , la
bor had lasted twelve to fifteen hours. I am a
well woman tcxlay. and have been lnce I tot
out oflird , wheu my little \ > oy viau nine days old.
1 ( five the credit all to Dr. Tierce's I'nvorife Trc-
tcrlptlon. ] will uc\crdo without itclurluifBuch
a time , "
12th and Howard Sts. . Omaha.
Suropemn J'lnu , , ti ou
American I'lun . . . , jj o
You will Und your frlonds registered hero.
P. J. COATUB. Proprietor.
WM. ANDHEJVS. Chief Clerk.
Opinion * . t.f VCMV York I'lonlolniiN n
In OntMp Hint
"There Is probably no family In the city
of which some member Is not laid up , or nt
least nttrfckcd by the grip. "
"While grip Is the same old < incmy , It
seems to be very different this sciuon front
oilier years. On the streets and street cnra
nnd In the churches one meets with iicoplo
violently sneezing , with running eyes ,
coupling nnd with n wSc-begone expres
sion on their faces. Like nil epidemics !
of this kind , few are exempt. It attacks
the rich nnd poor nllko nnd physicians nru
being worked night nnd day.
To obtnln reliable Informntlon on Ililu
most Important subject a reporter recently
called upon tonic well-known physlclnng
to learn from them what ho could do lit
rehitton to It.
"All ngreed on the opinion Hint the
inalndy w'ns rnpldly Increasing nnd that lit
most cnses It WHS of nn extremely danger
ous nature. "
"Ono medical man ; who Is said to have
treated no less Ihiin 0110 hundred grin
p.itlcnta In a single week , said to ( lie re
porter. "
"Serious results will always follow n
attack of the grip If It Is not properly
treated. Often It runs Into pneumonia nndi
nlwnys It leaves unplensnnt or dangerous
complications. It seems to bo different this
ycnr from ever before. My experience has
shown that the WOTHI grip comes when thu
body Is clogged up nnd when the secretions
fall to have the right elt. "
"Have you ever ecn n newer or a drain
clogged. Well , that Is precisely the con
dition of the body that Invites grip. The
Ilulds have no means ot escape und so they
back up and Hood everything , just as u
clogged sewer floods the street. Is this
not natural ? It Is ccrtnlnly true. "
"When a person Is attacked by crip , " the
doctor continued , "he should not try to
fight off the sensations of cold , nchlng llmbg
and cxticmo we.irlness under the Impres
sion that ho has simply nn ordinary cold ,
but should stay Indoors , avoid excess ot
eating and drinking und above nil take a ,
timely remedy. "
The reporter being anxious to discover
what the public considered a timely remedy
and wns taking most , visited the leading
drug stores and Interviewed the proprietors.
The general opinion was well cxprcsscdi
by the manager of n prominent Fifth Ave
nue pharmacy , who said : "Grip ? Yes , It
Is raging , lint It seems to come In a dif
ferent wny from nuy former years. People *
come Into our store nil clogged up. Not
necessarily In the head , but all over the
body. They have headaches , It Is true , but
then they have backache too and pains all
through the system. Ton know the body Is
like a city. All the waste matter must ho
curried anny. When the sewers do not work :
llioro Is trouble. People tire Beginning to
understand that they must keep the sewers ,
especially the kidneys. In good condition , op
they cannot hope to escape or regain health.
What Is the remedy ? Well , we have n store
full of so-called remedies , but we have only-
one which our customers find produces the
effects desired. We do not recommend any
thing , but I can tell you what , the people
use. It Is something reliable , something
which Is certain to undog the system ,
something which Is recommended by physi
cians nnd Is very popular with the people
Warner's Safe Cure. We look upon It as the
safest and the best remedy that anyone can
take when suffering from the many , many
serious ailments so common nt this season
of the year. "
This Information Is certainly of the hlgh
cst Importance In view of the Increasing
number of people who are suffering from
colds , chills , grip nnd tlio Ills of the sea
son. Very often the serious results which
follow these attacks might hnvo been avlod-
ed If the proper remedy had been taken
In time. Health Is a serious matter and ,
especially at this season of tlie year , when ,
so many things nro fighting bitterly
against It.
TOXUJIIT AXI ) Kit I DAY , FRII. 0 , 10.
Most Important Musical Engagement oi
the Ycnr.
Ai.H'i- : \ IIIMOPICHA : ro. , in
Hy A'lctor Herbert and Hurry B. Smith.
Prices Lower floor , $1 and Jl.OO ; balcony ,
T5c nnd BOc ; gallery , 25e.
All seats uncalled for by noon on day of
nerformunco vlil be sold.
Tel. 1531.
Best of Vaudeville Talent
Casey's Friend , Peer of All Jlonoloculsta ,
Jugglers , Equilibrists und Acrobats on
jtiivolvliiu OlobCH ,
Cornet VlrtuoBo ,
High Cluas Comedy , Burlesciuc , Original
The Phenomenal < ! | rl B.irllone.
Roman Gladiatorial I'oucrH und UymmiHta ,
Something New A Novl Performance.
Blueing' , Knock-About German Comedians.
Prices Never Changing Evenings , He.
nerved neata , 23o and ML , gallery , lOo. .Mull ,
ice , any sent 23e , children , lOc.
| Blatcfiford
Kavanagli and
" ' " *
$ "Honey's Boys"
First Congregational Church
18th und Diivqiiport Bt.
Monday Evening , Fob , 13th
TlclictB for eale nt Kuhn's
drug atoro ChoBo'n hook store
nnd HUH ell's drug store , I'ark
and Lcavamvorth St , 1'urchaHo
tickets and avoid rush at the
Price 60 Cents. \
13th and Douglas Sis. , Oinuliu.
J. U. MAltlCISLi A SON ,