TJTTO BATLY" SUNDAY , ! F12TVRTT A.TIT B , 1RDO , NEWS OF INTEREST FROM IOWA. COUNCIL BLUFFS. - MI.VOIl tUmllton'n shoe store , 412 Broadway. . David I ] | ( i R | R . JIanro's load kill * wornis anil fallens. C. 13. Alexander & Co. , picture frames. llartcl & Miller , 100 D'wny , glvo "Stars. " IOWA Furniture K. Carpet Co. , 407 D'way. J. C. Hlxby , heating , plumbing. Tel. 103. T J. Ih-una loft las-t evening for Hot Jambs I'rcston of rifth nvcnue Is suffer- In from Appendicitis. Got your work done at the popular Englo- laundry , 724 Jlroadway , 'phono 167. C , U , J c < | itemln & Co. , Jewelers nnd op- v cUns , 27 South Main street. I'rof. Mar Hotirlclns hnu returned from a. inioccssfnl Business trip thiougli Nclirwkn. llii th Lewis , C23 Sixth Avenue. was re ported to tlio Hoard of Health yesterday as buffering from > lex , W. M. Shepard hns roitiiTiied from Clmrter Oak where ho is acting ns ( trustee In n , Uinkruptry cane , hut will return ( tomorrow. The public meeting of tlio Thooaophlcal flicluty Mill lie held at 3 o'clock this after noon nt tlio residence of Mr. and Mrs.V. . H. Vnn nrunt , 71fi rourth street. Tlio regular monthly meeting of the Women's Christian association will he held nl " :20 : o'clock tomorrnw afternoon nl the rtsldence of lira W. A. Travis on Willow p. venue. The proposed change in itho organization of the High School cadctK from a nltiglo company to n battalion will be determined upon nt n meeting of the cadets to bo held Wednesday afternoon. Word has been received here of the dcnth of Mrs. .John U Clnrlto of Clinton , la. , nee Miss Jlno JInson. Mrs. Clnrko will bo re- uicmbcrcd by tlie iinany friends she made vthllo visiting her cousin , Miss Margaret O'Dcuncll. Mlns Ida Rf. Strcoit , formerly a lender In the city schools here and row instructor of. literature at the Milwaukee High school , lias .111 Interesting nnd ncll-wrlUen sketch ontMled , "A Chapter of Indian History , " lit the recent Issue of The Annals of Iowa. H. 1i. Farmer , n iloaf mute , was arrested last evening on suspicion of being Implicated In the robbery Thursday night at the homo of William Hrown , nlso a deaf mute , living at 300.T Avenue A. Farmer , when arrested had nearly $20 In his p-osscuslon and this Id tailored to bo part of the money taken from Brown. Tlio annual meeting af the Iowa Detail Hardware Dealers' association will be held Wednesday and Thursday of this week at Dos M Dines. The Savory house has been j sclented us headquarters. The association was tilartPrt In this city last August by Mr. II. A. Cole of the firm of Cole Cole and at present haa 149 members. Mr. Cole has advices' from some 100 other firms and deal ers that they vrill Join thu association at the meeting In DCS Molnes. Colonel C. G. Saunders will go to Mar- fclialltown ( tomorrow evening to attend the mooting of the Btato camp of the Modern Woodmen of America , at which ho will pre- sldo as head consul of the order. W. F. Chester of Avoco , and Thomas Huff of Oak land will also attend as delegates from this | county. Tlio meeting Is for the purpose of electing delegates < to attend the meeting of < ho head camp , 'to b& held in Kansas City in June. Iowa now stands second among the states In point of membership In the order , with a total membership of ' 13,357. The total membership ot the entire order is now 320,4 IS. A special meeting of the Merchants' and Manufacturers' association has been called for tomorrow evening , nt which time a president will bo elected In place of F. H. Hill , who has ) been compelled to decline to aot-ln that capacity , owing to the demands of his private business , which would pie- cludc him from giving proper attention to the affairs ot tho'sssoclation. Leonard Kver- ott has been named as thu most llkoly choice for the position. Secretary Judson Is In receipt of a number of Interesting reports of the work of the boards of trade of other cities. Ho haa them on file In his office for the convenience anfi use of members of the association and others ivho may wish to look through them. N. Y. Plumbing company. Tel. 250. A now bank Day ' & Hess have for rent the old rlrnt National bank rooms for bank ing or olllces. Best location In the city. Snap ShotB all go at 10 cents each at the Council Dluffs ollicn of The Bee. Berwick bay oysters have hn'd a , big run In , Council Bluffs. Sullivan , the grocer , cx- pectB to malco this month a record-breaker In sales of this celebrated brand. Trade where they give "Stars , " "Wiui < 11 Divorce. Mrs. atlldrcd 0. Ferrll fllcd a petition in 'tho district court yesterday asking that her innrrlago with James B. Kcrrll In Brook- vlllo , Kna. , on December 28 , 1897 , t > o an- jinllcd arid declared void and Illegal. The jilnlntlff alleges that the marriage In quo- lion was prohibited by law In aa much as the man she married had a wife living nt the. time. This fact Mrs. Ferrll says was not known to her at the time , but that as soon as she found It out eno left Kerrll nnd has plnce been supporting her self , 'working aa a servant. She fruther naks that the court give her judgment against Kerrll for $1,000 , as ho is a man ot moans nnd has considerable property. Also that the court restore lo her her maiden name ot Mildred 0. Uinnon. C.'oni'orl Tomorrow . The concert to be given' tomorrow night nt the Broadway Methodist church by Dlntchford Kaviinagh and "Honey's Boys" la attracting moro than ordinary attention. Those who heard > Mr , Kavanugh eight years ngo , then but a boy , are anxious to hear Uiiin now since , after eight years retire ment from the conpcrt stage , ho has devel oped into u barltoiio of unusual power. Of the "nonoy'a Boys" Master Arthur Goff , the famous young cornotut , belongs to Council Bluffs , having been born nnd reared here. The ppoplo of Council Bluffs never had such ( Ino oysters an Berwick hay put before them before , Suillvnu , the grocer , Bells 'em. LIcencB to wed were Issued yesterday to the fallowing persona : Name and Jtesldenco. Age. Andrew M , Phoney. Potlawattamle 29 Anna L. ( toyman , Minded , 26 Vrank Wlndom. Nodnway. . . 21 Cora CourtwrlKht , Nodaway 21 CHRONIC NASAL CATARRH , JSIII3ATII13 TllllOltnil YOUIl N SK AND 13H KIliU : liMlOM THIS LOA/rilttOlIU UlSISAHR , A SOim'TIKIO HICMBDY , Clironln Nital Catarrh U often the continued - tinuod development of acute attacks , but iu meet cac s It U caused by tbo tireleta Use of thu nasal douche , suuffs , washc-a and other daaguroua Inhaluits. Ha horrible cymptoniB , anch as utopplng of the DOUC , AroppIiiK of mucous Into the throat , elck- ECKJ at btomach and loss of uppetlto plainly ludlc&te a constitutional dlsturbauco and the uocedBlty of an Interiwl ruinedNo remedy is better adapted for iho euro of this disease than Gaucs' Catarrh TUblPta. They are taken Inteiciilly and It U cute 'to eoy will euro catarrh wl or v located , because they contalu the r'paulnltes esoeutlal to raaiorlng kho liitlaiuvd mcintiranes and mucous aur- laooa to their natural healthy state. At druggists or by muJl pOe full elzed pjioka . ) Our llttlo V > eli on c&torru tnsllid fr . GRAND JURY MAKES REPORT Sareral Indictments ATQ Found , Yet but On i Mad Pnbllo , BREWER CAUGHT ON A LARCENY CHARGE ClinrlcN nrnokn , Clinrnoil ivlth Allxcit Up 111 iltc 1'unlnlinteiil. Owing to thcro being no cases ready for < trlal , Judge Thornsll yesterday adjourned district court until Monday , February 33. The grand Jury also dccMed to take n. rest until the eamc date. Before adjourning , the grand Jury made a. further report returning several Indict ments and oneno bill. Hut one Indictment was made public , the defendants In the oth ers not being under arrest. The Indictment made public was against Charles Drawer , who was charged with larceny from a build ing in the daytime , llrowor was arrested November 30 last , charged with stealing a watch and other articles from It , P. Nel son's blacksmith shop oil Droadway. The watch was never found , but a wrench be longing to Nelson was fouud on Brewer. He has been in the county Jnll ever since and when the indictment was returned he de cided lo plead guilty and In consideration of the fact that ho had already served seventy days , Judge Thornell lot him off with n thirty-day sentence. The "no bill" returned nas In the case of Charles Llrooks , who was charged with con spiring with John Lowls In the famous hog stealing case. John Lewis was sentenced at the December term of court to one year Jin the penitentiary for stealing bogs , the prop erty of Nelson Lents of Lewis township. Brooks Is the man who acted as the "stool pigeon" for the sheriff and was arrested after Lewis' conviction on an Information filed by the letter's wife , who claimed at the time that If her husband bad be n guilty of conspiracy ho must have had some one to conspire with and that that bomeone was Brooks. T. J. Ryan , Indicted on the charge of [ Etoallng two bolts ot cloth from Simon John son's tailor shop , entered a plea of guilty and Judge Thornell sentenced htm to eight een months In the penitentiary nt Fort Mad ison. This was more than Hyan had expected and he told the court so. Judge Thornell was inclined to be lenient so no knocked three months off the sentence , leaving it fifteen , which seemed to satisfy Ryan as ho made no further comment. The court Issued an attachment on the person ot James Swanson , who bad failed to appear for examination as to his property. A few days ago Hans Malta secured an attachment against Swanson for $100 which foiled ot satisfaction. Swanson was ordered to appear before the court for examination on January 31 , but failed to do so. Then the court made an order that ho appear last Friday before Commissioner D. E. Stuart and again he failed to obey. The warrant for his arrest yesterday was the result. Mrs. Gertie C. Smith was granted a di vorce by default from W. A. Smith. Plain sewing , tailoring in repairing clothes. Mre. G. H. Baker , 146 Vine street. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ i Sullivan * the grocer , always has all 'the fresh fish the people of Council Bluffs can eat. Just telephone or leave your order for anything you want- GATHUHED FIIOM SOCIAL OIHCLKH. Mn u y Ilrllllnut I5veii < Unrinie tlic AVccU ( hut HUH Passed. The most brilliant event of the last week In sc lnl circles was the reception given Friday afternoon by Mesdamcs F. n. and J. " r. Hill nt their elegant home on South I Bight street. The decorations were | 1he most beautiful , and elaborate seen at any function this season , crimson nnd green be ing the color scheme carried out In nil the rooms. In the dining room th < j table was graced with an immon&o basket ot American Beauty rtwes as .the center piece , whllo two Immense red ribbons were stretched the length of 'the ' table and tied In' big bows nt the ends giving n very pretty effect. The sideboard was almost bnnkul with' -carnations , while a. soft and pleasIng - Ing light was diffused from Innumerable red end green candles. In the front parlor the decorations were red meteor roses nnd palms , the unantlo bolng transformed Into a perfect bower of rcJ and greea. In the back parlor the decorations were carried out with red carnations and palms. The pre vailing color echomo was carried out In the dainty refreshments which served during the afternoon by a corps ot colored waiters. I3oth the hostesses were beautifully gowned , Mrs. Fred Davis wearIng - Ing nllo green silk with black velvet trim ming , while Mrs. J. P. Davis wore a gray brocaded satin wHli white silk trimming. They wore assisted In receiving by Mesdames - dames Oborholtzer , H. Van Brunt , n. H. Bloomer , B , Terwilliger , H. W. Tllton and Go3s of Omaha. Mrs. John N. Baldwin entertained some ninety friends from tills city and Omaha ; it a Kerlea of luncheons , Wednesday , Thuis- lay and Friday at 'Iho Grand. Luncheon . Mas Eorvod in the radlcs' ordinary , the first lay vlolots being the decorations , pink rosca , an the 'eecond , and pink and meteor roses an Friday. Mrs. J. n. Heed entertained at luncheon last Tuesday at her home on Glen ovcnuo Hie members of the Woman's Board ot Man agers of the TransmlsslsBlppi Exposition , rho dining room was prettily decorated : with liriea of the valley and Iloman hya- clutbB. Her guests were Mesdames Sawyc at Lincoln , Hurford , Klmball , Ford nnd Llndsey of Omaha and Towlo-of South Oiu all a. Ono ot the pleasant events of the last week was the dinner given. Friday evening at the Grand iu honor of Mr , nnd Mrs. n. B , Balnbrldgc , who leave tomorrorw for Peklu , China , whcro Mr. Balnbrldgo will resume his duties as second Becrotaiy of Iho United States negation. The party In- sluded Messrs. and Mesdamrs Balnbridso , IV. Groneweg , 0. S. Dyers , 0. V. Klmball , U. H. Srott , B. Bro\\n , W. M. Frederick , Mlfcses Hattle Fcrrlcr , Marie Johnson , Maude Cousins and Kttu mills of Persia , la. , and Messrs. n. V.V Innes , J , T. Ferrier ind Captain L. H. Cousins. . Miss Flora Judson of Sixth avenue cn- [ ortalnod a largo number of friends Wcdnes- lay nnd Thursday night. Wednesday the kffalr was a masquerade ball for the ounger set aud Thursday the cldor folk Ncru entertained at a regular dancing arty. Doth events wore among the iloasantest of the week. Miss Georgia Mitchell entertained a num- > or of her young friends yesterday after- loon in honor of her fourteenth birthday at ho homo of her parents on Droadway. The larlors were prettily decorated with red iinmtlons and a most pleasant afternoon vas spent with games and other amuse- limits , During the afternoon dainty re- . . rethinents wore served , ' la honor ot the fifteenth birthday of their 1 laughter , MUs Cberrle , Mr , and Mrs. Lucius Veil a gave a dinner party yesterday even- UK at their plunaant home on Oakland tvenue to a Urge number of bur younc friends. After dlnnar the young hostcttg and her giiosls repaired to Hushes' halt , where dancing V\.IB the order of the evening. Mrs , James I'm ton and fnmlly left Wednesday for Knnpns City to Join Mr. Patton - ton , who recently removed to the city by the Kaw to nsMimc the presidency ( if the Stock Yards Dank of Commerce. Mrs , XV. R Snpp returned Mondny from a visit with friends In Sioux City , Mrs , H. H. Van Drunt has returned from a visit to Denlson. Mrs , M. R Uohrer entertained the women of St. I'aul's pnrtsh nt n "church tea" Wednesday afternoon nt her homo on Vine street Mils Keren XVoods of North Seventh street entertained the members of the Young Ladles' Missionary society ot the Droodway Mothodlst church nt her homo Thursday evening. Miss Nclllo Haworth entertained the mem bers of the II. T , S. 0. club Friday evening. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. McAtea entertained In formally nt cards on Thursday ovonlng. The members of Harmony chapter , Order of the Eastern Star , entertained their friends at a very cnjoynble high flvo party Friday night. Light refreshments \roro served during the evening. James Nugent was mirprlscd Tuesday evening by a largo number of friends who gathered nt his home oil Little Curtis street in honor of his 21st birthday. The evening \vi\u spent in the usual eoclnl enjoyments. The Woodmen of the XVorld Social club gave another of its ejoynblo masquerade balls last night at Woodman hall which was largely attended. The competitive cakewalk - walk was n feature of the evening's entor- tnlnmcnt. Card playing Is all the rage this winter In social circles and nearly every separate co- torlo" has Its club , the weekly meetings proving most enjoyable features of the fes- tlvo SC.ISDQ. The Women's Whist club was entertained Tuesday afternoon by Mrs. Albright. Mrs. W. L. Douglas entertained the mem bers of the Hamilton Whist club Tuesday afternoon at her apartments In the Grand. The members of the Jolly Forty club were the guests Wednesday evening of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest B. Hart ot Park avenue. Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Scheldlo of Bluff street entertained the R , U. Card club Tues day evening. The Euchre club was entertained Friday evening by Mr. and Mrs , Wallace Shepard. Miss ninnch Aylcsworth was the guest of friends the last week In Tabor , la. Miss Lucille Williams ot Stutsman street entertained Miss Besslo Cowlcs the last week. Miss Fannie Dickey had ns her guest the last week Mine Ida McKlroy of Missouri Valley. Mr. Stymest Stevenson entertained the last week his former schoolmate nnd friend , Mr. A. R. Davis , postmaster at Inavnlo , Nob. Mr. F. W. Hill Is enjoying a visit from his couaiu , Mr. Homer Latta of Battle Creek , Mich. Mr. nnd Mrs. I. C. Wooley had ns their gucet the last week of Miss Maggie Moore ot Llttlo Sioux. Miss Lilllo Purdy , who is studying : at the Nebraska Conservatory of Music nt Lincoln , is visiting her cousin , Mrs. I. C. Wooloy. Mr. C. Frank Rohror , who has recently recovered from n severe attack of typhoid fever , leaves tomorrow for a visit lo his old homo in Chllllcotho , Mo. , where he ex pects to remain about four weeks recuperat ing his health. Mrs. P. M. Pryor Is suffering from the fashionable malady the grip. Miss Eleanor Montgomery has returned from a short visit with friends in Denver , Colo. Colo.Mr. Mr. R. E. Montgomery IB home from Texas on a abort visit with his fnmlly. Dnlght Odell entertained a few of his friends last Sunday at dinner nt the Ogdeu hotel. Mr. C. M. Tnlcott has returned from Chicago cage , where bo was called by the Illness of his eldest eon. Mrs. J. C. Kockwcll has returned from a six weeks' visit in Illinois. Mrs , Willis Peterson and daughters have returned home from a two weeks' visit to Kansas City. Mrs. J. L , Stewart Is visiting In Denver , Colo. , with the family of her brother , Mr. Robert Cory. Miss Viola AVard , the new teacher in the High school , arrived Friday from Oscoola , la , , and will reside with Mrs. F. B. Warner at C45 Washington avenue. Both Colonel and Mrs. J. J. Steadman are on the sick list. Mrs. Durgan hns returned from Wcston , where she attended the O'Connell golden wedding. Mrs. Seeloy Is enjoying a visit from her daughter , Mrs. Lucius Chnpln , and son of Salt Lake. Mrs. Bergen of Franklin avenue has as her guest the last week her slater , Miss Greco Wyinun of Vlnton , In. Mrs. C. II. Towaley of Glenwood was a guast nt the musical and reception given last Wednesday by the Musical auxiliary of the Council Dluffs Woman's ' club. Mrs. C. 51. Trephagcn Is able to be out ignln after a severe- attack of the grip. Rev. Father Sheridan of Corning was the suest laat Tuesday of nov. Father Smyth Df St. Frauds Xavier'a. Mrs. John Brough , wife of the alderman .ram the Fifth ward , is slowly recovering 'rom a severe Illness. Twelve below zero yesterday morning , but [ hat did not prevent Sullivan , the grocer , invlng n B big a run as usual on hlu Der- .vlclc bay oysters. Auctioneer , live stock a specialty. Address 3. M. Ustes , Creacont City , la. Davis sells drugs. Church ! V I < 'M. ' At the First Baptist church this morning ; ho pastor , llov , H. Venting , will toke ns the opia of his sermon ' 'Love's Doslro. " In the ivnnlng ho announces his subject aa "Ingor- joll'a Theory Uxploded by a Bombshell. " Sunday chool will bo at noon. A bible readIng - Ing on the final preservation of the saints T will be given at the meeting of the Baptist 1 1 Voung People's union at 0:30 : j ) . in. The cgulnr midweek prayer meeting will bo held iVednesdny evening. The pulpit of the Fifth Avenue Mothodlst shurch will be occupied at both morning ind even I MR Korvlcea today by Rov. J , A. Fohnson of South Omaha. Sunday school bo at noon , Junior league meeting nt 3 ) . m. , Kpnorth league meeting at 0:30 : p. m , ind morning class at 9:15. Rev. George K. Walk , the uowly appointed ector , will preach his Initial sermon this naming at St. Paul's ' Episcopal church. At .ho evening service he will bo assisted by lev. T. J. Muckay , rector of All Saints' : burch , Omaha , Commencing today the Homing services at St. Paul's will begin at 10:30 o'clock Instead of ut 11 o'clock , as ( icrutofore , The evening service will bo as _ , isual at 7:30 o'clock. C ( At the Diondwoy Methodist church tbls Cl ivcnlng Dr , W T. Smith , ajlxstonary seere- ary of the Methodist church , with hendquar- t'l's in New York , will adresa the congroga- lon. The morning service will bo conducted the pastor , Rev. Myron J , Woddell , This evening at the Christian tabernacle he puslor. Rev. S , M. Perkins , will preach t apodal ucirmoii to young men , taking as ite subject "Possibilities of Voting men. " Che topic of his morning sermon at 10:30 : I'clock will be "Security of the Christian. " The services at Grace Kplscopal church oday will be as follows Sunday school , 0 a. m. ; holy comuiuulou and sermon , 11 n. in. ! evening prayer and Bormon , 7:30 : o'clock. Tlio subject of Hov , Q. W , Snydor' * ser mon nt St. John's English Lutheran church this morning will bo " 1i Grounds Are tlio Cause. " The Young People's meeting will bo nt 7 p. m. and nt 7.30 p. m. the children of the Sunday school will give their con * cert -which was postponed from last Sun day. day.At At the Congregational church thin morn ing the pastor , llov. J. W. Wilson , will preach on "Christian Rducatlon. " and in the evening his topic will bo "Abraham's Confi dence la God. " Sunday school will ho at noon , Christian Endeavor society's monthly consecration meeting at 6:30 : p. m. Tiho subject ot Her , XV , S. Barnes * ser mon thin morning at the First Presby terian church will bo "Consecrated Lives. " In the ovcnlng his -topic will be "Tho Tombs of the Anclcnte. " Sunday school 17111 be at noon nnd Christian Endeavor society meet ing at 6:30 : p. m. Berwick bay nnd solid packed oysters nra Just the thing for this time of year. You can get all you want of Sullivan , the grocer , 343 Broadway , The people who eat Sullivan's Berwick bay oysters don't mind this cold weather. Flic * Motion for I > Uiitlnt , City Attorney. Wadsworth fllod a motion In the district court yesterday for a dis missal of the damage suit brought by Ebe- nozer G. Hagor against the Olty of Council Bluffc. Tlio motion sets out that the suit has been settled by the Milwaukee rail way , which waa made a. party defendant linger brought milt for 35,000 damages , Al leging that lost August he was thrown from his wagon nnd severely Injured by reason of the front wheel of his dray dropping Into a depression on South Main street caused by the rotten paving at the sides of the tracks ot the .Milwaukee. Shortly after the suit was commenced City At torney Wadsworth filed a motion asking that the railway company be made n party defendant. The railroad company then , not wishing it Is said to bo involved la the suit , made n. settlement with Hager for tbo sum of 4200. This being the ease the city moved yesterday that the suit bo dis missed. Berwick bay and solid packed oysters lead rom all. Sullivan sells 'em by the pint , quart or gallon. Difference Will lie Settled. Judge Duncombe , president ot the Fort Dodge & Omaha , road , arrived In the city yesterday evening nnd will stay here un til after the meeting of the city council tomorrow nlgiht , when ( he expects that fa vorable action will bo taken on the ordi nance providing for the vacation of certain streets , alloys nnd avenues. Judge Dun- combe said Jio expected all differences be tween the Fort Dodge & Omaha road and the Northwestern railway would be amica bly settled within a week or ten days at the latest No , It Isn't necessary to como nil Ihoway down to tlio store to order Berwick bay oysters or solid packed ; just ring up 'phono 161. That Is Sullivan'8 number. Bluff City laundry , 'phono 314. The old reliable laundry. Council Falls to . The epecial city council committee having In charge the vacation ordinance submitted by the Fort Dodge- & Omaha railroad met last night for the purpose of putting the measure In such eliape that ft would be ready for action nt the meeting ot the council tomorrow night. After spend'ng two hours discussing it the committee waa Un able to reach any decision as to some of the streets sought to foe vacated and another meeting will bo held tomorrow morning. Remember the exposition by getting some copies of Snap Shots at the Council Dluffs office of The Bee. Ten cents each. We always have plenty of the celebrated Berwick bay oysters "to supply nil demands. Sullivan , the grocer , 3-13 Droadway. lleul lialate Transfer * . The following transfers were filed yester day In the abstract , title and loan ofllco of J. XV. Squire , 301 Ptarl street : XV. rtr ,1 Hemsted , lot " 17 , block"Ccarson | Oscar B. Mnllory and wife to Joshua nnd J. XV. Alston , part of SV4 nw > 4 , 2- 74-40 , w d 60 Administratrix of Joel Eaton to R. V. Inncs , lot 14 , block 1G , Mullln's sub- dlv , a d " " - Four transfers , total $8,090 WEFlSTEll COUNTY TAM > S IIV COUHT. Swamp rniiil Qrnnt mill I-iHcr Itnll- ronil Conc'OKHloiiH Conflict. FORT DODGn , la. , Feb.I. . ( Special. ) An Important litigation , Involving several thousand acres of XX'ebstcr county swamp lands. Is In progress In this city 'before ' Judge S. M , Weaver of the district court. XVhlchever sideis beaten will appeal to the United States supreme court. The litigation arises from a conflict ba- tween 'the ' warop land grant of 18CO nnd : the later grant of 1S5G to Uio Dubuque & , Pacific railroad , now the Illinois Central. ' The swamp lands were given to the state and by the state were given to the various Bounties. There are about 30,000 acres of these lands In AX'ebster county. The dls- nito arising from the conflict of titles be tween the swamp land grants of 1820 and that to the Dubuque & Pacific has existed [ or years. In 18DI too secretary of the In terior certified to the etnto of Iowa thcsa ninls as passing under the railroad grant ) f 1SG6. Several cases have been brought ind taken to the supreme court of Jnwa 'rom this county and settlers' titles , which lave always been held under the swamp and grant , have been sustained. Mlltnry Ciiiiiiiiiiiy WltlnIrimH. FORT DODGE , la. . Feb. 4. ( Special Tel- grarn. ) Fort Dodge will not be repre- icnted in the iiew National Guard. At a noetlng ' held last week It was decided to corga'nizo Company O , nnd apply for ad- nlsslon Into the now National Guard , which ti s being organized by General Dyers , Tlio ifllrcra were to have 'been Dan Rhodes , nptaln ; C. A , Snook , first lieutenant , anil J. P. Gates , second lieutenant , all veterans if the Spanish war , At a meeting held ast night by those Interested it was dc- Uleil that It was not wise 1o attempt to irganlzo a national guard company with ho meager support now furnished by the tate. Trcniiiror'n Acnounln Correct. OXAWA , la. , Fob , ) , ( Special , ) The oinmlttce appointed by the Hoard of Super iors to examine the books and accounts f the various county officials has completed B work and reported to the board. It llnda liat , except a few discrepancies In transfer- st Ing funds In the treasurer's olllce , < ho ac- in ounts are correct and complete , Monona ladl aunty now has on hand $39,7-15.59 aud has dl o debt. , I In DamiiKCH for Di-IVeivr * NRX'ADA. la. , Feb. 4. ( Special. ) J. H. .ounsbury has filed a claim for J5.000 dam- con against Story county an a result of to citing a fall through Bast Indian river top ridge. djni ni KnIlM nt af DAVBNPoilT , la. , Feb. i. A bridge over afTl ic Mississippi river at Muscatloc ttl , la. , fell its afternoon owing to contraction due to tv ie cold. Patrick Curry was Injured and i jn iur horses killed. J were . ( r BIGAMIST PAYS THE PENALTY Husband of Omaha and Des Moines Wivei it Sentenced OIL COMPANIES MUST PAY THE FEES Slnto ln | ir < ' ( < r Illm-in or * n 1'rnelle * AVIif-rcliy Hlili | > crn nofrnml the Htntc mill TnUrn Severnl Itcnipitlnl Stcn < . DBS MOINCS , I''ob. ' 4. ( Special Tclo- gram. ) Oeorgo Ilprosfonl Earnest Foyle , tlio husband of Emily Foylo of Omnh.i and the man who married JIny ( luthrlo ot DPS Molncs , wns sentenced today to n.yoar and .1 half for bigamy , to which ho had pleaded guilty. The imposition of the sentence wns unusually Impressive. Mrs. Koylo , neo Outhrlo , was In the court room nnd wns completely broken down by the punishment of her husbnnd. Thcro nns a largo crowd present , Mrs. Foylo ot Omaha , who had been the prosecuting witness , was not In the room. Today Secretary of Stnto OCOTKO L. Dob- son notified nil oil Inspectors In the state that they must collect the regular Inspection fee on avery gallon nf oil shipped Into the state. "Wholesale evading of payment of fees by the Standard Oil company , the Penny Refining company nnd other companies hns been discovered by Mr. Dobson. The rule Is made to put an end to It. Mr. Dobson says the payment of the feet hns been evaded In the Mississippi river towns of the state. The companies have for some ycnrs uhlpped largo quantities of oil Into the river cities nnd distributed It In the Interior of tlio state from tlioso points. The oil Is Inspected there and the fees are sup posed to bo paid on oil coming Into the state. But much of the oil is released nnd shipped buck to other states. The oil In- npectors have not charged the tnspoctlon fees on this released oil. Secretary Dobson s'ays that he 1ms learned that the companies take this released oil Into other states and there avoid paying fees on thb ground that the fees have been paid In lown. StiulciitM Join in Dclnite. The following Drake university students will go to Monmouth , III. , for the second annual debate with a team from Monmonth college , February 10 : Virgil White , law ; \V. J , Goodwin , Keillor colleglnto ; S. Van Horn , blbllcn. The question to be discussed will be : "Resolved , That the cabinet sys tem of the United States Is better adapted to a popular form of government than the cabinet system of England. " The Iowa supreme court today decided that n county Is liable to A city for fees collected by its police Judge , but not so for mirslnls * fees. Tbo following opinions were hnndcd down : City of Des iMoInes against Polk county. Iowa , appellant , from Polk dis trict , modified and affirmed ; Iowa Leather and Saddlery company against Joseph Hath away , appellant , from Mills district , af firmed ; Bertha Fedcr and others , appellants , against Iowa , State Traveling Men's as o- elation , from Polk district , affirmed ; H. IJ. Manton ngalnst J. F. Selberllng & Co. and others , appellants , from Polk district , af firmed. RIOT IN A DREW COURT ROOM Clcneriil I'aiiic mill FlKlit RIIHIIC Over JllMpute Aliont llic Locution of n CHICAGO , Fcl > . 4. Tbo Chronicle's Web ster CIt > , la. , special says that a pitched battle occurred today in Justice Smith's court room in Drew , Wright county , re sulting la two men , Charles Hall and Fred Bartfleld , being fatally wounded , another shot through lh arm and five others more or iesri Injured by blows from pokers , clubs and chairs. Differences over the location of a bridge had divided the townspeople into factions , tlio dispute finally culminating In a riot. The court room was crowded at the time , and a panic ensued when the firing begun , many people Jumping through the windows in their efforts to get out of the way. DEFENDANT'S FATHER ON STAND. TcNtliuoiiy ContriidlPtliiR State AVI < - III-XNCH In HiiKTlioH niiirilvr Trlnl. I ( MASON CITY , la. , Feb. 4. ( Special Tel egram. ) The direct 'testimony of Lorenzo Thomas , father of rtho defendant In the Hughe * murder trial , Is now nil in. On sev eral essentials it flatly contradicts the state's witnesses , Patrick Hug'hes and Jesse Goude. Thomas heard the former say that ho saw Mrs. Hughes mix the salts. Hughes take eomo and his wife 'the balance : that it could .not , therefore , have been salts that caused Hughes' death. : On the d'ay ' following the Sunday Mrs. Hughes was dismissed from the Hughes homo Thomas went to Mr. Hughes , sr. , to know what 'tho ' trouble was that the woman was turned out of doors in such n way. Hughes then eald that his daughter-in-law ivas claiming the farm as her own and ns ho had lent ibis son considerable money ho thought : Iho farm should 'bo deeded to him. Mso cthnt some of the insurance money Should bo pnld him. Ward had told him ha't Mrs. Hughes and Jesse were engaged o .bu married and ho wanted all his house 'or Tils own furniture. These were the only canons Hughes -gave Thomas for turning bottle out. HughcB positively denies these itatcmentB , Thomas denies over saying hat < the younger Hughes was seized with a lUddcn 1 11 n oss nt Ills house. The case will not reach the Jury before February 15. 15.A A < MV Mill ill Oimvvn. ONAXX'A. la. , Feb. 4. ( Special. ) At a own meeting called last night at the engine lo oiiso It was decided to accept the proposk- lon of A. G. Sands of Jefferson , S. p. , to rect a llourlng mill here. The citizens ot inawa give a bonus of | 1,800 and n favor- i t ( ble mlllslte , while Mr. Sands erects a sov- nty-flvu-barrel mill to cost not less than 17,000. Hook on Horticulture' , AMBS , la. , Feb. 4. ( Special. ) A now ook on horticulture ia being prepared by Im State Kducational hoard under the dl- cotlon of Prof. Craig of the department of ortloulturo and forestry In the Iowa State Agricultural college In this city. It will [ o used for elementary Instruction In the ountry t'hools. , 'nrnii'rx llullil Cii-Opurntlvu Creamery AMES , In. , Feb.1. . ( Special. ) The farrn- rs in the vicinity of Kelly , a small town ) mill of Aniea , have completed arrange- icnts for tbo erection of a co-operative reamery , XX'ork will bo begun on It at nee and it Is expected 'that ' It will bo in unnlng order by Juno 1 , Shipper StrlUm it UTE. la , , Feb. 4. ( Special. ) A local ilpper has found a way to overcome the ejudice against American meat In Kng- nd. He Is shipping his light or bacon hogs' reel to Liverpool to bo made Into English icon and finds that it pays to ship direct stead of to Chicago , llurulnrx Kilter l'iiitolllu < . LEIPSIC , O. , Feb. 4. At an early hour day three burglars gained rntranco to the > 8toinco here and opened the nafo with mamlte. The n'Ight ' watchman , Peter awiuan. dlsdm-rcwl ( bo cracksmen Just tcr the explosion and opened flro on thorn. tie burglars returned the flre and eventu- ly made their escape , Uowrnan waa shot rice through the leg. It Is undcrstcbd the irglars got about $200 In money and SCOO stamps. The authoritlea are hot on their all , Feast of Music Blatchford Kavatiagh. "ThoBoyPnliV'aud ' jRoney Boys assisted by ; Tlte dramatic soprano Harriet Dement Packard. Little Arthur Goff , of Council Bluffs , appears with the company. Broadway M. E. Church , Monday Evening , February 6 * Admission 50c , School Children 25c. We left the old store with regrets. We made no tin-horn discount Bale simply moved. With the most sincere thanks to the hun dreds of friends who have favored us with their patronage , we extend the glad hand , and a hearty welcome to our new store. * Sellers of Good Shoes. 421 Broadway , Cor. of Main St. ran ยง ram raH H O s'You can't catch old birds with chaff. " m o I want a Chas. Sumner Cigar. S m John G. Woodward < 5c Co. , distributors , oa ou Council Bluffs , la. oI I o HATCHETED FOR HIS MONEY Ei-Cmivlct lit Sun l'"runrl iM > Mtri'lw Illoody Piitc nt IIiiiulH of SAN FRANCISCO , < Fcb. 4. Today Adolph Smith , an ex-convict , wns found fatally wounded In n lodging bouse oa the out skirts of Chluatown , He bad been beaten and cut -Into Insensibility with a liatchct , presumably by Highbinders or rasa track roustabouts for robbery. Smith re- dvcd sums of money from Germany and lias beeu spending It freely and never tak- ng care of Ms wealth. Last night , In com- lany with another ex-convict , he visited a 100 ! room to get tips on the races , He llsplnyed a large fium of money and \vu varncd by his companions to bo careful. Smith went to his room after malclng an ippolntmcnt with his friend to go to the aces today. Smith , almost dead , was ound In his room today. Ho had been cut lovcn times with a highbinder's hatchet , . rhreo of the wounds fractured the skull , ] ' ho brains protruding , I siiffnrod for ycum from sexual , iHt power , nlslit emissions , nnermntoirhoen , urlcncple , stricture , ntiupliy , prcmaturo pcny. neurasthenia , brnln and neivox - nutitlon. I vvnn robbed , Hwlndlrd mid I curly killed by quiicku , mlvcrtliliiK doc- ara , miullcnl Instltiitcs. rtc. A brother clergyman toll ) inn ho liiul mif- red from the name troubles which I hml , iiit IIB was treiited nnd rured nt nrniill cx- etiHo by an honest linn of jiiiintJfiHjtiirlm ; liemlstH , and advised me to wrltu to them : did so ; they sent mo a nmull book , 1 ; .ul It and followed tlio advlco therein Iven nnd wan permanently cared nt an KpciiHC of a very few dollars. 1 would advise every rnun who IB Hiiffcr- IK from Hexualvfaknens or disease to rite ut once to MA , WOOD & CO , iiiuifactiirlnK Clicinlstfl , 13 Prescott HI , iOWell , MfiDH. , for u ropy of their book ntllli'd "A 1'rnctlral Tieatlse on Sexual 'rnlincBs , Drain und Nerve * ICxbiumtlou" A'lilch they will mall to you. sealed , frro t charge ) , It will tell you how to cure Diirntlf privately at honin at a Hinall ox- 01180. nnd will HUVO you from being hl > ed by quarks and swlndlerx. nijv. C-IIAUUB : v. DOWNING , 1 the Jledlcal Investigator and Advlber. Aiiliciilliuriili'lif , One aero lot for u.ile in good location , * 700. 700.Bottom Bottom farm of 100 acres for sole at $30 per acre , ten and one-half miles from Council hltiflu. on line of Illinois Central 11 , It , , one mlle from proponed station , Wo have vcral houses for rent In desirable locations ; also two Etables , Largo ll t of cheap lands In NebrneUa. for Biilc , $2 and upwards. Two small fruit farms for sale at a low price. Now U the tlmo to Invest In u i.omo If you want onu. Heal estate values are low , but are picking up with increased sales. Wo have a number of Bmull residence properties tlutt can lift bought at low mlces , List your prop erty for sale with us. Remember that ws are making loans and writing lire Insurance at us low a rate an any onr else , and we would be pleased to be fuvorc-i with a share of your buslnee * . i.ouai3n & I-OUQEE , No. 102 South Main Htrcet. " Ccuncll Bluffs. Iowa. The science of osteopathy was discovered by Dr. A. T Still of Klrksvllle , Mo. Dr. Still reasoned that a natural How of blood Is doaltb , and disease is the effect of local or general dlstuibunco of the blood ; that to cxclto nerves causes muscles to contract nnd , compress venous How of blood -to the heart , j and the bones could bo used as lovers to relieve pressure on nerves , veins and ar teries. A Blight strain or a sudden Jolting may easily cause a displacement of hone , mu&cio , tendon or organ , and a consequent preasuro on the nerves , thus breaking the nerve wave between the brain and iho part Injured , and wo then may have as a result any of the numerous ailments canned from lack of nerve supply to parts. Seldom Is there a permanent cure until the machinery Is righted. Hence uo treat headache ( all kinds ) , weak oycfl , catarrh , hay fever , on- largcd tonsils , goiter , asthma , bronchitis , deafness , irregularities of the heart , neu ralgia or rheumatism ( of any part ) , spinal curvature ( all kinds ) , dislocation ot joints , all kind of stomach , liver , kidney , bowel and spleen troubles , bladder and urcthral troubles , uterine , female Irregularities , ai painful , suppressed or excessive menstrua tion , leucorrhoea , milk leg , etc. TESTIMONIAL. "I have been an Invalid for ten ycnrsi have been to one of the best lioupltala In Chicago and ono In Iowa and have been treated by some of the best doctors In both states for Ifldney and bladder trouble , but did not get any better , BO as u last hope I thought I would try osteopathy. Dr. M. W , Ualloy gave mo ono month's treatment and I am feeling better in every way ; have gained In llcsli , can sleep better and feel that I have been benoIHcd by osteopathy treatment , MK.S' , A.VVA noxim. Alliln , MonroeCount - Countloiru. . WIfe of Sheriff John Donor , OlLEY , of ( .inifrlcna School , IfIrUHVlllr , .Mo. Kooms aon , 30 Sapp Block , ' Council Bluffs , Iowa. Call or write for further Information. THE NEUMAYER JACOH NI2UAIA YliK , P OP. otor line Uapou. uBency for - - . n , . - - ; . l uuls nectlon. A. c. liter. bar In co . Guarantee Hog Cholera Cure and Preventive. Bold under un ubsoluto guarantee. Try it and save your hogs , Atents wanted everywhere. Write us. Guarantee Hog Cholera Cure Co. COUNCIL. BL1JWS. IA.