THE OMATIA DAILY 15EE : SUNDA 5 , 1800 , MAKING THE MOST OF TIME Local Societj Now SoU a Record-Breaking Foes , BELLES AND BEAUX ARE KEPT ON THE MOVE Drllltiitil l ru < M Pollmv Onr > Aimtlicr In llniilil Sncai'fliiUiii Jtini llc- fnro tlin OuniliiK < ) ' "ie Lpiitcn Brilliant ovenls have followed each other In rapid succession ( luring tlic last six days anil It would seem ns If everyone Is de termined to crowd In as many gay affairs as potilblo during ttio one short week thnt yet rcmnlne before the sad and folcnm season o ( Lent will call a Imlt , ' and a deadly quiet nnd depressing dullness will reign supreme over the gay world , and the happy face ; ) of soslcty's devotees will wear a sweet though sad expression. The numerous fcn- llvltlcs and brllllnnt gatherings ot those1 last two pro-Lenten wtclts will makes thu contrast all tlia greater , hut they will also bo food for pleasant memories and reflec tions , and BO cheer one and all the members of Omaha eoclety through tlio sad , long days to come. A good many ot the younger set will bo busy during the coining week selecting ap propriate valentines In honor of their fnvor- Itc Mint's day and prnctlclnfi mysterious nnd disguised callgraphy In order to com pletely deceive the fortunate or tin fortunate ) recipients thereof. Everybody has been really altogether too busy to be Indisposed even ever so sllghlly , and Indeed the drcnded and unwelcome Intruder In many homes ihas at leiglh | discovered that he Is entirely dctroji , nml so his name grip- la becoming a thing of the dead past. Even the unbending severity nnd Icy front ex hibited by the clerk of the weather have been utterly disregarded by the- swell set , and he , himself , lias met with a far severer frost than , ho bus been able to inflict upon society's loyal In-splto-of-all-weather devo tees. The most nolablo events of the many swell affairs which have occurred during the last six days were the- elaborate and exquisitely appointed luncheon given by Sirs. Hat-bach In honor ot Mrs. Benjnmln F. Smith , and the elegant nnd perfectly de vised whist luncheon given by Mrs. Fred erick Davis , the card party given by Mesdames - dames K. IM. and W. "W. Morsman , Sirs. Coutant's kcnslngton luncheon and the de lightful dancing party given by Mrs. C. W. Hamilton In honor of herdaughter. . Judging by the many entertainments nvblsh appear on. the social calendar for the coming six days this 'week will be na Im portant and enjoyable a , one In tbo annals of Omaha society as its Immediate prede cessor. It really is most thoughtful and considerate ot the tactful hostesses and tal ented promoters of brilliant affairs to afford so many chances to the- sweet young debu tantes of 'the fast-fleeting season , and In deed to oil who are In the front rank ot Omaha's social world , to air their ravishing toilets as many more times as possible be fore the black veil is drawn , and they must all , al.ia ! retire from -tho gay world for a brief season and become reconciled to the depressing gloom which will hang like a. heavy mantle over all. A few of the coming generation of deb utantes were entertained the other after noon by one of their number at a pig party. Each was furnished with a. generous supply ot chewing gum which was rapidly reduced to a plastic etntej by the usual process of Jaw working. Each guest was required to mold tbo gum Into the form of a pig by the lisa of lingers only and plaster the effigy upon a. piece of cardboard. The producer of the prize porker drew na a reward a me tallic pig which emitted from Its stomach a tape measure wound by n twist ot the tall whllo the body took the shape of n papier mncho porcine. The game bristled with fun nnd the affair was pronounced a squealing success * . MorrlH-Ilriuly. Ono of the prettiest weddings of the sea son was that of Miss Alice A. Brady of this city to Mr. Francis Joseph Morris of Choy- onnc.Vyo. . , wlilah took place at the. Church of the Sacred Heart ou Wednesday morn- Ing. The bride was very becomingly gowned In cream satin with pearl trim mings. Her veil -was artistically draped and held In Its place by tiny white rosebuds , She carried a bouquet of exquisite bride's rosos. The Tirldesmald , Miss Susie llrady , sister of the bride , looked extremely pretty In pink nml carried bridesmaid roses. The bridal party wns ushered to the altar to the strains of the "Wedding March , " from Lohengrin , by Messrs , D. K. Murphy nnd C. J , Ma.honey. Closely following In the order named came the groom , Mr. Joseph Morris , nnd his best hiaji , Jlr. Dan F. Lee , the bridesmaid , Mies Susie Brady and finally the bride , leaning on the arm of her father , Mr. Philip F. Draxly. The Imposing ceremony of the Catholic church wa per formed by Rov. Father Judge. A nuptial nasa was celebrated , at which the numerous friends of the bride * attended , attesting to the popularity and esteem In which she is held. During mass Sir. W. II. Moran ren dered Wlcgand's " 0 , SalutnrU , " and MUs Koso A. llrady , another sister of the bride , and Mr. J. V. Drcnnnn sang "Holy Mother , Guide Their Footsteps , " In"a most Impres sive manner , -while Miss Mnrfiaret Cannon presided at iho organ. After an elaborate weJdlng breakfast had been served at the homo of tl > a bride's parents Mr. and Mrs. Morilu left for Uhotr future homo at Chey enne , where 'they will bo at homo to their many friends after March 1. rn the Soi-lal Mm. McCord will cntcrtalu at luncheon on Tuesday. MUs Jesslo Mlllnrd will entertain at lunch- ooii on Tuesday. Mrs. Henry W , Yntrs will entertain at n euchcr jurty on Tuesday , Mrs. George- . Kdily will entertain the 0. A. It , club fii Tuesday. The Century Cord club will bo entertained by Mrs. L. A , Welch on Wednesday. The Forest Hill Card club will meet with Mrs. H. Hoth on St , Valentine's day , Mrs. Darker will entertain at dinner or Tuesday. The guest of honor will bo Mlas Yatcs. Mrs. Potter will entertain at luncheon to morrow. During the afternoon cards will bo Indulged In. Tbo military hop of Company Z. Hlgl School Cadets , will be held at Morand'a ball on Saturday evening. On Thursday Mr , and Mrs. George Morcci will entertain ot a dinner dance at the resi dence of Dr , Qeorgo Mercer , Mrs. Noyca and Mrs , Olinstcd will liolc n reception between the hours of 3 and 0 or Wednesday at the residence of the former. Mra. Topploton has Issued Invitations < c a mutlcule to take place at her mildencb 2232 Sherman avenue , on Tuesday next a S o'clock. The concert will be In aid ot Trinity Cathedra' , Jlcfreshmcnts will bo served at 10 o'clock. The lol cotillon of the e ison will occur on St. Valentine's < lay. It will IKS led by Miss Mno Hamilton nnd Mr , John Pntrlcli. Onrds are out for a reception to bo glvon nhls week by Mrs. Alvln Bounders and Mrs. Kuopoll B. Harrison at the Saundera resi dence. The next meeting ot the Women's "Whist club will he held nt the homeot Mra , Jamca A , Tnggart , 604 North Twenty-third street , on Tuesday. The Wednesday Luncheon club will be en tertained by Mrs. Grossman nnd Mrs. Wil liams At the homo of the latter on Thurs day , February 16 , A guessing content entitled "High Art" will bo held In St , Matthias' parish room on Thursday evening , Oysters In every style will be served during the- evening , lIii < i > rtnlriiiicnlH ( if < lie Mrs. II. S , Hall entertained u few frelnds at luncheon on Thursday. Mrs. George Kelly Black cnterl.nlncd charmingly at cards yesterday afternoon. Miss Peek nave n bos party nt IloydVi ycsticrday In honor of her guest , Miss Scl- lars. lars.Mis. Mis. Wessells entertained at cards In her usual charming manner yesterday aftor- non , Mrs. Harry McCormlck entertained Mesdames - dames Joseph Barker , Nelson Patrick nnd John I. Rodlclc at dinner on Thursday. Mrs. Henry W. Votes entertained at din ner on Tuesday evening for the members of the Whist club. Covers were laid for six. Mr. Aaron Calm entertained nt a very enjoyable card party on Wednesday after noon. The guest of honor was Mrs. Albert Calm. Dr. and Mrs. J3. W , Leo entertained at dinner on Wednesday evening. The table was profusely decorated wl'.h bridesmaid roses. Mrs. M. T. nnrlow entertained a few of her friends Informally at n card party mi Tuesday. The game played was six-handed euchre. Mr. nnd Mrs. Edward Johnson entertained the Monday Nlht Card club , formerly known ns tbo Nameless Card club , .Monday evening. Mcsdamea McCoy , Denney , llobblns , Om- sted nnd Noyes were entertained by Mrs. William Burgess at a box party yesterday nt Boyd's. Miss Eva Manchester entertained at din ner on Thursday evening In honor cf Mr. nnd Mrs. James n. Dowar. Covers were laid far eight. The S. Z. D. club wns entertained by Miss Katlo Jlcclan at her homo on Monday t-ven- ing. A most enpoyablo evening was ffrcot bv all piescnt. Mrs. Benjamin F. Smith entertained at luncheon yesterday , In honor of Mrs. E. Wakeley , In Mrs. Clifford Smith's ' apart ment at the Normandie. The members cf the "I. D. " club gavea most onjoynblo dance at Morand's hnll on Thursday evening. About forty couples were present and cxecllorft music was fur nished. The- members of the"L. . " \V. \ 3. " club turned out In full force. Music , games and dancing formed the pro gram arranged for the entertainment ot the young friends of Harry Milestone , who were entertained at his home on Thursday evening la honor of his birthday. Refreshments served to the merry pany at a late hour. Mrs , E. V. Lewis entertained at cards on Thurbday afternoon , The guest of honor was Mrs. Chase. The color scheme of pink wns carried out to perfec'.IcH In every detail , pink flowers and candles alone being used. Six tables wore formed and a delight ful afternoon was spent by all present. Mosdnmes Traynor and Dospecher enter tained the Wisteria club In a ( 'harming manner last Wednesday aftcnvcou. Seven games of whist were played , after which re freshments were served Mesdaraes Mul- qucea and Despechcr won first prhes and Mesdnmes Farrell and Taylor second. The XXIV P. D. club was entertained on Tuesday by Mrs , Kesslcr and Mrs , Van Buren at the home ot the latter. An elab orate luncheon was served at various small tables , which were prettily decorated with red caruatlons. The prizes were captured by Mesdames Charles Ross and Harry Wcl- lor. lor.Mrs. Mrs. Harbach entertained at a very elab orate progressive luncheon on Monday , the guest of honor being Mrs. Benjamin F. Smith. After each course the gucsis pro gressed to another of the tables at which the delicious repast was served. Each table was exquisitely decorated with roses of varying hue and shaded lights shed a noft , becoming glow upon the beautiful scene. Mrs. E. M. Morsman and Mrs.V. \ . W. Mursman were ihe hostesses at ono of the most delightful events of the week. The house was beautifully decorated with routs and violets and delicious refreshments were served during the afternoon. , Thc sixty guests present entered with great spirit. Into the game "of six-handed euchre , far skill In which unusually handsome prizes were awarded. Mrs. Coutanit entertained nt a most de lightful Kensington luncheon on Friday itft- emoon. The handsome parlors were well filled with handsomely gowned women. The color scheme In the dining room , which vias pink , was carried out to perfection , every thing harmonizing perfectly with the ex quisite roses , which lllied the handsome , tall vases. The afternoon was pleaam'.ly spent with needlework nnd cords , The Forest Hill Card club was entertained on Wednesday by Mrs. George Holditge. 'J'hc pttrlors were artistically decorated A-llh beautiful red carnations. Five tables were tilled with lovers of the Intricate game of Gorman whist and subsequently the guests devoted their energies to Mexican whist nmld much merriment. The prizes were won by Mrs. Drexcl , Mrs. Bruce , Mrs , Corn ish and Miss Lentz , who Is the guest ot Mrs , Bruce. Mr. and Mrs. I , Kaufman gave n delight ful dancing party on Wednesday evening In honor ot their guest , Miss Mabel Kilns. The decorations , which consisted of roses , Etnllax. ferns and palms , were extreme/ ) ! beautiful , Excellent music was provided iby nn orchestra stationed In the hall end during the evening the daintiest refresh ments wore served. Mrs. Kaufman were a handsome gown of black silk nnd cnrrlsd roses and Miss Ellas , who Is axtremely prutty , was daintily gowned In white net over white silk. Mrs. Frederick Davis entertained nt a large nndery elaborate wnlst luncheon on Wednesday. The repast was served in four dainty courses to the numerous guests , who were seated around a handsome mahogany table. The centerpiece , which conslnti'd of exquisite ml roses , was beautiful bnycn > l description and nil Uho appowtirfints at thla function wore perfect. The library wns pro fusely anil artistically decorate 1 In while and yellow , beautiful Jonquils being lavishly disposed about the bandsomo room. The Wednesday Luncheon club was enter tained very charmingly .by . Mesdames J , II. Duller and Thomas F , Godfrey at the home of the Jattor on Wednesday. The guests were seated at several small tables nnd the repawt , which was1 a very delicious ono , wns served In several dainty courses , Subse quently six tables were surrounded by spirited high five players , t the most suc cessful of whom four handsome prizes , con sisting of elegant plates , were awarded , The flret were secured by Mcsdamcu J , S. Knox nnd Goodrich and the second by Mesdames Cockrcll * and Henry Whiting , The score cards , which consisted of JapaiuM-J uoveltlcs , were unusually pretty , Thursday afternoon Mrs. J. W. West en tertained thirty of her friends at n kcnslnK- ton. La grippe , vaccinated arms and cold wcatner detained others from attending , The smaller attendance , however , mndo It possible to nerve refreshments at tables handsomely decorated with roses and carna tions. The me-nUl activities of the guest were exercised 'through ' A scries of ( juisattous , tbo answering of which suggested the name ot BOUIO prominent author , as , for Instance , "A worker In precious metals" wns Gold smith , of course , ami so on through a list FS0WDEEI Makes the food more delicious and wholesome . . OYAl WKWl POWDm CO. , NCW VOKK. of rlRhtom qucatlon * , vhlch wore required to bo answered In twenty minutes. Mm. McMullcn proved herself possessed of She R 1frtt ( ' thinker" nnd v.-ns rewarded with : i portr< of I ongfellow , wMlo Mrs. Oscar Williams took oecond pl.tco and drew "The Hanglne of Uic- Crane , " baautliully Illus trated nnd bound In wlilto nnd gold , Mrs , Edwarda ilcllfjbtctl the guests with a solo. Mrs. Bryson and Mrs. Uloncliivrd enter- talne < t at cards on the afternoons of Wednes day nnd Thursday of last week. The gnmo played on thesa occasions ) was high five. The decorations were extremely beautiful , pink nnd white camitlon * nnd snillax being used In great profual'jTi , ixnd dcllcbus re- froshmcnts were served during the afternoon , ot each day , Thrco bcaullful prizes , con- elstlng of tvio exaulslto hand-painted plates nnd a liandsomo vase , were offered on cncU dny. The prizes on Wednesday uftcrrtoon \vorc Wc by Mwdamcs Fisher and Van- court nnd Miss Uubal , xvhllo on Thursday MGBilnrnra MeVIckcr and Mnnchcster car ried homo their beautiful trophies In tri umph. Culture club No. 3 , a social and mutual improvement club , which meets every two wc-eks at the residence of Judge Slabaugh , held Its second meeting last Thursday night. The club la conducted by Mrs. Conner , a lady of tnuch ability ns on clocutlonlsit and teacher of Delsartc. Who came hero recently from Buffalo , N. Y. The club has adopted n constitution and by-laws and hns elected the following officers : President , Judge Slabniifih ! secretary , Mrs. Southmoyd ; critic , Hev. Mr. Butt ; director , Mra. Con ner. By the constitution the membership li limited to twenty-five and the club has already that number of members , Much in terest Is manifested in the Instruction of Mrs. Conner. Mr. nud Mra Henry Honnef entertained most charmingly on Wednesday nt their : homo on Twenty-seventh nnd Cumlng 1 street In honor of the birthday > : f the lat ter. The house , which uns been entirely redecorated , lookill ucaulflPiil and the unnflous and handsome rooms were filled with the numerous friends , who were ono and all anxious to convey their hearty con- 1 gratulatlons to tbo popular hostess and to express their warm admiration of the many improvements and beautiful ana artistically nrranpjsd Interior ot Mr. nnd Mrs. Honnof's now home. Mrs. Honnef was the- recipient of many handsome gifts and Is now the proud possessor of an excellent new Somuier pianoforte , manufactured In the city , Filch 1 wns her 'husband's birthday gift to her. Cards and games were Indulged In and n most elaborate supper was served at the close of the evening. Among those present were Messrs. and Mesdames T. Sullivan , Sommcrs , Kuhl and Holtz. One of the moat enjoyablennd no/cl af- falr.i of the week was the icceptlon given by the Misses Gentleman at their homo Wednesday evening. The guests were each anti all arrayed ns rcprcsenUtlves of. the colored aristocracy. Mr. joe Spslman , ar rayed as "Aunt Ltzoli , " received at the dcor , to the great amusement of all present. The South Side Glee Club quartet con tributed greatly to the evening's enjoyment by their rendering of several numbers and Mr. W. A. Miller entertained the guests with selections on the banjo. The climax of the evening's fun was icached when "Aunt LUoh" started to rag. A pie-eating con test was Indulged In , the contestants being Miss Sarah McFarlnne and Mr. P. B. Mur ray , the prize being von by the former. The feature of the evening was the cakewalk - walk performed by Miss Gentleman and Mr. Spelnun , In which 1hcy Introduced many original steps. Deliclcus refreshments were nerved , at the closeof the evening , ntier whlc'n the guests departed , bearing away pleasant memories of the evening's enter tainment. Mesdames Robert Purvis and Irving Bax ter were the hostesses at a most brilliant reception , on last Saturday afternoon , given nt the residence of the former. During the receiving hours , from 2 to 5 , the spacious parlors were well filled with guests. The ( lornl decorations , consisting of exquisite roses , carnations and smllnx , were ex tremely beautiful and pink candles shed a sift light on ths animated scene. The- Mlsao Grace Garner and Carolju Purvis , who presided over the punch bowl , were moat becomingly gowned , ITio former wearIng - Ing a dainty 'red ' organdie , whllo the latter was nttlred in nn exquisite gown of blue Bilk. Mrs. Purvis wore a most becoming toilet , consisting of a Jupo of black satin , with corsage of delicate blue- . Mrs , Baxter was charmingly gowned In black net , with garniture cf ptak chiffon. Assisting the 1 hostesses were Mesdames Crunimer and Catiy , while Mrs. J. E. Baum poured coffee . nnd Mra. Harry Knott poured tea. The j Misses Lydla Tukcy , Grace Allen nnd Amy Barker also assisted throughout the after noon. The women and their husbands were tmbscquently entertained at dinner by Mrs. Purvis. Mcsdamce Dwight L. Holmes and Hiram Hall gave a'reception at the residence ot Mrs. Holmea , Twenty-fourth and D streets , on Wednesday afternoon between the hours of 2 nnd C , which wns characterized by Its cordiality and elegance. Nearly "JO invita tions liad been Issued , and what an out pouring of noble pioneer women going to pay their respects to pioneer women there was ! The rooms were handsomely decorated , pliik being ithe prevailing color from the candles to itho dainty bonbons. The hostesses were assisted la receU tag by Mrs. Ell Doud of lloono , la. Frnppo was served in tbo dining ! room by Ines A. O. Brahurd , assisted by ' the Missee Julia Allen and Hattie Whlttle- eey. A delightful musical program was rendered by the Misses Edna Van Arnam and Cora Hunt. Luncheon was served on thu second floor by Mesdames T. C. Whltlescy , II , II. Ames , J. C. Carley and F. Houseman , assisted by the Misses Hattie Smith anfl Cora Holmes. Here an unseen orchestra added Its quota to on exceedingly enjoyable entertain ment. Mrs. Ilolineti received In a gown of peach and black silk , which hecaino her ex tremely well , and Mrs. Hall was eurpnss- Inply fair in a toilette of gray and white , The dance given by Mrs. C. AV. Hamilton on Thursday evening In honor of her daughter wna ono of the most brilliant events of the season. The numerous guests filled all of the spacious parlors on the flrst floor. The entire house wns most tastefully dccorufcJ and beautifully arranged , cosy corners and alttlng out nooks being very plentiful. The library wna entirely transformed Into a Turkish boudoir and upstairs a coay mnoklng room had been arranged for the delight and relaxation of the stern sex. The decora tions were unusually beautiful , pink roses , . stnlUx , ferns and palms abounding in pio- fuslon nnd forming a pretty background to ! 'lh ' festive- scene , Excellent music Inspired the dancers to their best efforts. A delicious eupppr was served In the dining room. Mrs. Hamilton wns assisted In receiving by Miss Mno Hamilton and her guest. Miss Scllara , Mrs. Hamilton were a most becoming gown of black with tiirquols ? trimmings. Mica Mao Hamilton looked beautiful In a gown ot pink silk , shot with tillver , and Miss Sellnrs was also gowned hi pink with garniture m accordion pleated chiffon with numerous pearl orramcnts , and looked extremely well , SOIUD of the moat noticeable toilette's were thoix worn by Miss Moore , who looked ux- riulslto In a dainty gown of white fitlk Mllh liberty ellk ruchlugs. Mies AVos.selld , who was bewitching In a gown of white not , and Mies Cowln , who was attired in whWo mousselliie do sole , looked extremely handsome. Ml a Hlgglnson were blue which became her to perfection nnd Miss Hamilton looked swcot in her govui of black and white. It was an occasion on which all the belles looked their very best , MovnionlN of SoclHy FtilU. Mre. J. J. Dickey Is visiting in Chicago. Mrs. F. S. Newman haa returned from the east. MUs Swensberg loft for a visit 1n Chicago on Tuesday. Capatln Palmer will return from Washing ton on Monday. * Mr. and Mrs. Morris Levy have returned from Now Yoik. Mrs. C. W. Hamilton is entertaining MUs Scllara of Chicago , General Stanton la now convalescent aftei an attack of pneumonia. Mra. F , J , Beaten has gone 1o Join her husband at Hot Springs , Ark. Miss Jessamine Houston Is vlftltlng Mrs. George S , Gould at Bellwood , Neb. Mp , and Mrs. Lovlson are entertaining Mr. and Mra. Monhelt of Clmriton , la. Mrs. K , II , Spraguu has returned homo after a two weeks' visit In Chicago. Mr. and Mrs , W. \ \ ' . Fisher of Leaven- worth Direct Ic-ive for Chicago tonight. Mrs. J. W. Van Nostrnnd has been ccn- flnod to her bed by sickness for several days. days.Mr. . nnd Mrs. Thomas n. Klmball arrived homo last week after a four months' trip through Europe. Mr. and Mn. Himnl ! spent two weeks in Boston and Nuw Yoik nd the ronunlmlcr ot tlio time In England , ' Germany , Frnnce , Holland and lUly. i Ml CUr.i Palmer , who ii now sliulvlnR music In Parts , Is to sing At l > ebullo'a nuxt recital. Mr. nnd Mrs. Arthur Crltlfnden Smith liavo returned from their trip lo Boston and New York. Mra. 0. C Holme * went to Burlington , In. , on Mondny for a. month's visit with rela tives nnd friends. MlR9 Edith Mnclionzlo will leave for the south the first of the week for a mouth's visit with relatives. i Mrs. C , Q. Crlltcmlen loft for Buffalo on Snturdny , In responseto a telegram nil- nounolng the elcnth of her nun't. Miss Gertrude HlnRwalt left on Wednesday for n visit In Detroit end -the at , whither ehe bus goneIn search of lienlth , Mr. Charles T. Kounlze , who has beeti con fined to his house for > ino dajs by Minces , has recovered from his Indisposition. Mr. nnd Mrs. J. A , Kuhn Jiavo moved from their -former residence In the iwrth punt of the city to the Normandlu Hats at Park nvenuo anil Pacific street. Mrs. J , C. Cornwell nnd children of 2701 Howard street arc In Ashland. Neb , , where tlwy have gone to nttond the funeral of Mra. Oarnw ell's ' father , Mr. G. W. Gil- POU , Miss Jctssla Dickinson 'lias gone to Cubn and Porto Hlco , where BUO expects to re main for several moroUia , hoping thnt the chaugo of climate may bo beneficial to her health. General Mandereon and Senator Thurston were both guests at the annual dinner of the Gridiron club , on which occasion Chaun- cey M. Dcpew was Initiated amid much merriment , Rev. Newton JL Mnnn returned , on Monday from a trip > to Lawrence , Kan. , where , on Thursday evening ho preached the Bcrmon at the Installation of Dr. P. Cone , Into president of Buchtel colktfe , Mrs. J. R. Campbell ol South Twenty- ninth street returned on Thursday from I Fnyotte , Mo. , where she Jiad beeti for the I last three woolts , being called there by the- sorlous Illness of her sister , Mrs. Brooks , Out lit TllWtt Miss Scllaro of Chicago is the guest ot Mrs. C. W. Hamilton. Mr. Guy C. Short of Wcntherford , Tex. , Is in town , visiting his mother , who is 111. Mrs. O. N. Carter of Denver Is the- guest of Mra. Charles Curncr of 3310 Fartiatn street. Mr , ami Mrs. Monhelt , wno arc now lo cated ot Charlton , la. , were the guests last week of Mr. nnd Mrs. Levlscu. Miss O'Brien , who has been the guest ot Dean ntid Mrs. Fair nnd Miss Swensberg , left for her homo In Grand Rapids on Mon dny. BltOiop Rowe of Alaska and Bishop Vin cent of southern Ohio have been the guests of Bishop Worthlngton during the < last week. Mr. nnd Mre. Max H. Alexnndor of Cln- clnnntl tire here to attend the wedding oC their sister , Mies Adler , to Mr. Max A. Relchenberg. Rabbi Wllllnm Roscnau ot Baltimore Is In town to officiate nt the Relchtnberg-Adler wedding , which will occur on Wednesday , February 8. KN Itllll RllKIIKIMIKMltH , The marrlago of Miss Lavlnla Browne to Mr. William Stephn Reynolds will take place on Thursday , February 1) ) . Mr. Leo S. Estello ot thUs city and Miss Chrlsly Booucscull of Pine Bluffs , Ark , , \\evo united In innrrlagc- Monday la&t. The marrlago of Mr. Max Relchenberg to Isabel Adler , daughter of Mr. and Mra. Ferdlnaud Adler , Is announced for Wednes day , February 8. A quiet little wedding occurred Saturday at 2 o'clock p. m. at the residence of the bride , 2045 Dodge. The contracting parties were Mr. Harry G. Unvezagt of St. Louis and Miss Sablna Hoyn of this city. Mr. nnd Mrs. Unvezagt left on the cvenliiE train for St. Louis and other cities. They will return In about four weeks. Mr. Carl G. H. ICastmnn and Miss Beda 0. Nllsson were married on Saturday , Jan- unry 28 , at the- residence of the bride , 1014 South Klovcnth street. The wedding wns n very quiet cue , only Immediate Te-lntlves of i the contracting .parties being present. The ! affair was a surprise to the many friends of ' both bride and groom. Mr. and Mrs. Kast- mnn will be at homo after March L at 1715 South Tenth street. OMAHA summits. Florence. Dr. Tracey visited with friends In Omaha Friday. J. B. Young of Crescent , la. , was a visitor in town Friday nnd Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. M. B. Potter went to Omaha Saturday un a business rtip. W. C. Harris wns a business vllstor to Blair Wednesday. Ho has an Interest In the Clover Leaf dairy at 'that ' place. The recent cold weather has enabled the Ice companies to cut their third crop from the reservoirs and store it in their houses here. here.Mrs. Mrs. B. F. Reynolds went to Lincoln Wednesday ns the guest of Mrs. R. H. Olin- eitcd of Omaha , Mrs. Olmsiled nnd Mrs. Royn lclri returned home Saturday. M. B. Potter has purchased 'the ' property he now 'lives ' In on Fifth street from R. W. Cowan , Mr. Cowan Is selling all his prop erty here , .preparatory to going to Cnll- fornln. Miss Dttle , the 19-year-old daughter erf Mr. nnd Mrs. S. H. Raymond , died Sunday night. The funeral occurred Wednesday from the Episcopal church nnd interment was at Forest Lawn cemetery. Several of the members of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows cf this place accom panied a party of members fron ; South Omaha lodge to Springfield , Neb. , Rnturday evening , the South Omaha degree staff gains there to do BOIUCwork. . IfOIIHOII. P. returned last Thursday from St. Louis , where ho has beei the last month. Miss LottieA. . Smith of Plattsmouth was In Benson last week visiting with friends. The midwinter examinations were con ducted In nil -tho rooms of the schools last wcolc. Services will bo held nt the Methodist Kplscopnl church today at 10:4"i : ; Sunday school nt 12 in. Rev. Mr. Bross , pastor. A. 13 , NaffclRer , who has been vlnltliig with relatives In Bensoiv for some time , left' last Monday morning for Lexington , Neb. Neb.Thy Ladles' Aid society met at the homo of Mrs. Gravcrt Thursday afternoon of last week. It will mrot with Mrs , Samuel Flnlayson next Thursday , M13B Krlck of itho Deaconess1 home , of Oinnha talked to the congregation nt the Mpthodlst church last Sunday morning about the work done In the homo during the last yenr. The homo talent entertainment , "Re- becca's Triumph , " given under thenuBplces Icf the Ladles1 Aid society at the town hall , January 27 , was repeated last Friday night by special request , The IIOUEOwas well filled and a gooi sum wns realized from the i-ntortalnmente , which will go toward paying the expenses of the church. HYMENEAL. TlUirHKII-AlllllTNOII , Miss Hilda Anderson was married to Alexes 0. Thorson Wednesday evening In the Swedish Lutheran church , Rev. P. J. Sward performing the ceremony. Jllss Anderson la Hie daughter of J , A. Anderson , 3028 Cass street , and Mr. Thor- son'a homo Is Mead , Neb , Two hundred friends of the couple were present at the wedding In the church nnd at a rercptlon nnd banquet given at tlio homo of lh bride's parents. The wedding presents wnro nu merous nml handsome. The bridesmaids were MUs Jennie Ander son , Mh > 8 Amanda Quarnstrow and Miss Anna Peterson The groomsmen were Ed win Thorjon , E. Anderson , C. J. I3urg- qulst. Ethel Anderson and Anna Hanson were flower girls and Theodore Helgrcn and IllU'mcr Carl ion were ushers. Mr , nnd Mrs , Tliorson will leave for their now homo In Narma Valley , Colo. , Monday evening , liiirt'lu'M ItuiiuiliiM ( inliitf t < > Culm. NORFOLK. Va. . Feb. 4. The Washing ton Ht anuT which arrived here this after- T. P. CARTWRIGHT & CO. N. C. Cor. IGth and Douglas , Iast week vre hart a great rush hundreds nnd hundreds of winter shoos for mon , women and children were fitted and sold to the satisfied buyers. This week the excitement will Do greater than over , new lines being added na fast ns others are cleaned ont. Never in the history of Omnha has there boon such n price cutting and selling of real FINE SHOES There arc 250 odd pair of men's shoes In one lot odds and ends in women's shoes from one to ten pair of a kind some have in kid , French * calf , patent calf , enamel sold at $4.00 , some at $6.00 ; calf alt high grades that sold a- * * o just to make it interesting , Mon at $4 , $5 and $6 in one great 0 > J 4o day they go at big pile at only JL A man's box calf and wax calf shoe with A $3.50 kangaroo bal for women in the the heavy double sole and medium - new coin toes , has been a fast dium weight sole a shoe that seller at the regular price , cut sells at $3 and $4 , at . . - . down for Monday teA A fine tan calf kid lined man's shoe with A woman's regular $4 shoe in genuine the double sole and new Bsa- box calf , with box toe and the con toe ; big value at $4 ? to new coin tos only about 70 close them out quick , only. . . pair left Monday The J , & M. winter tans ; double sole to A genuine goodyear welt , coin tos , full kid the heel an easy seller at $6 , in four dif and fancy vesting top , kid tips the swell- ferent styles , the best shoe ever est shoe in the store ; we've made to close out the winter sold them all winter at $4,00 ; line , they go at now they go at ' a broken line of kangnroo Misses' School Shoes /jlovo / grain and grain 81.50 , .15 tfl.75 every dny vuluoMonti'y , Three different lines of misses shoes in kid A misses' fine dress shoe in patent leather calf and colt skin , dime toes that have broken sizes , but if your size been good values at $2,50 is here you get a regular $3.00 now broken sizes , rushing them shoe for out at ' A , misses' welt coin toe shoe fit Children's genuine box calf shoes , our reg $2,50 a ular $2.25 lines , the most for a queen ask for it when -ti / e satisfactory shoe we ever you come in the store 35 | O t > sold only We don't know how long this sale will last just long enough to close out these odd pairs and lines if you come early in the morning you will be sure of getting just what you want Monday is the fifth dav. < | > Attracts Many Customers. because the garments are the best and the price the lowest Cloth Coats $2.50 , $4 , $5 , $6 , $7.50 and $10. that you would expect to pay twice as much i'or. i'or.Astrakhan Astrakhan Fur Cloaks $20 , THESE ARE BARGAINS Mink capes , Seal Skin capes , Otter capes. Beaver capes , Marten capes , Astrakhan capes. § 6.75 , $10 , $12.50 , § 15 and SIS ; some have been more than double these prices. Petticoats 95c , § 1.50 and § 1.95. FRESH BARGAINS EVERY DAY. Douglas .CIOAK&SUITCO. . Street. iCLOAK&SUITCa ' We have these in lots 5c , 7c , SOc , I2c , S5c. 25c and 75 new styles of Veilings just in from 15c to $1.00 yard. Come in and see them. noon seine nlno hours lole , having been dp- Halnod in 'tho ' Potomac river by fog , liad aboard the remains of 1ho late ( Jeueral Garcia or .tlio Cuban army , \\Iileh were trans ferred to the gunboat Nashville , aboard which they are to bo taken to Cuba. CASE IS NOTJTET DECIDED .III duo Kc-Nor Not Vft ItifllmMl < < > 1'nt DlHUliurKt'iI INtllriMiifii IliK'U nil the l'i > > - Moll. Judge Kcysor annc-uncc-d at the close of the Uireo police mandamus cases yesterday afternoon , which had been liroufilit to com pel the Board of Flro and Police Commis sioners to relnsta-to Patrolmen Will White , NIchoMs DargazawBld and S , L. Morris , that ho was disposed to niako an order for ithe rcln tatmeat of the men , but would not Illioto decide Off hand as to the question of their compcneatlon for -the time < they liad been off 'the force , Smallpox In Krn iirUy , LEXINGTON , Ky. , Feb.I. . News comes from Nlcholasvlllo , Jcssamlno county , that there are now twenty suspects of smallpox at tbo pest farm. Ten more were sent out today. Smallpox was brought to Nicholas- vllle by a negro fugitive from Justice from Oovlngton. I'lillmiiiix AVIII Stuy Out , CHICAGO , Feb.I. . Thomas H. Wlckta , vice president of the J'ullman Car company , when asked today regarding the proposed amalgamation of all the car building rom- pan 11-3 iu the country , laid "that the Pull man company has hod no nefroUatlons with any other company looking toward .inch ft combination , .Mr. Wlclcea declared thnt it such a combination wns formed Ills com pany would nut enter It. _ COL , JAMES 8EXTON ls DEAD Commander of ( irnnd Arm > - of ( litIto - jiulillu DlrH from Iti'lni" " ' < > ' < irli | lit Wi WASHINGTON , Keb. D. Colonel -antes Sexton , coinmandcr-ln-clilef of the Grand Army of the Republic , died at .1.15 this mornIng - Ing at GarlleM hospital In Ilila city , Colonel Sexton had partially recovered from the grip. Ho had gotten a relapse from leaving the house too teen , ( 'did VVfiitlu-r in .MUxourl. MARYVILLH. Mo. , Feb. 4. ( Special. ) Figures given by Mr , J. n , Drink of the government weather bureau of northwest Missouri show that Maryvlllo has Buffered as severe cold during the ! at : > t four months as any 'Other place uo farther south In the United States and has been almost a utorm coaler The flret snowfall of the winter In this part of the state occurred October 17. Since that tlrno the ground has been clear of enow only twlco and there have been seventeen snowfalls , an aggregate of thlrty-flvo Inches. Kvery day during the last nine days iho mercury liua gone below zero. During .this time -the highest registered was 20 degrees above and on Iho night of January 29 the lowest point registered was 17 below. A IK' all others who use medicinal or toilet. preparations of foreign make * will find our ftoclc of such gooda SURPRISINGLY COM PLETE. Wo do not attempt to enumerate hero the ililTcrent lines of perfumes tind toilet preparations , but confine ourselves totlho odd articled for which , people are wont to send direct ito New York , thinking they ctinnot 1 > e obtained here. "Wo obtain our goods DIKEQT FORM THE IMPOR TERS , and thus cnn guarantee freshness ami genuineness. Aplollne ChupotCiiut , $1.00. Aubergler's I'asto of Liictucniiinn , 50c. Auberglcr's Syrup oC Lactuciiriiim , $1.00. Blair's Gout and lUicumatlc Pills , 50c and Jl.OO. Blanclmrd's Pllla of Iodide of Iron , EOc. Eotot's ICnti Dentlfilce , 75e. Bouilault'H Pepsuie Powder , $ I.W ) . Boyer'a linu de Mellsse dos Cannes. COO , Bnmil'H Wine , $1.00. Brou'H Injection. $1.00. Bully's Arnmutlu Vinegar , $1.00. Canae'H L.ilt Antephfllqiie , $1.00. Chapoltaut'B PhocoKlyccrato- Line Cap sules , 75c , nml powder. Chajiotcaut'si Strontium Uietuto , Jl.OO. Colelil-cal , for Gout and IlhciimatlHm , $1,00. Declnt's Preparations , 51.00 per bottle. Durro'H Alimentary Elixir , Eeckcluer's 141 Bnby Soap , 2ic calte. Espic's Anti-Asthmatic Cigarette , 73c. Fayard & BUyn's Antl-Uheumatlc Paper , 2oc roll , Frank's Grains do Saute , Me. Gamier-Lamoreuux Granules Protoldlde ol Jlercury. DOu ami $1.00. Gombniilt's Cmistlc lialmni , $1.50 bottle. Grlllon'B Tnmar Indlen , 7f > o. artmault & CO.'H Kou-oo Powder , $1.60. Orlmault & . CO.'H Injection. Jl.OO. Joy'B AKtlnna C'iKiircttPtt , English , $1.00. Lnrocho'fl Quinine , plain or ferruginous , 51.00 , Le Grand's Vlolpt Orlza Oil. 75c. Malhoy fu > luH' ( "ap-mles of Copalva , $1.00. Mldy'H Capsules Hantal. ? I.OO. nigollot'H Mustard LpavcH. S5c box , Simon's Cream , dOc , 7 > c , $1.00. Tnmnr Indlrn ( see Grlllon ) . Tnnrot'K Pelletlerlno , $3.00. Antl-StlfT , for the miisclps , 20o and 3oc. Cockle's Pills , aiitl-bllloU' " . 50 < ' . Do Sfinctls' fioiit Pllli1 , H ) < : and $1,00. Eno'H Krult Suit 1 Hollnwav'n Ointment , Bflo. Lloyd'H KilXPHls ( hv widow of A , H. L. ) Hra , Morrison's Pills , Nos , 1 or 2. Mulrciidy's llllloufj and Liver Pills , iCc. PnHtn Mnok , for bath nml toilet life , $1.00. Pi Ice's Glycerine. Me and COc. Roche's Herbal Embrocation. $2.00 a bottle. Taylor's Adhesive Plasters , 50c yard , Wl'lbon'H Half Tonlf. $1.2S. WrlKht's ' Liquid Carbonis Dotergnna , 50c. Rowland's MnciiK'ur OH. $1.09. WU1TI3 FOR CATALOGUE. Sliefman & McConnell Drug Co Manufacturing Chemists and Importers , 1513 DodKe St , , Omaha , Neb , Notice of Removal Arthur Delmore Cheney , Teacher of Voice Culture and Artistic Singing : Han removed hla studio ito Room 305 Boyd's ' Theater , THOIIOUQH FOUNDATION TO ALL HKCllNNJi < S , SPECIAL ATTRNTION OIVKN TO KNO- MSII OKATOUIO. All cxlhtlni ; ilL > I > tH of tlic O , K. BoodelJ Clunk Co. ( in the ilr i day of Kcbnmry , WJ3. ( imounlcU to Iho rum of I1.2U.75. O. K. BCOKIHUJ. President. O. K. ScnliMil. II , (5. Clarke. bcliiK u ma jority of the Hoard of Hlrecloni. .IIIIN. M\VMA.V nous TO I'liii.ii'i'iNHS Will liiHiiTl | IloMpllnlH l > y Order ot Unr Dfiiiirlnifiil. CHIOAQO , Kob. 4 , Mrs. Anglo V , Newman - man of Lincoln , Neb , , ono of tlio superin tendents of thu Nutlonal Woman's Chris tian Temperance union , sails ( his month from San Francisco for tlio I'hlllpplncH. She ucconijianltH ( ho Inspector general of tbo White Cross society , who goes by provision of ttio War department to Inspect boiplUU. She Btopa at Hawaii un route and will look up and aid In the Woman's Christian Tem perance union woik there. At Manila elm will visit the ciiinpu and hospitals of our soldiers and help them with luppllca and religious Instructions.