Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 05, 1899, Page 18, Image 18

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ifnlN for tltvuc colniitnn
! > ( ( alien mini 1U nil fur thu
c-renltiK rdlllou. nml until Sillll p. n > <
inr niiirnliic nml fininlnr
llnli ! J l-- < r -nonl Ilrit
Ita. . ivoril liet-eiif < fr. VntliliiK InUrii
ittr II-IH ( linn rtttr tin ; ilrMt Inner *
ilfin , Tlivnv mlvd-tlscinciitii nnixt lie
mil ciiii.ieRiKlvolj- ,
AtlvrrtlnerK , by reiniewllnw it luim-
lirred clicclf , euil liiivt * ann vrrn ml-
< lri < niHil li > n iiMiiilieri-d letl T In on reef
of The IleiAlisMrm nil iiilitrcMHeil
11 111 lie delivered on jircnpiitnlloil ol
tlia clionlc ( nil- ,
3 CAN run englii" , drive t'.im or clerk , no
rt .spPctnblp. r > o"itlon refused ; brat refer-
fuccs. JI 52 , Bte. A 340-7 *
A THOROUGHLY 'competent , up-to-date
flijinrlnl or office intinneer at llbf-rty
IMiin h 1st ; very best referencfs. Address
M C7 , Beo. A MtOJ 5
NKAT DanlKh-Amprlenn girl wants posi
tion , general housi.&jrk ; no washing ;
lilnco where good strvlco xvlll ho worth
JS.OO week. Fine cook , four yenrs last
] ilico , ; hlfiht'St references. Address N S ,
Bee. A-M47D G
W/VNTED , situation by experienced lady
HtcnOBrnpher. best references. .N 13 , Beo.
A-M501 11 *
A THOROnGlILY competent lady book
keeper and cashier desire * n Ilrst-clnss
position. X 12 , Bee. A 131 f.
WANTED , wo have stondy work for a few
good hustlers of good habits and appear
ance. C , F. Adams Co. , 1 10 Howard St.
TAILORS , attend Dyhr'&i cutting school ,
518 So. 13th St. B-22.1
WANTED , nil -who Intend to loam the
barber trade to correspond with uswo ;
have an eyo-opencr for you ; write for free
catalogue & particulars. St. Louis Barber
College of Oniahu , cor. Dodge R. 14th sts.
B-371 F9
WANTED , organizers for one of the best
fraternal orders In existence ; none but
> n tin who can produce result. ? nnd cun glvo
the bust of reference need apply. Address
L 20 , Bee. , B-M400 Fll *
SOLICITOR for mimeograph letter work In
olllco bldg. Add. L 42 , Bee. B M23I5
SOLICITORS for fraternal society ; better
contracts to agents than others can glvo.
L5C , BtC. 13 720 F10
BRIGHT , active men , used to good pay , to
sell line sets of hooks on Installment.V. .
A. Illxenhaugh & Co. , room H. Ware blk.
B M937-F27
_ _
SALESMEN for cigars , $125 month and ex-
jirnscs ; aid llrm ; experience unnecessary ;
Indiicemc-nts to customers. C. C Bishop
/t Co. , St. Louis , Jto. B M21B
SALESMEN wanted to net permanently
selling early varieties of fruit trcs ; write
for full particulars : wages paid weekly.
Address the Western Nursery Co . Law
rence. Kan. B ais.13 13 *
NORTHERN men wanted for jrood posi
tions in the south. Several places wait
ing. Southern Business Exchange. Hous
ton. Texas. ' B M3G S *
$ .109.00 WILL , start you in business good for
$2,000.00 th ? first year ; 10 In Jown and 7 In
Nebraska are earning It now. For proor
oJ this wrlto or cull. Nfb. Oxyilonor &
1'annxora Co. . 412 Board of Trade Bldg. (
Omaha , Neb. H MD82 10 *
WANTED , boy about 10 years old for man
ufacturing oince. M CO , Bee OfllCK.
BA LESMEN to peU specialties ; , fine
fide llnea : $5 a day ; used by all mer
chants. Model Mfg. Co. . box B , South
Bond. Ind. B M103 MS *
WANTED , colored barber : n good work
man and a gentleman ; no lusher. Addiesa
W. B. Wright , Sioux Falls , S. D.
B M401 5
_ _
WANTED , an experienced furniture and
carpet salesman ; one who Is thoroughly
up In thu business ; none other need apply.
AddrcsH Smith , Farwcll & Steele Co. , Duluth -
luth , Minn , B M397 &
WANTED , men In your vicinity th come
and learn barber trade ; wu furnish posi
tions" In your town when competent ; JlS.OO
weekly , or locations to do business on our
< -apltal ; busy season this spring ; two
months completes ; write today. Moler
Barber School. Chicago. B M3DO 9
tilARRIED man of business , ability to rep
resent us In Council Bluffs. Apply after
six. evening. 513 Fourth St. , Updcgrovc.
SALESMEN to sell perfumes , toilet soaps ,
etc. , to dealers ; $100 monthly nnd ex
penses ; experience unncccssarj' . Plumer
Perfumery Co. , St. Louis , Mo. B.
WANTED , men and women In every town
to work for us at the/r / homes ; $9.00 to
$15.00 weekly ; no canvassing ; splendid op
portunity ; write nt once. Standard Mfg
Co. , 143 West 23d St. , New York City.
_ _ _
GOOD men to distribute B.OOOOOO pieces adv.
matter ; big wages ; Inclose stamp. Mfrs
Adv. Co. , Dept. A. E. , 114 W. 34th St. .
New York. . B
WANTED Agents to sell our popular
brands of men's clothing. "Tho White
City Brand" custom tailor made , and "The
White Horse Brand" read to Wear Wo
pay n liberal commission and furnish sam-
jilo- , blanks and advertising mattr free
Wo want honest , active men In nil towns
where wo nro not now represented. Write
lor prospectus ( A ) , White City Tailors ,
222 to 220 Adams St. , Chicago , 111. BAN -
1 desire the services of an active man to fill
this position at once ; experience not nec-
cssnry ; to a hustler an exceptional oppor
tunity Is offered by reliable company ,
Address N 10 , Bee. B
HIGH class book salesmen for advertising
encyclopedia ; new plan ; see business men
Only , Publicity , Box COS , Columbus , O ,
B-417 5 *
fclAN or lady to travel and appoint agents ;
established firm ; $ 'iO per month and all
expenses to utart ; Mfr. , Box 820 , Chicago ,
III. B 118 L *
\VANTBD , first class clothing salesmen for
Nebraska , lowu , Missouri and Kansas ;
must have good trade ; will pay Jim class
palary to good mon ; references required.
Address 11. Colin & Son , 15C-8 Market St , ,
Chicago. B 115 11 *
WANTED Traveler with oxperlenco In
mouldings and art goods , on commission.
Flno line of now goods. Expenses ad
vanced. Address , naming references ,
Kern Picture Co. . Chicago. B-m-5 *
PHOTOS , rare hooks , rubber goods all
lilnds. Dept , P , , Tlogn Co. , Box 93 , Phila
delphia , Pa. B-13C-5 *
| > per 1,000 for distributing samples ; either
fox , fiiclnsu 4c , Fink Bros. , South Bend ,
Ind , -122-3 *
SALESMEN Everywhere. No necessity
for men of good address and energy to bo
without employment , when they can cam
$10 upwards dally selling cigars to thu
trade ; no experience nor capital necas-
wry , Address Am , Cigar Co , . Chicago ,
B-42J-5 *
SALESMEN who can handle , as n Bide line ,
clocks , silverware and specialties suitable
for premium , scheme nnd advertising
purposes. Samples , catalogues , etc. , free.
Liberal commission. Addrtss with par-
tlculars , Regent Mfg. Co. , Chicago ,
By manufacturer , experienced
for offlco supplies and specialties
as permanent rfprosontntive locally ami
traveling. Addroim , K. Palmer , 1W Ran
dolph Ht. , Cor. 5th Ave. , Chicago.
API'OINTMENTB to the U. S. government
Borvlcu Huon to bo made by the thou-
unintlB. A pamphlet ( "I'rospectB for 1S80" >
t.-IUng itbout tjmm and dutoa anil
of next oxamlnatlaiiH , Just pub-
Ibhed , , Brr.t fm on rwiuest l y Nut'l Cqr.
IiiKtlTute , Wwihliistun , . , C.
n MAl.R IU3I.P.
X.KAUN nlgn painting In two bourn ; good
pnylng 'uislness ' ; no fraud1 sample * , in-
utrur-tloii * , etc. , lOc , City Sign Co. , Spring-
Peld , O. B US 5
GOVERNMENT positions Don't prepare
fop any civil sfrvlce examination without
Npplnir our lllustrntort cntnlogu * of infop-
( nation ; n nt frre. Columbian Correspond
ence College , Washington , D , C ,
B Ml 42 8 *
WANTED Salesmen. 109 , traveling , experl-
entc unnecPi ! ry ; j 5 yr month and ex
penses. References ren , i Irctl. F. W. Glen ,
Mtr. , nioomliiKton , III , B-411-4 *
THREE traveling snlesmcn wanted by es
tablished house selling general merchan
dise trnde. CHVo refcrcnceJ in appllc.itlon.
ox 127 , Detroit , Mich. -433-5 *
BA1.ESM 15N-$400.00 n month nnd nil ox-
jwnses Bimrnnteetl Pdllns to merchants
Arctic Refrigerator Machines for coollnp
refrigerators , guaranteed 7S pep cent
cheaper than lee. Exclusive territory as-
jilqncd. Arctic Refrigerating Co. , Cincin
nati , O. B ? TO 5 *
FIVE first clnss salesmen to sell our line
to bent retail merchants Fifty dollars
per woel < nbove ejcnensos , Address East
ern Mfg. Co. , Manhattan Bldg. . Chlcaco.
WANTED , reliable men everywhere tn tack
up advertising signs. $23.00 earned -weekly
working for us. Exclusive territory.
Those meaning buslnc's cncloso lOc for
postage , parking , sample , etc , Wilson
Chemical Company , Tyrone , Penn'n ,
B-4S2 5 *
WANTED , an experienced , competent ,
practical , telephone man who understands
equipping and Installing telephones and
exchanges for a , private ITiie. A perma
nent position for ti gooii man who needs
to live in the west for his health , with
moderate ralnry. Write , giving refer
ences , oxperioncp , and salary , to Richards
& . Comstock , Chndron , Nebraska ,
B-M5 ( 6
ICth St. . wants girls for all kinds of
work , In nnd out of city. Tel. 1112.
C M223 F6
WANTED , good solicitors In every village
and school district to take orders for The
Weekly Bee and Cosmopolitan ; very lib
eral commissions ; write for particulars.
The Weekly Bee , Omaha , C MS20
WANTED. HO ladles of good appearance to
sell and demonstrate- Calumet baking
powder. Call L. D. Porter , Murray hotel.
] C-224
_ _
WANTED , 100 girls , 1521 Dodge. Tel. 87C.
C M227
WANTED , girl for general housework :
small family. Inquire3002 Mason.
C-M3G5 5
GIRL , general housework. 2020 St. Mary's
ave. C 10S
WAN.TED , cook nnd laundress nt 2037
Dotlgo St. C 111
LADIES to embroider.Good paying , easy
work sent to your home , Addres ed cn-
voopo for sample nnd materials. Empire
Embroidery Works , 23 Duane St. . Now
York City. . C 423 5 *
LADIES to embroider at homo ; oxperlenco
unnecessary ; distance no objection. Send
reply envelope for free sample pleoa of
work. Manhnttan Embroidery Co. . Beek-
man Bldg. , New York. C 425 5 *
LADIES everywhere to mall circulars , sam
ples and copy letters nt home. Reply
stamped envelope. Peerless Co. , South
Bend. Ind. C 121 5 *
WANTED , a good girl for general house
work. 2010 Blnney St. C 413 G
Is regarded by buslmTss men as being the
moat thorough and most practical , and
every student who has attended this in
stitution has been secured : i good paying
situation as soon as competent , and none
have failed.
The teachers are able and experienced , nnd
zealously devoted to the interests of the
students. Visitors are always welcome.
Six calls upon this school for stenographers ;
went unlllled this week for lack of op
erators to send out. Four students were
placed In good paying situations. Get cir
culars. C 139 5 *
HOUSEKEEPER : wanted , a lady as
housekeeper and to cnro for children.
Call after G p. in. or address J. N. Beach ,
4315 Grant st. C-M4SG C
CHOICE houses nnd cottages all over city
$3 to $75. Fidelity , 1st floor , N. Y. Life
D 225
HOUSES. Benowa & Co , 108 N. 15th St '
D 226
ALWAYS moving household goods and
pianos. Omaha Van & Storaga Co. , 15ii " .
Farnam. Tel. , 3559. D 227
HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block.
' D 223
7-ROOM house , bath , $14.00. 314 First Na-
tlonal Bank bldg. D 229
THE "Normandlo" and " \Vlnona" apart
ment houses nro now open for Inspection-
beautiful Hats , steam heated , with shades.
raniceB , telephone , polished hard-wood
floors , wall decorated In colors to suit
tenants , janitor services free ; nlrlctly
flrst-class ; references required. Fidelity
Trust Co. , agents , N. Y , Ufa Bldg.D230
EXCELLENT 7-room cottage , 2211 Cali
fornia street ; reduced rental to choice
U-nant until spring. Inquire 508 N. Y , Life
or UU7 N. 13th St. D-232
FOR RENT , houses In nil part's of city
The O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam St.
HOUSES for rnt ; a specialty made of
looking after property of non-residents
J. H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. D 231
CHOICE 0-r. br. terrace , modern , ea , front ,
118 So. 25th St. 30 U. S. Nat'l. Bank Bldg.
MAGGARD'S A'an and Storage. 115 N. 15th.
Tel. 1496 , D-231
HOUSES. Chas. E. Benson , 310 Ramgo bldg ,
D-M461 A14
EIGHT-ROOM house ; gas. bath , barn , 2C23
Seward. F , D. Wead , loth and Douglas.
HOUSES for rent In all parts of the city ,
Brennan-Love Co. , 219 South 10th St.
FOR RENT , 10-room modern house and
Imrn on 27th Avc. ; desirable promises at
$30 per mo ,
2 steam-heated rooms In Davldge bldg. , op-
posltn city hall.
John W. Robbins , 1R02 Farnam St. D 239
S-ROOM furnished house In exchange for
board nnd room for two. F. D. Wend ,
ICth and Douclas , D-M2SI F7S
GOOD barn , 1902 Cuss St.
D-SC3 *
S-ROOM furnished house , bodern , In exchange -
change for room and board ; liberal offer ,
best residence part ot city. Address M
C3. Bee. D 352 5 *
SEVERAL. Inn. . 30 U , S. Nut'l. Bk. Bldg.
FOR RENT , stcam-heated flat in Davldgo
Bldg. , opposite city hall ; also two olllco
rooms In same building ; can offer Inducements -
ments to a physician on these , John AV ,
Robbins , 1S02 Farnam St. D-413
1522 MADISON avenue , C-room cottage ,
very nice , paved street. A. M. Cowle. 211
So , ISthSt. D-M412 7
FOR RENT , hoiul's.
120 S. 31th. G r. . $15.00.
2121 Burdcttc , fl r , , $12.00.
2503 N. 5th , 7 r. , $10,00.
403S Seward. 8 r. . modern , $20.0) .
C-ROOM brick basement house at 40th and
Nicholas * , $13.00.
3-room collage nt 1C20 N. 21st ; will put In
good repair ; $0.00.
8-room house 1125 So , 31st St.
R. C. Peters & Co. , Bee Bldg. , 1702 Farnam
Street. D-MSOS c
TRY the Henderson llotol ; board and room ,
4 00 per week ; gas , steam heat and baths.
Ninth and Farnum Bt . 319
von. nisivT KI it\isnr.n IIOOMS.
THREn nice rooms , housekeeping. H12 So.
31th St. K-C61
HOOMS for Rtntlemen. Ref. req. 2005 Hurt ,
E M310 F7
FURNISHED rooms" , with heat , 'or gentle-
men. Apply 411 N , 17th St. E-M831 F7
ROOMS. 190S Canltol ave. B-M374 9
FURN1S1IF.D rooms ; housekeeping. 2523
St. Mary's , E M3SO 7
NICELY furnls'.icd room ; all modern con
veniences ; references required. 2im
nam. K 31392 6"
TWO south front' connecting rooms , mod
ern. 2010 Farnam St. K 141 6"
ONK largo south front room , modern , rea
sonable , 2010 Farnnm. K 443-5 *
ROOMS : mod rn. 25SO Harney.K .
K M503 11 *
TUB MERRIAM , first class family hotel ,
23th and Dodge Sts. F 2-iO
NICELY furnished sKam heat , free
bath. $ l.f > 0 per week nml up. Klondike
hotel , loth and Webster Bts. F 211
HOARD and room , $1,50 up ; steam hcnt.
Prague Hotel , 13th and Williams.
F-2 < 2
UTOPIA , 1721 Davenport. F M550
THE CAPITOL. 1722 Capitol Avenue.
F-M70 : F19 *
Glencalrn , rates $1.23 to $1.50. 1009 Douslns.
PLEASANT front siiil of room's with
board. 120 South 23th St. F 219 F,1
A VERY desirable front room with al
cove , 2nd lloor. Hot water , heat , 212 S.
23th st. , F 21S
ELEGANT steam heated rooms ; flno table
board. 1POD Capitol nvenue , F 324 0 *
SMALL room , suitable for one. EOlfl Calif
ornia st. F M331 S *
SOUTHEAST front room ; modern con-
vcnlences : private family. No. 702 S. 2n st.
F M31S 7 *
THE BACHELORS , 2014 Farnnm si. , a
largo double room , suitable for man and
wlfo. F M375 9'
DESIRABLE rooms ; modern. 2. > 7S llnrney.
F M399 C
TWO nice rooms well furnished and hcatud ; '
alcove ; first-class board. 2305 Dc-uclns.
F 31386 10 *
_ _
.BOARD nnd nicely furnished room , hot
watcp heat , bath , gas , one block from
car. Address M C3 , Bco F 41C 5 *
FOR gentlemen , walking- distance , near
Fnrnam car , modern. I 38 , Bee. .
SUITES of three unfurnished rooms , suitable -
able tor light liousekeeplng. 2222 Farnam.
G-501 5 *
3-STORY nnd basement brick store buildIng -
Ing , 1003 Farnam. 22x100. Inquire 314 First
National Bank Building , 1 244
WHOLESALE store and warehouse ; track
age ; excellent shipping facilities. C. E.
Benson , 310 Ramge Bldg. I M270 F7 *
FOR RENT , building in small enstern NvT
braska town ; druggist or gen'l. merchan
dise wanted. Address Jl EG. Om.aha Bc-e '
I 31370 3 *
GOOD DESK room fop real estate or com
mercial man with me. Frank Crawford ,
1503 Farnam. I M4SJ 11 *
STORES In the now Dr. Mercer building at
corner of Cumlng and 40th Sts.
Frame store building nt No. 1833 N. 21th St ;
living rooms In rear.
5-story and basement building , steam heat ,
elevator , size GGxCG feet , In wholesale dis
trict ; very reasonable lease can be ob
R. C. Peters & Co. , Bee Bldg. , 1702 Farnam
Street. I M50S C
M'DONALD'S extracts glvo satisfaction-
agents wanted in country towns 241S N
17th St. . Omaha. J MS33 F21 *
PROFITABLE work offered agents In
every town to secure subscriptions to tha
Ladles' HomB Journal and the Saturday
Evening Post.- Good pay for good work
We want agents to work thoroughly and
with business system to cover each sec
tion with our Illustrated little bookletn
nnd other advertising matter. How well
some of our agents have succeeded Is
told in n llttlo booklet we would like to
send you portraits of soma of our best
agents , with the story of how they made
It pay. The Curtis Publishing Co. , Phila
delphia , Pa. J M88G A1S *
WANTED Five good solicitors for accident
insurance ; special Inducements. Address
31 50. Bee. J-323
AGENTS on salary or commission ; flip
gratest agents' seller ever produce' ' ;
every user of pen and Ink buys it on
sight ; 200 to 500 per cent profit ; one agon"- ' *
sales amounted to $620 In six days ; anothe *
$32 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co. . X 1G ,
La Crosse , WIs. J M391 E *
WE DO not want boys or loafers to write
UB , but men of ability , $200 to $800 per
month ; salesmen nnd general agents ;
salary or commission. Rnclno Fire Engine
Co. , limited , Rnclne , WIs. J
WOMEN * arn money selling our new goods ;
quick sales ; big profits ; be first. Ladles'
Supply Co. , 103Vnbash Avo. , Chicago. Ill
J < _
AGENTS , wo will pay $100.00 per month , nnd
railroad expenses , to any man who will
faithfully represent us In taking orders
for the most reliable Portrait Copying
house , In the world. We pay strictly
salary. Address at once , Dept. 1104 , G. E.
Martel , New York City. J 454 6 *
$5.00 DAILY Guaranteed greatest combina
tion kitchen utensil. 0 articles In om > .
Samples free. B. Y. Forshee Co. , Cin
cinnati O. J 450 5 *
ONLY perfect bath cabinet. Latest
pntont. Greatest ssller. R. M. Irwln ,
Nashville , Tenn , , St. Louis , 31o.
J-I55-5 *
AGENTS wanted , male or female , general ,
local and traveling : a great opportunity
to make- money Introducing n ntw , de
licious , pure food product ; first sale makes
permanent customers ; lOc and 25c pack
ages ; stands chemical tests of pure food
laws In every state ; credit given ener
getic agents , tremendous seller , agents
enthusiastic ; general agents * make money
establishing sub agencies ; no matter what
you nro selling or how successful , send
for sample and terms to W , B. Reid ,
Dept. 3D. AVnahlngton , D. C. J-433-G *
AGENTS , everywhere , for new gasoline gns
lamp ; talks nnd sells itself ; big profits.
Brilliant Gas Lamp Co. , 48 Clark St. . Chicago
cage , J 452 E *
AGENTS-Sell Star of Cuba Puzzle ; fast
sellers ; big money ; 30c dozen ; soil $1. < 20
dozen , Send live stamps for sample. I1' .
Cropper , 370 45th St. , Chicago. .1 430-5 *
AGENTS ami others , start paying business
at home. For plan nnd list money making
trade secrets , processes nnd formulas ,
write Whcaton & Co. , New Bedford ,
Mass . J-429-5 *
AGENTS wanted ; plays , wigs , whiskers ,
paints , tricks and novelties. Illustrated
catalogue giving full particulars sent free ,
Try this snap. Address Chas , Marshall ,
Mfgr. . Ixckport , N. Y. J-42S-5 *
$10 WEEKLY selling patent combination
rolling pin (7 ( articles In one ) . Sample
free to workers. AV. Central Supply Co. ,
Cincinnati. O. J-449-S *
AGENTS-$210,00 $ monthly ( cannot fall )
celling Improved nickel plated Brilliant
Gas'Ight Burners , Fits kerosene lamps ,
makes beautiful gaslight. No chimney or
smoke , Sample free. Mfg ,
Co. , A , 470 , Cincinnati , O. J 117-5 *
$1.00 per day easy money. The best
agent's proposition on the market , Two
remarkable books combined In one. Big
proljts nnu credit > to honest people. Ex
clusive territory. II. E. Sprague & Co. .
Ft. Wayne , Ind. J-431 5 *
STREET men nnd agents mak$5 to $7
per day selling Japanese Transparent
Photo Pocket Mirrors ; a picture hidden
from Ml eyes except your own. Sample
10 cents. G. S. Terry Mfg. Co. , IS Randolph -
dolph St. , Chicago. J
WANTED , agents , town nnd county ; the
best labor saving family machine wet
Invented ; largo profits. Sohallur , 2 < 22 Pine
St. . St. Louis. Mo. J S7 5"
rs \vrnn. .
( Continued. )
$7.00 DAILY selling Specialty Soap , Sample
outfit free. Lcajo Soap Co. , Cincinnati. O.
J-11S-S *
_ _ _
AGKNTS , send ufl this ntlvertlsement for
sample new article , SMls In evsr.v houso.
You can positively clenr $1 nn hour nil
winter easily. Manufacturer , Dept. SO ,
CD Broadway. N. Y , J-427-S *
AVE WANT up-to-date ngenls to handle our
patented grinder and ripper for the sow
ing machine. Exclusive territory and bis
commissions. Sedgwlck Novelty Co. ,
AVIchltn , Kan. J MJS1 6 *
$5 TO $8 per day to experlpnced traveling
salesmen by n reliable old established
house ; references required. American
Novelty Co. , Cincinnati , O. J-
AUI2NTS wanted to sell the Rand Neck
Ribbon Stay , only device FUivportliif ? neck
ribbon perfectly In place without use of
IhiMi collar. Every lady who wenrs u
ribbon or stork collar will buy. Send 10o
for Kfimrtlo nnd liberal terms. Grant.
Rand & Grant , 125 Slatu street , Chit ago.
J 12C-3 *
COTTAGE , C or 7 rooms , must be. strictly
modern nnd llrst class condition. Im-
medlal ? possession , glvo full description ,
state price. Address M 55 , Bee.
K 939-5 *
WANTED , furnished room ; N. St. Mary's
Avc. , W. ICth St. Address N 4 , Bee.
K 157 5 *
GENTLE3IAN desires n. comfortable room ,
to bo occupied ono or two afternoons each
weekIn a private family. State price per
month. Address N 2 , care Bee ,
K I5S G *
WANTED , by a woman employed during
the day , board with a private family
within walking distance of city hall. Ad
dress N 1 , Beo. K 156 5 * .
UNUSUA1. . opportunity to invest $ :00 or
more , hccuring largo permanent Income ;
capital safe ; profits .ruro , II. Griffin. 11SO
Broadway , New York. K
GENTLEMAN and. wlfo desire room and
board. Accommodations must be good
but price low. N 13 , Beo. K 174 5 *
AVANTED. furnished room with board , In
private family , by young married couple.
Best reference * . N 9. Beo. K M4SO u *
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 903-
910 Jones , general storage and forwarding : ,
OM. Van & Storage , ISll'/i Farnam. Tel. 1BD9.
A. BEARD3LEY will store goods. 1111 Far
nam. M M4G7 F13 *
IF YOU nro In need of anything try the
Want Columns of The Bee ; they will
bring you what you want. N S67
BEST and cheapest stoves and furniture
sold xit small profits : highest prices paid
for good goods. D. Brodkey , 110 S. 14th.
N 247
ANY size lots 2d hand furniture ; highest
prlco paid. Trnnsmlsslsslppl Store. Kth &
Davenport. N M5S7
SECOND hand safe fop cash. Ill So. 13117
N S72
HIGHEST prices uald for all kinds ot
household goods. Lewlo. 104 S. 14th.
N 31333 F2J
SOLDIERS' additional serin. McLaugh &
Ewanstron. Duluth. Minnesota.N
N 31334 11 *
ROLLER top desk , state size and price.
Address M 57 , Bee. N 3C3-4 *
STAMP collections bought , sold.
401 N ICth. N M334 M3
WANTED to buy. 3,000.00 Omaha. Savings
Bank accounts for cash. Answer , giving
the amount of your a'ccount , also the low
est price for which It can be bought. Ad
dress N 7 , Bee office. N M477 9 *
WANTED , a second-hand gasoline , 2 % toI
horse power engine ; must be cheap and
In peed repair. Address J. F. Whltr-lork ,
Rock Port , 3Io. N-500 5 *
AVANTED , to buy second-hand Smith
Premier typewriter ; late number. N 14 ,
Bee. N 490 G *
VISIT our now location , we have a com
plete stock ot second hand furniture ,
stoves , etc. . cheap. J. Lewis. 104 S. 14th.
0-M33J F2S
SAWDUST , hardwood , cribbing and hog
fence at lowest prices , 901 Douglas St
Q 249
HOG , poultry and lawn fences ; all wire ; Is
best , AVlro Works , 14th and Harney. '
B. HAAS , Florist , 1813 Arlnton St. . Tel. 776 ;
plants , cut flowers , boqucts , hall , resi
dence , wedding and grave decorations ;
orders by mall or express promptly filled '
Q 252
FOR SALE ten R.I.P.A.N.S for 5 cents , at
druggists ; ono gives relief. Q 253
NEW and 2d-hand typewriters sold , rented ,
repaired ; ribbons cheap. Derlght , 1116 F'm
Q 440 F12
SHERWIN-AVlllIame Co , mixed paints Sherman -
man & McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St.
COAL , hand picked Burlington egg , $4.00.
Phone Harmon & Weeth Co.Q3I993
Q-3I993 F10
SECOND hand safe cheap , 114 So. 13th.
1,000.000 BRICK for sale. J. P. AVeaver. 0
Pearl St. , Council Bluffs. Q-SGl
FRESH Jersey cow. Specht farm , ono mlle
south of Benson , Q 203 F4 *
2ND-hnnd safe cheap. Derlght , 111C Farnam.
DOMESTIC sewing machine , almost new ,
drop hend , cheap ; on payments or cash ;
call after G o'clock. S. Rose , Brunswick
Hotel. Q-3S1 5
LADY'S , almost now , sealskin coat. For
sale cheap. 514 South 22nd St.
C1-4CO-G *
- -
FOR SALE Cheap , handsome St. Ber
nard dog. Lock Box 40 , Ncllgh , Neb.
0-459-C *
SECONDHAND sewing machines , $5.00 up.
Neb. Cycle Co. , 15th and Harney.
Q 0 M4
_ _
AIT GREAT sacrifice , flno upright piano ;
good as. new ; tone excellent. Address N
11 , Bee olllco. Q-489 314
RESTAURANT outfit for storage. Om.
Afan Co. . 1511 % Fornam st. Q-4S8
NOTICE to country deatars , ccond-hand
e and stoves sold at lowest prices
by carload lots or less , Chicago Furniture
Co , , 140G 3-8-10 Dodge. R-186 F5
GO TO Europe , see Paris in 1900. Round
trip $1CO ; payments , easy. Ask for circular.
Paris Expo. Tour Co , , C31 Paxton Blk. ,
Omaha. It 1CS 5 *
FOR RENT , farm , 75 acres well Improved ,
ten miles from city ; terms cash , half
down , balance on time , 1317 Webster et ,
MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant. 817 N. ICth.
S 255
VIENNA fortune teller. 18 years here. 1411
Howard , _ 8-2JC
MME , Gylmcr , genuine palmist , 1C05 Dodge.
palmist. Is entering U | > on her third ; ; iir
in Omaha. She can positively tell uio
past , present and future. As has been said
before , she docs not pose as n gypsy nor
deus she hav ? to Jump from one city to
another or change her name at t-very
rfiango of the moon because of a "fako"
practice. She Is u thorough palmist and
guarantees satisfaction. What more could
you ask ? Mme. Gylmor can b ? consulted
between the hours of i a. in. nnd C p. m. ;
Sundays from 10 to 4 , Parlors 1C05 Dodge.
So , Bide , opp. IICAV I' , O. Send $1 and nix
questions answered. t * s o
BOOKS boueht and sold , 707 N. l h-
oil J. ' - *
MAT WILSON , ma- sage , Imths. 302 N. IS
n. 13. T M169 r'3
MMB AMES , n. 6 , 907 S. 13 : mnssnrt baths
attendant. T M S FIB *
MHS. DR. L.KOX , electric mnssniro ball
parlors ; restful nnd curative. 41 ? S. llth ,
upstairs. T M683 K17
BATH nnd mnssnge. Experienced Indy op.
erator. 119 N. 16th St. , 1C. II , SdJIoor.
T-flS-FJC *
- -
MME. SMITH. Room S. s > NRth
MAY WILSON , mas gc , baths. II. 15. W
N. 1C. T-JI431 M4 *
i > r.n.s\Ais.
VtAVI Is woman' * way to health. Stfi Itw
UAT11S , massage. Sime , 1'ont , 313 % B. loth ,
llUPTURia cured. Ktnplrc nupturc Cure ,
W2 N. Y. Life building , Omnhu ; i-lreulara
sent. U JJ9
IjEIBEN1 , costunicr , 13IS Howard ; cata
logues SPIlt. U 200
UOOKJUNDING. llurldey X'rlntlns Co.
JltTTBU hospital ; conllncinent cases taken ;
bnhlcs adopted. 2214 Sewnrd , Omaha Tel.
2233. U 2f2
SUPEHFI.UOUS hnlr , wrinkles , moles ,
warts , freckles , blackheads , pimples re
moved forever by electricity ; bust do-
x-oloped ; neck , arms , cheeks inadj plump.
Mme Payne's halniressliiR parlors. 2MI
l.envcnworth. Tel , 1S53. U M2Jfl K3
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before nnd
during conlliiL-rnent ; babies adopted. 113G
N. 17th , Omaha. U 263
LOVE'S Dancing Academy , I'alttrson Hall.
U 653 F1S
HILMA GDNN1SON. formerly with Mrs.
General Dodge , will cngngo to cook din
ners and lunihcons for parties. Address
G05 Third street , Council Bluffs.
U M293 Ffi
_ _ _ _
DR. ROY , chiropodist ; corna removed , 25c
and upwnra. Room 12. Frenzer block.
U M32S
_ _ _ _ _
XERKOWSKY , violin teacher. R 20. 321
S. 15th. TT-M377
AGED 52 , healthy appearing widower. In
come $15,00) . would mnrrv for love nnJ
homo comforts. 132 East 59th St. , Now
York City , U M101 6'
UNUSUAL opportunity ; Invest $2iw , secur
ing large permanent Income ; capital safe ,
profits sure. H. Grlllln , 1130 Hroadwuy.
New York. U M402 Ml
\VAJJT12D , lady correspondent ; view , mat
rimony ; with a llttlo means ; start In coed
imylnjr btislupss ; particulars Riven In let
ter , Uox 103 , Lincoln , Neb. U M3SS B $
1910 DODGE.
Lndlep , you can have a true complexion ; no
paint , powder or putty. Mmc. True has
returned ; consultation free. Superfluous
hair and wrinkles a specialty. U 107 G *
ATTRACTIVE , well bred lady , no kindred.
Independently wealthy , seeks husband and
adviser. "Ideal , " 3120 Forest Ave , . Chl-
CIIKO , 111. TJ t
HYPNOTISM-The key to health , wealth ,
eminence , .happiness. Full particulars to-
Kether with handsome magazine free ,
Hllllas , 21S La. Salle St. , Chicago.U .
U 1G3-G *
CHARMING lady , educated abroad , hlphly
musical and very wealthy , would murry
genial gentleman. "Lonely , " 30 LexluK-
ton Avo. , box 9 , N. Y. U 1G2 5 *
WIL.L the. person who lost Denim purse on
early Omaha train October C , 1SOT , send
address to M 47 , care of Bee.U
U 1G1-5"
ATTRACTIVE widow. Irreproachable char
acter , worth Jln.OO1) , longs for devoted
husband. "Alone. " Box SG , 161V. . 23d St. ,
New York. U 165 5'
YOU can go. the plans are made ; Paris In
1900 for $1CO round-trip from Omaha.
Easy payments ; no risk. Address , Paris
Expo. Tour Co. , C31 Paocton I31k. , Omaha ,
U-1GG 5 *
LADIES , call at our office and see the best
remedy for women ; lady attendant ; tcle-
phon ; 2270. Preventive Medicine Cci. . 316
Rainge IJlock. U
HAIR onv face , etc. ; any one sending stamp
may learn of remedy which permanently
cured me. Miss 11. Turner , Adam ' -rd ,
Pa. U
YOU could not hayo told my past more
truly had you known me from Infancy ,
W. W. Powers , Wlota , AVIa Thousand *
testify that I read the past aj > l foretell
the future ; send date of birth anil 10
cents for sketch of your life. L. Thomson ,
astrologer , Kansas City , Mo.
U 133-5'
HOW tobo loved. Free. Occult Co. . B. E.
194. Station M. Chicago , 111. U 432 5
FREE TO EVERYBODY ; mysteries of
hypnotism exposed. Reader , why not bo
able to use the most mysterious1 and
powerful force of nature ? Uy my method
you can learn to hypnotize in a few
hours' time xvlthout leaving your home.
You can perform all of the many mar
velous feats that are possible to the
hypnotist. Through hypnotism you can
cure disease , conquer pain , win reluctant
nffectlon , gratify your ambitions and
produce amusement by the hour. It costs
you nothing to Ilnd out all about it. I
have just issued in book form a mam
moth Illustrated lesson or key to hyp
notism , which fully explains the mys
teries and secrets ! of the art. It contains
hundreds of beautiful and artistic en-
sravliiRs and Is the most elaborate and
expensive thing of the kind ever pub
lished. For a 'inert time I will send this
magnificent work absolutely free to all
who apply. I will also include a largo
amount of other valuable , Interesting and
elegantly Illustrated literature without
charge. Remember , all this costs you
nothing. A postal card will bring It.
Order today nnd learn to hypnotize. It U
a chnnco of a lifetime. Address ProC. L.
A. Harradcn , hypnotist , clerk C5. Jnrkfon ,
Mich. _ Hrlsi n *
WANTED , choice farm nnd city loans. R.
C. Peters & Co , , U. S. Nat'l Bank Illdg.
$100,000.00 special fund to loan on
Improved Omaha property , or for building
purposes. Fidelity Trust Company.V .
\V 2C3
5 % PER CENT money , Bemls , Paxton Blk.
$1,000 AND upwards to loan on Improved
property , \V , Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320
Farnam St. W 207
C PER CENT city and farm loans. Garvln
Bros. , 1013 Farnnm St. W 268
$50,000,000 , CHEAP , money for Investment ;
agents wanted. Investors lists for sale.
Investors Directory , N. Y. W 2ii3
WRITE us If you want a loan on your
farm In Iowa , eastern Nebraska or Mis
souri , It will pay you , Anthony Loan .t
Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. Life. * W 270
$100 $ AND up. F. D. Wead , 16th and Douglas.
MONEY to loan on Nebraska nnd Iowa
farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Lovo fa , .
219 S. ICth , Omaha. W 272
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Hrennun-Lovo Co. , 19 So. ICth.
MORTGAGES , Wallace , 213 Brown Block"
OPTIONAL : money on farm ; lowest rater.
Write B. M. Webster & Co. , Oil N. Y. Life.
W-M935 F2S
$10 TO $10.600 TO LOAN ON
etc. . at lowest rates In
Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluff * ,
No removal of good ? : strictly confidential ;
you can pay the loan off at any tlmu erin
in any amounts.
OMAH'A , X-295
NAM BT8 , TEL. a 5. X-23U
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , horweu ,
cows , Jewelry. Duff Grueii , r. S , tturktr
bil : . X-.M7
( Continued.5
3IONKY lonnd on pianos , furniture. Jew
elry , horses , cowf , otc. C. F. Jienl , aiit S. 1.1
DIAMOND loan ofllee , 131R Douglas ; unrt"
deemed dlnmnnds , watchesetc. sold cheap
X 2W
holding p rniiuient position * with rwpon-
nlWc concf-ns upon their own niuiio , with
out f'pcurlty ; ensy payment * . Tohrmil
It. 7CH5. X Y. Life lllilg. X-JOO
MS Clt.tCI3S. .
WATCTED. Mubrontrnctora : twenty miles o !
good rnllrond work to 1ft on the Fort
DotlRp A Oinnha r.illrond. Applv to our
oIllL-B at Wall Luke , IB. AIcGnitnitinnnn ,
& Co. Y M W K I
COAL plant fop sfile with bis Iradp. XC
N , Y. Lite. Y-3JS-G
HERD of 15 hend reelstored Ti rs"ys Clos
est llvlntr relatives to "lugx ! Countes * "
of World'1 * Fair fnme. for whom oxVner
refused SI.COO ; Hannn's Uukc No. SiSUS
only living son of "Hugo Countess , " at
hend of herd , Also daughter. 2 grantl-
daughters it ml half sister of "Iliuo
Comit'M , " Ca h , Would consider jrood
farm In western lown or eastern No
bruslto , Addrers owner , 1 , . \Vllllains ,
Ulcnwnotl. Iowa , Y SIS79
$3,500 STOCK general merchandise , good
shape , lively small town cnntrn ! onHtt-rn
Ni-brnska ; buslntss paying well and can
prove Enmo to buyer ; splendid chnnco ;
seller cannot stand cllmato , M C2. lire.
S 81309 D'
GREENHOUSE for rn\o \ nt a barcnln. Ira
N. Y. Life Y 311-5
HOTEL newly furnished , with SUOfM bar
llxluros , nt halt prlco. Address M iT. . lip * .
Y M3S7 C
MAKE your money earn money , the
money-making chances In stocks , wheat ,
cotton nnd bonds arc better and nafr now
than over before ; there sire no losses
under our plan , and it stipulated Incoinu
on your capital Is guaranteed ; every fa
cility for BUcro.'sfiil Investment Is offered
our clients ; write for frou advloc untl
literature , showing how you may Increase
yotip Income without risk. C. E. itluckoy
& Co. , 0 Wall St. , New York. Y
INVEST JICO. In payments , nnd take a trip
to Paris In 1900. Write fop particulars.
Paris Expo. Tour Co. , C34 Paxton Blk. ,
Omnhu. Y 1C" T >
AN exceptional opportunity for n druggist
with limited means ; > i.OOO will buy the
only drug stock in n part of oltv having
over 5,003 population. Addresn N 3 , en re
Omaha Bee. Y M470 II *
$3,000 STOCK- hardware In good central
Nebraska town for sale cheap. Addrss
L -IS , Bee , Y
MERCHANDISE broker or commission
merchant can Hecuro a , valuable account
In the line of clocks , silverware ami
other specialties suitable fop premium ,
scheme nnd advertising purposn. Sam
ples free. Address with particulars , E
22 , care Lord & Thomas , Chicago.
Y 131-C *
WANTED by traveling salesman , line of
goods to handle between Omahn. and Pa
cific coast. Address N 6. Bee. Y 17,1 , s *
FOR SALE , milk route ; I have for sal a
m'.lk route selling 110 gallons dally ; also
sixty good dairy cows. Frank P. Brnd-
ley , 103 Pearl street , Council Bluffs , la.
P. O. box 3S3. Y 507 5
FLORIDA homo for sale , or will exchange
for desirable Nebraska , real estate. A well
Improved eighty ; good soil ; plenty fruit ;
excellent water ; attractive surroundings ;
very healthy locality. Mrs. Rosa Web
ster , Hastings , Neb. Y. 471 5 *
HAVE you som lots to sell ? Now is the
time to dispose of them ; let the people
know that you want to dispose of them.
The Bee reaches thu people who have the
money. RE SCO
BARGAINS In housss , lots , farms ; sale or
trade. J. N. Frenzer , opposite old P. O.
RE 01
HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also
Ilro Insurance. Bemls , 1'axton Block.
RE 302
9-KOOM , modern house. Inquire -5032 Izard.
PECK & CO. , real estate agents nnd dealers
In city and farm property , rentals , taxss ,
titles. Investments , collections , loans. 101
So. 15th. RE-MCS5 F18
$3.750 BUYS most sightly corner. 95x120. on
West Farnam ; $850 buys large lot with
trees , 30th and Webster ; $1,000 buys -I
acres near car line , R , 10 , Pntttron blk.
LIST your property with us for sale. Wo
have the customers. The Byron Reed
Company. 212 S. 14th Street. RE-579
40 ACRES on paved at , , with trackage , $125
per acre. R. 16 , Patterson Blk.RE
RE 211 FG
ICO acres , within three miles of Omaha city
limits , at a bargain. Splendid feeding
farm. Must bo sold at once. Bemls , Paxton -
ton Block. RE MG21
WE HAVE cash customers for genuine real
estate bargains. Submit propositions to us
at once. Fidelity Trust Co. . N. Y. L. Bldg ,
Over 2,500 acres of Douglas county Innd for
sale cheap. Prices range from 520 pc.r
acre up. Will pay you to investigate.
Tha Byron Reed Co. , 212 S. 14th St.RE
RE M930
Brick block on 2-tth st. , ' Jli.uO'KOO
PC feet. 2llh St. , near P. O. , $120 per front foot
Corner 24th and B sts , , enst front , $1,200.00.
Lot 24h ( and D sis. , cahc front , $1.2M.OO.
1C acres , elegant Improvements , between
Omaha and South Omuhn. $1,000.00.
O'Neil's Real Estate Agency South Omaha
Neb , RE M213
THIRTY choice , rich , orodnctlve farms.
larsr ana umall : also ton line slocic
ranches , nil In northeaptern Nebraska , for
sale very cheap and oil easy terms. Some
of these lands run be traded for good
general rndte. . dry goods , hardware op
furnlturn. For nnrtlculars address Ceo.
W. Hutton. Coleridge , Cedar Co. , Neb.
FOR SALE , my homo In West Omaha.
Those wishing to purchase will address
Honrv D. Estabrook , 813 , 1S La Salle St. ,
Chlcaco. RE-M378 M2
FCVR SALE , fine city property In Illinois
city of 15.000 , or will cxchunt'o for land or
rniull 'Imnrnved farm In eastern Neb. Ad
dress M CO , Omaha He * . RE-M3C3 6'
TEN-ROOM. 2',4-story. slate roof dwelling
house at 1S02 Ulnncy St. in the finest portion
tion of Kountzo Place , with steam heat ,
line reorpllon hall , polished Hears , luv.t-
tory. laundry , purch around two nldcs of
hoiiuc , largo rooms , floret In each bed
mom and two cltnets off the hall , but
ler's pantry , line lawn and shade trees , 75
feet south front nn corner. Thla Is an
olt' home and has just been painted
outside , ollt'd Inside and newly dei-onttfd
uwlairs | nnd down ; contract price of
house iilono wnx JS.OOO ; lot la worth $3,000
alone. We will sell the place now for
$5r > K > .OQ , oiif-lmlf cash and the hulancn on
long tlmo ( it fi per cent ; excellent oppor
tunity to buy a cheup home. For further
Information call at our new olllco at 17C-
Furnain Ht. Telephone S9S. R. C. Peters
& Co. , exclusive aupntB , RE M10
FOti , SALE , lot CCxlSS , 5-room house on
South llth tr. In a nice locatloif , $1.400.00 ;
terms to Bull. I/ot MxlSO with B-room house ,
city water , line location , $1,300.00. Lot
Wxl43 , 5-room house , tine trees , coal house
cistern , good well , about 33d ft California ,
$ WW'JO ; terms to suit. One ucro on the
Benson Motor line A : paved load for $250.
A nlcj. D-room house , city water , gas ,
cemeti'd cellar. SOth & Bancroft Htrcets ,
south front , jaw.oo. 20xCfl bet. 10 & 11 , on
Capitol ave , , with paving taxes paid up ,
$ SOOW , J. A. Ixjvgren , R. 912. N. Y. Llfo
Bid's. RE MI7G B *
ivT BEDROCK prices , comfortable homes
In Oinnha , farm lands in riarpy county
and a Lancaster county farm at a bar
gain. Joseph B. Piper , UainBO BUck ,
Omaha. . 1 | - . . . .
TeeD 160-acro Improved farm between
Omaha and Lincoln , $23.75 per acre. Tlmo
or cash , C. R , Glover , 302 Karbach Bldg ,
RE 193 5
TOR South Omaha husIncsH and residence
property or ncro tracts call on George
& Comwiny , 10Q1 Farnam St. . Omaha , or
now city hall bldg. , South Omaha.
( Continued )
U'e nre now lociued In our new qtinrttrii M
3708 F riwm St. , grouhil Iloor of The Bee
Hldg.Ve liavp tno office formerly oei -
ple l liy I ho Fidelity Trust company. also
tlic room in the rear , fronting on lilii
street. U'e nnvo increased our olllco force
nnil nru In n position to Inok cnrcfully
nflcr any bust HIM entrusted to our cntc.
Tn * following arc dome of the. bargains wa
liavo to offer for this week :
400-acro farm In Saundrrs county , N 'i.I 309
acres umlM1 cultlvnilon. jrooa buildings ,
line system of water works wlilcn test
JI.900 Inal year ; cnttle yards for 1.CVO litad
of t-.iUlo mul yards U nrcoinmodnto KM
head of shsep ; fenced A ml cross-fenr-e < l :
good block soil ; only $ ,1 ,00 ) > er nm , xvhlch
Is 510.90 per ncro less thnn anything In Hint
150-nero fnrin , nil iimtN * cultivation ! rich
Wnck soil ; In enstern Nebraska , only $12.60
lior ncre.
210 nrres ; good buildings : nil fenced : flno
creek , fort by springs ; gently rolling , rich
lilnck soil ; rrooin house , b.irn. double ooru
crib mul granary , cuttle sneds , etc. , good
well nml wind mill ; 4V > mile * from town ;
$26.00 i cr ncre.
Wanted , to purchase W or SO acrca near
Onmha ; must be cheap.
Fine 100-ft. corner at " 9th mul Dodge Sl ! > .
S7-ft. oti't Trout , on 33ti ! , between Farnam
and Dodge Sts. t
Pine enst front lots on 39th , between Dewcy
Avc. mul Fit main St.
South front lot on Farmim near 32d SI.
109-ft. fronting on llnnscom park , only
41 ft , south front , on Dowcy Ave. , looking
down 26th St. . only
CO ft. on Georgia. Ave , near Pacific , very
el np this week.
43 ft. on Kin St. nonr Rirnnm , only $1,100 ;
this Is certainly a bargain.
Full lot near Walnut Hill car line , J123.0 ( > .
6-roorn cottage 30th and Davenport ; city
water , gns , cement cellar , nearly now ,
only Jl.lMJ.Oi ) .
Elegant 7-room liouno In beat part of Wal
nut 11111 one block from car line ; very
S-room house ; bath , gas , lint water , GO.ft.
lot ; cost owner over $1,000 ; tinder forr-
closure only SItoo ; $300 cash , bnlnnco
monthly payments , 0 per cent.
" -room house n't 210,1 Locust Rt. , > nodrn :
cost under foreclosure nearly $3,500.00 , ;
price only $1,800.00.
R. C. PETERS & CO. .
Bee Bldg. . 1702 Kdrnam St.
ADMINISTRATOR'S public sale ; mi nue-
tlon will lie hold onV < liics lny , Feb. IB.
1S3D , commenclnsr at 10 o'clock n. m.
sharp , at Cromonn farm , on Center St.
road. S miles west of Otnnha anil 3'4 ' mllr > 9
northeast of Millard ; on sale will bo tha
live Htock , lixrm Implonients and house-
liold goods belonging to the estate of
Major John II. Cryer , deceased , conslwt-
1ns of 2 thoroughbred stallions , ( I thor
oughbred marcs , 1 5-year-old thorough-
brcd mare. S 4-year-old thoroughbred
innrea , 1 2-year-old thoroughbred colt , 1
2-yoar-old thoroughbred lilly , 5 thorough
bred yearlings ; ( a descriptive catalogue
of those thoroughbreds oan l had by ap
plying to p. M. II. Crycr , 1120 Chestnut
St. , Philadelphia. Pa. , or to Cars ten Roh-
wep , Millard , Neb. , ) ; B work horses , 1
pony , 1 cow , 2 farm wagons , 1 truck
wapon , 3 road carts , 1 phaeton , 1 bURRy ,
1 sprint : wairon , 2 nioxvcrs. 1 liny rake ,
1 hay sweep , 3 plows , 2 sets of double
harness , 2 HlnRle harness , 3 saddles , 4
collars , 2 scales , a lot of carpenter tools ,
blocksmlth tools nml other Implements ,
2 cookliiR stoves , 2 heating stoves , 1
\vardrobs , 1 wrltlnR dealt , 1 foldltiR bed ,
tables , chairs. beddlnK. and other articles
too numerous to mention. Terms 6C thin
sale : On nil sums of J10.CO and over , ten
months Urns will be Blvsn on approved
notes , bearing Interest at 8 per cent per
annum ; on nil sums of $10.iw and over a.
discount of 5 per cent will be allowed It
paid on date of sale ; sums under $10.00
ntrictl.v cash. If. II. Reed , Auctioneer ;
II. II. Cryer , Administrator. UE
22 feet on Farnam streei. pays 8 per cent ,
44 ft on 18th street , pays S per cent , $12,000. $
03x120 ft. , 23th and Hamilton , cast front
\vtli S-room cottage ; a desirable house and
very cheap at $2,750.
50 ft. on Farnam , near 20th St. , Jj.OOO , .
Full enst front lot on best street In Ilans-
coni Place , paving all paid , $2,3M.
Full lot on GeorRla avc. . near Paclllc. $ liOO.
ICast front lot , 2flth and Maple. { 3.)0.
2 lots , corner. 100x128 , In nest part of Dun
dee Place , no city taxcf , $500.
Full lot on 20th St. . piivlnu paid , $600 ,
If you are offering1 a bargain In real estate
for sale , or If you wish to buy a. bargain ,
It will pay you to see
John W. Bobbins , 1802 Farnam St.
Near Hickory and 10th tercet car line , neat
G-room cottaRe , city water , $1,300.00 ; an
other hoitf * and CO-ft. lot , 12th and Mar
tha , price $1,000.00.
Near N. 2Uh street car line at the prleo
offered , probably the best bargain In the
city ; consists of a 9 > room house newly
painted ami In llrst-chiHs rnmlltlon ; cost
owifer $1,000.00 ; prlco now $1.650.00.
A corner lot with house , Jiear 2Cth and
Hamilton , price J1.700.CO.
For an Ames nvo. street car man 5-r. hoiro
rind lot , { 000.00 : near Ames avo. and 24th.
Dtirclctto and 23th , 5-r. house , $800.00 ; an
other nearby , $ XJ.OO ; both liavo city
Manderson street , near Sherman , ave. car
line. 5-r. house with gas , bath , closet , city
water , cellar , barn ; a bargain ; price
CrolKMon IIclRhls , $73.00.
Tompleton street. S2IOOO.
Cnrby and 2 < Sth ave. . JIOO.OO.
Grant and 2ath , $350.00.
lirlRRH1 Place$300.00 to SGOO.M ,
Near 21th and Vlnton. $30300 ( o $500.01.
Ncnr 20th and Van Camp avc. , $350.00 to
$130.00 ,
Lalio and 20th. choice lot. $1.100.00.
So.10th , nr-ap Farnnm. $1,500.00.
IJanscom Place , clcnant corner , $1,500.00.
Several tholro re-Mdencn propertlps > In best
parts of the city , $1000.00 to $10,000.00.
niC 103 D
Flvo farms of ICO iieren P.IC'I. ' clear of In-
oilinbranee , for $1.000 spot . < hh. My east
ern client says , "Sell them all for > 1 KW
If pale can bo mail In two weeks. " This
Is a snap. Act quickly 4f you want them.
You cnn't help but malto a. good prollt
from this Invertmnnt. Address A. C.
Cragsman , Atkinson , Neb. HE 603 5
! 2xKi2 FT. ON Dodjfo St. , bctwcon 15th and
inth Hto. , with three-Btory brick building.
> 2xl32 ft. on Farnnm , bftween 12th nnrt 13th
PIH. . with threc-atory brick building ,
} 1G.(00.
; Cxl32 ft. N. E. cor. 20th nnd California Els , ,
rontul S113 nfr monih , ? 10.0TO. * *
ICxlSO ft. S , E , cor. 15th and Davenport fits. ,
BT. U13 M 1S2 7
mndorn. 19th and Corby , $1.000.
i-room cottnpc. 30th nnd Ames avn. . { 3SO.
! lots west end Amen vo. , cor. , $200.
li-lno lot llth rind Wlllnma ' . $ < ) .
i-room coltnro , nice , 9th and Oak , $1.200.
I'lno lot , Bhade trr-eii , imvcil Htrc-ct , SOth and
MimdorBon , will sell nil on time to party
building fl-room cottoKO , $559 ,
Pine lot. Mth and Mnndprson.riOO. .
i-room cottanp. 27lh and Ornnt , XOjO.
A. P. CONNETT , 002 N. Y , I-lfo bliltr.
IlE-197 K
] > A.\Cl\fi SCHOOLS.
iV. . E. CJIAMHEIIS , Crelghton Theat. llldir.
Now clnuses forming ; private Irtrons ;
coaching ; hall for rent. 291 F2J
MPERIAL Dancing Hchool , Win.
Instiuctor , terms reuHonnhle ; latest
dunceu. Imperial Hall , 1313 Howard.
372-F3 *
PIIE sprint : term at Morand'H , 1510 Harney ,
will begin this wc-fk. Now classes fop
children iiiul adults , 022 FJO
MOVE'S dancing academy. Putternon Hall ,
latest dances for ball room or staee , cake
walks ; prlvnto or claBa , Write. C01 FIB
HHOI : itii'Aiiu\n.
iOLES. 40o , N , Y. Shoo Rep. Co , , 212 N. 16.
J. S. WALKIN , 2111 Cumlng. T l , 3S31.