THE O rAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , FEBBUABY 5 , 1.899 , Py 5. RXrockett njrvxw or "n * OOe * S > 'II | IMM of l'r ' < 'cillii r Clmi > 1er . \VillIiun , sixth curl of nouglaw , falls in love -with tbo nlpco of Hi * Marshal do Hetz. Bholto MarKlm. non of the Douglas armorer. < lUtlnRUUhe jilin-rlf In nrclrry und Is made cnptnin of the ensile KUtml nnd later he Is knight' ' (1 ( for bnivo conduct In the tournn- n'cni. ' Through tbo plots of bin -mlen nnd the help of Lady Sybllln William is lured to C'nstlp Crlchton. Sybllhi repents ot ber mjrwmnit and urcos tbo young curl to re turn home with nil speed. Murshnl do Flotz takes Hyhllla to Edinburgh nnd WIN Hun nccopts th Invltiitlnn of the young Ulnff of Scotland to visit tbe court At a bnilquot n liugihour's bead la broiiRbt In , a sign of treachery. The curl and bio brothers nro arrested and Im * prlKonoil. The brothprs fire sentenced to be oxci-uteil at one' . Sybtlln doclirc : her love before thp court nnd the txvo Douglases KO forth to their death. Sboltr. atlrs up the countrymen. The three MucKlm * . meet , tell tbn ] * idy DoiiRlns of the loss of ber nons nnd lenrn In turn from her that Maud Llndcsay and llttlo Margaret Douglas have licen kldnnpp'ed by Do Hctz. The Lmly DoURlns gives Sholto a priceless suit ol nrmor , blesses him as her son nnd Btnrta liltn out to aenrcb for the two girls. Sholto wltli his father nnd brother nnd Lord James Dotmlns follow tbo Marshal do llctz tn 3'arls and then to Brittany. Lnurcncc MncKIm enters into service with Je netz , The search party bnttlrswith the wolves , J iiureuco' Is dlsroverrrl by De netz to be an Impostor. Is shown , the two girls and told that If h trips to escape or help conies the innld of Gnlw.-iy nnd Mauil Llmlesay will 4 > e inurdTui ) . Ixi Mpffrnyo tnunts the Scot- 1Nh maidens. Lmly Sybllla linds Sholto and ] iln rompanlons nnd sends thnm to John ol airlttuny for help. De Hctz and his assist ants continue In their crimes not mindful ol punishment , being- deceived by Sybllla at lo the vslicrcnbnutB of the Scotchmen. DC j < ctz murders several children In his search for porpctiml youth. John of Brittany uareea to help In tbo rescue ol the maidens , ClIAl'TEll Tlio Tower of Dentil. Throughout La Vcndeo and all the country Of Kelz ran a tcrrlblo rumor. "Tho Marshal do Retz la tlio murderer ot our children. lie has a thousand bodies In Iho vaults of his castles. The Duke of Brit tany has given orders that they shall be ( searched. His soldiers are forsaking him. The names ofthe dead ore written in black and whlto and In the handa ot the head men ot tlio villages. Hasten It is the hour ol vengeance ! Let us overwhelm him. Rise up and let us seek our lost ones , oven it we Hrid no more than their bones ! " And terrible as had been the gathering ol the wore wolves In the dark forests around Machecoul upon Uio night of the light bj the hollow tree , far more threatening and tcrrlblo was tlio rising of the angry com mons. In whole villages there WHS not ft man Ictt and mothers , too , marched In that mus ter , armed with choppers nnd kitchen knives wild-eyed , angry-hearted , as lionesses robbed of their cubs. From the deep glen ! mid deeper woods of the country ot net : they poured. They disgorged from the caves of the earth , whither the greed and rapacttj Of their terrible lord had driven them. Schoolmasters were there , with the cldci of tholr pupils. For many ot the chlldrer Diad been lost on their way to school and of losing boll these men were in danger their credit and occupation. Toward Tlffauges , Champdoce , Machecou' tbo angry populace , long repressed , surgct ! tumultuously and with them , much wonder ing nt their orders , went the soldiers ot th < duke. But It Is wltli the columns that conce-n trdted upon Machccoul that wo have chlcflj three Scots accompanied these to 4o , Our nnd with' them wont John ot Brittany him' Bolt wltli his councilor , IMerro do 1'IIopltal by his side. Night fell aa they Journeyed on , ovei Joined by fresh contingents from all thi country round. In the van presjcvd forwan the folk of St. rhllbert , fresh from the tit tcr destruction of the house of thewitcl woman In Meffrayo , so that not ono atom was left upon another. Guided by these , th duke nnd his party mnde their way easll : through the forest , oven In the darkness o tbo night. And as they passed hamlet o cottage , ever and nnon some frenzle * mother would rush upon them and fall upoi , licr knees before the duke , praying him t look well for her darling , and bringing may liap some pitiful shred of clothing or loci of hair by which the searchers might Idcn tlfy the lost Innocent. As they went forward the soldiers prlcke nn ahead and caused the people to fall t ttbo renr , lest any foreknowledge ot their op preach might reach the wizard and war lim | to escape. The woods of Mnchecoul were dark nn rillent that night. Not the howl of a questln wolf was heard. Truly the marshal's de : nons bad deserted him , or mayhap they wer till busy at that last carnival in the kee ot the castle of Mnchecoul. As the Btormlng party approached neare and while yet they were several miles dis tant , they became aware of a great red ligh that gleamed forth nbovo them. They coul jiot BOO It , but the peasants of St. Phllbei with afrlghtcd glancee told how it beaconc only after the disappearance ot some llttl 'ono from their homes , what strange crlt woio heard ringing out from that loft lower and liow for days after the smoke o n great burning would hung about th Bloomy turrets ot davil-hauiitcd Machecou ! Kierccr nnd even fiercer Bbouo the re Klnre. nnd 'tho faces of the soldiers were II up so that 1'Ierre do 1'IIopltal ordered thor to keep to the gloomy arcades ot tbe fores Then by midnight tha cordon was draw rD closely that none might pass In or oul 'And behind the soldiery the common fol lay crouched , anger In their hearts , an their curs turned toward tlio open window In the keep of Machccoul , from which flare the rod light of bale , Then , covering their lanterns , the thrc Dr , Hilton's Spe cific No. 3 is the fi r s t Ho in c dy ever otfeml to tht- r , Hilton's public to Cuic a Cold , the Grip , nU PKKVKNT PNEUMONIA , and it Is the ONJ-Yieincdyto- day Hint can do it , It was > first adver tised J nn uir ; y , 18911 Since then over ,1 million bot- tlus linvc Icon told. Whnt bet ter testimonial as to the efficacy of this rcmedvcdiild The Grip wo hate ? If your dru lst ( UiOhii't ami huvuitsundsocti. , in P. O. tmnpsor money .order to 13H. HILTON , PUEVEXTS reecho h bottle bv i , , . return mail. | PlUMllUOnlH. A\u have a rrtsu stoi ic of Hilton's No , ! Older of us BUKKMAN ic M'CONNKLJ DUL'U CO. , Omaha , Neb. Scots , with nuke John , Pierre do VHopitnl and a Bcore of officers stole toward the towci by which the Lady Sybilla hod promised thai nn entrance ( liould be gained to the casth of Machccoul. It was situated at the western corner , to ward tlio south and waa Joined to Ha fel lows at the corresponding angles ot tl fortress by gallcrlcd walls ot great helnht Ten feet nbove the ground was a llttlo dooi of embossed iron , but ordinarily no stopi led to It when the castle wns In n state o : defcnso. Hut when Sholto adventured firs into the angle of the wall ho stumbled npoi n ladder that loaned against the little land' Ing leJgo nhovo which was tlio door dcnotci on the plan. Bholto advanced first , being tbe Halites nnd most agllo ot all. As ho had expected ho found the door unlocked and a llttli passage leading within tbe tower. He la ] n moment and listened and then , being certain thcro was a light and the sounda o labor within , be crawled bacll to the laddci head and whispered to the Lord James ai order for total silence. Then , with SJiolto holding the ladder a the top , Duk John and bis councllo mounted like shadows and , with Millso MK James Douglas , they were presently crouchei In the passage , with tbo door shut bohlm them nnd the olllcers keeping watch nt thi foot of the tower without. The flvo listened to the sounds of bus ] picks within the towor. They could hoai the ring of Iron ca stones and the pantlnf of men engaged in severe toll. "Tho marshal Is preparing for flight , ' whispered the dultc cxultlngly. "IIo Is in tcrrlng his treasures. He has been -warned But wo will be overspcedy for him. " And ho chuckled in his satisfaction FI loudly that Mall Be , using no ceremony vrltl duke or varied nt snob a season , put lit band over his mouth. Then one by ono they crawled along thi narrow passage on ttiolr bands and knocs and presently -from a llttlo balcony plas tered on 'the ' Inner wall of the tower Ilk' a swallow's nest , they found themsclvtv looking down upon a strang scene. A flight of steps led slantwise to the bet toot , and at the .foot of tbo tower , strlppet to the skin , they beheld two men busll ; fllllng great sacks with a curious cargo. The turret had never been finished , t contained nothing whatever except th staircase. So far ns Sholto could see tlier was not even a window anywhere. Th door by which they 3iad entered and anothe which evidently led Into the Interior o the castle , were Its only outlets. The eartl at the bottom remained as it had been let by the builders , who surely must hav < thought that no madder archltctural freal was over carried out than this shut towe of the castle of Maehecoul , with Its blnnl walls and sordid accoutrement. Hut most strange of all , the orlglna earth had been covered to the depth of i foot or more with dark objects , the tru < significance of which did not appear fron the distance of the little gallery when tbo party of five had stationed themselves The two men at work below had brough torches with them and had fastened -these t the walls by Iron splices. The smoke fror these hung in heavy morses about tbo towci Btill further diminishing the clearness will which the watchers aloft could observ what went on below. Ono of the workmen was -tall and spare with the forward thrust of head and necl seen In vultures and other unclean birds The other , who held the sacks , while th first shoveled , wa ? on the contrary stou and short , of a notably jovial , rublcum countenance. In habit like the Jjostler of ai Inn , or perhaps a well-to-do carrier upo : tbo roads. The two worked without speaking as 1 the work were distasteful. "When ono sac' was full , both would seize their picks an dig furiously at the flpor of the tower. The when they had enough , raised , they woul ( all to shoveling the curiously shaped ob jects Into the sacks again. As Sholto looked down he heard a hlseln whisper la bis ear. "Theso be Blanchent the sorcerer nn Robin Romulnrt. But last week they too notice of my llttlo Jean and praised him fc a noble boy ! " Sholto turned round , and there at hi elbow , having followed them in splto of n orders and precautions , ho discerned th woodman Louis Verger , whose little so had been carried off by the gray wolf. Sholto motioned him back and at a slg from the duke his father and bo began t descend , So Htlently did they make thel way down the stone steps , and so Intent wet the men upon their work , th'at In a mlnul afjor leaving the little gallery , Mnllee Btoo behind the taller nnd Sholto stele like shadow along the wall nearer to the llttl rotund maa who had been celled RobI Romulart , The duke held up his hand. Sholto an Mallso each took their man about tbo thro : with their left arms and pulled tbcm bach ward , at the same tlmo covering thcl mouths with their right bands. Blanche never moved in the strong arms of Mallei but Robln , whoso rotund flguro conceals Ills great muscular development , might hav escaped from Shalto bad not tbo woodma Vcrgor flung ( himself at the llttlo man' throat and brought him to the ground. Then the duke and the others dcsccndc nnd as they did go they became cansclon of a choking mepbltlc vapor which dun danjt and heavy to tbo lower courses of tl tower. Suddenly a wild cry made all shiver. 1 came from Louis Verger , who had sprun upon Bometlilng that lay tossed aside In corner. "Sllenco man on your life ! Silence ! hissed IMerro do THopltnl. "Whatever yo have found , think ot revenge and help ute to It ! " "J have found lilm , Ho Is dead ! Tli fiends ! The flendsj" sobbed Louis Verge covering a small partially charred objec with tbo rurtmantle of which he had mi Idly divested himself or the purpose. Then U came upon those who stood on tli floor of the tower that they were in th marshal's main charnel hoiuo. Thcso vagi ! forms , mostly charred like half-burtie i\ooii , these scraps of white bone , these ill tlo crushed skulls , were all that remalne of the Innocent children who In the frcsli ness of their youth and beauty had been sc duced Into the fatal castle ot Machccoul. And what wonder that an appalling tern sat on tlio "heart and mastered the soul < Sholto MacKIm ? For how did he know tlu ho was not treading under foot nt each ste the calcined fragments ot the fair body c Maud Lludesay ? Twenty backs had been flllod ready fc transport , and as many more lay folded 1 n heap in a corner. The marshal , unoas perhaps as to tbo suspicions against bin mul anxious to remove evidence from th precincts of his castle , dad ordered thi tower of death to be cleared. But truly hi devil bad once more forcaken him. Tli order had been given a day too late , "God's grace , I utlflo. Let us got out c his and Belie the- murderer ! " quoth Duke rohn , making his way toward the door "Walt a moment , " said Plerro dt I'Hopl- al. Wo must consider. We cannot lethe ho commons see this or they -would e ick .ho castle from foundation to roof tree , and slay the Innocent with the guilty. Wo must seize and hold for fair trial all nlio are found within. And I , rlerro do I'Hopl * tal , will try them. " "What , then , do you propose ? " snld the luke , getting RS near the door as possible. "Lot us bring In liithcr the officers and what soldiers you can trust that's not my business , " answered the president. "Then wo will go through the ensile , nnd nftcr wo have qpcured the prisoners nnd made sure of sumclcnt pieces ot Justificative evidence , of which wo have Infinite supply In those , sacks , then wo may e'en permit the people to work their will I" As It wns Sholto who hud first entered , it was Sholto who first loft the tower ot death. He It was nlso who at the head' ot the first band surprised the marshal's sleepy Inner guard , and helped to bind them with Ills own bonds. It was Sholto who nt the foot of the stairs ot the great keep stood listening that ho might know the right mo ment to lead the besiegers upward. Then even ns ho stood thus , down the stnlrnny there came pealing a terrible cry , a Hhrlck of woman In the final agony , shrill , desperate , unavailing. And nt the sound Sholto flew up the Btono steps In the direction of the try , not knowIng - Ing whnt ho did , save that he went lo kill. And scarce n foot behind him followed tbo woodman , Louis Verger , nnd as they fled upward the red gloom grew brighter and they scorned to be rushing headlong Into a furnac l OIIA.PTEH LVIII. Tlip While Tower of Mnchreonl. So at the command of the Marshal de netz they sent to brlug forth Margaret Douglas and Maud Lindesay out of the White tower , where they bad been abiding. Margaret had iono to bed , and , as was her custom , Maud Llndcsay sat awhile by her side. For eo far as they could they kept to the good and kindly traditions of Castle Thrive. It th < * y were driven out ot the yard .again nd wont In n long Hiring , one after the other , baok. to their pa tur s. douccty and cfdntely. Just like folk going to holy kirk on Sibbath days when it Is summertime In Galloway. "Thon jou said , 'I am weary ot waiting for blm , ' and I answered , 'Why. ho has not boon gone more than n day. Sometimes I do not sao him for weeks and 1 never fret llko that , ' "Then you answered ( It has all coma so clcnr Into my head ) , 'Some day you will know , llttlo one. ' And you patted mo on the head and went to tbo house-end 1o look Into the sunset. You looked long tinder your hand and when you came back you said , as If you had never said it betore , 'llu Is long a-comlng. 1 wonder what can be keeping hlml' "Then the maidens told usthat tbe supper wns ready to put on the tnble. whereat you scolded them , telling them that it was too enrly and that they must keep It hot against their master's coming. And to mo > ou said , 'You are not hungry , are you ? " And I answered , 'No , ' though I was Indeed v ry hungry ( in my dream , that Js ) . Then you said again , Rlghlng , 'It Is strange that he pliould not mo home. I cannot oat till he comes. Petlinps he has fallen into a ditch or Bomo caglo may have peeked out his eyes. ' "Then all the time H grew darker nnd still no ono came. Whereat you cried a lit tle. Hoftly , and said , 'He might have come I know right well ho could have been here by this tlmo if ho bad tried. But he does not love me any more. ' And you were patting the ground wltli your foot , as jou used to do when well , when you wont nway from Trlevo without coming out upon the lo ds to soy 'Good night' when nil at once there was a noise ot quick feet brushing eagerly through the heather nnd some ono ( no. not Landless Jock ) leaped the little wall and caught me me in his arms " "No , ho did not catch you In his arms ! " cried Maud Lindesay. Indignantly , nnd then stopped , abashed at her own folly. Hut the little maid laughed meirlly. "Aim , " she said , "I caught you that time in my trap. You know who It was In my dream , though 1 never told you , nor so much ns hinted. " also was filled wllh tbn reflectloa of the rod tideof light -which pbb fl nnd flowed , waxed and -waned nbove. Saving for that -window tha nltolc castle was wrapped In gloom and fllcnce , and It there vurc nny anako within the precincts they Ttnew belter than to ppy upon thn midnight dotngfl ot their dread lord. lord.The The little party passed up the gmt stnlr- case ot the liecp nnd presently baited before the inscribed wooden door by which Lau rence bad entered the Temple of Evil before them. As Glllci do Slllc opened It tor the tnalds to enter the skirt of Maud Llndesay'a robe , blown back by , tbo draft ot the chamber , fluttered against the check ot Laurence MncKlnt. us he lav on Mn face In the niche of the wall. At Uio light touch he came to himself and looked about him with a strange and In a twit chnncc In nil the Affections nnd nioioincnts of his heart. With the eomlnc In of the maidens fears seemed utterly to forsake him. A clarity ot DiirncQC. nn alertness of brnln , n strength of heart unknown before took -the place of the trembling bath ot horror in which he had nwooned awny. H was llko the sudden -appearance ot two whlto angels , walking fearless nnd un scathed through the Ritin dominions ot the lords of bell. Incarnate good had somehow entered the house of the demon , ringed though It was In the slender periphery of n uialden'a body , and ovll , resistless nnd strong before , deemed In the moment to lose half Its power. CHAPT13H MX , Tlic Sncrlllor to Ittirrnnntlinnnit , And as Laurence MacKIm , crouched In the dim obscurity ot the curtained doorway , looked forth , this la what he saw : Maud Llndcsay nnd Margaret Douglas ml- vanced Into the center of the temple , where was a slab of whlto marble let into the floor. As If by Instinct -the two maidens stopped there and stood hand In hand be fore the Iron altar und the vast shadowy Image which gloomed nbove them , and ap peared to reach forward In the net to clutch "I , LA MBPFRAYB , "WILL GLOAT OVER EACH DROP OP DLOOD THAT T3ISTILLS PROM YOUR NECK. " seemed somehow a tlo with home In that horrible place In which they were doomed to abide. "Give me your hand , Maud , and tell on ! " said llttlo Jlargaret , nestling closer to her friend and laying her bead against her arm as she leaned on the low bedstead beside her. Margaret was gowned In a white linen ll made long ago for the marshal's daughter , little Marie de Retz , In the days before the setting : "P of the Iron altar. Catherine , his deserted wife , 'had been kind to the girls at Pousaugus and had given to both of them suoh. articles of garmonture as they were sorely in need of , "Tell on haste you , " commanded llt tlo Margaret , with the Impprlousness of loving childhood , nestling closer as she spoke. "It helps me to forget. I can al most think when you arc speaking that wo are again at Tlirleve nnd that If wo looked out of the window wo should see the Dee running by and hear Bholto Mac- Kim drilling his men. out In the courtyard. Why , Mnudle , what IB the matter ? I did not mean to make you cry. But It Is all BO sweet to think upon in this place. 0 , Maudlc , Maudle , whnt would you give to bear a. whaup whistle ? " Then , drawing herself with her hands about Maud's neck Into a sitting position , she took a kercblef from under the pillow and dried her friend's tears , murmuring the while : "Ah , do not cry. Mnudj my vision Will all coino true , nnd you shall Indeed see Ben Gavin and Thrlovo and everything. I was dreaming about It last night. Shall I tell you about It. sweet Maud ? " Maud Llndesay did not reply , not having recovered power over her voice. So the lit tle maid of Galloway went on unbidden. "Yos , I dreamed a. glad dream yeuter'cen. Shall I tell It you , nil nnd all ? I will- though you can toll stories far bettor than I. "Mfthought that I nnd you I mean , dear Maud , you and I were sitting to gether In the gloaming at tha door ot u llttlo house up on the edges of the moor land , where the heather Is prettiest and long est. And wp were happy. Wo were wait ing for some one. I shall not tell you who , Maudle , but If you are good and stop cry ing you can guons. And tliero vias n ring on your finger , Maud. No , not likethe old ones not a pretty ring lilio those In your box , yet you loved Itmorn than them all and never stopped turning It about between your finger and thumb. "They bad let mo come up to stay with you and the men wlio had accompanied mo were drinking in the claclmn. An wo sat I seemed to bear their loud chorus sounding up from the change house. "And you IIMcued and said , 'I wish ho would come. He Is very long , It Is always long when ho Is away. ' Hut you never said who It was who was long away. I shall not tell you , though I kuow. Perhaps it was old Jock Lucklamls , who used to bo captain of the guard , nnd perhaps grouting Peter from the gate house by the ford. Rut , some how , I do not think en. Ah , that la better ! Now , do not cry again ! nut listen else I will not tell you any more , but go to sleep instead , "I'erhaps you do not want to bear the rest. Yet It was such a pietty dream and of good omen. "You do want to hear ? Well , then , be- good ! "As wo sat there we could hoar the bumblebees scurrying home , and every now and then ono of the big boom beetles would gall whirring past us. We could huar the uheop crying below In the little gretm mead ows BO lonc omely , and the milpo bleating an answer away up in the sky above their hcuds , and you said , 'U U all so empty , wanting him ! ' "Then the maids brought. In the cows and milked them , standing at the gable end , ando \\o could feel the > ampl | of their breath sweet like the srent of tlio ( lowers tbty had been eating all day long , Then , after "And ho asked If you had missed him and you made a sign to me not to speak , Just as you used to do at Oastlo Thrlevo , and said : 'No , not a llttlo .bit. Margaret nnd I were quite happy together. We hoped you would not come back at all this night , for then wo could tiav elopt together. ' Maud Lindesay drew a long soft breath nnd looked out of the window ot the White tower into the dark. "That Is a sweet dre-am , " she murmured. "Ah ! nould that It were true and that Sholto I" She broke off short again , for the maid clapped her hands gleefully. "You said It ! You said it ! " she cried. "You called him Sholto. Now I know , and I nm po glad , for he Is nearly as good to play with as you. And I shall not mind him a bit ! " She broke off short in her turn , oeolng something In her friend's face. "Why arc you suddenly grown so , eacl , Maudle 7" she asked. "It came to mo , dear JIargnret , " said Maud , " how ithat we are but two helpless maids In a dreadful place without a friend. Let us say a prayer to God to keep us. " Then Margaret Douglas turned and knelt with her face to the pillow and her small U nds clasped la front of her. "Lend me your allver cross , " she said. "I lent the little gold one that was Wil liam's to the Lady Sybllle , and she bath not given it back again. " Maud returned her the crosa and she took it and held U in Hie palm .of her hands , looking IOIIK at It. Then she repeated ono by one the children' ! ! orisons she had been taught and after that she made a llttlo prayer of her own. This Is the prayer : "Lord ot mercy , bi > good to two malda who are lonely nnd weak , nnd shut up In this place ot ovll men , Keep our lives and our eouls and our bodies from barm. Make us not afraid of the dark or of the devil. For Thou art the stronger. And do. not forget to be near us this night , for wo have no other friend , nnd sorely do wo need one to love nnd deliver us. Amen. " It was true. More bitterly than any two in the whole world these maidens needed a friend nt that moment. Tor scarcely had the childish accents been lost In the night ellenco when the outer door Of the white tower was thrown open to the wall and on the steps of the turret stairs they heard the nolso of men coming upward to their prison room. Hut nrst. though the Inner door of their chamber \\as locked within , the bolts glided back apparently ot their own accord , It opened and the hideous face of La Meffrayo looked in upon them with a cackle of lltnd- ish laughter. "Come , sweet maidens , " slio cried glee fully , .IB tha frightened girls -clasped each other closer upon the bed , "come away. Tlio Marshal de Rctz calls for you. Ho hath need of your beauty to grace his feast. The lights of the banquet burn In his hall , See the light fihlno out upon the night. The very trees are red with It. The skies nro red. All Is red. Come up make your- si'lvrH fair for the eyes of the great lord to behold ! " Then behind La Meffrayo entered allies de Klllc and Foltou , the marshal's servants. " .Make ready in baste you are both to go Instantly before my lord , nho abides your coming ! " said Gllles do Sllle , "I'oltou and I will wait without the door and La Meffrayo hero shall be your tirewoman and sco that you have that which you need , nut hasten , for ray lord cannot bo- kept waiting ! " * * So they brought the Scottish maidens do\\n from the White tower Into tbo night. They vsallied hand In hand , Their steps did not falter , and as they went thpy prayed to God to keep them from the dangers of the night , Abiunc , the she wolf , who must have kept guard beneath , stalked before them , und behind them tlic-j- seemed to bear the hobbling crutch and cackling laughter of La Mcffraye. Acrosa tlie wide courtyard they went , It them. After the first check In his hideous Incantations Gillcs do netz had returned to his own chamber. In which , after his exit , the light gleamed brighter and more fiercely red than ever. As the maidens stood on the marble square La Meffrayo went to the door and called por.taln words within , some message which Laurence could not hear. Then , with .an assured carriage and haughty stride , came forth the marshal , his gray hair and blue-black beard In strons contrast with his haggard , corpsc-llko face , from which the momentary glow ot youth half-restored had already faded , as fades a footprint upon w t sand. Gllles do Slllc and Toltou towed silently before him ns men who have- done their commissions and who retire to await fur ther orders. But La Meffrayo stood her ground. "Here nre tbo dainty maids from the far land ; no beggars' brats are they. Noetrnya and pickings fiom tbo streets no , nor yet silly village innocents who follow La Meffraye from the play fields through the woodlands to the paradise of our Lord Olllcs ! Hasten not the Joy ! Let tbeso pearls ot youth and bcauteousncss die in deed , but let tbem'dle slowly and deliclously. And in the last blood of an ancient race lot our master bathe and llnd tbo new life ho seeks. Hear us , O Barran-Sathanns , and grant our prayer ! " Then La Meffrayo approached the maids and would have touched the dress of the little Margaret , as if to order It more daintily for the pleasing of her master's eye. I3ut Maud Llndesay thrust her aside like an unclean thing. Whereat Lo Meffrayo laughed till her ruaty black cloak quivered and rustled , "Ah , my proud lady , she- said , "In a little , In a very little , you , lee , will bo calling upon La Meffrayo to save you , to pity you , nut I , La Meffraye , will gloat over each drop of blood that distills from your white neck. Aba , you shall change your -tone when at the white throat upple , vhlch your sweetheart would have loved to kUu , you feel the bite of the sharp , slow knife. Then , you will not thrust aside La Meffraye. Then you shall cry and none eball pity. Then she will spurn you from her knees. " "Out ! " said Gllles de Uetz , briefly , and llko Eome Inferior Imping devllkin before tlio great master of-evil , La Meffrayo retreated , hobbling to the doorway of the marshal's chamber , where ebo crouched , nodding and chuckling and mumbling Inaudible words , mingling them ever with ber dry , cackling laujhtcr. Gllles de Iletz stopped at the corner ol the platform and looked long at Maud and Margaret , where they stood on the great central square of marble. U was the little maid who spoke first. "Dear'messlre " and almost , she said , sweetly most confidently , "you have a llttlo girl ot your own. I know , for I have played with her. I love her. Therefore you will not hurt us , 1 am euro you will not hurt us. You are going to send us bak In a ship to our own country , because it Is lonely here , where Maud and I know no one ! " Tbo marshal smiled upon ber bis Inscru table , inhuman * mll # . Iff leaned ftgnlnst * pillar of strangely twisted design nnd con- tcmpltled tha two victims at his case. "L-lfe 1 sweet < o yon , Is It not ? " ho Bald t lant. "You arc truly happy , being young , nnd have no need to bo rnado young ngnln. " "O , but I amvery old , " said the maid , gaining some confidence from tht > quiet of his \olce. " 1 am nearly & years old. And our Maudle here , ehp Is 0 , n dreadful ago ! She Is very , very old. " "You would not like to < Ho ? " suggested Olllcs do Uetz , with n certain soft Insinua tion. " 0 , no , " said Margaret Doiiglns. "t nm Kolng to llv * long nnd long till < > vcryono in the world loves mo. I nm going to help everyone to get what they most desire , And you know I can , for I shall bo Aery rich. And If what they say Is true , nnd I nm Princess of Galloway , 1 shall marry nnd be a very great lady. 13ut I slull never ninrry anyone who la not n Douglas. " The marshal ntxlded. " 1 lo not think that you shall marry anyone one- who d not n Douglas. " 1" > * aW. with a certain grave nnd not discourteous irony In his tones. "Yes , " the Imlc mnld went on. She hud lost rtll fear In nhc very act of speech. "Yes. nnd Maud is going l marry Sholto and they will bo so happy , for they love each oilier so. 1 know 11 , for she told mo so tonight , just before you sent for us to come to your feast. That was kind of you to remember s , though It wns past bedtime. But now , good marshal , 3-011 will semi UB back , will you not ? Now , look kind to night. You will bo Rind nfterwnrd that you were good lo two maids who never harmed you , but would bo ready to love you ifou were kind to them. " "Hush , Margaret , " said Mnud I.lndesay. "It Is use-less to epcnk such words to such a man. " The Marshal do note turned sharply to ber. ber."Ah "Ah , he said , with n curious bite In his words , "then , my young lady , you would not love me , even It I should lot you go ! " "I should halo and abominate you for ever nndvcr even If > ou helped mo into Para- disc ! " quoth Mnud Llndcsay , giving him defiance in n full cyo volley. "So , " ho said calmly , "I am Indeed likely to help you Into Paradise this very night. Tha.1 is , unlesa St. Peter ot the keys makes up his mind that so outspoken and trlck- Bomo a maid had best take a few thousand years ot purgatory as it were , on passant ! " A sudden lowering passion at this point altered his countcnnncc. "No , " ho thundered , standing up erect from the pillar against which ho had been loamlng , and his whole voice and bearing changing past description. "Jt Is enough listen ! I will bo brief with you. I have brought both of you hero that you may die. r cannot expect of you that you will under stand or appreciate my motives , which are Indeed above the knowledge of children. This Is a temple to a. great god , and ho de mands the sacrifice of the noblest and most innocent blood. I do you the honor to bo- llcvo that It Is here "to my hand. Also , your deaths will cause a number of people , both la Scotland and elsewhere sit easier In their seats. Lastly , I had sworn that you should die it your friends from Scotland came to trouble me. They have come , and Gllles do Retz keeps his word as doth the great master whl'th he scrveth ! " Ho bowed In the direction of the vast shadowy figure , which to Laurence's eye appeared to turn toward his nlcho with a leer , as If to say , "Listen to hlml AVhal a fool he Is ! " The- maids stood silent , not comprehending aught save that they were to die. Then sud denly Gillcs do Retz cried out In his loudest military tones , "Henrlet , I'oltou , De Slllc , bind these maidens upon the Iron altar that Barran-Sathanas may feed his eyes on their beauty and rejoice ! " And as they stood motionless upon the equare ot white marble , the servitors came forward and led them , to the great altar ot Iron. They lifted the maidens up and laid their bodies crosswise upon the vast grid , the bars of which wore as thick a& a man's arm , arranging them BO that their heads hung without support over tbo bar nest the shadowy .Image. As they bound them rudely hand nnd foot the long and beautiful hair of Maud Llnde say escaped from Its fastenings and fell down till It reached the great bath ot red porphyry which extended underneath the whole length of the altar of Iron. Then through all the Temple of Evil there ensued nllence. Not n sob or n moan escaped from the doomed maidens , and the feet of the assistants fell silent and soft as the paws of wild beasts upon the ebon door. ( To bo Continued. ) OUT OF TIII2 OIIDINAIIT. Malleable glaea Is now used In fill decayed teeth. Earthenware sleepers are In use on some of the Japanese railroads. Several New York bakers were fined $2fl each for violating the sanitary bakcshop laws. Slnco the Introduction of pneumatic rub ber tires on the London cabs many of tbo cab horses wear large Swiss cowbells on their necks , In accordance with the terms ot his will Reuben J. Smith , who died nt Amo-sbury , Mass. , recently. Is > to bo burled In a tomb recently completed , the body bolng placed In a chair In a sitting position , the dear of the tomb being tbon locked and the key destroyed. The boatwomcn of China , have no need to agitate for women's rights they possess them , The boatwomau , whether uho be a single woman or n wlfo or a widow , Is the head of the house that Is to say , of the boat. If s'he is married the husband takes the useful but subordinate place of deck hand or bow oarsman , She does the steer ing , makea bargains with the passengers , collects the money , buys supplies and In ganornl lords It over everything. Docs anyone know tbo origin of the super- stlllon that attaches to the singing of the cricket on the health the continuance ot "good luck" t the bouecbold ? Perhaps It has traveled to us all the way from Japan , touching England onthe way , for Lafcadlo Hcarn In his "Exotics nnd Retrospective" tells us wonderful -and entertaining- things of how for generations the Jauaneso bav made n custom of keeping singing insects In tbo houso. To them thcso Inflects nro what the linnet , the thrush , the canary bird or the nightingale orn to other nations that have yet no much to learn from Japan. The fear of being b-.irlrd nllvo Iminta many people , and whllo authenticated cases of such burial tire few. It d'-cs ' liappen and there are sometimes occasionally narrow ea- capcs. A bill line been introduced Into the Now York legislature requiring that In ccm- dtertes where there are wore than 100 burials a yrnr mortuaries bo established where bodies may bo kept untlj there are unmistakable signs ot docay. Germany has a ulrnllar law and action of the Bamo nature Is being urged ID England , The clmnces of premature burial are , of course , exceedingly slight , but u supposed cuso was reported a few dnya slnco from Wisconsin. A womnn , who supposedly died u week or more ago at Marion , 0. , has not been burled yet because - cause of the failure of fho body to ehow tbo full evidences of death. A young man at Slurgecn nay , Wls. , wlio wns thought to bo ihuil , was being washed by tbo qudcrtakcr wlu n ho suddenly came to life , Absolute purity is the chief ornament of this fame-crowned beer , VAL.BLATZ BREWING Co. MILWAUKEE , U.S.A. Per Sale by Foley Bros. , Wholesale Dealers , 1412 Douglas Street Omaha , Neb , Tel. 1001 r TONY VASTOU Has a Few Words to Say About "Hyoraoi. " It will pay you to road the opinion of this well known actor nnd manager regard * IHR the New Treatment for discuses of tlio respiratory organs. Nuw Youic CITY , Sept. 20 , 1807. R. T. BOOTH CO. DKAK SIRS One may live without "Hyomei , " but ono cannot live truly happy with out it. So far as ] know , it IB the only remedy that posi tively cures catarrh and' kin dred diseases and prevents colds. It has been invaluable to me , for in my work much depends on my freedom from colds. Did you ever notice that , In spite of nil the wonderful claims made by Catarrh specialists and manufacturers , not ono of them dare guarantee thplr treatment ? "HY- OMI3" IS GUARANTEED because It t acknowledged by the physicians to bo the only known euro for Catarrh , Uronchltls and Consumption. U H guaranteed beoauso wo do not wish to tnko your money unless It does cure. Send for folder nnd "Story of llyomel. " Price : Triul Outfit , 25c ; Regular Outfits , $1,00 ; Extra IJottlos , 50c. Ilyoniui Bulin. 2nc , Ilyomci Guar anteed Dyspepsia Cure , 50c. All druggists , or sent by ninll. THE 11. T. I100TII CO. , Auditorium Building , Chicago. DR. CHARCOT'S TONIC TABLETS ciothi ) only positive ! ? Rimranlreil remtdjjor th mink Ham. Kervoiuncss nna Jlellncbolj caused by ntonif drink. WK trAHANTEK FOUR HOXKB to cure any case with n positive wrl 11 rji gnar- nntcc or let mil th money , nlnl lo destrbf the oi-rotlto - for Intoxicating liquors. TUG TAOI.ETS CAN RF GIVEN WITHOUT KNOWLEDfiB OF THE PATIENT. iirr.r. ovcry or .lnNuiKl JUrutli. Unoa ICC4ID5 H lO.OOwni\lllnull joiifotirUJ boxes nnclro- ! tlrovrli n ctiMrniitri * lo cure or reliiad lourinoncj. anch l.oiigsno . nfcycrn , Dillon DI-IIK Co , , Sole Aircntf Kith nnd Farntiiu. Oiuiilin. Xch. A safe and poncrful remedy for functional troubles , delay , pain , and irregularities , is' ' Successfully prt crll > fil hy the lilglictt tledlcal ipccUIIiK. rrire i.oofnr9 cap ule . Bnldliyall Jnif lui , or I'ou tree. } ' , ( J. Hex o8i , N , V. II All IT. A ncn punrnnteed nalnloKii and safe Eome cure. Wholly different from nil otliora. J'oiltlvelyno Interference with work orbutlnoHS. Bond for Prcfc Ho in pi o imd book. Dr. Purdy , O. llluz DldR. , Houilou. Tanas. Patronize Home Industries fly PiircliimlMK tinoilN Mnilo at the FoU Knctorlc * ! FLO UK MILLS. ii. l < \ til 1,31 AN. Flour , Meal , Feed. Bran , 1013-15-17 North 17th street , Omaha , NOD. 0. H. Ole X Manager. Telephone 592. IKON WORKS , DAVIS A , IKON WOIIKS. Irun anil nrumi Koiiudcri. Manufacturers and Jobbers of Machinery. General repairing a cpectalty. 1D01 , 1C03 and 1&05 Jackson street , Omaba , Neb. L1NBBKD OIL. WOODMAN I.I.VHKI3I ) OH , AVOHKS , Manufacturer ! ) old process raw llnieed oil , kettle boiled linseed oil , old proccta ground Unseed cakes , around and screened llaisued for drueKl U. OMAHA. N151J. OMAHA llltl'nV I NO ASSOOIATIO.V. Carload shipments made in our own re. frL'erator care. Blue Hlbbon , 1C 11 to Export , Vienna Export and Family Export deliv ered ti all parts of tbo city , \ BO1LKIIB. O8IAIIA IIOII.IIH AVOHKS. JOHN It. : .nWni3Y. Prop , Boiler * . Tanku and Bboot Iron Work.