Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, February 02, 1899, Page 5, Image 5

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Continued Liquidation by Lonen Dunne Bay
Weakens Wheat.
Miir I'ork Open * Two nnii n llnlf Ontu
to rite Cent * HlK'ii-r ' "nil Hun us
I'lMTliril , L'limliiK
CHICAGO , Feb. l.-Contlnucd liquidation
by speculative longa today weakened wheat.
Tlio decline WHB checked by some export
business at the seaboard and at the close
May wheat had recovered ult but 'Jo ot an
tarly slump of % 'iilc. Corn and oats freed
themselves from their entangling alliance
with wheat nnd left off with an Improve
ment of 54c In corn und > , i03ic In oats.
I'ork advanced GB7',4c , lard 2tc nnd ribs 5c.
Comparative firmness at Liverpool , con
sidering the sharp slump hero jcsterdny.
Kavo wheat n good start. The weather
throughout the winter wheat country wai
recognized as being Vfry tr > lng on the
plant and an the fluids were sild to be for
the most part bare of snow , some appre
hension under such conditions was un
avoidable. May opened "MfVJc higher at
74 i17ioc , and an thcro was a disposition on
thn part of several shortH to cover the
price touched "S'.Jc. Chicago received SS
carloads , an ngnln&t 11 for the same clnv
last year. Minneapolis nnd Dulnth got 404
cars , compared with 261 cars for the cor
responding day a year ago.
I'rlninry western market
receipts aggro-
prated 634,000 bu , whereas 378,000 bu. was
the total the previous year. Atlantic port
clearance * of wheat nnd flour for the < lay.
exclusive of Newport NOVVH , wan equal to
670,000 bu. The early signs of recuperation
In the local market disappeared under thn
discouraging weakness of the New York
Whllo at Chicago the prlcn of May wheat
showed a % o advance of yesterday's closing
price , Now York did not recover more than
"Jo. AH the licnvv shorts who had .sold
May from aroud 73c showed no Inclln itlon
to cover on the early advance the mirket
was left without support as soon an a
few of the more modcrato operators had
tnkan what profit the Improvement In
prlcej ) gave them. The holders of Ions
wheat loaded down the market with offer
ings and May declined quickly to 7TCc.
Tlmt figure brought May within the limit
of some orders for export and this caused
enough buying to send May up to 74a4W
7l'/i ' < r , where It closed.
Modcrato receipts , light offerings nnd a
good shipping demand strengthened corn.
Receipts vvoro only 434 cars , und New York
reported u moderuto demand for export.
May opened 'MlVic higher ut 37r 4i17'ic ( ; , ad
vanced to 37c , sagged off to Ti sc ° n some
profit-taking , then rallied to 37c , the
closing figure.
Oats were Blow , but strong. Receipts
were 103 cars and n largo movement Is
anticipated on account of the reduced rates
which went into effect Monday. May be
gan US > ' , io better nt 2Sc , reurhed 2S'4e , sold
down to 27c , then recovcud to 2S1&o , at
the cloac. ,
Provisions started tlrm. but became weak
tinder the Influence of the forenoon break
In wheat. Later , however , the market re
covered again on the reported healthy tone
of the cash trade. Some of the early w oak-
ness was ascribed to a large Increase In
Blocks nt Liverpool. Mav pork opened 2U
ffF.o higher at $1037V < illO 10 ; rose to $10.42' * .
sold off to $10.27'i ' , then tlrmrd up to $10.40
010 42 % at the close. The range In lard and
ribs was narrow.
Estimated receipts for Thursday : Wheat ,
87 cars ; corn , C20 cars ; oats. 150 cars ; hogs.
31.000 head.
Leading futures ranged ai follom ;
Article * Hlrh. Lew. Olose. Y d J
7.1M 7Ut 7'2H 72H
37H U 37H 37T <
38M 37N
SSU 37j
27 <
1037M 1042)4 ) 1027H 1042H 10 JS
6 BO * 5'77H B80-
692M 605 BOO 5115
RIB 617M 512M * 17' ' _
525 S35 6-27H 685
No. 2.
Casn quotation * were as follows :
PLOUU Quiet nnd ca y : winter straights ,
S3 riOfi3.70 ; patents , $3BOtf4.00 ; hard patents.
WHEAT No. 2 spring. fi1 < 373c ; No. 3
Bprln. KiVMJTlc : No. 2 red , 7374c.
COKN-NO. 2 , 3&B36MP.
OAlS-No. 2. 27ftffI2Sc : No. 2 white. 30 ®
80V4c : No. 3 white , 29 > i@30c.
HYE-No. 2. G7c.
BAULHV-No -I2il51c
SUIOD3 No. 1 llaxseed , $1.1401.18 ; prime
tlmothv eed , $2 3502 41) .
PROVISIONS-Mess pork , per bhl . $10 20ff
1025. Lard , per 100 Ibs . K < Mi3 G2Vi. Short
ribs sides ( loose ) . $1800505. Dry salted
eboulders ( boxed ) . $1 2" > if4 32'A ; short clear
Ides ( boxed ) , $5.10(05. ( 15.
WUTSKY Dlitlllors' finished goods , per
g '
SeJGA'iia-Cut loaf. 16.70 ; granulated. $5 20.
The following were the receipts and shlp-
.menta for today :
Artlclo * Recelntn. Shlp't- . " .
rur. bbl . 17.000 25000
Wheat , bu . . . . . 99.000 211,000
Corn , bu . * . "OjOOO 117,000
Oats , bu . 3.1 ,000 2V. 000
jiye , bu . 14000 COCO
Barfcy. bu . 92,000 5,000
On the Produce exchange today , the but
ter mirket VVHB ntcadv : creameries. Tilp
JS'Jc ; dairies lOiifflCc. Eggs , firm nt 17Kc
Cheese , steady ; creams. DMiiTllc. Dressed
poultrv , Ilrm ; turkeys , S tflOKc ; ducks , Cif
7140 ; chickens , SffS' c. _
Uuotntlnni ( or the nay nn GenernI
NEW YOUK , Feb. 1. FLOUR Receipts.
33,763 bbls. ; exports , 9,805 bbls. Market neg
lected nnd lower , on spring wheat grades ,
Minnesota patents , $4.10 < IM 15.
CORNMEAL Steady nt 8li { 5c.
RYE Weak ; No. 2 western , GGjJ67c , f. o.
b , afloat.
nARLEY MALT Dull ; western. 5SfT6Sc.
WHEAT Receipts , 114,400 bu. ; exports.
SG.O > bu. Bpot steady ; No. 2 red , S2ic. f.
o. b. , arioat , to arrive. Option * opened
firmer on tne unexpected nteadlncss of
cables and unfavorable weather news from
the west. Shorts were stubborn , now ever ,
nnd failure to run them In provoked more
and heavier llnuldatlon at midday , helped
also by small clearances. In the last hour ,
moderate rallies followed on export rumors
and tn coso was steady , at Mflio net de
cline. March , SOVgffSlHc. closed at SO ic.
TORN Receipts. 29 2M bu. ; ex-ports. 161-
257 bu. ; spot firm ; No. 2. 45Hc. f. o b. .
nflOHt. Options market opened steady with
Mheat , broke sharply under renew ed liqui
dation , but rallied finally ns big export de
velopments and closed firm at a partla
Mo net advance. May , 42 S-ieff 42Hc , closed
at 4I'4c.
OATS Receipts. 80,400 bu. ; spot maruet
( inlet ; No. Z , 34Hc ; No. 2 white , 3Go. Op
tions dull.
HOPS Steady ; state , common to cholcs
If9li crop. 7C8c ; 1897 crop. llT13c ; 1898 crop
ISfflte : Pacific coast. ISSfi crop , 7CSc ; 1S9
crop , Ilftl3c : 1S98 crop , 18CT20C.
HIDES-Flrm : Qalveston. ll c ; Texas
" 'oot-Stcady ; fleece. J7Q22c : Texas , lit
4TALLOW-Flrm ; city. 4iWm4c ; country
RICE Firm : extra , 4t4f ? < > c : Japan , Bvie.
MOLASSns-Weak : New Orleans. IGfflRo
COTTONSEED OII--rinn ; prime crude
19Up ; prime vellow. 2lff25c.
ik'TTHR-Rfcelpts 5 9 < 2 pkgs. ; marke
\vestern creamery. lW19c ; Elglns , 19o ; west
rn factory , lOtfUc.
CIIKKHK Rrrelpta. 9S2 packages ; firm
largo white lOUr ; small white. llfTll'ic
large colored. lOVio ; email roloreil. MiillWo
IXIGS Receipts , 9,910 packages ; llrm
western. 19UC ; Bouthcrn. UfJlSUc.
MirTALS At the close the Metal ex
change called pig Iron warrants Ilrm , a
$850 nominal : Inlse copper strong am
higher , with $1700 bid and $17.25 asked ; tin
strong , with $2500 bid and $2315 asktxl
1 lead , strong , with $1 B > bid and $1.73 asked
Hpcltcr. tlrm. with $570 bid and $180 asked
The brokers' price for lead Is $1.30 and fo
copper , $17.50.
Clni-lniintl Market.
Jfn 2 red. 7ifi7Cc.
CORN-Flnn ; No. 2 mixed , 37 < 4e.
OATS-Dull ; No. t mixed. 30 310.
RYlFIrm : Nn. ! . 65c.
PROVISIONS Lurcl. firmer at $ "i 12'4
llulk ine-.itH , easy at JI.K. Uacon , dull u
willSKY-atcailv at ll.M.
iaO8-Flrm : at Uc.
CHEESE Active and firm.
\ > w OrleaiiM MnrUet.
Firm I'ork , Htuiulurd mes , $3.50iflOOi )
larJ , rciltud ticrec , ! 2 > iil.:7ii ; imn >
$112lj Doted meats , dry salt shoulders ,
$150 , sides , * o.37& . llacon , clear ribs Kldcc. '
J'i ' UVi. Hums , cholco sugar cured , $8.60 ®
060COFPEESteady ; Rio. ordinary to fair ,
HICK Low grades , off ; ordinary to good ,
Fi.uUR Extra fancy , $3.C3iJ375 ; patents ,
$4 151JI 3" .
HAY-Prlme , $11 OOW12.00 ; choice , $13003
rORN-No. 2 sacked.-mixed , 43o ; white.
42U42V4C ! yellow. 43fll4c.
OATS No. 2 sacked. 31c.
OMAHA ( invnn.M. M.tntcnT.
Cnnilltlnn of Trnilc nnd Qnotntlonii on
Hlniilc nii.l I'nncjProiluctfi. .
EGGS Receipts , liberal ; market firm ;
fresh stock , 15c.
IJUTTER-Common to fair , lOitllc ; choice ,
ISffUc : separator , \Sc ; gathered creamnry ,
ll'iflSc. *
1'OULTRY-HcnB , live , CiTG c. dressed ,
70Scj old roosters , live , 3c ; dressed , Ic ;
cprlng chickens , llvi1 , Co ; dressed. 708c ;
ducks , live. Gc : drtssiO , Sc ; geese , live , Gc ;
dressed , Sc : turk-jys , live , 70Sc ; dressed ,
GAME Tcai. blue win ? . $1.75 ; green wing ,
tl - > 0 ; mixed , J1.75fl2 ! jackrabblts , $1.500
1.75 ; cottontails. l.OtJM.2A
PIGEONS Llvo. per doz , dOc.
VEAL Choice , SfiSUc.
OYSTERS Hulk Standnid , per gal. , $1.10 ;
mediums per mn , lr c ; Sti.ndard , per can ,
20c ; Extra Select , per can , 23c ; New York
Counts , per can 30c.
TOMATOES Florida , per G-basket crate ,
4 50.
SI'INACir-Per basket. TSflSOc.
LETTUCE Homo grown , per doz.
unclies , lOc.
ONIONS Home grown , per doz. bunches ,
CELERY California , good stock , 25c ;
holco 35c ; fancy , 60c : extra large , 7Sc ;
Ilchlgan choice stock , 23B30C.
CAULIFLOWER Per crate , $2.50.
ONIONS Per bu. , COJifOc.
DHANS Hand-picked , navy , per bu. , $135
POTAtOES-Cholcc , sacked , 45ff50c ;
ccrer stock. 4Pc.
SWEET POTATOES Fancy , per bbl. ,
APPLES-Bon Davl , per hbl. , $100 ; Genl-
ons , $1.50 ; New Yoric Baldwins. Greenings
nd others , choice , per bbl. , $4.00f4.25 : west-
rn boxed apples. $1 ffiffl. ? ; .
ORAPES-Mnlnga , per bbl. . $ S.OOfl9.00.
CRANBERRIEB-Jerscy , Jii.50 ; per crate ,
LEMONS California , fancy. $376 ; choice.
PI 50. Messina , fancy , $1 2.W4 50.
ORANOE3 Mexican. 52.75 : Navels , fancy ,
32o , choice , $3 ; seedlings , $225.
BANANAS Choice , crated , large stock ,
> er bunch. $2 00j2.25 ; medium sized
lunches , $1.75'fi200. '
PIGS I nported. none ; California , 10-lb.
'Oxes ' , $1 405il,50.
DATKH-Hallowce. CO to 70-lb. boxes , 6c ;
K.iir su.nv > iird. 9-lb. boxes. lOc.
NUTS Almonds , per lb. . 17c ; Brazils , per
b. , DtilOc ; English walnuts , per lb , fancy ,
oft shell. 115J12c : standards. 10o : filberts ,
er lb , lie ; pecans , polished , 7fc3c , cocoa-
uts. per 100 , $4 ; peanuts , raw , 6V4@Go ;
oastcd. G c ; chestnuts , SfiOc.
CIDER Per half bbl. . $ J
SAUERKRAUT Per half bbl. , $2.
HONEY Choice white. 121T12JAC.
MAPLE SYRUP-rive-gal can , each ,
250 ; gal cans , pure , per doz. , $12 ; half-gal ,
ans. JO 25 ; quart cans , $1 50
AIAPLE SUGAR Choice , In boxes , 910c.
HIDES-No. 1 giecn hides. 7c ; No. 2 green
hides , be ; No 1 salted hides , 8V4c ; No. 2
lalted hides , 7' c , No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12
bs , lOc ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to IT lb > , Sc.
. 3c ; tallow. No. 2 , 2'to ; rough tallow , 14c ;
white grease. a'/iQac ; jellow nnd brown
rensc , l'4if(2Hc. (
FURS-Mlnk. 10@75c ; bear ( black or
wolf ( timber ) , 2icjT250 ( ; wolf
prairie ) , coyotte. 10fc50c ; wildcat , 10B25c ;
oadccr. fiQlQc : silver fox. $30.00Ji75 00.
SHEEP PELTS-Orcen salted , eacn , 15I
oc ; green salted shearings ( short wooled
early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( short
wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry
flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool
ielt ! > , per lb. . actual weight , 4iic ( ; diy flint ,
Cansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts ,
per lb . actual weight. 1i4c ; dry Hint , Colorado
rado butcncr wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight , 405c ; dry Hint , Colorado murrain
wool pelte.-per lb . actual weight ,
St. Ijoiiln Mnrket.
ST. LOUIS , Feb. 1. FLOUR Dull and
ewer to bell ; patents , $3COQ3.70 ; straights ,
$ l in.1o : clear. $2 SofiS.10.
WHEAT Options steady to lower ; spot
nominally lower ; No. 2 red cash ,
elevator. 7Gc ; track , 75fi77c ; February. 7Cc ;
May. 774c bid ; July. 70c ; No. 2 hard , CO ®
CORN Options fractions higher ; spot
ewer ; No. 2 cash and track , 33c ; February ,
35c ; May , 3Cc bid ; July , 3U4c.
OATS Steady to llrm ; No 2 cash , 2SUc ;
track , 29c ; February , 2s"5 " < , c ; Maj , 2Sc bid ;
Julv. 2Cc ; No. 2 white. SO' QSlc.
RYE Firm at 5oc bid.
FLAXSEED Lower at $1.11.
POULTRY Firm und higher ; chickens ,
7 < f/7' c ; turkeys , 8V4Q3c ; geese , 41f5c ; ducks ,
C',5T(7c. (
CORNMEAI $1.751(1 ( SO.
BRAN Unchanged.
HAY Dull but steady ; timothy , $6509850 ;
prairie. $67517700.
BUTTER rirm ; creamery , 15S20c ; dairy ,
EGGS Lower at 15Mr.
WHISKY Steady at $128.
METALS Lead , higher nt $4.45 ; spelter ,
firm nt IH 45
PROVISIONS Pork , steady ; standard
mess. Jobbing , old $337' ; new , $1023. Lard ,
steady ; choice , $4.70 Dry salt meats , shoul
ders , $ ICO ; extra shorts , $475 ; ribs , $5,00 ;
shorts , $5.12'4. Bacon. boxed shoulders ,
G2'5 ; extra ehorts , $5.23 ; ribs , $5 50 , shorts ,
" "
"RECEIPTS I'lour , 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , 15-
00 < ) bu. ; corn 04,000 bu. , oats , 47,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 4.000 bbl . . wheat ,
10,000 bu. ; corn , 40,000 bu. ; oats , 20,000 bu.
I.UoriMMiI Grain ami ProvUloim.
and SMJH. < 1 lower ; March , 5s 10'.d ' . : May ,
CORN Quiet and Ud low or ; March.
3s7d : May. 3s 7 11.
PROVISIONS Shoulders , square. Him nt
K Cd. Bacon , clear bellies , dull at 32s Cd.
J.ard , prlmo western. 2 s 3d.
The following nre the ntocks of breadstuffs -
stuffs and provlolons in Liverpool : Hour ,
19.000 sacks ; wheat. 10000 centals ; corn , < 52-
ooi > centals ; beef , none ; pork , none ; bacon ,
7.COO boxes ; hams 1 300 boxes ; shoulders ,
2.700 boxe - ; lard. 47.000 tierces : cheese. S6.300
ba\s : butter , 4 500 packages
KIIIIHIIH rlt > ( Jrnlii ami Prorlnloim.
lower ; No 2 hard. 65 < i7C HP : No 3. G2ir64Hc ( :
No. 2 red 73ff7lc : No. 3 , GuS'Oc ; No. 2 spring ,
CORN Lo'vver : No 2 inlxsd , 3
' - ; 2 white. 29Q2JJ4C.
RYE Steady ; No 2. Ki- .
HAY Firm , unchanged.
BUTTER-Steady ; separator ,
EGGS-rrcsli. 13'ic.
RECEIPTS Wheat , 62.SOO bu. ; corn , 3S-
300 tin ! oats. 5.0IX ) hu
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 47,500 bu. ; corn ,
6.DOO bu. ; oats , 2,000 bu ,
Toledo MiirUi'l.
TOLEDO , Feb. 1 WHEAT Lower nnd
eusv : No 2 cash. 7in ; May , 7t > 'Cc.
PORN Lower and steady ; No , 2 mixed.
OATS Steadv ; No 2 mixed. 2Jo.
RYlDull : No. 2 cash , 5Sc bid.
( -LOVERSEED-Hlghcr nnd firm : prime
cash , old , $ J.7Q ; new. 4 05
lIliinrntiullH AVlient MnrUcf.
ket weak ; May. 71slc : July. 72&c : on track ,
No. 1 hard. 72'ic : No. 3 northern. 77'4c ;
No 3 northern , G9Hc.
FLOUR-Lower : first pntents. $3.SOfi3 < M :
second patents. $3.600370 : first clear. $2.70iT
( i nil n HecolntN nt I'rliu-liinl Mnrkptx.
ST. LOUIS. Feb , l.-Recelpts : Wheat. 22
cars KANSAS CITY. Feb. 1. Receipts ;
AVheat. 3S cars.
Receipts at primary markets : Wheat ,
5SI.23G bushels ; corn , 1.07S.4IS bushels.
I'enrlu Mnrket.
PEORIA , Feb. l.-CORN-Easy ; No. S.
33 Vic.
OATR-Qulet ; No. 2 white. 29tl23Kc.
WHIblvY-Flrm , on the Insls of $1.CC.
Tlulnlh ( irnln Mnrket.
DtlLT'TH. Feb 1 , WHEAT Cash , No.
l hard. 73o : Julv. 75Hc ; Nn 1 northern ,
t-ash. 701ic ; Mny , 72c ; July. 73 > , io.
Cuttoii Mnrkit.
NEW YORK. Feb. 1. COTTON-Qulot ;
middling , fiHc. Net receipts , 1SU bales ;
gross , receipts. 5395 bales ; silcs , 30 biles :
Ktock , 97,179 bales. Total today : Net re
ceipts. 21.760 bales ; exports , to Great Brit
ain , t > ,7G3 bales ; to the continent , 31,465 bales ;
slock. 1,011521 bales
Steady ; sales , 1930 bales ; ordinary. 3Hc ;
good ordinary , 4 15-lGc. low middling , 5G-16 ? ;
middling , 5 < kc ; uooj mlJillinc G\c ; mid
dling fair. 6'4c Receipts. 3.7S9 bnlca ; stock ,
411,5i3 bates. Spot futures atcady ; Tcbru-
nrv , $5.7i > U6.72. March. $371lf 72. April , K 73
tif. 77. May J57SB3SO. June. U79US91 : July ,
$ j.S2'8 ; 83 , August , J5.S0 3. < 2 , September ,
{ 5rVi6G7 ( ; Octobir , tS.Cfi'nJ rt7 , November ,
? o GC1/5.6 ! . December , $5 & 5I/3.70.
HalIImore MnrUelx.
BALTIMORE. Feb. l.-FLOUR-Dull nnd
tmchnnged ; receipts , 6.710 obis' ' ; exports ,
21,751 bbls
WHEAT Dull and lower ; spot nnd
month , 76G75\c ; March , 7GV4'07G4i ; :
steamer No. 2 red , 7ZM7214c ; receipts. : r.i-
456 bu. ; export' . SS.OOO bu. ; southern wheat
by sample. 7C5nG14c : on grade73'ii76'4c. ' .
CORN-rirm : spot and month. 39 ! fi40c ;
March , 40MJ40V4c : steamer mixed , 37W
37' ! < c ; receipts , 217.172 bu. ! exports. 131,143
bu. ; southern whlto corn , 3i'4Q40Hc ; south
ern yellow. 37)ifl40Vic.
OATS-FIrm : No. l ! white. 15Q33Hc ; No. 2
mixed. 3J033Hc ; receipts. 847 bu. ; exports ,
40,000 bu.
Mnny Sprclnltlt-N Mnke Slinrp Ad-
vnnrex with .Mixed ClinitKcii ,
NE\V YOHK. Feb. l.-Many specialties
made sharp advances today , whllo the
changes in the railways' * ere rather mixed.
Interest centered largely In low-priced
stocks , ns Is shown by the dealings of
6GOOO shares In Texas Pacific and 40,000 In
Denver & . Rio Grande , which made extreme
advances of 2 points each. Atchtson pre
ferred , which of late has been a bear
target , made an advance of about 2 points
on transactions of 100 000 shares. Among
the other strong stocks were Cleveland ,
Cincinnati , Chicago .t St. Louis , DCS Molne
fc Fort Dodge , Manhattan , 'Mobile & Ohio ,
Like Eric & Western and Twin City Rapid
Transit , which made average- advances of
2 points aside from the last mentioned ,
which rose G points nnd lost half of It.
New York. New Haven & Hartford ad
vanced 6 polntn and New York Air Brake ,
after an Initial break of 4 points , rose 9.
Ixindon was a seller on balance , of about
To.OoO hares. but was a purchaser In the
Into dealings The market locally opened
lower under bear pressure and commission
house realizations. The reaction reached a
point In only a few shares , which embraced
some of the specialties , Louisville , New
Jersey Central and Plttsburg. Cincinnati ,
Chicago & St. Louis. The decline In stand
ard stocks was ch cked after fractional
recessions on the nppearanco of buying
orders which caused a renewed advance
and standard stocks rallied above yester
day's close.
Sugar was attacked , thus checking the
rise elsewhere. Finally , after feverish
fluctuations , Sugar ended with a small
gain. The reported gold developments In
Colorado lent strength to Denver & . Rio
Grande and Ita semi-annual statement woo
also a supporting factor. Manhattan's rlbe
was probably on an advance Information
of the provisions for a loan for electrical
equipment. The bears as usual , sought to
bring about a reaction In the last hour , but
the offerings were well taken and as soon
as pressuie was removed the market closed
firm. The St. Paul weekly statement of
gross earnings , which often , according as
thov are more or less favorable , have a
distinct effect upon the market , did not
appear today , and It was said that It
would be given out Saturday night.
The bond market maintained a. very
strong tone throughout , with exceptional
strength In Texas & . Pacific seconds. New-
Haven debentures and Wisconsin Central
first. The latter rose 7 ; points to GStf. but
receded to 65Vi. Total sales , $0,325,000
United Stntea new 4c , coupon , advanced ' &
per cent In the bid price.
The- Commercial Advertiser's London
financial cablegram says : Business was re
duced here to day and consols were dull
on tlio news that a Chinese 5 per cent loin
of 1,300000 , secured by the northern rail
ways , will probably be issued at the end
of the wick. The American market Is
much shrunk. Dealers who came over
from Africans nre returning thither , and
'nervous bulls sold all morning , but New
York bought Denver issues and Atchlson.
Chesapeake and Union Pacific , and the
close was at the top. In the street , however -
over , business was restricted. I can con
firm the. report of the early appearance of
the Central Paclllc reorganization scheme.
The assessment will be $10 In exchange
for 21 per cent of fours , or 20 of lives of
Southern Pacific bonds. Tlntos touched
33 % and closed at 39 on a large bear fail
ure In Paris. There was a rise In copper
of 13a a ton I hear from a good source
that tl'e year's output of Rio tlntos has been
taken at 7T to 75. Anaconda mine statistics
'or the fortnight show supplies down 5GI
ons. The bank has bought 116 000 of gold
, 'n bars Including 75OtK ) of Afrlc in gold
at 77s 9&d.
Following arc the closing quotations of
the leading stocks on the New York mar-
iet today : . .
Uchlfon 23'1 d * Jil pfd 43)4 )
do pfd 62" , , t. L. & a W 10g
Baltimore & Ohio. . 70 do pfd. ' . ?
Canada I'ac'flc . . . tfi bt. Paul 12S'i
Canada Southern. . . 59 < lo pfd ins
Ontral Pacllrc . . . . CIVJ St. P. O ! > 3'4 '
Ones & Ohio 30 do pfd 170
ChtCDKO Ik Alton..ITS Southern Pacific 4"-
O , R & Q m 4 tjouthorn It > 15'j '
rhlcaKO & B I. . . . 67 do pfd . rfl > i
do pfd 116 Texas & . Paclllc . . 20'4 '
Clilcapo Q. W 17 Union Taielllc 47 4
Chicago , I & L. . . . K'4 do lift ! SO1 *
do pfil 50 IJ P. D. & G lirtu
ChlcaRO A. \V..H9'i Wabash S
do pfd I'H do pfd 23'i
! . C * St. U. W'i
, C. , w. & i > . n u'
do pfd SS\ to . . . . '
' ( pM .53'fc
Del & Hudson . , .112'i
Adnnia Express . . 109
r i u & w . . . .w
Denver A Rio O. . . 23" American Ex . . . .140
do pfd1 74 > , i U. S. Uxpross . . . . K
Erie ( now ) 1V VVells-rarKO Ex . ir.
do Irt pfJ . 40i , A. Cot on 31. ' ;
Ton Wayne 178 to pfd 91
( It Nof < rn pfd. . .ITB'i American Splrllv. . 1.1 %
llpck'nir ' Vall'y . . :7 do pCd SS'J
llllnoto Central. . . .1J7U American Tobacco US' ,
do pfd 137
Consolidated a-i..lW4
Lake Blwre 2t ' , i Com. Cable Co . . .190
1 , & N MV Colorado T A. 1. . 3I'4 '
Manhattan L. ' & do pfd . 91
Met. St. Uy 217'i ' Oeneral Uteclrlc , ,111'j
Michigan Central . .UK II C. Co f2'i
Minn & St L . . . 46 Rk RSII Tr. . . ' 'I
do 1st pfd . . . . 9S lnt'n'1 Paper K
Mlsnourl Pncltlo . . . 47' ; do pfd . . . 'U
Mob'Ie & Ohio. . . 41H I/xclede Oas %
M. , K & T 14'i I/ead 37g
' do pfd 3v do pfd 113
N .1. Central 102
Vat. Lin Oil 7
N Y fVntrnl . . .IE ! ' , * Pacific Mall . "
' H ° t L V. > !
N Y , C' ' '
do 1st pfd 73 I'eoplc's Gas . . . 1IG
Pullman 1'alice ifoi
do 2rt nfd
Nor. & WpKt 19' S'Uer certificates W'i
No American Co v hlamlnnl K. 4 T . 10
Northern Pacllkj . . 32 : SuKiir 1.14'j '
do pfd . . .Mi do pfd Ill
Ontario ft W 22 4 Tenivosw- . & I. . 4ln
Oregon U. & N . .49 U a. Leather 71 *
Orcn S E : . . . Ito I Pfd 73Ji
V C ' l t pM i > & 'U ' S Rubber 3'H
do'd pfd . . . . 61HI do pfd JK.
Plttuburft 16" , AVe8tern Union . . . D" T ,
nea > ltnK 23't.rM raI Steel . . . , f > 2'
do lat pfd 61'1 | ( V ) jiM SS
U r AV" 37'j Ore. Nav. pM 7'3
do pfd 7t ( Pacific Coast . . . . 4S
'iK iHlind . ll'1 ! Colorado Soulliern "Mt
S < L A S F 13'i do Jrt pfd MiJ
do lut pfd 75 1 , ip _ S pfd. . . . . 4 ij
Second asst. paid * A11 ass'ts paid. " * i\-
The total sales of stocks today were 872,500
share ? , Including : Atchlson , 27,400 : Atchlson
preferred. 9,260 : ChesapanKe & Ohio , 13.1CO ;
Hurllngton. 15,610 ; Cleveland , Cincinnati.
Chicago & St Ixmls , 13f91 : Denver & . Rio
Orande , 41 K20. Denver & Rte Grande pre
ferred , 18,120' Louisville & Nasnvllle. 15.GOO ;
Manhattan , 27,430 ; Ruadlnir preferred , 1C fi50 ;
Minneapolis & St. Louis , 3,200 : Missouri Pa
cific. 7,560 : Mobile & Ohlo. G.120 : Now York
Central , 7420 ; Noith American , 14,700.
Northern Pacific. 23910 ; Northern Pacific
preferred , 6710 : Ontario & Western , 7.600 ,
Reading. 3.700 : Rock Island , 6.000 : St LoulM
S. Sin Francisco. 3 818 ; St. Louis & San
Francisco second preferred , 3 770 ; Union
Pacific , 10,620 : Union Pacific preferred , 18.300 ,
St. Paul , 20820 ; Southern Pacific , 11.041 ;
Southern , 9 730 : Southern preferred , 1C 610 ;
Texas & Pacific , 66 200- Wabash nreferred ,
4,610 : Cotton Oil. 9855 ; Tobacco. 6390 : Step ] ,
14 020 ; Steel nreferred 18,920 : People's das
7 213 ; Consolidated Gas. 6,825 ; nrooklj n
Transit. 6,970 ; Pacific Mail. 10,510 ; Sugar.
45 OJO ; Tennessee Coal & Iron. 6 600 ; Rubber ,
C,12."i ; St. Louis & Southwestern preferred ,
5,050 ; Chicago Great Western. 8.MO.
Iloitnn Stock nnd
BOSTON. Feb 1 Call loans 2fn r > er
cent : time loans , 2'MJ4 per cent. Closing
prices for stocks , bonds and mining
shares :
A . T & s. F . . 22"- niec pM 1 r
American riugnr 13)\i lvHi pfl . . . cl (
do pfJ . 11 : VV'li Central liti. . . (3'4 '
Itaj Stale dun . : > W "lo B . 130V ,
Hell Telephone .III Mlouez Mining Co. IflVj
] ! o ion & Altunj ,243 Itnlon Um.l . s t
Boston it Maine . .171 ! lo ton A Mont. . . . .311
Bos-ton It . & < i < i Ilutle . lloston I'O
C. . II. i CJ . 11 > S C'nlumM 4. Jt > cla 'M
PltchburE . 1 Centennial . jtj |
r.enfral niectrlo . Ill Kranklln
Mexican Central . . 7 OM Dominion . . . . * > 4
KM l oloni . .W Osfeola . j 101
Oregon S. L . UVi Qti'ney ' . . .no
Itubber . M AiUfnmre . jst
Union 1'aellVo . . . 47' , Tamiruck . : < o
Went Und . , . . . 91 VVolrlne . 4
do pfil . -.Ill ! irrott . 531 ,
WeM. Electric . . . . 41 HumboUt . 2' |
do pfiiCentral. Wlnona . i
Central. .
I'll re I ii Flnnnclnl.
LONDON , Feb. 1. American securltlca
after declining somewhat on profit-taking ,
vxero quiet with a hardening tendency.
The closing was steady with a light de
mand. Amount of bullion sane Into the
Bank of England on balance today was
116,000. Gold nt Buenos Ares was 117 ,
B ir gold , 773 9VI. American eagles , 76s
4\d. Spanish Is closed at 53U.
PARIS , Fob , 1. There was a boom In
stocks on the bourse today , dun tn the
easy continuation rates , whim encourace > d
fresh speculation. International securities
were considerably harder under the In
fluence of the strength of Spanish 4s and
Drarllluns on largo covering purchases.
Rio tlntos purchased on London account
were carried up rapidly , Delleers advanced
nnd South Africans generally phowed
strength , particularly Rands and Rand-
Fontclns. Spanish 4s closed at 54.16. Three
uer cent rentes , 102f f 3c for the account.
Exchange on London , 23f 1'V c for checks.
Snlrn of .Iniiunry ItWI.UOO Wlinrcn of
stock mill * r ,4imi,7HI of llnnilii.
NEW YORK , Feb. l.-An Idea of the
volume of business now transacted In Wall
Street .Is given by the Stock exchingo
transactions for the month of January and
the changca compared with last -year ,
which are :
Stock shares , 24 200,763 ; Increase , H.SS9.9S3.
Governments , 1,965,000 ; Increase , 1,214,160.
State and railroad bonds , $112,311,490 ; In
crease $49i > /,700. / .
As there were twenty-five days of busi
ness , the average dally stock sales of Jan
uary w ru nearly 9M.2M ) shares of stock and
$3lW(3,7uO ( of bonds. Every stock record for
day , week and month has been beaten In
the. time under review. Naturally the bank
clearing house transactions have also been
on an unparalleled scale for the activity of
speculation has swelled the business of the
IM York MonrjMarket. .
Nomlnallv , 2i4in per cent.
per cent.
actual business In bunkers' bills nt $1 S5'4
ffil.SV,4 for demand , nnd nt $1 S3'i for sixtv
cln > s ; posted rates , $48494.813 ; commercial
bills. $1 S2fi4 S2'4
Int. . 107 ; new 4s , rcg. , 12S ; coupon , ex. Int. ,
12S4 ; 4s , 112 ; coupon , 112V ; 2s , 9 ; 6s , reg , ,
Hl'4 ; loution , ex. Int. ,
WASHINGTON. Teb. 1. Today's state-
inont of thn condition of the treasury
shows : Available cash balance , } 274,5i > lG75 ;
gold reserv e , $22S 652.342
CHIOAGO. Feb 1. Clearings , J21C09,4:9 ;
balances. J2618li63 : New York exehange.
par : sterling exchange , posted lates , M.St
& 4.86. actual rates. S3'4 ij4.5' ! ' & ; sixty days ,
$4 82 > iil.S4. { Stocks quiet' Stravvboard. i2 ;
Alley L , 77. Diamond Match. 144U ; Hlscult ,
common. 5i'i ; Dlncult. preferred. 101 % ;
i We-t Chicago , SG : North Chicago , 219.
I ST. LOUIS. Feb. 1 Clearings , $5,111.930 ;
balance' ! , 934040 ; money , 1@6 per cent ; New
York nxchangc , par bid , 15c ptemlum asked.
NU\V OHLUANS. Feb. 1. Clearlnga ,
J1.5C1.GOO ; New York exchange , bank , II pre
mium : commercial. 50375c discount.
CINCINNATI , fob 1. Money , 2'/ifiG per
cent : Ntw York exchange , 15c discount ;
cltMrlngb , $2.404,700.
Ninv YOHK , Fnb 1-Clearings , J215-
4011t)4 ! : bnlances. Sll.SOS 170.
13OBTON. Feb l.-Clearlngs , 131,601,900 ;
balances. J1.0S1.3 , " .
PlilLADULFIirA. Feb. l.-Clearlngs , $20-
710 SW > : bnlanccs. $2.649,519.
HALTIMOnn. Fob. I , Clearing' , $1,097-
593 ; balances. $403.0J'J.
1'rlvrn Harden Tun PIT Cent nnd Are
Maintained nt London Mule.
LONDON. Feb. 1. The first series of the
1S99 wool auction sales closed today.
Throughout the series the tone was very
strong. U Is estimated that the home tiade
secured S3.000 bales , thu continent 82,000 and
, America C.OOO. Nineteen thousand bales
I were carried over. Tha opening was active
.at un advance of from 5 to 7 per cent.
Subsequently merinos were In particular
request , cspocialb medium and inferior
combing bv tlio home trading and the con
tinent. Prices soon hardened \ ' > per cent
and the advance was maintained until thu
end. The feature of the hales was the
continual spirited continental demand for
line locks and pieces , which wore about
the dearest In tin * market throughout.
American requirements were limited , the
demand for well-grown and medium greasy
crossbrcds cauilni ; a rise of 10 to 15 per
cant above the December overage. During
Uie last day or two operations slackened ,
but the eager competition was again evi
dent today. The liner qualities , In sym
pathy nlth merinos , were strongly sup
ported , principally by the home trade.
Coarse and shabby , also scoured ullps im
proved slightly early In the session , but
later there was a slackening in the de
mand , Wlthdiawals were more frequent.
Capo of Good Hope and Natal wan In
limited supply. There was a good request
for these grades and medium scoureds ,
Ilec-ce washed advanced 7'fe per cent and
MIOW white grenslcs 5 per cent. The num
ber of bales offered today wu 12147. The
following are the sales In detail : New
Smith Wales , 7.COO bales ; scoured , Is 4d5ils
i > d. greasy , 5 till'4d. Queensland , 3.7(0
bales ; scoured , IsMids Cd ; greasy , 64(1
lO'.d. Victoria , 900 bales ; ( .enured , Gy.dtp
Is 9d ; greasy , CSj/H'd / ' , West Australia , 8W
bales ; greasy , filVUlOd New /.calami , 2,700
bales ; scoured , u'jiUils 1'fcd ; greasy , 5'jii ) Cape , of Good Hope nnd Natal. 1.4W
bales , scoured , fldiils f'Vid ; greasy. U11 < 0d.
BOSTON , rob. 1. The American Wool
nnd Cotton Reporter will say tomor
row : The wool market has on the whole
bhown some Improvement during the last
week. Prices as .vet have shonn no ad
vance , it la true , but a firmer feeling pre
vails nnd there has been more business
transacted. The eu o of Improvement was
the report of an advance In the price of
heavyweights by a leading worsted mill and
tlio possibility that a further advuncn would
bo established on the goods next week. The
bullish feeling Is Intensified also by the
course of the London sales , at which prices
I'rve advanced about 20 per cent on some
lines of tross-brc'ds and fully 5 per cent on
merinos. .Tho month of January was u ills-
appointing ono. The volume of business
transacted was considerably lea * thun lout
> car. The gales amounted to only iT.f&.OOi
pounds , as compared with 23,610.000 pounds
In 1S9 ! > . The ualea of thu we'k In Uoston
amount to 3 3.000 pounds domestic and 770.-
000 pourids foreign , making u total of 4WGOOC !
pounds , against a total of 3524000 pounds
for the previous week and a. total of 4,137.0m.
Doundx for thn correxuondlni ; wt k lust
jcar. Sales since January 1. U99. amount Ic
I 17.CS-J.OOO pound. ' , uu-ainst 23G10bUO uuunda
1' ' Jaat > car at thli tlmt. „
Prices on Beeves and Feeders Active and
Just About Steadj ,
< lunlltr Poor , with the Valnrn Itiin-
Down IlnlC Illniu
front Where They Were
ou Tucniln } .
SOUTH OMAHA , 1'cb. 1.
Cattle. Hops. Sheep.
Receipts todav 2,305 3.418 6.201
Cfllclal Monday 1.14J 2.W2 7,910
Otliclal Tuesday 2t > 20 6X'5 ' 3,315
Three days this week. . . . fi,20S 13,17.1 17.02S
Same Ua > s last week. . . . b,4SS 24,021 llfi'Jl
Same dujs week before. . 6,257 20,77s 15,241
Same three vveekj ago. . C , W 2W.U17 i > ,2ul
Average price paid tor hogs for the last
several clqva , with comparisons :
| lS93.lsa5.1897.lS96.1805.189 | | | | | . | lS93
Jan. 1C. . . . . . | S 62 | | 3'I 3 C0 | 3 SS 6 23 | 7 bO
Jan. 17. . . . . J 49 3 47 * J 7 1 J 86 6 19 ? 61
Jan. 18. . .1 611 61 , 3 23 [ 3 93 6 12 7 44
Jan. 1 . . . 364 5 a4 3 2l > 3 SS a 21 444s
Jan. 20. . . 3 5b J 60 3 2t > 3 90 * 4s
Jan. 21. . . t 59 3 54 .1 20 J 96 393
Jan. 22. . . . 3 57 3 23 3 91 3 831 5 30
Jan. 23. . . . 33G * 3t : Sb 3 81 6 33
Jan. 24. . . 3 Cl 3 62 t 3 92 3 S. 5 31 7 60
Jan. 26. . . . 3 CO 3 br. 3 33 4 W | J 79 527 7 61
Jan. 26. . . 3 67 3 72 3 33 * 3 S3 C 2 ! 751
Jan. 27. . . 3 C3 3 b7 3 30 4 11 5 1 7 bli
Jan. 28. . . 3 3 t.2 3 2 4 10 3 97
Jan. 23. . . 3 fa4 J 2 ,1 9J 3 SS 5 21
Jan. 30. . . 3 70 3 29 3 91 3 bO 6 14 7 M
Jan. 31. . . A 64 3 6fi 3 93 .1 & 5 05 7 bS
Keb. 1. . . . 368 3 Gl 3 27 4 01 3 Cl 5 13 7 SI
Indicates Sunday.
The official number of cars of stock
brought In today by each road was :
O & St. L. Ity l
Missouri Pacltlo Ry 19
Union Pacific svstum . . . . 13 13 U
C. Ac N. W. Ry l 1
F. . E. & M. V. R , R 2t 'i
S. C. & . P. Ry l
C. , St. P. , M. k O. Ry 14 I'l'i
U. < fe M. R. R. R n I'l
C. , U. & Q. Ry " 3 I'lS
K. C. & St. J. . . . . 2
C. , R. I. A ; P. Ry. , cast. , 3
C. , R. 1. & P. Ry. . west. . . .
Total receipts 101 71 21
Thn disposition of today's receipts -was
as follows , each bujer purchasing the num
ber of head indicated :
r , , „ , , . Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 84 7i7i ' }
G , H. Hammond Co 217 1,121 611
Swift and Company 315 907 2,4111
Culnhy Packing Co 211 1.44R 813
P. D. Armour , Chicago. . 4R.I 1,20(5 ( DM
R. Uecker and Degan. . . . 50
Lee Rothschild JH
W. I. Stephens li . . . . '
Benton & Underwood. . . . 41 . . . . !
Huston Ac co 20
Livingston & Schaler. . . . 4R
Aimour. K. C 22,1
Hammond , K. C 42
Cudahy P. Co. , K. C 143
Nslson Morris , Chicago. . 31
Other buyers 116 477
Left over 244
Total 2,218 G il4 G iitf
CATTLE Today's receipts of cattle num
bered 101 cars , ns against 1JO yesterday ,
Hnetj-four a week ago and ninety-two two
weeks ago. Out ot thu number here there
were eighteen loads consigned direct to
packers which were not offered on the
market. The inntket as a whole was in
very satisfactory condition and without ex
ception sellers were well pleased with re
The market opened early on cornfed steers
with local packers and shippers well rep
resented , and as the offerings were not ex
cessive and not up to the full requirements
or buyer ? , the market was reasonably
active and just about steady with lust
week. As a general thing , sellers were
summing up the trade as u good , ste'ady and
active market. Soma pretty good cattle
sold up to J5.20 , as will bo noted from the
sales given below.
Cows and heifers were In good demand ,
and , as was the case with steers , the
market was active .at Justj about steady
prltres. 'In' fact there -was. no quotable
change In the market In cJther direction.
The same was true of bulls , stags , etc.
Veal calves were In good demand , pretty
fair veals going at $6.
Not many stockers or feeders were to bo
found Jn tlrtt hands today , and as there
was a Very fair demand for peed cattle the
offjrlngs for the most part met with a very
satisfactory reception and everything was
cleaned up In good season. The prices paid
were steady. There was some little country
buvlng today and speculators were pretty
vvjll cleaned out before the close of the
market , so that thei trade may be summed
up as being In a very healthy condition.
Representative tales :
No. Av. Pr. No Av Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2. . 650 $1 00 11. . 9161140 5 .1210 Jl 80
1. . 740 1 10 IS . 993 4 40 T.1114 4 80
1. . 860 3 40 22 .1127 4 40 72..1104 4 SO
1..1030 350 15 .lWi ( 450 19..11S1 490
1..1110 380 15 . fcflO 4 55 29..1J03 490
2.1020 400 1C..1161 460 18..1336 495
1..13SO 4 00 6..1030 4 Go 9..1091 4 95
3. . 90S 4 00 IB..1025 4 Hi 19..1275 4 9'i
1..1370 410 26 12.M 4 Gil 12..1190 COO
1..1070 410 4..1215 465 17..1370 500
29..120J 416 10..1P63 4 K5 23..1284 fi 10
1..1650 4 2o 8..1271 475 11..1454 515
2. . < > 0 4 311 19..HIS 475 34..1448 520
C .1011 4 S5 .10..111S 475 17..1218 G 35
52. . 855 4 15 34..1140 4 75 2..1550 540
18. . 91,8 4 75 20..11G4 4 SO 22..1219 5 00
2. . 738 250 1..1010 321 9..1118 370
1..1000 2 SO 1..1370 3 1..020 375
1. . 8CO 250 1..1SOO ,125 lb.,1161 375
1. . 760 2 50 I .1130 3 30 2..1010 3 75
5..1006 J71 1..1050 I ! 0 3..1006 J 75
1. . 790 275 1..1050 .1 .15 2..1100 375
1. . 810 275 .1. . SIS .1 .15 5.1246 375
1..1020 275 1. . 970 340 2..1183 375
4. . 923 275 1..1040 340 10..1011 375
3..1043 285 4..1007 3 4il 10..1110 375
B. . 978 285 11..1123 340 2..850 ISO
1..1000 300 3..1070 340 4..1202 385
1..1160 300 1. . 930 340 3..1216 385
4.1067 300 1..11M 3 M 2..1055 385
1..12SO 300 2..1013 350 7..121,0 385
2..1005 300 11..1124 350 7..1265 390
1..1050 300 1..10JO 350 1 .1120 390
1..1230 300 3..1056 SOU 4. . 973 395
2. . 9GO 3 13 4..mO 3 1.0 . .G. . 860 4 00
3. . 991 3 15 5 .1026 3 GO 6. . 932 4 00
10..1044 320 1. . 91D 360 1..1250 400
5..11S6 320 2..1110 36" 3..1150 415
L. SSO 325 14..1121 365 1. . 950 415
1. . 920 325 4..1031 370 1..1220 425
2.1010 325 1..10IO 370 1..1280 425
800 3 00 (520 ( 3 55 15. . 1062 3 ST.
7bO . " , 00 870 3 M 24 900 3 90
9bO a 40 855 3 K ! 1 960 4 00
900 3 40 983 3 75 41 S4S 4 (15 (
6C6 3 50 C40 I ! 73 9 947 4 10
7b2 3 50 SSO 3 80 27. . 8SS 4 10
500 350 G70 II 85 fi. 103S 4 15
626 3'50 8GO 3 SS 27. . Sll 4 15
CbO 3 50
1 910 2 50 l 790 3 : :5 : 1 .1600 3 80
1..12SO 2 7'i 1. 1170 3 45 1..1550 3 80
1..1170 2 75 1 1820 3 43 40 .1515 3 80
1..1030 I ! 00 WO 3 41 1CSO 3 SO
1. . 13,10 3 00 1..1220 3 50 1270 3 S3
2 , . 1280 3 00 .1410 ' 1 50 1740 3 85
1320 3 10 .1300 3 55 1410 3 M
1450 3 10 .1500 3 M 1170 3 90
1330 3 10 .1J10 3 CO 1600 3 80
1240 3 15 1. . MO .1 60 1650 3 90
1223 3 15 1 .1470 3 Ki 1160 4 00
750 3 15 I. . 1570 3 63 1830 4 00
1400 3 25 1..1COO 3 70 1..2110 4 00
13HO 3 , ! 0 1..1500 3 75 1..15CO 4 25
1223 3 30
1..1410 4 00 2..1123 435 8..1225 4 SO
1..1160 4 00
SO 5 fpO 110 6 W 110 G M
220 5 50 US 000 120 G 00
110 fi 00 110 6 00 155 6 00
190 fi 00 HO C 00 1. HO 6 00
120 600
1 G90 1. 530 I 10 3 861 ! 4 33
1 , 610 3 2.1 1. 750 4 10 915 4 40
1. 700 3 21 1 790 4 10 1. 430 4 40
5. 890 3 40 3. , 813 4 21 21. 911 4 40
1. 660 3 60 3. 4M 4 21 883 4 40
1. . 780 3 C3 1 , 5SO 4 23 . 857 4 40
625 375 41 SOS 1 30 4. . 515 4 50
i ! ! 760 15. 4 Hi 4 35 7. . 294 4 M
1. . 510 3 75 1 RIO 4 33 10. . 9S'2 4 M
1. . ' 60 3 80 18. , 766 4 33 21. . G15 4 00
1. , 750 4 10 23. Cll 1 35 L. 410 4 90
. . . ,80 4 10 .
wgTr.RNBt ,
49 cal. fdrs. 115 $5 20
35 fccders..101S 4 40 3 Bteer3..1293 $3 00
HOGS Todav'H receipts nurnberd feventy
one cars , as against mventy-nlne jesterduj
142 a week ago and 118 three weeks ago. I
was thn lightest run In some tlmo for
Wednesday , the hea\y fulling off In arrival
being due apparently to the severe col
weather , which would have a natural tenil
ency to keep the hogs lit home. Btjslde
being comparatively few In numbers , Hi
buyers were complaining that thn rjuallt
was the poorest of liny day In n long tlnu
the hogs running largely to common Ugh
mid light mixed nnd tiauhy stuff.
From all felling points came reports c
lower market * unU Uie trade openi
tin Bo lower , the hoc * selling on that basis.
Light nnd mixed loads brought $3 60113 63. ns
ncnliift f365fi360 for tin ) bulk > e terdav ,
heavy mixed lends sold largely at M60. nnd
a few as high n $3(6. ( vvhlln yvtfterdnv tflo
same Kind went largely nt J3 ul ; good heavy
loads brought $365 , with a $1.70 top..whllo
the same kind went at $3,70 vosterday , with
a $3.75 top.
The market was fairly active nt the de
cline , bujers evidently wanting the hogs ,
and the most of the offerings changed Immls
In good ( * eaon. U will be noted from table
ot average prices nt head of column that
the hoffs sold Just about lOc lower thun on
Mondiiv , or about where they did one week
ago , Two weeks ago today the hogs sold
on an Average nt $3 51. The month of Teh-
ruarv opens with the market higher than
It was one or two years ngo. The- feeling
at the extreme clo e was n llttlo better
than It wa earlier. Representative sales :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av Sh. Pr.
7a 20J 2SO $3 60 65 21S20 \ 3(0 (
7.1. IM . . . 360 M 259 l.'i ) 360
1X ( > 208 40 350 37 . . . 211 . . 360
9 ! 1 1 SO .U214 74. . . . ' . ' 11 SOU 300
IS JO . . 3f5 54 . . ir 200 3 w )
101. . . . I't 41 .1 SI 211 . . . 3 ( .0
( )2 236 40 365 71. . . . 2' > 6 . 360
91 223 120 355 "i. . . , J.'G . . a ( O
S7 . . . .261 200 3 55 C2. . . . 271 120 3 lit
77 227 . . . 165 70. . . . 2IS 10 3 fiO
111 1S4 . . . 355 2. , . . 1G5 . . II (0 (
75 2Z8 1GO 365 12 211 . . . 3 CO
113 181 40 J 55 15. . . . 171 . . 3(0 (
41 216 40 365 60 3.L' . . . 3 CO
81 ISO . . . 365 ( )0 255 80 3 CO
105 195 80 3 55 03 2x1 80 3 M )
19 229 240 3 01 CS. . . . 222 SO 300
84 207 40 3.5" 79 . . . 20l > . 100
74 2lt 120 353 75. . .21 ! 160 3(0 (
6S 251 40 365 SS. 211 . .1 CO
SI 234 100 35714 91. . . . SJ1 120 . ! ( . ! >
SO . . .Jll 40 367" . 69 276 120 3 C2'i '
l > 5 276 . . . 35714 69 21S 40 3 fijifc
13 2 4 . . . .1 67'4 ' 63 HI 80 3 WU
71 226 40 3 57'i 40 . . . . 240 SO 3 62U
94 201 ! 120 3 G7Va 71. . . 21S 200 .t 12 > Z
94 22G 160 35714 61 300 . . .1 ( > JI >
91 I'M 120 3 57 i M 250 1GO 3 624 *
9. 142 . . . 3 57' 67 261 SO 3 621- ,
74 210 120 367 4 41 P.05 SO 3 6'V.
fi7 1G4 . . . 3674 66 276 40 1 K2
76 219 80 3 TO RG . 307 40 3 id
32 3US 40 360 Ki 340 40 31.5
15 250 SO 3 60 66. . . 261 120 165
! > 6 225 . . . y CO 28 11) . 365
61 261 40 360 41 SOT . . 365
79 2I 120 3 (0 ( 61. . . ,22 SO 3 id
71 228 . . . SCO 62 313 . . . 370
75 271 160 3 60
1 310 . . . 253 7. . . . 219 . . 3 57'4
1 SO . . . 3 CO I ) 210 . . . 31,0
9 9S . . . 310 8. . . . . 260 . . . 360
7 91 . . . .120 7. . ; . . K.S . . . a W )
2S 15r 40 325 6. . . 2d. . . . 3(0 (
35 12li . . . 3 30 2 . . . . 110 . . . 3 W )
G 230 . . . 3 57& S 207 . SCO
SHEEP Theio was a pretty fair run of
sheep nnd lambs again today , but there
were none too many to meet the roqulie-
mcnts of local packers. The dmnntl being
good , the market was naturally active and
practically everything in the pens olil In
good season. The prlres paid were good
and strong ns compared with vesterday.
As u ttllo sellers described the tn.-lo as .t
good , strong , active market Advices troin
the east worn by no means encouraging ,
Chicago reporting a slow maiket , but that
fact did not appear to have any Inlluencc
hero. As high as4 90 was paid for western
lambs and a bunch of w others nnd yearlings
bt ought $4.15 , showing that good stuff will
tell well.
Quotations OTB : Good to choice fed
ii' tcJn. , , Aethers , J180WI10 ; fnlr to good ,
$370ff3SO : cholcu imtho wethers , $190
< M 15 ; choice western } cartings , $4 lOW
425 ; fair to good western jearllngs , $1 nee
4.10 ; fed ewes , $1 I07J3 70 ; good to chtfico
natlvo lambs $4 75fr4 90 ; peed western
lambs , $4.70 44 90 ; feeder sheep , $ ! 50fi.75 ! ;
feeder lambs , $4 OOfr-l 25 : cull sheep , J2 DOW
3.00 ; cull lambs , $3VQ350. ( Representative-
Jfp. . Av. Pr.
510 western ewes 51 ; ji ( , o
211 western wethers and yearlings 120 4 r
277 western lambs so 4 ' 10
25 Mexican owes , culls si 2 7"i
215 Mexican ewes 87 , " . 10
454 western owes 101 .170
210 western ewes 111 s m
2"i culls , lambs 47 ; j"
10 culls si ; > 01
190 Colorado ewes and wether ? . . 11. ! .180
s'il feeding lambs fo 4 lr.
.110 western lambs 1,7 4 ( - ,
f02 western lambs 82 4 70
271 Mexican lambs o 4 7 >
26 western lambs 7J 4 7"
CIS western lambs 71 4 75
101 Mexican ewes common culls. 84 2 75
Owoil Beef nml Shipping Steer * Firm
nnd HOKH Somewhat Lower.
! CHICAGO , Feb. 1.3ATTLE There was
an undertone of strength In the cattle trade
today and most ot the good beef and ship
ping steers sold at Ilrm prices , while the
plainer grades were disposed of rather more
ff4 00 ; calves. $3 50Q > 7.10 ; western fed steers ,
$410tD83 | ; Texas steers , $3.755 | 10.
HOGS Owing to the large run of hogs
prices started 2H < fSc lower , with a re
stricted demand. Subsequently the packers
. took hold more freely and the market
ruled tlrmer ; fair to choice , $3.77'Afj3 S3 ,
packing lot , $3650375 ; mixed , $3 bO(3 42'4 :
butchers. $3.6&g3 SO ; lights , $3 50Q3 80 , plgh ,
SHEEP The demand for sheep was fairly
active at steady prices ; common to choice.
grades brought $2 50ff4 30 ; jearllngs , $ I25'B >
4.60 : lambs. $3.75y3 10.
RECEIPTS Cattle , 13.000 head ; hogs , 31.
000 head ; sheep , 16,000 head.
York LUe Stool : .
celpte , 2.767 head ; steers dull and fully lOc
lower , except for choice and extra grades ;
bulls steady ; cows active and Ilrm t < lee
higher ; steers , Inferior to choice , $4.35' ( < >
5.65 ; two cars extra , $6 ; oxen and stags ,
U.OOflo.OO ; bulls , $3. < W4.15 ; choice and fat
export bulls , $4.36@1.80 ; cows , $2. 00ft 1. 10.
Cables weak ; exports' , 1,800 quarter sof beef.
Calves , receipts , 1.700 head ; market active ;
veals firm to 25c higher , other calves
steady ; veals , S3.00JT8 50 ; barn ) arc ! and feed
ing calves , $3,604.30 ; southein calves , $3.83
( & 3.90.
SHEEP AND LAMDS-Recelpts , 6,111
head ; good Elieep steady ; medium grades
steady and easier ; lamb * fair to a shadu
higher ; common and medium b irely steady ;
sheep , medium to prime , $3.60Jfl.50 ; lambs ,
ordinary to choice , $5.0055. 61 , mainly $3.60
HOGS-RccelptB , 7,143 head ; easier at
$1. 0004.25.
Bt. LonU tt\c Stock.
- ' ' l . - - .
, o- . . ,
3.200 head. Including I.COO Texans ; market
steady for Texans. with natives 610o (
lower ; fair to native shipping and export
steers , $4 0090.10 : bulk of Hales , Jl.75fi5 60 ,
dressed best and butcher steers $3 eofrS SO ;
bulk of sales , $300 < i(3.25 ( ; steers under 1,000
pounds , $3635(4.43 : bulk of sales , $ t90ff)20- )
tochers and feeders , $300fi490 ; bulk ol
sale-s , $395U4.40 : cows and heifers , $2005)463 ;
bulk of cow , $22S375 ; Texas and Indian
steers , $39upl90 ; bulk of nales , $1 Soffl SO ;
cows and heifers , $2 30 < fI3.70.
HOGS Receipts. 10.200 head : market oc
lower ; pigs nnd lights $1 5303 65 ; packers ,
$3 60fi3 S3 ; butchers , $3.75 3 90
SHEEP Receipts , l,30o head : market
strong ; natlvo muttons , $150irlOO ; culls ,
$400 ; lambtf , $4.5000.00 ; fed Texas Phoep ,
$3 25Q3.75.
Kniinni City Live Stock.
celpts , 8.220 natives. 1,020 Texans ; bo ? !
rrades of slaughtering catties steady , whllt
the less desirable kinds vvcro slow ; heavy
native stesrs , $560ff5S5 ; medium , } I.S3Ti5E > 0
light weights. $4 CSfiS 30 ; stockers nnd fee < l.
rs. $375fj50Q ; butchen cows and heifers
I3W4 50 ; canners , $22r/3.00 , western steers
$4 25 < i5 ! 13 ; Texans , $3 VI 4 S3.
HOGS Receipts , ) head ; trade opcnec
low at 2H < S5o decllno and closed active HI
a shade better prices ; heavies. $3 7CKiI < ! .77l/4
mixed. $1600375 ; lights. $3355362 % .
SHEEP Receipts , 1,270 head ; good demand
mand , the most desirable bunches a chadi
higher , while common kinds were abou :
steady ; lambs. $4 60fiG 00 ; muttons , $ .1 lyn
4 10 ; feeders , $2 G053 50 ; stockers , $2.00fr.1 40
Cincinnati Lire siook.
CINCINNATI. Fib. l.-HOGS-Actlve ai
$ 523513 60
CATTLE Steady ( it $2507/500.
SHEEP-Stsadv at $2 2ofc-l.03 ; lambs
strong at $ IOQfi5.23.
Block In Hlitht.
Following nro the receipts nt the foui
principal western markets for February 1
Cattlo. Hngx Sheep
Omaha . 2301 5.416 5,2ir
Chicago . 13,000 35,000 IG.OfX
Kansas City . 9.210 11W ) 1,01- ,
St. Louis . 3,200 10,500 l,30r
Totals . 27,713 C,516 23.7H
California Dried Pratt * .
DRIED FHUlTS-AppleH steady , othc
fruits Ilrm : evaporated apples , common. 74
Sc per pound ; prime wire' trav , Mifc9c
choice , 9tifo9&c ; fancy. SWMOc. Prunes , 3 >
per pound , an to size und quality. Ap
rliotn , Hoyal , llSillc : Moor Park. 13&17c
Ptaches , unpicled , SOllc ; peeled , 2Jfc23c lie
pound ,
New York Dry flood * Market.
mand for cotton uoodn Phowu a general lin
nrovcment today In both stanlo and func ;
lines on homo account. Ulda for heavy cot
tons for exports aic Increasing The toni
of the murk t WUH verv ttrong and a tend
ency toward blcUcr vrlctt , incidental uU
vnnrcii are reported In bleached brmn and
coarse colored cottons , ulfo In prints and
ginghams Print cloths higher , salrs of reg
ulars at 2'iO ' nnd further bids thereat tie-
clln-d. N i change In the. woolen irood situ-
atlnn. Dross guod Htcady. Hllks strong and
advancing ,
Ste-ady : open kcttlo. 2M(3 ( 7-lfc ; open ket-
: ce-ntrltucal 3 9-lWJI S-ltir. centrifugal ,
granulated , none In llwt hnndni white. 4J4
4Nc. ) ellow. 4JJ4V4. geconds , iUiUJ'nc.
Molasses , open kettle , stead ) , loUSOc , con-
trlfugal , quiet ! bjjlCo , .sjrup , none In first
Y011K. IVb. -StTOAR-Haw. 1 .
tlrm ; fair refining. 3 IS-llk.1 : centrlfugJil. M
test , 41-lCc : molasses sugar. 39-16o ; rollned ,
llrml crushed. 6'4c ' ; powdered , Silo ! uranu-
lated , uc.
OH Mnrkei.
OH. CITY , Fob l.-l'redlt balances , J1.1B :
oertlllcates , sales BftM blilt1. c-ash oil at
51.13 ; chlpments , 5S6S5 bbls. ; nins , 100,829
hblWILMINGTON. . N. C , Feb. l.-OILS
Spirits of turpentine , 4isTi I4iRosin. . Ilrm
at POtiOu1. t'rude turpentine , Ilrm at $1.33IC
2.40. Tar , ntcady nt $1.10.
SAVANNAH , Peb. l.-OH.S-Splrlts of
turpentine , Ilrm nt 41'te. Rosin , linn ; quo.
tations : A. it , c , 1) . E , r , $1.03 ; o , $1.10 ;
11 , $1.2.1 ; 1 , $1.40 ; K. $1.00. M , $1.60 ; N , $1.80 ;
WO. $2.10 ; WW , $2.43.
Coffee 3lltrl < et
NEW YORK. Fob 1. COlTEE-Opttons
opened steady at tine-hanged prices , showed
llttlo speeulitlvo Interest and only small
variations , with wcnk undertone , follow
ing unsatisfactory rabies fuim EuroH | > and
Ur.iiMl , slack spot dem mil In the open mar
ket nnd big v Islble supply , Selling checked
somewhnt bv continued heavy vvare'hnuso
deliveries , ( 'lined steady at net unchanged
prices. Sales. 12,600 bigs , Including Miireh ,
15ft ) , May , $373 ; July , $390 , September ,
$603 , December , $625. Spot coffee , Rio ,
quiet. Mild , quiet.
MllvtntiKee < irnlii MarUef.
lower ; No. 1 northern , 73MT73J4C ; No. S
northern , 72c.
RYE lr lower : No 1 , ffifliVSp.
J1ARLEY Easier ; No. 2 , 52UJf53c ;
The Mimllest tntngs exert the greatest In
fluence. De Witt's Llttlo Early Hlssrs are
unequalled for overcoming constipation and
liver trouble. Small pill , best Dili , safe pill.
T I in UUAI/I'Y .ItAUK I : T.
INSTRUMENTS placed on record Wednesday -
day , I'ebruary 1 , 1S99 :
AVarrunty Doeils.
E. P. Rockweed to C. C. Paimclc ,
und. 1-5 of all of Rockweed PI ice. . $ 1,000
Flora Llnnabariv und husband to J.
M White , lot 13. block 1. Ltnnuood
Paik 660
M. E Overall and huslund to E 3
Washington , lot 15. block 1. Fro-
man's siibd 10
S S Poster and wlfo to C J. Camp ,
lot 17 , block 9. Crolghton Heights . . . 60
Christ Hanson and wife to Emma , n 115 feet of lot 9 Work 3
Armstrong's 1'lrst add. lot 6 block
4. E V. Smith's ndd . lot 10 and vv
16 feet of lot 11 block 1. Ames PI ice 60
Emma Kcar to Chi 1st Hunnon. same ,
and lot 2 block 21. Kountzo place.
H'/i of n b2 loot of lots G and 7. block
3 , Mvers , R. T.'s add 909
E S. Stout and wlfo to L W. Shan
non , lot 7 , block .1. Waterloo 1,000
P.issumpslo Savings Hank to M C.
Pvke. lot 11 block 124 , Dundee Place. 600
O P. Davis Company to J. C. Have-
mejcr. lot 7 , block 3 and lot 4.
block 5 , Omaha View : n 36 foot of lot
6. block 4. Likevlow ; lot 23 , block
14 , Clifton Hill 100
Same ti > A. A. Havcmeicr , lot 4.
block 11 , Omaha Vlovvj n 10 acres
of nvvVi swVi 8-11-13
Samu to .1 C. Havemojor , executor ,
lot 19 , block 3 , s 20 foot of lot I ami
n IS feet of lot 5 , block 4 , Laki >
View , w'4 of lota i and S , block 3 ,
Cential Park 30
South Omaha Land Company to Kato
li. Curtis , lot C , block 60 , South
Omaha 900
W. S. Hlackwell to M. L. Miitthlcsen.
n'4 sw'i and sw , J sw'i I4-1G-12 4,500
T. J , RogcrH and wlfo to Hrattloboro
S nines Bank , lots 14 , 15 nnd 16 ,
block 0 , Hoggs & ir.'s add 7,500
( liilt Claim Doeilx.
South Omaha Land Company to
Omaha , & North Platte Railroad
Compiny , lot 1 , block 312 ; lot 1 and f
part of lots 2 und 3 , block 332 ; part
of lot 7 , block 297 ; part of block ! V
312 , South Omaha 1
John 1 lively and wife , to Tlmva Row
ley , loth b to 9 , bloolc 20 , Waterloo. . . 1
H. A. Gunthor and wife to A. P. Web
ster , e 90 foot of lot 10 , block I ,
Donnecken't add 100
Total amount $17,422
v nre ns much like COATED
ELUCTRICITY us science can make
them. Knelt one produces ai much
nervc-nulldlng substance as is con
tained In the amount of food a man
consumes In a week. This la why
they hav e cured thousands of cases
of nervoii9 diseases , such a DebilIty -
Ity , lM7zlncp , InsomniaViricocelc ,
ftr They enable you to think clear
ly by developing brain matter ; force
healthy circulation , cure indiges
tion , nnd Impart bounding vigor to
the whole 8\ntrm. All weakening
nnd tissue-destroying drains anil
losses permanently cured. Delay
mny tiienn Insanity , Consumption
and Death.
i'ricc , f i per box ; six bores ( with
Iron clad guarantee to cure or re-
fund money ) , js. Hook containing
positive proof , free. Addreu
Kuhn & Co. or Economical Druj ; Co ,
Strong Drink is Deatb
protlieipnlypnaltlvfly guaranteed renipdjjor tlio
lirlnk Jlabit , Jieivousnossanil ilelancliolj caused
IV K < iVAH.\\TI'.r. 1'OL'Il IIUXKM
In cure any cine wltlin iiosltho M i lltt-ii gonr-
Mitten oridumt thu mom jr. nml to eltsUuj tui
crpetllu tor liitoilcMlnir liquors.
CTRntlR IIDIUI' < ' " " 3tl"T.v , l'o\rrly
olnUNu UninKmiii KUIII. . Vpon rfipt
o ( * 10 00 wo lll man jim jour f 1 ] boiii and t ) ' l-
tlvo vtrlili-ii Kinuitntrx 10 cure or refuoj
irourinuiier. Mnul < [ mr
Mejrr * , Dillon HI-IIK Co. , Sole A If cull
Kltli anil I'liriiiini , Omnlin. .Nell.
Telephone 1030. Omaha , Neb
Dlrft wlren to Ctllcju" "J New Tort
Corr § pondenn ( John X. VVarron Jh Co.
fONC 1953
, . . .
RooH4rtr Lire ILOCBRAMCH io3 N.n
UrtUIU1rnl .