10 TUB OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , JA TJAHY 81 , 1890. COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Wheat Speculators Endeavor to Press a Lower Price for that Commodity ! MAY YIELDS TO EXTENT OF HALF A C5NT Corn nnil Onlft Are TlireeHlKlitli * of n Cent l.imer , Pork Seven nnil a Half nml Inrd nnil Ullii Two nnil u Half. CHICAOO , Jnn , 30. Speculators In wheat today wcro very much In favor of a lower jirlco for that commodity. They sold freely , both when wheat was strong and when through their own efforts It b cnm < ' some what weak , The market , however , stood the pressure remarkably well and at the clone only ' , &c & decline had been effected In May. Corn nnd oats each lift off % o lower. Pork lost 7'c , lard and ribs ZVz'QZc. Wheat Btnrtod very Irregularly at 'Jo nbovc to Uc below Siturday'R closing llg- iiro for the May future. The very cold weather had some Influence upon those who were BO willing to pay an ndvance , and lower quotations from Liverpool , with nn expected Increase In the visible , np- ji aled to those who were willing to sell The latter were In the majority and May Htarted all the way from 77c to 7Sc , de- < lined quickly to 76 > 4c. At that figure the selling pressure slackened nnd there was n fresh Hood of crop damage reports , together with enormous clearances at the Mmhoird. ICurly sellers hastened to co\er. M ndlng May up to 77T4fi78e. Chicago receipts were 96 cars , against CO < -nrs a jenr ago , and Minneapolis and Duluth - luth got 770 tnrlonds s compared with MS last week and 487 the corresponding day 11 year airo. The world's shipments of wheat and flour In Europe lor the wek amounted to 7,150- 000 bu , , with a tendency on the part of Kussli to Increase Its otitmit The amount on orean passage was 4MJ.OOO bu. . nniLtho result of the week's domestic stock-taking was an Increase of 310000 bu In the viable. The total of the latter was found to be 2S.5S1000 bu. , or about 8 000 000 bu smaller than at the corresponding period of the j > re\lous year. Primary western market re ceipts aggregated 119.000 bu. , against 550,000 liu. a year ago. The clearances of wheat and flour from Atlantic norts , exclusive , of OnlvpHton. wore 1,051000 bu. Liverpool closed % { fvid lower for futures and Paris bhowed a. decline of lOfitEc The government crop report , expected tiftor the close of the session , caused some nelllng In anticipation of Its containing flomcthlng bearish Beerbohm late In the day. sent a. cablegram saying the correct world's shipments of wheat nnd flour should be called 5.000 000 bu. On receipt of this pleco of news holders began to lose confidence again nnd H season of free liquidation Hot In. under which May de clined to 76ttc. and closed at 76c. Cold weather was a bearish argument In corn. 8omn heavy shorts were supposed to bo covering In a cautious way on the de clines. The selling became pronounced near the end. Mav opened the selling 'M4c Mghcr at 3SVT < 3S7Je. declined to 3Sc. and closed at SSfiJS'ic buyer * Longs continued to take profits In oats nnd this coupled with the easiness of the other markets caused a decline. Mav opened a shade higher at 2SB touched 2Sr 4 GiKltC , and declined to 2 $ < iiR2S'ic at the close The declining tendency of the grain mar- kcto near the end of the session had had n depressing effect In provisions and In duced Helling enough to wipe out an early ndvantagc. A small run of hogs and higher prices at the yard were the strengthening influences. May pork opened 5c tip at $1065 , Bold at $106714 , sold off to JlOfiO nnd closed nt J10.52Vi buvors. May lard began 2 c lilgher at 13 97H , declined to $5 87'4 ' , nnd closed at $5"X ) seller * . May ribs started 5o l > ettcr ati30 weakened to $3,17'40520. and Closed at J5 20ST5 22 % . Estimated receipts for Tuesday : Wheat. JSO cars ; corn. l.COO cans ; oats. 810 cars ; hogs , 80.000 head. Leading futurM ranged as follows : Articles O n. HlKh. a Low. Oio Satdy. 77M-73 70M 77X 73' < 74 74M 74H in 36 IH J8J1-3U 2SW SOU 20H 10 OR 1007M 10 CO 1052H 1060 007K 587M r , oo COS 610 610 000 000 005 530 630 517 * 62S 6.17V4 637K No. 2. 'asn quotations were as follows : FLOUR Steady : winter straights , $3500) 870 ; patents , $3.9004.00 ; hard patents , $370Jj 390WHEATNo. . 3 spring , 73074Uc ; No. 3 Bprirrg 'rofi73c ; No. 2 red , 75-i076V4c. ! CORN-NO. 2 , 37U T37 sc. OATS No. 2. 27Hc ; No. 2 white , 30UQ31c ; Ko : t white , 29 : > 4(3'3014c. ( RYE No. 2 , 57'4C. BARLEY No. 2 , 42732c. HEEDS-Flaxseed , No. 1 , $1.1531.19 : prlmo timothy peed , $2351/2.40 PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , $1030 < r1033. Lard , per 100 Ibs , $3700675. Short ribs sides ( lee < > e ) , $4 900510. Dry salted shoulders ( bo\cd ) $4.25 ) 1.3714. Short clear Bides ( boxed ) , $5 1505 25. WHISKY Distillers' finished jjoods. per gal . $1.27. RUGARB Cut loaf. $ G 70 ; granulated , $3 20 The followlnc were the receipts and ship ments for toaay : Article * Hecelpts. Shlp'ts. Dour , bbls 13,000 22,000 Wheat , bu 5" ! 900 20XXI ( Torn , hu. . . ' . 4isom ) no coo Oats , bu 262,000 ye , bu 0.001) 12,000 Jlarley. bu 63000 11.000 On the Produce exchange today , the but ter mnrkot was Hteady ; creameries. ] 30 > 18V4c ; dairies , 10'A S > ijc. ( Eggs , fresh , 17c. Cheese , steady ; creanverles , 9 > ; 0iic. MJW YOIIK < ; IMIHAL \HICKT. . Quotation * for llto liny nil fieiiernl Coinnioilltli-N. NEW YORK , Jan , 30. FLOUR-Recelpts. 10,169 bbls. ; exports , 72,673 bblw. ; quiet nnd KenenUly hold steady , with buyers nnd sell ers considerably apart ; winter patents , $38' CI4.10 ; winter straights , $3.7003.80 ; Minnesota jiatents , J420i l.40 ; winter extras. $2.7003.00 ; { Minnesota bakers , $ .3.1503.40 ; winter low- grades , $ -.40 < fi2.br . CORNMEAlv Steady at 840S3C. RYE-Steady ; No. 2 western , 67&c , f o. I ) , ntlont WHEAT Receipts 160,000 bu. ; exports 473,018 bu. ; spot , easy ; No. 2 red. SS'/ie. f , o 1) , nlloat , to arrive. Options were nbout ntendy. but experienced n irregular day tlirough lack of outside trade and persistent ncIlIng by foreigners : weakness was the tule. varied by a midday rally , small clear ances and a cold wave scare ; the govern ment report promised late today was al o lti. ; spot , btcady ; No. 2. 46c , f. o b , nlloat. for old. Options opened steady with wheat. Init being nffcted by lower cables heavy- tar lot estimates nnd a small export de- Inand were rather easy all day , closing veak at ' 40 net decline ; May , 4304J < ; , closed 43c. OATS Receipts , 109200 bu ; exports 120 liu. ; spot , dull : No , 2. 33c : No 2 white , 2G&C1. Options vveni dull and nominal. HOI'S Steady ; state , common to choice , 1 9G crop. 7iiSc ; 1S'J7 crop , H013c ; IMS crop , 150190 : Pacific coast. lS9d crop , 70Sc : 1SU7 crop. ll 13c : IfifS crop , 1S020C. HIDES Klrm : Galveston , HUc ; Te.\us. div. 12c HUTTim Receipts. 9.460 pkgs. : firm : i tcrn creamery , 14019c ; Elglns , 19c : fac- torv. 120140. CHEESE-Recelpts , 1 023 pkgs ; firm ; largo , white. 10V < c ; small , white. HOllUc ; large , colored. lOVSc ; small , colored , 11011 > 4c. KV.aS llecelpts. 9 206 pkgs ; steady ; WfHl > rn , ISUc ; southern , 17'401S'4c. WOOISteady ; llcece , 17G22c : Texas , ug J4c.TALLOW TALLOW 1-Jrm : city. 4'604'ic ; country , RICE-Flrm : extra. 4'406c : Japan , 5\ic. MOLASSES Weak : Now Orleans , 1601SC. METALS Pig Iron vvarrants were llrm at IS. 50. nominal I ake copper was strong and Wuher. with $16.25 bid mm $16.50 asked. Tin was stromr and higher , with $21.25 bid and 121.50 asked. Lend wan strong and higher , with $4.43 bid nnd $1.50 asked Spelter was elrong , with J3.C5 bid and $3.75 asked. The brokers' prlco for leail Is $4.25 and copper f 16 CO hid COTTONSEED OIL Fairly nctUo and stronger , particularly on prlmo summer yel low. which IB selling mostly by sample , prime summer crude. 19Hc ; prime summer nude. f. o b , mills. 160174c ; vrlnio summer yellow. 2liJ23c ; off summer yellow , 22V putter grades , Ilnltlmare Murki-l. BALTIMORE Jan. 30-FLOUR-Dull ; rerelnts. 13.001 bbls. ; exports , SIS bbls. WHEAT Unsettled and lower. Spot and the month , 79't1"9' ' c ! steamer No. 2 red. 7GA4077c ; receipts , 41317 bu. ; expoitsi , 32,0'X ' ) bu ; Aouthern wheat , by sample , 75'ir3oe. CORN Dull iind caslT ; spot nnd the month , 40'i'c/10'e ! February , steamer mixed , .S'l'/3S'sc ' ( / ' ! receipts , 233.923 bu. , exports 212,238 bu.j southern white corn , 37Vifll/c ( ; southern yellow. 36JJ39c. OATS-rirm ; No. 2 white , 35035 0 ! No. 2 mixed , 33c , Receipts , 6,276 bu , ; exports , none , BUTTER Steady ; fnncy creamery , 17 ® 20o ; ladle , lie ; good ladle , 13c ; store packed , lllf c. LGOS-rirm : fresh , ISc. CHEESE Steady ; fnncy New York , 6no ; Inrgf. llfill'.ic ; medium , H'i'ffllHc ' : emnll , OMAHA CP.MillAI , SIAHKHT. Conilldnii of Trnilo nnil Qttntntton * nn Minnie nnil I"ntii < > - Prodnrtn , EGGS Receipts , liberal ; market firm ; fr HI stork. 14c. nUTTER-Common to fair , lOSllc ; choice , lS714c ; separator. Uc ; gathered creamery , H'SlBc. POULTRY Hena , live , 664c ? : dressed , 7JiSc ; old roosters , live , 3c ; dressed Ic ; spring chickens , live , 6c ; dressed. 70Sc ; ducks , live. 6c : dressed , fc ; geese , live , 6c , dressed , 8c ; turkeys , live , 7@ic ; dressed , IWIllc GAME Teal , blue wing. $1.75 ; green wing , $1 ro ; mixed , $1.7551225 ; jackrabblts , $1500) ) 1.75. cottontails Jl.OWil.25. PIGEONS Live , per doz , 60c. VEAL-Cholce. SJJSVic , OYSTERS-Bulk Standard , per gal. . $1.10 ; mediums , per win , 15c ; Standard , per can , 20c- Extra Select , per can , 25c ; New York Counts , per can 30c. VEGETABLES. TOMATOES Florida , per 6-baskct crate , HPINACH-Per basket. 751 ( ! > 0c. LETTU'C'E Homo grown , per doz , bunches , tOc ONIONS Home grown , per doz , bunches , CELERY California , good stock , 2".c ; choice 35c : fancy , 50c : extra large , 73c ; Michigan , choice stock , 25030C. TAULirLOWER-Per crate , $2.50. ONIONS Per bu , 60Ti60c. BEANS Hand-picked , navy , per bu , Jl 33 01 40 POTATOES-Cholcc , sacked , 45050c ; porrer stock. 40c. SWEET POTATOES-Fancy , per bbl. , $250 FRUITS. APPLES-Ben Davl , per bbl. , $100 ; Genl- tons , JT.50 ; Now York Baldwins , Greenings and others , choice , per bbl. . $1.0004.25 ; west ern boxed apples , $1 6501 7i ORAPES-Malaga , per bbl . JS.0009.00. CRANBERRIES Jersey , > 0.50 ; per crate , " " * TROPICAL FRUITS. MISCELLANEOUS. iNlnTAAlmoMds pcr lb 17c Brazils - ? AlmoMds > > : , per Ib. 9fflOc , English walnuts , per Ib. fancy , soft shell. HS12c : standards. 10c ; filberts per Ib. , lie ; pecans , polished , 7QSc ; cocoanuts - nuts , per 100 , SI ; poanuts. raw , 5U6c : roasted , 6Hc : chestnuts. 8fJ9c CIDER Per half bbl. . $3 SAUERKRAUT-Per half bbl. $2. HONEY Choice white. 120l2 .c. MAPLE SYRUP-Flve-gal. "can. each , $2 50 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz. , $12 ; half-gal , cans , $625 ; quart cans , $350 MAPLE SUGAR Choice , in boxes , 9010c HIDES , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES-No 1 green hides. 7c ; No. 2 green hides , 6c ; No 1 salted hides , SVtc ; No 2 alted hides , 7 < Ac ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to' 12 lbn , lOc , No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs , Sc. TALLOW , GREASE , ETC-Tallow , No 1. 3c ; tallow. No 2. 2Hc ; rough tallow. lV4c ; white greise. 2ii03c ; yellow and brown grease , I' lft21ic. SHEEP PELTS-Green salted , each , 15 ® , oc ; green salted shearings ( short wooled > > arly skins ) , each , J5c ; dry shearings ( short wooledearly _ skins ) . No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight , 406o ; dry flint , Kansas nnd Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib . actual weight , 104c ; dry flint , Colorado rado butcher wool pelts , per Ih , actual weight , 4I(6c : drv flint , Colorado murrain wooi pelts , per Ib , actual weight. 3@4c. puns Mink. Nvs-firv bear ( black or " ; wolf ( timber ) , 25cJU250 ; wolf ipralrlc ) , eoyotte. 10ft50c ; wildcat , 10025o : oadgur , 5040c : silver fox. $50.00i575 00. St. I.onl Market. ST. LOUIS , Jan. 30.-FLOUR-Flrm ; pat ents , $170fl3 SO ; straights , $3 3503 45 ; clear. $2 9001 15 WHEAT Options Irregular , with frac tional changes. Spot lower : No. 2 red cash , elevator , 79c bid ; track , 77QSOc ; January. 7Sc ; May , 80aSlc ; July , 72Ttc ; No. 2 hard , 70'072c. . OATS Options fractionally lower ; spot lower : No. 2 cash. 28 c bid ; track , 28U ® 2S' c ; January , 29c ; May , 29'0 > 29Uc ; July. 5Hc bid : No. 2 white. 31c. RYE Lower ; 57c bid , track. SEEDS Flaxseed. lower , J1.12V4 ; prime tlmotny. nominal , CORNMEAL-$1.7501.St > . BRAN Stronger ; sacked , east track , Kc HAY Timothy , dull. $6500800 ; prnlrlei dull. $650 5 on BUTTER Firm : creamery , 15@19Ho ; dnliv. 1201.V. EGOS-Hlghpr at IBUc. WHISKY Lower ; $1.28. POULTRY Firm : chickens , 6S7c : tur- kevs. SJfSHc : geese , 4'/i05c ; ducks 64537c METALS Lead. firm. $4.23. Spelter , llrm. $5 4 ( > t(5 42V4. PROVISIONS-Pork aulet ; standard mess , Jobbtnsr , old. $9.37 % ; new , J10 37 > 6. Lard , easier : nrimo steam. J3.50 : choice , $5 B7'4. Dry salt meats boxed shoulders. $4 12's ; extra shorta. $4.87',6 : ribs , J512 > 4 ; shorts , $525. Bacon , boxed shoulders , $1.75 ; extra , snorts , $537V ; ribs , $562' ; shorts. RECEIPTS Flour. 5000 bbls. : wheat. 53.- 000 hu : corn. 163 OuO bu. ; oats. 115,000 bu. SHlPMENTS-Flour. 4.000 bbls. wheat. 3U.OOO bu. ; corn. 47.000 bu. ; oats , 18.000 bu. \o OrlraiiN Mnrket. NEW ORLEANS. Jan.,30 PROVISIONS Firm. Pork , standard mass , $9.75010.50. Laid , refined tierce , $ I.2504.3714 ; pine , $6 12li. Boxed meats , dry salt shoulders , It. 50. aides > .37U. Bacon , clear ribs sides , $ G.12b. Hams , choice , sugar cured , $8.500) ) 9.50. COFFEE Steady ; Rio , ordinary to fair. RICE Low grades , off ordinary to good , 04c. FLOUR Extra fancy , $3.6503.75 ; patents. J4.15B4.30. CORNMEAL $1.95. BRAN 660670 HAY Prime. $110001200 ; choice , J13.00 ® IS.Gu CORN No 2 sacked , mixed and white , 42iI42Hc ; yellow. 43c. OATS-No. 2 tacked. 33V4Q3IC. Cliiflnnntl Market. CINCINNATI. Jan. 30 PLOUR-Stcady ; fancy. $1 3004 40 , family. $2 5502.75 WHEAT Steady. No 2 red , 77c. CORN Firm , active ; No. 2 mixed , 37 c. OATS-rirm. No. 2 mixed , 31c. UYE Plrm : No. 2. 64c. PROVlSIONS-Lard , quiet. $443. Bulk niP.itR. steady. Bacon , dull , $3.75. WHISKY Steady. $1.26. BUTTER-Dull SUGAR Steady ; hard refined , $1330510 EGGS rirm , higher : 15c. CHEESE Active , llrm ; good to prime Ohio Hat. 10U011c. Grill II Mnrket. LIVERPOOL. Jan -WHEAT Steady ; March. 5s ll'4d. Hay. 5s 10-V1. CORN I-ower nnd quiet. March. 3s S id : May , 3s WO Imports of wheat Into Liverpool during the last week : From Atlantic ports , 70.710 quarters , from Pacific ports , 1,000 quarters ; from other ports , none ; Imports of corn from Atlantic ports during the week. 65,600 qunrter > HOPS At London. Pacific const , firm at 4 15s0 5 IDS. PROVISIONS Bacon , clear bellies , firm at 32s 3d. Toledo Market. TOLEDO Jan SO.-WHEAT-Hlgher ; No 2 , cnsh. "S ic : May , IB'fc asked. cash , old , $363 , new , cash nnd January , $3.9-7 $ . Philadelphia Produce Mnrket. PHILADELPHIA. Jan. 30-BUTTER- Stendy ; fancy w OH tern creamery , 19c ; prints. 2Gv. EGOS Unchanged : fresh , nearby , 19o ; western , 19c ; southwestern , ISc ; southern , 'ciIEESE-Steady. llnlutli ( irnlii Mnrket. DULUTH , Jan. 30-WHEAT-No. 1 hard. casn. 75 * c ; May , 77iHc ; July , 77'4o ' ; No. 1 northern , cash , 72 ? c ; May , 75'tc ; July , 75 > 4c. MnrUet. NEW ORLEANS , Jnn. SO.-SUGAR-Onen kettli . 2H'ii37-16e ; opjn kettle , centrifugal , 39-16'Jlc. c ntrlfusal , uranuluted , none in first hands , white , 4V , yllow Ifll 7-16c. Mola wes , open kettle- , steady , IMWc , cen trifugal , quiet , 6016c. Syrup , none In first hands NEW YORK. Jan. M.-SUOAll-linn , firm ; refining , 3\c ; centrifugal , W test , 4'4c ; molasses sugar , 39-l6c ; retln d , firm ; t-rtlshed , 5Hc ; powdered , S'fcej granulated , Cc. 1C n UN tin ( Jlt > Urnln nnit Pro Ul n . KANSAS CITY. Jnn. 2S. j lower : No. 2 , C6Hf68V4c ! ; No. 2 red , 74076c ; No. 3 spring , 660 7c , CORN-Stradyj No. 2 red. 34c ; No. 2 \xhlto , 34 i035o. OATS-Sleady ; No. 2 white , 29U029"jO. HYE Steady ; No. 2 , 53c. HAY-Stcady ; choice timothy , $7.0007.25 : choUe prnlrie. $65006,75. BUTTER-Steady ; creamery , 16iT18o ; dairy 14e. EGns Firm ; fresh candled , Ml'sourl and Kansas stock. 13Hc. Dealers reported a stronger settlement this morning ; receipts barelv cutml the demand , which Is heavy on all Bides. RECEIPTS Wheat. 136,500 bu. ; corn , 32.500 bu ; oats , B 000 bu. SHIPMENTS Wheat. 51,600 bu ; corn , 10- 400 bu : uats 6 000 bu. RECElPTS-Whrat. 166.SOO bu ; corn , 70- 200 bu. ; oatH. 20.000 bu. SlIlf'MENTS-Wheat , 35.400 bu. ; corn , 4&iW bu. ; oats , 5,000 bu. Grnln llecM-lptn nt Prlnclpnt Mnrkotfl. MINNEAPOLIS , Jan. SO.-Recelpts : Wheat , 612 cars ST. LOUIS , Jan. 30. Receipts : Wheat , SI cars. DULUTII , Jnn. 30. Receipts : Wheat , 134 cars. KANSAS CITY , Jnn. -Receipts : Wheat , 27S cars. Receipts at Primary Markets Wheat , 9IS- C07 bushels : corn , I.OM.OIG bushels. CHICAGO , Jnn. SO Receipts : Wheat , 96 can ; corn , 7S1 cms ; outs , -74 cars. Esti mated cars for tomorrow : Wheat , HO ; corn , 1,000 ; oats , 340. MlnnrniioIlN AVlu-at Mnrkrt. MINNEAPOLIS , Jnn 30 WHEAT Mar ket steady ; January , 73ic , May , 737Ho ; Julv ' , 74UC ; on track , No. 1 hard , 74'Ac , No. 'l northern. 734c : No. 2 northern , 71'c. ( FLOUR First patents , $3.901.00. . second patentfl $3 7003 SO ; first clear , J2.7002.90 BRAN In bulk , $1023 )1075. ) Mlluniikt-e Grain Mnrket. MILWAUKEE , Jnn. -WHEAT-Mnr- - ket higher : No 1 northern , 75\076c ; No. 2 northern. 74074Hc. RYE Lower : No. 1 , DSH'fJoS'ViC. ' BARLEY-HIgher ; No. 2 , 52U032i4c ; sample. 42012'fcc. I'eorla Mnrket. PEORIA , Jnn. 30 CORN Market easy ; No. 3 , 35c. OATS Market quiet ; No. 2 white , 25 < ff 251Jc. WHISKY Market llrm at $1 26. Elgin flutter MnrUet. ELGIN , III. . Jan. lO.-BUTTER-Steady ; offerings and sales. 70 tubs at IS'/ic. oi > nnATio\s : IN STOCKS AD BONDS. Vnrlnble Dny In Inrkct , lint Clone In at finln Over Sntnnlny. NEW YORK. Jan. 30 The movement ot stock prices today was extremely variable and after alternate strencth and depression the market left off firm with mixed changes averaging nbovo Saturday's- final quota tions. The supply of money continued abundant at reasonable rates : and was un- flffsctcd by February dividend and Interest requirements Gold to the- amount of $375 - OTO was engaged for Import , and cable nd- \Iccs were that $3,000.000 of gold has been purchased In London for America. The periodical railway earnings reports that appeared were gratifying. The volume of business was a naln of 1.000.000 shares nnrt because of the continued activity of the market a number of commission houses now won ? employes In shifts. London was a Durcnasor on balance today , particularly of Northern Pacific and Reading and sold Union Pacific and Louisville. There was considerable shifting of commission house accounts from ono stock to another with a preponderance of buying orders , which for a tlmo more than offset the attacks of the reactionists. Sugar was actively traded In and lifted on some rumored arrangement with the Glucos ; Sugar Refining company. At the same time there were denials from various sources of a prospective agreement with local rival companies. Disclosures made by the Plttsburg. Cincinnati. Chicago & St. Louis minority interest vverj construed as favorable and resulted In a sharp advance In the stock , part of which was lost on realizing. Gosslu had It that Northern Pa cific was In control of the party In favor of larger dividends and that the stock was re ceiving uool e-upport. Unconfirmed stories of the likelihood of the resignation of the president of the Cleveland. Cincinnati , Chi. cage & St. Louis weakened that stock borne- what. Consolidated Gas jumped 8 points on assertions that a partial union of the gas interests on Manhattan Island had been ffscted The scni'-itlonal advances weie those of Tennessee Coal and Iron preferred , 10 per cent ; Great Northern preferred , 7'4 per cent , and Colorado Fuel and Iron , 5 per cent. cent.Reallzlngs and renewed bear aggression brought nbout heaviness , but strength in the specialties ! and the southwestern group steadied the market , which resumed Itn up ward course. The grangers , after periods ot Inactivity. rose moderately. Western Union and Reading trsucs were also lifted Profit taking again encouraged a smart raid on values , effecting numerous declines. Rallies ensued In the final dealings and the market closed firm. The bond market developed considerable Irregularity today , but the variations for the most part were unimportant outside of Texas Pacific seconds. Total sales , $6 295- 000. United States 5s , registered , declined % per cent and United States 5f , coupon , ' 4 per cent In the bid price. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says : The market h're w-ie less active today , but cheerful , easing off nt thfl close except In Americans , where profit taking wn continued until New York came good , particularly for Northern Pa cific and Southern railway Issues. The clo'e wns near the be.st , Atchlson preferred , which New York sold freely , was an ex ception. Coppera were buoyant. Tlntos touched 37 and closed U per r"nt under that price. Anacnndas touched 1 % nnd closed at S % The > Deutsche , bank Ins taken 200- 000 000 mark , * of the German 3 per cent loan it 91as. It will Issue them to the public nt 92 Following are the closing quotations of the leading stocks on the New York mar ket today : Oropon S I. 43 | U. H. Riil.hcr . . . . . . . P. O. 1st pfd W > fn pfd 117'j do & 1 pfd fi3 | WeFt > rn lTn1on . , KU PlttRburx 1S iP.'lornl SKrl . . . MVt " -.idlnp S3 4 do pfd . . . . MU do lit pfd . ' Oretron Nav pfd. . 7S do pfil 74 Colorado Southern . 8' nook Island 119 % do 1ft ffd K bt. U & S. F It'i ' do S4 pfd , ! J ! ; dp l t pfd . . . . 7JVj Total sales of stocks todny , 1.010 0fhnres > , includlnc : Atchison. 15 f > 55. Atclilson pre ferred , 50800 ; Central Pacific. JOfi O ; Chei \ . pcako & Ohio , 9.470. liurllnzton 12,3.0 , CJrent Northern preferred , 3.SOO ; Louisville & Nashville. 22215 : Manhattan , 1S.323 ; Metro- polltnn , 6 55t ; Reading preferred , 1J.110 ; Minneapolis & St. Louis. 4.3.5 ; Mlnsouri Pa- clllc. 14,000. Missouri , Kansas & Texas preferred - ferred , 21910 : New York Central , 4.12S ; Northern Pacific preferred. 9,675 ; Ontnrlo & Western , 9,175 ; Rending , 4.30J ; Rock Island , 8C30 ; Bt. T.oul * ft Southwestern second pre. ferred. 2fi 403 : Union Pacific. 22 9t > 0 : St , Paul. 39 417 : Southern Pacific. 41 6SO : South ern. 17.210 ; Southern preferred , 20,3b5 ; Texas & Pacific. 10,250 ; I'nlon Pacific preferred , 23.K15 ; Wnbash nrcfened , 3,525 ; Wheeling Ai I.ako Erie. 3.670 ; Patier , 3681 ; Colton Oil , 27.100 ; Amerlcnn Spirits. 3,800 : Steel , 31,120 Steel preferred. 33,620 ; Peoule's Cins , 19,295 Urooklyn Trnetlon , lO.-WS ; Pacific Mall. 20. ' 93 ; Sugar , C4.320 ; Tennessee Coal & Iron 11.610 ; Leather preferred , 4,070 ; Rubber , 7,000 ! Western Union , 7,4b7 , St. LouU Southwcstfrn , K.IU , St Louis ft South- wi-ntPrn prefcrretl , 22.U79 ; Chicago Great Western , 14,633. lork Money Mnrket. NEW YORK. Jan. 30.-MONEY ON CALL Nominally , 2ySQ per cent. P1U.MK MERCANTILE PAPER-24y3U Der cent , STERLING EXOH'ANOE-Steady. with actual business In binkers' bill * nt SI.SIM ? 4 S3 for demand , and $4 S2 < (04 ( < ! 3 for sixty- days : poste < l ratVf , $ I.S3'4 nnd $4 S54 ; com mercial bills , $ 82 SILVER CERTIFICATES Nominally , ErlfiCirn. 4 . 74i s H. iT.tjs. . VV. . ,1 I ) . IBIS , t , r. * 1l Tcnn new ctd . . . PJJ Hcti.F.lcc.6s . . , .11'JK T P L Q.ists. . .110 G. H , .VS A fls . . . .1UH T. P lip. 2U . . . . 4S1 * 0.11. i.S A. 2ds . 107 tl. P 1) & G. lets . 0 ! ) H.A.T. Cent Oi . . . .1111 Wai ) 1st fis 114 < H A.T. O.con Os. .110 WabJils "I'i ' * louaO.lnts 110 VV.Shore 4n. ll'- * * L'l. Ni vv Con. 4s . .10S"U Va Centuries. . . . WU U4N ITnl. 4 . . . IKH , Vn. ae-fnrcd S Mlftnourl Us 114H 1 Cent lit * . . . CO M K..T 2di . . . 7U' ' < U P 4s . . . . 105 M. K. tl 4s 1)3 ! Colorado3onlh'ii4B H7U Huston Stock anil 1. . . . . . . " . BOSTON , Jan. SO-Call loans , 2ft1 per cent : tlmo loans , 2ViQ4 per cent. Closing pi ices for stock * , bonds and mining shires : Mm rntnolNco Mlnlnir anolntlonn. SAN FRANCISCO , Jan. TO The ofllrlnl closing quotations for mining stocks today were at follows : Silver bars , 50 c : Mexican dollars 45c. Drafts , sight , 17' c ; telegraph , 20c. Yorolc Mlnlne StncUN. NEW YORK , Jnn. 30 The following are the doling quotations on mining stocks : Choler ! 0 { Ontario KO Crown Po'nt ' 10 Ophlr iv > n. Cal. and Va.lSO I'lniouth lu Deadnooa 43 Qulcks'lxer IV ) OoiiIJ nnd Cnrrle. . SO do pfd DuO Hnlo & . Xorcro s. . . 7 blorra Nevada . . . . 73 Ilome-tiiK" WOO Standard 21U Iron Rll\er 78 Union Con U Mexican S- Yellow Jacket . . . . 13 London Sloi-U QuotntloiiN. LONDON , Jan. 20. 1 p. m.-Closlns : BAR SILVER-Steady nt 27 7-16d per ouncf. S1ONEY-1H per cent. The rate of discount In the open market for short bills. 2V&02V1 per cent ; for three months' bills , 2 3-16i)2V per cent. Financial NoteH. CHICAGO. Jan. 30. Clearings. $18,730.440 ; balances , $2,321.143 : New York exchange , par ; sterling exchange , posted rates $1 M % < fN.S5V4 : actual rates , $4.S31.85 ; sixty days1 , $4 S1V. < & 4 84. Stocks steady ; Alley L , 77 ; Diamond mend Match. 145'i ; North Chlcngo , 219 ; West Chicago , 93U ; Strawboard , 32 ; I31s- cult. common. B3T4 ; Biscuit , preferred , 101V CINCINNATI , Jnn. 30 Money , Z\ifH \ per cent : New York exchange , par and 15c dis count ; clearings , 13.013.COO ST. LOU1B. Jan. Sk-Clearlngo , $3,637,175 ; balances , $77S,2&8 ; money , 4jib p'r cent. New York excnanec. lOc premium bid. ! 0c premium asked. NEW YORK. Jan. 30 Bank clearings. $ fts 001,1184 ; balances , $ " ? n.04D. BOSTON. Jan. 30 Bank clearings , $16- 8C6.G49 : balances. )1 , 04,4S1. MRMPHIS. Jnn. 30 Clearings , $333,247 ; balances $80.228. BALTIMORE. Jnn. 30 Clearings , $2,270- 340 : balances. $267.001 , NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 30-Clearings , $1.01.213 ! ; : New York exchange , bank , $1 premium : commercial , fiOG73c discount. nnLADELPHIA. Jan. 30.-Clcarlnga. $ S4'4,050 ? : balances , $ lt21filfl ( WASHINGTON. Jnn 30-Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows : Available rash balances , $291,769- 133 , told reserve. $ MS.891.S6l. 1 . urn Klnniiclnl. I.ONDO'tan 30. The market for Amer ican sectiutt s advanced at the opening nnd remained steady all day on New York buyIng - Ing , the closing tone was steady with the demand generally light. The bulk of the 6Wo ) of gold which arrived here from the Capo of Good Hope recently went to the continent. Only an Inconsiderable portion tion , It Is believed , was bought for the United States. The gold nt Buenos Ayres was 115. I'ARIS , Jan. 30 Prices were firm on the bourse today and Interest centered In min ing Chares. International securities \VPIV Irregular and rentes were calm. Spanish 4s vvcru strong nnd Rio tlntos advanced on covering purchases. Italians were very- weak. South Africans were buoyant in spite of the cpproichlnK settlement. Three i > er cent rentes , 102f 5c for the account. Exchange on London , 2Sf 17c for checks BERLIN , Jnn. 30 Operators on the bourse today were favorably disposed , In ternational securities were firm and Span ish Is were especially brisk. Americans were strong and Canadian Pacifies were In good dennnd , owing to satisfactory traffic rotuins Bank shares were animated but they reacted toward the cloho. on realiza tions. Sllnlng shares relapsed sharply on prollt-tnklnj ; . Statement of llnnk of hpnln. MADRID , Jan. 30 The Bank of Spain's report for the week ending Saturday last shows the following : Gold In hand , no change ; silver In hand Increase , 3.812,000 pesetas : notes In circulation , lncreaae. 1.423 pesetas. CofTrr VnrUrt. NEW YORIv , Jan SO-COrFEE-Ontlon * openui nuiet at unchanged prices to 5 points decline ; milled slightly on covering nnd u little outside buying , following steadl- nens nt Hnvre , the ndvnnro nt Hamburg nnd largo warehouse deliveries In this country , but buying checked by full re ceipts at Rl < > and Santos , lower cables and heavy Amerlcnn vlt'lblc. ' Closed quiet. 5 points lower to 5 points higher : sales , 15,500 bags , Including March at $ " > C5f)3.70. ) May , J5.su ; September. ' 6.10 October $ i,15 ] ; De cember. Ju.r.OUe.lo Spot coffee , Rio , quiet ; No. 7 , Invoice. $6 f2 < 2 ; No 7 lobbing , $7 12V. . Allld. quiet ; Cordova , $7.WKT14.00. SANTOS , Jan SO-COFPEE Weekly re port : Market llrm : good averace Sinto . I 7.70J rels ; receipts during week , &R 000 bags ; shipments to the United States , 69,000 bags ; I Mork. C200Vt ( IITKS. HIO JANEIRO. Jan. 30-COrFEE WeeJslv report : Market weak ; exchange , standard. 711-22d. lecelpts during week , 611,000 bags ; shipments to the United States. r.WO bags ; stock. 271,000 bags. Cotton MrrKrt. NEW YORK , Jan 30. COTTON-QuIet ; middling , CSc ; net receipts 263 bales , gross , 2,464 bales , sales. 2 & 00 biles , stock , S03 ZiS bales : exports , to Oreat Britain , SCO bales NEW ORLEANS , Jan. 30. COTTON Steady ; sales , 7.000 bales ; ordinary 4 ic ; good ordlniiy , 4 15-16c ; low middling 55-lOc ; middling , 5Vc ; good middling C .c , mld- illlnif fair. 6r : rec lpts , 14By bales ; stock , 4M.blO bales. Spot futures barely steady ; February. J1.74 iild : March , $5.76 ; April , * 37S I5.7CQ5.73. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Hardly Enough Cattle to Establish a Belling rico. COLD WEATHER STOPS THE RUN OF HOGS I'rlren of Porker * Top Tlionc of Snt- nrilny nnd the UlTcrltiKii Are of In Short Order. SOUTH OMAHA , Jnn. 30. Cattle. HOL-M. Sheep. Receipts today 1HJ 2uJ2 7,910 Olio week ngo 1,669 3,819 6,491 Two weeks ago ! < ! ! > 2S3tf 4bbJ Three \\ttktt ago 1,0)1 ) 1.W4 2,40 ? Tour weeks ngo . . . . S50 2,070 " 51 Average price paid : or hogs for the last several days , with comparisons : ll48 so Tw . ' n very "B'H ' run ol cattle today and not enough of any one " " 5' 111UCh Ot a te < ! t ° f tlu , . . . , , many cattle as have been here anv Monday this month , with Uio exception of last Mon day. The market as a whole was entirely satlsfactorv to the sellers. Only about n half dozen load * of cornfeil steers wcro offered for sale and they mel with ready takers nt good , steady prices There was one bunch xood enough to brlns ? 53o , ami another went at $510 The prices piilrl wore entirely satisfactory to seller ; and everythlmr was cleaned up In a very short tlmo and the yaids were soon ds' &erte < l. Cows nnd heifers were In good demand and the few loads offered were disposed ol in aery short time nt prices not quotably different from last week. The same was tiuo ot other Kinds of butchers' stock calves , bulls , stags , etc. There was quite a number of stock cattU considering the very light recclptb of othei kinds , nnd In addition speculators had a few left o\er from last week. At the same tlmo the country demand was very light , as was to bo expected on a Monday , nnd also while the weather continues HO severe Still speculators seemed to have good falU ; in the future of the market , and the cnttli brought steady prices. Everything In Hit yards was sold and weighed up at any early hour. Representative sales : BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 19..1110 W CO 5. . 1012 $1 73 13..H23 $5 Of 2. . SCO 4 G3 4. .1175 4 75 23..1.'b9 5 05 20..1310 4 05 17..1261 ISO 20..H41 510 1015 1 70 12. . KM ! 500 20..1254 5 35 18 91i i 70 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 400 4 50 COWS. 1. . 900 2 75 1. . SCO .1 25 1..1110 350 23. . 9J7 2 S5 7..1103 310 2..1203 3 m 4..1035 J sr , 2. . 170 3 40 1..1130 373 C. . 901 2 90 18..1025 3 43 1..1140 3 75 1..1040 5 00 Si..105.1 3 45 1..1250 II 73 1. . S > K ) 3 00 S..1077 3 45 1..1150 3 S3 3. . 9sG 3 10 10..1060 3 45 1..1120 4 00 1..1270 3 15 C..1150 350 3..11S3 4 00 3..1116 J 25 25COWS COWS AND HEIFERS. 7. . G71 3 50 HEIFERS. 950 3 33 2..1030 3 85 1. . CSO 100 470 3 50 3. . 610 3 95 3. . 410 1 23 720 3 50 3 743 3 S5 3. . 920 4 40 763 j 75 910 3 95 4..1142 4 40 900 3 SO 4..1030 4 00 BULLS 1..1320 2 90 1..1240 333 1..1SHO 3 90 1..1330 3 15 1..1250 3 IK 3..1200 390 1..1130 3 25 1..11&0 3 SO 1..1SOO 4 00 CALVES 1. . 260 4 50 L. ICO 5 75 2. . 135 COO 1. . 330 5 CO 1. . 130 fi 00 STAGS. 2..1130 275 S10CKERS AND FEEDERS L. 660 3 00 1. . 510 4 00 7. . 62S 4 30 1. . GSO 3 40 2. . 470 4 05 13. . 748 4 35 1. . 740 4 00 2. . MO 4 25 1. . 320 4 05 MILKERS AND SPRINGERS. No. Pr. 1 cow and calf $43 ex WESTERNS. NEBRASKA. No. Av. Pr. No Av. Pr , 9 cows. . . , . 931 20cw&hf. 791 $3 3d COLORADO 2 stags. . , . .1130 275 10 cows 976 320 13 bulls . . .1074 z , . ) 14 feeders. . 10b9 33" 3 cows. . , 733 2 7C 4'feeder . . . 749 4(6 ( 23 cows . MS 2 75 14 feeders. . 9iS 420 4str&stg922 3 10 20 feeders. . 713 433 UTAH. 6 feeders. . 750 350 60 feeders. . 764 4 TO 1 feeders. . 762 360 SI feedeis. . 750 4 30 HOGS Today'k market could be best de scribed as uniatlsfuctoiy. It was uns.itH' factory to bujcrs because th'ro wore sc few hogs that no packer could lio-n' lo go ) a killing. H was unsitlsfactoiy to ihe hell ers bocuuse they could nu g t the Advance which they thought thcj were entitled to , us packers were Indifferent and did not ap pear to care whether they got any hogs ot not. Good loads of hogs sold at $3 705T3.75 , the range b ing the. same as Saturday , but there were > more loads at the lop price today , t > c that the average price was higher. It will bo remembered that on Saturday half ol the hogs RC-ld at T3 70 , with only one prime load at $373 The. light nnd light mixed loads sold at $3 G3j3 ( | 70 , which was the range on Saturday , but thoie were fewer hogs today nt the bottom. On Saturday one- fourth of all the hogs sold at J3(15 ( The market ns n whole was very slow , rs sellers were unutiling to I ° t gt > of their holdings unless they could got nn ndvance of nt least 6c and borne of the bu > ers nnd orders not to buy nn > thing unles at steady prices The result was a very drnggy m.ir- ket , tlu most of the forenoon being con sumed In disposing of n few loads of hogs , while the close wa very slow and weak. Representative soles : No. 11 . , 7'J. . . . 77. . . S3. . . . Cl. . . 91 . . . 71 . 59 WAGON LOTS-PIGS 1 . . .330 S CO G .2 . . . 3 C5 SHEEP The receipt * of sheep and lambs are gradually Increasing an the season advances , and toiluj's arrivals were the largest since November 13. Something over half of thu receipts consisted of lambs , while good mutton sheep were by no me.ins plentiful Considering the large run the market wa * In good shape nnd cntlrly satisfactory as compared with other mar kets. The demand for mutton sheep was lively and the mat ket v\as stiong to a little higher. Everything delr.ible In that line was disposed of In good .season , and sellers ns a rule were pleased Tilth results. The feeling is verj much better than It was n short tlmo ago. and even ono appears U : have inoro confidence us to the future o | the mirl.ot Lambs being more plentiful no advance was scored on them , but the market was good and steady and the bulk of the offer- Inga changed hands In good season. Quotations are * . Good to choice fed wpRtorn wethers , J3SW74.00 ; fair to good , 5170 3 SO , choice uatlvo wethers , K 81 ( rills , olinlco western yearling * , J ! lOii 413 ; fair to good western yearlings , 13 Ovfj 4 J , Uil tttes , Jj.W73CO , good to cholet I native lamb * . J175QI90 , good western [ lambs , JICUi/ISO , feeder sheep , J3J/j375 ( ( ; fo nl r lambo , $100 25 ; cull ihcep , $ S vIf 3W , cull lambs , $3000360. No Av , Pr , l < newn W $1 > " 19 Culifornln wethers , , , . . , , W 3 K JH western .voarllngs. . . . . 97 Ilo 4P5 wsstern y < < jtrllng8 nnd sheep , , . 114 4 15 160 western lambs M 43.1 11B western limbs 72 I us 277 weitcrn lambs 7s 4 < > o 277 western sheep V ) 475 45S weitcrn CVM'S 103 n 60 236 westeini , mixed K7 130 4"S we'tern iambs 70 4 CO 2M western Iambi 75 4 63 52S weitern lambs 75 4 R7 > $ 2.'iO western lambs 74 4 40 212 western lambs 11 4 63 3:2 wei'tern lambs 6J 4 M 2o2 vvestern lambs 77 4 65 2 % western lamht 70 4 ifl 247 western lambs 7S 4 Co * cincAno iiivn STOCIC MAiiunr. Cold \\'entlu > r Cntn Down HrcrlpiH nil MnUfM Trndo drink. CHICAGO. Jnn SO-CATTLE The cold weather today cut down the receipts ot live stock a great dcnl and also nindo trade brisk , ns both buyers nnd sellers were anx ious to como to terms and get In out of the cold. Thcr was weakness In the common droves , which comprised u larger part of the offerings , but all desirable , lots bold at llrm prices. Sales were on u basis of $3 90 4i4.50 for common native beef Htsers up to $5.60 16.20 for rather choice to strli-tly prime Khlpplnc cattle , with thu bulk of sales tit $4.&ODT > .66. HOGS The unexpectedly light receipts of hoga cauiecl n scramble on the part of the buyers and the lively competition gent prices SHEEP There were not enough sheep on the mnrktt ! to meet the demand and offer ings of .u enod quality ruled 10i(15c ( higher ; pc.or to choice sheep. J2.C9p4.25. with bulk of sales nt $3.70. yearlings. $1.10 ( 4.60 ; com mon to choice lambs , $4.lKS5.0u , prime light lambs > .10. UECttlPTS-Cattt ? . 16,000 head ; hog. , 29- 000 head ; shtep , 14,000 head. ICnnnna City Mvo Stoclc. KANSAS CITY , Jan. 30. CATTLE Re ceipts , J4S3 head natives , 2,671 head Tcx- nns Values on native beeves strong nt last Trldnv'H ilo < * - . Cows and heifers , Hteadv lo strong , Texans , steady to 10ftl5c lower , heavy native steore , nomlmllv. $520 O053 , mediums. $5 OOJi .25. lights , $4.454 W ; stoekers and feeders. $3 lojfl.'w , butcher cows and heifers. $1201(450 ( ; canncrs. $220 S2.90 ; western steels , $3 25IM.SO : western cows. $2 55ft 3.75. HOGS Receipts , 5501. Market opened ac tive and higher , and fell off ofilOc ; heavies , * 3 70ii > 3S3. mixed. $3600380 ; llchts. $3 DOJj ) SHEKP Recelptfl. 3,775. Market steady to lOc higher ; lambs lOc higher than Fri day ; stoekers , quiet ; lambs , J415B500 ; mut tons , $3. 10ii410 ; feeders , $2.7iS3.55. stoek ers , $ l.G3t2.S5. Bt. I.nulH Live Stock. ST. LOUIS , Jan 30. CATTLE Receipts , 8500 head , Including , 2,400 head Texans. Market steady to strong ; fair to fancy native shipping and export steers , $4 60 $ 810 bulk of Bales , $17.Vu570 ; dressed beef and butcher steers , J36fti5RO , bulk of sates , $4.40jJ5'5 ? ; steers , under 1,000 Ibs , $3.55fi 1 3i , bulk of sales , $3 604 00 ; stockers and foed- ers. $30 JT490 , bulk of sales , Jl.10ff4.50 ; cows and heifers , $2 0004.CC. bulk of sales of cows , $2 10ft , } 25 ; canning cows. $1.25(82.75. ( Texas and Indian steers , $375 490 , hulk of sales , $4 OOTi4 6u ; cows and heifers , $2.454 05. IIOGB-Rtcelpts. 9,700 head. Market steadv ; pigs and lights. J3 60S > 3 75 ; packers , $3 70f3 y > : butchers , $3 WQ4 05 SHEEP-Recelpts , 2,000 head. Market steady ; native muttons , $37501.10 ; lambu , $4 50 ® 5 00. York Lire Stock. NEW YORK , Jan. 30 BEEVES Re- celpts , 3,334 hand ; steers slow ; oxen lower ; bulls steady to lOc lower ; cows steady to lOc higher. Steers , $4.40iiT560 ; oxen , $350 ® 5.10. extra fat. $5 40 ; bulls , $3 1004 30 Cables steady to lower ; tops , UHc ; live sheep. 11 © 12c ; refrigerator beef , 9c per Ib. Ship ments , none. CALVES Receipts 1.177 head ; steady to firm. Veals , $5.00iJS25 ; tope , $850 ; barnvard nnd fid calves , $350 460 ; southern , $3.75. SHEEP AND LAMGS-Recelpts. 11,173 head. Good sheep , flim ; common to me dium , "low ; lambs , 10 < H)15c ) higher ; sheep , 5300IT4EO ; Iambi , J5.0CKJ660. HOGS Receipts. 12.456 head. Firm and higher at $1.15fj4 30 ; state pigs , $1 3304.40. St. Joncpb Live Stock. ST. JOSEPH. Jan. -BpectaU-CAT- ( - TLE Receipts. BOO head , mostly Toxons Market active and stronc. Natives. J3.70 ® 5.10 j Texans ana weaterns $3.4004.55 ; cows and helfera S1.60M.5 ; stockern and feed- era $3 50C4 75. HOGS-Receluts. 1.400 head. Market big 5c higher , selling at J3.70S3.90 ; bulk at J3.77's SHEEP Receipts , none. Demand strong1 , Cincinnati Live Stock. CINCINNATI , Jan. 30. HOQS-Actlve. higher ; JIOO CATTLE Strong ; J3 60g6 00. SHEEP Steady ; $2 25 6.00. LAMBS Steady ; J4.00523. Stock In SlRht. Following are the receipts at the four principal western markets for January 30 : Cattle Hogs. Sheep. Omaha 1.143 2,032 7-HO , Chicago 16.000 29,000 14,000 Kansas City 6164 , 5,501 3.775 St. Louis 3,600 9.700 2,000 Totals 25,797 46,233 27,685 Wool Mnrket. LONDON. Jan. 30 The closing week of th > wool t-ales for this series opened with a largo attendance of buyers. Fine scoured merinos Bold at fancy prices to the Ger man and French bn > ers. All sections were anxious to secure greasleb at top prices The American buyers purchased about 200 bales of fine croBfbreds at higher prices. Low grades ruled Irregular. The- offerings num- beied 13,94 > balss. The following are the- sales In detail : New South Wales. 4.100 biles ; scoured. &ysdGtl G'id ; greasy , 6iilld. Queensland , 2300 hales : scoured. Is SiliMs ' 4d ; greasy. 7 'U'lOd ' Victoria , 3,400 bales ; scoured , Is 4Mid4/ls 6d ; greasy , 4'iditls ( iV4d. Fel Australia. 700 bales ; greasv , 5mV9v4d. Nw Zealand. 2600 bales ; gcoured. HAd ; grrasy. BfilOd. c.ipe of Good Hope and Natal. 400 bales ; scoured. SfcdQls 4W \i- " \ ork Dry Good * Market. NEW YORK. Jan. 30. Prints are again moving upward , an advance of 'ic In American tndltro blues and shortening of discounts In other Quarters being noted. Staple cottons also show an upward tend ency , sellers being reserved In brown blea'ched and coars colored goods. Today's spot demand was irood. but good mall or der business of general chaiacter. Print cloths stronc. No. sellers of regular 64- squares at 2 ? c. Tone of woolen goods divisions steadier. Dress goods Bteady. California Ilrleil Trillin. NEW YORK. Jnn. -CALIFORNIA DRIED PRl'lTS Steady. Evaporated ap ples , common , 7 < f 8c : prime wire tray , Mi J9c ; choice , 9'i''a9I4c ' ; fancy , 9)4'ilOc. ! Prunes , 3X.010PAprlcote , royal , llfillc : Moor park lO Wc. Peaches , unpeeled , 9 pee'led , 2-)25c ) Oil Mnrkt-t. OIIw CITY , Jan 30 Credit balances , $1.15 ; Cfirtincntcs opened at $ l.n bid for cash : closed at 51 i : bid : -Mies , 2 bbls , at $1.13 : 5 at $1 11V > : 2 at $1 12 ; total , 90ft ) bbls ; ship ments , 1 16,066 bbls ; runs , 133,642 bbls , Inliin Veteran * llury a < 'onfcilrnle. . BOSTON , Jan. 30 The Department of Massachusetts , Grand Army of the Republic has ghen a roldlcr's burial to n confederate - ate soldier who fought agilnst the Stars and EtripCB , but vvho llxed to become ono of Its nust loyal supporters , John liuck was a natho Virginian who fought with Lee id Ptonewall Jackscn In the Army of Northern VliglnK and was twite badly wounded. After tbo war ho ramo north nnd lived for many ve ars In Boston. His funeral wo the first of Its kind In lloston. The governor wa i represented ] by Colrciel J. P.ayvon Bradley rf hlsstalf , who was Colonel Shataw ell's orderly at Spottsylvanla court ihouso. Tl'o burial was at Mount Hope cemetery' . A patriotic citizen of Boston sent a fla to enwrap the coffin. JAMES R BOYD & CO , , Telephone 10IH ) . Oinnha , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS KOAHD OP TRADE. Dlrt't lre > to Onlcign nii New York. Corr'ipcndrnUi John * Wmrrtn A Ca RRPEWiEYaCO. Sfitos $ ROOM4rirUFEBLIl ) ( gRAMCH If you read the Bee you've got to pay for it Dead-heads and dead-beats are not carried on the Bee's subscription list. The Bee reaches people who pay their bills. That is why advertising in the Bee brings such splendid results. The advertiser appreciates a clean subscription \ > list.