Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 29, 1899, Part I, Image 1

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United Stated' Prosperity Disturbs Peaca of
Mind of Europeans.
Spectator Sermonizes on Effect of Big
Gamble on National Character.
Cecil Rhodes CurrieB Favor by a Star Play
in the Soudan Campaign ,
of Alilirnrl'n North Pole n\iioi1l-
llon Illpoiin Into Aotl e Opprn-
tlon unit tlio Prlnoo Doelnrcn
III * rin hlmll > Vnv .
( Copv right , 1593 , by Associated Press. )
LONDON , Jan. I8. ! The altitude of Drltlsh
( investors toward American business under
went a considerable1 change during the last
< wcck. The mind of the Ilrltlsh public is al
ways alow to irracp changes and people here
nrc mil ) beginning to realize what financiers
and politicians have for months considered
the most Important fact of the year the
tremendous commercial advancement of the
United States.
Uvcr since the Venezuelan affair the only
IJeu of holders of American securities lian
been lo tell whenever they could do so with
nnv profit or without too great a loss. In
the beginning of the present upward rush
of American stocks both speculators and
holders of transatlantic securities were eager
to taKe advantage of the opportunity to un
load the formci , selling for cash , expecting
n diop in the market , getting rid of what
they regarded us unsafe property which they
liad been long holding.
lloth Ilrltlsh and American financiers , who
talked with n representative of the Associa
ted 1'iess on the subject , agree that the
pendulum has now begun to swing In the
Otlicr direction. Investors seeing that the
anticipated disasters do not materialize and
that tlio United States IB apparently In fern
n great period of prosperity , are coming to
the conclusion that they were ovcrhaity In
unloading ttiolr American holdings.
CronUlnif I'linlo.
They nrc retracing their steps and re
giving orders to their brokers to rebuy the
Blocks they discarded with a feeling of Jo >
nt getting rid of dead wood , though the
newspapers ore still croa'ilng dismally over
the panic which Wall street Is destined to
nltnosa In the near future , according to all
their prophecies. Business men who have
been Interviewed by a representative of the
Associated 1'rcss npco that so far as all lliu
lines of legitimate Industry are concerned
the United States has every reason to bt >
Alfred Clwrles do Hothschlld ot N. M.
Hotlnchlld & Sons spoke enthuslaHtlcally
of the outlook. He said :
"Thero appears to he an unparalleled
jieilod of prosperity before Amni leans. So
far as American Investments aio concerned ,
Urn puliilo must , as In any other field , dls-
ctlmluate between what Is good and what Is
bad. But jour crops , manufactures and
coinmcico all seem to combine to place the
country on nn unusually sound ba H , which
cannot fall to awaken ndnliatlon through
out the world "
Ono of the most prominent bankers re-
"The United States Is rather too enter
prising for the JIIMCO of mind of Europe.
Jt Is rather haul to believe that the sta
tistics of American exports can bo true"
Ills view seems to be the views of others.
r.iijo > liiK n IIlK ( iniulilo.
The Statist Is not sure the figures of
business represent Incrc'ated pros
perity. From 1hu decrease In Imports It
that the high tariff Is compelling the
poorer classes to deny themselves many
comforts , und that the fanners , during the
years of depression , contracted debts which
they are determined to pa > , before they al
low thcniHelves their customary comforts.
The Spectator s.crmonUcs on the cffcqt of
the epcculatlvo boom on the national charac
ter , and says1 "Ten per cent of the whole
population are having a good , big gamble ,
and being Americans who don't care much
( when they uro ruined , they are enjoying
themselves mightily. "
Thin paper believes that the principal ef
fect of such booms la to Incrcane national
enngulncncss , adding : "No typical Ameri
can ever fears any results of his own actions ,
but there nro few typical Americans with
out some look of care. "
England has been enjoying a little boom
Ot Us own In South African mining enter
prises , to which an Impetus has been given
by the presence hero of Cecil Ithodce , the
Bouth African magnate , but which attracted
email attention In the newspapers In com
parison with the more sensational business
across tbo Atlantic ,
Mr. Rhodes' agent , Dr. Rutherford Har
ris , saya the cabinet has promised an im
perial guaranty of the Cape-to-Catro rail-
tvay from Duluwayo to the Zambesi , a dis
tance of 350 mlleo.
lllioiloH * Part In Noailan CaniinlKt > >
There Is an Interesting story ot Mr.
Ilhodcs' tjorvlcea In connection with the
Eoudan campaign , which Incidentally plajed
on Important part In Influencing the cabinet
In his favor. The government , It appears ,
could not buy the engines and plant neccs-
pary to operate General Kitchener' * strategic
railroad , which has an unusual gauge , and
Thi'n Mr. Rhodes heard of this he uacrlflced
the- equipment bought for the British Char
tered South African company and so en
abled the campaign to bo finished nearly a
year sooner than would have been possible
If he bud not come to the rencue.
A representative of the Associated Press
liad un Interview with llev. Dr. Werner of
the American Presbjterlan Congo mission.
vho has Just arrived In England on his way
to America after four > cats' residence at
J.uebo , In the district. He said :
"Tho present mutiny Is probably the last
desperate attempt to throw off the white
man's control. U Is alao the most scrloua
outbreak , on account ot the Inaccessibility
of the region , \\licn It Is remembered that
Baron Dhanls. the Belgian commander , la
300 miles from his base of supplies with only
a handful of whites It U small wonder that
BO many Europeans have already bren > ac-
rltlccd , and It will occasion no surorlio It
further disasters overtake the Belgians.
Nothing but the building ot a railway Is
Going to suppress the rebellion.
"According to ray latest Information Baron
Dhanls Is probably surrounded bv mutinous
, natives and It U said panic reigns through
out tbo Congo territory. However , this maybe
bo untrue "
Mr. Werner admitted that there had been
eomo Isolated cases of bad conduct on the
( Contluued on Fourth Page. )
mill Otlior Miiinlnriln Tnlk of
I'rolmlilo Condition * In Hie
Philippine * .
( Copyright , ISM , by Press Publishing Co , )
MADRID , Jan. 28. ( New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram. ) Sagasta
said In reply to a query that the matter re
quires confederation to BCP what the Amer
ican senate will do. It It contemplates to
materially alter the spirit and letter of the
treity It Is Impossible therefore to pro
nounce definitely. An } how , If the decision
of the American senate or future designs of
the United States with regard to the Philip
pines do not affect flt all the engage-monts
onturcj upon hy the United Statei with
Spain In the peace treaty It would not mat
ter to Spain whether annexation or Inde
pendence prov ailed as long as America en
forces protection to Spanish subjects In the
Philippines and the advantages promised
Spanish trade.
"All this , however , Is surely hypothet
ical , " says Sagasta , "as we cannot form nn
opinion or pronounce until we tire officially
Informed cf the drift of events at Washing
ton. My Intention Is decidedly to convoke
the fortes In the middle of February
whether the treaty Is latllled or not then In
Washington. "
I have carefully noted what the Madrid
press said the lost fortnight and have
sounded men of all parties and classes with
out finding anybody supposing that the
peace treaty or the relations between Spain
und the United States can he affected If the
annexation of the Philippines Is abandoned
for independence on condition that all
dausps of the Paris treaty arc carried out.
Even the Carllsts and republican ! ) think so.
The editor of Epocn , chief organ of the
conservative pirty , says :
"Certainly most Spaniards would accept
the peace treaty all the same If the Philip
pines were put In a position Identical with
Cuba , though , in their opinion , Spain would
prefer to see America annex , because the
Spanish material Interests of all kinds still
extant In the Philippines would be better
protected by America than by the natives ,
whom the Spaniards believe Incapable ot
self-government "
The editor of HI Correo , chief organ of
the liberal party and ministry , Senator K ir-
roras , cannot sec what difference It would
make as regards Spanish ratification of the
peace treaty whether the Philippines were
treated like Cuba by the United States , ns
the present government ceded all rights to
Spain over the archipelago to the United
Scnor Abamiza , n leading member of the
recent peace commission , slid today :
"Spain , In my opinion , would not , nor would
any civil or free nation , accept the treaty It
modified so as to create an Independent
Filipino government. You might as well
ghe autonomy to the monkeys as give It to
the rillpluos. No country could posalblv
agree to risk He commercial Interests by
dealing with a so-called Filipino g-overn-
mcnt. Would America herself like her
commercial Interests to have only n single
guarantee of such a government ? It would
bo no guarantee at all. Accordingly , If the
treaty bo amended as suggested It ceases to
bo a treaty , signed by Spain , and a serlou *
position arises , as since tlio treaty becomes
null matters go back to the status quo at
the time of the protocol. "
BRUSSELS. Jan. 2S ( New York World
Cablegram Special Telegram. ) Senor VII-
larutla , late peace commissioner at Paris
and Spanish ambassador , says :
"In a modified form we members of the
pmr . commission dofiiiltely ratified certain
conditions in behalf of our own respective
go\ernments. It seems to me that any
alteration must bo referred to a fresh com
mission , because ono side cannot change
conditions without the consent ot the other.
Our duty In the mutter Is at nn end. "
Asked what ho thought of the situation
lie smiled and ndded :
"Yes , they have yet to learn that Agul-
naldo la a man of determination. The
Americans have turned their own weapons
on themselves and will possibly find their
new eastern possessions a dear bargain , "
III * MlHulon to Knropo HUM
Itriultoil I'av ornlily for llln
Co * or ii in on I.
( Copyright , 1S99 , by Pres Publishing Co. )
LONDON. Jan. 28 ( Now York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram. ) The Interview
with President Igloslas of Costa Illca In
London Saturday was cabled back hero and
limtcd widely. The London Olobo observed
that although Iglcslas was very reticent to
Hngllsh newspaper men about his visit to
: ho queen , he was "expinslvcly communica
tive" to others.
When ho was at Osborno ( lie queen Invited
him to visit Windsor castle and aeo Its un
rivalled collection of art treasures. This
Seuor Iglcstas did last Wednesday. He was
received there by state ofllclaU , was taken
over the whole custle and lunched with the
lord chamberlain , the earl of Pembroke.
On leaving England early next wnek Pres
ident Iglcbtas will go to Paris to stay three
weeks , after which ho will go to Now York
and Washington before returning to Costa
Rica. Ho Is sanguine that the railway now-
being constructed from Hie Atlantic to the
capital of Costa rtlca will be extended to the
Costa Ulca would welcome , ho says , any
project of the United States to cut a Nlcarau-
guan canal and aid would be given freely to
the project. The prospect of the sending
of Improved machinery Into this country
from England to extract gold ho regards ns
very promising. Altogether , the president
considers that his mission has been most
Parana * Diva In Hevotod to the Huron
and ( JIvoM Him Thrco Tlioimunil
I'o u nil H u Your ,
( Copyright , 1S99 , by Pro Publishing Co. )
LONDON. Jan. 28. ( Now York World
Cablegram Special Telegram. ) I hear that
Pattl has lettled 3.000 a year absolutely
on Baron Ccderatrom. whoso own pro
visional Income Is only 150. The diva
made this ecttlemont entirely on her own
motion and presented the deeds to her
dance as her wedding gift the day before
the wedding. The taron was taken com
pletely by surprise. Her fervid adoration
of her handsome and dlstlngulihed young
husband Is the best testimony to her mar
velous preservation of the attribute * of
youth. He seems equally Infatuated with
her and ebons great tact In treating her
ureclsely as though there were no dispirit ?
of age between them.
At the Hotel Cecil , where they have been
ttaylng the last three days , they are never
seen except when going out driving , as they
pass all their time toeether in their eplen-
dld suite of rooms. They loft today for the
Morli-y GrU III Monoy.
( Copyright. 1559 , by Press Publishing Co. )
LONDON. Jan. 28. ( New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram ) John Morley
is t > ald to have been paid (50,000 already by
tbo Macmlllana , publishers , on account of
Gladstones Life , which he le writing for
Juondam Organ Grinder Lays Claim to an
English Peerage.
Delicate Qu ti ° n Involved in the Eight
of Succession.
Young Duchess Prefers English Lifo to
Office in Australia ,
Ilniljiird KIplliiK Iloollnoa to n * In-
ivoil on Snlllng for the
Uiiltoil StntOH Olvoi No
Hint of Future I'lnni.
( Copyright. 16"9. by Pi ess Publishing Co. )
LONDON . Jan. 28. ( New York
World Cablegram Special Telegram. ) Or
gan Grinder Illnton's claim to the earldom
of I'oulctt promises no be one of the cause
cclebico of the century. It has completely
diverted attention from the much moro
shadowy Druce claim to Portland duchy and
excites the most eager discussion In all the
The legitimacy on which Hlnton's claim
turns Is one of great subtlety and delicacy.
The late earl took proceedings In ' 1889.
called "In perpetuation ot testimony , " to
prove that the organ grinder's mother was
incelnte when he married her and had been
living as wife with a man named George
Tumour , almost up to the day of the mar-
rlago and had christened the son , afterward
born , William Tumour Thomas Poulett.
The earl nvorred he had never lived with
bar as man and wife.
These pleas are extremely difficult to
maintain to the satisfaction of the legal
mind. Ono great Issue In the Poulett suc
cession will bo that such pleas have been
upheld before. The last case was that of
the eon of the countess of Ajlesford , who
had eloped with the late duke of Marlbor-
ough. She styled thla son Lord Ouersey ,
that being the second title of her husband ,
the carl of Ayleeford , but on satisfactory
evidence the court declared the case turned
on the medical question whether a child
can be born and survive within six months
of marriage. On this the medical faculty
tolds diverse views , and , obviously. It Is
Impossible uf absolute proof , the presump
tion being ngalnst U , but her son , "a
stranger In blood , " Is deprived of his rights
of succession to the Ayleaford peerage.
Thla half brother of the duke of Marlborough -
ough Is now a cavalry olllcer.
IlnnKliigr on the Future.
The organ grinder , of course , expresses
absolute confidence that be will succaed , and
epeaks with patronizing pity of Earl
Poulett's younger son by his third wife.
This lad tears a remarkibly close re-
somblancn to Earl Poulett , while Hlnton ,
the organ grinder , does not suggest the re
motest likeness to him , either In com
plexion , features or figure. Speaking of the
matter , Hlnton speculated ( rccly on his fu
ture as earl. He said :
"I shall live probably at Fratton , near
Portsmouth , where I am well known , hav
ing performed there with my organ every
seabon for years. The family mansion prob
ably will bo too expensive for me to keep
up , and I shall let It. I shall do all I can
for the poor , asi I have known their suffer
ings , though I cannot say I ever felt the
pinch of hunger myself. I shall cultivate a
hobby for fretsaw work and keep a motor
car when I can get a tellable one. I shall
take part In the proceedings of the House
of Lords , where my experiences will enable
me to speak with knowledge on many social
subjects of which my follow peers know
nothing. "
Still the prospect of this sudden change
from poverty und toll to affluence does not
excite Hlnton. He shows no excitement ,
there la no sound of Joy In his voice , he
epeaks wearily and perfunctorily , not from
aristocratic boredom or Indifference , but be
cause he Is manifestly broken In spirit and
body. He has waited too long. There were
rumors today of a compromise. Hlnton ab
solutely , denies them , and It Is difficult to
9fo how u compromise could be arranged , ns
the committee on privileges of the House
of Lords will Invo to bo sitisfled and will
recognlzn no arrangement between the
Tomtom onloe to Mnrlliorough.
The duke of Marlborough , having been
sounded by Lord Salisbury , Is said to have
signified that he could not accept an Austra
Han governorship , soon to be vacant. His
principal reason Is that the duchess docs
not care to leave England , especially as the
Australian climate Is often very Injurious
to children. The eldest Marlborough babe ,
Loid Illandford , Is extremely pretty , with
golden hair and tbo freshest pink and white
coloring. The duchess has Just had a mlnla
ture of him painted. His head , on a back
ground of blue clouds , looks quite angelic.
Tbo duke and duchess are guests ot Rarl
and Countess Spencer for a great country
ball. The duchess Is greatly enjoying the
round of balls she has attended lately , thta
being the first winter since her marriage
when It was possible for her to go in for
these country house gaieties.
The Marlborougbs have finally determined
not to rent Sefton house , Belgrave square ,
and are looking in Ma ) fair for a town resi
dence. By the way , the earl of Sefton , who
has long been suffering from what was
thought to be permanent mental derflngc-
roent resulting from a cricket ball blow on
the head , Is making nn amazing recovery.
Ills illness seemed so hopeless that only a
short tlmu ago the trustees of the Sefton
estate made arrangements by which a
younger bro'Jhcr ' , Osbert Molly Neut , should
have sufficient Income to enable him to re
side at the family seat. Croxtcth , and keep
up the property. But now Lord Sefton will
once moro take his place.
Klnllni ; .Vot to Ilr Interviewed.
Uudyard Kipling , hta wife , daughter and
two sons Rolled on the Majestic Wednesday
for a long visit In America , The World
correspondent approached him at the railway
station with a view to ascertaining his plans ,
but Mr. Kipling said : "I have never given
an Interview to any newspaper aud while I
am obliged to the World for Its solicitude
In my behalf I must decline to do o now. "
"How long do you intend < to btay In the
United States ! " the World correspondent In
"I must beg sou to excuic me , " replied
Mr. Kipling. "Clood morning. "
At Ibis colnt nU son tapped At the car
window and Mr. Kipling departed with an
alacrity obviously not wholly due to pa
rental affection. He was dressed In a Tweed
suit , cloth cau aud knickerbockers and
looked to be In good health. Tbo World' *
Queenstown correspondent MW him aboard
the Majestic Thursday and Mr. Kipling then
also was Inexorably reticent.
Hill UolliH-jm Hoei'tvc * ( In * Iliiiunii No
bility find MI > H Thiiift * ) Mint
Mllkr 'I lirillVlnoo. .
( Copyright , 1S99 , by Prcs ? Publlsnim ; Co. )
KO.MU. Jan. : S. ( New- York World Ca-
bU'grrm Special Telegram , ) Granting the
customary New Year's reception to the Ro
man nobility on Thursday the pope , reply-
ng to Prince Colonna's address , took occa
sion to severely reprimand the uobtllty for
he tendency toward corruption anil immor
ality prevalent among the higher classed
le began by thanking the patricians for
tne exurcaslons of loyalty to the Holy See.
exhorting them to maintain Intact the tra-
Htlona and faith of their forefathers. Ho
continued :
"Faith 11 the foundation of all salva-
: lon aud ol every Christian -virtue , sblnea
ike a beacon amidst the world's tempest us
two euemieu principally conspire against
t skepticism , fostered by Intellectual van-
ty. ttua sensuality brliiRlnrffevgrj , nasc ap-
DCtlto in Its train. The sff/iVst be spot-
esa 10 harbor God. if 'nvgf ' ? aS sensuality
thn divine principle rellnSfti tjJBv Ing man a
prey to biuso instlnetB.'Xjjjiw' | ( '
He reminded bin hciife Wpat when the
abomination or aesoiat/yHjjbnotratod / | the
iilo ot Jerusalem a/wyPijPUE / voice from
leaden erica : "God vfuhaKws. " He wonton
" * '
on : $ & *
"Tne same tcTrlbloAwordgjare applicable to
the Euul without faitjpitijfndoned In liibt and
* * *
wordiy ammtionb s ioto See that by
hearkening exclusively to the things of this
world } ou lose not the next ; that while
nn > t hero jou become licit the last In the
"No age Hko the present has offered such
blandishments to-vards porditlon. Skepti
cism , Immorality , lust , licentiousness In
private und public regime , lowd" publications ,
atheism all are rampant. The'nobles , In
stead of giving a bad example , should place
thcmEolvcs at thn head of a crusade against
Immorality , I.Ike their glorluus ancestors ,
they should hold honor as a fragile and
precious vase while traversing the.daugcious
anu rocky paths "
His Holiness repeated the words of Paul
to the Corinthians , "woteh and keep in the
faith" and ended by bestowing the apostolic
bonedlctlon on the nobles and their families.
The pope's speech wao road by Monslgnor
Mlsoltadio , Leo still being rather weak.
The pope nodded energetically during the
iSBHies condemning modern Immorality.
When his keen eje fixed Itself on certain
fast patricians they winched peicepClbly. All
were greatly Impressed.
After the ceremony the popq's chief phy-
elclan , Lapponl , In an Interview , emphati
cally contradicted the report that the pope
had an attack of the grip. The pope's
slight cold has now passed away , leaving a
weakness. Lappout considers Loo's consti
tution marvelous and believes1 he will llvo
to bless the twentieth century , celebrating
the holy year already announced.
Detection linn ] nt Worlc Trjliijf to
Find Out Who Stole
S300.000. '
( Copyright , 1S09 , by Preiv Publishing Co. )
LONDON , Jan. 28. ( Noi YorkWVovId Ca
blegram Special Tolograf u ftt-Tija * mystory.
pf the $300.000 robbery at Parr's bank the
biggest bank theft In Kngllsh annals rn-
malns unsolved. While the annual meeting
of shareholders was being held last Thurs
day $200.000 In nank of Kugland notes , ot
large denominations und thciefore hard to
pass were ratmned through the mall. Other
largo notes ivlll bo similarly sent back It Is
thought. The task of tracing the thieves
has reen committed to the flankers' associa
tion , whose solicitor. Mi. nosanquat , said to
your correspondent today :
"Hesldf * pending meni to Paris , file most
Hkely place for negotiating notes , wo are
covering Monte Carlo and Now York with
our detectives. I nm convinced that an
American Is In this business. In all cases
of clover bank-snatching Americans are In
It. In no other class of dishonest people
do you get the combination of patience , skill
and Impudence. After nil , Impudpnco car-
rles the thing through. They work In cmalf
gangs , twos and threes. Tor weeks or
months , even years , they will watch a bank
they want to plunder They watch clerks
the walking clerk for choice. They will
see whether ho Is apt to bo a rittlo loose in
his mode of collecting money from the dif
ferent banks , whether ho occasionally leaves
that part of Ibo counter wtiero business IB
transacted to talk to a friend. They know
that In the course of time he vvlir leave a
wallet unprotected. Then they wlfl avail
themselves of the opportunity and politico
upon their game.
"Practically every clerk In every bank In
the city IB watched by such mon , with the
Idea of his making a slip some day. When
he makes the slip they are down on him , to
their own advantage. All the habits of nil
the clerks are thoroughly understood. If
one la dUmlesed It Is realized that , smartIng -
Ing under dismissal , valuable Information
may bo secured which can be put to use at
the earliest opportunity. If this money was
stolen by an employe of the bank I firmly
bellevo It was In conjunction with oue or
more of these Ame-rloan professional bank
robbers. "
Enrl'x Aiipolntnioiit to Governorship
of Nc South Wiilo rniiHoa
Uhnfrrln AIIIOIIK llnlonlstM.
( Copyright. 1899 , by Prea Publishing Co )
LONDON , Jan. 2S ( New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram ) Karl Beau-
champ's appointment to be governoi of Nv
South Wales one of the most desirable
olllccs of Its kind In the gift of the crown
caused Intense surprise and no llttlo chagrin
among the horde of unionist persons with
much longer records of party service who
would have eagerly grasped at It. Their dis
gust U not mitigated by the knowledge that
lieauchamp was selected at the express
wish ot the queen , who promlied his father ,
& long-trusted friend of hers , that she would
further his heir's career.
The AVorld correspondent has heard n ro-
mantle story of Earl Ueauchamp , which Is
fnld to account for the quein's desire to
bend him abroad In a responsible position
Ho Is only 27 years old , U the Ideal of'a
handsome young aristocrat , I ? fair , tall , In-
trllectual , distinguished looking , earnest be
yond his years aud a dreamer of dreams for
the improvement of the masses. Though a
unionist , he sits with the progressive party
on the London School Hoard and took a
strong Independent line opposed to his party
on the Turkish atrocity question. Three-
years ago lie formed un attachment for a
main in hVs mother's service and despite *
every Influence determined to marry her.
With that end In view he rent her abroaj
to DO eauratcd to fit her for the position ne
Intended sbo should occupy It Is not pre
cisely known whether he has thought of this
projected misalliance or not , but tbo fact
thit ho has accepted an Australian gov
ernorship for a term of five years encourages -
courages the belief that be has anuunoned
the Idea which could scarcely prove alto
gether happy In Its fulfillment. HU sister
will accompany ihlm as cbatelaln of the Gov
ernment bouse at Sydney. I
Recent Elections in Ireland Giva Existing
Ideas a Distinct Jar ,
Draymen , Oab Drivers and Shoemakers Are
Bent to the Oounoils.
Man Earning Two Dollars a Day Elected in
Opposition to His Landlord.
loiit of tlio ltooliillon Cfitiuot He
UNlliniiloil , lint It I'rov on n Croat
Mioclc to tin * ProffNuluiiuI
( Copylight , 1 9) , by Prc s Publishing Co. )
LONDON , Jan. 2S ( Now York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram ) The labor up
heaval , which has been the dominant fea
ture of the first elections In the Irish mu
nicipalities under the local government act ,
Introduces .mother bewildering complication
into the Inextricable tangle of Irish politics.
LJxcept In Limerick , where Mayor John
Daly's twenty-five stalwarts are obviously
extremists , the labor members are po
litically an unknown quantity , but they
must be counted with In the future , not
only In municipal , but In parliamentary
contests , where labor never has been recog
nized by representation as such , although
several nationalist members spring from that
class As was predicted , Mr Daly has been
elected mayor of Limerick. In his speech on
assuming the mayoral chair and chain amid
uproarious enthusiasm , he said :
"During my years of sulfering In British
dungeons my fancy painted many pictures ,
but never In my wildest dreams did I ex
pect tbo ciucl Iron chain of my English
Jailers would be replaced by the golden
chain of the city ot violated itrenty. I will
do all In my power to preserve decorum
In this counsel , and I trw > t U will be found
that my party displays a spirit of Intelli
gence und fair play to those who opposed
us. "
Daly'3 salary as mayor Is $2,500.
The old municipal clique of Limerick la
dazed by the astonishing upheaval. William
Shaw , ono of the wealthiest mllleis In lie-
land , was defeated by a drayman earning
$4 50 a week In his own employ , for nlder-
man. Maurice Leonard , the earl of Ken-
ware's agent , a ground landlord and hitherto
dictator of his town , wai. defeated , whllo
the first place on the poll was taken by one
of Leonard's day laborers earning Jl ! 25 a
I'liHottliiK of Old Idea * .
All the old Ideas of electing men of prop
erty and social standing have been com
pletely upset la itho unrulier towns , . -Tha
silent revolution finds Its most grotesque
manifestations In the election of two JauntIng -
Ing car drivers , locally called "Jarvleu. "
one for an alderman and the other for a
councillor. A local merchant drove to the
council chamber for the first meeting of the
corporation on an alderman car , paid the
alderman "Jarvey" six pence fare , was sa
luted with "thank you , sir. " and then both
walked together , the "Jarvey" taking his nmong the aldermen while the pros
perous merchant subsided Into the compara
tive obscurity of the councillor's bench.
There has been nothing like It for the
comic opera stage. Alderman Kelllhc-r Is a
! working tailor , three working carpenters
have been returned , while Alderman Caves ,
[ a most Intelligent niou. Bits all day mendIng -
j Ing boots In one of the old-fashloncd slian-
tlca on the quayside. The other morning
, a. neighbor called to get his boots mended.
Alderman Caves' lady put her head out ol
a window and Informed the customer :
"Ills workshlp Isn't down yoi. "
Councillor O'Connor Is a working baker In
the employ of the defeated candidate.
Councillor Eagan is A printer. Alderman
Murphy , the youngest alderman In the
United Kingdom , only 22 , says.
"I attended the first meeting of the new
council when the mayor was elected and
took note of the now men. a perfectly cool
and embarrassed lot of gentlemen , a trifle
eloquent , but having minds of their own.
Some of the faces recalled the Trench revo
lution , ono alaerman In particular re
sembling Hobceplerre. "
In Dublin the leader of the laborltcs , or
Nanattl , is foreman printer of the Kvenlng
Telegraph. The other laborlto aldermen
and councillors are working men of differ
ent kinds. In Llsto\vell , a i > mall town In
county Kerry , tne whole district board except
one merchant is composed of laborers. Tne
result Is that the merchant resigned , refus
ing to associate with them.
Mnity AVomoii Vote.
Throughout Ireland upward of 75 per cent
of the women electors exercised the fian-
chlso entrusted to them for the first time.
They almost Invariably supported the can
didates who advocated temperance find to
Klie great surprise of the politicians the bulk
of the women voted against the Parnclllte
nominees Their Inclusion en the register
had been confidently predicted as a solW ac
cession of strength to the Parnellito party.
Fortunately for the latter they are yet only
enfrancJhlBed for municipal and not parlia
mentary elections. Though cheered and ban
tered by the crowd at most of the booths the
women took their privilege very seriously
and In n businesslike spirit , showing n
keen appreciation of the personal merits of
the dlffcient candidates In allotlng their
the surest check to the excessive growth ot
laborlto power.
The * mayoral elections In Dublin and Cork
fihonotl the loborltes able to exercise Inde
pendent Judgment , us In both they were dl-
vldt-d. Dublin re-elected Daniel Tallon ,
Pnrnelllte , lord mayor , but William Red
mend , M. P. , was defeated for the office of
high sheriff by a Dlllonlto councillor by
22 votes to 29. This Is regarded as the most
significant event In what had hitherto been
Redmond's strongholds. The Pnrnrllllcs alst >
lost control of Cork corporation , which
has had a succession of Parnrlllte mayors ,
by electing Alderman Create , M. P , ono of
Dillon's strongest supporters of the local
government act. In fact , It opens a new era
In Irish politics , but the full extent of the
revolution will not be manifest until the
election for the new county councils in
llalfonr'H I.iiti-Mt I'roiiOMltlon.
Balfour's proposal to allay Orange hostil
ity to the establishment of a Catholic uni
versity In Ireland by setting up simulta
neously a Protestant university In Belfast
l-as been received with favor by the Catho
lics of all parties In Ireland , but rejected
by Iho spokesman ot the Orange party , who
declares they would prefer to have no uni
versity themge'lves than to Bee one cstab-
llshed for the Catholics. This declaration ,
Forccnot for Nebraska
Fair : Variable Wind *
1 l. iiropo AVorrlon O or Aniorlon ,
Knulloli I'll 1. 1 r lloooinoi nn Hurl.
I'ltlltlonl I iihoiMiil In Irolnml.
llov ! * , or Ilic loiiiitorlnl situation
\ < llnnUliiK Illll N I'riiiiiiiMMl.
it t'llllNlllfllIllll 1'IIN'M-N till * SolllltO.
Ilinuiiiot of ( irlillron Club.
( ioilOml I'llKIIII III lUimlllUMl.
I I.IIMl Wl'I'U III OlllllllllMillot } .
. " > Smith Dakota liculvlutlt oeix. .
AITnliN nt Soiitli Omiilia.
( I Council [ UuffM Loral .Mnttor * .
IIMVII > OVIN mill Ciiiiiniont.
7 I'ollrillonril After . ! ml o Cordon.
Danuor lurl < * t In ( InMUIINIIKO. .
Doiftocmls li > i > nilnl | < > Itonihlinn | * >
S rorrrcl S | > | ON Tor Men.
Still ltM Vllllllt KlIlMIII.
t SMirltiu | ( Hc\l < < of I InWeek. .
\Vrllcr of Nt'itrii I'olKlori- .
Ill HloKriiili | > of l'rr lilrnl Suliiiriiinii ,
II ! In ( lie Doiiuiln of YVoiiiini ,
liiMlcnl lto\lcu of I1u < Wool ; .
lit In tilt * World of Munlc.
I I i : < lllorliil mill Cniiiiiioiil.
15 AoriiNH tin * Amloi li > Hull.
Innrot I'ocn tit 1'nrniorn.
Ill ' "I'lio HIiu-U DuiiKlnn. "
17 'oiillllon of Oiiiiiliii'x Trmlo.
Coiniiiorolnl mill 1'liiniio.lnl .No .
1I > I'oliorH or tlio AiKo-llooin.
i ! ( > emi < > r ( In * II n 1 1 roil ild.
T < 'iiiiirnlurp | nt Oinnliiu
Hour. lo r. Hour. UCK
n n. in in I- in I
II n. in 1(1 1 | i. in 'I
7 n. in in -p. in -
S n. ii ( ! 't p. in I
n n. in a -i P. 111 i
10 ii. 111 o n p. in -
j i n. m o d p. in : t
7 p. Ill . . . . . . .
HdiMv zero.
however , Is loss heroic than It seems , ns
the Protestants nlicaily have the Trinity college
lego , also Queen's college In llclfnst , which
Is virtually Piesbvterlan , and Magco college ,
which la absolutel > so.
The whole Ungllsh press , almost without
exception , of all parties expressed approval of
Dalfour's scheme , wllilch brought n solution
of one of Ireland's greatest gitevances nearer
achievement thnn any hitherto proposed At
the same time llalfour docs not commit Ills
government and incites no promise as to
when the question will be dealt with.
Oinnlin Attorney Tile *
Auiiliixt One or I ho Donuln *
County .lml o * .
LINCOLN , Jan. 2S. Charges nffoctlng the
Intosrlty of District Judge Scott of Omaha
and reeking his Impeachment by the legis
lature were tonight presented to Speaker
Clark of thn house and will bo presentd to
that body when when It convenes Monday ,
The dharges are preferred by Attornev Dm Id
Van Iltten ot Omaha and enumerate many
nllcced shortcomings. Speaker Clark re
fused to submit the charges for Inspection
until the house had first passed on them.
IiUDuachment charges against Judge C , H
Scott were sent to the state leclslnture by
D. W. Van ntten Friday afternoon. The
action wan the result of a series ot buslnes
differences between the two men that are o
long standing.
" : i I > ra js bad n man ns Judge Scot. .
thinks tat , to be. 1 ought to be debarred
nud If ho In as bad a man as I know bin :
to be. he ought not 10 lie on the beech , anc
1 want the legislature to mnko Investiga
tions. " This Is the explanation offered las :
evening by Mr. Van Etten for his action ii
preferring the charges. In regard to the
nature of them , he further bald :
"I have not a verbatim copy of the charge
but In substance It Is one of corruption It
| oQlce. extortion , oppression and maladmin
istration Then there la an additional rbaige
i of habitual drunkenness In that he Is nd-
{ dieted to the use of Intoxicating liquors
i morphlno and coc.ilnc This last olnrge
make ouly on Information and belief. In
the specifications I have enumerated In
cidents to substantiate all I have said ,
have sent thcte charges , twenty odd , to
the mcmln" s of the legislature , stating tha
I can prove all that la act up In the spec !
flcatlons. The statements I have made o1
Information und belief arc offered for wba
they are worth , I have suggested that thi
legislature lilt their own charges with reference
once to these particular Incidents. Wha
action will be taken I am unable to say. "
IlritlNliom Hope that Tholr Intcront
AVIII Not huflTor In I'l-oNliloni
MuKlnloj'H Iliuiilii.
( Copyright , 189D , by Presi Publishing Co.
LONDON , Jan. 28 ( New York World Ca
blegram Special Telegram ) Ilourko Cock
ran's ' -speech haa excited less dlsappolntmen
here than might have been expected. It I
accepted as evidence of the steady dcclln
of American support , of an expansion policy
noted In the dispatches from the New Yorl
correspondent * ) of tbo London newspapers
It Is recognized that England's position In
the ant will undergo an Injurious cbangi
unless the United States retains the Philip
pines. So , naturally enough , America !
withdrawal would be regretted , though It 1
absurd to Imagine that It could bo resented
However , It Is confidently expected In po
lltlcal circles that In any arrangement fo
the future autonomy of the Philippine
President McKinley will adopt measures t
Insure that Diltlsh Interests shall not suffc
through advantage given to any other IJuro
pean power. At the sarao time , whllo an
nexatlou Is eagerly hoprd for and udvl < , e <
by tht Ilrltlfh prees. It Is admitted by al
that complete subjugation ot the Island
could only bo attained as the result of
protracted war and one extremely costly 1
blood and treasure.
loll Lot of Pint * lo ; .
( Copyright , 1899 , by I'rcs Publishing Co ,
LONDON. Jan. 28. ( New York World Ca
blcsram Special Telegram ) H. Jarraud
widely known and very wealthy , has Jus
shipped the most valuable consignment o
dogs ever purchased for New Ymk.
splendid tawny bulldog. Regent Street C'ou
qucror , valued nt $2,000 , a perfect Japanea
spaniel weighing two pounds , the smallos
known dog of thla breed cost $1,500. T
magnificent boarhounds , the male twenty
tlvo and one-half Inches high mid the femal
thirty-four Inches high , brought the extrav
ngant cum of $ JiOO ! The smallest living
Yorkshire terriers. Regent Street Midge
, ind Tit-nits , with hair when stralghtonei
10 full length measuring twenty-four Inches
cost $1COO A prize Ilcdlngton tcrrle
fetched $1,500 and three Knglluh terriers o
a nrlzo breed $500 , This U the largest orde
ever placed by an American buyer.
rraneo-llnllKii Trontt.
ROMH. Jan. 28. The Chamber of Deputies
today , after a week's debate , approved th
Franco-Italian commcrclil treaty by a vet
ot 226 to 31. One of tbo cpca'.cers cxorceaci
the hooe that a similar treaty would bo con
cluded by tnc United States.
'efection ' from Hnjwarcl Forces Helps licld
at Least Temporarily.
ome Doubt About tbo Otoo County Man
Being a Stayer Very Long.
'art ' of Lancaster Delegation Saitl to Have
Other Preferences.
I'lill * Pnr Ml .Vttoliiplfi to Hot tlio Ho-
lilllilli'ilii Momlior * to CoiiNiMit to
Ciiiii'unotlon lime
I'rov oil Abort It o.
Total . .1:11 : iui iso t : J iu : inn
I'o elect. . . . U KI 04 U7 6 < M
LINCOLN. Jan. 2S. vSpeclal Telegram )
There was no vote on United States senator
oda > , the two houses having adjourned over
rom Friday to Monday. For thla reason
tie senatorial situation has bren very quiet ,
learly all of the members of the legislature
laving cone homo and the boiim workers.
having little material to work upon , have
emporarlly closed up their headquarters.
Tbo result of two weeks' voting has been
.en ballots taken , one on each consecutive
lay. Compared with the closing ballot of
ast week the ballot of Friday discloses few
chances. All the funlonlsts me still voting
or Allen , as ther have b"en from the tlrst ,
and nil of them but one have taken care to
jo present. The Webster vote and Thomp
son vote are uncnangcd. Hayward'n vote
Ksterdnv was 33. whereas ho closed the first
week with 39.
It Is In the Hay ward column that Uu-
greatest change has taken place , his mni-
mum of 43 having been reached on thn scv-
? nth ballot Tuesday with a loss no far of trn
votes. Ono of these In an nosentce , who can
still be counted for him , while It la doubtful
-whether the other absentee will again record
himself In the Haywerd column.
Flejd Octn n. Bciirflt.
The defection from Hoyward has scattered
over the field , the chief benefit going to
Judge Klcld , who , after having been elim
inated from the list , has again shown up
live votes , or ono more than be started with.
Thn Oago county delegation lias during the
week been consolidated upon Weston , the
Oago county candidate , while Saline county's
representatives , who are supposed to bo to
gether , are still divided on thrcu candidates.
One of thcso vott-s has been thrown to Van
Duscn of Douglas county ns a uop fiom the
Thompson camp and It Is whispered that an
other one of the Thompson votes may no
thrown in the same direction before long.
These changes , while apparently Immate
rial , have In reality shaken the confidence
of the Hav ward men In the success of their
cause , and It Is a question whether they can
be held together much longer In Riifllclent
numbers to Keep Hnyward at the head of the
1'st. ' Hnyward may , however , bo there for
tome time yet , especially If those who Icavo
him scatter about the field , which they are
likely to do.
The Increase In the vote for Field has
led to some speculation as to the probable
action of the Lancaster delegation should
ho make a showing of strength In excess of
that disclosed by Thompson. Homo profess
to licllcve that any time Judge Field could
get ten votes from the outside counties u
part at leant of the I aneaster delegation
would bo compelled te go to him. This be-
llcf IB founded on the fact that certain
members of the delegation were originally
Field men and half pledged to vote for him.
On the other hand , It IH plain that the Field
vote has been piled up for this very pur
pose , with tlio Idea of drawing support from
under Thompson and will therefore bo dis
counted by them In advance.
Effort * ( or it Cauonn.
Efforts to transfer the senatorial flght
to a republican caucus during the last week
have proved Just ac fruitier as heretofore.
A caucus paper has been handed around all
week emanating from the Hayward follow
ers and conditioned on a two-thirds vote by
roll call , but signatures have come v < ry
slowly and not even all the Hayward men
have yet signed. Unless the deposition of
members changes no caucus on those condl-
tloDK can bo secured. The truth Is the
members are not yet ready to caucus any
more than are the candidates thcnihelvea ,
and the public may expect the struggle to
continue In the open house for several days ,
If not for a week.
While the advent of Senator Allen the first
of the week gave all the candidates und
workern the scare of their llfo they seem
to nave gotten over It entirely and to have
fccttlcd down for selge operations , It Is
foolish to venture prediction ? on the length
of the contest , yet It would not be surpris
ing If another week's fruition billotlng
would ensue. Some ono asked John L
Webster the question whether ho had en
gaged hie quartern by the month and ho
replied1 "I am afraid they are charging
mo for them at transient rates , but 1 might
Just as well have engaged them for the
month " This view U shared also by a
number of other candidates who have
practically gone Into winter quarters here
\VfoU In the Sonnto.
Thn week's tesalon of the ccnato was < lo-
volct of ImcorUnt matters to a large de
gree. Considerable routine work was trans
acted , but the upper nouse In alou In getting
down to actual worK and will bo as long ax
the fcnutorlal fleht Is prolonged There Ii
un earnest dcslro on thu part of a largo
number of tbo senatoru to reach some
dcflnltn understanding on this senatorial
flzht In order that the regular buMmss of
the body may be taken up anil pushed to
completion before the end of March
There are some farmers among the
fuslonlats and they favor nix days' meet
ings each week for fear that otherwise the
session may be prolonged beyond corn
planting time. Senator Canaday of Kearney
In opponlng the motion to adjourn till Mon
day at Friday's session , said :
"Somo of the members are farmers n