Til 12 UMAIIA jOAIJjY BEEs TUESDAY , JANUARY 17 , 18 5 . JERRY EACAN IS CAPTURED Man Who Shot Officer Kelson is Bun Down at Echnyler. TO AVOID LYNCHING HE'S ' LEFT IN JAIL Hound * Pick tip the Scent and Track Him Doirn AlthonRh Trail I * Thlrtr-fllx Ilonm Old. COLUMUUS , Neb , , Jan. 16. ( Special Tele eram. ) Jerry Eagan , the tough whom the citizens of this place threaten to lynih for the shooting of Officer Nelson In the "ba.l lands" Friday night , has been arrested. Bagan was tracked to Schuyler this after noon by bloodhounds. He Is under arrest there. Sheriff Brynes concluding It would be unsafe to bring him here tonleht. Itamcy , with the Lincoln hounds , arrived bero thin morning. At 1 o'clock the dogs were started. They were given Eagau's hat nd then taken to the restaurant where h was last seen and although the trail was thirty-six hours old , they found It at ones and rapidly followed It for eight miles di rectly cast on the Union Pacific track. About half an hour after they started telephone message was received from Schuyler that Eagan was under arrest there. A carriage was at once sent to recall the bounds' . Sheriff Dyrnes 'took several persons and went to Schuyler , where Eagan was positively Identified , The sheriff concluded that It would be unsafe to brlns him here tonight and has left htm with the sheriff at Schuyler. Nelson was not much Improved this morn ing. His physicians said that ho was doing about the same and the result of his In juries cannot be definitely stated at this time. The hounds will bo Started early In the morning on the trail ot the jail breakers. They bavo been beard from today In Polk county and U Is known that they are not traveling very fast. It is believed that they bo overtaken. ISairnn'si Career. SCHUYLER. Neb. , Jan. 16. ( Special iTclc ram. ) This morning there arrived In this city , having ridden from the north with n farmer , n. man that Marshal McPhcrson thought answered the description of the man who shot Officer Nelson of Columbus. The fellow was arrested and Columbus nnd Platte county officials notified. Sheriff Dyrnes , accompanied by several others , soon arrived and at once Identified the fellow under arrest as the guilty party. His name Is Jerry Eagan , ago 26. He lived In Colum bus until a few months ago , having been at St. Edwards until recently , when ho en gaged work with Dairyman North of Columbus. Ho was indulging In a carousal Saturday night , which ended In shooting Nelson , -while resisting a search for con cealed weapons. Anticipating danger In taking him to Columbus because of the excitement there , the prisoner was left In charge of the offi cials here. HEARTY THANKS OP THE THIRD. Chrlntmn * Donation * Are Illicitly Appreciated by Nchraka Soldier * . LINCOLN. Jan. 16. ( Special. ) General Gage of the Grand Army of the Republic de partment today received the following letter : Headquarters Third Nebraska. Camp Columbia. Havana , Cuba , Jan. 9 , 189 ! ) . Hon James D. Gage , A. A. O. , Lincoln , Neb. : My Dear Sir and Comrade : I am in receipt ot yours under date of December 30 , 1898 , male Ing Inquiry as to Christmas donations sent the Third Nebraska by the ladles of the Woman's Relief Corps of the Grand Army of the Republic and friends. I hare to'lnform' -that'tne'goods ' came to hand an per bill ot lading on December 24. Speaking for those or the regiment who were recipients of those very fine favors , permit me lo return sincere thanks and to BIV 'tha' if a complete enjoyment of these glJ-il and an abiding gratitude on the part of those receiving will In anyway compensate those who have to generously remembered the Third Nebraska , then we must receive a liberal credit on account. I may say fur ther that the knowledge that the ladles cf the Woman's Relief Corps w.-jro largely in- Btrumental In collecting nnd forwarding thor4 articles , adds a preserving memory in con- , nectlon with Christmas festivities enjoyed by the Third Nebraska. Wo are constrnlocd to say If tho-ladles , as has been onld cf the father of our country : "First In war , first in peace , first in the hearts of their coun trymen. " Yours. J. II. M'CLAY. A week ago Adjutant General Darry wrote the War department asking If transporta tion could be furnished for reading matter eent to the First and Third regiments. To day a reply was received which said that If euch matter was sent to San Francisco and New York the government would see that It was forwarded from those points to the proper destinations. Supponed Iluriflar Arrented. HEBRON , Neb , , Jan. 16. ( Special. ) C. E. Lecdom and Marshal Ed Cannon have re turned from Belvldcre with a prisoner , who gave his name as J. J. Howard ot Wichita , Kan. The Boston Clothing store had been robbed of various articles the night before. Two suits of old clothes were found between a couple of corn cribs near the railroad track. Notice had been received about 11 o'clock that a otranger had been trying to sell new pants lu , Belvldcre at a very low figure. The officers drove to Belvldcre , found the man eating dinner , arrested him with some difficulty and searched him. Ho was found to bo accoutered with nefarious Imple ments galore. He had a chain of keys , a fine steel saw In the hem ot his undershirt , dynamite sticks , revolver and the like. He wore three new pairs of trousers and ono of overalls , although the day was quite warm , and the now coat the man wore bore the private mark on an Inside pocket of the aforesaid clothing house. ( iettlnir Hendy for Teiiehrm. NORFOLK. Neb. . Jan. 16. ( Special. ) Membera of the executive committee of the . North Nebraska Teachers' association met lu this city Saturday afternoon and made Arrangements for the next session ot the as sociation , which meets In Norfolk on April G , 6 and 7 , The plan of dividing the associa tion mto three1 sections was agreed upon the graded school section , the rural section and the stihool board section. The Northeast Nebraska Teachers' as sociation and the North Nebraska Teachers' La Grippe Have you had it ? If not , be prepared , for it is here. You needn't dread the dis ease so much as the suf fering afterwards. Why have it ? 'Tis the 5 weak , nervous , pale and I f thin who suffer most. Scott's Emulsion corrects these conditions. It gives strength and stability and the strong throw off the disease. 'Twill lift you out of that terrible depression which Alldnigditi , OOc.and $1.00. amoclatlon have been merged Into one , and It Is rotJlble that the North Nebraska High School Debating society will alto become a part of the imoclatlon and hold Its annual meeting at the same tlmo and place. < iiiBirit HAS WIVES A\U TO si'Aiti : . Former Cltlien of Ilentrlce Chanced rvltli Tarrying- Too Often at Altnr. BnATRICK , Neb. , Jan. 16. ( Special. ) If what Mrs. Carl aelslcr No. 2 says Is true Mr. Carl Gclsler baa been making mat rimony a business with him profitable tor a time , but now about to meet his Water loo. Many Beatrice people remember him , although now absent from the state nearly three years. About three years and a half ago he met rind , shortly afterward married wife No. 1. She was a widow with a tow hundred 1 dollars , left her by her flrst hus band 1 , and there are Mrs. Oclslers 'who ' charge that ho had designs on the money from the llrst. At any rate , soon after ho was first married , Mrs. aelslcr No. 1 says that ho got control of the money , gave her SI and sent her away on a visit. When ehe returned her spouse and cash had disap peared. She did not drown herself , for hav ing three children she at once began to work to sustain them. They are now Ii , 7 and IB years old respectively. The oldest , a girl , Is in the Homo for the Friendless. Not a word did she ever he'ir from her false and faithless spoueu. But the police did. Yesterday 'there came to Chief of Police Scroggs a letter from 'wife No. 2. She lives at Cincinnati , and judging from thl.i letter Is preparing to make It hot for Colder. Enclosed was also a letter to wife No. 1 , Oclslcr , In a burst of confidence , having told of his Nebraska wife. Wife No. 2 asked wife No. 1 If ehe would "come to Cincinnati and assist in prosecuting- their partnership husband , wife No. 2 to defray all expenses. And wife No. 1 Is going. She IB a "hard-working , honest Ger man woman and her "Dutch Is up. " The Cincinnati woman tells this story : She said that ehe met Oelsler about three yeara .ago and was eoon after married to him. She had property worth about $3,000 , and this he Induced her to trade for a form , which rhe 'afterward discovered was worth less. What became of the cash difference she does not say , but 'hints ' rather strongly. Evidently she was ready to overlook this little Irregularity she says he left her twlcb and each time she look him back , but she sajs ho deliberately wooed , won and married another Cincinnati woman , making wife No. 3. This busted the show nnd wtoen ho came back the third 'time she fired him out. She now proposes having him prosecuted. Ilenieniliered liy Annoclate * . WYMORB , Neb. . Jan. 16. ( Special. ) The members of the Martha Washington society of this city perpetrated a happy aurprlso upon Mrs. J. M. Tout Saturday afternoon , when a largo number of them gathered at her homo to tender her a farewell reception before her departure for Quthrle , Okla , Mrs. Tout was presented with a handsome silver spoon tray , upon which the name , "Martha Washington Society of Wymore" was neatly engraved. Mrs. Tout has for many years been one of the most active members ot this flourishing society. Working for Ilettcr IIB torn. NORFOLK , Nob. , Jan. 16. ( Special. ) The Business Men's club has -again taken up the question of discriminating freight rates , and at a meeting held Saturday evenIng - Ing a commit too was appointed to draft memorial 'to ' the legislature "praying for such relief from existing freight rate dls crimination OB may bo deemed just and equitable. " Merrlck County nrlef * . CENTRAL CITY. Neb. . Jan. 16. ( Special. T. B. Herd shipped a tralnload ot cattl last night to eastern markets. A Merrlck county man will pay $39 or go to jail for borrowing a half bushel of corn 'from ' his neighbor's bin one. dark night : The Stotsenbcrg affair 1 creating much In terest , and the general opinion Is that he should bo recalled at once. Wheeler to Become an Bdltor. BEAVER CITY , Noo. . Jan. 1C. ( Special Telegram. ) Hon. C. F. Wheeler , populist leader in the legislature , has bought the Beaver City Times. The paper rwos being foreclosed under a chattel mortgage. He will commence editorial work as soon as the legislature adjourns. Feeding Lnrire Xninher of Cattle. CARROLL , Neb. , Jan. 16. ( Special. ) J. R. Manning , the largest stock feeder In northeastern Nebraska , has 600 head ot cat- tie In the feed yards , besides having 400 head of stock cattle. Mr. Manning has a model ranch , having recently erected an elevator of 8,000 bushels capacity. Onite County Teachern' Anoclatloii. WYMORE , Neb. , Jan. 16. ( Special. ) The Gage County Teachers' association will hold Its annual meeting In this city on Sat urday , January 21 , at which time a large number of teachers will be here. The ses sions of the association will be held In the Central school building. Wheat Outlook at Pawnee. PAWNEE. Neb. , Jan. 16. ( Special. ) The wheat outlook in this locality is con sidered very promising. The Whlttler societies of the public schools gave a very creditable exhibition at the opera houeo Friday evening , Grain Klevatorx Crowded. CARROLL. Nnb. . Jan. 16. ( Special. ) The elevators ot this place have to run night and day to handle the large amount of grain that Is being marketed. Prices are satis factory to the farmers. INJURED BY GAS EXPLOSION Three Women Arc Serlonnly Dnrned and One of Them Mar Die from Her Wound * . KOKOMO. Ind. , Jan. 16. The residence ot Charles Null , on Morgan street , this city , was wrecked by a natural gas explosion tonight - night , and three women badly burned , ono fatally. The Injured : Mrs. Charles Null , fatally. Mrs. Marlon Smith , face , hands and arms burned. Miss Alva Burns , hand and arms burned. The explosion was caused by an accumu lation of gas In the cellar , Into which Mrs. Null went with a lighted lamp. Ono side ot tbe houao was blown out , the foundation displaced , and the plaster and windows shaken down. All the clothing was burned off Mrs. Null before she could bo rescued , and she Is expected to live but a short time. HYMENEAL Humphrey-Abbott. PAWNEE. Neb. , Jan. 16. ( Special. ) Charlea 0. Humphrey of this city and Miss Adi Abbott of Falls City were married at the home of the hrlde'a sister In Humboldt Friday evening , January 13 , 1899. They will make their future home here. HIM Terrible VciiKeaiice. Chicago Tribune : "I'll be even with you ! " he exclaimed. Thus spako the bitterly chagrined and dis appointed youth. "You have rejected mo with scorn ! " he howled. "I thought , " replied the young woman. "I had bctn successful In concealing the scorn. " "Never mlndl I'll be even with you ! " And ho lied. What did he 'do ? you ask. Ah , his was tie ordinary revenge , Ho was the editor nnd proprietor of the Swallowvllle Palladium. | Ho had a photograph of th ; young woman , H tent It to Chicago and had a cut rr.ade from It. And the next week he Inserted the cut In the advertising columns of the Palladium J AS the portrait of Mrs. Lydla K. i'inlcliara , IN THE PIERRE LEGISLATURE Senate Onta Down Bill of J , B , Olond for Board During Indian Troubles. CENSURE FOR THE RAILROAD COMMISSION Semite ItpmtltiUntiH In Support of AdnilnlKtrntlnii Amended In lloniie with Ileport UppooliiK Anncx- ntloti of Philippines , S. D. , Jan. 16. ( Special Tele gram. ) In the senate today the appropria tion committee reported favorably on the bill of J. D , McCloud for board of horaes and men during the Indian troubles of 1890 and 1691. but reduced the amount of the claim. Senator Still well Introduced a joint reso lution censuring the railroad commission for not putting Into effect a schedule of rates for express companies , and directing the board to take such action forthwith. This was referred to the judiciary committee. A bill was passM appropriating $100 for the purchase of oil portraits of Ciover.iors Mellotte and Sheldon. A bill to allow cir cuit courts to appoint persons to serve ra pe rs In certain cases was killed In com mittee. Dills Introduced were : Dy Smith To amend the law In regard to location of mining claims. . Dy Copper To permit warrants to bo turned In for taxes only by persons to whom they were Issued. Hy Deeper To reduce the membership of the Board of Charities and Corrections to three. Dy Dcnedlct To pay the expenses of trial of John R. Homb In Shannon county ; e'so for trial of Frank O'Neill. Dy Stewart Appropriating $17,000 for printing and binding reports of 1809 ces sion. In the llouiie. „ In the house Representative Pusey , as member of the committee on federation , presented a report on the senate resolution indorsing the administration policy In the war and peace treaty , with an amendment opposing the annexation ot the Philippines. There was a short debate on the adoption of the committee report on the bill to abolish ish the Insurance commissioner's office , but the majority report was carried by a vote of 40 to 23. After a wrangle the unfavorable report of the committee on the bill to tax Interest- bearing papers was defeated and the bill returned to the committee with orders to bring a favorable report. Dills were Introduced : ' Dy Purdln To regulate freight rates within the state. Fixing the rate at 2 cents per ton per mile under twenty-five miles. 1 % cents between twenty-five and fifty miles and 1 cent over fifty miles. Dy Dwlght Appropriating $2,376 deficiency In expense account of the Doard of Charities aud Corrections. Dy Llngren Ballot law to prevent the name of any man from appearing on the bal lot more than ono time. Dy Myron Relating to challenge on votes and describing what shall constitute resi dence. Dy Nelson Providing the manner of drawIng - Ing jurors In counties not organized Into civil townships. The house appropriation committee this evening appointed God ( lard , Myron and Dwlght a sub-committee to act with the senate committee to thoroughly Investigate the deficiency accounts of railroad commis sioners. Congressmen Durke and Gamble have en dorsed S. W. KIdder of Vermllllon for the position ot consul to Dombay In place of Hans J. Bmlth , who -was nominated for the position and declined. Congressman Gamble will be In tomorrow night for a short visit in the city. ULACK HILLS SOLDIERS TO RETURN Government Mar Not Order Reierve to Be Sent to Philippine * . RAPID CITY. 8. D. , Jan. 16. ( Special. ) John O'Connor of Company M , has returned to this city from San Francisco. He Is th eoldler who was taken 111 before the boy * left the Pacific coast for the Philippine and had to be left behind. He returned to Fort Mcade and regained his strength am was afterwards ordered to report to hi company at Manila. When he arrived a San Francisco he received orders to remain there and has since been ordered to return to the hills. It Is his opinion that the gov crnmcnt Intends to return the Dlack Hill soldiers very soon , which la the reason fo his not being sent to Manila. Improvement * In South Dakota Town SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Jan. 16. ( Special. Not to bo outdone by other towns which have decided upon substantial improvement In the spring , the residents of Alexandria are discussing the advisability of establish Ing a water works and electric light system and will probably take definite action In the near future to secure these Improvements The various South Dakota towns will thl year make more Improvements than during any other year In their history , which show the Improved conditions throughout the state. Drnilfrooil to Have Water Snpplr. DEADWOOD , S. D. , Jan. 16. ( Special. ) . The water question In Dead wood has at las been , settled , It Is thought , satisfactorily Water baa been conducted two mllea from Gayvllle , In Deadwood gulch , to McGovern * hill In the city , where It Is stored In tw tanks with a capacity of 100,000 gallon each. The water Is excellent. The new ays tern cost $25,000 and It Is thought the sup ply will be abundant for all purposes. John I' iiinnn. DEADWOOD. S. D. Jan. 16. ( Special. ) John Hermann , aged 79 years , died In tbl city of pneumonia. Deceased came to th Dlack Hills In 1S77 and entered the whole sale liquor business In which he was en gaged at the time of his death. He had n relatives living In the United States an was a German by birth. He leaves a valua bio estate. White Mnn TrlcH to Itob Indian. CHAMDERLAIN , S. D. , Jan. 16. ( Special Telegram. ) William McCarthy , a whit man , charged with breaking Into the resl denco ot Charles Descbeuquctte , an Indian at Lower Drule agency , was today held t appear at the next form of the United State court at Sioux Fall by Judge Tldrlck. Sent to the Reform School. LEAD. S. D. . Jan. 16. ( Special. ) Mis Anna Walker of this city was charged wit Incorrlglblllty In the Deadwood court , th complaint having been preferred by he mother. She will be sent to the state reform form school. Snow Storm llnlln from Northrreit. CHAMDERLAIN. S. D. , Jan. 16. ( Specla Telegram. ) After several weeks of gloriou weather a snow storm from the northwes set In this afternoon and It Is still snowln heavily this evening. VISITING STATE INSTITUTIONS WyomliiK I.eRUIntom Start on a Tour CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Jan. 16. ( Special. ) About fifteen members of < the legislature left yesterday morning on the trip west to visit the state Institutions at Evanston , Rock Springs , Rawllna and Laranile. At Evanston n Inspection wilt be made of the state Insane asylumn. The officers ot tbo Institution have reported that It Is over crowded with patients , eo much so that proper care cannot be given all of them. The most Important feature ef the trip will be the visit to tbe new penitentiary building - ing at Rawllns. This building has during the last year been completed and U now , itUb the exception ot a imoll amount of urnKuro , ready to bo occupied by the state irlsonorj. The building has cost the state 125,000 , and Is a magnificent stone tructurc , with modern cells , large chapel , oed kitchen facilities , and alt of the equip- ncnt of n first cltm penitentiary building. ; Is located where an Immenre stone quarry Included In the penitentiary ground * and hero all of the. convicts can bo worked If estrcd for nn Indefinite number of years > ulldlng walls , additional buildings , etc. 'ho building now used as a. penitentiary mlldlng Is located at Lanunle and ww ormerly the property of the United States , t was given to Wyoming by the general government when Wyoming was admitted 3 a state , and In view ot the fact that the ermanent penitentiary was located at liwllns , It has not been enlarged or kept p to the standard of similar Institutions In thcr states. U Is believed that the present cgl&laturo will pass the necessary leglsla- lon for providing furniture for the new- gliding and for removing the convicts to It. At Laramlo the visiting legislators will lave an opportunity of learning from per- onal observation the needs of the unl- orslty for additional buildings and 1m- irovemcnts. * ' - - ' " i ' Seek Service In Philippine * . CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Jan. 16. ( Special. ) Two young officers of the Twenty-fourth nfantry , Lleutcnanta Donald McNulta and V , C. Gelger , left hero yesterday morning or Manila , having been assigned to duty with the Fourteenth Infantry In the Philip- Ines at their own request. Lieutenant Mc Nulta Is a son of General McNutta of lllnols. He was recently appointed to the army from civil life , and Is desirous of see- ng more aotlvo service than garrison duty offers. Lieutenant Gelger served as a prlvaito In the Santiago campaign and was ; lvcn a commission for efficient service. lo has been acting adjutant at Fort Russell and applied for a transfer to the Phillp- > lnes when expected trouble with the < * lllplnos was reported. The officers will eave San Francisco with the Fourteenth In- an try , which will sail In about two weeks. Mrs. Clagott , wife ot Captain J. R. Clagctt of the Twenty-third United States Infantry , eft hero for Manila , this morning. She will sail from San Francisco on the 25th and loin her husband , who Is on duty with his regiment In the Philippines , SPORTS LEAVEFOR 'FRISCO _ 1'rlr.e FlKht and lllcycle Dncc * Are the Attraction In the City of the Golden Gate. NEW YORK , Jan. 16.-Frank Erne , the lightweight pugilist of Buffalo , accom panied by his manager , James C. Ken nedy , and Tim. Hurst , who refereed the Sharkey-McCoy fight , left here today ror Now Orleans , en route to San Francisco. Erne Is matched to meet Dal Hawkins at the Olympic Athletic club , San Fran cisco , In a twenty-flve-round bout at the lightweight limit , 133 pounds , March 1. Kennedy has a double purpose In his western trio , as he Is the representative of the American Cycle Racing associa tion , under whoso auspices an Interna tional t Drofcsalonal six-day bicycle race will bo held in the Mechanic ! ' pavilion , San Francisco , beginning February 13. At New Orleans Jimmy Michael , the champion bicycle rider , will join the party and accompany It to the Paclllc slope , where he will give exhibitions during the slx- dny race and at other points on the re turn journey. Most ot the contestants In the recent slx- day race In this city naval entered for the San Francisco contest and will leave here next Friday over the Erlo aud Santa Fe roads. They expect to reach San tranrlsco on Wednesday of next week. KID M'PARTLAND IS TOO HEAVY. He Administer * Severe Panlnhment to Jack Carrlv at IIulTalo. DUFFALO , N. Y. . Jan 16.-Kld McPart- land secured the decision over Jack Carrie of Olcan , N. Y. , In their twenty-round bout at catch weights before the Olympic club. McPartland did all the1 Jeading- throughout und Carrls never had a cbance-agalnst the awlft New Yorker. In. the flrct round .McPartland floored Carrlg with a right under the jaw. In the subsequent rounds Carrlg was badly beaten , his right eye being- closed and his face all puffed up. In the fourteenth round McPartland caught Carrlg under the jaw with his left and followed with , a very strong right punch In the stomach. The blow evidently caused Carrlg much pain and he let out a fierce yell. The crowd cried "Foul , " but Kid McCoy , who acted as referee , would not listen to them. From that to the end Carrlg was se verely pounded , but fought fiercely. FEEL KINDLY TOWARD CORNELL. 'Harvard and Yale Denlrc to Row with the Kline-nil * . CAMBRIDGE , Mass. . Jan. 16. A conference - once of the Harvard and Ynlo rowing au thorities was held In Doston this afternoon. An entirely amicable understanding- the two New England universities toward Cor nell wa reached , and although the trans actions of the meeting- have been kept care fully cruarded , there U little doubt as to the actual relations of the three parties. Harvard and Yale both wish to row Cor nell , and there Is no truth In the recent reports that they Intend to assume any dictatorial attitude as to the terms of the race. Both Harvard and Yale are , however. Influenced by the fact that their alumni and undergraduates nro practically unan imous In favor of the New London course. It Is expected that the date and place of the ruco will be officially announced this week. Winner * tit Xcw Orlean * . NEW ORLEANS. Jan. 16. This was the forty-sixth day of the Crescent City Jockey club's winter meeting. Weather clear , track muddy. GaUl was the only winning favor ite. Summaries : First race , selling- , six furlongs : Gath won , Jim Gore I second , Aunt Maggie third. Tims : 1:1054. : Second race , selling , six and one-half fur longs : Ned Wlckes won , Tendresse second , May Drolt third. Time : 1:24 : 4. Third rac ? , selling , one and one-half mlle : School Girl won. Nicotine second , Annie Taylor third. Time : 2:43i. : Fourth race , handicap , one mile : Dr. Vaughan won , DeUrlde second , Loiterer third. Time : ! : & Filth race , selling : , seven furlongs : Sara toga won , Tortugas second , Sedan third. Time : 1:3254. : Sixth rac ? , selling , xlx furlongs : Monk AVnyman won. Nannie Davis second , Lone Princess third. Time : 1:13' : ' * . Ritchie Win * on n Foul. CHICAGO. Jan. 16.-Johnny Ritchie of Chicago was Given the- decision over Patsy Haley of Buffalo on a foul tonight. Haley In the fourth round accidentally butted Ritchie so violently In the stomach that the latter was unable to stand. Th fighting wan even up to the time of the fouling. CavnnaiiKh Get * the Decision. PITTSBURG , Jan. 1C. John O. Cavan- auuh of this city and John Flnnegan of Wheeling , heavyweights , fought twenty rounds to a decision tonight at the new Lenox club at the Oliver. Referee Leonard gnvo Cavanaugh the decision because of his leads and counters. Leon Win * on Point * . CINCINNATI. Jan. 16. In a ten-round Klovo flght before the People's Athletic club between Australian Dllly Murphy and Cns- per I eon of Now York for a purse ot $500 the decision was given to Leon for out pointing Murphy * There were no knock downs. Field Trial * Ilegln with Pointer * . WEST POINT. Miss. , Jan. 16. Tire United States field trials commenced today with the pointers. There were seven starters. Hnnco was the winner of the first , Lad of Jlnco second , Nana third. Will Conch Yule Track Team. NEW HAVEN , Conn. , Jan. 16 , A. F. Copeland of Now York , the prominent'Man hattan club athlete , has been engaged as trainer of the Yale track team. Ehy Win * at Pool. CHICAGO , Jnn. 16. In the pool tourna ment tonight Eby defeated Horsnn by a pcnro of 125 to 115. But one game was played today. Ator Ilnttery Coming En tward. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 16. The Astof battery left for New York tonight. No special Incidents marked Its departure l.e- > end the farewells of frlenjs at 'ho Ptatlon. The men will travel over the Central Pacific the Burlington , the Rio Grande and the New York Central rood * . NO NEWS OF ALLEGED DEFEAT Rrltlih Foreign Office Ilcrrdlt > Alnrmlnir Heport of n Untile on ( lip Mine .Mir , LONDON , .Tnn. 16. The officials of the foreign office hero say they have heard nothing of the alleged defeat on December 28 ot the Anglo-Egyptian forcca on the Blue Nile by the dervishes under Emir ? edlt and the total destruction of the Tenth Soudanese battalion , The British officials do not attach the lightest credence to the report which wa telrgranhcd to the Morning Leader of this city from Cairo. The only news In the pos session of the foreign office U the dispatch from Colonel Lewis paying that with n Soudanese regiment and a detachment of Irregular trooos he attacked Fcdll , the lost remaining formidable dervish position , on December 26 at the cataract south of nosares , and the announcement that COO dervishes were killed and 1,500 taken pris oners. THINK NO NEWS IS BAD NEWS Madrid Paper * IMnce Their Own In terpretation Upon Ceimomhlp at Manila. MADRID , Jan. 16. The- absence of news from Manila Is attributed by the Spaniards to the alleged orders ot President McKtnlcy to the local authorities at the Philippine capital not to permit cipher messages to bo transmitted. The newspapers assert that these orders are duo to the fact that the authorities at Washlngon "fear the bad ef fects which a revelation of the true situa tion at Manila would create , the Americans being completely beset on the land side by the insurgents. " DREYFUS CASE DRAGGING ON Three Weekn at Leant liefore the Public Portion of Hearing ? In to lie Held. PARIS , Jan. 16. M. Loewe , president of the criminal chamber ot the court nf cassa tion , In an Interview with a rcpresantatlve of the Journal , estimates that three weeks would elapse before the court of cassation would hold a public hearing In the Dreyfus case. M. Locwo declared also that It was noxact to say that the court was In pos session of documents bearing on the case urnlshcd by Comte Ferdinand Esterhazy. CANNOT EXCHANGE THE ISLANDS. Diplomat * Take No Stock In New Philippine. Story. LONDON , Jan. 16. Diplomats refuse to take seriously the revival of the report cabled from Washington that the United States is willing to exchange the Philippine stands for the British West Indian Islands , A high official of the foreign office char acterized the statement as absurd. He sale liat while the continental powers appeared .o be willing to permit the United States to hold the Philippines as spoils of war , they would not likely remain passive spectator : o a change In the balance of power In the east which would result from Great Britain's acquirement of these Islands , par ticularly so at this time in the struggle for domination In China. The official quoted further remarked tha he did not bellcvo Great Drltaln or the United States courted the Inevitable protests which -would result from the exchange. If such negotiations are on foot the offi cials of the United States embassy here have no knowledge of them. BARRETT TALKS AT LONG RANGE Ex-Mlnlater to Slam Advocate * Hold ing the Philippine * . SHANGHAI. Jan. 16. John Barrett , formerly United States minister to Slam , In n address before the Shanghai Chamber of Commerce today , on the question of Ameri can control of the Philippines , said he feared that the opponents at home of such control did not appreciate Its vital Im portance to American commerce and Influ ence In the far east , where Immeasurable opportunities would otherwise bo lost. Mr. Darrett emphasled the fact that the nations which , like England , were chiefly concerned , approved of permanent American control , and concluded with the remark tha all nations Interested could safely trust to the good Judgment of President McKlnley. CHAMOER SUPPORTS THE PREMIER Decline * to Take Up Dlncnlou o Plcqnart Cane. PARIS , Jan. 16. At the opening of to day's session of the Chamber of Deputlei the premier , M. Dupuy , demanded , amid ap plause , the Immediate discussion ot th budget. M. Flrmln Faure , revisionist and antl Semite , representing the first division o Oren , Algeria , desired to discuss without de lay Colonel Plcquart's appearance before th court-martial. The premier , however , sug gested shelving the matter for a month , bu M. Faure Insisted , a vote was taken on the Chamber supported the premier by 42 to 74. The budget debate was then com menced. PRUSSIA IX PROSPEROUS STATE Diet Opened hy Speech from th Throne hy the Emperor. BERLIN. Jan. 16. The Prussian Diet wa opened today with a speech from the throm In which Emperor William eald that th financial situation continued farvorablc , th bases of both .political and national life be ing soundly established and the prosperlt ; of the country visibly growing. His majest ; regarded the future with confidence ant mentioned the measures which would be Introduced to extend state railroad ant navigable canals from the Dortmund-Em canal to the Rhine , Welser and Elbe. Emperor an n Commercial Agent. CONSTANTINOPLE , Jan. 16. An im perlal Irade has been Issued ordering th < purchase of 162 Krupp field guns and 30,000 shrapnel shells. This Is undoubtedly the outcome of the act of Emperor William on his return from the Orient In presenting the sultan of Turkey with a perfect model of the most modern Krupp field gun Introduced Into the German army. The German news papers at the time commented approvingly on the emperor's shrewdness , which they predicted would result in Turkey sending n large order for guns to Germany. Nohody Reported Inlnred. CAPETOWN. Jan. 16. Telegrams from Johannesburg are censored , but so far aa oscortalnablo nobody was seriously Injured In the disturbance between the Durchers and Africanders and the British residents there who held a public meeting to ventllatn the grievances of the Ultlanders nnd which re sulted In n free fight. Efforts are being made to trace the Instigators of the affray. Two Englishmen were arrested , but have since been discharged. French Steamer Anhore. HAVANA , Jan. 16. The French .steamer Versalles , from St. Nazalre for Vera Cruz , ran ashore last night between Bahla Honda and Bayones , ninety miles north of here. The coast Is rocky and position of the steamer Is considered dangerous. Tugs bavo been sent to Its assistance. Increanc * ItnnK'n Capital. BERLIN , Jan. 16. In the Reichstag today the government bill was Introduced raising the relchsbank capital from 120,000,000 marks to 150,000,000 marks and increasing the tax-free paper money from 279,000,000 to 400,000,000 marks. Officer for an luatrnctor. KINGSTON. Jamaica. Jan. 16. It Is rfl- ported In military circles here that the I American army commission while here se cured , with the. consent of the Brttlih war office , the ervle s of a prominent officer of great colonial experience , who wilt shortly proceed to Cuba to take the position of mili tary adviser and supervise the orcanUntlon ot a , regular army ot occupation there and at Porto Rico. Spain I * Amiln Shocked. SANTANDER , Spain. Jan. 16. A strong earthquake shock at 1 o'clock this morning threw the Inhabitants of this city Into n panic , A number of windows were broken. IruKBl t * anil Phlelnn * . Alexander's vaccine virus fresh every day. The Mercer Chemical Co. , Omaha. NO WORD FROMJUISSING YACHT Hevenne Cutter Ordered to Go In Search of the Panl Jone * nnd It * Parly of Plcnmireneekcr * . INDIANAPOLIS , Jan. 16. X special to the News from Washington nays : At the request - quest of Senator Fairbanks the secretary ot the treasury has ordered the cutter Wlnona at Mobile to go to eea Immediately In search of the yacht Paul Jones , thought to be In distress between New Orleans and Pensa- cola , Fla. NEW ORLEANS , La. , Jan. 16. Although hero has been diligent Inquiry all morning ft points on the gulf coast , not a word has ct been received hero regarding the fate of ho yacht Paul Jonrs. WASHINGTON , Jan. 16. Nothing Is ' nown at the Treasury department about the aptha launch , Paul Jones , whoso supposed oss In the Gulf of Mexico him been reported the press. Captain Klmball of the life- | laving service4 has sent out orders to the ulf stations to report anything that can bo earned of the launch , but no news has been ccelved. LOUISVILLE. Ky. , Jan. 16. Lawrence ones of this city , the owner of the missing yacht , Paul Jones , this afternoon received i elegram from A. C. Marshall , superintend ent of the Louisville & Nashville railroad at New Orleans , which stated that a strange acht with two masts , supposed to be the > aul Jones , had been sighted fifteen miles off Horn Island Saturday night , going cast. The description tallies with that of the Paul Jones. This Is the first Information that has been received of the yacht. Mr. Jones Is : onfident that the yacht Is safe. MOBILE , Ala , . Jan , 16. Under orders 'rom the Treasury department at Washlng on the revenue cutter Wlnonan left here his morning at 10:30 : o'clock to search the Gulf coast for the missing pleasure yacht , Paul Jones , now more than two weeks from New Orleans , to Pensacola , Fla. The cutter will follow the course that a vessel of the aul Jones' size would probably take from Grant's pass to Pensacnla. ST. LOUIS , Jan. 16. A special to the Republic from Blloxl , Miss. , says : After a thorough and fruitless search ot the coast , Inside and outside , Chcndeleur , Ship and Horn Islands , there seems to be little cause for hope that the Paul Jones Is afloat and every reason to believe that the persons aboard of It have perished. MISSOURI LACKS GOOD ROADS Special Affcnt of I'ontofllcc Depart ment May Not neeommcnd Rural Delivery on Till * Account. MARYVILLE , Mo. , Jan. 1C. ( Special Tele gram. ) Francis M. Dice , special agent of the PostofTlco department , was In Maryvlll < ) today surveying the proposed route for a rural free delivery eystem at this place. Mr. Dice refused to state what he would recommend to the department , but he Inti mated that there nilg'u bo special reasons why rural free delivery nhould not bo es tablished here. The roi-ls about Maryville are In bad ah-itu and tbld , It Is thought , tad a bad effect on Mr. Dice. He s.iys the great lack of Missouri is good roadi and that the prople of this elate cuuuoi expect rural free delivery very generally until they make some Improvements In this direction. Mr. Dice h < u in exciudnl trip through Missouri etlll to make. Ho is under liiitrw- : t'ons ' from tbe department to visit the fol lowing places which have applied for rural free * delivery and report concerning their relative advantages for successfully j/uttlng the system In operation ; Neleon , Sallr.o county ; Oakvllle. St. I.ouls county ; War- rensburg , Johnson County , iVillltcoth ? . Liv ingston county ; LaDclle , Lewis county ; Cherry Box , Shelby county ; Cockrell , Jack son county ; Lexington , LaFayet'.o county ; Louisiana , Pike county , and Webb City , Jasper county. He expec's to make all of them within the next few days. . F. D. Hurst , postmaster at ttlmo , In this. Nodaway county , who was appointed by the present administration about eighteen months ago , has determines 1 to resign his offlcn on account of 111 health. W. K. Scott. a farmer living near the town , has received the endorsement of A. W. Urewster. who was the republican candidate for congress at the recent election , and as he Is the only active candidate for the place he doubtless will be appointed. TODAY'S WEATHER FORECAST It 'Will De Threatening anil Colder In Kchranka , vrlth North to Northennt Wind * . WASHINGTON , Jan. 16. Forecast for Tuesday : For Nebraska Threatening weather ; colder ; north to northeast winds. For South Dakota Threatening weather ; northeasterly winds. For Iowa and Missouri Threatening weather ; much colder ; northerly winds. For Kansas-r-Threatenlng weather ; colder ; north to northeasterly winds. For Wyoming Threatening weather ; var iable winds. I.ocnl Ilecord. OFFICE OF THE WEATHER BUREAU , OMAHA , Jan. 16. Omaha record of tem perature and rainfall compared with thf > corresponding day of the past three vears : 1S93. 189S. 1S37. 189fi. Maximum temperature . .43 33 42 21 Minimum temperature . . . M 19 33 14 Average temperature 34 3S is Rainfall UU .00 .13 T Record of temperature and precipitation at Omaha for this day and since March 1. 1893 : Normal for the day 17 Excess for the day 17 Accumulated excess since March 1 215 Normal rainfall for the day 02 Inch Deficiency for the day 02 Inch Total rainfall since March 1..2S.S3 Inches Deficiency ulnco March 1 4.05 Inches Deficiency for cor. period. 1S97..11.19 Inches Excess for cor. period , 1896 G.41 Inchen Iteport * from Htatlon * at H p. in. STATIONS AND STATE OF WEATHER. P Omaha , cloudy 26 .00 North Platte , partly cloudy 2C .01) Salt Lake , cloudy 42 ,00 ,00T Cheyenne , cloudy 30 T Rapid City , cloudy 14 . .01T Huron , clear 8 .01T Wllllston , cloudy 10 T Chicago , clear 36 CO fit. JxjuU , part cloudy CO . .00T St. Paul , clear 20 T Davenport , cloudy 40 .00 Helena , cloudy 40 .00 Kansas City , clear i 42 .00 Havre , cloudy 12 .00 Bismarck , clear _ 2 .02 Galveston , clear DS .00 T Indicates trace of precipitation. L. A. WKI.SH , Local Foreoaut Ofllclal. Is prepared at our brewery and Is guaran teed unequaled In quality , purity and me dicinal virtue. Anbeuier-Ousch Brewing Ass'n. THE CAUSE RhVEALlJD. The Itrnl Sonree of Ilhrnmntliim ! Plnnllr K nit nil lr Mrlrntlfla IMneovery. For years the medical profession and people ple generally have been Inquiring "what Is the cause of rheumatism ? " Mllllonn have suffered from Its strange attacks , have en dured In silence and still wondered what could have caused It. Llko all great things In , this world , ( he cause Is very simple whcu clearly understood. Uric acid In the blood Is the ono great cause of All this trouble , nil this pain , all this annoyance , which so often wrecks the life. life.Uut Uut how does this uric ncld get Into the blood ? That Is the great question. Uric acid gets Into the blood , poisons the blood and often ruins the life , because U I * not expelled from the system. Hut how can It bo thrown out of the sys tem ? , In ono way and one way only through th kidneys. | Is this not simple , Is It not reason able It ! true ! U Is because the kidneys nre not doing . their . duty that the uric ncld remains In the body , gets Into blood , causes those terrible pains ' In the joints and muscles and fre quently brings on more serious troubles. Them has never been but one way by which the kidneys could be kept In perfect condition ! and good working order , and that Is by the use of that great modern discovery ' Warner's Safe Cure. This has been proven conclusively ! by the millions of people who have used It , by the millions who have boon , helped and by these who nre In perfect health today. You know this , reader , If you will only stop and "think. Recall how many time * you have read the grateful words of men and women who have been In the depths of bit terness and who have been restored by using Warner's Safe Cure. There arc an untold number of people today who would bo In an exhausted condition from rheumatism If It were not for a constant use of this great dis covery. To Man or Woman. Electricity ns applied through trio piK-y of my Electric Holt Is tlio Kroiitest brain and nerve tonic and blood purlllcr known to Hclence It will repair tlic body and strengthen and re fresh the entire system. How many who thought they iKwessed a powerful body strong and steady nerve * now shudder at the feeling of exhaustion , In * sltude iind general depression that depresses them ! Hundreds and thou sands of men ami women arc drifting Into an early grave because they ne glect to heed the warning of loss or. nerve power and vigor which makes tha brain tired , the mus cles weak , the limbs trembling that saps life Itself nnd leaves the whole body with out strength or am bition. Dr. Uennett'B Elec tric Belt Is endowed by physicians and recommended b y thousands of cured patients. It cannot fall to cure you , for Electricity Is the nerve and vital force of every human lx - Ing-lt Is life itself , and when there Is n lack of this vital ele ment lu the system , you cannot be Kound and strong 'again , unless electricity Is scientifically applied. Nature will not pro- vide. Nature has probably been Im posed upon. Prices of Belts $8 , $10 nnd $15. Dr. Bennett's Electric Belt Is the only one that 1ms soft , silken , chamois-covered elec trodes that cnunot bum and bitter as do the bare metal electrodes used on all other belts , can bo renewed when , when burned out nre worthless. 1 ab- belt can be renewed for any price , and wren burned out are worthless. I ab solutely guarantee It to cure Sexual Impotency , Lost Manhood , Spermai torrhotii , Varococele , General Debility and nil sexual disorders In cither sex ; restore Shrunken or Undeveloped 1'iirta nnd Lost Vitality ; euro Kheumatlflin In every guise , Kidney , Liver nnd Blurt- der Troubles , Constipation , Dyspepsia nnd all Kemale Complaints. Write or call today do not delay , for If decay gets a foothold , ruin is but a question of time get symptom blanks , books and lltei attire. Consultation and advice without cost. My I < X6ctrk > nl Suspensory for the cure of the various weaknesses of men Is FHEB to uvrly male purchaser of one of my Belts. Sold only by Dr. Bennett It oo in R liO ami 21 UniiKla * II look , Kith mill Doilixe HtrrctHt Oinnlin , Ni-h. Open from HiIlO a. ill. to HiEtO p , ra. and all ila > - Kniulay. ( Please mention Deo. ) Theynrrnsmuch like COATED ELECTRICITY as science can make them. Each one produces as much i nerve-building substance as U con tained in the amount of food a man consumes in a week. Thli Is why I they have cured thousands of cases of nervous diseases , such as Debit- , ity , Dltzlness , Insomnia.Virloocele , etc. Theyenableyoutothtnkclear- lybjr developing brain matter ; force healthy circulation , cure Indlges- , tlon , and Impart bounding vigor to the whole system. All weakening and tissiie-de&troving drain * and losses permanently cured. Delay may mean Insanity. Consumption nd Death. nice , ii per DOJ slxrxnrei ( with Iron-clad guarantee to cure or re. fund money ) , $ < . Book containing positive proof , free. AdJres.1 Kuhn & Co. or Economical Drug Co' , Omaha. CURE YOURSELF ! HItJ for uunmur&t illichirii" , InlUiumalloiij , Irrltalloni or ulc r Uon. of mucous membrane * . .rir u cwucioi. rulnlttii , tD'l t.ut aitrlc * ImEMHjCutMicuCo. " < " pu'wnous. ' Hold by I > rarr > > ts , or tent lu plain wrapper , tr tiprm , prrpiM , fa ; ( Mil. or.1 l > otllM , | . ' 73. Circular icui u