Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 17, 1899, Page 11, Image 11

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Advertisement * for tin-He column *
trill lie tnkrn nnlll 12 tit. for the
even I UK ( Million , nnil nntll HiJO ! p. m.
lor inornliiR nnil Munilnr cilllloim.
Rntcn , 1 l-2o n ivnril IIrut ln crtloi'i |
Ic n word thereafter.othliiit tnkcn
for | p * th n n tf.'c for ( lie nmt lti cr-
tlon. Tliciie ndvertlHcnictitft tiiunt bo
run conufcntlvel- . .
AilvcrtlNprH , liy rriiumtliiK n num
bered check , cnn hnvc nitHwnr * nil-
ilrcniied to n nnnil rrril loiter In cure
of The lice. Annwrr * no nililri-ineil
will IIP delivered oil itrefteiilutloii of
the check only.
SITUATION wnnted ns foreman or mnnngcr
of stock farm. L 28 , lice. A M42S 19 *
WANTED , position Inwholennln hnrdwareor
Implement warehouse \ > y middle nged ngrl-
culturist , versed In machinery find tools ;
Intelligent worker. Strocbcl , 1013 N. 36th.
A-MCOfl 19 *
I HAVE hail experlcnco In blacksmlthlng
nnd would like to enter employ of a first-
class blacksmith for Improvement , ns Boon
as possible. Jacob Gcrber , Troy , Kan.
A-M60I IS *
SALESMEN for $125 a month and
expenses ! old flrm ! experience unncccs-
snry. C . C. Bishop & Co. , St. Louis , Mo.
' B-S32
WANTED , wo have steady work for a few
good hustlers of Rood habits and appear
ance. C. F. Adams Co. , 621 So. 10th St.
HELP , Empire Rupture Cure , 032 N. Y ,
Life .Building. Send for circular * .
B M901
TAILORS , attend Dyhr's cutting school.
513 So. 13th St. B-834
WANTED , good solicitors In every vlllnco
nnd school district to tnke orders for The
. Weekly BCP. and Cosmopolitan : very lib-
ernl commissions : write for particulars ,
The Weekly Bee , Omaha. B-M819
WANTED , In every town an energetic
ngent : gpod pay weekly. Hawks Nursery
Co. , Milwaukee , WIs. B-M110 J31 *
SALESMEN to sell office sptvlnltlcs ; fine
Bide line ? : $ . " n day : used by all mer
chants. Model Mfg. Co. , box B. South
Bend , Ind. B-M1C3 F3
WANTED , all whd Intend to learn the
l > arber trade , to correspond with us ; wo
have an fyo-openorfor you : write for free
catalogue and particulars. St. Louis
Barber College of Omaha , N. W. Corner
Dodge & 14lh Sta. B-371-F9
MOLEU system of harbor college * are mak
ing special Inducements for next thirty
days to anyone wanting to lenrn tha
barber trade. " Wo hrtvo 300 positions to
fill by April. We will furnish free trans
portation to our colleges at Chicago , St.
Louis or Minneapolis , guarantee to maUo
you competent In eight weeks nnd secure
positions at JOO.OO monthly. Only Institu
tions of the kind In the world , new field
open. Call or write. .Omaha Represent
ative ; 11. Crelghton Blk , 15th & Douglas
Sts. . Omaha. B-M-260-19 *
WANTED , orrranlznrs for ono of the best
fraternal orders In existence ; none hut
men who ran produce results nnd can give
the best of reference need apply. Address
L 20 , Bee. B-M400 FU *
MEN wanted to sell cottage cheese and
buttermilk. Waterloo Creamery , 1(113 (
Howard. . B-443 19
GOVERNMENT Positions. Don't prepare
for any civil rervlcs examination without t
seeing our Illustrated catalogue of Infer
mation. Sent free. Columbian Corro-
apondcnco College , Washington , D. C.
B M503 17 *
RELIABLE1 , energetic palesmen wanted by
an old established house ; liberal rommls-
Blon or Balary. The Merchants' Oil com
pany , Cleveland , O. B M342 18 *
SOLICITOR for mimeograph letter work In
office bldff. Add. L 42. Boo. B M5SO
PRINTER : peed printer for ofllcn in the
country ; Btato what you can do. wages
asked.and give rofpreno.e. Address J. D.
Btlno & Son , SuperiorNeb. . B-MCOO 18
WE WANT at once everywhere , at homo
or to travel , reliable men to keep our
show cards and advertising before the
public "and Introduce a new discovery.
Salary or commission : { 05 tier month nnd
expenses not to exceed $2.50 per day. Ap
ply at once , for full particulars. Glebe
Medical Electric Co , , Buffalo , N. Y.
PRINTER wanted. Jacob North & Co' ,
Lincoln. Neb. B-M6U 17
13th St. , wants girls for nil kinds of
work , In and out of city. Tel. 1112.
C M225 F6
WANTED , good solicitors In every village
nnd' school district to take orders for The
Weekly Bee nnd Cosmopolitan ; , very lib
eral commissions ; write for particulars.
The Wenkly Bee. Omaha. C M820
WANTED , lady agents In Omaha nnd sur
rounding , towns to sell Preventlno and
Preventive Douche Syringe ; best remedy
known for women. Call and consult our
physicians or address. In confidence. Prc-
vontlno Medical Co. . 316 Rnmgp block ,
Omaha , Nob. Telephone 2270.CM738
C-M738 J28
WANTED , ,100 , girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. 876.
, C-M227
MRS. ROOD wants , aJ girl , for general house
work. 102 8. 32d Avo. . C 479 16
WANTED , a lady to travel In Texas by a
reliable firm. Ad.402'Blng Bldg. , Hous
ton. Texas. C 478 16 *
COMPETENT OTRL' for general house
work. 206 So. 31st nve. C M013 21
CHOICE houses and cottages ail over cltv
$5 to $75. Fidelity , 1st floor. N. Y. Life.
HOUSES. Benewa & Co. , 103 N. 15th St
. D-S56
ALWAYS moving household goods and
pianos. Omaha Van & Storage Co. , I5liu
Farnam. Tel. , 1559. D S5S
HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Pnxton block
T-ROOM house , bath , $14.0W 314 First Na-
tlonal Bank bldg. D-861
THE "Normandle" nnd "Wlnona" apart t- -
ment houses are now open for Inspection1
beautiful' flats , steam heated , with shades'
ranges , telephone , polished hard-wood
floor ! . walls decorated In colors to sull
tennnts , janitor services free ; strictly
first-class ; references required , "Fldelltv
Trust Co. . agents , N. Y. Life Bldg.
MAGGAUD'S Van and Storage. 115 N. 15th
Tcl.U96 , _ D-MGSl"
_ _
FOR RENT. 8-roorh house. No. 618 S. 17tli
St. , 2V4 squares from court house. Cnl
at room 300 , City Hall. D 300
FOU RENT , excellent 7-room cottage , 221
California street ; reduced rental to choice
tenant until spring. Inquire 508 N. Y. Llf <
or CO ? N. 19th St.- D-MCSO
FOR RENT , houses In all parts of city
The O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam St.
D 113
HOUSES for rent ; n specialty made 01
looklntr after property of non-residents
J.t H. Sherwood , 423. K. Y. Life. D-757
BTEAM heated utora and flats. Howart
Rnnck , Agt. , 1C10 Chicago St.
KINK-room well furnished , all modern. $ J
, month. Inquire at 1S03 Grace street
/ llefcrvncarequired. . D M515 21 *
V CHOICE 9-r. br. terrace , modern , ea. front
US Bo. 25th St. 601 Bee Bldg. D-M5G3
FOR RENT , 6-room house , entirely modern
will put in good condition ; rent , $30.00 pe
month. 1017 8. 30th AVe. Omaha Loai
and Trust Company , 16th and Douglas.
_ _ _
FOR RENT Furnished eight-room house
strictly modern , best residence portion 3ft
West Farnam St. Address L 27 , Bee ofilci
' HOUSES , stores. Robblns , ISO ? Farnam
D 793
BEVKRAL. Inq. U. S. Nat'l Bk. BldgT
DETACHED house. 8 rooms. 2116 Callfoi
Ola. Inquire 304 N. 22 , D-MI57 20 *
( Continued. )
FOR RKNT , 10-room modern house nnd
barn an 27th nve. ; desirable premises at
2 Btcam-hcated rooms In Davldgo bldg. , op
posite city hull.
John W. Robbing 1502 Fnrnnm st. D-M123
HOUSES. Chas. E. BonsonTsiO Ramge bldg.
D-M401 AH
HOUSES for rent In nil ports of the city.
Brennan-Lovo Co. , 219 South 16th St.
FOR RENT , furnished house , modern , 8
rooms , central , $10.00. Rlngwnlt Bros. ,
Barker Block , D-477 1G
FOR RENT , B-r. house. 1S11 Iznrd St.
D 175 20 *
THREE nice rooms , housekeeping. 1112 So.
llth St. E-4C1
ROOMS for gentlemen , ref. req. 1701 Cap Ave
E-903-J-21. ) '
THREE furnished rooms for housekeeping ;
man .ind wife ; rent taken In board. 31'J
N. 17th. E-151
PLEASANT furnished rooms. G24 S. 2fl ave.
E M179 Fl
ROOMS , modern , $1.50 up. 611 North 19th.
E-M162 F3
ROOMS for gentlemen. Re ; , rcq. 2003 Hurt.
E-M310 F7
FURNISHED rooms , with heat , for gentle
men. Apply 411 N. 17th St. I3-M33I F7
ROOMS. 1900 Capitol Ave. E 444 19
WELL heated rooms , with or without
board , overlooking Jefferson Square. Apply -
ply Midland hotel. E-M5S3 17"
FURNISHED room , $3. 1916 Farnam ,
E M597 IS *
THB'MERniAM. first class family hotel ,
23th and Dodge Sts. F-B63
THE CAPITOL , 1722 Capitol Avenue
F-M632 J10 .
NICELY furnished rooms , steam heat , frco
bath , $ l.f > 0 p'r week and up. Klondike
hotel. l h and Webster Sts. F MS68
BOARD nnd room , $1.50 up ; steam heat.
Prague Hotel. 13th nnd Williams.F
F M302
FRONT room sultnble for two. 2019 Cali
fornia St. F M433 19 *
SOUTHEAST front room ; mod rn con
veniences ; private family. 702 S. 29th St.
F M431 17 *
BEAUTIFUL rooms , reasonable. 2"SI Har-
ner. F M40S 1S
FOUR well furnished. Good board. 2.7TS
Harney. F M573 17 *
STEAM heated rooms , with oc without
board , corner overlooking Joffsrson
Square. Apply Midland hotel. F-M5S2 17 *
UTOPIA , 1721 Davenport. F M5S9
ELEGANT fteam heated rooms ; fine table
board. 1909 Capitol avenue. F M612 23 *
FOR gentlemen , walking distance , nea :
Farnam car , modern. I 38 , Bee.
O M22S
FLAT , 5-r. . mod. , walking dial , , private
bath , light , heat , Farnam car. L 2. Bee.
G M212
THREE unfurnished rooms. 718 N. 19th.
G M375 17 *
G-R. FLATS. $10. Inn. 38 U. S. Nat'l Bk.
3-STORY r.nd basement brick store build
Ing. 1005 Fnrnam , 22x100. Inquire 314 First
National Bank Bulldlmj. I MS67
WHOLESALE store and warehouse ; track-
nge ; excellent shipping facilities , c. E
Benson. 310 Ramge Bldg. I M2fl ) F7 *
DR. SPRINGSTEEN'S M. R. Remedies for
women ; Omaha testimonials ; nurses' reg
ister hero. Springsteen Med. Co. . Branch
office , 723 N. Y. L. Building. J 620 J16 *
EX-TEACHERS , male , for general agents ;
exclusive territory. Box 235 , Carroll , la.
J-M553 17 *
AGENTS In all sections to handle our
Union lamp burner ; entirely new , cheap
and an article that sells on sight ; ex
clusive territory. Th Union Burner &
Wick Co. , 43-50 Long St. , Cleveland. O.
J MC09 17 *
SALESMEN wanted ; exceptional oppor
tunity ; large house changing travelers for
resident ngents offers samples In each
district. Rubber Co. , 18 Cliff St. . New
York. J M607 17 *
PACIFIC Storage nnd Warehouse Co. , 90S-
910 Jones , general storage and forwarding
OM. Van & Storage. 1611& Farnam. Tel. 1559
A. BEARD3LEY will store goods. 1111 Far
nam. M-M467 F13
IF YOU nro In need of anything try the
Want Columns of The Bee ; they wll
bring you what you want. N S67
BEST and cheapest stoves and furnltun
sold at small profits ; highest prices paid
for good goods. D. Brodkey , 110 S. 14th
HIGHEST prices paid for all kinds of
household goods. Lewis. 101 S. 14th.
N-M702 J23
SECOND hand safe for cash. 114 So. 13th
N-672 J21
WANTED , for cash , stocks of merchan
dlse , $3,009 to $10,000 ; correspondence con
fldentlal. Lock Box 28 , Maftland. Mo.
N-M848 J29
ETAMP collections bought , sold. Mortenson ,
404 N. 16. N M163 F3
, ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. .
In large or small quantities' . Chicago Fur
niture Co. , tel. 2020 , HOO-S-10 Dodge.
N-M187 F4
TYPEWRITER ; might buy. 1 , 15 , Bee.
- N-349
WANTED A good second hand surrey or
phaeton and single harness. Glvo particu
lars , with price. Address L 33 , BPO office ,
ANY size lots 2d hand furniture ; highest
price paid. Transmlsslfslppl Store. 16th &
Davenport. N M587
WANTED , to buy , for cash , about fifteen
hundred dollars' worth of Omaha Savings
bank certificates at 50o on the dollar. Ad
dress L 43 , Bee office. N C01 21
VISIT our new location , we have n com
plete stock of second hand furniture
stoves , etc. , cheap. J. Lewis , 104 8. 14th
FOR SALE. Furniture nnd stoves , cheap.
90S South 20th street. O-603 20 *
2ND-hand safe cheap. Derlght , me Farnam
SAWDUST , hardwood , cribbing and hoe
fence at lowest prices. 901 Douglas St.
, SIVERWIN-Wllllams Co. mixed paints Sherman -
man & McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge St.
HOG , poultry and lawn fences ; all wire ; Is
best. Wire Works , 14th .and Harney.
FOR BALE , tenR.I.P.AN.S for 6 cents , at
druggists ; one gives relief. O STS
B. HAAS. Florist. ISIS Vinton St. , Tel. 776 ;
plants , cut flowers , bouquets , hall , residence
dencewedding and crave decorations ;
orders by mall or express promptly filled ,
SECOND-hand safe cheap. 114 So. 13th.
r- SWISS music box cheap ; play * 12 nlrs. Address -
dress L 4v , Bee. Q-M533 21 *
( Continued. ) i
2nd-hnnd brick mnehlnery , noft or ntlff mud
CnstlngB. R. K. Llvesy , M13 Capitol Ave.
Q-M6I7 J20
successfully tucd Inst scnton ; low priced ;
( tend for our book on Incubation nnd poul
CO. . Clny Center. Neb. Q-M1S3 29 *
HA ROMAN pianos. 214 S. IS , Dnvldge blk.
Q-M320 F7
$135 buys fine Hardman upright plnno ; easy
payments. Address L 17 , Bee otllrc.
Q-M3C3 F9
N 3VI'ld 2r. hand typewriters sold , rented ,
repaired ; ribbons cheap. Derlght , 1110 F'm
0 110 F12
CORLISS engine for sale , size 15x12 , ISO
horsepower : cnn be seen running In
Omaha , Addrefs J. A. Vail , 317 Security
bldg. , St. Ixjuls , Mo. Q MISS SI *
FOR SALE Reliable ISO-egg Incubator.
Sectional brooder. Call at 2913 South
Twenty-Fourth street. Q-MG13 20 *
HARDMAN nnd 12 other different makes of
pianos at loweH prices. Mueller I'lano fc
Organ Co. , 214 So. 18 < opp. City .Hall ) .
0-M3C2 FH
FOR SALE , nice stock of groceries In city.
303 N. Y. Life. Q M3SO
SKATES sharpened , IGc. Om. Bicycle Co.
NOTICE to country dealers : Second-hand
furniture and stoves sold nt lowest prices
by carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture
Co. . 140C-S. 50 Dodge. R-19C F5
4 lots three blocks from Armour's packing
house , $250 each.
3 lots on 23d ct. , between Wyman and Mll-
roy , $230 each.
5 lots six blocks southwest of Armour's , $175
4-room house and lot , Jetter's addition , $750.
3-room house and lot. South Omaha park ,
fi-room hous ? . 1022 North : lst st. . $950.
15 acres li miles south of "Q" st. . $1,500.
lots on Spring st , , near 20th , $1,000 for the
GEORGE AND COMPANY , 1601 Farnam st.
R-M531 17
JME. Gylmor , genuine palmist. 1603 Dodge.
S-M15S F3
MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant. 817 N. 16th.
VIENNA fortune teller , 18 years here. 1411
Howard. S-M4C1
EDNA E. LONG , the reliable spiritual
medium , will hold .another wonderful
flower materializing seance Monday , Jan
uary 16th. Come and witness the high
est phase of medlumshlp. S07 No. 20th st.
Heading dally. Satisfaction guaranteed.
S-M572 J17
MRS. DR. LEON , electric massage bath
parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. llth ,
upstairs. T 362-J17
CABINET baths and massage. 1411 Howard
T MS3S-J29
MAY WILSON. masage , baths. 302 N. 10.
R. 15. T-M169 F3 *
THERMAL Baths , magnetic and electric
treatment ; massage. 201 S. 13th ; 2nd floor ,
front room. T 3S9 F10 *
MME. SMITH , Room 2 , 11S& N. 15th St.
1 I T M55I 21 *
MME. AMES , R. 5 , G07 S. 13 ; massage baths ;
attendant. T-M59S-F15 *
VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 316 Bed
Bids. U-879.
MASSAGE , electric and magnetic baths ,
Now Hygienic Institute , 220 Bee Bldg. ;
Tel. 1716. U-8S1.
BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 319 % S. 15th.
U 882.
RUPTURE cured , Empire Rupture Cure ,
932 N. Y. Life building , Omaha ; circulars
sent. U-SS3.
LEIBEN , costumer , 1313 Howard ; cata
logues sent. U 487.
LADIES , send 4 cents In stamps for our
book and find out all about yourself : ex
plains everything fully. Preventive Medi
cine Co. , 316 Ramge Blk. , Omaha. Neb.
HEALTH'ALL breakfast food ; best , cheap't
U M636-J19
BOOKBINDING-Burkley Printing Co.
DR. ROY , chiropodist : corns & superfluous
hair removed by electricity ; R. 12. Frenzer
Blk. U-90S-J-31
UNDERGRADUATE doctors , dentists ,
pharmacists , lawyers , soon graduated
without attendance. Box 196. Chicago.
U M107 J31
RITTER hospital ; confinement cases taken :
babies adopted. 2214 Sownrd , Omaha. Tel.
2233. U-100
MASQUERADE Suits at Sack's , 3318 S. 20th.
U 157 F2
LACE curtains cleaned ; all work guaran
teed ; references. I. Ztegler , 1808 California.
U-975-F-3 *
- - -
SUPERFLUOUS hair , wrinkles , moles ,
warts , freckles , blackheads , pimples re
moved forever by electricity ; bust de
veloped ; neck , arms , checks made plump.
Mme. Payne's halrdresslng parlors. 2301
Leavenworth. Tel. 186 ? U M236 FS
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and 1
during confinement ; babies adopted ; 1136 i
N. 17th , Omaha. U-596
WANTED , choice farm and city loans. R
C. Peters & Co. . U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg.
W 884.
$100,000.00 special fund to loan on Drst-dnss
Improved Omaha property , or for building
purposes. Fidelity Trust Company.
5W. PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton blk.
6 PER CENT city and farm loans. Garvln
Bros. , 1613 Farnam St. W SS7.
$1,000 AND upwards to loan on Improved
property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. . 1320
Farnam St. W SS8.
MORTGAGES. Wallace , 213 Brown block.
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brennan-Love Co. . 219 So. 16th.
i WRITE us If you want n lonn on your
| farm In Iowa , eastern Nebraska or MIs-
I sour ! . It will pay you. Anthony Loan &
Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. Uf * . W S92.
$100 AND up. F D. Wcad. 16th nnd Douglas
MONSY to loan on Nebraska nnd Iowa
farms ; lowest rntes. Brennan-Love Co. ,
J19 S. 16th. , Omaha. W M427.
$50.000,000 CHEAP money for Investment ;
agents wanted. Investors lists for snle.
Investors Directory , N. Y. W 891
$700 for C months. C04 Bee Bldg. W M37S
$10 TO $10,000 TO LOAN ON
etc. . at lowest rates in
Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs.
No removal of goods ; strictly confidential ;
you can pay the loan off at any time erIn
In any amounts.
NAM STS. TEL. 2295. X MS95
MONEY leaned on pianos , furniture. Jew
elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Reed. 319 S. 13.
DIAMOND loan office , 1315 Douglas : unre-
1deemed diamonds , watches , etc. soldcheap _
I Jw fl < ? 9
( Continued , )
holding permanent positions with respon
sible cancernc upon their own name , with
out security ; easy payments , Tolmnn. H.
703 , N. Y. Life Bldg. X-S97
MONEY loaned on furniture , pianos , norms ,
cows , Jewelry. Duff drocn , r. 8 , Barker
blk. X-9S1
WANTED , competent old Bchool physician
as partner In reputable , well established
specialty business In Omaha : must be
temperate and modest enough to admit
that he docs not know too much : this Is
no fake ; reayonnble terms to right party.
Address L22 , Omaha Bee. Y M40J IS
WANTED To rent space In n first class
grocery store for butcher shop. Addr ss
L 33 , Bee. V 419-19
A GOOD proposition ; capital seeking
Investment cnn find n good opening In the
manufacturing and jobbing line by ad
dressing Broker , L 41 , care Bee office.
Y-M536 17 *
FINE Bnloon ; good business ; one of the best
towns In O. T. ; club room In connection.
Investigation solicited. Anheuscr Bush ,
agents. Guthrle , O. T. Y M610 19 *
HAVE you soms lots to sell ? Now Is the
time to dispose of them ! let the people
know that you want to dispose of them.
The Bee reaches the people who have the
money. HE SCO
BARGAINS In houses , lots , farms : sals or
trade. J. N , Frenzer , opposite old I' . O.
RU 925
HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans : also
flro Ins-uranco. Bemls , Pnxton Block.
9-ROOM modern house. Inquire 4032 Iznnl.
RESIDENCE and 3 brick Hats , 20th & Web
ster , $15.000. Pays 10 per cent not. R. 10 ,
Patterson BJk. KE-045 J19
LOGAN valley farm lands. W. H. Clem
ents , Lyons , Neb. RE-M922 J30
$3,750 BUYS most sightly corner. 93x120. on
West Fnrnam : JSEO buys large lot with
trees , SCth and Webster ; $1,000 buys 4
acres near car line. R. 10 , Patterson blk.
HOMES to suit nil In beautiful Clifton Hill
at prices that defy competition. Omaha
Saving bank accounts taken at full value.
A. P. Tukoy , Board of Trade. RE 416
FOR SALE or exchange , vacant lots nnd
Imoroved property In Isaacs and Scldcn'a
addition : also other houses and lots In
all parts of the city ; will exchange for
property close In or Improved farm land ,
G. L. Green , 23 Barker Blk. RE 143 17
IOWA farms for sale , $2 per acre cash , bal
ance H crop until paid. J. Mulhall. Sioux
City , la. RE-M530-17 *
LIST your property with us for sale. We
have the customers. The Byron Reed
Company , 212 S. 14th Street. RE-679
HERE is a phenomenal bargain 2 lots , 33
ft. front by the usual depth on 22d St. ,
near Clark , cast front , on grade , for $530.
These lots are within walking distance of
the U. P and Mo. Pacific shops and rail
way tracks , P. O. , depots , etc. They
originally sold for $1,500 each. The owner
must have money and Instructs us to sell
them at once for $550 each , $50 cash and
$10 per month. We will furnish the
money for building on either of these lots
to a purchaser.
Fidelity Trust Co. , New York Life.
40 ACRES on pavca st. , with trackage , $123
per aero. R. 1C , Patterson Blk.RE211
RE-211 F5
MORTGAGE sale of real estate , at Mal-
vern , Iowa , on Saturday , Jan. 21st , 1S99 ;
the 2-stovy brick double-storeroom and
opera hall known as the Paddock build
ing , on easy terms. For particulars ad
dress J. D. Paddock , Malvern , Iowa.
RE-M359 19 *
FOR SALE or trade , 4S6 acres good valley
land In Hook r Co. , Neb. , 6 miles from
railroad ; will sell on easy terms. Address
J. J. Steen , 2423 Blnney St. , Omaha , Neb.
RE M42S 26 *
A NICE home N. E. cor. 23d and Chicago ,
9-rooms , modern. $3,500.W. N. W. cor.
24th and Wlrt , 88x126 , $2.500.00. N. E. cor.
27th and Woolworth. 50xR7. $700.00. 4 acres
and small house , some fruit , 8. W. cor.
33th and Mason , $1,600.00. AV. H. Gates ,
618 N. Y. Life , RE-480 16
FOR SALE , two house * . 1143 und 1145 Park
ave. , 3ixH2 feet ground each , 7 rooms ,
bath. gas. etc. : rent for $47.50 per month :
price , $2,400 each. Potter-JSholesi Co. , 310
New York Life. RE M558 17
FOR SALE , real estate , full lot on 32nd
street , two blocks from end of West Bide
car line , for $400.00 cash , Byron R. Hast
ings , 212 So. 14th St. RE-67 ! "
10-room modern house nnd lot 50x143 ft. , 26th
and Douglas sts. , $4,000.
Cottage and largo lot S. E. cor. 28th and
Pacific sts. , on which Omaha Savings
bank account for $500 will be accepted ns
first paymtnt. $2,000.
Lot on 24th street , near Vlnton st. , $500.
Lot on Chicago ttreot , near 24th street , $550.
Lot on 25th street , near Chicago street , $375. $
Lot on 31st st. , near Jnckson St. , $350.
Lot on Harney st. , near 42d st , . $350.
3 lots on Spring St. , near 20th , $1,000 for the
GEORGE AND COMPANY , 1601 Farnam st.
RE M680 17
5 ACRES for sale at a bargain. Room 305 ,
N. Y. Life. RE-BS3
ABSTRACTS on short notice. Farms for
sale. W. C. Vaughan , Stanton. Nebraska.
RE M570 17 *
4 lots three blocks from Armour's packing
house , $250 each.
3 lots on 23d st. , between Wyman and Mll-
Toy , $230 each.
5 lots six blocks southwest of Armour's , $175
4-room house and lot. Jetter's addition , $750
3-room house and lot , South Omaha park
$600 ,
fi-room house , 1022 North 21nt st. , $950.
15 acres 11 miles south of "Q" st. . $1,500.
3 lots on Spring st. , near 20th , $1,000 for the
thre ? .
GEORGE & COMPANY , 1001 Fnmam Ft
RB-M3S1 17
the prlnca of orators , eminent phrenol
ogist nnd palmist , will deliver his famous
scientific , Instructive and amusing lec
ture on
tonight ( Tuesday evenlm ; ) , Jan. 17th , at
cor. 15th and Harn.v sts.
At the close of the lecture Mr. Bell will ex-
amlno both HEADS AND HANDS selected
by the audience. Attend this lecture and
you will learn to read much of your fu
ture destiny from your own hand. Com
plete examinations and life readings dally
from 10 a. m. to S p. m. at his oince , the
niencalrn , 1609 Douglas st. Lowest fee ,
We for one week. K03 17 *
VANSANT'B school. 717 N. Y. Life. Night '
school from Sept. 20. 932
AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Douglas.
BOYLE8' school , court reporter teacher ;
will assist young men and women to earn
board while in attendance ; If desired. Bee
Bldg. 931
W. E. CHAMBERS. Crelghton Theat. Bldg.
New adult and children classes forming.
Private lessons. Theatricals coached.
Hall rented on disengaged dut s.
s.M7S9 J27
IMPERIAL Dancing School , Wm. Mathews
Instructor : terms reasonable ; latest
dancts. Imperial Hall , 1313 Howard.
TYPBWRITKHS for rent , JltX ) PIT miint'i ' ,
The Hmlth-l'remler Typewriter ' . 'o. , lci
Farnam St. ; telephone , 121. WJ
\ \ E rent nnd sell the twst typewriter *
n > rce ; largest stock of suppll ? ' In .nuahu ,
United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Knv- 930
CUT prices on ribbons. Derlght. T l. S33 ,
teopaths ; graduates Klrksvllle , Mo. Olllce
suite , C15 New Yjrk Life BuildingMI32
LOST , brown wotcrspanlcl , white spot on
breast , answering to the name of Pedro ;
$5 ( o reward If returned to Buck Brelnholt
190J Ontario street. Lost-W2 17'
Ut'l'TURE CURED. Etiiilro Rupture Cure
032 N. Y. Life building , Onuih.i ; circulars
sent. I2S
ALL wom n who can't raise family should
consult the renowned German specialist ,
Dr. Pries , 1313 Dodge St Letters 2 centn.
LADIES ! Chlchester'B English Pennyroyal
PIllH ( Diamond brand ) are ths best ; safe ,
reliable ; take no other ; send 4c stamps for
particulars , "Relief for Ladles , " In letter
by return mall ; nt druggists. Chlchester
Chemical Co. , Philadelphia , Pa.
J. R. MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers , room 619 ,
Pnxton block , want your auction sales of
real estate .merchandise , furniture , live
stock , etc. K53
EAGLE lean olllce , 1211 Douglas ; oldest es
tablished , most reliable , nrcommodating ;
business confidential : selling $40.000 stock
unredeemed diamonds ; big bargains.
NEW , central , absolutely modern : separate
" and exclusive department for ladles ; ex
perienced lady masseusj attendant ; baths
60c ; 12 baths for $3 ; open all night. 107 S.
14th. Tel. 1S31. M935
MAX FOGEL cleans , alters , repairs ladles'
jackets. 307 S. 17th. N-338-J17
SCHOOL for cure of th so defects. Julia
E. Vnuglmn 306 N. V. Life bldg. 032
"OR the cure of stammering call on E. C.
Newcomb. 22 Fronzer blk. MS48 J29
MPERIAL Hall newly remodeled through
out , to lodges , balls , etc. Address Im
perial Hall , 1313 Howard. 373-F9 *
JOE , the Glazier. 1519 Dodge. Tol. 1177.
ROOM 7 , Crelghton Blk. , 15th and Douglas.
PARTY of high standing wishes to borrow
$4.500 on nicely Improved Inside property ,
worth $12,000. L 16 , Bee. M363 19
FRENCH , German , Spanish , $2 per month.
Prof. Chatelaln. 301 Boyd theater. M 122
C. A , CASE , violins repaired. 416 Sheely blk.
_ 326-Feb-H
M. S. WALKIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331.
M. J. Shaw. 707 S. 16th st. Tel. 7S1. 575
COAL , S. G. Hoff , 322 N. 16th. Tel 1317.
OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co. , oak , hick
ory , ash , cypress , poplar , etc. , 13th & Calif ,
OLD pianos overhauled , secondhand pianos
always on hand. C. Sommcr , 321 So. lOtli
TRY the Henderson Hotel ; board and room ,
$4.00 per week ; gas , staam heat and baths ,
Ninth and Farnam StB. 940
ELLA DAY , Ramge Bldg. , 15 and Harney ,
15S J19
EXPO. meds. gold and rflverplated. 1302
Farnam. M433
65 ACRES near town. C04 Bee bide. 330
Bea Bldg.t Qnuha , Neb.
Eend for free lnv nt-
ore' guide. Tel 1(23.
InnJ Route" General Offices.
N. E. Oor. , Ninth & Farnam
Streets. City Ticket Office , 1302
Farnam Street. Telephone ,
31(1. ( Depot , Tenth und Mason
Streets. Telephone , C2D.
Leave. Arrive.
"The Overland Limited"
for Utah. Idaho , Mon
tana , California , Oregon
gen nnd Washington
points aSWnm : a4:45pm :
Tho- Colorado Special
For Denver and all
Colorado points all:5opm : nC:40am :
Pacific Express for
Denver , Salt Lake ,
Pacific coast and all
western points a 4:35 : pm a 6:40 : am
Lincoln , Beatrice and
Stromsburg Ex b 4:35 : pm b2:20pm :
Fremont , Columbus , Nor
folk , Grand Island
and North Platte . . . . .a 4.33pm b 4:45 : pm
Columbus Local bS:30pm : b12:20pm :
North Platte Local a6:15pm :
South Omaha Local Pass Leaves , 6:15 : a.
m. : 7:00 : a. m. ; 10:10 : n. m. ; 3:03 : p. m. Ar-
Mv s. 10:43 : a. m. ; 3:15 : p. m. ; 4:15 p. m. ;
6 p. m.
Council Bluffs Local Leaves , 5:55 : a. m. ;
6IO : : a. m. ; 6:50 : a. m. ; 7:10 : a. m. ; b 10:45 : a
12:20 : p. m. ; 2:15 : p. m. ; 4:05 : P. m. ; 4:5o : p.
5:25 : p. in. ; 6:33 : p. m. ; C:20 : p. m. ; 8:20 : p.
10:30 : p , m , Arrives , 6:3i : a. m. ; 7:20 : a.
8:15 : a. m ; 8:45 : a. m. ; 11:30 : a. m. ; 3ft : > p
4:05 : p. m.5l5 ; : p. m.5:30 ; : p. m. ; 6:55 : n.
m 0:30 : p. m. ; 9:03 : p. m. ; 11:00 : p. m. ; lloo :
P. m.
& Pacific Rallroad-"The
Great Rock Island Route. "
City Ticket Office. 1323
Fnrnnm Street. Telephone.
423. Depot. Tenth and
Mason Streets. Telephone ,
Leave. Arrive.
DCS Molnes Local b 7:15 : am bll:25am
Chicago Express bll:15am : a 8:00 : am
Chicago Fast Express.a 5:00 : pm a 125 ; pm
St Paul Fact Expr s..a 5:00 : pm bll:25 : am
Lincoln , Colorado Spgs.
I Denver , Puvblo and
' West al:30pm a4:25pm :
DCS Molnes. Rock lal-
and and Chicago a 7:15 : pm n :50pm :
.Colorado Flyer , . .a6:20pm : aSiOam :
I a Dally , b Dally Except Sunday.
( Continued , )
wjili & Council Bluffs
Rallroad-"Tho Burling
ton Route" Ticket Olllce ,
1302 Fnrnntn Street. Tel
ephone , 230. Depot , Tenth
nnd Mason Streets. Telephone -
ephone , 123.
Leave. Arrive.
Kansas City Day Ex.a 9:23 : am a 6:43 : pm
Kansas City Night Ex.alO:15 : pm a 6:30 : am
"Expo. X lyer for St.
Joseph and St. Louisa 4:53 : ptn all:30 : am
a Dally. _ _
t Qulncy Rallroad-"The
Burllngfn Route" Ticket
Otllce. 1502 Farnam St.
Tel. 230. Depot , Tenth &
Mason Streets. Tele
phone , 12S.
12S.Leave. . Arrive.
Davl'ght ' Chicago Spc-
rial . a 6:40 : am nll:50 : pm
Chicago Vc tlbuled Ex..a 5:03 : pm a 8:03 : am
Chicago Express a 9:23 : urn a4:00pm :
Chicago S , St. L. Ex. . . .a 7-43 pm n $ ; & , urn
Pacific Junction Local..alOiliam a5lji : m
Fast Mall a 2aO : pm
a Dally , b Dally Except Sunday.
sourl River Railroad
"Tho Burlington Route"
-General Olllcos , N. W.
Corner Tenth and Fnr
nam Streets. Ticket
Office. 150J Farnnm
Street. Telephone , 250.
Dcf-ot. Tenth nnd Mason Streets. Telephone -
phone , 128.
Leave. Arrive.
Lincoln , Hastings and
McCouk a 8:33 : am n 7:40 : pm
Lincoln , Denver , Color
ado , Utah , California ,
Lincoln. Black Hills ,
Montana & 1'uget
Sound n4:25pm : a 3:55 : pm
Lincoln Loral a7:00pm : nlO:33um :
tncoln Fast Mall a 3:00 : pin alO:33 : am
Denver , Colorado , Utah ,
California & Puget
Sound rtl:5ft : nm a 6:30 : am
a Dally , b Dally Excout Sunday.
CHICAGO & NORTHwestern -
western Railway "Tho
Northwestern Lino" City
Ticket Olllco. 1401 Farnam
Street. Telephone E.61. .
Depot , Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone , 629.
Leave , Arrive.
Daylight Chicago Spe
cial aG:40nm : al:53pm ] :
Mo. Valley , Sioux City ,
St. Paul & Minneapo
lis a 5:55 : am alt:00pm :
Mo. Valley , Sioux City.a 7:45 : am a 9:10 : pm
Carroll Local b 5:25 : pm MOilOam
linatern Express. DCS
Molncs , Marshalltown ,
Cedar Rapids and Chicago
cage till:95 : um a 4 05pm
Atlantic I'iyer , Chicago
and East a 4:53 : pm a4:03pm :
Fast Mall , Chicago to
Omaha a 2:45 : pm
Northern Express a5:2."pm : aSIOnm :
Omaha-Chicago Speciala 7:03 : pin a 8:15 : am
Fast Mall S:13am :
a Dally , b Dally except Sunday.
& Missouri Vallny Hull-
road "The Northwestern
Lino" General Olllces ,
United States National
Bunk Bldg. , Southwest
Corner Twelfth and Far
nam Streets. Ticket Oince , 1401 Farnam
Street. Telephone , 561. Depot , 15th und
Webater Streets. Telephone , 1458.
Leave. Arrive.
Black HIKs. Deadwood ,
Hot Springs a 3:00 : pm nSOOpm :
Wyoming , Casper and
Douglas d 3:00 : pm d 5:00 : pm
Hastings , York , Davlu
City , Superior. Geneva.
Exeter and Seward..b 3:00pm : bEiOOpm
Norfolk , Verdlgro and
Fremont b 7:30 : am blO:45 : am
Lincoln , Wohoo and
Fremont b 7:30am : blO:45am :
Fremont Local c 7:30 : am
a Dally , b Dally except Sunday , c Sun
day only , d Dally except Saturday.
Railroad "The North
western Line" General
Olllcei , United
National Bank Building ,
S. W. Corner Twelfth
and Farnam Streets.
Ticket Office , 1401 Farnam Street. Tele
phone , 501. Depot , Tenth und Mason
Streets. Telephone , 629.
Leave. Arrive.
Sioux City. Mankato , St. _ _
Paul , Minneapolis . . . .a 5:35 : am a 8:40 : am
St. Paul , Minneapolis ,
Mankato & SlouxClty.a 5:2j : pm all:00 : pm
Sioux City Local . a 7:45 : am a 9:0u : pm
a Dally.
Minneapolis & Omaha
Railway "The North
western Line" Gencru
Ofilces , Nebraska Di
vision , 15th and Webster
_ _ Sts. City Ticket Office ,
1401 Farnam St. Telephone , 561. Depot , 15tl
and Webster Sts.
Leave. Arrive.
Norfolk Passmger a 6:00am : a 7:00 : pm
Blair , Emerson , Sioux
City , Fonra , Hartlng-
ton and BIoomlleld.b 1:00pm : bll:55am :
No. 2. Twin City LTd-.a' 5:45 : pm
No. 1 , Omaha Limited. . a 9:10 : am
a Dally , b Dally except Sunday.
St. Paul Railway City
/MILWAUKEE Ticket Office. 1501 Farnam
! Street. Telephone. 284. De
pot , Tenth and Mason Sts
Telephone , C29.
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Limited Ex a 5:45 : pm a 8:20 : am
Chicago & Omaha Ex. .bll:00am : b4:00pm :
Sioux City & Des Molncs
Express bll:00am : b4:00pm :
a Dally , b Dally Except Sunday.
road General Ofllces nnd
Ticket Offices. Southeast Cor
ner 14th and Douglas Sts.
Telephone , 101. Depot. 15th
and Webster Sts. Telephone ,
Leave. Arrive.
st. iQuls-Kansas &
Neb. Limited a 3:00 : pm a2:55 : pm
K. c. St. L. Express..a 9:50 : pm a 6:00 : am
Nebraska Local via
Weeping Wntor b 6:00 : pm b9:45 : am
a Dully , b Daily Except Sunday.
IPESI . road Omaha , Kanras City &
AGJJ&B Eastern Railroad "The Port
Arthur Route" Ticket Office ,
RC 1415 Farnam Street. Tele
phone , 322. Depot , Tenth and
Mason Streets. Telephone , 639.
Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis Cannon Ball
Express a 4:50 : pm all:30 : am
Kansas City & Qulncy
Local a 6:50 : am a 9:03 : pm
a Dally.
Ticket Office. 1415 Farnam
Street. Telephone , S92. Do-
pot. Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone , C29.
Leave , Arrive.
St. Louis "Canon Ball"
Express a 4:50 : pm all:30 : am
Statistical Evidence of Agricultural
ProNicrlt > - In 1HUS.
The farmers of this country made more
money In 189S than ever before In its his
tory , says tlie Chicago Record. The forth
coming statistical report from the Depart
ment of Agriculture will show unprecedented
crops , unprecedented prices and unprec
edented prosperity. The corn crop In 1896
amounted to 2,283,875,165 bushels , valued at
$449,276.030 ; In 1897 It was 1.002,067,933
bushels , valued at $501,072,952. In 1898. ac
cording to present estimates , the volume
was not only largely Increased , but the
farm value of corn throughout the country
averaged 2.4 cenU a bushel moro than In
The wheat crop In 189C , at 72 centa a
bushel , was valued at127.684,346 ; In 1897 ,
at E0.8 cents per bushel , it was valued at
$428,547,121. The Increase In 1898 was 1,411-
692 acrea , the largest In history , and the
crop was unprecedented In quality , quantity
and price.
The 'barley ' crop In 1897 iraa worth $25-
142,139 at 37 cents a bushel. The figures for
1898 are * not la yet. but the price Is 41.4
cents a bushel and the preliminary report
hews a crop slightly above the average.
The same may be said of rye , which la
quoted at 46.3 cents a bushel , against 44,7
centa In 1S97.
The farm price for oats In 1898 , according
to the official ftgurea of the Agricultural de
partment , Is 25.C cents a bushel , against 21. :
cents for 1897 and l'J.5 cents In 1896 , The
totals are not In yet , but in 1S97 the crop
wan valued at $147,974,719.
Potatoes arc now worth 41.4 cents a buahcl
on the farm , which In n liug ? ( Ailing oft from
1897 , when they sold for f > 4.7 cents , but It Is
said that the difference- will bo moro than
made up by the. Increase In the volume of
ILe crop , wtilcb Is believed to bo 21 per cent
greater thau In 1S97 , when the totnl was
valued nt $59,643,039.
The hay crop of the Unite. ! State * In 1S97
was valued nt $401.390,728 , with h y polling
at $0.62 n ton. In 1S9S the crop wng the best
on record , nnd It Is soiling nt an average of
16 a ton throughout the country.
During the calendar ye r eudcd December
SI the value of the brcndstuffs sold abroad
was $317,000.000 ; provisions , $174,000.000 , nnil
cotton , $233,000,000 , making n total of $721-
000,000 'worth of farm products exported and
sold at better pnccs than wcio ever known
lutr MlntUlli'N Almut llir Cent
of ViirloiiN OlllrlnlM ,
No stnto pays Its governor n higher sal-
nry than Now York , reports the Sun , nnd
the pny of state officers In Albany Is higher
than that of American state * generally , and
conspicuously FO In some Instances. The
governor gets $10,000 , the lieutenant gov
ernor $5,000 , the state comptroller $ C,000.
the attorney genernl $5,000. the secretary of.
stnto $5,000 , the fitnto engineer $5.000 and
the stnto treasurer $5.000. No elective or-
flclnl gets less than the pay of n congress
man , and a governor receives double a con.
Grossman's snlnry.
In eastern states generally n fair rate of
compensation for elected public officials la
maintained ; In the couth tht > rate Is less ,
though largo when the financial resources of
dome Eouthern states nro considered , but
In the west the rnto of pay Is often found
to bo Inadequate , and It is n source of sur
prise to ninny persons that competent of
ficials can bo secured under such condi
tions. In Iowa , for Instance , a state without
ni-t debt and -the finances of which are la
a nourishing condition the governor receives
only $3,000 , the lieutenant governor less
than $1,200 nnd the state treasurer $2,700
a modest rate of pay for three important
officials In a state the assessed valuation ol
which is 4n excess of $650,000,000.
Iowa , however , Is not the only western
elate which pays meager salaries to Its of
ficers. The governor of Michigan receives
only $1,000 and the state treasurer of Illi
nois only $3GOO. For some time nfter the
close of the civil war It was n familiar sayIng -
Ing In the south nnd southwest that , while
every state did not have a treasury with
something In It , every state had a state
AH a rule , stnto treasurers are elective of
ficers and as such the pay to them is fixed
by constitution provision , and as there Is
a strong prejudice in many states against
high salaries for public officials chosen by
popular vote , It followed that the treasurers ,
as n rule , wcro underpaid and the some
what dangerous method was adopted In some
states of permitting the treasurer to deposit
the public moneys according to his own
preference and to receive for his own bene
fit the interest on state deposits. The plan
worked well until the first defalcation and
then It was found that the state could have
recourse for recovery only against the bondsmen -
mon of the treasurer. In three states treas
urers became fugitives ; In two states thcro
were shortages which the treasurers could
not make up ; in some others there wcro
Irregularities which ended In criminal pros
ecutions , and thus a change of method be-
cnmo Imperative. The power of the treas
urers wns reduced ; the powers of the slate
comptrollers were Increased. The concur
rence of these two officials was made
requisite for payments of public funds. The
office of auditor wns established nnd such
safeguards wcro adopted as to make defal
cations of state funds very rare.
Connecticut had recently added to the
number of Its state officials an attorney gen
eral , but lu many states wherein the duties
of an attorney general are Important In
prosecuting actions against the state , or in
defending the Interests of the state , the pay
Is Insignificant for a good lawyer. Indiana
pays Its attorney general $2COO a year.
Kansas pays the same. The attorney gen
eral of Maryland gets only $2,000. Georgia
pays the same , California pays $3OCO and
Arkansas pays only $1,500. As may bo In
ferred from this , it la not an easy task for
tlioso states to secure tbo best professional
skill and , generally speaking , 'they dou't.
Now Jersey pays her elate treasurer $0,000
a year , Pennsylvania pays $7,400 and In
diana $0,500. The latter receives a larger
salary than Is paid to the Hooslor governor
and considerably moro than the neighboring
st-ito of Ohio pays Its sta > to treasurer , which
la $4,000. Massachusetts , which tins a larger
gross debt than any other state ami a sink
ing fund larger than .tho debts of any other
state , pays its treasurer $5,000 a year. Colorado
rado pays its treasurer $0,000. Ho Is tha
highest salaried of the state officers and re
ceives , Indeed , more salary than does the
governor. Ttio treasurer of the state of
Maine receives $2,000 a year , the same salary
as Is paid the governor. The state treasurer
of Ohio receives $4,000 and the state treas
urer of Wisconsin receives $5,000 , the sam
as the governor.
This practically exhausts the list of states
In which liberal salaries , or fairly liberal
salaries are paid to treasurers ; In the other
states the salary paid ftho treasurer Is not a
much as the nature of the duties bo Is called
upon to perform seems to justify. Tha
salary of the state 'treasurer ' of Michigan ,
for Instance , Is $800 ; Mississippi , $2GOO ;
Kansas , $2,500 ; Nebraska , $2,500 ; Nevada ,
$2,400 ; West Virginia , $1,400 ; Texas , $2GOO ;
Vermont , $1,700 ; Virginia , $2,000 ; Utah ,
$1,000. The treasurer of Oregon receives
$800 and fees , which vary according to th
condition of the times.
The treasurer of South Carolina gets
$2,400 ; Missouri , $3,000 ; Louisiana , $2,000 ; '
Maryland , $2GOO ; Georgia , $2,000 ; Florida ,
$2,000 ; Illinois , $3,500 ; Connecticut , $1,500 ;
California , ' $3,000 ; Alabama , $2,100 , and of
Arkansas , $2,250. Iowa pays her state treas-
urcr $2,700 and his duties are not onerous , u
Iowa Is a etato without debt nnd the cities
of Iowa , with the ono exception of Sioux
City , are without debt , too. The .treasurer
of North Dakota receives $2,000 and of South
Dakota $1,800 , Montana pays Its treasurer
$2,000 "and Minnesota $3,500. The
treasurer of Idaho receives $1,000 a year for
his services , a smaller salary than Is paid
to nny of the other state officials. Tha
duties of a stnte treasurer are not oncroui ,
but the responsibilities of such n plnco are )
many and , generally speaking , a $ l,000-a-
ycar treasurer Is not a good Investment for
an American commonwealth.
Sloven of ( he IlouHClinlil.
Nevr York Sun : "When , the other day ,
after the junior blizzardeaid Mr. Bill-
tops , " 1 aw Mm. Bllltops struggling to
open a window that wa banked up on Urn
outsldo with snow and Ice. I wondered
what undir the canopy nhe wanted to open
It for : why she wanted to open any window
for that mutter , with the thermometer tha
way it was. If It had been left
to me I should have left the
window closed till the snow melted
off In the spring. But Mrs. Hilltops In
sisted , nnd what do you suppose she wanted
to open it for ? So who could shako a dust
rag out ! She opened It shook the du t rag.
and then closed the window again , anil
went on about her work with n placid ex
pression on her face.
"Sho had performed what she regarded as
a buunden duty. She docs a certain amount
of ( hinting , nnd shakes the dust rag nut of
certain wlndown , ut certain bpcclfled haunt
dally.Mien she comes to a certain win
dow slip stops dusting , raises the Hash ,
hakes the dust rag out , closes the window
and goot * ahead on the circuit of tha
room. And she wouldn't bo aathlled unlcHS
she had done these things and In just
this way. They are a part of her daily
routine of life , which must not bo neg
lected ; she can't let anything go. "
ICInic O * < ! nr HUM Influenza.
STOCKHOLM , Jan. 1C. King Oscar Is suf
fering from Influenza , and In consequence a
number of ceremonies "have " been abandoned.