THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : FHIDAV , JANUARY 13 , 1899. 11 SPECIAL NOTICES AilvrrllNcment * for tlieiic enliiiiitm will IIP InUrn until 12 m. for Hie evening rdltlnn , nnil until Hi.'K ) i > . in. for inoriilnir nntl Hntulnr edition * . RntcN , 1 l-o n w r < l llmt Innertluni Ic tToril thereafter. NiitliltiK tnkrn for ICNN tlinn _ 3o for the flrjt Inser tion. Thene nilvertUementM mint lie ran cotiNFcutlvelv. AilvertUcm , ! > > rciinmtlnK n num bered check , cnn Imve nnmrrm nil- dreimeil to a nnmltcrril letter In cure of The Her. Anm-pm no ndilreimcd will lie delivered on nrciontutlon of the check only. WANTED-SITUATIONS. LADY stenographer wishes position at $1 per week ! , am competent. Addre * L21 , Hoc. A M401 15 * SITUATION wanted ns foreman or manager of stock farm. L 23 , Bee. A MI26 19' WANTED MALE HELP. or cigars : $125 a month and expenses ; old firm ; experience unneces sary , C , C , Bishop & Co. , St. Louis , Mo. B 852 WANTED , wo have steady work for a. few good hustlers of good habits and appear ance. C. F. Adams Co. , 521 So. 16th St. B-833 HELP , Empire Rupture Cure , 932 N. "Y. Life Building. Send for circular * . TAILORS , attend Dylan's cutting school. 813 So. 13th St. B-854 WANTED , 'good solicitors In every village and schnnl district to take orders for The Weekly Bee and Cosmopolitan : very lib eral commissions : wrlto for particulars. The Weekly Bee , Omaha. B-MS19 WANTED' , Iri eve'ry town an energetic agent : good pay weekly. Hawks Nursery Co. , Milwaukee. Wig. B-M110 J31 * SALESMEN to soil office specialties : fine side line * : $5 a day : used by all mer- chants. Model Mfg. Co. , box B. South Bend. Tnd. B-M165 F3 WANTED , all who Intend to learn the bnrber trade , to correspond with us ; wo have an eye-opener for you ; write for free catalogue and particulars. St. Louis Barber College of Omaha , N. W. Corner Dodge & 14th Sts. B-371-F9 MOLER system of barber colleges 'are mak ing special Inducements for next thirty days to anyone wanting to learn the barber trade. We have 300 positions to fill by April. We- will furnish free trans portation to our colleges at Chicago. St. Louis or Minneapolis- . guarantee to make you competent In ulght weeks and secure positions nt $ fiO.OO monthly. Only Institu tions of the kind In the world , new field open. Call or write , Omaha Represent ative , 11 , Crelghton Blk , 15th & Douglas Bts. , Omaha. ' B M-260-19 * WANTED , competent , rapid and accurate I bookkeeper to check up set of books : day or evening work. _ L 26 , Bee. B M391 15 WANTED , orcanlzors for one of the best fraternal orders In existence ; none but men who cnn produce results and can give the best of reference need apply. Address L 20 , Bee. B-M400 Fll * WANTED , manager and cashier larcro cor poration.1 Address L 23 , Bee. B-M40I 14 WANTED , life Insurance rollcltors ; salary and commission. R. C. Patterson , Patter son blk. B M405 14 WANTED FEMALE HELP. OMAHA EMPLOYMENT BUREAU. 119 N 10th St. , wants girls for all kinds ol work , in and out of city. Tel. 1112. . . C-M225 F6 WANTED , good solicitors'n ( every vlllagi and schpol districtto' take orders for Thi Weekly Bos and Cosmopolitan ; very lib eral commissions ; write for particulars The Weekly Bee , Omaha. C M820 WA'NTED , lady agents In Omaha and sur roundlpg towns to sejl Preventlno .ant Preventive Douche Syringe ; best remed : known for women. Call and consult o\ii physicians or address , In confidence. Pre vcntlno Medical Co. . 316 Ramgo block Omaha , Neb. Telephone 2270. . . . . i. . . iC M738 J26 WANTED , 100 girl * . 1524 Dodge. Tel. 876 C-M227 WANTED , ladles to handle medicines n home ; big money to right parties ; PX climlvo territory given ; for particulars address Dr. D. Duncan Son & Co. , 117 S California Ave. , Chicago , III. C M226 13 GIRL Wanted , Mrs. H. D. Neely , 4371 Ham llton street. C-367 12 GOOD girl for housework. 315 N. 20th. . , . v C-M396 GOOD girl for general housework. Mrs Hayes , 2016 Lake. C M403 13 WANTED , girl for general housework work light ; good wages. 201 S. 36th st. C M411 14 * GIRL for general housework. 1514 Yate street : take Sherman avenue car. C 423 14 * WANTED , girl for general houseworj small family. Inquire 3002 Mason St. C M425 15 FOR RENT HOUSES. CHOICE houses and cottages all over ell $5 to $75. Fidelity , 1st floor. N. Y. Life. D-855 HOUSES. Benewa A Co. , 103 N. 15th S 4 D-836 ALWAYS moving household goods ar pianos. Omaha Van & Storage Co. . 1511 Farnam. Tel. , 1559. D S58 HOUSES , stores. Bomls , Paxton bloc D-S37 HOUSES. Chas.'E. ' Benson , 310 Ramce bid D-M782 J13 * 7-ROOM house , bath , $14.00. 314 First Ni tlonal Bank bid.- . D 861 THE "Normandlo" nnd "Wlnona" apar ment houses a'ro no\v open for Inspectloi beautiful fiats , steam heated , with shade ranges , telephone , polished hard-wo < floors , walls decorated In colors to su tenant * , janitor services free ; strict first-class ; references required. Fldell Trust Co. , agents , N. Y. Life Bldg. D-MS6 ! 1802 OHIO St. , 9-room house , all moder \ \ except furnace : large barn. Fidelity. 1 floor. N. Y. Life. plset MAGGARD'S Van and Storage , llfi N. 15t Tol. 1498. D-M68I FOR RTCNT. 8-room houso. No. 618 S. 17 St. , 2 % squares from court house. Ci at room 300. City Hall. D 301 FOR RENT , excellent 7-room cottage. ! : California street ; reduced rental to chol tenant untilspring.Inquire 60S N. Y. LI or 97 N. I9fch St. D-MCSi FOR -RENT , houses in all parts of ell The O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam St. D-41 ; HOUSES for rent ; a specialty made / > looklnir after property of non-resldcn J. H. Sherwood. 423 N. Y. Life. D-75 BTEAM heated store and flats. Howa Ranck , Agt. , 1610 Chicago St. * D-904-J2 FOR RENT S-room furnished house In { change for room and board. F. D. Wet real estata agency , 16th and Douglas. D-811-J-2 HOUSES.stores. . Robblns , 180 ? Farno D-79 SEVERAL. Inq. 601 Bee Bldg. D-M21 FOR RENT , 10-room modern house a barn on 27th ave. : desirable premises $3) t steam-heated rooms In Davldgo bid ? . , < posito city hall , John W. Robblns , 1802 Farnam st , D-M1 ! 8-ROOM dwelling , modern , 2012 N 28th 8 8-room brick dwelling , modern , 3818 Han ton St. 12-room brick dwelling , modern , 614 N. 23d 10-room brick dwelling , modern , 616 N. 23d Chai. E. Bensou. 310 Ramge Bldg. D M:66-l < TWO seven-room flats at 617-619 So. 1 street. C. G. Powell , Potten-Sholes C 810 Now York Life. D 421 1 7 ROOMS , modern : . .Iso 5-room house , 1 location. Lyman Waterman , 822 N. Y. I building. D 420 l : FURNISHED house eight room * , "mode Ull Madlion Av . D-M424 II FOR RENT-HOUSE * . ( Continued. ) FOR RENT. 6-room house , entirely modern ; will put In good condition ; rent. $30.00 per month , 1017 S. COth Ave. Omaha Loan and Trust Company , 16th and Douglas. D-MI36 FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS. THREE- nice rooms , housekeeping. 1112 So. llth St. E-661 ROOMS for gentlemen , rcf. req. 1701 Cap Ave E-905-J-29 * - - - THREE furnished rooms for housekeeping ; man nnd wife ; rent taken In board. 319 N. 17th. E 154 PLEASANT furnished rooms. 52 8. 26 ave. E-M179 F4 ROOMS , modern , $1.60 up. 614 North 19th. B-M162 F3 _ PLEASANT south front , bay window room , every convenience ; reasonable. 2224 Farnam E 233-13 ROOMS for gentlemen. Rcf. req. 2005 Burl. E-M310 F7 FURNISHED rooms , with heat , for gentle men. Apply 411 N. 17th st. E-M331 F7 FURNISHED room * ; modern. 2578 Harney. E-M3S3 13 FURNISHED room. 1913 Douglas. E-M406 13 * ROOMS , reasonable. 2534 Harney. E-M40S 18 * FURNISHED room , $3. 1910 Farnam. E 417 14 * FOR RENT Light housekeeping , 3 rqoms ; furnished or unfurnished. 2129 Farnam , 2d floor. E 413 14 FURNISHED ROOMS AND HOARD. THE MERRIAM. first Mass family hotel , 23th and Dodge Sts. F-865 THE CAPITOL , 1722 Capitol Avenue. F-M632 J19 NICELY furnished rooms , steam heat , free bath. $1.60 per week nnd up. Klondike hotel , 16th and Webster Sts. F M866 LANGE HOTEL. 604 S. 13 : best family hotel in city ; modern ; steam heat. F 477 J14 BOARD and room , $1.50 up ; steam heat. Prague Hotel. 13th and Williams.F F M502 Board & room , $3.60. Mr. Jess , 1718 Williams. F M501 J16 * UTOPIA. 1721 Davenport St. F-232-13 * FRONT room suitable for two. 2019 Cali fornia St. F-M433 19 * SOUTHEAST front room ; modern con veniences ; private family. 702 8. 29th St. F M43117 * FOR RENT UNFURNISHED ROOMS. FOR gentlemen , walking distance , neai Farnam car , modern. I 38 , Bee. G-M228 ROOMS for light housekeeping : modem conveniences. 702 S. 17th. G 335-16 * FLAT. 5-r. , mod. , walking dlst. , private bath , light , heat , Farnam car. L 2. Bee G-M212 THREE unfurnished rooms. 718 N. 19th. G M375 17 * 5-R. FLATS , $10.00. Inq. 604 Bee bid * . G-M392 FOR RENT STORES AND OFFICES. 3-STORY and basement brick store build Ing , 1005 Farnam. 22x100. Inquire 314 Firs National Bank Building. I-MS67 WHOLESALE store and warehouse ; track age ; excellent shipping facilities. C. E Benson , 310 Ramge Bldg. I M270 F7 FOR RENT , brick store building , sultnbli for general stock , on corner Main st Address Thos. Thomson , Rlverton. la. I M331 13 * AGENTS WANTED. DR. SPRINGSTEEN'S M. R. Remedies fo wonu-tr ; Omaha testimonials ; nurses' reg later here. Springsteen Med. Co. . Brand office. 723 N. Y. L. Building. J-626 J16 * WANTED TO RENT. TWO connecting second floor front room ; nnd board for 3 persons ; state terms. L 24 Bee. K M409 14 1 OR 2 unfurnished rooms with heat. L 2 ! Bee" K M427 13 * STORAGE. PACIFIC Storage.and Warehouse Co. , 90S 910 Jones , general storage and forwarding 869 OM. Van & Storage. 151U4 Farnam. Tel. 155 ! 870 WANTED-TO BUY. IF YOU are In aeed of anything try th Want Columns of The Bee ; they wl bring you what you want. N 867 OMAHA school and city warrants wantei R. C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'l bank bldi N 871 BEST and cheapest stoves nnd furnltui sold at small profits ; highest prices pal for good gooas. D. Brodkey , 110 S. 14tl N 446 HIGHEST prices paid for all kinds < household goods. Lewis. 104 S. 14th. N M702 J23 SECOND hand safe for cash. 114 So. 1311 N 872 J21 WANTED , for cash , stocks of merchai disc. $3,000 to $10.000 ; correspondence coi fldcntlal. Lock Box 28 , Maltland. Mo. N-M846 J29 * ETAMP collections bought , sold. Mortenso 404 N. 16. N-M163 F3 ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc in large or small quantities' ' . Chicago Fui nlture Co. . tel. 2020 , 1406-8-10 Dodge. N-M1S7 F4 LARGE or small lots 2nd hand furnltur highest price paid. Transmlnslsslp Storey 16th & Davenport. N M465 J14 HOUSE and lot near Lake school. Addre L 30 , Bee. N-M429 14 < FOR SALE-FURNITURE. VISIT our new location , we have a cor plete stock of second hand furnltur stoves , etc. , cheap. J. Lewis , 104 S. lit 0-703-J23 FOR SALE. Furniture of house of 8 roor on N. 24th street , adjoining exposltl < grounds ; everything In good order ; hou for rent. W. T. Graham , Bee Bldg. 0-374 H FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. of SAWDUST , hardwood , cribbing and hi fence at lowest prices , 901 Douglas St Q-87 : rd SHERWIN-Wllllams Co. mixed paints She man & McConnell Drug Co. , 1513 Dodge ! Q-87I xB. . HAAS. Florist. 1813 Vlnton St. , Tel. 71 d , plants , cut flowers , bouquets , hall , rei dence , . wedding and grave decoration orders by mall or express promptly flllt Q-87 m. j HOG. poultry and lawn fences ; all wire ; " ' . . VT - 1n'l . n Worku , 11 > l o H T.In.nA I id FOR SALE , ten R.I.P.A.N.8 for 6 cents. " at druggists ; ono elves relief. Q 87 p- 2ND-hand safe cheap. Derlght , 1116 Farnn Q-M66 ind-hand brick machinery , nft or stlH m Castings. . K. Llvesy , 2813 Capitol AI Q-M647 J2 St SECOND-hand safe cheap. 114 So. 13th St Q-671 J2 FOR SALE , secondhand piano. 1007 29th St. Q-J79 15 Ith OVER 600 OF OUR INCUBATORS we successfully used last season ; low prlc < send for our book on Incubation and po ino try raising. SURE HATCH INCUBAT ( Ifo CO. , Clay Center , Neb. Q-M1S5 29 i * BRICK machinery , engine , boilers , drye rn. i etc. Wm. J. Welshans , J9 So. 17th E > I Omaha. Q-M3051 FOR HALE-MISCELLANEOUS. ( Continued. HARDMAN pianos. 211 8. IS. Davldge htk. Q-.M320 F7 $133 buys flno Hardman upright piano ; easy payments , Address L 17 , Bee office. Q-M363 F9 BOD INGERSOLL'S lectures complete , bound In cloth , price , $1.00. Address , B. Michel , 1308 N. 13th st. , St. Louis , Mo. Q-M410 15 * 8TEREOPTICON and magic lantern outfits for public and private entertainments ; slides Illustrating nil subjects ; half price ; phonographs , gruphophoncs and records ; animated picture machines wanted ; outfits bought and ( old ; send for bargain list of ! second-hand and new outfits. Richards & Birch , 200 Nlcollet Avenue , Minneapolis , Minn. Q-M430 15 * MISCELLANEOUS. SKATES sharpened , 15c. Om. Bicycle Co , R-739 NOTICE to country dealers : Second-hand furniture and stoves sold at lowest prices by carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture Co. , 1406-S 10 Dodge. R-196 F5 CLAIRVOYANTS. UME. Gyimor , genuine palmist , 1C05 Dodge. S-M15S F3 MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant. 817 N. 16th. S M442 VIENNA fortune teller , 18 years here. 1411 Howard. S-M461 GO nnd sse the greatest of all Mrs. Dr. Stanley the noted English palmist and clairvoyant , nt 1703 Dodge St. See her big advertisement with her portrait In Sunday's Bee. 8 M320 15 SPIRITUALISM : Annie Wagner Gillette , spiritual medium ; private consultations ; letters answered. 411 N. 19th St. S-370 12 EDNA E. LONG , the spiritual medium , can bo consulted dally on nil affairs of life at her res. , 807 No. 20th. She will hold another materializing flower seance , which Is the highest phase of medium- ship , Monday evening , Jan. ICth. S-M572 J17 MASSAGE , OATHS , ETC. MMH. AMES , R. 6 , 607 S. 13 : massage baths ; attendant. T 486 J16 * MRS. DR. LEON , electric massage bath parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. llth , upstairs. T-562-J17 CABINET baths and massage. 1411 Howard T-MS33-J29 MAY WILSON , marsage. baths. 302 N. 16. R. 15. T M169 F3 * MME. SMITH , Room 2 , 118 % N. 15th St. T-M313 14 * THERMAL Baths , magnetic and electric treatment ; massage. 201 8. 13th ; 2nd floor , front room. T 389 F10 * PERSONAL. VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 316 Bee Bids. U-879. PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during confinement ; babies adopted ; ex > - perlenced physicians in attendance. 113C N. 17th St. . Omaha. U 830. MASSAGE , electric and magnetic baths , Now Hygienic Institute , 220 Bee Bldg , ; Tel. 1716. U-881. BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 319 % S. 16th , U 882. RUPTURE cured , Empire Rupture Cure , 932 N. Y. Life , building , Omaha ; circulars sent. U-883. LEIBEN , costumer , 1313 Howard : cata logues sent. U 487. LADIES , send 4 cents in stamps for oui book and find out all about yourself ; ex plains everything fully. Preventive Medi cine Co. , 316 Ramge Blk. , Omaha , Neb. U 671-J17 HEALTHALL breakfast food ; best , cheap'i U M636-J19 BOOKBINDING Burkley Printing Co. U 678. DR. ROY , chiropodist : corns & superfluoui hair removed by electricity ; R. 12. Frenisi Blk. U 968 J-S1 UNDERGRADUATE doctors , dentists pharmacists , lawyers , soon graduated without attendance. Box 196 , Chicago. U-M107 J31 RTTTER hospital ; confinement cases taken babies adopted. 2214 Scward , Omaha. Tel 2233. U-100 MASQUERADE Suits at Sack's , 3318 8. 20th U-157 F2 LACE curtains cleaned : all work guaran teed ; references. I. Ziegler , 1808 California U-975-F-3 * TAPE worms removed , head and tall without detention from business. For In formation wrlto L. W. Wight , Florence Neb. U M213 13 * $25 REWARD for recovery of body o James Hart , drowned In Missouri rive Dec. 26. River papers please copy. Johi Hart , 1028 So. 19th. U M2S4 15 * SUPERFLUOUS hair , wrinkles , melee warts , freckles , blackheads , pimples re moved forever by electricity ; bust de velopcd ; neck , arms , cheeks made plumi Mine. Payne's halrdresslng parlors , 230 Leavenworth. Tel. 1861 U-M238 F8 $1,000 FOR stories and poem * ; send for par tlcularsi to the leading 6-ccnt magazine The Gray Goose , Cincinnati , O.U . U M398 14 * MONEY TO LOAN REAL ESTATE. ' ' WANTED , choice farm and city loans. 1 C. Peters & Co. . U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg. W 884. $100000.00 special fund to loan on first-cine improved Omaha property , or for bulldln purposes. Fidelity Trust Company. i , W-8S5. 6 % PER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton bll \V 8S6. 6 PER CENT city and farm loans. Garvl Bros. , 1613 Farnam St. W 887. H.OOO AND upwards to loan on Improve property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 13 ! Farnam St. W-888. MORTGAGES. Wallace , 213 Brown blocl W 889 MONEY to loan on improved Omaha rei estate. Brennan-Love Co. . 219 So. 16th. W-S90. WRITE us If you want a loan on yet farm In Iowa , eastern Nebraska or Ml ! sourl , it will pay you. Anthony Loan , Trust Co. , 315 IY. . Life. W-S92. $100 AND up. F. D. Wead , 16th and DougU W-893. MONEY to loan on Nebraska nnd low farms ; lowest rates. Brennan-Love Co 219 8. 16th. , Omaha. W M427. $50,000,000 CHEAP money for Investmen agents wanted. Investors lists for sal Investors Directory. N. Y. W-S91 $7CO for 6 months. 601 Bee Bldg. W M37.8 r- It. MONBY TO LOAN CHATTELS. $10 TO $10,000 TO LOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PL NOS. HORSES. WAGONS AND CAI RIAGES. WAREHOUSE RECEIPT etc. , at lowest rates In Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluff No removal of goods ; strictly confidents is you can pay the loan off at any time i in any amounts. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. . 306 SOUTH 1STH STREET. THE OLDEST. LARGEST AND ONL INCORPORATED LOAN COMPANY I OMAHA. X-S94 , LOANS MADE TO SALARIED PEOPI. HOLDING PERMANENT POBITIO. ON THEIR PERSONAL NOTE WIT1 OUT INDORSEMENT : LOW RATE EASY PAYMENTS. ROOM 119. BOAI1 OF TRADE BLDO. . 16TH AND FA ] NAM STS. TEL. 2293. X MS9J MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture. Je' ' elry , horses , cows , etc. C. F. Rcej.319 _ 8. _ V"IiI8 > r re MONEY LOANED SALARIED PEOPI d ; holding permanent positions with respa ilslble concern * upon their own name , wit out security : easy payments. Tolman. 706. N. Y. Lite Bldg. X-i > 9 DIAMOND loan office , 1315 Douglas ; urn t. , i deemed diamond * , watches , etc. sold che I X 69 MONEY TO LOAN CHATTELS. _ _ _ _ _ . I ( Continued. ) SIDNEY loaned on furniture , plnnos , hor. cs , cows , Jewelry. Duff Green , r. 8 , Barker blk. X-931 TO Loan , $400.00 In sums to suit ; business private. Address K 62 , Bee office.X X 153 uusiNEss CHANCES. MEAT market for snle ; only ono In town connected with a packing house ; right place for a live man. 8. W. Davis , Nlo- brara , Neb. Y-M393 14 $250 CASH buys paying weekly newspaper In small central Iowa town. AiUlrc-B L 25. Bee. Y-M339 15 * WANTED , competent old school physician as partner In reputable , well established specialty business In Omaha ; must be temperate and modest enough to admit that he does not know too much ; this Is no fake ; reasonable terms to right party. Address L 22 , Omaha Boo. Y M403 18 FURNITURE and lease of a GO-room hotel , center of Omaha , cheap ; will take small stock of general merchandise as part pay ; must be sold quick. Address 712 N. Y. Llfo Bldg. Y M434 15 FOR EXCHANGE. NICE home , R. R. town , easy reach of Omaha , cost $1,700 4 years ago , rented $10 , to trade for business In Omaha , gro ceries preferred. $0 acres clear , Franklin county , for house and lot In Omaha : will assume. George O. Wallace , 313 J. J. Drown blk. . Z-387 14 FOU SALE REAL ESTATE. HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the time to dispose of them ; let the people know that you want to dispose of them. The Bee reaches the. people who have the money. UE SCO BARGAINS In houses , lots , farms ; sale or trade. J. N. Frcnzer , opposite old P. O. RE-925 'IOU8ES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also fire Insurance. Bemls , Paxton Block. RE 928 9-nOOM modern house. Inquire 4032 Izard. RE-M5S7 HERE Is a phenomenal bargain 2 lots , 33 ft. front by the usual depth on 22d st. , near Clark , east front , on grade , for $350. These lots are within walking distance of the U. P. and Mo. Pacific shops and rail way tracks , P. O , , depots , etc. They originally sold for $1,500 each. The owner must have money and instructs us to sell them at once for $550 each , $50 cash and $10 per month. We will furnish the money for building on either of these lots to a purchaser. Fidelity Trust Co. , New York Life. RE-M927 RESIDENCE and 3 brick flats , 20th & Web ster. $15,000. Pays 10 per cent net. R. 16 , Patterson Blk. RE-545 J19 LOGAN valley farm lands. W. II. Clem ents , Lyons , Neb. RE M922 J30 $3,760 BUYS most sightly corner , 95x120 , on West Farnam ; $ $50 buys large lot with trees , 30th and Webster ; $1,000 buys 4 acres near car line. R. 16 , Patterson blk. RE-M565 40 ACRES on paved st. , with trackage , $122 , per acre. R. 16 , Patterson Blk. f RE-211 F5 MORTGAGE sale of real estate , at Mai- vern , Iowa , on Saturday , Jan. 21st , 1S99 the 2-story brick double-storeroom and opera hall known as the Paddock build' Ing , on easy terms.Korti particulars ad dress J. D. Paddock , Malvern , Iowa. .1 i RE MS59 19 * FARM for sale , 1,400 acres central Kansas 600 tn crop , balance fenced and let foi pasture ; abundance of running sprint water ; six miles from R. R. ; easy terms 1517 Douglas St. , A. D. Morse. RE M383 13 * HOMES to suit all In beautiful Clifton Htl at prices that defy competition. Omahi Saving bank accounts taken at full value A. P. Tukey , Board of Trade. RE 416 RESIDENCE , north of Hanscom park , cos about $10.000.00. for $5,000.00 If sold In next days. F. D. Wead , 16th and Douglas Sts RE 415-14 HAVE Mid nearly everything I have re cently advertised. Hero are some tha will sell also : 6-r. pottage , 19th and Leavenworth , $1,350. B-r. cottage , Slit and California , $925. 6r. cottage , 16th and Sahler , $700. 8-r , Capitol ave. , E. of 16th. 33 feet , $3,000. 4 ft. on Howard St. , $8,800. F. D. Wead , 16th and Douglas Sts.RE RE 414 14 FOR RENT Furnished eight-room houst strictly modern , best resldenca portion ol West Farnam St. Address L 27 , Bee offic < D-418 1 ACRE , two good houses , good barn , 3401 Other proprty at half price. Lyman Wai erman , 822 N. Y. Life. RE 419 13 * LOTS , Meredith , bet. 27th and 2Sth , $350. Lots. Templeton , bet. 27th and 24th , $ SOO. N. W. Cor. 17 & Martha , 66x188 , house , $90i 3115 Sahler , full lot , 6-r. house. $400. 66x132. 8-r. house , stable , beautiful locatlot 6 blocks from P. O. , great bargain , enl 3,500. George G. Wallace , 313 J. J. Brown Blk. RE-3S6 14 FOR SALE or trade , 480 acres good vnllo land In Hooker Co. , Neb. , 6 miles froi railroad ; will sell on easy terms. Addrct J. J. Steen , 2423 Blnney St. , Omaha. Neb. RE M428 26 * MEDICAL. RUPTURE CURED. Emnlro Rupture Cur 932 N. Y. Life building , Omaha ; circular sent. f-28 ALL women who can't ratsr > family shoul consult the renowned German speclalls Dr. Pries , 1513 Dodge St. Letters 2 cent 166-F3 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent , $1 00 per mur.H The Smith-Premier Typewriter ' . .a. ' , K Farnam St. ; telephone , 1231. S20 WE rent and sell the best typewrite ] made ; largest stock of supplies In iiniahi United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Fai nam. . 930 TYPEWRITER ; might buy. L 15 , Bee. 349 TYPEWRITER ; might buy. L 15 , Hoe. N-349 SHORTHAND AND TYPEWRITING. VANSANT'S school , 717 N. Y. Life. Nlgl school from Sept. 20. 932 AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & DouKla 933 BOYLES' school , court reporter tcache will assist young men and women to eai board while in attendance , if desired. Bi Bldg. 934 DANCING SCHOOLS. MR. AND MRS. MORAND'S. 1510 Harne private and class Icsrons ; assembll Wednesdays , 8:30 : p. m. ; 25c. Call f terms. Always open. 508 Jll IW. . E. CHAMBERS. Crelghton Theat. Bid New adult and Children classes formln Private lessons. Theatricals coache Hall rented on disengaged dates.M789 -M789 J21 IMPERIAL Dancing School , Wm. Mathei instructor : terms reasonable ; late dances. Imperial Hall , 1313 Howard. 372F9 < TURKISH OATHS. NEW , central , absolutely modern ; scpara and exclusive department for ladles ; e perle-nced lady masseuse attendant ; bat Me : 12 batha for $5 ; open all night. 107 14th , T l. 1WL -M93I PAWNHROKEIlil. EAGLE loan olllce. 1211 Douglas ; oldest es tablished , most reliable , accommodating ; business confidential ; gelling $ IOWO stock unredeemed diamonds ; big bargains. 937 MONUY 'oaned nt S per cent. B. Wolf. 620 B. 10th. 260 LOST. LOST , Llewellyn setter ; bitch pup ; 5 mo. old : black anil while. Return or address ISIS N. 26th street. Reward. Lost-SSS 12 * LOST , St. Bernard dog. name Rex , no col lar ; return or Advise Goo. H. Lyons. 2223 Farnam , receive reward. Lost M412 13 * LOST , Dark brown horse- and 3-splng buggy : horse , weighs between 1,000 and 1,100 His. , has very small white spot on forehead and ono white hind foot ; buggy has 3 yellow wheels and left hlmt wheel red : box marked "Cor. 24th and N BIB. , South Omaha. " Reward on return to IV. F. Hlveley , South Omaha. Ixt 422 AUCTION. J. R. MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers , room 619 , Paxton block , want your auction sales of real estate .merchandise , furniture , llvo stock , ate. 935 TAILORING. MAX FOGEL cleans , alters , repairs ladles' Jackets. 307 S. 17th. N 55S-J17 STAMMERING AND STUTTERING. SCHOOL for cure of these detects. Julia B. Vaughan 306 N. Y. Life bltlg. 652 FOR the cure of stammering call on E. C. Newcomb , 22 Frenzer blk. MS48 J29 FENCING AND 11OXINO. ACADEMY at 1212 Farnam : reduced rates ; send for circular. Col. Monstery.4C2J14 4C2-J14 HALLS FOR RENT. IMPERIAL Hall newly remodeled through out , to lodges , balls , etc. Address Im perial Hall , 1313 Howard. 373-F9 * MIRROR FACTORY. DAMAGED looking glasses rcsllvered. 703 N. 16th. 936 JOE , tha Glazier. 1519 Dodge. Tel. 1177 , ' ' MS2 J28 EPPERLY CORSETS. ROOM 7 , Crelghton Blk. , 15th and Douglas. 977- WANTKU TO BORROW. ? ARTY of high standing wishes to borrow $4,500 on nicely Improved Inside property , worth $12,000. L 16 , Bee. M363 19 * SCHOOL OF LANGUAGE. FRENCH , German. Spanish , $3 per month. Prof. Chatelaln , 301 Boyd theater. M 122 VIOLINS REPAIRED. C. A. CASE , violins repaired. 416 Sheely blk. 326 F b-14 MATTRESS RENOVATING. M. 8. WALKIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331. 941 COAL. COAL , S. G. Hoff , 322 N. 16th. Tel 1317. M S15-J2S * HARDWOOD LUMIIER. OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co. , oak , hick ory , ash , cypress , poplar , etc. , 13th & Calif. 93S PIANO FACTORY. OLD pianos overhauled , secondhand pianos always on hand. C , Sommer , 321 So. 10th. 942 HOTELS. TRY the Henderson Hotel ; board and room , $1.00 per week ; gas , steam heat and baths. Ninth and Farnam Sta. V 940 ELOCUTION. ELLA DAY , Ramgo Bldg. , 15 and Harney. 16S J19 FOR RENT ACRES. 65 ACRES near town. 604 Bee bldg. 350 NICKELPLATING. EXPO. meds. gold and sllverplatcd. 1302 Farnam. M435 OSTEOPATHY. GID. E JOHNSON-ALICE JOHNSON , os teopaths ; graduates Klrksvllle , Mo. Office suite , 515 New York Life Building. i M432 GOVERNMENT NOTICE. Chief Quartermaster's Office , Omaha , Neb. , December 24 , 1893. Sealed proposals , In triplicate , will bo re- celvod here and at offices of quartermas ters at stations named until 1 o'clock p. in. central time , January 16 , 1899 , for furnishing fuel , forage and straw during the flsca year ending June 30 , 1899. at Omaha Q. M. . Dspot , Fort Robinson , Neb. , Fort Leaven- worth. Kan. , and Fort Reno , Okla. Pro. pcsals for delivery at otncr points will b ( entertained. U. S. reserves right to rejeci or accept any or all proposals , or any pan thereof. Information furnished on appllca' tlon here , or to quartermasters of station ! namd. Envelopes containing : proposals t < be marked "Proposals for , " and ad dressed to the undersigned or quartermasters ters at stations above named. JOHN BAX TER. Jr. , Acting Chief Q. M. J4-6-6-7 and 13-14. RAILWAY TM1H CAHD. BURLINGTON & MIS sourl River Rallroad- iBuilingtrini "The Burlington Route' General Offices , N. W Corner Tenth and Far nam Streets. Tlckei Office , 1502 Farnarr Street , Telephone , 250 Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tele phone , 128. Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , Hasting * and McCouk a 8:85 : am a 7:40 : pn Lincoln , Denver. Color ado , Utah , California , Lincoln , Black Hills , Montana & Puget Sound a4:25pm : a3:55pn : Lincoln Loral a 7:00 : pm alO:35an : Lincoln Fast Mall a 3:00 : pin alO:3San : Denver , Colorado , Utah , California & Puget Sound . .11:50 : pm a 6:30 : an a Dally , b Dally Excent Sunday. KANSAS CITY , ST. JO wjih & Council Bluff Railroad "Tho Burling ton Route" Ticket Office 1502 Farnam Street. Tel ephone , 250. Depot. Tentl and Mason Streets. Tel ephone , 12K. Leave. Arrive , Kansas City Day Ex..a 9:25 : am a 5:45 : pr Kansas City Night Ex.alO:15 pm a 6:30 ar "Expo. Flyer for St. Joseph and Ht. Louis.a 4:53 : pm all:30 : ar a Dally. -HICAGO , BURLINGTOI i Qulncy Railroad "Th Burllngt'n Route" Tlcke onico , 1502 Farnam 81 Tel. 230. Depot , Tenth t Mason Streets. Tele phone , 128. . Leave. Arrive , rj I Davl'ght ' Chicago Spe- ,3 clal a 6:40 : am all:50 : pt ir Chicago Vestlbuled Ex..a 6:05 pm a8:05ai : Chicago Express a 9:25 : am a 4:00 : pi - Chicago & St. L. Ex..a 7:45 : pm a8:05ai : s. Pacific Junction Local..alO:43 : am a 5:45 : pi n. Fast Mall i-y-V U2B : ° P' il , a Dally , b Dally Except Sunday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFI Railroad General Officei United States Natlom UanK Building. S. W. Cornc Twelfth and Farnam Htree .Icket Office. 1401 Farnam Street. Tcl < phone , 561. Depot , Tenth and Mason Street , Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive EIoux City , Monkato , St. te Paul. Minneapolis . . . .a 5:55 : am a 8:10 : ai itSt. . Paul , Minneapolis , is Mankato & SlouxClty.a 6:25 : pm all:00 : pi 8. Sioux City Local a 7:45 : ara a 8 ; % pi a Dally. RAILWAY TIME CARD , ( Continued. ) CHICAGO k NORTHWEST , crn Railway-City Ticket Olllce. 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone , 661. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive. Daylight Chicago Spc- clal nC:40am : all:55pm : Mo. Valley , Sioux City , St. Paul & Minneapo lis aRMnm : nll:00pm : Mo. Valley. Sioux Clty..a 7MS am n 9:10 : pm Carroll Local b 5:25 : pin blOilOam Knstfrn Expres * . DCS Molncs. Mnrshalltown , Cedar Rapids and Chicago cage , all:05am : n 4 05pm Atinntlc Tiyer , Chicago and East a4:55pm : ft 4:03 : pm Fast Mall , Chicago to Omaha n 2:45 : pm Northern Expresi a 5:23 : pm aSHOain Omahn-chlcago Special.a 7:05 : pm a 8:15 : am Fiutt Mall 8:45 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. I FREMONT. ELKHORN & Missouri Valley Railway- General Olfices. United States National Bank Bldg , Southwest Corner Twelfth and Farnam Streets. Ticket Ofilce , 1401 Street. Telephone , 6 < il. Depot , 15th and Webster Streets. Telephone , 1458. Black Hills , Deadwood , Hot Springs a 3:00 : pm a6:00pm : Wyoming , Casper and Douglas d3:00pm : d6:00pm : Hastings , York , David City , Superior , Geneva. Exeter and 8cward..b 3:00pm : b5:00pm : Norfolk , Verdlgre and Fremont b7:30am : blO:45am : Lincoln , Wnhoo and Fremont b730am ; blO:45am : Fremont Local i c 7:30 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sundav. c Sun day only , d Dally except Saturday. 1 CHICAGO. ST. PAUL , MIX- ncapolls & Omnha Railway General Offices , Nebraska Di vision , 15th and Webster Sts. Cltv Ticket Office. 1401 Far nam St. Telephone. 661. Depot , 15th and Webster Sts. Telephone , 1458. Leave. Arrive. Norfolk Passinger n.0:00am : a7:00pm : Blair , Emerson , Sioux City , Poncn , Hartlng- ton and Bloomlleld..b 1:00 : pm bll:55am : No. 2 , Twin City LTiL.a 6:15 : pm No. l , Omaha Limited. . a 9:10 : am a Dally , b Dally except Sunday. UNIONPACIFIC--THEOVER- lanJ Route" General Offices , N , E. Cor. , Ninth & Farnam Streets. City Ticket Office. 1303 Farnam Street. Telephone , 316. Depot , Tenth mid Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive. "Tho Overland Limited" for UtRh , Idaho , Mon tana , California , Ore- Ron and Washington points a 8:50 : am a4:45pm : The Colorado Special For Denver and all Colorado points all:63 : pm a 6:40 : am Pacific Express for Denvar , Salt Lake , Pacific coast and all western points a4:35pm : a 6:40 : am Lincoln , Beatrice and Stromsburg Ex b 4:33 : pm bl2:20pm : Fremont , Columbus , Nor folk , Grand Island and North Platte a 4.35 pm b 4:45 : pm Columbus Local b5:30pm : b2:20pm : North Platte Local a 6:15 : pm South Omaha Local Pass Leaves , 6:15 : a. m.j 7:00 : a. m. ; 10:10 : a. m. ; 3:06 : p. in. Ar- rlvts , 10:45 : a. m. ; 3:15 : p. m. ; 4:15 : p. m. ; 6 p. m. Council Bluffs Local Leaves , 5:5a : a. m. ; 6:40 : : a. m. ; 6:50 : a. m. ; 7:40 : n. m. ; b 10:45 : a. m.12SO ; : p. m. ; 2:15 : p. m. ; 4:35 : p. m. ; 4:65 : p. m. ; 6:25 : p. m. ; 6:55 : p. m. ; 6:20 : p. m. ; 8:20 : p. m. ; 10:30 : p. m. Arrives , 6:33 : a. m. ; 7:20 : a. m. ; 8:15 : a. m ; 8:45 : a. m. ; 11:30 : a. m. ; 3:05 : p m. ; 4:05 : p. m.6l5 ; : p. m.5:30 ; : p. m. ; 5:55 : p. m. ; 6:30 : p. m. ; 9:03 : p. m. ; 11:00 : p. m. ; 11:55 : p. m. CHICAGO. ROCK ISLAND & Pacific Railroad "The Great Rock Island Route. " City Ticket Office. 1323 Farnnm Street. Telephone. 428. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive. DCS Molncs Local b 7:15 : am bll:25am : Chicago Express bll:15am : a 8:00am : Chicago Fast Express.a 5:00 : pm al:25pm : St Paul Fast Express..a 6:00 : pm bll:2iam : Lincoln , Colorado Bpgs. Denver , Pueblo and West al:30pm : a4:25pm : DCSMolnes , Rock Isl and and Chicago a 7:15 : pm a8:50pm : Colorado Flyer a6:40pm : a 8:60am : a Dally , b Dally Except Sunday. OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAILroad - [ paai road Omaha , Kansas City & ABZUU8 . Eastern Railroad "The Port Arthur Route" Ticket Otllce , 1415 Farnam Street. Tele phone. 322. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis Cannon Ball Express a 4:50 : pm all:30 : an Kansas City & Qulncy Local a 6:60 : am a 9:05 : pm a' Dally. MISSOURI PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Offices and Ticket Offices , Southeast Cor ner 14th and Douglas Sts Telephone. 101. Depot , 16tli and Webster Sts. Telephone , 1438. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis-Kansas & Neb. Limited a 3:00 : pm a2:55 : prr K. C. St. L. Express..a 9:50 : pm a 6:00 : an Nebraska Local via Weeping Water b 6:00 : pm b9:45 : an a Dally , b Dally Except Sunday. W A n A S H RAILROAD- Tlckat Office. 1415 Farnan Street. Telephone , S92. De . Tenth and Masai got. . Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive. St. Louis "Canon Ball" Express a 4:60 : pm all:30 : an CHICAGO , MILWAUKEE ( St. Paul Railway Clt ] Ticket Office , 1504 Farnan Street. Telephone. 284. De pot. Tenth and Mason Sta Telephone , 629. Leave. Arrive , Chicago Limited Ex a 6:45 : pm a 8:20 : an Chicago & Omaha Ex..bll:00am : b4:00pn : Sioux City & DBS Molncs Express bll:00am : b4:00pn : a Daily , b Dally Except Sunday. SUPREME COURT SYLLABI. 8560. McGavock against Morton. Re versed. Error from Douglas county. Ir vine , C. A concurrence of minds It essential to th creation of a contract , unless lu cases o estoppel. 2. Therefore a written Instrument slgnc by ono party with the Intention that th other shall later sign It. which is change In any manner altering its legal effect , an by that other signed In its altered con dltlon , docs not become binding on th former unless he learn of and ratify th change ; and this , although the alteratlo bo made by a stranger. 8568. Davis against First National Ban of Grlnnell. Itoversed. Error from Gag county. Ryan , C. All material allegations of new matte contained In an answer are admitted an must bo taken as true If no reply Is mad to them ; following National Lumber Con pany against Ashby , 41 Neb. 292. 8581. Brown against Hartman. Reverse ) Error from Otoe county. Norval. J. Whore a ded Is delivered to the grantt by the grantor. It at once becomes oporath as a conveyance , If such was the Intcntlo of the parties- , even though the Instrumsi was not to bo recorded during the llfetlrr of the grantor. 2. The destruction of a deed , after II delivery , does not divest the title of tr grantee. 3. The surrender of an unrecorded dec by the Kronteo to the grantor will not n invest the title in the latter. 4. The findings and Judgment are not su ] ported by the evidence. 9977 , Bradley against Slater. Afllrmei Error from Douglas county. Ragan , C. An assignment In a petition In err < "errors of law occurring at the trial , pri sents nothing to this court for review. 2. The rule is that a litigant dlssatlsflf with a. ruling of a district court may hn\ that ruling reviewed here by filing with tl clerk of this court In a proper time with proper record a petition in error speclllcal alleging what the court did or omitted i do. of which complaint Is made , 9870. Brownell against Fuller. Reverse Error from Saunders county. Ryan , C. In on action of replevin where plalntl was In possession of the personal proper In dispute at the time of the trial , a jud , ment of the district court for a return < the property , or for Its value of a certo fixed sum , must be reversed where ths was no finding In the verdict with refcren < to such value. 8578. Burwell & Ord Irrigation and Ir Plement Company against Wilson. Err from Valley county. Irvine , C. In suing on a contract consisting rifc > m. ' > jui 'fwt ' . ' } : tan reciprocal proml oii to bo concurrently per formed , the plaintiff must allege cither per formance on his part or a tender of per * fornmnco before suit Is brought , 2. Whore In a contract tnero arc several uiulrrlnklnu ! " each supported by a distinct consideration , the contract la generally Hcvcrable , and suit may lu brought on onu undertaking without phoning plulntlfl'i compliance with the whole contract , S603. Darr against Mummcrt. Reversed , Error from D.iwson county. Ragnn , ( . ' . By a contract In writing t-lgnfd by A and 11 , the former agreed to sell mid convey to thf latter certain described real estate pro vided the latter made certain specified pay ments of money at certain specified times. The contract contained no agreement on the part of B to purchnso the real estate or to make the payments mentioned. Held (1) ( ) , That by the contract A gave 11 thf op tion to purchase s.ild real estate ; (2) ( ) , That B's failure to make the payments specified did nut Invest A with a cause of action ngalii't him on the contract. 2. The petition set out In the opinion and held not to state a cause of action. 10W. Yager against Exchange National Bank. Reversed. Error from Adams county. Harrison , C. J. Under the pleadings and evidence the plnlntlff for whom there was n verdict was entitled to recover. If nt all , a greater sum than was awarded him , 10139. Green against Morse. Hoverxoil. Appeal from Douglas county. Irvine , C. An adjournment of court to n subsequent day In tin term IP merely an Internilfslon , nml neither adjourns the term nor deprives tlio judges of control of the proceedings. 2. Notwithstanding such nn order the court may revoke It and reconvene before the time fixed In the order of adjournment. 3. Where the record shows nn order ad journing to n future day In the term , and judicial proceedings carried on In the In terval , It will be presumed , in favor of regu larity , that there has been a rcconvcnllon and an express or Implied vacation of the order of adjournment. 4. The rights of litigants under such clr- cumstance , who have been prejudiced by reliance upon the order of adjournment , present questions not Involved In this case. C. An action In forcible entry and detainer lies In favor of a purchaser at Judicial sale to recover possession of the premises pur chased , when the Judgment debtor was In possession at the time the judgment or de cree was rendered whorcuiuler the sale was made. C. The remedy by forcible entry and de tainer and by writ of assistance In the original cao are concurrent , and an In junction will not bo allowed to restrain the prosecution of a cnse In forcible detainer merely because the district court might pro ceed by writ of assistance . 7. A Justice of the peace or county court Is not oustoili of Jurisdiction In a forcible entry and detainer case by the mtre aver ment In that case or elsewhere that It In volves the question of title. It has Juris diction to proceed until the evidence dlfl- closes such fact. 8. A sheriff's or master's deed , executed fter confirmation of sale and before super- edeas of that order , and delivered after udgment of affirmance and filing of a man- 'ate , Is regular. 9. A pleading Is not competent evidence , In aver of the party whoso pleading it Is , of 10 fact ? averred therein. 8303. Morton against JIarvev. Reversed , rror from Douglas county. Harrison , C. J. 1. A stipulation In a , building contract , eld to embody a promise to satisfy true lalmn of laborers and parties who fur- lehed material In the performance of th ontract , also that this promise of the ontract was Included In the obligations of ho bond given to secure the fulfillment of aid contract. 2. "If a. bond In form a joint obligation slrncd by a surety on condition that thers urn to become parties to the Instru ment in the same capacity , and delivery of 'he bond occurs , without a compliance with ho condition , the Instrument Is Ineffective- s to the party who so signed It , unless the bllgee , prior to the delivery , was not no- irlsed of the condition , or the slfner , sub- equcnt to execution of the bondT waived he. condition. " Mlddleboro National Bank gainst Richards. 76 N. W. , 528. 65 Neb. 3. "If. when delivery of such a bond Is made there appears on Its face that which "Iscloses or suggests nn Infirmity or Irreg- larlty relative to one of the requisite Ignatures sufficient to cast the duty of BJI nqulry on the obllgeo , and no Investigation "ollows , the condition and Its lack of ful- lllment may bo potent matter of defense 'or ' the party who signed the bond condl- lonally In an action thereon. " Mlddleboro National Bank against Richards , supra. 4. "A surety may Insist on a compliance with the plain Import of his contract , In- iluslve In a. case like the present , of the 'ondltlon ' which accompanied his signature ; ind where the condition exacted the slgna- .uro to the Instrument of another party It will not bo patlsfied with a subsequent ntlflcntlon of the signature , which had been at the tlmo of the execution thereof written on the paper by nn unauthorized person. " Mlddleboro National Bank against Richards , supra. 5. It is error to Rive a peremptory In- tructlon and direct a verdict where of the xlstenco of facts of litigated issues there s a conflict In the evidence. 6. A court may not give an Instruction In which there Is the assumption of the exist ence of facts relative to which the evidence 9 conflicting and also submit the question f the existence of nuch facts to the Jury. 7. Where a court has given an Instruction _ n which there Is expressed the existence of certain facts or his opinion that they do exist , in a case wherein there Is n. conflict n the ovldenco relative to said facts , the irror Is not cured by submitting1 special In- .errogatorles of their establishment or thn contrary , and the further Instruction that the Jury Is not to bo Influenced In the determination of the special queries by the fact that he has given the former Instruc- lon which embodied his opinion on the subject. No. 8606. South Omnhrt Savings Bank against Levy. Affirmed. Error from Douglas county. Harrison , C. J. Joint assignments of error In a petition n error which are not good as to all per sons who Join must be overruled. No. 8619. Kllpatrlck-Koch Dry Goods Company against Rosenberger. Affirmed. Error from Douglas county. Ryan , C. Whether or not a Justice of the peace In a replevin action should , because of want of Jurisdiction , certify the same to the dls- trlst court for trial depends upon the ap praisement provided for by section 10iS , Code Civil Procedure. No. 8596. North Nebraska Fair and Driv ing Park Association against Box. Re versed. Error from Madison county. Harrison risen , C. J. 1. A pleading which states that if a settlement or adjustment of an account wan of occurrence Its effect was avoided by reason of a mistake or of fraud therein Is an admission of the fact of the pettlemant or adjustment. 2. Thn circumstances of a settlement pre sented In this action hold to Include matters of mistake or fraud sufllclent to avoid its effect against the complaining party. No. 10333. Wlgton against Smith. Re versed. Error from Madison county , Har rison. C. J. 1. A petition filed In this cause held to ba a declaration against the Individual mem bers of a firm and not ugalnst the > partner ship. Hanna against Emerson , 45 Neb. , 70S. 2. The null was Instituted against tha partnership and during Its pendency a peti tion was liled In which the suit was changed to one against the individual members of the firm. Held , that the prior pleadings wera of no further effect and tnero was an abandonment or a discontinu ance of the action agnlnitt the firm. The tlmo within which un action on the- claim might be Instituted had expired at the time of the occurrences above set forth , a sub sequent amendment of the petition to make It run against the firm was Ineffectual and the bar of the statute of limitations a forceful defense as against this last petl- Nos. 8391-8592. Huston against Canfleld. Cantlold against Canfleld. Appeal from Johnson county. Sullivan , J. 1. A quit claim deed given to secure an In- dobtness Is In legal effect a mortgage. 2. A mortgagor In possession is entitled to collect and appropriate to his own use the rents and profits of the mortgaged premises ; and this right , being transferable , will pass to hU grantee or to a subsequent mortgagee- whom possession Is sur rendered. 3. In an action to foreclose a mortgage , the district court cannot divert the rents and profits of the mortgaged promises from the tenant lawfully In possession claiming title under the mortgagor , except by the ap pointment of n receiver pursuant to the provisions of section 2C6 of the Code of Civil Proceduro. No. SG04. Edwards & Bradford Lumber Company against Rank. Reversed. Appeal from Dakota county. Norval , J. 1 , Where one purchases un engine with a view that it shall ho placed In a ( Inuring mill of which he Is the owner to propel the machinery therein , nnd he executes a chattel mortgage on such engineto secure the payment of a portion of the purchase price , ho thereby evinces his Intention that the engine shall retain Its flatus as per sonalty , even though physically attached to the freehold by such owner , and It will bs no regarded by the courts whenever the rights of Innocent third persons will not bl prejudiced. v Fliul * Thoninnd * Stnrvlnir. , NEW YORK. Jan. 12. A letter received by Stephen E. Barton , chairman of tlie Cuban Relief committee , from Mr. Warner , rccentlj sent to the Sanctl Splrltus district In Cuba , says that there are 7,631 destitute women and children In the town with 1,392 men to provide far them , more than half of whom arc too sick and weak to even 1ielp them- selvro. "The condition of the people la the little- villages and country Is even worst than in the cltjr. "