THE OMAHA DAILY 111313 : SUNDAY. JAX1TAHY 8. 1899. 1I1MIPI V t nl XTTI HPXTT t t II\P ( i MLRLLY A SENTIMENTAL IDEA Allen of Nebraska Opposes Consideration of Pensions for Confederates. BILL FOR ARMY OFFICERS' ' PAY IS PASSED \cn TITO Month * * IHtrn I'lir < < Trooim Sort Inw OutnlilP of Thli Countnnil Onr > Mnntli'n I'nj to 'I lump Here. WASHINGTON , Jan. 7. At n brief ses- Bleu of the senate today the first of the regular appropriation bills to bo reported to that Ixxl ) , the Dlitrlct of Columbia , was jngai-il. It carried n trllle over J7.000.000 nnd was passed practlcilly without debate. When the senate convened today Mr. Pas- coo of Florida presented a memorial from a tamp of confederate veterans at Ocala , 1'la. , protesting against the adoption of the prop osition of Mr. Hutkr of North Carolina to jienslon cx-cotifcdcnite soldiers , In this connection Mr. Allen of Nebraska tal.l . : "I bcllovo a word on thin subject Is duo nt this point. 1 do not bellevo there was cvpr o serious purpose on the part of the ktnator who Is the author of the pro- rosed amendment to pension confederate veterans. I think the author of the amend ment , llko the president of the United Stales , was carried away by his feelings. In my opinion altogether too much atten tion Is being paid to It. "It would bo an Injustice to tbo rank nnd Illo of the confederate soldiers to say that they would consider seriously any proposition to receive penslonn. They have cnrcd for their cemeteries and for their dead. It seems to mo that the whole mat ter can be closed by sajlng that both the president of the United States and the author of the amendment were carried nvvay by their enthusiasm. In my Judgment , speaking from the standpoint of a north ern soldier , It Is time tn closu this Inci dent. It may bo closed by the happy thought that all bitterness and sectionalism 'lias been wiped out by the late Spanish war. " At the conclusion of the routine business , In accordance with the order made jester- day , the District of Columbia appropriation bill was taken up. MIINOII ( KTor.l Iti-Noliltloii. Mr. Mason of Illinois offered the following resolution : Whereas , All just powers of government nro derived from the consent of the gov erned , therefore , bo It Resolved , By the Hcnato of the United Rtatcs that the government of the United States of America will not attempt to gov ern the people of any other country In tbo world , without the consent ot the pcoplo themselves or subject them , by force to our dominion against their will. Mr. Mason asked that the resolution Ho on the table , announcing Ills Intention of ad dressing the Donate upon It next Tuesday. The district appropriation bill ivas passed. House bill granting extra pay to officers nnd enlisted men of the United States 'vol unteers was called up by Mr. Sboup and ji.isaed without amendment. The bill grants two months' extra pay to troops that have nerved outsldo of this country and ono month's extra pay to those who have served only lu this eountry. The semto then , after a brief executive Bcsslon , adjourned at 2:10 : p. m. CONDITION OF IOWA BANKS Report Jimt Mnile I'nhllc Show * a Ueilrnhle Condition of AITnlr * . WASHINGTON , Jan. 7. ( Special Tele firara.j A report of the condition of the national banks of Iowa at tlio close of busi ness December 1 was today made public. . Compared with Iho previous slatement in September It Is noted that the banks have naturally strengthened their loans and dis counts , while a slight shrinkage Is observed in the average reserve. Loans and discounts have Increased from $32,011,706 In September to $33,823,760 and .Individual deposits from $30,524,550 to $31,500,003. The average ro- eorvo has dropped from 31.84 per cent to 28 53 per cent. Postmasters appolnled : Nebraska Benja min F. Day , at Brlggs , Douglas county , vlco J. W. Day , resigned. Iowa J. S. Fawcett , nt Ccntcrdale , Cedar counly. Wyoming K.imucl Dickinson , at Hanna , Carbon county. Plans for the now Indian school at Flan- dreau , S. D. , have been submitted to Secretary - rotary Bliss for approval. The building is estimated to cost $15,000. W. F. Gurley has been appointed aa legal ndvlser to the receiver for the Nollgh bank by C. G. Davvca , comptroller of the cur- ronscy. The appointment came to Gurley unsolicited , so ho says. John T. Wortz is in the city on matters connected -with the Indian department. FOR WUSTURN VETERANS of the CUII War He me in hered hy the Government. WASHINGTON. Jan. 7. ( Special. ) Pen sions have been granted to the following : Issue of December 27 : Nebraska Charles E. McPherson , Rcpub * llcan City , $8 ; William A. Pearmon , Fair field. $6. Iowa Gary Marsh , Swan , $6 ; Albert A , Taft , Clarion , $ S ; Jamea Gllley , Carrollton $12 ; George Fox , Columbus Junction , $8 James Dougherty , Marshalltown , $ S. In crease Lovl Coles. Carlisle. $6 to $ S. Montana. Original Henry Lehmer , Twin Bridges. $8. South Dakota : Reissue Danford H , Hnun. Canton. $17. Colorado : Original George L. Sanborn i , Jeffcrbon , $12. Uoard'n Duty U Limited. WASHINGTON. Jan. 7. The beef survey board of the War department reassembled today after ft recess of several days , await ing the arrival of evidence. The work of th board probably will extend over several necks , as It necessitates correspondence with persons in Porto Rico nnd other dls tan points. A general misconception seems U prevail as to the acopo ot this board's work It Is convened simply to pass upon ono lo of 'bcof ' which was destroyed enrouto from Medical FREE Treatment FOR Weak Men iWhoareWillingto Pay When Convinced of Cure. A scientific combined medical and 1 mechanical cure lias U-ui ( Uncov ered for "Y\cnkiif \ iof M n. " Tlie / proprietors announce that they Mill iciia it on trlul rruicdlf * und appli ance without uJ nce payBient to any lioncit man. If not all that is olnlmo4 all } ou wlih-tend it back that ciuh Il-i > ay nothing I This combined treatment cures quickly , thoroughly. undforeTerall effect * of earlf evil liablu. later ex- crates , oTorworV , worry , etc. It ere- atn health , strength , vitality , su * . talnlntr po" " r , ami restarts wo k and underelopd i ortlons of body to natural dimensions and functions Any man writing lo earntit will rectlre description and referencts in a Plain sealed enreloive. JTofea- slonal confidence No C.O.I ) , ilo- .r-on nor Itniroltton of any nature. A n - uunal reputation Ucks thil offer. Addretl ErIeMidlcalCe.BuffaliNY. . , , , . Porto Klco and has no connection cither with 1 the , War Imestlpatlng commission nor with the separate Inquiry now being prosecuted tiy tlio Inspector general's ofllco as to the general character of the meat furnished the tinny during the SpauUh war , ILLBODING INCIDENT OVER TlirrntciiPil Trouble Ilel rern Colom bia nnd llnly In Sntlifnc- ( iirlly AiJjti tPil. WASHINGTON , Jan. 7. General Julio Ilenglfo , charge d'affaires of the republic of Colombia , lias received an ottlclal dispatch from Bogota announcing that a satisfac tory adjustment hns been reached In the Ccrruttl case , which has recently caused such serious trouble between Italy and Colombia , that an Italian squadron made a menacing % lslt to Colombian waters. The dispatch to General Renglfo states that nn agreement has been reached by the government of Colombia with the governments - ments of Franco , Germany and England , through their representatives la Bogota , thin agreement being also approved by the government of Italy. It provides for a commission , which has been organized and already begun work at Bogota , composed of n delegate appointed by the Colombian goernment , another appointed by the mln- tstcrs of Trance , Germany and England and a third delegate or arbitrator appointed in common nccord by the two delegates before - fore mcntlonej. Bcforo this commission the creditors of the commercial house of Ccrruttl & Co. will present their claims nnd the commission , after considering the defense of the Colom bian got eminent , will without appeal de cide on the merits of the claim and If al lowed will fix the amount that the Colom- blan government must pay to each claimant , The commission Is also authorized to ro- cel\o any proposition made by the Cer- ruttl creditors and to subject the same to the consideration of the Colombian govern ment. MOMY FOH i-niLirriNE SURVEY. IIounc IlefiiNcn to ItceoRnlce Dill Ap- liroprlntliiK Money for Work There. WASHINGTON , Jan. . The house was engaged nil flay In the legislation of the ex ecutive appropriation bill and completed it substantially as reported except the Items for the Civil Service commission , which wen ! "over until Monday. There were several Bide- debates during the day. One of these brought out Mr. Grosvenor of Ohio In a speech of an hour on current political questions. The Philip pines also came In for attention on the dis covery of an Item for $12,000 for naval charts for the Islands. The Item was ruled out on a point of order by Mr. Dockcry , the chairman , Mr. Payne holding that the Phil ippines were still foreign territory and as such not the proper subject of the legisla tion proposed. On convening today the house In commlt tco of the whole resumed consideration of the legislative , executive and Judicial ap propriation bill. Mr. Brotnwell , republican of Ohio , moved a formal amendment to the bill in order to ask why the appointments of emergency clerks in the War department had not been made from the eligible list under the oivll service law , and said the circumstances con nected with these temporary appointments exposed the manifest absurdities of the civil service law. Ho thought the law should be generally overhauled. Mr. Dockery made a point of order against the appropriation of $12,000 for the con struction of government surveys of a series ot engraved nautical charts of the coasts and harbors of the Philippine islands. "Until the ratification of the peace treaty , " ho said , ' the Philippines will not bo a part of the United States and there will bo no warrant of law for the appropria tion. " The chairman , Mr. Payne , sustained the point of order and ruled out the Philippine item , saying : "Tho chair is not able to see how charts of foreign countries as the Philippines are for the present can bo provided for In ap propriation bills. " An amendment was made to the applica tion of the civil service law to emergency employes. Those already In service tinder tbo emergency appropriations ere left out side the civil service regulations , while those hereafter appointed ere brought within the operation ot the law. After further amendments of a minor character the bill was reported back to the house and agreed to throughout with the exception of the items relating to the Civil Service commission , which went over until Monday. Mr. McCleary , republican of Minnesota , sought to withdraw from the calendar the banking and currency bill. Mr. Cox de clared this bill had been Irregularly re ported and the democrats had been excluded from the committee room when the measure was under consideration. Without granting the request for the with drawal of the bill , the bouse at 5 o'clock ad journed. HOPE FOR NAVAL PERSONNEL DILL. Speaker Reed Inclined to Give it Itecownltlon In the Home. WASHINGTON , Jan. 7. Representative Foss of Illinois , chairman of the naval sub committee having charge ot the naval per sonnel bill , says the prospects ere good that the rules committee will fix an early day for ttaking up thla metiur * In tha house. Mr. Foss' requests for a day havs been re-enforced by Mr. Boutelle , chairman ot the full committee , and Speaker Reed it disposed to give the measure a hearing when the rush of appropriation bills ls over. "If we can get a hearing , " said Mr. Foss today , "I am satisfied the bill will commend itself to members of the house. Thus far we have been building up our new navy with special reference to ships , but without much reference to the men who man the ships. For nn efficient navy both the men and ships are essential factors and now that wo have the ships this bill seeks to eo or. ganlzo and classify the men as to make a complete and approximately perfect naval establishment , covering every branch of the service. That the plan deserves careful at tention U shown from the fact that it is th outcome of the careful study given the sub ject by u naval board with euch men as Theodore Roosevelt " , then assistant secretary of the navy" ; Admiral Sampeon , Commodore Melville , Captain Robley D. Evans and Cap tain Crownlnshleld. Free from technlcalitiea the purpose of the bill is to establish a new line. Including tbo old line and the engineer corps , to remedy the present stagnation in the lower grades of the service , to better the conditions of the enlisted men , to reorganize the marine corps and in general to Increase the efficiency of the iiavy. The bill treats the whole subject broadly from the stand point of the greatest naval efficiency , " Mr. Foas says ho is receiving strong sup port from the press and ho has received over 100 favorable comments editorially on the organization. Wnrn * American Inventor * . WASHINGTON. Jon. 7. Consul Frankea- thal , at Berne , sounds a note of warning to American manufacturers who Intend to pre sent to the world nt the French exposition in 1900 their best brain efforts and products Ho cltea a recent decision of the Frencl courts denying prelection to a Swiss firm from piracy of Its designs , though the latter were registered In France. Little Weaker. WASHINGTON , Jan. 7. Representatlv Dlngley was a little weaker this morning j Ho t uccccded , however , In gaining a llttl rest during the night and this morning was able to take some nourishing food. Tb worst fear now Is that in his extremely feebl condition hU heart might fall him. PAYMENT OF SPANISH CLAIM Has Only Short Tims in Which to Act on Measure. WAITING FOR ACTION ON THE TREATY ( Hem \VIII He Tnckcil on Some Gen ernl Appropriation Hill Speolnl Hill Mny He Onponeil. . WASHINGTON , Jan. f. The payment of $20,000,000 to Spain under the terms of the peace treaty Is beginning to receive atten tion from members of the hpuao committee an appropriations , and It Is likely that the amount will be carried In one of the regular appropriation bills , probably the sundry civil. Chairman Cannon says , however , that the question has not been formally considered yet , a * there had been no eatl- ' mate submitted and no official Information on the requirements of the case. Moreover , there t Is no desire to anticipate action on the treaty | , and until It Is ratified the house is hardly i In a position to carry out this provi sion as to payment. In the e\cnt of ratifica tion i , however , speedy action will be neces sary. The treaty provides that the payment shall i bo made "Within three months after the | exchange ot ratifications , " and another provision ] requires the exchange of ratifica tions within six months from the date ttio treaty was signed , 'viz. : December 10 last. This would bring the pajment before the next session of congress , so that the appro priation must bo made at the present ses sion. i Owing to the short time elapsing after i the senate acts on the treaty and the ' close of the present session , it is thought hat little time will remain to deal with a matter of this magnitude. There has been some talk of dealing with ie payment In a special appropriation , but his Is not feasible , as a special bill has no rivllego under the rules and Is easily open o obstruction , whereas the general appro bation bills carry unusual privileges and re almost certain to pass before the scs- lon ends. For this reason it Is probable hat the payment will be placed In the undry civil or some other general appro- rlatlon bill , if the provision is retained in he treaty as ratified. The appropriation ommltteo has not determined what appro bation bill to take up next. It will bo Ithor the sundry civil or the fortification 111. Dut in any event action on the Span- sh Item is likely to bo deferred until action n the treaty Is secured. BLACKLISTING HARD TO DETECT. [ jeter of Itecommrndatlon Said Often to Contain Significant Clnnic * . WASHINGTON , Jan. 7. B. A. Mosoly , eorotary of the Interstate Commerce com mission , was a witness today before the federal Industrial commission , speaking on he transportation syllabus of the industrial nvestlgation. Ho cited the difficulty In proving a black- Istlng eystcm , explaining that many rail roads , after the Debs strike , had freely given letters of recommendation to former mployea , but phrased them so as to notify ho sympathizing companies that the recom mended man had been blacklisted. He ecommended legislation prohibiting the lourta from attempting to enforce personal lerformance of labor contracts by mandatory iroccsa , citing an Instance from the Ann Arbor road , where Lennon , an engineer , had lecn fined and Imprisoned for refusing to ake out his locomotive after the court had ordered him to return to work , the judge having been transported in a private car and Issued his injunction in the company's office. He referred to the fact that the safety appliance act , passed In 1893 , did not go nto effect until 189S , and that all but about 30 per cent of the roads had installed the master car builders' coupler. He referred o the i" oad man as not only an em- iloye , but in a measure a public servant , and leclared that a railroad strike here , if large enough , might starve an entire eectlon of ho country. ARMY APPOINTMENTS CONFIRMED. Colonel Wherry to Succeed 'Worth , Retired , am Brigadier General. WASHINGTON , Jan. 7. The president sent to the senate today the nomination of Cofonel William M. Wherry , Seventeenth in- antry , to be brigadier general In the regular army , vice Worth , retired ; Robert H. Ilolfo , at colonel First New Hampshire volunteers , o be inspector general , with rank of major. He was immediately confirmed , and will x > assigned to duty on the staff of General Brooke. There were sent to the senate also a large number of nominations , being promo tions in the regular army and volunteer reg- ments ; arso a number ot staff appoint ments. William J. Wbito of Ohio -was named for quartermaster , with the rank of major. LIST OF POSTMASTERS CONFIRMED. Five of Them Selected for Nebraaku Offlopn Six In Iowa. WASHINGTON , Jan. 7. The senate today confirmed these nomination * of postmasters : _ _ Nebraska O. Gross , Falrbury ; H. H. Campbell , Osceola ; J. H. Logan , Fonca ; A. L , . Krause , West Point ; P. L. Rork , Te- laraah. South Dakota J , B. Barber , Rapid City ; J. H. Dobson , Alexandria ; F. T. Hoard , Howard ; T. B. Roberts , Armour ; J. A. Stew art , Edgemont ; A. S. Smith , Blkton. North Dakota C. L. Mitchell , James- town. Kansas J. P. Harris , Ottawa ; L. C. Veeder , Cherryvale. Iowa A. C. Boyle , McGregor ; M. D. Mo- slcr , Remsen ; W. H. Needham , Slgourney ; W. W. Overholzer , Ireton ; D. M. Rowland Marengo ; 0. A. Young , Madrid. IOWA CONSUL FOR NOTTINGHAM 8. C. McFarlnnd Named for Placi Yeomaim for Commlmloner. WASHINGTON , Jan. 7. The senate to day confirmed these nominations : J. D. Yoomans of Iowa , to be an Interstate com tnerce commissioner ; R. A. Slosley , jr. , of Alabama , consul at Singapore ; S. C. Mc- Farland of Iowa , to be consul at Nottingham ham , England. Also a large number o ; postmasters and promotions in the United States volunteers , Including the cavalry regiments. Addition * to Philippine Expedition WASHINGTON , Jan. 7. Secretary Alger has decided to send four regiments of Infantry - fantry to the Philippines. The- Fourth Twelfth , and Seventeenth have been deslg nated and in addition the Third infantry , now t Fort Spelling , Minn. , will go by the same route , across the Pacific. The tele graph order of the 6th lust. , directing that six companies of the Seventeenth Infantry accompany the Fourth infantry , ' to salt Jan uary 15 , has been modified so as to read : One battalion of four companies of the Seven teenth , the remaining eight companies to sal later. Sick Notnlilf * Grow Better. WASHINGTON , Jan. 7. Both ex-Secre tary of State John W. Foster and Hon Wayne MacVeagh showed some tmprovemen today and are gradually regaining strength The smallest things exert the greatest In fluence. Do Witt's Little Early Risers are unequalled for overcoming constipation and liver troubles. Small pill , beat pill , cafe pill. LOCAL BREVITIES. The political economy and eoclal science department of the Woman's club will meet at the club rooms Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock. WILL DISBANDJF PAID OFF fnltnii ArmOfllrrrN Hold u ( ( infer ence In Cotinlilor UiimllmiN of HAVANA , Jan. 7. Tnonty-flvo Cuban generals nnJ chlcfn met at Mariano today to consider the question of the Cuban army. Among those attending were Uenorals Vldal , Lacrot nnd I'cdro Oil , but General Ma > li Itodrlguez , commander of Matnnzas prov ince , and General Mcnocal , commander of Htuana province , wcro not present , A document was drawn up for dispatch to Ooncral Rodriguez naklng him to call a general mec-tlng of ofllcers to taku action , first , on the need of a sum of money to enable - able the officers and privates of the army to tnnko n new start In life , and secondly , with regard to the lack of respect shown to the Cuban officers by the people of Cuba and the Americana. The latter matter has special reference to the refusal of the muni cipal police to salute General Sangullly and other officers. The meeting today resulted In a three hours' talk , critical but not un friendly to the Americana nnd no disposi tion was shown to assume an Attitude of protest or opposition. On the other hand a willingness to disband was expressed , provided money was forthcoming to gl\o the men composing the Cuban army a now start. As ono of those present put the case , "aa the United States collects the Island's revenues wo must look to the United States. " Two hundred Spanish oQlcers and soldiers are In the Presidio penitentiary Ben Ing sen tences Imposed upon them for military offenses. The Spanish authorities , Instead f taking them to Spain to servo out their erms , left them among BOO other convicts. 'hey ' wont their freedom and have poti- ioned General Ludlow to release them. AS . is no part of the business of the Amcr- can authorities to punish Spanish military rltoners , whoso common offense has been Isrespect of the officers , all will probably o released after trial by a board of ofll- cm which will bo appointed to Inquire into loir cases. Ono prisoner was found today hose term had expired a month ago. Ho as an American negro who was taken Into ustody about the middle of lost summer. The customs receipts at this post today mounted to $30,100. DOYLE IS NOT TO BE FOUND DlnnpiicnrB from Denser Junt nt the Time When the Court Want" Him Iludly. COLORADO SPRINGS , Cole , Jan. 7. Special Telegram. ) The Doyle contempt aso came up for hearing before Judge Lunt n the district court this morning and an jrder was finally Issued by the court order- ng the committing of James Doyle to Jail. Attorney Ashton , for Mr. Doyle , called the ttentlon of the court to the fact that the Burns people In Iowa have consented to lave the Judgment made in that state in aver of Doyle. The court refused to take .ognlzance of this and after lengthy argu ment by T. M. Patterson of Denver , to com mit Doyle to Jail , the order was Issued. Judge Lunt asked Attorney Ashton whcrft Doyle was nnd was informed that he sup- osed Doyle was at his home In Denver. When asked if Doyle would sign a release if the Judgment of the Iowa court agalns : Burns , Atlorney Ashlon replied that ho was f the opinion that Doyle would not sign iueh a document. Thereupon the order was ssued and placed In the hands ot the iheriff. Doyle has not been seen since Tuesday , when ho left Victor , Cole , at 3 p. m. He bought a tlckdt for somewhere outside ot ho state nnd it Is believed ho went to Omaha or Council Bluffs for the double pur pose of escaping the sheriff and attending o the execution of tbo $750,000 judgment. DEATH RECORD. Noted Police Official. ST. LOUIS , Jan. 7. Laurence Harrlgan , who for many years was ono of the best known chiefs ot police In this country , died oday as the result of a complication ot diseases , aged 65 years. The deceased was born in Ireland June 15 , 1834. Ho came to ew York when 14 years old. After learn- ng the shoemaker's trade young Harrlgan came to St. Louis and on the recommenda tion of Hon. Frank P. Blair ho was ap pointed to the police force In 1857. Gradu ally Harrlgan worked himself up through all the grades until in June , 1874 , ho was appointed chief of police. That position ie held with honor , with the exception ot 'our ' years , which time ho served as ap- iralscr of the port hero until last May , when ie resigned. Frank II. Pickerel. KANSAS CITY , Jan. 7. A special to the Star from Sedalla , Mo , says : Frank B. Pickerel , a well known bookkeeper , dropped dead hero today. Pickerel was 48 years of age and was very wealthy several years ago. During Garfleld and Arthur's admin- stratlon in 1S80 be was appointed statis tician inspector for all railroads west of the Mississippi river. Deceased has a daughter , Mrs. Nellie Coolldge , at Wash ington , D , C. MrH. nylei. Information has been received In Omaha of the death ot Mrs. Byles at her home in London. Mrs. Byles returned to England two years ago with her family. While In Omaha she and her husband were very prominently identified with church work , she having charge of the Congregational mission at Forty-first and Dodge streets. Her son. Winter Byles , a local newspaper man , went to England on a visit two weeks ago. Mm. Mnry Wortmnn. WEST POINT , Neb. , Jan. 7. ( Special. ) The death of Mrs. Mary Wortman occurred at Father Knelpp's sanitarium in Milwau kee , Wls , last week , where she had gone to seek relief for rheumatism. Mrs. Wort man was the owner of nearly 700 acres of land , lying In tbo Elkhorn valley south of West Point. She was 67 years old and leaves a large family of Rons and daughters besides an aged husband. Mm. Jiimen II. Stirling. EXETER. Neb. , Jan. 7. ( Special. ) Mra James H. Stirling , wife of ex-State Senator J. H. Stirling , died nt her homo in Exeter Tuesday morning from consumption. She bad been in very poor health for a number of years. The funeral took place from the Congregational church Wednesday afternoon Rev. C. H. Hustls of Donlphan having been caUed to preach the sermon. Wllhur W. Thohnrn , PALO ALTO. Cal. , Jan. 7. Wilbur W , Thoburn , professor of bionomics at Stan ford university , 1s dead. About ten days ago ho was attacked with grip. Later the disorder developed Into pneumonia and bronchitis and the doctors -were unable to check the dread disease. 'Ho was born In Belmont , 0. Jnmei F. Mutthewn. NEW YORK , Jan. 7. James F. Matthews died at hU borne in this city today from pneumonia , aged 60 years. He was born In Curdenas , Cuba , of American parents. Ho had resided in Now York for two years , having lived In Georgetown and Denver , Colo. , and was largely Interested in mining property , Old-Time Actor. DAYTON. O. , Jan. 7. William How ell Seymour , the old-time actor , died at the hoa- pltal today of heart trouble. Ho came here I broken down in health some time ego , and I tfae nollco sent him to the hospital. SOUTH § DAKOTA LEGISLATURE Committee on Expenses Makes Its Report in the Senate , PER DIEM AND MILEAGE ARE FIXED UP Similar Committee .MnUr * it Heport In the lloime V flood of Mill. Introduced In Kucli House. PIEIinn , S. D. , Jan. 7. ( Special Tele gram. ) In the senate today the committee on legislative expenses reported a bin car- rjlng appropriation for J21.IIO. Of this $13,600 is per dlcm of members ; $0,000 per diem of em.ilojcs nnd balance mllcago of members. The only other business of the senate was the reading of bills Introduced which were as follows : Stewart , authorizing county commissioners to purchase law books for Justices of the peace ; Vance , providing a place of encamp ment and rendezvous for thp National Guard nt Huron , on land now owned by the state1 ; Law son , prohibiting the state auditor from issuing warrants except when full vouchers are filed for expenditures by state officers ami of employes ; Law son , prohibiting state of ficers from accepting any fee whatever ; Ilot- tum , bills shall take effect ninety days after the adjournment of the li-glilnturo unless otherwise specified ; Uottum , Cling account by plaintiff In action shall bo presumptive evidence ; Dottum , providing for a lien engrain grain for cutting and harvesting ; Ilencdlct , providing for the election of assessors In counties not fully organized ; providing a lien for herding or keeping animals ; county com missioner shall designate three places In the county for ealo under chattel mortgage ; O'llrlen. empowering the circuit court to authorize certain persons to servo pipers in certain cai < es : King , permitting civil town ships to sink artesian wells and Issue a bonus for the earae : Ilouck , limitation of tluio in which tax sale certificates shall bo presented and deeds demanded ; compelling railroads to permit sldo tracks for mills nnd elevators ; compelling railroads to carry bicycles as baggage. In the house tlio commlttco on compen sation of house employes reported allowing the chief clerk $ C per day ; assistants , { I GO nnd $1 ; sergeant-at-arins , J1CO ; assistants , $360 , and clerks J3 50 and $3 , which was adopted without objection. New blllu Intro duced were : Hlsty. fixing salaries of county attorneys on the basis of the population ; Holcn , giving four months In which to file a mechanic's Hen ; Wooley , to provide for the Issuauco of fund ing bonds by cities ; Austin , restoring two mills to the general county school tax re pealed in 1897 ; Urns , boiler inspection nnd qualification of inspector ; Potornon of IAW- rence. Increasing the number of Justices of the peace to eight in counties of over 20,000 population ; Cornwall , to allow live stock to run at largo through the winter months ; Dnlght , relating to the matter of search warrants ; Johnson of Urown , providing for teh location of a normal school at Aberdeen and appropriating 9,000 acres of state land for that purpose. The house committees announced by the epoaker today arc : Judiciary Holdrddge , Evcrltt , Goddard , Wllmarth. Dvvlght. Wilson , Hurlbut , Glass and Woodruff. Agriculture Wilson , Lowry , Llndgren , Myron , Morgan , Larson , Johnson of Miner , Nelson and Woody. Education Bras. Peterson of Lawrence , Varnam , Wade , Bond , Bullock , Cornwall , Hosello and Cooper. Railroads Thaycr. Varnum , Bond , Raskin , Dovlne , Davidson , Horrlngton , Hlsty and Puscy. Appropriations Warren , Hurlbut , Davidson - son , Carlson , Goddard , Trumbo , Holdal , An derson nnd Austin. Temperance Keen , Wlldirmuth , Baker , Larson , Uussell , Murdy , Purdln Pusey nnd Sophy. Ways and Means Baskln , Dwlght , Wll- Tnarth. Haw good , Odland of Yankton. Lien , Bras , Kecs , Stransky , Hutchison , Hlsty. Counties and County AffaJrs Chlcsman , Johnson of Miner , Pletz. Adlnnd of Turner , Trumbo. Howe nnd Nelson. Municipal Corporations Packard , Hanson , Warren , Johnson of Brown. Wooley , Hold- ridge and Foljy. Public Printing Johnson of Brown , Od land of Yankton , Koch. Huhn , Hamilton , Norgrcnd and Anderson. Engrossed nnd Enrolled Bills Dwlght , Wilson , MouKon , Hcrrington , Foley , HutchInson - Inson and Llndercn. State Affairs Wooley , Bras. Hawgood , Russell. Moulton , Trumbo und Purdln. Insurance Dcvltic , Packard. Odland of Turne , Shaoffcr. Lien , Spauldlng and Corn wall. Banks and Banking Lien. Bullock , Chles- man , Wooley , Knodt and Purdln. Mines and Mining Hawgood , Peterson of Lawrence , Hamilton , Cmdel. Warren and Murdy. Charitable Institutions Evcrlt. Odland of Ynnkton , Llndgrcn , Han n , Guericb , Dort- land and Austin. Penal Institutions Carlson. Holdrldge , Huhn. Hees , Wlldermuth , Johnson of Miner and Limoges. Highways and Bridges Peterson of Law- renco. Kinsley , Everltt , Holdal , Stabnaw , Roselle and Kvan. Immigration Mclsenholder , Koch , Clndcl , Llndcrcn , Wade , Felon and Peterson of Brooklngs. Elections and Privileges Varnum , Myron , Carlson , Pletz. Hamilton , Johnson of Brown and Knodt. Indian Affairs Heath , Lowry , Dortland , Larson , Wade , Moulton , Sophy. Manufactures Stabnaw , Kinsley. Rowe , Heath. Shaeffer , Cooper and Soauldlng. School and Public Lands Hurtbut. Tbayer , Koch. Pletz , Devlne. Lorentson and Foley. Public Health Odland of Turner. Heath. Huhn , Melsenholder , Packard , Woodruff and Davis. Warehouses and Grain Grading Roselle , Chlecman. Kinsley , Lowry. Stabnaw , Her- rlngton , Stransky and Sophy. Military Affair * Wllmartln , Col lo , Cln dcl Melscnholder nnd Gins * Federal tulntlons linker , norkln , Tliajer , Pusey. Lorentson. Public llulMlnKB Myron , Gucrlch , lloml , Davidson. Moulton. Peterson of Brooklngs and Hynn. Irrigation and Drainage llowo , Uvcrllt , Chlcsmnn. Hanson , Norgrcnd , ky and Nelioti , Medicine Surgery and Pharmacy OoJilnnl , Roselle. Stoddard. Wltdenmith * nnd WINoii. Correction of Hou'e Journal llakcr , Stod dard. Woody. Dnvljson and Gucrlch. Usurj Shaeffer. Russell , Stnbnavv , Cot lie , onol. Wllmnrth Live Stock Uussell. Shaffer , Cottle , Chios , man , Plnkcrton nnd Holcn. WOMAN SHIELDS A BROTHER Milken n llumllliitliiK roufennlon In O filer to Keep the 1'ellon Out of I'rlNiiu. ( Copyright , 1SOS , by l're s Publishing1 Co ) LONDON , Jan. 7. ( New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram. ) Hero are the particulars of a singularly romantic case Just decided In the London polleo court without any English newspaper divining the true facts. Walter Jarvls was caught In an American gentleman's room at the Hotel Cecil last week. Jnrvls said : "I am a per fect gentleman , " nnd quite looked the part , bearing every mark of good breeding In manner and apparel. The waiter asked what brought him to that room. Jarvls replied : "I came here to keep an appointment with n friend of mine1 , Mrs. Sadlelr Jackson. " Mrs. Jackson had left the hotel a fortnight before. When Jarvls was being taken down stairs to the bureau ho was seen to diop a skeleton key which opened nearly all the hotel bedroom doors. Ho was given Into custody and It was then discovered that the trunks In the room whereho was caught had been opened and the contents rum maged. Jarvl * Insisted ho was to meet Mrs. Sodlolr JacKson and when charged In the polleo court this woman testified be had frequently been In her rooms with her while slalng nt the hotel , ns ho was a connection of hers. The Inference drawn from this ad mission was obvious , but she stuck to the story , adding she was a married woman living with her husband. She is very hand Boruo and stjllsh. Jarvls was sentenced to three months' Im prisonment. The truth Is , though undls coverexl by the police , his real nnmo la Jackson and ho Is the woman's brother. Twelve jears ago ho was convicted at Cork of theft and Imprisoned for four months. Ho vvaa disinherited by his father , who set tied his income of $80,000 a jear on his iliughter , Mrs. Sadlelr Jackson , on condi tion that she resumed the family name of Jackson. If the polleo had been able to Identify Walter Jarvls as Arthur Jackson ho would Invo been sent to penal servitude , Lut ho was saved by the hrrolsm of his sis ter , who ran the risk of slurring her own reputation to save her brother , who had cruelly dragged In her name to shield him self when caught. I , ii do n I'rltnto Tlienlrlpnlii. ( Copj right , 1S99 , by Press PtibllshlnR Co. ] LONDON , Jan. 7. ( New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram. ) Theatricals on n grand scale were given last night by the duke and duchess of Devonshire at Chats- worth bcforo a distinguished party. The pleco pla > ed was "A Fool's Paradise , " In which Arthur Dalfour was to have appeared In a small character , but an alleged cold prevented him at the last moment. The real reason of his withdrawal was because ho learned some local press representatives were to bo allowed to bo present and he did not think It dignified for the leader In the House of Commons to liavo his performance publicly criticised. This caused great dls appointment to the house party , ns Arthur Da If our , who often played lu prlvnto the atricals some jcara ago , is an exceptionally clover actor. Lady Randolph Churchill was present , hut did not act , but she looked very handsome with a beautiful diamond ornament in her raven hair. The guilty heroine was acted splendidly by Miss Muriel Wilson , daughter of Wilson of Tnnby Croft. She Is an ex tremely handsome and clever girl , who would make her fortune on the professional stage , being a born actress , The perform ance will bo repeated for local charities Thursday night. llonorn Offered MnrllioronKh. ( Copyright , 1SOO , by Press Publishing- . ) LONDON , Jan. 7. ( New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram. ) Lord William Beresford , the duchess of Marlborough's husband , has been offered th conservative nomination for the vacant Parliamentary seat In the Epsom division of Surrey. Ho Is certain to bo returned If bo accepts , oa In addition to the normal conservative ma jority there Is a strong sporting interest in the constituency -which ho would so- curo. HYMENEAL , Cnrl-llorlnnil. EXETER , Neb. Jan. 7. ( Special. ) At the residence of the bride's parents , Mr. and Mrs. John Borland , Miss Grace Borland and Flojd Corl of Fairmont wore married to day. After a wedding dinner the party left for Fairmont , where a reception was ten dered Uie joung couple at the homo of the groom's parents Mr. and Mra Corl will make their home In Fairmont , where Mr. Corl Is in business. Eaiitliounil FrelKht Shliiiien < n. CHICAGO. Jan. 7. Kastbound shipments for the week were 12(3.35" ( > tons , against 131.- 717 tons for the previous week , nnd 141,923 tons for the corresponding1 week a year A Poor Way to Treat Catarrh Is to Rely Upon the Sprays , Washes , Etc , , Which form the basis of many "methods" now BO prevalent. Such treatment might avail some thing if Catarrh was only a local irritation of the membranes. But the disease is not on the surface the discomforting irritation of the lining of the throat is not the dis ease itself , but simply a mani festation of it. Catarrh is a deep-seated , constitutional blood disease , and it is ns easy to put out fire with a sheet of paper as to hope to cure it with local applica tions. Don't mistake temporary relief for benefit. Those who last season thought themselves bene fited by this treatment will BOO their mistake as soon as the first chilling blast of winter is felt. "The sprays and washes proscribed by the doctors relieved mo only temporarily rily , and though I uied thorn constant ly for ten years , the dineaso had a tinner hold than over. I was in n Inmcntnblo condition when I decided to try 8. S. S. I at once began to im prove , and after taking it for throe months IVM cured comoletclv. the dreadful disease WAS eradicated from my system , and I Imve had no return of it. Miss JOSIE OWKN , "Montpeller , 0 , " Swift's Specific ( S. S. S. ) is the only cure for Catarrh , for it goei direct to the cause of the trouble the blood forcing the disease from the system. Those who have had Catarrh for any length of time know that each winter finds them more firmly in the grasp of the disease than before. Their expe rience teaches them that local treatment can do them no good. - A trial of S. S. S. will convince them that it is the romedy. fropor f you are just feeling the first touch of this VfVBMBJ > flfl lKSwy011 should begin treatment promptly , for ita sever ity increases each year ; but be sure to begin right. If you treat only the surface , relying upon sprays , washes and inhalations , you may bo sure that a mild case will be a bad ono next year and a worno ono the year later. Begin promptly to take S. S. S. and bo cured. Bonks mailed free by Swift Sueoiiio Comuunv. Atlanta. Ga. IKO. Tlu Lake Hhnrr loil with 19 fit * ton * I'lio MIchlKnn Central nirrlnl II l o toun , iVntmMi , P.if.l toin Port Unj no is.Mi ton * , 'an HiuulU' . ll.IiT , ton * , II iltlmoro & Ohio , , ' ! tom , Oriiiul Trunk , ! > Vi ? totm , N'lckcl I'lnto , I4 0 tonx : irl : * . 10sJJ tout , itul tlio Hit , ' Tour , ! U03 tout FIRE RECORD , nt Iliirllimtoii. nUnUNClTON , In. . Jan. 7 ( Special Tele- gram. ) A large building belonging to Com- nodoro Qrorgc C. Homey , commandant at Key West during the Spanish war , w.n .mrncil tonight. The building , was occupied by the rranken Purnlturo company and the entire loss will bo about JS.OOO , SICK , BETTER , WELL ! The Mont Ilemnrkiible Remedy of the Ane for till who nre Wenk , > enon nnil Run Don n ConU .Nothing to Tr > . If You lime A" > of the Kollotrlnic } > iiiiitoniM Send A our .Nnnio nnil Ail- lieN for n free Trial I'noknice. Do 5on reel generally miserable , or suffer with n thousand and ono Indescribable bad foellngs , both iiicntnl nnd physical , among them low spirits. nervoutiiPMi , we-arlnesfl , llfclessm s , wcakneiv ) . dlzzliitus , fecllnct MRS. M L COCHRAN. of fulness or blotting after uutlntr , or sense of "goitcncus" or emptiness of stomach la morning , flesh soft and lacking firmness , headache , blurring of ejesluhl , specks lloat- ing before the CJTO , nurvoua Irrltlblllly , poor memory , chilliness , nllcrnallng with hot flushes , larallude. IhrobbinK , gurgling or irumblliiK sensations In bowels , with heat and nipping pains occasionally , palpitation of heart , short brenth on exettlou , slow circulation of blood , cold feet , pain and op pression lu chest and buck , pnliv around the loins , aching and weariness of the lower limbs drowsiness after meals but ncrvoua wakefulncss at night , languor In the mornIng - Ing , nnd a constant feeling ot dread , as it something awful were about to happen ? Mrs. M. L. Coch.rnn. ono of Nockajack , Ga.'s , most prominent ladles , nays they are most wonderful. "I have given your Dr. Dlx Tonic Tablets a faithful trial , and I have found them the most wonderful medicine for nil nervous and kldnev diseases , that I have over knowu. I feel very thankful for the benefit I have received. I houe that all who have kidney troubles will take theeo tablets. Youra respectfully , Mrs. M. L. Cochron , Nccka- Jack , Gn. " If jou have any or all of theao sjmptoms , send your name nnd addrc ° a to Hayes & Coon , 409 Hull Bldg. , Delrolt , Mich. , and they will gladly semi you a frco trial box ot Dr. Dlx Tonlo Tablets. The most per fect remedy known. You will be delighted wllh them and thov may save your life. They are put up In tablet form , pleasant to take and easy directions , which. If jou follow , will positively nnd effectually cure In a short time , no matter how bad you may be , or If you perfcr you can get a full sized box at your druggists for only 50 cents. Wo don't ask > ou to take our word for what Dr. Dix Tonic Tablets will do ; Bend for the free package and give them a test , ten minutes after you take the first tablet you will feel better. wnnw OTRBH9 VAIL a nnvf DOCTORS Bearles SB Searlei. CIALISTS. Guarantee to core speedily and radl ally all NtCIlVOUN , CHHONIO AND PRIVATE dUoaiei of men and worn * * WEIK MEN SYPHILIS BKXUALLY. cured for lit * . Night EmlBnlorn , Lost MnnboGd , Hy- iroceU , Vrlcoc l , Oonorrh a , alett , Byplu Ills , atrlctur * , I'llei , Fiituia and Rectal UtflMft , Diabctei , Brlthr * Dtstai * cured. CONlVIVrATION FRBB. inS < kiiiMA , OlAavA Cured 5lllClUl6 nnd UllBlntHoMH kjr new method without pain or cutting ] Call on or a dr arltb stamp. Tr atmni Sir malt m. 8EARLE8 S SURIES. Swift's ' Premium IS THE BEST TRY IT. An Indisputable Fact. It Is Impossible to make good beer with * out pure water. Wo use our own Artesian Well Water exclusively in brewing hence have the purest and beat beer in the markot. This fact was recognized by the judges at tha Transmlsslsslppl Exposition in awarding us the GOLD MKDAI , on BLUK lUlUIU.N ouj- TLKI ) BI3ER and DIPLOMA OK HIGHEST AWARD ON DRAUGHT BEKU. Omaha Brewing Assoclat ion , Telephone 12GO. IIAKIT. A now zunranteod Ulll"M ! " ' " ' * uta ' 'ome cum- \\illy \ | , ) UIITertiit fioin all otliom. Positively no Inturferunco with worker or buvlnnsa. riniuf for Free Cample nnil book. Or , PUrJy , O. Ulnz UlclK. , Uoubtou. Xuxa * .