Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, January 06, 1899, Page 10, Image 10

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    10 THE OM"A1IA. DAILY 11EIS : FRIDAY , , TAXtTA1lY (5 ( , 1890.
Dears Get Hun of Things in Speculative Fil
and Force Declines ,
Kblpiiiciitx nf Wlirnt nnil I'lour from
Atlnntlc I'lirtH llcnt > I'ork , I.urd
and lllhs I , ONI.VOIH to
1'iriet'ii Ccnti.
CHICAGO , Jan. 6 Outoldo support vvaF
lacking today und aavo of local beurlfl
Eentlment eaused sharp declines in boll :
train and provisions May wheat closed
? 4J(7-6c lowe-r , corn und oata lost 5-So uich ,
pork ] jc , l.ird 10012C und ribs 7Q10c
Wheat started linn , but \cry dull , vM
Jew orders from the outside The llrmnes >
was only momentary , however , fet a gooc :
deal of wheat , called at. the elose. jester
tl.iy , had fallen Into vvuak hands und , vvat
tor sale the Instunt the price showed hes <
tttutlon. AH Ions as the market was left It :
Cho control of the local profcftilonuls tlu
.tendency was downward. May , whlel
ojiened 1-Sc higher at 71 6-8fl71)ie , was hum.
i inered down to 700 before there were anj
fcymptotns of recuperation. Ths recovers
was brought about b > buying orders eom-
inenclng to tumble In from outside sources
Sndueed apparently by the threatened coli !
-weather , damage to winter wheat und TC.-
jiorta of heavy exports from Atlantic ports
'J he foreign busing became so jicrsistenl
that shorts were forced to cover and Muv
was gradually bid up to 715-Sc I-ilverpoo
was ' , id higher and receipts were cotnpura-
itlvcly small , Chicago receiving 101 ears , ol
fwhleh only one' cur was of graded contract
Northwest receipts were 411 cars , comp.irei
With 376 for ths corresponding day lasl
jear Shipments of wheat and Hour fron
All intlc ports were heavy , aggrcgatlm
3,017,000 bushels St I ouls wired that gooi
Kift red winter wheat them wasvcrj
ter.iec and that reports from the countrj
OeKerlbcd wheat In the Holds looking % erj
1) ul New York reported a good contlnen.
1al demand for wheat and llfty boatload !
weld for export. Under such Inlluenccs tin
i market held fairly steady until within hall
nn hour of the closing , when the Iniylni
from outsldp subsided. Then some locu
xpeculatorH Hooded the pit with local whcal
nnd sold for the short account The markcl
I ixume qtllto heavy under this pressure am
[ May was forced down to 70G-bfiW c ant
clo ° ed at 70'Hc
Itnprovemr lit In the we-uther , vvhleh wni
fnvorablu for a large movement In the
cuntry. weakuitd eorn Receipts at ptl-
jnary points were largo and clearnneej
( roderate Yesterday's bujers turned seller-
lind ns the demand was not nulllclent tc
nbsorb the offerings , prices were steadllj
( Torce' < l downward The want of shipping
facilities was nlo i weakening factor , as
much corn bought for export could not be
forwarded for lack of cars Hecelpts wen
642 ears M.IJ opened 1-Sc lower at 37 3-Sfi
S7'/4C , gradually declined to 30 7-8c alk
closed ut 1f 7-SIS7c ( bid
The de-cllncs in the leading grains and n
poor rash demand caused a hea\y feeling
in oata Liquidation of long property ani
jiumerous selling orders from the countrj
caused a sharp decline In price's. Receipt !
were light 108 oars. May began unehaiigei
t 27tc and sold off lo 27 1-Sc , the closlni :
X > rlces
There was more 01 less liquidation In pro
alsloiiB , particularly by ceituln traders It
Hour As the market started out handl
tapped , with enormous hog receipts and
< lccllnu In the coarse grains , prices wcr (
forced off all around. 'J no demand foi
jiroducts was slow. May pork opened i
fhudo lower at $1042V2f(10 45 and elecllnei
to $1030 , M iv lard began unch inged , ii
l" > S5I(6 ( 87 4 and sold off to J" > 75 , May rib-
a sb ido higher at $3 155T5 17'4 am
ecllned to ? 50"
Estimated receipts for Trldiy. Wheat. 71
Cfirs ; corn , 700 cars ; oats , 1ST > cars , hogs
EiOOO head
Leading futures ranged as follows :
Articles Open Hlch. Low. Oioee. Y s d y
Inn . ,
Tulv. . . tlHH
Tin . . 35 35
' 30 - 7
July. . ! 37 > J7H
Miiv. . . 27M Q7U
J0'4 2U H
J'ln . , 1000 in 05 005 1016
May. , HI 4.m 10 IS 10 JO ID JO 10 4S
Jin. . . , nr.o 500 C 52 SOS * .
May. . r > 85 087)4 ) 57S 7B
' 4 80 80 < RO 480
May. . ! & in J SOS ft 05 015
No 2
t'ush quotations were as follows :
PLOUK Quiet , nominal : winter pat
nuts. $ J ClVftJ 70 ; straights. $3.25fo3..10 ; Bprliif
Hpoelals , J4.10. spring patents. $3.20y3.50
Btralghts $ J.903 00 ; bakers , $2.SOJ2.45.
WHUAT No. 2 spring , G7itSc ( ! ; No.
Bprlng. 67iif ( > Sc ; No 2 red , 7171VaC' .
t'OKN No. . ' , 3CffiJGVic.
OATS-No. 2 , 2G4c ; No. 2 white ,
B 'o .1 white , 28Ji S'4C. .
HYU No. 2 f > 45i54V < c.
HAIlLin' No. 2 , 41 51c.
Sl.HDS No. 1 llaNSCCd , J1.12J
llinnthj sred , $2'JTi
IMlOVlSlONS-Mess porlt , per bbl , JI 935
1000 Lard , per 100 Ibs , $ > 6J"'fi5 ' 53. Shor
ribs sides ( loose ) , $1 73JT5 00 Dry saltei
Hioulders ( boxed ) . $ ! 25f(432U. ; short cleu
Hides ( boxed ) , $3 03f(5 ( 10.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , pe . J1.27.
SUGAKS-Cut loaf , J5 70 ; granulated. J520
The following were the receipts and Mi IP
tnents for today :
On the Produce cxchatiRO today the btit
Her maiknt WUH tlrm , creameries. 145/20Hc
dairies , IJ-JTlSc. - KKB , firm , fresh , 25ff.'tC (
ChocHe , steady , i-reamprles , O' ' Qllu ,
QnotntloiiH for tlie liny on Ceiiem
Coniiiiodltlf .
NEW YORK , Jan. 5 FLOUR Receipts
IO.J39 bbls ; exports , 24.S72 bbls. ; moro netU
nnd firm for winter straights , but nefi
Ire ted otherwise ; winter stralshts , I355j
SG5 ; Minnesota , patents , $390 20 , wlnte
-\tras. $ J705J300 ; Minnesota baker ? , $2903
BIO , winter low Krades , $2 40fl2 Go
CORNMKAIQulet ; yellow western. 84J
KYE StroiiKor ; No. 2 western , G4c f. o. t
WIIICAT-RecelptP , 209,000 bit. ; exports
EOS.601) bit ; spot easy. No „ red , 79 7S
r o. b afloat , to arrive. Options opcnci
barely steady and de\ eloped weakness un
der Ions and short sellliiff. which jlcldcrt a
Jioon , however , to a sharp ntoverj , lute
* * as affected by larse cleariiifrs asaln , tx
port bUHine a at Hiiltlmoro and strencth o
northwest markets , following prospects o
IlKhter receipts A second decline near th
t lose was attributed to renewed short s ° ll
IIIK and absence of outside support , llnall
I > rlces were Hfj-\c lift lonei Jamur
Idscd 70 3-Sc ; March , 7S3-Sft79 1-Sc , closec
IS 3-8c
CORN RecelplH. D2.C50 bu. ; exports , S4 7 (
bu , spot eas > , No 2 , 41 1(43 ( 7-vr f o I
pfloat Options opened easy und ruled scr
erully weak all day except for n mldd.i
pptirt , with wheat. Estimated recilpl
K\ero larger and weather news fa\orabl (
rlosed 3-Sc net lower ; May , 41 1-lGffll 1-ic
closed. 41 7-8c.
OATS Receipts , 193,600 bu. ; exports , 3.4 !
fcu ; spot dull ; No. 2. 33c , No 2 white , Si'-i
Options dull.
HOPS Quiet ; state , common to cholci
l < ao crop. 7 ) Sp. 1897 crop. ll@lJc , 189s croj
J9 i20c : Paclllc , 196 crop. 75iSc ; IS !
iron. HSiUc , 1S9S crop 19ii20c.
IIIDKS-Steady , GnUcaton , ICc ; Texn
Cry , U'c , California. ISc.
\VOOL-Steady ; lletce. 17S22c ; Texas , :
TALLOW Steady ; city , 33c ; country , i
UICE Steady : fair to extra , S'WGilc.
MOHASSL'S-Steady ; New Orleans ope
kettle , peed to choice , 29Tf3le
tttJ'in'ER-Recolpts , C.114 pkss : tmrki
firm ; western creamery , 153Jlc , Klglns , 21 (
CIIEnSE-Rpcelpta. 3.P94 pUgs. ; mark !
Jlrm ; largo white. lO c : small white , Hi
larno colored. lOHo ; small colored , lie
JIUTTER Receipts. 3,103 pkgs : Urn
western creamery , 15Q21c ; Elgins. 21c ; fai
lory. UiTllUc.
CHEESE RecelptB , 1,490 pkifs , Urn
large , white. lOUc ; small , white , no , Urg
colored , 10jc ; small , colored , lie
EGOS Receipts , 9,126 pkgs ; weak ; wes
ern , 27c.
COTTONSEED OIL-Dull ; prime crttd
I'HUIlSc ; prlmo yellow , 22f 2J'sc.
METALS Tin took another leap toda
mlvanclnK from 30 to 50 points. At the eto
the metal exchange called pis Iron warran
Mrong at J OO , nominally < | tioted ; lake coi
] > cr. strong lit $13 3J bid nnd J13 50 aked. tl
' strong ntul higher at 12000 bid and $20
I' asked ; lead , llrmer at $3 65 bid and JI
; spelter , 13.15 bid and | o.5 asked. Tl
firm fixing the ncltllnK price- for
tnlntrn ntul sinoltorn at thn urvt
lead at (173 nnd copper nt JI3W.
OMui v UIMIIAI < MAiticni' .
roiiilltliin of Triule nnil ( liiotntloni nn
Stnpl' * nnil I'niH'jI'roiliice. .
nnns-oomi utock , 210
ni'lTEH-C'ommoii to fair , 111712c ; choice ,
l.tT/lCc , separator , 20c , gathered creamery ,
177/1 s (
I'OULTRV-IIens , lUo , C'icj ' dressed , GtJ
7c ; old rooftcr ! " , ll\c , 3c ; dresget ) . 4c ;
spring ihlckonn , live , Gc , dressul , 7ft7tjc ;
ducki" . llxc , u'sflGc , dressed , 7cj Keese , live ,
Cc , ( irtHsed , 7'4c , turke > s , live , SZ/9c ;
dressed , lie.
OAMK Teal , blur- wing , JI 75 ; preen wlntr ,
J160 , mixed , J1.7 22.j ; Jackrabblts , J1.25y
1.60 , rottontalls , 75cOJ1.00.
PlOiONS-Llvc , per doz , 60c.
VEAIy-Cholcc. S'liSiJc.
O\3TERS-Hulk Standartl , per gal , J1.10 ;
mediums , per can , ISc ; Standard , per can ,
20o ; Extra Scltct , per can , 23c , New York
Counts , i > er can , 30c.
CELERY California good stock , 23c ;
choice , ' ! 3c ; fancy , COc ; extra large , 75c ;
Michigan , choice stock , 25c ,
CAULI'LOWER { Per crate , J2.50ff2.75.
ONIONS Per btl , tXC. )
UEANS-IIand-plcked , navy , per bu , J1.30
fil V )
POTATOES-ChoIco , sacked , 4Sc ; poorer
SWEET I'OTATOES Per hhl , J2 SOS2.75.
CABBAGE Per Ib . crated , Hie.
LEMONS-Callfornla , fancy , JI.OO ; choice ,
ORANGES Mexicans , J3 000325 ; Novels ,
fancy , { J.50 , choice , J3.J3 ; Bcedllngs , J2.50 ®
2 75
BANANAS Choice , large stock , per
mnch. 2 CH > Q2,25 , medium sized bunches ,
APPLES Western Hen Davis. Genltons
and Wlnesaps , per bbl , J375 , New York
HilwInH , GrtPnlnRB and othersl choice , per
bbl , | 4 00ft 4 2o.
PEARS-Cnllfornla , J2 2302 50.
STRAWBERRIES I'tr box , 30c.
GRAPES Malaga , per bbl. , JS 00010 00
CRANBERRIES Hell & Bugles , per bbl. ,
i750 , Jersey , JO 23'QG 50 , per crate , J2 25.
NUTS Almonds , per Ib , 17c : Brazils , per
b , OJMOc , English walnuts , per Ib . fancy ,
oft shell , 12c , standards , lie ; Illberts , per
b , Hi , peacans , polished , 7fiSc ( cocoanuts ,
) er 1W , J4 50 , peanuts , raw , Gfi'&kc ; rooated ,
"ii7'4c , chestnuts , 85)9c.
MAPLE SYUUP-l-'he-inl. ran. each ,
' 2 r > 0 , gal cans , pure , ppr doz . $12 00 ; half-
gal catrv | 6 25 ; quart cans , $3 50.
riGS Imported , none ; California , 10-lb.
boxes , Ji 50
HONUY Choice white , 12"2613c.
DATES-Hallowee. GO to 70-lb. boxes , t4f
G c. Hair , 5'A Gc : Tard , 9-lb. boxes , lOc.
CIDER Per half bbl , J3 00-33 15.
SAUERKRAUT Per half bbl . J2 00.
lIIDis No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No. t
green hides , Gc , No. 1 salted hides , 6Hc ; No.
2 silted hides , 71zc ! No 1cal calf , ! > to 12
Ib-i , lOe , No 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs , Sc.
TALLOW. anUASU. UTC.-Tallovv , No.
1. uc , tallow. No 2 , 2'c ; rough tallow , IHo :
white grcas > . > . 2 > ' 83c ; jellow und brown
grease I'jftJ'ic1
Slinnp PCLTS-CJtcon salted , each , 15fl )
73c : green .salted shearings ( short wooled
early skins ) , each , 13c ; dry shearings ( short
wooled early skins ) , No 1 , each 5a ; dry
flint , Kansas and S > branka butcher wool
pelts , per Ib , actual weight , 403c ; dry Hint ,
Kansis uiiel Nebraska murrain wool pelts ,
per Ib , actual * p | ht , 3f 4u ; dry flint , Colorado
rado butcher wool pelt * , per Ib , actual
weight , 4S5c ; drv flint , Colorado murrain
wool pelf per Ib . actual weight , ZS4c.
rUUS-MInk , 1C-75C - ; bear ( black or
brown ) , fo 004i2000 ; otter. $1 5098 00 ; beaver ,
SlOOfiGOO , skunk , ISft&Oc ; muskrnt , 307c ;
raccoon. 15Ii50c ; red fox. 23c0 l 25 : gray
fox , 25fl50e ; wolf ( timber ) , a5ci3J250 ; wolf
( prairie ) , co > otp , 10 < g50c ; wildcat. 10CT250 ;
badger , 5ft40c ; silver fox , $30 OOfttfo 00.
SI. l.onIji Market.
weiik , 7-Sl'5p | lower , spot hltrher : No. 5
red , cash , clpxator , 71o bid : track , 73c ; Jan
uary , i2'iC : , Mav , 741g"4G-8c ; July , 68Hc'
No 2 hard. 68fiG9e.
CORN rractlonullv lower for options ,
with spot weak and lower. No 2 cash. 35c
bid ; Jununiy , 33 3-Sc ; May. 35 5-Sc naked
OATS Options easier , spot lower. No. !
cash , sc bid ; track , 2Si4 29c ; January ,
-'iV : May , 2Sc ; No 2 white , 30c.
KYn Nominal : 57c.
SIIUDS-Fluxsped , lower , $1.09. Prime
tlmothi seed , } 2 " 0
CORNMDAl.r-Hlgher ; $1.75ft ! SO
HRAN Unsettled , sacked , east track , 57c ,
HAY-Qulft. llrm ; timothy. J700 < § 800 ;
prairie$11007(750 (
nUTTCR-Stcady ; creamery , ISS22 oi
KOC.S Steady ; 22c.
WHISKY Steady at $1.27.
POULTRY Firm ; chickens , cyQ7o ; tur-
Ke-vs. fcfiS' c ; geese , u'/i-CGc ; ducks , 600 0.
ruoviSJONS I'ork , sasy : mess , dobbins ,
old. J937H : now , J1023 Lard , easier : prime
steam , $ o 33 , choice. $3 45 Dry salt meats ,
boxed shoulders. $4 2T > ff4 50 ; extra shorts ,
$47oii300 , ribs , $4S7H5T612U ; shorts , J3.12U
81325 Bacon , boxed shoulders , $ r > 00 ; extra
shorts. J32j550 ( ; ribs , $3G2ugs75 , shorts ,
J5.7o'gf > S7U-
HUCCII'TS riour. 1,000 bbls. : wheat. 15-
000 bu : corn 17,000 bu : oats , 12,000 bu.
SHIPaiGNTS-KIour. 7,000 bbls : wheat ,
10,000 bu , corn , 67,000 bu. ; oats , 8,000 bu.
nnltlniori * Mnrkrt.
BALTIMOIli : . Jan. -rLOUR-Dull anfl
unthangeHl ; receipts , 31,400 bbls ; exports ,
31.213 bbls.
WIHAT rirm : No 2 red , spot nnd
bample , 72&77c ; southern , on grade , 73HS
C'o'nN-iusy ; si it. Uftlll-Sc ; month. 41
( iT41 1-Sc. Tcbruury , 41F(411ic ( ( ; steamer mixed ,
ISJTSS 1-Sc , receipts , 207,115 bu. ; exports. 97-
S49 bu , fouthprn white corn , 3Si41c ; south
ern j ellow. 3SS41er.
OATS-Klrmer ; No 2 white. 34 > , 0ajc ; No.
2 mixed , . ! 2V.c ; receipts , 12.G29 bu. ; exports ,
< Srnln Itci-oliilK nt Principal Mnrkctn
MINNHAPOLIS , Jan. 8 Receipts
Who it , 31G cars.
DULUTH , Jan. 3 Receipts : Wheat , 12
ST. LOUIS , Jan. 5 Receipts : Wheat , 2i
curs KANSAS CITY. Jan. 5 Receipts
Whent , 71 cars
CHICAGO , Jan 5 Estimated cars for to
morrow : Wheat , 73 ; corn. 700 ; oats , 1S5.
Receipts from prlmarv markets : Wheat ,
' 51.430 bushels ; corn , 1,231,4SS , bushels.
Ivaiisnn Clt > drain nnil Pro Ixtoni.
lower : May , & 5fF66c : No .1. 61 650 ; No :
red , 71c : No 3 , 6l0 < ! 7c : No. 2 spring , GlfflGoC
No 3 5SfG2c. (
CORN Ho lower ; No. 2 mixed , S4o ; No. :
white. 31Hc ; No 3. 33V4c.
OATS-Weak ; No. 2 white , 2SUc.
RYi-Stead > ; No 2 , 5.'c.
HAY Steady , tinchanged.
nUTTKR-Steady ; separator , 17@I9c
elalrv , 15e *
naas-rirm ; fresh. 22c.
I < l\rrpoiil Grain iinil 1'roi | HOIIS.
LIViniPOOL. Jan. 5 WIIKAT I-uture'
closed quiet ; March 5s lO id ; May , 5s 9 4d
Spot steady : No. 1 red , northern spring
CORN January , old , steady. 3-s lid
March steady , Ts 9\el , May , steady , 3s O'Jel
PROVISIONS Lard , prime western , 29'
6d Tallow , prime clt > , 21s 9d Hams , s > her
cut , steady , , ! os Gd Hacon , easy , 293 ; shor
ribs , dull , 30a Shoulders , square , steady
CliK'liinutl Market.
No 2 red 70' < ! c.
CORN-Qulct : No. 2 mixed 37c.
OATS-Dull ; No. 2 mixed. 29S29'ic.
RYi-Qlllet. No. 2 , 6Gc.
PROVlSIONS-Lard , easy at J3.30 , bull
muits , stronger at (4 G3 ; bacon , tlrm nl
WIIISKY Firm nt J1.27.
naas-rirm nt re.
riillnili-liililn I'rotlneo Market.
Dull and prints Ic lower ; fancy weaten
creamery 22c ; western prints , 21c ,
EGGS Dull nnd 3c lower ; fresh nearby
25c , fresh western. 25e ; fre h southwestern
24c , fresh southern , firm.
Toledo Market.
TOLEDO , Jan. 5 WHEAT Lower an <
weak. No. 2 , cash , "Ulc ; Mov , 72\4c.
CORN ActUe , lower ; No. 2 mixed , 36c.
OATS-Dull , steady. No 2 mixed , 28c.
RYIJ-Uull. higher ; No 2 cash. 5Gc.
CLOVERSEED-Dull , steady ; prime cash
1'porln MnrUrtt.
PEORIA , Jan. B-CORN-Stcady ; No. :
35 4p.
OATS-Steailv : No 2 white. 27'i27'4c.
WHISKY rirm , on the basis of Jl J7 fo
finished goods.
Collet' Market.
opened steady , unchanged to 5 points lower
Ruled very quiet , with neither bulls no
btars disposed to take the Initiative , earl'
decline was In s > mpathy with unfa\orabl'
cables , hca\y receipts and sluggish spo
demand , later Improved on bl ? decrease li
world's \lslble. and light Investment bu >
ing. Closed steadv. unchanged to 5 point
higher. Sales , 15,200 bags , Including- Jan
uary , J5S5S3.19 ; February , J315 ; March
J155WGBO ! April. J5C5 , May , J170. July , J" fOj
HPptcmbrr , r > ! ) , Ortobor , j"i ! ' " > Hpot coffp * ,
Rio , dull nnd enny , No , 7 Itnolcp , O'fci ,
No 7 JobbltiK , 7c. Mild , quiet ; Cordova ,
Aotnblr ( inliix In ippplnltlps nnil
ItnlMiniN In tin * TrniiNnctlntiN.
NEW YORK , Jan. 6 Notable gains
recorded In -specialties ami some ot the
rallwuys today. The announcement of gold
engagements of ll.COO.imO . o\ercatno the reac
tionary tendency of the forenoon and sit
the market forging upward , which con
tinued to the close.
The conditions of the exchange and
money market do not aecm to warrant the
expectation that the Import of gold will b :
a sustained mo\ument , the theoty beirtj
that our largo balance or trade would not
be drawn upon largely whllu money can bu
loaned at more prolltable rates abroad. A
lower range of London prices give a de
clining tcMidency to early train tulims hetc.
.Manipulation of the specialties 'I obaceo ,
Brooklyn Transit und People's Gas ga\u
better a tone to the rulluiijs , but on profit-
taking there were some \ery cubriiuntlal
lois H With thn announcement of the gold
Imports in the nftc rnoon the bulls had tnelr
own way nnd especially In Manhattan , Gen
eral Electric , Brooklyn Transit , Plashing ,
Cincinnati , Chicago iSt St. Louis nnd Colorado
rado Southern.
The railroad shares mo\ed rather slug
gishly until late In the day. when in ac-lva
demand arose for LoulsvllkRoclt Is ,1.11 !
nnd the Southwestern group , Including
'Jexus Pacific , which broke badly at the
end. On the publication of a report that
Manhattan wn to bo electrically equipped
by General Electric these stocks , which
had each advanced C points , presumably on
early Information of the reported deal , te-
ceded sharply on profit-taking The purchase
chase- coal lands In Pennsylvania , by par
ties friendly to the Ontario & . Western
which It was Inferred would largely In
crease the trafllo of that road , rendered
that stock active und strong. Reports of
the possibility of Brooklyn Union Gas In
creasing Its dividend rates and forming ad
vantageous alliances bettered the price of
that stock 5 points. There was nothing In
current news to account for the result In
Chicago Gas except talk of continued good
business. Hocking Valley securities were
weak on the publication of the reorganiza
tion plan , which the movement In the com
pany s stocks and bonds Indicated was more
drastic than expected. The common
dropped 1 4 , the preferred 4 , the 6 per cent
bonds 22 and the fis 10 , with a oubscquent
t ceo very In no case except the Cs , which re
gained 4 of their earlier los > . Late In Ihe
clay It was said that while the contract to
equip Manhattan electrically had not been
given , confidence had been expressed by
General Electric interests that they would
get the contract.
The bond market was under pressure
during the forenoon , but In the late session
heavy purchasing orders were distributed
which carried the level of prices above yes-
tcrdaj's clo e and Imparted a strong tone
generally. Total sales , $3,9o5 000. United
States new 4s , coupon , reacted 't anil the
3s 1-S. The now 3s nnd the old 4s , icglstercd ,
advanced 1-S In the bid price
The Commercial Advertiser's London
financial cablegram says : The markets
hero were Idle and dull today , Paris realla-
Ing at the settlement. It Is preparing for
the Tonquln loan. There Is also talk of
dearer money. Americans opened heavy on
profit-taking hero. New Yoik bought little
and the close was depressed except for On
tario & Western , In which there was good
buying here and from NPW York. The. leel-
ing here Is that ths market will pause until
18V3 prospects seem clearer. Coppers ware
dull on the Paris tone Money was easy ,
176,000 of gold being taken for shipment
to America and 6,000 arriving from Aus
tralia. The price has relapsed to 77 10'id.
The Bank of Bengal has raised its discount
rate from 6 to 7 per cent.
Following are the closing quotations of
the leading stocks on the Now York mar
ket today :
Lake do blioro 197 Amer. Tobacco .US' .
Loul ? & Nash W-4 do pM
Manhattan 1. 102S Con Gis i . . . . . . .
. . .
TH Cable Co.
M t Street 111 t
Cole 1S. . 1 .
Minn i. St. L. 30 'lo pM . . . . SO
. . . . .
' Qon. Uectrio
. ,
do l.'t ufd 97'-j
Mlt pUrl Paclfii . . . K Hawaiian Com Co
Mob la & . Ohio 3IW Int. Paixsr
M . K & T 14S
< ! u ofd 407 *
N. J Ctntral % it '
X. Y. Central 123t iltf pfd
X. 1. . C & fat. t. . . 13'/a Nat. Un Oil . . . . S'4
< io it i > rd . 7S Pacific Mall 41i
do 24 pra 34 People's Oa * 112Ji
Nor. A West . . . . ISVa Pullman 1'alicc . . ICl'i
No Amer Co. . . , ' Silver Cert W'S
Northern Pacific , 4SU sunttird H & T '
do Bfd . 771 * Sup-ar Ho'a
Ontario i.V S0' < lo pf.l 112'i
Ore n & Nav 4S T C S. J 37 %
orv Shore I.lne. . . . 4J U S feather 7Vn
P Coist 1st pfJ . . . S4 do pfd \ \
tto Sd pfd 64 U S Hubbcr 43't
Plttsburst 1& > ( In pfil 112 < j
Itea.llnc . " ' \VV ! tern Union . . . Sl'
do 1st J > fa 5294 I'eJcral &tcel CSN
n. a. w 2TV4 do t > fd Ml *
do T > M CG 11 Ilap'd T 9Hi
Hock Irlnna 1H5 Piclflo Coat 4o'i '
bt L. A. S. r. . . . . . . i > %
Second a'sessment paid. "Fourth nssc-t-
mont paid.
Tim total sales of stocks today were 913 OOC
shares , Including Atchlson , 4 675 ; Atchlvon
preferred , 1G570 , Central PaclOc , 5,170 ;
Chesapeake & Ohio 1,449 ; BurllnRton , 6691 ;
HoclsltiK Valley. 3O > 0 , I onlHvlIlp & NiiMh-
vllle , 16,920 ; Mnnhnttan , 76520. Rpadlnp pre
ferred , 10.921 ; Missouri Paciilc. 12.4SO ; Mln-
soilri , Kansas & Texas pieforrpd. 18.SGO ,
Northern Pacific. 3,420 , Rending- 520 ; Rocli
Island , 2,812 ; Union Pacific. 12 120 : St Paul ,
19.3JO ; Texas & Paclllc. 3900. Union Paclllc
preferred , 7,720 ; Union Pacific. Denver &
Gulf , 7,125 ; Wheeling & Ixike Krle ,
11,700 , Paper. 3,200 ; Ametlr.ui SplritR 3200 ,
Tobacco , 31,100 ; rodorul Steel , us.120 ; Fed
eral Steel preferred , 14500 ; People's CSas ,
118 SOO : Colorado Fuel A. Iron , 3 200 , Gen
eral niectrlc , 8,793 ; Pacific JTall , 4,900 ;
Supnr , 22150 ; Tennessee Coal & Iron. 5 266 ;
Leather. 3201. Rubber , 3370 , Western Union ,
5500 ; St. Louis & Southwestern preferred ,
12,400 ; Chicago Great Western , 11,140.
> o Yorlc Mo Her MnrUrt.
Nominally , 2'4'fil per cent.
i > er cent.
netual business In bankers' bllH at M Sl'ifj '
4 81H for demanu. nnd nt JI Sl4 < ff4 S2 fet
sixty dajs : posted rates. $182' ; . and JI 85 ;
commercial bills. 4 8034 < f4 | Sl'i
S1LVKR CnRTIFICATUS-Nomlnally 59'i
Js , 107'i ; new 4s , reg , 129 , coupon , 1J9U ,
4s , 112 ; coupon. 112H. Ja. 99'i ; 5s , res , 112 4i
coupon , 11J1 * .
todny vvnM iiKltiitcd nnd weak , p.uilcti'irly
Uwurd thn clone Apparently Kpeeul'itors
fimUnupil to rniikc r > nllri'l ms lit vuw of
political rumors , PorrlBii wuirllle * wcr
gencr illy easier HenUs no nouffrtiid
ifliiB Mipportcd by re-purclmse's Illei ttntos
declined sharply , IJ Ik'ors mines worn
maintained South Africans worn .Inn t.nd
KIMn fontrln * wereIn good demand on * at-
lifuctory December crushlngs ; Spanish 4s ,
41.70 , 3 per ce-nt route * . lOlf 47'ic for the at-
rmint ; cxchnngo on London , 25f IDV&e ror
check' ' .
lloftfoii StocUn mid llcinil * .
I1OSTOX , Jnn 5-Cnll loans , 2fl1 per
cent , time loans Sfj I per cent. Closing.
' '
t'nlon i'acino . . 44'ijuliicy" '
" ' ' ' ' '
Mesllnshousm Klec 10'j ' Tnmnriirk . . . . 'l'is'
ilo I'M iz iVVolverlne IT
Hoston I , sii , fnri-ntt . . . " ' >
Kd iriec lei 1IHumlmWt ! J' ' |
< Jpn niec pf > l 1C3 Molmwk . . . ! J
Snu I'rniirlNcei 'Mlnliiic UnolnlliniN.
SAN FRANCISCO , Jan 6-Tho olllclal
closlti } , ' ejuotatlons for mlnltiK stocks today
were as follows :
Slher bars , & 9C ; Mexican dollars , 47'iQ
4i\c. Drafts , Bight , 15c. telegraph , 17 .c.
> ew lork Mining UiiotiilloiiM.
NnV YORK. Jan. 5 The following are
the closing quotations on mining stocks :
I.nnil ( i n Stiii-k . ( IK.mi inn * .
_ LONDON , Jan. -jjp m.-Cioslnei
monej .llfi-io Pt. PlulTommon" . .
ConwK uoxHint' . . IIOK Y Centrnl . llb'4 '
Can Paer'lle ' Pennfthnnla . . . . M
lleadlnp . . . . n\
do Sd ota . . , lk > . l'nt n Poclilc cfd. . 7't ,
Illinois cvmtral . . ,11s Ixtuls St N.ash . Cfi'4
N Pacltlo pfd . . 79V Orjiwl Trunk . 7
, , _ . _ „ - - , .wv , . -d . j > er ounce *
MONEY 2 jter cent.
flip rates of discount In the > open market
for short bill und for three months' bills.
25-S ccr cent.
rinnnciiii : .
O1IA.Ir J . innG Dink clearings tod-xj
were J1.36S.1CO 71 ; balances , $197.12624. One
> ear ago the clearings were'j 10,776 22 ;
$1373"4049' $121'331'16 : lnt-rcase In clearings !
- , ? " ' YOUICJn" - B -Clearings , J250,903 , .
735 ; balances , $14,021,628
ROSTON , Jan 5 Clearings , $24,573,497-
balances , $2120141.
Pl'ILADHLPHIA. ' Jnn. -Clearings , $20-
030 6S2 ; balances , $2039 , % . ' .
NK\V OBLUANS , Jan. -Clearings , $2-
406,279 ; Ivew York exchange , bink , par ;
commercial. $1 discount.
CHICAGO , Jan. 5 Stocks steady. Bis
cuit , common , 50 % ; Biscuit preferred , 101 ;
Diamond Match 14S 4 : North Chicago , 220-
West Chicago , 93U ; Sttawboard , 32 ; Alley
ST. LOUIS. Jan. -Clearings , $0,073.377 ;
balances , $137CJ ! Money. 46 per cent ;
Now York exchange , par bid , 10c premium
CINCINNATI , Jan. 5 Money , 2V4TIG per
cent. New York exchange , 15c discount.
Clearings , $3,3SC,500
N1CW YOniC , Jan B Muller , Schall &
Co ha.vo engaged $500,000 In gold f r Jm-
port. This makes the total for today Jl,500-
CHICAGO. Jan. -Clearings. . $23 OS3.0S9 ;
bilances , $2,109C3fi. New York exchange.
15c pr mlum. Sterling exchange , posted ,
$4 82V4S4 So'i ; actual , $4 b.'f(4 ( S4Vi ; sixty dajs1 ,
$481 483 .
Stuti'inc-iit of llnlik of
LONDON. Jan. n The weekly statement
of the Bank of England shows the. follow
ing changes :
Total restr\e , Increase 537,000 ; circula
tion Increase , JC440.000 : bullion. Increase ,
! , U02,9 2 ; other securities , Increase. 1,150.-
000 , other deposits , increase. 1,203,000 ; pub
lic deposits. Increase J.2MO,000 , notes re-
Ben e. increase 517,000 , government se
curities , increase 3527,000
The proportion of the Bank of England's
reserve to liability is 3930 per cent. Lnst
week It was 4320 per cent. The Bank ol
England's rate of discount remains un
changed at 4 per cent.
Statement of Itnnlc of Prnncc.
PARIS , Jan. C The weekly statement ol
the Bank of France shows the following
changes : Notes In circulation , increase ,
111,350,000 francs ; treasury accounts current ,
decrease. Cl 100.000 francs , gold In hand , de
crease , 11,075001) ) francs , bills discounted , In-
ere ise , 205 525 000 francs ; silver in hand , de
crease , 12,425,000 francs.
Rubber Company's nuidonil.
NEW YORK , Jan. 5 The United Statef
Rubber company has declared a regular
( [ tinrtcrly dividend of 2 per cent on Us pre
ferred stock Action on a dividend on the
common stock was postponed until April 1 ,
Cotton Miirkel.
Spot easy ; sales , 6.COO bales ; ordinary
313-lCc ; good ordinary. 43-Sc ; low middling
4c ; middling , G3-lGc ; good middling
6l-10c ! ; middling fair , B6-lCc ; receipts , 6CS (
bales : -stock. 473,737 baltni.
NEW YORK , Jan. 5-COTTON-Steidj-
middling , 57-8c ; not receipts , 1,224 bales
gross , .1211 bales ; sales. 400 bales ; stock , S3 , .
770 Inlcw : continent , \TH biles.
ST. IXHJIS , Jan. 5 COTTON Steady am
unchanged ; middling , G3-Sc ; .sales. 100 bales
receipts , 11 6 ! > 5 biles ; shipments , 40,909 bales
stock , 78,430 biles.
NtMt York Ir > ( oodH Mnrkot.
NEW YORK , Jan. 5 The market for cot
ton goods has been quiet todny in nil de
partments , mall order business provlnc
light. The tone continues unchanged am ;
confidence of the sellers In the future un
abated , The tendency of prices Is generally -
ally against buyers in brown and bleached
cottons and prints Denims , tickings nnd
other heavy colored goods i tiled dull. Prlnl
cloths are In quiet demand but strong al
2 3-8r for regular rloths Jobbers are open
ing spring lines of cotton dress fabrics and
early business Is encouraging. The wooler
goods Kltuitlon shows no change and
Washington mills' prices were named.
. .
SiiKnr Market.
open kettle. 2 7-5(33 ( 9-lOc ; open kettle , cen
trifugal , 3 5-f4c. centrifugal , granulated ,
4 9-lbiT4 G-Sc : whites , 4 < 4ff4 4c. vellow , 3 7-S
ff4 5-lGc ; seconds , 2'i5(3 ( 7-fc. Molas cs ,
stead > . open kettle , 20lJJc ( , centrifugal , Gfj
19e. s > rup. dull , 20fi24c
NEW YORK , Jan G SUGAR-Raw , irregular -
regular ; fair rellnlng , 3 11-lOc ; centrifugal ,
90 test , 35-lCc ; mohthsea sugar. 3 , 9-lCc , relined -
lined , uirely steady , crushed , G',2c ; pow
dered , G 1-Sc ; granulated 5c.
California Dried I'rultM.
DRIED TRUlTS-Applcs steady , othei
fruits firm Evaporated apples , common
7'i'fjSc ; prime wlro tray , S ie , choice , g ? (
9'/4c ; fancy , lOc. 1'runes. 3' 10 > sc. Apri
cots , rojal. llffllu. Moor park , 11T)17c
Peaches , unpeeled , gfill'je , peeled , Ili(25c. (
( ill Vnrkft.
OIL CITY. Pa. Jan. 5 OIL-Credlt bal
ances , $1 19 , certlllcites. no sale-s , no bid
shipments , S8.1SS bbls ; runs , 83,374 bbls.
S | . JiiNuph I , He Stock.
ST JOSEPH. Jan -Special ( ) - CATTLE -
TLE Receipts , COO head Market actlu
and steady to strong Quality , common tc
fair Natives. $3fOi520 | , Texans and west
erns , $325ft4SO , cows ami hflfers , $173 425
stockers and feedere , $125 415.
HOGS RecelptB. 5,000 head Markoi
steady , closed tlrm , belling at $3 40 3.70
bulk at $3.4&fj3G5
SHEEP Receipts. 400 head. Markel
strong and active
Stock In
Follow ing are the receipts at the foul
principal western markets for January 5.
Cattle. Hogs Sheep
Omaha . 3.S73 S.2S2 91
Chicago . 0,500 40,000 10Cl
Kansas City . 4553 15210 1,121
8t. Louis . 2200 11,20) 30
Totals . . . . . 15,123 74,672 12.6C1
Most of the Onttlo Come Consigned Direct
to the Packers ,
llo llei'oliitu Are Mbcrnl ntul I'rlueit
Art11 Hlutdf HlKlirr on the
Animals that
Co in i * In.
Cattle. Hogs Sheep.
llccelpts loiljy . Ib73 till )
llltlclul Manila ) K'.0 751
Olllclnl Tuesday 1,711 0,037 l.lttd Wednesday . ' , U ? ' ( 14 115 ' . ' .Jo ;
Tour duvs this week . . C,5li5 3J.1IO fi ( b !
ti.imo dnjs lnt week ti77J 4J f'rt D .1117
Simoda > .stek befoiu . 5 SIS .VJ.J'j ) 4iiK" three \\ctks ngo. . P.O.U 57.WH h.76.1
A\ erase prlcu paid for IIOKM tor the last
BOX iral tljjM , \\iiii comparlions
ll > 93.lh97.lSJb.tllQ5. | | | .
Dec. 23 | 3 49 ' . " * J0 | 3 33 | 4 17 5 11 | 0 JI
1 > ei 272S. I < 44 1 10 | S JS I 13 5 10 ; b 11
Deo. 2S.2J . 3 17 3 3J | 3 21 | J 3b 10 | 5 H | d 4C
Ueo. 2J j 4 3 30 | 3 IS ) 5 07 | G4U
Dec. : < 0. .1 44 , 3 .U .1 111 3 41 , 6 14 6 411
Dec. 31 ' 3 60 | 3 T. 3 17L3 31 | 4 23 | b&1
| 1M _ | 1S3S.1$9.US96.1MW | | 1S51.
" *
Jnn. I 3 4. | 3 181 3 40 , 4 22 , r , 121 *
Jjn 3 57 * 3 17 | 1 4 Ji 4 Ib C 1GI G c :
Jnn. 3 671 3 4S | I .1 16 4 Us 5 05 ] U 7i
Jan. 3 III 3 411 3 251 3 511 I 11 5 10 , b 7t
Jun. J 47 - SS1 ! 4 Ib 5 Iti b Si
Indicate' * Sunday "Holiday.
The number of cars of stock
brought In todaj by each ro.ul was .
Cattle. Hogs Sheep , ll'r's
C , M & St 1' H > . 1 3
O St L H\ . 3
Jllsioutl 1'aelllL U3J 11
I'nion 1'aclilc Sytftem. 5 25
C A. N W. lly . 1 1
r. , i : . & M v K. n . s
S. U As 1' . lt > . 1 1
C , St. J , M A : O. lly. 7 5
H. At Jl 11 U K . 7 3 !
C , H. & Q lly . B 7
K. C & St. .1 . 5
C. , H I A : P. lly. , R. a
C. 11. 1. & P. llV. . . .
Total receipt * . 7J 113 C 5
The disposition of the d.iy'a receipts wiv
ns follows , each buyer purchasing the numb -
b ° r of head Indicated :
Hirers. Cattle HOK < < Sheep
Onmnu PucklnB Co " I 1257 11
Thn G H. Hammond Co. Ib9 42. !
Swift and Company 10S issl 333
The Cudahy I'acklng Co. 363S 1942
Armour iS. Co 363s 201S
11 Ilecker and Degan . . . s
Viin ant S. Co S
" \ \ ' . J. Stephens . 125
Hill A : Huntzlngcr . 14
1 * T Hus . 3
IwUlngston & Schilcr . 7
II. Hamilton S. H . Id1)
Om.ilia , trom Ivansas City 77 7S7
Ururunjml , from K. C . 9 !
McOrearv & Clark . 2d
Cudahy P. Co , from K. C. 37S
Armour , from K. C . 140
Other bu > crs . 2S 283
Totals . 1917 9107 1033
CATTIJG All told there were only
seentrhreo loads of cattle reported In the
jards , of which four were consigned direct
to Hammond , four to the Omaha. His to
Armour , and sixteen to Cudahy , All trom
Kansas City. Aftir making allowance for
the cattle to packers there was not iiutoh
left upon which to base a market. Ihetc
was not a slnele load of seed cornted tattle
In the yards and nothing that could ne com
pared with the best cattle here yesterday.
The feeling among- sellers was that good
cattle , had th ro been any here , would have
sold a llttlo higher under the Inlluence ot
the good demand and the better reports
from other markets All the cattle here
were chottfod , ranging from very common
to pretty decent , nnd such cattle sold at
steady prices , though In some oases It
seemed as If the common warmed-up stuff
was n little nlow und hurd to get rid of.
Some good shortfod cattle brought M 00 ,
which looked fully steady , and some pretty
decent half fat stuff brought $1 S5 Somu
warmed up Texas steers wont at $120 , and
some common llttlo northern cattle , warmed
< tp , bioueht $4 10
Cows and heifers cold In about the same
notches as yesterday , or possibly a llttlu
stronger. If really desirable , und such as
bu > ers happened to want. At the close of
last week and during the llrst ot the present
week buyers got cow stuff down a little and
they are acting now more as If they thought
It was worth the money and are bujlng It
moro freelv. Canning tows sell largely at
$ J231J2.75 , fair to medium cows at 12 90&3 35 ,
good cowa at $340fr375 , and choice cows at
J3.75fJ4 ( 00. Choice heifers , an a matter of
course , soil evtn above the last mentioned
figure. Today a hunch of good birrcn
Pulled Angus heifers went at $1 43. Hull *
stags , etc , sold at steady price- .
There was very little here In the way of
stotfkers or feeder * and the market was
stiong. Some Wjomlng cnlie * . white , faces
and short horns , about Inlf heifers , good
stuff , brought $4 90 Some rood jiarllngs
and 2-year-olds brought M 37 > i Uverythlng
of any account was snapped up In short
order. Representatl\o sales :
No. Av. Pr No. Av. Pr.
12 c. & h. . MIS $3 COWYOMING.
lOSslkcal SDI 4 90
C cows . . 10S1 2 D-J 12 fr-edcr * . P'.O { 3 7 !
2 heifers. . fcSO 3 75 20 steers . . . 9G2 3 75
HOGS Considering the heavy break In
values > osterdaj and that the reports sent
out the du > before wera generally dis
couraging today's receipts were qulto lib
eral , as will bo noted from the table of
receipts at head of column , though tha
total for the week to date IK considerably
smaller than for the corresponding day of
lust week Among the day's arrivals were
live double decks of assorted light eon-
signed direct to u packer from Kansas
City , where they cost onlv JJ27Va
'Iho llrst advices this morning were not
entirely i ncouraglng Chicago reported
Si.OOO head > Slous Cltj , l.r/iO head ,
Kansas City , 15,000 head , proapeets easier ,
St Louis , 9,000 head , lower , St Joseph ,
5.0M head , easier
The market hero opened with buyers
talking about the same priecs as prevailed
at the close of jeslcrdi } but they wanted
the hoen and the market turned out to be
stiong to u shade higher on the heavy
loads. Good liea\ > loads sold vei > largely
at J3 47'4. with tome prlmo heavy at $150 ,
and rough heavy ut W 15 The s Una kind
of hogs sold very largely nt $1 45 yesterday
With light hogs the situation was not no
favorable. In the llrst place Ihere were
more light and light mixed loads hera
today , but a still more potent Influence
w.a the very low price ut which pat ken
am able to buy assorted llrht la tiia Kan.
nmkM AH noted nbov , Ihf pnrk *
sol dmlcn nci'ortod IlKht thenyr tcr-
dnj nt $ i7't ' , und today some of thr pue-k-
rrn got drovw at Kitnsns IMIV nt nil average -
ago test of JSJl As n result the nwrkft
on light hncs at this point vvn * slow und
barrlv Htcnii ) Tinlluht mlicd lottl
uhlih lm\i' b"cn selllnc ut a premium over
hoavv sold loday liiidi the In uvv. Hint
K lirgelv at ! J n for good with nome on
thf buti her wi'luht order ut MSO Ceinnnon
IlKlit nilvil would nnt bring us much and
some little pin ) weighing nbotit seventy
putitiitti went lit J250 Shippers must
undci stand Unit loiiKli mlrcd loadn , loiuln
iniide up of hogs running from pounds
or over down to ) ilgi , are poor sollcri * . nH
the pigs bring down the prlcei for the
vvholn load
Toilav's market was fairly nttlvr HI the
pit'vulllng prlies noti-d above , nnd prao-
tk.ill.v everything sold In good season
R-j.ireyentatlvo suli-s
SHEEP There were only a few sheep
here , part of them driven in from near-by
points. Them IB not very much to say
about the market today. Buyers seemed to
vrant a few kilUro and paid steady prices
for the offerings Some prfctty good weth
ers , on the nUvp order , brought J3 95
Another bunch of Wyoming wethers , but
not BH handy weleht Bluff , went at $375.
Fed western ones sold at $330 , and south-
cm owns and wethers fit $ ; 16 There Is
prictlcally no demand whatever for feed
ers or stock sheep.
Quotations are : Good fed western weth
ers , $3 73 4 00 ; fair to good , $3 70t < 3 90 ; choice
wentern yeirllngF , $4160425 , fair to oed
western yearlings , $4 004 15 ; fed ewes $300
< ft340 ; gooij to choice native lambs , $5 OOfi
525 ; fair to ffoort western lambs , $475'ii500 ,
feeder t he p , $350 375 , feeder lambs , * 4 OO'o
4 50 ; cull sheep. $2 OOif J 00. cull lambs , $3 00 $
2 VI Representative BoJes :
21 ewes , feeders 116 $3 23
223 western wethers 110 3 95
17S Wjoming ewes 124 3 10
110 southern sheep 101 3 45
211 Wyoming wethers 122 375
HORN .iotl\c and PrlocH Up Flic Cent *
Cattle IIlKhcr.
CHICAGO , Jan. 6 The light supply of
cattle today served to bring about a bet
ter feeling and desirable offerings were
largely lOc higher. Beef steers , sold at $3 90
© 150 for the poorer to $4 7055 no for mediun
and $5 25525 70 for cholco shipping lots , with
fancy beeves selling : at $375 590 Texas
feeders brought $3 3034 00 , according to
quality. Calve brought $57.8675
There was an active demand for hogs and
prices ruled Go higher. Fair to choice- ,
Trade in sheep was quite animated at
atrong prices. Sheep sold at $2 753 7G for
undesirable lots up to $4 00 4 W Lnmtm
were In good request , at $375 ( & < 25. Heavy
sheep $ J50J385
RECEIPTS-Cattle , 6500 head ; hoga , 40,000
head ; aheep , 10,000 head.
OftcrlnKH f > f Cnttle Too Menucr < o
Snipl > ( lie Demand.
celpts , 4.0T5 natives , G20 Toxans. Offerings
today were too meager to satlsfj demands
and prices ; ruled about lOo higher ; heavy
native steers , $510fiGGO ; medium , $4 40ifo 10 ,
light weights , $4 23f5 } 00 , stockers and feed
ers , $123U4GO ! , butcher cows and heifers ,
$275&4GO , western steers , $3 40fc4 75 ; Texas
i orn fed steers , $3 25JJ4 75 ; Texas cottonmeal
fed $330fi450 , cannlntr stoclc , $2255275
HOOS-IUcelpts , 18 JlO head The oxccl-
lent demand served to strengthen the price'
again today , prices averaging about Gc
higher , heavies. $3 60JJ3 70 ; mixed , $340&365 ;
lights. $3 SOfi i 50 , pigs. $1 OOffl 10
SHEEP Receipts. 1.420 head ; demand
continues In excess of supplies. Offerings
today were rnthcr Inferior quality , trade
active at steady prices ; lambs , $5 OOftn.lO ;
muttons. $ J 75 (4 ( 20 , feeding lambs $150 ®
400. feeding shcc-p , $323 3.73 ; stockers , $2.50
St. Io n In Llie Stock.
ST LOUIS Jan G CATTLK Receipts ,
2,200 head , Including see bend Texans ; s-hlp-
mcnts , 1 , ( X ) head. Market ste idy to strong ;
fair to fancv native shipping and expert
steers , $4 40f(5 ( 75 , bulk of ilfs , $4501i5IO ,
drevpod beef and butcher steers. $103 540.
bulk of sile" , $4 20U5 10. steers , under l.OdO
Ib'i , $1 0001 ! 40 , bulk of sale * . $1 13f4 05.
Mockers and feeders. $27r/t423 , bulk of
sales , $3 ( > g3E5 : craya and heifers , J2 OOif
413. 'lexas and Indian steers , $ J23 i4SO ,
bulk of sules , $3000415 ; cows and heifers ,
$2 cogs is.
HOGS Receipts. 11.200 head ; shipments ,
1 500 heid Market steady : pigs and lights.
$ .125f)310 ) ; packers. $14 ft3GO. butchers , $155
ft 170
SHEEP Receipts. 300 head ; shipments ,
ono head Market steady , native muttons ,
$1501(100 ; sUfckers , $2G3fi300 ; lambs , $300
York Iilic Slock.
NEW YORK. Jan 6 BEEVES-Rocclpts ,
912 head , no trade worth mentioning , feelIng -
Ing steady ; cables were higher ; live cattle.
llfflla4C , dtcssed weight , refrigerator beef ,
8 3-Sc per Ih , exports today , 200 cattle , to
morrow. none.
CALVES Receipts. 123 head ; slow and
weak , i pill 4 , $3.0i ( < ri8 00 , barnyard calves ,
nominal westerns , $1 12'/6
head , sheep , steady ; lambs , tlow and un
changed , 1V4 fars unsold ; common to good
Hheei ) $1 23fl4 23 , medium to choice lambs ,
J5 23 | 5 f .
HOOS-Rpcelpts , 4259 head : 27 head on
sale ; market firm at $1.90fi4.10.
flnrliinutl M > c Stock.
CINCINNATI , Jan 6-HOOS-Actlvf ;
$3 40-Jd 70
CATTLE-Steady ; $250 JIR3
SHEEP Quiet steady , $2230400
LAMBS-Qulet , steady , J123fi540.
JAMES . BOYD & 00 , ,
Telephone 103 ! ) . Onmli.t , Xeb
Dlrc't wlre to Chlcacn and N w Terk.
Corrttpcndintii John 4. Wsrrtn A Co.
H. R. PENNEY & CO. ,
Room , \ . Y. Life niilur. , Oiualin , Nell.
, , .
Direct Wir' > eTV York , Clilcaco and
( Veitcrtt I'olutc.
When Traveling
Read The Bee
Here IsWhere
You Will Find it ill the If ;
Principal Cities.
Klinlifill House Acw Stnnd.
Junto M. lioilnnl.
J. O. Sprrr > .
I'lilttlc I.lbrnry.
V -mlonio llolrl
Iluitun PrcMi Glut ) ! 14 Uosworlk S
Grneacr Hotel > i > w Stand.
City \OTT * De-pot , Cor. Muln and Hro * "
wn j .
llnrvnrd Unl\ entity I.lbrnrj- .
K. A I.nican. till ! \Vrnt lOtb .
Clifj-rnue Cluli.
Atlilltorltininnrz > MVI Stand * .
Aiiilltiirliini llotrl Nr v snnd.
( irniul I'nclHc llolrl > urr * ntand.
Orrat > ortlirrn llolrl > rnm Stand.
I'nlinrr llnimr > nti Slniul.
PontoMlcc * VMIK Stand , No.17 Dcnr
linrn Strr > (
AiHDcliilril Ailt rrtlnpr'H Club , Pnlmer
\Vrdilrll llnnxi * .
The llnllnidcn.
Cnmnirrclnl Trnvclrr ' Association.
Masonic Temple.
Ilrlm-or lira * . , .No. HO South Tejoa Bt
Printer * ' Home.
IlroTTU Hotel Ncim Stand.
llniutltoii A Kendrlrk. DOfl-niZ 17th nt. n , put A Co. , wns Sixteenth St.
I'rntt Mcroiiiilllo Co. . 1517 Larimer St.
The Stationer Co. , 1,1th aud JLan-rcnco
Street * .
Wlnilnor Hotel > ewe Stand.
Jacob * , Hock Inland Depot *
Y. M. C. A. UciuliiiK Itaoiii.
Wife A ncnnctt , 214 W. Superior St.
81. 9. A. llendlnir Iloom
XV. A. Mnore. Uth ntonna and Mala St
Helena Public Library.
Grume Gibson.
C. II. 'XV enter & Co.
F. C. Dot Inn.
llohert Helil. llWi ! St.
Coated House > < -irn Stiind.
Hlsvourl Hcpnbllciiu Clnb , 005 Bnltli
more Ate.
Pnhllc Mbrnrr.
Itlekiieeker Clear Co , Olh and Walnut
_ opposite 1' . O.
Itnllwny Y. M. C. A. , room 27 Union
llepot , Kminnii City , Mo.
I'ubllii Library.
Y. M. C. A. Hcndlnjc Itonu.
W. N. RilmUtoii , 112't O Street , Dcllv
cry Aftent.
Ollrer it Ilnlnec , 1OO S. Sprlnvt St.
Lo * AncolcCVTB ! Co. , S1Z 1-i
Sprluu St.
Clinrlc * A. OllllR' * American
9 Cockapoir St. , Trnfalirar Sq. , S. W.
Public Library.
Went Hotftl NciTH Stand.
Villon nook & Novelty Co. , U We > th-
liiKton Avc.
Cooper Villon l.lbrnrj.
Plftli Identic Hotel > otvn Stand.
Fifth Aieillie Hotel ItrudlnB IlOom.
Ilrooiiir Strt-et Llbrnrj.
Hollnnd llonnc Ilcmllntir Iloom , -
lloftman Hoimr.
Imperial Hotel .Verm Stand.
Sleehnplefi' tinit Trndrrn * I'rpc Library ,
Xo. 18 Cant SUtecnlh Street.
Prrin Clnb , 12O .Vnama St.
WeMmlniitcr Hotel Ilcndlnic Iloom.
\Vlnil or Hotel neurilniv Iloom.
V. M. C. A. , 23d Street and 4th Avenue ,
W.Webb , 2405 W bliiKton Are.
McCnrtne > A Co. , .tail 20th St.
Nerr York Herald Ileadlnsr Hoom , 48
Ate. lie 1'Oprrn.
W. r. . Jonrv , 2I > 1 Alder St
Portland Hotel > e Stand.
Mercantile Library.
Public Library.
Pnbllc Library.
Snntn Ann Free Public Library.
I , . K. Ilniiiincl , Lyceum Theater.
Suit l.'iUe NIMMI Co.
Public Library. , . .
O. O. Oy ton , I'OBtnttloe ACTTI Depot ,
llolrl Seattle .Ni'Trn Htuiid.
( Jrnrifc K. Ward.
rinrrpltson Ilott-1 .N < - > v ntnnd.
Monilnniln llntul KCTTH Stand.
Hnel Veodome > e v Staud.
I'nlillo Mhriir > .
fieralil I'lt elbbnn , TOO Poartb Bt.
Hay Allen , ll'Jil Center St ,
Y. M. C. A. Hendlnir Iloom.
John AV Graham 72t-725 : ItlvcrilO *
Or n4ovv'i .Venn Stand , 721
Junction \CTT Stand , fiOl Udmond IK
Y. M. C. A. Heading Iloom.
Pi-en * Clnb.
\Vlndior Hotel.
K. J. Jell , NOd Ollte St.
I'lnnterM' Hotel .Nc bland.
Wlllnrd'i Hotel \errn htaud.
Arlington Hotel.
Uonurrxiiluiiul Library.
HIlIBK llouie.
ticrlciilturul Ueiiartnient IJbrary.
Senate llenilluur Iloom.
llepubllcaii > l. Committee