m-w-wm t-\\r A tr A TT IT TlTflTJI. T7IT Tr A n/\ t ot\o [ COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL and Wfcwt Freely Offend for S le in Large Qnantitiei. 'FRACTIONAL ' DECLINES FOLLOW IN GRAIN VD * < * Clone Unchanged anil Prnrliilon * fihow StrenKth All Day nnd Cloie , Five tn Fifteen Cent * L . _ Higher. CHICAGO , Dec. 29. On the hard spots ( Wheat and corn were { or sale today In considerable ( luiinlltlcs. The result was u decline of 1-Sc In wheat and 14c In corn. Oats closed unchanged. Provisions showed ctrength throughout and cloned C01ic ! higher. Wheat started weak , with sellers In a large majority. Llveipjol showed n mib- tantlat decline and Berlin and Antwerp BdvJccs were to the effect that Argentine ( offering * were much ( rccr and at lower prices than from America. This inruused it ho general deslro to realize and also er- xioiiraged traders In a belief that the recent ( dvance had been too fast. May opened l-8@tto lower at 70 l-SftTO c. with a few vales as low UH 70o. Northwestern receipts were smaller than expected and this held back liquidation to some extent , but the aelllng prcHSure from local holder * was too great for the market to stand up under , he recent heavy outside buying being con spicuously absent today. After advancing to 70o the market broke to C9 7-S@70c. For an hour the market kept within about 3-fic f that price , with trading much narrower Oian of late. Then evidences of renewed foreign demand , as shown by good export engagements ut the seaboard , licavy cash demand here and at outside points and heavy clearances 1,097,000 bu. started buy ingwhich by 12:30 : had carried the price fcack to 70c. Minneapolis and Dultith re ceipts were 4SG cars , compared with 753 last week and BS3 a yrar ago. Chicago receipts wets 910,000 bu. New York reported sixty loads taken for export. During the latter part or the session there was a good deal of selling to close accounts over the holi days , and although buying In general was very steady , there was enough liquidation * o give the market a rather weak appear- nnce during the last half hour's trading. Slay declined to 70Uc and closed at that price. Corn was fairly active and weak. The market started lower on the decline at Liv erpool and under continued liquidation. In which local longs ware especially promi nent , the market was decidedly weak until aJ > out noon. In the latter part of the ses- lon a better feeling developed .by the heavy cash business done hare and sea board engagements of over 100 loads , but toward the close liquidation again became heavy and the market was weak at the end. Receipts were 407 cars. May ranged from 38G-8c to 3Sc and closed % c lower at BS 1-Sc. Oats were rather slow but steady. The xport demand was good and receipts were light 107 cars. Prices ruled a little lower during the morning , following- corn , but re covered after noon. Most of the buying to day was done by shippers , the selling by local longs. May ranged from 27 7-8c to 8 l-Sft2S > , ic and closed unchanged at 2S@ C8 1-Sc. The market for provisions was the strong est on the floor and at times showed con siderable activity. Packers were free sell- en early and prices lost some of the early ndvance. This was soon recovered , the buying demand being urgent throughout. The market was very strong during the last two hours of trading. A feature was the widening of carrying charges. At the close May pork was 15c higher at $10.62Vfc , May lard lOc higher at $5.75 and May ribs Co higher at $5.20. Estimated receipts Friday : Wheat , 160 cars ; corn , 75 cars ; oats , 240 cars ; hogs , CS.OOO head. Leading futures ranged a * follow * : On the Produce exchange today the butI I ter market was nrm ; creameries. " JO c ; dairies. 12V4ffl7c. Cheese , quiet , a-fciu ; Sic. Eggs , fresh , 24B25c. Dressed poultry , flrm : turkeys , 10V e ; chickens , 7@7&o ; ducks , C@7c. NEW YORK GHNERAL MARKET. | Quotation * for the Day on General Commodities. NEW YORK , Dec. 20.-FLOUR-Recelpts , 80,130 bbls. ; exports , 29.429 bbls. ; Bteady and unchanged , but quiet ' , owing to wheat's er- ratlo actions ; winter extras , $2.2003.00. COUNMEAL Firm ; yellow western , 84 ® . 65c. ntloat. RYE-Qulet ; No. a western , Cle. f. o. b. , WIfEAT-Rccelpts , 207,200 bu. ; exports. 8S3.S89 bu. ; spot , weak ; No. 2 red , 79ic , f. . . o. b. , afloat. Options were In a highly nervous and unsettled condition all day , nustalnlng frequent and sharp changes in the afternoon under scalping operations ; opening easier with cables ; they yielded further on liquidation and short saleti ; a decided late recovery on big clearances , outside buying , a scarcity of shorts and ntrength In corn preceded a llnal collapse nttemled by renewed unloading ; last prices represented l-S < fr3-8o net decline ; March , 77 3-SW77 5-Sc. closed 77Mc. CORN-Recelpts. 201.823 bu. ; exports , 149.- CS9 bu. ; spot , weak ; No. 2. 44 5-SiU > 44 7-8c , f. o. b. , afloat. Options opened easy on cables vnd after nn emphatic afternoon recovered on enormous export nimors and went to pieces finally under a sacrifice of headings ; I closed UQC-Sc net lower ; May , 4343 3-Sc J' , 1 closed 43 l-8c. OATS-Hecelpts. 14,400 bu. ; exports. 3.820 bu. ; spot , quiet ; No. 2 , 3J&e ; No. 3 white , Me. Options were quiet and nominal. BUTTER-Rccclpts. 1.121 pkgs. : firm ; ! W stern creamery , 15@21c ; Elglns , 21c ; fac tory. 12OT14HC. CirEESE Receipts , 1.SI4 pkg * ; quiet but firm ; Inrge , white , lOHc ; small , white , IWiffl lie ; large , colored , lOHc ; small , colored , EdQS Receipts , 2.600 pkgs. ; flrm ; west ern , Sic : southern , 23 < B'5c. ! METALB-Coppcr and tin climbed still higher today and a marked Improvement woe noted In plpr Iron. At the close the Aletal exchange called pig Iron warrants firm at $7.76 , nominal. I.nke copper was firmer with buyers and sellers at $13.00. Tin iwan higher with $18.75 bid and $18.90 naked. Lead was a shade easier with $3.85 bid and $3.87W asked. Spelter was quiet at $5.15. nominal. Lead was quoted at $3,67V4 and copper at $12.75 by the flrm fixing the set tling price for leading miners and smelters at the west. Liverpool lira In' Market. LIVERPOOL. Dec. 29. WHEAT-Qulet , J.8if3-Sd Icwer ; December , 6s 13-Sd ; March , es 105-Sd ; May , 6s 5id. CORN Quiet , llitf 1 5-8d lower : December , Is : March , 3s 116-Sd ; May. 33 11 3-Sd. January 2 will be a holiday on the Qraln exchange. _ naltlmore Market. HALTIMORE. Dec. J9.-FLOUR-FIrmer i and unchanged ; receipts , 9,887 bbls. ; ex ports. 260 bbls , WHEAT Unsettled ; spot and month. 73 trail-So ; steamer No. S red. 72l4c ; receipts , l4ltf bu. ; tjporti , 136,000 bu. ; southern wheat , by sample , 70Q76C ! on grade , 724 ® 75Uc , CORN Easier ; spot and month , 43 43Uc ; December , n < ? w or old , 423-Sfi42Wc : stcnmcr mixed , E r-8-i3'j-Hc ; receipts , 211.500 bu. ; exports , 120,815 bu. ; southern white corn , 39U l2Hc : southern yellow. ZWaMic. OATS-Flrmcr ; No. 2 white , iMUirsIc ; No. 2 mixed , S2Q3Zl4c ; receipts , 0,000 bu. ; ex ports , none. BUTTER Steady and unchanged. OMAHA ( Ji\im.\L MARKET. Condition of Trade nnd Quotation * on Staple and Fancy Produce. KaOS Oood stock , 20c. IlUTTER-Common to fair , 11012c : choice , ISHlfic : separator , 20c ; gathered crc.lm-e.ry. ; lTic- ' ? . . POULTUY-Hcns. live. 4c ; dressed , 6 ifl 6c ; old roosters- , _ live , 2 c ; dressed , _ 3'Jf4cj ' fwnoc" . OAME-Teal , Wile wing , $1.75 ; green wing , $1.00 ; mixed , $1.73572.25 ; prairie chickens. $5.00 ; quail , per dozi , $1.00 : Juckrabblts , $1.25 01.60 ; pottontnlls , 75C01.00. PIOKONS Live , per doz. , 60c. VKAL-Cholco. OYSTERS-Hulk Standard , per gal. , $1.10 ; mediums , per can , 15c ; Standard , per can , 20c ; Extra Select , per can , 25c ; New York Counts , per can , 30c. VEGETABLES. CELERY California good stock. 2Sc ; choice , Kic : fancy , 60c : extra large , 75c. CAULIFLOWER Per crate , $2.6032.75. ONIONS-Per bu. . 50o. BEANS Hand-picked , navy , per bu. , $1.30 ( 1.40. POTATOES-Cholce , sacked , ISO&Oc ; poorer stock , 40c. SWEET POTATOES-Per bbl. . $2.602.75 ; CABBAOE Per Ib. . crated , l ic. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS California , fancy , $4.00 ; choice , $3.75. ORANGES-McxIcans. $3.25 : Navels , fancy , $3.75 ; choice , $3.50 ; seedlings , $3.00. BANANAS Choice , large stock , per . bunch. , $2.0002.25 ; medium sized bunches , . r > rT i ftn $1.7502.00 , FRUITS. APPLES Western Ben Davis. Genltons and Wlnesaps , per bbl. , $3.75 ; New York Ualdwlnn , Greenings and others , choice , per bbl. , $4.0004.26. PEARS-Callfornla , $2.2502.50. STRAWBERRIES Per box , 30c. GHAPES-Malnga. per bbl. , $8.003110.00. CRANBERRIES Dell & Bugles , per bbl. , $7.60 ; Jersey , $6.2506.50 ; per crate , $2.25. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Almonds , per Ib. , 17c ; Brazils , per Ib. , 810c ; English walnuts , per Ib. . fancy , soft shell , 12c ; standards , lie ; filberts , per Ib. , lie ; pecans , polished , 7SSc ; cocoanuts , per 100 , $4.60 ; peanuts , raw , 686o ; roasted , 7 ® > 7Hc : chestnuts. 8i9c. ? MAPLE SYRUP-Flve-gal. can. each , $2.60 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz. , $12.00 ; half- gal , can * . $6.22 ; quart cans , $3.50. FlOS-Imported , none ; California , 10-lb. boxes , $1.50. HONEY Choice white. 12K < fU3c. DATES Hallowee. 60 to 76-lb. boxes , 6 ® 6c : Salr , EHifCc ; Fard. 9-1b. boxea , lOc CIDER P r half bbl. , $3.00@3.15. SAUERKRAUT-iPcr half bbl. , $2.00. HIDES , TALLOW , ETC. HIDES-No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No. 2 green hides. 60 ; No. 1 salted hides , 8Vic ; No. 2 salted hides , 7ic : No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. , lOc ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. , 8c. TALLOW. GREASE , ETC. Tallow , No. 1 , 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2V4c ; rough tallow. H4c ; white grease , 2V6iJ3c ; yellow and brown grease. WUWtc- SHEEP PELTS-Ore n salted , each , 15 ® 75c ; green salted shearings ( short wooled early skin ? ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( short wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 4 5c ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , Sfl4c ; dry flint , Colorado rado butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 406c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. . actual weight , 34c. FURS Mink. 1075c ; boar ( black or brown ) . $5.003 > 20.00 ; otter , $1.50SS.OO ; beaver. $1.006.00 : nkunk , ISijoOo : muskrat , 3fi7c ; raccoon , 15Q60c ; red fox. 25c0$1.2S : gray fox , 250500 ; wolf ( tlmbor ) , 25cS$2.60 ( ; wolf ( prairie ) , coyote , 1050c ; wildcat , 10 < Jf25c ; badger , 640c ; silver fox , $50.0075.00. WHEAT MOVESIENT AT NEW YORK. i Export IlnIne * * Heavlent In 'Weeks nnd One of Largest on Record. I NEW YORK , Dec. 29. The wheat market , I worked Itself up Into a'high state of ex- ' cltement this afternoon and had a sharp up and down movement over a cent range In the last hour , leaving off with a final collapse and weakness of undertone , which In fact was Us chief characteristic most of the day. The public was again out of the market altogether for a good seller of wheat , and fluctuations , therefore , were largely deter mined by scalping operations' . Local trad ers , short one minute , would be frightened by their shadow the next nnd the sec-saw afternoon market was one result of the un settled feeling among room operators. The general undertone of the market appeared to be as weak and bearish as It wan on Wcdne&day , although bull traders , looking over the statistical situation , which today Included another big seaboard .movement and continued reductions In Interior re ceipts , were not discouraged. Argentine news entered somewhat Into the situation offerings were reported "at a price American wheat. Export business was only about 330 loads here and at outports. May wheat sold up to 75c In the afternoon , after having previously declined to 74c , and closed at 74 c. Corn again followed the movements of wheat closely. There was an enormous ex port trade , , howover. that gave afternoon strength preceding the final collapse , which left closing prices US'J-Sc below the pre vious1 day. In all 210 loads were reported for export , representing the heaviest business In'weeks and one of the largest on record. , St. LonU Market. ST. LOUIS , Dec. 28. WHEAT-Optlons were unsettled , closing with a shade dif ference from yesterday ; spot , steady ; No. 2 red , cash , elevator. 72c bid ; track. 73c ; December , 72 7-8c ; May. 74 l-8c ; July , 676-Sc bid ; No. 2 hard , 6768c. CORN Options were fractions lower ; spot , lower : No. 2 each , 35V4c bid ; Decem ber , 354c : May , 36 5-Sc asked , OATS Futures were flrm , but unchanged practically ; spot , dull and easy ; No. 2 cash , 2SVic bid ; track. 2SHc ; December , 28ic asked : May , 2 * 5-SS284c ; No. 2 white , 30c. RYE-FIrm at 54c bid. SEED Flaxseed. lower at $1.0716 ; prime timothy seed , $2.30. CORNMEAL-$1.63S1.70. BRAN Higher ; sacked , east track. BS@ HAY-Tlmothy. steady at $7.7508.00 ; prairie. $ G.507.60. WHISKY Steady at $1.27. BUTTER-Qulet ; creamery , 1822Hc ; dairy. 14371SC , EGGS Quiet at 19c. METALS-Lead. higher at $3.77'/43.80 ; spelter , nominally $4.85. POULTRY Quiet ; chickens , 5c ; turkeys , "WffSc : ifeese. 55j5'/ac ; ducks , SQGc. PROVISIONS Pork , higher at $10.25 : old , $9.12V4. I ird , higher ; prime steam , * 5.35 ; choice. $5.45. Dry salt meats , boxed shoul ders , $4.50 : extra shorts , $3.00 ; ribs , $5.25 ; shorts , $5.50. Bacon , boxed shoulders , $5.00 ; extra shorts , $5.50 ; ribs , $5.75 ; shorts , $6.00. RECEIPTS Flour , 4,000 bbls. : wheat , 23.- 000 bu. : corn. 36,000 , bu. ; oats. 17,000 bu. SHIPMENTS Flour. 12,000 bbls. : wheat , 20,000 bu. ; corn , 214,000 bu. ; oats , 37,000 bu. KiinnnH City Grain and Provision ! . KANSAS CITY. Dec. 29.-WHBAT Steady : No. 2 hard , 64i60o ; No. 3 , COQ61c ; No. 2 red. 70c ; No. 3 , ClQCSc ; No. Z spring , 63 fi3c ; No. 2. 58Q62C. CORN Half a cent higher ; No. 2 n'lxed ' , 33c ; No. 2 white , 35o ; No. 3. Hl'/.c. OATS-Lower ; No. 2 white , WifXc. , HYK Steady ; No. 2. ilc. HAY-FIrm ; choice timothy , $7.0007.25 ; choice prairie. $6.507.00. BUTTER Weak ; separator , lc ! ) ; dairy , ICc. EGGS-Steady ; fresh. 20.1. RECEIPTS Wheat , 46,200 bu. ; corn , 8,400 bu. : oats , 6,000 bu. SHIPMBNTS-Wheat , 45,000 bu. ; corn , 3.- 200 bu. ; oats , 4.000 bu. Grain Receipt * at Principal Market * . ST. LOUIS , Dec. 29.-Rectlpts : Wheat , 23 cars. MINNEAPOLIS , Dec. 29. Receipts : Wheat. 422 cars. DULUTH. Dec , 29.-Rccepts ! : Wheat , C3 cars. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 29.-Recelpts : Wheat. 67 cara. CHICAGO , Dec. 29.-Esttmated cars for tomorrow : wheat , lt > 0 ; corn. 573 ; oat , no. Receipts at Primary Markets ; Wheat , 903,375 bu. ; corn , 1,003,401 bu. Toledo Market. TOLEDO , O. . Dee. 29. WHEAT-Lower and active ; No. 2 , cash and December , 71Uc : May , 726-Sc. CORN Active and lower ; No. 2 mlxe.d , SSc. SSc.OATS OATS Dull and steady ; No. 2 mixed. 28c. RYE-Dull and higher ; No. 2. cash , 6Jc. CLOVER8EED Active , nnd steady ; prime cafh , old , $ t.l7V& ; new , cash and December , $4.60 bid. Ituluth Wheat Market. DULUTH. Dec. K. WHEAT No. 1 hard , cash , 6S5-Sc ; May. C95-8c ; No , 1 northern , cash , 66c. I Minneapolis Wbeat Market. I MINNEAPOLIS , Bee. 29.-WUEAT-Mar.l ktt flrm : May. 673-Sc. On track : No. 1 hard , 67 * c ! No. 2 northern , 64fic , FLOUR-Unchanged. BRAN-In bulk , $3.75119.23. Cincinnati Market. CINCINNATI. Dec. 29.-FLOUR-St ldy. WHEAT-Qulet ; No. 2 red , 70c. CORN-Steady : No. 2 mixed. 37i,4QJc , OATS-Qulet ! No. 2 mixed , 29UQ29 ic. RYE Firm : No. 2 , 67c. PROVISIONS Lard , flrmer at $3.20 ; bulk meats , stronger at $4.65 ; bacon , flrmer at $5.87'i. WHISKY-FIrm nt $1.27. BUTTER-Easy. Teorla Market. I PEORIA ] , Dec. 29.-CORN-Easler ; No. 2 , 3Cc. 3Cc.OATSEasler ; No. 2 white. 27H 27 c. WHISKY Firm , on the basis of $1.27 for finished goods. Milwaukee Grain Market. MILWAUKEE. Dec. 29 , WHEAT Mar ket He lower : No. 1 northern. RYE UP lower ; No. 1 , 644c. I1ARLEV Steady ; No. 2 , 49',4c ' ; sample , 4SJ4049C. Phllndelplilit Produce Mnrket , PHILADELPHIA. Dec. 29.-BUTTER- Steady : fancy wertern creamery , 22c ; west ern prints. 2lc. EGGS Steady ; fresh western , 26c. OPERATIONS IN STOCKS AND BONDS. After Period of Irregularity Stocks Rename Ifpword Movement. NEW YORK , Dec. 29.-After an early period of hesitancy and Irregularity stocks today resumed their upward movement. In some stocks the advance was large , while In standard shares It was confined to frac tions. The trading was broad and there were few laggards In the advance. Al though London was a moderate buyer on balances , there was a disposition In the early hours In that quarter to be very cau tious after the decline here yesterday. The tendency In the home market was nt first downward , sympathetically with the early foreign prices. The grangers and Pacifies were off fractionally and professional trad- era worked for a reaction , but found few vulnerable spots , as all offerings were ab sorbed by commission house scale orders. Sugar was marked up on the shorts , who had put out large lines because of the dis turbing factors In the trade situation. The favorable November reports , that of Jersey Central , published yesterday nnd that of Reading published today , the latter showIng - Ing an Increase In surplus of nearly $169- 000 for' ' the month , were Instrumental in rousing renewed interest In the anthra cites. The strength developed was attrib utable In part to renewed reports of an ad vance In coal prices with the- first of the year. Erie first preferred rose sympathet ically. The strength spread from one group to another and the rates for money , which had advanced slightly , gradually cased off with plentiful supply to a very low figure. The grangers rallied a pointer or more from the low figures and sellers of yesterday were ! purchasers today of Central Pacific , which advanced over 3 per cent , and the other Pacifies Improved In a lesser degree. Flttsburr , Cincinnati , Chicago & St. Louis and Chicago & Eastern Illinois recorded new high records. New York Air Brake made an extreme rise of ZV per cent , accompanied by talk of a favorable judicial decision. Amcrloan Cotton Oil , Bay State Gas and Federal Steel were all strong. There was talk of a new deal In Bay State Gaii to account for the rise there. 'The closing was strong at the top In most cases and at slight concessions at best In others. The bond market showed early hesitancy , but later rose strongly , with substantial gains in some cases. Total sales , $1,415,000. United States 3s advanced H per cent and th new 4s 1-8 per cent In the bid price. The old 4s rmrlstcred fell off 1-8 per cent. The Commercial Advertiser's London financial cablegram says : The markets here were more active today and the tone was cood. Americans alone were unre sponsive. They opened weak and hung under parity till New York bought the coalers largely , causing- spurt that made the close at the best. There was little business thm ness here , however , except in Central Pa- clflc. which London and the continent bought. There was Influential buying of tlntos and Anacondas. Eleven thousand pounds In gold bars were bought by the bank. The market borrowed largely from the bank today. , The bank return shows that the market borrowed 3,000,000 last The' following are the closing quotations of the leading stocks on the New York market today : Atch'son : 1ST do 3d pfd 3i\i do pfd Mli St. L. & B. W 71. B. & O CS > t do ord IT Canada Pacino . . . 85U St. Paul 119 % Canada Southern 06 do pM 166 Central Pacific . . 44 St. P. & 0 9314 Ches. & Ohio . . . . 25 do pfd 168 Chicago & Alton. 16914 St. P. . M. & M 174 C. . U. & Q Witt S. Pacino 33'.i ' Chi. & E. Ill COVi S. Hallway 10'4 ' do pM 1UH4 do pfd 42 % Chi. 0. W IC'A Texas St Pacific . . . . ISli Oil ! . . Ind. & L 8 Union Pacino 42 % do t > fd 32 do pfd 73-H Chi. & N. W 14214 U. P. , D. & Q 12 do pfd 181 Waba h 7 % C. . C. . C. & St. L. . 4f.l do ofd 22rt do pfd- 9T Wheel. & L. E &H Del. & Hudson 107'i do Dfd 2 < H D. . L. & W 151 Adams Express . . .108 Den. & Rio Q 20 American Ex 143 do pfd 7Pi ! United States Ex. . . K'A Erie ( now ) 14Vi Wells-Fargo Ex 130 < ib 1st I > ftl S8i Am. Cotton Oil . . . . 33U Ft. Wayne 176 do pfd WVi Qt. Nor. pfd 139 i Am. .Spirits 13Vi Hocklnic Valley . . . . 3',4 do pfd 37 111. Cen ral 114'i Am. Toljojcco 142 L. E. & W 21 do pfd 130 do Dfd 74 Cons. Gas lOl'.i Lake Sliore 200 Com. Oable Co 17J Louie. & Nash 4H Colo. F. & Iron 311 Manhattan L 7 > 4 do pfd K Met. Bt. Ry 190 % Gen. Electric 05 i Michigan Central..111 Hawaii Com'l Co. . . C7 Minn. & St. L 36 > i Inter'I Paper C4H do 1st pfd 99 do pfd 92 % Mo. Paclnc 45 LaClede Gag 52 Mobile A Ohio 31 * Lead te'i M. . K. & T 13 i do pfd 113ii do pfd Nat. Lin. Oil 0 N. J. Ceirtrol Pacific Mall 43U N. Y. Central 13314 1'eople's Gas 109 % N. Y. . C. A St. L. . 14U Pullman Palace . . . .162V4 do 1st pfd 75 Silver Cart 59V4 do 2d Dfd So Standard n. & T. . . 8 Nor. & West Wi Sugar 123 N. Am r. Co 6'4 do prd lll'.i N. Pacific 4314 T. C. & Iron 3cyt do pfd 77'i U. 8 _ leather "Vi Ontario & W 18i ? do pfd 72 > 4 Ore. R. & Nav f,0 U. S. Rubber < 4" Ore. Short Line . . . . 41Ti do pfd Ill Pno. Coast Ut Dfd. . M'i Western Un'on . . . . 82'Xj do 2.1 pfd M',4 Federal Steel 49ft Plttsbunc 172 do ipfd M Heart I IK 21'4 Hreoklyn R. T 77i do 1st pfd Ore. iNav. pfd 71 n. a. w. . . . Pacific Coast 46 do ofd Colo. South 7 nock Inland 114H do 1st litU 491 St. L. & S. F Rid do : a Dfd is 1st pfd 67 The total sales of stocks today were 724.- 100 shares. Including : Atchlson. 7,552 ; Atchl- son preferred. 17.350 ; Central Pacific , 31.100 ; Chicago , Rurllngton & Qulncy , 13,600 : Chicago cage & Ea.stern Illinois , 7SOO Loulsvlllo & Nashville. 4.5SO : Manhattan. 4,050 ; Read ing preferred. 31.SCO ; Missouri Paclnc. 10,520 ; New Jersey Central , 3,671 : Northern Pacific , 11,470 ; Reading. 20,620 : Rock Island , 23,720 ; Union Pacific. 21,850 ; St. Paul. 17,350 ; South ern Pacific. 3.800 ; Southern preferred , 5,000 ; Texas & Pacific. 6,950 ; Union Pacific pre ferred. 16,070 ; Wabash & Lake Eric , 3,070 : International Paper. 12,211 ; Internationa1 Paper preferred , 4,810 : Cotton Oil , 6,475 Tobacco. 4.820 ; Steel , 37.SSO ; Steel preferred , 16.830 : Peopln's Gas. 3,005 ; Pacific Mali , 11.- 740 : Sugar. 53,640 : Leather preferred , 7,450- Chicago Great Western , 4,110. - Ilnnton Stock Quotation * . BOSTON , Dec. 29.-Call loans , 2(83 ( per cent ; time loans , 304 per cent. Closing quotations on stocks , bonds and. mining shares : A. . T. & st. F ISM , Atclilpon prd Am. , Sugar l i Atchlnon 4s 9S"j do prd 111H WIs. Central 1 C2 , Bay mat * Gas 4tt Alloufz Mining Co . 7H Dell Telephone . . . . 777 Atlantic 31U Iloston & Albany..243 Boston & Mont. . . .2S4U Hoston K. Maine..170 Butte & Boston. . . . 92 Boston L K < A Calumet & Hecla. , C40 C. , It. & Q 124H Centennial as Fltuhbure 107H Franklin 211-1 Oen. Electric 95H Old Dominion Mexican Central . . . 5 % Oiceola S5li N. Y. & N. Emr. . . . OS .uilncy 147 Old Colony 19S Tamarack 193 Ore. Short Line . . . . 41Vi Wolverine K Rubber 44 Parrott 3JVi Union Paclnc 4H1 Union Land l < Bi West End g9 * Adventure 9 % Weatlnch. Ulec 39 Wlnona 14H do prd 63 iHumboldt 2'j Gen. Else , pfd. . . .US London Stock Quotation * . LONDON. Dec. 2)-4 p. m.-ClosIng ; Consols , money..110 9-16 N. Y. Central Consols , acct.,110 11-16 Pennsylvania C2T { Can. Pacific U Iteidlne Erie US U. P. pM do td 3S % Atchlwn , III. Central 117H L. & C6H N. Pao. pM 7 H Orand Trunk . 7U St. P ul. common..1227i BAR SILVER-Qulet at 27 6-16d per ouncf MONEY-3V4 per cent. The rate of discount In the open marke. for short and three months' bills , 33-SS1 per cent. Statement of Bank at France. PARIS. Dec. 29. The weekly statement o. the Bank of France shows the following changes : Notes In circulation , Increased 6S.100.00C fr .nc : treasury account current. Increased 8.260,000 franca : gold In hand , decreased 3- 800 , 000 franca ; bills dUcounted , Increased K , ' 00,000 francs ; silver In hand , decreased 3- ,000 francs. York Moner Market. NEW YORK , Dec. 29.-MONEY ON CALL Nominally , 2 per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAJ > EK-3ff3 i > er cent. STERLING EXCHANGB-Stcady , with ctual business In banker * ' bills at ( .S4'i . & 44 ! for demand , and at $4,81 94.81 % for Ixty days ; posted rate * , $4.82H and J4.S5H ; iommcrclal bills , $4.801464.81. SILVER CERTIFICATES 59HSGOHC. BAR 8ILVER-Pc. MEXICAN DOLLARS-4fi ic. GOVERNMENT BONDS Irregular ; U. i. 3s , ltrt',1 ! new 4s , reg. , 12S'/8 : coupon , 129 ; a , reg. , 111H ; coupon , 113H ; 2s , reg. , 99V4 : s. rcg _ . , 112H ! coupon , 112i ; 1'aclllo 6s of I.H. nrw3s.107H N.J. C. fil 114H J. S. new 4 * . rer..l8tt N. C. OR P.'S I.H. no coup . 12Vk N.C. 4S 104 : i. s. 4nrtg . 112 No. Paclflei l tB.,117Hi J. S. aocoup . 11414 No. Pncinc 3s nvi ) J. S. 'jdB.reg No. 1'iiclrtc 48 Id2)t ) J. S. fii.rer . N.Y. C.ASt. I * 4S..10I1 ] . S. A .cotin N. A W.Us 128W N. W. Contois 14.1 Mi.cl : H A . 110 N.W. Deb. rs 1UOK Ma. , class B . 1U8 Ore. N. lilt * .113 Ma. , plans C . 100 Ore. N. 4s 100M Mn. , Currency. , , . , ,100 O. S. L , Oi t. r 130 Uchl ou4a . IM'V O. S. L. As t. r Ill Jo. adj. 4s . 70 ! < Pacific CsofOJ 1011 iannila So. Uda . 110H Readlnr4t 88 . & 0. 4hB . BU K. (3. ( W. ins HUH : : hl. Terms. , 4s . UK Bt. L. A I. M. con fil 103 C. AO. OS . 117 Bt. L. AS. F.Oen. O. II. iD. 4.41 . 104H St. P.ConxolR 1HH D.&R.O. Ills . 10H tit. P. C. A P. Uts. .122 t ) . A. n. O. 4s . lli2 ! St. P. C. A P. CB. .121 ICaRtTenn. Itts . 107)4 ) So. Ry. ( 1U6H SrlnGen.4s . 73) ) * S. n. AT.Us 8.1 P. W. & D. Uts. t. r. 81 Tenn. new et 3s. . . US UCD. Eloc. 8s . 10J T. P. L. O. iHts 110 B. H , IL S. A. flu . 107 T. P. KgSdB 4HU O. H. AS. A. 2dl. . . 103 U. P. D. A O. IstS. . 87 H. AT. Cent. S . m Wab. 1st Bs 113 H. AT. C. eon. G . . .11'J Wab. 2ds P4K lowaC. IstH . lUfl W.Shore 4i 11U ! ( La. New Con. 4H..100 Va. centuries 8:1 : UiN. Unl. 4i . 07 Vu. deferred 7 4 Missouri Us . 100 Wli. cent , lull 02U . K. AT. BdB. . . . 07 U. P. 4s 105 A. K. AT. 4s . BIX Colorado Sou th'n 41 80K M.Y. C. Uts . 117)4 ) Offered. New York Mining ? Clnotatloni. NEW YORK , Dec. 29. The following are he closing quotations on mining stocks : Choler 10 ( Ontario COO -rown Point 13 Orxlilr . ' < t Ion. Cal. & Va ll Plymouth 10 i 4i [ Quicksilver 3SO ould & Curry 20 do pfd 450 tale & Noreross. . . , 14 Sierra Nevada SO lommtakc JO Standard 210 Iron Silver 70 Union Con n 'lexicon ' 23 Yellow Jacket 20 I-'lunnclnl Notvu. OMAHA , Dec. 29. Bank clearings today , 1,387,571.41 ; balances , J137.S90.2S. One year igo the clearings were $914,615.13 ; balances , 157.308.48. Increase In clearings , $472,926.28. NEW YORK , Dec. 29. Foreign bankers said today'that nterllng exchange rates were sufficiently low to permit of the 1m- lortatlon of gold and that It was not un- Ikoly that some more would come In Janu ary ; that imports really depended now on the rates for money here. If there was need for the gold here some would un doubtedly ' come. It would be easy , the 'jankers said , to bring In $50,000,000 of gold if any such sum wore needed. CHICAGO , Dec. 29.-ClearIngs , $26,491,795 ; balances , $1,663,291 ; New York exchange , lOo premium ; posted rates , $4.S2V { J14.85' . Stocks were fairly active and generally strong ; Alley L. 75 ; Biscuit , Bl'i ; Biscuit preferred. 105 ; City Railway , 290 bid ; Diamond mend Match , 145 ; Lake Street L , 13V& ; North Chicago , 222 ; Metropolitan L , 34 ; Strawboard - board , 33 : West Chicago , 93. CINCINNATI , Dec. 29. Money , 2U6 per cent ; New York exchange , 15ft20c discount ; clearings , $1.881,450. WASHINGTON. Dec. 29. Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows : Available cash balance , $259,635,208 ; gold reserve , $245,714,633. NEW ORLEANS , Dec. 29. Clearings , $1- 665,076 ; New York exchange , bank , par ; commercial , 25c discount. BOSTON , Dec. 29. Clearings , $21,730,242 ; balances , $2,700,408. PHILADELPHIA , Dec. 29. Clearings , $15.375,535 ; balances , $2,489,019. BALTIMORE , Dec. 29. Clearings , $2,972- 214 ; balances , $607,179. NEW YORK , Dec. 29. Clearings , $226,037- 466 : balances , $8,741,453. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 29. Clearings , $5,429,565 ; balances , $558,357 ; money. 407 per cent ; New York exchange , 20c discount bid , 30c discount asked. Fore Inn Financial. LONDON , Dec. 29. Monday , January 2 , will be observed as a holiday on the Lon don exchange. American securities opened dull and rather -weak on operators taking profits , Late the 'market became more ac tive and firmer ami closed firm , with the demand firm. Amount of bullion gone into the Bank of England on balance today , 110,000. Gold. 'qt'sBuenos Ayrcs , 115.20. Spanish 4s closed "at 46.62 % . PARIS , Dec.i 29. The fears of tight money for the settlement recently entertained on the bourse hero' 'disappeared today and there was an uninterruptedly buoyant tendency , the rise In Spanish 4s , ; due to the forthcoming declaration of options , provoking covering purchases , which boomed international securities. Argentines nnd Brazilians were In great favor. South African securities advanced. Three per cent rentes , lOlf 95c for the account. Ex change on London , 25f24c for checks. Spanish 4s46.SO , BERLIN , Dec. 29. Prices were nrm on the bourse today until near the close , when , under the Influence of the decline In Amer ican securities , caused by the tone of the New York market , there were all around realizations. Statement of Bank of England. LONDON , Dec. 29. The weekly state ment of the Bank of England shows the fallowing changes : Total reserve , decrease , 1,139,000 ; circula tion , decrease , 114,000 ; bullion , decrease , 1,252,666 ; other securities , Increase , 3,080.- 000 ; other deposits , Increase , 1,901,000 ; pub lic deposits. Increase , 41,000 ; notes , re serve , decrease , 1,146,000 ; government se curities ; unchanged. The proportion of the Bank of England's reserve to liability Is 43.20 per cent. Last week Itwas 48.03 per cent. The Bank of England's rate of discount remains un- ihanged at 4 per cent. Cotton Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 29.-Cotton was steady on an advance of 204 'points ' and the fu tures showed a still further Improvement of 203 points , English cables being of a favorable purport , advices from New KUK- land mills and from dry goods markets en couraging nnd reports from southern spot markets being also of a bullish character. The recent bull movement In the stock market extended to cotton and the market showed broader speculative Interest for the holiday week. The Increase In spot sales at Liverpool to 1,000 .bales received special attention In connection with .advices from New England spinning districts repotting an'expanding demand for cotton goods. The market closed steady at about lite best llgures of the day. a net gain of 4 to 6 points. Middling. 57-8c. Net receipts , 810 bales ; gross receipts. 3,310 bales ; sales , 300 bales ; stock. 88,313 bales ; exports to the continent , 1,052 bales ; to France , 500 bales. Total today : Net receipts , 43,753 bales ; ex ports to Great Britain , 48,221 bales ; to France , 500 bales ; to the continent , 11,14s bales ; stock , 1,310,722 bales. Consolidated : Net receipts. 256,602 bales : exports to Great Britain , 257.804 bales : to France , 25,624 bales ; to the continent , 72.884 bales. Total since September 1 : Net receipts , 5,702,926 bales ; exports to Great Britain , 2,212,606 bales ; to France , 457,213 bales ; to the continent 1,479.380 bales. Xeiv Yorlt Dry ( iootl * Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 29. The market has shown little change today. The demand for staple cotton goods has been of moderate proportions and In most lines of prints and ginghams the demand han been light. The tone continues unbrokenly -strong and It Is apparent that any changes In prices to bo recorded for some time to come will bo in an upward direction. Print cloths are strong In tone , although current demand is quiet for regulars nnd for narrow and wide odd goods. In other department ! * the mar ket has presented no new feature. California Dried Fruit * . NEW YORK. Dec , 29.-CAL1FORNIA DRIED FRUITS Apples , steady ; other fruits flrm. Evaporated apples , 7'/4fflSc ; prime wire tray , 9i9',4c ' : fancy. lOc. Prunes , BfllOVjc. Apricots , Royal. ll@14c ; Moor Park. 13ffl7c. Peaches , unpeeled , 9ffllV4c ( ; peeled , 19S21c. New YorK Live Stock. NEW YORK , Dec. 29.-BEEVES-Re- relpts , 625 head ; feeling flrm ; cables quiet ; live cattle steady ; cattle nt Liverpool easy ; nt London , 11 lid ; refrigerator beef , lower , nt 7Uc per Ib. ; export'138 ' head cattle and 17 sheep ; tomorrow none. Calves , receipts , 155 head ; market steady ; venls , $5.0008.60 ; common barnyard calves. $3.37H- SHEEP AND LAMBS-RecelptJ , 2,475 head ; sheep , dull ; lambs , slow nnd weak ; common to choice sheep. $3.2&ff4.50 ; fair to prlmo lambs , M.45 5.63. HOGS Receipts , 2.C95 head ; higher at $3.70 03.90. Stork In Slislit. Following are , the receipts at the four principal western markets for December 23 : , . . Cattle , Hogs. Sheep. Omaha 1,911 12,391 1,331 Chicago 10,500 35.000 11,000 Kansas City .1 4,270 16,49c ) S25 St , Louis 4.600 10,500 1,600 Totals 71,331 H,6J OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Only a Handful of Oattla on Bale and Business Boon ( her. COMMON GRADES STILL SUFFER GREATLY Unyorfl Dlncrlmlnntc Aitnlnit the Up Stuff ling" loic Half Mckel , liut Hell with Considerable Freedom. SOUTH OMAHA , Dec. 29. . Cattle. Hogs , dhei-p. „ , „ . . , , today 1,911 12,394 1,331 Olllclnl Monday 457 4,553 1.631 ° , mclai T.V-11' ? ' " , J-743 1 ° ' 587 809 Ofticlal Wednesday 1,661 15,857 1,636 Four days this week 6,772 43,691 MOT Same days last week. . . . 6,818 39,269 4,035 bame deys week before. . 9,039 67,638 8,753 Same three weeks ngo. . 8,170 3S.133 0,783 Average price paid for nogs tor the last several days , wltn comparisons : 11888.11897.11896.11895.11894. | 1893. | U92. Dec. 15. 327 | 324 , 317 4 091 5 621 Doc. 16. 3 20 3 29 3 17 3 37 4 636 Dec. 17. 3 261 3 31 3 17 3 40 641 Dec. 18. 3 31 3 16 ] 3 36 4 13 4 90 ] Dec. 19. 3 28 3 18 3 31 4 07 4 S7 6 33 Dec. ' j. 3 2S1 3 331 3 3 * 4 11 4 731 6 24 Dec. 21. 3 31 328 3 1 3 27 4 15 474 6 27 Dec. 22. 3 3 24 3 14 27I I 4 14 4 90 , 6 26 Dec. 23. 3 36 3 21 3 17 327 4 93 629 Dec. 21. 3 47 3 20 3 19 3 31 4 13 634 Dec. 23. Dec. 20. 349 320 333 ] 417 | Ell 627 Due. L'/ . 3 44 3 30 ' * I S3S 413 , 5 101 6 41 Dec. 28. 3 4 332' 3 21 3 361 4 10 5 11 640 Dec. 29. 3 45 330 3 IS 4 13 ] 507 040 Indicates Sundnv. The ofllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. C. , M. & St. P. Ry 15 . . O. & St. L. Ry . . Missouri Pacific Ry 39 6 U. P. system 13 31 2 C. & N. W. Ry 7 F. , E. & M. V. R. R 6 31 8 S. C. & P. Ry 1 C. , St. P. , M. & O. Ry B 7 B. & M. R. R. R 10 37 C. , B. & Q. Ry 3 18 C. , R. I. &XP. Ry. , east. . . . 1 7 Total receipts 78 169 6 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing- the number of head Indicated : Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co 4 928 G. H. Hammond Co 183 1,631 232 Swift nnd Company 109 2,645 457 Cudahy Packing Co 128 3.258 Armour & Co 192 2,953 496 R. Becker and Dtgan. . . . 213 Vansant & Co 7 J. L. Carey 135 Lobman & Co 28 W. I. Stephens 37 Huston & Co 1 Livingston & Schaler. . , . 5 Hamilton & R 43 Armour , Sioux City SCO Armour , Kansas City. . . . 210 Hammond , Kansas City. . 81 Omaha , from K. C 29 456 Cudnhy , Kansas City. . . . 461 Other buyers 13 $ . . . . 152 Totals 2,004 12,677 1,337 CATTLE The receipts of cattle today were the largest of the week to date , and still there were only a few here. Moreover , of those reported In there were twenty-two loads conslgnd direct to Cudahy , nine to Armour , four to Hammond , and two to the Omaha. In other words , pretty nearly one- half of the receipts were not offered for sale. The market as a whole was In good condition , and the offerings'changed hands early In the morning. The market on good cornfed beeves was active and fully steady , or even strong. Some westerns that were nice , most of them white faces , but not burdened with fat , brought $3.25. Another bunch of westerns , good quality , but not so fat , brought $5.10. The warmed-UD cattle , such as are Belling at $4.0004.60 , were very slow sale , as no one seemed to want them , and holders of such were calling It a mean market. The facts are that these cattle are neither good beef nor desirable feeders , and for that reason the demand Is very limited. On some days these cattle sell pretty well when H happens that packers are obliged to have something , nnd nothing else is to bo hod. Shippers , however , may depend upon It that buyers will discriminate ngalnst warmed-up steers as often as they have the opportunity. The market on good cows and heifers was steady and active this morning , and the offerings of such met with ready Bale. Some right good heifers sold up to $4.25. The common and medium grades of cow stuff were a little easier owing to the feel ing among buyers that they have been payIng - Ing too much money for that kind of Btuff aa compared with the way It Is selling ; in other markets. Still they bought It all In the end. Bulls , stags and calves brought steady prices. The demand for light stock cattle was quite brisk this morning , and the few hero sold at strong prices and a little higher than about the same , kind brought on Mon day , or nt the close of last week. Tha prices paid certainly looked higher , and were entirely satisfactory to sellers. Repre sentative sales : BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 3. . 700 $3 15 19..1051 $4 10 1..1050 $4 60 2. . 800 3 75 IS..1095 4 20 2..1035 4 60 26. . 803 3 80 12..1041 4 25 13..1122 4 76 2..1020 3 85 22..1133 435 21..1168 4 85 3..128G 3 90 7..1143 4 40 20..1081 4 So 21. . 969 4 00 9. . 971 4 40 21..1058 5 10 20..1038 4 10 21..1161 455 37..1233 6 25 COWS. . 060 2 25 21..1043 2 S5 1..1260 3 26 .1020 225 1..1000 2 85 1..1180 3 25 . 775 2 35 1..1030 2 90 1..1050 335 .1160 2 36 7..1101 2 95 1..1250 335 . 970 2 35 1..1120 3 00 S..1045 3 40 . 850 2 75 1. . 970 3 00 1..1200 3 45 . SOO 2 40 4. . 952 3 00 1..1060 3 45 .1040 2 60 2..1275 300 21..1137 345 .1160 2 50 1. . 930 3 CO E..1162 3 45 .1100 2 C5 1..1270 3 00 7..1146 3 60 . .1020 2 65 S. . 937 3 00 1..10SO 3 60 1..1010 265 1..1120 3 00 8. . 975 3 00 3..1046 2 65 2..1190 3 10 2..1330 3 60 2..1075 2 65 1..1000 3 10 8. . D62 S CO 1..1100 275 3..1013 3 15 2..1203 S 65 2. .1140 2 75 3..1033 3 15 11..1127 3 70 1..1000 275 3..1203 .1 20 1. . 980 3 75 1..1260 275 1..1260 3 25 11 , . 9C6 3 SO 4..1100 275 1..1310 325 HEIFERS. 1. . 660 250 12. . 854 3 45 1. . G90 3 85 1. . C30 275 2. . 695 3 60 22..1027 3 90 1..1110 .1 00 1. . 840 3 60 2..1065 3 93 1. . 970 3 2o 1. . 610 3 65 4. . 640 4 00 2. . 723 3 30 2. . 750 3 75 L. 380 4 15 2. . 910 3 40 14. . 932 3 SO 18. . 722 4 25 STEERS AND HEIFERS. 4. . 480 4 23 BULLS. 1..11IO 2 65 1..15CO 3 10 1..1200 350 1..1070 2 75 1..1290 3 15 1..1640 3 60 1..1130 2 75 1. . 690 3 15 1..13SO 3 50 1..1230 i S5 1..17CO 3 25 1..1220 3 60 $ 2..1010 2 90 1..1300 3 3D 1. . 980 3 73 2. . 885 300 1..1360 340 1..1790 375 STAGS. 1..1040 3 00 1..1270 .1 50 CALVES. 1. 160 500 1. . 140 650 1. . 190 7 00 1. 100 C 00 2. . 163 6 60 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 4. 575 300 49..1034 350 .1. . 716 400 3. 770 230 43.,1023 350 13. . 678 400 18. 837 3 33 1. . 750 3 60 7. . 713 400 4. 815 350 6 , . 928 360 8. . 7S6 403 6. 1023 3 60 22. . SW 3 70 2. . 635 4 10 1. 710 350 35. . 732 370 1. . 5SO 450 43. 1030 3 50 HOGS South Omaha and Kansas City had liberal receipts for a Thursday , but Chicago fell considerably short of expecta tions and the minor markets did not have enough to be burdensome. The early re ports Indicated 35,000 at Chicago , 17,000 at Kansas City. 9.000 at St. Ixiuls , 5.000 at St. Jcscnh and 3,500 at Sioux City. Of the hogs received at this point nine doube-decku , or SOO hogs , were consigned direct to Armour from Sioux City , and three double-deck. , or $ 450 head , to the Omaha from Kansas City , The provision market , however , was the ' controlling Influence , and , as that was again lower yesterday , hogs opened lower all along the line. At South Omaha the early sales were , as a rule , about Ho lower , that la , choice light sold at $3.50 , as against $ $3.62 % yesterday , heavy and mixed loads largely at $3.45 , us against $3.47' ' , $ yesterday , with a few choice heavy and medium weights at $3.47& . The more urgent orders worn soon filled and then the market weak ened off , the favorite blda on heavy and mixed hogs being $3.4214. The lowering of the bids was the signal for the market to slow up nnd the trade for a time came al most to u standstill. Sellers were , not pre pared to accept $3.42V4 for good hogs and held on. A little later the market seemed to put up on new strengin and thfn pens were cleared in good season. The market , as a whole , was juut about ' 'VsC lower than yesterday. The prices paid wfro as noted above , with the addition that u few rough loads went at $3.424 , the same nx brought $3.15 yesterday. Representative sales ; No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. IS 250 . . . $3 40 70 21G 120 3 45 D7 331 240 342" " 61.212 . . . 345 61 , . . . ,379 51. . , . .361 59. . . . .321 62. . . . .335 69 250 49..363 22 345 CS 325 C..190 K 301 62 6 ! SIM 72 2J9 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 4o 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 3 45 2 00 200 2 00 .1 26 3 35 335 3 40 7 261 . . . 340 1 120 SHEEP There was only a moderate run of sheep today , and , as a few wore wanted , the offerings were sold early In the mornIng - Ing , which gave the market the appearance of being active. Still , about the best that could be said. Is that It was just about steady. Possibly there was a little better feeling , owing to a alight Improvement In the mutton market in the east , but the Improvement so far Is not sufficiently marked to bank upon , and It would be de cidedly risky to Increase the receipts. Those best Informed on the market are still ad vising the holding back of supplies until shipments can be made with more safety. Today th Hcrihey phecp brought $3.85 , as against $3.75 on Monday , but the sheep to day were a little better quality , and better welghta , so that thare was not much dif ference In the market. Pretty good western yearlings brought $4.10 4.15 and some , na tive lambs that were coarse and heavy weights $4.76. Quotations art : Good fed western wethers. $3.75(94.00 ( ; fair to good. $3.6fti3.75 ; choice western yearlings , $4.15 4.23 ; fair to good western yearlings , $4.00J4.15 ; frd ewes , $3.2503.60 ; good to choice lambs , $5.00 ® 6.15 ; fair to good lambs , $4,50@4.75 ; feeder sheep , $3.60373.75 ; feeder lambs , $4.00ff4,50 ; cull sheep , $2.0033.00 ; cull lambs , $3.00(53.50. ( Representative salsa : No. Av. Pr. 18 western nulls 106 $3 00 6 native ewes 182 3 CO 16 western Iambi , cornfed 80 4 10 79 western yearlings , cornfed. . . . 86 4 10 496 western yearllngi , cornfed. . . . 89 4 15 97 western lambs , eornfed 81 475 250 Oregon withers 116 385 232 Oregon wethers 116 8 85 CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MARKET. General Trade In Cattle Doll , Active , Sheep HlKlier. CHICAGO , Deo. 29. The general trade In cattle today was rather dull. While a small proportion of choice cattle sold no lower , other grades showed about lOc decline. A sale of fancy heavy cattle sold at $5.95 , but most of the high grades brought $0,3505.70. The bulk of the offerings were of medium grades and brought $4.755.40. Texas cat tle were in demand at $4.090-4.70 and west erns Bold at $3.905.40. 8lookers and feed ers were unchanged. Very few calves were offered , good grades bringing $6.00 ® 6.76. There was a fair nnd active market for hogs , but buyers insisted on a lower range of prices and late sales were fully 7'c under yesterday's quotations , we.avy hogs sold at J3.3OS3.70 , mixed and butcher lots at $3.35S3.62V4 and light welghta at $3.20 ® 3.60. Pigs brought $2.9083.33 * and culls $1.00 ( 3.25. The volume of business In cheep and lambs was quite moderate. Prices were for the most part unchanged , lambs find ing purchasers at $4.0004.25 for the poorest and $5.001(3.25 ( for the best flocks. Sheep sold all the way from $2.00 to $3.00 for un desirable qualities to $3.0004.10 for fair to prlmo lots , and yearling sheep were salable at $4.0034.86. Nice western lambs brought $5.00 < (36.10. ( New sheen sold up to $4.00. Receipts : Cattle , 10,500 head ; hogs , 35,000 head ; sheep , 11,000 head. KANSAS CITY LIVE STOCK MARKET. Demand for Good Killing Cattle Active HOB * Lower. KANSAS CITY , Deo. 29-CATTLE-Re- cclpts , 3,000 natives , 1,270 Texans ; demand for good killing cattle active and prices flrm ; common quality were easier at from steady to lOc lower prlcci ; heavies , $5.100 5.30 ; medium , $4.1505.10 ; light weight ? , $4.25(86.00 ( ; stockers and feeders , $3.25fH.50 ; butcher cows and heifers , $2.7504.25 ; west ern steers , J3.400S.OO ; Texas steers , $3.500' ' 4.40 : Texas cows , $2.7503.25 ; canning stock , $2.2502.75. HOGS Receipts , 16,490 head ; receipts were mcstly of light weights ; Indifferent quality stock rold 5f(10c lower , while good packing grades were active at steady to 5c lower prices ; heavies. $3.6003.65 ; mixed , $3.33 ® 3.55 ; lights , $3.1503.45 : pigs. J2.80lCi.OG. SHEEP Receipts , 925 head ; supply hardly large enough to Interest buyers ; Uiu few bunches offered sold at steady prices ; lambs , $5.0005.50 ; muttons , $ J.2304,26 ; Btockert ) , $2.6003.50. St. Louis Live Stock. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 29-CATTLE-Rccelpts , 4,600 head , Including 2,400 Texans ; ship ments , 400 head ; market weak and lower for natives , with Texans slow and easier ; fair to fancy native shipping ste-ers , $4.250 > 5.75 ; bulk of tales , J4.40-ji5.50 ; dressed beef nnd butcher steers , $3,7505.25 : bulk of sales , $3.9504.85 ; steers under 1,000 Ibs. , $3.0004.50 ; bulk of sales. $3.6004.40 ; stockers and feed ers. $2.4004.60 ; bulk of sales , $2.7504.25 ; cows nnd heifers , J2.OOJf4.40 ; bulk of heif ers , $2.5004.00 ; bulk of cows , $2.6003.75 ; Texas and Indian steer ? , $3.6004.60 ; bulk of sales , $3.8504.16 ; cows and heifers , $2.50 ® 3.35. HOGS Receipts , 10,500 head ; shipments , 1,000 head : market 5010c lower ; pigs and lights. $3.2003.40 ; packers. $3.3003.60 ; butch ers , $3.5503.65. SHEEP Receipts , 1,600 head ; shipments , none ; market slow ; native muttons , J3.7BW 4.00 : lambs , $4.3505.80 ; culls and bucks , $2.60 03.75. Nt. Joncpli Live Htoclc. ST. JOSEPH. DP . 29-(8peclal.-CAT- ( ) TLE Receipts , 600 head : market active and steady to lOc lower ; quality shows some Im provement ; natives , $3.7005.20 ; Texas and westerns. $3.1504.70 ; co'ws nnd heifers. $1,76 04.15 ; stackers and feeders , $3.0004.26. HOGS Receipts , 6,000 head ; market ac tive and steady , selling at $3.4003.60 ; bulk , $3.4503.65. SHEEP-Recelpts , 100 head ; market steady , Cincinnati Live Stock. CINCINNATI. Dec. 29.-HOG8-Steady at $3.1003.60. CATTLE-Strady at $2.6W4.S5. SHEEP-Steady at $2.2504.00 ; lambs , steady ut $1.0005.35. JAMES E IOYD & CO. , Telephone 1039. Oniahu , Neb COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS BOARD OF TRADE. Olrt win * to Chicago and Ntw York. CornipondrnUi John A. Warrtn * Co. TELEPHONE 1058. H. R. PENNEY & CO. . \ lloom 4. N. Y. Life Bid * . , Omaha , Neb , * StocksGrainProvisions. , , . Direct Wlrra New York , Chicago aai Wttturm PolaU. When Travelitu Read The Bee Here Is Where You Will Find it in the Principal Cities * ATLANTA. OA. Klnball Hanie New * Staatf. ANACONDA , MONT , Jnmti M. Godard. BILLINGS , MONT , J. O. Sperrj- . " " " BOSTON. Pnnllo Library. " " ' * Vradotne Hotel Doiton Pro * Club , 14 Doiworta St. ' BUFFALO. Geneioe Hotel Neira fltand. BUTTP. . Cltr Neir * Depot , Cor. Mala and Droaa- war , CAMBRIDGE , MASS. Harvard tnlver Hy Library * CHEYENNE. F. . A. Loft-an , 213 Weit lOta 91. Cherenae Clnb. CHICAGO. Andltorlntn Annex New * Stand. Auditorium Hotel New Band. Grand Paclflo Hotel ! f w eland. Great Northern Hotel "Kftrm Staad. I'nlmer Home IVevra Stand. 1'ontofllce Ncira Stand , No. SIT Dear * barn Street. AModated Advertlier'a Clnb , Palme * Home. CLEVELAND. Weddell Home. The Hollenden. Commercial Traveler * * Miuonlo Temple. COLORADO SPRINGS. Hrincoe Droi. , No. 3O Sooth Tejoa St Printer * ' Home. DENVER. Drown Hotel Neur * Stand. Hamilton & Kendrlok , OO6-O12 ITth at. HcLaln , Pitt & Co. , 83(1 ( Sixteenth SI. l > ratt Mercantile Co. . 1B1T Larimer St. The Stationer Co. , Iftth and Lawreact Street * . Windsor Hotel Neir * Stand. DES MO1NES Moe * Jacob * , Rook Inland Depot. [ V. H. C. . A. Reading ; Room. . { .jj DULUTH , MINN. Wit * A Bennett , 214 W. Superior Bt. FORT SMITH , ARK. . M. 8. A. Reading Room - - it HELENA. W. A. Moore. Gth avenue'and Mala 86 Helena Public Library. HOT SPRINGS , S. D. George Glbion. < ' ' HOT SPRINGS , ARK. C. H. Weaver A Co. F. C. Dovlng. KANSAS CITY. Robert Held. 1O22 McGee St. Coatea Honiie OVew Stand. Missouri Republican Club , 003 Baltl * more Ave. Pnblle Library * RIokBccker Clg-ar Co. , Oth and W.ilnal opposite P. O. ' Railway Y. H. C. A. , room ST. Union Depot , Kansas City , Mo. Pobllo Library. LEXINGTON , KY. Y. H. C. A. ReadingIloom. . LINCOLN. W. 8. Kdmlston , 1123 O Street , Deliv * ery Ag-ent. LOS ANGELES. Oliver A. Halne * , 100 8. Spring- . Lo AnireleB New Co. , 812 1.3 jr. SpringBt. . LONDON , ENGLAND * OhnrleB \ . GHllB's American Bxeha 4l 2 CockspiLr St. , Trafalg-ar Sq. , 8. W. MINNEAPOLIS. Pabllo Library. Wet Hotel News Stand. Union Book & Novelty Co. , O Wash ington Ave. NEW YORK. Cooper Union Library. Fifth Avenne Hotel New * Stand. Fifth Avenne Hotel Reading- Room , tlroome Street Library. Holland House HeadingHoonx. . Hoffman House. Imperial Hotel JJews Stand. Mechanic * ' and Traders' Fre * Library. No. 18 East Sixteenth Street. Press Clnb , 12O Nassau St. Westminster Hotel Heading ; Room. WlndBOE Hotel HeadingRoom. . Y. M. C. A. , 83d Street and 4th Avenv * OGDEN. W. Webb , 2405 Waahlnarton AT * . McCartney A Co. , 300 20th St. PARIS , FRANCE , New York Herald Heading- Room , 43 Ave. de 1'Openi. PORTLAND , ORE. 'W. E ) . Jonen , 201 Alder.St Portland Hotel NetTB Stand. f PHILADELPHIA. Mercantile Library. , i SACRAMENTO.L Pabllo Library. "rr - , . . SAN FRANCISCO Public Library. -j ( SANTA ANA , CAL. Santa Ana Free Public Library. * SAL AKE CITY. L. F. Ilammel , Lyceum Theater. Halt Luke WB Co. Pabllo Library. , , ' ' 'fl * " SEATTLE C. G. OyBton , PoBtofllce . TTB Dep t , Hotel Seattle News Staad. Uearffe F. Ward. > uf SIOUX CITY OarrettBon Hotel MCTTB Stand. Monilamln Hotel New * Stand. ' Heel Vendomeeir Stand. Public Library. Gerald FlUBlbbon , TOO Foarth It Hey Allen , 321 Center St. Y. M. C. A. ReadingRoom. . SPOKANE , John W. Graham 723-725 Rlvcralo * Avenne. BT. JOSEPH. Drandom'B Newa Stand , 721 KAmomt trect. Junction New * Stand , 5O1 Edmoad M Y. M. C. A. ReadingRoom. . ST PAUL , MINN. PreBB Clnb. WladBor Hotel. t , ' . . ' " " * ST. LOUIS B. J. Jett , 800 Olive It. Planters' Hotel NetTB Staad. . f ' Pabllo Library. WASHINGTON , D. C. " Wlllard'B Hotel .Vew Staad. Arllng-lon Hotel. , ' I. . Cong-reBslonal Library. ,1 . lllg-g-B UOUBC. ' ' Ag-rlealtural Ilepartnient Library. . leaate ReadingRoon. . Hepabllcaa Kal'l , C mmtlttt * TreaBarjDeparlBieat Library.