Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1898, Page 4, Image 4

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Merchants' Bean Club.
Hu-Can Guess Our Bean Jars ?
Some Things That You Should Know :
1 That you must UHO a coupon cut from this paper. 6 That you should file your coupons as early as possible. 9 That the advertieameut must bo cut out with the coupon.
2 That no person can deposit more than three coupons with any one 6-That in case of a tie the coupon filed first will receive the prize. 10 That the jara are changed and refilled after each contest.
merchant each day. 11 That if you don't estimate correctly this tSmo , you may next time
8 That you must bring thorn to the store. No mailed coupons filed. 7 That no one knows the exact number of beans in a jar. 12 That every article offered is exactly as reproaonted by the mer
4 That you can vote as often as you have coupons. 8 That each Jar contains beans and beans only. chants.
Beans at A. Hospe's
Hospe's ert. ;
This week wo have a solo of a 11 left-over pictures and Christmas knlck-
knacks prlctslll be cut In half or more and they must be e old at enc as
1 we Invoice January 1. A $30 picture to the successful estimate on our bean Jar
content. Cfoscs Saturday night.
A. llospe' *
My estimate of the number of btana In jar No. 10 Is
This advertisement and coupon must bo handed In at our store.
Shirts , Shirts
All our § 1.60 Star Colored
Shirts will be closed out this
week for just one-half. 75c.
Wo wllf give away to the person esti
mating the nearest number and the next
nearest number of beans In our jar each
two custom made shirts worth $5.00 Con
tent closes Saturday at 6 p. m.
Albert Cahti ,
We make the finest shirt in
the city ,
1322 Farnam St.
Albert Cnbn.
My estimate of the number of beans in
Jar No. E Is
Address , .
This advertisement and coupon must bo
handed In at our utore.
Contention Between Oity Oonnoll and School
Bond is Argued.
Uonril Inclined to Hold the Council
Ilel > .titU > lo for II * rre ent Ilcci
IndcbtfdufH * Mini the Coin-
In K Deficit.
Argument was made yesterday before
Judge Fawcott on the demurrer to thu
answer In the mandamus case of the Board
of Education brought to compel the city
council to Include In Its tax levy the ea-
I' ' > tlniatu of the board.
This suit was commenced lout summer.
In the petition It was sol forth that al
though the Board of Education has asked
$389,800 for tbo school year 1894-1B9& , the
city council had allowed onty $334,749.08 ;
likewise for the school year 1S90-189C the
mount asked wa $400,000 and the amount
allowed was $3C5,94&.D3 and for the school
year 1890-1897 the amount nuked was also
$400,000 , while the city aDowcd only $338-
712.48. The discrepancies had caused defi
cits , as cralmcd , ot $54,050.92 , $ $44,054.47 anil
$61,287.52 , reepectlvely , or a total for the
three years ot $159,392.yi. A dumaud , It was
stated , had been ii'ude upon the city
through Secretary Olllan , but was Ignored.
' The action was brought under section 21
ot tbe act relating to uchool districts lu
; metropolitan cities. ,
City Attorney Connelr. in his answer to
the petition , did not deny the main allega
tions , but contended that tha city In not
obligated by the law to Include In its tax
levy an estimate from the board , based upon
extravagant expenditures or the Incurring
by the board ot uniu'ccsaary debts. To this
answer the Hoard of Education had demurred
on the ground that It did not constitute a
The board's attorney , Mr. Oalncs , anil Mr.
Council discussed the question from their
respective positions at some length and the
court deferred his decision so aa to Rive
counsel a further opportunity to produce
authorities If they desired. The position
token by Mr. Oalnei Ls that It la not at all
discretionary with thu city council as to tbe
amount estimated by the board ; that all the
law expects ot It is to take the t'utlmate
given and Include it in Us levy ; In short ,
that It acts In this matter purely in a min
isterial capacity , the council and the board
being co-ordluate bodies , altogether Inde
pendent of cich other. There have been twc
or three decisions from the supreme court
and these were produced. In one , a cast
tried many years ago before Juilgo Savage
tbo only reason , said Mr. dairies , why the
board was defeated was because It bad askei !
for a specific tax ot 8 mills. This decUloc
la found In Seventh Nebraska , 267. In
| another , where the application had been
made direct to the supreme court as a court
rlnc * back th ctrencth you I
gap * ) t havo. Take no Substitute. !
Guarantae Clothing
Company ,
Capitol Avc , Near 18th St.
LOWEST as we refund money if you can
beat them.
All Wool Clay Worsted Bults $5.71
Pure 811k MunVrs 60c
Fancy Embroidered Slippers , tdc
Velvet Cans for Men 36c
Extreme flno Kersey Overcoats $4.00
Warranted Drcvs Bnoes . . . . $1.60
Beautiful Neckties tic
Initial Handkerchiefs 3 for So
Kl-icant Lfnk Blccvo Buttons lie
Fur Overcoats as low a * $ t.CO
Double Bleeve Shirts 4&a
Fancy Half Hose ijc
Fine Covert Cloth Overcoats , . , 7.50
Zinc Trunks $1.60
On December 31st we will give away to
the person estimating the nearest number
of beana in our jar a man's fine mackintosh
box coat.
Guarantee Clothln * Co. ' * , i
My estimate of the number of beam In
jar No. 29 Is
This advertisement and coupon nust b
handed In at our store.
of original Jurisdiction (38 ( Nebraska , 766) ) ,
and In which the opinion bad been rendered
by Judge Irvine , a specific tex was also
asked. Mr. Oalnes argued that tbo board
had lost Its cases almply because It had de
manded the levy of a specific tax , but that
the mala principles of the law had been up
held , namely , that It rests entirely with the
Board of Education to say how much noney
it requires , and that it Is obligatory upon
the part of the city council to Include the
ostlmato an furnished In the Uvy without
K Ing behind the board's figures.
On the other band Mr. Connell reasoned
'that the law does not require the city coun
cil to make a levy Which provided for back
indebtedness and , 'besides , the school board
was limited to $25,000 In any expenditure
for the purchase of new school sites , any
thing beyond that amount having to go before -
fore the votoru of the school district.
In reply Mr. Oalnes said the back Indebt
edness had boon caused by the failure of
the council to make the proper levy.
Oppose n I'avlnir Tax.
Another suit to set aside paving assess
ments has been started In the district court.
The plaintiffs are Ellas K. QrltUhs and
several other property owners In Bedford
place. They complain that the assessment
for the paving of Lalk street ( district 279)
was Illegal for the reason that many of the
signature * to the petition were of persons
not owning property affected In any way.
The ordinance was passed in February ,
1891. It provided for paving the street with
nalesburg brick , and the aggregate cost was
estimated at $8,433.40.
IttD < 'lvr > r MuCaitue UUpoiir * of the
Tar Crrtlflcutm Held liy tha
German Mutinied Hank.
Hccolver McCaguo of the German Savings
bnnk has concluded the sale of tax certlfl-
cuto.1 which foimed a portion of Ihu asiots
of that Institution wbun It closed Its doors
homo yours ago. The fsco value ot the
certllluites aggregate about $ " 0,000 and
they nold for $2,100 , the purckner being
Cl'orlos Burtellc. The certificates were
sold slugly and then in bulk. As they
brought moro In bulk this method of dispos
ing of thorn waa decided upon. Nearly all
of the certificates art * considered practically
worthless , many of them bvlng against rail'
rrod property. With reference to those , It
has boon held that the state board and not
the county commissioners should make ths
levy. They were sold to satisfy a tax levied
by the county commlisloners.
Miirrl | [ e nr * .
County Judge Baxter Issued the following
marriage licenses yesterday :
i "Name and Itesidrnco. Age.
Joseph M. Cameron. Raymond , Neb 37
'Mabel A. Black , Raymond , Neb 20
John 11. Price , Omnha , 20
Lena MaiiRun , Omnhii 21
JamcH A. Miller. Long Island. Kan 2
Helen A , Tune , Omaha * . . / Z8
Frank W. Black , Hock Island , III x
Lucy Henderson , Omaha. , . 20
Kdwln fleller. South Omaha 23
Kmma Doll. Bouth Omaha 23
Another Ilrveiiue Ntauip Itulluif.
Commlesloner Scott of thn Treasury de
partment has forwarded to too government
offices in this cltv the latest ruling relative
( o the affixing of stomps upoa documents.
Ho says : "Releases ot mortgages and deeds
of trust , which are considered as mortgages
are held to be exempt from taxation re
gardless ot the form in which they art exe
cuted , though when the release requires a
notorlal certificate such certificate is sub
ject to a tax ot 10 cents. "
In'Omaha Immense display on Main Floor.
Notice our north window.
On New Year's eve we will give to the
person estimating the nearest number of
beans In our jar a flno Sewing Machine
valued at $75.
People's ' Furniture &Carpd Co. .
16th and Farnam.
People * * Farnltvr * A Carpet Co. ' *
My estimate of the number of beans In
jar No. H Is
This aflvertisemint and coupon must bo
bonded In at our store.
W Don't Do It
When you bring your prescription to us
you fteM h\e no fear that you'll be
charge * extra in order to give "Doc" a
"rake off. " We 4en't pay doc a commls-
itonte git your buslntss so you need have
no nar on that score.
On Saturday , December 31 , we will give
away to tko person making the nearest
Mthnate o * the number of beans in our
jar a bottle of flno perfume.
OunilCr EH 10th & Chicago.
chaefcr' *
My estimate of the number of beana in
1 <
jar No. 28 is -
Nam *
This advertisement and coupon must ba
handed In at our store.
Judge Gordon May Be Deposed by a
Charter Amendment.
Attorney Coanell Uphold * the Police ,
bat Other * Caiuylala that the
Henedjr SnwKeated I * Too Ex
pensive or I * Inadequate.
The collision which occurred between Po-
llco Judge Gordon and tke city jail oilolals
has revived a scheme that city officials have
been quietly discussing for some time a
means ot deposing Judge Gordon through a
charter amendment Thta question will
probably come up for considerable discussion
at some future charter revision committee
itegardlug tbo affray at the jail , City At
torney Connell says : "In my opinion tbe
police officers were justified in ejecting
Judge Gordon from their jail offices. The
dutle * of the police judge can bo very
briefly defined .they consist In judging of
the guilt or lunocoaco ot tbe people whom
the police bring before him. If be finds the
prisoner not guilty , his jurisdiction ceases
and the police have the right to make a re-
arrest if they d slre. They may even re-
arrest on another charge If the defendant Is
icleaied on bond. When the police judge
take * steps to prevent such rcarreeta he
I * meddling In conethlng that Is none ot bis
bustuess , and If In tbo course of hi * Inter
ference he violates ono ot the rules ot the
jail office , th * police may treat him as
they would any private citizen. If the rearrested -
arrested party believes be is illegally rearrested -
arrested and treated by the police , he has
redreas through habeas corpus proceedings
and by bringing action agalnt the police
oBlcers 01 their bond * . "
Other Attorney * Think Differently.
Attorneys who look after the Interests
of the criminals arrested by tbe police take
exception to this last statement ot th * city
attorney. They say adequate redress is not
to be secured through either ot the means
mentioned. Habeas corpus proceedings
involve exptnse ; and the lawyer * also con
tend that In tbo big majority of the case *
tbe bonds that the policemen give offer no
satisfaction. Regarding this latter matter
a city councilman expressed himself as
follows : "I have been given to understand
that the bonds of policemen are
worthless and I think this ought to be rem
edied. I bellevo that a police officer should
be required to give . guaranty oompany
bond. Public oBolals In other departments
ara gradually being compelled to give such
bonds and it seems to me that It would bo
a good plan to extend the system to police
men , The officers knowing tkat the ar-
restud parties could reoover on their bonds
would b more careful about arresting pee
ple. "
Cfclof of Police White support * Acting
Captain Her , lie say * : "We can never
rid the city ot bad characters as long as
Judge Gordon persist * In the poeVtlon no
has taken. A notorious character Is ar
rested and i * Immediately released on bond.
Then tbo judge grants repeated conttauanoe *
at tha defendant' * request until either the
complaining witness or tke polio * officer is
not on tand. He will not listen to a re
quest for a continuance from a police officer ,
$5.00 MONTHLY.
New Steinways , Ivors & Pond , Vose , Emerson , Steger &
Singer Pianos on easy payments. New pianoi for rent- One
years rental allowed if purchased. Instruments moved ,
tuned and exchanged. Telephone 1525.
Schmoller & Mueller ,
1313 Farnam Street. LarojeM Mailc Deal * la the ) Wt.
On New Year's eve we will give away to the person estimating th * nearest num
ber of beans In our jar a now Emerson make piano valued at 1360.
My estimate of the number of beans In Jar No. 17 Is
Name Addreas
This advertisement and coupon must b e handed In at our store.
The finest and ever shown in
largest line of Bicycles Omaha.
All our Skates will be sold at less than cost. "
Omaha Bicycle Co. ,
Cor. 16th andChicago ; Sfca. Ed. T. Heyden , Manager.
On January'1st we will give a ladles' or gents' High Grade Btorraer Bicycle to
the party estimating the nearest number of bean * Jn our jar.
" l \/.Vr ? ' . . ' . . . ' . ' ' . ' . . . . . ; . . . . . " . ' . . <
My estimate of the number of beans i n jar No. 84 la
Name ; ' Address
This advertisement and coupon must be handed in at our store.
but on the demand of the defendant tor a
arial will release him 'for wont of prosecu
tion , ' the records will show. I can show you
a large number of records wherein a trial
has been postponed for as long as four
months at the request ot the defendant and
then has been summarily dismissed for lack
of a complainant. The only way we can
do is to reorrest these notorious characters
as long as they are let loose by the ponce
judge. That la the only means we have of
driving them from the city. "
There were no additional developments In
the trouble between the police and Judge
Gordon yesterday. It was anticipated all day
that when the court asked to have Nelson ,
the man who caused the disagreement ,
brought up for trial the trouble would be
precipitated. No objection , kowever , waa
ottered to Nelson's appearance and none to
his disappearance after he had been dis
charged by Judge Gordon.
Dr. Bull's Cough' ' Syrup will save the life
ot your child when attacked by croup. Moth
ers , this remedy never falh * to cure.
What the Omaha Bricklayer * Ask
of the ChlcaKo Can-
William Grace , the contractor for the new
Union Pacific depot , came In from Chicago
yesterday morning and Is apt to have some
trouble with his bricklayers before getting
away again. For sixteen years the rule
has been > in vogue with the Bricklayers'
union in this city that payment for labor oe
made every Saturday night Mr. Grace , It
Is sal * , wants the privilege of paying every
two weeks instead of weekly. He broached
the matter to some of the men in his em
ploy a few weeks ago and they , without
promising anything , agreed to bring the
subject before the union. This waa done
and the union voted to stand by its rules.
The depot building Is just now wbero
tbo contractor is ready to begin the bulk of
the brick work. The foundations have
cleared the ground and the next upward step
on ( bo building will be laying pressed
brick. Trouble with the bricklayers at this
time , then , would be a great annoyance to
the contractor , but he says he has so many
men employed that It will require too much
time to make out pay rolls every week.
He feels that tt Is different In his case , on
tlifee grounds , than with local contractors ,
who seldom tmp'oy more than sis or eight
men at a time.
The bricklayers contend that justice to the
Omaha contractors , who have paid their
men weekly without complaint , demands
ti at they should exact the some terms from
Mr , Uruce , and they Insinuate that they
will throw up their job unless the rule la
complied with. They say they have no fear
of the bricklayers who worked on the
Burlington depot , for all of them but two
have since joined the local union and will
abide by Its constitution ,
It Is possible Mr. Grace will appear be
fore the union in pcnon and present his
arguments In an effort to have the organiza
tion reconsider its action In this particular
LAWRENCR Mrs. I'armela W. , aged 63
yearn , entered Into rest Tuesday. Decem
ber 27. The fun ral services will be held
In All Saints' church Thursday , the nth
lnt. . at 2 p. m.
KENNKDT-Jay J. , Missouri Pacific yard
master. Funeral from family residence.
* J36 Bouth Tenth street , to St. Patrick's
partfh , Friday morning at 9 o'clock. In
terment Holy Brpulrher cemetery. Frhnds
Invited. Btreator. 111. , pacers please coov.
Oity Attorney Oonnill Oiret His Opinion on
Ptndiig Ordlnanoa.
Exercise of Emlaemt Domain Will
Give the Iload All It Want * in
Cnse the Connell and Cltt * a *
Decline to Grant It.
City Attorney Connell has formulated an
opinion on the question that was submitted
to him by toe city council in connection
with th * Omaha Bridge and Terminal com
pany ordinance whether the granting of the
right-of-way asked for would bo the ( rant
ing of a franchise and therefore whether
or not tbe question must bo submitted to
the peuple. The opinion is as follows :
To the Honorable , tha City Council of the
City ot Omah * , Oentlomea : In reevMise 10
the request ot your honorable body ror my
opl&lou as to whether granting to a railroad
company the right to lay a railroad track < * r
tnocks across or aloug auy pan of aay pub-
Ito * treet ef the city of Omaha w ul be the
grantUg ef a franeblse whhin the coateoa-
platloa ef th * prevision * ef th * act relating
to metropolitan oltle * and knowu as iu
"charter. " I have the hu r to retort that
after careful exaataatlou of the law I
conclude that such action would ot be the
granting or extensio * ef a franchise wKhln
the oouteuiulwue * et h provlsua * of th *
charter to wfclsk reference Is luadu. Ther *
are * ev nU provlsleos e < law In chapter xvl
of the Oetmulltxl Statutes entitled "Cerpora-
tlona" to a having direct re/ervace to rail
road * which mum. be whether a great to a
railroad company of the nature Kate * tc a
franchise. Section 13 of chaater xvi ef the
Compiled Statute * , t * which reference Is
made , expressly yrovMe * a * feUeai ;
"If It shall be necessary in the location
of any pan of any railroad to occupy any
read , street , alley or puello way or grout *
of any kind , or any part thereof , it shall be
oempeUnt for the municipal or other o r-
poratlon or public officer or public authorl-
tle * owalue or having charge thereof , and
tha raUroad company to agree upvn the man
ner and upon the lerm * and eouAitloos ui > en
which the * ame may be used or occupied ,
and If said turtles shall U unable t * agree
thereon and U shall bo necessary la the
judgment of tbe directors of such railroad
company to uee or ocoupy such re4 , street ,
alloy or other public way er ground , suah
company may appropriate so much of tke
same a * may be necessary fer tbo purposes
of such road in the same manner and upea
tha sasae terms a * 1 * provided for the ap
propriation ot the property of Individuals. "
Section Still In 'Full Force.
This section of the law was in full force
at tbe time ot the passage ot the charter
and was not amended or repealed directly
and in my judgment is not repealed by Im
plication , but etlll remains IB full force.
I consider that the sections of th * charted1
relating to franchise should be considered
with other general provision * of law and all
should be so construed as to harmonize if
The right of railroads to occupy public
streets Is clearly recognlied by seviral de
cisions of our supreme court. Araag ether
cases this right is clearly recognlied In tbe
case of Chicago , Kansas t Nebraska Rail
road Company of tnst Hazels , St Neb. , R. ,
p. 369 , In which case the court , after mak
ing reference to section 13 ot chapter xvl of
the Compiled Btatutes , declares a * follows :
"Railroad corporations have the right ,
therefore , to take and ue real estate for
right-of-way purpose * , with or without th *
consent of the owner thereof. They aUo
have the risht to occuor roads , streets. * J-
Lucky One Gats Belted
Coat * nothing but a.jruoss and It Is not a
bolt from John IBulllvan , but a nice
belt from our stock.
Wares of Gold aad Silver.
215 S. 10th St. , Pnxton Blk.
Two fine $3.00 belts given away Saturday ,
December 31 to the two persons estimating
the nearest number of beans In our jar.
nenrjr Copley' *
My estimate of the number ot boana in
jar No. 14 Is
This odvertlsemtnt and coupon must be
handed In at our store.
How Many Beans ?
Wo give to the person estimating the
nearest number of beans In our jar , a beau
tiful $4.06 Jardlnere , to the second nearest
a $8.60 Vate. to the third a $1.B Illy
bowl , finished Ilk * the famous Rookwood
pottery. Contest closes 6 p. m. Saturday.
1407 Douglas St.
Omaha Tea * Coffee Co. ' *
My estimate of the number of beans In
jar No. 2 Is
This advertisement and coupon must b
handed in at our
leys or public grounds of any kind by the
consent of the municipal or other corpora
tion or public ofltoer or authorities , or In
falling to obtain such consent by the right
of eminent domain. "
I am ot the opinion that in oases where
th * city of Omaha by Us mayor and council
can agree with any railroad company upon
the terms and conditions under which such
railroad company shall use or occupy toy
public street , tkat such agreessemt can be
made in tko fora of an ordinance wkhout
a vet * * the people ant without the publica
tion required in the graittng or wtenston
of a franchise. This right as recognized by
the nuMorvus 4eclslons of the supreme court
Is subject to tko right of any property owiur
to recover damage * which suck property
owner nay sustain by reason of the us or
occupation of any public street by any rail
road company.
With regard to the ordinance new pend
ing before your honorable body relating to
the use of a part of Fourteenth street by
the Terminal company , I would my that
such ordinance has been very carefully con
sidered and prepared , an * , as I believe , fully
an * fairly protects the rights of the city and
the right , of property owne V-J-g
" City Attorney.
Right * of Both Bide * .
In connection with this oplalom the city
" bo some dld-
atteraey says : "There nay
culty in construing tke charter and this
state law without con I let , but in law th re
is none , In my opinion. The charter provi-
alons regarding franchises seta out that no
franchise rights should bo granted to a
corporation without submitting the quettlon
to tke people. With no other statute en the
subject a railroad would be one ot the cor
porations that would be governed by this
charter provision , but tke case Is different
fthen the * tate 1 * * regarding tie rights
ef railroads the one I quote is con-
iteertd. That take * the railroads out of
the Hit ot orporatlons governed by the
charter prorlsUi and the4r right * must be
determined by the statute. Neither eon
K bo claimed that the charter repeals the
statute. It 10 necessary that a repealing
Uw shall apeclftcally state what form.r
Utute It kills. Tha charter prevltteus sys
othlag of this , and therefore ths courts
hoi * that the statute stands as a law.
"Even It the council did enforce tta
charter provlilon , boUIng that it Is askwl
to grant a franchise , tko Terminal compaay
could still force Its way Into the olty.
Per if the people voted not to grant the
fraachl , yet under the statute the roail
could get in by condemnation proceedings.
But in the latter event the road would
ecure Its right-of-way only after long delay -
lay and great ezpence , In view ot which it
night determine not to attempt to get Into
Omaha and the city would lose the advantage
of * bridge competing with the Union
Pacific and perhaps a railroad or two. I
bellevo that this Is on * of the roost sorlous
questions that the council should consider. "
Mrtalltr KtatleOc * .
The following births and deaths were re
ported to the health commissioner during
the twenty-four hours ending at noon yes
terday :
Births John B , Lakama. South Omaha ,
girl ; Carl Rasmutaon , 2917 South Seven
teenth , boy ; Charles Cooper , 2803 Bristol ,
girl ; Jacob Lewis , 1318 Capitol avenue , boy ;
CbrUtlan Clausen , 2211 Bouth Eleventh , girl.
Deaths Sarah Johnson , 1776 Bouth Ninth ,
47 years ; Hannah Llndberg , 1334 Ogden , 35
yearsr Oladts May Kez. 1310 South Sixth ,
2 months ; France * B. Eller , 823 Beuth
Fortieth , 4 yesrs ; Margaret E. Johnston ,
261S Capitol avenue. 16 years.
Bid * for Cltr Bupplle * .
The Advisory Doard yesterday afternoon
ooened bidi for furnishing the city with
On January I. 1898. wo will fir *
away an elegsnt drophead ball *
bearing 165.00 Dark Sewing Ma
chine to the person making th *
closest estimate to the number
of beans In our jar. v1
Second-hand sowing machines
from $5.00 up.
For $2.00 we will put anti-rust
on your bicycle and store It until
spring. }
Wo have recently taken tbo
agency for the celebrated Col *
umbla and Rambler bicycles.
Nebraska Cycle Co
15th and Birnej
Nebraska Cycle Co. ' *
My estimate of the number of beau la
jarNp. , 33 1
This advertisement and coupon must be
handed in at our store.
supplies and ordered the secretary to put
them In tabulated form for consideration at
the meeting next week. The bidders on tbe
various suppHca were aa follows :
Lumber H. F. Cady Lumbar company ,
Wyatt-Dullnrd Lumber company , O. N.
Cement. Sewer Pipe , Sand , Brick , Rto.
Omaha Coal , Coke and Live company , C. W.
HuN company , Omaha Brick company , John
Ice South Omaha Ice company , 8 yme-ur
Lake lee company.
Stationery , Printing , Books , Hto. Klopp-
Bortlett company , Reee Printing company ,
Omaha Printing company , Gideon Printing
Engineers' Special Supplies Aloe A Pea-
fold , Omaha Printing oompany.
Cltr Hall Note * . v
Robert F. Smith la making a trip to Min
neapolis and Dulutb this week.
Secretary Glllan of tbe Board of Education * r
baa gone to Lincoln te attend the meeting ot
the State Teachers' association. President
Jordan has also gone to th * meeting.
The Board of Education held * special
meeting yesterday to approve a warrant
for | 147 that Is to pay the semi-annual
interest on school bonds , which is duo Jan
uary 1.
Outstanding and registered school warrants
to tbe amount f MOtK > have been called la
by City Treasurer Edward * and will be paid
Thursday. The necessary money for this
purpose Is secured from liquor license re
ceipts , which , at tke present time , amount
to $123,000.
Itelntlon * Between -Finance aud
ttxpaiislon Not Delnltely
W. J. Bryan arrived in Omaha yesterday
from Chicago , having accompanied hla
daughter as far as th * latter city on her
nay to Washington , where she will'visit a
few wiiki. He calUJ on friends In th * city
during the morning , and yesterday afternoon
left for Lincoln.
Mr. Bryan will not be present at the
Jackgonlon club banquet next month. H *
said he had promised the Chicago democrat *
several months ago to address them on that
cvoalutf , and falling In an effort t * ceoure
an arrangement of datee between the twa
ornauliatloui which would not costBlct , he
will krap his appointment to speak to th *
faithful In the city by th lake * .
Whwn aiked if ho thought the question
of Imperialism would ovorsha < l > w tie money
Issue la the campaign of1900 , Mr. Bryan
said it was dlUlcult at this time 4o tell
what relation these subjects wouM bear to
each other then , becau o It Is pcx | ble for
thu question of expansion to bo settled
within a few weeks. Ho thought it congress
would adopt a resolution pledging this gov
ernment to bold tbe Phlllppluea only as a
trust for tbelr people , a * we do Cuba , until
a stable government is establUhod , the ex
pansion Issue would be at an cad , If , how
ever , the question Is not settled In com *
such way as this , be said It would contlau *
to bo a matter of dlicusslon until it was
disposed of , and would therefore remain one
of tbo Issue * before 'he people.
With Porto Rico , Mr. Brjran said , th *
situation could be simplified easily , He be
lieved tbo people of tbe island should flrst
be permitted to vote wh ther they desired
annexation to tht * country , or the formation
of an Independent republic , aid our gov
ernment should respoot thb result ot th *
plebiscite. Mr. Bryan has ne doubt that
people of Porto Rico deal re annexation , but
he wants to preserve th * form of obtaining
tbelr content.