Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 29, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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Profit Qrabblng fa Trading in All Lines
Oausei Moderate Decline ,
Wheat Drops Off Fourth of Cent ,
Corn Half Cent and Provision *
from Five to Fifteen Cents
Late In tha Day.
CHICAGO , Dec. 28. A general desire to
take profits today marked trading In all
the grain and provision markets , and mod
erate declines in everything resulted. The
country wns especially active In the liqui
dation. Wheat declined Vic , corn V4Q5-Sc
and oats closed a shade lower. Provisions
declined O 'lDc.
For the first fifteen or twenty minutes of
trading In wheat It looked as If the market
was In for a wild day of It. The bull sen
timent carried ovtr from yesterday was
augmented by sharp early advances In the
Liverpool and Paris marketu , which caused
shorts some anxiety and drove hesitating
bulls to action. The result was a regular
scramble for wheat at the opening , with
Initial prices varying considerably. May
started at TlQTIUc. or 3-86-8c over yester
day's closing price. But "wise" dealers ,
who hod been accumulating wheat for over
two weeks for Just such a demand , poured
In such quantities of the cereal that the
market , after fluctuating for a few mln-
utoa between 71c and 70 4c , broke with a
crash , the May price being driven back
to 703-8@70Hic , under the flood of offerings.
During this decline , local holders did a
great deal of liquidation , but most of the
wheat came from the country. The heavi
ness of outside selling In fact , waa the
chief source of weakness at the time , as
It was thought to indicate heavier receipts
in the near future. Later cables continued
to show strength and early figures Indi
cated a decrease In the world's visible.
Now York reported good continental ac
ceptances of American wheat , but had a
different story about the United Kingdom ,
bids from there being nearly out of line.
Before 10:30 : , this market had quieted down
greatly. Liquidation became Insignificant
and traders who still had faith in higher
prices bougtit enough to o a gradual
improvement In the price.
The visible figures proved a disappoint
ment , showing a moderate Increase , but
the market was sustained by the huga
clearances from Atlantic ports , amounting
to 1,175,000 bu. Although prices fluctuate !
a good deal up to 12:30 : , the market tended
generally In an upward direction. North
west receipts were 567 cars , compared with
819 last week , and 441 a year ago. Chicago
receipts were 192 cars , fifteen of contract
trade. Advices from Argentine were moro
favorable as regards crop Conditions aaA
aid offerings were freer. In the last hour's
trading the market again became weak ,
liquidation becoming heavy , partly under
the Influence of a. late break In corn. Many
arly buyers turned sellers. May had
previously advanced to 70vft707-c , but It
broke again to 06 7-Sc. Before the oloso It
rallied to ? 03-8c and that was the final
Corn was fully as Irregular and active
tta wheat Gables were up sharply , and this
and the opening strength of wheat started
the market Irregular , but strong. But BO
, 1 gtnerol and heavy was the profit taking
that an Immediate and sharp decline re
mitted. Country elllngr waa of much prom
inence. After a long spell of norvouHnass
the market became quieter and stronger on
the heavy export engagements and the bet
ter tone of wheat , but before , the olose the
country selling again overwhelmed buyers
and prices broke badly. The close found
the market on another upturn , with part
of the decline recovered. Receipts were
614 cars. Seaboard engagements were
placed at eighty loads. May ranged from
Sin to 39c and closed HU5-8c lower at
81 G-lc.
There was a fairly large trade in oats ,
with the market showing much more steadi
ness than wheat and corn. Opening firm ,
the market declined under liberal protlt
taking , mostly by local longs. The good
cash demand helped steady the market
later. Receipts were 213 cars. May ranged
from 277-8c to 2S6-8c and closed a shade
tower at 28S1281-8c.
Trading In provision ! was very large.
The market In the main followed the trend
of grain , opening strong and higher , but
closing lower and ratlu > r weak. It was a
ease of profit taking in which local and
outside traders took part. Packers were
free sellers. There was good buying all
.day , but liquidation was too heavy for
the market to stand up under. At the
close May pork was IGc lower at $10:40 : ;
May lard was 60 lower at 15.65 and May
ribs tic lower at $5.16.
Estimated receipts for Thursday : Wheat.
122 cars ; corn , 430 cars ; oats , 165 cars ; hogs ,
CO.OOO head.
Leading futures ranged as follow * :
Articles. Hlih. L w. Close. Ycst'y.
uon 67M B8
71 ( > H 69M-70 70 H
00 U8W CBmiK
S7 3 H 17 S7W
27W 28 * Vi
July. 27X U7
Jan , . . . 1037W 1000 1002X 1020
May. . . 10 6& 1070 10874 1U4U lOOt
Jan. . . . I H ' 540 G40 845
Way. . . 671 67S 6 5 670
Jan . . . 602K 502H 4fl2W f , 00
JIuy. . . 6-JS 6TJH 620
" " Nor2
Cash quotations were as follows :
FLOUR Firm : nominal ; winter pat
ents. t3.608'3.70 ! : straights , $3.25ig > 3.30 ; spring
special * . $4.10 ; spring patents. $1.203.60 ;
strnlchts. $2.W03.00 ! ; bakers. $2.3032.45.
WHEAT No. S spring , 6&g67i4c ; No. 2 red ,
CORN No. 2 , 377-8c : No. 2 yellow , 38 l-8c.
OATS-No. 2. 27 > io ; No. 2 white , 23',4c ; No.
3 white , 2829Uc.
RYE No. 2. 64H54 ic.
llARLEV-No. 2 , f. o. b. , 39g > 47c.
BEED8-No. 1 niixrccd. $1.11 ; n. w. , $1.16.
Prime timothy se d , $2,30.
PROVISIONS-MOHH pork , per bbl. . $8.60-3
B.60 , Lnrd , per 100 Ibs. , } 5.35 < g5.65. Short
ribs sides ( loose ) , $4.80115.00. Dry saltcil
shoulders ( boxed ) , $4.25 4.3714. Short clear
aides ( boxed ) , $ S.05Q5.10.
WHISKY Dlstilleis' nnlshed goods , rer
EH ) . Jl.iii.
BUGARS-Cut loaf , $5.95 ; granulated. $5.26.
Tht following were the receipts and ship
ments for tonay.
On the Produce exchange today th ; but-
tt-r market was steady : creameries , H
20 c ; dairies 12K Wc. Chiene. quiet , Si
He. Eggs , firm : fre h. 23ir'-1Wc. Dressed
poultry , flrm ; turkeys. lOc ; chickens , C87c ;
ducks , 6 < [ t7c. '
Quotations far the Day oo General
NEW YORK. Dec. 2S.-FLOUR-Recept3 ]
47.000 bbls. ; exports , 35,001 bbls. ; fairly ac
tive , with selling patents held a shade
higher ; winter straights. $350 < ff3.70.
CORNMEAL Firm ; yellow western. 80 ®
RYE-Steady : No. t western , 63c , f. o. b. .
cJPtAT Recelpts5077S buexports. ! .
SOS.S5S bu. : spot easy ; No. 2 red. S01-8c. f !
o. b. , afloat. Options at the opening
firmer on cables Immediately turned weak
under heavy general
realizing and were-
unsettled all today. Foreign news was
firmer , clearances largo and export trade
active again between , but not until the
last hour did It produce a steadying effect
on prices and then for a brief period only ,
after which under renewed long selling the
market broke again , closing Irregular at
l-8o decline , except December , which on a
late squeeze of shorts closed He higher
December , 75 H-lCtf77 > ic. closed at 76 ic
March. 7TifW8\c , closed at 77lc ; May
74 S-8KV75HP , closed at 74ic.
CORN Receipts. 325.650 bu. : exports. 270.-
009 bu. : spot quiet ; No. 2 , 45 l-S5f 45 3-Sc. f
o. b. , afloat. Options opened firmer ot
cable * , only to develop a pronounced , weak
nets under realising-- which lasted all day
and left final prices Uft3-So net lower
December closed nt 436-Sc ; May , 431-81 >
44 l-8c , closed at 4S c.
OATS Receipts. 102,000 bu. ; spot , firmer
No. I. 33Hc. Options very quiet.
BUTTKR-Recelpts. 6,731 pkcs. ; marke
m ° : E'glnSt ' Slc
ESE-Recelpts. 6,455 pkgs. ; mark *
firm ; large white , lOHc : small white. 10V
Ollc : large colored , loy&c ; small colored
EGOS Receipts. 3.030 pkgs. : market flrm
western , 26Hc : southern. 23925c.
MBTALS The metal market generally
continues to makn long strides In the way
of Improvement In business and prices.
The changes noted today were moat grati
fying to idlers , copper and tin In particular
scoring further galnn on urgent demand
and light offerings. Ncwft from the mine *
waa very encouraging and the general
prospect Is all that could be desired. The
Jx > ndon market continues to show a ready
response to changes here. At the close the
Metal exchange called pig Iron warrants
firm Ht 17 uO nominal ; lake copper , firmer
with $12.50 bid and $13.00 nflkoJ : tin , higher
with J1S.&T bid and $18.70 asked ; lead , flrm
with $3.85 bid and $3.90 asked ! spelter , dull
at K.16 nominal ; lend was quoted at I3.87H
and copper at $12.75 by the firm fixing
the settling price for leading miners and
smelters at the
Condition of Trno > nnil Qnotntloni an
Stnplt > nnil Fancy Produce.
EGGB Good stock. SOc.
BUTTER-Common to fair. 12 Ho :
choice , 1316c : separator , 20c : gathered
creamery , 170180. . , . , _
POULTRY-Henfl. live. 4c ; dressed. t W9
So ; old roosters , live , 2c ; dressed , 3 < B4c ;
spring chickens , live , 4c ; drcss'd. 6c : duck ,
live. 4V4 5o ; droned , 6 ® i4c : geese , live , 6 %
Q6c ; dreieed. 77 4c ; turkeys , live , 7c ;
dressed , BitlOc. .
GAME Teal , blue wing , $1.7o ; green wlnr ,
$1.60 ; mixed , $1.752.25 ; prairie ehlckens.
$5.00 ; quail , per doz. . $1.00 ; Jackrabblts ,
$1.2301.50 ; cottontail ? , 76c$1.00.
1MUEON8 Live , per doz. , 60c.
VHAL Choice. fw c. .
OYBTERB-Bulk Standards , ppr cat. , fl.ll ;
Mediums , per can. 16c ; Standards , per can ,
20c : Extra Selects- per can , 26o ; New York
Counts , per can. 30c.
CELERY-Cnllfornia , food stock. 23cj
choice , 35c ; fancy. 50c ; extra large , 76c.
CAULIFLOWER-Per crate , $2.75.
ONIONS-Per bu. , 40 50c.
BEANS Hand-picked , navy , per bu. , $1.80
POTATOES-ChoIce. Backed , 4650c ;
> oorer stock , 40c <
SWEET POTATOES-Per bbl. . $2.60.
CABBAGE-Per lb. , crated , lUc.
LEMONS-Callfornia , fancy , $4.00 ; choice ,
3.75.ORANGEBMexIcans. . $3.60 ; Navels ,
ancy , $3.75 ; choice , $3.50 ; seedling * . $3.00.
BANANAS-Cholce , large stock , per
nmcli. $2-0032.25 ; medium sized bunches ,
APPLES Western Ben Davl , Genttoni
ind Wlnesaps , per bbl. , $3.60 ; New York
taldwlns , Greenings * and others , choice , per
bbl. , $4.
PEARS Bartlett. California , out of the
market ; other varieties $2.$6.
KTRAWBJCRRlES-Fer box. 80c.
GRAPES Malaga , * r bbl. . $5179.
CRANBBRWttf-Btll ft * Ulu , per bbl. .
$7.50 ; Jersey , $6.aS6.69 ; per cflu. $2.25.
NUTS Almomi . per lb. , :7c ; Braalls , per
b. , 9@lOc ; Bnellsh viinutt , par Jn.7 fftntfr ,
i ft shall. He ; standards , jlc ; flllMJrts. tfjr
b. , lie ; pecan * , nollaha * . ® $ : CocetnJu ,
ter 100 , $4.60 : penut , raw , 6 # < Hc ; roasted ,
JTHc : chestnuts , $ tfjc. ,
MAPLE SYnUP-FVt-gal. .
- - can. aaoh.
$2.60 ; gal. cans , pure , per del. , $12.60 ; halt *
gal. cans , $6.91 ; quart cans , U.60.
FMS Imported , nane ; California , 10 > lb.
boxes. $1.60.
HONHY-Choice white , 12 < ,018e. ,
DATES HalUwee , 60 to 70-lb. boxes , t ®
He ; Salr , 5t < . o ; Fardlb. . * xti , lOc ,
CIDER-Per half bbl. , $3.00fS.16.
BAUBRKKAUT-Fer half bill. , $2.00.
HIDES No. 1 green hidts , 7o ; N . 2 gresn
hides , 6c ; No. 1 salted hU i , gtfc ; No. 2
altcd hides , 7tfc ; No. 1 veal cart. 8 to 12
bs. , l p : No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. . 80.
, 3c ; tallow , No. 2. 2V4e ; rough tallow , IHa ;
whit * grease. 2V @ 3c ; yellow and breWn
grease , IH Jlie.
6HEBP PELTS Green salted , each , 153
" 5c : green salted shearings ( short wooled
arly skins ) , each , 15o ; dry sh-lrtnjs ( start
wooled early skins ) , N . 1 , each , 6c ; try
flint , Kansas and Nebraska batcher wool
lts , per lb , , actual wotgbt , 4ftflc ; flry fdnt ,
an as and Nebraska murrain wool pfllta ,
> or lb. , actual weight , SO4a ; dry flint , Ctto-
adQ butcher wool p lt , per lb. , actual
weight , 45c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain
wool pelts , per lb. . actual weight , Jffl4c.
FURS-MIik , 10t3c ; bear ( bla'clc or
jrown ) , $5.00 20.00 ; otter , ll.fifSS.OO ; bearer ,
i.onrffe.oo : skunk. UOMio : ttuikrat , iOTo :
accoon , 15OCCM ; red fox. 25c $ J 25 ; jfTay fox ,
2550c : wolf ( frmber ) , S5$2.60 : well
prairie ) , coyote , i $ % o ; wildcat , 10 < 325cj
mdger , 6g40ci ( silver fox. $50.0ogi7 .00.
Long Cora Thrown * n Market mad
Prices Dr p Ost m CtVt.
NEW YORK. Deo. 28. The iharp advance
n wheat on Tuesday was followed by an
qually pronounced break today , attended
jy general unloading from both local and
iutslde source ? , the public showing a dis
position to duplicate the actions of profea-
lonal operators In taking fair proflt * .
From the high point of the morning 76Ho
or May there was a break to 743-6c , with
ho final figure * 74HC. Trading was tha
most active In many Wteks , reaching sales
of 4,07o,000 bu. futures during the day. Bulls
ould B nothing In t e situation to justify
ontlnued decline and regarded the reaction
oday at a natural outcome of over-enthust-
iam on the Ion * sld * . Two notable fea-
urea of the day wore exceptionally large
clearances and an export trade reaching
25 loads at all ports , later rtaultlng In the
> reak In prices and confirming1 pr dlctlona
hut European countries must have wheat
onstantly from this country. Of thj clear
ances fcOS.OOO bu. of wheat ware contributed
"iy " New York , representing a record breaker
or a flncle day.
The amount scheduled for all European
points Included a number of Mediterranean
lorts generally supplied by Russia. This
alter feature of the case assumes great
Blgnlflcaneo In the rlso of the trade as tcnd-
ng to offset bearish reports of a big Ru -
Mnn crop. Bulls failed to make such ru
mors harmonize with the exceptionally
Ight shipments now being made by that
country. The entire seaboard wheat and
flour movement of the day 1,500,000 bu.
was Itself well up toward record flgurss
ilpo. At the same time the Interior movc-
nont Is falling off steadily with receipts
for three days this week about 700.000 bu.
behind those of last weik , which In turn
were considerably below figures of the pre-
vioup week ,
Tha break In wheat wns followed by slml-
nr declines In corn and provisions , notably
the former. In which conditions ns to an
ovcrloadsd trade were Identical with thoco
of wheat. Long corn was thrown on the
market all day and prices lost a full cent
ptr bu. , May selling down to 43 l-8c , but
closing a little steadier on covering at 43V4c.
Lnrite Iiipri-imcn In Stock * ( .North ,
tvoatrrn laicvittorn.
NEW YORK. Dec. IS.-Special cable and
telegraphic dispatches to Bradstrect's Indi
cate the following changes In the visible
supply of grain lost
Saturday , as com
pared with the preceding Saturday :
Wheat , United States and Canada , east
of the Rockies , decrease 707,000 bu. LiverPool -
Pool Corn Trade News reports afloat for
and In Europe , Increase 1,000,000 bu. : total
supply Increas * 293.000 bu.
Corn. United States nnd Canada , east of
the Rocklos , incrcaBft 1,07(5,000 ( bu.
Oats , United States and Canada , east of
the Rockies , decrease 144,00) bu.
Among thf > most Important changes re
ported to BradBtreefs and not given In
the official vluiblo statomant , are the
KiUns of 601.000 bu. at Chicago private el -
vatorn , 330,000 bu. at Ontario ; In storage ,
39.000 bu. ; nt Louisville , 1C6.003 bu. : 100COO
bu. nt northwestern Interior elevators. The
principal dccrciiHea are those of 130.000 bu.
at Galveston nnd 91,000 bu. at Jollet.
Grulit HroflylH nt I'rlnclpnl Market * .
MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 23.-Rocelpts :
Wheat. 317 cars.
DULUTH , Dec. 2S. Receipts : Wheat , 260
ST. LOUIS , Dec. 2S.-Rcelpt : Wheat , 24
CH'ICAGO. Dec. 2S. Estimated cars for
tomorrow : Wheat , 122 ; corn , 430 ; oats , 163.
KANSAS CITY. Dec , 2S.-Recelpts :
Wheat. 7S cars.
Receipts nt ( Primary Markets Wheat ,
824,029 bushels ; corn. 729,650 bushels.
ClnclunKtl Mnrket.
WHEAT Quiet ; No. 2 red. 70c.
CORN Active and firm ; No. 2 mixed. 38c.
OATS Strong and higher ; No. 2 mixed ,
RYE-Steady : No. 2 , 57c.
PROVIBlONS-Lard. firm at $6.17H. Bulk
meats , tlrm at $4.75. Uacon. steady at $5.76 ,
WHISKY-FIrm and higher at $1.27.
SUGAR Quiet and lower ; hard refined ,
KGGS-Flrm and higher at 21c.
I'rarla Market.
PEORIA. Dec. 2-CORN-Market firm
and higher ; No. 2 , 36c.
OATS Market flrm ; No. } white , 27J ®
28c. '
WHISKY Market flrm , on the basis of
$1.27 for finished goods.
Philadelphia Produce Market.
Steady ; fancy western creamery , S2o ; fancy
western prints , 24c.
EGGS Steady ; fresh nearby , 27c : fresh
southwestern , 25c ; fresh southern , SSc.
Knnan * Cltr Grain and Provision * .
a cent higher ; No. 2 bard , Mftff&Hc ; No. I ,
2365e : No. 2 red , 70c : No. S , 64Q Sc ; No. S
spring , 63flOSci No. 3 , MaC2c.
CORN Firm ! No. 2 mixed , $4Hoj No. 2
White , 34Uc ; No. 3 , 34o.
OAf 3-btcadyi No. 2 whit * , 28o.
RYE-Steady ; No. 2. 61Ho.
HAY Steady and unchanged.
BUTTER Steady ; separator , 19c ; dairy ,
, o.
EGGS Lower ; fresh , 20c.
RECEIPTS-Wheat , 46,600 bu. : corn , 14-
300 but ; oats , 4,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 82,400 bu. ; corn , 1,900
bu. ; oats , 3,000 bu.
St. I.onln market.
ST. LOUIS. Dec. 2S.-WHEAT-Optlons
Irregular , with December and May 3-So
higher and July & ; c lower ; spot higher ; No.
2 red , cash , elevator and traok , 72c : Decem
ber , 73c oskod ; May , 74 l-8c ; July , 67J4c ; No.
2 hard , ttc. I
CORN Options steady to firm and frac
tions higher ; ipot nominally higher ; No. 2 ,
cash , 36Vic ; December , 3j } c ; January , 36Ho ;
May. 367-8 < 837c.
OATS Options a shade easier ; spot
strong ; No. 2 , cash. 2SHc ; track , 2SUitM',4c :
Dccembsr. 28c ; May , 2S028 7-8c ; No. 2
white. 30c.
RYE Firm nt 64c.
SEEDS Flaxsecd , nominally $1.10. Prime
timothy seed , J2.30.
BRAN-Strong ; sacked , east track ,
HAY-Tlmothy , steady at J5.60@ .60 ;
prairie , dull and easy nt $5.0086.60.
BUTTEB-Steady ; creamery , 18@2J4c ! ;
dairy , 14lSc.
KOQS-Htetdy at 19c.
WHISKY-Higher at $1.27.
' METALS Lead , steady to stronjrer at
$3.703.71Mi. Spelter , freely offered ftt $4.80.
PROVIBIONS-Pork , rteady , old. $9 ; new ,
J10.12H. Lard , quiet ; prime , $5.20 ; choice ,
$6.30. Dry salt meats ( boxed ) , shoulders ,
$4.60 ; extra shorts , $5 ; ribs , $5.25 : shorts.
$5.50. Bacon ( boxed ) , shoulders , $5 ; extra
shorts. 15.60 ; ribs , $5.76 ; shorts , $5.
POULTRY Blow ! chickens , 6c ; turkeys ,
77Hc : gente , 6 SHe ; ducks. 6 ® c.
RECEIPTS Flour , 4,000 bblr. ; wheat , 17-
600 bu. ; corn , 28,000 bu. ; oats , 46,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Flour , 15,000 bbls. ; wheat ,
131,000 bu. ; corn , 229,000 bu. ; oats , 46,000 bu.
Hnltlntore Market.
d lng : prices higher ; receipts , 32,780 bbls. ;
exports , 2,713 bbls.
WHEAT Quiet ; spot , month and Janu
ary , t < ftlS"c : Bteamar No. 2 red , 7272Uo ;
receipts. 68,223 bu. ; export * , none ; southern
wheat , by sample , 72a"6c.
CORN Unsettled ; spot and month , 43 i@
437-8o ; December , new or old , 431-8@43Hc ;
steamer , 403-8 V4 < : ; receipts , 214,356 bu. ;
exports , 111,430 bu.i iouthern white and yel
low corn , 40H643UC.
OATS-Flrmer ; No. 2 white. 88V4C bid ; re
ceipts , 15,310 bu. ; export * , none.
Toledo Market.
TOLEDO , O. , Dec. 2S.-WHEAT-Actlve
and lower : No. t cash , TlWo ; May , 72Hc.
CORN-ActlVfc and easy : No. 2 mixed , 38c.
OATS Dull and steady ; No. 2 mixed ,
RYE Dull ; No. 2 , caah , 660 sellers.
CLOVJBR6BED Active and steady ; prime
cash , old. $4.It asked ; new , cash and De
cember , $4.60.
Liverpool nraUi Market.
LIYBRPOOL , Deo. 28. WHEAT-Ciulet ,
JWCZd higher ; Decembtr , 6s IHd ; MWch ,
5 * llHd ; May , Ks H < I.
qORN-rirm. lHild ? higher : December ,
4s Id ; March , 4s Id ; May , 4s % d.
Foreign Bering Active and Higher
\Vhllc Home Market * Decllae.
NEW YORK , Dec. 28. Contrary to the
course of the stock market for some weeks
prlee * showed a pronounced decline on the
day's trading and thin was opposed to the
tendency abroad , London having bought
* ome 26,000 shares on balance. The volume
of business wo * larro , although not up to
yejterday' * rcord-brakln r figures.
The greater part ft the huslne * * today
ma * &r\ng \ the morning rise , while the
afternoon's Aeclln * was also accompanied
hurst of animation. There wan no
In th * favorable tenor of the news
> wt8e , except that the Vanderbllt re
ports were not considered up to bullish
expectation * .
The reyuUr dividend * were declared on
V&nOerbllt itocks and American Tobacco.
Ti ffle report * were generally gratifying.
Burllnrton'B * urnlus for November In
creased nearly $23 > ,000 , New Jersey Cen
tral's November net earnings increased
181,009 , while the net Increase of the North
ern Paoltto for five month * was over $390-
000. While stock * were strong at the openIng -
Ing , New York prices ware not up to those
of Londen. where American * were buoy
ant. International Paper , General Electric
and * 6me other Industrials made new high
priced records. The. granger * and coaler *
were streng. The advance In the latter
stocks , a great part of which waa retained
throughout , was perhaps explained by a
subsequent announcement that Anthracite
prices had been ordered advanced at
Buffalo and Chicago. It became evident
that there had been large realising sales
on yesterday' * and today's bulges In price *
and traders attacked the general list with
considerable success. Price * rallied some
what from the lowest , but a sharp nurry
In cfell money , which for a time advanced
to 6 per cent , although > ubsequently it
eased off to about yesterday's quotations ,
gave the bear * an opportunity to effect
marked declines In price * , but the s curl-
tlM * &ld ware readily absorbed.
Sugar waa weak , owing to the trade * lt-
wttlen , in the early dealings , when the rest
of the Hit waa strong , and at the clone waa
tin exception to the general weakness.
Mttsburg , Cincinnati , Chicago A St. Louis
waa etrengon the Idea that the Pennsyl
vania system waa to be unified In a. man
ner similar to that In progress In the Van-
ilerbllts. An Incident of the speculation at
the outf.t wan the apparent subsidence of
interest In Federal Steel. The transactions
were In small amounts and In marked
contrast to yesterday's enormous dealing
at theODenlpff. . The strength soon nianl *
rested , weakness and late In the day as
sumed prominence , on the reaction offerings
being on a large scale.
The * end market was Irregular in spots
but active liauca suffered somewhat In the
late transactions. Total sales , J5.4GO.OOO.
United States old 4s , coupon , advanced %
per cent In the bid price.
The Commercial Advertiser's London
financial cablegram says : The markets
here were buoyant today , particularly In
| homo rails and Americans. London bought
the latter freely. New York took profits ,
enuring a relapoe from H to % of a point ,
but the close was very active and the tone
good. There was heavy continental buying ,
but country Investors are holding off. The
favorite was Norfolk & Western preferred.
Union Pacific waa weak. Continuations
were off at eHC1 * . closing at 6' ' , < 7. The
carry-over wan not completed , Th ? banks
are not letting out fresh money and are
charging 4V4 P r cent and 6 per cent for new
loans , BUggestlng a ragged account. Cop
per * harrs were Htrong. The amount
bought by the bank waa 130,000 of gold
In bars. The prices then relapsed to 77s
lUid. German end of the year require
ments were satisfied. London money rates
were slightly easier , but there was heavy
borrowing. The Bank of Bombay raised Its
discount rate from 5 per cent to 8 per cent.
The gold outflow thtB week was 258,000.
The following are the closing quotations
of the leading stocks on the New York
market today :
do 2,1 ofd . 33t
Jo Dfd Mtt St. Paul . US' *
B : & 0 67 % 1)0 ) pM . 1C
Canada. IVcIno . . . m Rt. P. & Ode
Canada Southern. . . ( Oft do pfd . . . . . .IM
Ontral Pacific 41 at. t . M. & M . 172
Oi & Ohio K fit. L. & 8.V . 7i4
Chicago & Alton. . . do Dfd . 17
r. . U. & U 3. Pacific . M14
O. & K. Ill > n S. Hallway . lHi )
do pTd ItO do | > M . 4l
c. a. w i Texas & Pacific. . . . 1S %
Chi. Ind. & L 7H Union .
tlo pfd 3i do | > M . 72k
Chi. 4 N. W. "U. P. . D. & a. . . . 1C *
do Dfd l 7
C. C. . C. & St. It. . do old
do pfd ) \Vhiitl. & U E , . . .
01. A. Ht > i on do pfd
. \V 149'4 Adams Exprets . . .W
Dor. & Kto Q American Ex . 14.1
Un'led State * Bx. . . 5Z !
EJ * ( now * . 14 Jt IVellKa4KO K . . , .12
do 1st Dfd . 3'U Cotton Oil . MV
Ft , Wayne . H5 co Dfd
Qt. Nor. pM . Am. Spirits . W
Hocklnic Valley . . . . & do Dfd . 37
Illinois Ontral . . . .IliT \m. Tobacco . H3
U E. & W . Jl Dfd . 130
do Dfd . .74 Qaa
lake Shore . Mitt Com. CUble Co 175
I.ouU. i Na h . C4Vi olo. F. 4 Iron. . . , . 31ft
ljnha.tton L . jMi ilo pdVI , . , , . . , , S3
Met. 8t. Kv . W 3en. Blcctric OIH
Mlohlpui Ontxal.,111 Hawaii Com. Oo. . . CS
Minn. SL Si. L. . X Inteni'l 1'upsr > 1
do lit l > td . C'3 do I > M aiC
Mo. Paclflo . 444 Clede Oaa Itl 61
Mobile i Ohio . Jl 4 l ad S7 :
M , . K. & T . ' 4 io pfd .uj
do t > fd. . . , . ! 7' Nat. IJn. Oil SV i
N. J. Central . J4 1'trlfto Mall 4tf ,
N. Y. Central . l-S I'eoole'a Oa ! 63U .
N. Y. . C. i St. U. 14'A inillmon 1'alace . . . , U1
do lat ofd . 70 Sliver C rt 63Vi
do M pfd mandanl It. & T. . .
Nor. & Wait . II
N. Am r. Co . ! _ - - P'd lilVi
N. Paetnc . 4 T. C. & Iron SC4
do Dfd . 77 U. H. Leather 7H
Qnt&fo * W . 17H do Dfd 71
On. R. & Nar . M U. 8. Ilubb r mi
On. Stu > rt IJne. . . . < H4 do Dfd 110 !
Pac. Coa t lit pfd. \V atern Union . . . . . W
do U pfd Kcd Tal Steel 47 %
PltUburg . 1 do cfd 13' ,
11JH tt. P. ofj T J
do Irt Dfd . 48H Ore , Nav. pfd , . , , , , 70
n. o. w . x l cinc Coa t 4iU
Dfd Colo. ISoutb 7
nock Wand do it pfd. . . . . . w
&i."L. * R7 * , . . . . . . Mi do W pfd 18 %
do pfd 8TH
Offered. "Second aiaessment paid.
Total salts of stock today w re OZ.TOO
shares. Including Atchlson 7,145 ! Atchlson
preferred , 25,130 ; Chicago , Burlington &
Qulncy , 14,680 ; Dtnver & nio Grande pre
ferred , 8.830 ; Illinois Central , 5,725 ; Louis
ville & Nashville , 10.S20 ; Manhattan , 4.0HO ;
Metropolitan , 3,900 : Reading nreforred , 23-
010 ; Missouri Pacific. 16,220 : Jllssourl , Kan
sas At Texas preferred , 3,820 ; Northern ! ' . -
cinc , M.320 ; Northern Pacific preferred ,
6,420 ; Heading , 8,420 ; Rock Island , 26,070 ;
Union Pacific , 19,920 ; St. Paul , 3ii,7Zn ; Southern -
ern preferred , 6,520 ; Texas Pacinc. 13,720 ;
Union Pacific preferred , 2'i,220 ' ; Lake Lrlo
& Western. 3,030 ; Paper , 17,317 : Cotton
Oil. 12.190 : American Spirits , 3.S30 ; Tobacco ,
9,720 ; Federal Bteel , 440.020 ; People's Gas ,
14.220 ; Colorado Fuel and Iron , 6,100 ; Lead ,
6.015 ; Pacific Mall. 12.SJ5 ! Sugar. 46.020 ; Ten-
Coal & Iron. 11.500 ; Tcnncsseg Coal
& Iron preferred , 17,520 : St. Louis & South
western preferred , 4.9JO ; Chicago Great
Western , 12,410.
_ _ _
New York Money MnrUet.
per cent. . .
with actual business In bankers bills nt
$4.8 ' /ilff4.84V4 for demand nnd at $ I.81 ? @ 4.S2
for sixty days : posted rates , I4.S2J4 nnd
4.83W ; commercial bills. W.SpJMM.SW.
SILVER-Certltlcatcs , 69V4fifiOttc ; bar
silver , 69Uo : Mexican dollars. 4610.
GOVERNMENT BONDS-Mnrket firmer ;
new 4s , reg. , 128 % : coupon , 128 > i : 4s , 111 % ;
coupon ; 113 % 2s , sW : 6s"reg. . , 112 % ; coupon ,
112 % ; Pacific 6s of ' 99 , 102 % .
U.B.new3s 1071 N.J.C. A * lift H !
a. S. new 4s. reff..l9 N. C.8B ISO
U. P. do coup Itfl N.C. 48 104
0.8. 4s , Tfg ll'J No. Pacific 1BIS..110
U.S. oo coup 114 No. Pacldo 3 * R9K
U. S.sds. rer Pft No. Facile s 10'JH
I ) . 8. fit , rer J. T. C. It St. I * 4S..10UH
U.S. 6R , coup . A W. SB 138
Districts. 86s 118 N. W. Consols 146
Ala. , class A 108 N. W. Deb. fi 119H
Ala. , class B 108 Ore. N. lata
Aln. . clues 0 100 Br * * N ' 4k
Ala. , Currency 1 ° ° . , O. 8. t , . Oa V.V. . . . . . . i 10"
Atchleon4s DDK o.S. L. 8s t. r. . . . . .Ill
Oo. ad ) . 4s 70 Pacific 8a of 05 10211
Canada So. 2ds 118 Roadlnr4a
C. * 0.4ks BOH R. O. W. lata
Chi. Terms. . 4s Ill' St. L. & I. M. eon IS a 10f
C. 40. 6 117W St. L. * 3. P. ( Jen. f
C. U. * D. 48 104H St. P.Conxola .
D.4R. a 1st ! 108 St. P.O. * P. llts..l21H
D. 4. B.Q. 4s 103 St. P. C. A P. Ba. .121"
EantTenn. litsi.,107i < 80. Ry. la 1U
ErlAQen. 4s 764 n. R. &T.8B 8 * .
V. W. A D. lets. t. r. S& * Tenn. new aet 91. . . 88
Gen. Eloc. 9s 10 ! T. P. L. Q. lats 100
G. H.iS. A. 0(1 107 T. P. Rr. 2a 47 *
O.K. A3.A. 5d . . . 103 U. P. D. * O. Ists. . 87 4
H.T. Cent. 6 11JM Wnh. 1st SB mtt
H.&T.O.con.6i..ll9 Wab. Ida JUH
lawaaiits 106 W. Shore 4s m
Lu. New Con. 4S..109H Vn. Genuine * 8itt !
L.AN. Unl. 4 t > 7 * Vtt. aaferred 7H
Missouri 0 * 100 Wl * . Cent. 1st 63
U.K. AT. 2di. . . . COM U. P. 4s lU4i
M. K. AT. 48 SI Colorado South'n 4s ROM
N.T. C. Uts . .117K
Beaten Stock Quotation * .
BOSTON , Dec. 28.-Call loans , 23 per
cent ; time loans , 3@4 per cent. Closing
quotations on stocks , bond * and mining
chares :
A. . T. ft St. Fe ISM , Gen. Elec. pfd. . . .158
Am. Burar lltd .Uohlnon pfd MTi
do pfd 111H AtchlBon 4s SS'j
Bay State Oaa 3Vi Ws. Central Is 60
Uell Teleohone J77 Alloticz Mlnlns Co. . H
Boston & Albany..247 Atlnntlo 31
Btton & Mlna..l70 Boston & Mont 2M
B ai l L , 82 Ituttn & Do-iton. . . . . 91
C. . D. & Q U3 % Calumet & IIecla..C35
Fltchburg 107 Centennial 31
On. Electric 9314 l < Yanklln 20
Mexican Central . . . 6 , oicl , Dominion 35&
N. Y. & N. Enjf. . . . 99 Osceola 84
Old Colony 19S Qulncy HI
Ore. Short Line 41 Tamarack 182
Ilubber 4414 'TVolvorlne ' 3 <
Union Pacific 42'a ' rarroU 3-IV4
West End M1 ; HunVboldt 2 %
Weutlngh. Elec. . . . .ISHi Aiivemure OH
do Pfd 62 Union Land 10
Ed. Elec , Tel 195 iWlnona T4
Bali Frnnclaco Mlnlnv < lnotntlon * .
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 28. The official
closing quotations for mining stocks to
day were as follows :
Alta f Justice 14
Alpha Coo 3 Kentucky Con 9
Andes 4 Mcxtoan 23
Belcher 19 Oocfllental Con 52
Beet St Belcher. . . . S3 Oplllr 43
Bullion 2 Overman S
Caledonia M Potoi.1 13
Challence Con 14 Savage w
Chollar 14 Sierra Nevada 86
Confidence 00 Union Con 15
Con. Gil. & Va 110 Utah Con
Crown Point 15 Yellow Jacket 23
Oould & Curr'e. . . . . 24 Standard 260
Uale & Norcroaii.
Stiver bars , 69 l-8c ; Mexican dollars , 47 %
@ 47c. Drafts. sght | , 15c ; telegraph , 17V4c.
New Yorlt-'jMlnlnar Quotation * .
NEW YOHK , Dec. 28. The following are
the closing quotations'on mining stocks ;
Oholor . --7-10 Ontario 500
Crown Point A 12 Ophir 40
Con. Cal. & Va 110 Plymouth 1
Dtadwood r45 Qulckrlver ISO
Oould & Cjirrt . . . . , tt do pfd 450
H le and Norcros * . 10 Slerra Nevada ' 55
Homestake 5.000 Standard " -0
iron Silver C2 Union Con 12
Mloan 27 Yellow Jacket 20
Financial ISote * .
OMAHA , Dec. 28. Bank clsarlngs today ,
$1,407,201.10 ; balances. J10049C..59. One year
neo the clearings were J7S9.001.19 : balances ,
Jll9,719.29 ; Increase in clearings , J818.199.91.
WASHINGTON , Dec. 28. Today's state
ment of the condition of the treasury
ehows : Available cash balance. J292.340.639 ;
gold reserve. J245.189.815. . . , ,
CHICAGO , Dec. 2S.-Clearlngs , J2o,727lS2 ;
balances , 11.757,172. New York exchange.
par : sterling exchange , posted rates , $4.8 > 'A
? 4.S5tt. Btcnsk * active and irregular , fol
lowing Wall Street. Alley L. 74 ; Biscuit.
40'fc : Biscuit preferred , 104 % ; Strawboard ,
33 ; Lake Street U 13 % ; West Chicago , 93 ;
Diamond Match , 143& .
NEW YORK. Dec. 28. Clearings , $199.411-
212 : balances , $10,219.664. . , . . , .
BOSTON. Deo. 28. Clearing * , $25,452,217 ;
balances , J3.748.M5. ,
PHILADELPHIA , Dec. 28. Clearings ,
$28.229.297 ; balances , $3,543,961.
BALTIMORE. DPC. 28. Clearings , $3,969-
057 : balances , $568.079. , . , , . .
ST. LOUIS. Dec. 2S.-Clearlngs , $5.372fi22 ;
balances , $328,367 ; money. 4S7 per cent ; New
York exchange , 20o discount bid , lOc dls-
CONEVoRLEA'NS , Dec. 28.-Clearlngs , $1.-
468,008 : New York exchange , bank , par ;
commercial. $1 per 11.006 discount.
CINCINNATI ; Dec. 28. Money. 2 % 6 per
cent ; New York exchange , 20c und 2ac dis
count. Clearings , $2,015,700.
Cotton MnrUot.
NEW YORK , Dec. 28. The market for
cotton futures was active today. Liverpool
advices were practically unchanged. The
fact that spot sales In the English market
reached only 71,000 was a disappointment ,
but the Liverpool future liBt at least held
its own and consequent covering here
rausd a better average of prices at the
opening. In the afternoon trading was quita
tlack. with the tone firm , having made a
sharp rlBo at the close on a spurt for cov
ering. Spot steady ; middling , 67-8c. Iset
I receipts. 47 bales ; gross receipts. 8.130 bales ;
sales. 200 bales ; etock. 8,647 bales ; exports
to Great Britain , 6 2J bales : to the con
tinent , 753 bales. Total today : Net re
ceipts , 82.278 bales : export * to Great Britain.
17,011 bales : to France. 160 bales : to the
continent. 20.949 bales ; Block , 1,830.003 bales.
Consolidated : Net receipts. 212.849 bales ;
exports to Great Britain , 106,683 bales to
France , 25.124 bales ; to the continent , 61.35
'bales. Total * lnco September 1 : Not re
ceipts. 6,659.173 bales ; exports to C3wU Brit
ain 2074.644 bales ; to France , 456,713 bales ;
to the continent , 1,468,231 bales.
tures steady : December nominal ; January.
$ fi.0645.07 ; February. $5.1105.12 ; March.
< tf3.15 ; April. $5.WI5.20 : May , J5.25f6.2o | ; ' i
June , $5.W .3l ! July. $5.3lfiJ5.35 ; August.
J5.344i6.35 ; September. $5.2S bid ; Octobor.
$5.30fj3.32. Spot steady : sales , 4.000 bales ;
ordinary , 318-16c ; good ordinary , 43-Sc ; lows
middling. 53-fic ; sales , 30 bales : receipts ,
17,700 nalfs ; shipments , 16,653 bales ; stock ,
76,472 bales. I
Coffee MnrUct.
NEW YORK. Dec. 28.-COFFEE-Optlons '
opened steady at 6 points advance ruled
more nctlve and generally flrmer on Invest
ment buylnc and covering , European and
Brazilian cables b-lntr lers unfavorable
than expected. Leading bears sold on the
advance following- Increase In American vis
ible , heavy clearances for this country and
sluggish spot demand. Closed steady , un-
chonefd to 6 points hlchor ; sales , 2S.750
bass , including December at $5.65 ; January.
$5.50 ; February , $5.60 ; March. $5.76 ; April.
$5.80 Moy , $5.85 ; June. $6.90 ; July. $5.90i ( )
5.W. Spot coffee. Rio , quiet : No. 7 , Invoice.
$6.75 ; No. 7. Jobbing , $7.25. Mild , quiet ; Cordova -
dova , $7.76(515 ( 00.
Dividend * Declared.
NEW YORK. Dec. 28. The directors of
the Michigan Central railroad today de
clared the regular semi-annual dividend of
The directors of the Lake Shore & Michi
gan Southern railroad have declared a reu-
ular semi-annual dividend of 3V4 per cnt.
The director * of the American Tobacco
company have declared a 2 per cent dlvl-
dend on the common and preferred stocks.
Wheat Clearing * Brruk lleoord. >
NEW YORK. Dec. 28. The clearances of
808CM bu. of whiat from New York today
break all records In the hlitory of the
Produce exchange. The wheat U doatim-d
for general distribution In Europe , includ-
lag Mediterranean ports.
Otttla Becoipta Remarkably Light at th
Local Yards ,
Proper Staff Fctche * f3.2R and Every
thing Sell * Well Hog * Take a
Sharp Torn Upward with
Hnpplr in Sight.
SOUTH OMAHA , Dec. 28.
CaUie. HOKS. Sheep.
Receipts today 1,663 15,621 1,536
Official Monday 457 4,833 1,631
Official Tuesday 1,743 10GS7 809
Three days this week. . . . 3,862 31,061 3,976
Sumo days last week. . . . 4,352 29,662 3.773
Bamo days week before. . 7.5S3 41,010 7,920
Bame three weeks ugo , . 6 , 3 25,633 6,718
Average price paid for nogs tor the last
several days , wlta comparisons :
I18SI. | 1S97.11SW. I1SJ5.11S94.11893. | U92.
Dec. 10. . . 3 13 3 21 336 4 29 600
Dec. 11. . , 3 15 317 3 28 4 20 6 10 6
Dec. 12. . . 3 37 3 20 331 4 25 5 01 6 11
Dec. 13. . , 3 38 3 20 * 333 4 20 so ; 611
Dec. 14. . . 333 3 23 328 3 38 4 23 6 14 6 17
Dec. 16. . 327 324 3 17 V * & 0 6 21
Dec. 16. . 330 3 29 3 17 337 4 2 6 3S
Dec. 17. . 3 2i ( 3.11 3 17 3 40 413 6 tt
I Dec , 18. . 3 16 3 36 4 13 4 90
I ' Dec. 19. . 328 331 4 07 4 51 6 33
'Dec. j. . 3 28 3 33 3 32 4 11 473 6 34
Dec. 21. . 3 31 328 3 17 327 4 15 4 74 6 27
Dec. 22. . 3 33 3 24 3 14 4 14 40 6 26
Dec. 23. . 3 36 3 21 3 17 327 4 98 6 29
Dec. 21. . 3 4 3 26 3 19 3 311 4 13 6
Dec. 25. . *
Dec. 26. . 349 320 333 4 17 6 11 627
Dec. 27. . 3 44 3 30 3 33 4 13 510 6 41
Dec. 28. . 3 47 3 301 33S [ 4 13 610 641
Indicates Sundav.
The official number of cars of Block
brought in today by each road was :
C. , M. A St. P. Ry.
O. & St , L. Ry. . . . . . . . . .
Missouri Pacific Ry . 30 4
Union Pacific System . 4 27
C. > & N. W. Ry . 1 3
C. , B. & Q. Ry 33
C. , R. I. & P. R E 18
c. , R. i. & p. Ry. I
Total receipts 66 231 6
The disposition of the day's receipts was
as follows , each buyer purchasing ; the
number of head indicated :
Buyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co ' 2194
The G. H. Hammond'Coi ! ii6 2573
Swift and Company 212 3172 91
The Cudahy Packing Co. . 36S 2933 1431
Armour & Co 73 3449
R , Becker and Began 21
Huston & Co 31
Armour , from Sioux City 917
Armour from Kansas City 93 '
Hammond , from Kan. City 115 'iii
Omaha , from Kansas City 45
Cudahy , P. Co. , from K. C. 350
Other buyers 47
Left over 50
Totals . .J. U20"isiifte &
CATTLE Light receipts have been the
rule for so many days and are llke-ly to
prevail for so many days' ' to come that It Is
hardly necessary to say every morning
that the run Is again small. Such were the
facts this morning , and , more than that ,
of the cattle here Cudahy had fifteen loads ,
Hammond 11 vo louds , Armour four loads
and the Omaha two loads , direct from Kan
sas City. It would appear therefore that
there were very few cattle on se. !
The supply of corn-fed steen , while very
small , contained some better , cattle than
have been Been here for a few days back ,
which added Interest to the trade , but stilt
a large percentage of the offerings con
sisted of warmed-up steers. A bunch of
the T. B. Herd cattle sold at $4.25 and other
westerns brought $5.16. Warmed-up and
half fat cattle sold around $4.70@4.$0. All
these prices looked high and it would be
safe to say that it was a good , steady mar
ket , as compared with yesterday , but
higher than a week ago. The demand
was active for desirable killers , but as a
matter of course buyers do not fall over
each other to get the warmed-up cattle.
Only eight or ten loads of cows nnd hclf-
ers were in the yard * and as the demand
was active , they were all sold in good sea
son and at prices not materially different
from yesterday. Medium to fair heifers
ar bringing about $3.50 S.7B , good cows
J3.25 < iM.G3 and canners $2.00S2.76. Bulls ,
stags , etc. , were in fair demand at steady
In the feeder division there was very lit
tle doing for the very good reason that
there was very little on sale. There IB a
moderate demand all the time and desirable
kinds of feeders nnd stock cattle are bring
ing good prices. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No Av. 1'r. No. APr. .
14. . SS8 $4 15 18..1147 $4 70 6..1203 J4 85
20..1057 4 33 12..1150 4 75 24..1292 485
33..1177 4 50 20..1304 4 SO 20. . 1)55 ) 4
8..1040 4 60 1 .1270 4 SO 18..1547 515
21..1147 4 CO 10..1211 4 80 20..1SCS 6 15
6. . 616 4 60 9..1220 4 SO 36..1541 625
1..1300 4 65
2. . 7S5 4 15 1 ! ) . . 505 4 35
1. . 930 2 10 1..1230 273 1..10SO 3 15
1..1220 210 1..1IWO 275 1..1MO 3 15
1..1030 2 25 1..1350 2 80 2 .1010 3 20
1. . 9fiO 2 25 12. . 1054 2 K 1..1020 3 23
2. . 815 2 25 9.1140 2 8-5 1..10CO 3 83
1. . SDO 2 26 Z..1050 2 90 1..1090 3 23
1. . 910 2 25 1. . 970 2 SO 1..12IO 3 25
1..1160 2 40 11..1027 2 90 3. 1000 3 25
1..1140 2 50 1. . 800 2 90 1..1170 3 23
1. . 780 2 60 1. . 930 300 2..1215 3 35
2 50 3..1060 3 00 1..1030 2 40
1. . 7W 260 4..1125 3 00 1..10SO 3 40
1. . 910 2 50 12..1047 3 00 1..1220 3 50
1. . 990 2 55 2..12.TO 3 00 4..1097 350
1..1020 2 f.O 1..12.30 3 00 1..11CO 3 BO
1..1050 2 60 3..1070 300 4..1072 350
5. . 920 2 CO I. . 910 3 00 1..1330 3 no
1. . 9JO 2 CO 1. . 000 3 00 1. . 970 3 50
5. . 934 2 60 1. .11,10 3 05 3. . 1141 360
6. . 976 2 5 1. . 800 3 Oo 4. . 823 3 CO
1..1030 275 5..1016 3 05 4..1217 3 00
1. . S30 2 75 L. 870 3 10 35..10SS 3 CO
1. . 840 2 75 3..1016 310 1..1230 3 GO
2..10M 275 1..1090 310 1..1170 3 C5
6..inns 2 75 3..1110 3 10 2. . 12ft ) 3 (
3..1050 275 2..10SO 3 10 2..1330 3 C5
1..1000 275 1..10SO 3 10 22..1030 3 90
L. 900 275
1..1630 2 60 1..1250 3 15 1..1R20 3 60
1..1170 300 1..1010 3 25 1..1100 3 75
1..1320 315 6..1326 3 25 1..1320 3 85
1..11SO 3 15 1..1470 3 CO
2. . 905 3 00 SO. 717 350 18. 813 3 65
' ' MO 3 25 1. . 800 3 50 14. 903 ro
3' . 76 3 25 3. . 790 3 50 8..1012 3 SO
20. . SOO 3 35 1. . 7fiO 3 65 800 3 S5
S. . 970 3 40 1. . 920 3 CO 7. . S77 4 10
6. . 735 3 DO 12. . 734 3 CO 1. . 750 4 15
S. . C33 3 50 3. . . ' 03 3 C5 1. . SCO 4 25
20. . 741 350 6. . 1016 365
240 4 00 1. . 90 6 00 1. . 130 650
2SO 4 25 1. . 370 6 00 1. . ISO 650
430 4 75 1 ISO 650 1. . ISO 675
111 ! ( HO 343 13. . SCO 390 17. . 450 440
HOGS The receipts of hogs were largo
this morning at this point and at all
market points. Chicago reported 42.000
l.ond : Kansiis City , 15OuO head ; St. Joseph ,
7,000 head , and St. Louis , B.OOO htnd. The
size of the receipti > , however , did not cut
much llgure In comparison to the sharp ad-
\nnce In the provision market yesterday
and the situation was rnther bullish. Buy
ers seemed to fesl that the hogs were worth
the money and the market opened 2'itCc (
higher on heavy and mixed packers , but
ubout steady - > n light loads. It was
practically a $3.4i3 50 market , as against u
S3 4Mf3.50markot yesterday. Heavy and mixed
hogs sold very 'largely at $3.4 : > ? i3 4H. nnd
ecod light at $3.50. Under the Influence of
the good demand the hogs chanced hands
rapidly and the trade was decidedly active.
At one tim , OH some of the largo packers
appeared to b afraid that they would not
get hots enough to nil orders , the market
got a little stronger nnd most anything
would brlnr $3.47K nnd some prime light
broiiKht $3.C2'/4. ' Later trains cam * in
heavily loaded and as the Chicago provision I
market onme lower , the. hoc trade cased off
and $3.45 became the popular bid , which it
was hard to raise. .
Considering the large run of hogs tha
market as a whole was In good condition
nnd the most of the hogs sold In good sea
son The scales were crowded all the fore
noon , thf hogs selling faster than they could
be weighed. A glance at the table of
lleureH at head of column will show that
while a portion of Tuesday's decline was
rnndo up , not all of it wns recovered , but
that the market l 15c higher than It was
a week ago Representative sal s :
No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr.
K1 100 . . . $310 70 291 . . . 3 47V5
72. . . . .162 UO $3 40 GO 272 120 347" " *
12 SC3 80 3 42H 63 341 60 S 47 > ,5
01 317 120 345 74 2i4 320 2 47W
17 150 . . . 3 45 19 323 80 3 47'5 '
16. . . . .221 3 45 62 ' ' " ' ' 291 . . . 3 47' ?
C7. . . . .394 3 45 7r.2 ( > 2 210 3 4JV
M. . . . .411 100 3 43 47 . 3il W
85. . . . .217 120 345 13 . 3CI 40 3 47
17 334 3 45 66 3.10
31 274 3 45 71 313
60 332 348 60 304
51 3 4o 76 303
42M 3 45 74 234
M 3 45 66 301
* 7 3 45 . . . .339
42 252 341 . . . .241
43 2C5 3 43 64 261
11 129 345 6 * 313
69 215 3 45 66 217
37 291 3 45 66 333
67 293 3 45 71 36ti
60 314 3 45 71 1E > 0
49. . . .317 3 45 S3 253
66 . 330 3 45 12 244
. 342 3 45 69 310
93 . 77. . ,
S3 . 28fl
29 . 334
67 . 2S8
' ' '
I 61.293 ! 120
347 4
347 %
347 $
847(1 (
3 4i
3 47
3 47
3 4
3 4
3 4 *
3 47
3 47
3 47
3 47
341 3 47' ' .
347 %
. . . 347
40 3 4
240 3
200 3 47
160 3
. . . 3 4
3 47 <
200 .214
200 .290
3 40 .273
3 4 , .350
3 4 .158
3 45 , .404
345 .2C5
1 46 .310
S 4S
SHEEP There were a few sheep and
lambs In the yards and but few wanted.
Such us the buyers happened to want they
would pay steady pricei for. but there was
no life to the market and viewed from a
f-olKr B Htandpolnt the situation U far from
encouraging. A * was remarked yesterday
them Is very little- encouragement for a
shipper to send In supplies and without ex
ception commission men ar advising their
patronn to hold back until the eastern mut
ton market Is cleared up and until packers
show some little hunger aftw fresh supplies.
Representative sales :
No. Xv. Pr.
6 native lamb * 60 $4 00
12 nathrs lambs , oornfed K 600
W native lambs , cornfed 2 8 00
SJIMeoccnn yearling * 14 4 00
604 Mexican yearling * , 82 4 26
3 native wethers 106 487 %
Light " Receipt * of Cattle Rosalt ! a
* Btronf Mnrket.
CHICAGO , Deo. 28.-Llght receipt * of cat
tle today resulted In a strong market and
most of the rather mediocre offerings were
easily dlypoBed of at good prices. Com
moner grades changed hands at $3.904.60 ;
fairly good to strictly prime droves selling
at $5.0095.70 ; the greater part of the. offer
ings sold at $4.SOiff5.50 ; fancy cattle were
very nominal at $5.76S .00 ; stookers and
feeders were slow but steady nt about un
changed prices ; calves were scarce , best
grndis brlnRlng $ s.00 < g > 7.00. | in hogs was active and prices av
eraged c higher ; the Chicago packers did
" "M ° A-o. lUJ'lnK' , the lulk of sales being
$3.&W3. iO ; hoes sold at an extreme range
' '
hSghTat33'1118 Btrons welghtsPsleillng the
Thre was not a very good demand for
sheep and lambs , but prices were kept from
wenltenlnK by continued light offerings ;
# -SVm , . nt. * 2-r' < > S3.00 for the poorest to
3.&U4.00 for the choicest lots , the offerings
pflng mostly fed westerns : few sold below
$3.50 ; yearling sheep brought $4.1004.50 and
himbs sold at $4.0006.25 ; largely at $3.10 ®
Receipts : Cattle. 12.000 head ; hogs , 44,000
> i
head ; sheep , 10,000 head.
Demand for Cattle Onod , Hnir * Scarce
nnd Sheep Active.
celpts , 5,860 head natives. 1.090 head Tex-
ane. The demand was excellent , all grades
selling active at steady to shade higher
prices. Heavy native steers. $6.1005.30 ; me
dium. $ l.2&8 > 5.10 ; lightweights , $4.0 (500 ;
stockers and feeders , $3 23W4.45 ; butcher
COWB and heifers , $2.7594,23 : western sleers ,
$36004.0. ) ; Texas steers. $3.75iff4. ; Texas
butcher cows , $2.7603.50 ; canning stock , "
. .
HOGS-Receipts. 15,300 head. Although
the offerings were , they dlil not sat
isfy the demandn and prices advanced from
aS'lOo | n uonaequrnco. Heavies 135503,70 :
mixed. $3.30@3.t24 ; } ; lights , $1.2Sg3.50 ; pigs !
SHKEP Receipts , 2,115 head ; quality of
supply very common ; trading active at lOc
higher prices ; lambs. $50i > ftS.50 : muttons.
$3.7J4.25 ; feeding lambs , V3AWS.20 : feeding
sheep , $3.25ff4.00 ; stookers , $2.2&S3.60.
SI. l.oulN I.lve Mock.
ST. LOUIS , Dec. 2S.-CATTLE-Recelpts ,
2,300 head , Including 000 head Texans ; Phtp-
mcnts , 300 head ; market Bttady but Blow :
fair to fancy native shipping and export
Btcors. .J4.25W5.75 , bulk of Halts , S4.7&Q0.40 ;
dressed beef and hutchor slfers , $3.75'S ' < > .25 ,
bulk of sales , tl.BOfifi.lS ; Etecrs , under 1,000
pounds , $3.0 > B4.CO , bulk of rales , J3.3S04.25 :
Mockers and feeders , $2.4&jM.50 , bulk of
nates , J2.30S3.45 ; cows and heifers , 12.00 ®
4.40 , lulk of heifers. $3WCM. 0. bulk of
cows. J2.25-33.40 ; Texas und Indian steers ,
$3.HW/4&0 ; cows und heifers , $2.H > fi360.
HOGS RecelptH , 10,600 head ; shipments ,
500 head ; market strong to 5c higher ; pigs
and lights. M SVI73.40 ; packers , J3503.65 ;
butcherB. $3.6 < tfi3.0.
SHEEP-KecelptH , BOO head ; shipments ,
100 heud ; market steady : native muttonB ,
$3.50(84.00 ( ; lambs , J4.00ft5.80.
YurK I.lve HtocU.
NEW YORK , Dec. 2S.-riEBVES Re
ceipts , 331 head ; market nctlvo and strong.
nulls and cows , lfri15o higher ; stcero , JI.50
fio.40 : tops , J590 ; good to extra oxen , $3.00
{ < > 520 ; COWB , poor to fair. J2.COf3.40. Cables
weak : exports today , 41 cattle , 70 sheip
and 2,400 quarters of beef : estimated to
morrow , 13 cattle and 17 sheep.
CALVK8 Receipts , C.S7 head. Go d veals
firm : others steady ; poor to prime veals ,
} 4 fiOJjS.Wi : barnyard calves , $3.50"3355 " ; west
erns , J4 CO.
SHEUP AND LAMPS Receipts. 6,561
head. Ehrep dull and barely steady.
Lambs steady to a shude lower. Poor to
choice sheep , $260fi4EO ; culle. $2.25 ; Iambs ,
J3.2W5.S7M : Canada lambs , $1 53&S.G5.
HOOB Receipts , 6,231 head ; nominal at
In SlKlit.
Following are the receipt ) ) at the four
principal western markets for December 2S :
Cattlo. Ho ? # . Bheep.
Omaha . 1.M2 16021 1.536
Chicago . 12.0CO 4 , ( iOO 10,000
Knnxas City . 600 ! 15,360 2,115
BtV Wula . . . 2,300 10,600 600
Totals . 22.912 85,681 14,251
Cluplunml Mvr Hlook.
CINCINNATI. O. . Dec. 2S.-HOaS-Acttvo
and higher at I3.10g3.60.
CATTI E-Steady at I2.WWJ4.85.
SHEEP-Btcady at J2.2&84.00 ; lambs ,
steady at J4.00ft6.35.
HI. Jtix-lih Live Htook.
ST. JOSEPH. Mo. , Dec , 28.-(8peclal. ( )
CATTLE-Recelpta , iOO head ; market very
r.ctlvo and steady to itroni : nstlven. JJ.SOIt
6.26 ; Texnns and wrsternc , J3.2ofl4IO ; cows
and heifers , J1.7MJ4.25 ; atorkers and feeders ,
I J3.C > W .30.
lIOOS-Rccclpts , 7,100 head ; market ac
tive and strong to 6c higher , selling from
I3.40U3.60 ; bulk at J3.43il3.65.
BHEEP No receipt * ; demand Mronc for
good killers.
Wool Market ,
BOSTON , Dec. 28. The Wool and Cotton
Reporter In Its annual report , which com
prise * a survey of the wool situation In th
United States In 1898 In all Its features , will
pay ;
To briefly summarize- there are 29,319,01 !
pounds of wool In the United States outilde
of manufacturer * ' hands , against 223.719.29I
pouiiilj at tlio close of 1897. The amount In
the throe principal markets Is 144,671,44J
J'oumiB , against 15S.744.2W a year ngo and
144S31,7SS two years ago. It will be noted
that while the stocks In the. three leading
markets arj 14.182.S50 pounds ( mailer than a
year ago , the stocks throughout the entire
country arc 55,56,721 pounds larger. Wool
lias coino forward from the west much
more slowly than usual. This may be Illus
trated by the fact that the receipts of do
mestic wool this year at Boston have
amounted to only S0,9fi,000 pounds , against
1GO. ! | ,400 pounds In U97 , a falling off of
practically 60 per cent. In fact th sales
In Boston during 1S97 were. 13,540.4 > i6 pound *
larger than the total receipts of bolh do
mestic and foreign. The sale * In Boston
Wtro 141,132.510 pounds , against 361,632,100
pounds In the previous year. The sales In
the three leading markets of the country
were 230,480,385 ixninds , agalnn 627,055.374 In
1&97. The sales in IMS were the smallest so
far during the last decade of the nine
teenth century. Except those for 1S93 ,
which amounted to only 199,504,33. The av-
erag > weekly sales In th throe trading mar
kets were about 4,500,000 pounds , compared
with over 10.000,000 pounds In 1K37. Nominal
quotations on wool were fairly well main
tained during the larger part of the year.
But In the last quarter there was a decline
to a lower level , In which even foreign
wools shared. At the opening of the year
flno and fine medium territory wa quoted
on a clean basin of & 0c , against 42U43 at the
close of December.
BOSTON , Dec. 28 The American Wool
and Cotton Reporter will Buy tomorrow of
the wool trade :
The last week of the year ha * been char
acterized by a good Inquiry for wool and
with fully aa good a feeling as baa been
noticed for months. All eyes are now
turned toward the goods market and never
was the opening of a heavyweight aea'on
awaited with more Interest than that which
U now at hand. All nro looking for an Im
provement In the demand for fabrics , which
If It develops will bring a larger volume of
bualncBa Into the wool market In the
course of the next month or two. The
demand for domestic wools during the last
week has run principally to territory ,
Texas and pulled wool ? , while in foreign
wools the chief feature * have been the
sales of some round lot * of Australian
wools. In quarter and three-eighths blood a
good movement Is also noticed. Fleece , as
a , rule , has been quiet. The sale * of the
week In Boston were 3,650,000 pound *
domestic and 1,043,000 pounds foreign , mak
ing a total of 3,793,000 pounds , against a
total of 6,624,000 pounds for the previous
week and a total of 7,396,000 pounds for the
corresponding- week last year. Sales since
January 1 , 1S98 , amount to 141,132,610 pound * ,
against 569,028,100 pounds last year at this
fiftr York Dry Good * Market.
NEW YORK. Dec. 28.-Thc general de
mand for cotton good * was > quiet today ,
with buyers confining attention to opera
tive requirements until after the new year.
The tone continues quite strong and the
upward tendency In prices unchecked. Print
cloths are very strong , with wide odds at
3V c for 38U Inches 64squares , and at 3 5-Sc
for 3) inches. There wan no business In
regulars. Woolen and worsted good * Im
proved somewhat and some important
lines are practically out of stock for the
present reason. Piece silk * are firm and
the tendency of the market favorsi higher
Sncnr Market.
Quiet ; open kettle , 3 < ? 39-16c ; open knttlo ,
centrifugal. 3G-85J4 1-lfic ; c itrlfugal granu
lated. 4 .16 > 45-8c : whiteHi < tt46-So : yel-
lows. 4ff46-16c : seconds. ? ft37-8c.
MOLASSES Steady : o ; kettle , 20 < # 32c ;
centrifugal , 7R19c ( ; syrup. > j27o.
cemtier. 4s 6d.
NEW YORK. Dec. 28.-BUCJAK Raw ,
Irregular ; fair refining , 37-Pc : centrifugal.
90 test , 43-Sc : molasses mgar , S5-8c ; re
fined , demoralised and tending downward.
Oil Market.
OIL CITY , Dec. Z8.-CredU balances , H.lgj
certificates , no bids ; no sales ; shipment *
B3.551 bbls. ; runs. 93,331 bbls.
SAVANNAH , Oa. . Dec. 28.-OIL Spirit * of
turpentine , firm at 4ZHc.
WILMINGTON. N. C. . Dec. 2S.-OIL8-
Spirits of turpentine , firm at 4J 42c Crude
turpentine , firm at $1.800 .30. Tar , firm at
Minneapolis Wheat Market.
Bteadv ; May , 67 6-Sc ; on track , No. 1 hard ,
67'fcc ; No. 2 northern , 64c.
FLOUR Higher ; first patent * , J3.80rS3.M :
second patents , J3.60Qf3.70 ; first clear , J2.70JJ
"BRAN-In bulk , lower , $8.7609.23.
California Drleil Fruit * .
DRIED FRUITS-Qenerallv steady. Evap
orated apples , common.7ltif8c ? : choice , fiif }
9Vtr ; fancy , 10c. Prunes. 6ylOc. Apricots ,
Moor Pane , 13@17c. Peaches , unpeeled , 119
llc ; peeled , 19c.
Milwaukee ( train Mnrket.
higher ; No. 1 northern , 68 > 49 9c ; No. I
northern. 6767Vc.
RYE-8teidy ; No. 1. MijQttUc.
BARLEY-Vic higher ; No. 2 , 49c ; * amplt ,
Dnlnth Wlient Mnrket.
DULUTH , Dec. 2S.-WHEAT-No. 1 hard
n h. 68ic ; No. 1 northern cash , Cflcj May ,
Mcrrliuiitu' Bean Club Notice.
A new rule has been adopted that no per
son can deposit more than three coupons
with any one merchant on the s me day.
For Complete-
Reports of the
Proceedings of the
Legislature >
Read The
Telephone 1039. Omaha , Nell
Dlr"t wlr tu TortL
CorrMpondrfitai Job" a. Warn * o * .
Room 4 , K. Y. Life Hid * . , OMaka , ] ( ,
StocksGrainyProvisions. i
Direct ? ( * Yrk ,
We t n