THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAT , DECEMBER 27 , 1808. Merchants' , Bean Club. Hu-Can Guess Our Bean Jars ? Some Things That You Should Know : 1 That you must use a coupon cut from this paper.- 5 That you should file your coupons as early as possible. 9 That the advertisement must be cut out with the coupon , 2 That no pernon can deposit more than three coupons with any one 6 That in case of a tie the coupon filed first will receive the prize. 10 That the jars are changed and refilled after each contest. merchant each day. 11 That if you don't estimate correctly this time , you may next time 3 That you must bring them to the store. No mailed coupons filed. 7 That no one knows the exact number of beans in a jar. 12 That every article offered is exactly as represented by the mer 4 That you can vote as often as you have coupons. 8 That each jar contains beans and beans only. chants. HU-CAN ? Beans at A. Hospe's 1513 DOUGLAS STREET. Hospe's , This week wo have a sale of a 11 left-over pictures and Christmas knickknacks - knacks prices will bo cut in half or more and they must be sold at once oa wo Invoice January 1. A $30 plctur o to the successful estimate on our bean Jar contest. Croscs Saturday night. A. Ho iie' * nrJAN CONTKST COUPON. My estimate-of the number of beana ID Jar No. 10 Is Name. Address Thl advertisement and coupon must bo handed In at our store. , IIU-CAN ? Holiday Gifts SHIRTS ! SHIRTS ! SHIRTS ! All our $1.50 Star Colored Shirts will be closed out this week for Jtiat one-half 75c. The nicest stock at reasonable prices. Wo wlU give away to the person esti mating the nearest number and the next nearest number of beans In our jar each two custom made shirts worth IG.OO Con test closes Saturday at 6 p. m , Albert Calm , , FIM3 MEN'S FURNISHINGS. 1322 Farnnin St. WE MAKE SHIRTS. Albert Cnhn. 11EAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans in jar No.5 is . ; . . t-t ' ' ' b 11. ' : l..i 'Name. . . . Address Tills advertisement and coupon must bo handed tn at our store. GREAT CHANGES OCCURRING Developments of Recent Times Make This Country World's Money Power. * RAILROAD PROSPERITY AND EASY MONEY 'IIlKh ' I'rloen for OrcaU Make Capl- tallxtN lit Went , While Low 1'rlccM for Them Milke PoptillntN Iiintcitcl. NEW YORK , Dec. 26. ( Special. ) Henry Clews , head of the banking house of Henry Clewa & Co. , in his review of Wall street , Bays : The stock market displayed more than expected strength throughout the week. Pro fessionals made several attempts to force a reaction , but failed and those who had sold expecting to repurchase in a lower market were disappointed. The reasons for the present strength of the market are plain. They are based upon the great changes In the financial , Indus trial and mercantile branches which have developed during the last few years. Confidence In the future is universal. Thcso conditions , which are already famil iar , were first recognized by the largo hold ers of securities and shrewd buvere. Fi nally the great outside public has become impressed with these name beliefs and Is buying with more or less determination. Speculation Is consequenty Increasing aud lit a rapid rate , but the danger point Is not yet In sight. New buyers as a rule have ample margins and their success has not been sutnclent to Intoxicate them , al though caution Is necessary. An unusual amount of stocks uiul bonds has been paid for outright , so that the floating supply Is Htcndlly diminishing , while no new capital creations of Importance have thus far been To-ported , the industries which have been flouted not belng clabsed s new enterprises. Look .Vow ( or lU'iiollon. As for the future of the markei. It is exceptionally promising and Its course can not bo calculated by ordinary precedents. Everybody desires a reaction either to tes.1 values or to buv back stocks which they have lost. Such desires do not seora likely to b gratified o far as the general market is concerned : though it is quite likely that overtrading will soon produce weak spots. Confidence In the general market Is based upon two Important factors Increasing rail road prosperity nnd easy money. Increased earnings Inevitably exercise an Important effect upou the value of securities whoso dividends aud Interest have hitherto been a matter of doubt. When non-dividend payIng - Ing clocks join the ranks of dividend payers active speculation Is Inevitable ; while hlgh- clnss G nnd 6 per cent securities have risen < o about u 4 per cent basis , because of cheap money. There Is ua prospect of any serious dis turbance of money ro.tea for some tlmo to come. Any stringency here would quickly draw largo sums from abroad In settlement of Europe's Indebtedness. Hates are not only low in New York , but at Chicago and all Interior centers. Indicating a universal abundance seeking employment. The dim- cuty In finding satisfactory opportunities for capital is ono of the problems of the day. As railroad conetruotlon offers but a lim ited field the chltt outlet appears to be In industrial development and an expansion ot our foreign trade , particularly In the export - port of manufactured articles. American capital must seek new ventures abroad and keep .pace with our moat oppor tune political expansion. In this connec tion the attempt of foreign nations to place loans hero U cepocl lly significant. HUB- ela's success , however , in her negotiation il somewhat problematical , u our people HU.CAN ? Guarantee Clothing Company , Capitol Avu , Ncnr ICth St. OUR PRICES MUST ALWAYS I1E THE LOWEST as wo refund money If you can beat them. All Wool Clay Worsted Suits $5.75 I'ure Slllc Mu til Era 50c Fancy Embroidered Slippers 60c Velvet Caps for Men 33C Extreme line Kersey Overcoats $0.00 Warranted Dress Shoes 51.50 Beautiful Neckties 23c Initial Handkerchiefs , 3 for 2."c Klsgant Link Sleeve Buttons 25c Fur Overcoats as low as JS.50 Double Sleeve Shirts 45c Fancy Half Hose , isc Fine Covert Cloth Overcoats. . 7.50 Zlno Trunks On December 31st wo will give away to the person estimating the nearest number of beans'In our jar a man's fine mackintosh box coat. coat.VOTE VOTE PLENTY AND OFTEN. Guarantee Cloth Inn CO.'B BEAN CONTEST COUPONi My estimate of the number of beans tn jar No. 29 1 Name Address . { . This advertisement and coupon must bo hnnded In at our store. have had little experience on so larce a scale as proposed In foreign government loans , but the fact that Russia has come to this market Is proof nevertheless of the position wo now occupy In the estimation of the world. New York Is pre-eminently the Empcrlum city of the western hem isphere and always will be to the United States what London Is to Great Britain and Paris to France. London and New York arc now the world's greatest financial cen ters and security markets. That It will not bo long , I venture the prediction , before the bonds and stocks of many foreign na tions , Including government Issues , will be actively dealt In at the > New York Stock exchange , thereby making It a recognized world's market. . ThU Country Worlrt'a Creditor. The United States national banks holding Pacific railroad bonds , known as currency 6s , which become * due January 1 , 1899 , and upon which their circulation and govern ment deposits are based , should at once take other securities for reinvestment , as the amount maturing ( $12.813,560) ) , of wM-h the banks hold largely , will cause a heavy de mand for United States government boids and , with prices now strongly advancing for the best class , the need for action is Imperative. The present condition of af fairs has very encouraging features. This country Is the world's creditor and the large balances to be paid In must be Invested here , giving strong support to the bond market. Universal confidence In increasing prosperity Is drawing vast BUTOS from idle- deposits Into active and profitable channels of trade , \\hlch will glvo bolter employment for the banks' funds. The expansion of the country will call for enormous capital in new com mercial enterprises , quickening the exchanges and broadening the possibilities of the banks and , judging from the right settlement of every financial question thus far , the coming subject of currency reform and the future of the banking system will receive wise and liberal legislation. The United Statf ? , bonds now In the market are : Continued 2s at 80S09V4 , at option of gov ernment. 4s of 1W7 , at 11114 yield $2.60 Interest as eight and a half years' Investment. 4s of 1925 ut 12S& yield $2.50 Interest as twenty-six years' Investment. 3s of 1904 nt 112 ? ; yield $2.30 Interest as five years' Investment. 3s of 1903-1S at K * % yield $2.30 Interest as ten years' Investment ; tit 107.83 ylejd $2.50 Interest as twenty years' Investment. The continued 2s are the least desirable , as they yield less than average interest and arc payable only at the government's option Indefinitely at par. The occurrences of the year have made at times quick and large declines In bonds of high premium and the new United States 3s ore moat In demand at present , as costing the Ifast and having certainly ten years' , possibly twenty years' duration. The recent advance In wheat and the 10-cent higher price of corn at the present time over the corresponding date of last year Is a strong bull argument for the stock mar ket. High prices for cereals make capital ists tn the west , whllo low prices for them make populltts instead. OMAV.A GENERAL SIAHKET. Condition of Tradii and Quotation * on Stnule nnil Fancy Produce. EOQS Good stock. 20c. BUTTEH-Common to fair. 12S112V4c ; choice , 13S16c ; separator , 20c ; gathered creamery. 17lSc. POULTRY Hens , live , 4c : dressed. 5\M ? Cc ; old roosters , live , 24c ; dressed , tJHHc ; spring chickens , live , 4c : dressed , 6c ; ducks , live , SftSHo ; dressed , 7c ; geese , llvo , c ; dressed , 7fl7Hc ; turkeys , live. 70ic ; dressed , . ( SAME Teal , blue wins. J1.73 ; green wing , $1.60 : mixed. $1.7502.25 : pralrlo chickens. $5.50 : quail , per dozfLOOftUO ; jackrabblts , $1.2301.50 ; cottontails , Tactifl.OO. IMUKONS-Llve. per doz. , 60c. VHAlCholr . i 9c. OYSTEUB-Bulk Standards , per gal. , $1.10 ; Mediums , per can , 15c ; Standards , per can , 20c ; Extra Selects ! per can , 25c ; New York Counts , per can. SOc. VEGETABLES. CELERY-Callfornla. good stock , 25oj HU.CAN ? WE CARRY THE LARGEST LINE OP Toys In Omaha Immense display on Main Floor. Notice our north window. On New Ycnr'e cvo we will give to the person estimating the nearest number ot bean In our jnr a fine Sowing Machine valued at $75. People's ' Furniture & Carpst Co , 16th and Farnam. People' * Furniture * Carpet Co. ' * I1EAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans In Jar No. 13 la Name Address. This advcrtlscmsnt and coupon must be hnnded In at our store. HU-CAN ? We Don't Do It When you bring your proscription to us you need h.i\o no fear that you'll be charged extra In order to glvo "Doc" a "rako off.Ve don't pay doc a commis sion to get your business so you need have no fenr on thnt score. On Saturday , December 31 , we will give away to the person making the nearest pvtlmato on the number of beans In our jar a bottle of flno perfume. Cut Price 16th & Chicago. Sclincfcr'H IIEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans in jar No. 28 is , Name Address. This advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our store. choice , 35c ; fancy , 50c : extra large , 76c. ONiONS-Per bu. , 4CK060C. BEANS Hand-picked , navy , per bu. , $1.30 ( ffl.40. POTATOES-Cholce , sacked , 4550c ; poorer stock , 40c- SWEUT POTATOES-Per bbl. , $2.60. CABBAGE Per Ib. . crnted. l\ic. \ TROPICAL FRUITH. LEMONS-Onllfornia , fancy , J4.00 ; choice , $3.75.ORANGESMexIcans ORANGES-MexIcans , J3 50 ; Navels , fancy , J3.75 : choice , J3.50 ; seedlings , J3.2o. BANANAS Choice , large stock , per bunch , J2-00t2.25 ; medium sized bunches , $1.762.0y. FRUITS. APPLES Western Ben Dfivlsi. Genltons ana Wlncsaps , per bbl. , $3.60 : New York Baldwin * . Greenings and others , choice , per bbl. . J4. PEARS Bartlett , California , out of the market ; other varieties , J2.25. STRAWBERRIES-Per box. 30o. GRAPES MaUigu , per bbl. . J8W9. CRANBBRRlUS-Hell & Buglts , per bbl. . $7,50 ; Jersey , J6.2Sgc.50 ; per crate. $2.25. MISCELLANEOUS. NUTS Almonds , per ) b. . 17c ; Brazils , per Ib. , fl@10c ; English walnuts , per Ib. , fancy. soft shell , 12c ; standards , HP ; filberts , per Ib. , lie ; pecans , polished , 75T8c ; cocoanuts , per 100 , $4 50 ; peanuts , raw , CJtfeVsc ; roasted , 707'/4c : chestnuts. SiJIOe. MAPLE" SYRUP Five-gal , can , each. J2 50 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz. . $12.00 ; half- gal. cans , J6.25 ; quart canM , J3.50. FMS Imported , none ; California , 10-lb. boxe , J1.50. HONEY Choice white. 12UJT13c. DATES Hallowee. 60 to 70-lb. boxes , @ 6Ho : Salr , 5K.6c : Fard , 9-lb. boxes , lOc. CIDER Per half bbl. , Jl.00it3.15. BAUERKRAUT-Per half bbl. . $ ? .00. HIDES. TALLOW , ETC , HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7o ; No. 2 green hides , Gc ; No. 1 failed hides. SVic ; No. 2 salted hldep , 7V4c ; No. 1 veal cnlf , 8 to 12 Ibs. . lOc ; No. 2 veal calf. 12 to 15 Ibs. . 8c. TALLOW. GREASE , ETC. Tnllow , No. 1 , 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2Hc ; rough tallow , IHc ; white grease , Z rQZo ; yellow and brown grease , lVs02'.4c. SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each , IB ® 75c : grc-en salted shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , each , 15c : diy shearings ( nhort wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry flint , Kansas nnd Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight. 4JT5c ; dry flint , Kansas and Ncbra ka murrain wool pelts , per Ib. , actual weight , 3fi4c ; dry Hint , Colorado rado butcher wool pelts , per Ib , actual weight , 4ffBc ; dry Illnt , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per Ib. . actual weight , 3 If to. FURS Mink , 10f75c | ; bear ( black or brown ) , $5.0092000 ; otter , Jl.ECVffS.OO ; beaver , Jl.IXVit6.00 : skunk , IB Wc : muskrat. 3S7c ; raccoon , ISItoOrt : red fox , 25c tJ1 25 ; gray fox. 2o359c : wolf ( timber ) , 25cJjJ2,50 ; wfllt ( prairie ) , coyote , 10If60c : wllilrat. 10025c : badger , 5fl40c ; silver fox. J50.00tf75.00. KANSAS CITY LIVE HTOCIC MARKET. Cnttlr Mnrkct Active ami HoilN I" StroiiK Do in 11 ml. KANSAS CITY. Dec. 25.-CATTLE-Re- celpts , 3,220 head ; natives. 875 head. Offer ings were too light to satisfy the demand. The. market was very active at lOc higher. There wore no offerings of choice native steers. Medium steers. J4. 4005.10 ; light weights. Jl.25ff5.00 ; stockers nnd feeders , $325tf4.25 ; butcher cows nnd heifers , J2.C5U 4.25 ; western steers , J3 25U4.00 : Texas steers , J3.COfI4.00 ; Texas butcher cows. J2.70fl-3.2o ; canning Block. J2.KXii2.65. ( HOGS Receipts , 2,410 hend. A strong de mand from local packers advanced prices Be again todny. Henvles , J3.45Q3.60 ; mixed , J3.35fi3.BO ; lights. JJ.lMi350. SHEEP Receipts , 775 head. The supply was too light to Intertst all the buyers , but trading was fnltly active , at steady prices. Lambs , J500ft5.50 ; muttons , J3E504.60 ; feed ing lambs , J3.SOS4.20 ; fecdlni ? sheep , JS jft 3.75 ; stockers and feeders , { 2.25Q3SO. Stuck In Following are- the receipts at three prin cipal western markets for December 26 : Cattle. Host ) . Sheep. Chicago ( estimated ) . . 23.000 9.000 7,000 Kansas City . 3,220 S.410 775 St. Louis . SCO 4,000 400 Totals . 64.020 15,110 6,175 St. Jom-pli Live Stock. ST. JOSEPH , Dec. 26.-(8peclal.-CAT- ( ) TLE Receipts , 3 < X ) head ; quality common ; market active- and strong to lOc higher ; na tives , J3.75-Q4.IOi Texann and wenterni. $3.00 HU-CAN 7 UPRIGHT PIANO $142.00 $5.00 MONTHLY. New Steinways , Ivors & Pond , Vose , Emerson , Steger & Singer Pianos on easy payments. New pianos for rent- One years rental allowed if purchased. Instruments moved , tuned and exchanged. Telephone 1525. Schmoller 6c Mueller , STEINWAY A SONS REPHESENTATIVES. 1313 Fnrnnm Street. Lnriceit Mnilo Dealer * in the We t. On New Tear's eve we will give away to the person estimating the nearest num ber of beans In our Jar a now Emerson make piano valued at JJSO. SCIIMOLLEU & MUELLER'S DEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of tha number of beans in jar No. 7 is Name Address This advertisement and coupon must b o handed In at our store. HU.CAN. WE WILL HAVE The finest and ever shown in largest line of Bicycles Omaha. NEW WHEELS FROM $15 UP. SKATES All our Skates -will be sold at 910 and $50 less than cost. f 40 and f BO Omaha Bicycle Co , , Cor. 16th and Chicago Sts. Ed. T. Heyden , Manager. On January 1st we will give a ladles' or gents' High Grade Stormer Bicycle to the party estimating the nearest number of beans In our jar. 09IAHA , DlbYVhB COMPANY'S BEAK CONTEST COUPON . . 'My estimate of"lhe number of beans in Jar No. 34 Is Name T Address This advertisement and coupon must b e handed In at our store. { T4.75 ; cows and heifers , Jl.73iT4.00 : BtockerR and feeders , $3-.004.25. HOGS Receipts , 2,500 hend ; market active and 5c higher , selling at 33.45S3.62V& ; bulk , . . . SHEEP Receipts , none ; demand strong. CHICAGO LIVE STOCItf SIAHKET. C ill tie and HORN In Good Supply and Prlcen IIlKher. CHICAGO. DJC. 26.-HOGS-Estmated ! receipts , 23,000 hind ; market opened strong to 5c higher , closed weak , with advance mostly lost ; light hogs , 3303.60 ; mixed packers , $335i33.65 ; heavy shipping grades , J3.30ff3.G5 : rough hogs , $3.3M(3.40. CATTLE Receipts , 9,000 head ; market lOc higher ; beeves , J4.00w > .S5 ; cows and heifers , J2.00'8'4.76 ' : Texas steers , $2.4094.05 ; stockcra and feeders , f2.S084.40. SHEEP Receipts , 7,000 head ; market was strong ; native sheep , $250 4.25 ; westerns , 300@4.15 ; lamb > , t3.7iiiS5.25. Stock IleucliitH at South Omnlin. The official number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : Cattle. HOBS. Sheep. C. , M. & St. P. Ry . 11 Union Pacific System . 11 7 C. & N. W. Ry . 1 13 P. , E. A M. V. R. R . 3 13 S. C. & P. Ry . - . . 2 C. , St. P. , M. & O. Ry . 6 4 JI. & M. R. R. R . G 12 C. , B , & Q , Ry . 7 C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , east . 1 2 C. . R. I. & P. Ry. , west . 3 Total receipts . , . . 18 67 7 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head Indicated : nuysru. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co , . 14 S33 O. H. Hammond Co . 730 Swift and Company . 29 828 Cudahy Packing Co . 170 3 1157 Armour & Co . 14 1,325 R. Becker & Depan . 100 Livingston & Senator. . . . 52 . . . . Armour. Sioux City . 943 Other buyers . 12 . . . . Left over . DO 75 Totals . " 4U T835 1,157 Ml. I.oiiU Lite Slock. ST. LOUIS. Dec. 26. CATTLE Receipts. 800 head ; shipments not reported ; market 10fll5c hiehcr and tlrm : fair to fanoy ship ping steers , $4.25 < R3.75 ; bulk of sales. $ l.508i 5,50 : dressed beef grades , J3.75fiO.25 ; light sterra , $3,004.25 ; stockers and feeders , $2.40'o 1.50 ; cows ntul heifers , $2.004.40 ; Texas and Indian stcera , $3.00f4.40 ? , cows and hulfers , J2.2503.40. IIOOS Receipts. 4.CKQ head ; shipments not reported : market strong ; pigs nnd lights. M.20Q3.30 ( ; packers , J3,453.35 ; butch ers. J3.0X.-3.70. SHEEP Receipts. 400 head ; shipments not reported : market sternly : native mut tons , J3.60S4.25 ; lambs. J1.00S6.00. New Vorlc l.l'ie ' Slock. NEW YORK , Dec. 2fi.-ninVES-Re- celpts , 3,701 head : market active and lOc higher ; hulls nnd cows. JOfflSo hlghor : Bfers , J1.WW5.27 ; no choice hero ; oxen anil stags. J3.301iu.CO ; bulls , J3.IO ; cow.i. J1.85 ® 365. Calven , receipts , Sli head ; market ac tive and strong ; barnyard calves , S3.50ft4.00 ; cltv ilres ed veals , 9fil2c per pound. SIIEHP AND LAMBS-Recclpts , 8.041 head. Sheep dull and unchanged. Lambs steady to lfc higher. Sheep , common to prim * . J2 504 JO ; InmbB. J3.OWJa.EO. HOGS HecelptH. 12.4S3 head. Market was higher nt J3 60g3.75. _ .siurnr MnrUel. NH\V ORLEANS. D c. 2fl.-SUOAR-Mar- ket steady ; open kettle , 3Uft30-lGc ; open kettle , centrifugal. 3 E-S&4 1-lCc ; centrifugal , Krnnulnted. 4 9-1CW4 5-Sc ; yellows. 4H4 5-lfie ; seconds. 2 7-SJfi 15-lCc. Molnss s , steady ; open kettle , 20fo32c : centrifugal , & ll > c. Syrup , steady , at 2M27c. I'orHun rinnnrliil. PARIS. Dec. 26. The bours * opened firm. but ncntlmeiit became letw favorable later on apprehension of dearer money , and the closing WUB heavier. Spanish 4s closed at - MADRID , Dec. 26.-Spansh ! 4s closed to- Cay at 59.75. Gold was quoted ut 31. Late to bed and early to rise , prepares a man for his homo In the skies. Dut early to bed and a Little Early Riser , the pill that makes Hfo longer , better and wiser. BACHELORS IN PORTO RICO. The Art of Living In Luxury nt n Low Coat. Santurce , a pretty , tropical village three miles outside the city walls of San Juan on the government military road to Ponce , Is now the site of a little American bachelor colony , reports a correspondent of the New- York Sun. Already the settlement com prises six houses and doubtless It will be popular -this winter with young business men from the United States In search ot cheap , healthful and pleaaant home near the capital. The boarding house keepers of San Juan compelled the adoption ot the bachelor set tlement idea by their recent general ad vance In the price of board and rooms. Up to three weeks ago a young man could hire a small single room for two or thre * pesos a week. Owing to the present rush from the states prices have been doubled. Even a single bed in a room with two others costs at least 3 % pesos. For a room and meals the Spanish landlady charges at least 12 pesos a week. Young men of small capital , therefore , are compelled to seek quarters elsewhere than the city. Six such Amer icans , who had become acquainted on the steamer voyage from New York , In a search for rooms one day recently found a number of unrentcd cottages In Santurco village , and after ascertaining the cost decided to rent a whole house and keep bachelors' hall. They accordingly secured from the mayor a two-story stone house , consisting of nine bedrooms , sitting and dining roomi , kitchen and bathroom , completely furnished , for 55 pesos a month. Now , at the end of three weeks their other monthly expenses , roughly estimated , are a St. Thomas Island negro cook , 12 pesos ; food for six hungry men , 72 pesos ; a native woman , who lives at home , to take care of the beds and lamps , G pecoe , and a negro to scrub the floors once a week , 3 pesos. In four w eks , therefore , the total bill does not exceed 148 pesos , which makes the Individual coat for each of the six young men hardly $1 a week In American money. In their country home , then , for a sura much more reasonable than they could live uncomfortably within the city walls , the lawyer , architect , civil engineer and three prospectors now enjoy every luxury of a homo In the tropics. And their experience la also the titory of the other flye. houses In the bachelor cofony. Beautiful ferns and palms , which adorn only the bomee of the wealthy In New York , flourish In the front yard , and almond , orange , banana and cocoanut - coanut tree ? , laden with ripe fruit , grow plentifully In a two-acre back yard. Then if the home orchard Is not qulto ready to bear , two Porto RIcan copper cents will buy half a dozen of the best bananas , two sweet oranges or a ripe cocoanut. SmaTl native boys gladly offer their serv ices for a copper cent. Whenever an Amer ican calls "Hoy ! " In however poor Span ish , numbers of these lada , ranging In ago from 4 to 15 year * , and In color from coal block to a light tan , Immediately run to the front gate and line up , like an Infantry awkward squad , to await a selection from tbo group by the caUer. Their help around the country home Is Indeed uueful. They run to tbo store , climb the tallest trees to pick cocoanuts , catch six-Inch lizards for visitors , or , If necessary , act as guides over the nearby hills. Santurce , being a suburban village , at first presents to tbo Americana the problem of rapid transit to the city. Uut lucklry , as no one here , except possibly the latest ar rival , ever hurries , the suburbanites easily get accommodated , cither by the stage HU.CAN ? Lucky One Gets Belted Costs nothing but a guess and It Is not a belt from John L. Bullvan ! , but a nice belt from our stock. HENRY COPLEY. Wares of Gold and Silver , 215 S. 10th St. , Paxtoti Hlk. Two fine $3.00 bolts given away Saturday , December 31 to the two persons estimating the nearest number of beans In our Jar. Henry Copley' BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans in jar No. 14 is Name Address. This advertisement nnd coupon must be handed In at our store. HU-CAN ? How Many Beans ? We glvo to the person estimating the nearest number of beans In our jar , a beau tiful $4.00 Jardlnere , to the second nearest j a $3.50 Vase , to the third a $1.50 Illy bowl , finished like the famous Rook wood J pottery. Contest closes 6 p. m. Saturday. I OMAHA TEA & COFFEE GO , , 1407 Douglas St. Omaha Tea * Coffee Co.'a „ BEAN CONTEST COUI'ON. My estimate of the number of beans in Jar No. 3 i ! Name Address. This advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our ttore. coach , which seats eight passengers com fortably , or by the narrow gauge steam tramway. For 20 cents the business man can enjoy a dally ride In these vehicles , and , incidentally , have plenty of time on the trip back and forth to view the sur rounding scenery , including a sugar , cocoanut - nut and cotfco plantation , country life In a smaller village , an old Spanish > shore bat tery and big San Cristobal fortress. Ill- cycle riders , a few of whom live In the settlement , have between their home and place of business one of the finest highways In the world , the famous government mili tary road. Still another way to travel la by carriage behind a small natlvo horse. Such an outfit , kept In repair by the owner , costs only 10 peso * a month. Their back yard supplies to the animal a graes diet and a email shed for shelter In rainy weather. Native lads , again , whenever needed , make good stable boys , hostfera or coachmen. The bachelor settlement of Santurco thus early promises to give the village a regu lar western boom. Each steamer from New York brings enough new residents to es tablish an additional homestead , whose em blem is always a little red , whtto and blue flag. Then one enterprising young man , until he can find some ono In need ot an architect , Intends to run a New England restaurant. Moreover , an American capital ist already controls the steam tramway and will equip the eyptem Boon as a mod- 'ern electric surface railway. THE STORY OP A MODEL. She PoNed for One Picture and Lined II Farm MnrtRiiKe. Had It not been for a mortgage on n Mis souri homestead the world would never have seen Astley D. M. Cooper's wonderful paintIng - Ing , "Trilby. " There might have been a painting of that subject by the same art- tlit , but It could never have been the mas terpiece the present painting Is. It was that mortgage that gave Mr. Cooper his beautiful model. Some years ago , relates the Washlngtotn Sar ( , this young woman was living the happy life of a country girl on her wealthy father's farm In western Missouri. She grew up wild and free , unrestrained In spirits and form , living very close to nature. No corsets ever encircled her waist and no tight shoos distorted her foot. She grew to wo manhood an unfettered child of nature , beau tiful In face and form. Then came mU- fortune for her father. The grasshoppers devastated his fields and he was compelled to mortgage the homestead. The father sick ened and died , leaving his wife anil daugh ter without resources and with a mort gaged home. They went to Kansas City , where the mother secured a position as a cashier In a department ntoro and the daugh ter as cloak model In the same establish ment. Their common purpose was to save money enough to pay off the mortgage on the homestead. As they came end went to their work they began to attract attention and soon all eyes were upon them. The young woman soon became known as the "Living Venus" and as such was known to many people who knew nothing of her life. At thin time an artist friend , who lived In Kansas CHy , wrote to Mr. Cooper that ho had seen the woman cf goddess-like form , who alone would cervo for a model for a perfect "Trilby , " knowing that Cooper was < earchlng for such a model , The artist wnt post haute to Kansas City. Ho managed to secure an Introduction to the beautiful girl and with all possible , tact suggested his pur pose. She Indignantly refused his offer , but Cooper was to Impressed with her beauty that ho would not be content with a rcfuial. HU.CAN ? 1 1J r- ri i , < 'i On January 1 , 1893 , we will giveaway I away ac elegant drophcad ball bearing { 65.00 Davis Sewing Ma- chlno to the person making the closest cellmate to the number of beana In our jar. Second-hand sowing machine * from (5.00 up. For $2.00 wo will put anti-rust on your bicycle and store It until prlng. Wo have recently token the agency for the celebrated Col umbia and Rambler bicycles. raska Cycle Co 15th and Barney Ncbrnnkn Cycle Co.'t BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate- the number ot beam in Jar No. 33 is , . . -p , - . - , . - - , , . < . _ . Name Address This advertisement and conpon must bo handed in at our store. Thcv nrc ns much like COATED ELECTRICITY as science can make them. Each one produce * ni touch nerve-bnllillng substance a * la con tained in the amount of food a man consumes in a week. This is why they have cured thousands of caaei of nervous diseases , i-uch as Debil ity , Dizziness , InsomniaV rlcocele , etc. They ennble you to think clearly - ly by developing brain matter ; force healthy circulation , cure indiges tion , and impart bounding vigor to the whole system. All weakening nnd tltsue-dcstroving drnlni and losses permanently cured. Delay may me n Insanity , Consumption aurt Death. Price , $ i per box ; six bo e ( with iron-clad guarantee tn cure or re fund money ) , fs. nook containing positive proof , free. Address Kuliii & Co and Kconomcal Drug Co. , Omaha. JAMES E- BOYD & GO , , Telephone 103 ! ) . Omaha , N = b COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS BOARD OP TRADB. Direct wlren to Chicago and New York. Corr BpondrnU ( Juhn n. Warren & Co. TRMSPMOIVK 1O5H. H. R. PENNEY & . . CO. , Iloiiiu 4 , \ , V. Life Illilir. , Oronha , N StocksGrainProvisions , , * Direct WitNrtv York , Cluuuiro Wv.uteru l > oint > . Ho argued with the mother , persuaded her and promised a price that would ralso tha mortgage and endeavored to show tha daughter that there need bo no sacrifice ot her maidenly modesty. He told her that her mother could go with her and be with her all the time she was posing. Finally h yielded. At Cooper's beautiful home In Ban Jcsc , Cal , , during the following four months she was the solo modt-I and fur nished the Inspiration for this great pic- ture. When the picture was completed both mother and daughter returned to Kansas City , nhero the daughter was Boon married. Jinn Hfiii > | H-ur * . OAKLAND , Cal. . Hoc. 26. Attorney Joha H. Parker of Chicago , who mysteriously dis appeared from this city three weeks ago , returned to his hotel today. He expressed surprise that anxiety sliouli ! have been ex press/id regarding his absence and nald bo hnd been In Htnckton taking depositions la H Colorado roses , now pending la tha UnlUA States courta