THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , DECEMBER 25 , 1808. SOCIETY AND SANTA CLAOS Shopping Takes the Place of Ordi nary Pleasure Pursuits , WEEK GIVEN OVER TO PREPARATION Gift * nnil the ( ilvliiR TUrrrnf and the Other 'IhltiK * Incidental In the ln > Tnkc L'li the Time of the Devotee * . Santa CVaus lias been the figure around whoae personality anil movements all socie ty's thoughts have been centered during the lattveck , uud on whoso languished ( or and eagerly awaited nrrhal the portals of every house aie opened wide. There ha\e been so many daluty parcels to tie up and then untie again to see that nothing has been forgotten , so many letters to bo mailed for those In foreign lands , such a number of finishing touclus to be put to dainty gifts , euch .1 vast amount of decorating to be done at home and In Un churches , so iinny tiny , Innocent , little bits of mistletoeto bo concealed , and last , though by no means least of all , so much extra care and thought to be expended on my lady's toilettes , that other pleasures ha\e been crowded out. However , those which have been sandwiched In have been thoroughly appreciated and enjoyed. In ad dition to those , there has been the great pleasure of looking forward to the numerous festivities and gaieties , which , beginning with Christmas Monday , will nil the cup of all society's devotees with mirth and glad ness and joy ? unspeakable , to overflowing And then the trees for the little ones nnd the stockings to be- filled In silence and on tiptoe , lest the wondering , delightfully un certain surmises be changed too soon Into certainties , and the charm of mjatery bo broken. There have been no affairs of the first magnitude during the last week of Omaha society. Cupid has Kept up the high stand ard of work set by him early In the season , end the list of marriages , past , present and future , continue to lengthen at a rate that gladdens the heart of the parson and others. There ha\o been several smaller receptions and card parties during the week and these have proved na enjoyable as more prctcn- slous functions. The social calendar shows a brilliant prospect for the coming fort night. A ) ern-Cooii. The wedding of Miss M > rtle E. Coon to Mr. George F. Ayere , v > hlcb occurred on Wednesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the residence of the bride's parents , was one of tbo prettiest house weddings of the season. The bride Is the only daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles , R. Coon and Js well known In Omaha , especially In musical circles. The groom is a leading citizen of Dcadwood , H. D. The ceremony was performed by Dean Fair of Trinity cathedral. To the strains of the- wedding march from Lohengrin the bridal procession entered the room which had been prepared for the cere mony. The party was preceded by Iloberta Gould , who carried the ring on a white satin cushion nnd looked a pretty picture In her dainty frock of fine white Swiss. The bride looked very sweet In a gown of cream satin completely draped with white tissue and lace. She carried a bouquet of brldo roses. Immediately In front of the bridal party wan an arch of holly and above was a heart of mlstretoo encircled by a true lexer's knot of evergreen. On cither Bldo of the heart was a white dove. Largo palms stood on cither side of the arch. Mrs. Coon , the bride's mother , was very becomingly attired In a gown of novelty crcpon. Miss Corbett , the maid of honor , loked hnndBomo In a decollete gown ot black chiffon. Six Intimate friends of the brldo were stationed close to the bridal party during the ceremony and formed a pretty background In their well-chosen decollete toilettes. The decorations of the parlors were taste fully and artistically arranged. The festoons teens of evergreen and bunches of holly which covered the walls and the roses and chrjpanthemums tranHformcd the parlors Into a beautiful fairy bower. The dining room , In which pink decorations only were used , was presided o\er by Mrs. Weaver. Assisting through the rooms were : Mcs- damea Williams , Boss , Patterson and Gould , and under their auspices frappe was served In the back parlor. Fifty guests were pres ent. The wedding gifts were handsome and numerous. The bride's goaway gown was of blue ergo , tailor made , with costume hat. Mr. and Mrs. Aera were accompanied to the depot by a number of friends and left amid ahowcra of rlco and old shoes and good wishes , for their future homo in Deadwood. Especlany worthy of notice among the pres ents was a very handsome set of game carvers from the choir of Trinity cathedral. nnil The marriage of Miss Edith May Howard and Mr. Marlon W. Penny was solemnized on Wodnesdaj. Mr WlUlnm H Iltixl'olrt nnd M ! * PliV Eohuttwere married on Wednesday evening u ' r f f. iifflclallng minister , fiov. Charles W. Savldge Among other Christmas weddings Is that of Mr. Henry A. Uhode of this city and Miss Margaret M. Stonsloln , daughter of Mr. Adam Stengleln , of Waterloo , Neb. The wedding of Mr. Thomas D. Metcalf and Mlsn Klslo Schocntgen la announced to take place on Januarj it at the home of t bride's parents in Gouiir'l ' HlufTs The l-H 'c and groom nro both well known In Omaha society. MI ' man and alderman of Council Bluffs and his ll'.UKew i.a a uie on ui Uu. i * > iim uf that city since her return from abroad. On Sumliy last the marriage of Mr. Isa- doro Nattnnson and Miss Anna Ilellimn was solemnized at Temple Israel bv Knbbi Franklin , Tha brldo wore ft boautlful gown ot white silk and wai attended by Miss Rosa Metz as maid of honor. After the ceremony , which was witnessed by about 800 friends ot the > oung couple , the Bitistn adjourned to the vestry of the temple , whera dalivty rollttlon was spread. Among the many beautiful presents received was a com plete set of house furnishing ) ) from the women of Temple Israel. The marriage of Miss Leta E. Allen of Pueblo , Cole , to Mr. Kbcn E. Marks of Omaha was solemnized nt < he residence of Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Allen In Pueblo on Thurs day afternoon. The ceremony was per formed by Uev. Thomas F. Stephen&on , pas tor of the rirst Baptist church of Pueblo. The brldo was chrsen the queen of Pueblo's pageant of states and nations last summer and la one of the popular young society women ofthat town. The groom is a well known commercial traveler of Omaha , re- Idlng at 1624 Wlrt street. Mr. and Mrs. Marks will make Omaha their home. Clirlxtiunn rnrtle * . Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Klmball will entertain thirty gue&ts for the benefit of the > ouug people with a Christmas tree on Monday. The Christmas gathering of the McCague famll ) will be held on Monday at the resl- rtrinf ' r " ' " " M T > Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Kountzo will entertain a family patty at supper on Chilst- WQB night. Ilic ilccoratloiiB will be com posed ot mlstle-too , holly and evergreens , and a fetturo of the evening's entertainment will be the Christmas tree. The Christmas reunion of the Klroball family will be held on Christmas Day at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. George W. lint it r- " Dr. nnd Mrs. Illchard C. Moore will tCI i. ,11 * . i * .1 , - 14.4 1 Ull * > l4l b * runs Day , to be followed by a tree for their llttlo grandchildren. Mr. Charles F. Dreckenrldge nnd other members of the family meet nt the residence of Mr. and Mrs. George U , Miller of Council 131 u IT s on Christmas Day. Movement * of Society People. Mr. and Mrs. George Marples ore In Kansas City. City.MM MM H. W. Baxter spent part of last week In Chicago. Mr. Adcl Smith la homo from Boston for 1 the holidays. 1 Mrs Lyrnan Sholca la visiting friends at . Wlnona , Minn , Miss Eleanor Montgomery baa returned from ft Lolus. I Mrs. John C. Cowln will arrive home from New York today. Mrs , Charles A , Wanner la spending the hn'l ' 'i > n In rhlnapo. Clarence Thurston Is home from Harvard to hith | < J the holiujjs. Mrs. Nathan Horton nnd son Irwln have roturncd from the east. Mr. and Mrs , John A. Kuhn are spending Ci Mayor Moorcs has returned to the city from a visit In Cincinnati. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Gutou spent several days last week In Chicago. Mrs. Drew nnd sons , Gerald and Clyde , ore visiting In Plattsmouth. Mrs Charles A nutherforfl has returned from an extended eastern trip. Mr. 0. B. Holt has gene to Nellgh , Neb. , to spend the holMnjs with hi : wife. Mr. and Mrs George F. Ayres are at homo on Porest avenue , Dcadwood , S. D. Hal Yatea hns arrived from Harvard to spend the holidays with his parents. Mr , Stockton Heth. who has been 111 with erysipelas for a week , Is much better. Mr. C. J. Crittenden returned on Thura- daj from Lincoln to spend Christmas. Mrs. John L. McCague and family are spending the winter at Qreeley , Colo. Mr. r. L. Dcgcn nnd family left for an extended trip through the cast on Wednes day. day.Tho The Misses Her and Miss Helen Cady arc homo from school at Knoxvllle for the holi days. days.Miss Miss Mary Wallace has returned homo from the State university to spend the holl- dajs. Mr. E. C. Price , having recovered his health , hns resumed his position In South Omaha. Miss Louise Korty has returned from Rockford. 111. , to spend the holidays with her parents Mrs George Hurst Is speeding the holidays M Ith her slater , Mrs. Herbert Ostrom , In Chicago. The family of Mr. J. W. Craig will return to this city as soon as their now home Is completed. Mr. E M. Dlxon has returned from New Vo-i' t-vi Mken his former quarters at the Omaha club. club.i'f i'f Klp | trlrU rpturned ves'er- da ? v spend the holidays with her parents In uiis city. Mr. nnd Mrs Leslie J. Allen will bo at home after January 15 at 295 South Twenty- fpnrth street hlr. ni Mrs. W. G. Templeton and daugh- t r. Ft bronco , will spend the holidays at lied Oak , la. Miss Ethel Tukoy and Harry Tukey ere nt homo .from the University of Nebraska for the holidays. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Southard returned on December 20 and arc at home at the Grand In Council Bluffs. Mrs. E. L Lomnx. arromriaplpfl bv nor daughter Mildred , arrived home from Utlca , N. Y. , on Sundav. Miss Cella Kessler returned from Rockford - ford college on Wednesday to spend the va cation at her home. Miss Blanche Craig will shortly enter Miss Ely's school In New York. She will continue her education In Paris. Mies Bertha Hill of Grlnnell , la. , IB spend ing the holidays In Omaha as the guest of her sister , Miss Sue Hill. Miss Bess Skinner arrived from Chicago the early part of the week to spend the holidays with her parents. Miss Georgia Kennard is home from the convent of th-o Sacred Heart , Park Place , for a two weeks' vacation. Mrs. Thomas Swobe arrived In Omaha on Friday morning and will be a guest at the Hotel Dellono for some time. Mr. Fred I. Halstcad will arrive homo thla morning , after a visit of olno months in New York and New Jersey. Miss Carlta Curtis of La Salle seminary is spending the holldajs with Mrs. John F. Wagner In Washington , D. C. Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Jackson return on Christmas day and will be at home to their frlrnds at 1624 South Tenth rtr vt. Miss AHco Furay returned on Friday from Chadron , after a delightful visit ot two veeks1 duration with relatives and friends. Mrs. Frank E. Alvord and children left on Tuesday for an extended visit to Portland , Seattle and other points on the north Pacific coast. Miss Florence Belle Lewis has returned from Ft. Mary's school , Knoxvllle , III. , and w 111 spend three weeks at her homo on Wlrt streot. Mr. A. B. King and family will remove gtitv M" to HP I Afnlrnq , - VrjMi - Wn | > F > 111 enter upon the study and practice of oate- opnth ) . Mr. Sanfuel Hitter Brown Is expected homo from New York Ho upend the holidays with his mother , Mrs. Samuel Brown , 2501 Far nam street : Jay n. Katz returned on Saturday from Wentworth Military academy to ad the holidays with his parents , Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Katz. Lester O. Ilahra and Frank Vlerllng , who are attending Wentworth Military academy at Lexington , Ma , are home for the Christ mas hollrtnys. Master Herbert Meyer has returned home to spend the Christmas holidays with his parents , Mr. and Mrs. Moriu Meyer , 2104 Douglcu street. Mlsb H. Drandols , ono of the members ot the Plil Gamma sorority of the University of Minnesota , has returned homo to spend the Chrlutmas vacation. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Frederlckson have re turned from an extended visit through the west and are at home to their friends at 190S Capitol avenue. Mrs. Holyoke , who now resides In Louis ville , Neb , visited in Omaha last week and was the guest of Mrs. John Forbes and Mra. George W. Holdrego. _ _ _ Miss Ktountzo expects to leave on Monday for a visit with friends In Chicago , Cln- 1 clnnatl end New York. She w 111 not return to Omaha before Lent. MUs Lin Maxwell Carpenter , who Is at tending school at the Frances Shrlner academy , Meant Carroll , 111. , is at home for the Christmas holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas R. Klmball will spend Christmas Day In Rome. They sail for America on January 12 and will reach homo about January 31. When Mr. and Mra. C. Q. Crltteadcn find a suitable residence In Lincoln they will re move there , much to the regret of their , numerous Omaha friends. ' Dr. nnd Mrs. Edward Wallace Lee will re turn from their wedding trip on January 1. They will be at home to their friends at 722 South Twentj-ninth street. Mr and Mrs. Thomas Stevens Clark ar rived in Omaha from Wyoming , where they have been since July , on Friday. They BAKING POWDER ABSOLUTELY tHJRE Makes the food more delicious and wholesome , . BOTH UklM ) POWOCR CO Nlw rOKK. will go to Denver thla afternoon to take up their permanent residence thcro , MUs Grace Abbott Porter returned on Fri day from Peru to spend the holidays with Omaha relatives and friends. She waa ac companied by Mlas Lucy Maid , day from Vassar to spend the hollays with ho parents , Mr. aa Mrs , John N , Baldwin , at the Grand hotel , Council HlufTs , Mr. C Union Brlgg * left on Wednesday far n trip through the coat and south. He er- pects to be gone three months , and before It- turning will probably vlsVt Mexico. Mra. Albert Cahn bos returned from Now YOIK , viinre she was called several weeks ago by the serious Illness of her sister. The latter is now much Improved In health. Mr. Charles S. Elgutter'a naval ballad , "Tho Battle of Santiago Bay , " printed In the Omaha Bre Almu t 14 , IS S , wn * repro duced In Leslie's Weekly of December 29. Mlsa Leonora Hedeuaahl , who Is attending school at the Knox seminary , Oalesburg , 111. , has returned home for the Christmas holi days. She Is accompanied by Miss Leila An derson of Galesburg. Mrs. E. O. McGllton and two children , Harriett and Etoanor , will start tomorrow morn lag for San Antonio , TMx. They will Ep nd the winter < tbr on account ot the wrlouB Ulntse of Harriott Mrs. T. J , Mahoney has returned from Mil waukee , to which city she was called by the Illness vl her father , Mr. John Llpps , which resulted In his death. Mr. Ltpps waa ono of Milwaukee's pioneer citizens. Rabbi Leo M. Franklin will leave for bis new homo In Detroit about January 21. Mrs. Franklin and daughter will leave Omaha en January 7 and will spend two weeks with Mrs. Franklin's parents In Chicago. Miss Eliza Wessells of Jefferson Barracks , Mo. , who was expected to spend the holi days , here , has gtvon up her \\nli \ , aa her father , Major Wessclls of the Tenth cavalry , has been ordered to Fort Ethan Allen , Vt. Canon Doberty bos accepted a call to Christ church Yankton , S. D. , and has en tered upon his new duties. The numerous friends of Canon and Mra. Dohcrty will b pleased to learn that Mrs. Doherty and family will spend the winter In Omaha. Miss Reasoner Is expected to return from her home in Kansas early in the week and will remain with Omaha friends until the New Year. She will then enter upon her new duties with the Department of Pub licity of the Paris Exposition , wltb head quarters in Chicago. Whllo Miss Ura Kelly was the guest of Mrs. Underwood of Chicago she was enter tained on several occasions by Mr. and Mrs. Chtng Ling Fee of the Exposition Chinese village. On one occasion guest and hostess received Invitations to a dinner and a vaude ville entertainment by the Chinese villagers. Lieutenant W. L. Murphy nnd bride , nee Miss Pauline Lowe , were tendered a recep tion by the regimental officers of the Twenty- fourth Infantry , U. S. A. , on their arrival at Salt I/ike City. The regimental band gave a concert in honor ot the bride and groom , after which a banquet was served. Entertainment * of the Week. Mrs Joseph Birker entertained at dinner on Saturday evening. Miss Pratt gave a 5 o'clock tea on Satur day in honor of Miss Brown. Miss Edna Cowln entertained alx guests at a chafitng-dlh supper last Thursday even ing The Chafing Dish club met on Saturday evening with Mr. and Mrs. George W. Mer cer and were entertained by a Christmas tree. tree.Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crlttonden Smith entertained the members ot the Chafing Dish club at the Crelghton-Orpheum on Wednes day evening. A theater party on Wednesday evening was composed of Mr. and Mra. Charles T. Kountze. Miss Shlverlck. Miss Kountze , Mr. Floyd Smith and Mr. Adel Smith. The tiny pupils ot Mrs. J. Heller's kinder garten , 2572 Harney street , were entertained with a Christmas tree on Friday morning. Quite a number of their friends were present. Miss Carrie M. Pennock gave a most elaborate dtanr to fifteen young people on Wednesday evening In honor of her guest. Miss Lata ot New York , who was enroute to California. Mr. Fred Nash entertained In a novel and most enjoyable manner on Wednesday even ing. The guests amused themselves by pop ping corn , after which & chafing-dish supper wr * < -r"'A Mlis Annie Rothschild entertained a few ot her friends at croklnole on Wednesday evening in honor ot Miss Isabella Adler and Mr. Max Richenberg. Prizes were won by Mrs. Leo M. Franklin and Mlas Adler. ' A thoroughly enjoyed and unique enter- I talnment was given by the Sunday school | children of Westminster Presbyterian 1 church , of which Mr. Krelder is- superin tendent , on Friday evening to 200 poor chil dren , to each ot whom they presented gifts. Mrs. Ingram entertained charmingly at a red and white Neighborhood Card club party on Monday evening. The game chosen was high-five , for the greatest skill hi which prizes wro awarded to Mrs. Oscar D. Kip- linger and Mr. Hone. The club will meet ' next at the home ot Mrs. Howe on Popple- , ton iveiu * on vt r f evenlrf Jnntmr" ? The Forest Hill Whist club was delight fully entertained by Mrs. Thomas L. Kimball - ball on Wednesday afternoon. The parlors wore df > cert vl bPAUtifiiMy n Ith holly and the colors chosen for the score cards were yellow and white. The first prize was won r > > Miss Barker and the second by Mrs. Haller. while Mrs. R. T. Clarke carried homo the prize awarded to the winner of the greatest nurnv > er of games. | The members of the A. O. B. O. club met 1 at the Uoaie ul iu nt > lua Wiliei last .uouaay I evening. In spite of the Inclemency of the weather a goodly number attended * . A few selections ot Bill Nye' * were read , provok ing much mirth. This was followed by card playing till 11 o'clock. A delightful luncheon was served by the hostess , and there were speeches from the gentlemen end several fine vocal selections by different members of the club. The Saturday Night Card club met at Mr. an * Mra. H. 8. PortrflU's bose recently aud rrbffAiiited tor the Maioa. After th * business m * 4lHf , t wnlch Mr. E. P. Smith was chosen president. th favorite game of cinque was Indulged In and the evtnlng was spent most enjoyably by all present. Ele gant prlzea were carried home by Mra. J. C. Bodman and Mr. O. M. Weaver. Mrs. Por- torficld's graceful hospitality was much ap preciated by the guests. | The Harmony Card club was very delight fully entertained by Mr. and Mrs. Charles W. CanQttld at their residence , 1322 South Thirty-second atreet , on Saturday evening. The game played waa high-five and tbo prizes were awarded aa follows : First prizes , to Mrs. Swing , Mlas Pinto and Mr. Olmsted ; second prize , to Mr. Goss. The parlors' ' were very prettily and seasonably decorated with holly. The next meeting of the club will be held at the residence ot Mrs. Dinning on New Year' * evening. I In all probability Omaha does not possess a club with members more congenial , hap pier and quicker at repartee than those of the S. N. C. club , whose last meeting was held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. R. Cot- rell , where they had the happiest of happy times. Mrs. Poppy Hosteller Brunner and Mr. E. P. Smith were the appreciative and fortunate recipients of prizes. The parlors were beautifully decorated with chrysanthe mums. After dainty refreshments had been served the llttla daughters of the bouse , Blanche and Grace , delighted the members with Instrumental music. Mr. and Mrs J. J. Gibson entertained fifty guests at & Thirty-three party on Monday evening , The host find hostess bad intended not to disclose the fact that the day was the anniversary of their wedding. The secret was known by their guests1 , who in token of their esteem nresented them with a beautiful cut glass punch bowl. Judge Macomher made an entertaining and witty speech on presenting the gift. The rooms were fitted with beautiful cut flowers , carnations and rosea predominating. Prizes were won by , Mrs. Weaver , Mrs. Lees , Miss Bowie , Mr. Pierce , Mr. Schneider and Captain Reynolds. Dainty refreshments were served at the close ot the evening. The XXIV T. D. Card club was enter tained charmingly by Mr" B. F. Weaver and Mrs. Charles Cox at the home of the former. A turkey dinner , served In several courses , preceded the cards. Five tables were arranged for the card players , of whom Mn < Tlallpv and Mr Pnv 'p ' - < > r > > thp p-l - winners. The visiting guests were Mesdames - dames Colt , Olmsted , W. V. Patterson and Maxwell. The arrangvuieni ol .a .inu. . . the dining room was especially worthy of notice. On entering the rom the guests found themselves in eml-darkness , tbo only light being shed by small candles ncatllng In the pretty Christmas decorations. By each cover utood a candle nnd at its Bldo a mnrshmallow for parching. Presently the llphta were turned on nnd number ! ! * " small flags were discovered fastened skillfully to the holly , which formed the centerpiece. On the .Social Calendar , Mrs. Kortv will entertain nt cards In the afternoon of Thursday next. Mrs. Cowlo will entertain the XXIV T. D , Card club on January 3. Mr. and Mrs. Rector will give a party at Morand'e ball on Friday evening. On Christmas day the Metropolitan club will gtv n elaborate stag banquet. Mra. Samuel Katz will entertain the Ken- elngitou club the first week in January. Mra. Oscar C. Hlllls will entertain at a buffet breakfast on Thursday of thla week. The Harmony Card club will bo enter tained by Mrs. Dinning on New Year's eve. The second of the dinner-dances la an nounced to take place on Monday , Janu ary 2. Dr. and Mra. Mercer will give n dance In honor of Mlsa Caroline Mercer tomorrow evening. The date ot the third cotillion hafl been changed from Friday. January 20 , to Thuw- day , January 19. On Friday next Messrs. Gaylord Martin nnd Walter Roberts will Khe a dance at Metropolitan hall , Mr. and Mrs. John C. Whorton will give a dance at Morand's hall for their sons on Saturday evening. The next meeting of the Flrest Hill Whist club will bo held at the homo of Mrs. Henry Clarke on January 4. An Informal dance will be given by Mr. omd Mr . Lewis S. Reed for Mr. Philip Reed on next Wednesday. The Nolghbirhood Card club will meet at the home of Mrs. Howe on Popploton avenue on Monday evening , January 2. Masters Glen Wharton. Gerald Wharton , Harvey Clayton ar Harry Wade will give a party nit Morond's on Saturday evening. The members of the Outre Mer club an nounce that their holiday party will be held on Wednesday evening at Metropolitan ball. At Morand's academy the annual children's Christmas party will be given on Wednes day afternoon and in the evening will occur the assembly party. A reception will be given by Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Llndsoy on Monday , January 2 , from 4 to 6 o'clock in the afternoon and 8 to 11 o'clock in the evening. At Chambers' academy this week will be given the annual children's class Christmas party on Monday afternoon and In the evenIng - Ing the Christmas party and Cakewalk of the Thursday night Assembly club , The Cadet Officers' club of the High school baa appointed committees to arrange for a muelcalo to be given in February. Tb pro ceeds of the entertainment will bo used to defray part of the expenses of the hop to be given later. A reunion of the class of ' 95. Omaha High school , will be held at the home of Miss Kate McHugh , the class teacher of their senior year , 415 North Twenty-fifth street , Thursday evening , December 29 , at 8 o'clock. A cordial Invitation is extended to all m'mI I bora to bo present. A royal time is expected. , The hosts and hostesses for the dinner dances to be given by Mr. nnd Mrs. W. S. I Popploton and Mr. and Mrs. Myron Learned on January 2 , at the Poppleton residence , are the following : Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Crittenden Smith. Mr. and Mrs. John C. Cowln , Mr. and Mrs E. W. Nash Mr nnd"Mrs. Harry Cartan. Mr. and Mrs. Z. T. Llndsey and Miss Chandler. Ont of Town fiuent * . Mr. Joseph Morsman is hero from Chicago cage for the holidays. Mr. Will V. Irwln of Chicago , an old Omaha boy , is spending tbo holidays in the city. city.Mrs. Mrs. Bell Stoutenborouch of Plattsmouth will bo the guest of Mrs. Draper Smith for the holidays. ' Mtas Gale of St. Louis will soon be tbo guest of Mlsa Eleanor Montgomery at Hill- Bide. Council Bluffs. Mr. and Mm. T. n. McKlnlay of Chicago are the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Hughes for the holidays. Harry Woodward of St. Joseph Is visiting friends in Omaha and will remain in the city during the holidays. Miss Carr of Galesburg , 111. , who bos been the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A , J. Love , re turned home on Wednesday. Miss Florence Coon of Beatrice is spend ing Christmas day with her uncle , Mr. Charles B. Coon. 2578 Harney street. Miss Helen Curtis of Winsted. Conn. , will arrive during the latter part of thla week , to be the guest ot Miss Shlverlck for several weeka. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ford Scovll of Cin cinnati will bo the cucsts ot Mr , and Mrs. W. 8. Rector. 1046 Georgia avenue , for the holidays. Mr. and Mra. Wilbur L. Burgess of Kan sas City are ependlng Christmas day with Mrs. Burgess1 parents. Mr. and Mrs. Theo dore Slnhold. Mr. and Mrs. Enslcn ot Chautauqua , N. Y. . who toave been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Belden. left for California on Friday eventnc. Mr. nnd Mrs. Fred J. Breckenridgo of Hamilton. Ontario , are In the city , the guests of Mrs. Breckenridjre'a parenta. Mra. Breck- enrldge la an old Omahan. Mrs. H. A. Scandult. her two daughters , her son and Miss Rose of Farlbault , Minn. , have been the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Horace ace O. Burt during the last week. Dr. Albert E. Stuht of Colfax. Wash. , son of Councilman Stuht. Is In the city end will iremaln for several weeks. Several years ago Dr. Stuht removed to Colfax. and he la now mayor of that town. Mrs. S. P. Caasell of Denver will be the guest of her mother. Mrs. W. R. Harding , for the holidays. Mrs. Cassell will spend the remainder of the winter In visiting friends and relatives In the east. Mrs. Jessie B. Dorword. teacher elocution , physical culture ; winter classes. 623 N. 19th. The annual masquerade ball given by the Thursbon Rifles will be held on Friday evenIng - Ing next at their armory , corner of Seven teenth and Douglas. During the evening a grand cake walk will take place. OMAHA StmUUIJS. Florence. Mrs. G. J. Hunt was en Omaha visitor Fri day. day.Miss Prudence Tracy , our postmistress , was an Omaha visitor Thursday. T Estelle of California visited with the family of F. S. Tucker Thursday and Friday. All the teachers in the public school-here went to Omaha Saturday to see the Christ mas display. Captain Reynolds and wife entertained a number of their friends at their home Sat urday nlKht. John Anderson and wife attended the wed ding of Mr. Anderson's brother at Calhoun , Neb. . Thursday. y Mrs. A. J. Smith has been seriously III for several days and at tha present writing la not any better. J. B. Young and daughter , living near Crescent. la. , visited with the family of Dr , J. F. Tracy Saturday. Charles A. Smith , a former resident of this city , is here visiting friends and rela tives for a few weeks. The Modern Woodmen of America gave a dance and supper nt the city hall Saturday night to observe the season. O. A. Cowlea officiated at n Christmas en tertainment at the Ponca church , three miles in the country , on Saturday night. Miss Blanche Tucker , who bos been at tending the State Normal school at Peru for the last four montifi. as at home during the holidays. St. Mark's church will have a Christmas tree at the church Wednesday night , Decem ber 28. for the children ot the Suuday school. Mrs. Efflo Harris of Perry , la. , visited with her grandmother. Mrs. J. H , Deland , Wednesday , returning home Thursday , ac companied by Mrs. Deland , who will prob ably spend the rest of the winter In Perry. C. D. Neal and wife. Mr. Standeven and A. Tletzler of Omaha were present at the social given by Jonathan lodge No. 225 , In dependent Order of Odd fellows , Saturday night. Mr. Neal U tbo business manager ot the Fraternal Review , a paper devoted to Odd Fellowship published In Omaha. There wns a Christinas tree at the Pres byterian church Saturday night tor the ben efit ot the Sunday pchool children , all ot them receiving a present. There were ap propriate wrvlcca by the pastor , Rov. Robert T. Graham. IleiiNon. The public schools closed last Friday for the holiday vacation. Charles Onsted. who Is well known here , visited with old frlenda last vcek. Miss Ruth Hoean wont to Blair Inat week to spend the holiday vacation at her home. George Hawkins and wife are entertaining a number of relatives ot their home today. The Ladles' Aid society met nt the homo of Mra. Graybal on last Thursday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. Parash went to Neola , la. , Saturday to spend tha holidays with rela tive * . Mr. and Mra. Frcellng of Omaha arc visitors among friends lu Benson for the Christmas holidays. Special Chriitma * service * will bo held at 10:45 : a. m by th * pastor ut tbo Methodist Episcopal churoh , Sunday eohool at 12 m. ; no awning etfvlc * . Th public ohoolt ( Md Cbrletmu pro- grama In all th room * and after the clou * of the exercises the pupils received favors from their teachers. Mrs. Edgar of the Rescue Home of Omuha gave a lecture at the Methodist church laat Sunday evening instead of the regular serv ices. Instead of the regular prayer meeting at the Methodist church next Wednesday even ing the Official board will hold Ita third quarterly conference. The repairing of the Interior of the town hall under the direction of the Town board is completed. The building was wholly re modeled nnd wltb the addition of a new stove it la now a credit to the town. The Christmas exercises of the Sunday school were held at the town hall Inst Sat urday evening. After the short opening aong and prajer the program waa carried out. reaching from the earlier daya to the Christmas of today. Aa the curtain rose a dozen old stvle Puritana were seen entering a log-house church to celebrate the first Christmas feativltlea. After entering the church they sang the hymn , "Antloch , " and atter thta came boya and girla dressed to represent the different colonlea , presenting their offerings to Uncle Sam , who was seated on his throne In the center of the scene. New Central Turkish bath , absolutely modern ; separate and exclusive department for ladles. Experienced lady masseuse in attendance. Baths , BOc ; twelve baths for ti. Open all night. 107 S. 14th. Tel. 1851. Wnlnut P | l.rlM K" " -'rilt n ut The children of the Walnut Hill Methodist Episcopal cnurch Sunday svhool gavu thtir anntinl fhrlrtrias rntrrMln-nrnt la t < cn- Ing before an attendance numbering nearly 200. There were numerous sougs and reci tations by the members of tue ullterent clause * , but the most Interesting happening of the evening was th distribution of pres ents from the two huge Christmas trees that were loaded down with bon-bons nnd knlckknacks for the little folk * . Among those who were on the program to speak or alng were Irena Smith , Ethel Rlch- ter , Ruby Gagnebln , Ether Cohen , Lucllo Spatts and Hellcn Harris. Built between the two Christmas trees was a miniature chapel constructed of boxes of candy for bricks. W. T. Gagnebln , as Santa Glaus , tore down the chapel and distributed the bricks among the children. Then the pres ents wtre taken from the treea and passed around , every child In the church receiving something in the way of gifts. The enter tainment was under the management ot Su perintendent J , M. Gillan. Genuine Lcmalre opera glasses make a de sirable Christmas gift. Edholm'e. opp. P. O. Womnn'a Clnli Announcement. The regular meeting of the parliamentary and social economy section of tb i > maha Woman's club is postponed from Monday , December 26. to Wednesday. December 28. at the usual hour and place. There are many kinds of cutglass but the kind Edholm Bella Is the best. OTTO WEBBER OVERHAULDE Farmer Dojr 'Who Dabbled la Bad Money 1 * Held by Uncle Sam on III * Wedding Day. Otto Webber is a farmer boy and when ho la at home he lives at Springfield , Minn. Some months ago he fell into bad com pany and now ho la in jail , charged with passing and having counterfeit coin in bla possession. Ho boa had a bearing before United States Commissioner Anderson ana has been held to appear In the United States court In Minnesota and answer. About one year ago Webber waa working on a farm and one day he formed the ac quaintance of ono Wolfe. Wolfe convinced him that there was an easier way of making a living than by following the plow. After gaining the confidence of Webber , Wolfe told him that he waa in the counterfeit bua- Ines , but waa abort of funds with which to procure the material for making the apurloua coin. Webber supplied the funda and money was manufactured , after which a liberal supply was given to Webber to float. He got rid of the money , having paid a good prlco for the same. About tha time that he got rid of It , bo waa arrested over In South Dakota and lodged In jail at Sioux Falls. One day when the turnkey was asleep , Webber walked out of jail and came down here. He found employment on a farm Ollrnore and worked there several weeks , shucking corn. Yesterday a secret service officer1 dropped down on him and took him Into custody. He will be taken back to Sioux Falli M coon H requisition papers van bt Mcured. Wolfe , who cot YouDf Wefcbfcr into tha trouble , la still at large. He skipped aa soon as he learned ot the arrest of Webber and at tbii time his whereabouts are un known. Webber Is In desperate straits , as this was to have been hla wedding day. Ho waa engaged to one of the young women at Gilmore - more and the day of the wedding had been set. Owing to hla arrest , the ceremony boa been postponed for an Indefiniteperiod. . BRIXIS OWNS UP TO PERJURY Write * Letter * Confeulnir that He Lied About Blroff nnd Pence on tbe Ptand. Ed Drixls has made a confession , absolv ing Jake Elroff and Ed Pence of burning the building at 107 North Ninth atreet on No vember 12. After the fire Blroff and Pence were arrested and charged with the crime of arson. They were bound over to the district court by Judge Gordon on the testimony ot Ed Brlxia , a cook at Elroff's plice. Brlxla alleged that he heard Elroff and Pence plan ning to burn the building for the Insurance. Blnce the trial Pence haa been In Jail ana Elroff out on bond , until the other day both were'discharged and the case dismissed on motion of the county attorney. Thla action was owing largely < o the following letters to Klroff and Judge Gordon In Brlxia' hand- wrlt'nf ' Mr. Elroff : I bopo you will forgive me for the unjust I have done upon you and your family. I have done it In a passion when I was mad out of < ( he little difficulty we had , but I am trying now to amend my wrong doings and take a great risk upon myself , believed me Joe since the wrccgfull act mine to testify uctl i o nosente my conslence trouble me until I took upon nivself to < unend my wrong-doing. I ttave sent a letter to Judge Gordon and I hope that this will help you out and Oo-l will forgive me. ED BRIXIS. Tlio second letter to Judge Gordon Vs a confession of the perjury Brlxls was guilty of To the Honorable Judge Gordon of the Po- llco Court of Omaha : Sir I herewith state to you that I fully confess that the testimony given by me at your court agalnvt blron aud Ed Pense was done by me In a passion while I waa oosry aud uaU at ttuie for noue buil- 0 U 210-12 SO. 16th St. Cut in Price y ' of all Christmas Goods Store open till 12:30 : Monday. DEEP CUT IN PIANOS LOOK AT THE PRICES. f400 Chlokerlnir Upright for ( I2UB.OO. 940O Everett , UprlRht for flB.VOO. 93RO ChlokerlniTi Uurlght ( or | tlT5.0O. One Chlckerln * Cirand $13S.OO. f.'lBO flnniple Piano , $ ! iitn.uO. V.12II Fancy Oak Plnno 921S.OO. $800 San DomlUKO Mahogany Piano. . * 188OO. and many other fine cabinet Grand Pianoa In all fancy woods , at $125.00 , $155.00 , flSS.M up to the price of the Steinway the Standard Piano of the World. Terms to eult the purchaser. Plaaoa for rent. One year's rent allowed if purchased. Instruments moved , tuned and exchanged. Telephone 1625 , Write for catalogues , prlcea and term * . Sehmoller & Mueller , 1313 Farnam St. Largest Music Dealers in the west. ; nesa trouble I had with Joe , and I fully con fess that Joe Is innocent of the charge again&i him , and I hope , judge , that you will try to set him out of the trouble my conscience has bothered mo alnco I done that. I have wnoto to Joe a letter and told' him that I have eeut to you an affidavit. Yours , ED BRIXIS. iuu two letters were ovldeuuy mtUlea in Omaha , as they bear the city postmark. The officers promise Drixls a hot chase if ho can be located. Blroff hopes to secure his In surance now. FORTY-TWO BONDS ARE BAD License * Refined to Applicants Who Neglect to Fully Comply with Requirement * . The Board ot Fire and Police Commis sioners yesterday refused to grant saloon licensee to forty-two applicants on the grounds that the bonds they furnished were Illegal in that they contained the sig nature. of but one witness , Instead ot two , to the signatures of the bondsemn. The point U a new one. In the past fire and police boards have accepted bonds upon which the name of but one witness Is attached. Mayor Moores , however , gave It as his opinion that two signatures arc necessary in law. As a consequence the board decided to delay action on applicants whose bonds contained but one witness's signature. Those whose bonds ehowed the names of two signatures and who have compiled with other legal requirements were oa fol- lowa and were granted HCOIIBCB : Fred Krug Brewing company , 1001 to 1007 Jackson ; Gustavo Stepp , 1812 North Twenty-fourth ; Gustavo Stepp , Thirtieth and Spauldlng ; Ernest G. Meyer , 111 South Fourteenth ; J. M. L. Schmidt , 1302-1304 Dodge ; Charles Herbertz , 1401 Douglas ; Louis R. Metz , 2S02 Farnam ; Emll Gall , 902 Douglas ; Henry Krug , 602 South Thirteenth ; Adler & Holler , 1206 Farnam ; Fred Hunztkcr , 1002 Howard ; Theo Baumer , 223 North Tenth ; Herman Schaeffer , 324 South Thirteenth ; Annie O'Hearn , 1002 South Tenth ; Gottlieb Storz Bros. , 1557 to 1829 Sherman avenue ; Anton Krocek , 1102 South Sixth ; Max Flotow , 1415 Farnam ; Arthur Metz , 2001 North Twentieth. John Boesn of Seventeenth and Dorcas street filed protests against the granting of licenses to fourteen places , for which Max Flotow , George W. Tlerney , Charles F. Weymuller , Gottlieb Storz and John Buck bare filed applications. He based the pro- testa on legal contention that an applicant for A saloon llcenee must run the place hlmaolf and cannot employ tome one to manage It for him. In his complaint he sets out that last year all the parties men tioned obtained licensee for places to which they appointed managers and therefore ho asserts that they violated the law as he construes It and consequently should not bo granted licensee. All the men against whom the protests were made are eaid to be agents of the Omaha Broking association. It Is also re ported that Boeson is a man who ran a sa loon for the Association last year and was deposed. Ho Is therefore charged with mak ing the protests simply to get even. The places affected by this protest are as fol lows : Max Flotow 1402 South Thirteenth , 12C1 South Sixteenth. 101 South Ninth. Gcorgo W. Tlerney , 424 South Thirteenth , 2425 North Twentv-fourth. 1C01 Leaven- worth. 102 South Tenth , 101 South Thir teenth. 2818 Farnam. Charkw F. Wcymiillor. 1232 South Thir teenth. 1224 South Twentieth. John Buck. 207 South Fifteenth. 2801 North Sixteenth. Gottlieb Storz. 1101 South Ninth , 1557 Sher man avenue. I The board apparently does not seriously regard the protect , for It overruled It in the case of Storz , at 1557 Sherman avenue , and granted him a license. Protests have also been filed against the granting of a license to the Schlltz Drew- Ing company at Twenty-ninth and Cumins street and to the same brewery at 3802 North Sixteenth street. In both cases objection Is mode on the grounds that the proposed saloon is to be Ircutcd In the heart of a res idence district and In the former case. It Is also pointed out that the saloon will bo within two blocks of a school building. DINNER TO HIS EMPLOYES C. S. Hn > montl Sen en an Early tilirlit- | iua Spread to III * Faithful AmUtuiiU. 0. S. Raymond gave an 11 o'clock dinner to twenty of bis employes at the Omaha club last evening that proved a fit ending to an unusually guccossful vteek. The ante-holiday trade had been good and Mr. Raymond sought this method to show hla appreciation of the efforts of ! > ! * assistants. , Tbo spread wu laid in the handsome DON'T ' BURN YOUR HAIR. If > ou dye your Imlr do It with pomethlnp 1 which will not HUHN It nnd DESTROY It , and when nppllcd atavs a PERMANENT COLOR TOR MONTHS. Such a prepara tion Is Imperial Ilnlr IteKencralur. Instantly restores gray or bleat-hod to natural color. Also producen any shade of rich Tltlnn red. Cleun , odorless and lout- ing. It docs not contain nn atom of IMV.H- onous matter , will not Htnln the scnlp and baths do not affect It. Seven colom cover all BliudcH I'rkc , Jl.DO and J3 00. No. 1 Black. No. 2 Dark Brown No S Medium Drown. No. 4 Chestnut. No. 5 LlRht Chestnut. No. 6 Gold Blonde. No. 7 Drub or Blonde Ctndree I Solo manufacturers nnd patentees : Im perial Chemical Co. Write for book. Sold In Omaha by , , 1513 Undue St. , OMAHA , NCB. Middle of Block. Arthur Delmore Cheney TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE AND ARTISTIC SINGING , A CAnnrun AIM ) Tiioiiotiaii FOUN DATION TO AM , III ; < ; I.\.MHS. SPECIAL ATTENTION OIVEIV TO ENG LISH OHATOHIO. STUDIO : Suite : ioi : nnd . ' 104 McCnictio Ilnllillnw , Corner irith and Dodge Street * . main dining room ot the club , nnd a more excellent place could not have been chosen. The table was becomingly decorated with nn abundance of palm leaves , the green be ing relieved at Intervals by cut glass vases Dlled with hyacinths. Kach of the seven women found an American Beauty rose at her plate , vvhllo boutonnalres of bride roses adornid the space allotted to them near the men's places. The menu waa left entirely at the dis cretion oftho steward nnd the tempting delicacies eervcj so carefully by the wait ers were attacked with zeal. The guests found themselves at the close of Christmas eve and also the end of a long hard week with good appetites that required no urging In the dlsjxisal of the palatable collation. There was no disposition to hasten the approach ot the final course , the time In tervening between the several courses be ing happily spent In talking over subjects of mutual Interest. The closing momenta passed In many hearty good wishes on all sldw , Mr. Raymond expressing his satis faction over the result of the year mid hoping that each of his guests would flnd nothing to mar her or hU Chrltsmaa. PERSONAL PARAGRAPHS. Miss Mlsklmmlnp. Hecretary tq Superin tended of Instruction Pecrsc , is spending Christmas with her parents at Charlton , la. I I Joseph H. Dletleln and R. S. Illoss of St. Joseph , Mo , came In over the Durllngton last night to spend Chrlsunas with friends. i Hon. I ) . 12. Thompson of Lincoln spent 'jesterday ' In Omnlu. acelng his friends alld talking Bcimiorlul mattciti. He professes to bu ve-ry well pleased with the outlook for bis candidacy. Frank Teal Riley , a former Oroahan , but mu a ubiuent ( n KaiiAin Cay , IB SIHDK friends and relatives in the city. Ho Is also numbing acquaintance-si at thu University of Nebraska , ot which bu is a graduate. t Major S. P. Ayrea. editor of the Dally Telegraph of Atlantic. la. , accompanied by his wlfu and are In the city , tha guests of H r. Sheaver of the rnllwav mall service. Thcv will remain over Christmas. Nabraskans at the hotels : J. W. McClel land. Hastings , W. II. Arthurs , rranklln ; J. T. Hosklns. Ilcnlielman ; Hvelyne Tote , Randolph ; W. J. O'llrlcn , South Bend ; George H. llrush , Albion , C. A. Cook , Salem. At the Murray ; B. U. Carmon , St. Ix > uls ; A. H , Carrlngton , Louisville Ky. ; John R. Truall. Now York ; James 1) . Draper , Marlon , la. , Morris J. Jonce , N. A. Gray , Red Ouk , la. ; S. W. Tat u in , St. Joseph ; Miss Adcle Clark. Now York. Captain Allen Q. Fisher of Chadron. ono of the candidates for the aucakcnihlp , watt a culler upon Judge Bon Ilaker yiuttr-lay. \ Captain Fisher having organized Company H of the new Second reclmcnt of Nebraska National Guards at Chadron and havlne beta elected captain , is being boomed for tu * colonelcy of the regiment.