Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 25, 1898, Page 18, Image 18

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Advprllai'iiioiiln fur tlicnc columns
Trill he tuUiMi iinlll 1m. . for the
nvnnhiK rilltliin , and until Hi.'tO p. in.
for inoriilnK and .Siinilnr edition * .
llnti-H , J l-Uc n mini drat ln crtloti |
1c it word llu-rcnncr. \ llilnir tnkrn
for lend Hum it..c for Hie llrnl ln T-
tlini. Tlicoc iidvprtlnemrntN mniit lie
Ailvorlliirrs , liy wincMIng n ntim-
lirrril rhrcU , run linvo i n tvcr ml-
( IrcMMcil to n niinihiTpd IcUer In cure
of Tlin Her. AMIMVI.T * no n lilrr iMl
Mill lie dellvrrvil on iircNi-iitiitluii of
tin ; check only.
A STENOGRAPHER , when you want one
please rnll up the. Remington typewriter
olllce , 1019 Farnam St. , telephone , 1S73.
A. * * 899
WANTKD Position us bookkeeper. Have
lind experience and can five good refer
ence. Address 1C 17 , Bee. A Cj6 26 * _
\VAvrnii-M.\LK HUM * .
SALESMEN for clears ; $125 a month and
expenses ; old linn ; experience unneces
sary. C. C. Ulshop & Co. , St. Louis. * [ o.
WANTED , we have steady work for a few
good hustlers of Rood habits and appear-
unce. C. P. Adams Co. , 521 So. IGth St ,
B-M913 |
HELP , Empire lltipturc Cure , 032 N. T.
Life Building. Send for circular *
TAILORS. attend Dyhr's cutting school.
G1S So. 13th St. _ B-9jg _ _
"WANTEDMen to learn the barber trade ;
only eight weeks reUlred | : have opened
new Held for graduates : positions posi
tively guaranteed at $15 weekly ; we fur
nish free transportation to our colleges
at Chicago , St. Louis or Minneapolis ;
Hplendld facilities , expert Instructions ,
rtc. ; no 6-cent shop or cheap basement
Institution ; call or write for catalogue.
Molcr Harbor College Ueprescntatlvc , R.
11 , Crelghton Ulk. , lath and Douglas Sis' ' . "
R M628 25 *
MEN to learn barber trade. So. Louis
Jlnrber College. Omaha. Neb. , corner
Dodge and 14th Sts. Investigate this
school. A thoroughly practical institu
tion for teaching the trade and not a
"system" or set of fake schools filled
with victim * caught by advertising snares
such as offrs of situations for years , out-
llts , transportation , wages , etc. Wrlto us
for particulars. 1'rof. S. Randolph.
B M29I J9
TRAVELING salesmen to sell lubricating
oils and greases ; salary or commission.
For particulars address the Zone Oil Co. ,
Cleveland , O. B-MG92 25 *
WANTED , salesmen traveling out of
Oinnha to curry our merchants' special
ties as a side line ; references required.
The Tablet & Ticket Co. , 87 and 89 Frank-
lln St. . Chicago. III. B-712 23 *
HEN. reliable , to tack signs ; $12.50 per
week and expenFos ; steady work ; send lOc
for postage , sample , etc. Young Medicine
Co. , 2129 N. Colorado St. , Philadelphia , Pa.
B 720 23 *
WANTED , all around salesman to place
our attractive and profitable line with the
retail trad ? on long time ; liberal commis
sion contract to start ; permanent position
to the right man ; state ago , references
and experiences In application. Box 127 ,
Detroit , Mich. B 719 25 *
WANTED , young man of good address In
railroad ofllco ; must be. rtenographcr and
supply own typewriter ; answer In own
handwriting , stating ago and experience ;
salary , $55.00 per month. Address K 24 ,
Bee. B-71825 *
WANTED and salesman
, first-class high-priced
man to call OH our old customers with
our new $100.000 publication : good opening
for right man. Room SOO , 184 LaSalle St. ,
Chicago. B-717 25 *
CANVASSERS of ability find Intelligence
can make at least $30 weekly ; something
entirely new and needed by everyone.
Address , Co-operative Distributing Co. ,
BOS Broomo St. , Now York. B-713 25 *
YOUNG men 'to earn something and study
electricity ; send stamped envelope and
Ifi cents for three trial lessons. Cataract
Electrical School , Buffalo. B-711 2C *
WANTED , Graduate electrical engineer ,
who wants a good opening for experi
ence and small salary. 1' . O. Box 1107 ,
Chicago. B-710 25 *
GOVERNMENT positions ; hundreds now in
the service were assisted to their posi
tions by the National Correspondence In
stitute of Washington. D. C. ; full par
ticulars and booklet "Prospects for 1S99"
mailed free on request. Thousands of ap
pointments to bo made next year. Write
today. B-709 25 *
SIDE line , pocket ( free ) samples ; protected
route ; liberal credits ; sellers high rated ;
re.vera ! earn $30 wc.ekly cash. "Confiden
tial. " P. O. 1371 , New York. B 70S 25 *
600 T1EMAKERS , Arkansas ; railroad team
sters , Iowa and Nebraska ; coal minors ,
Missouri : oheap rates south. Esberg , 1023
Parnam. B 743 23 *
WAN or woman with good reference to
look after my business In this vicinity ;
$18.00 a week and expenses to good party.
W. P. Morgan , Baltimore. B-764 25 *
' for any civil service examination without
seeing our Illustrated catalogue of Infor- I
niatlon : sent froo. Columbian Correspond
ence College , Washington , D. C. ,
SALESMEN to sell office specialties ; fine
side lines ; $5 a day ; used by all mor-
rhants. Model Mfg. Co. , box B , South
Bend , Ind. B-M148-J3 *
GOOD men to distribute 5,000,000 pieces adv.
matter : big wages ; Inclose stamp. Mfrs.
Adv. Co. , Dept. A. E. . 114 W. 34th St. ,
New York. B
SALESMEN to sell perfumes , toilet soaps ,
etc. . to dealers ; $100 monthly and ex
penses ; experience unnecessary. Plumer
Perfumery Co , , St. Louis , Mo. B.
WANTED , reliable men and women In
( very town to work for us ; neat , steady
employment ; good wages ; no deception ;
mi delay ; send us your address and we
will send you work immediately -Address
Standard Art Mfg. Co. , 142 West 23d St. ,
New York City. B
WANTED , engineers and firemen send 23
cents for 11 24-page pamphlet containing
n list of questions asked by an examining
board of engineers. Address Geo. A. tel
ler , bookseller , IS S. 4th St. , St. Louis. Mo.
Mention this paper. B
WANTED , stenographer , experienced ,
either lady or gentleman , for holiday
wools ; apply Monday morning. J. W.
S < iulro , Council Bluffs. B-M771 25
JUIPTURE CURED. Empire Rupture Cure.
P32 x ? . Y. Life building , Omaha ; circulars
Bent. - >
ALL women who can't raise family should
consult the renowned German specialist.
Dr. Pries , 1313 Dodge St. Letters 2 cents.
139 J3
PROV JOHNSON cured all human dls-
. oases : no poisons used. 1711 Vlnton street ,
Oinnha. -M 6 2 *
LADIES ! Chlchcster's English Pennyroyal
nils ( Diamond brand ) are the best ; safe ,
reliable : take no other ; send 4a stamps for
particulars. "Relief for Ladles , " In letter
bv return mall : at druggists. Chlchcstcr
Chcmlral Co. . Philadelphia. Pa.
WANTED , competent girl for general
housework : no other need apply ; good
eulnry. 4S23 Davenport St. C-Mi > 70
WANTED , lady agents in Omaha and sur
rounding towns to sell Preventing and
Preventive Douche Syringe ; best remedy
known for women. Call and consult our
physicians or address , In confidence , Prc-
ventlno Medical Co. , 316 Ramgo block ,
Omaha , Neb. Telephone 2270.
WANTED , experienced girl to cut cards.
Apply Western Paper Co. , 1501 Howard St.
WANTED , girl for hourework ; small fam
ily ; good wages. 2003 lllnney. C-Mt'97 25 *
EADIK8 who want home work and good
pay ; no canvassing , darning machine or
urt work : new plan. Send reply envelope
to Duslnbrry Co. , 25 Third Ave. . New
York. C-7U IS *
WANTED-airl for general housework. S32
8. 29th St. , 2d door north of Westminster
eturcfc. C 737 27
WA.\Tin-rn.MAin HEM * .
( Continued. )
as being the most thorough and moat
The teachers are able and experienced and
zealously de.votcd to the students.
Even * student who has taken the course
has been secured a position. Not one has
failed. Many positions go unfilled for lack
of operators to send out.
The following Is a list of firms and busi
ness men who have called upon this
school for stenographers since June , this
year. The number opposite the name In
dicates tha number of stenographers
called for :
Fidelity Deposit Company 1
Indiana Road Machine Company 1
Kennedy & Learned , lawyers 1 Bag Company 1
W. G. Clark 1
County Court 1
American Press Association 1
Singer Sewing Maohlne Company 1
Collier Publishing Company 1
War Department 1
Republican Central Committee 1
American Express Company 1
Llnlnger-Metcalf Company 1
Peavy Grain Company 1
Bankers' Union of the World 2
J. P. Coltman 1
Kennard Publishing Company 1
Klngman Implement Company 1
B. & M. Railroad Company 1
D. T. Jackson , Real Estate Broker 1
Herring & Loblnger , lawyers 1
L. N. Gonden , Commission Broker 1
Schroeder Commission Company 1
T. D. Crane , lawyer 1
Democratic Central Committee 1
B. N. Robc-rtson , lawyer 1
G. W. Sues & Co , , Patent Ofllce 1
D. T. Mount , Coal Dealer 1
Drummond Carriage Company i
Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. . . . 1
W T. Graham , Real Estate Dealer 1
Omaha Manufacturers' and Consumers'
Asoclatlon 1
Robert W. Patrick , lawyer 1
Parnam Manufacturing Company 1
Buslnem and Fraternal Association 1
Washington Life Insurance Company of
New York 1
Commission Houses , South Omaha 2
Z. T. Lindsay Rubber Company 1
Vlavi Company 2
Omaha Stove Repair Works 1
Mutual Life Insurance Company of New
York 3
F. W. Fitch , Lawyer 2
Union Pacific Railroad Company 1
F. E. & M. V. Railroad Company 3 I
Woodmen of the World 2
Cudahy Packing Company 2 !
Fidelity Mutual Insurance Company 1
Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association. . 1
Burke Electrical Company 1
Transmlsslsslppl and International Ex
position *
Omaha World-Herald 1
Omaha Dally Bee 2
Mercer Chemical Company 'i
Smith Premier Typewriter Company 6
Remington Typewriter Company 13
United Typewriter and Supplies Co 19
CHOICE houses and cottages all over city
$5 to $75. Fidelity , 1st floor. N. Y. Life.
HOUSES. Benewa & Co. , 108 N. 15th _ St.
HOUSES , stores. Bemls , Paxton block.
D 793
ALWAYS moving household goods and
pianos. Omaha Van & Storage Co. , 1511VS
Farnam. Tel. , 1559. D-796
HOUSES , store * . Robblns , 1802 Farnam.
HOUSES. Chas. B. Benson , 310 Ramage bldg
D-M782 J13 *
1802 OHIO St. , 9-room house , all modern ,
except furnace : large barn. Fidelity , 1st
floor , N. Y. Life. D-800
BRICK hotel building , In good condition ;
14 rooms , $25.00 per month. Omaha Loan
& Trust Co. , 16th and Douglas. D 295
7-ROOM house ; bath ; $14.00. 314 First Na
tional Bank bldg. D-722
THE "Normanflle" "WInona"
and apart
ment houses arc now open for Inspection ;
beautiful flats , steam heatsd. with shades ,
ranges , telephone , polished hard-wood
floors , walls decorated In colors to suit
tenants. Janitor services free. ' Strlctlly
first class ; references required. Fidelity
Trust Co. , agents , N. Y. Life Bldg.
D M747
FLAT for lodging or boarding house , 10th
and Jones. Inquire 1623 Jackson.
BOYER , real estate , rentals , 22d & Cumlng.
D-SS7 D29 *
STORES , one $6.00. one $10.00.
2147 S. 18 , 6-r. , $20.00.
4112 Nicholas , 7-r. , $15.00.
2416 Langdon Court. 10 rooms , $40.00.
Omaha Loan & Trust Co. , 16th and Doug
las Sts. D-295
FOR RENT , 8-room house. No. 618 S. 17th
St. , 2 % squares from court house. Call
at room 300 , City Hall. D-308
FOR RENT , houses In all parts of city.
The O. F. Davis Co. , 1505 Farnam St.
3-4-6-ROOM cottages , $5.00 up. 90S N. 27th.
D MS50 D2S *
7-ROOM modern flat , 1G09 Howard , $1S ; 6
room house. 4617 Chicago , $5 ; G-room cot
tage , 2572 Spauldlng , $11. T. H. Foil. 313
Brown Blk. .D-MGOU
3-ROOM cottage , 1718 Webster , $10 month.
D M630 29 *
7-ROOM house , modern , except furnace. 013
So. 19th Str. D70 25 *
MAGGARD'S Van and Storage. 115 N. 15th.
Tcl. 1490. D-MCS1
FOR RENT , excellent 7-room cottage. 2211
California street ; reduced rental to cholco
tenant until spring. Inquire 506 N. Y. Life
or C07 North 19th St. D-M6SO
SIX-ROOM modern flat , 1016 Pacific St.
Charles Hanley. D M69S 20 *
. ' modern brick , largo lot , with barn ,
$20.00 ; S-room modern cottage and barn ,
$20.00 ; S-room modern , near Hanscom park ,
$23.00 ; good bakery and dwelling , $23. W.
H. Russell , 61 Now York Life.
D-M694 26 *
INQ. 604 Bee bldg. about these : Woolworth
and 2Sth. 7-r. . winter rate ; 118 So. 23th ,
9-room. In terrace ; 20th and St. Mary's
ave. , S-r. , special rate ; Council Bluffs ,
Park ave. , cottage. $12. D-MGS9
HOUSKS for rent ; a specialty made ifs.
looking after property of non-residents.
J , H. Sherwood. 423 N. Y. Life. D-757
FINE 10-room mod. house In Kountze
Place : price low. J. H , Sherwood , 423 N ,
| Y. Life. D-751 20
11-ROOM all modern house near Hanscom
park ; price very low for the winter. J.
H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Llfo. D-753 2o
1625 SO. 26th it. , near Woolworth ave. . I
rooms , hot water beating , barn : nlco lo
cality ; $25.00. D-M77025 *
( Continued. )
3112 CORUY ; 7 rooms ; modern ; $12.60.D756
EIGHT-room house with bnth , $15 per
month. Apply to J. A. Scott , at Omaha
National bank. D-73S 25
THREE nlco rooms , housekeeping. 1112 So.
llth St. E-C01
SUITE of two furnished rooms for tight
hou'ckeeplng. central part of city. N. W. |
Cor. 17th nnd Webster Sts. E-M631 J2 I |
WELL heated rooms , with or without
board , for families and single gentlemen ;
Franck's hotel. 320V4 N. IGth St. Rates
reasonable. E SOI
THREE furnished rooms for housekeeping ;
man and wife ; rent taken In board , 319
N. 17th. E-297 ,
STEAMHEAT rooms , $2 wk. up. 2009 Harncy ,
E-M739 D2fi' I I
ROOMS , $1 and up per week. 1321 Douglas.
13-M7G1 D2G
RCOM for gentleman : ref. req. 1910 Cap. Ave
E MSS1 D29 *
MODERN brick , warm rooms. $1.50 up. 614
N. 19th. E-M93S D2S *
PLEASANT furnished rooms. 521 So. 2 < Uh
Ave. E-923 J2 *
FIVE first clas- < furnished rooms for house
keeping at GOO South 2Dth Street.
E-G5S-23 *
PLAT , 5 rooms ; modern ; walking distance ;
private bath , light , heat. K 25 % Boo.
E 734
FURNISHED rooms ; housekeeping. 2023 St.
Mary's. E-M7CO 29 *
FURNISHED rooms ; modern. 62U4 So. 19
st. E M7C9 25 *
THE MERRIAM , first class family hotel ,
23th and Dodge Sts. F S02
TAKE " " " Rent"
down that "For Sale" or "For
sign In your window. The Bee roaches
more people In a day than will pass your
window In a month : and they consult
these columns when they want to buy or
rent. F SC3
THE CAPITOL , 1722 Capitol Avenue.
F-MC32 J19 *
NICELY furnished rooms , steam heat , free
bath , $1.50 | . < > r weik and up. Klondike
hotel , 10th an-1 Webster Sts. F M803
HOT water heat , all Improvements. 212 S. 25
F MHO J3 *
I.ANGE HOTEL , 601 S. 13 ; best family hotel
in city ; modern ; steam heat. F 477 J1I
BOARD and room , $4.BO up : steam heat.
Prague Hotel , 13th and Williams.F
F M502
Board & room , $3.50. Mr. Jess , 1718 Williams.
F-M501 JIG *
FRONT rooms. 23S4 Harney. F MGCO 27 *
NICE rooms with hoard In private family ;
references. 2217 Howard. F 721 25 *
SOUTHEAST front room ; modern con
veniences ; private family. No. 702 S. 29 st.
F M722 2S *
ROOM and board In private family near
Hrinscom park ; all modern , nicely fur
nished ; price reasonable. K 23 , Bee.F
F 701
ONE or two nicely furnished rooms with
board ; all modern house , on car line near
Haliscom park. K 27 , Bee. F 700
I FOR gentlemen , walking distance , near
I Farnam car , modern. I 38 , Bee.
, G M228
THREE rooms , 703 South 17th street.
G-M265 J3
UNFURNISHED modern room for single
gentleman ; walking distance. 320 S. 26th.
| G 735
3-STORY and basement brick store build
ing. 1005 Farnam , 22x100. Inquire 314 First
National Bank building. I MS05
OFFICE with steam heat , gas , use of re
ception room and Janitor's service , 303
Karbach block , $15.00 per month.I .
I73 25 *
WE have permanent work for men. women
nnd girls at good wages. Hlxenbaugh &
Co. , top floor Ware block. J M503
DR. SPRINGSTEENS M. R. Remedies for
women ; Omaha testimonials ; nurses' reg
ister here. Springsteen Med. Co. , Branch
ofllce , 723 N. Y L. Building. J 026 F16 *
WANTED , agents ; salary $ GGO per year ;
Henry Wntterson' ? new book. History
Spanish-American War ; greatest seller
known ; low price ; most liberal terms ;
salary or commission ; freight prepaid ;
credit given : no experience necessary ;
write today. Franklin Square Bible
House , 324 Dearborn St. , Chicago.
J-M700 29 *
AGENTS on salary or commission ; the
greatest agents' seller over produced ;
every user of pen and ink buys it on
sight ; 200 to KOO per cent profit ; one agent's
sales amounted to $620 In six days ; an
other $32 In two hours. Monroe Mfg. Co. ,
X 16 , LaCrosse , WIs. J MCOO 25 *
AGENTS , just out , Beau Ideal handker
chief holder : thousands of ladles waiting
for agents to bring It to their notice ; cam
ple 15c. Greater Novelty Co. , 342 Willis
Ave. . New York. J-710 23 *
WELSBACH agents attention , something
now : 103 candle power ; no mantle , no
chimney : sample by mall 35c. Samson
Gas Burner Works , Room 52 , 84 Washing
ton St. , Chicago. J 715 2G *
AGENTS wanted : "S. S. " guaranteed to
exterminate and drive away every rat and
mouse from any house or place within
three days ; not poison nor will it kill or
harm anything but rats and mice ; great
est money-maker ever handled by agents ;
boys and girls make $12 to $13 weekly ;
write quick for terms nnd territory ; wo
also want hustlers to take state agency.
S. S. Mfg. Co. , Chicago , III. J 725 25 *
WANTED , age.nt ; $125.00 monthly and ex
penses ; samples free. Unity Cigar fac
tory , Baltimore , Md. J-72G 25 *
ONLY perfect bath cabinet : latest patent ;
greatest seller. R. M. Irwln , Nashville ,
Tenn. ; St. Louis , Mo , J 721 23 *
AGENTS to pell our lace curtains on easy
payments. Ormond Co. , Dept. 65. Chicago.
AGENTS , start a mall order business at
home ; $50 weekly If you follow our In
structions ; wrlto for particulars. Sumner -
ner Mfg. Co. , Hartlngton , Neb. Lock
box 22. J M751 30 *
STREET men and agents make $3.00 to $7.00
per day selling Japanese Transparent
Photo Pocket Mirrors ; a picture hidden
from all eyes except your own ; sample ,
10 cents. G. S. Terry Mfg. Co. , 18 W.
Randolph St. , Chicago. J
AGENTS : "Photographic History of War
with Spain , " Introductory by General
Wheeler , is a record breaker ; outsells
everything ; 600 magnificent photographs ;
most liberal terms : freight paid ; credit
given ; thousands have waited for an of
ficial , complete nnd authentic history : wo
have It ; tells nil about "Our New Pos
sessions ; " act quick. R. H. Woodward ,
Baltimore. J 763 23"
AGENTS wanted for our new styles of
Roman gold clocks , Onyx tables and nov
elties. W. M. Friedman & Co. , manufac
turers , Martlnsburg , Mo. J
WE DO not wont boys or loafers to wrlto
us. but men of ability , $200 to $ SOO per
month ; salesmen and general agents ;
salary or commission. Racine Fire Engine
Co. , limited , Racine , WIs , J
BOARD wanted for family of four : refer
ences , Address K 29 , Bee. K 744 23 *
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. . DOS-
910 Jones , general storage and forwarding.
OM. Van & Storage , 1511 % Farnam. Tel. 1539.
STAMP collections bought and sold. Mor-
1 teuson. m N. 16th. N-M914 DM
( Continued. )
IF YOU are In need of anything try the
Want Columns of The. Bee ; they will
bring you what you want. N 867
OMAHA fchool nnd city warrants wanted.
R. C. Peters ft Co. , U. S , Nat'l bank bldg.
ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. ,
In largo or small quantities. Chicago Fur-
nlturo Co. Tel. 2020 , 1405-S-10 Dodie.
N-M133 J3
SECOND-HAND books bought for cash.
Antiquarian Book Store , 1619 Farnam.
BEST nnd cheapest stoves nnd furniture
sold at small profits : highest prices paid
for good goods. D. Brodkcy , 110 S. llth.
$10,000 WORTH furniture. Transmlsslsslppl
Furniture store , cor. 16 & Davenport.
N-M405 J14
WANTED to buy for cash , full lot , with
small house : must bo located between
Ifitli nnd 19th st. Inclusive and north of
Dodge st. ; lot must be largo and deep ,
with alley If possible ; send full descrip
tion at once to K 11 , Bee ofllco.
N-573 27 *
SECOND hand safe for cash. 114 So. 13th.
N-672 J21
HIGHEST prices paid for nil kinds of
household goods. Lewis , 104 S. 14th.
WANTED , to buy good 5 to S-room house
to move away. Address 1C 2fi. Bee ofllce.
N-M7I6 27 *
FLAT and roller top desk , letter press , of
fice chairs ; must be cheap. Box 175 ,
pmalia. N 747 25
VISIT our new store ; wo have , a complete
stock of furniture , stoves , etc. , cheap. J.
Lewis. 104 S. 14th. O M703 J23
SAWDUST , hardwood , cribbing and hog
fence at lowest prices. 901 Dougla ? St.
SHERWIN-WllllamsCo.mlxed paints Sherman -
man & McConnell Drug Co.,1513 Dodge St. ,
FOR SALE , New piano , cheap for cash.
K 19. Boo. Q-6S6 29
B. HAAS. Florist , 1813 Vlnton St. . Tel. 776 ;
plants , cut flowers , bouquets , hall , resi
dence , wedding and grave decorations.
Orders by mall or express promptly filled.
HOG. poultry and lawn fences : all wire ; Is
best. Wlro Works , 14th and Harney.
FOR SALE , ten R.I.P.A.N.S for 5 cents , at
druggists ; one gives relief. Q 815
2 SEWING machines. Marowltz , 418 N. 18.
FOR SALE , cheap , a fine double sleigh ; also
a pair of strong bobs. Apply at 007 North
19th street. Q-M397
FOR SALE , Hardman piano ; almost new ;
will take groceries part payment. K 20 ,
Beo. Q-OS5 29
2ND-hand safe cheap. Derlght , 1116 Farnam
Q M662
NOTICE : Woolf Zacharla will reopen as
soon a ? secures another building. Res ,
827 S. 24. Q M8S7 F24
2nd-hand brick machinery , soft or stiff mud ;
castings. R. E Livesy , 2813 Cap. Ave.
Q-M047 J20
SECOND hand safe cheap. 114 So. 13th.
Q-671 J21
TWO good fresh Jersey cows for sale. C.
M. Morton. 4602 Center St. Q-MG77 25 *
FOR SALE. Piano , almost new ; will give
two years' time. K 21 , Bee. Q 087 29'
AT one-fourth value , good church or parlor
organ. 516 No. 19th st. Q MC98 30 *
GOOD store building to bo moved. W. II.
Russell , 016 New York Life. Q-MG93 26 *
FOR SALE Cheap ; Monitor steel range.
Inquire 2130 Blnnoy st. Q M743 27 *
DAMAGED looking glasses resllvered. 70S
N. 10th. -259
FOR SALE or rent .one 2-fire hotel range
and carving table. M. J. Franck , Midland
hotel. R-816
NOTICE to country dealers : Second-hand
furniture and stoves sold at lowest prices
by carload lots or less. Chicago Furniture
Co. , 1400-8-10 Dodge. R-876 Jo
ANTI-Monopoly Garbage Co. , cleans cess
pools , privy vaults at reduced prices ; dead
horses & cows removed free. 621 N. 16th.
R-M964 J2 *
IF RATS and mice annoy you wrlto S. S ,
Mfg. Co. , Chicago , 111. , for sure exter
minator. R-727 25 *
SKATES sharpened , 15c. Om. Bicycle Co.
i R-739
MME. Gylmcr , genuine palmist. 1005 Dodga.
S-M148 J3
MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant. 817 N. 16th.
VIENNA fortune teller , 18 years here. 1411
Howard. S-M4G1
MILTON , THE MEDIUM , known to every
man , woman and child In Omaha ; gives
readings dally ; all affairs of lite and busi
ness , love , law , sickness ; changes evil In
fluences ; heals all diseases by magnetism ;
readings by mail ; send six questions , $1.
1023 Dodge street , cor. 17th. Materializing
seance Wed. and Friday evenings.
S-M095 33
NITA , the GYPST PALMIST , who has been
in Omaha a few days only , is creating a
Kreat sensation because of her rcmark-
able gift. She is able to read life so cor
rectly that the many who consult her can
not help pronouncing her a phenomenon.
Ono lady testifies that she has consulted
many palmists and clairvoyants to ascer
tain something In regard to an incident 1 i
in her past life and not one ever made the J
slightest reference to what she wanted to
know about. However , she noticed Nlta.
the gypsy's , nd. In The Omaha Bee and
decided to consult her. who at once said :
"You are hero to gain some information
regarding an article which v ry mysteri
ously disappeared from you a number of
years ago. You can If you pursue the
proper course recover wild article , whlcn
was a valuable diamond ring given you
by your mother a fnw days prior to her
death. The ring Is now in the possession
of your stepmother and she stole it from
you. " A gentleman also testifies that ho
has traveled a great deal throughout the
United States nnd has consulted many of
the leading palmists. Nlta , the GYPSY , is
the only ono who has ever given him any
thing at nil convincing. If you are In
clined to be SKEPTICAL you should not
miss the opportunity of consulting Nita ,
who can remove all such ideas. These
who have investigated palmistry and have
not received satisfaction are especially
invited to call upon this wonderful
woman. Satisfaction guaranteed or no
charge. Hours from 9 a. m. to 10 p. m. :
Sundays from 10 a , m. to 8 p. m. Parlors
212 No. 17th st. ; reading , 60o
MME. GYLS1ER. the celebrated Palmist ,
wishes all her patrons and friends * a
merry Xmns and happy new year. In
order for you to be fully prepared to enter
on the new year you should consult Mme.
Gylmer and know what Is In store /for
you. Parlors. 1005 Dodge , south side op-
pcrtlte new postofllco. S-742 2j
EDNA E. LONG , the well known spiritual
medium , has organized a society In men
tal science. Thos ? Interested In natural
science and mental therapeutics ore cor
dially Invited to attend. Wednesday even
ings at 807 N. 20th ; admission 25
CABINET baths and massage. 1411 Howard
MME. AMES , R. 6 , 607 S. 13 ; massage baths ;
attendant. T-4S6 J16-
MRS. DR. LEON , electric massage bath
parlors ; restful and curative. 417 S. llth.
upstairs. T-5G2 J17
BATHS : ladles only ; hnlrdresslng and man
icuring. Mrs. Porter. 203 Dougbis bloek.J9
MME. SMITH , room 2. HS , i N. 15th St.
T""M749 31 *
VIAVI Is woman's way to health. 346 Boo
Bldg. U-MS 6
TEETH fhould not be neglected , but given
prompt attention. See Dorward , dcutlM ,
K. 4. Cont'l Blk. , 15th & Douglas , Tel. 130.
U-62 D28
A LARGE map of the world , one. of Cuba ,
and another of the entire West Indies ,
showing Cuba , Porto Rico , Haytl , San
Domingo , Martinique , and all the other
West Indian Islands , 10 cents , at The Bco
olllce. By mall , II cents. Address Cuban
Map Dept. , Omaha Bee. U 863
PRIVATE ] hospital for ladles before and
during confinement ; babies adopted ; ex
perienced physicians in attendance. 113G
N. 17th St. , Omaha. U-S1S
MASSAGE 3 , electric and magnetic baths.
New Hygienic Institute , 220 Bee Bldg. ;
Tel. 1716. U-Sl'J
BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 319' S. loth.
HOW doctors , dentists , pharmacists , law
yers , undergraduates can soon graduate.
Box 190. Chicago. U MC60 D25 *
LADIES , if you can't tell a doctor your
troubles , address box 8D , Omaha , _ Ncb. _
RUPTURE cured , Empire Rupture Cure ,
932 N. Y. Llfo building , Omaha ; clrrulars
sent. U 72t !
LACE curtains cleaned ; all work guaran
teed ; references. I. Zlegler , 1SOS California
U-S75 J2 *
MME. PAYNE removes superfluous hair ,
facial blemishes by electricity. Hairdressing -
dressing , manicuring parlors , 23ul Leaven-
worth. Tel. 1803. U-156 J5
LE1BEN , costumer , 1313 Howard ; cata
logues sent. U 487
LADIES , send 4 cents In stamps for our
book and find out all about yourself ; ex
plains everything fully. Preventive Medi
cine Co. , 316 Ramgo Blk. , Omaha , Neb.
U 671 J17
HEALTHALL breakfast food ; best , cheap't
U MC30 J19
KATIE WILLIAM , Broken Bow , Neb.
U M663 27 *
BOOKBINDING Burkley Printing Co.
U 078
CAKE WALKERS Intending to walk at
Veiled Prophets' ball , Crelghton hall , De
cember 31 , notify committee at 533 Paxton
block at once ; open Sunday.
A. NUDE art , taken from nature ; 10 bcau-
I tlful colored pictures , all nude , 25c.
French Art Co. , 219 S. 6th St. , Philadel
phia. U
LADIES , call at our office and see tno
best remedy for women. Lady attendant.
Telephone 2270. Preventlno Medicine Co. ,
316 Uanige Block. U
THOSE ugly hairs on face , etc. , perma
nently destroyed or monsy refunded ;
complete cure only $5. Physicians For
mula Co. , Box 2126 , Station A , Philadel
phia , Pa. U
DO YOU want to marry ? Write the Cor
responding Matrimonial club , 1704 Web
ster ; stamp : Introductions made In par
lors. Allle Turney. U 767 23 *
DR. STANTON'S famous Femallne will
positively cure all female troubles : orders
promptly filled ; call or writ * Mrs. J. B.
Webster , state manager , 1610 Davenport
St. ; agents wanted. U M768 25 *
WANTED , choice farm and city loans. R.
C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'l Bank Bldg.
$10000000 special fund to loan on first-class
Improved Omaha property , or for build
ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company.
fpER CENT money. Bemls , Paxton blk.
6 PER CENT city and farm loans. Garvln
Bros. , 1613 Farnam St. W & 2t
$1.000 AND upwards to loan on Improved
property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320
Parnam St. V-825
MORTGAGES. Wallace , 213 Brown block. ,
At oo
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 So. 16th.
FIFTY million ; cheap eastern money for
western Investment : responsible agents
wanted. Investors' Directory , N. Y.n .
* n GC9
WRITE us If you want a loan on your
farm In Iowa , eastern Nebraska or Mis-
sourl , it will pay you. Anthony Loan &
Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. L. W-S26
$100 AND up. P. D. Wcad. IGth and Douglas
W b30
MONEY to loan on Nebraska and Iowa
farms : lowest rates. Brennan-Lovo Co. ,
219 S. 16th St. . Omaha. W-M427
$10 TO $10,000 TO LOAN ON
etc. . at lowest rates In
Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs.
No removal of goods ; strictly confidential ;
you can pay the loan off at any time or
OMAHA. X-831
EASY i rfv x * ti * i w v < - * * * < * ud > * *
NAM BT3. TEL. 2295. X-M716
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture. Jew
elry , horses , cows , etc. C. P. Reed319 _ 8.13.
holding permanent positions with respon
sible concerns upon their own name , with
out security ; easy payments. Tolman , R.
700 , N. Y. Llfo Bldg. X-S32
MONEY loaned on life Insurance policies ,
pianos , furniture. , warehouse receipts ,
jewelry , horses , cows , etc. Duff Green ,
room 8 , Barker Blk. X-S33
DIAMOND loan office , 1315 Douglas ; unre
deemed diamonds , watches , etc. sold cheap.
X 816
FOR SALE , wholesale bakery business run
ning four wagons ; nice trade , established ;
must bo sold at oncir. Address K 18 , Bee.
Y-M664 25 *
BAKERY and confectionery in good Iowa
town : less than % price ; $550.00 : Investi
gate at once. K 23 , Bee office. Y 732 25
"I WANT to buy elevator on Port Arthur
Route or B. & M. Address Box 314. Nebr.
City , Neb. " Y 750 23 *
FOR SALE Fully equipped hotel In county
seat , town having a population of 2,000.
The B. & M. and the main line of the I
U. P. pass through the town. Hotel has
46 sleeping rooms , electric bells , steam i
heat , sample rooms , telephone , city water ,
good sewerage , and Is now doing a good
business. The proprietor will sell the fur
niture. Including the hotel bus. for $2OfiO I
and will lease the building for four years
at $50 per month. Terms of Halojcasy.
Good reason for selling. Address H. B.
Van Decar , agent , St. Paul , Neb.
Y 71025
FOR BALE Cigar store nnd fixtures' , at a
bargain for cash ; at onco. 1515 1-2
Farnam. Y 705 23 *
YOU can make money quick with small
risk In wheat , stocks and cotton ; we have
never lost a cent for a customer , nor
called for additional margin ; profits paid
on demand ; open an account with us now
and double your money In a week ; write
for free advice , C. E. Mackey & Co. , 9
Wall St. , New York. Y
THE manufacturers of a typewriter of
established reputation have an opening
for man ns manager of general agency In
your city. Previous experience not re
quired. Salary $ SOO per year and good per
centage additional. Must have $600 cash
to carry stock of machines. No bond ac
cepted. Address "Secretary , " 358-364 Dearborn -
born St. . Chicago. 111. Y
FOR EXCHANGE , clear vacant lot. 61x150
feet , on grade. In good locality , for six-
room house and lot , western part of city
preferred ; will pay cash or assume gmnll
mortgage for difference. Address for full
particulars. K 10. Bee office. 2-677 87 *
FOR r.
( Continued. )
SOUTH OMAHA Real estate nnd personal
property for $3.000 ; clctir l.uid within 100
miles of Missouri river. Address 1C 22 ,
Bee. X.3 25 *
280 ACRES of beet land In Douglas county ,
15 miles from Omaha , to exchange for
Ohio property. Address John O. boren ,
Dayton , Ohio , / MCSS 25 *
FOR SALE or exchange , 25 town lots In
bountiful Oklahoma tor. ; perfect title ;
taxes paid ; particulars. Mrs. Win. Cut-
Ion , Golden , Burl Co. , Neb. V. 723 23 *
IMPROVED 10 acre ? , close In. to trade for
house nnd lot : It is rented for $100.00 per
year. J. H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life.
55 759 25
UNIMPROVED 4 acres close In , nil clear ,
for sale very cheap ; will consider n trade.
J. II. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. / 755 25
NO BETTER New Year's resolution could
be made than to resolve to own your
own homo from January 1 , 1S99 , or at least
to own a line building lot by that time ,
FO that the place could bo prepared for
the building of a pretty cottage to move
Into about April 1.
Wo have many cholco residence lots for
H.alo at exceedingly low prices , and can
furnish plans suitable for homes free of
cost where wo sell a lot. Our list of
houses suitable for homes Is probably the
largest In tno city of Omaha , and wo are
certain that no one can offer better bar
gains. Every sensible man must know
that no better opportunity for Invest
ments will over bo prevented than at this
No. 3CH. A pretty little cottage In Bedford
Place , near 30th St. , full lot , $ SOO ; straight
monthly payments.
No. 153. A good lot on paved stree.t , pav
ing taxes all paid for , with substantial
8-room house : nn attractive homo for a
llttlo money , only $1GOO ; $100 cash ; $15 per
month. Interest. G per cent.
No. 173. This is No. 2366 Snhler St. , Just
the place for a motorrnan. It Is a cosy
llttlo cottage fronting south , good lot nnd
good houso. Price only $930 ; $30 cas-h , $10
per month , 5 per cent Interest.
No. 2S5. This Is a brand new house near
Crelghton college , south front , nightly
location , G rooms , bath nnd closet of Intast
dcslcn , hot and cold water In the base
ment. A pretty house for llttlo money
on easy terms.
No. 203. A very attractive 4-room cottngo ,
large bay window , 2 porches , blinds , city
water and cistern ; also good barn. 50-foot
lot , 2 blocks from motor. ? MK > , M cash ,
$10 per month without Interest.
No. 1001. A beautiful home on Georgia ave.
Hardwood finish throughout ; delightful
hall , location unexcelled : easy terms and
prlcn less than the property could possibly
be duplicated for In Omaha.
No. 212. Thin property cost $6,000 and It can
be bought today for $3,700 ; finish , cherry
and southern gumwood. Mantel and
grate cost $123. Prettiest reception hall
In Omaha , nil modern , of course. Very
sightly , healthful location , cholco neigh
borhood , one block from motor. It la a
snap. $1,000 In cash required.
Wo have a number In South Omaha as low
as $75 apiece. A promising Investment is
a cholco lot on paved street half a block
from Mth St. , paving all paid for. Pine
shade. 60 foot frontage , sewer , only $ li5 ,
WoftInavdUa find lot on 19th street , near
Central. 64x180 feet , for $500. A snap.
Beautiful cast front lot on 20th street , at
Junction of Vlnton , paving taxes allf paid
for. Best bargain In that part of the
city. Very llttlo cash required.
Think of this. A east front 60-foot lot on
grade ? near 35th and Dodge , on Hie west
end. only $500. Present owner will cancel
tlful homo ; ono mile from Calhoun ;
provements cost $7.000 or $8.000. 120 acres
running away. Fine shade , largo apple
Srchard.nnd an abundance of small fruits.
FInoiCCiGO | Mro farm near Genoa , Nance
Remem erf.rthSe arc but samples of many
First floor , N. \ . Life.
G H. Payne , President.
H. H Harder. Secretary . , .
TWO newly painted 6-room cottages one
block from car : all clear : will sell cheap.
J. H. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life.
BARGAINS In houses , lots , farms : sale or
trade. J. N. Frenzcr. opposite old P. O.
Desirable business and residence prop-
erty. Improved and u"'mPr ' ° vee(1' a
acres near South Omaha for so , e.
Potter and George Company. l-ar in
St * -
FOR SALE , nlco B acrea 14 | ' * ' ° '
Exchange bldg. , So. Omaha , $ lOoO : also ,
lots on Amos avenue ; cheap , easy terms.
4733 N. 3Dth St. RE-MC.6 . 2o *
FOR SALE , five-acre tract , with house ,
barn , fruits , etc. , or will rent after Feb. 1.
The O. P. Davis Co. . 1505 Farnam st
HERB Is a phenomenal bargaln-2 lots , S3
ft. front by the usual depth on 22d St. ,
near Clark , east front , on grade , for $550.
These lots are within walking distance of
the U. P. and Ho. Pacific shops and rail
way tracks , P. O. , depots , etc. They
originally sold for $1,500 each. The owner
must have money and Instructs us to soil
them at once for $550 each , $50 cash and
$10 per month. We will furnish the
money for building on either of these lots
to a purchaser.
Fidelity Trust Co. , New York Llfo.
$4.500 buys modern residence near West
Farnam : cost , $8,000 ; large lot ; the best
bargain In the city. Enquire D. C. Patter
son. RE M365
FOR SALE , cheap , nice cast front lot In
Glscs' add , near 21th St. ; also lot In Ames
Place add , close to exposition grounds ; 5
lots In Pullman Place , South Omaha.
These lots will be offered for ono week at
exceptionally low figures. Many other
bargains. J. A. Lovgren , 942 N. Y. Life
bldg. RE 579 27 *
WE Have Instructions from an eastern
bank , about to retire from business , to
Bacrlfiie four properties , which it owns
In Omaha , for cash.
Good house and lot ; paved street.
Nice cottage and full lot ; paved street.
Slx-ruom house and lot. Ore-hard Hill.
Seven-room house and lot , Orchard Hill ,
Name your own price and wo will submit It.
Brennan-Lovo Co. , 219 South 16th St.
llfc C41 26
SNAP. 60 foot lot. So. front. Harney , near
3Cth St. , $2,250. R. 16 , Patterson block.
RE 645 Janl9
A FINE home on Blnncy St. ; It will pay
to Investigate this , as It Is a bargain. J.
II. Sherwood , 423 N. Y. Life. RE-755 26
2 LOTS on Chicago St. , between 21th nnd
25th Sts. , $ KO.OO each.
2 lots on 24th St. , near Vinton St. , $500,00
HOIIHO and large lot , 418 North 21st St. ,
$3 600.00 ,
Gro'om'house In bst residence portion of
South Omaha , $ D30.W.
Potter & George Company , 1C01 Farnam St.
If anyone thinks they urn not , It will bo
Interesting to preserve this list to com
pare with price * a year hence.
7-room cottage and full lot , oust front , on
Georgia ave. , paving all paid , 13,400.
8-room house and largo lot , cant front , on
25th Btreot : a good house and splendid
value at $2.700.
43 feet on 2oth street , ono mile from court
houfft. paving tax paid , $ COO.
EaHt front , corner 31st and Franklin. $760.
15 acres , close In , and on macadamized
road , good buildings and line lot of fruit ,
$3000 to llO.Wo'cash and Insldo clear lots to
exchange for Improved business property.
John W. Robblns , U02 Farnam St.
KE-733 25
( Continued. )
FARM FOR SALE ; line .Mock form In ttar-
rlscm Co. , Iowa , ono mile from Dunlnp >
Frank Barrett , 1507 Karmim t. , Omaha ,
VMi. 1112-729 Sf > *
HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also
tire Insurance. IJemU , Paxton Block.
9-ROOM modern house. Inquire 4032 Iznrd.
TYPEWRITERS for rent , $1.00 per month.
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1623
Farnam St. ; telephone K54. -841
WE , rent nnd sell the best typewriters
madoj largest stock of supplies In Omaha.
United Typewriter & Supply Co. , 1612 Far
nam. 842
REMINGTON Standard typewriter and
supplies. 1619 Far mi m St. 843
VANSANT'S school , 717 N. Y. Life.
school from Sci't. ' 20.
AT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Douglojs.
SHORTHAND up-to-date , taught'by court
reporters. Boyle's School , 493-5-7 Bee blile.
S o
J. R. MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers , room 619 ,
Paxton block , want your auction sales of
real estate , merchandise , furniture , live
siock. etc. -409
HELP furnished to all who employ labor
and positions procured for everybody who
wants work. Tel. 1112 ; office , 119 N. 16th.
-141 J3
EAGLE loan ofilce. 1211 Douglas ; oldest es
tablished , most reliable , accommodating ;
business ; selling $40,000 stock
unredeemed diamonds ; big bargains.
MONEY loaned at 5 per cent. B. Wolf. 520
S. 10th. 2CO
MR. AND MRS. MORAND'S. 1610 Harney ;
prlvata and class lessons ; assemblies
Wednesdays , 8:30 : p. m.J 23c. Call for
terms. Always open. 308 J16
W. COY , removed to 1716 St. Mary's ave.
M 871
OLD pianos overhauled , secondhand pianos
always on hand. C. Sommer , 321 So. 10th.
OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co. , oak , hick
ory , ash , cypre&s , poplar , etc. , 13th & Calif.
SCHOOL for euro of these defects. Julia
E. Vaughan. 306 N. Y. Life bldg. 652
SKATES sharpened nnd plated. Omaha
Plating Co. , 1302 Farnam , under U. P.
office. ' 324
TRY the Henderson Hotel ; board and room ,
$4.00 per week ; gas , steam heat and baths.
Ninth and Farnam Sts. C73
LOUIS FLESCHER , blcyclo repairer , re.
moved to 1C22 Cap. av. , opp. new P. O.
969 J2
C. A. CASE , violins repaired. 416 Sheoly blk.
LOST , between Howard and Farnam streets
on 15th street a trading stamp book ; finder
please return to Bee office and receive re
ward. Lost M6S2 23 *
LOST , pair gold-rimmed glasses last Tues
day morning In So. Omaha ; reward on re
turn to 230. ! II St. , So. Omaha.
Lost 731 25 *
LOST , white female Scotch terrier. Return
to 221 N. 13th st. for reward. Lost-762 25 *
M. S. WALK1N , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331.
ELLA DAY , Ramgo Bldg. , 15 and Harney.
-168 JanlS
SHOES half soled , 33c. 211 No. 16th St.
. St.404
ACADEMY at 1212 Fornnm ; reduced ratesa
send for circular. Col. Monstery.
. 462 JH
MAX FOGEL cleans , alters , repairs ladles'
Jackets. 307 S. 17th. N-55S J17
SOMETHING now In stock and bonds ; pays
200 per cent per year on Investment , any
amount ; Investors secured , payable any
time ; no speculation ; best references.
Write for particulars. Investors' Trust ,
1221 Areh St. . Philadelphia. Pa.
MASONIC charm found ; call at this office
and pay for advertisement.
Found 7SO 25 *
VALISI & ANGELA , mandolin orchestra ,
piano , mandolin and guitar school ; tele
phone 1120. 1810 Chicago at. 748 25 *
predicted yet wo won't mention )
Klelghs. But what do you think of I
a light
for $123.007 Glass sides and front. I
newly painted other good second I
hand vehicles worth a look.
Drummond Carriage Co , ,
18th mid Homey.
Bee Bldg. , Omahi , Neb.
Send for free Invent-
oru' guide. Tel 1623.
Union Elevator Company of Omaha :
Notice Is hereby given tnat the annual
meeting of the stockholders of tlie Union
Elevator company of Omartu , for tht pur
pose of electing oven directors and Buch
other business us may properly coma before
the meeting , will be held at the office of
th general solicitor , Union Pacific building ,
Omaha , Ne-b. . upon Tuesday , tha 3rd day
of January , HW , between the hours of 19
o'clock a. m , and G o'clock p. m.
Tim stock transfer booku will be closed
ten (10) ( ) days before the date of the meet
Boston , Mass. , December 12 , 1898.
DC * 13-Jau ! * -