THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ; TUESDAY , DECEMBER 'JO , 1808. Merchants' Bean Club. Hu-Can Guess Our Bean Jars ? Some Thittsrs That You Should Know : 1 That you must use a coupon cut from this paper. 2 That no person can deposit more than three coupons with any one merchant each day. 8 Thatjou must bring them to the store. No mailed coupons filed. 4 That you can vote as often as you have coupons. HU-CAN ? Beans at A. Hospe's 1513 DOUGLAS STREET. Hospe's Among our Immense variety of Xmas Novelflei no doubt the beautiful American made Reglna Music Boxes rank first. We have them now from $8.60 up to $350.00 and sell them for cash and on easy payments. To the , successful guesser of ou r bean jar this week we will present a nice violin outfit , consisting of vloll n , bow and box , valued at $30.00. A. Ho p ' HEAN CONTEST COUPON. Mr Mtlmat * of the number of b anID i Jar No. 10 Is . Name Address Thti advertisement and coupon must b banded In at our store. HU.CAN ? Carvers Th flntat Una in the city at price * from T5e to f 10.00. Pocket Knives SCISSORS RAZORS All the best warranted - ed brands Barney & Berry and Kllpper Klub. Skates SLEDS COASTERS A big line of new patterns. CHAFING DISHES O'CLOCK TEAS. Toy Stoves and Ranges , handsome patterns from GOe to $10.00. To the person estimating the nearest number of beans In our bean jar we will glY on December 24th , that beautiful $46 Monitor Steel Range MILTON ROGERS & SON , Cor. F rnnm nnd Fourteenth. Blllton Roger * ft Bone' DEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans In jar No. a Is Name Address. This advertisement and coupon must be handtd In at our store. BECHEL COMPLETES HIS TALE Monotonous Orogs-Eiamination Besulto in Confusion of Witness. EFFORTS TO TANGLE HIS TESTIMONY Defendant Shown the Effect of the Strain He IIa Undergone , bat III * Main Evidence Stand * Vnihaken. The cross-examination of W. F. Bechel , who Is charged with embezzlement from . the Pacific Express company , was completed Just before court adjourned last night , but there' Is still no Indication that the argu ments will bo reached today. It Is not known whether any additional witnesses will bo put on by the defense and the county attorney says he does not know how much time he will occupy In rebuttal. It Is expected that the evidence will , be fin ished eome time 'today ' , but at that It will require at least two days more to get the case to he jury. Mr. Bechel was on the stand all day yes terday and the state made a vigorous and persistent effort to tangle htm up. The strain of the last few weeks was apparent In his nervous condition and at several points he became plainly confused. He did not contradict himself on any Important points , but the county attorney succeeded In mixing him up to some degree on details of ' * tbo'varlous transactions to which he had testified. ' During the afternoon a negative light was thrown on eome of the inside history of the case before it became a matter of public knowledge. This was reflected by a ques tion by tbo county attorney in which he was asked If It was not a fact that last December President Morsman of the ex press company bad stated In his private of fice. to Mr. Nason ami In the presence of 'Bechel and Andrew Hunt that Surtborough has confessed to a shortage and bad de clared that "Bechel and Andy" got some of the money. The witness emphatically de nied that he had heard such a remark. ( or the Detalli. Mr. Bechel was questioned closely yester day morning as to whether vouchers had originally been Inserted In the expense en velopes , and by whom. He said that he believed most of them bad contained either a voucher or a memorandum. Sometimes the vouchers were made by himself. He could not remember any specific Instances Tke same ground was covered half a dozen time * with no material change in the re sult * . , Continuing , the state brought out the statement that , as his superior officer , the witness was authorized to demand from Hunt all or any part of the money In the office bank at any time , and that , while Hunt was the custodian of the bank , the amount originally turned Into the bank was charged to Bechel on the books of the company. The witness stated that he never Investigated the condition of the bank. In the afternoon the witness was asked to again Identify the salary checks In cou- ucctlon with the expense envelopes drawn , by the corresponding months. In moat l cases the combined amounts exceeded his i salary. He accounted for the envelopes by saying that In these cases the envelopes probably represented amounts advanced by Hunt to use In the mine. Then the history of the mining deal was i HU-CAN ? Guarantee Clothing Company , Capitol Ave , Near 16th St. Open Evenings Until Christmas , All Wool Clay Wonted Suits $8.75 Pure Silk Mufflers 50c Fancy Embroidered Slippers 60c Velvet Capa for Men 35c Extreme line Kersey Overcoats $6.00 Warranted Dress Shoes $1.50 Beautiful Neckties 23c Initial Handkerchiefs , 3 for 25c Elegant Link Sleeve Buttons 25c Fur Overcoats as low as $8.50 Double Sleeve HhlrU 45c Fancy Half Hose 15c Fine Covert Cloth Overcoats 7.50 Zinc Trunks $1.60 On December 24th we will give away to the persons estimating the nearest number of beans in our jar a fine $36.00 fur over coat to the fir t nnd to second nearest a fine silk umbrella , and to the third nearest eight silk handkerchiefs. VOTE PLENTY AND OFTEN. Guarantee Clothing CO.'B DEAN CONTEST COUPON. My fltlmate of the number , of beans In " " Jar No. ! 9 ls r..r.r. . . . . " Name Address This advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our store. agnln resurrected and the witness repeated the story of the organization of the com pany and the disposal of one-third of the stock to Hunt. Ho was questioned in re gard to the amounts that had been ex pended lu development at various times and the amounts that Hunt had advanced to buy blocks of stock held by other parties. Half the afternoon was occupied along this line and then Mr. Baldrlga returned to the J1.S04.25 draft and asked Mr. Bechel If ho bad at anytime received $800 at one time from Mr. Hunt. To this he returned a positive negative and then the county attorney sprung a waybill for $800 sent from W. P. B. to George F. Gardner , with some effort at dramatic effect The witness declared with emphasis that the waybill represented money sent by Hunt , using his name because be was president of the com pany. Ilnck to the Mining Deal. The county attorney then took another whirl at Bechel's version of the meeting in the office of tbo express company after which Hunt had destroyed the credit letter stubs. He tried to induca the witness to admit that ho had gone there for the purpose - pose of destroying the records , but the wit ness Insisted on his denial. He was also asked whether , when President Moraman called Hunt Into his private office to dis cuss the shortage , he did not grasp-Hunt by the coat tails and urge him to protect him and whether on the following Sunday ho had asked Hunt If he had surely de stroyed the credit letter stubs. In each case he entered a positive denial. The same answer was returned to a number of additional queries in regard to incriminat ing remarks alleged to have been made by himself. These Involved a conversation alleged to have occurred between the wit ness and an express office clerk at the Elks club in which he had declared that If Hunt was game nothing could be done with any of them. Bechel said that he re membered talking about Hunt's arrest at the club , but be could not remember what was paid. | The ro-dlrcct examination did not occupy five minutes nnd then William Mitchell , secretary of the Snowden Mining company , testified that Bechel had never contributed a dollar towards the development of that enterprise. WANT THEIR JOIIS BACK AT ONCE. DUohnrirril Policemen Bring Munda > mil * Mult AfAlnt the Hoard. Mandamus proceedings were commenced yesterday afternoon by former Police Cap tains Henry P. Haze and Albert T. Slgwart , former Sergeants William C. King and Nicholas N. Halter and Detective Thomas J. Ormsby to compel the tire and police board to Immediately reinstate them. Securing an affidavit from each as to their length of residence In the city , period of service on the force and the circum stances of their discharge their attorneys hunted up Judge Keysor after his court had adjourned and obtained from him an al ternative writ of mandamus ordering the board to Immediately convene and rein state them .or appear before him Friday morning and show cause why not. The statements contained In all the affi davits were substantially the same. Mayor Moores Is made a co-defendant with Messrs. Karbach , Coffman , Blrkhauser and Collins as ex-ofllclo chairman of the board. It Is set forth that In each cue the relater - later was discharged by the new board summarily without cause or hearing and not for the reason that there was any lack of funds , for Immediately their successors 5 That you should file your coupons as early as possible. 6 That in case of a tie the coupon filed first will receive the prize. 7 That no one knows the exact number of beans in a jar. 8 That each jar contains beans and beans only. HU.CAN ? WE CARRY THE ) LARGEST LINE OF Toys In Omaha Immense display on Main Floor , Notice our north window. On New Year'a ere we will give to the person estimating th nearest number of beans In our jar & fine Sewing Machine valued at $75. People's ' Furniture & Carpet Co , 16th and Farnam. People' * Fa ml tore it Carpet Co. ' * BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estlmat * of tht numbsr of beans in jar No. 13 is Nam * Address. This advertisement and coupon must bs handed in at our store. HU.CAN ? Gas Fixtures Fancy Globes We want the public to know that we have the only complete line of New Gas , Electric and Combination Fixtures In the city. We have no second-band stock. Besides what we tell you in regard to our fixtures you can rely on we never misrepresent things Call and see us. Wednesday we will give away to the person - son estimating the nearest number of beans In a Jar a handsome portable gas lamp. J. MORRISSEY PLUMBING CO , 310 S. 15th. Tel. T2O. Open Nights. J. Morrlney Plumbing ; Co.'n BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans in J r No. 19 U . . . . . . . . Name Address. , This advertisement and coupon must bo handed in at our store. were appointed to fill the places left va cant 6y their dismissal. Stewart was let out September 24 ; Ormsby October 17. Halter October 24 , and Haze and King November 2. Except Cap tain Haze they give their periods of service In the order named , as seventeen , thirteen , eight and ten years. Captain Haze puts his Indefinitely as "many years. " State Agalnt Bank Goei Over. Owing to the 'inability of Attorney Gen eral Smyth to be on band at the time set for the trial of the suit of the state against the Omaha National bank to recover the { 201,000 said to have been drawn out of the bank by Treasurer Hartley to pay the Chemi cal National bank warrant , Judge Baker had to set the case for the 22d. Mr. Smyth was engaged In a case going on In Judge Dickin son's court. A reply was filed during the day by the state to the Omaha National bank's answer. It sets up that the $180,000 warrant held by the Chemical National bank -was Illegal and void and that the state never re ceived any of the proceeds from the sale of the warrant. Date for Klemtead-Connolly Hearing When the Klerstead-Connolly election con test was called by County Judge Baxter yes terday Mr. Gurley , representing Mr. Klor- stead , agreed with Mr. Maboncy , Connolly's counsel , that It would be risky to attempt to try the matter on the last day of the De cember term and without allowing for a full thirty days from the date the summons In the case was served. As the law recog nizes no parts of days and It would be as sumed that the summons was served at any time during November 19 , te begin the case on December 19 would not , be making al lowance for a full thirty days , as Is required by the statute. Under the circumstances Judge Baxter set the case for January 4 at 2 p. m. Ilrfltilt of a Cuttle Urnl. A suit brought by the Union Stock Yards ' National'bank against Rice Bros. & Nixon , Clay ( , Robinson & Co. and several others over fifty-one head of cattle shipped by Hayward Woodruff to Clay , Robinson & Co. , upon which $1,801 was realized , has resulted In a controversy between the defendants. A separate answer was filed py Clay. Robinson & Co. yesterday stating that that firm was holding tbo money as It supposed for the benefit of Woodruff , but that Preston R. Cox had put In a claim. The court Is therefore asked to adjudicate as to which of the defendants the money belongs. Brtivren Hemp Cumpanlci. Judge Fawcett yesterday granted a tem porary Injunction on the petition of Jos ephine M. Getty and the Getty-MItchel Soap company against \Vaeh-A-Lone" Soap company to prevent the latter from using Mrs. Getty's formula until the matter can be heard Saturday morning. The plain tiffs charge H. K. Burket , the president of the defendant concern , with having ap propriated their trade name. Burket was , a stockholder In the Balrd-Getty Soap com- piny which recently rclncorporated as the Getty-MItchel Soap company. Stntni of the Contempt CHIP. Today Judge Scott Is to appoint his , disbarment committee to bring proceedings 1 agalnct Carroll S. Montgomery and at the same time be expects to hear nrg'J- roent on the motion for a new trial In the exposition contempt cace. Supersedeas I bonds have already been filed at Lincoln ] ' by Mr. Montgomery for himself and ' Messsr. Wattles , Reed and Wailley and the HU-CAN ? ENGRAVED Wedding Stationery ANNOUNCEMENTS , ETC. . engraved , to order , $10.00 for first 100 , $3.50 each 100 after. Special attention given to engraving fine Business Cards , Letter Heads , Envelopes. Elegant Initial Monogram Stationery- would make r. fine Christmas'present. Estimate our bean Jar and you will re ceive a ladles' watch "O" size , 14k solid gold hunting case , diamond or nementa- tlon , with Waltham Full Jeweled nickel movement , valued at $45 contest closes De cember 24th. C. $ . Raymond Co. S. E. Cor , 15th and Douglas. C. S. Raymond Co. ' * BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans In Jar No. 82 Is . } Name Address This advertisement and coupon must b\i handed In at our store. HU.CAN ? Lucky One Gets Belted Coats nothing but a. guess and It Is not a belt from John li. Sullivan , but a nlco belt from our stock. HENRY COPLEY. Wares of Gold and Silver , | 215 S. 16th St. , Paxtott Btk. Two fine $3.00 belts given away Saturday , December 24 , to the two persons estimating the nearest number of beans In our Jar. Henrr Copley's BEAN/ CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans in I | Jar No. 14 Is , Jon . ' . . ,5/u. . r a i. J > Name Address. This advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our store. exposition company , the amount of the bonds being $40,000. Bills of exceptions are * now being prepared for the appeal. ModlBea Injunction. A modification of the temporary Injunc tion sued out by the Rlley-Hubbard com pany against the Automatic gas lamp com pany has been made by Judge Fawcett &o as to allow the defendant to carry out all Its pending contracts. The matter IB to be heard on Its merits some time next month. The injunction order now simply I ! applies to Its disposition of territorial j rights to parties other than the plaintiff. HnltctiH Cornun Didn't Work. Thomas Scott and James McGregor , the two men tried twice In the district court for assault upon Alfred Jordan and Henry Miller and each time acquitted , failed to get their liberty on habeas corpus pro ceedlngs. The Judge held that they a * now In custody on entirely different charges , although the cases cover the same circumstances. ' Conrt Note * . . Mary Savage also secured a divorce from ' John H. Savage on the ground of extreme cruelty and the temporary custody of four minor children was awarded to her. Decrees were granted yesterday In the Davis , Truisx and Howltt divorce cases , de sertion being the ground in each. In the Hayes case from South Omaha , in which there was a contempt proceeding against At torney Boucher over a buggy which the husband bad taken possession of , the court ordered the vehicle to be turned over to the woman. Another damage suit has been brought against the city over the flooding of Bed ford riace property by the overflow of a ditch at Thirty-first avenue and Plnknoy street last May. Nicholas , Elizabeth , Ed ward and Joseph Flury , Elizabeth Neff and Lena Edercr , as owners of lot 1 , block IB , are the plaintiffs and the amount they ask for \a \ $1,375. A new trial la asked for In the $7,000 mortgage foreclosure case of Allan Bourne against Thomas O'Connor , which Judge Faw cett decided in favor of the plaintiff. This Is the suit In which the signature of O'Con nor's deceased wife was contested on the ground that It had been signed by her daugh ter , Theresa , without her consent The court held the acknowledgment of the no tary 1o the signature as adopted by the mother good. The mortgage was on the O'Connor homestead on Twelfth street near Farnam. GOOD RUN OMTOUNG WOMAN Homo If Ill-Id on Track , lint Lantern U Secured In Time to Flat ; Paenger Train. EAHLVILLE , 111. . Dec. 19. Burlington train No. 53 last night was flagged and ntopped within a foot of a 1,500-pound horse caught by the foot In a crossing. Oscar Donllng , a farmer , and a sister , who were i driving in the darkness , released one horse , j ' but were unable to wrench the foot of the other from its fastening. The young woman ran half a mile to get help nnd a lantern from a house at the edge of the town. Nevr York Soldier * CiolitK Home. CHICAGO , Dec. 19. One battalion of the First New York volunteers , which has been doing garrison duty In Honolulu and which arrived In San Francisco a few days ago , left Pacific Junction , la. , today over the Burlington road on Its way to Now York. The detachment , consisting of about 600 men , In command of Colonel Barber , Is In two sections. The troops will arrive in Chicago early tomorrow morning and will at one * leave for the east. 9 That the advertisement must bo cut out with the coupon. 10 That the jurs are changed and refilled after each contest. > 11 That if you don't ' estimate correctly this time , you may next timd 12 That every article offered is exactly as represented by the inor chants. HU-CAN ? UPRIGHT PIANO $142.00 $5.00 MONTHLY. New Steinways , Ivors & Pond , Vose , Emerson , Steger & Singer Pianos on easy payments. New pianos for rent- One years rental allowed if purchased. Instruments moved , tuned and exchanged. . Telephone 1525. . Schmoller 6i Mueller , STRINWAY * SONS nni'ItnSENTATIVES. Fnrnnm Street. I.urKi'tt Mimic Ilcnlcru In the Went. On New Year's eve we will give away to the person estimating the nearest num ber of beans In our Jar a now Emerson make piano valued at $350. , _ j SCHMOLtEIl A MUELLER'S DEAN CONTEST COUPON. ' ' „ My estimate of the number of beans In Jar No. 17 is . ' Name Address This advertisement and coupon must b o handed In at our store. HU.CAN. Save Money STERLING by buying a | Bicycle i for Xmas \ You can save from $10 to by buying now. New wheels $15 up. Omaha Bicycle Company , Cor. 16th nnd Chicago Sts. BICYCLES Ed. T. Hoyden , Mgr. On January 1st we will give a ladles' or gents' High Grade Stormer Bicycle to the party estimating the nearest number of beans In our Jar. OMAHA BICYCLE COMPANY'S UEAN CONTEST COUPON My estimate of the number of beans In Jar No. 34 Is Name Address This advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our store. SLABADCH DEFENDS HIMSELF Beplies from the Bench to Certain Strictures of Another Judge. ' HIS COURSE IN EXPOSITION AFFAIRS Signing nn Order to Snve the Unter- prlNc from Prolinltlc UcHtructlou. the Main Fvutnrc of llln Of fending In the Immediately after court opened yesterday morning Judge Slabaugh took occasion to reply - ply briefly to statements recently made by a | Judge of the district court in reference to the remainder of the bench. Judge Slabaugh read what he had to eay from manuscript and then took up the docket without further j comment. He said : I I have a matter that I wish to speak of publicly this morning and but briefly. Judge Scott , I understand. In his decision the other day charged myself and others of his as sociate Judges with corruption on the bench. I cannot pass such chargea over without notice. I have stood his cursing nnd abuse for a long time because I believe that men know him and pay no heed to what he pays except to bo amused , and because the po sition I hold , that of a Judge of the court , should be above any toe , and God forlild that especially from the bench I shall abuse any one , even my worst calumniator , al though under the protection such ofllce would glvo a Judge. Such Is not the object of the office and such Is not the history of those who have occupied the bench and who have added 'dignity and force to Its judg ments and decrees , and whenever it is ilono the tendency has been to lower Its dignity and detract from Its force and usefulness and to make It a laughing-stock In the eyes of the people. Whate\cr my future may be , wherever ray lot Is cast , while-on the bench I shall know no vengeance , vituperation or villainy. Hut when I from the bench nm charged with wrong doing and corruption , as Judge , which the bae mallgner knows Is false , If ho is sane , the same man who n few years ago was whining that he was abused , anil which charges are being spread through out the press of the land , as I learned last night , then I must speak and that pub l , licly. Beware of the man who Is always cryIng - ' Ing wrong and fraud In others , and who I needs his own commendation to give him ! self character before the people. IIU Career In Oiuuhn. I came hero a few years ago a poor man and have hnd my struggle with poverty and adversity and hard work. And many a day as a matter of necessity I have eaten but ono meal , nil of this that I might live nn honorable life and bo an honor to my pro fession : and am today a poor man , cnrlKiv- orlug to rear a little family to bo an honor to me and to be respected In the com munity In which I live , and a good name Is all the wealth I expect to have and will have j unless destroyed by tioino man who docs i not know the value of u oed name. Slnco on the bench I havu done the best I knew , trying to be fnlr to every one. try ing to wrong no one. 1 have refrained from sensational talk and from abuse of those over whom I have authority , and who could not raise their hand or vol9o to take their own part , because I call such acts cowardice , and not courage. I may have erred In Judgment , but not In honesty of Intention , and to be traduced and slandered as corrupt simply because I signed an order protecting the exposition from the hands of one who was bent on ItH failure , preventing the disgrace that would follow his unchecked acts ; aiding our city , and our state and our county , and on the urgent request of poor mun who bad their little earnnc8 in stock In the exposi tion , and who feared this man's acts would not only prevent their sharing a dividend , but cause an assessment to bo taxed on them ; nnd on the request of poor men who were earning a livelihood at the exposi tion because of this I nm corrupt. If I such nets arc corrupt and If the part I [ took In aiding In the realization of the dividend which Is being placed back in the pockets of these men who gave their money ( except such as IB held on Judgment ren dered by this same man ) , is corrupt , then I should bo called corrupt. Challenged IllH Accnnari. I want to say this in conclusion. I want every man to let it be known , In public , wherein In my public Ufa as an officer or In my private life as a citizen he can show that I ever Intentionally wronged any man or received a cent unlawfully , privately or lu the strict performance of my official duties. Can ho who charges me with corruption say ' aa much ? - I shall make no charges against any ono. I shall let each man's conscience be his own accuser. , Gentlemen , with the charges mode against me i , a man who has tried to do his duty , I cannot ' sit quietly by and let them pass , nnj bo a man. And I want to add , I shall fine no one for contempt who writes dev n what I say , because I am not ashamed of It. WANT THE IOWA LAWADOPTED Hcnl Entatc ExalmiiKe Men Drclde on a Change In the Fore- clOHurc Statute * . The members of the Omaha Real Estate exchange met at the Commercial club yester day neon and took up the consideration of the foreclosure laws of the state. All of the members agreed that there Is a neces sity for a change and tbo general sentiment was that the plan of the laws upon this matter Is acceptable. The Iowa laws pro vide against appraisers , do away with de ficiency Judgments nnd provide for ono year In which to redeem the property sold uudcr : foreclosure. As chairman . L. Selby presented the followInG report , which was adopted with out discussion : Your committee on revision of foreclosure laws beg to report that the committee , as a whole , have not considered the matter. In dividually , I am strongly Inclined to favor recommending that our legislature ndapt the loua law. This law has been tried , apparently - ently to the satisfaction of both debtor and creditor , nnd when It IB known that Nebraska ; has adopted the foreclosure law of a Rtate which has thp good reputation that Iowa has [ It Is my opinion that Nebrnska'n standing in i this regard will bo In the best possible con I dition. I have consulted with two active mcmbcro- elect of the legislature from this county , and they both unhesitatingly declared In favor of adopting the Iowa law , ono of them not wanting to risk the slightest amendment. Another meeting of the exchange will beheld held nrxt Tuesday noon at the Commercial club , to which the Dougfas county members of the legislature have been Invited , that tliclr vk'UH upon real estate foreclosures may ' bo obtained. Gld. K. and Alice Johnson , osteopaths. Suite C15 , N. V. Life nidg. . .MnrrlUK * * County Judge Uaxtcr Issued the- following marriage licenses yesterday : Name and Residence. Age. Frank Putnam , Omaha . 21 Fanny n. Perrln , Omaha . 19 [ Leon II , Goss , Omaha . 21 ' Maud Laytoa , Omaha . 28 George Hook. Belle Fourche. S. I ) . 31 Mrc. Jessie Stevens , Ilclle Fourche , B. D..3I 5 Charles \V. Peters. Mlllard. Nub . 23 imma : Karsten , Mlllard , Neb . 22 Enntr.f H. Talbot , Omaha . 41 Lydla Thompson , Omaha . . . 31 ! i HU.CAN ? On January 1 , 189S , we will glv nway an elegant drophcad ball bearing $65.00 Davis Sow-lug Ma- clilno to the person making the closest estimate to the number < of beans In our Jar. , Second-hand sowing machine * from $5.00 up. Kor $2.00 wo will put anti-rust i on your bicycle and store It until spring. ' Wo have recently token the agency for the celebrated Col umbia and Rambler bicycles. ' Neb. Cycle Co. , inth nnd Hnrncy. . . . . . . .H NebrnHltn Cycle Co. ' DEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans lit Jar No. 33 Is. Name Address This advertisement and coupon must bej handed in at our store- . HU-CAN ? Beat These Prices Duffy's Malt Whisky SSa S. 8. S 7So Laxative Brome Quinine , ISo i'uliie'H Celery Compound 75rj Vine Kolafra B5o Mnltcd Milk 40c. 7oc , $3.15 Pe-ru-nu 7So On Snfunlny , December 24 wo will glvo away to the person making the nearest estimate on the number of limns In our Jar a Imndsome ladles' toilet wot. Cut Price Druggist 10th & Chicago. . .4 Schncfcr'M IIEAN CONTEST COUPON. I My estimate of the number of beans | Jar No. 28 is | Name. . Address. . , This advertisement and coupon must bt handed In at our store. IIU-CAN ? Holiday Gifts I MnfllerN. SiiHpoii lor , Nfokireor , I OloveK , HiiiiclUerclilofH , llonlcry , Nltfht HoC ( I'lijuiuiix ) , UnibrclliiN , etc * . | The nicest stock at reasonable prices. Wo wilt give away to the person cstt- mating the nearest number and the next nearest number of beans In our Jar each two custom made shirts worth $5.00 Con * test closes Saturday at 6 p. m. Albert Cahii , FINK MEN'S FimMMU.VGS. 1322 Farnnm St. Wo make Shirts. Albert Culm. III2AN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans U | FREE THIS WEEK , All this week wo will furnish light luncheon of biscuits inndn from O. 1 * . linking I'owder and onr cclubrntcd Mocha nicnd Coffee. Three prizes again this week. GIIPS.H on our bean Jnr. Oon test closes Saturday night , U p. m. OMAHA TEA & COFFEE GO. 1407 noiiRlas St. Omuhn Ten & Coffee Co. ' MEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans Iq Jar No. 2 is Name. Address This advertisement and coupon must bej handed In at our > torc. it'WINTER CRUISE to th scents of tha BATTLEFIELDS * CEP of the , SPANISH-AMERICAN WAR by the American Line twin-screw United State * mall S. G. NEW YORK ( V. 8. Auxlllnr > Crnlior Harvard. ) i.illlnjf from New York , March 4. 1J39 , fol" " IfAVANA. SANTIAOO , SIBONKY , llAtt QUmi. QUANTANAMO , BAN JUAN. FuNOK. THIS WINUWAUD ISLANDS 4 JAMAICA ; duration , 81 d yn. International Navigation Company TeUphono Main H3 , Chlcuno , III , ; W t + * . Ball * Ht.