THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , DECEMBER 20 , 18)8. ! ) COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL Strong Market for Wheat and Close is at Three-Fourths of a Oant Advance. CORN ADVANCES ONE AND A HALF CENTS Ho * PrlccN nnil ( lie Tone of Grain Market * Favor llnyer * of 1'ro- vliiloiiM nt Maintained Price * . CHICAGO , Deo. 19. Wheat was strong nil day today nnd closed at an advance of % o over Saturday's llnal price. Strong ca bles , smaller world's shipments , unfavora ble weather and a largo earn business kept ehorU on the anxious scat. Corn closed l',4c higher. 1'rovlslona are practically un changed. With plenty of bull news to encourage buyers , wheat started strong and In good demand at an advance of D-8Q-ic , May at 67US.C7 B-Sc. A few fair-sized lots were dis posed of almost Immediately at 67ic. The big factor was the strength at Liverpool. That market , considering the weakness de veloped In the Chicago market Saturday , showed a somewhat surprising degree of firmness , advances ranging from Uc to 6-80 being recorded. Accompanying the Liverpool quotations wcro reports of continued rains In Argen tine. Later on came estimates of the ex portable surplus of that country , placing the amount at but 30,000,000 bushels and gay- Ing the quality would bo poor. General rains were also reported tn the winter wheat bolt of this country. World's shlp- ir.cnta showed a marked falling oft from last week , the total being placed at 7,337,000 bushels. The sharp opening advance pro voked a lot of realizing and under this thu market eased off to 67&C , where It held for Homo time. About 11 o'clock the market weakened on the enormous Increase In Blocks at Buffalo , which caused a complete overturning of the calculations as to the vlslblo supply. Ae a result of this , vlslblu Increase was placed at 3,821,000 bushels , a mnall decrease having been looked for. A break of 1-ic to 67'/ic occurred In consequence quence ; but before noon the market had again turned strong and remained so for thu balance of the session. Toward the close the market was helped by the excel lent local cash business , sales of 250,000 bUHhcla , all rail shipment , being reported. A good deal of the early realization and ehort selling was caused by the heavy ncrthweHt receipts 1,405 cars , compared with 1,469 last week and 995 a year ago. Chicago receipts were 241 cars , twenty- ecven of contract grade. The seaboard re ported shipments of thirty-eight loads. Ru mors that the visible figures were Incorrect also helped mto In the. session. May ral lied to 67&5JG7 7-8c and closed at 67U.67 B-Sc. The weather was the principal Influence In corn. That market , though not very ac tive , ruled firm and higher all day. Com mission houses were good buyers ; the sellIng - Ing was mainly by scalpers and against calls. The strength of wheat and flrm ca- bies helped. Receipts wsre liberal 835 cars. May ranged from 35 1-Sc to 35 3-bfj 33'/ic and closed 'Ac higher at 35 3-Sc. Oats was firm and slightly higher , prin cipally In sympathy with corn. Shorts cov ered In a scattered way all day , but trading as a whole wan light. There was a fair cash demand. Receipts were 490 cars. May ranged at from 26VMI2fi B-8o to 26 7-Sc and closed 1-Sc higher at 2Cc. Hog prices and the tone of grain markets favored buyers of provisions. Although prominent longs sold liberally at times , offerings wcro well taken and prices were maintained. There was a good deal of changing from January to May contracts. At the close May pork was unchanged at $3.0714 , May lard a shade higher at $5.35 and Hay ribs a shade lower at $4.80@4.82H. Estimated receipts for Tuesday : Wheat , ICO cars ; corn , 490 cars ; oats , 345 cars ; hogs , 40.000 head. Leading futures ranged as follows : Articles. Uptn. Hlfb . cie t. sat'd'y. fid eo en S7H K C7 (7X4M 60 ? , MWON 34K 34 * 84 S5H S6H 20(4 28 2fl 28 BOM 2UH 26 * 045 87 * 40 40 972 * 976 966 67 * 967 * 612 * R 15 510 112 * 12 * 375 37 * 532 * (35 92 * 4(15 ( 407 * 402 * 4(12 ( * 465 485 410 ISO 488 * 482 * No. 2. Cash quotations were as follows : PLOUR-Steadler ; winter patents , $3.40 63.60 ; straights , J3.1003.20 ; spring spe cials. $3.90 < Ef'4.00 : spring patents , $3.2003.60 ; tralghts. $2803.00 ; bakers. $2.202.40. WHEAT-No. 3 spring , 63W065c ; No. 2 red , I9c. I9c.CORN CORN No. 2 , 344f35c. ( OATS No. 2 , 26U@27Hc ; No. 2 white. 28i C29c ; No. 3 white , 2SS2SUc. RYE-NO. 2. HHC49ie. HARLEY-No. 2 , f. o. b. . 41 ( < ri9c. SEEDS-No. 1 flaxseed , $1.04Vfc@1.0G $ ; prime timothy Boed. $2.30. PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. . $8.10 ® B.15. Lard , per 100 Ibs. , $5.02H@5.07& . Short ribs sides ( loose ) , $1.5504.75. Dry salted shoulders ( boxed ) . J4.255J4.32V4J short clear Ides ( boxed ) , $ I.82&4H.85. WHISKY-Dlstlllers1 finished goods , per f ft' * 91.26. SUGARS-Cut loaf , $5.95 ; granulated , $5.45. The following were the receipts and ship- fnenU for today. CHAIN I.STOUK AND AFLOAT. Increase of 3R21OOO Itnineli In VU- ible Wheat Simply. NEW YORK , Doc. 19. The statement of the visible supply of grain In store and afloat for the week ending Saturday , De cember 17 , ns compiled by the New York Produce exchange , Is os follows : Wheat , 30,659,000 bu. ; Increase , n,821,000 bu. Corn , 18.153,000 bu. ; Increase , 306.000 bu. Oats , 6.009,000 bu. ; increase , 643,000 bu. Rye. 1,126,000 bu. ; decrease , 102.000 bu. Barley , 4,169,000 bu. ; Increase , 167,000 bu. i - NEW YOltlC GENEIlAfc MAIUCET. Quotation * for the liny on General Commoaitle * . NEW YORK. Dec. 19.-FLOUR-Recept9. ! 2,924 bbls. ; exports , 21,838 bbls. Mar ket moderately active and steadier , Influenced by th advance In wheat , closing flrm ; winter patents , J3.703J3.85- winter straights. J3.45O3.65 ; winter grades $2.70ijr2.90 ; winter low grades J" 40(5 ( ? " rv CORNMEAL-Flrm ; yellow western , 70 ® o. b. , 70aAILEY MALT-stetl(1y ; western , CO ® WHEAT Receipts. 237,735 bu xnnrti 120.62S bu. Bpot dull ; No 8 red P77 f b. . alloat. Optlona opened 5l8o h'lgn'c c ? ' cables being favorable and speculation qulfc Kenernl , Including n good foreign demand for May contracts. Later the market sold oft under Iquldatlon. following an increase in th vlslbla supply , but again nil led on covering and renewed Investment buying. assisted by firm accounts from Chicago The close wis steady. K@5-Se not higher 2SSV1.W 735-80 ! , b. . afloat. Options opened nominally at H 93-So hlsrlwir , but waa rather neglected by peculator * , followed the fluctuations In wheat with a flrm undertone by cables and closed 6-So net higher ; December closed al 40 < io : May. 40l-S&40Ue. closed at 40Vc. OATS Receipts , 115.200 bu. : exports , 45.000 bu. Spot dull ; No. 2 , 32tfc ; No. 2 white , 3lc. Options dull and nominal. HOPS Steady ; * tate , common to choice , ISM crop. 7 < fflc ; 1897 crop. UfflSc ; 1S9S crop. IWUc : Pacific coast , 1S9 crop , "HjSc ; 1S91 crop. 10@13c ; 1S9S crop , 190210. COTTONSEED OIL Steady ; prime crude 17'-jffl c ; prime yellow , 17p2c. ! TALLOW Dull ; city , 2H ; 3 9-16o : country , 8 3-8ft3 6-Sc. RICE Firm : domestic , fair to extra , 4i ( fMic : Japan. ( UKlfittc. MOLASSES Firm ; New Orleans , open kettle , rood to choice , 2 < ft3lc. BUTTJSR Receipts , 7.071 pkgs. ; market firm : Elrlns , 2lc ; factory. 14Hc. CHEESE-IUcdpts , 6,418 pkgs. ; Bteady largo , while. lOMftlO'Se ; dmnll , white , 10'jgi lie ; large , colored , lOURlOUc. EaGS-necelpts. 6.3S4 pkga.j flrm ! western - ern , 2Uc ; southern , 22fi2'c. : METALS Tin und lead advanced on light offerings. Al the close the Metal exchange callttd tilg Iron warrants quiet , nominally. J7K' ' ; lake copper , firm , with J12.SO bid nnd $12.95 nuked ; tin , flrm , with J1S.UO bid and J18.10 linked ; lend , very firm , wlth S3.SO bid and J3.S2V4 asked ; Mielter , quiet , nt J5.23. The llrtn naming the settling prlco for leading miners nnd smelters In the wpst quotes lead at J5.C5 and copper nt The Produce exchange will be closed De cember 24 and 2G. ) OMAHA OH.VKHAI. MARKET. Condition of Trade and Qnotntlon * on Ntnplo anil Kancy Produce. EGGS Good stock , 22c. BUTTER Common to fair , 12Jl ! ! c : choice , 13016c ; separator , ! < XS21c ; gathered creamery , liiJ19c. POULTRY Hens , live , < V4c ; dressed , B',4@ 6c ; old roosters , live. 3c ; dressed. 4IT4l,5c ; spring chlcxetis , live , 6H'S6c ' ; dressed , 6 © C'4c : ilticks. live , BHflCc ; drosard , 7c ; geese , live , 7c ; dressed , 7iSc ) ; turkeys , live , SB9c ; dretised , . . . , . „ „ . GAME Teal , blue wing , $1.73 ; green wing , $1.60 ; mixed , $1.7582.23 ; prairie chickens , $5 ; quail , per doz. , $ l.oOfil.lO ; jackrabblts , $1.25 ® 1.50 ; cottontails , 6G@75c. PlOEONS-Llve. per doz. , COc- VEAL Choice , M < 9c. VEGETABLES. CELERY California , good stock , 25c ; choice , 35c ; fancy , BOc. ONIONS Per bu. , 40050c. BEANS Hand-picked , navy , per bu. , $1.30 0-1.40. POTATOES Choice stock , 45Q50c ; sacked , 455JBOo ; poorer stock , 40c- HWEET POTATOES-Per bbl. , $2.50. CABBAGE-Per lb. , crated , lc. TROPICAL FRUITS. LEMONS California , fancy , $1.00 ; choice , $3.76. i ) HA NOES Mexicans , $4 ; email sizes , $3.75 ; Navels , fancy , $3.7304.00 ; choice , $3.60 ® 3.75 ; seedlings , $3.25. IIANANAS Choice , large stock , per bunch , $2.0032,25 ; medium sized bunches , $1.75fl2.00. FRUITS. APPLES Western Ben Davla. Genltons and Wlneinps , per bbl. , $3.50 ; New York Baldwin * , Greenlngsiand others , choice , per bbl. . S3.75fl4.00. PEARS-Bartlctt. California , out of the market ; other varieties , $2.25. STHAWBEHRIES-Per box , 30c. GRAPES-Malapa , per bbl. , $3.0008.60. CRANBflRRIES-Bell & Bugles , per bbl. , $7.50 ; Jersey , $8.2S06.50 : per crate , $2.25. QUINCES-Per box. $2- MISCELLANEOUS. CHRISTMAS GREENS Trees , 4.5 feet , per doz. , $2.00 ; B-8 feet , per doz. , $2.50 ; 7-9 feet , per doz. , $350 ; 8-11 feet , per doz. , J4.60 ; extra large trep , for school and church purposes , 12 to 24 feet , according to size and beauty , $2.00 to $5.00 each ; evergreen wreitnlng. In cells of JO yards , per coll. $1.00 ; holly brunches , in cases , 2x2x4 foot , about 60 Ibs. , J4.50 ; In bbls. , per bbl. , $2.00 ; wreathes , crosses and horseshoes , per doz. , $1.50 ; Ion * needle pines , 3 to 6 feet long , pr doz. , $3.50 ; mistletoe , In boxes of about 26 Ibs. , per box , $3.75 ; In smaller quantities , per lb. . 20c. NUTS Almonds , per lb. , 17c ; Brazils , per lb. , 910c ; English walnuts , per lb. , fancy , soft shell , 12c ; standards , lie ; filberts , per lb. , lie ; pecans , polished , 7tSc ; cocoanuts , per 100 , $4.50 ; peanuts , raw , 603c ; roasted , 7@7c ; chestnuts. SQ9c. MAPLE SYRUP Five-gal , can. each , $2.50 ; gal. cans , pure , per doz. , $12.00 ; half- gal , cans. $6.25 ; quart cans , $3.50. FI-3S Imported , none ; California , 10-lb. boxes , $1.50. HONEY Choice white , 12CT13c. DATES Hallowee , 60 to 70-lb. boxes. 6 ® 6c : Salr , 506c ; Fard , 9-lb. boxes , lOc. CIDER Per hnlf bbl. , $3.0003.15. SAUERKRAUT-Per half bbl. , $2.00. HIDES , TALLOW , ETC , HIDES No. 1 green hides , 7c ; No. 2 green hides , Oc ; No. 1 salted hides , 8'4c ; No. 2 salted hides , 7Wc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12 Ibs. , lOc ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 8c. TALLOW , GREASE , ETC. Tallow. No. 1 , 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2c ; rough tallow , lc ; whlto grease , 2Q3c ; yellow and brown grease , lifJ2',4c. SHEEP PELTS Green salted , each , 15 ® 75c ; green salted shearings ( short woole < l early skins ) , each , 15c ; dry shearings ( short wooled early skins ) , No. 1 , each , 5c ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool pelts , per lb , , actual weight , 45c ; dry flint , Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 304c ; dry Hint , Colorado rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4@6c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 304c. FURS Mink. 1075c ; bear ( black or brown ) , $5.00020.00 ; otter , $ l.BOa .00 ; beaver , $1.006.00 ; skunk , 15 < 3BOc : muskrat. 307c ; raccoon , 15fl50c ; red fox , 25cft$1.25 ( ; gray fox , 25069a ; wolf ( timber ) , 25c < 8$2.60 ; wolf ( prairie ) , coyote , IftgGOc ; wildcat , 1025c ; badger , 6@40c ; silver fox , $50.00975.00. Bt. Lonl * Market. ST. LOUIS , Dec. 19. WHEAT Steady for December , with May and July l-8c lower compared with Saturday ; spot lower ; No. 2 red cash , elevator , 69c asked ; track , 7071c ; December , 68 1-Sc bid ; May , 7" asked ; July , 65 3-Sc ; No. 2 hard cash , 64 . CORN Spot and options fractionally higher : No. 2 cash , December , 32 5-8c ; May , 33 B- BOATS OATS Options Irregular ; spot steady ; No. 2 cash. 27c bid : track , 27c : December , 27c bid ; May , 2794027 7-Sc bid ; No. 2 white , 28 % @ 29c. RYE-Flrm at 53c. SEEDS Flaxsecd , steady at $1.02 ; prlmo timothy seed , $2.30. CORNMEAL-Steady at $1.65@1.70. BRAN Firm ; sacked , east track , oCc. HAY Timothy , easy at $7.60S'9.50 ; prairie , Bteady at $6.6007.75. WHISKY Steady at $1.26. BUTTER Firm ; creamery , 18022c ; dairy , 14ffl8c. ( EGOS Lower at 20c. METALS-Lead. dull at $3.6003.62 % ; spel ter , dull at J5.00. PROVISIONS Pork. quiet ; standard mess , Jobbing , old , $8.25 ; new , $9.40. Lard , lower ; prime steam , $4.95 ; choice , $5.02 % . Dry salt meats , boxed shoulders , $1.12 % ; ex tra shorts. $4.62 % ; ribs , $4.75 ; shorts , $1.87 % . Bacon , boxed shoulders , $5.00 ; extra shorts , $5.12 % : ribs. $5.37 % ; shorts , $5.62 % . RECEIPTS Flour. C.OOO bbls. ; wheat , 44- 000 bu. : corn , 103,000 bu. ; oats , 67,000 bu. SHIPMENTS-Flour. 4,000 bbls. : wheat , 67,000 bu. ; corn , 63.000 bu. ; oats , 27,000 bu , Ilnltlniore Market. BALTIMORE , Doc. 19.-FLOUR-Dull and steady ; western superfine. $2.1502.50 ; west ern family , $3.25113.50 ; winter wheat patents , $2.G003.85 ; spring , western. $2.6003.80 ; spring wheat stralgths. $3.3503.60 ; receipts , 15,600 bbls. : exiwrts , 50 bbls. WirEAT Inactive and firmer ; spot nnd the month. 72J072c ( ; January , 7272c ; teamer , No. 2 red. 69H C9c ; receipts , 108,074 bu. ; exports * , none. Southern wheat , by sample. C8Q73c ; southern wheat , on grade. C9Jiit72- . CORN Firmer ; spot and the month. 39 % R397-Sc ; December , new or old , 39iJ03Dc : January , 39',4iff39V5c ' : steamer mixed , 36 % ® 36 ? < c ; receipts , 200,479 bu. ; exports , 8,571 bu. Southern white corn , 36039c ; southern yellow. 36 ( { J303-Sc. OATS-Dull : No. 2 white , 32c ; No. 2 mixed , 31032c ; receipts , 7,337 bu. RYE Firmer ; No. 2 western , 60c. BUTTER Steady ; fancy creamery , 22c ; store packed , 12013c ; rolls , 12Q13c. EOGS-Firm ; fresh. 23024c. CHEESE-Steady ; fancy , large , 10fllO ic ; medium , lO&QUc ; small , Kanna * Cltr Grain nnd ProvUlon * . ICANSA8 CITY , Dec. 19. WHEAT Higher ; No. 2 hard , 61V4fI63c ; No. 3 , 68061V4c ; No. 2 red. 69Hc : No. 3 , 620660 ; No. 2 spring , 600620 ; No. 3. 66060c. CORN-Stendy : No. 2 mixed , 33o ; No. 2 white , 32c ; No. 3 , SIVJc. OATS-Steady ; No. 2 white , 27 028e. RYE-Steady ; No. 2 , 49 < ic. HAY Lower ; choice timothy , J6.75g7.00 : choice prairie. J6.50&7.00. BUTTER Steady ; separator , 19c ; dairy , EGGS-Flrm ; fresh , 2U5c. Dulntli Grain Market. DULUTH. Dec. 19.-WHEAT-No. 1 hard , 655-Sc ; December , C57-Sc : May. 67ic ; No. 1 northern , cash , 637-Sc ; December , 637-Sc : Mar , CCJ4c ; No. 2 northern , 59 3-Sc ; No. 3 spring , 667-So ; to arrive. No. 1 hard. 6fi 4c ; No. 1 northern. 64 4c. Receipts , 233,940 bu. ; shipments. 150,167 bu. CORN 32Hc. OATS-2S028 C. RYE-Slc. BARLEY 36042c. FLAXSEED-92 c ; May , 91c. . ' Clnelnnntl Market. CINCINNATI , Dec. 19.-WHEAT-Flrm ; No. 2 red , C9c. CORN Firm ; No. 2 mixed. 34Uc. OATS-FIrm ; No. 2 mixed , 29',4c. RYE-Steady : No. 2 , BM57c. PROVISIONS-Bulk meats , quiet and steady at J4.90. Lard , J4.93. Bacon , quiet and Hteadv nt J5.0T.00.50. KGGS Firm at 20c. SttOAR-FIrm : yellow , rcflned. J4.4404.47. CHEESE-FIrm ; good to prime Ohio flat , Liverpool Grain Market. LIVERPOOL , Dec. 19.-WHEAT-Qulet. 30 , % ? hlBher ; Depfmber , Bs ll id ; March Bs lWd : May. Bs STid. CORN-Dull but steady. W,4d higher ; December , 3s 10 3-Sd ; January , 3s 9\d , : ' March. 3s Slid ; May , 3s s 3-Sd. Imports of wheat during the week were > ; From Atlantic ports , 101,900 quarters ; from Pacific ports , none ; from other ports , 4.WO quarters ; Imports of corn from Atlantic , rorts 1 for the week , 43,000 quarters. I . Ornln < ItepHpt * nt Principal Market * , MINNEAPOLIS , Dec. 19.-Recelpts : Wheat , 1.3SO cars. DULUTH. Dec. 19.-Rccelpts : Wheat , 115 cam. ST. LOUIS , Dec. 19.-Rccflpts : Wheat , 102 earn. CHICAGO , Dec. 19.-Estlmated receipts for tomorrow : Wheat , ISO cars ; corn , 410 cars ; oat * , 345 CRTS. KANSAS CITY , Dec. 19-Recelpta : Wheat. 278 cars. Toledo Market. TOLEDO , Dec. 19-WHEAT-Hlgher , dull ; No. 2 cash and December , 70c bid ; Mny. 71Uc bid. CORN Active , steady ; No. 2 mixed , cash and December , 35c. OATS Dull , steady : No. 2 mixed. 27c. RYE Unchanged ; No. 2 cash. 52c. CLOVERSEED-Hlgher , steady ; prime , old , $1.20 ; new , cash and December , $1.65 % . MlnneaiuiIlN Wheat Market. MINNEAPOLIS. Dec. 19. WHEAT-Mar- kot strong ; December , 6lc ; May , C53-Sc ; on track , No. 1 hard , 66n ; No. 1 northern , 64c ; No. 2 northern , 63c. FLOUR First patents , $3.700.1.SO : second patents , $3.5003.60 ; flrst clears , $2.7502.85. Milwaukee drain Market. MILWAUKEE , Dec. ID.-WlIKAT-Mar- ket higher ; No. 1 northern , G7ttc ; No. 2 nothern , spring , (15SC6c. ( RYE-HlKhcr ; No. 1. 5l05l c. BARLEY-Stcady ; No. 2. 4S0I9c ; sample , I I'corlit Market. PEORIA. Dec. IS.-CORN-Steady ; No. 2 , . OATS-Qulet ; No. 2 white , 26c. WHISKY Firm , on basis of J1.25 for finished goods. OPERATIONS IN STOCKS AMI 1)OMS. Brenk In Su nr of Four Point * Fol lowed by Fractional Ilnlly. NEW YORK , Dec. 19. The stock market today moved irregularly and resulted In many chants In prices. The market had a good undertone nnd wa devoid of Inter esting features. Little was dona In the standard stocks , nnd the Industrials ex cept Sugar , which broke nearly 4 points and rallied fractionally. The confirmation of the rei > ort that Secretary and Treasurer Bcarles would retire , owing to 111 health , was use l In depressing Sugar. Central Pacific was strong In anticipation of a reorganization plan which was ex pected to follow any settlement which the company may make with the government. Southern Pacific , which would benefit In any Improvement In Central Pacific , rose 3 points. Baltimore & Ohio stocks were af fected favorably by the reports that the Baltimore & Ohio Southwestern reorganiza tion was well forward. ' Metropolitan Street Railway gained 3 points after having been comparatively Inactive and weak. The reA vlval of talk of underground rapid transit was probably the cause of weakness In Manhattan. Prices were well h ld until the last hour , when there was a break In AtchlEon and the grangers. Traders worked for a decline on the theory that such a movement was usual before , the Christmas holidays. Active bulls displayed gratification .at the continuance of outside Interest In the market which was reflected In the undue prominence of some of thu minor stocks In the trading. Tennessee Coal and Iron became strong and marked up 2 points , and the rest of the list sym pathized In this movement fractionally and the market left off flrm. Operations In railway and miscellaneous securities were attended with the same ag gressive show of strength which has charC acterlzcd the dealings for sonu time. Busl- ness , however , was somewhat below totals and a more general division of Interest In the securities not usually prominent. Total salea 6,310,000. United States 4s nnd the 3s advanced 1-8 per cent In the bid price. i The Commercial Advertiser's London 1 financial cablegram says : The markets here were good In tone today and a fair business was done , considering the prox imity of the holidays. Americans were quiet and hesitating till the afternoon when they hardened steadily , closing at the best. The dealings were small : The features wore Baltimore & Ohio , Denver & Rio Grande preferred and Central Pacific. Spanish bonds spurted to 416-8 on rumors of a French loan. Twenty thousand pounds , sterling , in gold arrived from Australia and 83,000 from the. . Cape. Thirty thousand pounds , sterling , were taken for Malta. Germany took the bulk .of the Capo arrival at B7s llH'l. Money was firm. About 1- 000,000 In , loans from the bank were re newed. Tht following are the closing ; quotations of the leading stocks on the New York market today : AtcWsoa ISVi.St. L. & 8. F 8V4 do pfd MVij do 1st pfd 68VS Baltimore & Ohio. . 65 do M vfd 33'i Canada , Pacific . . . . So St. I * & 8. W Canada Southern. . . M do pfd loTi Central PaclOo . . . . 39'4 . i mil . uv v > m. Hftm * * w / st. Paul * l > * * * * * llll. V/4 Chcs. & Ohio 33 i do pfj 1MH Ctitcauo & Alton. . .103'.4 ' ru . I * . & 0 . 9144 Chicago , B. & Q..12l i | do pfd . 16G Chlcaco & E. I. . . . 67 'st. ' P. . SI. & M..173 * ? ? Southern PfLelnc . . as . i : a. W 15 Southern Hallway. . lO & * . : : : j * f dSIWnMN > W"lX51/4 Unlon i'0"10 < ° 'i c..dc. . < ? * : lA i < w-z * do pfd 97 . ' . * " . ' " " * * ' - * ; Del. & Hudson 101 % * ; a alfd""I „ < fd""I > v Denver. & IUo"a" 17 % "W. & UK 6 % < jo pfd. . . . 6tfc " ° P * " - VB Erie ( n < rw ) 14 Adams Express . . .106U do 1st pfd 36 % American Ex HI Fort Wayne ITS U. S. Expree * 43 Gt. Nor. pfd 139 \Vol9-F\u-x ! > Ex . .122 Hocb'iifr Volley . . . 3 > , i A. Oat. Ol 33 Illinois Central . . . .113 do pfd S7'.4 Lake Brie & W. . . . 18H American Spirits. . . 12 do ptd 70 % do pfd 3314 Lake Shore 1 American Tobacco. . Hi U & N. . . . . . ' , ! ' do pfd 127 ? "uv 1&4 Consolidated das . .U5 Mt t " * Sntva14 ! 1"Co uiAinn : : Ssp1- , 12L M1 - - ' : : : : : : % * Gen0Eiepc -ic : : " : : : : $ * ' " ' ' ' M. . K. & T. . . . . . . . IS'/d do pfd 37' N. Y. Central 1IZ Lead 37'i N. Y. . C. & St. L. . 14 do pfd lU'/i do 1st pfd 70 Nat. Lin. Oil S'4 do d pfd 26 Pacific Mall 42 } * Nor & West . ; ; ; ; ; ; WJ reoole-s Ooa ICS',4 No Am. Co 6T4 Pullman Palace . . .US Northern Pncino . . 41Vi Silver CerMlcatfs. . 69J4 do pfd 7C'i Standard It. & T. . BVi ' Ontario & W 17 | Suirar 12 < Hi Oregon R. & N. . . . 61 do pfd UiMi Oregon S. L SS',1 | Tennes.iee C. & I. . S6V4 P. O. 1st pfd S1V4 U. S. Leather do 2d pfd 61 do pfd rittsburg 172 U. S. Kubbcr 44 > 4 Heading 19 do pfd 111 % do 1st pfd 4GVa Western Union . . . . 9Ui n. a. w 20 Federal Steel 5ST4 do JfJ. , C4 do pfd 70)i Rock Wand IWi 2d nsst. paid. 4th nsst. paid. The total sales of stocks today were 629i COO shares , Including 2.910 Atchlson. 5tii30 ! Atchlson preferred , 34,550 Baltimore & Ohio , 35,900 Central Pacific. 12,524 Burlington , C.S25 Denver & Rio Grande preferred , 15,040 Lake Erie & Western. 7,845 Erie preferred , 12.S30 Louisville & Nashville , 10,310 Manhattan , 9,010 Metropolitan , 6,060 Readlnu preferred , 11.020 Missouri Pacific , 5.120 Northern Pa cific. 4.225 Rock Island. 41.120 Union Pacific , 20,020 Union Pacific preferred. 16.520 St. Paul , 10,520 Southern Pacific , 4,115 Southern I ( Gas , 3.728 Consolidated Ga > , G9.A20 Sugar , 22.01G Tennessee Coal & Iron , 4,395 Rubber , 9,080 Chicago Great Western. notion Stuck < lnotiitlon . BOSTON , Dec. 19. Call loans , 2ff3 per cent ; time loans , 3tf4 per cent. quotations on stocks , bonds and mining shares : A. . T. & S. F ISH'Bd. Elec. Tel 156 American Sugar . .iOTi On. Bloc , pfd 158 do pfJ Ill Atoh'son pfd 5114 Bay mate Gas : ? -Atahlson is Jlt-ll Telephone AVU. Central lsts.,128 JICMton A Albiny. . : 7 Allouez lllnlnfi Co. &H lloston & Maine..170 Atlantic lloston L S2'i Ikutnn & Montii. : C. . n. & Q llili llutto & . . . . 77 FItchtmrir 107 Calumet & Htcla..C15 fleneral Kleetrlo . . Ki Centennial WV4 Mexican General . . 6\i Franklin . . . S i N. Y. & N. E Old Dominion OM Colony 1971i Osceola 72H Oreeon S. L M Qulncy n& ItubU-r 4 ( Tamnra'clc 171 Union PoclOo 40t > Wolvrrliw 31H West Und WJi Parrott 3 > ! i do pfd Ill Humboldt 2'i rt. Electrlo 39Vi Union Land 11T4 do pfd 60 Adventure E7J 7if\r York MiningQitntntlnn * . NEW YORK. Dec. 19. The following are the closing quotations on mining stocks : Choler it Ontar'o SCO Crown Point 17 Ophlr K Con. Cal. & Va..ll5 1'ivmontli 10 D ulwood 10 Quicksilver < 10 Goulj & Curry 31 do pfd SCO Hale & Norcro3s.lW > R'erra Nevada S3 llnmeitakt saX .Standard > 0 Iron Silver 70 Union Con 19 Mexican M Yellow Jacket U Korelmi Fluanelnl. LONDON. Dec. 19. The market for Amer ican securities ruled Irrccular , with a bull ish undertone. There were , however , no decided features. The closing was fairly Bteady and the demand moderate. Amount of bullion gone Into the Bank of England on balance today , 73.000. Gold premiums nro : Buenos Ayres. 116 ; Madrid , 31.90 ; Lisbon , .Wj Home. 7.57. Spanish is , ii.75 PARIS. De . 19 , Prices Martcd firm on the boumo today , but mibsccuiently they slightly reacted and dullness prevailed nt the finish. Spanish 4a were agitated , but i closed steady. Rio Tlntos recovered I smartly. South African securities weak ened slightly. Spanish 4n closed nt 41.90 , Three per cent rentes , 103f 93Ho for the ac count. BERLIN , Dec. 19. Despite the favorable bank returns private discount on the bourse today advanced 1-S per cent on tic- count of the settlement. Money ruled nt 73-SK714 per cent nml was firm. Soma In- U-rnatlonnl securities wcro harder. Span ish securities advanced , Mexicans were In good demand nnd Argentines were fa vored. MADRID. Deo. 19. Spanish 4fl closed to day at 69.CO ; gold was quoted at 33.SO , Now York Monry Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 19.-MUM2Y ON CALL Stendv. Wi per cent. PRIME MERCANTILE PAPER-3G-I per cent. STBRLINO EXCHANG73-Easlcr , with actual bunltutts In bankers' bills at N.SI'f , ( ! I4.S4 i for demand and nt J4.SlHffl.81li for sixty days ; powtod rates , SI.S2H , nnd J4.SJ'4 ; commercial bllln. JI.SO',6- ' SILVER CRKTlKICATES-BOttQCOVic. BAR S1LVJ2U-B9HC. MEXICAN DOLLAK8-C64C. OOVKRNMENT BONDS-Strong ; United States SilOG i ; ncw4c , registered , 123 ; 4"cou pon. 126U ; 4s , 111 % ; 4s , coupon , 1112T4 ! 2s , 90V4 ; Cs , registered nnd coupon , 112 % ; Pa cific 03 of 'fl9 , 102ft. The following are the closing quotations on bonds : eu . H. new 4 . reff..lZcii N.Y. C. Utn . 117 U.S. do coup T.HU .S'.J. C. fts . 11& u.s. 4t.rrt im < N. C. On . I'J5 u. s. aocouu mu N. C , 4s . 104 U. S. yirug \ UDVt No. Paclflr Inn. . . .US U. A. As , roe 113 No. Pacific 38 . 70 U. S. An , coup ll'JJi No. I'aclQe 48 . ini't District II.USs 11R N. Y. C. A lit. L. 4S..10IIJ4 Alil.clllH A 10M N.A W.Oi . m Aln. , clafs n 108 N. W. Contois . 143 Ala..class c 100 N.W. Deb. As . IBS Aln. , Currency 100 Orn. N. 1st * . 114 Atchlnoii4n Pf > ' < Ore. N. 48 . BOH Uo. d ) . 4s 78V O. S , L , On t. r . 129 Canada So. Sds Ill O. 8. L. is t. r . HOli c. & o. 4) ) < s m > U Pacific ( ' of95 . 102H Chi. Terms. . 4s 94 > ( Ucadlnr48 . HUH C. .to. 6 1174 n. n. w. iKts . U2 C. H. , t U. 4Hn 104H St. L. A I. M. D.&K.O. lats lid St. L. A3. F. D. .V. n. G. 4 * IdlM st. r. conBou . KantTcnn. Isln 10TH St. I * . C. &I > . lstn. . ErlfO n. 4i ! iM St. P. C. A P. Os. . F. W. A D. Ista. t. r. 85 * SO. Ky. A . Gen Klec.Cs 107) 5. K. AT.llB . O. H. AS. A fls 107 Tenn. new sot 3s. . . t)4 G. H. AS.A. t'ds. . . 103 T. P. L. O. iHts . 110 H.fcT. Cent. S 11' ' T. P. KIT. 2ds . 4714 II. &T. . con. OS..11M U. P. D. A O. IBIS. . 87 lovvaC. IstR 1U4 Wan. 1st 6s . lii : ! { LH. Nt-w Con. 4a..lo7 Wab.Ms . fl/1 / L..N. Unl. 4 07' < W.SIiorc 4s MlHlotlrl 08 100 Va. Centuries . 8H M. K. AT. d . . . . ( I7K Vn. aMerred . 7 > i M. K. AT. 4n 91 Wls. Cunt. l ts . Ot Sail Frnnolnco Mlnlnic SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 19. The official closing quotations for mining stocks to day were as follows : Alta s Justice ir Alpha Con 3 Kentucky Con 6 Andes 3 Mnxlcon 29 Belvher 16 Occidental Con . . . .110 Dest & Uclcher . . . . 34 Ophlr 02 million 2 Overman 7 Caledonia 20 Potosl 19 Chollar 16 Savage 11 Confidence C3 Sierra Nevada . . . . SO Oon. Cola , & V.1..105 Union Con 14 Crown Point 14 Utah Con 11 Gould & Currle. . . . 23 Yellow Jacket 16 Hale ' & Norcross..l6l Standard 223 Silver bars , DOWcFMexlcan "dollars , 47 4 © I'ftc. Drafts , sight , 15c ; telegraph , KVic. London Stock Quotation * . LONDON , Dec. 1J.-4 p. m. Closing : Consols , money..110 3-t6 N. Y. " Central..712714 OonroK axct..110 7-16 Pennsylvania fijTi Canadian Pacific . . 87H iRcodlntr . " . . . . . , . . . 10' Krle l i u. r. vti" . . . . . . . . . 74 Hrlo 1st pfd M4 Atchlson 19 : Illinois Central . . . .117 I. , it N < vv N. Pacific pfd 79 .Grand Trunk ! 7 16 . 1'aul Ul I ? fA t ? L'XESrWenk ! 21W Per ounce/ MONEY 2V4iiJ3 per cent. , 1T " th ( > onen market for short P Sl 5i'153 Pfr cent ! for threw .months' bills , 33-8S3',4 per cent. Flnnnclnl Note * . OMAHA. Dec. 19. Bank clearlnars today were ' J1.31S.312.39 : balances , J173,724T4S. One year ago the clearings were Jl,090C4li.S5 ; J " 'a"FQ ' ? ' * 51'836-93 ; Increase In clearings , > 7 < < * 7.C6 < > > 54. WASHINGTON ! Dec. 19. Today's state ment of the condition of the treasury shows : Available cash balance , J291S95,111. Gold reserve. J244,693.4G6. ST. LOUIS , Deq. 19.-Clearlnps , J5,92S.1S6 ; balances , J464.358. Money , B7 per cent. New York exchange , par bid , lOc premium. CHICAGO , bec.LJ9. Clearings , J21.B29.S3S : balances , J2. 421,877. New. York exchange , lOo P.rRP'Km ' Sterllnsr exchange , posted rates , $4.S2 4-1.85H. Stocks active and strong ; Tln- platti and Biscuit in special demand : Alley L . , 75 ! Biscuit common , 49 ; Biscuit pre ferred , IMVi : Diamond Match , 149 ; Lake Street L , 14 ; North Chicago. 224 ; West , Chicago , 9SH. CINCINNATI , Dec. 19. Money at 2WC per cent ; New York exchange , 25c and 40o discount ; cleorlnes , J2,9S8,550. PHILADELPHIA , Dec. 19.-Clcarlngs , J10.816.63S ; balances. J2.0C3.373. BALTIMORE. Dec. 19. Clearings , J2.B04- 204 ; balances. J401.12S. NEW YORK. Dec. 19-ClearIngB , J108.20S- 821 ; balances. $6,655,965. BOSTON , Dec. 19. Clearings , J1B,874,371 ; balances , Jl.738,724. Nciv Vork Dry Good * Market. NEW YORK. Dec. 19.-The market for bleache < I cottons Is strong In tone with a fair demand. Sixty-square bleaches held for 3ic ; market advances In wide bleached held for 5c ; quite an advance In wide sheetings ' of 6 to 7',4 per cent. The common cottons were very firm In heavy weights. with fair sales. Fine yarn goods firm , but demand poor ; print cloths quiet , but prices maintained ; prints In good request ; glngi ham.i \ show an average demand at good prices ; woolen goods unchanged In all respects ; cotton hosiery dull , but underwear Is selling well for spring on re-orders nt previous prices. California Dried Frnltn. NEW YORK. Dec. 19.-CALIFORNIA DRIED FRUITS Firm. Evaporated ap ples , common. 7 < 8Sc ; prime wire tray. 84c ; choice. 93V4c ; fancy. lOc. Prunes , 410Hc. Apricots. Royal , ll@14c ; Moor Park , 14f ( > 17c. j Peaches , unpeeled , S' H'/Jc ; peeled , lo'y J ' mvC * nOOSEVKLT'S ALDAXV HOME. It U Now lie I UK Renovated for the Oovcriior anil III * Family. Superintendent of Public Buildings Easton 1I began 1 his work on the executive mansion at I Albany last Wednesday , after Mrs. Black had ! entertained Mrs. Roosevqlt. Every room i In the big dwelllne. reports the New York Herald , has been stripped of Its carpets - I pets 1 , hangings , bric-a-brac and furniture j and i It will bo arranged as the Rooaevelta desire. The mansion le a large , roomy , three story frame building , located In what Is not now a fashionable neighborhood. The house sets back about seventy-five feet from the street nnd an Iron fence surrounds the i grounds. The main hall , about sixty feet ' long , varies from ten to fifteen feet in width. | Thcro are many pictures and pieces of bric-a-brac left behind by various gov- I ernore. The bachelor governors seem to have bad better taste than those that wcro married and to have been willing to spend the money necessary to gratify It. For In stance , Governor Tllden left behind a mag nificent suite of inlaid furniture and Gov ernor Hill a grand piano. In the butler's quarters all the china and glassware belonging to the state are kept. There are now on hand more than a dozen eats of china and the size of each eet can be Imagined when it is stated that it con tains 300 dinner plates , forty-eight largs and forty-eight small soup plates , and thcro are In ths glassware closet a dozen sets of fifty each of champagne , puuch , apolllnarls and water glasses. Colonel Roosevelt could entertain a regiment of Rough Riders with case. In the dining room are two safes , one largo and ono small , in which the state's silver is kept. The large safe had to be purchased when Mr. Morton became gov ernor , as he brought a largo amount of sliver belonging to himself to the mansion. Nothing definite ta known yet as to Mrs. Roosevelt's plans for entertaining. Judging by the examples set by Mrs. Morton and other predecesors , there will be a New Year's day reception and then one or two between that date and the beginning of Lent. At these functions the presence of the governor la , of course , a necessity. In addition , Mrs. Roosevelt will have her "at home" day once a week. Lively times In the fashionable world of Albany nre ex pected during the winter and for tbo first time in many years the voices of little chil dren will bo heard in the big mansion and about the grounds. OMAHA LIVE STOCK MARKET Oattls Scarce and Hogs Plenty , with the Trading fairly Active , PRICES RANGE STRONG TO HIGHER Cnttlc I'nully Advance n Dime nnil Hotter Tliiiu u Sluulo Over Saturday' * Clone , llnyer * lle- Inir n Little Uvluctiiiit. SOUTH OMAHA , Dec. 19. Cattle , lloas. Sheep. Receipts today C2S G,7M 1M3 Ofllclal Inst Monday . . . . 2,5M 6,072 J.S37 Two week * ago 1.7.W ' . . ' ,235 2,627 Three weeks ago 3,112 3,425 2iw3 Today's receipts showed a heavy falling oft in the cattlu run , thu receipts being the Btnallest for u Monday In n long Urns. On the other hand the receipts of hogs , barring lust Monday , wcro unusually largo for a Monday. Average price paid for nogs for the lust several days , wltn comparisons : US9S.lS97.lS9u.lS9j.189t.lS93.lS92. | | | | | | Dec. 1 . . . . 3 25 | 3 23 | 3 19 V1 6 281 6 70 Dec. 2 i 1'Ej 3 25 3 0.1 3 35 C 1 5 7 Die. 3 3 291 3 10 3 23 3 42 4 17 tJ M Dec. 4 321 3 1C 3 39 > 4 38 5 13 Urc. 6 3 37 3 ft ) | 3 33 4 27 5 14 5 91 Deo. 3 31 3 23 3 33 4 35 5 03 | 6 Oo Dec. 7 3 22 3 03' ' 3 06 4 33 5 OS' C 01 Dec. 8 3 29 3 17 3 19 4 34 6 14 5 9J ! Doc. U 3 23 3 13 3 21 3 32 6 15 6 SO Pec. 10 3 31 3 13 3 21 3 35 4 20 6 00 Dec. 11 3 1 3 17 3 2S 4 20 6 10 6 Ot Dec. 12 337 3 20 3 31 425 6 07 G 11 Dec. 13. . . . 3 38 320 3 33 4 20 5 07 6 11 Dec. 14 333 3 23 3 2S 3 3S 4 21 6 II 6 17 Dec. 15. . . . 3 2 3 24 3 17 4 09 5 00 $21 Dec. 1C. . . . 3 30 3 29 3 17 3 37 , * 4 92 6 20 Dec. 17. . . . 3 20 3 31 3 17 , 3 40 41 : 641 Dec. 18. . . . * 3 31 3 1C 3 30 4 13 4 ! )0 ) Dec. 19. . . . 3 28 3 18 3 31 4 07 4 87 6 33 Indicates Sunday. The ofllclal number of cars of stock brought In today by each road was : c. , M. & 8l. P. Ry. O. & St. L. Ry . Missouri Pacific Ry . i Union 1'ucltlc System . 3 11 C. & N. W. Ry . 12 ! ' . , K. & M. V. R. R . 2 11 C. . St. 1' . , M. & O. Ry . H. & M. R , R. R . 14 14 C. , U. & Q. Ry . 2 10 C. . R. I. & P. Ry. , 13 . 1 7 C. , R. 1. & P. Ry. , W . 1 Total receipts . 22 87 7 The disposition of the day's receipts was as follows , each buyer purchasing the num ber of head indicated : Uuyers. Cattle. Hogs. Sheep. Omaha Packing Co . 7 1125 . . . . The G. H. Hammond Co. . 25 971 . . . . Swift and Company . 42 10S7 . . . . The Cudahy Packing Co. . 101 1040 948 Armour & Co . 126 1079 338 R. Decker and Dcgan . 3 . Vansant & Co . 73 . J. L. Carey . 67 . Lobinan & Co . 91 . W. I. Stephens . 29 . Huston ii Co . 33 . McCreary . 24 . Armour , from S'.oux City . 490 . . . . Other buyers . . . 124 . Left over . 276 Totals . 740 6795 1562 CATTLE H was a. bad day for a cattle market In ono way as there was a slight fall of mist-like rain which made It very disagreeable In the yards and did not add to the appearance of the cattle. However , thcro were very few cattle here of any kind and If a buyer wanted anything ho had I to get out and hustle. The result was that the early market was quite active , buyers apparently all wanting a few fat cattle. The prices paid were at least lOc higher on good kinds than the close of last week , 'some would say more than that. It was , however , one of those unstable markets apt to prevail during the holiday season , for , while the early cattle sold at very satisfactory prices , It was extremely dlfllcult to get anyone out to look at some good cattle that came In late. One bunch of good , well fattened Iowa cattle sold at : { 5.35 , and some warmed-up steers went at Only a very few loads of cow stuff were In the yards , mostly on the common order , there being very little that could bo called ! good. The market did not show much ' change and values as a rule were Juet about steady with the close of last week There was nothing of any account In the way of bulls or stags , only a few scatter ! ing : head being reported In. | There were a few loads of feeders in the yarda , and as speculators wera pretty well cleaned up nt the close of last week they wanted a few and the marlcH was strong to lOo higher. A bunch of good weight steer ? , but u little coarse , went at JJ.SU. while Koma peed , well bred yearlings brought $4.15. Representative sales : BEEF STEERS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. 2. . $65 $4 10 6..12CO$450 IS. .132815 10 2. . 900 440 3. . 1100 490 18. .1277 635 22. . 485 4 45 22. . 1254 4 95 COWS. 1. . 870 2 00 3. . 1016 2 Co 1..1000 305 1..1010 200 1. . 9SO 2 70 3. . 1180 3 15 1. . 730 2 00 1..1130 2 75 1..1150 3 15 3. . 833 2 15 1. . SCO 2 73 1. . 1190 3 15 8. . S08 2 15 16. . SIO 2 SO 1..1030 3 IS 1. . 6SO 2 35 29. . 20 2 S : > 1. . G30 3 10 2..1010 2 40 2. . 1205 2 90 1. . 1076 3 40 1..1150 2 50 14. .1034 2 90 2..113J 3 45 . . 950 250 1..12SO 3 00 3. . 1WI 3 i 5..1154 2 CO HEIFERS. 1. . 950 3 20 1..1000 3 23 1. . 930 390 COWS AND HEIFERS. 2. .1320 325 12. . 962 3 I BULLS. 2. . 925 250 2..13C5 290 I. . S59 3 SO 1..1CMO 2 75 1..1300 3 00 1..1770 3 CO 1..1050 2 SO 1..1S20 350 CALVES. 1. . 4CO 4 05 1. . 370 4 25 1. . 210 6 60 STOCKERS AND FEEDERS. 21. . 810 315 1. . 730 350 72. . 747 400 1. . G20 3 25 29. . S62 3 S3 3. 623 4 10 3. . 920 3 40 28. . 935 3 So 76. C69 4 15 WESTERNS. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. S bulls 941 $2 C5 15 feeders. . 964 $1 00 20 feeders. . 840 340 22 steers..1145 400 HOGS There was a good , liberal run of hogs today for the first of the week and tr.ost other markets were also well sup- pllJd. Chicago reported 43,000 head , Kansas City , 10,000 head ; St. Joseph , 3,000 head , and Bt. Louis , 12,000 head. The. market opened a little better than the extreme close Satur day and strong with Saturday's general market. The range of prices on the opening market was $3.23'tJ3.35. Big , heavy. IIOKS brought largely $3.25 , heavy mixed , $3.2ij ! 3.27V4 : ; light mixed and medium weights , $ r.27 ! Q3.30 , with a choice light load at .35. The market was not particularly active as buyers were not disposed to bid up very strong and sellers were all pricing their holdings pretty high. Still the hogs kept selling and In reasonably good season every thing was disposed of. On Saturday it will be remembered that the long strlns wan ut J3.25 , owing to the fact that the most of the late sales were at that price , so that today's i market was strong In comparison with the close of last week. It will be noted from the table of average - ago prices at head of column that the week starts out with the market about lOc lower than It was at ths beginning of last week , still the market Is not ns low a ? It was at the beginning of the month. The demand on the part of packers seems to bo vary good from the fact that they arc not satls- Jled with the current receipts , but are ship- pine In a good many hogs from other market points. It Is this nctlvu buying de mand which IH sustaining the market and holding It close up to Chicago. Rep resentative sale * : No. Av. Sh. Pr. No. Av. Sh. Pr. 30 29D 40 J3 25 4S 301 ICO 3 27"t C3 2)2 40 3 23 55. . . . . .2i2 SO 3 271,4 74 303 3GO 323 C2 2)0 SO 3 27V4 B2..370 160 3 25 71 274 . . . 327V4 i 01 3U7 K.O 3 25 57 ' ' ' 311 5Q 3 27Va C5 294 120 323 til.293 ! ; 120 3 27'.A 41 149 . . . 325 49 2S7 . . . 3 27 > , i 97 224 40 3 25 77 273 320 3 27 % U 337 160 3 25 67 322 327 % 62 335 120 3 25 CO 274 iC U.2 SO 3 23 CO 202 47 369 40 3 2T 2 2b6 8'J ' 3 27 % 63 333 SO 3 23 C2 3'tS 40 3 27 % CO 307 120 3 2. > . . . 327 > 4 C9 31'3 160 3 23 SO 3 27'i 69 335 ItX ) 3 23 . .246 3SO 3 27J5 55 320 60 3 25 . .276 40 3 30 39 305 40 3 2-i . . . : ! 30 51 321 40 3 23 M 3 30 54 3 > 5 120 3 23 SO 3 30 63 230 40 3 23 SO 3 30 49 353 . . . 325 40 3 30 C9 2CI 100 327 40 330 62 32'1 40 3 27 . . . 330 80 209 160 3 27V. SO 3 30 67 2G8 40 3 27V4 160 3 30 59. . .311 fO 3 27' , . . . 3 30 49. . .317 240 3 27V 160 3 30 CO. . .241 . . . 327 . . . 330 10. . . .11)7 ) 40 327V4 SO 3 30 61. . . .341 160 3 271,4 120 3 30 62. . . .315 . . . 3 27'i 40 3 30 76. . . .20 120 3 271.4 . . .233 SO 3 27l . . .339 200 3 27U _ . . . . . . 51 2S9 ICO 3 27U 75 241 120 330 78 232 120 3 27W C9 253 . . . 3 32V4 72 2h9 bO 327U 70 227 . . . 3 22& Co 254 3271 , 90 . 213 40 335 46 120 3 27' ' ( , 88 . 190 . . . 3 33 WAGON LOTS PIGS. 1 C20 . . . 223 4 312 . . . 325 3 373 . . . 322',3 ' 4 660 . . . 325 f 2-tl . . . 325 6 161 . . . 327U C 3iW . . . 323 G 216 . . . 3 27J4 7 212 . . . 325 1 270 . . . 3274 * HHURl'-Advlcen from all sfHInc points were unfavorable this morning , Indicating ns they did large receipts and lower prices. At this point the receipts were moderate * but the most of the oftcrliiKs conflicted of heiivy westerns' , which hnvo been selling ton high at this point , In comparison with other markets. The result was that the market was plow nnd at the very Icust lOo lower nnd the morning win well ndvntircil before everything hnd c-hnnncd hands , Some heavy westornn brought J.I.W. but theout - sldu prlco on the same kind of stuff In Chicago cage last week was $3.75 , and today the market was by no mean * bad hern In com parison. Other pretty good wethers sold up tn J-I.SS. Shippers must bear In mind that heavy sheep nre poor sellers In all the markets of the country. In quotations It must also betaken taken Into consideration that "choice" mi'niiH Vholco" stuff of the kind that buy ers want. Quotations nre : Good cornfpd western wethers , J3.75'ir3.93 ; fair to peed , J3.60ff3.73 ; good to choice Mexican yearlings , Jl.2f.Hf 4.33 ; choice western yearlings , JI.lBff4.25 ; fair to good western yearlings , J390.UI.15 ; fed ewes , J3.25iJf3.BO ; good to choice lambs , J5.0WB.15 ; fair to good lambs , J4.60D4.7B ; feeder yearling. J3.75ff3S5 ; feeder lambs , Jt.00ir4.40 ; cull sheep , J2.00ij3.00 ; cull lambs , JJ.OOfl3.5U. No. . Av. Pr. 33 western ewes 109 J3 25 3.1S western wethers 13.1 360 454 Oregon sheep 125 375 205 western wethers 131 3 CS 1 buck native 230 300 187 western mixed 88 SCO 70 western yearlings 75 4 00 llamb , . . . , , . . . . . . . . . 140 523 : CHICAGO LIVE STOCK MAHKET. Ilemnnd and Price * for lion * De cidedly IllKlier for the Dny. CHICAGO. Dec. 19.-CATTLE-Recelpls of cattle today were much smaller than ex- ' peeled nnd this fact Imparted considerable strength to the market , desirable lots sellIng - Ing at about lOo higher. Beef cattle sold at J3.9034.25 for the common up to J3.0 ® 593 for fair fancy shipping grades , most I of the cattle being disposed of nt Jl.7frft5.00 : ' I feeding cattle were dull , the best lots being saleable at J3.304.40 ; butchers' and can- ners' cattle were stronger with a good de mo nd. , HOGS There was a demand for hogs early In the day nnd prices were decidedly higher than the close Saturday ; hogs sold at quite a range , the poorest going at J3.15 , ® 3.25 , and prime lots nt J3.45U3.50 ; sales I were largely at $3.15(53.25 ( for heavy and J3.25fi3.35 for light weights ; pigs sold at I J3.00 i3.25. Late sales were about steady under the early feeling. I SHEEP The rainstorm made the market for sheep and lambs worse than usual ; lambs were off 10(20c ( per 100 Ibs. nnd It was dlfllcult to get bids for sheep , even at a reduction of lOc ; lamb ? sold at J3.75y4.50 for common to fair up to J5.OOJf3.40 for good to choice , with sales largely at Jl.75tf5.75 ; I yearlings were saleable nt J4.1004.50 and 1 sheep at J2.BOJ3.25 for common up to J3.90 ® 4.10 for good tn choice Hocks. I RECElPTS-Cattle. 13,000 head ; hogs , 43- 000 head ; sheep , 20,000 head. KANSAS CITY LIVE STOCK MARKET. Bent SlanKhterln * Cattle 1O to JK Centn lH lirr Hag Supply Lllllit. KANSAS CITY , Dec. 19-CATTLE-Re- celpts , 3,380 natives , 790 Texans ; best slaughtering gradei , lOJIlEc higher ; butcher cattle a shade higher ; common half fat cat tle , slow at steady prices ; heavy native steers , J5.00@5.30 ; medium , J4.20tS5.00 ; light weights , J4.15@5.15 ; stackers and feeders , J3.00fi4.25 ; butcher cows and heifers , J2.65@ > 4.33 ; western steers , J3.00S4.50 ; Texas steers , J3.00&M.25 ; Texas butchjr cows , J2.C53.25 ; canning stock , J2.00S2.CO. HOGS Receipts , 11,610 head ; light supply stimulated the demand and trading wna brisk at 2',55(5c higher values ; heavies , J3.30 03.40 ; mixed. J3.2593.35 ; lights , J3.2003.3214. SHEEP Receipts , 2,020 head ; supply too light to meet requirements of trade ; quality good and market active at firm prices ; lambs , to.00fio.60 : muttons , J3.75Q4.25 ; feed ing lambs , J3.SOJj4.30 ; feeding sheep , J3.30 ® 3.85 ; stockers , J2.50@3.60. St. LonlH Live Stock. ST. LOUIS , Dec. -CATTLE-Recelpts , 3,300 head. Including 2,000 Texans ; shlp- mcnts , 1,000 head ; market steady but slow for Texan * ; natives strong ; fair to fancy I native shipping and export fleers , J3.90ji > 6.So ; bulk of sales , J4.3G&6.25 ; dressed beef and butrher steers , J3.SW5.SO : bulk of sales J4.00ff4.75 ; steers under 1,000 Ibs. , J2.90 ® 5.00 : bulk of sales. J3.EO@4.BO ; stockers nnd feeders , J2.3Kft4.0 ( ; bulk of sales , J2.50@ 4.30 ; cows and heifers , JI.OW.SS ; bulk of cows , J2.40@-3.00 ; bulk of heifersJ3.00 ® 3.40 ; bulls , J2.15S > 4.00 ; Texas and Indian steers , J2.80S4.30 ; bulk fit sales , J3.0093.80 ; t cows and heifers , 12.20 3,35. HOGS Receipts , 11,100 head ; shipments , 1,400 head ; market weak to Be lower : pigs' and lights , J3.2093.30 ; packers , J3.3003.40 ; butchers , J3.403.45. SHEEP Receipts. BOO head ; shipments , 100 head ; market slow but strong ; native muttons , $ .1.3553.20 ; culls and bucks , J1.60 GT3.25 ; stockers , J2.00 2.75 ; lambsl J4W ® 5.60. New York Live Stock. NEW YORK , Dec. 19. BEEVES-Re- celpts , 5,503 head : good steers steady ; under- grades , GfflOc lowerj bulls and cows weak to 15c lower ; steers , $4.4095.50 * ; oxen and stairs , $3.00 4.55 ; bull ? , $2.S5fl3.50 ; cows. $1.50 < ff2.50. Cables quote live cattle lower ; prices nt Liverpool , HV4c , dressed weight ; Amer ican sheep , lOfflOJic. dressed weight ; refrig erator beef , higher at S'/4c per pound ; ex ports none : estimated for tomorrow , 450 cattle nnd 3,925 quarters of beef ; calves , re- colpts , 334 head ; 23950c higher : veals , $5.50 ® 7.80 : tops , $8.2-3 : barnyard and fed calves , $2.6714 ; fed , $2.75174.00 ; a car of southern calves sold at $3.25. SHEEP AND LAMBS RecclptB. 11,338 head ; fheep , slow : prime steady ; medium , a shade lower : choice lambs firm ; others about steady ; shrcp , common to prime , $2.60 i ff3.00 ; culls , $2.00 : lambs , $3.00@5.75 : two cars choice , $5.SOfi > 5.K5 : culls , $4.00S'4.50 ; Canada lambs. $5.50 < ? ? 5.75. HOGS Receipts , 11,467 head ; slower at $3.603.75. St. Jncrnh Mv - Stock. ST. JOSEPH , Dec. 19.-Speclal.-CAT- ( TLE Receipts , 600 hend ; quality very com mon : natlvtt ? . $3.GOU'4.70 : Texans and west erns , $2.S0314.fiO : cows and heifers , $1.50/34.00 ; stockers and feeders. $2.8014.20. HOGS Receipts , 3,200 head. Market ac tive and strong , selling ut $3.2503.40 ; bulk at J1.3iVf3.33. SHEEP Receipts , none. Demand strong. Cincinnati Mv .Stock. CINCINNATI. Dec. 19.-HOGS-Actlve and strong ; $3.00ff > 3.33. CATTLE Strong and steady : $2.5C < S5.00. SHEEP Steady at $2.2504.00 ; lambs ! Bteady at $4.00Q > 3.25. Stock In Slwlit. Following arc the receipts at the four principal western markets for December 19 : Cattle. Hoes. Sheep. Omaha 628 5.73S 1,563 Chicago 13.WIO 43,000 20,000 Kansas City 4,170 11,610 2,020 St. Louis 3.300 11,100 600 Totals 21,098 71,418 24,083 Coffee Mnrket. NEW YORK. Deo. 19. COFFEE-Optlons op ned steady at fifflO points higher ; devel oped pronounced strength on small receipt ? , heavy warehouse deliveries , rovcrlng by shorts. Investment buying and firmer rul ing of spot department. Foreign markets showed in apathy nnd narrow fluctuations , which hnd n restraining Influinco In overzealous - zealous lonrcs late In the day ; there was some Foiling on reaction theory , the belief being that the vlslbln was too largo to jus tify the advance scored ; clofed steady , with prices 10ffl5 nolnts net higher : sales , 20.00 baps. Including December. J3.W ) ; January , f1,70U5 SO' March. J..95fiC 00 ; April. JC 00 ; May , Jd.OOS6.10 ; June. Ji.O3 ( : . .TulJ6.15 ; Au- Kiist , Jfi.25 ; September. JB.20fifi.25 ; Oetober , Jfi.20 ; November , JC.23'56.33. Snot roffee , Rio , firmer : No. 7 Invoice , fi 7-Sf(7f ; No. 7 , Job bing , 7 3-Sc. Mild , flrm : Cordova. 7 { U5c ; sales , good business In jobbing lots nnd In voice packages. The coffee exchange will be closed December 21 , 20. 31 nnd January 2. RIO DK JANEIRO , Dec. 19. COFFEE Weekly report , bartly steady : exchnmre , standard , 77 3-32c ; receipts during the week , 31nno bags ; shipments to the United State ? , 8,000 baps : stock , 237,000 lines. SANTOS , Dec. 19.-COKF15R Weekly report - port : Firm : good average Pantos. 7,350 rels ; receipts during thu week , 1H.OOO bats ; shlp- rrents to the United States , 99,000 bags ; stock , 696,000 bags. JAMES E BDYD & CO. , Telephone 1039. Omaha , COMMISSION , GRAIN , PROVISIONS and STOCKS UOAKD OP THADE. Direct win * to Chicago and 'N York. ComipcndrnUi John A.v rrtn A Co. TKI.EPHO.VB inns. H R. PENNEY & CO. , noon. 4 , fi. Y. Life Bid * . , Omaha , Neb StocksGrainProvisions. , , . Direct Wlrr * New York , Chtcnifo and Western Point * . When Traveling Read The Bee Here Is Where You Will Find it itt the Principal Cities * ATLANTA. < 1A. Klmball Home Srnf Slaad. ANACONDA , MONT , JnmcB M. tiodnrd. BILLINGS , MONT , J. O. Spcrrr. BOSTON. Public Mbrnr > - . Vriulomo llolrl tloiton 1'reia Cltth , 14 B * * rorth M. BUFFALO. Gtnncce Hotel Xfn * Stand. BUTTE Cltr \ < MT Depot , Cor. Mala * a < CAMBRIDGE , MASS , Harvard Unlvcrnlty CHEYENNE. K. A. Logan , aia Wet 10th Bt. Cheyenne Clnb. CHICAGO. Anriltorlnm Annex New * Stand. Anilltorlum Hotel New * land. Orand Pacific Hotel New * Mand. ' Hreat Northern Hotel ! ew * Stand. Palmer lloune New * Stand. I'OHtolnrc New * Stand. So. 217 DC barn Street , . undated Advertiser' * Club , Palmer Houe. CLEVELAND , Weddell House. The llollenden. Coniinerelal Traveler * ' AoclatlM ) Munonlo Temple. COLORADO SPRINGS. Itrl-coe Ilron. , No. 3O South Tejon Bt , Printer * ' Home. DENVER. Itrowti Hotel New * Stand. Iliuullton & Krndrlck , OOO-DJ9 ITth mt , MoLalu , Pitt A Co. , 8SS Sixteenth St. Pratt Mercantile Co. . 1IJ17 Larimer 9t. The Mtatloner Co. , IBtu and Lawreno- Street * . U'Jml.or Hotel New * Stand. DES MOINES Hoses Jacob * , Hock Inland Depot. Y. M. C. A. Reading Room. DULUTH , MINN. Wit * A Bennett , 314 W. Superior St. FORT SMITH , ARK. M. S. A. Reading Room _ _ _ _ _ < HELENA. \V. A. Moore. Oth avenue and Mala St. Helena Pnbllo Library. HOT SPRINGS , S. D. George Glbiou. HOT SPRINGS , ARK. C. II. Weaver A Co. V. C. Having. KANSAS CITY. Robert Reid , 1022 McOce St. Coate * lloune New * Stand. MlHHonrl Republican Club , 005 B ltl more Ave. Public Library. Klukaecker Cigar Co. , Oth and Walnat oppoilte P. O. BallTvajr Y. M. O. A. , room 27 Unto * Depot , Kan a City , Ho. LEXINGTON , KY. Y. M. C. A. Reading Room. " LINCOLN. W. 8. EdmUton , 1123 O Street , Dellv. err Agent. LOS ANGELES. Oliver A Halne100 H. Spring Bt. Lo > Angele * New * Co. , 212 1-3 N. Spring St. LONDON , ENGLAND * Charier. \ , GHllK'n American Bxehnac * 8 Cockipur St. , Trafalgar 8 . , f. w. MINNEAPOLIS. Pnbllo Ubrary. We t Hotel Xerr Stand. Union nook A Novelty Co. , 6 Waih ington Ave. NEW YORK. Cooper Union Ubrary. " " " Fifth Avenue Hotel New * Stand. Fifth Avenue Hotel Reading Room. Droome Street Library. Holland IIone Reading Boom * Hoffman Houce. Imperial Hotel New * Stand. Mechanic * ' nnd Trader * ' Fre Library No. 18 Bat Sixteenth Street. Pre , * Clnb , 12O Na an St. Wetmlnter Hotel Reading Room. Wind or Hotel Reading Room. Y. M. C. A. , 23d Street and 4th Avenne OGDEN. I W. Webb , S40B Washington AT * . SloCartney A Co. , 30U 23th St. PARIS , FRANCE , New York Herald Reading ROOM , O Ave. de 1'Op ern. PORTLAND , ORE. IV. 19. Jonea , 201 Alder St Portland Hotel New * Stand , PHILADELPHIA Mercantile Library. SACRAMENTO Pnbllo Library. SAN FRANCISCO Public Library. SANTA ANA , CAL. Santa Ana Free Pnbllo Library. SALT LAKE. CITY. L. F. Hamntel , Lyceum Theater. Salt Lnke Xetr * Co. Pnbllo Library. . f.j SEATTLE O. R. Oycton , 1'or.tofllce Mew * Depot. Hotel Seattle New * Stand. George F. Ward. i ( | SIOUX CITY oarrettion Hotel New * Stand. Muitilumln Hotel Netr * Stand. Heel Vendome Neir * Stand. ' I'alillo Library. Herald FltcKlbbon , TOO Fourth It. Roy Allen , U21 Center St. SPOKANE , John W. Graham 723-72B Rlver.ld * Avenue. ST. JOSEPH , llrundon' * New * Stand , 721 Kdmoad trt-et. Junction New * Stand , B01 Bdinond St Y. M. C. A. Heading Room. ST PAUL , MINN. Pre * * Clnb. \Vindor Hotel. t A ' ST. LOUIS ' K. J. Jett. 80O Olive St. Planter * ' lintel New * Stand. Public Library. WASHINGTON , D. C. Wlllard' * Hotel New * Stand , Arlington Hotel. J , Uongrer.nloual Library * ' * ' \ HlllK * lloair. * \ Agricultural Department Library. Senate Reading Room. Trea.urv Department Library. Republican Nat'L Committee Room *