Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 10, 1898, Page 10, Image 11

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Market Olosei Strong at a Fourth of
a Cent Advance.
Export Demand for Provlnloim Im
proves and the Market Clone * at
, Slight Advance Alonr
All the Line * .
CHICAGO , Dec. 9. Wheat today turned
Irons on the enormous seaboard clearances
and Indications of a falling off In farmers'
deliveries In the northwest. The market
cloned strong nt Me advance over yester
day' * closing prices. Corn nnd oats were
both dull and prices are unchanged. Pro
vision * advanced slightly.
Wheat opened weak and lower. Liverpool
news overshadowed everything else at the
Immediate opening1. That market showed
declines ranging from 6-8d to 1 l-8d , a very
emphnttc advance to yesterday's weakness
In thl * market. It * effect was marked ,
though not very lasting. Quantities of May
were offersU at the start at 65 % ® 66-8c ,
compared with yesterday's closing price of
647-8c , but so many takers were found for
the wheat at those figures that the price
jumped almost Immediately to Coo. Them
the market hung for a tlmo with quite a
fair buslnem doing1. December In the mean
time developed great strength. Opening 3-Sc
lower at C-5-SIfC2ic , the market advanced
very quickly under strong bidding by re
cent sellers , and by the general crowd , the
price being jumped to G3'Jc ' before a halt
was called by the scalpers , who saw too
much profit In sight to resist realization.
To account for the unexpected show of
ntrongth by December It was said that as
fast an wheat Is being delivered on December -
comber contracts , It Is being ordered out
on all railroads by shipper * , indications of
a falling oft In farmers' deliveries In the
northwest , long looked for , also encouraged
buying. Minneapolis and Duluth receipts
today were S57 car * , compared with 1,2 3
last week and 628 a year ago. Chicago re
ceipts were 111 cars , eight of contract grade.
The decline In northwest receipts was com
mented on from the fact that the weather
Is especially favorable for shipping. Later
In the dny still more strength was given
the market by the heavy Atlantic port
clearances amounting In wheat and flour
to 1,207,000 bu. After the first buying furor
had been satisfied , the market became dull ,
Init brlghtonetl up acnln on the clearance
figures , nil classes of traders coming Into
the market , short * being especially active
In covering their contracts. Late Argen
tine reports as to the crop and condition
In that country were again unfavorable.
The buying enthusiasm was somewhat
checked by the closing cables , which
showed weakness In all foreign markets ,
but th * > reaction was slight , shorts taking
advantage of any depression to cover. May
closed at 65 1-Sc. and December at 63 B-8c.
Corn was dull and heavy during most of
the session. The market opened sMghtly
lower , partly through sympathy with
wheat , but principally on account of the
cold weather , which was expected to 1m-
provo the grade of new corn. Weak cables
also had some Influence. The advance In
wheat waa responded to In a degre , but
the market soon became weak on large roll
ing by Important long Interests and very
little buoyancy was shown after that. The
cash demand was a llttlo less urgent. Re
ceipts were light , 293 cars. May ranged
from 33 6-883Hc to 33 7-8c and closed un
changed at 83c.
The market for oats was decidedly dull.
Beyond the usual scalping transactions not
rruch was done until late In the day. the
crowd apparently taking no Interest. There
was some Important commission house sellIng -
Ing near the close , but the market held
steady under It. Receipts were 296 cam
The cash demand was good. May ranged
from 25c to 26c and closed unchanged at
25 7-Sc.
The provision market was almost as un
interesting as oats. Offerings were small ,
notwithstanding another heavy run of hogs ,
but everything was taken care of , buyers
appearing to have confidence In higher
prices1. The export demand showed Improve
ment. The range of prices waa very nar
row. At the close May pork was 2V4c
higher at J9.42H , May lard 2 < c higher at
10.25 and May rib * unchanged at S4.72V& .
Estimated receipt * Saturday : Wheat , 190
cars : corn , 450 cars ; oats , 330 cars ; hogs ,
60.000 head.
Leading futures ranged as follow * ;
Articles. ! Open. Htrh. Lew. Close. Yentd'y
Deo. . . . ? H Is * " es au
May. . .
Jan. . . . 64V *
Dec.- . 83 33 S3M-33 11 H
Mav. . . ISM isv
Jan. . . . 34 34 > ?
Dee. . . . 25W
May. . . so
Jan. . . . 9 IS ( MO 20
May. . . 837 843K 037H 42M 40
Jan. . . . 505 607M 505 I07H B07H
May. . . 36 522K 121 22H
Jan . . . 485 4B7 465 457H 4B7U
May. . . 472U 478 470 472M
No. 2.
Cash quotation * were a * follows :
FLOUR Slow : winter patents , S3.50 ®
8.60 : straights , S3.1503.30 ; spring uneclaJs ,
$4.0004.10 ; spring patents. 13.30@3. TO ;
etralffhts. S2.90@3.10 ; bakers. J2.20R2.60.
WHEAT JNO. 3 spring , 61@8JV4c ; No. 2
red , 67W68HC.
CORN No. 2 , ! 3V4Q33Hc.
OATS-No. 2. 26V 26io ; No. > white , 29ct
No. 3 white , 27fJ29c.
RYE-NO. 2 , BS C ,
BARLEY No. 2 , f. o. b. , 40Q51o.
SEEDS Flaxseed. No. 1 .
, S1.011.06H.
Prime timothy seed. J2.25.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per bbl. , S7.SO
® T.95. Lard , p r 100 Ibs. , S4.95 < gs.07. Bacon ,
ehort ribB sides ( loose ) , S4.45iT4.65. Dry
Baited ( boulders ( boxed ) . * 4.25@ > 4.37H :
Bhort clear * ldes ( boxed ) , S4.$04.85. $
WHISKY Distiller * ' finished goods , per
gaL 11.26.
BUG A US-Cut loaf , SS.95 ; granulated , (5.45.
The following were the receipts and ship
ments for today.
Qaotatlon * for the Day on General
. . Commodities.
NEW YORK , Dec. 9. FLOUR Receipt * ,
tlSS4 bbls. ; exports , 16.736 bbls. ; steady but
neglected ; winter patents , 18.60@3.SO ; winter
Btralahts , $ S.45@4.60 ; Minnesota patents ,
S3.6603.S6 ; winter extras , J2.G6ffl2.30 ; Minne
seta bakers , not quoted.
RYE-Flrmer ; No. 2 western. 60c f. o. b.
CORNMEAL Easy ; yellow , western , T5@
BARLEY MALT Firm ; western , 60i70c.
WHEAT-Recelpts. 315,425 bu. ; exports ,
810.4S3 bu. Spot steady ; No. 2 red. 74 3-Sc
t. o. b. , afloat. Options opened weak , with
cable * , but soon responded to a scare on
December shorts anil recovered. Firmness
wa * a feature all day , helped by big clear
ance * , fair export demand and email north.
west receipts. ; closed 4c net higher : De
cember , 70 S-s71c ; closed , 70c ; March ,
CORN Receipt * . 6S8.KO bu. ; exports , 199. .
C39 bu. Snot ca h easier ; No. 3 40 3-SI8
OUc f. o. b. . afloat. Options opened easy ,
un.w b < -ari'lh ' . ° f-ble , new * rallied
with wheat , but fell off again
on disappointing export trade and closed
partly ftc net lower ; December closed 3S'4c-
Slay , Si38 15-16c : closed. SSic. '
OAT8 Receipt * . 78,000 bu. : exports * 2.490
bu. Spot cash dull ; No. 2. sokcNo 2
Whlto. 32c. Options Inactive.
BUTTER-Recelpt * . 4.88 pkgs. ; very nrm ;
vfkHtArn rr flmnrv. MVJtMftr. * ElglnS OAt' "
ern. 2Sc : southern ,
COTTONSEED OIL-Steady ; prime
crude. 17 o ; yellow. 21 22c.
METALS The week In the metal market
draw * to a close with the outlook most
unpromWng. At the close the metal ex
change called pig Iron warrants nominal at
17.25 ; lake copper , quiet , with $12.05 bid and
112.85 asked. Tla. quiet , with $18.00 bid nnd
$18.10 asked. Lead , dull ; $3.tO bid and $3.C24
aeked 8peltr. dull : 15.25 bid nnd $3 SS
aaked. The firm fixing the Battling price
for leading miner * and smelters in the
west quotes lead at $3.45 and copper at
Baltimore Market.
and unchanged ; receipt * , l ,26l head ; ex-
port * . Jui Tiead.
WHKAT-Dull ; jot anfl month , 7WJO
J24 ° J/nu lr' . - . Jetliner No. 2 rod ,
ttc bid ; receipts , 10 , m bu. ; export * , none ;
eouthcrn wheat , by wimple , 67S71c ; south
ern , on Rrndo , 67M'g70Hc. '
COHN Steady ; ipot and month , 390
39 l-8c ; December , new or old , 88Hc ; Janu
ary , SSUc ; steamer mixed , 35ft35VJc ; re
ceipts , 213.D94 bu. : exports , 338,668 bu. ; south
ern white corn , 36tj33c ; southern yellow , 3&H
OATS-Dull ; No. 2 white. 33c nsksd ; No.
2 mixed , 32c asked ; receipts , 4,290 bu. ; ex
ports , none.
RYE Steady ; No. 2 nearby. 36 0 ! No. 2
western , CS'.ic ' ; receipts , 17,152 bu ,
Conilltlon of Trade and ( ) nntatlon * on
Staple anil Fnncr I'roilace.
Good stock , 20c.
UUTTEIl Common to fair , 10@12c ; cholw ,
separator , 22c ; gathered creamery
POULTRY-Hons , live. 4c ; dressed. Go ;
old rooHters , live , S'ic ; dressed , 4' 4c ; spring
chickens , live. 5 f3',4c ' : dreBsed/ 6Hc ;
duckp , live , 6i4iCc ( ; dressed , 7c ; Keese ,
live. Ci614c ; dressed , 7c ; turkeys , live , 7Q8c ;
dressed , BIilOc
GA.MiJ Tual , blue wing , $1.75 ; green wing ,
$1.60 ; mixed , $1.7502.25 ; pralrlo chickens.
$5 ; iiuall , per cloz. . $1.00fjl.lO ; Jack rablts ,
75cJl.W ; cottontails , 40fi50c.
1'lGEONS-Llve. per doz. . COc.
VEAL Choice , SB9c.
ONIONS Per bu. , 40ft50e
UiiANa Hand-picked , navy , per bu. , $1.30
POTATOES-Cholce stock , 4550c ; sacked ,
5860o ; poorer stock , 40c.
hVVWhT POTATOES Per bbl. . $2.50.
CABBAGE Per lb. , crated , H4c.
CBLEKY Per bunch , 2530c ; Colorado
celery , 35040c.
fancy >
l u..i.u. . .v. vo.iu i.w , aucuiillK3 , fo.uv.
BANANAS Choice , Inrne stock , per
uncl , $2.00 2.25 ; medium sized bunches ,
APPLES Western Be.i Davis , Genltons
nnd Wlnesaps , per bbl. , $3.50 : Now York
Baldwins , Greenings and others , choice ,
per bbl. . $3.7504.00.
PEAUS-Hurtlett. California , out of the
market ; other vnrlrtlps , $2.25.
STRAWUERRIES-Per box. 30c.
GRAPES-Malnpa , per bbl. , $7.50ff8.BO ;
Catawbu.s. per basket , ISc ,
OHAMJKimiES-Bell & BuglPB. per bbl. ,
$7.50 ; Jersey , $6.60 ; per crate , $2.25.
QLIINCEli-Pcr box , $2.00.
CHRISTMAS GREENS Trees. 4-5 feet ,
per doz. , $2 ; 6-8 feet , per doz , $2.60 : 7-9 feet ,
per doz. , $3.50 ; 8-11 feet , per doz. . $4.50 ; ex
tra largo trees , for school nnd church pur
poses , 12 to 24 feet , according to size nnd
beauty , $2 to $5 each ; evergrsen wreathing ,
In cells cf 20 yards , per cell , $1 ; holly
branches , In cases 2x2x4 feet , about 60 Ibs. ,
$4.50 ; in bbls. , per bbl. , $2 ; wreathes , crosses
and horseshoes , per doz. , $1.50 ; long needle 3 to 5 feet long , per doz. , $3.60 ; mistle
toe , In boxes of about 25 Ibs. , per box , $3.75 ;
In smaller quantities , per lb. , 20c.
NUTS Almonds , per lb. , 17c ; Brazils ,
per lb. , flfnoc ; English walnuts , per lb. ,
fancy soft shell. 12c ; standards , He ;
niberts. per lb. , lie : pecans- , polished , 7 ©
So ; cocoanuts , per 100 , $4.60 ; peanuts , raw ,
6S Hc ; roasted , 77'/4c : che-stnutB , S@9c.
MAPLE SYRUP-Five-gal. can , each ,
$2.50 ; gal. cans , pure , per do ? . , $12 ; half-gal.
cans , $6.25 ; quart cans , $3.50.
FIGS Imported , none ; California , 10-lb.
boxes , $1.50.
HONEY-Cholce white , 12V n3c.
DATES Hallowee , 60 to 70-lb. boxe * . 6@
6&c ; Salr , 5H < S s ; Fard. 9-lb. boxes : lOo.
CIDER-Per half bbl. . $3.00@3.15.
SAUERKRAUT Per half bbl. , $2.00.
HIDES-No. 1 green hl ce , 7c ; No. 2 green
hides , Cc : No. 1 salted hides , 8c ; No. 2
salted hides , 7Uc ; No. 1 veal calf. 8 to 12
Ibs. , lOc ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 80.
TALLOW , GREASE. ETC.-Tallow , No.
I , 3c ; tallow. No. 2. 2&c ; rough tallow , IHo ;
white grease , 2',4g'3c ; yellow and brown
grease , IWrfVic.
SHEEP PEl/TS-Qreen salted , each. 15 ®
7oc ; green salted shearings ( short wooled
early skins ) , each. 15c ; dry shearings ( short
wooled early skins ) . No. 1 , each. So ; dry
flint , Kansas and Nebraska butcher wool
pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 4S5c ; dry flint
Kansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts ,
per lb. . actual weight , 34c ; dry flint , Colorado
rado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual
weight , 4g5c ; dry flint , Colorado murrain
wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 34c.
FURS-MInk , 10@75c ; bear ( black or
brown ) . $5.00620.00 ; otter , $1.60@8.00 ; beaver ,
$1.0G ? 6.00 : skunk , 15Q50C : muskrat , S37c ;
raccoon , 1550c ; red fox , 26ciT$1.25 : gray fox.
JaOoOc ; wolf ( timber ) , 25c@$2.50 ; wolf
( prairie ) , coyote. 1050c ; wildcat , 1025c ;
badger , 5@40c ; sliver fox , $50.003T5.00.
St. Loata Market.
ST. LOUIS , Dec. 9. WHEAT Futures
strong , V45-8c higher : spot lower ; No. Z
red , cash , elevator , 68c bid ; track ,
© 68ttc : December , 69Vic ; May. 677-8
July , C3c askea ; No. 2 hard , cash , 63c.
CORN Future * steady to a shade lower ;
pot steady. No. 2 cash , Sl\tc bid ; Decem
ber , 307-Simc bid ; May , 321-Sc asked.
OATS Steady for options ; spot , lower.
No. 2 cash , 27c bid : track , 27V4c : December ,
27c bid ; May , 27c bid ; No. 2 white , 29ViS30c. (
SEFD& Flaxseed. nominal , 98c. Prime
timothy * e d , nominal , $2.50.
BRAN-Steady to firm ; east track , sacked ,
POULTRY Firm ; chickens , 506c ; ducks ,
S@6Hc ; geese. 56c ; turkeys , SVB9c.
. aA BlfLyo flrm : Pralr'e. ' $6.0037.00 * ;
timothy , $7.0058.25.
WHISICY Steady ; $1.26.
BUTTER Weak ; creamery , 17@2Sc ;
dairy , 1419c.
EGGS-Flrm ; 19c.
ioMETAL&-Lead , dull , $3.503.B5. Spelter ,
PROVISIONS-Pork quiet ; standard mess ,
lobbing , $3.10. Lard , lower : prime steam ,
$4.9o ; choice , $5.00. Dry salt meats , boxed
shoulders , $4.25 ; extra short clear , $4.7 * ;
ribs , $5.00 ; shorts , $5.12U. Bacon , boxed
shoulders , $5.00 ; extra snorts , $5.50 ; short * ,
RECEIPTS Flour. 6,000 bbls. : wheat , 28-
000 bu. : corn , 47,000 bu. ; oats , 40,000 bu.
SHIPMENTS-Flour. 6,000 bbls. ; wheat ,
21,000 bu. ; corn , 22,000 bu. ; oats , 18,000 bu.
New Orleans ) Market.
NEW ORLEANS , Dec , 9. All market *
slow ; rain restricts business. Hog products
quiet but steady. Pork , standard mess , $ S.75
( ZfO.OU. Lard , refined tierce , $3.76 ; pure , $5.50
S6iS ? - H0611 1"6 ? " ' dry Balt shoulders ,
H.yni ; sides. JS.12V466.25. Bacon , clear rib
Bides. $6.12V4 (6.25. ( Hams , cholco sugar-
cured. $ S.764f9.50.
COFFEE Rio. ordinary to fair , 63-80
73-Sc ; Rio , ordinary to good. 4fl > 3c.
FLOUR-Extra fancy , $3.208a25 ; patents ,
t < *
lIAY-Prlme , $10.00 ® 12.00 ; choice , J1S.OO ®
CORN-No. 2 sacked , old. white. 41c ;
mixed. 40iT43c : yellow. 41c ; new , 2c lower.
OATS No. 2 sacked , 32V4@33c.
Kaa > a * City Grain and Provision * .
KANSAS CITY , Dec. 9. WHEAT-Steady ;
No. 1 hard. 61Uc ; No. 2 , eO' jreiWo ; No. 3.
B7WlSfiO',4c ; No. 1 red. 66Vi@67cT No ? 3. 62Q65C
No. 2 spring , 6061c ; No. 3 , 65f359c.
OATS Slow ; No. 2 white , 27'/4c.
RYE-Steacly ; No. 2. 48c.
HAY Steady , unchanged.
BUTTER Steady ; separator , 19c ; dairy ,
EGGS-Steady : fresh. 20c.
RKOEIl'TS-Whent , 84,000 bu. ; corn , 24.000
bu. : oats , 8,000 bu.
rSn"PMBN.TBrwheat } > 47-400 bu-S orn
. ; , - - ,
4.500 bu. ; oats , 2.000 bu.
Dnlath Grain Market.
DULUTII. Dec. 9-WHEAT-No. 1 hard.
cash , & > 7-Sc ; December , 64 1-Sc ; May , 65Uc
% r ? rtneincashl fi2C-8c : December.
62 1-Sc ; May , 64 Jc : No. 2 northern. 685-8c ;
No. 3 , spring , 665-tc to arrive , No. 1 hard.
655-Sc ; No. 1 northern. 626-8c. Receipts
65 785 ; sMpments , 662,745 bu. >
BARLEY 3642c.
FLAX8EED-$1.00. -
Toledo Blarket.
TOLEDO , Deo. 9. WHEAT-Unchanged
"SUKSkl cnsh end December. 68c.
CORN Active and steady ; No. 2 mixed ,
OATS Active and steady ; No. 2 mixed ,
SYK-Unchan ced ; No. 2 cash. 54c.
CLOVERSEED-Actlve and iower ; prime
cash , old , $4.10 ; new , $4.40.
OjI'-North Lima , 78c ; South Lima and
Indiana , 73c.
Grain Receipt * at Principal Market * .
ST. LOUIS , Dec. 9. Receipts : Wheat. 39
XUNNEAPOLIS. Dec. 9.-Rcceipts :
heat. 5U cars.
.KANSAS CITY , Deo. J.-Recelpts : Wheat ,
CHICAGO. Dec. 9.-Estlmated cars for to
morrow : Wheat. 190 ; oats. 330 ; corn , 450.
1 1 jfpl * S1 , Primary markets : Wheat.
l,40i , > .411 bushels ; corn , 630,071 bushels.
Liverpool Grain Market.
TW lower ; December , 6 * 9V4d ; March , 6s SVid ;
way , nominal.
6 g
California Dried Fruit * .
fancy , lOc. Prunes. 410Wc. Apricot" , royal ,
11CT14C ! Moor park , UfflTc. I'eaches , un
peeled , 8liai2Hcj peeled , 1S5J20C.
Cincinnati Market.
CINCINNATI , Dec. 9.-tt'HEAT-Qulet ;
No. 2 red , 67fifiiV4c.
CORN Steady , riulet ; No. 2 mixed , 3lo ,
OATS-NO. 2 mixed , dsg2SHc.
HY13 Quiet ; No. Z , 67c.
I'KOVlSIONS-I rd. steady , J4.90. Bulk
moats , nteady , 14.70. Bacon , easy , $5.75.
WIIIBKY-Plrm ; $1.26.
Eoas-Flrm ; 19c.
Mluiirniinll * Wheat Market.
ket steady ! December , 81 G-Sc ; Mny , KIU (
633-8c ; on track. No. 1 hnrd , C3Hc ; No. 1
northern. 62',4c ! No. 2 northfrn , GO' c.
KLOUIl First patents. J3.35fi3.65 ; pecond
patents , J3.35S3.45 ; llrst clears , J2.C033.70.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
northern , C3ViQ6Cc ; No. 2 northern , 64'i < 8 >
64JJ c.
HYE-Steady ; No. 1 , 53nC3V c.
HAHL.EY Lower ; No. 2 , 48 ,443l4o ; sam
ple , 43S43V4c.
I'corla Market.
PEORIA , Dec. 9.-CORN-Inactlve ; No.
2 , 33 0.
OATS Dull , lower ; No. 3 white , 25-4c.
WHISKY-FIrm ; 11.20.
Market Take * Upward Spnrt anil
Clones at High Point.
NEW YORK. Dec. 9. Stocks rose materi
ally today and left oft at the best with
a remarkable display of activity and
strength. The opening- was firm , accom
panied by great activity , Ignoring the
shaded prlqcs of the London market. Ma
nipulation of the high-priced Industrials
caused considerable advance In these spe
cialties. Railways responded only feebly
for the time being , but later became the
leaders of the market. Purchasers of hlsh-
prlccd usually dormant stocks and other
generally neglected Issues of a lower value
enlarged the scope of trading and from
time to time attracted attention when deal
ing in the general market was sluggish and
devoid of feature. Dea Molnes and Fort
Dodge was lifted 2 ? per cent and Chicago
& Alton 4 and Edison Illuminating 6 points.
The leading feature of the railway list was
Missouri Pacific , which developed unusual
activity and buoyancy , which carried Its
shares up 3 % per cent to 41',4 The mort
gages of the road also showed agffres lvo
strength , the consels 6s rising C points , trust
6s 5V4 and the collateral 5s 8 points.
The buoyancy of these securities was at
tributed In part to the operations of a big
Sool and a favorable augmented Inlluenced
y the recent cancellation of the company's
floatingIndebtedness. . The bulls had com
plete control of the market and although
the preponderance of the dealings and the
specialties during the forenoon , coupled
with their marked Irregularity , served to
diminish trading In the standard stocks ,
persistent efforts were made to advance the
prominent railways , which met with con
siderable success In the Html hour. Rock
Ifland started the rise and the Inquiry
quickly extended to the rest of the granger
group and other specialties which had been
neglected during the day. The shorts were
frightened by the decided strength of the
market and covered extensively lines In
many properties , which gave a buoyant tone
to the closing.
The bond market broadened materially
and round amounts of various Issues found
a readv market at advanced prices. Total
sales. J7.050.000 U. S. old 4s. registered , and
the 2s. registered , advanced H in the bid
The Evening Post's London financial
cablegram saygR "The stock markets hero
were quiet today , the only feature being an
Improvement In Kaffirs on first dividend
declarations by the leading deep level
mines. The dividends of five mines alone
involve a cash distribution of 1,000.000.
Americans were quieter. Under New York
support the market was firm at first , but
then became caster and prices consequently
closed under the best. I am told that the
recent buying of gold by Spain for Ha
vana may be repeated. "
The following are the closing quotations
of the leading stocks on the New York
market today :
Atchlaon 16U Rock Island 110
do pfd 4G i Bt. L. & S. F S %
Baltimore & Ohio. . 6S do pfd 68
Canada Pacific . . . . $3 % do 2nd' ' pfd 22 %
Canada Southern . . .54\ < St. U & S. W 6 %
Central Paclflo . . . . 3414 do Dfd U %
Ches. & Ohio 23 % Bt. Paul 114 %
OWcajro & Alton..163 do ptJ IG3
C. , U. & Q 12014 St. P. & 0 85T4
Chi. & E. Ill MH do pfd 1CI
do pfd 110V4 Bt. P. . M. & M..170
Chi. 0. W 14 Southern Pae'fle . . 28
Olil. , Ind. & L. 714 Southern Railway. . lOVi
do pM 33V/ do pfd 41 %
Ohl. A N. W 137V4 Texas & Pacific. . . . 154
do Dfd 183 Union Pacific 3S14
C. . C. . C. & St. L. . 42Vi do pfd 70VI
do pfd 05 U. P. . D. & 0. . . . 12U
1X4. & Hudaon lOi Waba h _ 7T
Del. , I * & W 147W do pfd 22H
Den. & Klo a 14 % W. & L. . E S %
do Pfd 6. do pfd 2114
Erie ( new ) 13U Adams Ex 109
do 1st pfj 35ft American Ex 1(8 (
Tort Wayne 175 United mates 34
Gt. Northern , pfd..l37 % Wells Farao Kx.,130
Hocking ; Valley . . . ZVt Amer. Cotton Oil. . 33M
Illinois Central . . .111 % do pfd 8S < 4
lake Erie & W. . . . 14 % Amer. Spirits 12 %
do pfd 61 do pfd M
Lake Shorp 195 Aim-lr. Tobacco . . . .141
IxMils. & Narti 63 % do pfj 1J6
Manhattan L 09 % Con. Gas ; y > \
Met. Street Ry 19214 Com. ClMc Co 1S ! '
MMhlcan Central..110 Col. F. & Iron 24
Minn. & St. L 2514 do pfd 77
do 1st Dfd 95 General Electric . . . 8 U
Missouri Pndllo . . . 41 % Hawaii Com. Co. , 47
Moblln & Ohio SI Inter. Paper 59
M. . K. & T 11H do pfd 91 < 4
do pfd .V % Li Cled * Gas 6214
N. J. Centra.
! i > 4 I/end j ;
N. T. Central m . do i > fd 112
N. Y. . C. & St. L. . U Nat. Unseed Oil. . . . 10 %
do 1st pfd 5 Pac'flc Mall 43 %
do 2nd pfd 33V , People's GUI IWi
Nor. & West 35 Pullman Palace . . . ,140'i
No. Amer. Co 6T4 S'lver Cert 591i
. . Standard R. t T. . 7',4
do pfJ . 75 Sutrar 13 %
Ontario & Western. 16 $ do pfd 113V4
Ore. It. & Nav . 6214 T. C. & Iron SI'S ,
Ore. Shorn Line. . . . 3CM U. S. leather UW
P. Coast l t pfd. . . 79
do 2nd pfd . 67 U. 8. Rubber 4 > tt
Plttrtmrir . 172 do pfd 10014
Western Union 94' ;
1st pfd
n. Steel 31 %
a. w
_ do pfd do rfd 77',4
Total sales of stocks today were WO 100
S -fi2refUC'iIcllr"r ' .J,4'836 Atcnison preferred.
M Se &rnJLFaclflcV , Chesapeake &
,10' ' Chlcago & Alton. 3M2 ! Burllnit-
i , 13.7 0 Loulse | & Nashville 14 ' 09
Manhattan , 16.192 Metropolitan. 4 620 Ho-
York Money Market.
STERLINa EXCHANOE-Market easier.
1 busJnes8 ln bankers' bills at
for demand and at J4.8HMM.Sl i
- :
33. 10CU ; new 4s , reg J27 % ; coupon. 127 %
4s. 111V4 : coupon. 112& ; 2s , 99 % ; 5s. reg.
112H ; coupon. 11214 ; Pacific Us of ' 99.
U. S. new 3 N.Y. O. Uts 117X
V. S. new4 .rcf.l7 > < U. P. 4 * 102M
U. . . docoup N.J.C. 114H
U.S. 4rrt N.C.Ba ISO
U.S.apcoup - N. C. 4S 104
U. 8.2d , ret P9H No. Pacific UU..117M
U. 9. Si.rer 112H813 No. Pacific 3a fl < V <
U. 3.4s , coup. 112 > i-l 3K No. PaclCc 4s 102V )
District 3. U5s US N.Y. L.4g. . loav
Ala. , class A 100 N.AW.Bs 1S7
Ala. , clues I ) luo N.W. ConioU 14.1
Ala. , clans C 100 N.W. Dob. As 117U
Ala. , Currency lee Ore. N. 1st ! 114
AtcliUou 4s oou Ore. N. 4s Ui/v
Do. udj. 4s 74U O. 8. L. t. r ISO *
Canada So. udi 1lOt O. S. L. 8s t. r .llOu
C.40. 4 8 . ; uo | PaclflptlsofUS 102-
Obi. Terms. , 4 usu Readinr4 Hit *
C. AO. Os X17 R. G. W. Uts OOu
C.H.4IJ.4W. 104H St. L. & . I. M. con 10'J * *
D.&R.O. Uts 10H St. L. A3. F. ( Jen. O.l'.M
D. A.K.O. 41 100H St. P.Conxolii lillu
KastTeun. Ills 107 * St. P.O. A. P. UH..1S02
Erin Gen. 4 * 7 u St. P. C. & P. fin. .1192
F.W.D.UU.t.r : 80S So. Ry.fts 1042
OOD Elec.6 10H S. U. AT.Us tfO *
O. K. &a A 6n 107 Tenn. new tet Hi. . . U4
O.H.4S.A. 2d. . . . 10S T.P. 1 .0. Inti 108
H. AT. Cent. 6 112 T. P. Hg. Sdi 4H
II. AT. O. con. 0 . . .lll U. P. D. A O. iBta. . K7 .
Iowa C.I sin 104 Wah. let SB 113T (
LB. New Con. 4B..107 \Vab. ' . 'dt e. < V
IN. . Unl. HOH W. Shorn 4 * 112
MUaourl l ) 100 Va. Centuries SOW
M.K.& . . . . G5 \4. awferrcd 7lJ
M. K. A.T. 4t so Wli. Cent , lit * 0751
- . . _ . . Financial.
PARIS , Dec. S. Business on the bourse
today was firm and transactions were lim
ited. Operators , however , were impressed
favorably with the note Issued regarding
the recent rpeech of the British ambassa- ' !
dor. There was a silent reaction , however , ' >
In the last hour of the market , except > n
mining ; shares , which closed firm In ontlcl-
patlon of dividend announcements. Three
per cent rentes , 102f THjc for the account ;
Hchanee on London , 25f 31 < ic for checks ;
opanlsh 4s , 42.0o.
BERLIN. Dec. 9.-Prlces were nrmer on
the bourse today and Spanish 4n were par-
tlcularjy In demand , pwtns to rumors from
Paris that a bill will be xubmltttd to the
Cortes concerning the reduction of the 4
per cent "exteriors" to 3 per cent , on which
basl ? a loan Is said to have been offered to
" - - < - by a syndicate or banks ana flnan- I I
clcrs. Americans were firm. Canadian Pa
cifies were weak and local securities were
In good demnnd.
LONDON , pec. 9. American securities
were Inactive and dull nil day , with pro-
fctslonal trading ruling. The clo e was dull ,
Th amount of bullion wltnnrawn from the
Dank of England on balance today wan
10,000. Oold at Buenos Ayres , 115.1. Span
ish 4s closed tit 41- % .
HoMon Stock Quotation * .
BOSTON , Dec. 9. Call loans , 2IT.1 per
cent ; tlmo loans , 2i@4 per cent. Closing
quotations on stocks , bonds and mining
shares :
A. , T. & 8. K. . , . . , 14U EJ. lilee. Tel 19fi
American Sugar . . .IS.'H ' Gen. Iv'.ec. ufd 172
* l pfd . iu Atcfrf > on pfd 44 %
Day State Qaa . , : > Atcht-on 4n ' - > <
Hell Tel . 2f ) Wisconsin C n. 0 . .13
Hoslon & Albany. . .SIS AlKmez Mln. Co. 6 11-18
Itcfton & Maine , . . .1W Atlantic 32
Uoston L , . , S2W Uo ton & Mont J-V >
C. , 1) . & Q . 120U nutte & Boston 6TU
Fllohbunt . 104'j Calumet & leclfi..C10
Ocncrnl Elcotrlo . . . 8CU Ocntennlnl 221
Mexican Central . . . G Franklin UK
N. Y. & N. Em. . . 06 Old Dominion MU
OM Colony . 19(1 ( Ovcoln. 70U
Ore. Short Lin * . . . Zf Qtilncy 1M
Ilubhor . % . 45U Tamarnjck 169
Union Pacific . 3tVl Wolverine . , W
West End . 89V4 Parrott 2 $
Wcstlndi. Klcc . 3711 Humboldt 3 ;
do nfj
Snn Frnnelneo Mining Qnotntloni.
SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 9. The ofllclal
closing quotations for mining stocks to
day were as follows :
Altn i : 19
Alpha Con S Kentucky Con . C
AmlM 7 Mexican . 31
llPlcher 21 Occidental Con . 92
Heat & Belcher . . . 42 Ophlr . 62
Caledonia 21 Overman . 3
ChnllenKe 17 Potoal . 24
Chollar 28 Ravage . . . . . 16
Con. Cal. * Va..l30 Scorpion . 3
Con. Imperial 1 Sierra Nevada . 110
Crown Point 17 Union Con . 23
Gould & Currlc . . . 2S Utah Con . 13
Hnle. & ( Nercross..lCS Yellow Jacket . 17
Standard . . . . . . . . . . . .170
Silver bars , D9 3-8c ; Mexican dollars , 47
47ic. Drafts , sight. 15c ; telegraph.
York Mining Quotntlonn.
NEW YORK. Dec. 9. The following are
the closing quotation ? on mining stocks :
Cholar 22 Ontario COD
Crown Point 17 Oph'r 0
Con. Cal. & Va 12 > > Plymouth 10
Denctwood 41 Qulckillver 135
Oould ft Curry . . . . 18 do nfd 400
ITalo & Norcroja..170 Sierra Nevada 110
Uomcstakc 5000 Standard 175
Iron Silver 73 Union Con 20
Mexican 32 Yoltow Jacket 17
London Stock Quotn'tlon * .
LONDON , Dec. 9. 4 p. m. Closing :
ConTOla , money . . .llOVi N. Y. Central . 122
Ooniiols. awt HOii Pennsylvania . 01 > ;
Canadian Paclflc . . C $ %
Erie 13-Ji Union Pac. ofd. . . . 72H
Eric 1st Dfd 37 Atdhlron . 16H
Illlnol * Central . . . .HOi U & N . W
Northern P. pfd. . . . 78 Grand Trunk . IV
St. 1'aul common..117 %
Financial Note * .
OMAHA , Dec. 6. Bank clearings today
were J1,060JH9.73 ; balances , 169,093.07. One
year ago th clearings were JS36,013.37 ;
balances , $52,512.14. Increase In clearings ,
WASHINGTON , Dec. 9. Today's state
ment of the condition of the treasury shows :
Available cash balance , $231,907,432 ; gold re
serve , $244,529,197.
CHICAGO , Dec. 9.-Clearlnps. $20,060.270 ;
balances , $1,784,476. New York exchange ,
par. Sterling exchange , posted rates , $4.8244
(34.8514. ( Stocks generally quiet. West Chicago
cage easy on liquidation ; Alley L , 85 ; Bis
cuit common , 4 V1 ; Biscuit preferred , 103 ;
Diamond Match , 142 ; North Chicago , 22 $ ;
Strawboard. 34& ; West Chicago , 100 ; City
Railway , 303.
ST. LOUIS , Dec. 9. Clearings , $5,708.931 ;
balances , $440,775. Money , 4S8 per cent ;
New York exchange , 25c discount bid , lee
discount asked.
CINCINNATI. Dec. 9.-Money , 2H f per
cent. Now York exchange , 15c premium.
Clearings. $1,743,250.
PHILADELPHIA , Dec. 9. Clearings , $14-
61S.1GO ; balances , $1,901,826.
BALTIMORE. Dec. a.-Clearlngs , $3.333.-
740 : balances , $353,324.
NEW YORK. Dec. 9-Clearlngs , $154,964-
278 ; balances , $3,254.432.
BOSTON. Dec 9. Clearings , $22,035,324 ;
balances , $1,814,03 $ .
NEW ORLEANS , Dec. 9.-Clearlngs ( $1-
943,143. New York exchange , bank , par ;
commercial , $1 discount.
Wool Market.
BOSTON , Dec. 9. The Commercial Bul
letin will say tomorrow of the wool mar
ket : "The market Is quite active , with
no material change In prices. A few largo
sales have beenmade at former figures , but
the market as 'ftJwhole U steadier than
last week. Territory , western wools and
fleeces'have been very active and Austra
lian has been In better demand. The sales
of the week are 4,342,000 Ibs. domestic and
1,080.000 Ibs forelgn-a total of 6,422.000 Ibs. ,
acalnst 3.487.000 Ibs. .last , week and 3,125-
000 Ibs. for the same week last year. The
sales to date show a decrease of 101,188.-
800 Ibs. domestic and 129.7S8.200 Ibs. foreign
from the * ales to the same date In 1897. The
receipts * to date show a decrease of 249,044
bales domestic and 3,924,743 bales foreign.
New York Dry Good * Market.
NEW YORK , Dec. 9. Good sales of print
cloths were reported today and prices ad
vanced l-16c to a basis of 2 3-16c for regu
lar M-square goods. Merrlmac and Luzon
silk fancy prints advanced J,4c per yard.
The tone of the cotton goods market was
very firm and the eltuatlon healthy. A
good general demand wa reported for both
staple to fancy cotton goods. Brown ana
bleached cottons were well traded In.
Prints and ginghams sold well and firm ,
and advances In prices are not Improbable.
Woolen geode are > In steady request and the
tone of the market was more conuaent.
Coffee Market.
NEW YORK , Dec. 9.-COFFEE-Optkms
opened steady at unchanged prices to 6
points advance , ruled unexceptlonally In
active , but showed steady undertone , on
heavy United States warehouse deliveries
and small Brazilian receipts ; absence of
Rio and Santos cables closed by holiday-
made traders conservative. Closed nrm , 5S ?
10 points net higher. Sales , 4.230 bags. In
cluding December , $540 : March. $5.70 ; Sep
tember , $ G.OO ; October. $8.00 < ff6.05 ; November ,
$6.10. Spot coffee , steady. Mild , steady ; Im
proved demand for large lots and good
business In a jobbing way.
Smear Market.
Firm ; open kettle. 3 ® 3 11-lCc ; open ket
tle , centrifugal. % ® l-16c ; centrifugal ,
granulated. 4 9-16@4 4c. white. 4V4@4o ; yel
low. 455 * 3-Sc ; seconds , 2T4c.
MOLASSES Steady ; open kettle , ZWHSlc ;
centrifugal. 819c ; flyrup , strong. 25@37c.
NEW YORK , Dec. 9. SUGAR Raw.
nrm ; fair rennlnc. 3 16-lCc ; centrifugal , ' 98
test. 4 7-16c ; molassesi sugar. 3 ll-16c ; re
fined , steady ; crushed , 5c ; powdered ,
cember , 10s IHsd ; January , 10s 2Vid.
Condition of the Leather Market.
CHICAGO , Dec. 9. The Shoe and Leather
Review of December 10 will say : "The
packer hide market Is stronger. The near
approach of the holidays tends to restrict
trade , but packers reem able , on account
of the limited stocks * to dictate the prices
the tanners must pay. Native steer hides
were sold at llVic and lO'/fcc for heavy and
light , but some of the packers are closely
sold up and arc demanding HVSc and W4c.
Texas steer hides are said to have been
brought to 10'c for heavy. Country buff
hides are strong at 9c. "
Oil Market.
OIL CITY , Dec. 9. Credit balances , $1.17 ;
certificates opened. $1.13 bid for cash ;
closed , $1.18 ; no pales ; shipments , 85,789
bbl . : runs. 81,239 bbls.
ATLANTA , Ga. . Dec. 9.-OIL Spirits tur-
pnntlne , tlrm , 37c ; rosin , firm , unchanged.
WILMINGTON , N. C. . Doc. 9.-OIL-Splr-
Its turpentine , firm , SOTJifSt'ic ; rosin , firm ,
37VJ < if$1.01 < f. Crude turpentine , nrm. $1.30 ,
$2.00 and $2.00 ; tar. nrm , $1.10.
Price of Wine Advance * .
BAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 9. The shortage
In the wine crop of 1S93 , and the fairly
good demand that has existed during the
pust year , have resulted In advancing
priced. In speaking of the situation , Sec
retary HotchklsB of the Winemakers * cor
poration. Bald : "Prices of wine * have been
advanced steadily for some time , and since
October 1 the Increase has amounted to 6
cents per gallon. Wo feel confident that
prices will go higher. Our opinion U based
on the facts of the Ions-continued dry
weather , which will weaken the wines , and
the ravages of the phylloxera. "
k Illume Fixed ( or Fatality.
DETROIT. Dec. 3. The coroner's In
vestigation of the cause of the collapse of
the roof of Wonderland theater , by which
a dozen lives were lost , returned a verdict
today to the effect that too heavy a weight
was placed upon the roof and fixing the
responsibility upon the firm of John Scott
& Co. , architects.
Government lluy Lookout Mountain.
CHICAGO , Dec. 9. A special to the
Record from Chattanooga. Tenn. , says : The
government has formally purchased at
private sale the Lookout Point property ,
for which negotiations have been pending
for some months.
Light Ran of Cattle and Another Good Lot
of Hops.
Fairly Active anil I'rlccB
Steady to Strung HOK * Ilulc
Fairly Steady and Sell Ac
tively Sheep Steady.
_ . Cattle. Hogs , tiheep.
Receipts today . 1,601 7,1)70 ) l.OJS
Monday . 1,73 * 2.235 2,6.'i
OHlc a Tuesday . 1,639 8,759 2 , 20
Official Wednesday . 2.S31 14.M4 1.171
Ofllclal Thursday . 1,941 12,4 5 3,065
Five days thlsi week. . . . 9.771 4 lrt ( 10.S7S
* nme days last week. . . .14,373 38,000 10,041
same days week before. .10,292 20.SSI 9,452
saino three weeks ago , .15,150 42,6,01 , 15.911
Average prloe paid for hog * lor the last
several days , with comparisons :
| 1898.1837.lS9g.lS93.lS94. | | | | | 03.1592. |
Nov. 25. . . . 3 38 | 3 30 3 16 ! 3 46 ! 5 03
Nov. 20. . . . 3 23 3 24 3 24 3 50 ! 4251 5 61
Nov. 27. . . . 3 28 3 25 3 43 4 30 521
Nov. 2S. . . . 3 20 3 32 337 4 40 516 5 6V
Nov. 29. . . . 3 19 3 301 * * 5 14 5 76
Nov. 30. . . . 3 21 3 27 3 38 3 40 4 39 5 69
Dec. 1 . . . . 3 2) 3 23 3 19 4 41 5 29 6 7U
Dec. 2 , . . . . 3 23 3 23 3 09 3 35 5 79
Dec. 3 3 29 3 19 3 23 3 42 4 47
Dec. 4 3 21 3 16 3 39 4 33 5 13
Dec. 6 3 37 * 3 09 3 39 4 2' 5 14 591
Dec. 6 3 34 3 25 333 4 33 5 03 C 05
Dec. 7 3 27 , 3 22 3 09 3 36 4 3) 5 06 6 01
Dec. 8 329 3 17 3 19 * 4 34 5 14 5 9S
Dec. 9 3 29 3 13 321 3 32 5 15 6 86
Indicates Sunduy. Holiday.
, -no. official number of cars of stock
brought in today by each road was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
- . , M. & a. . P. Ry . .
O. & St. L. Ry . . . . ; . .
Missouri Paclllc Ry 31 lo
nl ° n Pacific System. . . . 12 20
C. & N. W. Ry 7
F. , E. & M. V. R R. . . . 7 30 ' 4
C. , St. P. , M. & O Ry. B 6 . ?
B.M. . R. R. R. . . . . . 8 18
C. , 11. & Q. Ky i 14 " 2
K. c. & st. s ; : : : 2 . . .
C. , R. I. &p. Ry. , enst. . 7 1C
C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , west. . . . 2 1
Total receipts 79 136 7
The disposition of the day's r.'celptB was
as follows , each buyer purchasing ; the num
ber of head Indicated :
Buyers Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
Omaha Packing Co 8 3S3 . . . . .
G. If. Hammond Co 260 1,176 282
Swift and Company 43 1,727 222
Cudahy Packing Co 282 2.276 794
Armour & Co 263 2,422
Vansant & Co 18
J. L. Carey 21
Vf. I. Stephens 91
Huston & Co 7
L. F. Husz $2
Livingston & Schaler. . . . 2
Cudahy , Kansas City. . . . 840 1.26J
Other buyers 153 22
Loft over 100 75 618
Totals "l SSO 9,319 U38
CATTLE Receipt * were very light today ,
hardly enough being on sale 'to ' make a test
of the market. A train or two arrived from
Kansas City for packers , which left very
little to bo divided among a good many
buyers. At the same time the demand waa
of the usual proportions , which made com
petition among buyers strong. The result
was a fairly active market at steady prices.
Tw ? , . bunches of rieht good cattle sold up
to $5.2o , while others not as well nnlshed
wont at S3.00S6.06. Cattle of good quality ,
out not fat. brought S4.85 and some coarse
cattle , but very fat , brought 5c less.
The market on good kinds of cows and
heifers was tlrm and fairly active. BO that
everything of any account sold In good
season. Bulls , stags , calves , etc. , sold at
steady prices. Practically everything In the
line of butchers' stock sold early and the
trade came to a close for the want of more
cattle to well. If comparisons are made
with other markets , it will be found that
the prices at which cows and heifers are
selling here are very high in comparison ,
and buyers are complaining that they are
paying more for butchers' stock than ore
the packers In any other market of the
There were very few feeders here , and but
few wanted. As It happened , however ,
there was a demand for a few cattle , and
those on sale brought good , firm prices.
Good dehorned western cattle weighing 900
or a little over , brought J190S3.95. Common
Nebraska cattle went at 13.60. Representa
tive sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av Pr
33..1103 S3 85 6.12124 15 8..1I66 86
2M ° ! 199 2..1120 450 27..1487 BOO
\ % 8JSMB : : 33-1318
. 831 4 85 24. .1045 500 14. . 1365 606
. 840 200 1..1210 2 60 5. , 1120 3 IB
. 730 200 2. . 1045 2 05 3. . 1026 3 25
. 880 2 2C 1..1050 2 75 1. inco 3 23
. 800 226 1..1330 2 75 1..1050 3 25
. 790 223 1..1170 2 75 11. .1100 3 25
. 86G 2 25 7. . 971 2 SO 1..1330 3 35
. SIX ! 2 25 28. . SOI 2 80 3. . 1086 340
.10CO 2 50 1. . 520 290 1..1130 3 GO
.1090 2 SO 4. . 962 3 05 1..1300 350
.1040 2 50 1..1110 3 10 3. . 763 3 60
. 750 2 50 1..1430 3 10 6. . 1204 3 GO
.1030 250 2..1000 3 10 16. . 1025 3 70
.1023 2 50 2..1210 3 10
4..1325 3 40
17 , , . 699 300 2. . 770 3 45 1. . 900 S 75
13 , , . 8S9 3 15 4. . 4SO 3 50 21. . 00 3 SO
35 , , . 599 3 15 1..1030 3 05 14. . 9SO 3 95
1 , , .1000 3 40 1. . 820 375 1. . 710 425
4 , , . 910 340
1 , , .1330 2 75 . 790 300 1..1580 340
, .1260 275 .1500 320 1..14DO 340
i ] , .1220 285 . 12.10 325 2..1490 350
i , , .1160 2 SO .1437 335 1..1880 390
i , , .1540 2 SS
. 170 3 00 13. . 406 400 2. . 120 6 00
14 ! , 300 400 1. . 110 500 2. . 135 650
1. . 710 225 29. . 879 350 1. . 610 400
1. . 800 2 25 21. . 831 3 60 2. . 710 4 00
1. . 580 3(10 ( 30. . 826 3 00 6. . 448 4 00
28. . 857 3 25 27. . 580 3 70 48. . 374 4 35
C. J. Bliss.
3 cows . 936 2 75 3 heifers. . 8S3 3 15
1 cow . 1090 3 00 2 heifers. . 760 3 03
1 helfor. . . 730 3 00 1 heifer. . . 750 3 76
1 cow . 1140 3 00
HOOS Today's hog market opened about
steady with yesterday's general market. It
may have been easier than the extreme
nigh time yesterday , but as good as > the
general market. The demand was good and
the market fairly active. Chicago and
other markets came a little easier and that
made the buyers In somr cases a little
bearish , but sellers were in no mood to
make concessions and they generally held
on until they got their price. Heavy hoga
sold largely at $3.27U. with a few prime
heavy at $3.30. Medium weights and light
mixed went largely nt S3.30 , with some
cholco loads at J3.32HQ3.35 and n top at
(3.40. ( These were , practically the tame
prices that were paid yesterday , with the
exception of the top , which was 2&c higher
than yesterday.
A glance at 11 cures at head of column
will bring out some Interesting facts. It
will be noted among , other things that the
receipts for the week to date arc way In
excess of the totals for corresponding days
of recent weeks. Still there have been none
too many hogs to keep all the packers busy
and they have bid the market up so that
t has been very strong as compared with
other markets. A good many Iowa hogs are
jelng turned this way and still It Is Im
possible for buyers to get all that they
want. Today the packers had eight double
dorks sent up from Kansas City. Another
thing that may b ; learned from the tables
at head of column is the fact that the
market Is now about lOc higher than It
was a week ago. One. year ago today the
average price paid for hogs on this market
waa $3.13 , two years ago $3.21 , three years
ago , $3.32 , and four years ago , $4.20. Rep
resentative salez :
. .W
.2 < 2
2 t
40 3 30 81 215
80 3 10 70 197
160 330 91 172
.263 120 3 30 77 209
.332 200 3 30 35 181
2 290 . . . 1 75 3 KO . . . S 00
1 2CO . . . 180 6 29G . . . 3 2S
1 310 . . . ISO 2 320 . . . 325
10 117 . . . 250
SHEKP Seven corn were reported In the
yards today , thn receipts being the smallest
of any day since Saturday. For the most
part the arrivals consisted of feeders , very
few killers being among the number , and
not of very good quality. The market wan
very dull and unsatisfactory nil around.
Buyers did not appear to be attracted by
the kind of stuff on sale and the. trade was
a drag from start to finish. A few shttp
sold to the killer * nt prices that were not
much different from yenteiday. but some
who sold lamb ? thought the price was not
so good.
Qum.atlorm are : Good grass westerns ,
S4.00ff4.10 ; fair to good , J3.9Vft4.00 ( ; choice fed ,
J4.00ft4.10 ; fair to good. S3.90JT4.00 choice ,
yearlings , S4.25'f4.40 ' ) ; fair to good yenrllnpn ,
J4.00JT4.6 ; good to choice lambs. J5.0005.25 ;
fair to good lambs , J4.900j.00 : feeder weth
ers , 2-year-olds and over , J3.G303.85 ; feeder
yearlings , J3.85ff4.00 : feeder Iambs , J4.2iW4.G5 ;
cull sheep , J2.00t(3.00 ; cull lambs , J3.501M.OO ;
Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr.
3S2 western yearlings , wethers
feeders 80 JJ 85
111 western sheep nnd yearlings ,
cornfed 95 4 10
245 western lambs , cornfed 75 4 65
25 buck lambs , culls G7 3 00
21 ewes H4 sou
76 buck lambs , natives 80 4 00
Active Demand for HOK from Chi-
caico Packcm I'rlcm Unruly Steady.
CHICAGO , Dec. 9. There was a fair sup
ply of cattle for Friday. Offerings were
well taken at yesterday's ruling prices.
Holiday cattle were In good demand at
$5.GOiR6.00 ; good to choice , steers brought
H.90li5.50 , while commoner grades sold at
; . ? ! . -80' stockerB and feeders ranged from
$2.904.35. with a light supply. The demand
wast mostly for good feeders. Calves sold
at the usual wide range of prices , the best
bringing $6.0006.76 ; commoner grades , $3.00H >
o. < 5.
There was a. fairly active demand for
hogs from the Chicago packers , but they
acted more. Independently than usual , ana
In many Instances prices ruled 2 ! c lower ,
there being less Inquiry for heavyweights.
Hogs sold at an extreme range of $3.30if
3.45. largely at $3.3Wf3.374. ; and the bulk
of pigs went for $3.00Q3.30.
There was a moderate demand for sheep
and lambs at the recent decline , sheep be
ing wanted at $125 3.4o. for Inferior to
choice , with Males largely at $3.805H.lo.
Muttons sold at $3.80 and over and feeders
were salable at $3.5093.75. For yearlings the
ruling prlcea were $4.104.65 , while lambs
moved off clowly at $3.75@4.35 for poor to
prime flocks , few going above $5.25. Feed
ing lambs sold at $4.25$4.75. Heavy sheep
were again neglected , the' demand being for
RECElPTS-Cattlo , 3,000 head ; hogs , 40-
000 head ; sheep , 10,000 head.
Light Supply of Cattle Scarcely
SatlBflcM Demand HOB * Steady.
ceipts , 3,675 natives and 90 Tcxons ; light
supply hardly satisfied demand ; all grades
slaughtering and feeding cattle selling
readily at bteady prices ; heavy beef steers ,
$5.00 < ! ? 5.35 ; medium. $4.3 < V@5.00 ; light weights ,
$4.00 4.90 ; stackers and feeders , $3.00i4.35 | ;
butcher cows and heifers , J2.65ff4.00 ; west
ern steers , $3.00@4.60 ; Texas steers , $3.00ft )
4.40 ; Texas butcher cows , $2.65 3.25 ; can
ning stock , $2.0082.80.
HOGS Receipts , 15,930 head ; demand
hardly equal to supply ; llgnt weight and
butcher pigs Bold steady ; packers slow to
fie lower ; heavy , $3.25@3.40 ; mixed , $3.25 ®
3.35 ; lights , $3.1553.30.
SHEEPRecelpts , 1,465 head ; light sup
plies and good demand sustained prices , all
grades slaughtering and feeding sheep sell
ing active at steady prices ; lambs , $3.0C H >
5.50 ; muttons , $3.SO M.25 ; feeding lambs ,
$3.80@4.25 : feeding slieep , $3.25SS.85 ; stack
ers , $2.50@3.60.
St. Loalu Live Stock.
ST. LOUIS , Dec. 9. CATTLE Receipts ,
2,200 head , including 1,200 Texans ; shlp-
menta , 1,000 head. Market steady : fair to
fancy native shipping und export steers ,
$4.1506.40 , bulk of sales. $1.40 5.30 ; dressed
beef and butchers , $3.00 5.25 , bulk of sales ,
$3.70S6.10 ; steers , under 1.000 Ibs. , $2.604.75.
bulk of Bales , $3.25ff4.00 : stockers ana
feeders. $2.304.30 , bulk of sales.
$2.5034.10 : cows and heifers , $2.008 >
4.50. bulk of gales of cows. $2.30 3.00 :
Texas and Indian steer. " , $2.6504.25 , bulk or
sales , $ .75Q'4.00 ( ; cows and heifers , $2.00 ®
HOGS Receipts , 13,300 head ; shipments ,
900 head. Market weak to 5c lower ; yorkers -
ers , J3.1033.35 ; packers , $3.1533.30 ; butchers ,
$3.30(53.40. (
SHEEP Receipts , 1,000 head ; shipments ,
400 head. Market steady ; native muttons ,
$3.50iH,10 : culln and bucks , $2.25@3.50 ; atock-
ers , l2.26@2.7B ; lambs , $4.0035.60.
New York Live Stock.
NEW YORK , Dec. 9. BEEVES-Recelpts ,
1,162 head ; demand fair ; good to cholco
baeves Bteady. Steers , ordinary to choice ,
$4.50fflG.GO ; oxen and Btags , J3.3Gft5.00 ; bulls ,
$5.00 3.00 ; cowa , $1.957/3.70. Cables were un
changed. Exports , 123 cattle.
CALVES-Recelpts , 132 head. Market
quiet , but steady. Veals , $4.0037.50 ; south
ern calves , $2.75.
SHEEP AND LAMBS Receipts , 2.134
head. Good sheep firmer ; others steady.
Lambs steady. Sheep , J3.OC3yi.62H ; lambs ,
HOGS Receipts , 4,826 head. Fair to
prime , J3.G033.75.
St. Joseph Live Stock.
ST. JOfaEPH. Dec. 9.-CATTLE-Re-
cclpts , 600 head ; market active and steady ;
natives , $3.75J6.15 ; Texans and westerns ,
$2.75it4.60 ; cows and heifers , $1.60 4.20 ;
stockerH and feeders , J2.7684.10.
HOGS Receipts , 4,700 had ; market active
and xtcady to a shade higher , selling at
$3.20 3.35 ; bulk , $3.25r3.30.
SHEEP Receipts , 200 head ; -market was
Cincinnati Llv * Stock.
CINCINNATI. Dec. 9. HOGS Dull and
lower : J2.00fi3.30.
CATTLE-Stendy ; $2.50S4.75.
8HEBP Steady ; $2.25 4.00.
LAMUS Steady ; $4.0035.25.
Stock In
Following are the receipts at the four
principal markets for December 9 :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheen.
Omaha 1.001 7,070 1,095
Chicago 3,000 40,000 10,000
Kansas City 3675 15,030 1,465
St. Louis 2.200 13.300 1.000
Tptals 10.479 77,200 13.560
IllUxnrd ItOKlnic < > > Toinn.
DALLAS , T x. , Dee. 9. Reports received
here state that a severe blizzard Is raging
all over Texas. Wire communication Is more
or less Interrupted south o ! this city by
heavy uleet.
Killed by Falllnir Scaffold.
CHICAGO. Dec. 9. John Trozell wes
killed and John Kemponnnn and Samuel
Larson were fatally Injured today by the
falling of a scaffold In. Armour & CO.'B new
elevator D , Twenty-second and Morgan
streets. Two other men saved themselves by
Telephone 1039. Omaha , Neb
Dlrft wire * to i.'nlcmo "U New Tor *
Corrupondentii John A. . Warrtn A Co.
Room 4 , N. Y. Life Hid * ; . , Omaha , NeU
, , .
lllreot Wlr < - New York , Chicago and
Weter Point * ,
ontchlng hold of a crossbotnl , whcro thej
itwunR , sixty feet In the iwr , until rescued
by their companions. The men were en
gaged In rebuilding the elevator , which
wan nearly destroyed by fin , several monthl
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
The sooner A cough or cold la cured with
out harm lo the ( UfTorer the bolter. One
Mlniito Cough Cure qulcklv cure * . Why suf.
for when such n cough euro la within roach )
It Is pleasant to the lasto.
In Dirt
Proof Cans
Coffee , to be fine I
furor nnd colorn
iiuit bo kspt fro *
rotn dmt , nnd la
loved receptacles.
Rxpniure to air dli-
the aroma.
the eiientl * !
oils , eventually to
tnodlfylNC a really
irood article that 11
b ara little or M
icnbluncouf lts > oiixlnal tnte.
Squirrel Coffee.
kept In airtight cans retains all the flavol
of the berry , nnd l a perfectly pure nn <
ulnform article. Of grocer * .
St. Lauli , * * *
Lilt of Mcrchntit * In OMAHA ,
Ilnnillln * ; "Suulrrel" Collect
R. Abrnhnmson. 1918 N. 24th Bt.
H. Anderson , 24lh and Burdette St * .
Joseph Uartu. 2603 Ho. 13th St.
Rudolph Heal , SGth and Hamilton Bt * .
A. lirown. 2601 Cumlng Bt.
A. Carlson , 1918 So. 20th St.
L. Cohn , 3104 Lcavenworth St.
S. Drelfus. 20th and Farnam St * .
B. II. GoldKrnbor. 21lh and Grace Bt * .
A. Hanak. 1603 Piirk We.
Hclln & Co. . 2424 Cumlng Bt.
John Hempclman. 2410 Cumlnf St.
I. Htpgelbcrg. 20th and Pierce BU.
Howell & Bon , 1S15 Leaven worth St.
L. Jankowskl. 43d and Military Ave.
E. Jepson , 2520 Cumlng St.
Kcttelmah & Goldman , 121 N. 10th BV
M. Kcttolninn , 16th and Jackton fits.
I. Kulokofsky , 1844 So. 10th Bt.
E. Mnrsh , S14 N. 16th St.
H. M. Moskovlti' . 20th and Clark St * .
Newman Bros. , 1902 So. 10th St.
C. Pahl. 17th and Clark 8t .
J. H. Price. 2422 N. ! 4th St.
A. B. lloblnion , 1611 Leavonworth St.
Schnauber & Hofman , 13 Chicago St
D. Smith. 2702 So. 20th St
Svaclna Bros. , 1544 Bo. Uth St.
G. Thorson. 2814 Shfrman Ave.o
, , & . , , , : o
C. E. CurtlB. 2108 N St.
J. Horncck.
E < " "
j. c. Alton.
W. Fitzgerald.
John Moreen.
Frank Peterson.
Fred Peterson.
Primary , Secondary or Tertiary
BLOOD OIBON permanentlywuml
Cured in 15 to 35 Days.
You can be treated at home for lame
price under aame cuarantv. If you
prefer to come here we will contract
to pay railroad fare and hotel bllli ,
and no charge If w * fall to cur * .
taken mercury. Iodide potash and etni
have aches and palm , Mucous Patches
In mou'h. Sore Throat , Plmplei , Cop.
per Colored Snoti , Ulcer * on any part
of the body. Hair or Eyebrow * falllnf
out. It la this eecondary
We Guarantee to Curt
We aoltclt the cjioit obitlnate cae *
and challenge the world for a case wa
cannot cure. Thl * disease ha * alwaya
baffled the eklll of the meat eminent
physician * .
HOO.OOO capital behind our uncondl-
tlonei'truaranty. Absolute proof * aent
waled on application. MO pace book
eat free.
AddrcBB COOK REMEDY CO. , 1491
Ma ml Teaigle , Chicago , 111.
la sold under positive Written Guarsntea
by authorized arenta only , to cure Weak Memory ,
Dlzzlnrsn. Wakcfulnesa. Flta , Hyatarla , Quick-
nen , Nlrht Lo ea , Evil Dreama , Lack of ConB-
denco , HfrvuimncBB , Lassitude , all Drains , Youth
ful Errors , or Excessive Uae of Tobacco , Opium ,
or Liquor , which leads to Mlstry , Consumption ,
Insanity and Death. At store or by mall , * 1 a box ;
six for IB ; with written .guarantee to
cure or refund money. Sample pack
age , uontHlnlBE UVB dinra' treatment , with
FullTnstruotlons , 35 cents. One sample omly aold
to each person. At store or by mill.
„ Red Label Spa
clal Extra Strength.
For Impotency , Loss of. .
Power , Loit Manhood ,
Hterllltr or Barrenesi ,
II a box ; fix for 15 , with
written Buarante
'to ' cure in 30 day * . A
store or by mall.
'er * , Dillon Drag Co. , Sole
ICth and Farnara > Omaha , Neb ,
For Rats , Mice , Roaches.
After eating , all vermin ( tele water and the open air.
Hence this killer It Ike net cleanly oa tarth.
For Sale by all Druggist * . Price , IS Cent * .
93 William Street. New Yarn.
I * a preparation of tne Drug by which it *
Injurious effects are removed , while the val
uable medicinal properties are retained. It
possesses all the sedative , anodyne and antispasmodic -
spasmodic powers of Opium , but produce *
no sickness of the stomach , no vomiting , no
costlveness , no headache , in acute nervou *
disorder * It Is an Invaluable remedy , and ?
recommended by the beat physicians.
E , FERR/ETT. / Agen .
ara Pearl St. . New York.
TcuU llFnnt < (
QHeel4kfcFirni | | ii