Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 07, 1898, Page 10, Image 10

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Lugo Increase of World's Wheat Stock
AffecU Speculators.
Corn Dull nnd Influenced tty Wenthcr
I'rovlnloni Quirt , Cloning
Seven and n Half Cent *
CHICAGO , Dec. 6. Largo receipts , a big
Increase of world's stock of wheat nnd
flour and lack of speculation wcro the
features In wheat. Compared with last
night , prices show a decline of 1-Sc In May
and UflS-Sc In December wheat , 3-Sc In
corn , U03-8c In oats and 2V4Q7V4c in provi
For two hours following the opening In
wheat It looked as If speculation In thnt
commodity had been abandoned. The range
of prices during that tlmo was scarcely
more than l-8c and trades of any kind were
very few nnd far between. There was ab-
Bolutely no Interest , a little knot of local
speculators doing all the little scalping
business that was transacted. May started
at 66fl 6 l-8c and there the prlco remained
until near the close. In spite of the dull
ness the market during the morning
showed no Indication of weakness. Cables
showed a llttld advance at Liverpool due
to reports of bad crops In Argentine on ac
count of unfavorable weather. The In
crease In the visible was only 746,000 bush
els , or nbout hnlf of which had been ex
pected. Both northwest nnd local receipts
wtro heavy. Mlnncnpolls nnd Duluth re
ported 1.531 cnrs. compnrcd with 2.041 last
week and 734 n year ago. Chicago received
743 cars , one of contracting grade. Primary
receipts were more than double last year s
200,000 bushels. The world's visible n-
creasnd 4,021,000 bushels. The world's ship
ments for last week , as officially reporled ,
were 9843.000 bushPls , of which India con
tributed 354,000 bushels. Broomhnll sent re
ports of drought damage In that country.
One feature In trading was the liquidation
which started rather Inte , but was heavy
enough to put the discount to nbout Ic
under Mny. The closing out of December
holdings had some effect on Mny trading
late In the session. Increasing the H cht
selling pressure enough to cause a slight
decline from the price that hnd prevailed
almost unchanged from the start. There
wns a moderate cash business her ? and the
seaboard reported nbout thirty-live lonrt
taken for export , Mny declined to 60 ®
65 7-So and clorcd heavy at that price. An
Incrense In world's stocks of wheat and
flour In November of over 2o,000 bushels
was a factor near the close.
Corn was dull , but the lack of Interest
was not so pronounced ns In wheat. The
market aa n whole wns weak. Influenced by
the cold wenther , the Increasing receipts
nnd 'ower cnbles. Another factor wns the
appearance of new corn In local receipts
and a break of 1 cent In No. 4. The rash
demand was fair. The mnrket was weak
est toward the close , when wheat and oats
were both declining. Receipts were JMO
cars ! May ranged from 33 7-Rc to 34 < 831&c
and closed 3-8c lower at 33 7-8S33iic.
Onts was decidedly weak. There was a
eood deal of liquidation by prominent hold
ers , Increasing receipts and apparently
shaking the confidence of bulls In higher
prices. There were no large buyers , but
Bmnll ones were numerous enough to tnko
most of the offerings. The small export
movemcnt-443.ono bushels last woek-nt-
traotcd attention. Receipts. 523 cnrs. Mny
ranged nt from 25 ? ; < g23 7-8c to 2G ,4c nnd
closed y ft3-8c lower at 23iS25 7-3c.
Provisions , though rather . .nulot. were
flrm , most of the day at a slight advance.
There was a good general demand , ana as
packers did not come Into the mnrket to
any great extent , quotations ruled some
what higher. Late In the session , however ,
the weakness In all the grain markets af
fected provisions nnd prices slid off , the
market being-heavy nt the cloe. May pork
closed 77c lower nt J9.50 , Mny lard zm >
fie lower nt $3.27U6.30 nnd May ribs 5c
lower at J4.77HMo estimated receipts on
whfat , corn nnd oats.
KMImated receipts for Wednesday : Hogs ,
60000 head.
Leading futures ranged as follows ;
Articled Oprn. Hleh. L T flloi * . Yestd'y
Deo. . . , B4H 05V *
May. . . 6CH-B4
1' < > ( , . . . .
Mav. . . X3H-34 H
July. . . 35 35 34)i ) 34M
loc. . . . SSM am ISIi
Mny. . . 2U <
8 00
Jan. . . . 932H 040 925 8271 , '
Miiy. . . SCO 005 9 CO so 987\
Dec. . . . 000
Jan. . . . BIS 617V , fil'J't 5 171 *
Muy . . 635 6311 53'JV ,
Dee. . . . 44714
Jan . . . 4074 470 4T.24 4 (17k (
May 483 4774 4774 48.'H
No. 2.
Cnsh quotntlors were ns follows :
KLOUR Steady ; winter patents , $3.50 ®
3.60 ; straights , $3.1503.30 ; spring "pedals ,
$4. 0004. 10 ; Kprlncr patents. S.l.IiO'ij'S.'W ' ;
straights. $2.90@3.10 ; bakers , $2.2 < Xfl2.50.
WHEAT-No. 3 spring , 6SiaC4V4c ; No. 2
red , 6St/69c. /
CORN No. ,
OATS No. 2 , 26HS27o ; No. 3 white , 27U ®
RYE No. 2 , 53c.
SEEDS No. 1 flaxsecd , 99V4c0$1.02'(4 ;
prlmo timothy seed , $2.25.
PROVISIONS-Mops pork , per bbl. . JS.OO
© 8.05. Lard , per 100 Ibs. . $ o.OOfi'.17V4. Short
ribs sides ( loose ) . $4.50fM.70 : Dry salted
shoulders ( boxed ) , $4 25Q4.32V& ; short clear
Bides ( boxed ) . $4.9005.00.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per
cal , $1.26.
SUGARS Cut loaf , $5.95 ; granulated , $5.45.
The following were the receipts nnd ship
ments for today.
ARTICLES. Receipts. I Shipments.
Flour , bbls. CO 000 40,000
Wheat , bu. , 200,000 35,000
Corn , bu. . . . K60.000 398,000
Oats , bu , . . . . 605,000 216,000
Rye. bu. . . . . 20000 2.COO
Barley , bu. 126,000 7,000
On the Produce exchange today the but
ter market was stendy : creameries , 15
21Wc ; dairies , 1319c. Cheese , Ilrm ,
10' % ' c. Eggs , tlrm ; fresh , 22'.4c.
In Nortlitreit and Gain of
2n.OSD.OOO BnnIieU In AtcxrcRntc.
NEW YORK. Dec. 8. Special cable and
telegraphic dispatches to Bradstrect's In
dicate the following changes In available
supplies last Saturday as compared with
the preceding Saturday :
Wheat United States and Canada , cast ol
the Rockies , decrease , 79,000 bu. ; Liverpool
Corn Trade News reports afloat for and In
Europe , Increase 4,100,000 bu. ; total "supply
Increase. 4,021.000 bu.
Corn United States nnd Canada , east ol
the Rockies , decrease , 3,627,000 bu.
Oats United States and Canada , east of
the Rockies decrease , 1,142,000 bu.
Stormy weather nnd Inrge exports are
reflected In the decrease shown this week
In wheat tltotlos east of the Rocklca
Among the more Important Increases It
wheat stocks reported by Bradslreet's. not
given In the olflclal statement , are gains of
164.000 bu. at Manitoba storage points ; 159 -
000 bu. nt New Orleans , S4.000 bu. at Louis
ville and 63.000 bu. at Portland , Me.
The Important decreases are quite nu
merous , numbering COa.OOO bu. nt Chicago
private elevators , 100,000 bu. nt northwestern
Interior elevators , 78,000 bu. at Fort Wil
liam. Ont. . and 65000 bu. nt Port Huron.
The aggregate stocks of wheat held at
Portland , Tacoma nnd Seattle Increasei
121,000 bu. last week. Telegraphic nnd cablt
advices to Brudstreet's show that the
world's wheat stock December 1 aggregate
111,859,000 bu. . a gnln of 25.029,000 bu. durlnt ,
November , agnlnst n gnln of 15,517,000 1m. a
year ngo. but the world's stock on Dccem
tcr 10 Is i lll 16005000 bu. smaller than a
the sonic date a yenr ngo ,
Reports on the world's wheat stock show
the following :
81. LaaU Mnrl'et.
ST. LOUIS. Dec. C. FLOUR Weak : 1
light demand nnd dronplng : patents $1 3) ,
S.56 ; HtrnlKhts. J2.95I3.10 | : clear. J2.7632.90
low to medium grades. J2.00tf2.50.
WHEAT Options dull and small frar
tlon lower : spot steady : No. 2 red cash
elevator. 70c ; track. iOff71c : December
63-ttc : May , 67 5-SfifiSMc : July , 6lc asked
No. 2 hard cash , 64'ntlHc.
CORN Futures dull nnd fractional !
lower : spot lower : No. J rash , 3c ; Dccem
bcr. smc npked ; May. 32'.4c asked.
OATS Steady for December , with M < \
i wer ; spot hlsher ; No. 2 cash , 7c ;
track , 2Sc ; December , Z7o bid ; May , 27o
asked ! No. 2 whltn 30c.
RVE-StPady at 62c.
8EHDS Flaxieed , lower at Ko ; prime ,
timothy seed , J2.30.
BRAN Firm and good demand ; east
track , sncked , 69c.
H'AY Quiet nnd steady ; prnlrl * , $7.00 ;
tlmoihy. J7.6 ( > 38.GO.
POULTRY Mnrket steady ; chickens and
ducks , G' JCc ; geese , 5fl6V4e ; turkeys , 614
"wiMSKY Firm at J1.26.
BUTTBR-Steady ; creamery , 192c ! ;
dairy. 15 20c.
EOOS-Slcady at 19c.
METALS-Lend. dull at J3.50Q3.C2V4 ! pel-
ter , lileher nt J3.30.
PROVISIONS Pork , higher : standard
mem. Jobbing , JS.23. Lard , flrm : prime
stenm. J5.00 : choice. J5.07'.4. Dry salt
moats , shoulders , J4.2S ; extra short , J4.75 :
ribs , J3.12W ! shorts , J5.25. Bacon , boxed
dhouldcrs , J5.00 : extra shorts , J3.2S ; ribs ,
J3.62H ; shorts , J5.75. . . . .
RECEIPTS Flour. 4,000 bbls. : wheat. 73-
000 bu : corn , 65,000 bu. : oats. 35,000 bu.
SIIIPMENTS-Flour , 9,000 bbls.J wheat ,
0,000 bu. ; corn , 97,000 bu. ; oats , 12,000 bu.
Condition of Trniie inil Clnotntlon * on
Staple nnd Fnncr Produce.
EGGS Good stock. 20c.
HOTTER Common to fnlr. 1012c ; choice.
4B16c ; separator , 22c ; gathered creamery
POULTRY-Hens , live , 4c ; dressed , 5c ;
Id roosters , llvo , 3 c : dressed , 4Hc ; sptlng
hlckcns , live , 6 I51/4c : dressed. 6j(6'/4c ( ;
ucks , llvo , 6ifi5&c : dressed , J < ttlVscgoeae \ ,
ve , WA'tiKc : dressed , 7Q8c ; turkeys , live , 7c ;
GAME Teal , blue wing , $1.75 : green wing ,
$1.50 ; mixed , Jl.75'32.25 ' ; pr < tlr1o chickens ,
$3 ; quail , per doz. , $1.0001.10 ; jack rabbits ,
6cfll./t > ; cottontails , 25 < f(30c. (
PKJK NF LIVC. per doz. , 60c ,
VE VL Choice , 88 ! > c.
ONIONS Per bl 73Q'45c.
BEANS Hand-plcKed. navy , per bu. , $1.30
POTATOES-Cholce stock , 45g$0c ; sacked ,
ijrsoc- : poorer stock. SSQMoc.
SWEET POTATOKS-Pcr bbl. . $2.50.
CABBAGE-Pcr lb. . crated. l@l'/ic.
CULUItY Per bunch. 23S30c ; Colorado
elery , 40c.
LEMONS-Callfornla. fancy , $4.0004.60 ;
holt ( ' , $3.75ft 4 00.
onNOUS Mexicans. $4.00 : small slzea ,
3.75 : Navels. $4.25 ; seedlings , $3.50.
HANANAS Choice , large stuck , per
unch , J2.oug2.25 ; medium sized bunches.
APPLES Western Ben Davis. Qenlton *
nd Wlnesaps , per bbl J4.25iiz3.50 : New
* ork Baldwins , Greenings and otheis.
holco , per bbl. , $3.75.
PEARS-Bartfelt. California , out of the
market ; other varieties. $225.
STRAWBERRIES Per box. 30 35c.
GRAPES Malagn , per bbl. , J7.50SS.OO.
CRANBERRIES Bell & Bugli-s. per bbl. ,
7.60 : Jerycys. J6.00 ; per crate , $2.25.
QUINCES Per box. J2.00 ,
NUTS Almonds , per lb. . 1617c ; Brazils ,
er lb. , 9 < jlOc ; English wninuts. per lb. ,
ancy soft shell. ll12c : dtandards. lOc ;
Iberts , per ID. , He ; pecans , polished , < a >
ocoBiiuts , per 100. J4.60 ; peanuts , raw
_ .jc ; roasted , 7if 7Uc : chestnuts , 8@9c.
, IAPLE SYRUP FIV2-gal. can. each.
2.50 ; ial. cans , pure , per doz. . XII * lialf-gul.
ans , 16.23 ; quart cars , $3.50.
FIGS Imported , none ; California , n-lb.
oxcs , $1.60 1.76.
HONEY-ChoIco white , 12Mi13c.
DATES Hallowee , CO to 70-lb boxes. 6@
! Jc : Salr , 5'/4 < < r6c ; Fard , 9-lb. DOXVB , lOc.
r-IDKR-Per hnlf bbl. , $3.25.
SAUERKRAUT-Per half bbl. , $2.00.
HIDESHo. . I grtcn hldis.c' > o Z green
Ides , be ; No. 1 salted hides. 8Vlc , No. 2
ailed hides , 7Uc ; No. 1 veal calf , 8 to 12
bs. , lOc ; No. 2 veal calf , 12 to 15 Ibs. , 8c.
TALLOW. GREASE. S/fC. 'lo.lotv. No.
, 3c ; tallow , No. 2 , 2c : rough tallow , lUc :
vhlte grease , 2 ( fr3c ; yellow and brown
SHEEP PELTS-Grcen nailed , each. IS.t
5c ; grrcn salted shtarings tshort wooled
arly skins ) , each. 15c ; dry tAcarlnira , it
wool'd early skins ) , No. 1. eu.i. 6c ; diy
lint , Kansas and Nebraska bif.chcr wiol
lelts , per lb. , actual weight , 405c ; dry Hint
Cansas and Nebraska murrain wool pelts ,
er lb. . actual weight , 3tf4c ; dry flint , Coio-
ado butcher wool pelts , per lb. , actual
vclpht. 4C5c ; dry flint , Colorado mur.aln
wool pelts , per lb. , actual weight , 3ijl .
FURS Mink. 10-5c ; bear ( black or
Town ) , JG.OOp20.00 ; cttnr. n.MQt.W ; beaver.
l.OOJi .OO ; skunk , ljT50c ! ( ; muskrat. 37c ;
accoon , ' 150.soc ; red fox , 2ociBJ1.2i : giay fox.
30c : wolf Ulmbar ) , 25cF$2.50 ; wolf
prairie ) coyote , 10ft 0c ; wildcat , 10@25c ;
adeor. 5g40c ; silver fox. 50.X ( > U > 75.00.
Quotation * for the nor on General
Com modi t Ion.
NEW YORK , Dec. 6.-FLOUR-HecelptS' ,
5.155 bbls. : exports , 7,109 bbls. Sales , 9,000 ,
> bls. ; very dull and lower to sell. Mlnne-
polls patents , $3.704.00.
CORNMEAL Quiet ; yellow western , 75 ®
RYE Steady : 59O59' , c.
BARLEY MALT Firm : western , 69S70C.
WHEAT Receipts , 841,750 bu. : t exports ,
76.2M bu. ; spot easy ; No. 2 red , 756-Sc , f. o.
> . , afloat. Options ) opened steady nil day.
using off finally under liquidation and
losing l-8c net lower. Clearances were
urge , but export trade fell flat and with
> lg northwestern receipts checked buying.
"Sales Included No. 2 red , January , 731-SQi
3Vtc , i losed ut 73',4c.
CORN Receipts. 277,870 bu. ; exports. 74.129
bu. ; No. 2 , 404C , f. o. b. , afloat. Options
opened steady , with wheat , were neglected
nil day , nnd closed easy , under realizing , at
iiTJ-Sc net decline ; May , 39 439 5-gc , clos-
nr nt 39VJc.
OATS Recelpti * . 59 COO bu. ; spot dull : No.
. 31c ; No. 2 white , 32&c. Optlonsi dull and
BUTTER 6.653 pkgs. ; market very flrm ;
western creamery , 14Q20c ; Elgins , 20c ;
actory. 12tfl4Uc.
CHEESE Receipts. 4.771 pkgs. ; steady ;
arge white , ICHflO'ic ; small white , lOSlOtic ;
argo colored , lOc ; small colored , 10Vt(810iic. (
EGGS Receipts , 9.000 pkirs. : market firm ;
western 2Cc : southern , 2225c.
WOOL Steady.
COTTONSEED OIL Steady ; prime yel-
ow. 19't722f. '
METALS Pig Iron , quiet ; southern. $1025
© 11.25 ; northern. $10.2511.75. Copper , quiet ;
ake brokers. $12.75 ; exchange. $12 GMJ12.KO.
cad , quiet ; domestic brokers. $3.45 : ex
change , $3.6K53.6 ( * . Tin. flrm ; straits , $1810
© 1S.23 ; pinto3 dull. Spelter , firmer ; do
mestic. $5.2505.30. According to the official
report of the New York exchange , pig Iron
warrants closed quiet and nominal with
sellers at $7.20 ; Inke copper quiet , with buy
ers nt $12.65. selling at $12 SO ; tin. firmer ,
113.10 bid nnd $1825 asked ; lead , quiet. $3.60
bid and $3.62y. askod. The brokerage firm
which fixes the settling bnrtti for miners
and smelters calls lend. $3.45 ; copper , $12.75 ,
and casting copper , $11.75.
Knnnnn City firaln and Provlnlonn.
ket He to Ic lower : No. 2 hard. 610-62'Ao :
No. 3. 58fTCOHc : No. 2 red. 66c ; No. 3. 61 ®
64c : No. 2 spring , 60fi 2c : No. 3 56i60c.
CORN Mnrket Ur lnw > " X" 2'vcd ,
30'"S31c ; No. 2 white , 31f31Uc ; No. S , 30o.
OATS Mnrket fteady. No 2 wtiltcJC. .
RYK Market steady ; No. 2 , 49c.
HAY Mnrket steady and unchanged.
BUTTER Mnrket steady : separator , 20c ;
dairy. 16c.
EGOS Mnrkpt flrm ; fr'sh. 20c.
RECBIPTP-Whent. 81,600 bu. ; corn , 34,400
bu. : onts. 4.000 bu.
SHIPMENTS Wheat , 65,200 bu. ; corn , 6-
200 bu. ; oats , 6,000 bu.
Cincinnati Market.
No. 1 red , " " - .
CORN Firm ; No. 2 mixed , 344c.
OATS-Easy ; No. 2 mixed , 2S5c. .
PYK FirmNn. . 2. 67c.
PROVISIONS-Bulk meats , steady at
$4.75. Bacon , easy at $5.87 .
WHtPKY-Flrm nt $1.26.
BUTTER Unchanged ; fancy Elgin
creamery , 24c ; Ohio. 13016c ; dairy , 12Hc.
SUOAR-FIrm nt 19c.
Grnln Kecclpti at Principal Market * .
BT. LOUIS. Dec. 6.-Recelpts : Wheat ,
99 care.
MINNEAPOLIS , Dec. 6. Receipts ;
Whfnt. 590 cnrs.
KANSAS CITY , Dec. 6. Receipts :
Wheat. 136 cnrs.
DULUTH , Dec. 6.-Recepts ! : Wheat , 1,141 I
Grain receipts at primary markets :
Wheat , 2,193,023 bushels ; corn. 711,806
Dnlnth Grain Market.
65 3-Sc : No. 1 northern , 63 3-8c : receipts ,
1,201.400 bu. ; shipments , 814.900 bu.
BARLEY-36R36 c.
FLAX-OSc ; December. 9Sc ; May , $1.01 % .
PaMlinorc Market.
changed ; receipts , 29,090 bbls.J exports , 20-
461 bhls.
WHEAT Firm : spot nnd month. 713-81 ?
71'4c ; January. 71 W72c ; steamer No. 2 red. I
6So bid ; receipts. 86.217 bu , : exports , 600,100 *
bu. : southern wheat , by sample , 68ff72c ; on
grade. C8fi7iac. ;
CORN Firm : spot nnd month. 3W39l-Sc ;
December , rew or old , M6-SQ3S ic ; Jan
uary , SSUftM'/Jc ! steamer mixed , SSHQSGXc : '
receipts , 64,013 bu. : exports , 37.270 bu. ;
eouthcrn white and yellow corn , 36M39C.
OATS Quiet and easier : No. 2 white , 33cj
sales No. 2 mixed , 32c bid ; receipts , 20,19j ,
bu. ; exports , none.
Toledo Mnrket.
TOLEDO , Dec. 6. WHEAT-Lower nnd
oak ; No. 2 red cash nnd December , 69Hc.
CORN Weak nnd lower ; No. 2 mixed ,
34\4c. \
OATS Dull and steady ; No. 2 mixed ,
May. 27l4c.
R\lE-CJulet : No. 2 cash , 64 0 bid ,
CLOVERSEED-Lower ; prlmo cash ,
nominal at $4.05 asked ,
MlnneapoIlM Wheat Market.
Steady ; December , 62'ic : May , 635if/63 7-Sc ;
on track , No. 1 hard , 64c ; No. 1 northern ,
63c : No. 2 northern , 61c.
FLOUR First nate-nts , J3.C5 < ! J3.75 ; second
patents , $3.451(3.56 ( ; flrst clears , $2.6032.70.
Milwaukee Grain Market.
MILWAUKEE , Dec. 6.-WHEAT-Lower ;
No. l _ northern , 66 ifi67c ; No. 2 northern ,
IlY'K-Steady ; No. 1 , 53ttf'3Hc.
BARLEY-Hlgher : No. 2 , 49'450c ; sam
ple , 40 50C.
Liverpool Grnln Market.
lower to 3-Sd higher ; Djcember , 6s : March ,
6s 6d : May , nominal.
CORN Quiet. l-SQUil lower ; December ,
33 93-Sd ; March , Ss 7'id ' ; May , nominal.
I'corln Market * .
PEORIA , Dec. S.-CORN-Steady ; No. 2 ,
04ATS-8teady : No. 2 white , 27'/4o.
WHISKY-FIrm : $1.26.
San Fraticlaeo Wheat Market.
Dull ; December , $1.13 ; May. $1.16' ' .
Fractional Gnlnn In Ilnt vltli Priced
SiintnliK-d on London IlctiortH.
NEW YORK. Dec. 6.-Fractlonnl gains
throughout the list were the results of the
trading today. Decided strength of the
early market was In sympathy with Lon
don's Improved prices and London was a
purchaser on balance. Profit-taking at
times ch.cked the advance In the locnl
mnrket , which became dull In the after- .
neon , with quotations generally well main
Sugar , after an early advance , fold oft
ns usual on the announcement of the regu
lar dividend dlsbuit * ment. The transac- '
tlons In this specialty were very large nnd ,
covering of shorts brought about full recovery -
covery to the best advance of the day ,
leaving the price a point below yesterday's
clos > . A feature of Importance was the
coalers , which wore buoyant on the ns-
m.mptlon that a new trade agreement will
be In cited next month. Delaware & Hudi
son wns espec'.nlly strong on reports of the
probably continuance of the rate of dlvl- i
dend to bo declared next month. Pacific '
stocks were strong , and nt periods of ae-
presslon > In toc'ay's trading rallied the rest i
of the list. Central Pacific rose 2i ! points
i dissemination of u report liiat th ;
government"mlg'ht'extcnd""tho'llme for that
road to pay lts obligations to the govern
ment. The action of the day's market re-
fleeted operations. Considerable amounts
of stocks ruling In the 40's were taken In
hand , conspicuous examples being Cleve
land , Cincinnati , Chicago & St. Louis ,
Southern preferred nnd Northern Pacific.
The grang r group showed spurts of activ
ity at times nnd moved in sympathy with
the general markets.
Manipulative orders were distributed
fre.'ly among the hlsh-prlced specialties ,
the course of Sugar. Tobacco , Metropolitan
and Consolidated Gas being striking fea
tures. The latter stock exhibited marked
heaviness and closed with a decline , of three
The bond market showed decided strength
nt many points , operations In some of the
recent favorites being on a large scale.
Total sales , $4,413,000. United States new
4s and the 6s , registered , reacted 1-8 , and
the 5s , coupon , ' 4 ptr cent In the bid price. .
The Evening Post's London financial caI I
bit-gram says : "The stock market hero
was quiet , the only feature being the
strength of Americans nnd of mines. The |
former wcr ? good on New York support | i
and on professional buying here and closed I
at the best. Northern Pacific and Union
Pacific were especially strong. The presi
dent's message had no effect , th ; market ,
hero merely awaiting New York B lend.
The discount market here Is distinctly ]
weak , the position being that a large mass
of bills are maturing , whilj the supply of
now bills Is very scarce. This releases cap
ital and the Increased supply of unin
vested funds depressed rates. Kafllrs were
good on the renawal of the dynamite con
tract by the Transvaal government at
lower prices. Argentines were easier on
Onmage to crops by rain. "
The following are the closing quotations
of the leading stocks on the New York
market today :
Including 10265 Atchlson preferred , 10010
Central Pacific. 11.935 Checapeake & Ohio ,
3.535 Burlington , 6,306 Cleveland. Cincinnati ,
Chicago & St. Louis. 5.210 Delaware ft :
Hudson. 9,625 Louisville & Nashville. 4276
Manhattan , 9,202 Metropolitan , 6,160 MP\-
lenn Central , 20.1SO Hawaiian preferred , 16-
979 Northern Pacific. 7.722 Union Pacific. 5.-
160 St. Paul , 7.755 Southern preferred , fi.903
Union PnclSc. 3.KO Wheeling & Lnke Erie ,
40.465 Tobacco , 7.996 Federal Steel preferred.
3.030 Consolldnted Gas. 3,010 Linseed. 15220
Pacific Mnll , 66,532 Sugar , 40,070 Tennessee
Coal and Iron.
Ilokton Stocki Qnotatlonn.
BOSTON , Dec. 6. Call loans. 2iT3 per
cent : time loans , S JQ per cent. Closing
quotations on stocks , bonds and mining
shares :
* "
Parrot ! 30 i do Dfd 59 . S:1 ; Boston L 78H
A. T & S. P 16V , Ed. Elec. Tel 193
Am. Suicar 12i % ( I p. Klenfd . . , .1,1
do nM I'l Alch'son nfd 46U
Hay Klatc Clan . . . . 2" Atohlfon 2J 97
ITII Telcnlione . . . .JSO Atchlson 4a 114
llnstont Albany .ll'i Wl > Central Is . , 63
I < o ton f ; Maine..1R"I Allouez Mining Co. 4 ? ;
Flto > ibiire 104H Atlantic K
C. n. & Q 11SH llofton & Mont.37H
Drn. Electric 84 % Unite & Brxiton. . . f.O'-i
Mexican Central . . 6 Calumet fc IIccla..f O
N . Y. & N. U 9S Centennial Zlli
- - - - - - - -
OM Colony 195 Franklin 17
Rubber .1 4W O'd Dominion 3U
Union TMcltlc 37V Osceola 69
. West nti * Qnlncy 132
do nfd Ill Tamirack W
W llnnh. Electric. SS Wolver'ne 31 %
Fore I nil Financial.
LONDON , Dec. 6. Apprehensions of
further withdrawals of gold from the Bnnk
of England revived the feeling of nervous
ness on the Stock exchange today nnd
produced depression and Inactivity. Pres
ident McKlnlcy's message to congress was
regarded favorably. Grand Trunks were
flat In connection with the recent blizzard .
and chartcreds were harder owing to the 1 I
publication of Bonsur and Dunrnven 1 i
crushing reports. American securities Huc-
tuntcd somewhat after a Bteadv opening ,
then Improved nnd closed with a light de-
mind. Gold Is quoted at Buenos Ayrea at
112. Spanish 4s are 41 ? ; .
PARIS , Dec. 6. Business was quiet on
the bourse today. Internationals were
easier. Brazilians recovered on the rise In i
the rate of exchange. Ottoman bank shares i
I were strong and In rcniiest In anticipation i
1 of n conversion. Rln Tlntos relapsed on i
the decline In copper. DC Beers were freely
, offered In consequence of the adjourn- ,
ment nf tlie , meeting flf the shareholders , | '
which uiRht to hive been hold yesterday
nt Klmborley. Afterward there was n shnrn
recovery and they eloped strong. Spanish
4s closed nt 104.C5. Three per cent rentes ,
102t 77HC for the account. Exchange on
London , 23f 32c for checks.
BERLIN , Dec. 6. Prices on the bourse
today were easier In consequence of less
favorable advices from western bourses.
Local securities declined on realization.
Emperor William's speech nt the opening
of tlio Reichstag had no effect on the mar
MADRID , Dec. 6. Spanish 4s closed today
at 56.90. Gold was quoted today nt 35.25.
New York Money Mnrket.
CALL Steady , 2'2M. ' ! per cent.
er cent.
$4.SIVlfl4.S4" , for demand , nnd at $ I.81 A
for sixty days ; posted rates , $4.82fl4.S2'/4 ' , and
$1.834f4.66 : commercial bills , $ I.SOU.
BAR SILVER-5911-16C.
106 ; new 4s , rat , , 127 % : coupon , 127H : 4s ,
111 ; coupon , 11214 ! 2s , 99U : 6s. rig. , 112)4 ) ;
coupon , 112V4 ; Pacific 6s of ' 99 , 102' < i.
' .
BAR SILVER-Steady ; 27 9-16d per ounce.
MONEY-2i ( . per cent.
The rate of discount In the open mnrket
for short bills , 3 7-16W3H per cent ; for three
months' bills , 37-16&3V4 per cent.
Financial Note * .
OMAHA , Dec. 6 , Bank clearings today
were $1,311,757.62 ; balances , $112.613.97. One
year ago the clearings were $897.774.77 ; bal-
arcjs , $65,910.93. ' Increase In clearings , $113-
WASHINGTOH" . ' Dec. 6. Today's state
ment of the. rendition of the treasury
shows : Available cn h balance , $252,657-
614 ; gold rcsjrve $212.211.107.
PHILADELPHIA , Dec. 6.-Clearlngs , $17-
786.020 ; balances. $1.822,535.
BALTIMORE , DPC. G. Bank clearings ,
$4,836.830 ; balances , $666,410.
NEW YORK , Dec. 6.-Bank clearings ,
$195.550.943 : balances , $7.9S3,2bo.
BOSTON. Dec. 6. Bnnk clearings , $22-
616 42S : balances , $2,233,667.
CHICAGO , Dec. C. Biscuit stocks and ca
bles active nnd generally strong ; Biscuit ,
common. 44 7-8 ; Biscuit. prferred , 103 ; Dla-
rrond Match. 142K. ; Lake Street. 147-8 ;
North Chllcago , 232VJ ; Strawboard , 34 ; West
Chicago , 103 % ; City Railway , 300 ; Met-
lopolltan , 3U. . Cloarlnps , $21.813.902 ; bal
ances , $ .1,300.000 : Now York exchange , 6e
discount ; posted rates , $4.S2U4.S2V4.
ST. LOtJIS. Dec. 6.-Clenrings. $4,994.937 ;
bnlancss , $549,857 ; money , 4ifJ3 per cent : New
York exchange , lOc discount ; par asked.
CINCINNATI. Dec. 6. Money , 2 % < ft6 per
cent ; New York exchange , par ; clearings ,
NEW ORLEANS , Dec. 6.-Clearlngs ,
$3,637,729 ; New York exchange , bank , par ;
commercial , 75c discount.
Wool MarWet.
LONDON. Dec. 6.-WOOL At the wool
auction sales today 14,167 bales were of
fered. Many lines of scoured merinos were
bougnt by continental buyers. Finer
greasles showed n hardening tendency , scv-
ernl going to Russia. Crops-breds were In
better demand and well-grown wools were
slightly advanced. The following are the
sales In detail : New South Wales , 2.700
bales ; scoured , 7dfTls 6d ; greasy , 570d. !
Queensland. 4.900 bales ; scoured , Is 3l < .dp
Is 5d : greasy , 6ffi9d. Victoria. 1.700 bales ;
scoured. 7g9Vjd ( ; greasy , 4Vjfi5lid. West
Australia , 600 bales ; scoured. Is 1'id ;
greasy , 6 < f6Hd , New Zealand , 4,100 bales :
scoured , 6dls 4d : greasv. 43i 5d. Cape or
Oood Hope and Natal. BOO bales ; scoured ,
9dfl * fid : irrensy. ey-lfd.
BOSTON , Dec. 6. Ths wool market this
week shows n steady tone nnd It now looks
ns though values have reached the level at
which coming trade will bo done. The price
of domestic wools Is firm and sales are fre-
qucnt. Territory wools range at 43tp5c ! ;
scoured for good staple In the lots of line
medium and fine , with choice staple higher :
Australian wocvls hold ( Inn nt prices that
have ruled hero nnd fair sales are being
made from time to time. Th following
are the quotations for lending descriptions :
Ohio and Pennsylvania fleeces , X and
nbove , 26 270 ! XX , 2Sc : XX and above , lac :
delaine , 29f/0c / ! ; No. 1 combing. 30c : No. 2
combing , 29ff30c ; Michigan , Wisconsin , etc. :
Michigan. 22i3'23c ; No. 1 Mlohlgnn combing ,
29o ; No. 1 Illinois combing , 29e ; No. 2 Mlrh-
Ignn combing , 2Sif23o : No. 2 Illinois comb
ing , 2SS29c ; X New York , New Hampshire
nnd Vermont. 22c ; No. 1 New York , NPW
Hampshire and Vermont. 2So : delaine Mich
igan , 26f27c. Unwashed medium Kentiuky
nnd Indiana quarter blood combing. 21jf )
22c ; Missouri quarter blood combing , I0c ;
braid combing. lS19c. Lake and Georgia ,
19320c. Texas wools : Spring medium
( twelve months ) , I'QUSa ; scoured. 40f/v2c / | ;
spring line ( twelve months ) , I64i7c ;
scoured , 43p45c. Territory wools : Montana ,
medium and fine. 14 < B1Cr ; scoured , 43ifl5c ;
staple. 474Sc ; Utnh. Wyoming , etc. , flne
medium nnd flne , 13J16B ; tsroured. 43c ;
staple. 47@4Sc. Australian scoured basts ,
combing , superfine , 7 < X372c ; good , 65 < SC8o ;
average , C2QGSC.
Cotton Market.
tures Bteadv ; December , $4 95 bid : January.
$5.00fi6.01 : February $563fT5.07 ( : March. $5.11
Spot steady ; sales , 4.EOO bales ; ordinary ,
35-Sc ; good ordinary. 4 3-lCc ; low middling.
49-16c ; mlddlln-r fair G 1-Sc ; receipts , 27,523
briles : stock. 297 SOS bales.
NEW YORK. Dec. 6. COTTON Steady ;
middling. 65-Sc : net receipts. 1.R33 bales ;
gross. 7,000 bales : I'ales 1 043 bales : stock
107.200 bales ; exports to Great Britain. 3,540
bales ; to the continent , 802 bnles
ST. LOUIS. Dec. 6. COTTON Steady ,
middling , 5"ic ; sales , 610 bales ; receipts , 12.-
314 bales ; shipments , 11,827 bales ; Block , 70-
415 bales.
Hnirnr Market
Steady ; open kettle. 3ViG36.Sc : open kettle ,
centrifugal. 3 5-8T4p ; centrifugal white. 4U
T4Hc ; yellow. 445-16c ; seconds. 2 7-s
37-Sc. Menses ! , stendy ; open kettle. 22 ®
32e : centrifugal , 7Q19c. Syrup , steady at
cember and January. 10s 2d.
NEW YORK. Dec. 6.-SUOAR-Raw.
flrm ; fair refining , 315-16c : centrlfucral , 96
test. 47-Sc ; molasges sugar. 3 ll-16c ; refined -
fined , dull nnd Irregular ; crushed , 6 > 4c ;
powdered , fi3-8c.
California Dried Fruit * .
DRIED FRUITS Steady. Evaporated np-
pies , common 6tf7c ; wire tray. MISUo ;
choice , 9OOHc ; fnncy , lOc. Prunes , 4fllOHc.
Apricots , royal HiM4p ; Moor park. 14 il7c.
Poaches , unpecled , 8K.Q12'.io ; peeled. 1SQ20C.
Light Beoeipto of Oattla the Feature at Local
Tardu ,
Ilnycm TnUe All Ottered In Short
Orilcr UORH Open Strong nud
Hi-lint mi Klfiirt to Cut the
1'rlcc a Kail McUcl.
' SOUTH OMAHA. Deo. 6.
Cattle. Hugs. Sliccp.
Hocclpts toclny . 1.CS9 8..B9 . 2,919
oniclul Monday . 1,739 2,235 2,6. 7
Two dnsy this week. . . . 3.333 10.931 8,645
Snmo iluH l Ht week. . , . 7,22ii , 11,920 2,811
Snmo days wcuk hoforo 4.1SI 3.9J1 6 , CIS
Bnino three weeks QKO 7.10J 12.721 6.4D5
AvcraKO prlc ? puld for hot ! ) tor the last
several Uuys , with comparlsoni :
. 11697. | lSDu. | 163J.
Nov. 2J 3 381 3 30 3 161 3 461 630 6 C3
Nov. a ; 3 23 3 24 3 241 3 4 251 6 69
Nov. 27 3 25 3 25 | 3 43 4 30
Nov. 2S 3 20 3 32 3 37 4 40
Nov. 29 .t 1 ! ) 3 301 6.14 6 76
Nov. 30 321 3 27 3 3S 340 4 CO . 569
Dec. 1 32o 3 23 3 19 4 41 6 29 | 5 70
Dec. 2 3 28 3 K 3 09 3 35 6 19 679
Dec. 3 329 3 19 3 21 3 42 4 47 I 6 AS
Dec. 4 3 21 3 1C 3 39 , 4 3S 6 13 !
Dec. 5 3 37 3 03 3 39 , 4 21 6 141 6 91
Dec. 6 3 31 3 25 3 33 4 35 S 031 6 03
Indlcntes Sunday. Holiday.
The officlnl number of rnrp of stock
brought In today by each rend was :
Cattle. Hogs. Sheep.
C. , M. & St. P. Ry . .
O. & St. L. Ry . .
Missouri Pacific Ry . .
U. P. systam S 17 7
C. & N. W. Ry . .
K. U. & M. V. R. R 21 33 2
S. C. & P. Ry . .
C. . St. P. , M. & O. Ry. . . . 6 9 1
B. & M. R. R. R 14 17 3
C , B. & Q. Ry 2 13
C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , east. . . . 2 23 I
C. , R. I. & P. Ry. , weat. . . . .
Total receipts 68 136 15
The disposition of the day's r.'celpts wns
ns follows , each buyer purchasing the num
ber of head Indicated :
Buyers Cattle. Hogs. Sheen.
Omnha Packing Co 41 1.025 106
G. H. Hnmmond Co 335 1,516 183
Swift and Company 214 1.513 75
Cudahy Packing Co 33.1 2,051 1.20S
Armour & Co 137 1,591 Ib3 (
A" . I. Stephens 74
lenten & Underwood. . . . 19
iluston & Co 35
Livingston & Schnler. . . . 37
Hnmllton & R 227
Armour , Kansas City. . . . .ss
ilammond. Kansas City. . 21 209
Other buyers 251 3 2CO
Totals U03 8,771 2,915
CATTLE Receipt * of rattle were very
small compared with a week ugo , nnd for
the two days thli week there has bean a
very large deci-ousti in arrivals. A con
siderable proportion of the cuttle here were
coinfed Htpers , some of them quite common
and others right good. The mnrket did not
show much chnnyo ns compared with
yesterday and It rould be best described
is u good , active nnil steady market. Good
kinds of entile , but not tut sold nt $4.25. and
linlf to two-thlnl.s fnt moors wont nt $1..W ( >
4.CO. while pretty fnlr stuff brought $1.70
4.85. Some big , h ivy , coarse , but well fat
tened entile , went nt $1.95 , while very welt
lired Polled Angus , but not fat , sold nt
fo.OO. The best cattle In the yards wns u
bunrh of shorthorns , mowtly westerns , very
good , though not prime , that sold for $3.20.
There were no grass westerns on sale , at
least none of any account good enough
for killers.
Cows and heifers wers In light supply
while the demand wns of about the usual
proportions so that the mnrket wns reason
ably active at fully stendy prices. Some
thing really good might have brought
strong prices. Bulls nnd other rough stock
sold In about the snmo notches as ycster-
fetockers and feeders were In very light
supply and that fact caused a little better
feeling to prevail among the trade gen-
eraly. At the Hnme tlmo It wns no easy
matter to eee just where any better prices
were paid. Some good western Nebraska
cattle , weighing about 1,009 pounds , hold at
(3.70 ( ; some lighter cattle , but common bred ,
brought $3.SO. Representative sales :
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
5. . 97S J3f,0 19..1CW7 J4 E 3..1150 $4 SO
2..10.15 3 75 25 .115S 4 CO 15..1311 4 85
5. . & 5S 3 S5 26. . 929 4 CO lu..1216 4 S5
2..1135 4 00 6..121.-1 4 60 14..1317 4 99
12. . 941 4 10 6..1176 4 60 35..1181 4 90
. 974 4 25 I6..110 < i 4 63 19..1101 4 95
.1213 4 35 21..1192 4 70 42..1 0 4 95
.HIM 4 40 42..1257 4 70 20..1347 4 9"i
.10SO 4 40 15. . 9S6 4 70 21..1402 4 95
.1056 4 40 7..1033 4 75 23..13 520
.1115 4 60
4. . 790 3 75 66. . ! > H 4 65
SKO 2 00 4..1120 275 1..1060 315
835 2 2o 1. . 940 3 20
3S5 2 25 3l070 ! ! 2 75 3..1140 3 25
1. 9SO 2 40 1..1010 2 91 1..1010 3 23
1..1020 2 40 2..101) 2 90 12. . 698 325
5. . 910 2 40 1..1320 2 PO 1..1170 3 2 >
2. . 905 2 40 12..1027 2 95 45. . 815 3 25
4. . 995 2 40 1. . F05 3 CO 1..1220 3 SO
1. . 570 2 40 1..1210 3 00 1..1160 3 35
1..1000 2 50 1. . 870 3 00 6. . : > 10 3 33
3. TOO 2 SO 3 f'O 1..10GO 3 40
6. . 922 2 60 llllOV ) 3 00 4..1167 3 45
1..1030 2 60 2..11M 3 00 7..1253 3 45
1000 2 50 4..1032 3 05 2..1023 3 65
2 50 4. . 973 3 03 1..1000 3 (3 (
K33 2 60 1. . 970 .1 10 18..1218 3 75
SCO 2 65 1..1110 3 10 L. 920 3 S3
39. . 703 3 25
810 2 75 6. . 760 3 33 4. . 790 375
610 3 00 6. . 856 310 11. . 710 4 15
699 3 20 1..10IO 345 967 42o
877 3 2o 1. . 740 3 75
1..1295 2 6T " .1240 2 90 1 , .1050 3 23
1..12W 2 75 1..1640 3 05 1 , . 950 3 25
1. . 780 275 ,1100 , 3 M 4 , .1012 3 30,70 , 3 40 .1510 3 RO 1 , . 900 3 50
1..15SO 3 40 1..16W 3 65 1 , .1160 3 65
1. . 310 3 25 1. . 210 5 01 2. . 200 6 50
4. . 4S2 395 1. . ISO C 60 L. ISO 7 00
1. . 390 4 23
1..1200 335 1..1400 3 60
2 see 3 15 1..1250 3 93. . SS5 3 89
6 , 5S5 3 25 3. . S76 3 73 15. . 96S 3 SO
1 850 3 60 510 3 75 SS2 3 SO
1 S90 3 60 & ! 791 3 75 2l ! 670 3 85
' 25 3 C5 800 3fO 2. . 475 4 00
2. . 635 305 94 ! : 9T 3 SO 1. . 640 4 00
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
2 cows. . 900 J2 25 30 fp'dPrs..l097 13 70
15 oows. . . . .1076 2 90 23 feeders..1031 3 70
1 steer 930 3 40 2 feeders. . 900 3 65
1 steer 1120 3 60 IS feeders..1040 3 SO
1 steer 1330 3 90 1 feeder. . . 950 3 23
25 ste'rs..10S6 3 90 1 cow 1120 2 SO
1 bull 11TO 270 1 COW 11EO 3 10
1 bull 1330 2 50 1 cow 590 2 SO
5 heifers. . . S78 3 40 1 row 1170 2 70
2 calves. . . 395 3 25 14 COWS S50 220
4 cows. . , 790 2 00IDAHO 900 3 15
2 bulls. . .1370 270 6 cows 10V5 315
1 bull. . , . .11PO 2 75 1 heifer. . . . 760 3 25
4tOW3. . . . 692 3 15 3 feeders. . S70 3 70
1 cow 1150 3 15 13 feeders..1070 3 70
1 cow 12SO 3 15 2 feeders. . 913 3 SO
HOOS-The maruet opened steady this
morning and quite a few hogi1 sold on that
bnsls. Good light weights brought $1.1001 i
3.45. good medium weights and light mixed
tt.371The same prices were paid yester
day for the same kind of hogs. The mar
ket , however , did not long remain In that
condition ns Chicago began sending In re
ports of a lower market there , and buyers
seemed to come to the conclusion that they
ought to have a concession hero. Accord
ingly they lowered their hands and begnn
bidding prices that weri > generally 6c lower ,
the popular bid for the general run of
hrnvy nnd mixed hogs being .32'G3.35.
Sellers naturnlly all wanted the early mornIng -
Ing prices and would take no lest" so that
the trade cnme almost to a standstill , and
for a time was very dull , ea h side remainIng -
Ing tlrm. The buyers , however , wnnted the
hogs , and they finally bought them nil ,
the market closing little better than the
low time , hut hatdly BO peed ns the open-
Ing. The late miles of neavy and mixed
hogs were nt S3 32 . < ir3.3j largely nt J1.3" , an
against J3.351J3.37 , i yesterday. Everything
was sold and weighed up shortly after the
middle of the forenoon.
It will be noted from the table of re
ceipts above that while the receipts have
been fnlr so far this' week they are hardly
up to the record of last week , though
way ahead of two weeks ugo. when the
storm chut off supplies. It will be noted
from the table of average prices above
that while the market today was lower
than ymterdny , It was higher than on any
day lain week , nnd with the exception of
yesterday , the highest since November 25.
Representative sale"
were the largest since November 21. when
twenty-three cnrs arrived. The maikit wns
strong nnd active under the lnflu nee of a
good buying demand on the part of local
puckers. De'lrable killers were moatly nil
sold early nnd at prices that were en
tirely satisfactory to sellers. Bom = very
choice native ycnrllng wethers brought $4.40
and Inmbs out of the same ! ot J5.25. Some
thitk-lilded Cnllforulu wethers sold nt $3.60 ,
some of the same lot having sold on Satur
day nt M.oo , which shows the strength of
th ? mnrket.
'IhTt ? wore n few feeders hero , but the
market on that kind did not show nny
rl'niiKC. Values for some little tlmii pant
have remain d very nearly stationary nnd
thu general situation of the mnrket has
been unchnnged. Some little stock lambs
. < sold Into yesterday at $4.10.
1 Quotations are : Good grass \veaternn ,
U.HW4.10 ; fair to good. $ .1,9M/4 00 ; cholcn fit ) .
$4.001M.10 : fnlr lo good , S.1.l * > ? n.OO : rholce
vnrllres , J4.23 > ! JI.40 ; fnlr to good yeatlngs ! ,
I4.00Q4.15 ; good to choice lambs , $5.00975 25 ;
fair to good Inmhs. $ l.'J01I5.0u ; loedcr weth-
erg , 2-year-olds nnd over , )3.n5j.l.Si ! ; feeder
yearlings. $3 WfFI 00 : feeder lambs , Jt.25'r/4.G3 ;
cull stuep. J2.00fr3.00 ; cull lambs. $3.50tf4.W.
Rcprescmative sales :
NIL Av. Pr.
1 cull 90 $2.25
183 nalivo ewes 96 3.C3
633 Idnho sheep 112 : : .70
032 western wethers 121 : : .S5
11 native ewes 12d 3.S5
213 cornfed wcstrn sheep 103 .1.90
520 Wyoming Inmbs , feeders ! A 1.10
237 carnffcd western yearlings. . . . 102 4.15
71 unlive yearlings and wethers. . 10s1.40
20 nntlvc Inmbs Sii 6.27
241 wuitorn ewes , cornfed 100 ,1. . " > 0
15 nntlvc ewes 127 3.75
,1 native Inmbs ! Ki 4.00
1 nntlvc lamb 100 4,15
67 native lambs 91 5.2. >
Cnttle Itereliitu , HORH In Good
Drmnml , Nhren Stonily.
CHICAGO , Dec. S. Receipts of cattle to
day were light , but the demand w.'ia even
smaller and offerings moved oft slowly at
a Bhatle under yesterday'o prices. The pro
portion of holiday cattle was small ; good
aters were disposed of nt $3.03jTi.7 , > ; com
moner grades brought $4.00 < I75.00 ; stockera
niul feeders were in. niocicratu demand at
J.I.OOftl.40 , selling mostly at .40-jl.03 ;
butchcru' and cannors' cnttlo were bsttor.
few cows selling below $2.25. fill cowr. nnd
heifers bringing 33.&G&4.CO ; bulls sold at
There was a good demand for hogs , but
prices were weak and largely 2i4fj5lower
thni ) yesterday. Sales were made at Si. : ' < ! ( ! '
3.35 for common to fair , up to J3. < 35,1.u5 |
for choice to strictly prime hogs , thu bulk
of the salc.3 being ut | 3.-)0 ) 3.47 ! : ; pigs sold
lurgoly at $3.i3.30 ; thu nvernjro ijuallty
wns much poorer than yesterday.
ThiM'n was a very fnlr demand for sheep
and lambs and urlcs re-mnln Etendy ; sulc
were at J3.75ii7.CO for common to prlmi :
lambs , $1. 155(4. ( 75 for ycnrlinga nnd K.SVit
4.30 for sheep ; western sheep sold at JJ.60
© 4.10 and western lambs brought Jl.iotf
o.SO ; feeder ? paid J4.50ffi4.KJ for lambs and
W.fOliS.bfJ for western slu-ep.
Recslpts : Cattle. 6,000 head ; hogs , 45,000
head ; uheep , 14,000 head.
IIo | [ > In I-nrne Supply and Moderate
Di-ninixl Cattle In Uomnnd.
cclpts , 9,510 natives , 720 Texans ; excellent
demand for good cattle , but poorer kinds
were dull ; strength was vonllnd to cattle
that graded well ; all good killing cattle
sold steady to shade higher , while common
lots found a slow sale at steady to lower
prices ; choice native steers , $4.M(5.40 ( ; me
dium. $4.10a4.S5 ; light weights ,
Mockers and feeders , $3.20 3.40 ; butcher
cous and heifers , $2. G5S4.2i : western sli-irs ,
$3.000)4.75 ; Texas st.erB , $3.05 4.75 ; lexus
butcher cowrf , J2.Co&3.25 ; canning stock ,
$2.00' 2.60.
HUGS Receipts , 18,000 head ; large sup
plies and moderate demand caused a di > -
cllno of 2H < Q5c ; ttudlng wa active ut the
demand and closed strong ; heavies , JJ.3
3.45 ; mlx'd , $3.2iij3.40 ; lignts , $3.COif3.35.
SHEEP Receipts , 1,760 hi ad ; llgnt sup
ply and an animated demand tor good
HlaUKhterlng ( locks advanced mutton prices
lOQluc ; stock and feeding sheep active at
st ndy prices ; lambs , $4. 5 5.25 ; muttons ,
$3.75T4.25 ; feeders , $3.50ij3.bO ( lor lambs and
$3.40ij3.0 for sheep ; stock and bleeding
ewej , $2.2-5 3.60.
St. LoiiU Live Stock.
BT. LOUIS , Dec. 6.-CATTLE-Recelpts ,
3tOO fit ad , Including l.COO Texans ; ship
ments , 300 head ; market steady ; fair to
fancy shipping export steers , H.lojj5.30 ;
bulk of salca , $4.3035.30 ; dressed be of I
and butcher steers , H.oWi5.25 ; bulk of sales ,
$1.10t/4.W ; Bteers under 1,0 0 pounds , $3.0Wi )
4.75 ; bulk of sales , $ .i.7Dffl.lO ; stackers and
feeders , S2.DOU4.aO ; bulk of sales , nOGft3.K ! > ;
cowu nnd heifers , Vi.tXxn.oO ; bulk of sales ,
$ : .60i < j3.v < t ; lexas and Indian stt-ers , j.Wo >
4.50 ; bulk of ealea , $3.&u4.15 ; cows anil
ch.ifers , W.OOS3.20. \
HuqS-ReceliitB. 11.500 head ; shipments , i
300 head ; market steady to easier : yorkeiH ,
; packers , | 3.30if3.45 ; butchers , * 3M
SHEEP Receipts. 1.200 head ; shlpmenls , '
200 head ; mnrkot strong ; muttons , tf.w'rf
4.00 ; culls and bucks , $ J.25' < j3.45 ; stockcrn ,
lambs , J4.fc5Q5.60.
Sfevr York Live Stock.
NEW YORK , Dec. 6.-BEEVES-Recelpts.
690 head ; trade limited ; four cars ; fair lu
choice si.era sold at $5.00&5.50 ; cable quoted
top prices for American utters at London ,
llic ; at Liverpool. Hfl4c ; refrigerator
beef , S3-Sc per lb. Exports , COO cattle , 11-
000 shep and 4,3 > X > quarters of beef. Calves , '
receipts , 129 head ; veals steady ; grabaerd
lower ; westerns dull ; veals , $5,00p7i5 ; tops ,
$ S ; grassera , J2.7f.ii3.OD ; common westerns ,
" > 05
I "SHEEP AND LAMBS-Recelpts. 657 head :
nhe.-p steady ; lambs flrm ; tlioep , tS.Uity
4.50 ; lambs , medium to prime. t5.255.75.
HOGS Receipts , 3,719 head ; nominally
steady at $3.65&-J.7a.
St. Juiepli Live Stock.
ST. JOSEPH , Dec. C.-Speclal.-CAT- ( )
TLE-Rccepts ! , 1,300 head ; market active
nnd steady to strong : natives , H.SO&G.OO ;
Texas and westerns , J2,7MI.75 ; cows and
heifers , $1.6 'o4.00 ; stackers and feeders ,
$2.f < OS4.25.
HOGS Receipts , 6,600 head ; market ac
tive , weak to 5c lower , selling at $3.3ril (
3.45 ; bulk. $3.32V.Q3.35. (
SHEEP Receipts , 300 head ; market
Cincinnati Lite Stock.
CINCINNATI , Dec. 6-HOGS-Easy at
J3CArrLE-Steady at $2.60 4.00.
LAMBS-Dull at $4.Htfl5.2i.
SHEEP-Dull nt $2.25t4.00.
Slock In Sltfht.
Followlnr are the receipts at the four
principal markets for Dfccmber 6 :
Cattle. Hoes. Sheep.
Omaha 1.653 B.7S9 2,91 ! )
Chicago 6,000 45.00" 14.CW
Kansas City 10.239 18,000 1.7W
3t. Louis 3,600 11,500 1.2W
Totals 20.4S9 83.239 19,179
CnfTee Murket.
NEW YORK , Deo. 6.-COFKEE Options
opened steady at unchanged prices to (
points decline : ruled Inactive and easy ;
following bearish European and Brazilian .
tables nnd absence of outside fpeculatlv * A.
Interest , selling arrested by small Brazilian ' > te
ricelpts nnd nppnrent Indifference of hold
era of spot supplies. Closed quiet , with
prices unLhanged to 6 points lower ; nn'.ea ,
6.000 bags , Including December , at $3.35 ;
March , $3.CWi5.C5 ; Mny. $5.70 ; July , $3.80 ;
August , $5.90 ; September , $5.95. Bin coffee ,
qtilot and steady. Mild , quid and ileady.
; w York llry oo U Market.
NEW YORK , Doc. 6. In the dry goodt
trade there has been a better demand'on '
the spot today for cotton goods Ren rally
but a quieter mail order demand. The tona
of the market continued nrm for both sta
ples nnd fnncy Hues. Gloucester manufac
turing companies' prints have advanced I
per cent. Th tendency In some other dl ;
r'dlons Is upwnrds. OltiRhams firm nnd
locks light. Print cloth situation firm ,
r Milnr pHnt clolhs changed In price , but
some finer counls slightly dearer. Heavy
brown sheetings very ilrm In nil lending
mnkes. four-ynrd sheetings working In bet
ter shape , denims and other coarse cottons
Htcndy. A good general demand reported
for men's woolens , re-orders for dress
gcods for spring Improving.
Oil Mnrkrt.
OIL CITY , Dec. C Credll balances , $1.15 ;
cerllllentes , cash oil , no bids or snlcs ; ship
ments. 1KU76 bbls. ; runs. S6.1SO bbls.
SAVANNAH. On. . Dec. 6.-OlLS-Splrlt
turpentine. 37c. Rofl n , firm nnd unchanged.
WILMINGTON , N. C. , Dec. 6.-OIL3
Spirits turpentine , firm. 36 iffS61ic. Rosin ,
Ilrm , } 7Ht < Crude turpentine , quiet ,
$1.30 and $2.00. Tnr. firm. $2.00.
Narrow Eitonne of n Mnn Who
Plnylnn n Double Hump.
"Some of tlie things that have been pub
lished regardlrg the political campaign Just
closed , " said an old Northwestern news
paper man to a Now York Sun reporter ,
"brltiR to my mind a peculiar rtate of af
fairs that existed In the Panhandle of Idaho
during the campaign of 1S94. 1 was hold-
Ice down a Job as a reporter In Portland
In 1S93 when the campaign opened , for the
battle began a full year before the election
and waxed warmer ns the time of ballot
casting drew near and through some chance
I was picked out as the man to RO to Mos
cow. Idaho , and take a rather peculiar part
In the political fight In that district.
"William McCouncll wns striving to be reelected -
elected to the governor's chair. Uculdcs
this aspiration , the aim of McConnell's life
was to defeat Willis Sweet for election to
the I'nlted Stutea senate. Free sliver was
the Issue that both McConnell and Sweet
hoped to ha\o pull them through and
though McCoanell had always been known
as .1 gold republican he switched for this
"Just ai that time there had been organ
ized In what Is known us the Inland Empire
a powerful populist order known as the
Freeman's Piotectlve Silver federation , or ,
as It was called by the republicans , the
' { .notgun brlgadu. ' This order won strongly
opposed to McConnell and was Just na
strongly In fnvnr of Sweet , whom It lauded
to the skies. My part of ! ho campaign wnt
to po to Moscow , start a small weekly
paper on strong populist HncH , support all
the fanatical doings of the federation , get
the secrets of the order and Juat before
elect ! " ! ! split the order open by exposlne
nil their doings and flop the paper to Mc-
Connell's favor.
"Th < - federation was , as Its nom do plum *
Implied , a shotgun brigade , for , about a
year brforo I appeared on the Berne , some
200 members of the order had rorao to Mos
cow from -the surrounding fcrrus , armed
with shotguns and pitchforks , and had
stoppo-1 the sale of property by the sheriff
lor delinquent taxes. At that tlmo tliuy had
given notice to thu officeholders that they
intended In the next campaign to clean
tbcm out and that IJ111 McConnell should
never bo governor of the stale again. ThM
threat they carried out , for McConnell Is i
dead letter In Idaho politics. I slartcil
the paper , a first-class anarchist shcot , that
more than pleased the liadera of the feder
ation , and every tiling went smooth until
two weeks before election. Two days before
filing lo press I had written a Ml nig edit
orial article exposing all the workings of
the order , denouncing Sweet , liuidlng Mc
Connell and making a com plot o flop of the
paper. I put It In a drawer of my desk amt
was going to show it to the political pow
ers the next day , hut I never had the
chance , for when Ihc Spokane Review came
to Moscow the next morning my editorial
article was a double-leaded slug-headed ar-
tlclo on Its front page , credited as n special
dlsp.Uch from Moscow and fho headlines said
that I had get out an extra edition that
morning with the article In.
"I got a copy of the Ilovlew early In th
morning ; In fact , before I got out of bed
some hot-headed federation member wmp-
pcd It around a brick and fired It at me
through my window wllhout taking th
trouble to ralso the sash. The brick re
minded mo that It was time to get up , and
I got up. I started downtown , but the fel
low that presented mo with the morning
paper was not the only brick thrower on
the street. In fact , the way to my of
fice was lined with them , and before I had
gene a block I had become an expert dodger
of a miscellaneous assortment of brick *
bats , eggs , rocks and other handy object !
that seemed to come from everywhere.
"I managed to reach my ofllco with only
a few bruises and to get a few of the lead
ers Inside. and show them that I had no
such article set up In the office and to
prove that It was a put-up Job to ruin
their paper. This waa necessary on my
part , for there was a rope In the crowd
outside , and unless I could pacify them the
chance * were that I would have occupied
an undignified place on one end of It , while
the other end would have been made fait
to the crcesarm of a convenient telegraph
"My talk was good , for It had the de
sired effect , and the office was not plod ,
neither was r hanged ; but the premature
publication of my editorial article made mr
Hop so weak when It did come that It did
no good , and the first and last newspaper
venture of 1)111 ) McConnell failed , for though
ho was elected , the county ticket he had
named was left so far In the lurch that
there was little use of counting the ballots.
"The way my article got Into print was
this : I bad a young friend visiting mo who
was a practical joker and ho ha < l read the
copy and thought It would make a little
fun for the boys to send the story out. II *
sent It , and his sending It came near cost *
Ing my life. "
Cures Impotcncy.NIght Emissions and
wasting diseases , all effects of self *
abuse , or excess and Indis
cretion. A nerve ton lo and
blood builder. Brings the
pink plow to pale cheeks and
restores the fire of youth.
iDymailffOcpcr boxGboxea ;
for $ U.CO ; with a written jpinran-
too to cure or refund the money.
Kiihn & Co. , 15th and IluuKla * , Onin
lia. Neb.
Telephone 1030. Omaha , Neb
Ulrt't wire * tu t.iiluiu < nj Ntw Tcrk.
rorrip n > jrntii John 4. Warrtn A C
IImini 4. K. Y. l.lfr Hlilir. . Oranlin , Nek ,
, , .
lllrcutVlr' Men York , Tbicuva u4