Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, December 04, 1898, Part I, Page 8, Image 8

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Hamilton's shoe store , 412 Broadway.
Btnckcrt Carpet Co. , 205-207 bwy.
Moore's food kills norms and fattens.
Window glass. Davis , 200 Broadway.
Dell U , MI igun , dru s. 112 Uroaduay.
C. U. Jacquomln & Co , , jewelers and op
ticians , 27 South Main-street.
Tim .Maualmii. ( be well known engineer ,
has Keno to Texan for tbo winter.
J. C. Ulxby , b' > utlng and sanitary engineer.
Plans and specifications for hunting. plumbIng -
Ing and lighting. 202 Main. Council muffs.
The COEO against Ora Haley , charged with
"passing a forged ( check" on Pawnbroker
Bnydcr , WRH continued In police court yes
terday until next Wednesday.
All members of St. Albdn's lodge. No. 17 ,
Knights of 1'ylhlns , aru requested to be
present at the meeting tomorrow night as
theio will be election ot oQlcers and degree
A bundle of whins stolen from the store
of the Council lllufTH Paint and Oil company
Friday night were discovered by Officer
Guanclla In an alley near the Northwestern
Not "how cheap , " but "how good" Is the
quejtlon that confronts tlie Individual with
a bundle of iinwa licd laundry. You will bo
pleased at the popular Eagle Laundry , 724
The Ladles' Aid society of the Congrega
tional church will be entertained at n Ken
sington Tuesday attcrnoou at the home of
Mrs. Grass. C02 Washington avenue. The
business meeting will begin promptly at 2
The Judgment secured by A. W. Street
and wlfo against the city for damages for
the opening of Fifth avenue was settled
yesterday by the city paying $1,018.74 and
Interest. Thn suit has been hanging fire for
ecvenil years.
The regular meeting of the Women's
Christian association will be held tomorrow
afternoon at 2:30 : o'clock at the home of Mrs.
V. S. Thomas. 127 South Eighth street. As
this will be the last meotlux of the yeur
nil members arc requested to be present.
A measuring board waa added yesterday
to'tlio equipment of the city Jail for the
" " whose de-
purpose of "sizing up" prisoners
Bcilptlou the police may wish to send outer
or keep among the records. The boar Is
Rlmllur to those used In the Bcrtillon y -
Dr. F. W. HouRhton has been called to
St. Louis by the sudden dth of his brother ,
EURcne Houghton , a former resident of this
city. Deceased leaves a wife , the brother
licro nnd his parents , Mr. and Mrs. A. R.
JIoiiRliton of Omaha. The funtial will be
held In Kaunas Cltv.
J. II. Carso of this cltv leaves this even
ing for Fort Worth , Tex. , having been ap
pointed a deloRtito to the Farmers' National
congress from Nebraska bv Governor Hoi-
comb. Mr. Carfle has been a resident of
Council Bluffs for sixteen years but the last
eight years his business Interests have- been
In Omaha.
Pearl street was the scene of an exciting
runaway yesterday evening. A team hitched
to a delivery wagon of Wilson Bros. , the
Main street butchers , dashed down the
street and after barelv missing running
dnto ono of the bit ? motors' and several ve
hicles collided with a wagon belonging to
A. Joseph. The wegon was turned over and
Jascph was thrown heavily to the ground
but fortunately alighted In a bank of snow
nnd escaped Injury with the exception of a
few bruises. The collision brought the run
away team to a stop.
Van Ross , tbo negro who has recently
finished serving out a fine for assault In
the county Jail , Is In custody galn. Yester
day morning while In U. M. Sargent's shoe
Bloro on Broadway ho attempted to Blip
out with a pair of shoes , but was detected
by ono of the clerks and made to disgorge.
On leaving the store he seized a string ot
shoes hanging outside , but again the clerk
was too quick for him and ho was turned
over to the police. Ross will be held by the
I authorities as bo Is thoucht to be wanted
at Pacific Junction on a charge ot burglary.
N. Y. Piumblns company. Tel. 250.
Domestic soap whitens the clothes.
If anybody doubts' that Hamilton sells the
best shoes made for $3.50 they can convince
themselves * of their error by Inspecting the
display In his exposition showcase In front
of bis store at 412 Broadway.
Domestic soap outsells all other * .
Cliurcli Note * .
Rov. Canon Dolierty of Omaha will occupy
the pulpit today at St. Paul's Episcopal
church. There will lie morning service and
communion at 11 o'clock and evening e rv-
Ice at 7:30 : o'clock. Sunday school will be
at 10 a. m.
At the First Baptist church the pastor ,
Ilov. R. Venting , will take as the subject
of his morning sermon "Qualifications for
Church Fellowship. " Following the service
a reception will bo tendered to the new
members. The services In the evening will
be conducted by Adjutant MacLaren of the
Volunteers of America.
In the absence of the pastor. Rev. S. M.
Perkins , the services at the Christian Tab
ernacle today will be conducted by Rev. E.
F. Lcake of Prescott , la. There will be
preaching at 10:45 : a. m. and 7:30 : p. m.
The services at Grace Episcopal church
today will be as follows : Sunday school at
10 a. m. . morning prayer and holy com
munion at 11 a. m. , evening prayer at 7:30 :
Rov. Q. W. SnVder , pastor of St. John's
English Lutheran church , will take as the
fciibjoct of his morning sermon today "The
Sacred Advent , " nnd for the evening ser
mon "How Shall We Have Hope ? " Sunday
Ecliool will be at noon and the meeting of
the Young People's society at 7 p. ra.
At the Second Presbyterian church this
morning the pastor. Rev. Alex Mttherland ,
will preach on "Moans of Improvement In
Llfo and Character , " and In the evening on
"A Sanctified Life. "
Elder J. It. Speck will preach at the Cen
tral Church , of Christ today loth morning
and evening. His subject In the morning
will bo "Tho Triumphant Church , " and In
the evening "Tlio Judgment. " Services are
ut 11 n. m. and 7:30 : p. m.
At the Congregational church this morn
ing the pastor. Rev. J. W. Williams , will
take as the subject of his sermon "Some
Personal Questions , " and In the evening
"How Men Come Unto the Bettor Life. "
Sunday school at noon , Christian Endeavor
consecration and reorganization mooting at
C:30 : p. in.
Rev. G , P. Fry , pastor of the Fifth Ave
nue Methodist church , will preach this
morning on "The Law of God. Its Value to
Individual and Personal Llfo. " and 4n the
evening on "Heart Conviction. What Pro-
diicea It ? " Sunday school will be at noon ,
Junior League meeting at 3 p. m. , Tpworth
League meeting at 0:30 : p. m. , morning class
mooting at 0'45 o'clrck.
At the First Presbyterian church this
morning tlu > pastor , Rev. W. S. Barnes , will
preach on "Christian Perfection. " and In the
evening on "Enjoyment Without a Reac
tion. " Sunday school at noon. Junior En
deavor meeting at I p. m. , Christian En
deavor meeting at 6:30 : p. ra.
This evcnlnir nt the Broadway Methodist
church Rev. Philip Fontaine , Ph. D. , latelv
returned from Egypt and Palestine , will
occupy the pulpit. He will take as the sub
ject of his dlsourse , "Some Ancient and
Modern Apologetics , or Some Certainties of
Our Religion. " The object of his sermon
will be to show that recent discoveries are
all tending to confirm the Old and New
Testament histories. The pastor. < Rev.
Myron C. Waddell , will preach aa usual In
the morning. All services will be as usual.
With prices to suit all , we can show the
finest stock of pianos ever shown In Council
lilufTif or Omaha. A plnno for a Christmas
present will till the heart of any one wltb
peed cheer. Mueller Piano & Organ Com
Snap Shots all RO at 10 cents e ch at the
Council Bluffs ottlco of The Dee.
Oity Engineer Etnjra Has Them All in
Tabulated Form ,
Hntter Will Be Decided mt the Same
Time that the Contract ! for
Are to Be
As City Engineer Etnyre had ommltted to
Ubulato the bids for curbing on Washing
ton avenue , Harrison street and Tenth
avenue , the contract for this work was not
awarded at the meeting of the city council
laat Thursday night when the contract for
paving these streets with brick was let. The
bids have been since tabulated and the city
engineer will make his report at the council
meeting tomorrow night. The bids are ae
follows : Artificial atone , Barber Asphalt
company , TO cents ; E. A. Wlckham & Co. , 31
cents ; Hugh Murphy , 32 cents ; P. Cooper &
Co. , 32 cents. Natural stone , Barber
Asphalt company , 68 cents ; K , A. Wlckham
& Co. , 70 cents ; Hugh Murphy , 70 cents ; F.
Cooper & Co. , 76 cents.
Don't forget the big bargains at Keller's
Dlue Front meat market. Pork loins , EC
per pound ; dressed chickens , &o per pound :
Armour's pork sausage , Be per pound ; leaf
lard , 6c per pound ; hind quarter best mut
ton , Sc per pound ; home-made sauerkraut ,
6c a quart ; boiling meat , 3c to Go per pound ;
Jack rabbits , 15c each.
Klein's Christmas candles will consist of
: he best made.
Dolniri of Swell Set Darin * th Week
Jimt Cloicd.
Mrs. A. Brlnsmald entertained some dozen
friends Friday afternoon at a chafing dlun
Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Shepard entertained
a large party of relatives Friday night at
an informal card party.
Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Van Brunt announce
the engagement of their daughter , Miss
Emma , to Mr. W. A. Southard , the wedding
to take place Tuesday afternoon at the Van
Brunt residence on South Fourth street.
Miss Teresa Coyne , who has gone to Colorado
rado for the benefit of her health , waa ten
dered a dinner Friday evening by Mls
Jennie Pile , the guest * being the tcachera
of the Pierce street school and a f w other
Intimate friends of the guest of honor.
Mr. Walker of Chicago , who has been the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Char re * Haas the
past week , gave a Trocadero party last
Friday evening , his guests being Mr. and
Mrs. Haas , Mrs. Belles , Mlea Charity Babcock -
cock , Miss Kittle Bullard , Mr. E. A. Wlck
ham and Mr. Charles Martin of Omaha.
MUa Charity Babcock will entertain the
Hamilton Whist club Tuesday afternoon and
Mrs. W. W. Loomls will entertain the
Women's Whist club the same afternoon.
The "Jolfy Forty" club will be entertained
Wednesday evening by Mrs. S. C. Key. .
A new card club was organized laat Mon
day evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Lyman Shugart , the members being : Messrs ,
and Mesdamcs Dillon Ross , L. C. Patterson ,
L. Zurmqhlen , jr. , E. C. Shepard , Wallace
Shepard , J. N. Casady , A. W. Casady , W. W.
Sherman , T. Austin , Lyman Sbugart.
Mr. and Mrs. James D. Edmundson re
turned home yesterday after a journey of
thirteen months , during which they visited
many of the countries of the old world.
They sailed November 1 , 1897 , for Gibraltar ,
and from there visited Tangier * and Africa ,
spending the winter In Italy , dividing their
time between Naples , Rome and Florence.
Last Tuesday evening a number of the
friends of Mr. J. B. Watts called at his
home on Avenue A and tendered htm a sur
prise party , gotten up In honor of his 49th
birthday anniversary. The time was most
pleasantly passed in high five and other
games , and refreshments were served during
the evening. The high five contest rosurted
In the drat prizes being secured by Mrs. S.
W. Clark and Miss Cora Mlkesell and the
booby prizes went to Mrs. P. C. Mlkesell
and Mr. S. W. Clark.
A very pleasant progressive high five party
was given Tuesday evening in honor of Mr.
and Mrs. E. Hermes at their homo on South
Seventh street by about forty of their
friends from this city and Omaha.
A number of their frUnds treated Mr. and
Mrs. Dave Stubbs to a surprise Thursday
evening at their home on Sixth street. The
women were attired In costumes designed
after the fashion of the old colonial days ,
and the occasion was ono of the pleasantest
of the week.
The women of St. Francis Xavlsr's church
scored a success Tuesday night with their
social at Odd Fellows' hall , the affair being
largely attended. A short but pleasing pro
gram was given , consisting of national airs
by the choir , a- piano solo by Miss Mary
Rogers and Shakespearian recitations by Ed
Wack of Omaha.
Mrs P. C. DeVol has returned from a
months' visit at Webb City , Mo.
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burkhart and family
have removed their residence from Missouri
Valley to this city.
Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Smith of DeKalb , 111. ,
visited at the home of A. Grout the last
week while en route to California to spend
the winter.
One of the coming events of the week ,
which la creating considerable Interest In
musical circles , Is the Robinson concert
Tuesday evening. Besides Mies Robinson ,
whose well known ability as a pianist Is
state wide , there will be some of the best
talent of Omaha to take part.
Mrs. O. II. Lucas of Oakland avenue Is
entertaining Mrs. W. L. Dykes of Pacific
Junction , la.
George A. Hamilton and family have
moved Into the Byers residence on Washington -
ton avenue.
Mrs. William Groncweg and daughter , Mlsa
Bessie , left yesterday for Hot Sprlngu , Ark. ,
where they will spend the winter.
Itev. McKendrlc Stall ] , pastor of the Meth
odist church at Shelby , la. , was the guest
the last week of Dr. and Mrs. Franklin on
Mynster street.
Mrs. Trumbull Is enjoying a visit from
her slater , Mrs. Charles Varney , of Munroe ,
Miss Bessie Pryor has gone to Belle
Poncho , S. D. , to spend the winter with
At Pace's market , 738 Broadway , you can
get choice loin steak for 12Jc ! ; porterhouse
steak , 12Hc to 16c ; prime rib roast of beef ,
lOc : round steak , lOc and 12Hc. Poultry ,
game and oysters always on hand and at the
lowest possible price for good stock.
Card of Tlinnk * .
We return our slncerest thanks to all
friends for their ktadnes * In our late be
reavement and especially to Mrs. Fred
Westrlp , who Is caring for our little mother
less babe. M. BAND ,
Petition ! In Bankruptcy.
D. S. Pile of this city and L. S. Trow ,
bridge of Tabor , la. , filed voluntary peti
tions In the federal court yesterday to be
declared bankrupts. D. S. Pile , who Is a
harness maker , scheduled bis unsecured
clalira as follows : Borrowed money , $1,731 ;
merchandise , 1652.54. Ills secured debts by
mortgage on stock be placed at 1446.32. Ilia
assets consist of stock , $103.33 ; fixtures , $10 ;
tools , 140 , and household Roods , 1150. I Hi
tools and household goods he claims iw
exsropt under the law. I * S. Trowbrldge
schedules nil unsecured debts at $3,186.66 $
nd his BBS-PIS as conflicting of A team ,
wagon and farm Implements north $200
and household goods north the same
amount , all of which be claims as exempt.
Deolilon Handed Down In Cnne of
Smith Airnliiit Stnnllwonil ,
Judge Aylesworth In the superior court
yesterday handed down his decision In the
caee of E. C. Smith against C. W. Small-
wood and the First National bank of Man
chester , this state , finding for the plaintiff.
The suit Involved the ownership of a
promlsory note for $524.32 given by Small-
wood to A. L. Wellman at the time he
purchased the Ogden livery In this city
from Wellman. The note subsequently came
Into the possra'lon of the Manchester bank
and on suit being Instituted Smallwood paid
the amount Into court , leaving the matter
of to whom the mocey belonged to the court
to decide. Judge Aylesworth found that the
equities of the cause were with the plaln-
itlft , E. C. Smith , and ordered that he have
judgment against Small wood for the sum
of the note without coats and that the
$ G24.32 paid Into court be applied in satis
faction of the judgment.
The court further found that the note sued
on had been delivered by A. L. Wellman
to Smith as collateral security for the pay
ment of a debt. That subsequently arrange
ments were entered Into between A. L.
Wellman , the payee of the note , and his
brother , B. J. Wellman , whereby the latter
was to pay the debt due Smith and to
advance his brother a certain amount of
cash and as security for the payment of
the same Smith was directed to forward the
note to the Manchester bank with the writ
ten endorsement of A. L. Wellman , on the
understanding that the note was to be
turned over by the bank to B. J. Wellman
when ho had paid to the bank for Smith
the amount due him from A. L. Wellman ,
In conformity with this arrangement ,
Smith forwarded the note to the bank and
subscqucntfy and prior to January 1 , 1897 ,
the bank remitted to Smith the amount due
him from A. L. Wellman , which had been
paid by B. J. Wellman. While the note was
in the possession of the bank and after the
debt due from A. L. Wellman , to B. J.
Wellman , for the payment of which It had
been hypothecated , had"in fact been paid
and , while A. L. Wellman was vlrtuaUy the
sole owner of It , ho had on March 2 , 1898 ,
by a written assignment , sold to Smith the
note in controversy. This being the case ,
the court found that Smith , by reason of
this written assignment , became the owner
of the note and the Manchester bank had
no Interest therein. The costs of the suit ,
taxed at $41.05 , are charged to the bank.
Fine Entertainment.
" 1,000 Miles On a Camel's Back" will be
produced by Philip Fontaine , Ph.D. , and
Ethel Fontaine at the Broadway
Methodist ohurch Monday night , De
cember B , at 8 o'clock. This Is
one of the moat beautiful , unique ,
Instructive entertainments produced. Two
hours' of good , laughable entertainment.
The trip of " 1.000 Miles on a Camel's Bock
will be Illustrated by an innovation and Mr.
Fontaine fills this part of the program with
oil , paint and brush. He will ' .mint "Mount
Slnal bv Sun-ct , " Bethlehem by sunrise.
River Jordan , Sea of Galllleo. Jcruselum on
the night of the crucifixion , Mount Carmel
and other pictures on canvas 20x30 Inches
In one minute each. Native costumes of the
Orient worn and explained. Egyptian
dances , Arabian dances , solos In the Arabic.
Two hours' refined entertainment for 20
cents ; children 10 cents.
The Robinson concert will ho held next
Tuesday evening at ttie Conservatory of
Music. Miss Robinson has a doe musical
program arranged and will be assisted by
Mrs. Sadie Bowen-Young. Miss Helen Burn-
ham and Mr. Hlgglns , all of Omaha. Mlsa
Robinson's reputation as a pianist Is too
well known to need further commendation.
Her assistants are well known as the best
local talent In Omaha musical circles.
Ther * Is something going on at Mueller's
music store. He la going to W { J
1 1899 , and with
$40 music box on January ,
ever purchase of BO cents , except piano or
organ , a copy of sheet music goes free , with
a prospect of getting the music box In the
Ajax Tablets A wonderful nerve tonic for
restoring physical vitality and energy , for
men and women. SOc at DeHavcn s.
Remember the exposition by getting som *
copies of Snap Shots at the Council Bluffs
offlce of The Bee. Ten cnts each.
Lodxe Jfc.tca. .
Fldollty council , No. 136 , Royal Arcanum ,
elected the following officers at Its meeting
Friday night : Regent , Charles A. Beno ;
vice regent , B. F. Shugart ; orator , C. H.
Judson ; secretary , Ed McConnell ; collector ,
John T. TIdd ; treasurer , H. C. Hattenhauer ;
chaplain , O. E. White , guide , F. W. Dean ;
warden , J. W. Jacobs , jr. ; sentry , L. U
Bvans ; representative to grind council , A.
E. Brock ; alternate. J. M. Flagler. The offi
cers will be installed at the first meeting
in January.
Council Bluffs lodge , No. 270 , Ancient Or-
dsr of United Workmen , elected the fol
lowing officers Friday night : Past master
workman , T. A. Brewlck ; master workman ,
U. W. Gregg ; foreman , W. W. Hutchison ;
overseer , Ambrose Burke ; recorder , N. C.
Phillips ; financier , Forrest Smith ; receiver ,
W. E. Haverstock ; guide , Charles Sties ; In
side watchman , C. C. Larsen ; outside watch
man. L. Dunlap ; trustee , C. R. French ;
medical examiner , Dr. J. C. Robertson. The
delegates to the supreme lodge will be elected
at the last meeting of this month.
Council camp , No. 14 , Woodmen of the
World , elected the following officers Friday
night : Past crnsul commander , J. G. Brad
ley ; consul comma'nder , Dell G. Morgan ; ad
visory lieutenant , E. E. Asplnwnll ; clerk , C.
A. Morgan ; banker , A. C.l.ine ; escort , C.
Jensen ; watchman , J. Barhyte ; " seutry , F.
Norman ; ptoyslclans , V. L. Treynor , A. V.
Stephenson and M. B. Snyder ; delegates to
convention which meets In St. Paul , Minn. ,
next February , D. G. Morgan , C. Morgan ,
C. A. Tlbbetts. C. D. Walters , J. G. Bradley
and E. Page ; alternates , F. Alnsworth and
A. C. Lane.
Council Dluffs lodge , No. 14 , Independent
Order of Odd Follows , elected the following
officers Thursday evening : Noble grand , J.
G , Bradley ; vlco grand , W. M. Squires ; sec
retary , C. R. Tucker ; treasurer , C. C. Green.
Augusta grove , No , 1 , Woodmen of the
World , elected the following officers Thurs
day night : Chief commander , Mrs. Williams ;
vlco commander , Mrs. Henry Otto ; secretary ,
Mrs. Burke ; treasurer , Henry Otto ; chaplain ,
Mrs. Jones ; Inside sentinel , Mrs. C. A. Tlb-
betts ; musician , Mrs. Lannlng ; managers , C.
A. Tlbbetts , J. Lackey and Henry Otto.
Hazel camp , No. 171 , Mrdern Woodmen of
America , elected the following officers Thurs
day night : Venerable consul , J. R. Dietrich ;
worthy advisor , E. E. Hoffcr ; banker , J. J.
Stewart ; clerk , S. B. Snjder ; escort , T. Aus
tin ; Inside guard , J. C. Gilbert ; sentry. Louis
Feblowltz ; managers. C. Atwood , L. Geerlng ;
delegates to county convention nhlch meets
In Council Bluffs lu January to elect a
delegate to head vamp , C. 0. Saunders , John
Fleming , J. J. Stewart , J. R. Dietrich , Har
vey DeLong. C At wood and D. W. Selby.
Abe Lincoln post , No. 29. Department of
Iowa , Grand Army of tbo Republic , elected
the following officers last night : Post com
mander , L. B. Cousins : senior vice com
mander. J. S. Davis ; junior vice commander ,
J. F. Williams : surgeon , F. S. Thomas ;
chaplain , I. B. Kissel ) ; quartermaster , Sam
uel Johnson ; officer of the duy , W. H. Camp
bell ; officer of the guard , E. R. Fonda ;
trustee , G. T. Miller ; relief trustees , D.
Maltby , J. S. Davis ; delegate to the state
encampment , T. T. Snow ; alternate , J. S.
Council Bluffs tent. No. 32. Knights of
the Maccabees , will give Us fifth annual ball
on the evening of December 14 at Beno hall.
The followInc officers were Installed 01
the meeting Thursday night of Ivanhoc
commandcry , No. 17 , Knights Templar :
rtllsslmo , I. M. Treynor ; captain , C. Konln-
muchor ! eenl&r warden. Andrew McMillan ;
Junior warden. W. C. Estop ; treasurer , J.
B. Atkins : recorder. C. S. Lcfferts.
Fidelity council , Royal Arcanum , will Kits
a card and dancing party next Wednesday
St. Alban's lodgo. No. 17 , Knights of Py
thian , will elect officers tomorro./ night and
Coneordla lodge. Nfl. 2. will elect officers
Tuesday night.
- _ _ _ _
Some people say that If they cannot afford
a fine Instrument they won't have anything.
Wo think that Is looking at It In the wronx
way. If you want your children to study
music , start them on something nice or
cheap , but give them the chance to learn
It somehow. It Is the education they want ,
not the piece of furniture. Just call at
Bourlclus' Music HOUJW and see what ho can
sell you a good piano or organ for. 325
Broadway , where the organ stands upon the
Get In Yonr < ! nr n.
The Council Bluffs people are privileged
to make guesses and hand them In to the
Omaha Merchants' Bean club. All guesses
must be on The Bee coupons , Including the
advertisement of the merchant whosa bean
jar you place your guess upon. Coupout
must be handed in personally.
Buy Domestic and get tablespoons.
Heal Bitate Trnnufcr * .
The following transfers were filed yester
day In the abstract , title and loan offlce of
Jfi W. Squire , 101 Pearl street :
LoulB A. Wlnkler and wife to
Kathryn M. Bartholomew , lots 1 and
2 , block 11 , Potter & George com
pany's add. . East Omaha , w. d $ 1
Kathryn M. Bartholomew ( unmarried )
to Martha Wlnkler , same , w. d 1
Daniel J. Williams and Thomas E.
Wlllmot and wife to J. W. Squire ,
aH seVl 11-77-43 , w. d ! 6.000
Three transfers , total $3,002
500 icteheade , $1.30. UeLong , the printer.
Domestic Is the best soap made.
Dr. Reller , osteopath , Reno block.
Mnrrlnice Licensee.
Licenses to wed were Issued yesterday to
the following persons : <
Name and Residence. Age.
Thedore Beecher , Omaha 28
May E. Hudson , Council Bluffs is
S. M. Pharo , Do Kalb , 111 29
Juno Cooper , Lincoln , Neb. . . . . 20
For Rent--T-room cottage. North Scott
at. ; modern Improvements. J. C. Dellavon.
Domestic soap calls for premiums.
Wanted Several solicitors , both men and
women , for work In the city. Apply at Bee
offlcs , Council Bluffs.
Remember W. 0. W. masquerade ball
Wednesday evening. Prizes given.
Harvest Home excursion December 15 and
16 at Odd Fellows' hall by United guild.
Those desiring copies of the Jubilee edi
tion of The Dally Bee can secure them at
the Council Bluffs offlce of The Bee. Five
cents a copy.
"Jim Blnddoc's" Prototype.
ST. LOUIS , Dec. 3. Captain William
Lamothe died suddenly Friday night at
Alton , III. , aged 81 years. Ho was one of
the brat known captains on the Mississippi.
In 1842 he built the Lucira. This boat waa
burned between Alton and St. Louis and
from the incident John Hay , now secretary
of state , found material for the poem "Jim
Bludaoe. "
Pioneer In Plntte Valley.
CENTRAL CITY , Neb. , Dec. 8. ( Special. )
Frank Parker , sr. , an old and respected
citizen , died at his home last evening , aged
67. He leaves a wife , three sons and two
daughters. Mr. Parker came to this county
with hi * parents from New Tork in 1860
and settled on the banks of the Platte river
Eoutheast of , this city , where he resided
until a coupleof months ago , when he
moved to Central'city. Parker's ranch was
a well known stopping place to emigrants
before the Union Pacific was built and many
old residents of Omaha have partaken of his
hospitality. The funeral will be held Satur
day and will be under the auspices of the
Odd Fellows , of which circle Mr. Parker
has long been a member.
Mechanic Preacher.
SHENANDOAH. la. , Dec. 3. ( Special. )
A telegram was received In this place last
evening stating that Rev. G. W. Roderick ,
formerly pastor of the Methodist Episcopal
church In this place , had suddenly taken 111
and died. Rev. Roderick a few years ago
was a mechanic In the machine shops at
Sioux City and becoming converted joined
the ministry.
Union Stand * by Tnnner.
PITTSBtJRG , Dec. 3. Acting President
Mitchell of the United Mine Workers Is In
Plttsburg to arrange for the annual conven
tion , to be held In January. Mr. Mitchell
reports the United Mine Workers to be in
THE NEW We carry the Royal Hardman , the only pi
HARDMAN ano that will improve with use. Also the
Story & Clark , Harrington , Waldorf , Schaeffer -
fer and others. All instruments that we can
fully recommend and which will make -friends
wherever , sold.
What is better for a Christmas present than
a fine , substantial piano. We are able to meet
any competition. We have no special snap
bargains to offer in order to get you into our
store. But come in and sec us and examine
our fine stock. We are siire to please you.
. Our time.
prices on pianos are right every
The Greatest . Success of Modern We have been in business forty years and.
Piano-Building. Only 5 feet and 8
Inches long , yet containing all the you may have the benefit ot our experience.
finest potato of the Concert Grand.
Telephone 1098. , Mueller Piano and Organ Co ,
Bouricius Music House ,
325 Broadway. Council Bluffs , Iowa ,
P ianos
" *
Where the organ stands on top of the '
better shape numerically and financially than
ever before. In ppeaklng of the indictment
of Governor Tanner of Illinois he Justified
the governor's action , saying : "All the gov
ernor did waa to refuse to furnish state
troops 'to ' operators to enable them to im
port a lot of criminals from other state * , "
Exporter * Want JVcw Schedule.
MILWAUKEE , Dec. 3. The Milwaukee' '
Chamber of Commerce today passed resolu
tions that the Spanish-American tariff
fchedulo on Importations Into Cuba should
not be permitted to remain In force , but
should be replaced at the earliest possible
moment by one acceptable to exporters from
this country and that the request by cer
tain Spanish Importers In Cuba that the
existing tariff on Importations Into Cuba bo
continued in force for sixty days should
not be granted. A copy of the resolutions
will be sect to President McKlnley.
Between Council Bluff * and Omaha.
Rates Reasonable. Satisfaction Guaranteed.
Council Bluffs offlce , No. 8 North Main
treet. Telephone 12L Omaha offlce re
moved to 322 South Fifteenth street. Tele
phone 1308.
Connecttona made with South Omaha
We are Ready
To show our customers one of the finest lines
of Good Carpets ever laid on the shelves of any
store in the west. One thing the people should
remember is that our goods are new. '
Everything from Carpets to Portieres , Linole
ums , Lace Curtains , Kugs , Mattings , Window-
Shades , etc.
We will show you something in our line as
presents for the holidays that will make the
whole family happy. As to prices , take our
word for it that we allow no house , in Council
Bluffs or Omaha , to undersell us.
We sell goods on easy payments.
Upholstering , carpet laying and drapery work
done to order.
Stockert Carpet Co. ,
Telephone 307. 205-7 Broadway , Council Bluffs , *
" \\IILH \ \ ! HOW COLD ! "
In the biting November storms of the past week we have heard this
expression many times. It Is an old saying , but very expressive. There
Is no reason why a man should be' cold if he would just save half the
money lie squanders nnd spends for clothing and underwear.
We arc offering underwear nt prices never before known. We do not
advertise big clearing sales , but we do sell the best wool garment In the
city at $1.00.
In our clothing department we have suits from $5.00 to $20.00. but as
we have often told you. our suit at $7.50 Is the one which will lit your
purse and person. It is the best value we ever offered.
Don't understand that these suits at $7.50 are all the same. We never
flood the city with suits of one pattern , and you run slim chances of
meeting your neighbor in your clothes.
Then our overcoats. We have them In all weights and sizes. In
kersey cloth , chinchilla and Irish frieze ; in prices from $ . ' 5.50 to S'JO.OO.
Our overcoats at $5.00 are the same coat you paid $10.00 for last year.
Our Christmas goods are In.
Metcalf & Metcalf ,
17-19 Pearl Street. . 18-20 Main Street.
Three Fifty.
Means considerable. It means that
you can buy a pnir of shoes at our store
for $3.50 that sell in any other store for
55.00. It that
means if you buy your
shoes of us you will
Save One-Fifty.
It is the money you save that counts.
Then why give away $1.50 when you can
just as well keep it in your pocket ? You
can see our § 3.50 shoes on more feet in
Council Bluffs than any other shoe in
town. This is ample proof of their popu
We sell the best shoes made for $3.50.
We don't aim to grow rich on the sale of a
few pairs of shoes , but aim to sell them at T
a margin that will
keep you coming to our
store for shoes. As
we said before , you
can have the pick of any shoo in our store
for $3.50 and we mean it.
Hamilton's Shoe Store
And then the bnrn door is locked. .That Is money lost by pure negligence.
People sometimes commit as prcnt nn error as the man ho left the barn
unlocked. Go whore they keep the largest nnd llnost variety. Thou you will
always get the value for your money , and besidiw , you will always be i
with your purchase.
Just as well have a good picture , one up-to-date and finely finished la a
poor one that costs the same money and perhaps more.
Is niled with a One assortment of modern pictures , modern styles showln * th
handiwork of skilled nrtlsiH. Thesu pictures will adorn any Louie from th.
' M u"
humble cottage to the mansion.
This year will eclipse all others In the city and outrivals any previous
of the ' kind over made In Council mulls. Como In and ea what w Dave'
We'll risk your Judgment.
Council Bluffs Paint , Oil and Glass Co.
.Masonic Temple.
A Croup Cure.
No need to to1' 'vmptoms , for every
body knows them. Most ] arents have
heard that croupy cough and felt that
deep dread of coming danger. How
quick the dlseabe works , no time to
spare. No wonder it Is so much
dreaded , yet with prompt and proper
treatment it is onslly and quickly over
come. Hundreds in Council Dlulf.s ,
Omaha and elsewhere who have used
Foster's Croup llemedy can testify to
the truth of this statement. It is n
nnn-polbouous preparation and can bo
given in any quantity with safety.
Keep It on hand and give with
symptoms and you will nay with others
It is THE CMtOUI' OUHIC. Price only
25 rents. For sale by druggists.
Hydrangea Compound
This preparation Is
guaranteed to every
user. As a remedy for the Liver , Kldneyi
ana Urinary Organs It excfla anything on
the market. It relieves the burning lonia-
tion produced by scalding urine In a fa\f
bours. U tones and strengthens the whol *
system and thus acts as a tonic and blood
purifier. H Is pleasant to take nd glrei
quick results. Price , large bottlei , ll.oo.
For sale by druggists.
To whom It may concern : For year * mi
kidneys have caused me a great deal o <
troubla and at my ago (77 ( years ) I de
spaired ever obtaining any permanent re. \ A
lief. About blx
months ago I co/nm neea
using Hydrangea Compound , and after
using but two bottlcH all my kidney trouble !
disappear , nnd today I am frse irom
It. J. L. Kllday , Council Bluffs , U. ' .