t \ f , 1 II . JL o THE , OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , DECEMBER 4 , 18J 8. Omaha December 4 1S9S. , . There is No Division , Of interests in this business. We are dealers in choice dry goods only. We are not here to be unfair to our competitors. We ask lor business only on the basis of intrinsic value for the goods we sell , The prices are always fair to our customers and ourselves. On this basis we would like your trade. Jackets and Capes- Ladies can got choice styles in new jackets and capes , in new blues , castors and oth er colors. At $10.00. $12.00 , $15.00. ' l DHESS SKIRTS SPECIALr-Now Blister Cloth Crcpoi Skirls Ihe newest think ehown thli „ season at $7.50. worth $10.00. . COLLARETTCS Hundreds of new Pur Collarettes th rived Saturday. On sale Monday n $3.00 , $7.GO. $10.00 , $12.00 , $15.00 , $18.00 $25.00. UNDERSKIRTS Beautiful Colored Taffeta Silk Sklrts- nt $5.00. fancy SilkS We have selected about one hud- dred styles , Fancy Silks that would bo handsome fo waists and make useful and seuslbl Christmas presents. Wo have made the following reduction : on them : Many styles from Sue am OOc. to fJBc. Many styles from $1.01 to 75c. Manv styles from $1.25 to T&i per yard. Ask to see them. Tailor Suiting Heavy tailor Reduced from suiting in seven $1.25 to 7 5c different color ings. 46-lnchcs wide. all wool , regular $1.2 ; quality. Wo have made the price 75 < a yard. If you are thinking of buying a dree for a Christmas present , do not fall ti ' sen thlfl bargain. 46-ln. all wool am onlv 7Bc. Corsets Wouldn't it be a pleasant Christmas service to send a French Corset to a frlcoi who , doesn't know the comfartabl elegance of a perfect-fitting corset ? We carry a line of P. D. end I. C French Corsets best corsets In th world. Niceto give best things o their kind when giving. The price nn low. and the goodne-ss , the fit , th graceful moulding of form are remark able In- all prices Jl.oO to $7.50 eact McCalPs Bazaar Patterns , lOc & 15i January Fashion Sheets just In. i * -A. has been ordered to Washington by the BCC rotary of- the Interior' ' to take up matter In connection with his agency and also t discuss the question of existing condition at the Whte | , Earth agency In Mlonosott Captain Mercer \ one "of the most algnall successful officers In .charge of the India reservations 'and the 'interior ' department I loath to. permit him to 'loin his reglmcni which. It la understood , he Is' anxious to dc 11s experience with the Indians ln..Wlscon ' ' sin , who are .much 'of the 'samotte'rapera nicut as the Indla'ns at the WJiHo Eart' ' rosorvatlon , gives him .many advantages 1 discussion of questions which are arlsln as between the Indians and the agent neat \ at White Earth , and If anything like a amicable arrangement can be brought abou It Is believed the Interior department wil the acceptance urge upon Captain Mercer the position as agen at the Minnesota res ervatlon. In that event the agency a the Omaha and Wlnnobago reservation wll be left vacant and It Is understood tha Charles P. MatheWs. of Wakefleld , Neb will be appointed In Cap'taln Mercer's place disposition for some tlm There has been a on the part ot the Interior department t rnako a change at the Omaha and Wlnuebag agency , not on account of anything Captal Mercer has done , but to lessen the frlctloi that Is constantly showing Itself betwce certain factions 'n Thurston county an the Interior department , has , about decide to try the. experiment of a civilian agen at the Omaha reservation. Senator Thurston , upon the request of Sur veyor Morrtll of the port of Lincoln , ha recommended G. M. Dartlett for deputy e that port , vice Cooley , deceased. Nobraakans at the Gridiron club to nigh were ; Assistant Secretary Melklejohn , E Rosewaler. E. W. Slmeral. W. E. Annln an Paymaster General Stanton , who , while no a Nebraskan now , will be one upon his re tiremcnt from the paymaster generalshl In January , Stanton having decided to mak Omaha his home. The Postofflce department Is preparing t extend rural free delivery In the northwest ern states. Postofflce Inspector Houston ha been assigned to Nebraska , Iowa , the Da kotos , Minnesota and Wisconsin , and he wtl give special attention to applications c rural free delivery In these states. Postmasters appointed : Iowa Ja Branaum , at Lucky Valley , Woodbur county , and Annie Griffin , At Welter , Man roe county. South Dakota Frank Jlomde , at Mansfield , Drown county. Lemuel J. Stanton of Iowa was today re Instated to a position la the Interior depart numt at $000 a year. Thp secretary of war has Issued an orde discharging Corporal Robert Rehfuss , com pany C , Twenty-second United Statea In fautry , now at Fort Crook. HOOD'S CALENDAR IB n perfect boautj 1899 patriotic Subject : , up to dat ? "An American Girl. " Ono of the Imudsoiuest pieces of cole work Issued this year , Litliogruphei with bonier of army and navy uuibleiii embossed lu gold. Leave * your haiu with your druggist and ask him to sav you a copy or send 0 cents in stamps fc one to 0. I. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mass. ( Mention this paper. ) Remember Hood's Sarsaparilla is America's Greatest Medicin for the Blood and the Best that Money Can Buy. Hence take only Hood's. french flannels For shirt waists. Pretty polka dots , stripes and plaids for wrappers and dressing eacques now plaids , handsome Persian effects , stripes and beautiful new floral de signs. . . , For children's dresses. Infants' sacques , etc. dainty dots , stripes and figures- all designs and colorings have the beautiful French air. Prices , 60c , CGc , 75c , OOc , 11.00 per yard . Underwear and Children's stutt- Hosiery garter normal sanitary wool ' ' union suits , .flat goods , made buttoned down the back and drop seat strictly purt wool slz.o IS , S1.65 rises 15e on a size. Ladles' extra large sizes In Combination Suite , wocl and cotton mixed , "Onelta" style IIDO each. Ladles' Jersey ribbed Seamless glove- fitting black wool Combination Sulla , "Onelta" style , fast black , $2.25 each , Ladles' black Cashmere Hose , with double toe. solo and heel very good quality DOe pair. Ladles' black Cotton Hose , with mace split soles , high spliced heels and double soles 35c 3 pair , $1.00. Ladles' black Cotton Hose very good weight 20o pair. Children's plain black Cashmere Hose , In sizes 8 and 7H only , were 60c pair , now 35c 3 for $1.00. ' Children's blaok Cotton Hose seamless In odd sizes only lOc pair. Pillows for Sofa or Cozy Corner These are of rare and elegant sorts , covers of best denims , beautiful oriental tap estries , canvas cloth , to be worked with cross stitch pickings from our stock to make holiday elegance made t > up In our own store filled to the generous luxurious size. Prices from $4.00 to $12.00 each. THOMPSON , BELDEN & Co. V. M. C. A. BUILDING , S. W. CORNER 10T1I AND DOUGLAS. ANNUAL DINNER AT GRIDIRON International Hotablffl Around thaMahoganj of Newspaperman' 8 Famous Club. * v _ _ MENU SERIES OF WITTY MILITARY ORDERS - . . War Inveitltfatlon Darleiqucd , Uncle 8am and Filipino * lilt OH and Many Other Feature * Dl i > lnycd. WASHINGTON , Dec. 3. The famous GridIron - Iron club tonight gave a most notable din ner , entertaining distinguished gueets from the United States , Europe and other part * of the 'world. In the company were the president , vice president , members of th < cabinet , the president of Costa Rica , _ th ( premier of Canada , the entire joint hlgl American-Canadian commission , Genera ! Garcia , the most prominent officers of the array and navy , senators , representative ! and many other distinguished men. More than 160 people were assembled 1 : the beautifully decorated dining hall of th < Arlington hotel. The dinner was In a meas. uro conducted on lines of compliment ant honor to men who dlstlgulshed themselves by both land and sea In the late war. Greai ovations were given to the president , Ad miral Scblcy and General Shatter when the ] arose to speak , while other speakers re ceived moat generous consideration. Al though the dinner was upon the lines In- dlcated , wit and burlesque were cleverly In terspersed with the patriotic sentiments t ( that at all times the guests were ncvei allowed to get away from the Grldlroc method of conducting a dinner. President Frank H. Hosford presided In ai admirable manner. Ho was'very fortuuati In his Introductions of prominent guests , aut with sentiment , wit and satire , continued the features of the dinner to a most satlS' factory conclusion. Speeches are alwayi short at Gridiron dinners , and there was m exception to the rule tonight. Remarks were made by the president , the vice president , the president of Costa Rica Lord Herschell , Sir Wilfred Laurler , Secre tary Hay , Secretary Long , Postmaster Gen eral Emory Smith , Admiral Schley , Genera Shatter , General Garcia , Captain Stgsbce Senator Lodge , Mr. Faster and others. Novel Menu * . The menu was In keeping with the othci features of the evening. There were scvora pages In Imitation of army orders begirt nlng with a proclamation of the prestden of the club , calling on volunteers ( guests ; to assist the regulars of the club at lh < engagement In the Arlington dining roon from S to 12 q'clock. This was follows by a series of orders In military style , dl reeling the various committees of the clul to prepare the different features of the on tcrtalnment and to assume auch duty n Ii usually performed by them. The guest were grouped In divisions of volunteers anc In orders very direct and explicit the ; were required to "keep In line of fire" dur Ing the entire engagement. A map of the battleground was one o the unique features In which the varlou : divisions were represented as charglni through the Champagne river toward thi Table Heights , where they were supposed ti have captured "Soon Won" hill. Then were several quips In special orders , dlrectei at the prominent guests of the evening which added to the merry feature of thi occasion , > Among the feature * was a burlesque In vestlgatlon of the conduct of the war , whlc ! conveyed some of the more humorous * fan cles of the real investigation. Members of the club brought Immensi Blacks of testimony , also largo volumes o reports and different exhibits , which tool off some of tbo guests and caused grea amusement. The report concluded with thi finding that there was a war ; that Spall got licked and that the Anglo-Saxon itooi together. As this was done the America ! and British flags wore unveiled as a com Eiderdown and A tribute flannelette Sacques to these cold mornings. Eiderdown Sacaues at 69c etch. Neat , fresh and comfortable looking are these Sacques well put together fas tened with ribbons at the neck edges crocheted with Saxony tight-fitting back regular price , $1.00 each re duced to C9o each. Infant's Goods. The merry Christmas time will very soon be hero prepare pare for it in time. A new lot of Crochet Sacqes , Veils and' Bootees have lust been received. Thcro are pretty silk bonnets , Angora wool and crochet ellk caps bibs , either simple or fancy eating bibs embroi dered flannel and crocheted shawls embroidered skirts , long or short , and many other pretty trifles suitable for little folks. Holiday Gloves Never before such a varied and complete gathering of all that's new and right in gloves. The latest styles and newest colorings are here for your Inspection. The genuine Foster lacing. The Trcfousse Clasp. The Cluze Palent Thumb 2-clasp Glove with Courvolsler cut our special ties , Notions Fancy garters. ' Every sort people want some with handsome bows some with buckles. Round Garters at 26c. COc and 75c. Fancy Side Elastics , In silk , at 25c , EOc and 75c. Hose Supporters , with satin belt , and silk , elastic , at 23c. pllment to the Canadian members of it Joint high , commission , I'ucle Sam mul lit * Filipino * . . Another feature was the appearance t Uncle Sam with a , .number of colored chl drep dressed tp represcnt tho'Filipinos an a _ play was , ma'do upon the new populatlo " which Would be" acquired by the Philippine becoming a' part of the United States , very laughable skit was the presentation < a. horse ' , to .General II. . V. . Coynlon , , whq 1 one o'f 'the charter members of the club an also hold a a 'military commission In tt army. The horse was one of the stag variety and Its appearance caused consldei able hirarlty. Among -those pcsent were : William Mi Klnloy , president of the United Stales ; 8eni Don Rafael Igleslas , president of Cos Rica ; Garrclt A. Hobart , vice president ' the United States ; the Right Hon. Lord Fai rar Herschell. G. C. B. . England ; Sir Wl frld Laurler , premier of Canada ; Sir Jarm Winter , premier of Newfoundland ; Sir Rlcl ard Cart\vrlght' , minister of trade and con roerce , Canada ; Sir Louis Davlcs , mlnlsti of marine and fisheries , Canada ; Scnor DC Joaquln Bernardo Calve , minister of Coal Rica ; the Hon. John Charton , M. P. , Cat ada ; Hon. John Hay , secretary of stall Hon. Lyman J. Gage , secretary of the treai ury ; Hon. John W. Grlgga , attorney gei oral ; Hon. Charles Emory Smith , poslmai ter general ; Hon. John D. Long , Becretai of the navy ; Hon. James Wilson , secretai of agriculture ; Lieutenant Genen John M. ScoQeld , U. S. A. ; n tired ; Major General Nelson J Miles , commanding United Statea arm ; Rear Admiral Wlnfleld S. Schloy , U. S. N Major General W. R. Shatter , U. S. V Major General H. W. Lawton , U. S. V Major General Mortvago , Russian cmbassj Major General Callxto Garcia , Cuban arm of liberation ; Rear Admiral A. W. Weave U. 8. N. , retired ; Brigadier General Joser. C. Brecktnrldge , U S. A. ; Brigadier Gcncr T. H. Stanton. U. S. A. ; Brigadier Genon H. C. Corbln , U. S. A. ; Brigadier Genen M. I. Ludlngton , U. S. A. ; Brigadier Gci eral Charles P. Eagan , U. S. A. ; Captal Alfred Paget. R. N. , British embassy ; Caj tain Charles D. Slgsbee , U. : N. ; Captain Royal B. Bradfor U. S. N. ; Colonel William I Carter , U. S. A.j Colonel Charles Heywooi U. 8. marine corps ; Colonel George H. Ha rla. U. S. V. ; Major James M. Boll , U. ! A. ; Major G. Crclghton Webb. U. S. V Lieutenant J. J. Knapp , U. S. N. ; Captal H. H. Whitney. U. S. A. ; First Lleulcnai Ervln Wardman. U. S. V. ; Senator Shell H. Cullom , Senator Henry Cabot Lodg Senator Charles W , Fairbanks , Senati Charlca J. Faulkner , Senator George 1 Shoup , Represcntatlvei Nefion Dingle Robert Hilt and Champ Clark , Gcncr Felix Agnua , Maryland ; T. Jefferson , Coo Idge , Massachusetts ; Charles G. Dawc complroller of the currency ; General Grai villo M. Dodge , Charles H. Duel ) , commii sloner of patents ; H. Cray Evans , comml sloner of pensions ; Charles Denby , c : minister to China ; John W. Foster , e : secretary of stale ; David J. Hill , agalstai secretary of stale ; George D. Mclklejoh assistant secretary of war ; ' L. A. Prad assistant attorney general ; John Addlsc Porter , secretary to the president ; Pn ftsor H. S. Prltthell , Unlled Slales coa survey ; J. B. Wight , commissioner DIslrl of Columbia ; Frank B. Noyes , WaMilngtc Evening Star ; Dr. Waller Wyman , mirget general U. S. M. H. S. ; J. D. Yoeman Interstate commerce commissioner ; Jot Russell Young , librarian of congress ; Sco C. Bone , Washington Post ; George B , Co telyou , assistant secretary to the prestden Charles H. Cramp. Philadelphia ; H. V Fuller , general poseengor agent Chesapeal & Ohio railroad ; Matt T , Hepburn , Englam Major Joseph Loiter , Illinois ; Dr. Thomas : McDonald , District of Columbia ; J. I Maddy , press agent Baltimore & Ohio ral road ; Gonzales de Quesada , Cuba ; A. ' Raymond , Canadian Pacific system ; Edwai Rowwater , edllor Omaha Bfe ; W. A. Tur general passenger agent Southern rallwa American Trniln nn the Inereane , WASHINGTON , Dec , a. Mr. Bcaupre , coi sul general at Guatemala , In his annual r port to tbo State Department , says that tl United States has maintained Us lead la IE Dress Trimmings- Garnitures , braids , guimps , and fancies , narrow braids in black , cream and colors to trim children's dresses. Wider braids , In neat , prelly deslgm An elegant line of very fine Mohiil Braids , In black , as high as $2.GO pc yard. Black Silk Braids , black and colore ) Silk Appllquo Trimmings. Space wl not permit mention of all , but com and ECO for yourself , Real Hand Good Embroidered Linens news. Another huge case of Real Hand Em broldered Linens lust received froi Belfast , Ireland was opened Saturda morning. They have proved a rend seller , especially for wedding and at nlvcrsary presents. 6 dozen 6x6 Inch hand embroidered Do ) lies at 25c each. 10 dozen hand embroidered Cent ! Pieces. COc each. 25 dozen hand embroidered Lunc Cloths. $1.83 each. G dozen hand embroidered Sldeboai Scarfs , $1.50 each. 10 dozen hand embroidered Lunc Cloths. 45-inch square , $2.50 each. Outing flannel On Monday morning we place on sale 2,000 yards of extra fine Outing Flanni regular lOc quality In this sale per > ord. Men's Furnishings Now is the best time to buy ties for Christmas presents our assortment of new styles is complete. Come early and you will flnd an exce lent line to select from. Four-in-hands , as'cols , puffs and teck at $1.00 each. Boys' Windsor Bows , 25c and BOc eae ports Into Guatemala In the last year , and I some important lines the gain Is most grat tying. With Great Britain and Germany practically controls the foreign trade i Guatemala ? JIo 'saysthathe bulk i United Statea gcods IB too good for th market ; ' They shquld be made to se cheaper , but should be showy with coloi and tinsel. Most of the grankeware com : from Germany because of the low price ; b > tt Is BO light and cheap that It cannot la : long. . , . . GIVE OPINIONS ON" SHIP McKny SnN Trnimporiii Were n * Ooo in Could He Expected Culeku- niuuiciv Ilcndiiunrtera Dirty. WASHINGTON. Dec. 3. At today's BCS slon of the War Investigating commlsslc the examination of Captain McKay was cor tlnued. Captain McKay Indignantly dcnlc any of the public statements regarding tl filthy condition of the transports. He cite ihe case of ihe Allcghany particularly. Tr condition of that vessel had been criticise especially , yet ho Insisted Chat It was one ( the best ventilated and best cared for shli of the transport fleet. Ho himself came north on the Seneca. Tt vessel was crowded with sick soldiers froi Blboney. Ho admitted that many of the so dlers were berthed between decks ; that tl water was unpalatable , caused by the rol Ing of the ship , and that the soldiers su fered other discomforts , but many of tt crew were sick and there were cxtenuatlr circumstances. In conclusion he gave It i his opinion Ibat when tbo expedition sailed had ample facilities for landing. The dlff cultlcs subsequently encountered were di to the loss of some of the lighters and a u en route and the rough waters in the harb < at Slboney. Lieutenant Colonel Geoethal , who w : chief engineer on General Brooke's slaff , fo lowed Captain McKay. Ho criticised tl condition of the camp at Cbtcknmaug which he said was bad , owing to the fallui of the soldiers to use their sinks. He di scribed -the condition at 'headquarters i "particularly dirty. " He did not think that fact set a very got example for the rest of the corps. Ho thougl there were bettor sites In the park tht these occupied , but Ihey were mainly In tl uorlhern parl , which had been reserved fi the Sixth army corps. Of the transport E Louis he said : "Tho conditions on that ship were uwfi The stale rooms were nol cleaned , the be < Jlng was foul , there was no ventilation or Ihe meals were abominable. " is SEIIU.\G INFOIIMATIO Red Crom Prefer * n Ileqnent Throne the Frriieli MtnlHtvr. WASHINGTON , Dec. 3. The French en basay has submitted to the State department request from the Spanish branch of the Hi Cross society for Illustrations and explan ; tlons of all the surgical , medical and humai devices used by Ihe Unlled States to air vla < o the horrors of war. This Spanish si clety Is not a government Institution , o though It has operated during the recei war under the patronage of the queen rcgei of Spain. A request similar to this h. . been made of all other governments , tl purpose being to publish a volume showlt the advantages gained the world over In ca Ing for ihe wounded and sick and mectlt the many distressing situations arising fro a condition of war. A full sot of Illustr lions Is desired of Ihe American field hosp tain , ambulance trains , stretchers , surgeon outfits and the manifold requirements at conveniences of the military and nav surgeons' bureaus. As there Is no Impn prlety in giving foreign nations full Inform lion on the humane methods In use by 01 f01 ccs , the request doubtless will be grante * Cull tur Hank Stntrntent. WASHINGTON , Dec. 3. The complroll haa made a call for a statement of the cond tton of national banks at the close of busln ? December 1. Dnlly Trcanurr Statement. WASHINGTON , Dee. 3. Today's atat tnont of the condition of the treasury show Available cash balance , $391,750,1:1 ; go reserve , ; 2J2,235,1S9. GERMANY HAS COVETOUS EV Still Wants to Purohaso Soma of the Oarolii Islands. CONFIRMATION OF THE FORMER REPOF Are Snlit to lie In I'roi re on the Quiet No Mect- iiiK at the I'enec Coiu- PARIS , Dec. 3. There was no sesslc of the peace commissions today , The Amcr cans , however , held a three hours' meetln The report from Berlin that Germany negotiating for the purchase of the Carollt Islands Is confirmed from several quarlcr although Count Ve"rnon Munstor-Lcdenbur the German ambassador here , Informed a co respondent of the Associated Press that 1 know nothing at all about tbo matter. Tl American commissioners are Inclined lo b llcvo the report and It Is looked upon as c : plaining the reluctance of the Spaniards glvo the Americans an answer In regard the Caroline Islands ns well as on the quc tlon of religious liberty ( hero and the laic developments confirm the report that tl Spaniards have been Instructed not to ylc on these points until they have made a go < bargain. The position of the peace commlssto says an American gentleman , U the sixr as two card players , each studying his ov hand and watting for his opponent's lea In spite of this temporary halt In the n gotlatlons and contrary to general oplnio Judge Day , president of the American con mission , believes the treaty will bo sign next week , but a great deal of work mu be done "before the trealy Is ready for sign lures , as after ten weeks of ncgotiatlo : Ihe only articles accomplished by the cor mlssloners are the three leading parts , pr vldlng for the cession of the Spanish cc onlcs , and those only In principle and n In language. Difference of Opinion. The adjournment today was at Judi Day's request , as Ihe long session develop a divergence of opinion. Had iho Joint , so slon been held the Americans would u have entered U as a united body. The e act nature of the difficulty cannot be ascc talned , but It Is eakl seme of the comml alonera are In a more yielding mood Iowa ihe Spaniards lhan their colleagues. U Is not doubted that the Spanish cor mlssloners will on Monday report the a rival of their government's Instruction the absense of which caused Friday's a journmont. It Is believed these Instru tlons constitute a diplomatic scapegoat p forward by the Spaniards to cover the del ) necessary to them. The question of a coaling station of tl United States In the Caroline Islands Is n likely to prove a serious stumbling bloc The Americans have not made It one of t : demands whoso granting Is essential to t conclts en of Iho Irealy of peace. Some Ihem nre enlhuslasllc In Us favor and no : of thcn > think Germany's negotiations f the Caro' 'cs are likely to lead to compile tlons hieen Germany and the Unit States. In French official circles It Is a sertcd that under the pope's award of IS Germany al eady possesses certain rights the Carolines which would prevent Spa from selling us one of those Islands. B .his Is a matter which has already been 1 vestlgaled by the Americans , who flnd th Icrmany's rights refer to certain flshl : privileges of German cltlrcns and th ( rlght lo a coallng,8tallon to be agreed up- mutually between Spain and Germany. MADRID. Dec. 3. The Imparclal t day , commenting on the slat raent that the Unlled Slates Intends fully re-establish relations with Spain , as If the Unlled States proposes to send a n < ultimatum , imposing friendship. MADRID. Dec. 3. Addlllonal procautlo 'lavoibeen taken by Ihe government again 'ho Carllsls In the provinces , notably iiragosa and Blscal. lluny with Minor MatterB. WASHINGTON , Dec. 3. While it IB t ginning to be recognized that the chanc are against the conclusion of the uork the peace commissioners In Paris In time f the Americans lo take ihe steamer of D cember 10 tor home , the officials are not di couraged at the outlook , Knowing that tl delay In the proceedings of the commls I < admits of a reasonable explanation. F Instance , there has hern some difficulty i caching an agreement as to the dlspcsttti of tlm public property In the Philippines , 1 eluding uar material , guns and stores , seems , however , probable now thai the coi missions will agree to adopt a plan for tl disposition of thes'o chime. So It will n be necessary , It Is hoped , lo send a jol evacuation commission to Manila , on w done In the evacuation of Porto Rico , b the plan laid down by the Porto Hlcnn ocr mission will simply be adopted. It la surmised that the American commt stoners have been much more concerned 1 Spanish overtures looking to the nllowan of exceptional advantage ? for Spanish coi meree with Cuba and Porto Rico than abe other matters of the negotiation , whl really seemed to bo of larger Important The explanation of this Is the rear.ratlon i the part of the commissioners that a : agreement on their part to concede such sp clal advanlagcs mlghl not only arouse t opposition of the commercial classes of t : Unlled Statea. but bring upon the Un.t Slales government n aeries of demands frc the great commercial nations of the wor with which we have treaty relations for t allowance of similar concessions under t operalton of wbal Is knonn ne Ihe me favored nation claupo In these trestles. Much of the feeling exhibited by the Ge man press toward the United Stales gover mcnt was directly trnceabre to a denial Ihe State department of Just such a cla ! preferred by Germany to be exempled frc Ihe operations of the duty In the sugar ec tlons of the American tariff act on t ground lhal other nations were permltt lo send ihelr sugar to Iho Unlled SlaUs fr from this duty , and the State departme has always avoided , wherever possible , a action that might cause further conflicts this kind. VISIT FIIOM KAISP.II WII.I1EI/ Snrlnl Knglnnil AKOK Over Coin I n ur of the Rcrinnn Kuiperor. ( Copyrlsht. 1S9S , by Associated Press. ) LONDON , Dec. 3. There has been a flu ler of expectation among society people ov the announcement that Emperor William Germany has allowed the fact to becot known that be will pay a visit to Euglai next summer unless unforeseen clrcut stances nrUo. The betler relations bctwe Great Britain and Germany which have i cently been established have sponged out a great extent the antl-kaleer feeling whl existed In Great Britain slnco the emperoi notorious dispatch to President Kruger the Transvaal congratulating him upon t suppression of the Jamison raid , and the Is little doubt that ho will receive a welcoi rivalling that of his former visits. On t arrival here , which Is limed , according report for July nexl , Emperor William , w will remain until the middle of August , pr poses to visit a few of the leading Industrl centers , and. It is added , his majesty m aho cross over to Ireland. This 1 in per I visit , coupled with the fact that the kli and queen of Italy also harbor the Idea coming to England next year , ( has opened vista of brilliant society functions for t London season of 1899. Queen Victoria 1s disposed to end the dl cusslon as to whether she will pass tl spring on the Riviera in view of th Fren MISTAKEN Are Those Physicians Who Hold That Chronic Dls.- eases of the Breathing Tubes Are Incurable. They Failed Because of the Very Violence lence of Their Methods and the , Caustic Drugs They Employed. Tli ere in no nonne nor honesty In e\- ngsorntlng the llsl of Incurable ills linen. Iho physician who today holds that the common lypes of chronic rtN n c nffncl- Ing Iho Nose , Throat , Uronchlnl Tub unJ I.iuiv-.i arq Incurable because chronic , con tradicts a matter nf fact attested by thousands of people who have been cured rlcht In this city of these very Fame ills- eases by Doctor Shopard. Intelligent and reputable people have repeatedly testified , and are Htfll tcmlfylns. to thflr rndlral anrt InslliiR ; curu of these diseases ; unil when they say CURiD , they mean It. They do not mean relief or Improvement ; tiny mertn Iho complete eradication of the disease and the permanent return lo natural hctiuth. The renaon | -lrlann formerly fnlleil to cure rhronle dlxcnuoK iif- f < < ( ! up the nlr iinnmiKen v\n lieontiNt * of violent iiietlioiln mid onuntlo eniilo > eil. Tlieiie only the nore xpolii In the lircntltliiK tutien , mul the tine of vtronur nprnyn only if rove tlie ilUenne from the Xoiie mul Tliront down Into the Ilronchlnl Tube * mid Tlie Treatment of Doctor Sliopnrd In bnsed on Nature's laws , and la as simple ns Nature. Hy means of the Kreatost Ron- tlenoss It furnl < 9hes a medication that bathen and cleanses the diseased parts , coatlnR over Ihe delicate surfaces lo pre vent the etitranct ! of dlrl ami pernm Inlo Ihu Inflamed tissue ? , nnd Nature , being left undisturbed , ROCS on and assists In com pleting the cure. Weakness , Sore Lungs , Painful Cough and Short Breath. Mr * . Km m a Mnnee , Onknlooiiu , lit , : "I sufTcr'd with throat tiouble all my life , always taking cold even without ex posure.ve % vero not a cotitmmpllve fam ily , having only severe Ihroat disease. The family physician said ho was afraid In lime It would BO lo my lungs. My Bymnloms were progressive emaciation ami weakness , sore lunp' , painful cough and shorl brealli 1 also had nt times fevrr. chills , night sweats and ullsht hemorrhages. "I save myself the best of care , but fin ally my vitality became so low that I hail sinking spells , attacks of heart weakness and Insomnia. Home physicians were very klml , doing all they could to relieve mo , but I sol no decided benefit until I em ployed the Shepard Homo Treatment , which has made mo well. " NO WASTE Of TIME , Severe Chronic Cntnrrh Taken on n Conntlttitlonnl Form. Mrs. Emma Grebe , 25th and K streets , South Omaha , a native of that city , goes on record In this way : "I went to Dr Shepard for trealment for these symptoms : "First I had n cold , then another , then t > cold all the time , .until the nose was BO stopped up that I couldn't breathe , except through the mouth. Then that vile mu cous dripping- , the constant filling of the throt.t with poisonous cntarrhnl tilccr In ' " \ hack ° never-lieallnK ns from some - behind the palate. Then'tho torment tiff ) bronchial loliRh and the failure of to Btomat-h , the nausea before callnK mul tlm pain , the bloatlnc , the heaviness nrtcrwnru. Then the lieadnrhts. the spells of fnlnl- lirsa nnd dizziness , Ihe ronrinpr In the cars , Iho los of flesh , strength nuO spirits , the Mecplcs * nlKhts and tired mornlnps. 'Or. Shepnul restored mo to excellent health In a short time. Wo arc fully con vinced thnt for chronic bronrhliU and ca-- , larrhal trouhlM his treatment Is the very host thai can be found. 1 was cured four years nco. " J ,00 per month , including , all medicines , i.s the to tal and only cost for treatment. Nervous Weakness So Common In Women. ' Mm. S. R. T. reek , Shelton , Neb.t " 1 have Kfoil reason to apeak highly of your Homo Treatment. I suffered from an nhsllimte and severe case of nervousness day and night. I was extremely wakeful , not being able to sleep , nltlioiiKh fiifterliiK no pain. My whole syutcni , Including heart , was weak and my mind seemed to sympathize with my body. I took n Fliort course of your Home Treatment , whlrh calmed my nerves and restored my health perfectly. " Years of Deafness Caused by Taking Cold In the , Ears. Lon Dnvln , Geornetown , Nell. , fnrm- X- er nnrt Mock denier , irrlten Dr. - nril UN followH ! "Years ape I became dfnf from cold set- "Inf In my ears. My deafness came on suddenly and becamu serious In a very bhort time , nolh cars were afTcelcd. I was tormcnlcd with ringing sounds , from whlrh I was never free. If I held a clock close to my head I couldn't hear it tick. Both cars were about the same. I could hear no conversation. If I watched pc-oplo closely when they were talking I i oxild PometlmoB pucss Ihelr meaning , but I was pracllcnlly dfaf to all sounds. "I now make the definite stalPtncnt that Dr. Shepard's Home Treatment has rid mo abiolutcly of all the distressing head noises , has restored my hearing entirely. and has Riven me a much higher degree of Renernl health than I have enjoyed for years. " Free to All Who Ask. A letter or pomtnl enrd to II r. Sliep- tril v ll ! lirlnir to yon by rctnrii mall III * free ! ! Vi-nne | book on lnTrent - ntent of thene Ultronlc ninennen , hi * Conmittntlon nintik mul other Inter- entlnfc literature. , Write for them today. Such statements as the above are dall received at the Shcpard Medical Insti tute 311 312 and 313 New York Life Bulldl : . Omaha , Neb. The Home Treatment la as eHectlve a that at the office. Write for Homo Treatment Symptom nianks and Hook. C nsultatlon free. Hours : ft to 6 ; Sundays , 10 to 12 ; evcnln s. Wednesdays nnd Saturdays only , 7 to 8. . unpleasantness , by definitely engaging apart- 1 mens at Clmleee from March 1 , for five weeks , and It Is understood that her majesty will return home through Germany and stay a week or so atpoburg , where she wlU'tncel * . Emperor WlllUrn , and probably arrange foi , his return visit to England. , Tbo young king of Spain has Just bad s , very pleasant windfall In the ehape of t legacy of 3,000,000 pesetas , bequeathed ti i him by an old gentleman named * Solor , whc : had a close , , though unacknowledged , re- latlrnshlp to the king , being Ibe natura son of Ferdinand VIII. and great uncle ol King Alfonso. The testator's relatives op posed the will , but the queen regent , as hei eon's next friend , supported It and the sull | has now been decided In favor of the Vine A newspaper of Portsmouth , Engrand , which cabled Secretary Long , asking for definite Information regarding the current report that the American squadron Is to visit 1 Portsnioulh , received a reply yesterday , In which the secretary said : "I have to say at present that the date of tbo formation of a European squadron Is undecided. When thle ' action Is taken U will be made public. ThanKlng you for your aeeurance of a hearty ' welcome lo the United States fleet , " etc. , etc. People hero deduce from this reply that ' the American squadron will bo sent to ' Europe and that .Portsmouth will be vis ited. ' An Insight Inlo the seamy fildo of the Klondike - ' dike boom was given by the chairman at a meeting of the Klondike Hydraulic company , called to receive the report of their engl- \ lifers' visit to Klondike to Investigate the statements of the vendor. The chairman ' said : "Tho vendor first tried to secure ' 36,000 , nnd then 10,000 for the purchase ' of piping , etc. , but Iho chairman went tc 1 San Franclpco lo Inveellgalo the matter anil ' found the vendor's statement was fal e , \ whereupon he wllhheld Ihe money. " Ths engineer also rcporled lhat the vendor's mine on the Black river was a myth , that the location notices were forgeries and that | he was salUflcd the vendor had never seen Alaska. Therefore , the chairman pointed ! out the only course WAS to wind up the com pany , ihe share holders escaping wllh Iho losa of only two shtTllngs a share. IIUSUI.T OV THC EXPANSION I'OMCY , Claim * for H dre nnd Io ne from Foreign Source * . WASHINGTON. Dec. 3 The United Stales i government Is being called upon to face i some questions of Interest , resulting from . the expansion policy. The British govern- i ment stmo time before the annexation of I Hawaii to the Unlled States filed with Ha- i wall a number of claims for redrcfts for the t Ill-treatment and Illegal confinement of lirlt- r IBU subjects Involved In the revolutionary [ ri'Dvement which overthrew tbo quoon. These i amount to eevtral hundred thousand dollars In the aggregatu and the question Is , the Hawllan government having failed to settle t them , whether the United States government 1 does not Inherit liability. The claims ar just such as were filed by the late Secretary Greaham against the Hawaiian government In behalf of a number of American citizens , , most of which later turned out to bo aliens. No no of our claims were pressed , but they t formed the foundation for the Urlllsh I , i claims ! * . Another question of more Importance Is Ihe determination of the status of some of our nenly acquired citizens or subjects. Al ready a Chinaman by birth , but a Philippine by citizenship , haa applied for recognition as on American citizen. Another Chinaman In Hawaii wants a passport showing he Is a citizen of the United States. The annexa tion law prohibits the coming Into the limits of the United States of Chinese persons from Hawaii , but the constitutionality of any act that proposes lo discriminate among Ameri can citizens has been raised and this China- j man is a citizen by adoption. These are a , few of the quectlons that have already arisen , and others are expected lo follow in the near i future. I.lkn American Uiuor . WASHINGTON , Dec. 3. American whlslcy In always commended In Honduras , and American beer Is sold to the exclusion of all others In that country. This appears from > Iho annual report of Consul Johnston at i Ullllan , Just received at the State depart ment. Ho says that while tbo United Statea has tbo majority of Imports Into Honduras , the English have all the trndo In some lines , such as thread , lace , Insertion , etc. In cot ton gocds , some English products are sold , but they are mostly from the United 'States , especially In the Oner grades. The heavier qualities are not sold In shirtings , but the cottons used for calls and tickings are > all American. The Central American will use twice as much pf a first-class article ns of an Inferior. PENSIONS WUSTEIIN Survivor * of the Civil Wnr Ilemeui- bereil ! > > the Government. WASHINGTON , Dec. 3. ( Special. ) The > following pensions have been granted : Issue of November 21 : Nebraska : Original George II. Plmmer- man , McCook , $3. Increase David II. flur- tlss , Omahn , $0-to $ S , Isaac Wood , Tokamdh , (6 to JS. Original Widows , etc. ( ReUsuo ) Mary A. McDerby , Crawford , $12. Iowa : Original Henry C. Thompson , An- amo ! < a , $8 ; Stephen M. Cook , Hello Plalne , J8. Increase George Newport. Davenport. IS' to $12 ; Alfred Graynon , Albln. JH Id $17. Ot-- Ifflnal widows , etc. Lucy E. Martin , Leon , $15. $15.South South Dakota : Additional Hela C. Sprasue , Letcher , $2 lo $12. Colorado : Original widows , "elc. Mlnon of Edwin C. Uhodes , Pueblo , $12. HAWAIIAN UOVKUNMISNT. BILL. Report on CoitiiiiUilon to He Sent to CoitirreNN Thin Week. WASHINGTON , Dec. 3. The Hawaiian commission has completed Its bill for the government of the Hawaiian Islands as a part of the United States and has .alsp fin ished Its report to accompany the , bill ana both mailers have been placed In the bands of the president by Senator Culrom , chair man of the commission. , It is the senator's expectation that the president will transmit the papers to congress some time next' week and that ho will ask an early consideration of the question. CANAL COMPANY ON TIME LIMIT. Colombia Denlei Amerlcnn ' Ilcquot . , for nn Cxtcimlon. WASHINGTON , Dec. 3. Information hM been communicated to the State department by consul Hart lhat the House of Ilcpre- icnlatlves at Dogota , Colombia , has rejected the petition of the Pan-American Canal com pany to cxlend for six years Iho time for cemplotlng the construction of the canal. The company still has six years In which to carry on ( he work. SUPPLIES FOR DEPENDENTS Slilplond of Food anil ClolblnK Pre pared for Shipment from Nerr York for Sunctl Splrltiu. NEW YORK , Dec. 3. Admiral Barqpsoa has cabled to the Cuban general relief com- mlllep. advising that relief supplies be sent for dlstribullon among the destitute old men , women and children In the vicinity of Sanctl Splrltus , and accordingly the following list of stores has been prepared for shipment : Forly thousand pounds of rice , C,000 pounds nf beans , 10,000 pounds of bacon , 8,000 pounds of codfish , l&O barrels of hard bread , 1,000 pounds of coffee , 200 cases condented milk , 3,000 suits women's and children's clothing , 2,000 yards cotton goods for making clothing and a quantity of salt , spices and medicines. KENTUCKY REPUBLICANS WIN Content * in Two CoiiKremilonal 111 * * trlctm Are So Decided by Klec- tlon Communion , FRANKFORT , Ky. , Deo. 3. The slata election commission this afternoon decided the contest over the certificate of election In the Ninth congressional district in favor of Congressman Pugb , republican , ovei Williams , democrat. Congressman-elect B"rclng. republican , was awarded a certifi cate In the Eleventh , his claim being dIm \ puted by John D. White , independent. nusu. , COSTULLO William J. . n e 4 months in < \ 15 day . Saturday. December 3 , son of Mr , nnd Mra. Daniel F. Costullo , ut their res- Idenco. 2310 Webster street. Funeral pri vate on Monday.