\ THE OMAHA SUNDAY BEE.PAGES 13 TO 24. ESTABLISHED JUXE 10 , 1871. OMATIA , SUNDAY MOUXrNO * , DECEMliER 4 , 1898. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. Several hundred dollars worth of e on ecial Sale * Month The entire vast spot cash purchasing power of the Big Store has been concentrated to bring together for the holidays the grandest assortments of goods from Hie world's best markets. Expert , buyer ? have watched every opportunity and made their deals at the most advantageous lime ? . No stocks were too large for them. Unlimited cash behind them gave them control of the markets and the result is apparent in every department in every crowded case , shelf and counter. Eager buyers are tilling their \vnnts from the cream of the world's productions at fully one-third to one-half less than the regular figures. Holiday goods are already beginning to move fast. Nowhere can you find such splendid and complete lines to choose iroin. AGENTS FOR THE BUTTEKICK PA1 TERNS. GREAT SALES ON MEN'S CLOTHING THIS W The Leading Dress Goods of the West- Over 30,000 Styles Always on Hand. You can buy new dress Roods , just received from the mills , ut one-halt what you pay for old Kouds and job loU. Hero are a few prices for Monday. SC-lncb Jacquards , two-thirds wool ; 30-tnoh I5C Novelties , all wool ; 34-Inch All Wt > ol Checks ; 24-Inch Half Wool Novelties ; 34-Inch Cash meres , all colors and black goods that sold up to 30c all go at only 15c. SCInch All AVcol Flannels ; 42-Inch Storm I9c Sergu , In black and blue only ; 42-Inch Mo hair Fancies , In nil colors ; 36-inch fine Cash meres , all colors , and other goods that sold up to 39c all go Monday at 19c. | 36-Inch All Wool Novelties and Mixtures , all dark winter styles ; 38-Inch Silk 25G and Wool Novelties , dark colors , bright and stylish ; 36-Inch All Wool Dress Flannels ; 3C-lnoh Jacquards , and other styles , worth up to COc all go at 25c. 50-Inch all wool Ladles' Cloth , all colors ; 38-Inch all wool Novelties , that sold 29c for 59c ; 40-Inch all wool Henrietta , all colors ; 38-'lncb ' Worsted Plaids ; 46-Inch all Wool French Serges , all colors , a nd goods that sold up 'to ' GOc per yard , for 29c. 40-Inch Silk and Woo French Novelties , worth 75c ; 46-Inch all 39c and 4Sc wool Serges ; 40-li.ch all wool , silk finished German Henriettas , all colors ; 40-tnch all wool English Mixtures ; most beautiful de- signs In French Flannels , worth 75c per yard , and other goods that sold from 75c to S5c --at 3Dc and 4lc. ! 46-Inch all wool German Henrietta ; 46-Inch all wool Coverts ; 59c nd75c 40-luch French Poplins ; 46-Inch Jacquards ; 46-Inch Imported French Novelties ; 44-Inch Vlgoreaux , and other goods that sold from $1.00 to $1.25 all go at 59c and 76c. JBT Black Goods Prleatley's celebrated Black Goods are the only goods ithat always hold their color never spots never wears rough never looks shabby and we sell them for less than other sell Inferior makes 69c to $6.23 per yard. CREPONS Priestley's , Walker'B , Sir B dward Rlpley'e , Sir Titus Salt's Crepons andsiclllans all the leading manufacturers of England and France from 59c .to $10.00 per yard. MAIL ORDERS promptly filled , but no samples of goods advertised In this sale but SILK DEPT. ALWAYS BUSIEST DURING HOLIDAYS. A lady's most appreciative and substantial Christmas gift is a handsome silk waist , pretty petticoat or an entire silk dress , In the showing of fashion's latest fancies , new , nobby and rich novelties , we excel all others. Thousands of pretty styles. Silks that are bright , brilliant and beautiful , brought here especially for Christmas trade. Grand Special Sale All Through the Big Silk Dept. l > New Wlnslow Taffetas , The talk of Omaha. Hayden Bros , the , only house In the city showing these new wide silks. Why buy the old atyle narrow taffetas , which do not wear ? Wlnslow Taffetas-are the best silks in the world for underskirts. Wlnslow Taffetas will not cut or break. See the new shades 4n both plain and changeable $1.00. Special in Fancy Waist Silks , Over 1,000 styles , worth up to $2.00 , at 49c , 69c and 69c. Bandoline Silks , 21 Inches wide , In pretty two-ton effects ; CO pieces worth up to 75c on sale at only 39c. Remarkable Offering in Plain'Silks. Just the right kind at the right time and the right prlco. About 2,000 pieces sold to us at a great sacrifice. In this lot you will find Chinas , Surahs , Indlas , Japs , Gro Grains , Taffetas and all kinds. Just the thing for fancy work , all bright shades , north up to Jl.OO , assorted In three lots to sell at 19c , 20c and SOc. Rich Novelties in Stripes and Plaids , Satin Rage , Satin Pcltln , Ombre Stripes , Illuminated Rainbow Plaids and French Plaids , worth up to $2.75 ; special sale price 98c and $1.25. Reliable Black Silks. Our Guarantee With Every Black Silk Dress. Most complete- stock of Penu de Sole , Qros Grnlns , Satin Duchessc , Satin Luxor , Satin Rhadayaino , Armure , Royal Alma Oroi de Landre , Taffetas , Geunets , Poplins , Ben- gallnes and Carres , at 69c , 75c , 9Sc , $1.25 , $1.60 , $2.00 , $2.60 up to $4.50. Specials in Black Silk Dress Patterns , ,16225 \8ap1l0a'antbnL9koPeau ' de Sole > worth Consisting of 12 yards ot either plain 12 yards plain black Satin Duchesae , black Gros Grains , black Satin Duchesse or worth $15.50 , on sale at $11.95. black Penu de Sole ; handsome quality , all 12 yards plain black Gros Grains , worth jiure silk , worth $12.69 , on sole at $3.93. $15.75 , on sale at $11.98. The above black silks are guaranteed to bo perfect new silks , direct from the most reliable makers , and are warranted for service. MAIL ORDERS. Are on ot the leading features ot our Christmas trade. Thousands of out-of- town people trade with us In this way. Take advantage of these remarkable offerings. Write to us for whatever you may wish. Your order lll bo carefully filled , and If not satisfactory wo will refund your money. i Flannels and Blankets. White wool flannel at , yard , 15c , ISc , 25c , 35c , 40c , 45c and SOc. Embroidered Flannel at , yard. B5o , 59c , 65c , 76C. 85c , 95c , $1.25 and Sl.CO. Outing Flannel , complete assortment of checked and striped , In both light and dirk colon , only Sc. We have Just purchased from the mill a large case containing 75 pieces of flno Cocheco Flannel In aasorted styles , never before offered for less than ISc a yard ; for a special drive they will go at 12'4c. One case Valentine double-faced Flannel at , } * rd , lOa. Bed Blankets. Wo hkve too many Blankets for this sea- con of the year unrt with to close out , even nt tv loss , our surplus stock. To do RO quickly \\e cut the prices below > our lowest expectations Come bete for Bed Blan kets this week If you want to tmvo money. 1 oaae fancy fluffy cotton Blankets at , pair , CJc. 2 cases 11-4 gray or white Cotton Blan ket * , at , pair , 76o. I case heavy mixed Wool Blankets , worth $2.00 , at. pair , $1.49. 1 case heavy wool mixed Gray Blankets at. pair. $1.93. 1 case large sle Gray Blankets , wool mixed , heavy weight , 10U pound ; $5.50 value for $4.25 , 1 case extra fine and heavy white all wool Blankets , with fancy border , per pair. $4.75 , 1 case White Wool Blankets , blue and pink border , ' nt. pair , $3.60. 1 case all wool Gray Blankets at , pair $2.98. Bed Comforters. S dozen heavy winter weight Bed Com ! forts at 75c each. 7 dozen fine reversible sateen covered comforters In new designs , extra quality each , $1.00 , 5 dozen Comforters , well made , of cxtrs size- and best cotton tilling , covered wltt finest sllkollne , $1.50. Largest and best home-made sllkollne cov. ered Comforts , extra welV made and flnesi cotton tilling , each , $2.00 $ and $2.50. December Sale To be Duplicated by Other Houses Feb. 1st. 60 Days Ahead of All Competitors. Thrice before the uinnle touch of our December Clonk Sale electrified all Onmlm with Its recorcMircakluK low prices aud for this , our fomth sale , we have HUC- ceecled In landing , through the power of cash , three manurnc&irtirt ! ' stock * at 153 1-Hc ou the dollar , so thai the prices will be lower tlwu ever and the laurels of victory will ugalu crown thin , the Big Store's Greatest Cloak Sale. 100 Ladles' Jackets , well made , warm garments , worth up to $6.00 in this sale for $2.95. 400 Ladles * Jackets , in all wool boucles , caterpillars and nstruUbans , nearly all ellk lined tbioughout regular price , $9.00 lu this sale for J4.98. COO Ladles' Jackets In all wool kerseys , boucles , frlc/es , coverts and cheviots , In uavys , tans , blacks , reds , greens and royal blue * , either fly or box fiont , lined with fancy taffeta or satlo lining , regular price $12.50 In this enle for $ B.60. 400 Women's Jackets , In all the new shades and hl h class materials , lined throughout with Skinner's satins regular $18 to $20 garments in this sale tor $10.00. Fifty Sample Jackets , regular $ :0. $25 and $35 Jackets your choice In this sale for $15.00. 150 Capes In black kerseys , with strapped seams , heavy curl boucles , thlbet trimming around collar In front : Soltealr silk plush Capes , with bear and astrakhan trimming the grandest assortment ever shown In Omaha or anvwhere else all 30-ln. long regular $9.00 and' $10.00 values for $3.75. 275 Collarettes. In all the new styles In estrakhans. monkey. Persians and combina tions of thp different kinds on elegant as sortment to select from worth $10.00 and $12.00 for $4.98. I Jewelry Dept Special offerings In" Sterling Silver Opera Glasses this week. 15 line genuine Le Malre Opera Glasses , the best In the world , $3.98. Good Opera Glasses , 75c up. The largest line of Sterling Silver Novel ties ever brought to Omaha. Over 5,000 pieces of Sterling Silver to select from. Ster ling Silver Back Combs , Files , Toothbrushes , SclfBors , Darners , Button Hooks , Shoe Horns , Curlers , Salve Boxes , etc. , sold everywhere from $1.00 to $1.50 , our special holiday price , your choice 49c 4-pIeco quadruple slated , hand engraved , gold lined Tea Sets , $3.99 up. Sterling Sliver teaspoons , set of 6 , $2.98. Sterling Silver Hair Brushes , $1.45. Sterling Silver Salve Boxes , lOo up. WAT S. WATCHES. WATCHES. Sterling Silver Chatelalns , Jeweled move ment , $2.SS. ' Ladles' gold filled hunting case watches , fine Elgin or Waltbam works , $7.95 up. Genta' gold filled hunting case watches fine Elgin or Waltham movements , $7.95 up. Ladles' 14-kt. solid gold U. S. assay huntIng - Ing caw watches , $16.50. The best man's or boy's watch In the world , 98c each ; stem wind and set. Thousands of solid gold rings , EOo up. The largest line of Gold Frames and Mir rors , etc. , ever shown In the city. Got a pair of our $2.50 solid gold Eye glasses or Spectacles. Eyes tested free by a first class optician. Good Eyeglasses or Spectacles ISc up. High Patent Minnesota Flour , 98c We warrant every sack or your money back. , 3-pound cans solid pack Tomatoes , T&c. 2-pound cans. String-loss Beans , 6'ic. 2-pound cans Sweet Corn , worth lOc , 6V c. 3-pound cans Boston Baked Beans , reg ular price Is 20o everywhere , on sale for ii-pound cans Yellow Pumpkin , 9V4c. 10 POUNDS BREAKFAST OATMEAL , 25c. 25c.3pound cans Yellow Table Peaches , 3-pouml cans nil kinds Plums , 3-pound cans Raspberries , 12'ic. 3-pound canst California Apricots , 12le. 2-pound cans Gooseberries , Blackberries or Blueberries , only SWc. 2-pound can * Sliced Pineapple , IZlJo 10 BARS ARMOUR'S LAUNDRY BOAP. 25c. 12 packages best Red Parlor Matches , lOc. 2 sacks line table Salt for Cc. All kinds of belt Yeast , package , 2o. Silver Gloss ) Starch only 4c. MuHtiird or Oil Sardines , can , 3'ac. Tall cans Blood Red Salmon , 12'-c. Large Ulasscu Pure Whole Fruit Pre serves ICo. NEW MUSCATELL RAISINS , per Ib. . 6c. Whtattell. th new bnakf.m food , 9'Sc. Wheat Wafers , the regular price Is 16c , 2-pound packages Pancake Flour , nona bettor. S'Sc. * lOc packages Shredded Cocoanut , 6c. 2-pound packages Oatmeal , worth lOc , only 5c. Pearl Tnploca , per pound. 4V4c. Limn or Ilutter lenu-i at < " ' . , LARGE PAILS PURE FRUIT JELLBY , 20c. 20c.New New Drug Prices Mcnnen's Talcum Powder , 15c. Packer's Tar Soap , ISc. White Rose Glycerine (4711) ( ) , 15c. Lydla Plnkham's Compound. 75c. Ayers' Hair Vigor. 65c. Parker's Hair Balsam , 40c. Hall's Catarrh Cure , 53c. Lambert's Llstcrlno , 75c. Ozomulsion. "Cc. Williams' Pink Pills. 40c. Miles' Anti-Pain Pills. 20c. Carter's Little Liver Pills. 16c. Laxative llromo Quinine , 15c. Krausa Headache Capeuls , ISc. 50 Electrlo Sen ] Plush Capes 30 Inches long Ilueil with heavy Skinner's satin with marten1 collars lor $20.00. 250 Ladles' Tailor-made Suits fly fronts or tight-lilting jaokaU all silk lined- straight or flounce skirts , In blue , brown , tan and gray mixture * every thread all wool regular $15 to $ JO Suits lu this saJo for $7.50. 75 Sample Suits , In all the new styles , some silk lined throughout the greatest values ever put on sale at $16.00. 200 Silk Waists. In plain colors , plaids and striped taffetas all the new shades end black regular $6.00 Waists for $3.75. 275 Children's .Tuckets. In blue , brown and tan mixture * , nicely trimmed , all the latest styles worth $4.50 at $1.98. 500 Children's Jack tn. the new sleeves- all fancy mixtures elegant weorlng goods- worth $6.00 for $2.75. 250 samples Children's Jackets worth $7 , $8 and $10 for $5.00. 10 dozen Ladles' Dressing Sacques , In pink , blue , gray and red trimmed with satin ribbon , large sailor collar nicely trimmed , for $2.98. 60 dozen Wrappers , In heavy Flannelettes , worth $1.50. on sole at 7'c. 25 dozen Wrappers , worth $2.00 for 9Sc. Great Ribbon and Notion Sale Large assortments fancy and plain al Ilk ribbons , good colors for fancy work Ladles' Satin Collars , In fancy and plain hades , worth 50c , only 25c. Ladles' fancy border handkerchiefs , well worth 5c , In this sale 3 for 5c. Shopping Bags , with outside pocket , gooi leather , worth SOc , only rSc. Beautiful triplex mirror , serviceable and so handy , cheap at SOc ; come nnd see then at 25c. Dress trimmings In almost endless vnrl ety at lo to $1,00 yard. These wore bough' ' at special prices and are sold accordingly Naw lines stamped linens just added a extremely low prices. The students and Teachers' companion , f globe of the whole earth , on sale at 2oc wall worth $1.00. A Great Book Sale An elegnut assortment of bible ; to choose from at SOc up. Handsome ! ' bound books , embracing all the Btandan authors at 15c. ISc and 5c. All the standan sets at popular prices. The U. S. Arm ; and Navy Book , replete with Interesting and up-to-date matter , profusily Illustrated elegantly bound In colors , on sale ut Too regular price J1.50. "Tho Story of Cubn , ' regular prlco $1.30 , on sale Saturday at * 5c A Big Gut in Wall Paper To make room for several big shipment' we will sell present stock at the following unheard of low prices : All of our 25c Gilts go at IRc , all our 20 < Gilts go at lOc , all our 16c Gilts eo at Sc all our lOc Gilts go at 6c , and all high grade White Blanks go at 5c per roll We hav < also a lot of remnants that sold as high r. ; GOc per roll , that go on sale now as lour as they last at only 5c per roll. All Borders at one-halt the usual prices. We sell the best quality Ready Mixe < : Paints at $1.00 gallon , 5Rc per half gallon SOc per quarter gallon. V.'e have ale f large line of Stains , Varnishes and Ennme Points at greatly reduced prices , nnd w carry the largest stock of Brushes of anj In the city. All go at reduced prices China Department Pine decorated stippled gold Olive Dishes Spoon Trays , Pin Trays. Pirkel Dtanes Salted Alrnrnd Trays , Sherred Egg Trays Oyster Pattle Trays , Bonbon Trnys , ] 0c each Imported Bohemian decorated glass Lena monade Seta from 9Sc up. Crjstnl stand emerald bowl Lamps , com' plete , 35c. Decoiated Toilet Sets , $1.98. Imported cut glitss Cream Sets , 6 pieces 39c. 39c.Emerald Emerald Cakf * Stands , Fruit Stands Sauce Nappies , Square Trays , IJerry Bowls 20c each. Sweet Country Butter This butter was sent to us from th country. We have more than two tou- whfch must he sold now 12'c , 14c and r > c Strictly Fresh Eggs guaranteed , 17Ho. Good Creamery Duller , lOc and 1I'C. Separator Creamery Butter. 19c to 21c. Tea and Coffee SPECIAL TOR MONDAY. New uncolored Jrtpan Slftlnt * , 1C. Fancy English Bieakfust , only SOc. Basket Fired Japan Tcu. 3Co. BIG SALE ON COFFEES. 15c Pantos Coffee. S poumU for $1.00. 20c Golden Rio C pounds for $1.00. 25c Java nnd Mocha , a poun'ls for $1.0 v'Uc li'qh grade Java and Mocha , 4 pound for $1.00. 35u Mandhellng Java and Mochp , 3 pound for $1.00. This Is for Monday only. jQc Sheet Music 15c Tomorrow morning we will place on Falo ome of the very latest and most popular sheet Music. We have such well-known tilts as "Break the News to Mother , " by ilnrrls ; "Organ Orlnders' Serenade , " by lurrls ; "All for the Love of n Girl , " by Harris ; "She Wns Bred In Old Kentucky , " uy Bralstcd and Carter ; "Tnke Good Care uf My Little One , " by Solomnn ; "A Hero All for Love , " Miss Phoebe Johnson ; "Coon done , " "Anglo-American Two-Step , " "Ca- let Two-Step , " "Oriental Kchoes , " "Honey moon March , " "Klsle From Chelsea , " Grade o'Moorc , " "Down In Poverty How. " "We Arc Itcady , " patriotic song ; I Loved Her Klist , " "Ills Day Will Come. " "Say You Will Try and Forfiet. " 'by l-'ulr- lleld ; "Some Day Perhaps You'll Know , " by Falrtleld ; "Waiting for the Oroom That Never Came , " by Falrfleld ; "When Sweet- henrts' Vows Are Broken , " by Wllllama ; You Ain't Mad , Bill , Arc You ? " "My Best Girl's a Corker , " "Salute to Omaha March , " "Transmlsslsslppl March , " "Com modore Dewey's Victory March , " by Mayweed - wood ; "My Gal Is a High Born Lady , " Mummy's Coon. " "Crappy Dan. " coon SOUK ; "I Want Dem Presents Back , " coon song ; "Black Man From Troy. " coon SOUR : "Oh , I Don't Know. You're Not So Warm , "Hootchee Kootchee Dance , " "Coon SOUR , " "Only One Girl In This World for Me , " "You're Not the Only Pebble On the Beach. " We have never sold these selec tions at less than 35c per copy Your choice tomorrow , only , 15c per copy ; by mall , 16c. Big Bargains in Ladies and Gents' Furnishings Men's lambs' wool fleece lined shirts and drawers , regular 75c quality , at 35c. Men's Jersey ribbed Il'ece lined nnd wool shirts nnd drawers , worth $1.00 , at BOc. Men's nne camels' hair and Australian wool shirts and drawers at 75c. Men's Jersey wool gloves or mittens at 25c. Men's fine cambric handkerchiefs , worth 12V4c , at 5c. Men's Hilkollne handkerchiefs , worth 12l,4c , at 5c. Men four-ln-hand , bow and Teck tlctt , worth 60c , at 23c. Men's kid gloves , lined or unllned , worth $1.25 , at 7Bc. Ladles' wool lined kid mitten * at SOc. Ladles' fleece lined hose , full seamless and fast colors , at lOc. Ladles' Jersey fleece lined vests and pants at 25c and 35c. " Ladles' camels' hair vests and pants , worth $1.00. at Doc. . . . Children's flne fleece lined and wool Tt ta and pants at 20c , 25c and 35o. Carpet Sale If you need anything In carpets come In and figure with us. We guarantee to save you money. The largest line In the city t030xCCOeCSm > T a RUKS , $1.25. A first class carpet sweeper , $1 t > 5 ; nil wool Ingrain car pets. 48c : oil cloth stove squares , 1 % yards square , G3c ; 1 yard square , 25c : linoleum , 45c yard ; cottage curtain rods In oak , ma hogany and white enamel , 20c ; 7-foot win dow shades. Furniture Make home Inviting , Make It comfortnble , . Mnke It so the children will love to get there and glad to stay. Hang pictures on the wall , place fancy articles where they can be seen , admired and remembetcd when the family Is scat tered. Remember , your fondest recollec tions carry you back to childhood's days , and you think of some picture , some ar ticle about the house that all the family loved so well , and this leads to other thoughts , nnd you forget the cares of the present anil are the bettpr for It. At this season of the year we are making It nu- claly eusy for you to secure such arllclr.f , whether to give away or for presents. We have opened up hundreds of new medal- IOIIH , ranging in prlco from ISo up to )1.75 , all new goods and new ptyles. Also a lot of holy pictures , framed , ! Cx20 In fancy flames , at M.25. A lot of "St. Cecelia" and "Alone , " ftamed , at bOe. Very line "St. Cecelia , " In large gilt frame , (1.00. Good nsuortment of pictures in the new dark oak frames at 25c , bO up to $1,95. Then we have rockers In endless variety , desks In all the woods , India seats at &oc and $1.25 , jar- denier stands to suit every taste , couches , large easy rockers , sideboards , tables , chairs and Iron beds , all gathered together with the one Idea of giving you utl the best the market affords at a modicum ol price. Meats , Lard and Poultry No. 1 Ham , sugar cured , Sc. Smoked Bacon , 7'.c. ' I'lckliMl rigs1 Feet , 4fcc. ! Coriud Ueef. 5c. California Iliime5c. . Choicest Breakfast Bacon , lOc. R.'st Bologna h'ausnse , Gu. 1'iikled Tripe , 3Hc. 2-pound can host Lard. 20c. 5-pound can best Lard , &c. 10-pound ran best Lard , C9c. No. 1 Skinned Hiinv * , ' Spring Chicken * , C' . e. Evaporated Fruits New California Prunes. 5c , CHc and 7',5c N < w California Peaches. lOc. New California 1'tnip. 9V c. New Seeded Raisin ? , 10u. New Clcuncd entrants , S4e. ! New KvnporttU AprUots , ll'Vic. Cheese Daif I'ancy Full Cream Cheese , only 12Hc. llrrklmti' County Double Cream He. r.ngllHh Cheddir ( the best ) , only ICc. I'nncy OhU. h\\Us Cluojc , ICc. Fancy Brick or Llmlnirger , only 12'/Jc. I'Muin Cheese , sc. t Nfufclmtel , only 3c. Hardware , Stoves and Housefurnishing DEPARTMENT-A Great Cut on Stoves. The celebrated M. & D. Steel Range , the finest and best on earth , like cut , large oven $31.60 A very fine Steel Range. G-hnle , high shelf , low \\ormlng closet with res- ervolr , regular J33.03 , our price 27,76 A nice Cast Range , G-hole. 20-tnch oven with reservoir , regular $1S , our price 1296 No. 8 2-holo Laundry Stove , grout hrntcr S.75 Flontl Oak , a very handsome nickel plated base nnil trimmed heating stove for coal or wood 7.50 Modern Oak , large 17-Inch , a powerful heater , a very handsome plain steve ; screw dampers ; this stove sells regu lar In other stores for $16.50 , our price 10.95 The Prlzo Stewart , a very handsome bascburner , 15-Inch lire pot , nicely nlikel plated , regular J33.00 , our prlco * 7.93 2,000 Pairs of Skates Just Received-8"00101 pv&for Thl8 Men's nnd Boys' Skates , like cut , solid cast steel " 9c Very handsome nickel plated Bknte for mun and boys 65c Sleds and Clippers Ladles' and Girls' Skates , like cut , solid steel C5c Girls' Sleds 19a Same kind with double screw clamps , Hoys' Clippers 19o solid steel S3c u'e have them In all styles and prices. Housefurnishing Goods. 6-foot Stepladders 45c No. 8 Copper Bottom Boiler 69o Hand Saw ! ! 9e Kitchen Saw 27o Polished Steel Hammer 9c Complete. Cobbler's Outfit 41o Wood Frame Wringer $1.VJ Siiuaie Dinner Palls 19c Six Knives nnd Fork 35c Good Butcher Knife Do Koyul Shoe Dressing 7c Coffee Mills 17o SEND US YOUR MAIL ORDERS. PIANO SALE. THE ARGEST AND MOST MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF'PIXNOS ' THE WEST. Commencing Thursday , December 1 , we will make -special prlcct to the holday trade , and will continue to do BO until the first of the year. Anyone thinking of pur chasing a piano.during that time , we will guarantee to save "them from one hundred to two hundred dollars on any one instrument. Here are only a few of the bargains we are offering this week : TERMS TO SUIT PURCHASER. 1 fine Upright , Mahogany case $ 80.00 1 fine Upright , -Walnut case 85.00 1 fine Upright , Ebonized case 100.00 1 fine Upright , Walnut case 125,00 1 fine Upright , Mahogany case 135 00 1 fine Upright , Ebonized case 150.00 1 fine Upright , Walnut cose 165 00 1 fine Upright , Oak case 175.00 1 fine Upright , Walnut case 185.00 1 fine Upright , Mahogany case 195.00 Also fifty other High Grade Pianos Included In this sale. Large assortment ot CHICKERING. STEINWAY. FISCHER. LESTER. KNABE. IVERS ft POND. EM ERSON. VOSE & SON. PIANOS TIINF.D , MOVED AND REPAIRED. New Pianos for Rent. Call and see our elegant line of Piano Chairs and Stools. Linens ! Linens ! If you are looking for a nlco Holiday Present call at our Linen Department , where we will show you the largest and most complete atock of Linens to be found west Of New York , nnd at prices within the reach of nil. 60-Inch full bleached Union Damask at I9e yard. CO-lnCh heavy cream Scotch Damask at 2So yard. 62-Inch silver bleached Damask at 39c yard. C4-lnch bleached Irlch Damask at 49o yard. 6t-Inch ! extra heavy all linen bleached Damask at 6fie yard. 68-Inch double satin Damask (15 ( different patterns ) at 7f > c yard. B-S slzo all linen Napkins at 75c , 80c , $1.2fi up to $2,00 dozen. 3-1 size all linen Napkins at OSc , $1.50 , $2.00 , $2.CO ute $0.50 dozen. Hemstitched and Damask Stand Covers nt 43c , SOc , 76c up to $1.50. Lunch Cloths , all sizes , plain and hemstitched , at 75c , $1.00 , $1.00 up to $3.00. Tray Cloths , all linen , at Ific , 19c , 25c up to 75c. Hemstitched Dresser Scarfs at 43c , 60c , 7Eo up to $2.00. ji Art Linen , all wldUis , at19c , 65c , 65c , 7Co up to $1.50 yard. " SB-Inch Sheer Handkerchief Linen nt 35e , 55c. ' 6Bc , 76c , Soc up to $1.25 yard. Hemstitched Tablecloths , 2U yards Ion-- , at'$1.98. Large line of hemstitched Cloths and Napkins to match at $4.98 , $7.00 $1000 up to $25.00 sot. Satin Damask Cloths and Napkins to match at $4.50 , $5.50 , $ C.50 up to $25.00 sot. SCO dozen fancy Damask Towels , fancy borders , plain and hemstitched , at 124c ' ICe IOC , 25c up to $2.00. ) SPECIAL HOLIDAY SALE ON Bed Spreads , Chenille , and Tapestry Table Covers Extra largo Crochet Spreads at 55c , C5c , 75c , $1.00 and $1.25. Extra large Fringed Spreads at'$1.00 and $1.60. 32 dozen Fringed Satin Spreads , worth $5,00 , at $2,98. Marseilles Spreads at $1.50 , $2.25 , $3.00 up to $6.50. Qhenlllo Table Covers at 5Cc , 9Sc , $1.39 up to $3.50. Tapestry Table Covers , big stock , all nlzea , at 75c , 95c , $1.60 , $2.25 up to $5.00. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS FOR Muslin and Sheeting 15 bales heavy L. L. Muslin , worth Cc , ot 3 ! e yard. 3 cases Lonsdale Cambric , worth 12' c , at 7V4c yard. 8 cases 9-1 bleached Sheeting (81 ( Inches wide ) , worth SJ c , at 17c yard. 5 cases eoft finish 4-4 bleached Muslin , worth 6'.Jc , at 47&c yard. Hunting , all shades , 3C inches wide , nt 60 aml7lSc yard. A carload of Cotton Halts at 6c , 8 l-3c , lOc , 12'c up to 25c. Wash Dress Goods We have some of the biggest \bargalns In Printed Cotton Goods for Monday ever placed on sale In Omaha. 2,000 yards of flccco back Wrapper Goods , regular lOo value ( no remnants ) , Cc yard , 10,000 yards of best quality Dress Prints , almost every color , 3c yard. 1,500 yards of floured Sllkollno , yard wide , real 12' c quality , 6' c yard. 1,000 yards double fold Cotton Dress Goods , In floe checks and tuced effects , 5c yard. i 1,000 yards of Dark Percale , full yard ' wide , fast colors , DC yard. Fast black Sateen , wool finish , a lOo cloth , for Motiday , Cc yard. Cracker Dept 4 Ibs. GOOD GINOERSNAPS , 25o. A. n. C Soda Crackers. 60. A , n. C. Oyster Crnckors , 6c. Bremnrr's Lunch , 10" . Shredded Wheat Biscuits , lie Bremncr's High Ten , 23c. Olnger Wnlfew. 15c. Sultana Fruit Crackers. lc. Manttou Fig Walfers Uc. Lemon nnd Vnnllln Walfers , ISc. Oatmeal and Graham Cracker * . lOc. "IJuyles1 " 1'retzoln lOu. .Hutter Crackers , CUc. Milk Dlxcult , IV. Fine Mixed Cookies , lOc. Newport Flnkes , lJc ! , C'htcyo Sandwli hea , ic. Wo carry the largebt stock of fanc > imckugo goods in this line in th w 4 ,