TIIT5 OMATIA DAItiY HEE : THURSDAY , SOTEMBEW 24 , 18 ! > 8. Announcement Merchants9 Bean Club. Hu-Cati Guess Our Bean Jars ? i UNDERSIGNED MERCHANTS of Omaha have formed "The Merchants' Bean Club" , for the purpose of bringing before t/ie pub lic special goods in a novel way. Ju order to introduce these goods , we are going to GIVE THEM A1V-A Y" to tlie persons , ivlio come tlie nearest to estimating the number of beans in the bean Jars. A.11 estimates must be handed on on a coupon out from this paper , together With the advertisement , to the club member , whose bean jf\r \ you wisli to estimate. ( Signed ) MERCHANTS BEAN CLUB. HU-CAN ? Our mandolins and guitars are made especially to order for us at' one of the biggest factories of the United States. They are made to stand the Nebraska climate and even our cheapest grades are guaranteed for three years not to warp j or split , also to have perfect scale and a fine tone. Some of our most popular styles are : The "Paxlon" mandolin , 11 ribs , maple arid rosewood , fingerboard , nicely inlaid with position dots , inlaid guard plate , latest patent QLfa OO bead and tail , price with a handsome canvas case * P vJ WJ The "Burton" guitar , rosewood sides and back , mahogany neck ; fine inlaying around sound hole ; real rosewood linger- board ; pearl position dots , rosewood bridge , best patent head , French polished , | , n'ivy'ls ' ' We are going to give away November 26th to the person esti mating the nearest number of beans hi the bean jar in our vrindow Midland mcindolin , 25 solid rosewood ribs , wide in laying between , solid pearl fingerboard ; pec'irl butterfly guard plate , elaborate pearl inlaying around edge and sound hole , worth ยง 80.00. A. HOSPE , 1513 Douglas St. IIU.CAN ? WE SELL Gloaks , Gapes , Jackets , ' Dress "Skirts and''Waist's On the Installment Plan. As an Il lustration : You buy a Jacket for $10.00 you make a payment down get your goods and pay the balance on easy weekly or monthly payments. On New Year's eve we will give to the person estimating the nearest number of beans In our Jar a fine Sewing Machine valued at $75. People's ' Furniture & Carpet Co , 16th and Farnam. People' ! Fnrnltnre A Carpet Co.'a BEAN CONTEST COUPON. v Mr estimate of the number of beans in Jar No. 13 la Name Address , This advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our store before Friday evening at 6 o'clock , November 23th. WOUNDED MEN WILL RECOVER Italian ! Not Likely to Dis from the Bcsult of Their Bow. COSTANZO STICKS TO HIS FIRST STORY Drnthrr of the Dead Mail Denlei Hav ing Hnd Any Part In the Hour ' Police Ilfllcve He Shut JUnticuio. The two Italians , Pedro Mancuso and Charles Costanzo , who were wounded dur ing the fight Indulged In at the house of Nick Barbate , 1338 South Nineteenth street. over a game of cards , In which one man ( Philip Costanzo ) waa stabbed to death Tuesday night , will survive their hurts unUM - UM eorne unseen complication arises. Yesterday - torday and lost night their conditions showed marked improvement. Pedro MUUCUBO U the most ccrl- ously injured. HceliUu the three deep kulfo iroundi In his shoulders and back ho has a gunshot wound In his breast. He Is at his borne , 2038 Poppleton avenue , guarded by an officer. Charles Coetanzo is confined In the hospital ward at the city jail. A careful examination of his wound yesterday morning bowed it to be but Blight. Ho la not con fined to his bed tnd roams about his room moaning , with hli hands to his stomach. Unless blood poisoning sets In he will pull through all rlcht. He la 63 years old , but baa a rugged constitution. The police are convinced that aged Charles Costaozo fired the .hot that may result in th death of Mancuso. A thirty-eight caliber rerolvcr , with cylinder filled with recently discharged shells , waa found In hla shanty. The barrel of the weapon Is badly fouled. According to what little could be gotten from Sam Marasco and Nick Barbate , con fined In the city jail as witnessed , It would eem that Charles Costanro had no band In Uie quarrel over the cards and waa not In A. Ifoipe'H I1KI-V CONTEST COl'PON. My estimate of the number of beans In jar No. 10 is Name Address This advertisement ami coupon must be handed In at our store b'fore Friday evenIng - Ing at G o'clock , November 25th. IIU.CAN ? December 24th Wo will give to the person estimating the nearest number of beans In our beau Jar a beautiful MOilTOR STEEL RANGE With U Cover * niul Hitch WnrmliiK Oven , valued nt $ lff.OO. MILTON ROGERS & SON , Cor. Kuriiuiii niul Fourteenth. Milton HoKerM & Soim1 IIKAN CONTliST COUPON. My estimate of the number oC beans in jar No. 27 Is Name Address . This advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our store before Friday evening at C o'clock , November 2r th the room at the time. Ho did not appear on the scene until after his brother hnd been stabbed to death by Mancuso. Learning of the death of his brother he armed himself with a revolver and Gought Mancuso to avenge the death. Stick * to III * Story. When his weapon was shown him Cos- tanzo denied It was his and persisted In his denial of the deed. Ills little 8-year-old daughter , Angelina , who followed him , still tells the story that her father , hearing the row In Harbato's house , ran over to see what the trouble was and was stabbed by Pedro Mancuso. She said she did not see her father have a revolver or fire a shot. The revolver that Pedro Mancuso displayed when the dead man attempted to strike him with a knife and which ho afterward de posited on a chair near him when peace was declared was found yesterday morning at the house of Sam Marasco , Twen tieth street and Poppleton avenue , where Marasco toM the ofllcers they could find It The weapon , which was a rhei i < b-idly rusted affair , had a cylinder filled with loaded cartrldses and the barrel was dusty and showed that It had not becu discharged recently. Pedro Mancuso , .when seen at his homo yesterday , freely admitted stabbing Cos- tanzo to death , but said ho did it in self- defense. He said when ho used his scissors on Costanzo's body the latter bad him down In a corner and was attempting to stab him with a knlfo. During the scuttle ho says Costanzo bit him In four places on his right arm. Inflicting bad wounds. His arm bears out this statement. Coroner Swanson will Investigate the mur der to place the responsibility ( or the death of Philip Coatanzo as Boon us the two In jured men are welt enough to give testi mony , The funeral of Philip Coatanzo will bo held from his late home Friday afternoon. 11 nil nine DlKuy'n Movement * . Madame Dlgby , mother general of the Sa- crcxl Heart , completed her visit at Park Place yesterday afternoon and was escorted to the city house , the day school en St. Mary's a\enuo , at 2 o'clock. Accompanying her were six representatives of the Children of Mary. The mother general spent the IIU-CAN ? You Know Schaefer The cut price druggist. He's going' ' to glvo next Saturday to the person estimating the nearest to the number of beans In his jur In the show window a beautiful celluloid toilet case , which retails for $9.00. Cut Price Druggist 10th & Chicago. Selincfer'H IIEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans In | ar No. 28 Is Name Address. . , This advertisement and coupon must be landed In til our store before Friday evening at 0 o'clock , November 23th. HU-CAN ? Special Millinery Sale Cut prices on all Trimmed Hats for the entire week. The nearest estimate to the number of beans In our jar receives an elegant hat. FRED KERN , 1 < 1 < > S DouKlnd Street. Fred Kern'n II13AN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans In Jar No. 26 Is Name .Address. This advertisement and coupon must bej ha-vlvd t" nt cur s-.ure before Friday I evening at 6 o'clock , November 25th. j IIU'CAN ? More REGENT $3.50 SHOES Worn than beans in the Jar. All kinds , colors , shapes and styles. Your choice for one price $3.50. Mall orders. Regent Shoe Co * , 205 South 15th St. Saturday , November 26 , we will give away to the two persons estimating the nearest number of beans in our jar a pair of $3.50 Kcgent Shoes to each. Shoe Cumiinny'i IIEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans in Jar No. 20 la Name. , . . , Address. . This advertisement and coupon must bo handed in at our ploro before Friday evening at 6 o'clock , November 2oth. remainder of the afternoon and evening quietly , after having made a tour of Inspec tion about the convent and grounds. Fri day morning there will bo a children's re ception in her honor at 10 o'clock and In the afternoon at 4 an opportunity will be gi\en to the older members' of the order to meet the distinguished visitor. Her sta > in this city will bo ended Sunday , when she will start for San Francisco , accompanied by Madame Stewart , Madaiao Gurdon and Sister Richardson. Election Context. Another election contest has been started and papersi were illed with the clerk of the county court yesterday. This time It is Henry Rhode , who was defeated on the face of the onicl.il returns for the assessorshlp of the Third ward by Thomas Harrington by two votes. lu his petition ho claims that the count should Inve gone his -way by forty-six votes. Ho repre sents tha In the Fifth district ten of Ma votes were given to Harrington , th.it he received fcrty-nine votes to 'its ' opponent's sixty-two , whereas only thlny-nluo votes were counted for htm and seventy-two for Harrington. Summed up ho pleads that he got Vtl votes altogether , Instead of 610 counted for Mm and that Harrington got only CIS , instead of 642. Mortality Stntlntlcii. The following blrtb9 and deaths were re ported to the health commissioner during the twenty-four hours ending at noon yea. tcrday : Illrths Jud Ayres , 2216 North Twenty- seventh , boy ; A. Q. Stanley , 2238 Charles , boy ; I ) . T. Murphy. 2046 North ElKhteenth. boy ; Frank I'ogue , 2515 Davenport , girl ; , W. L. Cragen , 2514 Decatur , girl. Deaths Lizzie Mary Schmltz , 1611 Castel- lar , & days ; Victor Hugo English , 3451 South Fifteenth , 7 years ; Edwin Newton , 1733 I South Twenty-ninth , 63 years. I The Trnctidero. j The bis Thanksgiving matlneo at the Trocadero this afternoon will be especially ' pleasing to ladles and children , ovary act upon the program being of a reaned nntuie land particularly worthy of consideration. The Kings of minstrelsy. Thatcher and Mar ble ; Hugh Stanton and Florence Modcna , presenting their charming lltttle comedietta , "A Wife IJy Advertisement ! " Mile , llartho , ' the premiere doncla ; Johnson and Dean , he swells of colored aristocracy , and many others of national repute. IIU.CAN ? INDIAN CLUB BOXING GLOVE ; DUMB CELLS PULLEY WEIGHTS nd everything for Home Gymnastics On Saturday , November 26th , we will give away to tlio person estimating the- nearest number of beans In our bean Jar n SOL.U. LKATHKR GUN CASE worth $6.00. OMAHA SPOUTING GOODS COMPANY , iill : Fnriinm St. Omnlin SitortltiR CJooiln Co.'m IIEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans In Jar No. 4 Is Name Address. . This advertisement and coupon must be handed In at our store before Friday evening at 6 o'clock , November 23th. HU-CAN ? On Saturday , November 26th we will give away two pairs of our famous $3.00 shoes to the two persons estimating the nearest to the number of beans In our Jar Our $3.00 shoes have the wear , fit and style of shoes that others ask $4.00 for. Win , N , Whitney , 107 South ICth St. Wm. N. Wltltncy'K IIEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of th number of beans In Jar No. 7 Is Name Address This advertisement and coupon mustbo handed In at cur stcre before Friday evening at 6 o'clock , November 25th. IIU-CAN ? THE BUSY JEWELERS are located at 1520 Douglas Street. On Saturday , November 26th , we will glvo away to the person estimating the nearest number of beans In our Jar a handsome Silver Syrup Pitcher , which retails for $6.r.O. . T. L. Combs & Co. , 1520 Douglas St. T. li. Comlm A Co. ' * BEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans In Jar No. 16 Is Name i * Address This advertisement and coupon must bo handed In tit our store before Friday evening at 6 o'clock , November 25th. CORN IS NO LONGER RING His Royal Highness Has Been Succeeded by a New Staple. BEAN PORRIDGE HOT-BEAN PORRIDGE COLD Snritrlnlnjs Increnne In the Deninnd ( or Henna Everybody In Town Connt * Henna , Tnllc * Henna Drenm * Jlennn. It Is predicted that the staple crop of Nebraska next year will change from corn to beans , and from all reports it is probably so. One of the local seedmen says ho has sold more beans In the last few days than In the last month. "I thought at first la now colony from Boston had located in town. The funniest part about it was that "when I would show them the beans , they would look at them and say : 'No , that Is not the right kind. ' I would assure them that they were the best grade of navy beans on the market , but it did no good. 'What we want , ' they would say , 'Is some 01 those brown beans , Hu-can beans. ' I have had to order a new supply from Chicago In order to keep up with the demand. Some people claim those beans are Imported from the Isle of Man , and that they are bigger than the ordinary beans. Don't you believe It. I've got some that are dead ringers for the ones around town In the bean jars. Mine came from some Islands north of Venezuela , where the Oregon stopped. They make a specialty j of growing beans there , j " ! My wife spent all Sunday afternoon ! counting beans , and she swears she can tell ' exactly how many there are In that Jar where they are going to glvo away the hat , but what she don't know would nil a whole library. I told her last night I had to work late at the store , and went to work and counted a pint myself , and looked at the Jar on my way home. Oh. he Is 'way off , so I just bet her a hat that I could come nearer to the right cumber than she can. HU-CANT Prescriptions nro properly prepared b > ; competent druggists nt our store from the very best of drugs , and nt the lowest pos sible prices. We sell patent medicines ns low as the lowest. $1.00 Lydla Flnkhnm's Vegetable Com pound "c $1.00 1'alno's Celery Compound " 5c $1.00 Allen's Celery Compound uic $1.00 Hood's Sarsaparllla " 5c $1.00 I.lsterlne Lamberts 5c $1.25 Uorated Talcum Powder 10o On Saturday. November 26 , WP will glvo away throe$1 bottles line perfume to the persons estimating the nearest number of beans In our jar. , KUIIN < K CO. , IHUIC.C.ISTS , 15th and Douglas. Knlin & Co. * * HHAN CONTHST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans in jar No. 6 is , . , Name Address. This advertisement and coupon must bo handed In at our store before Friday evening at 0 o'clock , November 25th. IIU.CAN ? Do You Admire Rues ? Wo have some beauties fine goods ex cellent workmanship correct prices and a large stock of many varieties and styles to select from every rug a bargain. We will glvo a beautiful rug valued nt $12 to the person estimating the nearest to the number of beans in our bean jar. This contest closes Saturday at 6 p. m. OMAHA CARPET CO , , 1513 Dodge St. Onmlin Cnrpet Coninnny'N HI2AN CONTHST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans in jar No. 25 is Name Address This advertisement nml coupon must bo handed In at our store before Friday evening at 0 o'clock , No\ ember 25th. IIU-CAN ? Rings Are Our Hobby Wo make a specialty of fine Rings In fact all kinds and on Saturday , November 26th , to the person who estimates the near est to the number of Brans In our Jar wo will glvo away a beautiful Solid Gold set with emerald and pearl or ruby and pearl- Ring , the value of which Is $0.00. ALBERT EDHOLM , Jeweler. 107 N. IGtb St. , Opp P. O. Albert r.illiolm'i. IIKAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans in jar No. 1C Is Name \ddross This advertisement and coupon must bo 1'ii'idid In lit our < t'i : < ? before Friday evening at C o'clock , November 23th. I That is a great snap for the milliner , for ' she will sell a hat either way , for If my wife don't get one on the bean jar she will have to have a new one for a consolation prize , any way. " A couple of newly married men live up near the park and their wives go shopping together. When they go down together on the car in the morning they compare notes and find that their dinner bills of fare match from the soup to the desert. This morning Jones rode down with Clark and inquired : "Hello , darkle , what did you have for dinner last night ? " "Bean soup. " "Same here. Well , what else ? " "Baked . beans. " "Same here- , old man. Blamed good j thing isn't it that they can't make pie out I of beans. What's the matter over your , way , anyhow ? Going to move to Boston ? " "No , only we spent the night before count * { Ing beans , and the second night before I counting beann , and wo thought we had better eat them. " Pick Out Yesterday Messrs. VanDusen , Hevirly , Burnian , DeU\oiler and Olmstcd went to Lincoln to secure quarters for the Douglas county delegation durlnr. the winter. After some canvassing of the situation rooms were engaged nt tlio Lincoln for the seulon. LOCAL BREVITIES. The police raided the gambling rooms con duced by Otto Stankey , 1C03 Leavonworth street , Tuesday night and arrested the pro prietor and two Inmates A gambling table , cards and chips were confiscated. The many friends of Mrs. W. T. McConnell - nell In this city will be pained to learn of her death from Ilrlght'a disease which oc curred at her late homo In Des Molncs Sunday morning. Frank Secor , a guest at tlio Klondike hotel , hung his overcoat in the hotel lobby Tuesday night and in a lew moments later It was missing. This morning Hoda McNamara , n hoboo thief , was found parading the streets near the hotel , wearing the garment , Ambrose Wilson , the young colored man who waa the indirect cause of J. W. Jones killing liU wife Friday nlRht , was ar raigned In police court yesterday on the charge of assaulting James Harrfron with Intent to kill. Ho pleaded not guilty and bis hearing was set for November SO. HU-CAN Magnificent Pianos At marvelously low prices at Schmoller & Mueller , SOMr.THIMJ AHOl'T ' Til 13 KINI3ST STOCK KVKIl ASSHM- lll.r.l ) UMIUIl A S1NUI.U HOOK IN Till : CITV. The remainder of the exposition stock offered at fractional prices to close. Whether you desire a Stelmvny , Ivors & I'oml , Vuse. Kmerson , Clr.uneh or a. low priced upright they can nave you inonev. The splendid patronage accorded to Hohmollor & Mueller 1ms enabled that firm to fairly outstrip competition in tin ; piano business. A visit to their salesrooms 1313 Farnam street , will prove the truth of tlio assertion that they show the llnest stock of pianos ever displayed In the city. A comparison of Instruments \\llt con vince nil fair-minded persons that they can do better by you by $100 or moro than you cin : do olsewhere. They do not waste your time nor undervalue your Intolll- gonco by telling you that some modlmn or low grade piano equal * the highest typo of piano forte. If you wish n Stelnwny or Ivors .t 1'ond piano they can glvo you the best value * over nntncd In those instrument ! ) , and they Invite your attention to scores of superb examples of these makes. Hut If you want a good plnno and do not cnro to pay over $175 to $230 they nro equally well prepared and sell used pianos $ 5 and upwaids and used high top organs $15 , $20 and $25. Department fltoro pianos nt less than apartment store prices nnd now pianos on $3 monthly payments. On New Year's eve we will give awny to the person estimating the nearest num. * ber of beans In our Jar a now Kmerson make piano valued nt $150. SCIIMOM.UK & MUULLKIl'S IIKAN CONTEST COUPON. , , . . IJIw. > uU .k My estimate of the number of beans in Jar No. 17 Is . " " n ! T T Name . Aclclresi . This nilvprtlsoment and coupon must be handed in at our store before Friday evening ut G o'clock , November 25th. HU-CAN ? We Make Shirts The best workmanship and the Inrgost variety of patterns. Wo will glvo away to the person esti mating the nearest number and the next nearest number of beans in our jar each two custom made shirts worth $ .5.00 Con test closes Saturday at 6 p. m. Albert Calm , FINK MBN'S PUHNISIIINGS. 1322 Furnam St. Albert Cnhn. I1I2AN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans In jar No. 5 is Name Address. This advertisement nnd coupon must bo handed In at our Htorc. HU.CAN ? 'Guarantee Clothing Co. MEN'S ULSTEUS-Grey Storm Ulster , $17G-Frlcze , with plalded lining. $500- Illuo Beaver Ulsters , $7.50 Genuine Dublin Frieze. 19.50 Extreme line grades , $12.50 and $1350. IIUUBEU8 Low cut Rubbers. lOc Regu lar Rubbers , 25c Flannel Lined Alaskas , 45c Rubbers , with heels , COc Arctics , C5c Oversalters , 25c , 45c and 75c. DUCK AND RUBBER CLOTHING Men's Duck Coats , lined. C6c Men's Rub- Iter lined Duck Coats , $1.00 Men's Duck Ulsters , $2.25 Duok Ulsters with sheepskin collars , $3 Mackintoshes , $1.45 Largo line of gloves and mitts. Fur Overcoats a pcclalty. If you live out of town send us your address and wo will send you our new catalogue , Just out. Guarantee Clothing Co. , Capitol Avc , Near Kith St. Near now postofTlco. This side of Bennett's Will give away next Saturday to the per son estimating the nearest number of beans In our Jar a man's flno worsted suit or clothes regular price $12 00 amo suit you'd pay other stores $18.00 for Ciiurnntoc Clntliliiir CO.'N IIKAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans In jar No. 29 is Name Address. This advertisement nnd coupon must bo handed In at our store before , Friday evening at C o'clock , November ' .loth. HU.CAN ? PEASE BROS. Sole Agents for For Ladies nnd Gentlemen. 122 S. JSthSt. On November 26th we will ive to the person making the nearest estimate to the nearest number of beans in our jar a $5.00 KNOX HAT. I'eiiHc Ilriii. ' IIEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans in jar No. 21 la Name Address This advertisement and coupon must be handed in at our store before , Friday evening ut 8 o'clock , November n tJi ii u-CAN ? A $3 Pair of Shoes To the pordsoiiH estimating thn nearest number of beans In our bean jnr three contests onrh week closing cm Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays bring In yout coupons befoio the contests close. Thcnt shoes are genuine winter tans kill lined , brass eyelets and heavy soles. Shoe Go Howe-Talmage , , 1515 Douglas St. . . . Howe TnlmnKC Shoe CII.'N DEAN CONTEST COUPON. My cstl'iiate of the number of beans In iar No. 11 Is Name Address This advertisement and coupon must be landed in at our store. IIU-CAN ? Lamps In order to introduce to the public our handsome and complete stock of Lamps wo have joined the Merchants Dean Club and will on Tuesday , Thursday and Saturday of each week glvo to the person estimating the nearest number of beans In our bean jar a handsome Lamp valued at $3.00. When in "the " store look at the now Christmas Lamps ) Orchard & Wiliiolm Carpet Go , 1414.10-18 Douglas. Orchard & Wlllirlm Cnrprt Co. ' * IIEAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate of the number of beans In jar No. 8 la Name Address. This advertisement and coupon must bo handed in at our store. IIU.CAN ? Cameras for Christmas Estimate the number of beans In our Jar of beans and receive that popular camera CYCLONE No. 2 , that wo glvo away No vember 30. Now line of Cameras. ' ' lt The Robert Dempster Go , 1215 Farnam St. The Holiprt Ipiiimtor Co. ' * IIKAN CONTEST COUPON. My oytlmato of the number of beans in * jar No. 31 Is . ' 1 Name Address Thli advertisement and coupon must b handed In at our stoio before Friday evening at 6 o'clock , November ! ioth. IIU-CAN ? Fill prescriptions more accurately than Max Becht ( Deutsche Apothekc ) ? Prescription Pharmacist 720 South 10th St. Prescriptions a specialty. Tel. ISS8. Thumlny , Dec. Ut wo will give away to the person estimating the nearest number of bonus in nur jur. a line medallion pic ture "Hllmlnmii'H Ilurf" size 18x24-wlth gilt frame and coeel Kick retails for $ 'J.OO. Jinx IliM-lil'n IIKAN CONTEST COUPON. My estimate ) of the number of beans In Jar No. 22 Is Name . . .77. . . . Address , This advertisement ami coupon must ha handed In at our More bufore Friday evening at 6 o'clock , November 20th.