THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. ESTABLISHED JITS'J3 10 , 1871. OMAHA ; WEDNESDAY MOttNLN < # , ' NOVEMBER J ) , 1808-TEN PAG-ES. SINGLE COPY FIVE CENTS. * He Carries the State of Now York by No Less Than 20,000 Plurality , CONTEST RUNS CLOSE WITHIN THE CITY V Republican Plurality in Counties Above the Harlem of About 100,000 , VOTE OF BOTH PARTIES SHOWS FALLING OFF i At Best Van Wyok Can Offset Pluralities by Only 80,000 in Greater New York , ROOSEVELT'S FIGURES MAY INCREASE In the atronsliolil of Tnmmnny the Old-Tlmc Democratic Majority 1" Approximated No Tcnrn for Ilnclcnooiln District. NEW YORK , Nov. 9. ( t:30 a. m. ) Theo dore Hoonevclt , republican , late colonel of the First United States volunteer cavalry , has been elected governor of this state by a plurality anywhere from 1S.OOO to 2fOOO. ( All Colonel Roosevelt's ncsoclatcB on the republican Plato ticket are probably elected with him. The returns , both from Greater N < 4w York and from the couhtlcs , outsldo ot this municipality are Incomplete , but enough htvo been received tu Indicate a heavy fall ing off In the vote up the state , while that In' ' the city wua well sustained. The consequence quence IB a falling off In the republican plurality In the state from 212,000 to the approximated figures given above. Outsldo of Greater Now York the vote for Von Wyck is only about onc-flfth of 1 per cent above that of Porter In I89B. There appears to bo A loss of four republican congressmen In the Brooklyn districts , the Second. Fourth , Fifth and Blxth ; nnd Congressman Qulgg , who.had a majority of about 9,000 nt the clect'lon last year , has been defeated by Wil liam Aster Chanter. In the Albany district , the Twentieth , Olyrjn , democrat , has been elected to succeed South wick , republican. In addition to the foregoing there arc , seemingly democratic gains in the Eighth nd Thirteenth districts , both .in this Hy , Daniel J. Rlordnn being elected In the one f unJ Jeffcrpon M. 1/ovy In the other. This makes a total democratic gain of seven congressmen. 1 a. m. Revised figures on congressman show that Representative Bennett , republi can , Is re-elected In the Fifth district , "Brooklyn , and that Representative Dlggs , democrat , la defeated by Prendergast. The vote In the Thirty-second district ( Buffalo ) 4s very close with the probability of the election of Ryan , democrat. In the place ot Mabany , republican. A democrat. Llvlng- aton. Is reported.elected In the Nineteenth district , at present represented by Cochranj republican. In the Sixteenth congressional district John Q. Underbill , democrat , won ejected , succeeding W. L. Word , fgpubllcan. UAUlt .o'.cjpsjc .tho Indications worn that TMOtJoro Itoosovelff fSo republican nolntnec , hid cairteS , , the sul6 by a plurality over AOsUBtuo Vim Wyckvof about 20,000. The total republican voto'will probably show a tailing off ns compared with that for Gov ernor Black In 1$98 of1 about It per cent. In the municipality of Now York the old- time democratic majority was approximated , Van Wyck's vote being about 80,000 greater than that of the republican candidate. This latter result was helped In some measure by the result In the borough of Brooklyn- Kings county which in 1896 gave Black , re publican , a plurality bf 23,682 , but today gave a democratic plMrality of about 10,830. Brooklyn IB the. homo of Judge Van Wyck , but thlff fact docs not wholly explain the practical reversal of pluralities , which , It Is possible , Is attributable to lukewarmncss of the friends ot Jacob Worth , who was deposed - posed from 'the chairmanship of the county committee ae a consequence of his opposition to tbo plans ot Senator Platt In the .mayor alty contest last year. nopulillcnn Plurality of 1OO.OOO. The returns from many counties up the Btnte , are incomplete and In some cases art- missing altogether. The Indications from computations upon the figures at hand point to a republican plurality In the counties above the Harlem of about 100,000 , to offset which the democrats can prob'ably only get 80,000 plurality of Greater New York. The soldier vote will not be counted until Dccember-l , but It la not likely that tbo bal lots from the camps will materially alter the f results , Thcro seems to bo the greater probability that Roosevelt will bo Increased. The figures on congressmen arc not ac cessible at this hour , but there arc Indica tions that the democrats have made some gains In Now York city districts. The ma jority of Congressman Qulgg In the Eleventh district is reduced by William Astor Chan- Icr , but he Is probably returned. Congress man Suiter , democrat , is undoubtedly re- elected. Uttlo Is known as to t ° o votes for state senators and assembly , The republicans hai in tie } last legislature a majority of,38 on joint ballot , and leaders of the party pro fess confidence that there will be no material diminution of that majority. A republican legislature will mean the election of a republican United States sena tor in place of Senator iMurpby. Kvery con dition Is in favor of the polling of a ful vote In all parts of the state. In this city tliero was no fulfillment of the predictions of trouble at the polls. The state deputies authorized by act of the last legislature were roost In evidence In the Bast Side dis tricts , where tbo cheap lodging houses ore located. The number of arrests made were below rather than beyond the usual recon of a general election , 'rights at the polls were few and easily quelled. Hrpiihllvmi * llnve IicRUlnture. On the streets downtown there were the usual election night noises and scenes. Re turns were displayed in front of the news paper offices nnd in numerous public places DoaiocratB good naturedly accepted the f.ic of the defeat of ther | state ticket , which uas apparent from the returns displayed early la the evening , and folind what com pensation they could In the result of the city election. At 10 o'clock tonight Chairman Odell o the republican state committee said : "Wo still claim the state by between ZJ. 000 and 40.000 plurality for Roosevelt. Th country districts came up uobly , The dem ocratlc pluralities In Greater New York were larger than we anticipated. The re suit In the country districts was due to th active and energetic work of the republics ! leaden We have both branches of the leg Ulatur ? by n cite majority. W * have prob h' > ' < > Hi o congressional delegation fron 0 ' York. We tuuo uo ilcurts o fh o ti jd an estimate of the rongruin- ni-n In the state. I think all the republican Mck t in elected below the governorship , but * have as jet no complete returns. NE\\ YORK , Nny. 8. The 3,803 districts ut of a,3Ji omsldu ot Greater New YorK give Roosevelt 378,401 ; Van Wyck , 294,562. ame In 1896 gave Black 439,798 ; Porter , 55,103. SYRACUSE ' , N. Y. , Nov. 8. Syracuse , city omp'lote gives Roosevelt , 11,179 ; Van Wjck , 1,035. PENNSYLVANIA. PHILADELPHIA , Nov. 8. Pennsylvania1 ! ! cturns arc slow and In some Instances un satisfactory. At midnight an estimate based on the returns of the counties heard ftom ndlc.ito the election ot Stone by a plurality which may exceed 125,000. Stone may have 5,000 plurality In Washington county alone. PHILADELPHIA , Nov. 8. In the iho can- gresalonal districts ot Philadelphia the pres- nt members arc nil re-elected , as follows : First , H. H. Blngham , republican ; Second , lobert Adams , jr. , republican : Third , WI1- lam McAlcer , democrat : Fourth , Jamca n. Young , republican ; Fifth , A. Charmer , re- 'Ubllcan. ' McAlfer had no opposition , having been endorsediby the republicans. PITTSIJURO. Nov. 8. For congress : [ wcnty-aecond district , John Dalzell , repub- lean , Is elected ; Twenty-third district , W. I. Graham , republican , Is elected. The following named congressmen have been elected In Pennsylvania : First district , I. H. Btnghaui , republican ; Second , Robert Vdaiuo , jr. , republican ; -Third , William Me- \lccr , democrat ; Fourth , Jnriios B. Young , upubllcan ; Fifth , A. C. Harmer , republican. Sixth , Thomas S. Butler , republican ; Sev- nth , Irving P. Wagner , republican ; Ninth , Janlel Crmentrout , .democrat ; Tenth , Mar riott Brostus , . republican ; Twelfth , Morgan } . Williams , republican ; Fourteenth , Merlon " 3. Olmstcad , republican ; Fifteenth Charles / ' . Wright , republican ; Sixteenth , Horace H 'acker , republican ; eighteenth , Thaddcus il. Mnhon , republican ; Twentieth , Joseph K. Phropp , republican ; Twenty-first , Summers M. Jack , republican ; Twenty-second , John ) nlzell , republican ; Twenty-third , William I. Graham , republican ; Twenty-fourth , truest F. Achlaon , republican ; Twenty-fifth , f , B. Stiov , alter , republican. Congressmen , at-large , Galuaha Grow , republican ; Samuel \ . Davenport , republican. PHILADELPHIA , Nov. 8. Because of the argc ticket and extenulve cutting by In dependent voters , the returns from Phila delphia and Pennsylvania are slower than usual. Enough Is known , however , to In- llcate that William A. Stone , republican , a elected governor by a largo plurality. The vote of Dr. Swallow In ( ho state will probably be under that of last year , when 10 received 118,9CI ! for state treasurer. Philadelphia Is the' Swallow stronghold , lowever , and a large vote here may Increase Ills total beyond last year's figures. The vote on the legislative ticket In counties where the republican opponents of Senator Quay have fused with the democrats is very close. PITTSQURO. Nov. 8. 10 p. m. Returns are too meager to estimate votes for each candidate. Senator Magee says Stone , re publican , will have a plurality over Jcuke , democrat , iu Allegheny county of nbcmt 18.000. ILLINOIS. CHICAGO. Nov. 8. There arc 2 74 vot- ng precincts In Illinois outside of Ook county. ThQ vote ot this year wlU-bo com- psred with-the presidential vote of 18113. * * Ten flrc.cliicta iri Illinois outslde-of eeok- county glvo Whittc'miSre. republican , tor atato treasurer , , 918 ; DUnlap , democrat , 1.032. Same proclncfs In 1890 gave McKlnley 1,1U ' und Bryan 1,521. CHICAGO , Nov. 8. Fifty precincts In Illi nois outside of Cook county : Whlttemort , republican , , 5.G43 ; Dunlap , democrat , 1,2.47. Same precincts In 189B : McKlnley , I > , fil5. Bryan , 7,228. CHICAGO , Nov. S. Six hundred and eighty districts glvo Wblttcinore , repub lican. 78,984 ; Dunlap. democrat , 80,107. CHICAGO , Nov. 8. Seven hundred and sixty products give Whltternore , republican , 88,187 ; Dunlap , democrat , 90,885. CHICAGO , Nov. 8. Quo hundred and fifty precincts In Illinois outside of Ccok county glvo Whlttcmore , republican , 19,6(53 , ( ; Dun- lopl democrat , 15.9S9. In 1890 th& same gave McKluIcy. 28,262 ; Brjan. 21,562. Right hundred and sixty precincts glvo Whlttomore , republican , 101,908 ; Dunlap , democrat , 103,654. PEORIA , III. , Nov. 8. Congress. Four teenth district : . Graff , republican , elected. ELGIN. III. , Nov. 8. Congress. Eighth dl trlct : Albert J. Hopkins , republican , re- elected. CHICAGO , Nov. S. At 10 o'clock the In dications were that the republicans had elected their entire state ticket , but the figures were coming In slowly from outside Chicago and nothing could bo estimated with accuracy. The democrats In many counties have shown gains over the vote ot 1896 and they have apparently secured seVeral - eral congressmen In Cook county and some outside of it. Two hundred and eighty precincts outside of Cook county give Whlttomcro 35,613 ; Dunlap , 28,823. In 1896 , McKinley , 46.378 ; Bryan , 37,723. . Nine hundred and sixty precincts out ol 1,109 In Chicago give Whitteroorc , repub lican , for atato Measurer , 113o26 ; Dunlap , democrat , 116,439. CHICAGO. Nor. S. In 1.020 picclncts out ot 1,109 Whltteraoro has 120,149 and Dunlap 124.235. The democrats have apparently car rled Chicago for the head of their ticket by betweeu 4.000 nnd 5,000 plurality. Four hundred and ten precincts outside of Cook county glvo Whlttcmore , 66,383 ; Dun- lap , 48,587. In 1896 they gave McKinley 80,519 and Bryan 56,868. CHICAGO , Mov. 8. < 3. S. Rannells , chair man of the republican state central com' mittec , says : "From returns already re ceived a republican plurality of 50,000 In the atato , outside of Cook county , Is a con servative ostltnate. Cook county is close with democratic CALIFORNIA. SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. 8. Incomplete returns In the Eighth legislative district give Gage , republican , for governor , 185 ; Magulre , democrats 194. Returns from pro ducts from Fresno and San Diego counties indicate that Magutrc'd vote Is less than -that cast for Bryan. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. S. Out of 11,46 tutcs counted In San Francisco Gage gets 6,189 ; Magulre , 5,775. If this ratio is main- tilntd Gage will carry the city by 4,478. SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. 8. In sixteen precincts In twelve counties In California outsldo of San Francisc * Gage , republican 232 ; Magulre , democrat , 207. Same In 1896 gave McKlnley 200 and Bryan 213. MARYLAND. State Itotiirn * Four Ilepnhllenn * anil T o Demonratu to Concrea * IntercBt LncUluir. BALTIMORE Nov. S. Full and semi official return * from the city of Baltimore nnd partial returns from the balance of the state make It reasonably certain that Mary- I land has returned four republicans and two democrats after an unusually close but en tirely listless election This is a democratic gain of Uo. Tbo successful candidates are : | ( Continued on Third Page ) EYES RICH ? IN LINE State is Safely Republican by More Than Fifty Thousand , DEMOCRATS CLAIM WEAVER'S ELECTION lepnhllrnni * Dee ( Concede Thin nnil Anicrt ttmt They Iln r Cnrrlril All fit the DlitrlclK. DBS MOINBS. Nov. 8. ( Special Tele gram. ) The returns from lo'wa at midnight TO rather meager , but sufficient to show hat the state Is republican by over 50,000 majority. At this hour 1,220 out of 2,120 reclncts in the state have b : < * n heard from , giving Dobeon a vote of 10,618 and Porter ,915. Thcra same precincts gave McKlnley a vote of 12,681 and Bryan a vote of 8,947 , bus showing a net republican loss ot 31 oteg lu 90 precincts , or an average of hree-fourths of a vote to the precinct. If his ratio Id maintained the state will be carried by over 50,000. Iowa speaks out grandly In the congres- lonal districts and the mild delegation will be sent back to Washington to fighter or the support of the president and for ho honor of the nation. The returns oem o Indicate that most , If not all the cou- ; regmncn will have Increased majorities , n the Sixth district , where the fuslonlsto cado such loud claims that they would Icct Wca\er over Lacey , the glorious news comes that Lacuy has a larger majority lian bo had In 1R96. DKS MOINES , Nov. 8. A statement from ho republican central committee reads : "Tho republicans have carried the state by moro than 50,000. We have elected e > ery republican congressman by large majorities. Laicy , republican , in the Sixth , has 1,500 to 2,000'majority. C. T. HANCOCK , "Chairman. " The de'mocratlc state committee has given out the following statement : 'We concede the state to the republicans jy 25,000. Wo have elected Weaver In the Sixth by 1,000 to 1,200. There nro Insufficient returns in from the other districts on which 4 } base n statement. "FRED TOWNSEND , Chairman. " Returns from ninety precincts show that he republican majority this year will nearly equal that of President McKlnley In 1896. Ninety precincts show a net republican loss ot 31 ; fifty precincts show a net gain of 87 , HO that the majority Is running oven. The vote Is falling ofC from 10 to 20 per cent , but an SC per cent vote Is moro than has been expected by tbo managers. Returns are un usually slow' In coming In , only one .precinct "n this city oven having been hoard from. Sixty precincts in Iowa : Dobson , ( j7S07 ; Porter , 4 cr,5 o. A. Hoffman , secretjjjr dem- ocratlc committee , says : ' 'From ret rtis re eived , BO far the sjato will KO republican jy u greatly reduced majority. " * Congress Tenth district , J. P. Dolllver , republican , elected. In the Eighth district' Hepburn won a magnificent victory over ' 'Flcltle" Finn and iad tbo gratification of carrying Bedford , t'jnn'8 homo town , by a. plurality of 195. Ho carrie Crestop and , Clarlnda by larger maloclUef. than Jifi C'vpt ricj vdiJ Ijcfcir' ! . Colonel Henderson will hove an Immense majority In the Third , much larger even : han was hoped for , and his opponents have been unmercifully crushed. And so It'ln all over the slate and In every district. The falling 'off ' lu the vote was about 15 per cent , but this Is not as large as was expected and the 85 per cent vote is unupually largo for an off year. In the Sl\th. where Weaver made the big flght Ofialnat Laccy , the latter will have 1.700 ma- , jnrlty. Weaver carries Davis by } 00 and Monroe by 250 , but Lnccy carries Jasper by 400. Keokuk by 200 , Mahaska by 400 , Wa- pello by 500 and PoweshlcU by 800. COUNCIL BLUFFS. Nov. S. Dobson , re publican , for secretary o"f state , has 300 ma jority In thjs city. DBS MOINES , .Nov. .8. There arc 2,120 voting precincts In Iowa. The vote this year will bo compared with that for president in 1896. when MoKlnley received 289,295 and ' Bryan 223,741 votes. Indications are that the vote Is very light. Thirty precincts in Iowa : Dobson , < t,33S ; Porter , 2.P6Q ; In 1896 , .McKlnley , 3,9U8 ; Bryan , 2,621. Ten precincts In Iowa glvo Dobson , repub lican , for secretary of state , 1,109 ; Portqr. democrat , 609. Same precincts In 1896 gave McKlnley 1,315 ; Bryan , 859. DUBUQUE , la. . Npv. 8. For congress : Third district. David B. Henderson , repub lican , Is elected. SIOUX CITY , Nov. 8. ( Special Tele gram. ) Every indication points to the elec tion of Lot Thomas as congressman in tbo Eleventh congressional district of Iowa. Conservatlvp men place his majority over A. S. Qarrcfson , fusloulst , at 2,500. Few returns are in yet , but there is a general knowledge , as to the condition of the vote. The county ticket Is still lu doubt , but favorable to republican victory. BURL1NC1TON , Nov. 8. ( Special Tele gram. ) Returns from the First district are very slow , but indicate that Hedge , repub llean , for congress Is elected over O'Connell , democrat , by 2.000 majority. The elate ticket Is slightly behind this. In DCS Molnes couuty Hedge and the republican etate ticket get probably 400 majority. RED OAK , Nov. 8. ( Special Telegram. ) Fifteen out of twenty-one precincts in this county gl > o McPheison 950 majority. A conservative estimate gives him 1,150. Re turns show republican gains. ATLANTIC , In. , Nov. 8. ( Special Tele gram. ) Returns arc slow , but McPhcrson , republican , for congressman , carries the county by 450. MICHIGAN. Victory Contra to IleiinliMcnnii for All OmucH mid riiinree Lend * All < ht Kent. DUTROIT , Nov. 8. Governor Pingree runs ahead of his ticket in Detroit , but to a much Icstrr extent than formerly. Republicans have probably elected the majority of mem bers of the legislature from this city. For congress. Corliss , republican , uoerns to show a small majority over Pound , dem- orat. Completion of the 2 o'clock count In thirty- four of the 120 precincts In Detroit gives Plngrce. republican , for governor , 3,561 ; White , democratic , 2,630. In the same pre cincts for congressmen Corliss , republican , received 2.6J3 ; Pound , democratic , 2.385. b:45 : p. m. Scattering returns nnd esti mated returns from the state nt 9 o'clock neem to Indicate Governor Plngree's reelection tion by 40,000 ami upwards. The governor's republican lours seem to be offset by gains In floating * and fusion Votes. Sixty-two cut of eighty-four Detroit pre- clncts give Pond , congressman , democrat , a plurality of 111. Ninety-three out of 1,810 precincts In the btate gle Plngreo. republican , ( or gov ernor , 11.702 ; Whiting. , democrat , S.6U DETROIT. Nov. 8. 10 p. m. Onebun - drcd and twenty-four precincts glre Plngree , republican , 1U51 Whltlug. democrat , U.OS4. Tbo question ot absorbing lnt rc it today Is the- probable extent of the knifing move- mcnt among nhtUPIngrco republicans. The governor is evidently running behind his ticket In many sections , and hit losses , ac cording to the reports , wilt not bo offset by his votco from his friends In other parties. DETROIT , Nov. 8. Two hundred and seventeen prcdnsts In the state glvo Pln gree , republican. 30.475 ; Whiting , 22.834. Secretary Sherman of the republican state central committee claim * Plngree will carry the state by 97,000. DETROIT , Nov. 8.--Govcrnor Plngreo held "his own tolerably well In today's elec tions. At 10 o'clock tonight the republican state committee claimed hla election by from 50,000 to 60,000 nfajorlty. Tbo demo cratic state committee * dors not yet con- ceilo defeat. The goverfaor ran several hun dred ahead of his ticket In Detroit and ran up a plurality of 2OOOJ in Grand Rapldc. In Saglnaw > < o doubled .o'l hla plurality of 1S96. In Ja 0on , Lansing , Bay City and other araallei cities he was cut , considera bly , but the country district * Surrounding went quite strongly forl'lngr < ! e. The bal ance ot the republican state ticket Is elected. The upper i > enlnsula ga\o Its usual republican majority , but there was ' n great amount of splltt'lt ; * on governor In the peninsula. The vote Qn congress men Is close in half of the twelve districts , the others returning republicans with cer tainty. ' Thq legislature will jiave n republican majority , but whether Plngrco or nntl on ihef equal taxation Issue Is > et undetermined. Congress : First Michigan , John B. Cor- 11s * . republican ; Second , Henry C. Smith , republican ; Third , Washington Gardner , re publican ; Fourth , Edward L. Hamilton , re publican ; Fifth , William Alden Smith , re publican ; Sixh ( , Samuel. W. Sm'ltl ) , repub lican ; Seventh , Edgar A. Weeks , republican ; Eighth , Joseph W. Forduey , republican ; NlntH , Roswcll P. Bishop' , republican ; Tenth , Rosseau O. Comp , republican ; ' Eleventh , William S. Mcsalck , republican ; Twelfth , Carles D. Shcldeon , republican , GRAND RAPIDS. Nov. 8. Republicans carry thls'clly'by about 800. Governor Pingreo's majority over Whiting , democrat , Is nearly 2,000. / INDIANA. INDIANAPOLIS. Nov. 8. As there are state , congressional , county and township tickets , embracing all told ninety-four can didates , returns wilt be , late from Indian apolis correspondingly so from the re mainder of the state. In the city there are 229 'precincts ; in IndlanaVllncludlng Indian apolis , 3,259 precincts. Comparisons \ \ 111 bo ' made with the vote for M < Kinlcy electors 'in 1896 , when they carried 0.10 state by a plu rality of 18,181. * Thirty precincts In Indiana give Ralston , democrat , 2,329 ; Hunt , " 'republican , 2,871. Net republican loss over 1896 of 222. Scat tering returns from predhuts lu Indlanapollb and Marlon county Indicate democrats have carried dty and county. This secures Baylcs' ( democrat ) election to tbngrtxt , over Over- street , republican , present incumbent , and also seven dem6cratlc ipumbcrs of the legis lature Instead of tbe sVvVn , republican pres ent Incumbents. T * Indications are tbct U very light vote is polled In the8tate. ; Twenty precincts glVo Ralston , democrat. , . > 280. : - iuht , repubUeati , 2.06S. * ? r * eiretrTi Yi V-N ? -eJ V'8 ? I gave Bryan 1.438 ; MrKXiley , 2,3'rl : ( . net re publican loss , 147. INDIANAPOLIS , Wt 8. Eighty pro ducts In Indiana : Rals. .n , democrat , 5,971 ; Hunt , republican , 8,019. ' INDIANAPOLIS , Nov. 8. Ono hundred and sixty1 precincts lu Indiana glvo Ralston , democrat , 12,333 ; Hunt , republican , 15,455. , /The same preclnots In 1896 gave Bryan. 14- 215 ; McKlnley , 17,414 ; icpubltcan gain , 11 per cent. INDIANAPOLIS , Nov. 8. At midnight only about 220 precincts out of 3,229 ha\o been beardifrom , uo one county having re ported in full. Returns come In slowly , owing to the great number of candidates. running on the various tickets and both parties claim the Btate. Chairman Martin of the democratic committee expresses himself - self as confident that the democratic state ticket Is elected by about 15,000 majority , together with a majority ot the legislature. The republican chairman makes the same claim for his side. CONNECTICUT , Republican Ticket Sweep * the State nnil CniullilntcH' Majorities Are IIJ.OOO and Up. NEW HAVEN , Conn. . Nov. 8. The result ot the election In this state today was a victory for the republican ticket. Complete returns from 165 towns of the 168 In the state give Lounsbury , republican , 75,057 ; Morgan , democrat , 58,406. The same towns In 1896 gave Cooke , republican , 100,999 ; Sari gent , democrat , 51,396. The majorities of candidates'of the state tickets will average fully 15.000. The republican candidates appear to have suffered most from the general decrease , in the vote , but no particular disaffection can be said to be shown by the general result. The only real contest was In the Second dis trict , where Congressman Sperry , the re publican nominee , and James H. Webbr dem ocrat , were the opposing candidates. Sperry's majority will be 3,325. Returns Indicate that the republicans will have a majority ot at least 60 In the general assembly. SOUTH DAKOTA. DEADWOOD , S. D. , Nov. 8. ( Special'Tel ' egram. ) The Ulack Hills at midnight gives an average majority for Phillips of 150 , with only half of the ballots counted. Phillips car ries Deadnood and Load , Lee carries Terry , Terryvlllo and three other precincts heard from. Phillips at midnight carries Law rence county 200 ; Butte , 150 ; Mead , 300 ; Pennlngton , 200 ; Ouster , 50 ; Fall River , 75. Congressmen follow close. ABERDEEN. S. D. . Nov. 8. ( Special Tel egram. ) Brown county will glvo Phillips , ' Gamble and Burke an estimated plurality of 200 , The entire county ticket Is safely republican. SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , NOT. 8. Sixty-eight precincts In the state show gain for Phil lips , republican , of 364. If this rate U main tained he will carry the state. Gamble , re publican , for congress , Is running slightly ahead of the governor. Sioux Falls city gives Phillips , republican , for governor , 70 majority ; republican gain , 40. FLORIDA. JACKSONVILLE , Fla. . Nov. 8. The'svot * today , judging from returns now In , la from 10 to 20 per cent lighter for both parries than In 1896. The whole democratic ticket is elected. The light vote Ii due to the 'reblo resistance offered. The constitutional iroendment requiring thtt bonds of state officeis b * In Bound security and guarantee ompanlra was carried overwhelmingly The republicans and popullste will not alto- icther elect over five members of thsItgl iQturv , If that many. The legislature elected today will choose a successor to j Senator Pasco. DOUGLAS COUNIY IS SAFE Good Eopubllcon Mojoritiea Rolled Up for the State Ticket. DAVE MERCER GOES BACK TO CONGRESS Omnhn Auriiln niiilnrncH III * Oooil llrooril Much Scratching Done on the LenrlMntMc nnil County Tlcketn. Douglas county has gene republican , with strong majorities on most of the ticket. Al though the fuslonlsts concentrated their greatest efforts In Omaha and South Omaha , Judge Hqywnrd will carry with him a safe majority , which from returns at hand will approximate closely 1,500. The rest of the candidates on tbo stata ticket arc well up to i Hayward's figures , although some of them I may fall behind compared with their op ponents. For congress Douglas county has again endorsed Hon. David H. Mercer. Mr. Mcr- cer'o majority In this county will be slightly reduced from what It was two years ago , but this will bo more than offset ( n all pioba- blllty by the Bains ho has made In Waohlng- ton and Sarpy counties. Mr. Mercer will represent the Omaha district In the next congress. On the legislative nnd county tickets them has been' great deal of scratching , and the delegation to Lincoln from Douglas county will bo a mlxccP delegation , so far as po- lltlcal affiliations arc concerned. In some wards from two-thirds to three-fourths of the ballots wore icratched on legislative candidates. Walker and Koutsky- naturally got the worst o ( this onslaught , the chlut benefit accruing to Flynn and Sturgoss , who had been recommended to the voters by' The Uee. While the final figures will be neces sary to determine just who H elected outsldo of these two , It Is possible that nqverol others on the fusion ticket may have crawled through. The scratching , on the legislative ticket was almost equaled by the scratching on the county ticket , -where.both Winter for county attorney and Kleretead and Kelsey for county commissioners have fallen behind their colleagues on the republican ticket. Hector , democrat , In the Fourth commis sioner district , Is elected over Kclsey , while tbo result .between Klcrstead and Connolly favors Kleretead by a close margin. The outlook is also for A close , vote between. . , - for county attorney , with the prospect favor ing Winter. , In- almost nil the wards , .except the First and Second , the republican assessors have been elected. CHANGES IN ASIATIC STATION IJuntennntK IU-CH unit C'nlklim' Uc- tnplieil front Olyinpln nnil Ordered Home < iu AVnltliiR Ordprn. . VASHINOTON , Nov. 8. Today's naval orders Include a number of changes In the I 'perionnel of the Asiatic squadron. Lieuten ant C. P. Roes ttirt Lieutenant C. G. C.ilk- Ins have been detached from the Olympla , Admiral Dewcy's flagship , and ordered | home on waiting orders. Lieutenant C. G. Rogers has been detached from the Iteso- 'lutc ' , on the North Atlantic station , and or- dMed to the Zaflro on the Asiatic station , ralevlng Lieutenant W. McLean , who Is ordered homo on waiting orders. Lieutenant C. E. Vreclaud has been detached from the Dolphin , on' the North AtFanttc sta tion , and ordered to the flagship Olympla. Lieutenant J. H. Hull , now on the Saratoga , has been ordered to the Asiatic station for assignment to duty. Lieutenant D. H. Matuin ot this city has been ordered to this city for examination. AVnr Sliltin Off for Samoa. SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. S. The cruiser Philadelphia has been ordered to Samoa and i will leave within a few days. The Yorktown - town will probably follow It. It Is feared 'that the forthcoming election of a new king j may result in a resolution and It Is de- | I plrnble to have war vessels there to protect | ] American interests. The contract for the | j American coaling station at Page Page baa been let to a San Francisco firm and the work will soon bo begun. ' TrnluliiK Ship on n Crnlar. SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. 8. The United States training ehlp Adams will , on or be fore December 1 , start on a seven months' cruise. Before that date It will have re ceived Us batteries at Marc lafand. It will proceed from hero to Magdalena bay , where It will spend a month or more. It will then go to Honolulu and Oriental ports. SICK SOLDIERS STILL PAID Will Ho Kept on Itolln Until They Are Able to Ueport and He Mimtercil Out. SPRINGFIELD , 111. , Nov. 8. The War department - partment has made an Important ruling in regard to discharged soldiers. Captain n P Page .Walnwrlght , United States army , chief paymaster for Illinois , has decided that sol diers unable to be present at the muster out of their command could on the presentation of A Burgcrn'fl certificate , bo granted nn ad ditional furlough and paid to tlmo of the final muster out. The paymaster refused to I paj- beyond the time when the icgltnent to I which the soldier belonged Is mustered out. The War department telegraphed that his ruling was right and also hold that soldiers admitted to hospitals and unable to bo Clustered out when the regiment was shruld receive pay to tha time of discharge from the hospital and muster out. Children bent Uncle to School. COLUMHU8. 0. . Nov. 8. A special from East Llverprol. 0 , , says : Deputy State Factory Inspector Hull has ordered 300 cull- lien , of school age out of local factories. Difficulty is being experienced In filling their places , whllo many schools are overcrowded. The girls were employed in pottery decorat ing generally. Cliliifne CnnBlit In n Trap. SAN FRANCISCO. Nov. S. The Chlneso consul here In convinced that at leant llftcen Muigdlans wtre drowned li > the furwurd cabin of the wrecked u.eamrr J. I ) . IVter- s-41 , which now lies fatt on the mud flat ; at Siunallto. Several of the * mongollans arc known to 1m o had considerable money An effort will bo made to recover the bodk * . I CONDITION OF THE WEATHER forecast for Ncbrnksit Rain or Snow ; Northerly Winds. Yeslerilnj'n TctiiprrMnre nl Omnliui WHITES AND BLACKS FIGHT' Outbreak' nt ( lie PollN n < S. C.t 1'ronil cM to I.enil to ( jcii- ernl fllonilHlicil. CHARLESTON , S. C. . Nov. 8.-A special to the News nnd Courier from Greenwood , S. C. , says : Intense excitement prevailed hero all day because of the- shooting of Uonr Rthrldgo , ono ' of the election judges at Phonolx , nnd n subsequent 'riot between the whites and blacks at that placo. In which T. P. Tol- borts and sqvoral hojroen were mortally wounded. The negroes had a separate box In charge of Colbert , In which these who could not ote In the regular boxes could deposit certificates that they were not al lowed to voter for R. R. Tolbert for con- gr'erj , which certificates ho expected to use In his contest for Lallmer's seat. Ethrldgo attempted tci take charge ot the box , and was shot dead Ijy ono of the negroes , who was crowding around it. Immediately the fotr white men who 'could proctird srma.or had them opened flro upon the crowd. The whites , several nun- 'dred strong , nro. Well armed and determined and It the leaders In today's trouble are caught tonight no power on earth can save them from a lynching. Late this evening John R. Tolbert wan dangerously wounded and his llttlo nephew , son of E. L. Tolbert , who was In the buggy with him , was Irfstftntly killed whllo on their way home. While a party of white men from Greenwood were returning from Phoenix tonight they were flred on from ambush and M. J. Younger , Crosswcll Flem ing and Mr. Miller were badly wounded. SPAIN ANXIOUSFOR PEACE _ linn Not hc Lciint Intention of 1'rc- pnrliiK to Ilenow lion- tKKIrn. ( Copyright , H08 , by l > i ei-s I'ubllMiln Co. ) PA.RIS , Nov. 8. ( N , w York World Cnblo- gram Special Telegra . ) At the request of President Day the uicotlug qf the Joint peace commission fixed for today has been post poned until tomorrow. I was ansuicd li > two members ot the totnmlsHlon that thfa postponement had no .connection with the elections In the United Statc although the coincidence Ik decidedly remarkable. I cau state that President McKluIcy had not bent hlH final Instructions op the Spanish Philip pine case up to midnight , although the full text of the Spanish fnctumvas cabled him Saturday. Ho will thus have time to modify hla attitude on the Phllppme. question if thu result of the elections renders it advisable. MADRID , Nov. . 8. ( Now York World Ca- Wr7tw-Sn < 5 lal.-TUSrnm. ) Oenornl .Con. ' -re ; war minister , ha ! Insucd an authori tative coiitMrtlctlon 'lo the rumor of a re- vltAl of naval arjtl military preparations. Duku Almodovar assured the forolg'n nm- bacaador nt the reception today that e\cn It the Paris cnmmlfalon failed to concert n tredty negotiation would continue with the assistance of iFrench diplomacy or direct with Washington , as Spain emphatically wishes peace. ICHAMFA'S OAI'TIHHS IS IMMI.VHIST. Ilurd I'roHROil ! ' IVati cn Friendly to AiiKlo-UfO ptlaii Hxpeillilon. CAIRO , Nov. 8. Khalifa Abdullah , the de feated dervish leader , Is hard pressed on the frontier of liorJofun , southwest of Khar toum , by natives friendly to tbo Anglo- Egyptian expedition , and It Is believed that his capture Is Imminent. AH Sherecf , bis soh-ln-law , is already a prisoner and is be ing brought to Khartoum. III.A3IR KOn FllBDRHIC'S DK ITU. Jtirr I'lxeH UfnnoitBlhllltr Upon Tno IcqtIiUt > i1 Attfiidnntn. LONDON. Nov. 8. The cotoner's jury which has been Investigating the death on October 19 ot Harold Frederic , the corre- spondentkOt the Now York Times , rendered a verdict today ot manslaughter against Kate Lyon , a member of * the late Mr. Frederic's' household , and Mrs. Mills , a Christian sclen- list. PEACEFUL ENDING PROBABLE I'nrln I'nper 'Dom Not T ook Upon I'hlllpplnc Situation an lie- Inpr Ilr > onil Solution. PARIS , Nov. S. The Oaulol ? this mornIng - Ing , .referring to today's Kitting of the peace commission , says It will In no wa'y modify the Spanish-American nltuatlon , "as the American cominlnsloners have ordcis to nwalt further Instructions from Washing ton. " The Gfuilols nays tbt > so Instructions will depend on the result of tbo elections , w.hlch the paper mentioned thinks will bo favor able to tbo republicans. The Gaulols con tinues : "Tho American go\ernmcnt will eventually recognize that pecuniary compQii- satton Is duo to Spain for the evacuation of * the Philippine Islands and the negotlatlotib will continue and bo brought to a satisfactory conclusion in n friendly spirit. " Chamber PnnNCN Knnh dn Quenlluii. PARIS , Nov. 8. The Chamber of Deputl"- ? 1 resumed Its sittings today with a cronded 1 attendance In anticipation of n debate on the Fashodu question. But tin-so present \very 1 disappointed by M. Drunot anuounclni ; that ho withdrew his Interpellation on the sub ject. Hot ] ION of Wohcffnn'M Victims Arrive. NEW YORK , Nov. S. Tlio bodlei of eight of the passengers on 'tlm ' lost Atlantic llnei , Mehcgan , wrecked on October ] 4 on Mi . southwest coast of England , arrived Mon- day in hermutlcully pealed colllits on the steamship Manoinluce from London. The re mains arc thci'O of Mrs. T. W. King of Nin- tucket , MQEB. . and one of her nonn ; Vi 'Vel- I ler , mother of Mrs. King , Hlso of Nantti'Ai t' L. N. Luke and wife of Kingston. K. Y. ; Mm. A. B. Grumbccht of Stamford , nonn. i Mrs. L. S. Grandln , mother of Minn Maude Roudebunh. the opera singer of Meadvllle , Pa. , und Mrs , Sophia C. Crar.o of ( 'nl'formi. ' Agent Stewart of the Atlantic Tncupou I company made the necessary arrangements with thu health authorities for the trans portation of the bodies of the Mohrcan's dea > l to the different parts of ths country where the relatives reside. Man Kill * IIUVlfr. . WICHITA , Nov. 8 , At Alva , Okl. . Georso Lout , a farmer , went .Crazy and killed bin wlfo with an axe. Then ho entered a roam where bib three children slept , but as ho rulied the axe ono of them awoke and tN > Insane man dropped the weapon , went to bin room and cut his own throat. CoiMlcfcil Murilrrtr Hpntenueil , PORTLAND , Ore , Nov. 8. Claude Bran- ton , convl'trd of the murder of John Lyou , was tolay sentenced to han pv-tunber 3. IIAYWARD WINS OUT All rignrcs Point to His Election ns Governor of Nebraska , MAJORITY ESTIMATED AT FOUR THOUSAND 1 Safe Majority in the Legislature Olaimed-by I tbo Republicans , ' POPOCRATS SHUT UP SHOP AND GO HOME Become Discouraged Early at the Complexicr of the Eetnrns , REPUBLICAN GAINS ALL OVER THE STATE I'uMonlndi KnM to Toll n * Henv > - , n A'olc nn Tlicy Snlil They 'Would Ituti Well. I LINCOLN. Nov. 8. ( SpeelM Telegram. ) At 2 o'clock n. m. Brad Slaughter of the state committee announced that all figures received from the state pointed to the elw.- , tlon of Haywnrd by a majority of 1.000. Ot j j the 219 precincts outside of Douglas and 1 Lancaster reporting : before 1:30 : the net gal\t \ I was running 11 to the precinct compared with the \ote on resents last year. A tafo majority in the loKlslaturo Is claimed by | i the state republican committee. The pupo . crats became discouraged at the nature ot j the returns and closed up their hc , dqunr- ] , ters shortly after midnight. Thirty-two pio- | I clncU In Lancaster county give Hnyward < 4,510 ; Poynter , 23. The entire republican I ticket Is elected In the county by mnjorl J i ties running flnm 1,300 to 1,600. j I Precinct B , Lincoln , Third ward , liny- | ward , 127 ; Poynter , 105 ; net republlean gain of 20 over 1SP6. Precinct C , Fifth ward , Hayward , 160 ; Poynter. 101. Hlckro.nn pro duct , Hnyward , 88 ; Poynter , 65. Norma precinct gives a net republican gain of I over 1896. Indications for city and count ; . Indicate the election of the entire republican ticket by increased majorities. Lancaster county. University Place , glvf ! Hayward , 146 ; Poyuter , 58. Lancaster county : Six products In the city of Llucoln nnd four in the county nhou a republican gain ot 249 ever the 1896 vote , when McKlnloy carried the couuty by S60. Wavcrly precinct gives Hayward 125 , Poyn- ler 74. Last year. Post. 105 ; Sullivan , 89. Thlrty-thrco precincts In Lincoln and Lan caster county , out of a total ot fifty-two , glvo a net republican gain of 378 compared with tbo vote for McKlnley. Logtslaturu about the samo. This indicates a repub lican majority ot 1,400. In the county. Mescrvo luns a few votes stronger thni\ other fusloulAts in very precinct. COLUMBUS , Neb. , Nov. .8. ( Special Tele gram. ) The three wards ot tho' city glTO Hayward , 319 ; Poyutw , 260. Thla Is n re publican gain ot about 150 over tin vote of o. year so. Murphy , Norrl nnd Me- -Alllstcr TO ruiinlns , a little stronger. A. iKbC' vet * wna TH-Tlftl. * * AVOCA , Nob. , Nor. 8. ( Special Tele gram. ) Avnca precinct : Hhyward , 83. Poynter , 77j Burkett , 80 ; Manahan , 77. ThU precinct gave Bryan Bcvun. plurality. OBNEVA , Nob. , Nov. S. ( Special Tele gram. ) Flllmore county : Two wards ot Gen eva city give Hayward 175 ; Poynter , 78 ; congressman , Hlnshaw , 175 ; Stark , 78. Indi cations favor the republicans for the leg islature nnd C. A , Fowler , ropubllc-an , for state senator. Same precincts last year gave Post , 159 ; SulliMiu , 62 ; congress , two yean ngo , Halner , IGlt ; Stark , 62. Two ytars ago county returned two populist ropresent- I atlves nnd populist senator. ' FREMONT , Neb. , Nov. 8. ( Special Tele- I gram. ) The total vote cabt la the cly ( Is 1,160. The election has been a very quiet one. Owing to the cold weather and strong winds there wan but little electioneering nn th streets. The Second , Third and Fourth wards-ln Fremont glvo Hayward 407 ; Poyn ter , 303. The Indications are that Hayward will have 250 majority In the city * There wan a hot fight hero on county attorndy. Martin , fusion , ran ahead of bin ticket but Doloial , republican , will bavo a majority In the city. j ' The Indications nro tluit Norrls , for congress man , ba run considerably ahead of Hay- | j ' ward. Tbo chairmen of both commlttriM I ' claim tbo county on the wtato ticket. The same precincts in 1897 gave Post 387 ; Sullivan ' livan , 366. Dodge county , Second , Third and Fourth wards , and Fremont , North Bend , Elkhorn and Hooper give Hayward , 714 ; Poynter , 64. CongrcHHman , Norrls , 728 ; Robluson , 525. In- I dtcatlons favor Sellers , Hastings , republican , ! for the legislature and Holbrook , republican , for state senator. Latt year , Post , 764 ; Sul livan , 653. Congrens , Hammond , 994 ; Max. well. 788. BEATRICE. Neb./Nov. 8. ( Special Tele gram. ) Although the vote in thlo section or the state Is Homewhat light , largo republican gains arc shown on the state and congres sional tickets. Some wards lu thla city show ( gains of ever 25 per cent. Reports received by telephone from points within a radius of fifty miles show nearly a corresponding gain J The reform forccu'nowbora lu this section displayed any onthuelasra at the polls ami what llttlo work they did was In a dis heartened manner. ' Beatrice , Fifth and Sixth wards , glvo Hay- 1 w rd 104 ; Poynter , CO ; Hinsbaw , 104 ; Stark , 59. Lincoln , Midland and Paddock precincts , Haywnid , 215 ; Poynter , 201 ; Hlnohaiv , 204 , 1 Stark , 200. , Wymoro and Flllcy townships , Hayward , i 451 ; Pnyotcr , 271. Lant year , Post , 384 ; Sul- than. 313 , WAYNB , Neb. , Nov. S. ( Special Tele gram. ) Wayne city gives Haywanl 19B Norrls. 206 ; Poyntor , 119 ; Robinson , ll j Hayes , 188 ; Holt , 123 ; SralthbcrKCr. 185. I Doty , 126. Wluslde gives Haywnrd , 37 , I'Poynter. ' 48 ; Roblnmn , 4S ; Norrla , 38 ; Smith * ' bergcr. 48 ; Doty. 46. Hoskln gv | Haywaril 1101 ; Poynter , 36 ; Stntthberger , 116 ; Doty , 28. ' These precincts In 1857 gave post 330 ; Sulll. van , 245. In 1896 , Hammond. , 251 ; Maxwell - well , 191 , KKARNKV , Neb. . Nov. 8. ( Special Tcle- gram. ) Total \ot of Kearney city. 1,080 Hayward'n majority Is estimated at 165 ; I Brown , republican , for cougrcf * . 200. ' HASTINGS. Nob. , Nov. 8. ( Special Tolf. I gram. ) Returns from the varloui precincts of Adams county are coming In slowly , but so far an heard from uverytblng points tea a big republican victory. The city of Ha t- lugs gives the republicans a majority ot 37K on the straight ticket , and the Imllca- I ttons are that the republicans will leave thu I city with a majority of over 430. The vll- ( laie of Junlata Is 76 ahead for the republicans on the straight ticket. The vll- lane of Ajr will break even. Two years ago it wn a hot fusion tov/n. At 9 o'clock tonight Chairman Parmenter of the rcpub- , llc.u committee claimed the county by over 2CO votes. Thin would be a net gild of , 620 over two yeun ago. The fuiloalsis hiivo lest all hopes of carrying the count ) ' WAHOO , Neb , , Nov. 8-Special ( Tele- I cram ) Wfst Stocking * Poja'er , 1S8 , IIa > -