Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 05, 1898, Page 2, Image 2

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Attt , < 25,000 ; C. H. Parmelo. O.IBB , ICO.OOO !
J. M. Patterson , Ca . J 10.000 ; Join :
M. Hasan. Adanu , JU.OOO ; C. M. Hunt
Douglai , 420,000 ; J. E. Curtl , Douglas , JB-
000 , Amos Oatcs , Sarpy , t10,000 ; Ellzabett
Howard , Sarpy , (4,000 ; A. W. Trumble ,
Sarpy , $30.000 ; Henry Ley , Wayne , $10.000 !
( } , A. Lulfiart , .Madison , $20,000 ; 8. K.Var -
rlok , 'Mmllaon , $5,000 ! Fred Scheergcr , Mad
ison , $1',000 $ ; L. If , linker , Madison. $30,000 ;
Henry Messman , Madison , $15,000 ; J.V ,
Rl k , Madlion , $10,000 ; Herman Hogrefl ,
Madison , $2C,000 ; F. H. L. Wltlla. Madison ,
$10.000 ; D. Hcta , Madison , $15,000 ; H. L.
Smith , rillmorc , ? 50,000 ; John Wilson ,
1'olk , $30.000 ; L. II. Headstrom , Polk ; $5,060 ;
H. Gold. Polk , $3.000 ; Lewis Larson , Polk ,
$3.000 ; John Colson , Polk , $3.000 ; Dana D ,
Little , Polk , $3,000 ; C. W. Harncs , Polk ,
$2,600 ; J. W. Wilson. Polk , $3,000 ; John
Krlckpon. Polk , $3,000 ; L. nioom , Polk ,
$3.000 ; I. Hoostrom , Polk , $3,000 ; K. W.
Johnson , Polk , $3,000 : Samuel Dowers ,
Polk. $3.000 ; J. W. Hart , Polk , $7.300 ; S.
II. Samuolnon , Polk , $5,000 ; Wllllnm A.
Wolfe , Rage , $30,000.
Itvqtit'Mt Odirrn to Iiiv - tlKntc.
The committee requested that the list of
the bondsmen might be published so that
the people In other counties might take up
the Investigation If they cured to do so.
ThU committee- after finding over one-third
of the security on the bond to bo worthless ,
concluded that It would of no use for them
to go further Into the matter. Captain
Jennings expressed surprise that the bond
had been allowed to stand so long without
Investigation , when ho found -tout prac
tically every business man In Lincoln knew
of Its condition. The members of the com
mittee , when they looked over the list of
wealthy people In the other counties , an
shown by the bond , expressed considerable
doubt as to the real worth of the men should
n sult e brought to recover a. largo amount.
In speaking of this they said lhat In their
own county , which was ono > of the oldest
and best favored In the state , there was
not a single Individual who could give a
bond for .as' much as' $ F.d,000 and tell the
tnith aboiit his liability. And they were
naturally skeptical when they read of the
great wealth of people In other counties ,
"over and above their liabilities. "
The discussion lends to the Inevitable con
clusion that there was a combine In the
state house In which Hartley formed a
part and that the big men on the Hartley
bond were approved on the Meservo bond
on an arrangement that the treasury short-
ngo was' to .bo fixed up In some way. The
deal wan spoiled because promlnbnt' popu
lists , again from the extreme , southeast part
of the state , Insisted that matters come to a
Bhowdown and -the re'sult was that the she t-
oge became publicly known and Hartley
was arrested.
Governor Fill In I" HI" Duty.
The constitution provides the Blzo of the
bond to bo given by Uio state treasurer and
presupposes that It shall bo worth face
value. Should the treasurer fall to give the
full amount he would bo tnc'ilglblo to hold
onice. It therefore follows that at any time
the bondsmen arc found to bo worthless the
official could -bo Impeached unless he added
names necessary to make the whole amot'/.t
Kood. It would Eeem also that It was ( he
duty of the governor to Inquire Into this
and to call for additional bondsmen whenever -
over he found the total liability below par.
Such a course , however , formed no part of
the plans of Iho treasury combine , and
M'lthln two months of the approval of the
fcoml Holcotnb saw two of tho' bondsmen
leave tbo state with no property behind
them that could bo reached , and saw others
go Into total bankruptcy within the year
without uttering a protest. He saw $780,010
of the liability practically wiped out when
Bult.jvaa commenced on Cartley's bond on
account of the six persons who. wore .QI\
both bonds , and yet he kept silent. Ambi
tion for n third term would hot"'allow hlni'to
antagonize the other state officials , even If
ho had not been a party to the original
agreement to keep quiet on all matters af
fecting the combine and the "reform of
ficials. "
No business man can look at the situa
tion and figure It In any other way than
that the farmers of Interior counties , who
signed the bond for small amounts nnd
who have kept themselves free from en
tanglements on other bonds , would be the
only safeguard of the state should them bo
another treasury shortage. The matter la
not ono to bo discussed entirely as party
politics , but should bo viewed In a practical
way , the same as was done by the three
business men from Pawnee county who were
sent by their neighbors to learn the real
facts. No amount of abuse c.-.n change the
truth of their finding and the people of
other counties will do well to take a hand
in the work of Investigation.
Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup stands unrivaled
as a cure for sore throat or bronchitis.
TvrlceKluileil the Ofllucrn of the I.IIM
mill Got Au-ny , but IN l-'lniillj-
PHILADELPHIA. Nov. < . Dcputv United
States Marshal George D. Henry of St. Paul ,
Minn. , and H. J. Downey , captain of police
of Dc-trolt , arrived hero today , having In
custody William II. Walker , who since May
last has been a fugitive from the Jurisdiction
of the United States court. Walker was
arrested In May last for using the mall In
u scheme to dofraud. His ball was for
feited. A few days later hla wife Identified
a. body at the city morgue as that ofher
husband. Notwithstanding the positive
Identification by Mrs. Walker , It was subse
quently Identified as that of another per
Walker was captured In St. Paul on July
2 , and Deputy Marshal Henry started with
him for Philadelphia. On July C , near
Stcubcuvllle , 0. , the prisoner Jumped from
the window of the toilet room of tbo cor
and made good his escape. Henry , after a
long search , finally located him In Windsor ,
Ont. , several weeks ago , but could not place
him under arrest , us the crime for which
he was wanted was .not an extraditable one ,
Walker In an ungarJEd moment came across
the ferry 'to Detroit-and was nipped by the
officers In stepping from the ferry boat.
America's Greatest
Medicine is
Hood's Sarsaparilla ,
Which absolutely
Cures every form of
Impure blood , from
The pimple on your
Face to the great
Scrofula sore which
Drains your system.
Thousands of people
Testify that Hood's
Sarsaparilla cures
Scrofula , Salt Rheum ,
Dyspepsia , Malaria ,
Catarrh , Rheumatism ,
And That Tired
Feeling" . Remember this
And get Hood's
An'J only Hood's.
General Lawton Punoitires Ono of the Yellow
Journal Stories ,
To n Inot 1'rovlileil on the .
Line net-mine It Wn Not I'rnc-
tlfulilr to Do So Krenli Linen
WASHINGTON , Nov. 4. Acting for the
War Investigating commission , Colonel
Denby has taken the testimony of General
Lawton , who was In command of the Second
division of the Fifth corps In the Santiago
campaign and who has but recently been
relieved of the command of the Department
of Santiago. His narration began with the
rmbarkatton of the tioops at Tampa Speak
ing of the voyage , he said that transports
were furnished ns well as could he expected ,
as thc-y were not troop ships. The medical
commissary supplies were sufficient to prevent -
vent absolute discomfort. True there was
some confusion , owing to misunderstanding
of orders , but the general did not believe
that any real hardship had b * > tn occasioned
After giving particulars of the landing ,
General Lawton described his march to
Slboney. referred to the battle of Ouaslmas
and told how he pushed forward toward El
Caney and prepared for the fight there. He
said that on the morning before the begin
ning of the battle he had laid his plans be
fore General Shaftor , and he rode with his
brigade commanders over the ground , pointIng -
Ing out to each of the , nun the position ho
was to occupy. Ilefer'rlng to Iho result of
the battle at' El Caney , ho said : "I had Im
perative orders to move to my left to the
right of General Wheeler's command , but
my situation was such that It was Imprac
ticable for mo to leave El Caney until I had
captured It. "
General Lawton said his division had lost
110 men killed and wounded , and that all
Iho wounded had been accounted .for. This
latter remark was brought out by the sug
gestion made by Colonel Dcnby that a state
ment had been made to the effect that some
of the wounded soldiers wandered Into the
woods and wcro never seen again.
AVouiuleil All Accounted For.
"I never heard that before , " said General
Lawton. "All the wounded were accounted
for and they were all taken to the field hos
pitals. " There were no ambulances , but
some litters how many , he did not know.
"Knowing there was to be a fight , how
docs It happen that you did not have enough
llttcre , enough surgeons and the proper hos
pital corps ? " Coloner Ounby asked.
"Well , I cannot say ihcro wcro not
enough , " General Lawton replied.
"How do you account for the fact that
the medical men did not provide themselves
with everything necessary for taking care of
the wounded ? "
"I think they did provide themselves with
everything they thought necessary , consider
ing the material they bad to chose from.
Tluro was no time to do more or get more
surgeons than wo had. They were dis
tributed to their various commands. "
Tha general cald that while It was dim-
cult to get supplies to the men while they
lay In 'tho ' trenches from the 2d to the 17th
of July ho thought the quantity was suffi
cient. There had been no sickness worth
mentioning until after the campaign. There
had been no tents except the shelter tents
which some had until Just previous to the
embarkation for the United States. Asked
wh'cro' ho" fixed the" responsibility for not
havingtho tents there , General Lawton re
plied : "I don't fix It at all. because I don't
think there was any responsibility about It.
The men were there without tents because
" f the fact that It was Impossible to unload
them from the ships for lack of time and fa
cilities. It Is a dlfllcult matter to unload a
ship in a rough st-a. There was very little
complaint on account of the tents. Com
plaints did not come to mo and 1 was with
my mon constantly. That they should have
to lie out as they did was ono of the contin
gencies absolutely necessary In the conduct
of the war. "
It was true as reported , he said , that men
had to wear their shirts for possibly thirty
days without a change , but this was because
they had thrown away their extra clothing.
Climate WIIM IloHponNlblc.
He said the climate was responsible for
the sickness that followed the campaign ,
though It was possible that with more ap
propriate food , better cooking and shelter
some of the slckneos might have been pre
vented. He had , he said , remained In San
tiago until about two weeks since , and ,
while the health condltons were now im
proving , tbero had been much suffering
among the soldiers left there.
"It Is my opinion , " he said , "that any one
going from this climate to Cuba will have
to suffer that acclimatizing there. I doubt H
1 per cent have escaped absolutely. "
Replying to a question whether the navj
should not have control of the transports ,
he said :
"No , Indeed. "
"You think that the army ought to have
control of them ? "
"Absolutely , " was the laconic reply.
"While they are acting together ? " Colonel
Denby naked , and the reply was :
"They won't act together. There la
whcro I make my point. Two men cannot
command the same affair. "
Summing up General Lawton said : "Tak
ing Into consideration the conditions that
wo wore obliged to face , the character ol
the country. Its climate , nnd other things
being considered , I can say there were no
serious or gross mistakes made. I can say
there was no lack of care on the part ol
any of these In authority whose duty it
was to look after the intercuts of the camp.
Wo had with us ns flno staff officers aa
there are In the world. No better could
be found. Theto men worked night and da ;
and no human being could do more than
they. "
llenrliiur nt Cincinnati.
CINCINNATI , Nov. ! . The War In
vestigating commission resumed Its work to
day with General Dodge , General Scxlon
and Dr. Conner present. The first witness
was Dr. Menage , contract surgcou , serving
with the Sixth Infantry. He testified ns tc
the absence of hospital tents for the regi
ment In Cuba. Ho treated his sick in the
regiment In preference to sending them
back to the division hospital , because of tin
difficulty In transportation. The neareal
hospital was perhaps a mile and a halt away ,
The medical supplies were reasonably suf
ficient. The appliances and supplies at tht
hospital the witness did not know about ,
His chief trouble was In getting ar
ambulance. This he got after a delay of twc
days. He madeno requisition for drugs
but once. Dr. McGraw did most of thai
work. The regiment left there about August
9. At that time there were about thirty 01
forty men In an acute condition. Perhaps
ono-elghth of the command reported
regularly for treatment. There had been nc
yellow fever up to , this time. The condltlor
of the transport was as good as could be
given. There was enough le. There was
condensed rallk and a limited amount ol
malted milk. They purchased with tht
hospltil fund beef extract from the steward
of the vffscl. There wa some available IE
Santiago. The regiment lost no men on the
The vessel was held five days In
quarantine at Monrnuk Point In a detention
camp. The condition of the camp was good
except that there were no beds. Dr. Me-
Gruw was In chance of th * men tin came
while the wltnesx remained aboard the
ves8cl to take care of supplies. The witness
explained the movements of the Sixth from
the detention camp to the regular camp
and told of the march which perhaps five-
sixths of the men were able tp make. The
regiment wan In camp until October , and
the command did not materially Imp'rovo In
health In that time. This he attributed
largely to Inability to properlv diet the men.
Lieutenant Schendel of the Sixth Infantry
was the next witness. Ho left with the
Sixth for Tampa and at Santiago was made
commissary. They hod ample quarters on
the trip from Tampa to Santiago. Commis
sary supplies wore always sufficient , except
such delays an were unavoidable on account
of rains. After the fall of Santiago the reg
iment was fulry supplied. At Montauk Point
the supplies were sufficient , but during the
first week they were sometimes delayed until
late In the duy by insufficient railway facili
ties. Thla was soon remedied. Tho4 men
were well taken care of by the medical de
partment. After reaching Montauk Point
the men rapidly broke down , Not more than
twenty-five or thirty escaped Illness of some
so ; * The witness was 111 twice.
TrnnniiortM Not Sultnlile.
Lieutenant Colonel Miner , commanding the
Sixth Infantry , testified to the movements of
his regiment from Fort Thomas to Santiago
and return. Ho regarded the Tampa camp
as excellent. There was difficulty In get
ting transportation from Tampa to Cuba.
The transport Miami , In which his regiment
went to Santiago , was not fit for troops.
The men wouM have died In their quarters
If the voyage had not been mild GO that the
port holes wcro left open nnd air thus sup
plied. The supplies of the men nnd of the
ofllccra were the same. Most of the officers
were on foot 'rom loss of hot.sis- .
General II. C. Egbert was the next wit
ness. Ho Is now brigadier of volunteers and
colonel of the Twenty-second United States
Infantry. Ho commanded the Sixth In
fantry after the retirement of Colonel Cochran -
ran until he was wounded July 1. Ho had
no fault to find with the camp at Tampa or
the supplies , or even with the 'transport
Miami except with "the ventilation. He found
troops abundantly supplied for the cam
paign. The wttnesa received excellent care
at the hospital. Recurring to his return on
the Seneca , ho said the conditions on that
vessel were not good , especially below ,
where the troops were. He remonstrated
against certain conditions and Captain
Dougherty remedied them. There was a
shortage In water. The boat was sent away
Incident on the Scnecn.
General Egbert said that while the Senflea
was not In good condition for unsporting
troops , Its officers did not secrn to be In
command along tbe voyage as much as "tbo
surgeons. When the Seneca reached Fort
Monroe , the surgeon telegraphed to Sur
geon General Sternberg , who ordered the
vessel to go to New York. The next day , to
his surprise , the vessel had not gouc. He
asked why and was told the ciptaln refused
to go until ordered to do so by the quar
termaster department. The witness called
on the captain and found thlb to bo true.
After remonstrance against holding the
wounded men In such a plac < \ 'the witness
told the captain ho would telegraph to the
secretary of war , telling him of the condi
tions and asking for orders. Meantime he
sent a note to the quartarmaster at Fort
Monroe and as soon as the situation was Un
derstood there was an order Riven for the
vessel to sail nt once to New York and the
captain obeyed It.
Fred J. Flueger of Newport , Ky. , waa next
examined. He went to Chlckam.xuga August
1 , ) o bring home Albert Doedecker of thb
Second Kentucky , who was.In the hospital.
Ho found him 'In a very bad condition. He
was In a tent with four other piUentt1. ) ; the
space between the coU so nairnw that wit
ness had to walk sldbwlse In goirig' through.
The nurses wcro detailed men. In an ad
joining tent he heard groaning , anil looking
In , he saw a man with a quantity of maggots
gets on his body. He reported this Imme
diately to the attendants , who iinlj they did
not know It had happened. They curried
the man out , washed him of and took him
back. The next day ho dlJ
Cnse of One Iloeileckcr.
The witness detailed Boeapcker's case ;
how he took cold from marching through
the rain and was taken sick the 'day he
reached Chlckamauga. Ho was at first re
fused admittance to the hospital , but finally
the captain got him In. He lay ihets twelve
days on a blanket on the ground , with one
blanket over him. Then ho was sent to his
quarters for full duty nnd next day at In
spection ho stood In line three hours , when
he again broke down. Ho was than In the
hospital until the witness brought him home.
He reached home August 2 , and died Au
gust 3.
At the afternoon session. Major Griffith
testified regarding the camp conditions at
f.hlckamaugn and the hoipltnla. He had dif
ficulty In gett.Ag enough tents and when he
secured the propci nuinbtr h found the
la t ones were of poor quality. From private
and state sources the regiments were sup
plied with hospital tents. As a rule the men
detailed as nurses were unflt.t
Witness asked Dr. Hoff for' female nurses.
This relieved the situation , The staff of the
division hoipltal was Inadequate when the
Increase of sickness ocurred. Sickness
among the surgeons reduced the working
force. He said there would have been no
difficulty In getting hundreds of competent
surgeons at Chlckamauga within a week.
He said ho knew many applications were re
Needed 11 llonjiltnl CorpN.
Major Griffith attributed the failure at tha
Camp Thomas hospitals to "red tape" and
"peace for thirty jears , " which Incapaci
tated the department for expansion for
emergency. If congress had established a
hospital corps the tr-ublo tnltfit have been
avoided. Ono great difficulty In getting sup
plies of drugs arose from passing requisi
tions from the division burgeon to the corps
surgeon and Burgeon In .chief. This required
n week. He asked the corps commander on
June 20 to have the 'typhoid patients ko-
lated. The eplduinls could have ttua been
avoided , but no attention V.MS yiveu the
request. He re arilulIlles and water as
causes of the infc'itlon. The .beer drinking
and the unwholesome food assisted In de
veloping typhoid germs. Tbo mortf.lltv from
tjphold fever In this boajiltal was sixty-six
out of 1,057 cases ,
Father Valman , past chaplain , was next
examined. He served at Tampa , Camp
Thomas , Fort Sheridan and Thomas. The
witness had no complaint at Fort Thomas
from c-lther friends or patients. At flrat
at Fort Thomas there was trouble for lack
of good nurses , but that was soon remedied.
In certain cases he regarded men better than
women for nurses , as thu work Is now di
vided so that men do the work proper for
men nnd the women attend to such things
as women can do better than men , he
thought the perfection of nursing had been
IlcKiilnrx Never Coniiilnlncil.
The witness devoted his time to looking
after the patients. Ho wrrto to the friends
of each patient , giving the Information as
to his condition. This course was one of
great satisfaction to the patients ns well as
to their friends. He repeated that the sol
diers had spoken In the highest terms of
their treatment at the hospital , nclng
asked what complaints , If any , he had heard
from patients about their treatment at other
places , he said that he had heard none
whatever from soldiers of the regular army ,
but that a number of the volunteer soldiers
had told him of disagreeable experiences
which wcro often answered by a soldier on
the next cot by the question"Did you
think you were going ts a picnic ? " Ho tal-1
none of tbeso complaints were of a nature
us to cause hi in to make any Investigation.
Largo Failures in a Few Branches This Wcel
Out of the Ordinary.
Volume of tlunliieNH TliroiiKli Clfnrlm
In 8.C 1'rr Cent
Tlum Irt ( it Yenr Mamifno-
tnrct-B Confident.
NEW YORK , Nov. 4. II. 0. Dun & Co. '
Weekly Review of Trade will say tomorrow
Not even the pending election dlsturbc-
business or Industries on the financial Rid
thu week. Although many are doubtles
waiting the votes before borrowing , th
volume of business through clearing house
Is 8.5 pur cent larger than last year nnd l.u
per cent , larger than In 1802.
While political doubts may count for mtic
they can only have prevented a growth c
business which might have been uitich tnor
than has been realized. Failure returns fo
October arc curiously puzzling , becausi
while the small failures compare rcmnrkubl
well with thoao of previous years , and als
the failures of $100,000 or more In nbou
( wo- thirds of the 'business classes , ther
were largo failures In a few branches no
generally duo to present business condition
which made the aggregate$14,000,000 , bu
neither the Sawyer woollen failures nc
others , excepting , perhaps , some In ma
chlncry nnd boots and show and leather , In
dtcato difficulties beyond thoaq of the par
tlcular concerns falling. ,
Neither the volume nor the value of manu
facturcd products 'diminishes. While llossn
mcr pig Is sold against tbo combiratlon a
I'lttsburg 10 cents lower , compared wit
other Iron there and eltewherc , the gencrn
demand crowds closely on the heels of pro
ducticm. Ulllets nnd 'steel bars , owing t
projects regarding combinations , arc
shade lower and prices of steel rails hav
been withdrawn because reports promise
slnglo corporation to .handle all t tha ml
reproduction , 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 ton
yearly. Plates arc supported by heavy rail
tt-ay demands at Chicago and at Thlladclphl
for ship yards , the bar mills are crowdoo
nil western works with steel preferred t
Iron In spite of the new structural orders
and the works at Chicago are behind in deliveries
liveries , while sheets there are strong. Lun
don has hoisted the speculative. prlcp of 11 ;
and of copper , but they closed at $18.15 nin
12' cents here , with lead weaker at $3.6
and tin plates practically unchanged.
Wool holders at Uosfn have dlscovere
the falsity 'of reports which they have Ion ;
believed about the available stock * In thl
country and have begun selling largely a
concessions said to be "several cents' " pe
pound , The week's sales nt the three chip
markets were 10,797,100 pounds , agalns
DB57fl02 pounds last year and 18,561,60
Pounds in 1896 , but only S,21K,000 pounds ii
1892. The cheering fact Is that the larg
manufacturers are now buying with con
fidence ; that with some reduction in th
cost of material Uie business will pay. Ie )
mpiids for goods have been somewhat bet
tcr without any decline In prices during th
List week , nor Is there any disposition t
advance prices. The cotton mills are helpo
a little by the combination to restrict pro
ductlon about Fall Illver.
Cotton Is again nt the lowest price eve
known , T..31 cents , for spot , while Mr. Net
estimates a crop of 11,500,000 bales , beside
largo stocks brought over here and abroad
Wheat exports continue very large
amounting to 4,6tC76 ! ! ) bushels from Atlanti
ports , flour Included , acalnst 3,287,538 las
year and 1,029,838 from Parlllc ports , again ;
1 , 592,252 last yer.r , but the heavy export
have been much raoro than matched b
western receipts of ' 9,490,092 bushels , agalns
7.600,1)93 ) last year , and prices have no
changed materially. "
Corn goes abroad largely , 3,011,083 bushel
during the week , against 1,812,944 bushel
last year , -and prices , arc > well held.
Eallurcn7osthrj/eg < 'hava been 494 In. th
United States , > CClsbt ! 276 'last ' year , um
twenty-eight- - 'Ctuadn. against thirty las
I'rc-Elocflon Quiet IH Varied b ;
Heavy Export SliInntriitN.
NEW YOUIC. Nov. 4. Uradstreet'E tomor
row will say :
Further quieting down of new buslnes
In iron and steel.- the relapse Into dullness
though at steady prices , of wheat , consequent
quent upon the withdrawal of the excitci
foreign demand , some slight Increase o
quiet in general trade , chiefly nt the south
as a result of the approach of the elections
are all features colling for special men
tlon this week. Among the more actlvcl ;
favorable features are the price steadlnes
displayed by most staple articles and the en
larged distribution of staple goods nt man ;
western and southern markets as the rcsul
of Improved weather and removals of quar
antlnes. Confirmatory of the quite favor
able reports as to general trade during Oc
tober arc the returns of bank clearings fo
that month , and scattered reports as to th
Increased business doing nt many center
In that month ns compared with one yea
ago.Kxport statistics of grain , too , are begin
nlng toshow that an ample basis for Hi
stories for heavy foreign buying really ex
Istcd , exports this week being the heavies
on record.
New business In Iron and steel has beei
lighter than for weeks past nnd some shad
Ing of quotations , particularly steel , Is re
ported. Export trade , however , Is large am
Increasing and mills are still BO well sup
piled with orders as to regard this pre-clec
tlon quiet with something approachlni
equanimity. Important negotiations touchln
futuie prices of steel rails are now li
progress , quotations are entirely withdrawn
and Eomo reports are that an Important con
Eolldatlcn. or at least , contrcl of prices am
output has been practically agreed upon.
Wheat has been duller but steady on un
certainty ns to possible forflgn politico
complications , offsetting a heavy gain 1 :
movement from producers. The current de
mand and output of Hour has continued tc
equal and oven exceed all previous records
An encouraging feature Is the contlnuei
active demand for domestic wools. Inrgel ;
ut Boston , and much of It nt price con
cessions , with rather more reported doing li
cheap makes of wprsteds. Cotton has mad
another new low record on heavy croj
movements , touching 0 cents for Novembc
delivery at New York , but Imp'roved demani
for export with the working of the nev
print cloth restriction have tended to firm
ness for the manufactured nrcduct.
Wheat , including ( lour. Bhluments for thi
week aggregate 6,773.643 bushels , ngains
5,560.991 bushels last week. C.590.49S bushel
In the conespondlng week of 1897. 3,472,97
bushels in 1896. 2.566. : > j7 bushels In 1S95 am
2,629.323 bushels in 1891. Since July 1 till
year the exports of wheat aggregate 73,645 ,
C23 bushels , against 83,874,092 bushels las
Corn exports for the week aggregat
3,566.640 bushels , against 2.421.376 bushel
last week. 2,199.550 bushels In this week i
year ago , 2,247,643 bushels In 1896 , end 73 ,
41C bushels hi 1894. Since July 1 this yea
corn exports aggregate 6,345,450 bushelE
against 5,809,104 bushels during the Eami
period a year ago.
Duslncss failures In the United States thl
week number 183 , against 219 last week , 22
In this week acar ago and In 1896 , 2&
In 1S95 and 241 In 1894.
Business failures In the Dominion of Can
ada for tbo week number 31. acalnst 23 las
week. 31 In this week a year ago , CO li
1896. 39 In 1895 and 40 In 1891.
of IlimliiCNH Trniimictlon
by Ilin Aimoolntoil IliinUn.
NEW YORK. Nov. 4-Tho followlni
table , compiled by lirndstrefll'H , shows th <
bank clearings at nlnetv-one rltlss for tht
week ended November 3 , with the percentage
of Increase and decreHse as compared wltl
the corresponding week last year :
CITIF.S. Amount. I Inc. Dec
New York : . . ! $ 87 ! ,110,7 ( l 2S.21. . . .
1 teuton 133,353.742 ! 17.7
117.4C7.63M 6.7
Philadelphia . . . 73M0.076 | 11.01 .
St. Louis . 31 , U,719 11.8 ,
I'lttBlmr ? . IS.SM.eiO1 18.6 , ,
ISaltlrnorei . is.a > 2iJi | 17.1 ,
Han Francisco . . . , , , . 19.071.178 ,
Cincinnati , . , , , , , , , , , 13,103,2501
Totals , U. S . I$1.4fi2n sil 2i.2 |
Totals outsld ; N. Y. | nS3.C22,9S3 | 10.
Not Included in totals because containing
other Items than clearings. "Not Included
In totals because of no comparisons for last
tK of It. M. Iliinli.
nUULINGTON. la. , Nov.I. . ( Special Tel
egram. ) The will of the late R. M. Uaab ,
a wealthy and Benevolent merchant ot Bur
lington , makes the following bequests :
A sufficient sum to erect a handsome
statue and drinking fountain In Crape park ;
$1,000 to the Burlington hospital and ? neO to
St. Francis' hospital ; $1,000 to Michael
Reese hospital , Chicago ; $500 to Old Folks'
home , Chicago ; $1,000 to the Orphans' home ,
Atlanta , < 3a. ; $1,000 to Orphans' Home and
Hospital , Baltimore ; $1,000 to a hospital In
Philadelphia ; $1,000 to the Theological sem
inary In Cincinnati ; $500 to the Old Folks'
home ; $250 to the Homo for Incurable ; $250
to Ladles' Benevolent society , all In Richmond
mend , Va ,
Fcnr No Trouble nt the Polln.
RALEIGH , N. C. . Nov. 4. The outlook at
noon today Is that the oloctlon Tuesday will
bo a quiet affair and that no serious dis
turbance will toke place at the prlla. The
acquittal of Captain Kitchener and others
charged with Intimidating a registrar Is
cited by democrats as evidence that reports
of Intimidation were exaggerated.
Army and Navy Arc on a Formidable
Woiking Basis.
i\tpnxlvo ItoimlrH Miulc ( o Ship * nnd
Army In Spite of Depletion * In
.More Elllvlfitt Tlinu
Ever efure.
WASHINGTON , Nov. 4. The administra
tion Is waiting results from the Peace com-
mlEulon with equanimity , In the realization
that the government Is perfectly well pre
pared for any turn the negotiations may
take. The navy especially la In a state of
preparedness , should It come to a resumption
of hostilities , far In advance of Its condi
tion at the outbreak of the war. Ono by ono
air the splendid fighting machines of the
North Atlantic uquadrou , which had been
brought north at the earliest moment , wcro
docked , cleaned nnd thoroughly refitted at
the New York and Norfolk navv yards.
Their ammunition and euppllea were replen
ished and they are now , with possibly ono
or two exceptions , ready for Instant service
In almost any quarter of the globe.
Admiral Dcwey has taken considerable
precautions In the cases of his own vessels ,
having dispatched them one by ono to tha
big llrltlsh docks nt Hong Kong , whcro
they have been placed In as good condition
as possible outside of our home ports. Sec
retary Long has prudently declined to part
with the now numerous ileet of auxiliary
vessel acquired by the government just
prior to and during the war. These
wore all Inspected by a technical
board , which found that u number
of them were not well adapted to navy uses ,
but the secretary concluded that these ves
sels are still sufllclcutly serviceable for
emergency uses , and accordingly kept them
In condition to bo commissioned at short
notice. As far as the army Is concerned ,
while the original force of nearly 230,000
men called Into the service by the presi
dent has been largely diminished by the
mustering out of many regiments , It Is the
opinion of expert military officers that the
army as a whole Is really a more formidable
weapon now than It was at any period dur
ing the war. This apparently paradoxical
statement Is explained by tbe fact that
the troops now In the service have had the
discipline of several months' hard training ;
the men have steadily Improved In efficiency
and their olllcers know how to take care
of them ns well as to fight battles. The
staff corps has cured many of the evils
from which It suffered during the war and
Is prepared to move troops with rapidity ,
with due care for their health and for their
adequate rationing during any campaign
that might be expected. In fact , all
branches of the military and naval service
have profited by the experience of the war
and are now , as previously stated , In bet
ter shape than ever before.
SlioolM ii I ni-Keeper.
CHEYENNE. Wyo. , Nov. 4. ( Special Tel
egram. ) Fred ICarnlch , barkeeper of the
Kcmmerer hotel at Kemmerer , was shot and
killed yesterday morning by a colored
roustabout employed at the hotel. The men
quarreled nnd came to blows. They were
separated and the colored man secured ti
revolver and shot Karnlch , killing him In
stantly. The murderer Is In Jail.
DNxotv" .Inlut Trndlc ANnncliitlon.
NEW YOHK. Nov. 4. The board of con
trol of the Joint Traffic association today de
cided to dissolve the organization. This ac
tion was taken because of a recent decision
by the supreme court that the efforts of the
association to control railroad rates were
TO Cm 13 A OM.U l > O.M3 D VY.
Take Laxative llromo Quinine Tablets. All
druggists refund the money If It falls to
c-ure. rise. The cenulnu has L. H. Q. on
each tablet.
Why not go there this winter ? It Is an Ideal trip and
NOT NEARLY as expensive as ono would Imagine.
How long does It take ? Only ten days three days Omaha
to San Francisco via the Burlington Route and a week for
the sea voyage from San Francisco to Honolulu.
Tickets , berths and Information about steamship rates and
Bailing can bo had at
Ticket Office : New Depot :
1502 farnam St. 10th & Mason Sts.
Telephone 250. Telephone 128.
The Majestic
The Monitor
Tha Garland
The Quick Meal
, Made of extra Cold Rolled Bessemer Steel , aabestos lined , patent duplex
grates will save enough fuel In one year to almost pay the cost of a range.
With proper care they will last a lifetime. Arranged with water front In fire
box to heat city water pressure boiler or provided with low encased reservoir
lor heating water when city prcsauro boiler Is not used. Made In a great va
riety of styles and sizes , at prices ( rom $24.00 up. All stoves and rangeo ore
warranted. We are exclusive agents In Omaha for the above celebrated ranges ,
A No. S C-hojD Range , han.dsomo design , nickel plated , largo oven , $13.GO.
A large 6-holo Range , with reservoir , a perfect baker and a heavy range ,
complete , $21.75.
Cor , 14th and Farnam , Opposite The Paxton Hotel ,
5s duo not only to the originality nnd
simplicity of the combination , but also
to the cure nnd skill with which It is
manufactured by scientific processes
know , . io the CALIFORNIA Fie. SYIIUP
Co. only , and wo wish to impress upon
all the importance of purehuslntf the
true uiul original remedy. As the
icnuine Syrup of t'igs Is n.unufacturcd
by the CAUFoimiA Fie Sritui > Co.
uiiy , a knowledge- that fact will
" " * one In avoiding the worthless
imitations nmnufuctiircd by other par
ties. The high standing of the CALI-
roiiNiA Via Svitui' Co. with the medi
al profession , aud the satisfaction
vhich the genuine- Syrup of Figs has
iron t < ? millions of families makes
ae name , of the Company a guaranty
f the excellence of its remedy. It ia
tnr in advance of all other laxatives ,
as it aets on the kidneys , liver nnd
borcls without irritating or weaken
ing them and it docs not gnpo nor
tiuusento. In order to get its beneficial
'ft'ects , plc.isc remember the name of
Ihe Company
10UISVIU.E , Kr XKvr VotiK. N. T.
tor' . , rr.ctltti frumond
Orlftnut and Only Genuine.
Orc. * . ) * ; rrllttiU. IAOIC * ttk ,
DfUffUl for C\isfitHtr AWul MJ- >
Lt 9n' ' * fMnif lu Utd till o ( rfiLoullio\
bosct. iall with bl'tc rlbbnn. Title
no other * Rtfutt daiigtrev * lubihru *
tiontand imitatitnt. At tfn44 .
la ittmpi for tsirlleuUri. t-itlmoaUU o4
MMIef Tor I.a t1e / * < ilitUr. Or r UrM
JtlalL 1P.OOO TfitlmonUli. Kmnt 3Tptrt
, lohrUrChcnlcaI
MU bj &ii Ucfci mugtuti.
A3It"SI2 E\TS.
Cor. I It i
_ - Harnay 3tl.
Telephone 217.
Lentr & Williams. Props , and Mgrt
W. W. COLE. Act. Manager. v-
AlM-nyn the liont Nhuiv In Oiniilm.
The diminutive comedian assisted by the
Clever soubrette. Miss Ma tic N1 hols , i-re-
sc-ntliiR their llttio comedy , "Tho Actress
and the Hell Hoy. '
, ' , cnrl " 'Eht-Tho ' American Anna
Held. Muxmllllon nnd Shields Knocka
bout Comedians. Del Sabos Sensational
Acrlnllstp. McCnbe and Kmmett Comedy
Sketch Team. Leroy nnd Morrl Comedy
Har Act. Howard Trio Singing and Dane-
Ing Comedians. ZlBlcn Modern Mcphlsto
ot Magic.
Matinees 230. Nights 8:30. : Tickets 25c ,
Ooo and EOc.
TODAY ili.'HI TOX10I1T Sil5.
KoKlur & III n I'M MiiKiiillrciit Sii
ciilnr I'rutlucltoii.
JO All .Star Ai-tlnts III.IMV .Munlr
Novel Snet-lnltU-N Kliilinrntc Scenery.
The Croip'hton I P"11"1 * n
iuo wioigiiiuui Manneer , Tel > .
O. O. i > olwird : , Amusement Director.
TODAY SiKO TO.WCiirr 8in. :
TIIK woomvAim STOCK co.
"JiVCOG. "
Special Kcntiirc CMVKTTI5 , \
Next Suiulnj- lit ON MASTEIl. I
Manaeen. Tei. 19U.
Sunday matinee and night , Nov. C ,
Positively the last appearance here
of the greatest of all Swedish com
edy successes .
With now features. Up-to-dato specialties.
A great cast.
Popular prlci-n.
rrI7r / > ! _ PAXTON& HUHGK8S.
* ( ts
LUy.L Managers. Tel. 1919.
Monday and Tuesday , Nov. 7 and S , CHAS.
PIIOIIMAN presents
In her newest
A romantic drama of the Napoleonic era ,
Sale coiniiic-iu-cN UIH ninrnlniv.
WcnderEand Theatre
| 0K | 17 Parnam < Jt Hem show
lOIU'l I I dlllQllI Ol lu Omuha
Slicclul AttrnctluiiH ( ur 4liln ircrk.
IN TUB CURIO lIALL-Wllllam Cook ,
ho gr nt fire cater ; Mllllo Martini , and
icr den of monster HcrpentH , Mlle Itnteu ,
America's greatest JUBgler ; The Do Clulr-
'Illcs , double , traprso nrtlstn ; All ! Uaba ,
ho oriental magician ; 1'rof. Mlats , won-
lerful troop of trained doss ; May Warren ,
ady magician ; Mine. Owens , phrenologist.
UN 'inHi HIJUL. a'iAui1'rof. . unoeB1
.larlonettes . I'rof. Wurren. Kngllsh Shad-
' |
'A/rnJTilH MAIN TIlKATHIl-Dorothy
lisfll , buttorlly tlancer ; The HoffmaiiH.
Jarl and Helen , In opera ; Dell Loon , char-
cter urtlst ; Will Howard , comcuinn ; 2
towards , nketcti artlstH ; Florence Urock-
i-uy. BOHR and dance ; John Hhunnon.
icgro spiiflalttos ; Ituacnu llunks , the ladv
ruin mnjor. | _
lOc luliuIlN ( o nil. OIM-U from IO n. A
n. to IO i > . in. A n-lined iilncH uf
iiuuMviiiuiit fur ivunifii iinil uliliareii.
Bit * Reductions in
Brass Band Instruments ,
Drumi nJ Uniforms. Write for catalog.
445 Illuslralluru. PRflEl It ylves U nJ
Muilc & Iiuiruclluiu fur Amateur DJI <
LYO-J A HFALY 49 Ad nt it. . Thlcagn
13th andlouilas Sts. , Oinohii
jr. V. MAHUIiL , Jt HUM , ITo , .