Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, November 04, 1898, Page 11, Image 11

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    UiJO OMAHA DAJJjlT BEE : IflUDAY , NOVEMBER ! , 1808 , 11
Advertisement * for tlieic column *
will lie liikcti until \'i in. for ( lie
evening mid until Hint ) for morning
and Sunday rdltlonn ,
1 1-Se n word Unit liiNcrtlnti )
Jo unord thrrcnftcrotlilliHT inkcu
for K-HH limn i"n ! for < 1ie ( Irnt limrr-
llon. Thene ndvcrtlncniviitn taunt lie
run ciiiiMcciitlt Hy.
Advcrtlurm , l y reancntlHK n. mnn-
lierril check , cnn Imvc iinnnc-rit nil-
IrrFicd to n n niliireil leHttcr In cure
of Tlic lice. AIIBIICTH MO nddrrxiril
IT | | | In * ilcllvrrcil on itrcNCittiitloii of
111 oliccli only.
STENOGRAPHER of experience and thor
oughly competent wants position ; young
man with best references. Address ! . . 10 , .
Boo. A 218 |
A STENOGRAPHER , when you want one
p. . u ti . .11 , un tiu lUiu.ngton typewriter
ofllcc , 1619 Farnam St. , tclt'I > lln _ ° MgJ7 XM
WANTED position by young lady as
atenographcr. Addiessv 1142 So. 29th St. ;
A Ml 10 M
-j HEM * .
SALESMEN for cigars ; $123 n month nnd
'XpoiiHP8 ; old firm ; experience unneccs-
sary. C. C. Bishop & Co. , St. Louis , Mo.
TAILORS , "attend Dyhr's cutting school.
B13 So. 13th St. B-9S4 D2
YOUNG m ° n to learn barber trade ; only C
to 8 weeks required : we give our gradu
ates employment till they receive In
wages an much as they pay for tuition i
nnd expenses learning. St. Louis Barber ,
roll SEP , Odd Follows' lildg. , Dodge and
llth , Omaha. Prof. Randolph. Jnstructor.
WANTED , we have steady work for n few
good hustlers of good habits nnd appear
ance. C. F. Adams Co. , 521 So. IGth St.
WANTED , i-uergetlr man or woman for
outflldo work ; good pay weekly. Hawks
Nursery Co. , Milwaukee , Wlr.
B MI61 Is2i *
WANTED , mfn to learn barber trade ; free
transportation to our colleges at Chicago ,
St. Louis or Minneapolis ; 8 weeks com
pletes ; outfit of tools presented ; wages
Sntnrdnv from start : Htnady positions
guaranteed ; we have contrnrtd to place
COO graduate ? as hospital barbers , also
o d 'nduut H out of employment , write
nt onco. Call or address Moler Barber
College representative , 11 Crelghton Btk. ,
Iftli and Douglas , Omaha. B-5C2
SALESMEN to sell office specialties ; line
side lines : Jj a day ; used by all mer-
WANTED , assistant bookkeeper ; youni ;
man ; moderate salary ; willing to work
up. Address with references , F 61 Boo.
WANTED , ten Talesmen. Territory. Iowa.
Kinsan or Ncbra ka ; good salarv. If
mean business addr aa Room EOS , Man
hattan Building , Des Molncs , Iowa.
B M714 5 *
WANTED , first-claHB. all-round broom-
maker at once. Address Nebraska City
Broom Factory , Nebraska City. Nob.
B M712 4
WANTED , 150 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. 876.
GIRL for general hourowork. 2S1S Woolworth -
worth nve. ' C MC04 3
WANTED , experienced cook. German pre
ferred ; rcfsrences required. Apply be
tween 5 and 6 p. m. at 2626 Dodge St.
GOOD cook wanted ; private family. Cald-
wcll , 630 S. 20th. C-MC38 4
GIRL for general hpueeworlfj small family ;
good wages. 1005 Park Avn. C G59-3 *
WANTED , a reliable woman to manage
an ofllco for the Vlavl Co. F K > , Boe.
C MfiS4 5
GOOD cook , washer and Ironer. 2.11R Dav
enport. C MG77 I *
WANTED , girl for general housework.
Mrs. D. H. Goodrich , 1117'Park ave.
C M717 6
WANTED. Klrl for general housework ;
small family. 1545 Georgia avenue.
C M710 6
WANTED , girl to do general housework on
farm In country. Men to work on farm.
Inquire 219 Board of Trade Bldg.
C-M70S G
WANTED , a competent cook. Apply 3G20
Fnrnam. C-M700 6
WANTED , girl for general house work. 1121
So. 30th ave. C MC98 6 *
CHOICE houres and cottages all over city ;
$3 to $75. Fidelity , first lloor. N. Y. Life.
HOUSES. Benewa & Co. , 108 N. 13th St.
HOUSES , stores. Bomls , Paxton block.
FURNITURE nnd leasehold of a 7 and 13-
ronm modern flat for mile ; bargain ; good
location ; rent low. Bemls , Paxton block.
A FEW cottages. 436 Board of Trade.
ALWAYS moving household goods and
tilnnr . Omaha Van , & Storage Co. , 1311 Vi
Farnam. Tel. 1559. D-63S
HENEWA'8 residence to rent , 3230 Burt.
, D-639
HOUSES , stores. Robblns , 1803 Farnam.
COTTAGE on easy payment ? . 604 Bee bldg.
HOTEL down town : 16 rooms ; good condl
tlon ; convenient to all car lines ; rent
$43.00 n month. The Byron Reed Co. , 212
So. 14th St. D-GIl
HOUSES. Clias. E. Benson , 310 Ramgo bldg
D-M782 J13 *
FURNISHED cottage. Los Angeles. Cal.
1512 Davanport. Omaha. D M961
TOR RENT. 10-Voom modern house and
barn , A-lth large , shady grounds.
John W. Robblns , Agt. , 1502 Farnam St.
klAGGARD'S Van and Storage. 121 N. 15th.
Tel. 14M. ' ' D-M311 N22
FOR RENT Farmers' Home , Webster
street , between 15th and 16th ; boarding
house , and large barn. Inaulro at 50G N
Y. Life Building D M4C2
TOR RENT , 7 room ? , brick. 509 So , 23th ,
$15.00. Sclby , 331 Board of Trade.
l-r. modern , SSth nnd Jones ; nicest part
city ; large yard , trees , etc. CO ! Bee Bldg.
NICELY furnished S-room house , modern
conveniences , walking distance ; refer
ences. 2701 Howard. D M5C3-N5
FURNISHED house , 10 rooms , north part
of city , for the winter. Address F 47 ,
Bee. D-62S-4 *
MY house , SOS No. ISth. , 7 rooms , modern ,
except furnace. See Wm. Fleming , 233
Bee bldg , , or telephone 1742 , D M6S05
FOR RENT , two choice furnished houses.
Potter-Sholes Co. , 310 New York Life.
i-ROOM house ; bath , furnace , cemented
cellar ; $20. Inquire 439 Board of Trado.
THE BENEFIT HOUSE. 2lst and Plnkney
His. , iltty daintily furnished rooms ; one-
square from the Arch of the States ;
everything new and tlrst-class ; terms rea
sonable. E-rl51
VERY desirable steam-heated front rooms ;
transient or permanent. Enquire nt Hut
8. Davldge Hide. , corner JSlh and Fur
nam Sis. Good reference. ' required ,
- H-MM7
BTK AM heated rooms , reteonuble. : oo9
Ilarjiey St. U-3M-Nov.-i ! *
( Continued. )
FOR HUNT , nice furnished rooms. 2U2
Cms St. E-M651
THREE nlco rooms , 1112
South llth. C-CC1
FURNISHED rooms ; modern. KM ) llnrney.
B HS-Nov. 8'
WELL heated rooms with or without
board , for fnmlllcH and single gentlemen.
Franck's hotel , 320'/i ' N. 16th street , Rates
reasonable. E 4D3
FOIl RENT , Suite ot 2 furnlrhcd rooms for
light housekeeping. 1702 Webster St.
FURNISHED rooms , housekeeping. 2C23 St.
Mary's AVG. E-M6467 *
ROOMS , housekeeping , 1712'4 ' Jackson St.
K-MC90 5 *
LARGE room , modern conveniences : refer-
CI1CCH. 700 N. 19th St. E-69fl
FURNISHED rooms , modern conveniences.
2215 Capitol avenue. Private fnmllv.
E-M711 6
DAY or week. Central Hotel , 1122 Dodge.
E M693
TAKI3 down that "for sale. " or "for rent"
sign In your window. The Bee reaches | , L-un ! in a day than will pass your
window In a month ; and they consult
these columns when thsy want to buy or
rent. F-S63
TUB MERRIAM. first-class family hotel ,
25th and Dodge Sts. F 042
FURNISHED ] rooms with board , 2570
Harney. F-MS24 Nil *
THE CAPITOL. 1722 Capitol Ave. . relit ted
and reopened by Nov. 15. Apply on
premises or 2106 Locust St. F 193 N4 *
; ' . -ni imr' rooms , steam hent , free
baths , $1.50 per week nnd up. Klondike
hotel , IGth and Webster sts. F MC27
ROOMS with or without board ; gentlemen
prafsrred. F 53. UPC. F MH1 fi
FURNISHED rooms with board. Smith
2iith ; references. F M633 S'
FOR RENT , largo room to one or two gen-
tlemln with nil homo comforts In private
family. F 60 , Bee. F MOW 3'
NICELY furnished southeast front room ;
private family. 702 S. 29th st.
F-M702 8'
4 OR 5 CHOICE locations , one floor ; prl-
vato bath ; references necessary. C. 3ti ,
Bee. G-643
5 CHAMBERS convenient for housekeep
ing to n man and wife without children ,
3 blocks from postofllce. 319 N. 17th St.
-059. !
5 ROOMS. 70S S. 17th. O-M719 D3
FIVE unfurnished rooms. Gas , bath.
Light housekeeping- N. 20.G
G M700 7 *
DESK room. O. G. Wallace , 313 Brown Blk.
NICE store , corner 24th and Hamilton. Ap
ply 2318 Culdwell. 1-645
IN U. S. Nat'l Bk. Bldg. Inq. 601 Boo Bldg.
3-STORY nnd basement brick store build-
Ing. 1005 Farnam , 22x100. Inquire 314 First
National bank building. I M647
TO RENT , a fine location for n first-class
dr ssmaker : that part of the Y. W. C. A.
rooms used for lodging during the sum
mer. 3rd floor Paxton blk , cor. IGth and
Farnam. I GOS-3
3-st. store , 1207 Howard st. F. D. Wcad.
PLACE your houses for rent with my
agency ; have more applications than
houses. G. G. Wallace , 313 Brown block.
K 4S
HOUSE of 8 to 12 rooms , west or south
west part of city , thoroughly modern ,
with stable. Bemls , Paxton block.
WANTED , three unfurnished rooms with
board for two ; must be reasonable. Ad
dress F 52 , Bee. K M649 4 *
WANTED , 8-robm modern house ; long
lease. A. House , 14th and Nicholas.
K-M64S S
WANTED , suitable unfurnished room In
good , location ; ground lloor preferred ; no
children. Address F 51 , Bee. K M646 4 *
WANTED , by two adults , small modern
house ; state rent. Address F 58. BCP.
K MG76 1"
WANTED , by gentleman , furnished room
with privilege. State terms , etc. F G2 ,
Bee K M703 4'
IF YOU are In need of anything try the
Want Columns of The Bee ; they will
bring you what you want. N 867
THE BEST HOME7$2.000 will buy on easy
terms. I am no agent. XGI , Bee.NMS48
ALL kinds of household goods , hotels , etc. ,
In largo or small quantities. Chicago
Furniture Co. , Tel. 2020 , 1406-8-10 Dod e.
N-M455 N27
HIGHEST prices paid for 2d hand furni
ture , stovea , carpets. Boston Furniture
Store. 721 N. 16th. N-699 N5
WANTED , at once , $1,600.00 of second-hand
furniture nnd carpets. Address R. G.
Fritz , Omaha Restaurant , 207 S. 12th.
N-M602 7
WANTED , good second hand rante ; state
length of time used and where It can be
soon. Address F 66 , Bee. N-664-4
WILL pay cash for TransmlssUslppI Ex-
pofltlon stock. Wood W. Hartley. 212 So.
Hth St. N-MCS3
WANTED , large man of Omaha. Lymnn
Waterman , N. Y. Life Bldg. N-M713 6
CHICAGO Furniture Co. , will sell furniture
and sloven below cost ; cot beds. 75c ;
matttresses , 50c ; pillows , 20c. 140S-10 Dodge ,
O-674 NS
BEST and cheapest stoves and furniture
sold at small profits ; highest prices paid
for good goods. D. Brodkey , 110 S. 14th.
FOR 30 days you can buy best and cheap
est carriage * , buggies' and phaetons , newer
or secondhand. A. J. Simpson. 1409 Dodge.
1 M * 5 NM
4 TOP buggies. 3 open road wagons , 2 nice
"arriages , 3 phaetons , 2 good milk wagons ,
worth looking at. Drummond Carriage 5
Co. , opp. Court House , ISth nnd Harney.
P M630 N30
FOR SALE , gentle family horse. 309 S. 17th.
OAK boards. JIG per m. ; also cheapest slat
cribbing. Wl Douoglas street. Q-S19
B. HAAS , Florist , 1S13 Vlnton St. , Tel. 77G ;
plants , cut ( lowers , bouquets , hall , real-
dene ; , wedding and grave decorations.
Orders by mall or express promptly filled.
Q 650
HOG poultry and lawn fences ; all wire ; Is
best. Wire Works , 14th nr.d Harney.
Q 651
2ND-HAND safe cheap. Derlght , 1116 Far'm
Q-M331 N22
FOR SALE , ten R.I.P.A.N.S. for 5 cents ,
at druggists ; one gives relief , Q 652
SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. . mixed paints.
Sherman & McConuell Drug Co. , 1513
Dodge street , Omaha , Q M121 N1S
WOOLF ZACHARIA'S , 1207 Farnam. Plan.
Iched Steel Peninsular Ranges. S22.50 to
$40. Heaters sold cheap. Q-MSS7 Fb24
BOSTON furniture rtore removed to 721 N.
16th ; furniture , moves , etc. , below cost
ENGLISH ferrets , for killing rat * , for
sale by C. D. Greenwood , Silver CUV. la.
q-Mfc > 3 6
2ND-HAND typewriters cheap. 111B Far'm
Q-M332 N22
_ -
BUFFALO horns , Indian relics. 1114 Fwr'ni.
Q-M330 N22
FOR $3.00 pawn ticket for diamond ring ;
ccst $10.00 ; In pawn for $18. E 16 , Beo.
PIANOS , exhibited and rented at the ex
position at great bargains ; 543.W , $00.00 ,
$ S3.00. $125.00 nnd up. Terms , KM per
month. Schmoiler & Mueller , 1313 Furnam
$3.00 PER month. Knabe upright piano In
first-class condition. 1510 Howard St.
Telephone 456. Q-M6H 7
FOR SALE. Garlnnd parlor stove ; cheap
If taken at once. 2474 Harney. Q 6G3
FOR SALE , bull buffalo , flno specimen.
Inqiilr at I'n < " > Woven Wire exhMilt , Ex
position grounds. Q M701 JO'
TWKNTY-FIVE cents will buy the latest
publication Illustrating the U. S. and
Spanish navies , naval commanders , etc. ;
almost 200 photographic reproductions ,
with a large map of the East and West
Indies , at thn office of The Bee. If or
dered by mall , address Navy Photograph
Department , Omahn Be * R S70
FOR SALE or rent , one 2-firo hotel range
nnd carving table. Apply to M J. Franck .
Midland Hotel. R-197
ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. cleans
cesspools and privy vaults at reduced
prices ; dead horses and cows removed
free of charge. 621 N. ICth StTel. . 1773.
R-M613 N30
MME. riylmcr , genuine palmist , Ib05 Dodge.
S M414 NJ
MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , 80S N. 16th.
S-MS01 D13
VIENNA fortune teller. 18 years Here. 1411
Howan1 ° " " " " '
MILTON THE MEDIUM , known to every
man , woman and child In Omaha , gives
readings dally ; all affairs of life nnd busi
ness , love , law , sickness ; changes evil In
fluences ; heals all diseases by magnetism ;
readings by mail ; send six questions , $1.
1C23 Dodge St. , cor. 17th. S MG01 4
MME. Gylmcr , genuine palmist , 1605 Dodge.
EDNA E. LONG , the spiritual medium who
actually materialized flowers , will hold an
other one of those successful FLOWER
SEANCES Friday evening , November 4 ,
at Patterson's hall , cor. 17th and Farnam ;
> > plrltuallts , Investigators and skeptics
nrs urgently Invited to witness one , of the
most wonderful phases of mcdlunishlp
ever produced In Omaha. Readings dally.
Room 4. S MOSS 4
MME. SMITH , Room 2. 11SV6 N. 15th Street.
T393 N24 ,
BATHS , ladles only. Mrs. Porter , 203 Doug
las block. T M491 N9
LAURA Ellison , baths , massage & mag
netic treatment. 119 N. 16 , R. 12 , upstairs.
Attendant. T 221 N21
MRS. DR. LEON , electric massage bath
parlors ; restful and curative. . 417 S. llth ,
upstairs. M 605 5 *
LADIES desiring valuable Information con
cerning thslr ailments should send or call
for "The Vlavl Message" at 348 Bee bldg.
A LARGE map of the world , one of Cuta
and another of the entire West Indies ,
showing Cuba. Porto Rlro. Huytl , San
Domingo , Martinique and all the other
West Indian Islands ; 10 cents , at The Bee
otncc. ily mall , 14 cents. Address Cuban
Map Dept. , Omaha Bee. U SOS
130 RLPTURE cured for $30. No detention
from business ; 6 years In Omaha. Caller
or write for circulars , Empire Rupture
Cure , 832-933 New York Life bldg. . Omaha ,
Neb. U-172
PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and
during confinement ; babies adopted ; ex
perienced physicians In attendance. liStf
N. 17th st. . Omaha. U M5SO
MASSAGE , electric and magnetic baths.
New Hyglennic Institute , 220 Bee Bldg. ;
tel. 1710. U-M174
PILES cured In 7 to 10 days , without pain ;
one treatment does the work ; call or
send for circulars. The Empire Pile Cure ,
932 Now York Llfo building , Omaha.
LADIES' Turkish baths. Mmo. Post.
S. 15th. U-M312
BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 319V& 8.15th.
DR. J. RQY , chiropodist ; corns removed ,
25c up ; new method : no knife , painless op
eration ; 23 yrs. experience ; 12 yrs. in
Omaha ; warts , moles and superfluous hair
removed by electricity. Frenzer Blk.
HOW doctors , dentists , pharmacists , com
petent undergraduates can soon gradu
ate. Box 198 , Chicago. U-918 N15
THE Omaha Social Club , only one In the
city , a permanent Institution ; honorable
Introductions made ; correspondents
furnlphsd ; strangers welcome. 311 Kar-
bach Blk. , 15 & Douglas. Alllo Tumey.
Mgr. U-176-N8
BTORM windows , wood turning , band saw
ing. Hamilton Bros. , 28 & . Dav'pt. Tel. 117D.
U 978 N16
RITTER'S hospital ; confinement cases
taken ; babies adopted. 2214 Seward ,
Otmha : tel. 2234. U-M974 NIG
MISS MAYER , leading manicure , chiropo
dist and hair dresser. 400 Paxton block.
Business for sale. Entering medical col
lege. U-M316 N22. .
LADIES In poor circumstances can receive
free nttfndance In confinement by apply
ing to the Crelghton Medical College.
( Telephone 1167. ) U-399 Decl
TEETH should not bo neglected ; they
xhould be given prompt attention. See W.
N. Dorwurd , Dentist , room 4 , Continental
block , 15th and Douglas Sts. Tel.130. _
TI * M473 tCJJS
MASSAGE , baths. Mme. Smith , 11SV4 N. 15.
i LACE Curtains cleaned ; nil work guaran
teed ; references. L 55legler , WW Callfor-
HALF soles nnd heels , 40c. 71fi N. 16th.
U MS14 Ml
WANTED , choice form and cltv loans. R.
C. Peters & Co. , U. S. Nat'l BankBldg. ,
$100,000.00 special fund to loan on flrstclas *
Improved Omaha property , or for build
ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company.
* V " 17G
6 % per cent money. Bemls , Paxton Fblock.
6 PER CENT city and farm loans. Garvin
Bros. , IU13 Farnam St. W-179
$1.000 and upwards to loan on improved
property. W. Farnam Smith & Co. , 1320
Farnam St. W 178
ANTHONY Loan * Trust Co. , 315 N. Y. L. ;
; quick money at low rates for choice farm
i lands In Iowa , Northern Missouri. East-
' cm Nebraska. W ISO
MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real
estate. Brennan-Love Co. , 219 8. 16th.
MORTGAGES. Wallace , 213 Brown Block.
6 per cent money. F. D.veafl , 16 & Doug.
50,000,000 cheap eastern money for western
Investment. Send for free circular. In
vestors' Directory. N. Y \V-183
J. R. MAXCY & CO. , auctioneers , room 519
Paxton block , want your auct.on sales ot
real estate , merchandise , furniture , live
stock , etc. 673
WAIT , for etovo slaughter nt auction , No.
COO N. 16th : 200 stoves : cook stoves , ranges
and heaters ; must go Saturday. Nov. 5.
Sale commences ut 10 a m. E. E Ather-
ton , Auctioneer. 5ti6 N-l
$10 TO $10,000 TO IOAN ON
etc. . it lowest rates In
Omaha , South Omaha nnd Council Illufffl.
No removal of goods ; strictly confidential :
you can pay the loan off at any time or
In anv amounts.
OMAHA. X-184
MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , jewelry -
elry , horses , cows , etc. C F Reed , 319 S 1.1th
* s 23
MONEY loaned salaried people holding
permanent position with responsible con
cerns upon their own name , without
Becurltv ; easy payments. Tolman , R. ipG ,
N. Y. Life Bldg. X-lSo
MONEY loaned on life Insurance policies ,
planet , furniture , warehouse receipts ,
jewelry , horses , cows , etc. Duff Green ,
room 8. Barker Blk. X M186
LOANS made to salaried people holding
permannnt positions on their personal
note ; low rates , easy payments. Hnom
119 Board of Trnde Bldg. X-MilC
SULPHUR Springs Sanitarium soon ready
for business ; splendid chance for doctors.
Call Saratoga Hotel , Inquire Pierce
1 517
FINE business for fcale. R. 1. U24 Doilgc.
WANTED , partner : I want a sober , ener
getic man with J250 to manage business
In Omaha ; J15 per week wages and one-
half Interest In the business ; permanent
situation ; this Is a good business chance ;
references required. Address H. Wllmer-
Ing , I'c-orla , 111. Y-MUO N4
FOR RENT , the dining room of Lnnge
hotel ; none but first-class , reliable parties
need apply. G04 So. 13th. Y MfilG N5
FOR SALE , Finest bak ry and confection-
cry In Omaha ; 2 ovens , 2 wagons , horses ,
etc. Good store trade. Rent reasonable.
F 21 , Bee. M628 NO
A GENTLEMAN salting for Honolulu Nov.
17 des-lres to represent som ? Omaha firms
or distribute advertising matter. Rea
sonable compensation. Box 427 , Her Gnihd ,
Omaha. Y-MCS2 5 *
FOR SALE or trade , first class hotel doing
a good business In a good town. Inquire
of J. J. Wanke , Silver Creek. Neb.
Y-M702 10
FOR SALE , a well established butcher
shop , "verythlng complete , buildings nnd
rnnrh'nory ' , in good locality ; the reason
for selling is on account of health. Thos.
J. Llbcrtln , Tyndall , So. Dak.Y
Y M697 G *
FOR EXCHANGE. S. W. corner 21th and
Dodge St. , 107x125 feet , two cottages to
exchange for property in California. San
Francisco preferred. The O. F. Davis
company , 1303 Farnam St. 55 M211 N15
LOS Angeles cottages for Omaha. 1512 Dav
enport , Omaha. 55 M9G2
C20 ACRES western Nebraska land , suitable
for stock ; trade for merchandise. Ad
drcfs J , 3109 Burt St. , Omaha. 55 467 3'
SO ACRES. 10 miles north , for house and
lot ; 40 acres , B miles N. W. , for Inside
property. F. D. Wead , 10 and Douglas.
Z -G65 4
TO EXCHANGE for Improved Omaha
property , part or all of the following :
320 acres good land , Greeley county , Neb.
160 acrcH peed land. Box Btitte Co. , Neb.
2 good lots , Lafayette Ave. , Walnut Hill.
Fine lot with modern double house , rcntirig
J40.00 per month , at 1503-5. BInney St.
All above clear ; will assume some en
cumbrance : will trade part. r
Geoigo G. Wallace , 313 Brown Block.
FINE residence property near Hanscom
park to exchange for good farm. Address
Hicks' Real Estate Co. , 1602 Farnam.
2 J'
EXCHANGE. 80-acre farm In JJecatur Co. .
Iowa , well Improved , for land In eastern
Nebraska , Address Box 47/aWoynei Neb
5I-M701 7
HOUSES , lots , farms , lands , loans ; also
fire Insurance. Bemls , Paxton Block.
HAVE you some lots to sell ? Now Is the
time to dispose of th m ; let the people
know that you want to dispose of them
The Bee reaches the people who have th
money. RE SCO
FOR SALE , desirable residence lots , J2lx
130 ; In first-class location ; ten minutes
walk from court house ; cheap for cash
Address O 61 , Bee. RE-673
BARGAINS In houes , lots , farms ; sale o
trade. J. N. Frenzer , opp. old P. O.
BEST and cheapest 200-ncre farm In Ne
braska , near Omaha , at half Its appraised
valuation. W. A. Bclden , 2302 BlondO st.
Omaha , Neb. RE-M537 N6
FOR SALE. lot. cor , 21st nnd Castellar
50 by 94 ; a snap. K. A. Peterson , Blair
Neb. RE-141 Novl6
CHEAP homes to colonists or others. AVI1
sell 23,000 acres all In one body , or In
tracts to suit , for a liberal cash payment
with 8 per cent on deferred payments
This land Is bounded on south by Nucce
river. In San Patrlclo county , Texas , am
consists of black waxey , black sandy am
light sandy neil well supplied with wate
and ten windmills. About 900 acres li
cultivation , with nine good tenant houses
It la noted for grapes , melons , early veg
etablca and cotton. Oranges , pears nnd
other fruits can be raised. The San An
tonlo & Arnnsas Pass R. R. passe
through this tract. Town Mathls Is prln
clpal shipping station ; also a siding ol
the river. Mops furnished If desired ,
also offer another tract of 1,973 acres on
San Antonio river. Gollad county. Texas-
very rich land S50 acres all valley laiul
In cultvatlon , seven tenant houses ; ell
mate line and healthful , with good sec
breeze on both tracts.
T. H. MATHIS , Rockport , Aransas County
Texas. RE M3CS N-24
9-ROOM modern house. Inn. . 524 8. 26th ave
RE-MC47 Dl
SO ACRES In southwest Iowa ; will take clt
property nnd cash. Lyman Wntnrmar
S22 N. Y. L. Bldg. UB-61J2-3 *
COTTAGE and lot , 19th , nr. Leaycn-
worth $1.400
Cottage and lot , 20th St. , south 800
Cottage and lot , 1 block from car 330
7-r house and lot , nr. Kountze Park. . . . 1,500
F. D , Wead , 10 and Douglas St.
RE C66 4
FOR SALE , fine- corner , good 8-r. cottage ,
Hamilton St. , $1,750.
N. W. cor. 17 and Martha. CGxlS ? .house , J900
8-r. house , full lot , near 31st & Miami , J1.200.
George G. Wallace , 313 Brown Block
RE G93-5
LOST , lady's gold watch at Liberal Arts
building ; liberal reward for return to
Florence Elston , Abilene , Kan.
Lost M535 4
LOST , red cow with white spot : dehorned.
1126 N. 19th St. Tel. 1S39. LOST-MGOS 3
LOST , lady's open-faced gold watch ; "D.
W. " on buck : reward If returned to
Omaha. Hair Bazaar , 215 S. ICth street.
Lost-MGGS 0
LOST , watch seal locket , picture on Inside.
$5 reward. Address F S3 , Bee ,
I/OHI-M715 6
LOST , from 2509 Caw St. , Nov. 2 , a brlndlo
co Apart Jersey , about 10 years old , A
liberal reward for her return. H. . T.
Clarke , 219 Board of Trade. Lost-M709
MATHEW8 school for dancing , 313 South
13th Rates reasonable. Cull or write for
particulars. C30 N-j ! *
MR. AND MRS. MORAND. 1510 harney
St. , now open ; lessons for children and
adults. For terms please call. Always open.
846 N-1,5
MORAND'S assemblies every Wednesday. 8
p. m. ; opening assembly November 2 ; you
are Invited ; now lancea. orchestra ; ad
mission , 2Sc : private lessons day and
evening ; waltz and 2-step guaranteed , Jj.
GOLD , silver and nlckelplatlng , get your
Imseburiier nlckelpluted. Omaha Plating
Co. , I3r. * Furnam , cntrunco on 13th ,
-815 N14
\LL women who can't ralso family should
consult the renowned German specialist ,
Dr. Pries , 1S13 Dodce St. Lettprs 2 rents.
M3IS N-2.t
CHRONIC Diseases In nil forms treated In
the most successful manner nnd upon the
low fee system , so that nil may be cured
at n small expense. The Draper Mrdlral
Institute , N. E. corner 16th nnd Douglas
Streets. 626 N30
jADIES. Chlchestrr's English Pennyroyal
Pills ( Diamond brand ) arc the best ; safe ,
reliable ; take no other ; send 4c , stamiv < .
for particulars , "Relief for Ladle * , ' In
letter by return mall : at druggists.
Chlchestcr Chemical Co. , Philadelphia ,
Pa. M673 3 *
. .ADIES. Dr. Bernud'9 Prlnco w Perlollc
pills me safe ; nlwnyH sure cure mid re
liable ; get the bust ; Hcnd 4c. fliimps , for
"Suro Relief for Lud'.es ' , " sealed , by
mall. Princes rhonHcal C. ) . , t > 2 IHlle
House. New York. -M671 3
TYPEWRITERS for rent , 14.00 per month.
The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 1G2o
Farnam St. ; telephone 1SSI. 192
WE rent "and sell the best typewriters
mmlo ; largest stock of good supplies m
Omaha. United Typewriter and Supply
Co. . 1G12 Farnam St.
IEMINGTON Standard typewriter and
supplies. 1619 Farnam St. 715
VANSA. school , 717 N. Y. Life. Night
school from Sept. 20. U76
VT OMAHA Bus. College , 16th & Douglas.
SHORTHAND , up-to-date , taught by court
reporters. Boyle's School , 403-5-7 Uce bldg.
REMOVAL sale of bicycles and sundries ;
tires and 2nd-hand wheels a - < pccl.ilty ;
everything at cost. Louis Flcscher , 313-15
S ! 13th. -6U N29
NEW wheels , J17.60 to $25 ; 2nd hand wheels ,
$5 to $10. Omaha Bicycle Co. , 10 & Chicago.
EAGLE loan ofllcc , 1211 Douglas ; oldest
established , most reliable , accommodat
ing ; business confidential ; selling $10.000
stock unredeemed diamonds ; big bargain *
-Gil Dl
JOE YOUSEN , the tailor , Boyd theater.
MAX FOGEL alters ladles' Jackets. 307 S ,
17th. 705-N-10
n Iini'AIRINO.
UPHOLSTERING. Lundecn , 1523 Leav'th
222 N-29
KARLING'S shop , 1220 Ilarney. Tel. 2031
5GS N-29
MME. KAYE. Instructor , Swoboda system ,
of physical development. 302 Sheelv Blk ,
C93-1G *
H. MAROWITZ loans money. 418 N. 16.
OMAHA Rubber Stamp Co. , 215 So. 13th
Phone 1025. Write for catalogue.
WORK guaranteed. Lawrence Cycle Co.
115 N. 15th. 229 N-22
PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 90S'
910 Jones , general storage and forwarding
OM. Van & Storage , 1511j Farnam. Tel. 1559
MASON WORK Jobwork. E. Healy.1822 Clarl
FRENCH , German , Spanish , $2 per month
Prof. ChnteUiln , 301 Boyd theater.
226 N-22
MISS MINNIE LOVI , piano teacher
Davldgo Bldg. 692-9r
PIANOS tuned , $1.50 Rose. 1321 Dodge.
OLD pianos overhauled , secondhand pianos
always on hand. C. Bommer , 321 8. 10th.
EYES tested free. Optical Institute , Sheely
block. -201 N30
SCHOOL for euro of these defects. Julia
E. Vaughn. 30C N. Y , L. bldg. 122 N18
GOOD care ; $1.50 per mo. W. F. Snyder
59th & Leavonworth : write S14 S. 26th st
483 N3
ACCORDION pleating , pinking and cord
Ing done. Miss Carter. 207 Douglas block
658 N9
WESTERN Plating Works. 1112 Dodge St
. 69S N29
M. S. WALKL1N , 2111 Cumins. Tel. 1331.
ONLY corset made having waist line. Room
10 , Crclghton Blk. , 15th & Douglas.
C. A. CASE , violins repaired. 416 Sheely blk.
GONNELLA manufactures artistic statu
nry. Inside ornamental work n specialty.
317 So. 10th -M621N24 *
OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co. , oak , hick
ory , ash , cypress , poplar , etc. , 1.1 & . "allf.
ALL mirror work done. 70S N. 16th.
II. S. STARK & CO. , 1110 Douglas.
M. S. WALKLIN , 21111 Cumlngr. Tel. 1331.
W. COY , removed to 1716 St. Mary's Ave.
-8(5 N23
WE SOLICIT and furnish positions for
stenographers free. The Smith-Premier
Typewriter Co , Telephone 12M. 079
Dressmaking Miss Sturdy , 2304 Davenport.
GOOD care ; $1.60 per mo , W F. Snyder ,
69th & Lenvcnworth ; write Sli S..2fith jt.
VILL repair your shoes while you wait
only 15 mln. ; half sole * . 40c. FlrKt-clara
work guaranteed. 212 N. llith. 720 D3
VANTED , scaled bids on or before . * < > * em -
ber II , 1S > 9S for n system of water works
for th village of Clurks , Nebraska. For
particulars nnd speclllcutlons ndilr. . - A.
B. StcNirns. Village Clerk. Nov. - I dlt
F ' . IS2.1 Lrav'w'th 23 Novtl
3LLA DAY , Rnmgo Bldg , 13 and Marnoy.
153 Jan.19
SUES & CO , ,
. . , .
lice JMg , , Umnha , Neb.
Send for our free Inven
tor's Guide. Tel. 1G23.
( Should bo rend dally by nil Interested , ns
hangcs may occur at any time. )
foreign malls for the week ending No-
, -ember 8 , im will close ( PROMPTLY In all
nscs ) nt the General I'ostolllco as follows :
1'AuCELS POST MAILS Close out- hour
earlier than closing time shown below.
TrniiN-Atlnntlu Miillx.
SATURDAY At 6:30 : a ? m. for FRANCE ,
Ibll INDIA , per s. B. La Touarlne * . via
Havre ; at G:30 : n. m. for GERMANY ,
( ChrlHtmnla ) , and RUSSIA , per s. s.
Saale * . via Bremen ( letters for other parts
of Europe. Via Cherbourg must be di
rected "per Sanle" ) ; at 6:30 : a. in. for
NORWAY ( Bergen ) , per s. s. Etrurla * .
via Quccnstown ( letters for other purls
of Europe , must bo directed "per Et
rurla" ) ; at 8 u. in. for NETHERLANDS
direct , per s. s. Rotterdam , via Rotter
dam ( letters must be directed "per Rot
terdam" ) ; ut 9 a. m. for ITALY , per H. s.
Augusta Victoria , via Naples ( letters must
be directed "pur Auguste Victoria" ) ; at 10
n. m. for SCOTLAND direct , per s. H
Ethiopia , via Glasgow ( letters must bo
directed "per Ethiopia'- ) .
steamers on Tuesdays take Printed
Matter , etc , , for Germany , nnd Specially
Addressed Printed Matter , etc. , for other
parts of Europe. American nnd Whlto
Star steamers on Wednesdays , German
steamers on Thursdays , nnd Cunard ,
French and Gorman steamers on Satur
days take Printed Matter , etc. , for all
countries for which they are advertised
to carry mall.
After the closing of the Supplementary
Trans-Atlantic Mails named above , addi
tional supplementary malls are opened on
the piers of the American. English ,
French and German steamers nnd remain
open until within Ten Minutes of the hour
of sailing of steamer.
MnlU for South mill Central America ,
West Iiiillux , 1C to.
FRIDAY At 10 a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 :
a. m. ) for AUX-CAYES , JACMEL and
SANTA MARTHA , per s. s. Holstein.
SATURDAY At 2:30 : a. m. for NEW
FOUNDLAND , per s. s. Corean from
Philadelphia ; nt 10 a. m. . supplementary
10:30 : u. m. for PORT AU PlllNCE and
PETIT GOAVE , per s. B. Alps ; at 10
a. m. ( supplementary 10:30 : a. m. ) for
ANILLA nnd CARTHAOENA. per u. s.
Adirondack ( letters for Costa Rica must
be directed "per Adirondack" ) ; at 10:30 :
a. in. for CAMPECHE , CHIAPAS. TO-
BASCO and YUCATAN , per s. s. City of
Washington ( tetters for other parts of
Mexico and Cuba must be directed "per
City of Washington ) ; at 10:30 : a. m. lor
HAITI , per s. s. Prlns Wlllem V ( letters
for Venezuela , Curacao , Trinidad , Brlt-
Isn and Dutch GulUna must be directed
"per Prlns Wlllem V" ) ; at 10:30 : n. m
TRIES , per B. s. Galileo , via Pernam-
buco , 'Bahla nnd Rio Janeiro ( letters for
North Brazil must bo directed "per Gali
leo" ) ; at 11 a. in. for BRAZIL nnd LA
PLATA COUNTRIES , per s. s. Capri , via
Rio Janeiro ( letters must bo directed "per
Capri" ) : at 12 m. for NEWFOUNDLAND
per s. s. Silvia ; nt 12 m. for BRAZIL
and LA PLATA COUNTRIES , per s. s
Roman Prince , via Rio Janeiro ( letters for
North Brazil must bo directed "per Ro
man Prince" ) ; at 1 p. m. for NORTH
BRAZIL , per s. H. Llabononse , via Para
Maranlmm and Ceara ; at 1 p. m. ( sup
plementary 1:30 : p. m. ) for PO11TO RICO
AN1LLA and CARTHAGENA , via Cura
cao , per a. s. Philadelphia ; at 8:30 : p. m
for NEWFOUNDLAND , per steamer
from North Sydney.
Malls for Newfoundland , by rail to Halifax
and thence bysteamer , close at thlb olllce
dally at 8:30 : p. m. Malls for Mlquelon
by rail to Boston and thence by steamer
close at this ofllco dally at 8:30 : p. in. Mallx
for Cuba close at this ofllco dally at 7 a
m. , for forwarding by steamers sailing
Mondays and Thursdays from Per
Tampa , Fla. Malls for Mexico City , over
land , unless specially addressed for des
patch by steamer , close at this office
dally at 2:30 : a. m. nnd 2:30 : p. m. * Rcg
Htercd moll closes ut C p. m , prevloits
Trnnn-Pnulflc Matin.
Malls for China and Japan , per s. s. Em
press of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , close
hero dally up to October * 31st at 6:30 : p. m
Malls for cnma , Japan and Hawaii , per
s. s. City of Rio Janeiro ( from San i ran
rlsco ) , close here dally up to November
4th at 6:30 : p. in. Malls for Hawaii , " , ) er s
s. Australia from San Francisco ) close
hero dally up to November 10th at 6:3i :
p. m. Malls for Australia ( except Wes
Australia ) , New Zealand , Hawaii and Flj
Islands , per s. s. Aorangi ( from Van
couver ) , close here , dally after Octobe
2Sth nnd up to November 10th at 6:3f :
p. m. Malls for China and Japan , pe
H. s. Olympla ( from Taeoma ) , clos here
dally up to November * 21st at 6:30 : p. m
Malls for the Society Islands , per ship
Galileo ( from San Francisco ) , close hen
dallv up to November 25th ut GSO : p. m
Malls for Australia ( except thone feWest
West Australia , which are forwarded vli
Europe ) , New Zealand , Hawaii , Fiji nnd
Samoan Islands , per a. s , Moana ( from
San 1' ranclsco ) , close here dally up to November
vomber * 25th at 7:00 : n. m. , 11 a. m. urn
G:30 : p. m. ( or on arrival at New York o
s. s. Etrurla with BrltJ > h malls for Aus
Trans-Pacific malls nro forwarded to port o
Hailing dally nnd the sch'dulo of closing 1
arranged on the presumption ot their un
interrupted overland transit. "Rcglstcre
mall closes at G p. m. , previous day.
Postofllce , New York , N. Y. , October 2 !
Overland Route" General
OfllccH , N. E. Corner Ninth
nnd Farnam Streets. City
Ticket Ofllce , 1302 Farnam
Street. Telephone 31G. Depot -
pot , Tenth and Mason
Streets. Telephone 623.Leave.
Leave. Arrive.
"The Overland
Limited" for Den
ver. Salt Luke ,
and western P'ts. . 8:50 : am 4:43 : pm
The Colorado Spe
cial , for Denver &
all Colorado p'ts. * 11:33 : pm * 6:40 : am
Fast Mall Train for
Denver , Halt Lake ,
Pacific coast and
all western points. 4:33 : pm CtO : nm
Lincoln. Beatrice fe
Btromsburg Ex. . . . 3:30 : pm " 12:30 : pm
Fremont , Columbus ,
Norfolk , Grand
Island and North
Platte * 4:33 : pm * * 4:13 : pm
Columbus Local . . . . 6:50 : pm * 9:40 : am
South Omaha Local Pass Leaves , 6:15 : a.
m. ; 7:00 : n m. : St:10 : u. m. ; 3:05 : p. m. Ar
rives , 10:30 : a in. ; 3:30 : p. m. ; G p. m.
Council Bluffs Local Leaves G:40 : n. m. ;
6:50 : a. m. ; 7:40 : a. m. ; " 9:40 : a. in. ; 10:30 : a.
m , ; 12-30 p. in. ; 2:15 : p. m. ; 4:30 : p. m. ; 4:33 :
p. m. ; 4:53 : p. m. ; 5:53 : p , m. ; 8:20 : p. m. Ar
rives , 7:20 : a. in. ; 8:25 : a. m. ; 9:10 : u. m. ; 11:30 :
u. m , ; 3:05 : p. m , ; " 3:30 : p. m. ; 4:20 : p. m. ;
6:40 : p. m. ; 6:30 : p. m ; " 6:50 : p. m. ; 9:03 : p. m. ;
11:5S p. m.
Dully. Dally except Sunday.
St. Paul Railway City
Ticket OUlce , 1504 Farnam
Street. Telephone , 241. De-
iotTenth | and Mason
Streets. Telephone. C29.
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Limited
Exprees , . . . . 5:43 : pm 8:20 : nm
; Omaha & Chicago
i Express " 11:00 : am * 4.13 pm
Bloux City and De *
Molnes EXPWHS . " 11:00 : am " 413pm
I Dally , Dally cxccnt Hummv J
( Continued. )
KOiirl River Railroad "Tin
Burllnxton Route" Ocn
eral Ofllcef , N. W. Cornet
Tenth anil Furnam Streettt.
Ticket Olllce , 1502 Fartirun
i i Street. Telephone 250. De
ut , 'lenth and Mason Streets. TelephoiH
Leave. Arrive.
, tncoln. Hustings
and McCook 1 S:35 : am ' 9:35 : nm
Lincoln , Denver ,
Colorado , Utah.
California , Black
Hills , Montana &
Pugct Sound 4S3 : pm 4:00pm :
lastlnRS Local 7:00 : pin " 7:40 : ptu
.Incoln Fast Mall. 2:53 : pm " 11:40 : nm
jonver. Colorado
Utah , California &
I'uget Sound ' 11:50 : imi 2:15 : am
Dally. Dally except Sunday.
Cansas City Day
Express 9:0o : am 1 6:10 : pm
Kansas City Night
Express 11:00 : pm C30 ; am
"Exposition Flyer"
for St Joseph and . .
St. Louis 4:50 : pm 12:05 : pin
& qulncy Railroad "Thn
Burlington Burlington Route" Ticket
Olllce. 1502 Fnrnam Street.
Route Telephone 250. Depot , T'Wli
and Mason Streets. Telephone -
phone 128.Leave.
Leave. Arrive.
Chicago Vcstlbuled
Express 5:0o : pm S:10 : am
Chicago Express. . 9:45 : am 4:10 : pm
Chicago Ac St.
Louis Express. . . . 7:4u : pm ' ' S:10 : urn
Crcstou Local ' ' 0:15 : am
'aclfic * J'e't'n Local 11:53 : am ' 5:40 : pm
fast Mull ' 2SO : pm
Chicago Special 2:15 : am ' ' 11:50 : pm
Dally. Dallv excout Sunday.
' ' _ . " " I OMAHA & ST. LOUIS RAIL-
puRT r > Ad Omaha , Knnsan City A
ARTHUR Eastern Railroad "Tho Port
s"- Arthur Route"-Tlckct Office
1415 Farnam Street. Telephone -
phone 322. Depot , Tenth and
Mason Streets. Telephone 629.
Leave. Arrive.
? t. Louis Cannon
Ball Express 4:60 : pm 11:30 : am
iicnpoll * * & Omaha Railway
General Olllce * , Nebraska
Division , Fifteenth and
_ Webster Streets. City
Ticket Ofllce. 1401 Furnam Street. Tele
phone , 661. Depot , Fifteenth and Webster ,
Streets. Telephone , 145S.Leave.
Leave. Arrive.
Sioux City Accom. . " 8:50 : am 1 8:35 : pm
Sioux City Accom. . " 9:50 : am 1 7:00 : pin
B I n 1 r , Emerson
Sioux City , Ponca ,
Hartlngton and
Bloomlleld 1:00 : pm 11:55 : m
Sioux City , Man-
kato , St. Paul &
Minneapolis 6:00 : pm 9:00 : an
No. 2. St. Paul Lim
ited Makes no
stops In Neb ' C:0) : pm
No. 1 Exposition
Limited Makes no
stops In Neb 1 9:00 : ara
Nos. 21 and 22
Exposition Local ,
to Emerson , stops
nil stations except
Brlggs 6:15 : pm 8:30 : ara
Dally. Dally except Sunday , " Sun-
day only.
Missouri Valley Railway-
General Offices. United
States National Bank Bldg ,
_ _ Southwest Corner Twelfth
„ - „
Snfl Farnam Streets. Ticket Office , 1401
Fanam Street. Telephone 661. Depot. IBth
and Webster Streets. ephono fcw.
' 3:00pm : 5:00 : pm
3:00 : pm " " 5:00 : pm
Hastings , York. Da
vid City , Superior ,
Geneva , Exeter &
Sewnrd 3:00 : pm 5:00 : pm
and Fremont " 8:15 : nm " 10:45 : am
Lincoln , Wahoo &
Fremont 8:15 : am 10:45 : am
Fremont Local 8:15 : am
York passenger ' 10:00 : pm 9:40 : am
Dally. * Dally except Sunday. Sun
day only. " " Dally except Saturday.
cm Railway-City Ticket
Ofllce , 1401 Furnam Street.
Telephone , 561. Depot ,
, , Tenth and Mason Streets.
Telephone , 629.
Leave. Arrive.
Daylight Chicago
Special 6:40 : am 11:55 : pro
Mo. Valley , Sioux ,
City. St. Paul &
Minneapolis * 6:00 : am 10:45 : pm
Mo. Valley , Sioux
City 7:45 : am 9:00 : pm.
Carroll , Dcnnlson ,
Council Bluffs * 11:30 : pm 9:40 : am
Eastern Ex. , Des
Molncs , Marshall-
town , Cedar RapIds -
Ids and Chicago. . . 11:03 : nm 4:20 : pm
Atlantic Fiver. Chicago
cage and East 4:53 : pm 4:20 : pm
Fust Mall , Chicago
to Omaha 3:15 : pm
Northern Express. . 5:30 : pm & :40 : am
Omaha-Chicago Spe
cial 6:53 : pin 8:23 : am
Omuha-Chlcugo Ex
press " 9:00 : pm ' 0:55 : am
Dally. "Dally except Saturday. " 'Dally
except Monday.
Railroad General OIHces ,
United States National
Bunk Bulling , S. u v-or.
nrr Twelfth and Farnam
ta * - = > ? sr
5treetr"Tlcket Olllce , HOI Farnam Street.
Telephone. 561. Depot , Tenth and Mauon
Streets , telephone. 629.
GOOam : . 8:40 : am
10:45 : pm
9:00 : pm
Si Pacific Railroad "Tha
Great Rock Island Route. "
City Ticket Office , 1321
Farnam Street. Telephone
428. Depot , Tenth and
Mason Streets. Telephone
62 ! ) .
- - Leave. Arrive.
Des Molnes Local. . . " 7:1 : ? am 11:25 : am
Chicago Express . . . ' 11:30 : am 8:00 : am
Chicago Fast Express -
press * j00 ; pra 1:25 : pm
St. Paul Fast Express -
press * 5:00 : pin " 11:25 : ara
Lincoln , Colorado
Spring * , Denver.
Pueblo nnd West. . 1:30 : pm 4:23 : prn
Des Molnes , Rode
Island nnd Chicago
cage 7:15 : pm ' 8:50 : pin
Colorado Flyer U:48imi : 8:50 : urn
Dally. * * Dalley except Sunday.
rend General Ofllccn and
Ticket Ollice , Southeast Cor
ner 14th Hiid Douglas Street )
Telephone. 104. Depot , 15th
and Webster Sts. Telephone
Leave. Arrive ,
St. Louis-Kansas &
Neb. Limited 3:05 : pin 12:53 : pm
Kansan City & tit.
Joseph Express 9:30 : pm 6:00 : am
Nebraska Local via
Weeping Water " 4:30 : pm " 9:45 : urn
Exposition Local via
Nebraska City 1 6:60 : pm 10:05 : am
Dully. * Dalley except Sunday.
Tlcket Ollice , 1415 Farnum
Street. Telephone , 852. De
, Tenth and Mason
Bet . Telephone , 629.
Leave. Arrive.
St. Louis " " * n linn
Ball" Express . . . . 4W : pm ' 11:30 : am
Results Tell.
The Bee
Want Ads
Produce Results.