THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ESTABLISHED JUKE 10 , 1871. OMAHA , EBIDAY MOBNENfSKOYEM15ER ! , 181)8 ) TW33LV33 PAGES. SIXGLE COPY PIVE OEXTS. SPAIN'S ' LAST BLUFF Dons Talk Loudly of a Rupture of Peace Negotiations , NOT LIKELY TO MAKE GOOD THEIR BOAST Likely to Refuse American Demands on Philippine Question , ANOTHER "LEA FOR TIME MAY BE MADE Spanish Commissioners Disappointed at Lack of European Support. FRANCE IS THE ONLY FRIENDLY NATION I'urln Killtors .Uxpcnil Cnnnhlcrnhlc Gray Muttrr and Illnok Ink In tlic Attempt to Plead Spain' * Cnnne * ( Copyright , 1503 , by Press Publishing Co. ) PARIS , Nov. J. ( Now York World Ca- Wegram--Speclal Telegram. ) The Spanish commission received a long dispatch from Madrid last night and had a prolonged mecU Ing today. They are receiving the strong. est moral support , from the French official press In resisting the American demand re. carding the Philippines , and I hear tonight from a reliable Spanish source that their reply to the American proposal on the Phil- Ipplne question will bo In effect , If not In form , a direct refusal to comply. Sonors Abarzuza and VHIarutla have been engaged preparing a lengthy memorandum to demonstrate the alleged inconsistency be. twecn the protocol and the American pro- Tosal ! _ , although the latter expressly pointed "out the new reasons why the United States required the cession of the whole of the Philippine archipelago. I learn that the Spanish reply deals only incidentally with the debt question , their flrst line of defense fbelng reliance on. the nlleged discrepancy ' , elwccn the protocol and the American demands. The Spanish com missioners have expressed thlcr bitter dis appointment at the absence of support from other European nations outside of Franco In their , resistance to the American proposals. They talk of a rupture of negotiations as a probable result of tomorrow's session , but this i regarded as a mere blurt. Possibly they may make a demonstration by demand ing further time to prepare their reply , but they have as yet no Instructions to break oft negotiations. An amutlng explanation given of a pre posterous story Is that the United States proposed to send a commissioner direct to Madrid. U seems an American newspaper bad applied to Madrid for permission to send ltn , own "commissioner" there , an appllca. tton which was dUtortcd Into the canard already mentioned. Pnrln Common * . PAIUS , Nov. 3. The Echo do Paris today expresses strong approval of the speech do- Jlvered at Worcester. Mass , , by Senator * oar'ln. whlch'-'rio 'denounced the so-called policy pf American 'extension. The pap"or jn'cnUonocl quotes the , speech fully and re- 'rnnrks'lha"t ' all American political men "ap parently do not agree with the policy of conquest. " The Figaro says : "The peace nceotlii- tloim have reached a very critical point. Up to yesterday the Spanish delegates had received no "definite Instructions from Mad rid. Will the Spanish government accept the American proposition ? We doubt It. " The 1'etlt Bleu remarks : One must admit In looking beneath the surface that -the - late war has completely changed the American character. Outside of being anxious merely for commercial su- Iircmancy and playing a small political part , save regarding the- South American repub lics. the United States felt no desire to In terfere In European politics. But every thing changes very suddenly. After the suc cess again * ! Spain the American government felt Itself capable of taking part In Euro pean politics , and the advances of Great Britain showed the American ministers they could speak up.This popular feeling has Included the American government to de mand the whole of the archipelago , when , at the outset , a part of the Philippines was all that was demanded. The new demand ex ceeds a war Indemnity and thl la the weak point which American diplomacy has en countered. The Spanish government Is at the end of Its resources , and hopeless as It Is for It to attempt to master the Insurrec tion In the Philippine- Islands , even If they were handed over to It tomorrow , It Is evi dent that If. Instead of using the word " " " " cash "abandonment. "cession" against a Indemnity la spoken of , the Spanish and American delegates may come to terms. The American delegates nave made * ev- cral offers , and have at the present time proposed the sum of $40,000.000. The Span- lards want more end have demanded J100- 000.000. Cherlxli nil Illusion , The Bpanifh delegates , for whoso sad con dition one must feel nlt.Vi had for a mo ment the Illusion that Europe would Inter vene and defend the Interests of Spain. They must have lost this Illusion by now. American diplomacy haft played Its part \vlth great cleverness and has from the out- Pcl gained an extraordinary position. At thu present moment the United State ? Is tak ing advantage of the hatrtd against Eng land , which Is growing upon the continent , and offers Its neutrality If Europe will leave the United States a free hand with Spain. Besides , Europe really has no interest to Interfere. The various European govern ments foresee what will Inevitably come If the United States restores the Philippine Islands to Spain. Ati soon as Spain had proved her Inability to quash the revolt , Cjcrmnny would offer her assistance and Im mediately the covctoudness of French , En glish und Russian diplomacy would provoke International Intervention which would raise a quarrel of exceptional gravity. At the present moment It Is because some thing of the port might happen that the nttltudo of Europe In general towards the Spaniards and Americans Is aa follows : Come to some agreement about the price of thu Philippines ; make concessions on either side : but whatever you do , be quick about U. There ore plenty of troubles floatIng - Ing round just now upon the political linr- Izou without a prolongation of these dan gerous negotiations of yours. The generally accepted view hero of the peace negotiations la that the Spaniard : will not agree to the proposition submitted by the Americana to take the Philippine Islands and to reimburse Spain the monej spent upon permanent Improvements IE tboso Islands. But there U conflict of opin ion its to whether the SpanUh commission ers tomorrow will present a counter prop. csltlon. Kxpec.t n Counter Proportion. "WASHINGTON , Nov. 3. By way of prep- Bratlon for what may happen at the meetIng - Ing of the peace commissioners In Paris tomorrow It may be said that tbe offlclali hero have no Ide * that the Spanish reply vrlll bo an unconditional acceptance of oui last proposition relating to the arqulsltloi of the Philippines. On the other hand , thej do not expect an unequivocal rejection What U likely to occur U that the Spanist commissioners will come In with a countei proposition , the basis of which probably wil bo a considerable Increase In the num of money to be paid to the Spanish govern ment for the Philippines. This will open the way to negotiations on that subject and , Inasmuch as the commissioners spent about six weeks considering the sections of tbe protocol dealing with Cuba and Porto Illco , U Is reasonable to believe that at least a few days may bo property allowed for the dis cussion of the Philippines. In short , It may be en Id that the officials hero do not expect a final breach of relations between the commissioners to occur tomorrow , not withstanding the comments of unfriendly European newspapers In that linn. MADHIU PHHSS ouows IIYSTKIUCAI , l' MTcr Itenllxi' thnt nn Appeal to Huropc Woii111 lie Futile. MADRID , Nov. 3. The announcement of the Intentions of the United States regardIng - Ing the Philippines has greatly excited the public here. It Is generally recognized , however , that It would be absolutely futile to appeal to Europe which has abandoned Spain to Its fate. The newspapers protest vigorously against "the Incredible cynicism and abuse of strength of the Americans. " El Glebe exclaims : "Europe and America seem determined to sanction by cowardice and selfishness a crime that will bo a blot upon the history of the century. " SPANISH MEMBERS OFFENDED Snicnaln AVII1 IMenil Xo Mlnlntry Con III Mvc If the Amerlcnn Pence Tornm Were Accepted. NEW YORK , Nov. 3. A dispatch to the Evening Post from Paris says : The reported rupture of peace negotiations between Spain and the United States Is not credited in the French foreign office. Franco willingly will serve again as an In termediary in the hope of putting Spain un der permanent moral , as well as financial obligations , thus strengthening her own po. sltlon In the European balance of power. Paris and Brussels bankers are taking active Interest in the question of Spanish debt. The Spanish members of the commission are offended by the curtness of the memorandum - randum of the American claims. The American members will probably wel come a change In the Spanish side , as they are not a match In legal subtleties for Senor Montero Rlos. Whether there Is a rupture tomorrow or not , Senor Sagasta U likely to contlnuo to dictate the negotiations. I have high authority for prognosticating the course of the flrst dispute over the American Inter pretation of the third article of the protocol and the claims upon the Philippines for war Indemnity as Inconsistent with the previous articles , and also with the original diplo matic correspondence through Messrs. Cam- bon and Patcnotre. Senor Sagasta will nay that he considers that Porto Rico Is a sufficient Indemnity. In the second place , it non-suited , he will proceed to put a value upon the Philippines far In excess of any possible war indemnity , on the Idea that Germany and England , or even France , would offer terms higher than the Americans take as the base of negotia tions. He will plead that no Spanish minis try could live If they accepted the American terms. Aa a third step ho would resign office , leaving the negotiations to begin over again and under a conservative ministry. Thus a speedy termination of negotiations la not expected. The commlsloners are rent ing apartments ontsldo the hotel. RED CROSS MISSION FAILURE Supplies for IlcconcentrniloN , Hut Xot for Suffering Soldlcro Major Appel'ii SnroiiHtlc Ilcport. NEW YORK , Nov. 3. Following Is an extract from the report of Major A. H. Appel , surgeon United States army. In charge of the hospital ship Olivette , to Sur geon general Sternberg : "While the relief associations did excel lent work during the latter part of the war In the emergency of the campaign at San tiago , the medical department of the army was our sole reliance and required all the training and experience of the regular med ical officers with the Fifth corps , few enough In number , to meet the emergency. "There was no Tack whatever of neces sary medical and surgical supplies. But after the battle of OuaKlmas , when we brought the wounded down the hill at Slboney , they were woefully lacking change of raiment , having landed with but the clothey they had on their backs , which were worn Into rags , covered with mud and saturated In many Instances with blood from their wounds. "The steamer State of Texas , chartered and loaded with supplies of all kinds by he Red Cross association , with Miss Clara Barton on board , about this time came to anchor at Slboney. Accompanied by my executive officer , Llcptenant D. C. Howard , I called upon MIsa Barton , explained to her the situation and asked her whether ehe coufd supply tboso men with clean under wear or pajamas. The president of the National Red Cross society received mo most cordially and showed me the cargo manifest of the State of Texas , wherein there were listed numerous boxes of clothing , but stated that the riuppllcs were not for the soldiers , ; It was the government's business to look after them , not the business of the Red Cross society , and all supplies In her charge were for the Cuban recnnccntrados and all would bo held until It was possible to deliver them to these people. There were at the time a number of aurgcons on board thu State of Texas and four trained nurses , but , although we were working night and day taking care of the sick and wounded , no assistance was given by them until some days afterward , when our own men were ready to drop from fatigue. 'My mission , so far as the Red Cross ship was concerned , was a failure. The net result was a society tract which Miss Barton kindly presented to me. As I was leaving the ship I was requested to ac cept a few bottles of malted milk. About a month later I received a communication from the accountant of the association , re questing a receipt for the same as a basla upon which to make claim upon the govern ment for reimbursement. " LEVY STRUCK A HOT PACE TlinimniiilN , 1'lnyeil the ItneeH nnil StnrtN to Hlope. with an Actrt-HH. lint U CniiKht. KANSVS CITY. Mo. , Nov. 3. Ely Levy , n youth about 20 years of age , who was ac cused of having cn.bezzlcd from hla em ployers , Weston & Levy , wholesale butchers of this city , was arrested at the union depot tonight while en route to Denver In th < company of a young woman , who claims tc bo au actress , who withholds her name She remains with her companion at the citj prison. Levy admitted tonight that lift ant the bookkeeper , named Cohen , bad embezzlei J8.000 from their employers , ono of wuoir la Levy's brother , and that the money had been lost on the races. Texux linen Into Dry lloek. NEW YORK. Nov. 3. The United States battleship Texas arrived today from Phila delphia , It will go to the navy yard to bt placed In dry dock for repairs to the pro. pt'llor , which was Injured by contact will o lee while proceeding up. the Delaware , CROWDS CHEER MEIKIEJOI1N Court Eoom Packed at Geneva by Eager Throng of Listeners , PRETENSIONS OF POPOCRATS PUNCTURED ClnlniN of Itrptilillrnii I'nrtjfor Snf. frnKt'ft of the I'ooplo Clenrly Hct 1'ortli In I'loqurnt nnil Con- vlncliiHT .Speech. GENEVA , Neb. , Nov. 3. ( Special Tele gram. ) One of the most successful political meetings ever held In Flllmoro county oc curred hero tonight when Hon. George D. Mclklejohti addressed an audieuco v. bosc goodly proportions made him ghul that Jils fortunes had brought him among his oUl friends. The district court room wns pasktd. It was a dusty evening , but the farmers came to hear Mr. Melklejoan Jiibt the sarao , By the time the Ladles' banl of Geneva commenced playing "Mhrchlng Through Georgia , " the crowd was growing Impatient. The appearance of the chairman , Dr. H. L. Smith , and the distinguished speaker was greeted with applause. Mr. Melklejohn made a strong speech and Ms hearers were not backward In evincing their appreciation. The speaker opened his address by referring to the great convention of over one hundred years ago when the constitution of the United States was adopted without political Intervention. Ho desired his auditors to face the problems of today as American citizens just as our fore fathers had. Ho referred to the prophecies of the opposing party In 1896. They had urged that the republican party would pauperlzo labor , strike down the products of the people and deliver the country Into the hands of the money power. The promises of blessings the 16 to 1 fallacy would bring upon the people arc being repeated today In this state Just as they were two years ago. In reference to the promises of the repub licans , he asked how they had been ful filled. The pleas of the worklugraen for em ployment had been followed by the music of the forge , the factory and farm. The laborer Is now in demand and the products of the farm are being consumed. Ho told how many millions of dollars the exports exceeded the Imports under republican dom ination and how McKtnley had called con gress together fifteen days after taking the oath of office. That session saw the repeal of thu Wilson bill and the passage of the Dlngley measure , which has brought mil lions' Into the treasury. It was the key that unlocked the treasure vaults , opened the ground and ushered In the prosperity which has filled the banks of Seward and Flllmoro counties with thousands of dollars. Drop J.'rec Silver. Mr. Melklejohn said when the fuslonlsta opened this campaign they talked free sil ver. Then they turned to the defalcation of Bartley. The speaker was sorry Bartley had proven false to his trust , but every avocation In life Is tainted by the touch of fraud and the presence of black sheep. Per sonally , he was Indignant when he heard of the treasurer's peculations , but the re publican party was not responsible. The speaker said this had not proven a good campaign argument for ttie opposition , be- ' cs\ise It < wn& found that the populist irtai- urers in fdiirtoen counties were short over J200.000. In Gosper county the defaulter had attempted to conceal his shortages by the additional crime of arson. Mr. Mclklejohn referred to the depleted national treasury when Mr. McKlnley was elected and pointed to the surplus now. Ho told of the sale of $262,000,000 bonds un der Mr. Cleveland's administration and com pared it to that lately consummated by Mr. McKlnley , when the American people se cured the profits. Speaking of the war , Mr. Melklejohn said the administration had sought to avoid It. Once- the declaration was made , however , the president proceeded to act with prompt ness. Volunteers were called for and the speaker said he was glad to know of the gallant record made by the Geneva company In Manila. They were entitled to praise , but the thousands of boys who remained in homo camps ought to receive the same credit. They had done all that was required of them. Mr. Melklejohn said the War department had done Its best to preserve the lives of all the boys. Clothing had been purchased , equipment secured and the best rations the world could provide were sent to the lads In blue. Nothing had been left undone and the carping critics who were constantly finding fault with somebody know It. Circulars had been distributed on the streets In the afternoon , containing the charge that Dr. Huldekoper was a veter inarian. Mr. Melklejohn told of the Penn- sylvanlan's record , how he had been a sur geon In the national guard for nineteen years , how ho was highly recommended by medical authorities and how the nineteen ; national guard regiments of Pennsylvania . wanted him appointed. The statement seemed to please his audience greatly , as they showed their satisfaction by prolonged . applause. The speaker closed with on ex- i presalon of hope that love of country would 1 overcome partisanship and that his old friends would sustain the president In his past action in placing this country In the vanguard of nations. HOT CAMl'.VION IS IV I'HOfJHI SS. \iiineroiiM I'olltlc-nl ClntliertiiKM Helil All Over the State. HAHTINGTON , Neb. , Nov. 3. ( Special. ) Hon. W. F. Norrls , condldate for con gress from this district , addressed the voters of Hartlngton and this vicinity In the court house last evening. Large and enthusiastic delegations were here from the neighboring towns and the largo court room was filled to overflowing. Judge Norrls con- lined hlmseff entirely to national issueo and was listened to with close attention and often greeted with prolonged applause. He took Issue with his opponent , Judge Ilohlnson , and quoted from the Madison He- porter , Hoblnyon'H ofllclal organ , as follows : "Ono of the great reasons why Judge Rob inson should bo elected from this congres sional district Is because he stands opposed to every act and policy of the present ad ministration. What better endorsement could a man have ? " Judge Norrla declared that he stood with the administration on every proposition and considered that the Reporter's declaration was the worst en dorsement that Robinson could have. This alone will lose Robinson hundreds of votes In this district , as the people , Irrespective of party , are In sympathy with the presi dent. Judge Norrls was for many years Judge of this judicial district and his hearty reception told how highly ho Is esteemed by the people ple where he Is so well known , H Is con ceded by the opposition that Cedar county will roll up for him a good majority at the polls. ALBION , Nob. , Nov. 3. ( Special Tele gram. ) Hon. T. L. Matthews , republlcac candidate for state auditor , addressed the people of Albion at the opera house lasl night on the questions of the day. Mr Matthews la one of the most eloquent speak ers that have addressed the people here , H < was clvcn close attention by all present and ho presented the Issues 6f the day In a clear , concise manner. The { people seem to be awakening to the Importance of the coming election and unless all signs fall lloouc county will bo a surprise to the populists when the return voters counted ou TUPS- day. day.AUBURN AUBURN , Neb. , Nov. 3. ( Special. ) A fair sized audlcnco gathered at the now opera house last evening to listen to W. D. Oldham of Kcarnoy and State Auditor Cornell. Their speeches wt-ro lengthy and a largo number retired during the speak ing. During the day the following circu lars were circulated by unknown persons : Mr. Cornell will tell you this evening why ho has had so many of his family and rela tives on the state pay roll. He will explain - plain to you why they all ride on railroad passes. He will also tell you why , as a member of the State Board of Public Lands and Buildings , he Ignored the mandate of the supreme court and refused to feed the children in the Home for the Friendless. Ho can easily explain , why Kansatt City butterlno Is good enough for the poor un fortunates In the state Institutions. To the first question Mr. Cornell answered that ho had one nephew ou the pay roll , but no more , and relative to the second ho said that ho had a largo number of relatives but that ho did not know that they all rode on passes. Replying to the third statement ho said that as auditor ho promptly obeyed the mandate of the supreme court In the matter and as to the b'utterlne question he said that some butterlnt ) had been bought for cooking purposes . -while butter was scarce. Considerable indignation ds felt In this city regarding the nctsjof fusion assessors In search of campaign' funds. According to the letter of two little daughters of u widow woman they WP O assessed 13 per cent of their wages of | 1G per month nt tl Asylum for the Blind. \ WYMORE , Nov. 3. The republicans held an enthusiastic meeting at the opera house hero last evening , the speakers being Hon. W. S. Summers of Lincoln and John F. Taylor , candidate for wperlntendent of pub lic instruction. Both speeches were full of good , sound argument , and were Interrupted by applause throughout * The republicans here feel safe and this will probably bo the last meeting held hare for the campaign. SHELTON , Neb. , Nov. 3. ( Special. ) Hon. W. H. Michael , chief clerk of the State department at Washington , spoke to nn ap preciative audience at the opera house last evening. Ho pointed -out that during the last two years the country , and especially Nebraska , has merged from depression In every line to prosperous" times and that stock , grain and lands have gained in value to the extent of 50 per cent under a re publican national administration. Mr. Michael is not so much an orator as a splen did reasoner and his remarks had a goo'd effect. * TECUMSEH , Neb. , Nov. ' 3. ( Special Tele gram. ) The janitor of the building was not the only man In attendance at W. D. Old- ham's political meeting at the court house hero tonight , but there" were not many others. Mr. Oldham waited and waited again from a calamity standpoint , but his effort was wasted on the vacant chairs. GOTHENBURG , Neb. , ' Nov. 3. ( Special Telegram. ) A good crowd heard Charles B. Winter hero this evening on the political Issues of the day. Last night the populists tried to hold a meeting , but it was a flat failure. Republicans will , gain 200 votes In Dawson county tbls fa ] ! . ; Date * Arc All Taken anil CnmpnlKii In ProKfcifiliiK Sntlsfiictnrll- . LINCOLN , Nov. 3. ( Special. ) E. J. Bur- < ott , republican candidate for congress from the First district , has sent the following reply to James Mnnaban , who asked him to name dates for Joint debates on the issues of the campaign : Dear Sir : Your letter of recent dale , ask- ng mo to participate in n series of Join * lebates , IB at hand. In reply permit mo .o say that I have not a single open date before election. My meetings are all ad vertised and halls engaged. Therefore , it will be impossible for me to accept your nvltatlon. My campaign so far has been very satis factory to myself and I trust also to others who are interested In ray election. Mv meetings have been large and enthusiastic. A Joint debate would possibly give mo an opportunity to talk to some fnw fuslonlsts that will not attend a regular republican meeting. But I am inclined to the opinion : hat a man who refuses to attend a public political meeting , eacept baited there by u lopullst speaker , would be so unwilling a listener that little hope remains for his po- Itlcal redemption. I have preferred also , in this campaign , to divide my time with good republican speakers. You challenge my position that the hands of President McKlnley should bo upheld. Our positions are evidently antagonistic upon this point. I do not doubt your position upon this question , nor further do I doubt that if elected your political association and party loyalty would carry you even so far is it did the opposition forces in congress during the last session , who absolutely re fused to vote for necessary war measures , except they had free silver and greenback riders attached. So manifest was the po litical antagonism that It called forth the following editorial In your national fusion organ , the Washington Times , of Juno 22 'The ' president stands before the world to day as one pursuing a patriotic policy in the teeth of unreasoning democratic opposi tion. " I do not believe the people are with you in your attitude toward the administra tion. The American people are loyal am ! while differing upon some of the Issues ol the day the majority of them are enthusi astic in their support of the governmenl at Washington and so far they are well satisfied with McKlnley's administration ol the affairs of our nation. They also believe that he should bo surrounded with mer who will not be embarrassed by partj affiliations which pledge them to hindci rather than assist in the many importanl measures arising from the recent war. You say you "declare congress to bo r co-ordinate. Integral branch of government. ' As the constitution of the United States de clared this ono hundred years ago , It wouli bn unnecessary for us to debate this qucs. tlon or any other part of the constitutor of the United States. In reference to the Gage bill ( which seem ) to have been entirely overlooked by you Ii the hustle of this campaign until Georgi Fred Williams of Boston called nttentlor to It u few days ago ) , I would suggest thn after the monetary campaign of 1896 It li not strange that many congressmen foum and Introduced finance bills In accordanci with their ldc < is , but it is a little rldlculoii' ' that you should choose from this great nutn her of bills one particular bill , demand j joint debate upon It and then demand tha I take tbo affirmative. I may desire ti draft , Introduce and support a bill of m ; own upon this question , If the people de cide that I represent them as the next con gressman from the First district. Nobod ; ever asked me to champion that bill and llnd nothing in the republican platforn upon which 1 stand requiring me to sup port this or any other particular bill. am a republican and am pledged to the pee pie by republican platforms and repuhllcai traditions to protect the people's Interest ! of this district. If elected I shall give ti every question that arises due time am attention and determine ray vote only aftc mature deliberation. Now is It not bette that the people know that this bill Is belni held up as a. great ghost by your speaker and press , just as they cried two years agi that If the republican candidates wen elected they would take nwny all the rllve : money , Again , I suggest tint I am advocutlni dally the principles of the- republican part ; as announced and set forth In Its platforn and prefer to continue to do so rather thai to spend my time In discussing what yoi mtv choose to say these principles are , HE DENOUNCES EXPANSION Oarl Schurz Shows flow Dearly Wo Shall Pay for Commercial Greatness , OTHER SIDE OF THE QUESTION PRESENTED AiMinlfllllnn of XIMV Trrrllory MeiuiN I'nllmlteil OpporttinltleN for Cor- riiiitlou nnil Many More. Tniu- inaiijN He SIIJN. NEW YOUK , Nov. S.-'A muss meeting was helil In Chlckcrlng hall tonight In thu Interest of the independent state ticket of the Citizens' union. State Issues were ills- cussed. The principal speaker was Carl Schurz , who took occasion to forcibly pre sent his views on territorial expansion. Mr. Schurz entered upon a dlsciibsluu of territorial expansion , saying that , whilu the campaign In this state should have been waged on state Issues , Colonel llooscvelt hnd forced the annexation Issue by declaring that his election would bo nn endorsement of the policy of keeping all the conquered ter ritory. Ho Bald : The adoption of that policy would be fatal to the republic morally. Congress , In order to satisfy the consciences of our people mid to propitiate the opinion of mankind for our war with Spain , tleelared solemnly that It was to bo a war In behalf of oppressed Cuba , a war of humanity and liberation , anil not of conquest or aggrandizement. President McKlnley had already declared In u manner equally solemn that "annexation by force is not to bu thought of , because , according to our code of morals. It would bo criminal aggression. " Our first duty is to keep our word to do honestly that which we promised , to pre serve the character of our Spanish war as a war of humanity and not of aggrandize ment , to abstain from that "criminal ag gression" which has been denounced by President McKlnlov himself , and thus to maintain our national honor. The annexa tion policy will bring Into our political sys tem millions of Spaniards , creolcs , negroes , Malays , Chinese , Japanese. Filipinos , Tagals and tir. ! ' savage 'tribes whose names we have yet to learn , and thus thrust upon us race problems which , compared with those we already have on our hands , signify much. Will Crciitc XIMV Tamilian } . How can It bo doubted that the annexation policy will bo certain to bring upon us a Hood of corruption such as we have never seen. We denounce the iniquities of Tarn many and justly so. Adopt your annexation policy and you will have American Tam- manys ten times worse scattered by the score over two hemispheres. Start on your policy of Imperialism and who will deny that the peace of the country will be In constant peril ? Do not we hear It said every day now , with horrible cynicism , that after having thrashed the Spaniards nt Manila , we shall have to thrash the Insur gent Filipinos If they refuse to do our will ? Have you considered what that means ? After having pretended to make a war for the sake of humanity. In aid of those who fought against Spanish despotism , wo are told that wo mav have to shoot down the very men who have fought for their liberty , because they may want to be Independent and wo want to rule them. Can you Imagine a fouler blot of shame upon 'the escutcheon of this republic a republic originally founded on the principle that government derives UB J"st powers from the consent o the govevnedZ.- . * 3-.T' ' - . , JrIt.UacuUiifSlne -w urtf to'ocKWi youth of the American people to fight In'lhb Lroplcs , whence they return wasted -wrecks In health and spirits , If they return nt all. For this we am to throw away the greatest glory of this republic which consisted In the Tact that It lived and prospered and grew rich and powerful and secure , not by war , not by building up great armies and navies , but by not needing any. But I am told that we must have new- markets for our products. Cannot we get the market of those countries unless we annex them ? Terrlhle 1'rluc of Commercial Onlii. tlut now , I am asked , do wo owe no duty to tbe peoples we have liberated from the Spanish yoke ? Well , whatever responsibil ities may have been put upon us by the de struction of the Spanish Meets and by the capture of Santiago and Manila , wilt any sane person seriously maintain that the duty the republic owes to the people of the Span ish colonies Is paramount to the duties It owes to Its own 75,000,000 pcoplo and to the untold millions that will occupy this , land of the future ? Must wo In order to do our duty to the Creoles and the Tagals break our solemn pledge that this was to be a war of human ity and not of self-aggrandizement ? Must wo destroy our moral credit among the na tions of the earth' . ' Must wo commit crim inal aggression ? Must we attempt to rule subject populations by arbitrary government which democracy , llko ours , can never do without abandoning Us fundamental prin ciples and rushing Into immeasurable corrup tion ? Must wo thus break down the great trial of general government of by and for the people ple ? Must we bring upon UB the constant danger of war often war or nothing and burden our people with a measurclessly growing load of armaments ? Must wo con tinue to send the sons of the republic to the tropics to bo ruined or gllled by tropical disease ? Must we pay such a terrible price for commercial facilities which through diplomacy might be secured for nothing ? SENATOR PROCTOR'S VIEW If .lurlNilli'tlon IN ANNiimeil lit the Knot There IK XH Stopping I'lncc Sliort < > t the. I'JilllplilnrM. MONTPELIER , Vt. , Nov. S. United ? tate3 Senator Redfleld Vrostor. who ar rived hero yesterday after a trip abroad , this afternoon addressed the joint assem bly of the l.ouse and senate which last month re-elected him. Seaator Procter's address was confined to an outline of the foreign situation. Ho said. "The future policy of this country Is the greatest question before our people. Hawaii and Porto Hlco have been added to the na tion's dominion and wo have become spon sors for the good government of Cuba. We must assume some responsibility In the far east , whether It bo greater or less. In my opinion the responsibilities In the far east are bound to be ureator. Many wise aivl patriotic men In the country believe we should retain no territory or control any part of the Philippines beyond a coaling sta tion or possibly a single Island. I recognize the cogency of their argument , but have fulled to see clearly any practical way ol carrying out their views. If any jurisdic tion Is assumed In the cast there Is no log ical stopping place short of the whole ol the Philippines. To establish a divided sov ereignty would Invite trouble. Since thai May morning when the Spanish fleet was de stroyed It has seemed to me practically set tled that Spain must surrender her entire control of the Philippines. You will par don mo If I have spoken too plainly , but II seemed to mo that a frank statement of what I believe would bo the Inevitable outcome was not Improper at this time. " AVImllnu ; li | n ClileiiKn Hunk , CHICAGO , Nov. 3. The Dank of Com. merce , a stata bank with $500,000 capita and $1,000,000 deposits , has voted to go lnt < voluntary liquidation , Its deposit * uud at equal amount of Its hills receivable will tx takrn over by tlie I'nlon National bank The affairs of the Dank of Commerce wll be wound up by Its directors and the pro. ceeds paid to IU stockholders. CONDITION OF THE WEATHER Forecast for Nebraska Cloudy , Followed by Hnln ; Colder. YoHlrrdny'n Temperntnre nt Oninlini Hour. DOR. Hour , PANAMA NOW SAFE IN PORT , TrmiNportVhlfli WIIN Hrporteil AVreoUeil StviiniM Into llnvnnii llnrlinr lit ( Joint Conilltlon. HAVANA , Nov. 3. The transport Panama , from Santiago , fears for whoso safety had been entertained , arrived here this morning at 0 a .m. , and landed seven American pas sengers , Including some military officers. It left Havana at about 10 a. m. , Its destination being New York. It fs thought the Panama has about 400 sick men on board. The Panama remained only long enough In port to land passengers and proceeded on the trip north within an hour of reaching Havana. The party landed includes Congressman John F. Dalzell. J. F. Slagle , E. M. Gross , J. R. Savage , Jr. , C. F. Burgsman , ex-Con gressman George F. Huff and W. L. Howes. They have Just visited Ponce , San Juan do Porto Rico and Santiago do Cuba. The Pan ama acted upon the orders of General Wood In landing the American officers here. Th6y expected to take the next Tampa boat on their way to Washington , but owing to quarantine regulations will have to stay until November IS , The Panama did not encounter any bad weather. RAISING SPANISH WAR SHIPS \avy Department Filially Cont-lnilei Xot to I'liilertakc Any Further WASHINGTON , Nov. 3. Secretary Long said this afternoon that the government would take no further steps to raise the rest of the Spanish war ships destroyed by Admiral Schley's fleet off the coast of Santiago , but that the department would re ceive propositions to that end from any private firm that cared to undertake the work. He added that this determination was based upon the report of the Board of Con struction , which recently had a consultation on ths subject with Naval Constructor Hobson - son , who was personally supervising the wrecking operations. The existing contract with the Merrltt-Chapman company will bo abrogated and operations entirely suspended on the Colon and other vessels pending thn consideration of propositions from private firms to do the work Independent of the government. It Is understood that there are two companies willing to undertake the work at their own risk ; one a Swedish com pany und the other a company on the Pa cific coast. NEW RATIONS FORTHETROPICS 1" > o ; < r A'ow In , U In Army rVnt f/liHi-il rfrVor "iVn.ty'Cotiiitrifcft-Tf " * ' ' " ' ivlth the Cook * . SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. 3. Captain Lee Llnn , chief commissary of the army In the Philippines , who arrived here on the Peru , : s on his way to Washington with official reports. His home Is In Wabash , Ind. , and ho will stop there before returning to Ma- nlla. Ho said In an Interview : "It Is probable that In the future the government will have two kinds of rations , ono for troops In the temperate zone and an other for soldiers In the tropics. I suppose that more moat with practically no fat will bo provided for men In the Philippines. I saw a message of complaint filed by the Col orado regiment. The fault Is not with tht government or the commissary , It Is with iho company cooks and the company officers , There is never any complaint from the reg ulars. They know how to husband their rations. They oven save sufficient to cre ate qulto a company surplus fund. " MANY NEBRASKA MEN SICK Colonel riratt Attribute ! * Their III- newN to Inillne.retlon In KiltIng - Ing ; nnil Drinking. SAN FRANCISCO , Nov. 3. Colonel John P. Bratt of the First Nebraska regiment , who has been honorably discharged on ac count of illness , will leave this evening foi his home In Bennett , Neb. He says thai 15 per cent of the Nebraska troops In Ma nila are s'ck. ' Many of them are 111 with dysentery because of their Indiscretion In drinking the vile soda pop and eating hall rottmi bananas that the natives sell ou the streets. CoiiiinlNMluiiH for Colored Soldier * , WASHINGTON , Nov. 3. The followlnc named officers , recently appointed , have been ordered to Santiago de Cuba and tc report to the commanding officer , Nlntl regiment , United States volunteer Infantry for assignment to duty : First Lieutenant ! Alexander Richardson , Edward Williams William Wllkes ; Second Lieutenants Rob. crt G. Woods , Jacob C. Smith and John W Brown. They are all colored and won formerly attached to the Twenty-fourth In. fantry or Ninth and Tenth cavalry. The ; were promoted on account of dlstingulshec personal gallantry In the field at El Canej and San Juan. WOMAN REFUSES TO ELOPE Chicago MiiNlelnn'M Infatuation Iend Him to Attempt Murder nnil Then KIIU IllniHelf. CHICAGO , Nov. 3. Carl Docile , a rau slclan , ehot Mrs. Bertha Rledel this after , noon because Hhe refused to leave her hua. . band and elope with him. Ho then she himself through the head , Inflicting a fata wound. Docile has been Infatuated with tin woman for a long time and when today shi refused once more to run away with him ho drew a revolver and began to shoot. Mr * Rlcdcl was wounded In tbe i < le , but wll probably recover. ttm-H to the t'hlnii Station. BOSTON. Nov. 3. The gunboat Helena Commander Swinburne , left the navy yan today for the China elation by way of th Suez canal. .Movement * of Ocean VemtelM , Nov. , ' ! At Now York Sailed Weimar , for Bre men. At rived Lahn from Bremen ; Kulse Wllhelm II. , from Mediterranean ports , At Queenstown Sailed Catalonia , fo Boblon ; Majestic , for New York. At Genoa Sailed Allcr , for New York. At Philadelphia Arrived Italia , fron Liverpool. At Baltimore Arrived Munchcn , fron Bremen , At Hamburg Ariivcil Phoenicia , fror New York. At Southampton Arrived Paris , frui New York. At Naples Arrived Werra , from tiv\ York. WILL MARRY AGAIN Emperor Francis Joseph of Auitria to Take Another Wife , HAPPY EVENT TO OCCUR IN NEAR FUTURE His Majesty Waking for Time of Official Mourning to Expire , ARCHDUCHESS MARIE THERESE CHOSEN ONE Prospective Hasty Marriage Prompted by State Reasons , HEIR NEEDED TO THE AUSTRIAN THRONE Woman Who Will In All VrnhnhllKy llconnie Unipreftfi In Snlil to He Attractive anil i\ceeilli sly AlllhltlOUN. ( Copyright , 1S9S , by Precs Publishing Co , ) PARIS , Nov. 3. ( New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram. ) Direct from Austrian court circles comes the sensational announcement that the Austrian emperor , Francis Joseph , contemplates a second mai- rlago an soon as the time of official court mourning has expired , The archduchess , Marie Thorese. daugh ter of Don Mlguer , Is said to find most favor In his majesty's eyes and stands tliu best chauco of mounting the Austrian throne , The prospective hasty marriage Is the re- sulo of a desire for a direct heir to the Austrian throne and all friends of the em peror are urging him to take the contem plated stop. In fact , the future union and peace of the country depends upon the KUC- cescor of Francis Joseph , who himself has had all ho could do to handle the rebellion ) , provinces. Th'o future empress Is attractive- and exceedingly ambitious. GRACE CORNEAU. MARGHAND AND THE KHALIFA French Ollleer Offer * nn Alllnnec llefore the l-'lKlit Taken Place nt Onuliiriiinn. ( Copyright , 1SDS , by Pres > s Publishing Co.l LONDON , Nov. 3. ( New York World Ca blegram Special Telegram. ) The Chronlclo publishes the startling statement that before the battle of Oindurman , Marchand addressed a communication to the khalifa , Inviting him to hoist the French flag and thereby pre vent the attack by becoming an ally of France. Marchand'a letter and the khalifa's reply fell Into the hands of the sirdar's forces. The Dally Mall's Cairo correspondent In terviewed Marchand ou his arrival ut Cairo. Marchand la a man about 35 years of age , of middle height , wiry frame , wears his hair cut close , a black moustache , a short beard , and of manly and modest bearing. Ho ex pressed the greatest admiration the Brit- 'ISu officer'li Ihn jycjan .and added ; 'and ( Jllf itf VIi'tCiV iaiu healthy-anil-Mums , , once havlns'gol over , lhe fovefof the court- try. I. have met with savage tribes , U U true , but these are now my friends. Sly only trouble la that there are no more 'routes ' to conquer. " ' WAR SHIPS REMAIN IN PORT Or < lern for the Sailing of thu HrttUh l > 'lnKNlilp IinperleiiNC from KNifiil- niiiiiU Countermanded. VICTORIA , B. C. , Nov. 3. Orders have been received by the Navy department coun termanding the immediate sailing of the British flagship Imperleusc. U will remain In port until further Instructions. One hun dred and fifty men arrived hero tonight , the new crew of tbo sloop of wai Icarus. I'l'HISI.NT. IX IAMI OP THU HKI1 HHA. Mny Complicate Mattcm HHweeii France , HiiMnla mill AhyHKlnln. LONDON , Nov. 3 , The Rome corre spondent of tha Dally Mall says ; "Tho government has received news from Massowah , In the Red sea , that a thousand Dnnaklls , members of a tribe under Italian protection , recently attacked a caravan near Jibuti ! , cm the west coast of the gulf of Aden , belonging to the Abyssinian envoys who were returning from Paris to the court of the emperor , Menellk. of Abyssinia , with ( M. Lagarde , the representative of the French government , and the late governor of Obok. "The DanakllB , who occupy the territory. between Obok and the mountains of Abys sinia , killed four French soldiers and seized two hundred camels , four thousand rifles , a largo quantity of ammunition and valuable gifts Intended for the Negus. It Is feared that tbo result will bo complications with France , Russia ( ind Abyssinia. " Governor fit.-nt-nil of Camill LONDON , Nov. 3. Among the distin guished people who bid farewell today to the carl and countess of Mlnto , who left Lon don to embark at Llverpoor on board the Bcotflman , bound for Montreal , wrro Henry White , secretary of thn United Slates em bassy , and Mrs. White , Lord Strathcona and Mount Royal of Glencoc , the high com missioner of Canada , and Lady Randolph Churchill. The earl of Mlnto Is on his way to Canada to assume the dnUrn of governor general In succession to the carl of Aber deen. I'rotcNl AKnliiNt HeHirlftlon * . BERLIN , Nov. 3. The Hamburg-Amer ican and the North German Lloyd Steamship companies have protested to the German foreign ofllrc against the now American ap plication of the restrictions Imposed on stcerago passengers passing through Vienna , due to the outbreak of'bubonic plague there , which restrictions , the companies claim , are now extended to cabin passengers. They complain that the restrictions In question are unfair , especially as they do not apply to Intending passengers wlio arc American citizens. Tope IN III. LONDON , Nov. 3. A special dispatch from Rome says the popa Is III , and that his physician , Dr. Lapponl , has been summoned. TO MAKESMOKELESS"POWDER IlrltlNli rioverniiu-nt C'lonen Contract for Sixty C'arloiiilH of Dlxtllleil SplrltH at ChlciiKo. CHICAGO , Nov. 3. The British govern ment ban closed n contract hi'ie tor tbe Im mediate delivery of 125,000 gallons of din- tilled spirits at Montreal , An In.licnt'im ' watt alao given that about ISO.iiOO iX-teas would In all likelihood be ordered within about ten days , This order of 125,000 gape | | amount * to nearly 3,000 barrels and will rr- qulro over sixty cars for its transportation Into Canada , The use of the dUtllled spirits } thus ordered will be In the manufacture of . ' binokclcis powder of which distilled iplrlU 'ato ' ouc of the chief Ingredient * .