THE OMAIIA DAILY BEE : AVEDXESDAY 2. 1808. 11 SPECIAL NOTICES ] Ailt prtlspiiipnt * for llit-Kt1 cithliiiii * trill lie InKcu until 12 in , fur the < M iinlnir mid until SlitU lor niuriihiK iinit Xnmliij i > illtlotiM. Iliitpn , t i.'jc n vKird firm liifierlloni Ic u wnril flicronffrr. Nothing inki-n * Icnw ( linn aSp for tinnmt IIIMIT- tlnn. Tlicm ! mil vrllmMiluiitii must be run connrriifttol ) . A < U rrllatTM , rctincntlnK tiuin- lnTnl check , run June UII LT nil- Iroiipil to n nuiiilii-rcil lettrr In cure of T lie Her. Aiift rrn HII mlclri'MNiMl lll tic dclUrrvil on preNuntulloii of lie rlirrU only. WA.Vt'lMl iilTUATIO.VS. STENOGRAPHER of experience and thorI ouglily tompetcrt waltB position , jounij nmn with iiu4t r'fcroneci ) Address 1" lu , BOP. A-JIS A STENOORAPHER-Whcn you want ono . please call up the Remington typewriter I ofllce , 1513 ruinum st. ) telephone lri3. I A MDs7 N17 | WANTED , position b > young liuij as htcnogrnpher. Address 1112 S 29th nt A-MI75 Nl MALE 1 1 12 1 , P. SALESMEN for rlpnrs. { 123 n month nnrt expenses ; old firm , cxporlpiice unneces sary. C. C. Bishop & . Co. , Ht. Luut < ) , Mo. B-114. TAILORS attend Djhr'B cutting school. 51S H 13. U-9MD ° f2 YOUNG men to learn burlier trude ; onlj 0 to 8 weeks reqiilri'J. we give our crndu- ntcs cmplojmcnt till thpy receive In wages cts much ai thpy pay tor tuition and pxpinsea iPirnlmj Hi Lou's Bar ber collie * . Odd Fpllows' bldg. . Dodge nnd Hth , Omaha. Prof. Randolph , Instructor. B-MOao Ni WANTED , wo linvn stoaoy work for a few good ImMlers of peed ImhltB and npixnr- nnce. C F. Adams Co , 521 So 1'tli St B Un N2J AVANTGO , enerjj'-tlc man or woman for | oulHlclo work ; Rood p-iy woikly. Hawks Nursery Co , Milwaukee , WIs . B-M4CIN27' WANTED , men to learn Inrbcr trado. fieo transportation to our colleges nt Chlrago , St. Louis or Minneapolis , 8 wppks com pletes , outnt of tools presented : wages Saturday from start , steady pos tlons Kimrnntppri : we have contra < ted to plaee SCO j-'radwites as hospital barbers , nl o old grnduites out of emplovment. write t onr . Call or address Moler Barber Colloftft representative , 11 Crclghton 151k. , 13th and Douslaa , Omaha. 13 M. SALESMAN to sell office specialties ; tlno Bide lines : $3 n dav ; used by all mei- phants Model Mfg. Co. , box It. South Hcnd , Ind. B MC92 N29' WANTED 15 teams to haul dirt. $123 per day. Cash Drop. , lllh and Mason Stn BS9 Nl * WANTED , young man as stenographer with Homo knowledge of bookkeeping , state nee and references. P 51. U" " B-M631 3 WANTED , competent stenographer Ad dress F 48 , nee. B-MC32 8 * WANTED , salesman ; salary paid weeklv ; pxp rleneo unneeoHsary , permanent. , Urown Uros. Co. Chicago. U MC ) : MAN or woman of energy and business nullity to tr.ivol for established firm , $30 a month and all expcnsss. I' . AV.leglcr A : Co. , 322 Dearborn St. , Chlcatro , 111 B-MCI3 2 * WANTEIJ rnM\i.n IIULP. WANTED , 150 girls. 1524 Dodge. Tel. 876. C-M18S N20 WANTED , girl for general housework. 2020 Emmet. C M3.SG for general housework. 2S18 Woolworth - worth nve. -MC013 _ COMPETENT GIRI who Is u good cook and laundress. Mrs. 11. C. I'oters. J3H S. 30lh avo. , , C-531 N an companion to old lady. In definite period. Price must bo moderate. Apply nt 3S11 North 20th St. C-PM 1 * AVANTRD , experienced cook , Qcrmnn pre- , ferrcd , ref rcnc.eB iciiulred. Apply be- ! twccn 5 nnd C p. m. at 2o2G Dodge St. I I I C-C23-3 _ WANTED , first-clans waist anil skirt 1m- laher. Mrs. II. C. Mose.s , 303 S. 17th nt : -C21 i * GOOD cook wanted ; private family. Cald- w oil , 630 S. 20th. C MC33 4 roil HEIST IIOUSHS. CI1OICU houses and cottages all over city : J5 to J75. Fidelity , llrut lloor , N. Y. Life. D-ISJ Benowa & Co. , IDS N. 15th St U-143 HOUSES , Btores. liemla , Paxion block. U-15U A TEW cottnscs. 430 Board Trade ( i.D-152 FURNITURE and leasehold of a 7 and 13- room modern flat for sulo ; bargain , good location ; rant low. Hernia , I'axton block. U 151 ALWAYS movlns household gooda and pianos. Omaha Van tz Storage Co , 1511V.J Famum. TCI. 1558. D-154 BF.NEWA'S residence 10 rent , 3230 Hurt. D-M153 HOUSES , stores. llobblns. 1S02 Farnam. D-156 COTTAGE on easy payments. 601 Bee Bids. < D-M8,1 ( JIOTHL down town , 1C rooms ; goort condi tion ; convenient to all car llnp.s ; rent J45 00 a month. The Byron Heed Co . 213 S. Mth St. D-110 HOUSES Clias , E. Benson. 310 Rnmge bldg. D M7S2Jan. 13 * FURNISHED cottage , Lost Angeles. CaL 1D12 Davenport , Omaha. D M3C1 FOR RENT , 10-room modern house and barn , with largo shady grounds. John W. llobblns. Aft. , 1S02 Farnam st. D M180 JIAGOARD'S Van & Storage. 121 N. 15th. Tel. 1196. D-M311 N.J2 * FOU RENT Farmers' Home , Webster street , between 15th and ICth ; boardlnu house , and largo barn. Inquire nt 506 N. Y. Life Building. D-M4C2 FOR RENT. 7 rooms , brick , 600 S. 29th , S15.00. Selby , 334 Board of Trade. D-M4CO E-r. modern , 3Sth and Jones ; nicest part city ; large yard , troJs , otc CW Bee bldg. D Mill NICELY furnished 8-room house , modern conveniences , walking distance. ref r- ences 2701 Howard D-M5G3 N8 TOR RENT , lower floor of flvn rooma of 2122 Ohio. Apply WOO N. Kd StDM615 D-M615 3 . FURNISHED house , 10 rooms , north part of city , for the winter. Address F 47 , Bee. D-623-4 * TOR RENT KURNISIinn ROOMS. THE BENEFIT HOUSE , 2lsl and Plnkney Sts. , lUty daintily furnished rooma : one- Bquaro from the Arch of the States ; everything new and tlrst-class , terms rea- unablo. E 151 VERY desirable steam-heated front rooms ; transient or permanent. Enquire nt Flat 8. Davldge Bldg. . corner 18th and Far nam Sts. Good reference required E-.MW ; STEAM heated rooms , reasonable 2009 Harney Bt. C-S96 Nov24 FURNISHED rooms ; modern. J5SO Harney. - E-41B Novli * _ _ WELL heated rooms with or wlthpttt board , for families and single gentlemen. Franck's hotel , 320H N. 16th street. Rates reasonable. K 49S _ NICELY furntshed robms for gentlemen In private family , 1701 Capitol nvenue , vvost pqstompe , riNJ Niv2 _ Kl'PM8JU'.p rnomi with modern con- vcnlem cs at 2109 Cap , Axe. Private family -E553S . Suite of 3 furnUhod room * tor light housekeeping. J70J Webster St. E-MS10 NSO * rOH RENT I'lllMSIIED ROOMS. ( Continued. ) FOR RENT , nice furnished room * 2112 Caia St. E-MCJl , TWO well heat'd front rooms to dcslrablo ' nartv for housekeeping ; gas nnd bath. 620 N. 19th. E-MC37 2 3 OR I rooms furnished or unfttiniched , flno place , reaaonablo. 120 North 32d nve E-Mu7 2 * rt'RNISHED ROOMS AND HOARD. TAKE down that "for sain" or "for rent" S.MI In your window. The Bee reaches moio people In a day than will pans your window In a month , nnd they consult U' HO columns when they want to buy or rent. F-SC3 Tin : MEttRIAM. nrRt-clas0 iumlly hotel. 23th nnd Dodsu Sts F-15S Pt'HNISIIED I rooms wTtii bivTnT 2378 Hnrney F MS24 Nil * THE CAPITOL. 1722 Capitol Ave. , retlttcd and reopened by Nov 15 Applv on premises or 2103 Locust St F 491 N4 - NICELY : furnlHhed rooms , Bte m heat , frco ballis , SI,50 p'-r week and up Kloii'l ko hotel 10th nnd Webster Hts F-Mfi27 - HANDSOME largo rooms with boird. Btcam ; references. 202 N 15th V MSM 3 ROOMS with or without board , gentlemen praf'rrcd F V. . m K M = T > FURNISHED rooms with board ! Kouth Mth. refprenrcs F ftir.13 8 * roil RENT t'NKHUMSIIED IIOOM * . 4 OR 6 CHOICE locations , ono floor : prl- vatu bath , reforemrs ncoeaaary. C 88 , Bee G-M298 6 ; < CHAMBERS convenient for housekeep ing to n man nnd wife without children , 3 blocks from postolllce. 314 N. 17th St. G59J roil iinvr STORES AND OFFICES. DESK room O. G. Wallace , 313 Brown Hlk 1 15U NICE store , Corner 21th and Hamilton , Ap ply 2518 Caldwoll. I-1U ) IN U. S. Nafl Ilk. Bldg Inq 601 BOP Bldg. I 1C1 3-STORY nnd basement brkR stora buildIng - Ing , 1003 Farnam , 2\100. Inquire 314 First National bank building. I M305 TO RENT , n flno location for a first-class drtBKinakPr , back part of the Y , W , C A. rooms used for lodging during the sum mer. 3rd floor Paxton blk , coi Ifth nnd Farnam. I MCOi 3 AGENTS \NTED. . RELIABLE man to handle agnts for telephone - phone tablets and spcclaltlr * ; pa > s $3,000 n jear : lijcloso stump Victory Mfg. Co , Cleveland , O. J MUO 2' WANTED , reliable salesmen for line of lubricating oils and greasi-s , commissioner or salary. Quaker Oil and Implement Co , Cleveland , Ohio. J MGU 2 * AVANTGO TO IinNT. WANTED , " or 4 unfurnished rooms with steam heat , by gentleman nnd wife ; cen tral location , references exchanged. Ad dress E M , Bos. K-M201 PLACE your houses for rent with my agency , have moro applications than IIOUPCS. G. G. Wallace , 3U Brown block. K 116 HOUSE of 8 to 12 rooms , west or south west part of city , thoroughly modern , with stable. Bcmls , 1'ax'on block. 1C-M490 SINGLE man wants unfurnished room heated : stntu location and price. Ad dress F 24 , Bee. K M539-5 * WANTED ; a single lady nn'l her Invalid Bister desire room and board In a prlvato family centrally located. Address , stat ing terms , etc. F 45 , Bee. K M607 WANTED , three unfurnished rooms with board for two ; must be reasonable. Ad dress F 52 , Bee. K MOID 4 WANTED , 8-room modern house ; long lease. A. House , 14th and Nicholas. K MG1S 8 WANTI'D. large , nic ly fu-nlshed room and board for man and wlfo east of 21tli , near Farnam. Address I' 49 , Bee K-MC33 2 WANTED , bv n young lady , board and room lit a private family ; Protestant fam lly. Address F 50 , Bee office. K-M630 3 WANTED , BUltable unfurnished room In good location ; ground lloor preferred ; no children. Address F 51 , Bee. K MC40 4 * 1VANT12D TO BUY. IF YOU are In need of anything try the Want Columns of The Bee ; they will bring vou what } ou want. N SC7 TUT BEST HOME , J2.000 will buy on easy terms. I am no agent. X Cl , Bee. N-M16I HIGHEST price for secondhand household goods. Largo lots specialty. Brown , 712 N. 16th. N-M4f5 N3 ALL kinds of household goods , notola , etc. , In large or small quantities. Chicago Furniture Co. , Tel. 2020 , 140C-8-10 Dodge. N A14K. Ntf HIGHEST prices paid for 2d hand furnl- . ture , stoves , carpets , etc. Boston Furnl- ! turo Store , 721 N. 1Cth. N-B99 N5 | WANTED , first-class furnltur * for G or 8 rooms. Must bo cheap. F 3i ) . Bee N-M50I N3 WANTED , at once , $1,60000 of socond-hami furniture nnd carpets. Address R. Q. Fritz , Omaha Restaurant. 207 8 12th. N MC02 7 WANTED , a Chln ° so gong : state desoilp- tlon nnd price. Address Wlndnor Hotel , Atlantic. la. N MC54 3 SALE rfRNITURE. CHICAGO Furniture Co. will sell furniture and stoves below cost ; cot beds , 75e ; mattrcsbes , 50c ; pillows , 20c. 1403-10 Dodge. O 674 N8 BEST nnd cheapest stoves and furnlturo J' sold at small profits ; highest prices paid 1 for good goods. D. Brodkey. 110 S. Hth. 0-174 AUCTIONI AUCTION ! ! AUCTION ! ! ! Thursday , Nov. 3 203G Farnam St. The entire furnlturo of the Farnnm Terrace hotel , consisting of bedroom sets. Iron j ; beds , folding beds , mattresses , rocking j chairs , tables , crockery , carpets , ruga , oak counter , safe , etc , everything new ] nnd of good quality. Sato to commence at { 10 a. m. E , K. Atnerton , Auction cr. O-M5G9 N3 THE FURNITURE of the Minnesota buildIng - Ing is for sale at reasonable figures O 390 Nl KOK SALE HORSES , WAGONS , ETC. , FOlt 30 days you can buy best and cheap est carriages , bupcles and plmetons , now I or secondhand. A. J. Simpson , 1409 Dodge I P-M225 N21 4 TOP buggies , 3 open road wagons , 2 nlco carriages , 3 phaetons , 2 good milk wagons , worth looking nt Drummond Carriage Co , opp. Court House , ISlh and Hurney. P-MC30 NSO FOR SALE , gentle family horse. 309 8 17th. P-MC50 roil SALE MISCELLANEOUS. OAK boards , J16 per m. ; also cheapest slat cribbing. 901 Douglas street. Q 1U > B. HAAS. Florist , 1813 Vlnton St. . Tel , 776 ; plants , cut Mowers , bouquets , hall , resi dence , nnd grave decorations. Orders by mall or express promptly ailed Q 107 2ND-HAND safe cheap. Derlght. 111G Fnr'm. Q-M331 N.'J HOG , poultry and lawn fences ; nil wire ; Is bsst. Vilrt Works. Hth nnd Harnty. Q-16S I'OH fa A Li ; , ten R.1.P.A.N8. for 6 cents , nt druggists ; one elves reile-f. Q 1G3 SHERWIN-WILLIAMS CO. . mixed paints. Sherman & McConnell Drug Co. lju Dodge street. Omaha. Q-M121 N18 WOOJfjF ZACHARIA'S. 1107 Farnam. Plan- lahed Steel Peninsular Ranges , 122 Cu to J10. Heater * sold cheap. Q-MSST I'dI BOSTON furniture store removed to 721 N. 16th ; furniture , Moves , etc. . below cost. cost.Nl roil SAI.i : MISCELLVNEOUS. ( Continued. ) ' 2ND-HAND typewriters cheap. 111 Tur'ni. Q-M333 N22 BUFFALO i horns , Indian rcllcB. 1114 Fnr'in. Q-AI330 N2J FOR 13 W ) . pawn ticket for diamond ring ; cost MOW , In pawn for } 18. E 16. Bee Q-M10I PIANOS , exhibited nnd rentfd nt tin- ex position at great bargains , { 1800. { 6000 , { S3 00 , { 125 00 and up Terms , { 5 00 per month. BchmolUr S. Mueller , 1313 Farnam Q-621-7 J5 00 PER month. Knabo upright piano In first-class condition. 1510 Howard St. Tclephon- * . Q-M04I 7 MISCELLANEOUS. TWENTY-FIVE cents will buy the latest publication Illustrating the U S and Sninlsh mvles , naval commanders , etc ; almist 2DO photographic reproductions , with a large map of HIP East nnd West Indies , nt the pfflro of The Bee. If or dered by mill , address Navy Photograph Department , Omnlia BP R S'n FOR SALE or rent , one 2-llre hotel range nnd carving table Apply to M J. Franck Midland Hotel R-197 ANTI-MONOPOLY Garbage Co. cleans cesspools and privy vaults at reduced prices , dead hnr cs nnd cows rcmovid free of charge. 6-'l N IGth St TP | 1779. R-MRI3 NSO CLVIRVOYANTS. ANOTHER ore of those wonderful flower reanccs will bo held In Patterson block Tuesday , Nov 1 nt S p m by Edna E , Long , tha great flower medium. Light peanco as usual Wednesday eve ; circles formi'd for development. Readings dally. Room 4 8-MW N2 MME Gylmcr , genuine palmist , iwjj uouge. S-MIII NJ MRS. FRITZ , clairvoyant , 80S N IGth S-MS01 D13 VIENNA fortune tcllei. 13 years More 1411 Hfnvir.1 " " v * MILTON THE MEDIUM , known to every man , woman nnd child In Omaha , gives readings dally , all affairs of life and busi ness , love , law , sickness , changes evil In fluences : heals all diseases by magnetism ; readings by mall ) send six questions , { 1. 1G23 Dodge St. , cor. 17th. S MG01 4 MASSAGE , ItATHS , I5TC. MME. SMITH , Room 2 , HSU N. 15th Street. T3 3' BATHS , ladles only. Mrs Pbrter. 203 Doug las block. T M691 N9 LAURA Ellison , baths , massaga & mag- n tlc treatment. 119 N , 10 , R. U , upstairs. Attendont. T m N21 MRS. DR. LEON , electric massage bath parlor.s , restful and curative. , 417 S Hth , upstairs. M 603 5 * PERSONAL. LADIES desiring valunbln Information con cerning th Ir aliments should send or call for "Tho Vlavi Message" at 348 Bee bldg. U-Mbll A LARGE map of the world , ono of Cuba and another of the West Indies , showing Cuba , Porto Rico , Huytl , San Domingo , Martinique and all the other West Indian Islands ; 10 cents , nt The Bee ofllce. Ky mall. 14 cents. Address Cuban Map Dcpt. , Omaha Bee. U 168 { 30 RLPTURE cured for { 30. No detention from business ; 6 years in Omaha. Caller or write for circulars. Empire Rupture. Ci're , 93J-9JJ New York Life bldg. , Omaha , Neb. U-172 PRIVATE hospital for ladles before and during confinement ; hablos adopted ; ex perienced physicians In Attendance 113o' N. 17th St. . Omaha. U M540 MASSAGE , electric and magnetic baths. New Hyglennlc Institute , 220 Bee Bldg. ; tel. 1716. U-M171 PILES cured In 7 to 10 days , without pain ; one treatment does the work : call or Bond tor circulars. The Empire Pile Cure , 03. ! New York Llfo building , Omaha. U 173 LADIES' Turkish baths. Mme. Post. 319 % S. 15th. U-M312 BATHS , massage. Mme. Post , 319'4 S. 15th. U M313 DR. J. ROY. chiropodist ; corns removed , 23c up ; new method ; no knife , painless op eration ; 23 > rs. experience : 12 yr ? . In Omahi ; warts , moles nnd superfluous hair removed by electricity , Frenzer Blk. U--321 HOW doctors , dentists , pharmacists , com petent undergraduates can soon gradu ate. Box 190. Chicago. U-918 N15 THE Omaha Social Club , only one In the city , a permanent institution ; honorable IntroductlonB made ; correspondents furnlrh d , strangers welcome 311 Kar- hach Blk. , 13 & Douglas. Allla Tmney , Mgr. U-176-N8 STORM windows , wood turning , band saw- Ing. Hamilton Bros. , 28 & Dav'pt. Tel 117V. U-97S NIG BITTER'S hospital : confinement cases taken ; babies adopted. 214 Seward , Omha ; tel. 2234. U-M974 NIC BOOKBINDING Burklpy Printing Co. MISS MAYER , leading manicure , chiropo dist and hair dresser , 400 Paxton bloclc. Business for sale. Entering medical college - lego U M31G N22. LADIES In poor circumstances can receive frco ntfndanco In confinement by apply ing to the Crelghton Medical College. ( Tclephono 1167 ) U 399 Decl HALF soles and heels , 40o. 603 N. 16th. TEETH should not be neglected ; they should he given prompt attention. See W I i N. Dorwnrd , Dentist , room 4 , Continental ! i block , 15th and Douglas Sts. Tel. 130 XI Ml" ! V2S MASSAGE , baths. Mme. Smith , 11SH N , 13. U-M37G N29 LACE Curtains cleaned : all work guaran teed ; references. I. Hiegler , 108 Cal'ior- n la. U25 ? 0 I WANTED , pianist , lady or gentleman , for traveling attraction ; long season ; sure ' nioncv ; also A No 1 specialty p ople. Oil- bcrt Ray Co. , Qultman , Mo. U MG33 3 * FOR SALE , half Interest In toclal club and matrimonial bureau. Call at 311 Karbach blk. U MG53 3" MO.VI2Y TO LOAN HEAli I3STATK. WANTED , choice fnrm nnd ptv | loans R. C , Peters & Co. , U. 8. Nafl Bank Bldg. W-175 { 100.00000 special fund to loan on flrstclnns Impioved Omaha property , or for build ing purposes. Fidelity Trust Company. W 170 6 % per cent moniy. Bcmls , Paxton block. * * " * 17T $1.000 nnd upwards to loan on Improved property W. Farnam Smith & Co , 1320 Fnrnam St. W 178 C PER CENT city and farm loans. Gurvm Bros. 1C13 Farnam St. W 179 ANTHONY Loan * Trust Co . 315 N. Y. iT ; quick money nt low rates for choice farm land * In Iowa , Northern Missouri. East ern Nebraska. W ISO MONEY to loan on Improved Omaha real estate. Brennan-Love Co , 219 8. 16th W 1S1 MORTGAGES. Wallacn , 213 Brown Block. \V--Mlb2 6 per cent money , r. D.vead , 10 & Doug. V.1 7i 60.000,000 cheap eastern money for western Investment Send for free circular In- \cstors' Directory. N. Y \V-183 MO.MiY ' 10 LOAN-CHATTELS. J10 TO J10.000 TO IOAN ON HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE AND PIA- NOS. HORSES. WAGONS AND CAR RIAGES. WA M..HOTISE RECEIPTS. etc. -\t lowest rates In Omaha , South Omaha and Council Bluffs. No removal of goods ; strictly contldcntlal ; \ou can pay the loan off at any time or in anv amounts. OMAHA MORTGAGE LOAN CO. 304 SOUTH 16T1I. THE OLDEST , LARGEST AND ONLY INCORPORATED LOAN COMPANY IN OMAHA. X-lSt BUY good notes and loan on gnod chat tels : 10 per cent per annum. C R. Glover , 302 Karhach ; notary public ; deeds , mort gages , leases legally executed , X M400 .MONEY TO LOAN' CHATTELS. ( Continued. ) MONEY loaned on pianos , furniture , J w- clry , horses , cowu. etc. C F Reod. 319 S 13th X-M3I7 N23 MONEi * loaned salaried people holding permanent positions with responsible con cerns upon their own name , without Meciirlty : easy payments , Tolinan , R 708 , N Y Life niilR. X-1S5 MONEY loaned on life Insurance policies pianos , furniture , warPhou i receipts , jewelry , horses , cows , otc. Duff Green , room < Barker Blh. X-M1SC BUSINESS C SULPHUR Springs Sanitarium soon ready for business , splendid chance for doctors. Call Saratoga Hotel , Imjulro Pierce FINE business for Bale. R , WANTED , partner ; T want a sober , cncr- getlo man with * 2uO to manage business In Omaha , { 15 per week wages and one- ba'f ' interest In the business ; permanent situation , this Is a good business cnaneu , references required. Address II Wl'mer- ' Ing. Peorla. ill. Y-M410 N4 FORMING company to Invest In Cuba and Porto Rico. Write C. II. Scovllle Onir- tonna , Minn. , for particulars _ FOR RENT , the dlnimj room of Lunge hotel , none but llrst-class , reliable parties need apply. C04 So 13th Y-MGio N5 FOll SALE finest bakery and confection ery in Omaha , 2 ovens , 2 wagons , horses , etc. Good store trade. Rent reasonable. F 21 , Bee- . MC2S NiJ FOR SALE , a splendid medical practice In a live town In eastern South Dakota ; good reasons for selling ; Introduction given ; no rrol estate , no bonus ; good terms , barn nnd olflc > outnt to bo purchased ; an ex cellent chance for an energetic young man. Address F 63 , care Om.iha Bee y MC56 3 * $101 WILL buy a good restaurant iao South 13th Y-Mb29 3 * . roit EXCHANGE. FOR EXCHANGE. S. W. corner 24th nnd Dodge St , 107x123 feet , two cottages-to exanango for property In California , San- Frnnclsco preferred The O F Davis company , 1503 Farnam St. Z M211 N15 LOS Angeles cottage for Omaha. 1112 Dav enport , Omaha Z M9T2 320 ACRES western Nebraska land , sutablo for Block ; trndo for merchandise Address - dross J , 3109 B"rt St. . Omaha Z 4G7-3 * roil SALE RKAI. BSTATtt. HOUSES. lot" . farms , Innds , loans ; also flre Insurance. Bemls , I'axton Block. RE 18S HAVE you some lots to sell' Now Is the time to dispose of them : let the people know that vou want to dispose of them. The Bee reaches the people who bgvp the money. RK-S66 FOR SALE , dPBlrablo residence lots. 124x 110 ; In ( Irst-clnss location ; ten minutes' walk frrm court houwj cheap for cash. Address O Cl , Bee. RE Ib9 BARGAINS In houses , lots , farms ; sale or trndo. J. N , Frenzer , opp. old P. O RE 191 BEST and cheapest 200-acre farm In Ne braska , near Omaha , at half Its appraised valuation W. A. Belden , 2502 Blonde St. , Omaha , Neb. RE M537 N6 FOR SALE , lot cor. 21st nnd Custellar , 6G by 94 ; a snap. 1C .A. Peterson , Blair , Neb. RE 141-Nov 16 CHEAP homes to colonists or others. Will Hell il.OOO acres all In one body , or In tracts to suit , for a liberal cash payment , with 8 per cent on deferred payments This land Is bounded on south by Nueces river. In San Patrlclo county , Texas , ana consists of black waxey , black sandy nnd light sandy soil well supplied with watei and ten windmills. About 900 acres in cultivation , with nine good tenant houses. It Is noted for grapes , melons , early veg etables and cotton. Oranges , pears nnd other fruits can be rajbcd. The San An tonio & Aransas Paps R. R. passes through this tract. Tqwn Mathls Is prin cipal shipping HUUIon , alsa n siding on the river. Maps furnished If desbed. l also offer another tract of 1,973 acres on San Antonio river. Gollad county. Texas- very rich land 850 acre , * all valley land , In cultivation , seven tenant houses ; ell- mate line and healthful , with good BCU breczci on both tracts. T. H. MATHIS , Rockport , Aransa ? county , Texas. RL M3CG NJI * 9-HOOM modern house. Inq. 621 S. 2P th uve. RE MC47 Dl * STEREO AND KLECTROTYPIN'G. II. S. STARK & CO. , 1110 Douglas.093""N30 093""N30 STKNOGRAl'llCHS. WE SOLICIT nd furnish positions for stenographers free. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , Telephone 1234. 199 AUCTION. J. R. MAXCY & CO , auctioneers room 619 Pnxton block , want your auction sales of real estate , merchandise , furniture , llvo stock , etc. 197 WATT for stove slaughter at auction , No. C03 No. 18th ; 200 stoves ; rook stove ranges and heater ; must go Saturday , Nov. 5 , Sale commences at 10 a , m. L. L. Ather- ton , Auctioneer. M 560 Iv4 DANCING SCHOOL. MATIJEW'S school for dancing. 313 South 13th Rates reabonablo. Call or w rile foi particulars. -C30 n8' MR. AND MRS. MORAND , 1510 Harney Bt now optn ; lessons for children nnd ndult . For terms plcaso call. Always open. SIG N13 MORAND'S assemblies every Wednesday 8 p. m. ; opening assembly , November 2. you nre Invited ; new dances , orchestra ; admission - mission , 23c ; private lersons day and evening ; waltz and 2-step guaranteed. J5. hUORTIIAM ) AND TYPEWRITING , i VAN SANT'S school , 717 N. Y. Llf" . Night . school from Sept. 20. 134 I AT OMAHA Bus College , 10th & DouglaaT I 193 SHORT-HAND , taught by court reporters. Bt'ylea' School , 403-5-7 Bee bldg ; 190 TYPEWRITERS. TYPEWRITERS for rent. $4 00 per month. The Smith-Premier Typewriter Co. , 16,5 Farnam St. ; telephonu 1244. 19. ! WE rent nnd sell the best typewriters made , largest stock of good supplies In Omaha United Typewriter and Supply Co. 1012 Farnam St. -1M REMINGTON" Standard typewriter nnd supplies. 1C19 Farnam St. 715 HARDWOOD OMAHA Hardwood Lumber Co. , oak , hick ory , ash , cypress , poplar , etc. , IS & Calif. 425-N20 X.OST. LOST , lady's gold watch at Liberal Arts building ; liberal reward for return to Florence Elston , Abilene , Kan. LoBt-M55J < ! LOST , red cow with white spot : dehorned. 112G N. 19th St. Tel. 1SJ9. LOST-MoOo 3 LOST , On East Midway , Tuesday night , a pocketbook , containing about $3.1X ) cash and u. buiich of kevs ; had tag with own er's name nnd address on keys. Finder will be rewarded If left at Mrs. Benson's store , Eva. A. Sanders. Lost 0 l LOST On Midway , Monday nisht. pocketbook - book , containing about IIS. Liberal re ward for return. 1103 North 18th , Mrs. E. B. L. Lost-019 2 LOST , umbrella , gold-headed ; near flre- works , Monday night. Reward. Notify M. 11. Becthan , South Omaha Exchange. Lost-C27 1 LObT. Sunday evening , Lncllra' feather hoj , on Sherman avenue car. Finder plf > aae re turn and be suitably reAarded , Alra. A , Muhr. 2124 Sherman ave. Lost18 1 LOST , Momliy night at exposition , near Blatz's , handbag containing porketbook , money , commutation ticket No. 93S. ate ; 45 W reward return to 250 * South iuh . Lo t-MC3l 2 roil .MM : nicvci.r.s. * > REMOVAL Bale of blcjclen nnd sundilcs ; tlrtn nnd 2ndh mil wheels a speclaltv , everything at cost Louis Flcsch- nu-li S. Hth. -CU N29 NEW wheels. $17.50 to J25. Ind liaml wheel ? . J5 to HO. Omaha Bicycle Co , 10 & Chicago. MIItRUU rVCTOHY. ALL mirror work done. 70S N. 10th.747 -747 Nil WILL repair \nup chops whlip vmi wi't. ' only 13 minutes , half poles nnd heels. ith. . UrStlMSsOIk KU'ilullu'tu ' I iv .N Kith at. , also No 19 So Main St. , r B . Ii. NJ3 ALL women who can't raise family should consult the renowned German Hp'clullst , Dr. Piles. 1513 Dodge St. Letters 2 cents. LADIES ! ChlchP.ster'B English Pennvroynl rills ( Diamond brand ) nro the best , safe , reliable , take no other ; send Ic stami > s , for particulars , "Relief for Ladles , " In letter by rnturn iim'l , at diipglsts. Chlchestcr Chemical Co. , Philadelphia , I'o. -M-.75 25' CHRONIC Diseases In all forms treated In the most successful manner and upon the low too RVBtcni , yo that all may be cured nt a small oxpons * Thn Draper Mpd'oil Institute , N. E corner IGth and Douglas Streets. -C20 N30 PAWMIHOKERS. EAGLB loan olllce , 1211 Douglas , oldest established , most rellabK accommodat ing ; business ronlldcntlal , selling flO.OOO stock umcdctmcd diamonds ; big bargains. CU Dl TAILORING. JOE YOUSEN the tailor , cleans and alters ladles' Jackets Bojd theater. 701 N10 MAX FOGEL alters ladles' Jackets 307 S. 17th. 705 N10 rUIIMTUUU Itni'AIIUMi. UPHOLSTERING. Lundeen. 1521 LeaVth. 222 Nov29 KARLING'S shop , 1220 Harney. Tel 2011 CCS N23 FENCING AM ) IIOVIXQ ACADISMV. 1213 Farnam st , boxlnrc taught clllclontly In 1 month , send for circulars. Col T H. Monstery 473 N3 I'AIVMlROICnilS. II. MAROWITZ loans money. 418 N. 18. 163 Ul IIIIEIt STA3IPS AND STCNCII.S. OMAHA Rubber Stamp Co. , 215 So. 13th. Phone 1023. Wrlto for catalogue. 159 N19 IIICYCM2 IinPAIHIXG. WORK guaranteed. Lawrence Cycle Co , 11G N. 15th. 229 N2J PACIFIC Storage and Warehouse Co. , 90S- 91C Jones .general storage nnd forwarding. OM. Van & Storage , ISimi Farnam. Tel Irw9 MNV ? MASON AVOIIK. MABONWORK Jobwork. E. HcalylS22 Clark 421 N26 SCHOOL or LANGUAGES. FRENCH , German , Span sh. J2 p r month. Prof. Chate-Ialn , 301 Bojd theater.2M 2M N22 OPTICAL. EYES tested free. Optical Institute. Sheely block. -201 NTO STAM3IERING AXD hTUTTKHING. SCHOOL for euro of these defects. Julia E , Vaughn , 30C N. Y. L bldg. 122 N1S HORSES WINTERED. GOOD cnio ; 5150 per mo W F. Snyder , 59th & Leavenworth : write 814 S. 20th st. N3' MC1CULPLATING. silver nnd nlekelplatlng , get your baseburhcr nlckelpluted Omaha Plating Co , 1302 Farnam , cntranco on ISth. -M5 Nil PLEATING. ACCORDION pleating , plnk'ng ' nnd cordIng - Ing done. Miss Carter , 207 Douglas block , " N9 ELECTRO PLATING. WESTERN Plating Works. 1112 Dodge St , 98 N29 MATTRESS RENOVATING. M. S. WALKL1N , 2111 Cumlng. Tel. 1331. ' ruiiMTimn PACKED. M. S. WALKLIN , 2111 Cumlng. Tel 1331. CSS-N30 PIANOS TUNED. PIANOS tuned , $1.50 Rose , 1321 Dodge. 70C N10 EPPERLY CORSETS. ONLY cor et made having waist line. Room 10 , Crclghton Blk. , 13th & Douglas. 317-N22 VIOLINS REPAIRED. C. A. CASE , violins repaired. 410 Sheoly bile , -22S-N14. STATUARY. GONNELLA manufactures artistic statu ary. Insldo ornamental work a specialty. 317 So. 10th M121 N24 PIAN'O 1MCTOIIV. OLD pianos overhauled , secondhand pianos always on hand. C. Sommer , 321 S. 10th. 673- hEWI.VO MACHINES. I SECOND hand sowing machines from J500 up. Neb. Cyclu Co , cor , 15th nnd Harney -657 Nl IIOLSE MOVER. W. COY , removed to 171B St. Mary's Ave. -S4i N23 DRESSMAKING. Dressmaking Miss Sturdy , 2304 Davenport. -.13. ' Nov-5 * UPllOLSTERI.Vd AND REPAIRING. Ry. 1521 Lrav'w'th 22 NovQ ELOCUTION , ELLA DAY , Ramgo Bids , 15 and Harnoy. i5 Jan lli SUES & CO. t .PATENT . . , , UNVYIHS AMI SOUCIIORS Bee I < ! ] „ Omahd , Net Send for our f rte Inven tor Guide. Tel Iti23 NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. U M > QUARTERMASTER'S OFFIC15.- Otnaha , Nfb. Oct. 6 , l ! > 9s. Seal d tiro- posalti , In triplicate , will bo received hero and at olllces of < | UurtormiiHtpr at ptatJoni ) niimcil until l o'clock p m , central time , Nov. 5. 1SSS. for furnishing fuel , foiago and Btravv the lltcal y--ar ending Junu i 30. 1 09 , at Omaha , Q M Depot. 1 oru Crook , Robinson ord Nlol > rani , Mb. , jcf- ferron Barracks. Mo , Forts Leavtnworth anil Hlley , Kansts. Logan Ii Rootx. Ark , Rene and Sill , Okla. Proposals for cle- i livery \ nt other points will be entertained. V S reserves the right to reject or accept any or oil proposal" , or an > part thereof , Intorimtlon 1 furnished , on application here , or to QuartprmastprB of stations named , Envelopes 1 tontn'nlng proposal * to bo marked "Proposals for , " and addressed to the undprslncd or QunrtermaBtets nt MMInns above named. John Baxter , Jr. , Q. M. O7Dlt-N2-3 posTorncu NOTICE. ( Should I'C read dally by all Interested , na changes may occur ut any time ) lonlgn mulls for the week ending No vember 5 , ISM , will olose ( PROMPTLY In all cases ) at the General Postolllco as follows. PAuCLLS POSi MAILS close ono hour cat Her than closing tlmo shown below. TuiHN-.Uln.nllo Mnlln. SATItHDAY-At 6.30 n. m. for FRANCE , SWITZERLAND. ITALY. SPAIN. POH- 1UGAL. TURKEY. EGYPT and B1UT- l n INDIA per s s La Touarlnc * , via Hnvri at CU ) a m for GERMANY , DKN.MARK , SWEDEN. NORWAY ( Christ anH ) , and RVSSIA , per s a Saalo * . via Bremen ( letters for other parts of Europe via Cherbourg must be dl- reetc'd "per Snnlo" ) ; at 6 30 a m for GREAT BRITAIN , IRELAND , BKL- 011 M. NETHERLANDS , AUS'IRIA and NORWAY ( HorRPH ) , per s a Etrurlu * . via QuecnstovMi ( letters for other parts of Europe , must be dlrei tpd per Et- rurla" ) ; at b n m for NETHERLANDS direct , per s. s Rotterdam , via Rotte-i- dam ( letters must be directed "per Rot terdam' ) . at 9 a m. for ITALY , per a s Auguste Victoria , via Naples ( letters must be directed "per Aususto Victoria ' ) , at 10 n. m. for SCOTLAND direct , pet s s Ethiopia , via Glasgow ( letters must bo dliected "per Ethiopia" ) PRINTER MATTER. ETC German Btpanier.s pnll ng on 'lursilajr tal.e Pr n ed Matter , etc , for Cr rmanv , and Spei-lUly Addressed Printed MatUr , etc , foi other parts of Europe. American and Whlto Star ste'ameis on Wedncsrdajs , Gorman steamers on Thursdays , and Cunard , French nnd German steamers on Satur days tnk * Printed Matter , etc , for all countries for which they arc ndvertlacd to cam mall After the closing of the Supplementary Trans-Atlantic Malls named above , addi tional supplementary mallb are opined on the piers oC the American. English , French nnd German steamers and letnnln open until within Ton Minutes of the' hour of calling of steamer. Ma I It for South ami Control Aini'rloa , Wont I ml I en , Kte. THURSDAY At 1 p in ( supplementary l.TO p. m ) for BERMUDA , per it s Tilnldad : at 1 p m ( suppKmcntary 1 30 p m ) tor ST. DOMINGO and TURKS ISLAND , per s B New York , at 3.00 p m for JAMAICA , per s s Ardantoso ( letters for Belize , Puerto Cortcz and Guatemala must bo directed "pe'r Aruun- roso" ) . FRIDAY At 10 a m. ( supplementary 10.30 a m ) for AUX-CAYEH , JACMEL and SANTA MARTHA , per 3 a HolsteVn SATURDAY At 2 30 u. m for NEW FOUNDLAND , per s 8 Coiean from Philadelphia : at 10 a. m , supplementarv 1030 u m for PORT AU PRINCE and PETIT GOAVE , per a s Alps , at 10 a. m f supplemental y 10:30 : a m ) for FORTUNE ISLAND. JAMAICA. SAV- AN1LLA and CARTHAGENA , per B s. Adirondack ( letters for Costa Rica must bo directed "per Adliondack" ) , at 1030 a in for CAMPECIIE , CHIAPAS. TO- BASCO nnd YUCATAN , per s B City of Washington ( loiters for other parts of Mexico and Cuba mint be directed "per Cltj of Washington ) , nt Ii ) U a m tor HAITI , per s s Prlns Wlllem V ( letters for Venezuela , Curacao , Trinidad , Bilt- Isn and Dutch GulUna must be dlrcetcd "per Prlns Wlllem V" ) , at 1030 a m fur BRAZIL and LA PLATA COUN TRIES. PIT s s Galileo , via Pernam- buco , Balilo. nnd Rio Janelio ( letters for North Bra/ll mutt be directed "pel Gali leo" ) , at 11 a m for BRAZIL and LA PLATA COUNTRIES , per s B Capri , via Rio Janeiro ( letters must bo dlrooti d "per Capri" ) , lit 12 in. for NEWFOUNDLAND , per s. 8 Silvia , i-t 12 m for BRAZIL and LA PLATA COUNTRIES , per s P Rntnin Prince , via Rio Janeiro Uc'tors ' for North Brazil must bo directed "per Ro man Prince" ) , at 1 p m. for NORTH BRAZIL , per s B. Llsbonense , via. Para , Maranham nnd Ccani ; at 1 p. m. ( sup- plomcntnrv 1.30 p m ) for PORTO RICO , VENEZUELA and CURACAO , also SAV- ANILLA and CARTHAGENA , via Cura cao , per s. s Philadelphia ; at b 30 p. m for NEWFOUNDLAND , per steamer from North Sj dney. Malls for Newfoundland , bv rail to Halifax , nnd thcncs by steamer , close at thlo otlieo dally at 8:30 : p. m. Malls for Mlnuclon , by rail to Boston and thenre by Htcnmer , elope nt this oflico dally nt b:30 : p in. MailH for Cuba close at this oflico dally at 7 a. m. , for foivvaiding bv steamers sailing Mondays and Thursdays from Port Tampa. Fla. Mills for Mexico City , over land unless speelall > addiesaed lor dep- patch by steame-r. clo o at this olllcn dally at 2MO a m nnd J 30 p in Iteg- iHtered mall closes nt 6 p m , previous day Trnnn-Pndllu Miilln , Malls for China and Japan , per f s. Em press of Japan ( from Vancouver ) , close here dally up to October * 3Ist at o Jtf p in. Malls for cnini , Japan and Hawaii , per s B City of Rio Janeiro ( from H in Fran cisco ) , olosc here dally up to November 1th nt G.30 ] > m Mn'ls for Hawaii , pr P. s Australia from San Francisco ) eloo hero dally up to November 10th ac b.30 p in. Malls for Australia ( except West Australia ) . New Zealand , Hawaii and FIJI Islands , per B B Aornngl ( from Van couver ) , close her * dally after October 2Sth and up to November ] 0th at G 30 p m. Malls for Ch'n i nnd Japan , per M s Olvmpla ( from Tacoma ) , close * hero dully uj ) to November 21st at G 3) p. m Malls for the Society Islands , per ship Gnllho ( from San Francisco ) , close hero dalb up to November 2" > th nt fi ! 0 p in. Malls lor Austinlla ( except those for West Australia , which are fonvardPd via Europe ) , New Zealand , Hawaii , FIJI and Samoan Islands , per s s. Moana ( from San I'ranclsco ) , close here dally up to No vember * 25th at 7'00 a. in , , 11 a. m and 0:30 : p m. ( or on arrival nt New York of H. B Etturlo , with Btltlsh malls fet Aus tralia. Trans-Pacific malls are forwarded to port of salllntr dallv and the schedule of closing It arranged on the presumption o. 'bo'un - Interrunted overland transit. Registered mall closes at 6 p m . previous day , CORNELIUS VAN COTT , Postmaster. Pnstoillcc , New York , N. Y. , October 2S , 1S9S. RAILWAY TIMD UAIID. UNION PACIFIC "THE Overland Routo" General Olllces , N. E Corner Nintn nnd Farnam Streets City Tlckot Olllce. 1302 Farnam Street. Telephone 316 Depot - pot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone 629.Leave. Leave. Arrive. "Tho Overland Limited" for Dt-n- \ cr , Salt Lake , nnd wesfrn p'ts. . 8:60 : am 4:43 : pm The Colorado Spe cial , for Denver & all Colorado p'ts. * 11:65 : pm 0:40 : am Fast Mall Train for Denver , btilt Lake , Paclllc coast and nil western points. 4:35 : pm 6:40 : am Llni < > ln Bc-atrlce AC Stromsburg Kx. . . . 3:30 : pm 1230pm Frc'mont. Columbus , Norfolk , Grand Island and North Platte 4:13 : pm 1:13 : pm Columbus Local . . . . 6.60pm " U 40 am South Omaha Local Pass Leaves , 6.15 a in ; 7 00 a m ; 9'10 a m ; 3 05 p m. Ar rives * , 10 30 n m ; 3:30 : p m , G p m Council Bluffs Local Leaves 6:40 : a. m ; 6:60 : n m ; 7.40 a m. ; 9:10 : u. m ; 10.30 a m , 12 30 p m. , 2:15 : p m. ; 4 JO p. m , i : & p. m , 4 53 p. m ; 6.55 p. m. ; 8.20 p. m. Ar rives. 7:20 : a m . 8:25 : a m , D.10 a. in ; 11.30 n. m ; 3:03 : p m ; " 3 30 p m ; 1-2D p m ; CIO : p m . 6:30 : p. m ; " 6.DO p. m. ; 9:05 : p. in , 11:13 p m. Dallj. "Dally Circpt Sunday. \V ABASH RAILROAD- Tlcket Ofllco , 1415 Kanutn Street. Telephone , 892 Do- pat , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , G2J. Leave. Arrive. St Louis "Canon Bo.r Express. . . . * 4.5Qpm 11:39 : am Dally. MISPOURI PACIFIC RAILroad - road General Olllcos nnd Tic Kut Ofllic , fioutlwnst Cor ner Hth and Douglas Streets Telephone , 104 Dopot. 15th and \Vtbster Sts. Telephone IIM Leave. Arrive. St , Louis-Kansas & Neb Limited . . 3.03 pm 12.53 pm Kantns City & .St. JP i h l.Npriss . . . 9.SO pm C 00 nm Nebraska Local via Keeping Water " 4.30pm 9.43 am Exrosl'l H Local via. . Nrbraska City . . G00 ; pm " 10.03 am Dally. Dalky except Sunday. UAM\\A1 TJSltJ CAIID. ( Continued. ) BURLINGTON & MIH noiirl Illvur Rallrond "The Burlington Burlington Route" Gen- cral plllces. N. W Corner Route Tenth nnd Farnam Btreotn. Ticket Olllre. 15U2 Farnnm Street. Te-lephonn 250. D - i1"1 , iemu und Macon Streets. Telcphona Leave. Arrive. Lincoln , Hustings nnd McCuok . 8:35 : am 9.5J nm Lincoln , Dc nvor , Colorado , Utah , California , Black Hills. Montana & PtiKCt Sound 4-31 ; pm 4.00 pm Hastings Local . . 7 00 pm 7.10 pm Lincoln 1 Fast Mall. * 2 53 pm 11.40 nm Denver , Colorado Utah. California te Sound 11.50 pm 2:15 : am Dally Dnlly oxc Dt Sunday. for Ht Joseph and Ht Louis 1 4:30 : pm tf.Oo pm CHICAGO , BURLINGTON .t Qulncy Railroad "Tha Burlington Burlington Route" Tlckot oillco , 1502 Furnam Street , Routa Telephone S50 Depot , T'nth nnd Masou Streets. Tele phone 12iLeave. Leave. Arrive , Chicago Vestlbulcd KtprcBS . . . , 5 0" pm 8-10 am Chkago Express . 9 45 am 4.10pm Chicago \ St. Lou ft Express. . . 7.15pm S 10 nm Creston Local . . 9 13 nm Piclllo J p'fn Local 11:53 : nm 5 40 pm Fast Mall 2 SO pm Chicago Special. . . 2:13 : nm M1.60 pin Dallv Dnllv except Sunday. OMAHA & ST LOUIS RAIL- r Mil Om ilia , Kansas City Ar Ea tern Railroad "Tho Port Arthur Route" Tlckot Ofllco RSMJE , 1416 Fnrnam Street. Tola- I. , i , * - - " ' phone 322. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Tclephono bJO. Leave , Arrive. St Louis Cannon Ball C.\proB3. . . 4:60 : pm 11.30 am Kansas City & Qulncy Local . 6.50 am 9.05 pm Kansas City E\- prc ° s 7.45 am Port Aithur Ex- S:30 : pm Dally. CH1CAGO , ST PAUL , MIN- ncapollw & Omaha Railway Gcnpral Olllcofl , Ntbraska Division , Fifteenth and . Webster Streets. City Tlckc'tOllloe 1401 Fatnam Street. Tele phone , 561 Depot , Fifteenth and Webster Streets. Telephone , Sioux City Accom. . 8.50 am S 33 pm Sioux City Accom . " :50 : nm * 7.00 pm j I a 1 r , Emerson Sioux City , Ponca , Hartlngton nnd Bloomfleld 1:00 : pm 11:53 : nm Sioux City , Mun- kato. St Paul a. Minneapolis 6:00 : pm 9.00 am No. ' - ' . St Paul Lim ited Makes no Hop * In Neb * C.OO pm No. 1 Exposition Limited Makes no stops In Neb 9.00 am Nos 21 and 22 Exposition Local. to Emerson , stops all statlom except Brlggs . . . C:13 : pm S:30 : am Dallv " Dally except Sunday. Sun day only. FREMONT , EIKIIORN & Missouri Vallny Rallwn > General Olllecs United States National Bank BldK , - - Southwest Corner Twelfth rainam StrootB Ticket onico , 1401 1-nrmim Street Telephone 061. Depot. 15th and Webster Streets. Telephone 1438. Leave. Arrive n . \&SV \ ' * MW B-W" ' S.OO pm B.OO pm Hastings , York , Da vid City , Superior. I3Cr ' " 3.00 , 5.00pm -10:45 : am S 15 am " 10:43 : nm Fremont Loc il . . . 8.15 nm York jrissenper . 10.00 pm 9.40 nm Dall.v * Dally except Sunday. Sun day only. ' * Dally except Saturday. CHICAGO & NORTHWEBT- prn Ilnllwnv City Ticket Olllcp , 1401 Farnam Street Telephone , 501. Depot , Tenth and Mason Strfcts 029 Leave. Arrive Da } light Chicago SpKial 0.40 am 11:33 : pm Mo Valley , Sioux < "ltv , St. Paul Ac Mlnnoaiiolls C.OO nm 10.43 pm Mo Vallej , Sioux City . 7:45 : am 9.00 pm Carroll , Dennlsoii , Council Bluffs. . . . U:3Q : pm 9:10 : am Eastern Ex. , DOS Mollies , Marshall- town , Cedar RapIds - Ids nnd Chicago . ll:05am : 4:20 : Pm Atlantic Flyer , Chicago cage and East . . * 4:53 : pm 4:20 : pm Fast Mail , Chicago to Omaha . 3:15 : pm Nut them Express , 3:30 : pm 8:40 : um Omaha-Chicago Spe cial . 0:35 : pm 'SiZSam Omaha-Chicago Ex- pnss . 9.00pm 6Wi : nm Dally. Dally except Saturday. Dally except Monday. SIOUX CITY & PACIFIC Railroad General Otllces. United States National Hunk Il'i . . , , f ner Twelfth and Farnam street Ticket Olllce. 1401 Farnam Street. Telephone , CC1. Depot , Tenth and Mason Streets Telephone , Leave. Arrive. Sioux City , Man- kato , &t Paul , fi.OO am 8:40 : am Minneapolis 6.0 ! pm 10.45 pm Sioux City Local. . . 7.43 um 9.00 pm Dally. CHICAGO. MILWAUKEE & St Paul Railway City Ticket Olllce. 1601 Farnam Street. Telephone. 2S1 De. I'ot , Tenth and Mason Streets. Telephone , C29. Leav o. Arrive. Chicago Limited Express . . . * C.43 pm 8.20 am Omaha & Chicago Express . . 11:00 : am 1.15 pm Sioux City and Des MulncH Express. 11.00 I IB pm Manila Local . . . 7,00 pm * 9:15 : am Dally Da"y except Sunday. CHICAGO , ROCK ISLAND & . IVelno Railroad "Tha Great Rock Island Route. " City Ticket Olllce , 1321 Fainam Street. Tclcphono 42 ? Depot , Tenth and Mnbon btrcets. Telephone 129. Leave Arrive. DCS Molnes Local . 7:15 : am * 'll 23 am Chicago Express . . 11.30 am 8.00 um Chicago Fast Ex- ' ' 6:00 : pm 1:23 : pm fit Paul Fast 'Ex- press . . ' 6.0J pm 11:25 : am Lincoln , Colorado Springs , Denver , Pueblo nnd West . 1.30 pm 4 25 pm Des Mollies , Rock Island and Chicago cage . . . . 7 11 pm 8 50 pm Colo-Trio rivpi . 0 40 nm 8.50 nm Dally. Dallfy except Sunday IMncrrrr Will TnUe thr dim * I i > . LANSING. Mich , Nov 1 Governor Pln- grco Is determined to carry his suit , brought to compel the Michigan Central rallrcad to Efll him a tlioirund-inllo inlleago book for { 20 , to the United States aupreme court U possible. Today Attorney G-nernI Maynaid applied to the Btato supreme court for a writ of error to permit removal of the case to the highest court. Falling to necuro this , Mr. Maynardill apply to Justice Harlan , presiding - siding Justice of the federal circuit , which i-mbrncra Michigan , or If neceesary to the BUprcmo couit Itself The attorney general liu'lat.i that the supreme court lias never po'ised upon the claim , that the right to fix transportation tolls U part cf the police power cf tbo federal government only , and not lit state governments. When > ou call Jrr DevVItt' * Witch Hazel Salve , the great pile cure , don't accept anything - thing else. Don't bo talked Into accepting a substitute , for piles , for sorcu. ( or brulwa.